Games for talking on the phone. Methodological development (junior group) on the topic: Didactic game “Telephone conversation”

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Games by correspondence with a guy

What can you play via correspondence on VKontakte

A pleasant conversation with a girl you like may end quickly, but how can you prolong the dialogue and be interesting? Eat great way have fun, for example, play via correspondence on Vkontakte.

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Choose what to play via VK correspondence.

In fact, there are enough games that you can play in the chat, you can choose each time new game and thereby diversify your communication. Some of the games are very funny, and there is also where you need to think.

Game: “What I love!”

Take turns writing to each other what you love.

For example: He: - Pizza She: - Vacations He: - Motorcycles She: - Ice cream And so on...

Game: "Decryption"

Write to each other from 2 to 4 letters, this is like an abbreviation of any name or institution.

For example: He: ULTon: Narrow Beam Transgenerator She: PTVOn: Primary Brake ShaftOn: ShMP and so on...

Game: "Associations"

The interlocutors name the word with which it is associated, the previous one. An excellent topic not only to play by correspondence, but also to get to know each other better.

For example: He: Hiking She: Tent He: Fishing She: Ear

Game: “Two words”

The participant writes 2 words, for example: “iron tree”, the second one chooses one of two words and explains why he made this choice.

For example: He: Catamaran steamboat" She: Steamboat - you can sail on it comfortably, you don’t need to turn the pedals... She: Love is enmity He: Love - Loving is better than hating...

Game: "Cities"

We write one by one the names of cities starting with the letter of the last one.

For example: He: Moscow She: Anapa He: Astrakhan She: Novosibirsk

Game: "Plus and Minus"

Write a phrase, the second participant names the pros and cons, an excellent way to play by correspondence in VK.

For example: He: The car broke down. She: I can walk more, that’s a plus. You’ll have to pay money for repairs, this is a minus. She: It’s suddenly colder. He: There’s a great excuse to go to a cafe and drink hot coffee, this is a plus. You need to wear a lot warm clothes, this is a minus.

Game: “Yes, but”

Complete the previous phrase with “Yes, but” and continue with your own sentence.

Example: He: It will soon be evening and it will become dark. She: Yes, but the evening sunset is very beautiful. He: Yes, but if you are carried away by the sunset, you can skip the evening movie. She: Yes, but no one has canceled the night show at the cinema.

Game: “I Know 5”

People list 5 words said by another interlocutor.

For example: He: I know 5 vegetables. She: These vegetables are Cabbage, onions, potatoes, radishes, turnips. She: I know 5 brands of cars. He: These brands of cars are Mercedes, Toyota, Skoda, Renault, Lada.

Play by correspondence correctly.

If you can play by correspondence with a girl, we figured it out. For guys, it’s not a bad idea to learn how to communicate correctly with a girl, so as not to remain just a friend with whom you can have fun playing by correspondence. It is better when such a game takes up only a small part of the time, between real meetings, the following article will help you with this: (See How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte).

P. S. If you know any other games for correspondence on VK, we will be glad if you share them in the comments.

9 romantic games for lovers

What does it take to give your loved one an amazing evening? Of course, candles and music will come in handy, but for the perfect romantic evening, a game will always come in handy. The game is bewitching, enchanting, light, but at the same time promising a very serious, full of passion, continuation. I will write this post from the perspective of a guy. Well, just because I'm a guy :)


The players take turns taking off their clothes and putting them on a chair or on the floor. As you like... Whoever stops first loses. It is necessary to determine in advance whether keys, coins, tokens, etc. taken out of a pocket are considered to be a removed item.


We will write words on the back of our beloved with our finger. Her task is to read the secret message left on the back. Punishment can be a kiss. The more failures, the lower you need to go when kissing your beloved. This game can be a prelude or a consequence of a massage. Or maybe even something more...


For this game you will have to prepare four records. One for yourself, and three for your beloved. The plates must be placed... between the bodies). It is better to prepare slow music to start the game. The music starts and the dance begins. The goal of the game is not to lose a single record while dancing, and to do this you will have to dance closely clinging to each other. By the middle of the game, it is better to include rhythmic and fiery dances. You want someone to lose ;)


You can play this game with your loved one while watching a movie at home. You need to make some wish specific action heroes of the film. When these actions are completed, kiss each other. For example, you can guess the following actions of the characters: when the film hero drinks coffee, answers a phone call, etc.


