Is an infrared heater harmful or not? Weak, uneven and excessive heating of the oven What is the real danger?

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Infrared radiation is one of the most known varieties electromagnetic radiation, its main distinctive feature lies in a special region of the spectrum that lies between the visible red end of light and microwave radio emission.

This type is notable for the fact that the optical parameters of most substances in it differ significantly from those presented in the visible version. For example, a 2-3 cm layer of water loses its transparent qualities.

The main sources are:

  • Sun;
  • incandescent lamps and their gas-charging analogues;
  • all solid physical objects and objects heated to a certain extent;

The human eye is not able to see in the infrared spectrum, but the person himself is able to tactilely sense this energy. The spectrum can be recorded using thermal detectors or special photoelectric equipment.

Such radiation can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Short wavelength area.
  2. Area with medium waves.
  3. Region with long waves.

Moreover, the region with long waves forms a completely new range, which is called terahertz or submillimeter radiation. The spectrum of frequencies that it possesses is already located between the infrared and ultra-high frequency ranges.

There are still no clear boundaries between them, so different scientific sources define them differently.

IR radiation also has a synonymous name - heat rays, since its reflection from heated objects is tactilely felt by a person in this way.

The temperature to which the object is heated is the main factor influencing the final wavelength: the higher the temperature of the object, the shorter the emitted wave becomes, and its intensity, on the contrary, is greater.

This happens due to the emission of atoms and ions, which, with increasing temperature, transform into an excited state. It is for this reason that sources of such radiation may have different colors- from burgundy and dark red to yellow and bright white.

In physics there is such a concept as “absolutely black body", introduced into use by Kirchhoff several centuries ago. It is capable of absorbing all types of electromagnetic radiation that fall on it, regardless of its own temperature regime.

The spectrum of its radiation at low temperatures is precisely in the infrared range.

IR radiation can be classified as a special type of energy that has the ability to increase the temperature of surrounding objects without affecting the temperature regime air masses located between the source and the heated object.

The effect of IR rays on the body

Some people are afraid to use devices that rely on infrared radiation because they often confuse it with ultraviolet rays, the dangers of which, when exposed to excessive radiation, have been discussed a lot in the media.

However, these two completely different concepts should not be confused; IR rays have a completely different effect on the human body:

  1. Impact on nerve endings upon contact with skin, this causes a feeling of warmth.
  2. If it comes into contact with a person long waves do not cause an increase in body temperature, but only in the upper skin. This happens because most of the rays are absorbed by the moisture contained in the skin.
  3. Rays from the short-wave part of the infrared spectrum are able to penetrate deeper, causing an increase in temperature not only of the skin, but also of the internal organs.
  4. Capable of inducing the process of regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.
  5. Short waves can cause heat stroke, if the temperature of a person’s brain increases by at least 1°C.

Harm from infrared heaters

As is known, in large quantities Absolutely everything is harmful, and IR heaters are no exception; excessive abuse of their active use can also cause harm to the body.

You need to know that infrared radiation has, for the most part, only a positive effect and is not as dangerous as its ultraviolet counterpart, but people with a weak heart or suffering from most chronic diseases are not recommended to overheat certain areas of their body, including with infrared rays.

First of all, it is necessary to protect the head and chest area from overheating. In particular, overheating of the head, regardless of health status and the presence or absence of any diseases, can cause heat stroke.

Any infrared heater, especially one operating on short waves, can cause harm to the body if it is directly exposed to it for more than 6 hours in a row.

The benefits of infrared heaters

IR heaters also have a number of useful properties, it is thanks to them that they often find application in medicine.

Among the positive effects on humans are:

  1. Providing a positive effect on metabolic processes and the circulatory system.
  2. Beneficial effects on the immune system.
  3. Acceleration of restoration processes in damaged tissues, healing and regeneration of many internal organs.
  4. Reduces the growth of cancer cells in the human body.
  5. Helps destroy some types of hepatitis viruses.
  6. Providing assistance for diseases such as psoriasis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  7. Neutralization of harmful radioactive radiation received by humans.

Today, infrared radiation is actively used in various areas of medicine - dentistry, surgery, physiotherapy. Many doctors also advise in some cases to take infrared saunas or infrared baths, which have a beneficial effect on human health in general.

