The name is Clementius. Does anyone know the meaning of the name Clementius? I can’t find something anywhere, but the name is beautiful

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In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Klim, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac Clima - Sagittarius
  • The planet Mars
  • The color of the name Klim is purple
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Klima's treasured plant - gladiolus
  • The patron of the name Klim is the falcon
  • Klim talisman stone - chrysolite

What does the name Klim mean? 1) merciful (the name Klim is of Latin origin); 2) vine(Greek).

Short meaning of the name Klim: Klimka, Klimat, Klimukha.

Middle name Klim: Klimovich, Klimentievich, Klimovna, Klimentievna; decomposition Klimych.

Angel Day named after Klim: The name Klim celebrates name days twice a year:

  • February 5 (January 23) - Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, suffered torment for twenty-eight years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a service in 312.
  • December 8 (November 25) - St. Hieromartyr Clement.

Positive traits of the name Klim: Lightness, sociability, sharpness and mobility of mind. The name Klim easily adapts to any conditions, customs, becomes his own, a sort of shirt-guy, easily speaks on any topic, commanding the attention of listeners. If he wants, he can achieve what he wants by concentrating all his strength and abilities on achieving the goal.

Negative traits of the name Klim: Cunning, curiosity, extravagance, temper, rage. Klim often does as he pleases. The meaning of the name is not tormented by remorse; subtle emotional experiences are alien to it. He can condone a lot of things, be lenient towards people, but for his vital interests he is ready to enter into an unequal fight. Often exaggerates his powers. As a child, Klim is not particularly persevering and has excellent academic performance.

Character of the name Klim: Klim has a hot, quick-tempered character; lively, quick-witted mind. He is impetuous, quick-tempered and unrestrained, impatient in little things. This is a man of action who is not inclined to verbiage, knows how to instantly assess the situation and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. His lively temperament and ardor attract people to him. A man named Klim is lucky, and if fortune changes, he does not patiently wait for her favor to return: in spite of the elements, he sculpts his own destiny.

Klim is kind, inquisitive, does not strive for leadership, is honest, calculating, and patient.

The name Klim is monogamous and therefore very jealous, marries late, taking a long time and carefully choosing the one who will become the only one for him. A good family man, a caring husband, a demanding and affectionate teacher of his children. If Klim was born in winter, he is stubborn, loves to argue and prove his point; “summer” is calm, kind, compassionate, compliant, a dreamer and visionary, but he always completes the work he starts; “autumn” Klim is calculating, quick-tempered, and does not know how to adapt to people and circumstances.

He is happy in his marriage, but his relationship with his mother-in-law is not easy; he usually has daughters. Hospitable, becomes talkative when surrounded by close friends.

Choosing a profession by name: For precise and painstaking work, Klim lacks constancy and restraint. It is easier for him to achieve success in the field that brings him to the public. He has good organizational skills, he can become a director or government clerk, at a minimum, a traveling salesman, a dealer presenting new products, a successful manager, or an artist.

Klim's business and career: Klim strives to achieve everything at once: make money easily, borrow quickly high position, become the owner of a large fortune. At times the name Klim will have big financial success, however, it is difficult for him to keep his earnings.

Klim's love and marriage: Due to his desire for freedom and reluctance to become attached to anything, it is very difficult for Klim to adapt to married life, and therefore he should not get married too early. The union of the name with Ada, Anfisa, Glafira, Lada, Leah, Mlada, Natalya, Nina is successful. The name can have complex relationships with Anna, Bronislava, Valentina, Varvara, Daria, Larisa, Margarita.

Health and talents named after Klim: As a child, Klim is a calm boy, kind and inquisitive. His studies at school are not good, but the child is smart, so he is good at mathematics. He loves the company of guys, but does not strive to become a leader.

Young Klim is trying to find himself in various areas of life. He is overcome by anxiety, he becomes impetuous, hot-tempered and unrestrained. Klim exhibits a lively temperament and ardor. He is stubborn, likes to argue, and unhurried. However, he doesn’t know how to talk much; Klim is a man of action.

Klim is a successful athlete, then a very good coach. He can become an engineer, agronomist, or livestock breeder. He has loved animals since childhood, constantly playing with fish, turtles, and hamsters. The name Klim is a naive and trusting person, he does not experience deep feelings, and does not particularly worry. However, if necessary, he acts quickly and assertively, does not give up what he starts, and brings any task to the final result.

At home, Klim is kind, respects women, and thanks to his marriage, he avoids many troubles. Klim is a monogamous and jealous person, good son, father, son-in-law. He has many friends, he willingly receives them at home, and it is difficult and rare for him to go on a visit. Klim is susceptible to alcohol, then he is uncontrollable, but this only happens in cases where he was brought up in a family where his father drank excessively. Klim is sure that he is irreplaceable, his loved ones support him in this opinion. This helps him to be active in the work team.

Name Klim in other countries: Translation of the name Klim into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Clement, in German: Klement, in French: Clement, in Spanish: Clemente, in Polish: Klemens, in Belarusian: Klyament, in Ukrainian: Kliment.

The fate of the name Klim in history:

  1. Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev (1843-1920) - world-famous naturalist, one of the founders of the Russian school of plant physiology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He revealed the energy principles of photosynthesis as a process of using light to form organic substances in a plant. Author of the seminal work "The Life of Plants" and others.
  2. The history of Russia also knows “Marshal Voroshilov, the first red officer,” as the song says. Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov (1881-1969) - Soviet state, party and military leader, participant in three Russian revolutions, one of the organizers and leaders of the Red Army, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and the Defense Committee during the Great Patriotic War; Marshal, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  3. Clement (late 1st century) - one of the first popes and the first of the apostolic fathers, that is, who had personal contact with the apostles themselves. Because of his refusal to renounce his faith, he was sentenced by Emperor Trojan to work in the marble quarries, working in unbearable conditions, without fresh water. Clement quenched the thirst of the people by striking a rock in which a spring opened. The Lamb sent by the Lord led him to this place. From then on, people from all over the world flocked to the new preacher of the faith of Christ. Then Clement's persecutors tied an anchor around his neck and pushed him into the sea. The waters receded and exposed the temple, inside of which was the body of Clement. The miracle of the waters receding was repeated every year, and pilgrims came to this place.
  4. Clement Titus Flavius ​​- cousin Roman Emperor Domitian; killed in 96 by order of the emperor himself (according to rumors, for his sympathies towards Christians), which contributed to the emergence in the early Middle Ages of a colorful hagiographic legend about miraculous wanderings and martyrdom his namesake is Pope Clement I.
  5. Clement I - (d.97/99/101) apostle from seventy, fourth Bishop of Rome (4th Pope), one of the apostolic men. Widely revered in Kievan Rus. We are revered in Orthodoxy as one of the first Christian preachers in the Russian lands.
  6. Klimyata is one of the first ancient Russian entrepreneurs: the Novgorod merchant Klimyata, who lived at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century, combined trade with the return of money in interest, a usurer.
  7. Kliment Artemyevich - Novgorod thousand, ambassador from Novgorod to the holy prince Alexander Nevsky, 1255. Kliment Alfanov - one of the Alfanov brothers, Novgorod 12th century.
  8. Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius ​​Clement) - (c.150 - c.215) Christian apologist and preacher of the Holy Scriptures among the Hellenistic scribes, the founder of the Alexandrian theological school, who headed it until Origen.
  9. Kliment Dydorov - (1885 - 1938) Russian officer, participant in the white movement.
  10. Kliment Redko - (1897 - 1956) Soviet artist, representative of the pictorial avant-garde of the 1920s - early 1930s.
  11. Kliment Kvitka - (1880 - 1953) Ukrainian and Russian Soviet musicologist and folklorist. One of the founders of Soviet musical ethnography. Author of many theoretical works devoted to Ukrainian musical folklore. He also owns works on the study of folk musical instruments, educational and methodological manuals. Awarded 2 orders and medals. Developed a new method of field work, theoretical basis ethnomusical sociology and historical and comparative study of the music of ethnically related peoples (Slavs, Turks). He made a number of important discoveries in the field of the origin and distribution of primitive scales, chromatisms, rhythmic archetypes and folk musical instruments.
  12. Kliment Lyovychkin - (1907 - 1984) Soviet diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

The meaning of the name Clementy: interpretation, origin and mystery

As the heroes of the old children's cartoon said: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.” Proof of this was the fact that having named their yacht “Trouble”, its crew constantly got into all sorts of troubles.