The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The number that appears indicates what he will do if it is: 1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - squeeze, 5 - bite, 6 - lick. The same player rolls the die a second time. The number drawn shows which part of the body he will do this with: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - neck. It’s better to write everything down on a piece of paper so you don’t get confused.


Before the date, each of you must think of a word. If during a date someone utters a word intended by another, then at the same moment he receives a kiss for it.


Draw lip prints on the girl's body. You can use lipstick, confectionery paints, jam, cream, chocolate as a pencil... The next step is to kiss each print.


This is the same twister that you play with friends. The only difference is that now you do it alone with your loved one and completely naked. Do not forget to press tightly against each other while playing. Although, even if you don’t want to, it’s a twister! Have to...


When you have a lot of time and a good mood, you can fool around a little and dress up as each other. Each next thing will delight you more and more. Don't forget the underwear, it's the most fun.

What games can you play with a pen pal?

What games can you play with a pen pal?

I don't remember the name of this game. The principle is as follows.

One player wishes for an object. It could be anything (table, sun, shampoo). The main thing is that the word does not denote some concept that cannot be seen (fun, kindness). And, of course, so that it is not a term known only to people of a certain profession. That is, the word is guessed in such a way that the second player can guess it.

The second player's task is to guess the word. To do this, he has the right to ask the first questions. But there is a condition: the first player can only answer yes or no to these questions. For example: Is this item larger than a tablespoon? - Yes. You cannot ask or answer questions that assume any answer other than yes and no. For example, you cannot ask: What color is this object?

The game can go on as long as it takes time to solve it. You can also limit the time. Or limit the quantity questions asked. That is, the rules can be regulated by agreeing on this.

One player has guessed the word - so now it’s his turn to guess.

We used to play like this with the whole family on long winter evenings, when there were times of planned power outages for an hour and a half.

My friend and I played Love is...))))) He sent me a picture where it says Love is, and I had to complete the picture according to the picture. It was a lot of fun, my answers and comments were far from the truth, we laughed about it for a long time.))))))

In addition to the usual banal games, such as tic-tac-toe, sea battle, there is an interesting game. In English it is called Truth or dare. The Russian equivalent is truth or dare. I think this is great option even by correspondence. Also a plus is that you have time to come up with interesting action and the right question

If you do not want to play some pre-selected game over the network with your friend, then you can easily play games via correspondence such as

  • Sea battle.
  • Cities (Words), i.e. the last letter of each word will serve as the first letter for the next one.
  • I can / I can’t. In this game, everyone takes turns naming what they can do and what they cannot do. This toy will allow you not only to relax, but also to get to know your interlocutor better.
  • Tic-tac-toe.
  • That I love.
  • Pros/cons
  • You can play truth or dare without action) by taking turns asking each other questions without the option of refusing to answer. As you understand, questions can be anything - from small to large) In association, this is also possible - this is when you take turns telling each other a word or their combinations (the answer is more interesting when there is only one word or at most two), and the opponent tells, say, a story from his memories, which he associates with this word or phrase. Try it, I recommend it!

    If you want to play with a pen pal, directly in a social game, then I can recommend the game - truth - action. You can also successfully play four photos one answer with a friend, and also a very popular game 100 to 1 - these are logical tasks.

    But you can also play other popular games, not in social networks, because now there are many games with built-in chat through which you can communicate with your friend.

    Cities, rivers, names, quizzes, logic riddles, 4 photos, one answer, hundred to one

    I suggest the game Bummer. The game is simple: the first participant writes some action, for example, I am eating cake, and the second participant answers with something funny and absurd: with cockroaches. Then the second participant writes the action: I fall asleep and the second answers: with the boss, and so on.

    The most interesting game that is possible over a long distance is truth-dare. The point is that you ask each other different questions, but the interlocutor has no right not to answer.

    Or you can also play like this: you yourself come up with a description for some object and send it to your interlocutor, who should send back what you wished for and vice versa.

    What to play on VK by correspondence? Human ingenuity has no limits and sometimes leads to amazing discoveries. On the VK page, first of all, I want to look latest events, and then play games with friends.