Possible consequences of using IR heaters

No negative effects from long-wave radiation have been noticed, the only possible danger– this is overheating, so exposure to infrared rays must be dosed, rationally determining the time of their exposure.

If infrared heating systems are used too often and for a long time, while being exposed to infrared rays, or if they are not operated correctly, this can cause a number of consequences:

  1. Exposing a person to short infrared rays for too long can have consequences such as redness of the skin and blisters at the site of too intense exposure.
  2. Short wave rays can cause Negative consequences Due to exposure to the organs of vision for too long, the worst case scenario may be the occurrence of cataracts.
  3. Getting heatstroke, which may be accompanied by dizziness, pain in the head, loss of consciousness and nausea.

As you can see, all the consequences are associated precisely with excessive exposure to short waves.

How can you eliminate harm?

Scientists, doctors, and IR equipment manufacturers always warn about possible consequences, which can be caused by excessive exposure to infrared radiation.

  1. How closer person is located to the source of infrared rays, the shorter the time of their exposure should be.
  2. Wearing clothing with special protection against infrared radiation I, as well as the use of heat shields on appropriate equipment, are factors that largely eliminate the likelihood of harm.
  3. It is not recommended to use IR heaters open type with short infrared waves.
  4. Install this type of heater in residential premises so that they are not in close proximity to people. The best option are ceiling heating systems installed at maximum height.
  5. It is better not to install such heating systems in children's rooms or adult bedrooms, but if this is still a necessary measure, then you should choose not too powerful models.
  6. Use only high-quality models from trusted manufacturers, since devices made from low-quality materials are the most common cause of injury.

Scientists' opinion

Naturally, before buying an IR heater, many people want to know what official science thinks about this.

Below are the opinions of various scientists and reputable scientific organizations regarding the effects of infrared radiation on humans:

  1. Majority scientific workers Research Institute of Occupational Medicine at the Academy of Sciences Russian Federation unanimously came to the collegial opinion that long-wave infrared radiation mainly has only a positive effect on the human body. The effect of resonant absorption is important, that is, to achieve the most beneficial effect, it is necessary that the wavelength emanating from the IR source be no greater, and ideally equal, to the wavelength of the person himself.
  2. Row modern research conducted in the field of biotechnology showed that it was long-wave infrared radiation that had highest value during the formation of life on the planet.
  3. According to a number of scientists, it is infrared heating organized in a residential area that is the safest and most economical, and is also environmentally friendly.

Operating principle of IR heaters

IN Lately Heating systems operating within the appropriate range are becoming increasingly popular.

Heater device

The principle of their operation is similar to the main natural source of infrared rays - the sun:

  1. Creation of a series of thermal IR rays.
  2. Absorption by the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as all solid objects located in the room.
  3. Transfer of received heat from absorbing objects to the air masses surrounding them.
  4. The emergence of a thermal effect indoors based on this transfer.

In other words, such heaters use at the heart of their system a type of radiation that is in the infrared spectrum, if you focus on wavelength.

If we think in a more global sense, then any object that gives off heat, that is, in fact, is its source, can be considered an IR heater.

They are distinguished, as well as infrared regions, by wavelength:

  1. Heaters emitting long waves can reach an operating temperature of +300-400°C. Unofficially, they are called “dark devices” because they do not have a visible glow or color change even when operating at maximum temperature parameters.
  2. Medium wave heaters have a standard operating temperature of +400-600°C.
  3. Heaters using short waves, on the contrary, are called “light emitters” due to the fact that their working surface is subject to glow and change color range. Their operating temperature can reach +800°C and even exceed the specified parameter.

Specially created heating systems of this type can be based on completely different designs, but at the same time they have the same operating principle.

The existing reflector and emitter (source) form the necessary rays and direct them in a given direction.

The following sources are most often used as emitters:

  1. Halogen lamps– are manufactured in the form glass elements tubular in shape, which are filled with halogen vapor in a discharged state. Inside the lamp is formed electric field, due to which the vapors not only become a source of infrared radiation, but also begin to glow.
  2. Quartz lamps operate on a different principle: inside them there is a vacuum in which a thread is placed, most often made of tungsten or carbon fiber created by special technology. When it is passed through electricity, the material begins to heat up, becoming a source of infrared radiation. In this case, the lamp gives off only heat, there is virtually no glow.
  3. Carbon lamps are based on the same principle of operation as their quartz counterparts.

