Horoscope for the year love Scorpio dragon. ✓ Family: all together

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Concentrate completely on yourself, try to understand your internal contradictions. The moment has come when it is necessary to break with the past in order to move on into a bright future. Be honest with yourself and don't doubt your abilities.

Forecast for Scorpios by time of year


Having passed a short period of crisis, you will plunge into a sea of ​​vivid impressions and rapidly changing events. Get ready for amazing surprises. Be careful on sharp turns.


Your feelings will flourish during the most romantic time of the year. Sentimental Neptune will arrange a fantastic meeting and reveal the secrets of love. Let the joy of the present moment into your heart.


Pluto will not allow you to relax. Gather your will. Now you can with your problems. This will make you stronger, you will definitely become a winner.


Old leaves fall off, making room for new growth to come. You too will be freed and filled with new impressions. Enjoy every moment. This is a time of contemplation.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

Strength and desire are all that is needed for happiness. A fair wind blows into the sails of your yacht. Sail confidently towards your dreams.

✓ Love: only what it seems

The heavenly office has given you a pass to a happy life. You will enjoy relationships, bathe in tenderness and romance. You admire your partner and endow him with the best traits.

back side The medal is that you can come up with all this for yourself. In reality, the chosen one will not be like that. But even knowing this, you will not feel less happy. At the end of spring, a scandal based on jealousy may break out.

And in the summer, clashes are likely due to reluctance to hear each other. But these are all minor things. Because now there are almost no clouds in the sky of your love.

✓ Family: all together

The happiness of your family depends entirely on your mood. As soon as you get nervous, the situation in the house will become tense. Be able to notice this pattern in time and calm yourself down. In spring and late summer, problems will arise that you can only solve together. Moreover, each member of the household should have a specific role.

Try to resolve all issues quickly. Unfortunately, there will be little time to relax together. Plan your trip in advance and be sure to leave, no matter the circumstances. Things won't go away, you will come back and become more active.

Summer - great time For sincere conversations, discussing joint plans. This year you can start an important common cause. Maximum trust and patience will help overcome the conflict that may break out in late autumn.

✓ Friendship: make a decision

Small problems and disagreements that you have been hushing up will become obvious. Some of your friends will show integrity and won’t even want to go. You are not very accommodating now either. What to do? Separate for a while or reduce communication to a minimum. It is worth understanding whether you need this relationship and acting in accordance with it. by decision.

In the fall you will find yourself in very good company interesting people. New acquaintances will appear, you will make profitable connections. But this is just a phase of your life, so don’t make long-term plans for it.

At the beginning of winter there will be a lot of pleasant communication with old acquaintances, classmates, and former colleagues. Perhaps you will develop a mutual feeling for one of them.

✓ Health: ideal body

Attention and attention again, even to minor symptoms. Now it is possible to recognize the disease at the very beginning and take necessary measures. This is a year of working on your body. Don't forget that not only the load, but also your thoughts shape your appearance.

In summer, the body's strength will be reduced. Despite the weather, you can easily catch an infection or catch a cold. In the fall, on the contrary, the forces will begin to increase and reach their peak by the beginning of winter.

Coming perfect time to increase physical activity and master new sports. The main thing is to choose what suits you. Be sure to consult with a trainer, do not rely on your feelings. And don't overeat, it's so easy to gain weight now excess weight!

✓ Finance/Career: if you drive more quietly, you will continue

In everything, even in small things, you will strive to prove that you are right. There will be a craving for new knowledge. Moreover, you will immediately use all the information received in practice. But there is a high probability of overload and fatigue.

You are now inclined to miscalculate your strength. You shouldn’t work too hard, no one will appreciate your exploits. Do exactly as much as you need. This is quite enough for your dreams to come true. If you are applying for a higher position, start preparing in the summer.

Take the decisive step in mid-October (Jupiter will support you). Look at what your colleagues are doing, evaluate the experience of competitors and draw conclusions. Develop your personal program of action. But don't share specific plans with others unless you general outline. Your ideas can be stolen.

Financial matters are also best dealt with quietly. Let your income and expenses become a non-discussed topic. Start slowly saving for what you dream of.