    You can endlessly come up with new games, choosing what to play on VK by correspondence. This list will help you choose the right game.

    1. Game “Is it possible or not?”;
    2. Game “Trick Questions”;
    3. Game "Was there yesterday?";
    4. Game "Finish the quatrain";
    5. Game "Make a poem"
    6. "Encryption";
    7. Game "From long to short";
    8. Game "Guess the word";

    Games with questions

    The most common games that you can play on VK by appointment with a guy are games that include many questions.

    • Game "Can I or can I not?" consists of one player asking a question that contains one of these words. The other player must respond in kind. Questions can be very diverse: both serious and comic.
    • Game “Trick Questions”: the first player asks a question by inserting a word that does not fit the meaning. The second player must answer full sentence, making sure to use this false word.
    • Game “Was there yesterday?” The essence of the game is that one player asks: “Were you, for example, at the football game yesterday?” The second player's task is to answer honestly.

    Poetry games

    If a guy needs to impress a girl, he can read poetry to her. And in order to play VK by correspondence with a girl, there are the following games:

    • “Finish the quatrain.” One player writes three lines of a famous poem, and the other must remember and add the fourth. If the player finds it difficult to answer, then he comes up with the last line himself. You can complicate the task by writing your own personal poem.
    • Similar game"Make a poem." One of the players is offered two pairs of rhyming words. From them he must compose a poem.
    • Another interesting game is “Encryption”. One player needs to write three capital letters and send it to another, whose task is to come up with a decoding of these letters.

    Word games

    You can also play games with words on VK by correspondence.

    • The game “From long to short” is that one player writes one big word and take turns with a friend to make words from it. The one who can no longer think of a single word loses.
    • Game “Guess the Word”. In this game, one person writes a word by rearranging the letters, and the other must name the word correctly.

    All correspondence games on VK are logic games which train memory well, develop imagination and accompany good mood.

    Games for couples in love or how to diversify your relationship?

    A surprise or just a pleasant pastime is something that each of the couple in love wants to organize for their loved one. Some resort to traveling together, others to unusual walks, and others come up with something else.

    Games for couples can serve as an example of “something else.” Have you heard of this? Then be sure to read the article below. We promise there will be no vulgarity.

    Active entertainment

    Games for couples in love will refresh your senses

    First, let's pay attention to those games for lovers where you have to be “active.” Best options Similar entertainments are described below.

    A moderately active game, suitable for lovers who are already at an advanced stage of communication. The essence of this entertainment is as follows:

    • The lovers determine among themselves which elements they are wearing they will consider clothing. For example, are socks two items or one?
    • After this, the playing pair tosses a coin or otherwise determines which of them will start the game.
    • Then each of them, naturally taking into account the previously drawn lot, takes off his things one by one and puts them somewhere. Whoever stops first or gets completely naked loses.

    Duelists is exactly the kind of game that, perhaps, will not only entertain lovers, but also develop into something more...

    Unusual dances

    The main thing is not to quarrel when determining the winner

    In order to play this game, you will have to do some preparation. More precisely, you need to get four records (to play music).

    After this, in the appropriate environment, you can start having fun. The rules of the game are as follows:

    1. Slow music starts first.
    2. Then the lovers place 2 or 4 plates between them and press against each other (it is advisable to place the plates without placing them one on top of the other, but place them separately).
    3. After this the dance begins.
    4. By the middle of the game, you can speed up the tempo of the music. The loser is the one whose fault the last record falls.

    The main thing in “unusual dances” is not to quarrel when determining the winner. If you succeed, consider it a success.

    This type of entertainment does not have any particular difficulties and is quite fun to enjoy. In the process of such a game, one “beloved” changes into the clothes of another “beloved”. At will, the rules of the game can be modified and modernized.

    Entertainment of this kind is valuable because it has no winner and is aimed only at making a couple in love fool around, lift their spirits and just have a good time.

    Perhaps a game familiar to many. Regarding the couple in love, this game can be modernized. Most good example will put the Twister card on the bed and play it there with your loved one.

    If desired, the rules of such entertainment, again, can be modified. For example, playing naked or partially naked. In general, it all depends on the imagination and desires of the couple.

