Impregnation of wood (impregnation with protective compounds). Impregnated wood production technology How expedient is wood impregnation?

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Wood - light material and durable, it is easy to process and is widely used in a variety of industries. However, like others natural materials, is susceptible to many destructive factors: fungal infections, mold, insects. As a result of this negative impact its mechanical and decorative properties, service life is reduced. In order to save beneficial features wood, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptics.

Antiseptics (from the Greek άντί - against and σηπτικός - putrefactive) - chemicals, protecting wood from biological destruction (rotting, mold, woodworm damage). When wood is impregnated with an antiseptic, its structure is deeply filled with the components of the antiseptic composition, which helps to ensure truly effective and long-lasting protection. There are several methods of antiseptic treatment: brushing/spraying; dipping; impregnation under pressure. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Applying antiseptics with a brush/spray

Brush application (painting) and spraying are the most common methods of treating wood with antiseptics. When applying antiseptic with a brush or spray protective layer on the surface of the wood it is quite thin, which provides very limited protection from ultraviolet exposure. As a rule, wood that has undergone similar processing is used for finishing interior spaces low humidity.

Dipping in antiseptic

Antiseptic treatment of wood by immersion (dipping) is performed using special antiseptic baths. This type of processing is carried out in industrial production conditions.

Using special submersible devices, a package of wood is immersed in an impregnation bath, held there for some time, and then lifted. Excess antiseptic solution is removed from the wood spontaneously by dripping. When processed by the immersion method, a protective layer 1-2 mm thick is formed on the surface of the wood. Wood treated in this way can be used both for finishing interior spaces, in which the humidity level is no more than 20%, and for exterior surfaces, but in this case, the treatment must be repeated after 4-6 months.

Impregnation - impregnation of lumber with antiseptics under pressure

Impregnation of lumber with antiseptic compounds in an autoclave under pressure (impregnation) is the most effective method wood protection. With this treatment, the antiseptic composition penetrates deep into the pores of the wood and fills it.

Antiseptic treatment of wood using the “vacuum - pressure - vacuum” method is carried out only in industrial conditions using an autoclave.

The surface of wood impregnated with an antiseptic in an autoclave is destroyed tens of times slower than that treated with a brush, and the impregnation, located deep in the pores, prevents damage to the wood by bioorganisms and atmospheric exposure. This processing method ensures deep impregnation of the sapwood with an antiseptic. Wood that has undergone this treatment can be used for outdoor use under conditions of constant contact with the ground and atmospheric exposure.

For better penetration of the antiseptic solution into the pores of the wood, before starting treatment, all air is pumped out of the autoclave (a vacuum is created), after which an antiseptic solution enters it, which, under the influence of excess hydraulic pressure, fills the wood pores freed from air. Due to the reduced pressure in the wood, when atmospheric pressure is restored in the autoclave, the solution from the surface is drawn into the lumber.

The processing scheme using the double vacuum method is shown in the figure.

Autoclave operation

As a rule, an autoclave is a steel cylinder with a diameter of 1-2 m, a length of 13-27 m. The ends of the cylinder are equipped with hemispherical lids, one of which is always tightly closed, and the other is hinged on the side; The connection design is hydraulic. The boiler contains tracks for trolleys.

Impregnation with an antiseptic composition is carried out in autoclaves under pressure above 12 bar using initial and final vacuum.

After loading the impregnated material into it, the autoclave is hermetically sealed, the vacuum pump is turned on, and a vacuum of 0.8 kgf/cm -2 is created in the autoclave, which should be maintained for 45 minutes; the time is counted after the specified pressure is reached. At the end of evacuation, the autoclave is filled with a solution at a temperature of 5-35 ° C, and the vacuum during the filling of the autoclave should not drop below 0.6 kgf/cm -2.

After filling the autoclave with the solution, the vacuum pump is turned off, and further supply of the solution to the autoclave is carried out by a hydraulic pump under pressure from the working tank.

The duration of the filling process and pressure are determined depending on the size of the workpieces and the estimated amount of sapwood. For example, for pine products the duration of the filling process is 90-180 minutes. at a pressure of 12-14 bar.