Prognosis for women

The Scorpio woman will take some time off and unexpectedly discover a new source of strength and inspiration.

Vanity and routine have turned life into a series of monotonous events. You feel like you need to break out of this circle, but you don't know how to do it. The conflict between Uranus and Pluto will push for transformation.

It is advisable to plan the main actions in advance, at least in general terms. During the summer months, try to get the most important things done. At this time, new strength and inspiration will appear. The impulse will be a business that you once started and abandoned. Now it will receive an unexpected continuation.

In matters of the heart, take your time and don’t push your partner. If what you expect does not happen, it means the time has not come yet. Think about what else you need to do or find out where you can improve the situation. When there is nothing to complain about and you are completely sure that everything is completed, the desired will happen.

Born from October 24 to October 31

All that's left is to make the final push. Until October you will still struggle with circumstances, then most of the difficulties will simply disappear, some tasks will lose relevance. Good wizard Jupiter enters your sign. All doors are open in front of you, go to the one you need. Yes, yes, exactly where your heart takes you, and not imposed stereotypes.

Born from November 1 to November 12

Turn on your inner compass. Neptune will enhance sensations, and in some situations you will become clairvoyant. Anxiety is common, but if anxiety increases, then it’s time to stop.

In the second half of the year there will be more confidence and new opportunities will appear. Use the power of the moment
and feel when to take a step forward.

Born from November 13 to November 22

Don’t get nervous prematurely and prepare an alternate airfield. Winter and spring are only preparation for upcoming events. In the summer you will be able to complete an important task, and then things will go like clockwork. But this, of course, is not a reason to sit idly by. After all, at the end of autumn there will be a chance to arrange your personal life. Go out in public, communicate and charm your fans.

Forecast for men

The Scorpio man will study hard and gain experience, thanks to which he will leave his competitors far behind.

From the outside it seems that you are striving for the impossible. The bar for your aspirations is too high. The confidence that you are doing everything right will keep you going. The first half of the year will be especially difficult.

During this period, you are too dependent on circumstances and, no matter how hard you try, you cannot radically influence the situation. Do not be content with a superficial glance, try to penetrate to the very essence of any issue.

In mid-summer, the situation will begin to change, and you will be able to put your knowledge into practice. Development will continue to increase. First you will become a leader, then you will become the best of the best. Those who competed with you will want to join you. And you can put together a team of real professionals.

Born from October 24 to October 31

The takeoff will be so rapid that you may feel dizzy. Don't break your friendships; now they will play a major role in your career advancement. In the summer, you may feel heaviness and many things will be difficult. If you don't overcome yourself, you will get stuck in one place. You need to show your will, and then fate will meet you halfway.

Born from November 1 to November 12

There is still a little time to sort things out and resolve conflicts. Closer to autumn, a restless time will begin. You will literally become torn between your loved ones and your work. And at the end of the year you will have to choose: close person may issue an ultimatum. It is in your power to resolve the situation - do it and show nobility.

Born from November 13 to November 22

You will need more time to resolve issues. Already at the end of winter you will become a member of a new promising project. Most of the year will pass in troubles and running around. Personal life will become more stable, but a little more boring. Don't worry, everything will get better soon. For now, stay busy and don't get distracted. In mid-autumn, a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Forecast for Scorpios born in the year...

For love to come into your life, release inner space. Down with insults and complaints!


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Your ability to get out of any situation and avoid responsibility will help you avoid conflicts this year. While others are fighting, arrange your place. You can make good capital and have a blast.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

It is difficult for you to decide, to make a choice. Life itself will tell you the right solution. Now is the time to take care of your health. And activities that may not bring profit, but give spiritual comfort.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Chasing non-existent ghosts will only waste your time. Now you need to clearly know what and why you are doing. Get ready, you will have to overcome obstacles. But in the end you will win a valuable prize.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

You can do something significant and global. Be optimistic and not too gullible, think about personal gain. Develop yourself, no matter what direction you choose. Now you will be able to achieve perfection in any matter.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

You are ready for adventure and it will find you. Everything would be fine, but there will be people nearby who are negatively inclined. Protect yourself from unnecessary connections. Become a leader in matters of the heart and all your projects and plans will come true.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Personal relationships, resolving issues of the heart - this is what you will have to do all year. Don't worry about what didn't happen. Time is not lost, you can change a lot. The main thing is to understand, is it necessary?


