DIY garage crafts. Original homemade products for the garage are the best way to arrange a work area

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A garage is a second home for car enthusiasts. This building serves not only to shelter the car in bad weather, but also as a place to store all kinds of tools; it is often a “mini-workshop” for the owner, where almost any repair can be done. Each owner arranges his garage to suit himself. Some people do not take the equipment of the room very seriously, and it begins to bring more problems than good. But still, most car enthusiasts try to adhere to certain requirements, which are important to perform for more convenient maintenance of your car. So, arranging a garage with your own hands requires meeting certain requirements.

Primary requirements

Arranging a space for a garage means that it will be warm and dry enough.

Your car should not freeze even in very very coldy. If possible, you can provide a system for quickly warming up the garage.

It is very important to reliably protect the premises from unauthorized entry. When setting up your garage, remember that access to tools or equipment that will be located in the garage should be as convenient and simple as possible. Therefore, it is better to think in advance about the location of storage areas.

In general, these are only the very minimum requirements that it is advisable to take into account for your own comfort. You can also add and equip the garage as you wish additional funds for repair and maintenance of your car. A workbench with tools and an inspection pit can be an excellent addition to the equipment of the room.

How to install racks and shelves

For the most comfortable arrangement of a garage, quite a lot of space is required, and this is often a problem. Storage of work tools and equipment also takes up quite a lot of space. Therefore, when arranging your garage yourself, try to accommodate as much space as possible for shelves or cabinets, but so that they do not interfere with free movement around the room. Shelves can be hung anywhere where you won’t catch or hit them, above tables, windows, shelving, and so on.

The distance to the car when hanging shelves on each side should be at least 1 meter.

Quite often it is convenient to equip the wall that is furthest from the gate for a variety of shelves and equipment. This is where the main working tools, compressor, workbench, etc. are located. Everything is at hand and does not interfere with moving around the room.

Plenty of shelves in the garage are a big plus, but it's also worth considering a small cabinet to hang things in. work clothes and put away some rags.

How to properly arrange a viewing hole

Question about presence or absence inspection hole quite individual. First, you need to decide how high the need for arranging such a pit is. There is no point in equipping it if you often use the overpass on the street.

If you decide that you need such a pit, then you must take into account that the walls and bottom must be concrete. The edges of the pit must be reinforced with iron corners. It is also worth considering what and how you will cover the inspection hole when not in use.

A drainage hole is needed in the corner of the pit; all the water that accidentally falls down will be collected in it. The hole must be made of such a size that it is convenient to scoop out the accumulated water. To avoid accidentally stepping into a hole while repairing a car, it must be covered with a grill.

In the pit you can place small equipment that may be useful for repairs; you can prudently make niches in the walls so that it is convenient to put the tools you are using. Also take care of lighting the inspection hole, install a lamp or arrange a place for a portable lamp.

Necessary equipment

For routine wheel changes or disc replacement, carrying out the most ordinary work there is enough under the hood of the car standard set tools and jack. But to accomplish more complex work– special equipment is required.

Crafting table

To make a workbench, it is best to use wood and metal. It is best to cover the working area with a piece of metal, protecting the wood from rapid wear. It is better to make a workbench in two or three levels in order to arrange as many necessary things as possible.

For ordinary body repairs, you will only need a welding machine with either tungsten electrodes, which are in a protective gas environment, or a carbon dioxide machine, which welds metal with wire.

Such a device is used to purify the air from vapors, drops of oil, water and other small particles that may be present in it. This is very convenient device, used when painting cars, and promotes uniform distribution of paint over the metal.


Of course, we are not talking about professional washing. And just about one that everyone can equip in their garage. To do this, you will simply need to connect a hose or pipe to supply water to the garage and drain it into the sewer. However, remember that electrical wiring and lighting will need more careful protection.

High-quality ventilation and lighting

It is very important to create high-quality ventilation in the garage; it will not only rid the room of unpleasant and harmful odors, but will also protect it from the formation of dampness and excessive dust.

Ventilation holes are usually made on both sides of the gate on low altitude and covered with bars. The same holes are made on opposite wall, but already under the ceiling.

Of course, the best lighting is natural, so if possible, you should consider having a window. If this is not possible, then make several lighting zones: above the work area, general and portable, which can be used to illuminate the most necessary things.