At the same time, the heat and radiation emitted by the heater are not absorbed by the surrounding air; only partial dispersion throughout the room is possible. Otherwise, they reach surrounding solid objects with almost no loss in their parameters.

This operating principle is the main one distinctive feature IR heaters, which separates them from other heat sources in the premises.

Using IR Rays

IN modern world IR rays have found application and are used not only to create heating systems, but also in a number of other cases:

  1. Night vision devices are created on their basis., and there are a number of visualization methods. Modern video cameras used for security purposes are also equipped with systems with infrared LEDs. Also, bolometers and other devices that provide technical vision and allow you to see in dark time days.
  2. Obtaining thermograms - a special type of visual images in the infrared spectrum necessary to understand the distribution of thermal fields. The development of thermography and the creation of new improved models of thermal imagers are in demand for military purposes and the implementation of these developments in security services.
  3. Creation heating systems , operating on the basis of infrared radiation, rather than convection, and which can significantly reduce energy costs.
  4. For industrial purposes they are used to implement drying surfaces, coated with varnish or paint. The speed indicator and reduced energy costs make this technique more preferable and profitable than traditional methods.
  5. Ensuring the development of spectroscopy, since spectrometers operating in the infrared range are significantly superior to their analogues. They make it possible to establish and study the structure of short molecules of both organic and inorganic substances.
  6. Creation of diodes and lasers on their basis made it possible to develop fundamentally new opportunity transmitting data over a distance using wireless technology. Most often used to establish communication between a personal computer and stationary devices without additional connection to each other.
  7. Wide application has also been found in medicine: IR rays are most often used in physiotherapy. Their positive effects on metabolic and circulatory processes have been noticed.
  8. In the food industry used for thermal and biological effects on a number of food products. Among other things, such radiation helps the processes of sterilization and disinfection of food.
  9. They are actively used to check money for authenticity or counterfeit. To do this, a special metameric paint is usually applied to banknotes, the presence of which can only be seen when exposed to infrared waves.

Advantages and disadvantages of IR heaters

Infrared heaters, like everything else, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

TO positive aspects These devices include:

  1. Lack of drying effect of air masses in the room.
  2. Lack of oxygen combustion features.
  3. No emitted steam or combustion products.
  4. Do not burn what accidentally gets on work surface dust.
  5. Normalization of humidity levels.
  6. Preventing the occurrence of mold or fungal growths indoors.
  7. No drafts or dust blowing.
  8. Quiet and odorless.

However, IR heaters can also have various disadvantages, which you need to know about in order to pay attention to these nuances when making a purchase:

  1. Over the past 5 years, the popularity of such heating systems has increased significantly Consequently, the market began to offer much more goods and their varieties. It's pushing unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers to sell low-quality equipment. Brand fame cannot be an absolute guarantee of quality, since they are also often counterfeited.
  2. An increase in demand and an increase in production volumes usually lead to a slight decrease in the selling price, and not vice versa. Therefore, it is recommended to compare the retailer’s retail prices with the manufacturer’s prices; the difference should not be significant.
  3. Poor quality of an IR heater can be determined immediately– such devices usually make a cracking noise during operation and darken. The main reason is a manufacturing defect, so it is best to check them immediately in the store when making a purchase.

The debate about whether there is harm from microwaves has been going on for years. The media write that a microwave oven has harmful effects on the body, radiation is dangerous to health. You can say a lot, but provide scientific evidence and not every journal can provide evidence. Surely you have heard dozens of different opinions, but have not come to a conclusion.

We suggest you find out whether it is possible to use a microwave oven, whether it is dangerous for humans, whether it contains radiation, etc. The review presents the opinion of experts: we will find out the truth and destroy myths.

Why is it easy to believe the headlines that a microwave or a cell phone causes cancer? It's about the scary word "radiation". We immediately imagine nuclear power plants and radiation, although in reality there are different types of radiation.

There are two types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. An example of the first is gamma rays, they are used in industry, in nuclear power plants. These rays are powerful enough to damage DNA - removing an electron from the molecule - and cause cancer.

Non-ionizing study - microwaves and radio waves, which are emitted when microwaves and telephones operate. This radiation cannot damage DNA and lead to cancer.

The American Cancer Society released a paper in May 2016 that summarized the research different types radiation. It says that microwaves They do not make food radioactive because they do not change its structure. They cause water molecules to vibrate, heating them.