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You will be in demand all year, but this is unlikely to bring you joy. I want peace and quiet. Review your plans and give up non-essential tasks. More relaxation, and be sure to spend your vacation at sea.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Distant countries, business trips and foreign colleagues- here are the guidelines for your financial luck this year. Develop your connections and expand your horizons. Holidays far from home will also turn out to be extremely interesting and memorable.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Take on things that require courage and determination. You will have no equal in the financial sphere. Suddenly your instinct for profit will awaken, and you will be able to get rich. Save money and don’t forget about gifts for your loved ones.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Make an impression and praise yourself all the time. This is the year of creating the desired image, a good reputation. Great achievements are still ahead of you, now is the time to prepare a solid base. Don't skimp on yourself!


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

The year will bring some confusion to your plans. Anxiety can rob you of your self-confidence. Turn all your attention to your family, your experience is required here. The time has not yet come for the implementation of the most daring plans.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Send the ship of your love to port. It's time to drop anchor and do something useful for your loved ones. Now is not the time to indulge our own ambitions and establish a totalitarian regime. Let others decide for you, and you just live and be happy.

Children's horoscope

Believe in yourself! In the fall, the baby will go crazy, but this is not bad at all, because the period of flowering of his talents begins. Your task is to find that divine spark that was given to your child from birth. It is very important to avoid evaluative opinions; despite his strength of character, he is still very vulnerable.

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

In year Fire Rooster The sign of Scorpio will feel the kiss of Fortune. Good luck will accompany this zodiac sign in all areas of life, and difficulties that arise on the path of Scorpio will turn out for the better: they will help strengthen character and develop positive traits. The main task in 2017 for Scorpios will be to show flexibility in decisions and plans in order to take advantage of all the chances that fall to their share. Fortunately, Scorpios have vigilance and determination, which other signs should only envy.

The first ten days of 2017 need to be given special attention. New Year will bring not only long-awaited holidays, but also many chances for career growth. The fact is that this period will be marked by the strong influence of Jupiter, which means that Scorpios are guaranteed success in everything related to work and money. Over time, the influence of the planets will change and by the second half of the year, Scorpios may receive information about prospects in another place of work. If this proposal does not seem too shaky, you should take advantage of it and prove yourself in a new activity.

Scorpio should take the horoscope for 2017 not as a warning, but as friendly advice. The year as a whole is going very well and does not require special efforts from the representatives of the sign. The Scorpio sign should only slightly adjust its relationships with people (especially the love of conflicts and intrigues), and also rely more on an accurate calculation of financial capabilities, rather than on momentary desires.

Work and career

As noted earlier, 2017 will bring favorable career changes for Scorpios. This arrangement of planets is especially successful for those representatives of the zodiac sign who are just looking for work or are preparing to leave their current place of work. For these Scorpios, any choice made will result in good prospects and financial growth. For those who run their own business, you will have the opportunity to conclude a very profitable deal, even if you had not previously imagined the possibility of profit from this source. The Scorpio sign is distinguished by its special flair and tenacity in business: take advantage of these qualities and your business will immediately take off.

Be careful in your relationships with colleagues and superiors. Even those who are unpleasant to you personally can become a source of profitable business connections. The Scorpio sign is prone to sarcasm and squabbles. Don't let these qualities take control of the psychological climate in your team. Be moderately kind, do not break old connections and keep new ones under control. Your business can receive significant support from people you thought were of little importance to you.

The oracle warns of the possibility of a change in management at your place of work. Try not to find yourself on the extreme side of the growing conflict - take a neutral position and allow the situation to resolve itself, otherwise you will not avoid a blow to your reputation. Summer will put an end to disagreements between colleagues and bring stabilization of the situation - you can calmly devote yourself to direct work responsibilities.