An example of arranging a garage inside can be seen below:


Also, to equip your garage, you will need to buy metal cabinets for tools, shelving, workbenches and other garage equipment that will fit into the interior of the garage.

An ideal garage should organically combine the functions of a reliable shelter for a car and a well-equipped place for performing various repairs and other work. There are a number useful recommendations By interior design garage, while most necessary equipment you can make it yourself without spending money on buying them.

Work on the interior arrangement of a garage involves the use of many different useful devices. Read the suggested instructions and your garage will become the most convenient and comfortable.

Usually in the garage you have to store not only the car, but also many tools and other accessories. To conveniently place all this, you need to equip the garage with racks, shelves, hooks and other similar devices.

The best option is a spacious rack. You can do it yourself. Remaining free place fill in convenient shelves. There is nothing complicated in making them either. More detailed instructions you will receive next.

Get to grips with your tools. Arrange them according to frequency of use. The items you use most often should be stored in the drawers closest to the workbench. Store heavy equipment on the lower shelves of the rack; allocate space near the ceiling for spare tires - you will need them least often.

Secure the brackets

These devices will help you conveniently store replacement tires. Place the brackets closer to the ceiling, so the wheels will not take up space. usable space. For tires, buy large bags, or better yet, special covers to protect them from dust.

He's a workbench. The structure can be easily assembled with your own hands from boards and bars. You can attach a vice and other tools needed in the garage to the table. It is more convenient when the workbench is installed next to shelves and racks.

Organize your lighting system wisely

You will need several lamps: above the place where the car hood is usually located, above the desktop, in other important places in the garage. Ideally, the lighting system should be organized so that you can turn on all the lamps at the same time and each of them separately. An ordinary double switch will help you do this.

Install an outlet near your garage door and above your workbench.

Designate a place to store your work uniform. One shelf or at least a basic hook will be enough. Also provide a place to store work shoes and personal protective equipment.

Security questions

Substances such as gasoline, oil, etc. are stored in the garage. To store them, you need to allocate a separate cabinet or at least a shelf not far from the gate. Place a box of sand nearby and hang a fire extinguisher on the wall.

Each tool in the garage must have its own place, otherwise there will simply be no order in the room. For organization convenient storage pack your things homemade rack. Ready-made models are quite expensive, and do not always meet the needs of a particular person. Therefore, it is much more profitable and rational to make a rack “for yourself” right away.

Assemble the rack in such a way that it can withstand a load of at least 150 kg. In this case, the load on each individual section should not exceed 500 kg. The rack can be assembled from wood or metal. The design can be straight or angular.

As for wood, preference should be given to the most durable species such as oak, hornbeam, beech, etc. Before assembly, all wooden structural elements are processed antiseptic impregnation. Thanks to this treatment, the wood will be more resistant to moisture and various bacteria and will last much longer.

If possible, plan and sand all frame elements with high quality.

Make shelves from plywood or chipboard. DVL and OSB boards are also suitable. The main thing is that the plate has a thickness of at least 4 mm. The higher the expected load on the shelves, the thicker they should be.

To give the shelves a more presentable appearance, it is recommended to cover them with decorative film or paint them. Also, such processing will allow you to better get rid of contaminants in the future.

The simplest rack is made in several steps. Complete each of them in sequence. Next will be given various kinds sizes. You can stick to them or change the dimensions at your discretion.

First step. Take a board 9 cm wide and cut it into several pieces different lengths: 30 cm, 27.5 cm and 18 cm. From these pieces you will make spacers.

Second step. Take a board 19 cm wide and cut it into required quantity pieces 36 cm long. From these pieces you will make shelves for your rack.

Third step. Mark on the board that serves as the base the places for attaching the spacers. It is recommended to install spacers at a distance of 2.5 cm from each edge of the base. Glue the top brace in place, then nail the top shelf to it with the pre-attached brace. Do similar manipulations with the remaining spacers and shelves. The bottom brace is attached last.

Fourth step. Turn the rack over and tighten the spacers to the base of the structure using screws.

Fifth step. Handle everything thoroughly wooden surfaces sandpaper and apply a double coat of oil varnish. If you wish, you can cover the shelves with decorative film or decorate them with other material at your discretion.

Sixth step. Attach the shelving unit to the wall using anchor screws. Place fasteners under the lower and upper shelves.