But it’s one thing to choose a name for a mode of transport or a building, and quite another to name a child, because the name given to him can determine his entire future fate. So before you decide what to name your baby, you must first study the history, features and origin of the chosen name.

Today, the trend of calling children by old names is once again becoming relevant. One of them is Clementius. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of the child are determined by certain historical circumstances. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the future, parents who have chosen this name should carefully study all the information about it.

Clementius: the meaning of the name

The name Clementy (Klim, Clement) came into Slavic languages ​​quite a long time ago. Today it is difficult to determine in which language it appeared first: Greek or Latin.

In the language of the proud Hellenes, the meaning of the name Clementius is “grapevine.” But the invincible Romans used the word “Clemens” in their speech, meaning “merciful/merciful”. It is generally accepted that the name Clementius and his various options in Slavic and other languages ​​of the world.

Origin of the name Clementy (short forms Clement, Klim)

Despite the Latin-Greek origin and meaning of the name Clementius, it came to the Slavs along with Christianity and quickly spread, becoming popular. However, quite soon, instead of the long name Clementy, its abbreviated forms began to be used - Klim or Clement.

The appearance and spread of this name among the Slavs is associated with Saint Clement. This man is widely revered among both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Being one of the most active spreaders of Christianity in the Roman Empire, he became disliked by the official authorities, and in order to stop him, Clement was exiled to the possessions of Rome near the Black Sea.

However, this did not stop the saint, and he continued his educational activities. So the order was to kill him. Having died a martyr's death, Saint Clement was buried in Chersonesos. Over time he was canonized. With the collapse of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity, the relics of Clement were divided. Some of them were sent to Rome, while others were left in Rus' and transported to the Kyiv Tithe Church.

Since the time of Yaroslav the Wise, Saint Clementius began to be revered as the first patron of Rus', churches were opened in his honor and, of course, children were named. And not only boys, since quite quickly a female version of this name appeared - Clementine (Clementine).

Name Clementy: meaning of the name and fate

From early childhood, boys bearing the name Clementy and its abbreviated variants are rather calm personalities, even slightly phlegmatic. Despite her flexible mind and well-developed imagination, at school Clementia most often studies averagely or even poorly. It's all about lack of motivation. If parents check and monitor the progress of their child from the very beginning of their studies, Clementy can even become an excellent student and achieve a lot.

The main “trump card” of people bearing this name is the ability to think calmly and focusedly. It helps Clementy do well in mathematics and other exact sciences. Therefore, among the people bearing this name there are many scientists, engineers and doctors.

It is worth noting that the name Clementy is of great importance for a boy who decides to devote himself to sports. Since people with this name have excellent inclinations for this activity, they allow Clementy to achieve high sporting achievements, as well as become excellent coaches.

Despite his sympathetic character, sometimes Clementy often seems callous, superficial and incapable of deep, real feelings to those around him. But that's not true. Having found his soul mate, he is capable of the most sincere and devoted love, which will not fade away over many years.

Clementius is not characterized by guile. Most often, such people are trusting and sincere. They are ready to give their last for the good loved one. Unfortunately, friends and relatives are not always able to appreciate Clementy’s sacrifices. So the one who bears this name is quite often disappointed in people, and with a huge circle of acquaintances, Clement does not have many real friends.

Another pronounced character trait of Clement is a heightened sense of duty. Therefore, most of them are constantly torn between their responsibilities and their desires, and as a result, it is not easy for them to build a personal life. So, when calling your baby this way, it is worth remembering what the meaning of the name Clementy is for a boy and the fate that it can predetermine for him.

Love and family relationships Klimentiev

Guys with this name get married quite late. Being inherently maximalists, they prefer marriage for love. In their opinion, the wife is obliged to love, understand, support her husband and fully share his interests. But finding such a life partner is not easy for Clementia.

In the process of searching for the ideal wife, Clementy is even capable of getting a divorce several times if he sees that his other half does not match his high requirements. However, due to a heightened sense of duty, the decision to divorce is very painful and not easy for him. So, having divorced, it will take him a long time to come to his senses.

Clementy rarely develops harmonious and lasting relationships with girls named Anna, Valentina, Daria, Larisa, Margarita and Varvara.

But Nina, Natalya, Lada, Ada, Lydia and Anfisa will become wonderful companions in family life for Clementy.

Health of Clementius

Having decided to name their child this way, parents should also take into account the meaning of the name Clementy for the child in terms of health.

People with it are quite energetic and have a strong nervous system. Weak point Klimentiev, as a rule, is the eyesight and stomach. With a sedentary lifestyle, problems with the musculoskeletal system are possible. Following a healthy lifestyle, people with this name are able to surprise others with their longevity and excellent shape.

Talismans and secrets of the name Clementy

Like all names, Clementius has its own special secrets. For example, the meaning of the name Clementius and its influence on the character of the person so named largely depends on the time of year in which he was born.

“Summer” Clementy is a good-natured altruist, ready to give his last shirt. “Autumn”, on the contrary, is focused and is not inclined to waste his time, resources and attention on people who are not interesting to him.

Clementy, born in winter, may have a tendency towards alcoholism, but if he has a favorite activity, he is able to avoid this vice. And the “spring” Clementy is a lover of inventing something, a visionary and a dreamer. However, sometimes this quality prevents him from achieving serious success in his chosen field.

The Klimentiev talisman stone is chrysolite, the flower is gladiolus, the tree is maple, and the totem animal is falcon. The color for a boy with this name is purple, and the patron planet is Mars.

Name day of Clementy

According to church tradition, Clement has several name days. First of all, this is, of course, the eighth of December, popularly called “Klement’s Day.”

Also, all Clementius can celebrate name days on the seventeenth of January, the fifth of February, the fifth and seventeenth of May, the ninth of August and the twenty-third of September.

The name Clementius (Clement) in history

In addition to St. Clementius and many popes with the same name, there were many other famous personalities with this name.

Among Orthodox educators, famous church leaders and bishops, many bore this name. Of these, the Bulgarian enlightener Kliment Ohridsky, Archimandrite of the Russian Church Kliment Mozharov and many others.

The name Kliment Timiryazev was borne by a famous Russian biologist, one of the first disseminators of the theory of evolution in Russian Empire. It was he who was able to establish the mechanism of photosynthesis, and also conducted a lot of research in the field of ecology.

Short for Klimenty, it was worn by one of the first Marshals of the USSR, Kliment Voroshilov, who showed himself remarkably not only during Civil War, but also during the Great Patriotic War.

Over time, the name Clementius and its analogues also became surnames. For example, a similar one was worn by the Czech opera singer Vaclav Kliment, who was quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Today, the famous football player of the German club Stuttgart, originally from the Czech Republic, bears the name Jan Kliment. And one of the most beautiful Russian actresses of our time, Ekaterina Klimova, has a surname derived from the name Klim.

The name Clementy (Clement, Klim) came to our lands quite a long time ago, but has already become familiar. Unfortunately, after the tragic events of 1917, this name began to rapidly lose its popularity. Perhaps this is due to the fact that most people associated it with Christianity, which they tried unsuccessfully to eradicate for many years.

Fortunately, today the name Clementius is coming back into fashion. Having chosen it for your child, you should pay attention to the features and meaning of the name Clement for its owner. At the same time, we must not forget that upbringing also plays a huge role in the formation of personality.

What does the name Klim mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Klim from Latin means “merciful”.

Characteristic: In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny. In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating.

"Winter": stubborn, love to argue and prove their point.

And here are the “summer” ones: calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start.

"Autumn": They are calculating and quick-tempered, and do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit. The main feature of almost all Klims is patience. The Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Characteristics of the name Klim (Clement) | The secret of the name Klim (Clement)

Klim (Clement) - “merciful” (lat.).

Characteristics of the name Klim

Phlegmatic by nature. Calm, patient. Carefully watches how the wheel of fortune turns, elevating other people. He is characterized by causeless anxiety, which prevents him from acting consistently. Able to find himself in various areas where activity is required. Possessing a strong will, Klim is also overly stubborn. Spends a lot of energy to break the resistance of the people around him or the prevailing circumstances.