Financial well-being and relaxation

A zodiac sign like Scorpio does not tolerate the Spartan regime. The Scorpio woman loves to dress up and pamper herself with nice new things, while the man strives to look rich and respectable. In this sense, finances are very important for representatives of the sign, although Scorpios cannot be called greedy. In the year of the Fire Rooster, they will experience a significant influx of finances. Good luck in transactions will be brought by new acquaintances whom Scorpios will acquire throughout the year. Autumn will be favorable for making large purchases, such as real estate or a car.

However, there is a possibility of losing money by making a thoughtless purchase - for example, buying a car second-hand. Remember the rule “the stingy pays twice” - if you don’t have enough money at your disposal to buy a new car, postpone the purchase for a while. It is best to wait until the end of the year; during this period there is a high probability that you will be offered a deal on favorable terms.

The oracle calls summer and early autumn the most suitable time for travel. Try to combine business with pleasure in your vacation: improve your health, get new experiences. For Scorpios who experience irritation and frequent stress, it is better to choose sanatorium-resort areas with health benefits clean air. If everything is fine with your body and your financial status allows you to spend a significant amount, choose distant countries with luxury hotels for travel. This will give you more motivation to further work and will allow you to feel in your native element of luxury and comfort.

Love and family

The sign of Scorpio is often called fatal when it comes to relationships: this applies equally to women and men. It's easy to fall in love with a Scorpio, but often this passionate eclipse of reason leads the partner to rash decisions and even victims with own side. It also happens that Scorpio himself begins to manipulate his partner for the sake of his own interests or simply guided by his bitchy nature. It is clear that such an alliance will not lead to anything good, so in 2017, which promises big number new acquaintances, Scorpios will have to pull themselves together and decisively break off those romantic connections that they do not seriously intend to develop.

Family Scorpios should be gentler with loved ones. Often you don’t notice how much pressure you put on them with your demands and requests, while their dissatisfaction accumulates in the meantime. Don’t force yourself to endure: take the initiative, talk to your family more often, organize a joint vacation. Don't set too high expectations for your children: let them breathe freely and decide for themselves what their abilities can be applied to.

Scorpio should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as a vector of self-development. Think about those qualities of your character that prevent you from getting along with people. In 2017, you will have many chances to stop being lonely, but the strength of your unions directly depends on whether you stop “stinging” the people around you. Don't be too demanding of others: all people have problems that can be mitigated or resolved by working together on them.

Horoscope by date of birth

The birth number of a representative of any zodiac sign affects the degree of expression of certain character traits, as well as which planets will provide stronger protection.

Born from October 29 to November 1: the main mood that permeates the entire 2017 is aesthetic pleasure. The thoroughness characteristic of Scorpios in arranging their home and choosing a wardrobe will degenerate into a qualitatively different perception of reality. These representatives of the sign will feel the need to perceive beauty from the outside.

This may manifest itself in a sudden desire to take long walks in the park, visit exhibitions and performances, or purchase paintings. Such people can be advised not to waste time on purchasing various items decor, but focus on developing your own subtle feelings. Sign up for master classes in design or photography, devote free time drawing or listening to lectures about art. This will not only sharpen your perception of the world, but will also help leave a pleasant impression of you among your social circle.

Scorpios whose birth number lies between November 6 and November 8 will feel an irresistible desire to change something very important in their life. It could be an unloved job, a lying spouse, or a boring social circle - it’s not so important what exactly the changes will affect. The main thing is to think about your escape route in advance: do not put yourself at risk of being left without a job or housing. Once the decision has been firmly made by you and carefully thought through, begin to implement it - the patron of the year appreciates determination and rejection of a destructive environment.

Those born from November 9 to 14 will focus on building their personal lives. Whether it will be a search for a new partner or revitalization of an existing relationship depends only on Scorpio himself. The main thing in your desire to establish friendly contacts with everyone is not to get confused by those whom you want to please. You will have to make a choice in favor of one of the potential partners, because otherwise your double game will turn into big scandals against you. Be more honest with yourself and with the people around you: this will certainly be appreciated, even if honesty must lead to a painful separation. It’s better to experience it once than to torment each other for a long time.


Favorable circumstances for Scorpios are a chance to pay attention to their inner world, evaluate your working and creative potential and rethink the current situation at this point in time. In such conditions, there is practically no need to be distracted by solving problems arising from outside, but you can think carefully about how exactly you can optimize the means and connections at your disposal.