Using this scheme, you can assemble a rack from the required number of sections. To strengthen the structure, place between sections wooden blocks. This will help distribute loads evenly throughout the system.

If there is no space to install a full-fledged rack or, on the contrary, you have installed racks and there is some unoccupied space left, be sure to make several convenient and simple shelves for storing a variety of accessories.

First step. Determine where to place the shelves. Accordingly, set the required quantity and optimal sizes products.

Second step. Prepare the required number of boards and fasteners in accordance with the plan drawn up at the previous stage.

Third step. Mark on the walls where the future shelves will be attached.

Fourth step. Armed with a hammer drill, prepare holes in the walls in accordance with the markings and screw dowels into them. It is best to use dowels with hooks - they will provide a more reliable fixation of the shelves.

Fifth step. Attach eye hangers to the board. When choosing a distance, refer to the markings on the wall. Use self-tapping screws to attach metal hangers. If you don't have them, you can get by with ordinary nails.

Metal shelves

Metal shelves for garage

Metal shelves

Sixth step. Fix the finished shelves in their intended places.

Remember: it is better to make several short shelves than one long one, which will break under the weight of the objects placed on it.

If you wish, you can do decorative finishing shelves, for example, cover them with film or paint them. Make sure the shelves hang level. A tool called a level will help you control this moment.

To make working in the garage as comfortable and productive as possible, assemble and install in convenient location Workbench. With it you can repair both car parts and other household accessories. A homemade workbench has big advantage before finished model factory production - you can make a table of the size that you need.

Workbench assembly kit

  1. Boards.
  2. Bars.
  3. Fasteners.
  4. Plane.
  5. Ties.
  6. Tool for wood processing.
  7. Wood glue.
  8. Sandpaper.
  9. Drying oil.

First step. Think it over optimal design workbench. The main elements of such a product are the underframe and the tabletop. The design also includes one or more clamping devices.

Second step. Assemble the tabletop. The best option– a tabletop made of 20 boards measuring 200x10x5 cm. Prepare grooves for stops measuring 2.5x2.5 cm in the 5th and 16th boards. Place the grooves in 25 cm increments.

Use glue and metal ties to connect the boards. Before gluing, the surfaces of the boards must be planed.

Third step. Plan the dry tabletop thoroughly. It should be smooth flat surface. Over time, the wood will shrink. You need not to miss this moment and tighten the nuts on the ties in a timely manner.

Fourth step. Make the legs. To do this, use high-quality blocks measuring 80x10x10 cm. Make grooves for the brackets in the front supports. The brackets will later be connected to longitudinal beam. This type of beam is commonly used in the construction of window frames.

Fifth step. Assemble the base of the table from two frames and fasten it to the supports. Assemble the frames from 10x5 cm boards. Use a tenon joint. The frames are directly cut into the table legs to a depth of 2.5 cm and bolted to them. Attach a sheet of plywood to the bottom frame. A sheet 1 cm thick will be enough.

Sixth step. Attach the sides and back to the table supporting walls. To make walls, use chipboards or plywood 1 cm thick. Build a convenient cabinet with a hinged door on the left of the table.

Seventh step. Connect the workbench top to the top frame using bolts. It is recommended to prepare the holes for the bolts in advance - this will make connections faster and easier. Tighten the bolts so that their heads are recessed into the wood.

Eighth step. Make a miter box. This device will help you in the future to cut workpieces at the required angles. The miter box is assembled from wooden strips 2 cm thick. Attach the finished miter box to the table using stoppers.

Ninth step. Process your homemade workbench drying oil and varnish. Give paint coating dry and you can start using the table. If necessary, install a vice on it or, for example, circular saw. At this point, focus on your needs.

Video - DIY garage accessories

The garage is the holy of holies for any car enthusiast. Almost every man who is the proud owner of a garage spends perhaps more time in it than at home with his family. Car enthusiasts and craftsmen use these types of premises for work, repairing cars or other equipment, producing furniture or various useful things for the home, as well as just friendly get-togethers with friends. To make their garage as comfortable and functional as possible, men are ready to do anything. In this article we will present several interesting ideas, how to make it yourself and thereby simplify your leisure time in it.