With a slow reaction, the characteristic of the name Klim still reaches high results in sports, but you should monitor his progress at school, otherwise he will abandon his studies. He is fascinated by the professions of medicine, engineer, agronomist, livestock breeder, but, above all, he is a first-class athlete and coach. Developed intuition allows you to notice the slightest insincerity in the words and actions of others. In life, he is very naive and trusting, which is why he often gets into various unpleasant stories. He moves up the career ladder slowly, step by step. The secret of the name Klim is to some extent an altruist. Gives more than he receives in return.

He has a strong sense of duty to his family. He needs his wife's understanding and sincere expression of feelings. Since the perception of good and evil is too schematic for him, then only black and white exist. White paint. Therefore, as early as possible, he should take up an exciting activity in an established strong team, which gives him confidence and security.

The health characteristics of the name Klim cannot be called too weak. Require increased attention musculoskeletal system, stomach, vision. He has a predisposition to dermatitis.

Character of the name Klim

Easily panics, rushes between strong desire and a sense of duty. Respects women and is prone to good deeds. Love for family and craving for home save him from unforeseen troubles. Klim loves good company, but communication without specific goals seems like an empty waste of time, which is already in short supply. If it happens that the secret of the name Klim happens at a friendly party, it is only out of politeness, and not by choice. With friends or family, he prefers to make far-reaching plans where love and justice will triumph. He draws his strength from the fact that he truly feels indispensable. It is difficult to say how right he is in assessing his capabilities, but is it really important if everyone close to him believes in it?

“Winter” Klim sometimes abuses alcohol, but he can be stopped; interested in something.

“Autumn” - not prone to excesses, purposeful. The name matches patronymics: Naumovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Fedorovich.

“Summer” is a good-natured person, an altruist, the soul of society.

“Vesenny” is a dreamer, a humorist, and a fan of his craft.

What middle name suits the name Klim?

The name matches patronymics: Artemovich, Afanasyevich, Alexandrovich, Ignatievich, Andrianovich, Bogdanovich.

What does the name Clement mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: The name Clement translated from Latin means merciful, meek, soft.

Derivatives: Klimka, Klimasha, Klimukha, Klimusha.

Characteristic: In early childhood, he is a calm child who does not cause problems for his parents. He loves to draw, loves to be read about animals and taken to the zoo. At school, such boys study well, have many friends, and are fond of adventure literature and technical creativity. In character they are more similar to their mother.

Adult Clements: kind, modest and flexible people. “Autumn” are calm and reasonable, and to some extent careerists. They work successfully as engineers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, among them you will meet both talented artists and excellent electricians.

"Winter": talented, but stubborn and persistent. It is difficult to communicate with them. They have a hard time in family life. They don't trust people, although they don't show it. They think carefully about their actions. They have difficulty getting up for work in the morning, but they are obligatory and are never late. They love to walk. They play tennis until they are very old. They are patient and do not like to complain. Silent people.
They are happy in marriage, although the relationship with their mother-in-law is not easy. They are hospitable and become talkative among friends. Usually Clement is the father of daughters.

A successful union is likely with those whose name: Vera, Elena, Zoya, Irina, Lyubov, Tamara.

The chances of a happy marriage with: Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Inga, Kira, Lydia, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Yadviga a little.

Does anyone know the meaning of the name Clementius? I can’t find something anywhere, but the name is beautiful...


Translated from Latin: lenient.

In childhood, they are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny.

“Winter” are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point. But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from finishing what they start. “Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit.

The Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

The name is of Latin origin, meaning "meek". Patron Saint - Clement Sokolnitsky, Archpriest of Novgorod, who became famous for his devotion Orthodox faith, contributed to the foundation of Orthodox doctrine. Clement grows up as a calm, shy child. Does well at school. A man with this name is most likely to have a phlegmatic temperament. It is very difficult to piss him off, to make him lose his composure. He is very responsible in doing any work. He is very punctual and has a good memory. There is always order in Clement's house. The choice of any item is approached with practical point vision. It is difficult to get along with people because he prefers to remain silent rather than speak.

Angela, Vera, Galina, Dominica, Kira, Ksenia, Natalya, Nina, Sofia will bring them happiness.

Bella, Venus, Veronica, Glafira, Dolya, Zlata, Rad-Mila, Rosa, Roxana, Ruslana, Snezhana are unlikely to constitute Klim’s personal happiness.

Let's wish Clement huge victories in life! We sincerely hope that accidents and misfortunes will not lead you astray from the beaten path. Let hope and faith never leave you even in the most difficult times. We wish that joy, luck and luck always accompany you. We wish you success in your work, respect from colleagues and approval from your superiors. Let peace and tranquility always reign in your family, let your friends and family surround you with the love and care that is so necessary. We sincerely want smiles to bloom around you like flowers, the lights of joyful eyes to sparkle. Let your heart not leave the love and tenderness that you will give to others. Much human happiness to you!
Name days for people named Klim (Clement)
January 17, February 5, May 5, May 17, August 9, December 8

CLIMENTIUS (CLIMENT, KLIM) - 1) merciful (lat.); 2) grapevine (Greek). Name day: February 5 - Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, suffered torment for twenty-eight years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a service in 312. December 8 - Holy Hieromartyr Clement. Zodiac sign - Sagittarius. Planet - Mars. Color - purple. Auspicious tree - maple. Treasured plant - gladiolus. Patron of the name - falcon. Talisman stone - chrysolite. Character. Klim has a hot, quick-tempered character; lively, quick-witted mind. Klim is impetuous, quick-tempered and unrestrained, impatient in small things. This is a man of action who is not inclined to verbiage, knows how to instantly assess the situation and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. His lively temperament and ardor attract people to him. Clementy is lucky, and if fortune changes, he does not patiently wait for its favor to return: in spite of the elements, he molds his own destiny.

Klim (Clement, Clementy)

Klim (Clement) - “merciful” (lat.) Phlegmatic by nature. Calm, patient. Carefully watches how the wheel of fortune turns, elevating other people. He is characterized by causeless anxiety, which prevents him from acting consistently. He is able to find himself in various areas where he needs to be active. Possessing a strong will, Klim is also overly stubborn. Spends a lot of energy to break the resistance of the people around him or the prevailing circumstances. With a slow reaction, he still achieves high results in sports, but you should monitor his progress at school, otherwise he will abandon his studies. He is fascinated by the professions of medicine, engineer, agronomist, livestock breeder, but above all, he is a first-class athlete and coach. Developed intuition allows you to notice the slightest insincerity in the words and actions of others. In life, he is very naive and trusting, which is why he often gets into various unpleasant stories. He moves up the career ladder slowly, step by step. Klim is to some extent an altruist. Gives more than he receives in return. He has a strong sense of duty to his family. He needs his wife's understanding and sincere expression of feelings. Since the perception of good and evil is too schematic for him, there is only black and white paint. Therefore, as early as possible, he should take up an exciting activity in an established strong team, which gives him confidence and security. Klim’s health cannot be called too weak. The musculoskeletal system, stomach, and vision require increased attention. He has a predisposition to dermatitis. Easily panics, rushes between strong desire and a sense of duty. Respects women and is prone to good deeds. Love for family and craving for home saves him from unforeseen troubles. Klim loves good company, but communication without specific goals seems like an empty waste of time, which is already in short supply. If it happens that he attends a friendly party, it is only out of politeness, and not by choice. With friends or family, he prefers to make slow-moving plans where love and justice will triumph. He draws his strength from the fact that he truly feels indispensable. It is difficult to say how right he is in assessing his capabilities. But is it really important if everyone close to you believes in it? “Winter” sometimes abuses alcohol, but he can be stopped by getting interested in something. “Autumn” is not prone to excesses, he is purposeful. The name matches patronymics: Naumovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Alekseevich, Fedorovich. “Summer” Klim is a good-natured person, an altruist, the soul of society. “Spring” is a dreamer. Comedian, fan of his craft. The name matches patronymics: Artemovich, Afanasyevich, Alexandrovich, Ignatievich, Andrianovich, Bogdanovich.