    Love hide and seek

    Games for couples in love - not only for young people, but also suitable for married couples

    The essence of this game has little in common with ordinary hide and seek, because it is as follows:

    1. First, the couple determines the “seeker” by drawing lots.
    2. Secondly, the person they are looking for takes two glasses and pours champagne into them.
    3. Thirdly, the “seeker” blindfolds himself with a non-transparent cloth.
    4. Fourthly, with his “equipment”, the “sought” couple finds a secluded place in an apartment or a separate room (of course, you shouldn’t crawl into a closet).
    5. And fifthly, the search begins. The one they are looking for may well give hints to the “detective” by tapping glasses or whistling.

    If the “love hide and seek” ends successfully, you can drink champagne for brotherhood and continue spending time together.

    As you can see, active games for lovers have plenty of room to have fun. The main thing is the desire to have fun and a proactive approach to business.

    Games of wits

    Romantic feelings need to be nourished with appropriate emotions and mood!

    Let's say you have a couple of intellectuals. In this case it will be ideal option arrange entertainment to test your wits. Luckily, there are plenty of them for couples in love. Let's look at the top three.

    Guess the word

    Quite an interesting entertainment associated with the senses of touch and directly with the ability to think. The essence of the game “Guess the Word” is that on the open torso (preferably the back), one of the couple in love gives a massage to the other.

    In between the corresponding movements, the “massage therapist” must use his finger to clearly write a specific word on the back of his loved one 2-3 times. Each of the couple does similar manipulations several times. Whoever guessed the most words or was close to it won.


    A game familiar to everyone without exception. Its essence is as follows:

    • One of the pair thinks of a word and writes it down on a piece of paper, after which he hides it nearby.
    • Then the same person tries to explain the intended word to his loved one using gestures.
    • You are given 5 minutes to explain, and the piece of paper is used to ensure that no one deceives each other.
    • Inventing punishments for those who do not guess the words will help make “Pantonyms” even more interesting. For example, give coffee or a massage to the winner. In general, if you wish, you can give free rein to your imagination.

    Lovers Lottery

    The essence of this game is that, before the start of the game, each of the pair writes down 10-15 questions regarding life together lovers (date of meeting, first kiss, etc.). After this, all questions from both lovers are placed in some container and mixed.

    Then each of them, in turn, takes a question out of the container and answers accordingly. Game goes up last sheet. The winner is determined by the number of given answers: whoever answered better and more correctly wins.

    To make the entertainment more interesting, you can also come up with a punishment for the loser or something like that.

    Romantic options for entertainment

    At the end of the article, let's talk about perhaps the most important thing for any couple in love - romance. As for romantic entertainment, there are a lot of them, but the most interesting ones are presented in the following list:

    Clockwork cubes

    So, for this entertainment, take two leaves and two dice. On each sheet of paper, make a numbered list, on one of them write six actions (kiss, squeeze, bite, lick, etc.), and on the other six body parts (lips, forehead, cheek, nose, etc.).

    Then, alternately throwing the dice, do what you get. Perhaps you will get carried away and the entertainment will develop into something more...

    Magic word

    The game is extremely simple, requiring only two actions:

    • Secretly with your loved one, make a wish for words from everyday life (one word each).
    • During a date, keep an eye on whether your partner says the word you wished for or not.
    • If yes, feel free to kiss without warning.

    Drawing and kissing

    Also, everything is extremely simple. One of the couple draws 5 lip prints on their body with lipstick, and the other must kiss them directly on the drawn print. Whoever does it faster wins.

    Movie buffs

    Entertainment perfect for couples who love to watch movies together. To play “movie buffs”, lovers just need to make one or two wishes, during which the movie characters will kiss. Thus, it is very easy to add variety to watching your favorite films, making your vacation even more relaxing.


    The game follows a familiar principle. Moreover, to improve it, it is necessary to write on 10 pieces of paper any intimate actions, after hitting them with the bottle, the person twisting it must perform such actions in relation to his loved one.

    Perhaps that’s all for the most interesting games for couples in love. We hope the information presented above was useful to you. Love and happiness!

