An interesting topic for speaking to an audience: a review of ideas and recommendations. Public speaking

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Rules for making a public speech
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How to start a performance?

Beginning of the performance presents the greatest difficulty. At the same time, it is extremely important, because at this moment the minds of the listeners are fresh and relatively easy to impress. Relying on chance can lead to too serious consequences. The beginning of the speech should be carefully prepared in advance.

Introduction should be short and no more than one or two sentences. Often you can do without it altogether.

Get straight to it to the point of your speech, using a minimum number of words. Nobody will object to this.

Don't start your speech with humorous story . This is not always successful, especially for beginners. Only very few people can successfully tell a funny joke. More often than not, this attempt confuses the audience rather than pleases them. The story should be on point, the humor should be the icing on the cake, but not the cake itself.

Never apologize, as this usually irritates listeners. Say exactly what you are going to say, say it clearly, say it quickly, and sit in your seat.

Don't start your speech too formally. Don't show that you prepared it carefully. It should look free, unintentional, natural. This can be achieved by talking about what just happened or what was just said.

To grab the audience's attention at the beginning of your speech, you can use the following techniques:

– arouse the curiosity of listeners;

- tell interesting story;

– start with a specific illustration;

- Ask a Question;

– start with some “amazing” quote or facts;

– show that the topic of the speech is related to the vital interests of the audience.

How to make the meaning of your speech clear?

1. Make the unfamiliar understandable by connecting it with familiar objects and phenomena.

2. Avoid technical terms in your speech. Express your thoughts in simple and understandable language.

3. Be sure that the subject you are about to talk about is as clear to you as sunlight at noon.

4. Use your listeners' visual perception. Whenever possible, use exhibits, pictures, illustrations. Be specific (don't say the word "dog" if you mean "white fox terrier with a black spot over the right eye").

5. Repeat your main points, but do not repeat or use the same phrases twice or thrice.

6. Make your abstract statements clear by providing general categories. concrete examples and cases.

7. Don't try to cover too many issues. It is impossible to deal properly with more than one or two sections of a large topic in a short talk.

8. Conclude your speech with a brief summary of the points you have made.

9. If possible, use balanced sentences and contrasting ideas.

10. Interest is contagious. The audience will certainly be captivated by it if the speaker himself is imbued with it.

How to end a speech?

The ending of the speech is truly its most strategic important element. What is said at the end is something that listeners are likely to remember longer.

Don't conclude your speech with the words: “That's about all I wanted to say about this. So I guess I'll leave it at that." Finish, but don't say you're finishing.

Prepare the ending of your speech carefully and rehearse it in advance. Know almost word for word how you are going to end the speech. End your speech smoothly. Don't leave it unfinished and broken like a jagged cobblestone. Remember: good improvisation is well-prepared improvisation.

– summarize – repeat and briefly outline the main points that you touched on in your speech;

– call to action;

– give the audience a suitable compliment;

- cause laughter;

– quote suitable poetic lines;

– use a vivid quote;

– create an emotional uplift.

When preparing the beginning and end of a speech, always link them together. Stop speaking before the audience wants you to. Remember: after the peak of popularity, satiety sets in very quickly.

Examples of public speaking.

In each of the given passages, those features of the text that are noted as having a positive impact on the audience are highlighted. All presentations are devoted to the problem of stimulating teachers to conduct methodological self-educational work.

1. “Dear colleagues! ( appeal). This is not the first time we have gathered this year on the issue of intensifying the work of methodological associations ( emphasizing the commonality of the matter). I express my gratitude (names are given to whom it is addressed) who supported this line of work of the school ( pointing to positive examples). Yes, indeed, “another modernization” (nods towards the most dissatisfied listener) happened on our professional path ( recognition of the audience's right to their own opinion). Methodological work is an integral part of all education, it is through it that modernization is possible ( emphasizing significance).

I have spoken more than once about the results of the analysis of lessons attended ( reference to past interaction experience). Their strict examination gives every reason to believe that we all have them, without exception ( division of responsibility) are constructed in the same way. Only for open lesson We are trying to delve into the methodological literature ( open admission of an ugly fact). Yes, indeed, we have a small salary, we are overloaded with part-time jobs and part-time jobs, our families at home want to see us not only sitting with books and notebooks ( warning of objections).

I expressed my proposals for the development of methodological work at school at the last methodological Council. I wrote the main directions for its activation on the board ( visual representation). There are five of them. I ask you to comment on them or contribute yours ( willingness to dialogue with listeners)».

2. “Today we will talk about methodological work. But first I would like to tell a parable about a horse ( laughter) (intriguing beginning). A man at the market praises his horse to a buyer, emphasizing that it runs fast. And he tells him: “Then you need to sell it cheaper.” "Why so?" - asks the man. “What if she runs fast, but in the wrong direction?” ( laughter).