First you need. In order to properly equip a garage and rationally use all of its rather small space, you can use the following garage homemade products:

  • Racks or stands along the entire length of the wall;
  • Shelves (closed or open type);
  • Tables with cabinets;
  • Oversized drawers or shelves for storing large items;
  • Hooks and hooks for hanging items;
  • Secret drawers or shelves;
  • Lockable drawers;
  • Metal frames for storing spare wheels and replacement tires;
  • Steel mesh;
  • Inspection pit for car repair;
  • Cellar or basement for storing vegetables and canning.

Now let’s look at how to make some of the listed crafts in the garage with your own hands.


Such convenient devices, as shelves can, of course, be made from wooden planks and metal fasteners. Or you can use the life hacks of other car enthusiasts - make shelves for storing nails, screws, bolts and nuts from plastic bottles:

  • If you need open holders for all sorts of small things, then you need to cut the base in half plastic jar or a small bottle without touching the thread. Then the thread must be screwed into the lid of the container and glued or screwed outer side caps to the wall so that the cut part of the bottle faces up. As a result, the remaining part of the container will serve as a kind of holder for various kinds of things.
  • The same small parts and materials can also be stored in closed plastic containers. To do this, you just need to glue or screw their lids to the shelves below so that the jar is in a vertical position. When you need to take something from the container, you just need to unscrew it from the lid.
  • Any home or construction material. So, for example, trim sewer pipe or cardboard cylinder, mounted on the wall or under the ceiling, can be used as an excellent place to store long items. And the halves of plastic plates screwed to the wall will serve as convenient pockets for grinder discs.


In order to store tools, things and various accessories of the owner of the garage, it is advisable to equip it with a large and durable rack. This kind of homemade work in the garage can be done in several ways:

  • The most reliable is a rack made of metal and wood. Steel guides provide solid foundation and support for wooden shelves. Shelves made of steel will be even stronger and more durable.
  • You can also make a shelving unit with your own hands for your garage entirely out of wood. For this you will need a medium and thick board (19cm). It is necessary to cut supports for the rack from the middle board, and to make shelves from the thick one. All parts of the structure must be secured with screws, and its surface must be opened with oil varnish.
  • The most budget-friendly homemade products for a garage in the form of a rack can be made from 50x100 timber, 50x25 boards and plywood. The timber in this structure will act as legs, boards as transverse guides, and plywood as shelves.

Attention! You should not place tools and things whose total weight exceeds 500 kg on a DIY rack. Of such kind useful homemade products for garages, they are designed to withstand a weight of up to 200 kg.


One of the “Kulibins” became the author of such an invention as boxes in the form of cut-off plastic canisters. If you carefully cut off the side wall of the canister and place it with the opposite side on a shelf, then such a container can easily turn into drawer with a handle.

Storage frame winter tires and wheels. Such a frame can be equipped from metal corners. The corners must be connected to each other using any rolled metal product. If you are planning a hanging frame for wheels, then you must first build two triangles from the corners, which will later be connected by two more corners. The connecting corners will act as wheel holders, so the distance between them should be such that the wheels do not fall into it, but only sag a little. If the idea was to make a standing rack for wheels, then a rectangular frame is simply made from the corners.

Other homemade products

Here are a few more homemade things that you can build in the garage with your own hands:

Let's hope that thanks to the photos given in the article, useful tips and instructions, you can easily build homemade products with your own hands for a garage or other utility room.

A garage is more than just a place to park a car. It is also a workshop, a place of relaxation, and a club of interests. Therefore, the arrangement of the garage should be convenient and thoughtful. On small area you need to place a lot of things, and they should be convenient to use. Homemade products for the garage will help with this. What people don’t do with their own hands. From a simple shelf to a complex device. You can make all this yourself. But you need to know how. Several ideas for modernizing a garage and a plan for their implementation are in the article.

Homemade garage: ideas for arrangement

Setting up a garage is a long process. You won’t be able to do everything right away. You have to constantly modernize, change, and create something new. In this case, they mainly use homemade products for the garage. It requires less money and it’s also fun - making something out of garbage the right thing-it costs a lot.

Even in a small area you can fit everything

Tire and wheel storage

Every car owner is faced with the problem of storing out-of-season “shoes” for the car. Where to put the tires is a sore point. In general, the way tires are stored depends on whether they are mounted on rims or not.