The end of absorption of the solution is considered to be the moment when, within 10 minutes. no more than 20 liters of solution per 1 m 3 of wood is absorbed, which is recorded by instrumentation. At the end of the impregnation process, the pressure gradually (within 10-15 minutes) decreases to 4 bar. Next, the working solution is pumped into the shunting tank.

After reducing the pressure, the wood is subjected to reverse evacuation, remaining in the autoclave for 30-45 minutes. The time is counted after the specified pressure is reached. This process is necessary to remove excess impregnation solution from the wood.

The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and undergoes a fixation process in a closed and well-ventilated area for at least 48 hours. The area must be equipped for the collection of chemical liquids.

With each impregnation cycle, it is necessary to impregnate a sample of lumber for testing in order to remove a sample to analyze the depth of impregnation and the quality of impregnation. After drying the wood, visual inspection of the degree of impregnation must be carried out. The sapwood part of the wood must be 100% impregnated, the impregnation must be continuous and uniform. If necessary, chemical control of the impregnation depth is also carried out using special test kits.

Use of impregnated wood

Antiseptic-impregnated lumber is widely used both in industry and in everyday life.

Impregnated wooden poles widely used as power line supports. Impregnation in an autoclave provides long term service of pillars, and the new generation antiseptics used during impregnation, made on the basis of copper, make such wood harmless to humans and animals, ensuring reliable protection from biological pests.

Impregnated wood is also used in the production of sleepers. To increase the efficiency of impregnation, pricking is performed first wooden blanks sleepers, which are then impregnated with an antiseptic in an autoclave.

IN last years, due to the development of the industry wooden house construction, impregnated lumber is widely used in this area. Fences, terraces, piers, gazebos, playgrounds are made from impregnated wood; it is used for outdoor and interior decoration premises.

Impregnated terrace board (terrace decking) is a material intended for laying floors in open areas for recreation: terraces, verandas, etc. Terrace board is used in the construction of stairs, podiums for gazebos and pavilions; it can withstand heavy loads, which allows use it as flooring in garages and car areas.

Architectural forms created using impregnated moisture-resistant wood are very practical, because outdoors even under the most severe weather conditions The service life of wood treated with an antiseptic in an autoclave is at least 30 years.

Prepared by experts
Wood Protect Technology LLC

Ecology of consumption. Estate: In order to increase the service life of wood and reduce re-treatment intervals, a method of industrial impregnation of wood under pressure was developed, also known as the “vacuum-pressure-vacuum” method or VDV (V-D-V), also known as the impregnation method, also known as deep impregnation.

Methods for treating wood with antiseptics

There are several ways to process wood and give it additional properties, such as fire resistance, resistance to UV rays, moisture resistance, resistance to fungi and rot. Methods of giving required properties wood can be classified:

  • Coating wood with a special solution using a roller, brush, sprayer or rag. This method is ideal at home, there is no need expensive equipment, everything can be done easily and simply using improvised means. The advantage is the simplicity of the method and good performance (for example, with a spray gun). The disadvantages are the poor quality of the impregnation; the antiseptic penetrates into the depths of the wood to a hundredth of a millimeter.
  • Soaking wood in special baths with a solution. This method is more suitable for use in industrial settings, although local craftsmen often use it at home. The disadvantage is for a long time impregnation and shallow penetration depth of the solution (1-2 mm.). The advantages include more deep penetration solution than when coating with the first method.
  • Impregnation of wood in an autoclave. This technology is also called “VDV”, which means “vacuum-pressure-vacuum”. IN Lately Too much is said about impregnated wood, this old in Europe and new in our country method of deep wood processing. The word impregnation comes to us from English and means “impregnation”. The wood is impregnated in an autoclave to a depth of 10 - 20 mm. This is the technology we will talk about today.

Wood impregnation technology

Let's first watch a short video about autoclave impregnation and then move on to the technology:

Impregnation begins with the wood preparation process. To do this, the wood is processed into final products, dried and cut into final sizes. A dried board absorbs the solution better, while the humidity of the board should not exceed 30%, which creates conditions for impregnation of atmospheric drying wood. This allows you to significantly reduce production costs. It is at a humidity level of less than 30% that water leaves the cavity of the wood cells, but it remains in the walls of the wood cells. The antiseptic solution penetrates into the cavities of wood cells and thereby forms a protective layer.