For the Scorpio sign, 2017 will be the year of arranging your personal life, finding harmony with yourself and spiritual comfort. This year, you can reward yourself for your previous hard work, but you should not be lazy and adopt an apathetic attitude. For once, you have the opportunity to seriously reconsider the circumstances of your life and make serious changes. Use it wisely and redirect criticism from others to yourself.

The year 2017 of the Red Rooster will provide Scorpios with every chance and many opportunities to realize their plans in career and business, as well as in their personal lives. At the beginning of the year, Scorpios will feel a surge of strength, become more decisive and self-confident, and will no longer be afraid of defeat, because they will only be focused on winning. In the first half of the year, representatives of this zodiac sign will successfully surpass all their competitors, leaving them far behind them. Increased competitiveness will be facilitated by the favor of the owner of 2017, who really loves working people and purposeful people. Scorpios will achieve the greatest success in the field of communication, since their communication talents will become one of the main tools for achieving goals. This year there will be some changes in their environment in their lives. Contact with some of the old acquaintances or friends will be lost, and instead Scorpios will have new friends and acquaintances. You shouldn’t be upset about this and only see here negative side. Remember that there is not a single person in our environment that we do not need. Take this circumstance for granted, as the next step in personal growth and development.

Love horoscope for 2017 Scorpio

In the year of the Rooster, Scorpios need to be extremely careful in their relationships with their loved ones, since the Red Rooster, who is the patron in 2017, will every now and then test your loyalty and devotion, each time giving you various tests and temptations. If Scorpio's feelings are strong enough, then new acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex will not go further than friendship. Therefore, there is no need to worry either. If some Scorpios are the type of people who are said to be impressionable and amorous, they risk succumbing to temptation and losing their sanity. Such a kind of clouding of the mind. But all this is fleeting, since true feelings will never allow you to make a mistake. If people born under this sign are looking for adventures and new affairs for themselves, then accordingly, not everything is going smoothly in existing relationships. But the Rooster is an ardent supporter of sincerity, justice and fidelity, so you should not be led by your libido, but it is better to immediately put everything in its place, decide what is more important and dear to you at the moment. If there are no alternatives to improve the relationship, then such relationships should be terminated.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio (family)

Scorpios are exemplary family men for the most part, so the Rooster will be favorable to them this year. Representatives of this sign should spend time with their family as often and as much as possible, visit parents and other close relatives, raise children and take an active part in their development as individuals. The first half of 2017 will not be the easiest, since it is during this period that Scorpios will need to establish relationships in the family, strengthen their authority, and also find individual approach to every member of the household. You shouldn’t walk in circles and indulge in everything, stick to your line of behavior, remain true to your principles and beliefs, but at the same time show flexibility and gentleness in communicating with your loved ones, be more tolerant and forgiving. Try to understand what they need, why they need it, what they want. Once you realize this, it will become much easier and easier for you to please your loved ones and dear people, give them a pleasant gift or surprise, as well as restore harmony and mutual understanding in relationships and in the family as a whole.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio (business)

In 2017, which will be ruled by the Fire Rooster, Scorpios will be more active, active and purposeful than ever. Representatives of this sign will spend the first half of the year fighting for a place in the sun and the right to success among numerous competitors. Someone will actively prove their importance as a valuable and irreplaceable employee, and some will enter other markets and begin to promote their business at the next levels. If Scorpios immediately draw up a plan for future actions and make amendments and adjust them in the process, then their chances of success will increase significantly, and with minimal costs labor and time. If the competition is too strong, Scorpios should go another way: be creative, find non-standard solutions certain tasks, to circumvent the situation. Creative thinking, for which Scorpios are famous from birth, will help them quickly and easily resolve any issues and problems, and will also increase their agility several times. You should not reveal all your cards, even to those who are supposedly on your side of the playing field. In career and business there are no friends and everyone is for themselves. If you remember this simple truth, then no one and nothing will be able to ruin your plans and hinder your professional growth.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio (finance)