Tire storage methods

So tires with rims can be hung or stored lying down - in the form of a stack, stacking them one on top of the other. To hang tires, you can use luggage straps, chains, or a metal cable with a diameter of 4 mm or more in a polyethylene sheath. Fasten the belts to the ceiling, wall, or beam located above.

Cable in a polyethylene sheath, anchors with a ring and clamps for tightening

Luggage straps are best attached to rings in the ceiling or hooks on the walls

Drive pins of sufficient length into the wall, but such that the pin does not stick out beyond the tire

Not only a pin will do, but also a hook with a small bend radius

Another affordable way- drive pins or hooks with a small bend radius into the wall. The distance between the hooks is slightly larger than the diameter of the tires. The length of the pins should be such that they do not protrude beyond the tire. You can fill them almost to the ceiling so that the wheels fit.

Tires without rims can only be stored standing up. Special shelves are made for them. They are usually welded from profiled pipes. 20*20 mm, maximum 30*30 mm. You can also use a corner. Round pipe It’s inconvenient to cook, but cross members can be made from it - the tires fit and hold up better in this case.

The width of the shelf is 4 times the width of the tire, plus a margin of 10-15 cm for some freedom. The height of the rear wall is slightly higher than the outer diameter of the wheel. The design is simple = from the side it resembles a right triangle. Having an inverter welding machine, welding such a shelf will not be difficult.

Tire storage shelf - a great homemade product for the garage

This is a factory option with a completely inhumane price tag. But you can borrow an idea - the crossbars can be rearranged depending on the size of the tires... you never know

Just welded and painted

Such shelves are usually hung on the wall. But the place must be chosen so that light does not fall on the rubber - this will deteriorate it. Not the most complicated DIY projects for the garage, but very useful.


Probably the most a large number of DIY projects for the garage are related to the equipment of the workplace and tool storage systems. Moreover, shelves and racks in the garage are not the only way to solve this problem. First of all, you need to decide where it will be located workplace. There are three options:

A table or workbench for a garage is made of boards and covered with plywood. Inexpensive, quite reliable. If you have a welding machine and verification skills, you can weld a frame from a corner or profiled pipe. Sheathing again is better moisture resistant plywood. The result is a smooth, abrasion-resistant surface. You can, of course, use laminated chipboard, but the laminating layer is quickly damaged.

U-shaped workbench for garage

To prevent the space from wandering around, you can install shelves or make drawers under the countertop. Boxes are more convenient, but making them is still a hassle. It is quite possible to make shelves and put boxes made of plywood on them. Also suitable plastic boxes and baskets. But the walls must be thick.

You can put boxes on the shelves

There is, by the way useful idea— make a rack for storing tools from used canisters. Find ones that have the handle on top. Then everything is simple - one of the sides is cut out and in the future this canister is used as a box.

Useful and simple homemade products for garage

It’s not necessary to make a whole rack - it’s still difficult to remember where and what is located. But you can use the same principle to make drawers for shelves. By the way, you can stick inscriptions or pictures on the ends (with pictures, identification is faster). Such homemade projects for the garage bring satisfaction - create useful thing out of the trash - a pleasant feeling.

Tool storage

The most difficult task— organize tool storage in the garage. We need to make sure that everything is in order, but at the same time, is at hand and in sight. Moreover, closed boxes are suitable only for very organized people who always put the taken item back in its place. Otherwise, you will constantly rummage through drawers, forgetting where everything is. There are several ideas for convenient storage of small items and tools. These are very simple DIY projects for the garage.

A simple solution will help you quickly solve the problem. metal grid. A reinforcing mesh made of 2 mm wire, a 10 cm cage, is suitable. Attach it to the wall, bite off some rods, bend them, make hooks, crossbars, etc. out of them. You can buy special hooks that are attached to the mesh (available in stores that sell commercial equipment); ordinary double-sided hooks, which you can buy or make from wire, are also suitable.

A grid on the wall is a way to quickly organize tool storage

It is convenient to store screwdrivers on a special shelf. Take a board or plywood, 10-15 mm thick. The board must be sanded well so that there are no splinters. Then drill holes of different diameters in one or two rows in the plane. If the board is wide enough, you can make larger holes for chisels or even hammer handles. Clean all the chips again. Now we need to come up with a wall mount. You can use a regular bracket. Screwdrivers, chisels, and other similar materials are inserted into the holes. Convenient, fast, everything is in sight.