Don't want consequences? Be careful when choosing cookware. Take a look at the pages "" and "" to make sure what the dangers of negligence are and how to avoid it.

security check

Do you want to check for yourself how harmful the technology is? You can check for radiation in simple ways:

  • In the dark, put the device into operation, and place a fluorescent lamp nearby. If the lamp flickers or changes occur, it means that waves are leaking from the housing.
  • The second option requires two mobile phones. Put one in the camera, turning it on, and from the second call the first. Did you get through? This means that the device’s insulation is weak and does not protect well from radiation.

Conduct this experiment promptly. Don't use an expensive smartphone. Otherwise, something irreparable may happen:

  • Boil water in a glass glass. Didn't the water boil in 3 minutes? This is proof of a leak.
  • A microwave detector will help fully confirm the leak. Load a glass of water into the chamber and turn on the electrical appliance. Using a detector, walk along the cracks, inspect corners and ventilation holes. If there is no danger, the light bulb will not change color. The waves flow outward - the detector will trigger with a red glare.

Be careful when conducting experiments. This should not be done unless absolutely necessary. If you are concerned about the issue of harm, and you don’t know whether microwaves kill vitamins and harm products and you, it’s better not to buy the device, take care of your nerves.

There is a lot of information in front of you, draw your own conclusions: believe the scientists’ arguments or play it safe. The harmfulness of heating or cooking in a microwave oven has not been proven, but they do not bring additional benefit.

Why warm and overheated indoor air can be harmful - explains Head of the OKB Health Center, general practitioner Oleg Borisov.

Dry air is not good for you

Natalya Korba, AiF-Yugra: Oleg Vasilyevich, why are overheated rooms dangerous?

General practitioner Oleg Borisov: The human body is open system, which interacts every second with environment. The higher the air temperature in the room, the lower the humidity, and this most important factor. Excessively dry air dehydrates the body and dries out skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, throat. This problem is especially pressing for the North.


Hygienic standards air temperature in the premises of social infrastructure facilities: - 21-23 degrees Celsius in playgrounds of junior, middle, senior group cells of preschool organizations; - 19-20 degrees Celsius in the bedrooms of all group cells of preschool organizations; - 18-24 degrees Celsius in classrooms and classrooms of general education organizations; - 20-26 degrees Celsius in the wards of medical institutions; - not lower than 20 degrees Celsius in recreation and play areas in organizations for orphans and children without parental care; - 20-22 degrees Celsius living rooms social service organizations for elderly people, people with disabilities disabilities health and disabled people. Data provided by Rospotrebnadzor for Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

In our region they are building very warm houses with a good heating system. The radiators glow with heat, but the ventilation systems often do not work so well, and the quality building materials leaves much to be desired, they are not breathable and absorb moisture from the air. Add to this household appliances: electric stoves, radiators. All this reduces the humidity in the house. Its optimal indicator in summer is 60-75%, in winter - 55-70%. In fact, in modern concrete houses Such humidity cannot be maintained; in winter it drops to 25-30%.

- How does this affect our health?

At a humidity of 25-30%, the respiratory epithelium, the protector of the mucous membranes, is destroyed. This leads to easier penetration of infections. Therefore, in the cold season, chronic rhinitis is more likely to worsen, especially in children, which can lead to more serious complications, for example, to adenoids. Dry air makes breathing difficult, and a weakened throat is susceptible to sore throat and tonsillitis. Young children are more likely to experience conjunctivitis - they begin to scratch their eyes and bring dust and dirt into them.

Low indoor humidity can lead to illness, especially in children. Photo:

If relative humidity indoors drops to 10% or less, this can lead to serious impairment of lung function, exacerbation bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Aquarium is not for fish

- What if the batteries at home cannot be turned off?

Use available means: hang wet rags on radiators, place containers with water, including open aquariums, carry out daily wet cleaning. Houseplants humidify the air well. Compulsory household appliance There must be a humidifier. If it is impossible to ensure an optimal level of humidity throughout the apartment, then at least in the area where the child is.

A special topic is the temperature in kindergartens. Studies have been conducted that have revealed that the incidence of ARVI in kindergartens where the air is dry is two times higher than where there is ideal humidity. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the microclimate in kindergarten, and in case of temperature violation, contact the administration.