Translated from Latin: lenient. In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They don’t strive to be leaders. They don’t do well at school; things are better in mathematics. Honest to the point of scrupulousness

Olesya Pugach

Yes, the name is beautiful...
Clementius in Latin - merciful, in ancient Greek - grapevine
Abbreviated Klim or Klimka))
here you can also read

Olga m

Klim, Clementy, Clement - merciful (Latin) - grapevine (ancient Greek).
The name is rare.
Zodiac name: Sagittarius.
The planet Mars.
Name color: purple.
Talisman stone: chrysolite.
Favorable plant: maple, gladiolus.
Patron of the name: falcon.
Lucky day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main traits: swiftness, assertiveness.
Clement, holy martyr, December 8 (November 25).
Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, holy martyr, February 5 (January 23), suffered torment for 28 years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a divine service in 312.
December 8 - Klimentyev's Day: winter, we are knocking out wedges with wedges.
As a child, Klimka is a calm boy, kind and inquisitive. His studies at school are not good, but the child is smart, so he is good at mathematics. He loves the company of guys, but does not strive to become a leader.
Young Klim is trying to find himself in various areas of life. He is overcome by anxiety, he becomes impetuous, hot-tempered and unrestrained. He exhibits a lively temperament and ardor. He is stubborn, likes to argue, and unhurried. However, he doesn’t know how to talk much; Klim is a man of action.
Klim is a successful athlete, then a very good coach. He can become an engineer, agronomist, or livestock breeder. He has loved animals since childhood, constantly playing with fish, turtles, and hamsters. He is a naive and trusting person, does not experience deep feelings, and does not particularly worry. However, if necessary, he acts quickly and assertively, does not give up what he starts, and brings any task to the final result.
At home, Klim is kind, respects women, and thanks to his marriage, he avoids many troubles. Klim is a monogamous and jealous person, a good son, father, son-in-law. He has many friends, he willingly receives them at home, and it is difficult and rare for him to go on a visit. Klim is susceptible to alcohol, then he is uncontrollable, but this only happens in cases where he was brought up in a family where his father drank excessively. Klim is sure that he is irreplaceable, his loved ones support him in this opinion. This helps him to be active in the work team. The most successful marriages of Klim are with Angela, Vera, Galina, Kira, Ksenia, Natalya, Nina, Sofia.
Patronymic: Klimovich, Klimentyevich, Klimovna, Klimentyevna.

Laura petrarkina:)

Characteristics of the name Klim (Clement): In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny.
In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating.
“Winter” are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point.
But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start.
“Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit.
The main feature of almost all Klims is patience.
The Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Many writers diligently made the name Klim known. Take Gorky’s Klim Samgin or Bulgakov’s Klim Chugunkin.

The characters are ambiguous, but why? Because the name itself is like this: Klim’s character and fate are ambiguous. What does the name Klim mean and what to expect from its owner?

Meaning and origin of the name Klim

Known short and full form this name. There is no question about the meaning of the name Klim. Scientists believe that the shorter word-name came from the long “Clement”. Moreover, the origin and history of the name Klim are associated with the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece:

The Greek word translated into Russian means “grapevine”;

The Roman word Clemens is elevated to a generic name, which is translated as “merciful”, “soft”.

The meaning of the name Klim can also be attributed to Christian traditions. Both Catholics and Orthodox Christians venerate the holy martyr Clement, who actively spread religion and suffered for the faith of Christ. What does the name Klim mean? Orthodox tradition? Following the path of Christ, glorifying the mercy of God.

Language lives by its own laws, one of which is the desire for economy. Hence the truncation of the last syllable, which turned Clement into Klim in everyday speech. The variations of the name are varied: the Germanic peoples (Germans, Danes, Swedes) say Clemence, the Italians - Clemente, the French - Clement, the Scots - Kliamin, the Hungarians - Kelemen, the Slavic brothers (Poles, Romanians, Czechs) - Clement. In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the usual form of the name is Klim.

Klim: the character of the owner

Little Klim is inquisitive, kind and calm. He doesn't really like to pore over his homework, but thanks to his natural intelligence, he copes well with math problems. Feels comfortable in companies, but is not inclined to leadership.

In his youth, Klim becomes impetuous, restless and even unrestrained. He has a hot temperament, so Klim is in constant action. He is able to assess the situation at one glance, immediately make a decision and find a way out where another sees a blank wall.

He likes to argue, but does not like empty talk and does not pronounce long monologues. If desired, he can carry you along. People will be impressed by his liveliness and energy, and his well-delivered speech inspires confidence.

Klim often acts in accordance with his own desires, without taking into account the desires of other people. If his personal interests are affected, he is ready to fight for them to the end, even if the enemy is obviously stronger. At the same time, he is quite calculating and even cunning, he knows how to patiently achieve his goals.

Klim is undoubtedly a monogamous man, and marriage, as a rule, protects him from many troubles. He loves having guests in his house, but he doesn’t like to stay anywhere himself. In the work team and family he is considered almost irreplaceable.

Klim: the fate of the owner

Klim's character and fate rarely depend on childhood circumstances. The name has own strength, and therefore its owners extremely rarely become alcoholics, even spending their entire childhood in the company of a drunken father.

Klim is lucky, fate loves him. Even if she turns away for a minute, Klim has the patience to wait for favorable circumstances. Moreover, a person with this name makes himself and his destiny.

Klim’s family is strong, its head is a caring and loving husband, father, son. He adores children (often girls), and is affectionate with them, although sometimes he can be demanding. Klim loves his wife, rarely cheats on her, and when a woman who sympathizes with him appears on the horizon, he panics. He has absolutely no idea how one can have a wife and a mistress. At the same time, the wife will have to take into account his temper and jealousy.

Klima combines gullibility and prudence. Due to his tendency to be too open to the world, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations, from which he himself gets out.

At home, Klim is prone to pedantry. He believes that every thing should have its own place and absolutely cannot stand creative disorder. It’s difficult to explain to him that you don’t need to be a slave (slave) of everyday life - he simply won’t understand. Klim is generally distinguished not by his deep intelligence, but rather by his insight. In addition, he is a little deaf to emotions: he does not know how to worry deeply, rarely gets upset, and almost never suffers.

Profession for Klim

Klim's responsibility makes him an excellent performer. Punctual and pedantic, he will definitely complete the task entrusted to him. Having started to build a career, Klim will move forward according to his mood: sometimes systematically and delicately, sometimes assertively. The process will drag on: owners of this name make their careers slowly.

Despite the noble origin and history of the name Klim, professions that are simple and understandable are suitable for this person: agronomist, engineer, livestock breeder (little Klimka loves animals, he can tinker with them for hours). He will be very good as an athlete (if he has the patience), both in the sport of personal high results and in coaching.

Famous people named Klim:

Kliment Timiryazev – physiologist, naturalist, biologist;

Klim Voroshilov - marshal, twice Hero of the USSR;

Kliment Redko - Soviet artist of the early twentieth century;

Kliment Levychkin - Soviet diplomat;

Kliment Kvitka is a Soviet musicologist and folklorist.

Name compatibility

In marriage, Klim needs a woman who is ready to put up with his shortcomings: hot temper, peremptory nature, jealousy and an increased love of order. It takes him a long time to choose a spouse, otherwise the marriage may not be successful.

The name Klim is well compatible with unusual, rare female names. A strong marriage is predicted with girls named Anfisa, Lydia, Ada, Glafira, Lada, Nina, Liya, Mlada. I have a good relationship with Natalya.

It won’t be easy for Klim with Bronislava, Varara, Anna, Valentina, Margarita, Daria, Larisa.

As the heroes of the old children's cartoon said: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.” Proof of this was the fact that having named their yacht “Trouble”, its crew constantly got into all sorts of troubles.

But it’s one thing to choose a name for a mode of transport or a building, and quite another to name a child, because the name given to him can determine his entire future fate. So before you decide what to name your baby, you must first study the history, features and origin of the chosen name.

Today, the trend of calling children by old names is once again becoming relevant. One of them is Clementius. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of the child are determined by certain historical circumstances. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the future, parents who have chosen this name should carefully study all the information about it.

Clementius: the meaning of the name

The name Clementy (Klim, Clement) came into Slavic languages ​​quite a long time ago. Today it is difficult to determine in which language it appeared first: Greek or Latin.

In the language of the proud Hellenes, the meaning of the name Clementius is “grapevine.” But the invincible Romans used the word “Clemens” in their speech, meaning “merciful/merciful”. It is generally accepted that it is from this word that the name Clementius and its various variants in Slavic and other languages ​​of the world originate.

Origin of the name Clementy (short forms Clement, Klim)

Despite the Latin-Greek origin and meaning of the name Clementius, it came to the Slavs along with Christianity and quickly spread, becoming popular. However, quite soon, instead of the long name Clementy, its abbreviated forms began to be used - Klim or Clement.