Idea for storing screwdrivers in the garage

There are also useful homemade products for the garage that allow you to organize storage hand tools. Pliers, pliers, wire cutters, etc. placing it conveniently is problematic. Can be hung on a net. It’s convenient to remove, but not to hang. But there is a simple solution - attach a narrow board and put the tool on it. To make it sit comfortably, grind down the board on one side. When cut, it should look like an isosceles triangle.

Storing hand tools in the garage

More simple idea for storage battery tool, chargers and spare batteries for them. Make a shelf as in the photo above. Cuts are made in the lower part different formats, and the top ones are used as regular shelves. The idea is that everything is in one place, quickly taken out/installed in place. These garage DIY projects will make your workspace comfortable. It will be easy to maintain order.

Homemade carriers for the garage

Even with very good lighting in the garage itself or on the street during the day, visibility under the bottom of the car is very low. To illuminate the front of the work, portable lamps are used. These are the simplest DIY projects for the garage. With them you can begin the epic of arranging and equipping your garage space.

The most common type of garage carrier. Homemade ones are usually made very similar

In the very simple version This is a socket attached to a wire and can have a small shield with a hook attached to it. This is such a simple thing. The light bulbs used are ordinary ones - incandescent or economy ones with a standard socket. Everything is not bad, except that these light bulbs break very often, you need to figure out how to hang them so that they shine in a specific place. In general, the design needs improvement. There are several modification options.

Unbreakable lamp socket

This lampshade is from plastic bottle perfectly protects the fragile flask energy saving lamp. Can also be used LED lamp, but incandescent will not work - it heats up too much. The design is simple - a cord with a plug and a cartridge at the end.

The main task is to find a plastic vessel with walls made of translucent milky plastic of medium thickness. Transparent will not work - it will not scatter light, too thin walls will not save the lamp from impacts. After you have found a suitable vessel, some small change remains:

Everything is simple, but such a lamp allows you to brightly illuminate exactly the desired area, the rest of the space is filled with even light that does not hurt the eyes.

Carrying LED Recessed Light

The simplest and most common homemade products for the garage are portable lamps. It’s inconvenient to work without them not only garage pit, and even just on a workbench. Need a flat built-in LED lamp, which can be switched on at 220 V. These models are called “tablets” because of their shape. You also need a cord with a plug, a piece plastic window sill- to install a lamp. The window sill piece should be larger in size than the lamp. You choose the specific sizes yourself. The next steps are:

All, homemade carrier ready. This option is for floor installation. The movable leg allows you to change the angle of inclination. To make it turn over less, you can attach a couple of weights inside the body (in its lower part).

Attach the carrying cord to the ceiling

Convenience comes from little things, and very simple homemade products for the garage help with this. For example, you can remove the cable from a portable lamp that always gets tangled under your feet. Carrying is usually done with a cheap cable. It is not the most flexible, does not fold well, and its coils on the floor get under your feet. In general, it is inconvenient to use. You can protect yourself and carry it by hanging the cable from the ceiling. The solution is simple but very effective.

You can make this “suspension” to the ceiling for carrying with your own hands in an hour

  • Two anchors with a ring at the end.
  • Cable tie.
  • Clamp clamp.
  • Metal cable. The length depends on the size of the garage - it needs to be from one wall to the other.
  • Steel/plastic rings or steel wire and a piece of pipe to make these rings.
  • Carrying with a long cable - its length is approximately double the length of the garage.

The cable is stretched along the long side of the garage. It’s more convenient - not far from the “working” wall, where the workbench or other equipment is located. A little work:

Well, that's all. You can use it. With such a device, the carrier can be carried to any end of the garage without the cable getting tangled or caught. Convenient, takes little time.

DIY garage compressor

A compressor is needed in any garage. And, by the way, this is not the most difficult homemade product for the garage. A low-power compressor for the garage for inflating tires and other small jobs can be made with your own hands from auxiliary materials. For example, from a compressor from a refrigerator. For this you will need:

  • refrigerator compressor;
  • a sealed cylinder with thick walls (you can use a fire extinguisher flask or a small gas cylinder);
  • safety valve at 8 atm;
  • pressure gauge;
  • fitting;
  • oxygen hoses with couplings (select the length based on the size of your spare parts);
  • base for the compressor - a thick board or piece of plywood will do.