    Board game In Love - game review:

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    Ideas for long distance relationships - World of entertainment ideas

    Various problems arise in relationships and in this article you will learn how you can cope with the problem of long-distance relationships. We will not discuss the ideas of correspondence and calls via telephone, we will not touch upon ordinary communication via a webcam. Everything that will be in this article is original and interesting ideas for long-distance relationships that will help you feel each other as much as possible and understand what long-distance relationships can be!

    1. Watch a movie, TV series or program together. Download the same movie or rent it and watch it together via a webcam. You can also watch any movies online. For a long-distance relationship, I think it would be appropriate to watch romantic comedies, but if you want something special, you can watch horror films.

    2. Send flowers This option is, of course, more suitable for guys. On the Internet you can find a lot of online companies that will deliver flowers anywhere in the world, and the flowers will not wither.

    3. Write letters And no, it won't be emails. The beauty lies in an ordinary letter written by hand. You can make it a tradition to write romantic letters to each other on the 10th of every month and send them via snail mail.

    4. Take a photo! You can add new photos to the previous idea. Take a photo of yourself and put the photo in the envelope with the letter. As a result, when your loved one receives the letter, he will also see your new photo and will be able to admire her as much as he wants, even when he cannot see you on the Internet via a webcam.

    5. Start a journal! What's wrong with that? Register a general account at and add interesting posts, films, videos, and so on there. Agree in advance on the topic of the magazine.

    6. Play games This is a great idea! Go to, click on “games” and connect to one table. You can play different Interesting games. Of course, you can search for much more on the Internet. online games for your situation.

    7. Sing karaoke On, an English site, there is an opportunity to sing songs together. If you understand English, you will be able to understand what’s what, and then sing various popular foreign songs together through microphones! I'd try it if I were you.

    8. Listen to the same music Yes different ways listen to the same thing, but one of the easiest ways is to turn on the same radio. So you can be on the same page while communicating or studying different things. The main thing is that the radio is always with you. I recommend LOVE RADIO.

    9. Have a virtual wedding. What do you think of the idea? In my opinion, she is simply perfect! Go to, register the time of the wedding, go through the ceremony and receive a marriage certificate! Life is simply wonderful. But the most important thing is to offer your hand and heart beautifully so that they answer YES.

    10. Send a letter to yourself in the future. Go to, fill out the fields, write the desired letter, set the date of receipt and on the specified day the letter will arrive at your general mail! Oh yes, create your common mail and send the same letter to 2 mails.

    11. Cook something Find something harmless recipe dessert that will not spoil within 3-5 days and prepare it. Send the prepared treat by mail to your loved one. In a few days, when he receives the package, he will definitely call you and say just a huge thank you for such goodies and care.

    12. Take a virtual trip! Yes, it's possible. Visit and take yourself on a tour of the world. Captivating. I have already been to Antarctica.

    13. Play truth or dare I think everyone has played this game at least once in their life. It has always been called differently, but the essence is the same. Some of you ask “Question or task?” You have to choose one thing. If there is a question, then you can ask any question to the participant and the truth is obligatory! And if there is a task, then any task is invented that the player must complete. That's all. You can play this game via a webcam. You will learn a lot about each other, and also have a nice conversation.

    14. Look at each other from the side If you have ordinary laptop computers, then go outside, sit somewhere, turn on the web camera, put the computer on a support and walk along the line of sight of the camera, so that on the other side they can see you walking. It will feel as if you are sitting next to you, and your friend decided to take a walk or go order something to drink. The main thing is that the computer is not stolen.

    15. Have a romantic dinner. The idea is quite realistic, but you will have to work hard with the decor. It is advisable to prepare the same dish, light a candle by the computer, dress appropriately, fill glasses and have a nice conversation as during dinner. I think this is a very romantic idea for a long distance relationship. And don't forget about romantic music.

    16. Virtual sex Where would we be without this? Here I think we can add only one thing - don’t be shy with each other. You love each other, which means everything you do, you do for the relationship.

    Play this game better company from 5 people. How more people in a chain, the more fun and unpredictable the result is. All players sit in a row on a bench or log so that it is convenient to whisper in each other’s ears. If you play at home, any sofa will do. This is a game that develops attentiveness, hearing and a sense of humor. :-)

    Rules of the game Damaged phone

    Leading makes a wish word And whispers to the first player so that the others do not hear. The first player whispers into the ear of the second player what he managed to hear. The second whispers the word to the third, and so on down the chain. Last player out loud calls what I heard. This is usually very different from words, hidden leading and causes general merriment.