The appearance and spread of this name among the Slavs is associated with Saint Clement. This man is widely revered among both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Being one of the most active spreaders of Christianity in the Roman Empire, he became disliked by the official authorities, and in order to stop him, Clement was exiled to the possessions of Rome near the Black Sea.

However, this did not stop the saint, and he continued his educational activities. So the order was to kill him. Having died a martyr's death, Saint Clement was buried in Chersonesos. Over time he was canonized. With the collapse of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity, the relics of Clement were divided. Some of them were sent to Rome, while others were left in Rus' and transported to Kyiv

Since the time of Yaroslav the Wise, Saint Clementius began to be revered as the first patron of Rus', churches were opened in his honor and, of course, children were named. And not only boys, since quite quickly a female version of this name appeared - Clementine (Clementine).

Name Clementy: meaning of the name and fate

From early childhood, boys bearing the name Clementy and its abbreviated variants are rather calm personalities, even slightly phlegmatic. Despite her flexible mind and well-developed imagination, at school Clementia most often studies averagely or even poorly. It's all about lack of motivation. If parents check and monitor the progress of their child from the very beginning of their studies, Clementy can even become an excellent student and achieve a lot.

The main “trump card” of people bearing this name is the ability to think calmly and focusedly. It helps Clementy do well in mathematics and other exact sciences. Therefore, among the people bearing this name there are many scientists, engineers and doctors.

It is worth noting that the name Clementy is of great importance for a boy who decides to devote himself to sports. Since people with this name have excellent inclinations for this activity, they allow Clementy to achieve high sporting achievements, as well as become excellent coaches.

Despite his sympathetic character, sometimes Clementy often seems callous, superficial and incapable of deep, real feelings to those around him. But that's not true. Having found his soul mate, he is capable of the most sincere and devoted love, which will not fade away over many years.

Clementius is not characterized by guile. Most often, such people are trusting and sincere. They are ready to give their last for the good of a loved one. Unfortunately, friends and relatives are not always able to appreciate Clementy’s sacrifices. So the one who bears this name is quite often disappointed in people, and with a huge circle of acquaintances, Clement does not have many real friends.

Another pronounced character trait of Clement is a heightened sense of duty. Therefore, most of them are constantly torn between their responsibilities and their desires, and as a result, it is not easy for them to build a personal life. So, when calling your baby this way, it is worth remembering what the meaning of the name Clementy is for a boy and the fate that it can predetermine for him.

Love and family relationships Klimentiev

Guys with this name get married quite late. Being inherently maximalists, they prefer marriage for love. In their opinion, the wife is obliged to love, understand, support her husband and fully share his interests. But finding such a life partner is not easy for Clementia.

In the process of searching for the ideal wife, Clementy is even capable of getting a divorce several times if he sees that his other half does not meet his high standards. However, due to a heightened sense of duty, the decision to divorce is very painful and not easy for him. So, having divorced, it will take him a long time to come to his senses.

Clementy rarely develops harmonious and lasting relationships with girls named Anna, Valentina, Daria, Larisa, Margarita and Varvara.

But Nina, Natalya, Lada, Ada, Lydia and Anfisa will become wonderful companions in family life for Clementy.

Health of Clementius

Having decided to name their child this way, parents should also take into account the meaning of the name Clementy for the child in terms of health.

People with it are quite energetic and have a strong nervous system. The weak point of Clementius, as a rule, is vision and stomach. With a sedentary lifestyle, problems with the musculoskeletal system are possible. Following a healthy lifestyle, people with this name are able to surprise others with their longevity and excellent shape.

Talismans and secrets of the name Clementy

Like all names, Clementius has its own special secrets. For example, the meaning of the name Clementius and its influence on the character of the person so named largely depends on the time of year in which he was born.

“Summer” Clementy is a good-natured altruist, ready to give his last shirt. “Autumn”, on the contrary, is focused and is not inclined to waste his time, resources and attention on people who are not interesting to him.

Clementy, born in winter, may have a tendency towards alcoholism, but if he has a favorite activity, he is able to avoid this vice. And the “spring” Clementy is a lover of inventing something, a visionary and a dreamer. However, sometimes this quality prevents him from achieving serious success in his chosen field.

The Klimentiev talisman stone is chrysolite, the flower is gladiolus, the tree is maple, and the totem animal is falcon. The color for a boy with this name is purple, and the patron planet is Mars.

Name day of Clementy

According to church tradition, Clement has several name days. First of all, this is, of course, the eighth of December, popularly called “Klement’s Day.”

Also, all Clementius can celebrate name days on the seventeenth of January, the fifth of February, the fifth and seventeenth of May, the ninth of August and the twenty-third of September.

The name Clementius (Clement) in history

In addition to St. Clement and the many popes named by the same name, there were many other famous personalities with this name.

Among Orthodox educators, famous church leaders and bishops, many bore this name. Of these, the Bulgarian enlightener Kliment Ohridsky, Archimandrite of the Russian Church Kliment Mozharov and many others.

The name Kliment Timiryazev was borne by a famous Russian biologist, one of the first disseminators of the theory of evolution in the Russian Empire. It was he who was able to establish the mechanism of photosynthesis, and also conducted a lot of research in the field of ecology.

Short for Klimenty, it was worn by one of the first Marshals of the USSR, who performed remarkably not only during the Civil War, but also during the Great Patriotic War.

Over time, the name Clementius and its analogues also became surnames. For example, a similar one was worn by the Czech opera singer Vaclav Kliment, who was quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Today, the famous football player of the German club Stuttgart, originally from the Czech Republic, bears the name Jan Kliment. And one of the most beautiful Russian actresses of our time, Ekaterina Klimova, has a surname derived from the name Klim.

The name Clementy (Clement, Klim) came to our lands quite a long time ago, but has already become familiar. Unfortunately, after the tragic events of 1917, this name began to rapidly lose its popularity. Perhaps this is due to the fact that most people associated it with Christianity, which they tried unsuccessfully to eradicate for many years.

Fortunately, today the name Clementius is coming back into fashion. Having chosen it for your child, you should pay attention to the features and meaning of the name Clement for its owner. At the same time, we must not forget that upbringing also plays a huge role in the formation of personality.

Forms of the name Klim

Short form of the name Klim. Klimka, Klimasha, Klimukha, Klem, Klemy, Mente, Clementino, Mentino, Kleme, Klimek, Klema, Klemoush, Meins, Mens, Klimko, Klimonko, Klimochko, Klimus, Klimtsio. Synonyms for the name Klim. Clement, Clement, Clement, Clemens, Clement, Clemente, Clementi, Clement, Kelemen.

Name Klim in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 克林姆 (Kè lín mǔ). Japanese: クリム (Kurimu). Korean: 클림 (keullim). Kannada ಕ್ಲೈಂಬಿಂಗ್ (Klaimbiṅg). Ukrainian: Klim. Yiddish: קלים (Qlym). English: Klim (Klim).

Origin of the name Klim

The name Klim is a short form that comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) “clement”, which translates as “merciful”, “humane”, “soft”.

The name Clement has two stress options, both on the first and last syllable. In Europe, stress is used on the second syllable, and in the Orthodox tradition, stress is used on the first syllable.

IN Ancient Rus' another was formed from the name Klim male name Klimyata by adding the Old Russian suffix “-yata”. This was mentioned in one of the Novgorod birch bark documents.

In Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Clement will be called Clemens, in France - Clement, in Portugal, Italy - Clemente, Clementi, in Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic - Clement, in Hungary - Kelemen, in Scotland - Cliamin. In Belarus and Ukraine, the form of the name Klim is more often used, less often full name Clementius. From the name Clement the female name Clementine is formed (Clementine, Clementyna, Clementia, Clemencia, Clemenza, Clementine, Clementine, Clemency, Clementine, Clementine). And the diminutive address for Clementine - Tina - is also an independent name.

Klim's character

Klim grows up as a calm boy, without causing any special worries to his parents. He is kind and inquisitive and retains these qualities throughout his life. Klim is not making much progress in school. As a child, the boy is honest to the point of scrupulousness. Parents should not worry about their son deceiving them: this will never happen.

By nature, Klim is phlegmatic. It is quite difficult to piss him off; if he wants, he will control himself. He is calm and patient, but deep down in his soul there may be causeless anxiety that will not allow him to act consistently.