Although career and business development will begin to improve little by little, Scorpios will experience some limitations in their financial capabilities. There will be enough money for a comfortable living, but there will not be enough money to implement this or that idea. This will lead to the fact that Scorpios, who really do not like to borrow and ask for loans, will begin to actively look for additional sources of income. This could be the creation of several more types of services or products that are in demand, or individual freelancing projects, or maybe overtime work in the same office. In any case, Scorpios, due to their restless imagination and enterprise, will easily resolve this annoying issue and regain the desired financial independence and freedom. Scorpios should place the main emphasis on their sociability and visual attractiveness. They know how to meet new people, charm them and inspire confidence. This quality should be used when looking for potential employers or investors who will help you get out of their financial crisis situation.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio (health)

In the year of the Rooster, Scorpios should turn Special attention on your own emotional condition And mental health, because in a busy work schedule, constant struggle for success and high competition, Scorpios run the risk of moral exhaustion and even falling into depression after another unsuccessful attempt. And this is fraught with failure and even a deterioration in overall well-being. In 2017, the stars recommend trying to use your labor resources and strength more rationally, resting more, and regularly pampering yourself with various pleasant little things. It could be a new tie or scarf, or maybe your favorite cake or a delicious cocktail. The main thing is that you get true pleasure and pleasure from it and, at least for a while, are completely distracted from all problems and affairs. In such a crazy pace of life, it would be nice to do meditation or yoga, which will help bring both thoughts and body into a harmonious state. But for yoga or others eastern practices brought only benefit and did not harm, attend several sessions with a professional trainer.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 for the Red Rooster describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Scorpio in the new year 2017. Due to your uniqueness, general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Scorpio may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. Get accurate personal horoscope, you can click on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster sign for Scorpio:

2017 will be a truly amazing time for Scorpios, full of unusual and amazing events. You have to make many useful discoveries for yourself and learn many truths. This year, various opportunities will open up for Scorpio - don’t even think about it, throw all your energy into realizing them. Astrologers promise that in 2017, Scorpios will succeed in almost everything they undertake.

In the Year of the Rooster, it will be very important for representatives of this sign to know how their loved ones treat them. You will need to have the support of friends and relatives. Control your command, be kind and gentle towards others.

You should be wary of people you don’t know well; you shouldn’t trust them too much. It is quite possible that intrigues will be built behind your back. To avoid such situations, choose your social circle more carefully and listen to your inner voice. If you do not nip in the bud the intrigues that are being woven against you, then in the future they can have an impact on your personal life and career. Troubles can be avoided if you are careful.

In the first half of the year, one of the leading roles in Scorpio’s life will be played by his friends.

Spending time together will increase, and even more common interests will appear. It is quite possible that one of your friends may need serious help - do not refuse him under any circumstances.

Perhaps you can change the life of another person in better side. Your family and friends may not approve of such active participation in the lives of your friends, try to explain everything to them, choose the right words, and then you will be able to resolve the conflict without significant damage to all its participants.

In the year of the Rooster, Scorpios will be full of new ideas; you will want to implement all your plans at once. Don’t be torn into pieces, choose something that is most meaningful to you and develop in that direction. Also, do not ignore the advice and tips that your loved ones and friends are trying to convey to you, because they only want the best. When you encounter the first obstacles, you will want to give up everything, but you should not give up and despair. The stars guarantee that luck will smile on Scorpios this year, and their efforts will not be in vain.

The most favorable period for implementing such ideas will be mid-2017. I will simply fill the representatives of the Scorpio sign with creative impulses and imagination. Now you may have the opportunity to do what you have dreamed of for many years in a row. You just need to tune in to the right mood and believe in your capabilities.

Love horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Scorpios will have new and interesting acquaintances. With one of them, you may well end up with something serious. The chance to build long-term relationships is especially great in the fall and early winter. But be careful and try to devote more time to your loved one, otherwise discontent may develop into conflict. Please your soulmate with pleasant little things: take you to the cinema, give gifts. Such actions will calm your relationship and peace will reign in it.

For representatives of the Scorpio sign who have already started a family, their personal life will also not stand still. But, in addition to pleasant and memorable moments, there will also be room for controversial situations. Relatives may begin to put pressure on Scorpio, demanding that he participate in certain household duties. Such little things can develop into a significant conflict. It will be very important to try to avoid quarrels and resolve everything peacefully. It is the eloquent Scorpio who will be the person who can agree on everything. As a result, household members will listen to you and family relationships will improve again.