    The last player becomes the leader, and everyone else “moves” along the bench. The former presenter takes the place of the first player.

    • To make the result funnier, players try to speak very quickly and very quietly.
    • To complicate the game, you can say not a word, but a whole phrase.

    If the company is very large, you can split into two teams and arrange competition. In this case, the leader whispers the same word to each team. The team whose result is most similar to the given word runs.

    Video game "Broken Phone":

    IN Google Play There are a lot of such games, and it doesn’t matter whether they require you to access a shared Wi-Fi network or use Bluetooth, or simply allow you to play on the screen of one device - the main thing is that you do it in cheerful company and have a blast.


    This is one of the most stylish side-scrollers on mobile platforms, winning many awards thanks to its original silhouette graphics, spectacular and varied levels full of dangers and a great soundtrack. All this combined creates an eerie, mysterious atmosphere - the very one for which this game is so famous. But it was on our list not only because of this - the authors implemented an original local multiplayer in it for four players. Your task in this game mode is to survive, no matter what, ahead of your opponents and without feeling much pity for them when it comes to your own life. This mode is implemented as cooperative multiplayer on one device.

    Minecraft PE

    If you get tired of crafting alone or surviving in this mega-popular sandbox game, then you can explore its incredible worlds together with friends in local multiplayer mode. To create a local server, you all need to be within the coverage area of ​​the same Wi-Fi network, and then one of the worlds will become your joint adventure, where amazing landscapes, strange creatures and complete freedom of action await you.


    Another sandbox with open world on our list - with a variety of biomes, a huge assortment of enemies and their bosses, with the opportunity not only to craft, build and survive, but also to fight, have pets and of course, communicate with friends. Local multiplayer in this game requires you to share a Wi-Fi network - and that's it. Gather up to four friends and survive together in cross-platform mode.

    Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders

    Here you will find air battles that are spectacular and realistic, as well as magnificent landscapes and weather special effects. Plunge into the atmosphere of World War II, take part in battles over Pearl Harbor and Pas de Calais, bomb enemy positions, control real-life aircraft and fight side by side with friends. For this purpose, the game provides local multiplayer - both cooperative and competitive, which can be implemented in the same Wi-Fi zone. It provides 6 modes: Free play, Team play, Survival, Stay alive, Assault and Capture the flag.

    Angry Birds Go!

    Are you ready for a dizzying race, when well-known characters from the Angry Birds franchise will be behind the wheel - both angry birds and their eternal rivals, green pigs? This game offers a variety of fast tracks, surprises and daily events, tricks and tricks, car upgrades and character development. And, most importantly, why this game ended up in our selection - local multiplayer over Wi-Fi, during which you can race on the tracks of this game with your friends to find out which of you is the coolest racer.

    Farming Simulator 16

    Do you want to try yourself as a farmer? Then get behind the wheel of a tractor or combine, grow crops, raise animals, trade and develop your business. Realistic graphics await you, wide choose technology from famous manufacturers, a dynamically changing economy and the opportunity to compete for the title of best farmer with friends - for this, the game provides local multiplayer, implemented both via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

    Battleship 2

    Who is not familiar with this game? Almost each of us drew notebook sheets into squares, placing ships and mines on the playing field. Now you will see the same checkered piece of paper with ships on it on the screens of your mobile devices. Except naval battles With rivals around the world, here you can challenge your friends to battle - either by playing with a friend on the same device, or by challenging him via Bluetooth.

    Riptide GP®2

    Futuristic jet boat racing - why not compete with friends? You will find breathtaking stunts and incredible speeds, upgrades and tuning of your boats, realistic physics of water behavior and many exciting races. In addition to the single-player campaign and online competitions, you can organize local races, gathering up to 4 friends in split-screen mode.

    Friut Ninja

    And again the competition, but this time in cutting fruit: who will do it faster - you or your friend? Test your dexterity and accuracy in local multiplayer on one device. This way you can always find out who is better at swiping, who is faster at cutting watermelons and dealing with pineapples.

    Add here constantly updated content - and you will understand why this development is still popular.