- What are the measures to prevent respiratory diseases in autumn period do you recommend?

Firstly, these are regular long walks. The child must be dressed according to the weather; children should not be constantly bundled up; the body must breathe. Secondly, a constant fortified diet; you won’t be able to fill up on vitamins for future use in the summer. It is important to remember a simple rule: we must get the vitamins that grow in our plants. For example, cranberries and lingonberries are the best for northerners ascorbic acid. Garlic should also be a regular guest on the table.

You should not wrap your child too warmly when going for a walk. Photo:

- What about hardening?

There are a lot of hardening systems. The technique must be selected for the child, his Current state, Availability chronic diseases. If a child is asthmatic, not every hardening method is suitable for him, which can provoke the disease. Therefore, it is better for parents to seek recommendations on hardening from their local pediatrician.

If you do not have a special device at home that measures air humidity - a hygrometer, you can find out this indicator using a simple glass beaker and water. To do this you need to put in a glass cold water and place in the refrigerator until the temperature of the liquid in the container cools to 3-5 degrees.


Place the cooled glass in a room away from a heating source and observe:

If the condensation has completely dried after 5-10 minutes, the air in the room is very dry;

If after 5-10 minutes condensation has collected in large drops on the walls of the glass and flows off them in streams, the air in the room is excessively humid;

Normal humidity in the room is if after 5-10 minutes the condensation has not dried, but has not flowed either.

Thus, the glass and water turn into a DIY hygrometer.

harmless, unless of course it was made in a basement from unknown materials. But what a heater can do to the air can be really dangerous. And the danger here is the following - heaters dry out the air. As you know, the air humidity level in a living room should be in the range from 40% to 60%. If the humidity level becomes less than 40%, i.e. the air becomes dry, it becomes harmful to be in such a room.

Why is dry air dangerous? The main danger is that the mucous membranes of the human body begin to dry out in dry air. The dry nasal mucosa stops doing its job. protective function, and the body becomes susceptible to infection by viruses, i.e. colds. In addition, the dry nasal mucosa does not retain dust, which is why it gets directly into the throat and lungs, often causing allergic reactions.

Sometimes dry air causes eye problems. The eyes do not receive the necessary degree of hydration, which is why they become irritated, red and begin to hurt. In addition, dry air deteriorates oxygen saturation in the body, with all the ensuing consequences.

But dry air is not only dangerous for humans. Furniture and other household items may also suffer. For example, wooden items from large differences humidity (in summer they are moistened, in winter they dry out) can warp, bend and even crack.

Which heaters are the most harmful? Fan heaters are the most harmful. Those. heater, which is a plastic case with a rotating fan and a hot heating element. Such heaters are traditionally the cheapest, they heat the room very quickly, but they dry out the air the most. And besides this, they also consume oxygen, which can lead to suffocation. Therefore, such heaters are not recommended for permanent use. Although this heater is very cheap and, at first glance, allows you to save money, but then you can spend more on medicines and in the end there will be no savings.

Oil radiators are a metal housing filled with oil. Unlike fan heaters, oil radiators oxygen is not consumed. And this is their huge advantage. But they dry the air just like fan heaters, and therefore they are almost as harmful to health.

Convector heaters are more efficient than oil heaters, but because the air in them passes through a heating element, they also reduce air humidity. Therefore, in terms of harmfulness, they are no better than oil radiators.

Infrared heaters do not dry the air. The infrared radiation of the heater heats the entire space around it. At the same time, there are no elements in the heater that heat up to a high temperature, so the air does not dry out. This type of heater is considered the safest for humans.

How to deal with dry air? First of all, it is worth purchasing a special control and measuring device - a “psychrometric hygrometer”. It is inexpensive, but allows you to constantly monitor the level of air humidity in the room. If the device shows that the air humidity is less than 40%, then it’s time to sound the alarm.

You can solve the problem of dry air in the following ways:

Replacing a “harmful” heater with a harmless one;

Periodically opening windows and ventilating rooms;

Using humidifiers.

The market offers a huge number of air humidifiers, the purpose of which is to constantly saturate the air with water vapor. Some of them look stylish and can even serve as room decoration. By the way, the most ordinary aquarium with fish also humidifies the air. Therefore, it is recommended to install aquariums if there is a constant problem of dry air.