In 2017, Scorpio's relatives will need his approval and support. Treat your loved ones more loyally. Don’t get too caught up in criticism, because you might offend someone. A good option for uniting relationships between family members would be outdoor trips and joint events.

Children of Scorpios in the year of the Rooster will try in every possible way to please them. They will achieve high grades in academic performance, and their behavior will be virtually ideal. Such successes are definitely worth encouraging. Pamper your child with gifts and trips to the movies.

Representatives of the Scorpio sign will also enjoy success with the opposite sex.

Money and career horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

In the first half of the year, the work environment for Scorpio will not be the most rosy. There will be nervousness in the air, and moods will constantly change. You will have to take on more than just your responsibilities, which will be very annoying. Fatigue will reach such a level that you will want to give up everything and just leave. In such a situation, the right decision would be to calm down and try to understand the current circumstances. If you manage to do this, then soon everything will begin to improve, and you will look at your activities from a completely different angle. Positive attitude will increase efficiency, and this will entail increased profits. Relationships with the team will also become more stable.

Scorpio should pay more attention to relationships with business partners. It is likely that these connections will play a role in the future.

IN conflict situations, which may be in the team, it is better not to interfere and try to ignore them. With this position, you simply will not waste your energy. Towards the end of the year, the psychological atmosphere in the team will be quite friendly - quarrels and gossip will remain a thing of the past for some time and will no longer affect work productivity.

For representatives of this sign, 2017 will be a great time to rise up in the eyes of your colleagues and superiors; you will be valued even more. Try to use all your talents and strengths for this. This can help you achieve a long-awaited promotion. It is better to leave the very end of the year for the development of new projects; now it will be possible to extract the maximum benefit from them.

The financial situation of Scorpios in 2017 will be quite enviable. If financial expenses and they will, then all this will happen only on your initiative. It is likely that you will want to make expensive repairs to your apartment, and maybe even get another home. Such investments will always be profitable.

Also, do not be afraid to lend money to someone - it will quickly return to you and you will support the person during a difficult period, which will have a positive effect on your relationship.

Health horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

Year of the Rooster good time for Scorpios to take care of themselves. First of all, you should think about getting rid of bad habits. Now is the moment when you will be able to quit smoking. You should also be more careful in choosing the food you consume - try to avoid fast food. All these dependencies can soon lead to the appearance of diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the functioning of the heart and endocrine system. To normalize metabolism in the body and improve tone in general, good option There will be swimming and long walks in the fresh air.

At the end of the year, there is a high risk of depression and psychological depression. The best way out in in this case There will be a trip or meditation.

The coming 2017 has prepared many surprises for Scorpios. One of these surprises is the opportunity and desire to be away from the hustle and bustle, relax and focus on your priorities, life goals and desires.

Throughout the year, try to devote more time to yourself, even if it is difficult. Win your personal space, try to explain to your relatives, children and loved ones that you need to gain strength and rest. The second half of the year will be a favorable time to take a step towards your dreams. Whatever it is, and whatever goals you set for yourself, fate will give all Scorpios the opportunity to be heard and bring what they want to the end.

Horoscope for Scorpios for 2017 by month

January and February 2017 They will bring you creative inspiration and allow you to devote more time to your favorite activities. Now you feel spiritual and full of ideas and the desire to bring them to life, but avoid increased activity and try to rest more, since it will be difficult for the body to withstand high loads.

March and April may not be the easiest months this year, because they will require your attention to detail and diligence in your work. Difficulties may arise at work at this time, which will manifest themselves to a greater extent not in you, but in the company you work for. The problems will end closer to May.

Summer months will be quite active, although you will be under pressure, and people will expect concrete results from you, and not just words or promises. Get ready to act and do not give in to difficulties.

September and October can bring back into your life those people who were once your close friends, but by the will of fate your paths diverged.

November will help you formulate your main plans for next year and highlight the most important, and December will be the most active month.