Having matured, Klim retains the same character traits as in childhood. Perhaps over the years he will become more calculating and stubborn. Klim, born in the summer, will remain a visionary and a dreamer. He absolutely does not know how to adapt to people and circumstances. Stubbornness forces Klim to spend too much energy trying to break the resistance of the outside world.

Sometimes Klim behaves too trustingly, which is why he gets into various unpleasant stories. It is important for this man to feel protected, which is only possible when he is engaged in an exciting activity in an established team.

The secret of the name Klim

In early childhood, Klim is a balanced and calm boy. He is inquisitive and kind, the same character traits remain with him into adulthood. True, he acquires such a character trait as prudence.

Zimny ​​Klim is stubborn and can argue on any issue, proving his opinion.

Summer Klim feels pity for everyone. He is kind and calm, loves to fantasize.

Autumn Klim is quick-tempered and calculating, but he does not know how to adapt to circumstances. He likes to receive guests at home, but he visits very rarely.

Klim is a patient man. It takes him a long time to find a wife and becomes a wonderful father and husband. Such a man is a monogamous man and is very jealous of his beloved.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: coffee
Radiation: 91%
Planets: Jupiter
Stone-mascot: peridot
Plant: Apple tree
Totemic animal: fly
Basic character traits: will, intelligence, intuition

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 90,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 79%
Psyche: patience
Health: good health, longevity

The meaning of the name Klim

From Clement. “Merciful” (Greek) In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny. In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating. “Winter” are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point. But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start. “Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit. The main feature of almost all Klims is patience. The Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Numerology of the name Klim

Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. "Fours" are excellent scientists, engineers, designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Klim as a phrase

To Kako
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Klim

General description of the name Klim

From the Greek "grapevine".

In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny.

In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating.

Those born in winter are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point.

But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start.

“Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit.

The main feature of almost all Klims is patience. The Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Characteristics of the name Klim according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - “merciful”. In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny. In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating. Winter ones are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point. But the summer ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start. Autumn ones are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit. The main feature of almost all Klims is patience. Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Positive traits of the name

Lightness, sociability, sharpness and mobility of mind. Klim easily adapts to any conditions, customs, becomes his own, a kind of shirt-guy, easily speaks on any topic, commanding the attention of listeners. If he wants, he can achieve what he wants by concentrating all his strength and abilities on achieving the goal.

Negative traits of the name

Cunning, curiosity, extravagance, temper, rage. Klim often does as he pleases. He is not tormented by remorse; subtle emotional experiences are alien to him. He can condone a lot of things, be lenient towards people, but for his vital interests he is ready to enter into an unequal fight. Often exaggerates his powers. As a child, Klim is not particularly persevering and has excellent academic performance.

Choosing a profession by name

For precise and painstaking work, Klim lacks constancy and restraint. It is easier for him to achieve success in the field that brings him to the public. He has good organizational skills, he can become a director or government clerk, at a minimum, a traveling salesman, a dealer presenting new products, a successful manager, or an artist.

The impact of a name on business

Klim strives to achieve everything at once: make money easily, quickly achieve a high position, become the owner of a large fortune. At times Klim will have great financial success, but it will be difficult for him to keep what he has earned.

The influence of a name on health

Klim is given a big one life force, strong nervous system. With a healthy lifestyle, he can surprise people with his energy and longevity. Otherwise, accidents may not be ruled out.

Psychology of the name

Klim's artistry arouses the affection of his loved ones. He easily makes friends, his inferiors and people of high rank and wealth adore him. Don't try to prove anything to Klim by force. If he feels violence against himself, he may contradict everything. It is better for him to give in to the little things, leaving the main issues to be resolved.