When choosing a technological mode for wood impregnation, the following facts should be taken into account.

  1. The denser the wood, the more difficult the impregnation process is.
  2. Impregnation of sapwood is easier than impregnation of the central part of the tree.
  3. From the age of the tree. Ripe wood, especially the core, is quite difficult to impregnate, unlike young, unripe wood.
  4. There is a large list of defects that interfere with or impair the quality of impregnation. This is resinousness and needle picking. False kernel near foliage. Also, curly wood is poorly impregnated.
  5. Impregnation of the upper part of the barrel is much easier than the denser lower part.

That is why wood is often sorted before impregnation and, if possible, raw materials with the same properties are loaded. This allows you to obtain wood after impregnation with the same depth of impregnation and save on overconsumption of antiseptic. Wood with mechanical inclusions, falling out and rotten knots, rot, blue stains, end and face cracks must be sorted before loading.

Wood impregnation process

Wood products are placed on the loading mechanism of the autoclave. Then the lid is loaded and closed. IN closed chamber the pressure is pumped out and a vacuum of 0.07-0.09 MPa is created (normal Atmosphere pressure 0.1 MPa) - we get “B”. After this, a warm antiseptic is supplied, depending on the technical process; its temperature can range from 15 to 90 degrees. An antiseptic is pumped in with a pressure of 1.5 MPa (15 bar; for comparison, the average pressure in a pipeline with water is 3 - 5 bar). The main impregnation process is underway, which takes up to 70% of the entire cycle - we get “D”. After holding the pressure, a vacuum is created again to pump out excess antiseptic solution, we get “B”.

Duration of impregnation of the most common types of wood to a depth of 1.5 cm around the perimeter, from the end 4-6 cm:

  • Pine - from 3.5 to 4 hours.
  • Cedar - 3.5 hours.
  • Larch - from 6.5 hours.
  • Fir - 6 hours.
  • Spruce - 6 hours.
  • Birch - 4 hours.

Above are approximate data for calculating equipment performance.

What is impregnated wood made from?

Treated wood is quite common in Europe and is typically used for outdoor applications, mainly for fencing, outdoor furniture or paving. The average service life of impregnated wood is up to 70 years. In addition to all of the above methods of application, impregnation can be found:

  1. Sleepers.
  2. In saunas.
  3. By the pools.
  4. In the baths.
  5. For the manufacture of boxes used outdoors.
  6. Coatings and cladding of buildings.

The main competitor of VDV products on the market is WPC (liquid wood). Products impregnated with preservatives have a number of advantages over liquid wood:

  • The cost of airborne products is cheaper than liquid wood.
  • This natural wood impregnated today with environmentally friendly copper-based solutions. IN
  • Impregnated wood is more resistant to mechanical damage.

How does a wood-polymer composite benefit from impregnated wood:

  • Obtaining products from unnecessary woodworking waste, so to speak, their disposal.
  • Cheaper raw materials are polymer and sawdust.
  • The technology for producing liquid wood is much simpler.

    Recently, reports from our regular customers have become more frequent about discovering in some stores and construction markets products that look like autoclaved impregnated wood. This “impregnated wood” is manufactured in garage conditions using primitive means at hand in the form of a brush or soaking in the bathroom and the cheapest antiseptics.

    By selling such “products” would-be sellers receive high immediate profits and cause great harm to the very concept of “impregnated wood” since surface application with a brush cheap compounds or soaking in a bathtub does not provide even one hundredth of the protection that is provided by autoclave wood processing using airborne technology using the IMPROPULSE algorithm.

    How to distinguish real impregnated wood from counterfeit wood?



    impregnated wood


    "impregnated wood"

    Appearance, color

    Up to several centimeters.

    The edge part of the wood (sapwood) is impregnated deeply, the core is impregnated less well, but still to a depth sufficient to ensure reliable protection. The depth of impregnation will be clearly visible on the cut of the product.