In order not to pump any nasty stuff into the tires, it is advisable to also install a filter to separate oils, dust and other contaminants. Scheme homemade compressor shown in the photo.

Homemade compressor diagram

The compressor must be with starting device. We plug it into the network, see which tube the air is sucked into, and mark it. You can put a car filter on it - clean air will be pumped in.

We assemble an oil separator receiver from a cylinder and a safety valve. To do this, we cut two fittings into the cylinder - for air inlet and outlet. We place a safety valve on the inlet hole and connect the compressor outlet to it using an oxygen hose.

Homemade compressor for the garage based on a compressor from a refrigerator

We install another automobile oil filter at the outlet of the oil separator receiver to completely remove the oil. We connect the filter to the pressure gauge, and from it comes a hose, which is connected to the tire through the appropriate adapter.

Assembly is complete. But in order to carry this device comfortably, everything needs to be secured in some way. You can weld the frame to size, attach wheels and a handle for easy transportation. One of the compressor options for inflating wheels is described in the video. There is no receiver, but its functions are performed by an oil filter. You can do it this way, but with a receiver the design is more reliable.

Since the compressor in the refrigerator is low-power, it may take a long time to inflate the tires. You can make it more powerful by installing two compressors that will start simultaneously. Accordingly, the pressure will build up twice as fast. But such an installation requires a more robust security group. Such homemade products require a little more equipment, since the circuit is still more complicated.

Order in the garage means convenient open storage all commonly used tools and compact storage various little things “in reserve”.

Often the garage and home workshop are combined, so all tools and consumables must have convenient system storage

As soon as the storage system becomes not very convenient for regular maintenance, the garage again turns into a spontaneous warehouse.

Best used for storing tools in the garage open shelves. It will be very convenient if these shelves are removable.

In the garage of the workshop it is necessary to place not only the usual set of car enthusiast tools and home handyman, but sometimes also garden tools and camping equipment.

Make the most of the entire height of the room. IN plastic boxes under the very ceiling and on the floor you can put those things that you use from time to time.

The tool storage system in the garage uses the entire wall area as a stand. Separate sections-shelves for storing tools and Supplies.

Wooden guides are used here, but it is better to use metal pipes. If over time the guide we see in the photo crumbles, a box with a heavy tool could fall right on your foot.

You can make such an organizer for storing consumables yourself from sheets of plywood, which are connected with hinges in the form of a book.

A lockable stand-up toolbox for the DIYer's tools allows him to easily maintain desired order in the garage.

Metal mesh is convenient for storing paint cans, fertilizer bags, etc.

Metal guides and metal shelves not only ensure safe tool storage, but are also easy to clean.

It is inconvenient to keep a power tool in a company suitcase; it is much more convenient to make such an open stand for storage.

The owner has a lot in his garage necessary little things and each of them has its own storage method.

Most tool storage methods are simple, but still more effective.

Very convenient design for storing consumables! The box with self-tapping screws that you use is secured to a separate panel, and upon completion of work, it is pushed into a common organizer.

Each owner has his own scope of activity and different quantities tools. But a convenient organization of work always makes you want to do something more. Take the time to tidy up your garage.

Sliding panels like extra bed for storing tools. Make sure that they will work reliably without getting stuck in the grooves, otherwise this storage method will not be practical.

Simple and convenient. Store your instrument wisely! If you don't have a garage, but you store all your tools in small box on the balcony, then even there you can organize a small work closet.

Let's continue for the happy owners of the garage. Before us convenient way storage of clamps.

Some storage ideas can be found in stores that sell tools.

But our garage contains more than just tools. We also have pipes, planks, and the necessary pieces of plywood and plastic.

It’s not at all difficult to assemble such a ceiling structure from pipes in your own garage.

Large sheets of plywood and drywall are best stored this way - in a vertical position.

For scraps of plywood, plastic, etc. You can make a wall rack like this.

Even a dozen boards can create a mess in your garage. Let's do it simple design for storage.

Another convenient way to store long pipes and all kinds of strips in the garage.

A small workbench can also serve as a storage place for boards and pieces of plywood.

You don't have to clean out your garage in one day. All this can be done gradually, step by step.


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