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The benefits and harms of infrared heaters

All living beings on the planet need warmth for normal existence, therefore, if at home it is too low temperature, it becomes very uncomfortable.

This happens especially often in winter period. It happens that the batteries work normally, but there is still not enough heat. This is when additional heat sources are used. Particularly popular among them are infrared heaters.

Operating principle of an infrared heater

Since IR heaters can be found quite often in residential premises, many people are interested in the principle of their operation. Manufacturers can provide a lot of information about this. of this product. They claim that heaters of this type are like a small sun in the apartment. The principle of their operation will be the same natural. Once the heater is turned on, the heat will be distributed evenly throughout the room.

This type of heating device has small feature, which distinguishes them from other similar designs. The surrounding objects seem to absorb the resulting heat. If you turn off the heating, ventilate the room, turn off the IR heater, the living room will still be warm for some time. This happens because energy continues to be generated from heated objects. Solar energy has similar activity.

Harm from infrared radiation to humans

Heater diagram: 1 – heat-radiating panel; 2 – body; 3 – end cover; 4 – heating element; 5 – heating element bracket; 6 – terminal block; 7 – block bracket; 8 – entrance electric cable; 9 – reflector; 10 – thermal insulation.

Despite the fact that infrared heaters are very popular, their name continues to scare away buyers. They are afraid of such a device and come up with myths about it. In their minds, infrared heaters are equated to Chernobyl stations. Therefore, many believe that using such an item at home is very harmful to health. In fact, only a lack of correct information brings harm to a person.

But the question of what harm an IR emitter can cause remains open. It is best to approach this issue from a scientific point of view. In fact, using infrared rays in everyday life is not harmful. This has been proven by many scientists. It's just that some people confuse their effect with X-rays. X-rays are really harmful, so they can only be used in very small doses, for example in medicine. IR rays have the opposite effect.

Scientists have proven that they can treat some diseases. Therefore, they are actively used in medicine, along with x-rays. The human body positively perceives such radiation. After all, a small amount of thermal radiation also comes from the body. If the body is exposed to IR waves of the same size, it will only bring benefits. In this way, the immune system is restored faster and the strength is found to fight various ailments. Therefore, the statement that infrared heating in an apartment causes great harm to health is fundamentally wrong.

Additionally, warmth only brings benefits. It helps the blood vessels to expand, blood will flow faster and regeneration processes will be activated. Those suffering from poor metabolism will feel much better if the room heating is normal. IR rays are used to treat burns of varying degrees, as well as skin diseases.

IR heating does not pollute the atmosphere, does not absorb oxygen, and does not dry out the air. Therefore, such a heater will be the most suitable for heating residential premises. It’s even better if such a device is equipped with ceramic spirals. They have disinfectant properties and help kill harmful bacteria in the air.

Infrared heating can have a directional effect. Therefore, such a device can be used both at home and outdoors. For example, to warm your feet on a cool summer evening while being on the balcony.

Infrared heaters compare favorably with similar devices with a different operating principle. The heat received from them is distributed evenly throughout the room, and is not located only in one place. Microwave radiation is sometimes confused with infrared radiation. This is a very common mistake. But in infrared radiation there is no ultraviolet radiation, so the harm from them is minimal, which cannot be said about microwaves.

But lately too many fakes have appeared on the market. Some unscrupulous manufacturers will stop at nothing in pursuit of money. They counterfeit infrared heaters and replace their parts, thereby causing great harm to customers. Such devices are indeed very dangerous, since they contain large quantities of harmful substances that can actively evaporate when heated. Air saturated with such substances becomes very harmful and should not be inhaled. To avoid accidentally buying a fake, you need to be extremely careful when making a purchase. You need to check the product on the manufacturers’ websites and carefully inspect the packaging.

Disadvantages of devices

But IR heaters still have some disadvantages. Although this statement applies only to the oldest models. The first models were designed for heating large premises. For example, concert halls. Their warmth will be too much for small apartment. Also, the first models are not fireproof. They do not have shutdown sensors in case of a possible fall. If such a device were accidentally dropped, it could cause a fire. Modern models exclude this possibility. Perhaps these are all the disadvantages of heaters of this type.

IR devices can be called climate control or technology of the future. They are easy to use, safe for health, compact, and economical. Their properties surpass all existing heaters. The benefits of their use are obvious.


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