    In a matter of microns. An unreliable surface layer that does not provide even temporary protection.


    Ask the seller to make a test cut; on the cut you can see the degree of impregnation. If average value for the product is less than 1-2 mm - This is a counterfeit product.

    Environmental friendliness

    A high degree of environmental friendliness when using Tanalit E antiseptic. The composition used is absolutely safe, impregnated wood can be in contact with people and animals for a long time.

    It is not known what compositions and on what basis counterfeits are processed. Possible content chromium, arsenic, lead, as well as carcinogenic substances.


    Check whether the type and name of the protective composition is indicated in the supply contract.

    Life time

    Depending on operating conditions, the service life is 30-60 years. The PSK-STROY NN company provides a unique guarantee - 50 years for protection against rotting.

    Service life is a matter of years, rots quickly and beyond repair


    Check with the seller for how long and under what conditions the guarantee is given. Counterfeit sellers do not provide any guarantees.

    Visit to production

    demonstration of the autoclave in operation

    To a good manufacturer there is nothing to hide, on the contrary, many productions are the pride of the company. The PSK-STROY NN company operates openly, it is possible to visit the production and demonstrate the equipment in operation, it is possible to process lumber in the presence of the client.

    It is impossible to visit the production; various reasons are given, but their essence is the same - they will never show you a working autoclave.

    An innovative method of protecting wood from rotting allows you to make your frame house as durable as possible.

    Dear friends! The Mechtaevo company is continuously improving its technologies, and today it is time to offer our customers something fundamentally new! We launched own production innovative product: impregnated wood. This is a special vacuum impregnation material. It is produced on special equipment using the “vacuum-pressure-vacuum” method and opens up new prospects in construction frame houses. Impregnation can be safely called a “classic in modern design" The first attempts to produce wood that was as durable as possible and protected from destruction were made in Europe and the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century, and a century after the idea arose, the technology was brought to perfection and adopted by progressive construction companies peace. Among them is our company Mechtaevo.

    Wood – reliable, environmentally friendly pure material, however, its service life is limited. Over time, wooden structures can collapse due to the negative effects of bacteria, fungus and various insect pests, both from the outside and from the inside. That is why it is very important to properly dry the wood and, more importantly, to ensure its reliable antiseptic protection.

    Antiseptic application by brush
    Temporary protection.

    Typically, the frame of a building, its load-bearing structure, is covered with a layer of antiseptic. But this is only temporary protection. Wood, being hygroscopic, constantly absorbs and releases moisture depending on changes relative humidity air. Those. swelling and shrinking occur. As a result, cracks form. These can be large cracks, or there can be micro-cracks that are not noticeable and do not affect the strength of the structure, but in this case the protective layer is torn, and bacteria, fungi, and insects that attack the wood gain free access into the wood and destroy it from the inside.
    Traditional technologies for the production of house frames do not provide for the protection of wood from exposure from the inside.

    (through impregnation with antiseptic).
    Increases the protection period by 3 or more times.

    Impregnation technology involves impregnating wood with a special preservative composition almost completely through. Today, this method of protecting wood from rotting is the most effective.
    Impregnation increases the service life of wood by 3 or more times!

    Imagine a frame house that will last 3 times longer than usual. Dream, fantasy? This is real today! Mechtaevo is the first and only company in Russia that produces houses on an impregnated frame.

    What is the impregnation process?

    Wood processing using the impregnation method is carried out using special equipment, in special autoclaves:

    Maximum saturation of wood with an antiseptic allows for the highest protection of the material from rotting. After impregnation, the service life of wood increases by 3 or more times.

    VIDEO: excursion to our impregnated wood production


    Antiseptic for impregnation

    For impregnation we use Tanalith E - a preservative for water based British company Arch Timber Protection. It does not contain chromium or arsenic. It is absolutely safe for humans and animals. Tanalite E is ideally fixed in wood, does not erode or wash out. Integrates with the wood structure and leaves no marks on adjacent objects and surfaces. Wood treated with Tanalit E solution can be used even in direct contact with food.