Famous people named Klim

Clement Titus Flavius ​​(cousin of the Roman Emperor Domitian; killed in 96 on the orders of the emperor himself (rumored for his sympathies for Christians), which contributed to the emergence in the early Middle Ages of a colorful hagiographic legend about the miraculous wanderings and martyrdom of his namesake, Pope Clement I.)
Clement I ((d.97/99/101) apostle from seventy, the fourth bishop of Rome (4th Pope), one of the apostolic men. Widely revered in Kievan Rus. We are revered in Orthodoxy as one of the first Christian preachers in the Russian lands .)
Klimyata (one of the first ancient Russian entrepreneurs: the Novgorod merchant Klimyata, who lived at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th century, combined trade with the return of money in interest, a usurer)
Kliment Artemyevich (Novgorod thousand, ambassador from Novgorod to the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, 1255)
Kliment Alfanov (one of the Alfanov brothers, Novgorod, 12th century)
Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius ​​Clement) ((c.150 - c.215) Christian apologist and preacher of the Holy Scriptures among the Hellenistic scribes, the founder of the Alexandrian theological school, who headed it before Origen)
Kliment Voroshilov ((1881 - 1969) Soviet military leader, statesman and party leader, participant in the Civil War, one of the first Marshals of the Soviet Union. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor.)
Kliment Timiryazev ((1843 - 1920) Russian naturalist, physiologist, physicist, instrument maker, historian of science, writer, translator, publicist, professor at Moscow University, founder of the Russian and British scientific schools of plant physiologists)
Clement of Ohrid (Ohridski) ((c.840 - 916) Bulgarian and pan-Slavic enlightener, saint, lived in the city of Ohrid, in Macedonia. One of the students of Cyril and Methodius.)
Clement, Metropolitan of Tarnovo ((1841/1838 – 1901) in the world - Vasil Drumev; bishop of the Bulgarian Exarchate (during the schism); figure of the period of the Bulgarian national revival, politician of the Bulgarian principality, writer)
Klement Gottwald ((1896 - 1953) politician of Czechoslovakia, leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia and President of Czechoslovakia)
Clement (Klim) Smolyatich ((died after 1164) Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus' (1147-1155), church writer, first Russian theologian, second metropolitan of Russian origin. He was a highly educated man of his time. The chronicle mentions him as such a “scribe and philosopher , the likes of which have never happened in the Russian land.")
Klimenty Gankevich ((1842 - 1924) Ukrainian philologist, linguist, writer, ethnographer, translator, first teacher of Ukrainian language and literature at Chernivtsi University, one of the most prominent representatives of Galician idealist philosophers. Doctor of Philosophy.)
Klimenty Korchmarev ((1899 - 1958) Soviet composer. Honored Artist of the Turkmen SSR (1944). Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1951).)
Archimandrite Clementy ((1869 – 1951) in the world - Maria Kazimir Sheptytsky; archimandrite of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In 2001 he was beatified by the Catholic Church.)
Klimenty Chernykh ((born 1925) Russian scientist. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. K.F. Chernykh. Published 18 books and about 120 articles. His two-volume monograph “Linear Theory of Shells "(1962-1964) was published by NASA in English, his monograph “Introduction to Anisotropic Elasticity” was republished in the USA (1998). Klimenty Feodosievich headed the scientific school “Nonlinear problems of mechanics and physics of a deformable body,” which was awarded many grants ( state support leading scientific schools Russian Federation, Russian Foundation basic research, Ministry of Education, etc.). He trained 20 candidates and 7 doctors of science. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree and military medals, and was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.” Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2000), prizes of the Leningrad University and the All-Union Society of Builders of the USSR.)
Klimenty Mints ((1908 - 1995) Soviet director, screenwriter. Together with V. Kreps, he was the author of the scripts for one of the most popular children's radio programs - “The Club of Famous Captains,” which aired from December 1945 until the end of the 70s. Also in collaboration with V. Kreps, he wrote several books for children, including those based on the radio program “The Club of Famous Captains.”)
Kliment Dydorov ((1885 - 1938) Russian officer, participant in the white movement)
Kliment Redko ((1897 - 1956) Soviet artist, representative of the pictorial avant-garde of the 1920s - early 1930s)
Kliment Kvitka ((1880 - 1953) Ukrainian and Russian Soviet musicologist-folklorist. One of the founders of Soviet musical ethnography. Author of many theoretical works on Ukrainian musical folklore. He also owns works on the study of folk musical instruments, educational and methodological manuals. Awarded 2 orders, as well as medals. Developed a new methodology for field work, a theoretical basis for ethnomusical sociology and historical and comparative study of the music of ethnically related peoples (Slavs, Turks). Made a number of important discoveries in the field of the origin and distribution of primitive scales, chromatisms, rhythmic archetypes and folk music instruments. Of primary importance are his works on the criticism of sources. K.V. Kvitka collected over 6000 Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and other folk songs. Kvitka made unique phonograph recordings of the dumas of the kobzar Ignat Goncharenko, the voices of Lesya Ukrainka and Ivan Franko. Therefore It’s not for nothing that he is called the founder of Ukrainian musical ethnography.)
Kliment Lyovychkin ((1907 - 1984) Soviet diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary)
Klim Shomoev ((1930 - 2010) Soviet statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1987-1990))
Klim Zvezdin ((born 1989) Russian actor)
Klim Dmitruk (Galsky) (Ukrainian historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of numerous books about the Bandera underground and the Uniate Church)
Clement Ayer Smoot ((1884 - 1963) American golfer, summer champion Olympic Games 1904)
Sir Clement Afelstone Errindel ((1931 - 2011) statesman of Saint Kitts and Nevis, governor (1981-1983), governor-general (1983-1995))
Clement (Clements) Robert Markham ((1830 - 1916) English geographer, explorer and writer. From 1863 to 1888 he served as secretary of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), and later remained president of the society for another twelve years. In this position, he was mainly involved in organizing the British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-1904), and also helped launch the polar career of Robert Scott. Clement Markham was a member of the Royal Society of London, as well as a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.)
Clement Pemberton Daken ((1877 - 1969) British rugby player, silver medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
Clément Juglar ((1819 - 1905) French physician and statistician. Published articles in economic journals, later separate books were published. Made a significant contribution to the study of cycles business activity, named after him - the Juglar cycles.)
Clement Duval ((1850 - 1935) French anarchist and criminal. His ideas of “individual redress” influenced the formation of illegalism.)
Clement Mansfield Ingleby ((1823 - 1886) English philosopher and literary critic)
Clemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg-Beilstein ((1773 - 1859) Austrian diplomat from the Metternich family, Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1809-1848, main organizer of the Congress of Vienna in 1815. He led the political reorganization of Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. Known for his extremely conservative views . He bore the titles of Imperial Prince (Fürst) and Duke of Portal. Author of valuable memoirs.)
Clemens Pirquet ((1874 - 1929) Austrian pediatrician; proposed a diagnostic test for tuberculosis (“Pirquet reaction”), and also introduced the concept of “allergy”. In 1906, Clemens von Pirquet proposed using it to refer to an unusual, altered reactivity of the body to an action various factors external environment the term “allergy”. In 1907, Clemens proposed the use of tuberculin for skin testing to detect human infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.)
His Eminence Cardinal Count Clemens August von Galen ((1878 - 1946) German aristocrat, count, bishop, cardinal, blessed of Rome Catholic Church. He became known for his open criticism of the Nazi policy of killing the “useless,” in particular the T-4 program. At the same time, he held extreme right-wing and anti-communist views and believed that war with the Soviet Union and the Stalinist regime was right. The speeches of Bishop von Galen, together with the discontent of the population (primarily relatives of patients undergoing euthanasia), forced Adolf Hitler to officially stop the T-4 program, which infuriated the Nazis. Martin Bormann advocated hanging the "rebel bishop", while Goebbels opposed this decision, arguing that execution would give von Galen the aura of a martyr and cause discontent among the many faithful Catholics both in Germany and abroad. For his openly anti-Nazi sermons, Bishop von Galen acquired the name “Lion of Munster.” On September 14, 1941, two months after the start of Operation Barbarossa, Bishop von Galen delivered a sermon supporting the “campaign against the Bolshevik plague.” After 1945, he criticized the actions of the Western Allies (including the destructive bombing of German cities, as well as the transfer of East Prussia Soviet Union and the eviction of Germans from there). He was elected an honorary citizen of the city of Munster. On February 18, 1946 he was appointed cardinal; he died just a few days after returning from Rome. In January 2005, Pope John Paul II decided to beatify Cardinal Count Clemens August von Galen. Beatification took place in October 2005, already under Pope Benedict XVI.)
Clemens Betzel ((1895 - 1945) German military leader, Lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht, commander of the 4th Panzer Division during World War II. Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, highest order of the Third Reich.)
Clemens Alexander Winkler ((1838 - 1904) German chemist-technologist who discovered chemical element germanium (1881), “strengthener” of D.I. Mendeleev’s theory of periodicity)
Clemens Brentano de la Roche ((1778 - 1842) German writer and poet, along with Achim von Arnim, the main representative of the so-called Heidelberg romanticism. Brother of Bettina von Arnim.)
Clemens Krauss ((1893 - 1954) Austrian conductor. One of the most outstanding performers of the music of Richard Strauss. Kraus was a friend of Richard Strauss and an outstanding performer of his music. He is the author of the libretto for Strauss's opera Capriccio. Kraus collaborated extensively with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra; to The tradition of the New Year's concert in Vienna dates back to him. He also taught in Vienna, among his students is the Polish composer Alfred Gradstein.)
Clemente Juan Rodriguez ((born 1981) Argentine footballer, left back. Defender of the Argentina national team, in which he became the champion of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.)
Clemente Russo ((born 1982) Italian amateur boxer, two-time silver medalist at the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games, world champion 2007)


The name Klim is of ancient Roman origin. According to the main version, it could have come from the ancient Roman cognomen (family nickname), which sounded like “clement”. Translated, this cognomen can mean “merciful,” “humane,” or “gentle” person. Although there are other versions.

The male name Klim, like many outdated names, is common in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. It appeared many years ago in the Russian name book, and is still listed in it. In Europe, this name has never been popular, although it has ancient Roman roots according to the main version of etymologists.

Conversational options: Klimka, Klimasha, Klimukha, Klem

Modern English analogues: Clement, Clement, Clementius, Clemens

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Klim has the strongest energy, capable of greatly influencing the future, nature and fate of the boy named by this name. It is believed that the energy and meaning of the name Klim can give the bearer a stormy, unpredictable and very rebellious character.

And on top of that, the energy of the name Klim manifests itself differently at each age stage. Usually, as they grow older, people with this name change a lot. Usually they become more sensual, friendly, gentle and flexible, although in childhood they cannot be called such.

Advantages and positive features: activity, energy, restlessness, curiosity, determination, efficiency, friendliness, sociability, goodwill and integrity.

Klim has a bad attitude towards people who are trying to manipulate him and impose their opinions on him. Such a guy will never allow an intrusive, dishonest, or simply envious person to approach him.

In most European countries, namely Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Romania and even Poland, the “Clement” form is considered much more popular. In the Czech Republic and Hungary the name Klim (Clement) took on a different form - Kelemen. In Scotland it sounds like "Cliamin". In Russia, in addition to the form Klim, the name Klimenty is also rare, but still found.

Character of the name Klim

The character of the name Klim, or rather the bearer of this nominal form, is very difficult and can cause many problems, both for parents and for the entire environment. All Klims, over whom the meaning of this name protects, are, for the most part, frivolous, fickle, unreliable, unprincipled, irresponsible representatives of the male half of humanity. It is difficult for such people to achieve anything in life, they do not have enough patience and perseverance for anything - although in sports there is every chance of success.

Klim's character always presupposes the presence of such qualities as restlessness, restlessness, inconstancy, unpredictability, and sluggishness. Such people are too unpredictable - it is almost impossible to predict what Klim will do next and what he will do. But his character will not allow him to cheat or take advantage of someone else’s weakness in order to achieve his own goal. Plus, his character will never allow him to betray or deceive a loved one. Such people usually have a character that implies kindness and responsiveness. Klim is a kind, friendly, sociable and eloquent person, a talker, a cheerful fellow, an adventurer.

But it presupposes character and one big “but”. It lies in the lack of resistance to the influence of others. Klim is easily influenced by people, and at the same time has poor understanding of people. It is not uncommon for character to change for the worse under the influence of people around him with whom it would not even be worth communicating. But in general, the character of the boy Klim is unique in all respects; such people are rare in our time.

Early childhood

In early childhood, the boy, to whom his parents decided to give the rare beautiful name Klim, has a very difficult character; even his mother and father will have a hard time coping with him. Klim is usually a restless, active, energetic, efficient, restless, unpredictable, mischievous and irresponsible boy. He is uncontrollable, does not obey his parents, always plays around and does many rash things. In other words, little Klim’s childhood was very eventful. But at the same time, the meaning of this name can give a lot of positive qualities. Among their huge number are friendliness, sociability, responsiveness, and affability. The boy Klim usually has an incredibly strong desire to communicate, he cannot spend a minute alone, it is important for him to be in the company of friends and comrades, it is important to feel their attention, to see that they want to communicate with him.