    Virtual Table Tennis™

    This physics-based 3D game offers table tennis matches that are truly close to the real thing. The movements of the ball and rackets are thought out and drawn perfectly, so you won’t find a better simulator. And you can play with friends both online and locally - sitting next to each other and intensely fighting via Bluetooth.

    What to play on your phone to pass your time? We have collected for you best games, which have ever been released on the AppStore and Google Play. Evaluate them not only by descriptions, but also by screenshots. Find the game of your dreams that will help you plunge into an amazing world.

    Banner Saga

    The role-playing game is shrouded in medieval Scandinavian mysteries and tells about the life of the Vikings in some shaggy century. There is everything here: winter, love, heavy chain mail, and enemies. The outcome of events in the game depends on your actions. You need to look for balance not only in decision making, but also in the distribution of resources in order to survive in harsh conditions.

    Genre: adventures with strategy and quest elements

    Price: AppStore– 749 rubles, Google Play– 590 rubles.

    The game exists only in English, and has not yet been translated into Russian.


    What games can you play on your phone to avoid getting bored while traveling? Check out the game Framed, which is a cool interactive animated comic. The spy saga tells about the unusual everyday life of a secret agent. And the player here acts as an eminence grise who needs in the right order arrange the windows with the plot. Otherwise… main character will fall into the tenacious hands of the police.

    Genre: logics

    Price: AppStore– 299 rubles, Google Play– 179 rubles.

    Quite often, the game is sold at a discount in the AppStore and costs only 15 rubles. It's important to capture this moment.


    If you don’t know what to play on your phone to make it interesting, then Beholder for you. According to the plot, the player is asked to be the manager of the house. Everything seems to be fine, but someone from above orders the main character to keep an eye on his tenants and neighbors... Plus, a huge amount of life situations that the manager must decide. Sometimes the choice is on the brink...

    Genre: quest

    Price: AppStore– 379 rubles, Google Play– 149 rubles.

    Gardenscapes and Homescapes

    What games should I play on my phone so that I can log in every day and complete some tasks? Two parts of one toy are suitable for this. This Gardenscapes And Homescapes. Everything is simple here.

    In the first part, you need to take care of the garden: clean the area, plant new plants and flowers, buy decorative elements etc. In the second part you need to do approximately the same thing: clear debris from the rooms, buy new equipment, wallpaper and put the house in order.

    Genre: casual

    Price: .

    Minion Rush

    If you don’t know what to play on your phone for children and adults, then funny minions come to the rescue. A game Minion Rush is a fun runner with a huge number of locations and different tasks. Collect bananas and rewards, and use them to buy minions, each of which has a special superpower.

    Genre: runner


    Tricky test

    What can you play for free on your phone to test your wits? This is popular Tricky test, which captured a huge number of minds. It contains a huge number of riddles that challenge logic and ingenuity. Sometimes the answers are right there! Don’t rush to Google, you can guess and find a solution yourself.

    Genre: logics

    Price: for free

    The Cave

    The Cave is one of the best story games. If you are still thinking about what to play on your phone, then take a closer look at it. Here you can play as several characters at once. And each of them goes through their own special path. The game is simply 10 out of 10!

    Genre: adventures

    Price: AppStore- 5 dollars, Google Play– 192 rubles.

    The game may not be available in the Russian AppStore for some time, and may not be available on iOS 11. The solution to these problems depends on the developers and Apple.

    The Room

    What to play on your phone: iPhone or Android? Super cool puzzle The Room Anyone who loves secret doors, secrets, when you open a drawer, and there is a second bottom, and there is a key that opens the door on the ceiling, will absolutely love it. And from there a projector comes down, which shines on the wall and shows a secret message or code. We recommend downloading for those who love similar topics! There have already been 3 parts of this amazing game.

    Genre: puzzle

    Price: Each part costs differently. On average in AppStore– from 75 to 299 rubles, in Google Play– from 59 rubles.

    Cold heart

    What interesting games can you play on your phone so that you can put pebbles or figures three in a row? The wonderful game Frozen will keep you hooked for a long time. The levels are difficult, but you can pass them with the help of special features that you can get in the game.