Scorpio Man: Red Fire Rooster forecast for 2017 Scorpio men are one of the most difficult signs for relationships because subconsciously they strive for control over their lover. More than anything else, they want a relationship in which security and merging of two people will reign, but they do not always achieve this using simple and easy methods. Most often, they choose a difficult road of attempts at control, restrictions and jealousy. Such men can be very jealous, and it is not always easy to come to an agreement with them, so some women may experience difficulties in relationships with Scorpios.

In the coming year, men born under the sign of Scorpio will have the opportunity to strengthen their social position. In the second half of the year, you will have ideas that can benefit your company and others around you. Feel free to use your connections to make your ideas come true.

Scorpio Woman: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster Women born under the sign of Scorpio most often have incredible charm and magnetism. You can immediately recognize them by their deep eyes and a look from which you want to hide. Such women are a whole hurricane of emotions inside, and if they are offended, they will not be able to react calmly. But they are good and faithful wives and girlfriends, but it is difficult to expect support from them. Rather, they will be ready to give you a “magic kick” rather than a friendly pat on the shoulder. However, many people will find this option of friendly interaction suitable and enjoyable.

This year, one of your priorities should be health and privacy. You don’t have to go to the ends of the earth from your loved ones to relax, but you don’t have to feel embarrassed or guilty for wanting to spend a week away from your family. Try to worry less, and if you feel overwhelmed by emotions, be sure to give yourself a little rest.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for 2017

The most romantic months will be June and November. In June, focus on meeting new people or deepening relationships with those you like. Since this is the most favorable and romantic period for your sign, almost all matters related to relationships and love will be successful at this time. You can make dates and meet new people, renew relationships with former lovers and give your suitors the opportunity to prove themselves. November, unlike June, will bring you a lot of Venus energy, which you will want to spend on yourself. At this time, it is favorable to update your wardrobe and search for style, harmonious image, which will highlight all your beauty and make men passing by turn around after you.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Scorpios do not belong to the category of people who will be very concerned about their professional growth and career this year. On the contrary, many Scorpios will want to go into the shadows in the first half of the year and will do everything possible not to be disturbed. Yours state of mind very fragile this year, so try to rest more often and bring yourself into a state of harmony. Give yourself a break and choose the relaxation method that suits you. Those few who truly understand their career goals for the year can step up their game in the second half of the year. At this time, luck will move to the side of Scorpios and will help to implement most of their plans in a short time.

Forecast for Scorpios according to the Chinese horoscope

Scorpio-Tiger: Favorable year for any type of cooperation. It doesn't matter if you plan to create a joint project with an interesting business partner or want to organize a party with a friend. Remember to lean on someone else's shoulder this year.

Scorpio-Rabbit: Good year for changes in place of residence, renovation of an apartment. Declutter your life - starting with your home and throwing out all the things you don't use; and ending with your social circle and those people who spoil your mood day after day.

Scorpio-Dragon: If you decide to set new goals for yourself this year and decide on the result, then you will definitely be able to achieve them. The main thing is that you must constantly keep the image of the goal in front of you to achieve results.

Scorpio-Snake: This year is suitable for getting rid of what has been causing you inconvenience for a long time. Make a list of such things or activities and get rid of them consistently throughout the year.

Scorpio-Horse: Take more care of your health, get examined by a doctor and take measures to strengthen your body. You will be able to achieve your goals this year, but only if you are sure that everything is ok with you.

Scorpio-Goat: A favorable year, which is suitable for renewing your social circle. You will be able to find new friends or acquaintances with similar interests, and some of them will become your close friends in the future.

Scorpio-Monkey: This year you will have a lot of energy, so it is recommended to exercise more, which will stimulate you and help occupy your free time. If there is no need for sports, try to be outdoors more often.

Scorpio-Rooster: Watch your diet this year. Improper nutrition will take away strength from the body and will not give you the opportunity to realize all your desires.

Scorpio-Dog: The coming year will be favorable in the area of ​​money and income. The likelihood of receiving expensive gifts or financial assistance is very high.

Scorpio-Pig: You spend a lot of energy and attention on solving other people's problems. Focus on yourself this year, say no to all those who can handle their problems themselves, and then you will see how much energy you have freed up.


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