Why am I saying this? The day before yesterday I was at a seminar at one school. There a teacher speaks with the message “the use of NLP in mathematics lessons in primary school" He performs with enthusiasm, and everyone likes the directors. And I innocently ask: “What linguistic is it in mathematics? What kind of programming is it if you have always developed your thinking in mathematics? What is the scientific basis for this innovation? How will this affect children – now and in the future? Do you understand where this lively teacher can run without methodical insight? ( rhetorical questions).

Another example. My son began to prepare for a history session at the institute, going through his old notebooks. It also became interesting for me to remember how they used to give material. I open: the teacher wrote a biography of Chernomyrdin on the entire page in the notebook ( laughter). Of course, there are no good history books and all that. Are there any good teachers?.. Just as a horse runs along an ideological road, it cannot be stopped ( problematization through metaphor, relying on examples from one’s own life and work).

Dear my colleagues! Dear like-minded people! ( pretentious appeal). You and I have gone through more than one obstacle course, we will go through this one too ( emphasizing commonality with listeners, expressing confidence in their capacity). Tell me the words with which I can explain to each of you that today no one will allow us to work like this. Methodological work is our face, this is the level of our professionalism. Methodological work for a teacher is an appeal to new knowledge. Without this, our work becomes meaningless. I am for meaningful work. And you?.. ( journalism, appeal to listeners)».

3. “I agree with previous speakers that methodological work has great importance in the work of a teacher ( link to previous speakers). Even when it is not paid for, and even when it is carried out at your own expense - I mean courses and methodological literature (open, possibly oppositional, attitude to the problem). Imagine a pediatrician with a small salary who treats using the knowledge of his student youth, which ended thirty years ago. Would you argue that we are equally responsible for a growing person ( comparison)?

In my speech, I focus on what makes methodological work vital for a teacher ( abstract of the speech content).

The first thing to remember ( numbering of the arguments put forward). The child we teach changes before our eyes. This year's fifth-grader cannot be taught the same way we taught current graduates in the fifth grade. We need to look for other methods, even explain in other words educational material (making obvious arguments).

Second. Teacher involved methodical work, is a teacher respected by us, parents and students. In a situation where the prestige of our profession is falling, we are obliged (I emphasize – we are obliged) to ensure respectful treatment of our work ( appeal to values).

And third. We are what we leave behind. What will remain after us when we ourselves are gone? A stack of ironed duvet covers?.. If it’s a memory, then let us be remembered as brilliant professionals in our field. And even better - as the authors of “manuals”, textbooks and articles in our professional magazines, as delegates to congresses and conferences, as the best representatives of our country ( appeal to higher meanings).

Thank you for the opportunity to say about all this ( thanks to the listeners)».

Efficiency business meeting held in the form public speaking, increases if the following characteristics are present:

Ø accuracy of the information provided, verifiability of factual material;

Ø showing trust in listeners, including their professional and life situation in the context of the speaker's speech;

Ø examples from your own experience and from the experience of listeners;

Ø emphasizing the significance and prestige of what is said in the speech;

Ø emphasizing common interests and goals with the listeners;

Ø thoughtful structure of the text, its emotional and figurative expressiveness;

Ø sensitive response to the mood of the audience;

Ø friendliness, ease of communication;

Ø providing listeners with the opportunity to choose their attitude towards the perceived material, the absence of coercion and categoricalness;

Ø established feedback from audiences (this will be discussed in detail below).

The situation of public speaking makes it possible to determine what type of speaking, monological (dominant, authoritarian) or dialogic, the speaker adheres to to a greater extent. These two types are compared according to several indicators given in the table.

Since we told you how to prepare for a public speaking, so that nothing prevents you from “holding” the audience. Today we will pay attention to the behavior of the speaker, the use of his voice, as well as the rules for handling the presentation.

Look at the audience, slowly look around everyone present as you speak to get everyone involved. You should not fix your gaze somewhere in the background of the room or on one person. Slowly move your gaze around the audience so as not to leave anyone unattended.

The body language of your listeners. Pay attention to the facial expressions and gestures of those present. This will help you understand when they are interested in listening, when they understand your point and are ready to move on.

What to wear? Whatever you feel comfortable in. It is advisable that your clothes be multi-layered so that you can take something off or put it on if necessary.

The average person's attention span is not very long. After about 10 minutes of listening, we begin to get distracted, so at about 8-10 minutes it is better to change the type of activity. It's time to tell a joke, start some kind of active activity or demonstrate illustrative material.

Use gestures to enliven speech and emphasize a point., however, make sure that your gestures are not too active or constant.

Position on stage. Make sure that you stand in the center, you can be clearly seen from all seats and no equipment obscures you from the audience.

If possible, do not stand in one place. If you walk while speaking, it looks more relaxed and interesting for both you and the audience. However, do not behave like a tiger in a cage!