    Today you have unique opportunity make your home the most reliable and durable.
    An impregnated frame is the choice of those who are building a house to last!

    Wood impregnation is the process of impregnating the material with special compounds. This allows you to give future products useful qualities. As a result, the products become unaffected by various insects, resistant to decay processes, fire-resistant, and durable.

    From Latin, impregnate means “to fill.” This word perfectly characterizes the impregnation process. The wood is filled with impregnation from the inside. Thanks to this, its protective properties are increased and the structure is strengthened. The impregnated board tolerates various unfavourable conditions operation.

    Processed materials

    Materials are impregnated, products from which are often exposed to various destructive influences. These include:

    • boards for building fences;
    • terrace board;
    • timber used in the construction of open structures;
    • blanks that are used in the manufacture of garden furniture.

    Such products should be processed first. This will protect the material from exposure to weather conditions.

    Deep protection formulations

    The main requirement that must be met when impregnating wood with various compositions is high level safety and environmental friendliness. Most responsible manufacturers do not use toxic compounds when processing wood.

    Impregnates can be divided according to their intended purpose into several groups:

    • antiseptic solutions - thanks to their use, fungi and mold do not develop on the wood;
    • flame retardants - such compounds help protect wood from high temperatures;
    • impregnations that protect the material from various atmospheric influences;
    • compositions of combined action.

    Each type of such product is worth considering in more detail.

    Weathering compounds

    Such solutions are intended to strengthen the structure of the wood. This allows you to increase its resistance to various atmospheric influences:

    • temperature changes;
    • ultraviolet radiation;
    • Sun rays;
    • increased air humidity;
    • climate changes associated with seasonal phenomena;
    • fogs;
    • continuous heating.

    In the presence of such factors, wood deteriorates very quickly. This applies to unprocessed products. Impregnated wood can perfectly withstand such influences. It is not subject to drying out and cracking. The volume of such boards does not change with increasing or decreasing humidity levels.


    Many types of antiseptic compositions are intended for wood pregnation. They suppress unnecessary microflora. Mold and mildew are quickly destroyed and cannot grow in wood treated with such compounds.

    Coniferous products require special protection. When exposed to negative factors, the structure of the tree quickly collapses. Therefore, in construction it is better to use only spruce and pine boards impregnated with various compounds. It is not recommended to use pure wood.

    Such solutions are used when processing boards and timber used in the following structures:

    • wall strapping;
    • sheathing;
    • purlins and gaskets;
    • beams on which the floors rest.

    The use of such compositions to protect critical structures eliminates the impact of many unfavorable factors.

    Fire retardants

    Exposure to fire causes rapid destruction wooden structures. However, the risk of fire can be reduced by using special compounds, counteracting fire - fire retardants. Such substances not only prevent the wood from supporting the fire, but also prevent smoke from entering the burning room. This allows you to buy a lot of time when a fire starts.

    Combined formulations

    Among many owners of private houses, compositions are very popular universal action. Combination drugs are intended to simultaneously perform several functions. Such impregnations include the Senezh composition. It quickly penetrates into the structure of the material, compacting it and forming a hydrophobic film on the surface of structural elements. As a result, the product can retain its properties even when exposed to various adverse conditions.

    Important! Senezh allows you to stop the primary processes of damage to a tree by fungus, as well as some types of pests. This composition has insecticidal properties.

    Most combined products are suitable if it is necessary to process boards and timber for rafters, floors and load-bearing structures. Boards treated with such compounds are also used for wall cladding.

    Deep impregnation methods

    There are two main methods by which timber is impregnated - superficial and deep. Usually the second method is chosen because it creates more reliable protection wooden products. Elements various designs at the same time processed throughout the entire volume. Impregnated terrace boards differ high stability to atmospheric phenomena.

    Deep processing is performed in three ways:

    When choosing a deep impregnation method, you should focus on the features of the future use of finished structures.

    Surface treatment

    This processing of the material is considered simple, but not very effective. However, such methods are quite common. Experienced designers often recommend surface treatment.

    There are the following surface treatment methods:

    Such surface treatment methods are used for not very critical structures. They are inexpensive and easy to implement.


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