On the other hand, the meaning and energy of the name Klim can appeal to the dominance of such a trait as distrust. Klim, who received this name, is a fearful and suspicious boy by nature, but these traits manifest themselves precisely in communication - he does not trust anyone with his experiences and problems, does not tell anyone about his weaknesses, and is afraid that someone will take advantage of them. Gaining his trust as a child is quite difficult...

But he will probably tell his mother and father about everything; it is unlikely that the boy Klim will have secrets from his parents, and especially from his mother. Speaking of mothers, as a rule, all Klims have a special connection with their mother. He will never be able to trust his father as much as she does - the reason is the fear of showing weakness to his father and seeing his disappointment, and naturally, the meaning of the name.


As a teenager, Klim can cause a lot of problems for his parents. The main part of the problems will probably be related to studies and education. Restlessness, fickleness, instability, unreliability, restlessness, inability to concentrate on one thing, reluctance to work, moderate but still laziness, disobedience and unwillingness to obey general rules– these are the traits that can become the root causes of problems in learning. And because of them, problems may arise in communicating with teachers, which can also negatively affect learning results in its own way.

At the same time, Klim, thanks to such a factor as meaning, is a fairly capable student, a talented guy - this boy may have an excellent memory, an excellent imagination, and even a penchant for studying the exact sciences. All he needs to succeed is discipline, which is very, very difficult to instill in Klim. And in addition to everything, the meaning of Klim’s name can also endow him with integrity, and can make him very stubborn - in this case, instilling in Klim something he doesn’t want can be even more difficult.

On the other hand, Klim is a cheerful, resourceful, sociable, sociable, affable and friendly person. This boy has a good sense of humor and an excellent imagination. Thanks to these traits, Klim can become welcome guest in any company. The meaning and energy of the name Klim can endow the bearer of this name with humor, optimism, which can only be envied, and eloquence, but they definitely do not promise one thing in any case - we are talking about responsibility.

Grown man

With age, Klim may become more reasonable and systematic, but he will still not be given responsibility. Prudence, planning, prudence, determination and self-confidence - these traits will help Klim achieve a lot in professional activity and career. But his irresponsibility and unwillingness to follow generally accepted rules will still prevent him from becoming a leader or manager. Klim has leadership inclinations, he easily communicates on equal terms with people of various types, he can get along with even the most conflicted person, but he will never be able to become a full-fledged leader. He will always be perceived as a frivolous and irresponsible person.

Another important point is that the meaning given to the name Klim promises friendliness and sociability even at the stage of maturity. The carrier may be in demand in society and desired, but no one should ever rely on it. No, he will never intentionally betray or deceive a person, but at the right moment he may simply not be there. In addition, he himself will probably run away from responsibility at the first opportunity. In other words, this is a very unreliable man - although this also applies to the teenage boy Klim, there are few differences.

One of the main problems of a man who is patronized by the meaning and hidden energy of the name Klim is lack of concentration and lack of determination. He may want something badly, but even with a strong desire he is unlikely to achieve it - he will rather change his goal and switch to something else.

Interaction of Klim’s character with the seasons

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the spring season, and named Klim, is usually an impulsive, stubborn, assertive, emotional and very sensitive representative of the male half of humanity. This kind of person always achieves his goal, despite obstacles. At the same time, he is not without charm and eloquence, with which he can win the love and respect of those around him.

Summer is a boy born in one of the three months of summer; he is an infantile and self-centered person, with a lot of flaws, but also with a lot of advantages. Usually endowed with an analytical mind and a lot of talent. Reasonable and calculating, systematic, never follows intuition and always listens to common sense. A little narcissistic, but at the same time demanding of the people around him.

Autumn is an autumn guy, he is an attentive, polite, patient, charming, kind, sensitive and responsive guy in most cases. Such a person can grow up to be a womanizer and a romantic at the same time. You shouldn’t expect devotion or fidelity from him. Sentimental, a little insecure, suspicious and distrustful. You can build a relationship with someone like that, but you shouldn’t try to change him and make him more trusting.

Winter - and boys born in winter and given the name Klim are often soft, kind, sentimental, romantic, sociable, eloquent dreamers with an excellent imagination. Such people know how to achieve their goals, they know how to concentrate on what is important, but they do not know how to overcome obstacles - such people need advisers and prompters, mentors.

The fate of the name Klim

The fate of the name Klim suggests a very stormy personal life for the bearer of this name variation. Usually, the fate of such boys involves many novels, stormy, passionate, but short-lived. The fault lies with character, with its unpredictability, inconstancy, and craving for variety. Such, as teenagers, in most cases are in demand among representatives of the opposite sex. But this doesn't last forever...

Having reached maturity, all Klims begin to take relationships with girls more seriously. Klim can take marriage especially seriously. Fate in the case of the nominal form Klim presupposes early marriage and earlier becoming a father. And no less important, the fate and history of this nominal form involves becoming a good father and an exemplary family man, an excellent housekeeper and simply a reliable family member.

Another important point is that fate will allow Klim to build a strong family only with that woman who can endlessly tolerate his antics and engage in his re-education. Fate will not connect him with someone who is as unpredictable and unreliable as himself - his lady love will probably be a reliable, serious woman who is ready to take on most of the worries. Yes, with something like this, Klim himself will want to change...

Love and marriage

Klim is an example of a modern knight; he treats ladies with great respect and respect, like a true gentleman. It is not surprising that only well-mannered and unspoiled women can be in his circle. He is extremely thorough and serious about choosing his future wife. He is looking for a thrifty, neat, meek and kind wife. She should not be a spoiled doll, accustomed to luxury. He can create a family, strong and happy, only with the woman he can provide. His wife must be economical and thrifty, devote herself entirely to the family and household.

Klim is the undisputed head of the family, he will not tolerate his authority being questioned. A meek and obedient wife will be able to easily fulfill her husband’s simple wishes. In the Klima family, this is the key to a long and strong union. Despite his severity and demandingness, he is a very kind, caring and loving husband. He often volunteers to help with the housework, worries about his wife, and supports his family with dignity. Klim is a very hospitable host, he is always happy to see his wife’s family and his own as guests. His main dream and goal is a big and beautiful house, in which the whole large family can gather for a long time.

After marriage, Klim begins to look at many things differently, and he also understands that there cannot be too many real friends. Only a few truly loyal and reliable friends remain next to him. He is sensitive to the issue of marital fidelity and will never betray his beloved wife, just as she will betray him.

Klim as Father

Understanding the meaning of the word “fatherhood” comes to each man differently and in different time. Many people do not fully understand how important and responsible a step in life this is. Of course, the name has a huge impact on a person’s fate, but this is also influenced by other factors: upbringing, example of the father, living conditions and character. Klim’s character contains many important and positive character traits, suggesting that he will definitely not become a bad father.

With the birth of children, the strict and demanding Klim becomes much softer, kinder and more patient, including towards his wife. He loves his kids very much. Klim tries to do everything to ensure that everything is no worse than everyone else’s, maybe even a little better. While the children are very small, he helps his wife with little things and loves to play with them, but as they grow older, he becomes more and more involved in the process of raising them.

IN educational process Klim is wise and kind towards children. He motivates children’s learning, and they independently and voluntarily strive for knowledge, sports and communication. Klim carefully cares about children and loves them very much, but sometimes he can be strict, for example, in case of poor performance.

Compatibility with female names

The best thing about the name Klim is considered to be compatibility with such names as Valeria, Anna and Lyudmila. Here the meanings are completely and completely compatible, and by creating such a pair, Klim will be able to build a really strong relationship, with trust, love, reciprocity and understanding. It is believed that Klim may have a special connection with women named by these names.

With Sophia, Polina, and Daria, compatibility is a little worse, but it is also there. Relationships here can be full of passion and romance, but they will never be durable. Most likely, they will collapse under the pressure of jealousy and mistrust of each other. The energies of these names do not promise strength for a couple with a man named Klim.

But with Alena, Veronica and Alexandra, the name Klim is completely incompatible, neither in meaning nor in energy. At least that's what research says. But again, all this is just a theory, and it is quite difficult to predict what the relationship will actually be like.


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