    Genre: three in a row

    Price: free (in-app purchases possible)


    A cool horror game for those who are not afraid to stay in the dark and go through the entire storyline with headphones. The game may not be available in the Russian AppStore for some time, and may not be available on iOS 11. The solution to these problems depends on the developers and Apple.

    Genre: horror

    Price: AppStore– 75 rubles, Google Play– 99 rubles.

    The Sims FreePlay

    If you want to play The Sims, but don’t know what to play similar on your phone, then this is for you The Sims FreePlay. Everything here is almost the same as in the computer version: follow the lives of Sims, cook food, make friends, go to work, relax and much more.

    Genre: life simulator

    Price: for free

    Sim City Buildit

    What to play on your phone to build the city of your dreams? Will help pass the time Sim City Buildit. Build a city, set your own laws and taxes, trade resources and get rich!

    Genre: town planner

    Price: free (in-app purchases possible)

    Farm Village 2: rural retreat

    If you were looking for interesting games to play on your phone, then choose Farm Village 2: rural retreat. This is a farm where you can grow vegetables, rye, fruits, have animals, catch fish or something larger.

    Genre: farm

    Price: free (in-app purchases possible)


    Oxenfree refers to those games that are worth playing on your phone. Everything here is quite foggy and mysterious, but this is precisely what attracts the plot. Several teenagers are going to relax on an island that is shrouded in a lot of legends... What awaits them there? Anyone who loves mysticism should download it!

    Genre: adventures with quest elements

    Price: AppStore- 5 dollars, Google Play– 289 rubles.


    A cool puzzle that will blow your mind. At first glance, everything is simple: on the wall you see the shadow of some object, and in front of you are several objects that need to be connected together in the correct order to get the “correct” shadow.

    Genre: on logic

    Price: AppStore– 299 rubles, Google Play- for free.

    Don't miss our other game selections:

    Now you know what to play on your phone online or without the Internet to pass the time. Choose what you like the most and be transported to an extraordinary game world.

    Thanks for your time

    Target. The game explains to children the importance of telephone communication as a basic necessity in critical situations happenings at home, as well as rules for telephone conversations.

    Didactic material - a toy telephone.



    Didactic game « Phone conversation»

    Target. The game explains to children the importance of telephone communication as an essential item in critical situations occurring at home, as well as the rules of telephone conversation.

    Didactic material - a toy telephone.

    Progress of the game.

    At the beginning of the game, the teacher tells the children why a telephone is needed in the house. It gives them the opportunity to express their opinions about the situations in which they and their parents use the telephone. After a short preliminary conversation, the teacher suggests various situations and asks to show how they speak and answer on the phone. Children are invited to the “telephone” if they wish. To practice basic telephone skills, children can be given short scenes:

    1. The phone rings - go to the phone, pick up the receiver, answer the call by saying “hello” or “yes.”

    2. Calling stranger and asks to call dad to the phone - pick up the phone, say “Hello”, say hello, politely answer the caller’s request, call dad.

    3. A woman you know calls your mom: pick up the phone, say hello, call her by name, answer her questions briefly, etc.

    4. Call the phone and call an ambulance.

    5. Call the phone and find out what time it is. The teacher can ask the children if they remember their phone number. If they already know how to call someone themselves, how do they do it (play). The teacher can also participate in the game by answering children’s “calls” or “calling” them as acquaintances.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Methodological development Didactic game "Feed the Kolobok" Methodological development Didactic game "Feed the Kolobok" Methodological development Didactic game "Feed the Kolobok"

    Developed by: Salamatina Irina Borisovna teacher of GBDOU No. 48 of the Kirov region with peas or beans). St. Petersburg Game description: Goal: development fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity...

    METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE “MAGIC PLATE” MANUAL for conducting educational activities and didactic games within the framework of the “Talk about proper nutrition” program edited by M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva

    This manual provides an opportunity to develop the creative imagination of both children, teachers and parents. With it you can combine...

    Didactic game “MY PHONE RING” (for senior preschool age)

    Goal: getting to know various options conducting role-playing dialogue, developing the skills of polite conversation on the phone, communicating complete and necessary information; develop logical and imaginative thinking,...

    Summary of the didactic game “Let's Talk on the Phone” for older children. Area: speech development.

    Didactic game for older children. "Let's talk on the phone." Area of ​​speech development....

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