Mistakes/clumsiness. Even the most experienced speakers make mistakes or, for example, accidentally drop something. If you begin to show with your entire appearance that you are upset or confused because of this, then your nervousness will be transmitted to the audience and the listeners will feel uncomfortable. The best way out of this situation is to simply admit your mistake and, if possible, make a joke on this occasion. This will help the audience relax, which means you will feel more comfortable. Quick comments like: “It’s still early morning for me...” or “It’s obviously time for me to eat...”

Reminders. Remember that people cannot perceive or remember in detail everything they hear, and often lose track of the story. Therefore, periodically summarize what was said, and also prepare notes that you will distribute to the audience if you want them to have something more tangible in their hands after your speech.

Humor is also a very effective tool if you use it confidently and on topic. However, it is better to leave it if you are not sure that you are witty enough.

How to Make the Most of Your Voice

Start of the performance. Use simple colloquial. Be careful not to speak too quickly, especially at the beginning of a speech when there is still some excitement. Say a few common greeting phrases, this will help the audience tune in to your voice. Rehearse your first few sentences in advance so you don't forget them even if you get nervous.

Rate of speech. Vary your speaking pace, but don't speak too fast. In normal everyday conversation, the pace of our speech slows down and speeds up, and you do the same. In the first scene of the film The Social Network (2010), which tells the story of the invention and development social network Facebook, we see Mark Zuckerberg talking to his girlfriend in a monotone patter that is hard to bear. It all ends with the girl leaving him.

Give the audience time to think. We all need some time to “digest” what we hear. Therefore, speak slowly enough, clearly formulate the main points and leave small pauses so that what is said is firmly entrenched in the memory of the listeners.

Voice enhancement. To perform in front of a large audience, you will most likely be offered some kind of sound reinforcement system. When you have to speak in front of a small group, there is no need for such a system. Difficulties can arise when you are speaking in front of a group. average number, and there is no sound reinforcement system. It's good if you have a strong voice. But what if your voice is quiet (like mine), and you have to speak in front of a group of 20 people, or in a hall with poor acoustics and a noisy air conditioning system, or when there is a nursery behind the wall of the room (as happened to me once)? In this case, even a weak voice can be made to sound louder if you imagine that you are talking to someone across the road. You can bring your own sound reinforcement system, just like aerobics or dance instructors do.

Don't lose your individuality. Of course, everything that has already been said is important, but do not forget that the basis for the perception of you as a speaker is your individual style. Practice helps to assemble all the components into a single whole. At the same time, you should never lose your “zest”.

Computer presentation: what to consider?

Visual aids can include almost any means that a speaker uses in addition to his speech. Most often this is a computer presentation. Although you may think that visual aids Serve more for entertainment, their most important function is to better convey the essence of the speech to the audience. This happens for the following five reasons:

  • content in addition to oral storytelling is presented in different formats;
  • the main points of the speech are highlighted;
  • there is a structure that helps to better understand the content;
  • there are main conclusions;
  • numbers or graphs are presented.

Make sure your presentation displays on a large screen and is well focused. Take a few minutes to check this before the event starts.

Avoid chaos, excessive decoration and small font. Don't try to put too many points on one slide: three or four will be enough. Don't go into details. Use a fairly large font. Don't be tempted to make your slide too bright, with moving graphic elements - in fact, this will only distract attention.

Give listeners time. Don't forget that people need time to look at your slide because they are seeing it for the first time and it takes longer to absorb the information it contains than you think. How many speakers and lecturers have stepped on this rake and paid with the interest of their audience!

Direct your listeners' attention. Summarizing parts of your talk and periodically highlighting the parts of the slide you are discussing will help your audience stay focused.

Backup. Always have backup copies of your presentation with you in case your equipment fails.

Be prepared for anything! Always find out in advance about the technical equipment of the site where you will perform so that your visual aids correspond to it. The site can be equipped with the latest technology or there can be a regular white board with markers. Always check what will be in stock. Once, because all the suitable venues were already booked, I had to conduct a training session in a hotel, in the honeymoon suite, where I only had a flipchart and a few markers at my disposal.

Many new speakers wonder what to talk about. Remember: you need to talk about what is interesting to your audience. Ignoring this rule is one of the seven “don’ts” for any speaker. Here is a small list of topics that are always of interest to any audience:

1. Failure of the speaker

Fear is the strongest activator of attention. Use it by talking about mistakes your audience might make in an area in which you are an expert.

For example, the way athlete Svetlana Zhurova talks about an annoying little thing that led to failure at the Olympics.

2. How you almost died

Stories that happened on planes, trains, on the road. We easily put ourselves in the speaker’s shoes and immerse ourselves in his topic when it comes to speed and extreme sports.

Tell us about it simply, like actor Andrei Myagkov:

3. How you met your spouse

People love to gossip and eavesdrop; this instinct must be used.

For example, as actor Colin Firth talks about it:

4. Met a celebrity

This is very interesting for everyone. People in the audience are familiar with your celebrity, and therefore your story will sound like a continuation of an unfinished story that they have already started listening to and have been waiting for a long time to continue.

5. How to make money

Even better is how you made your first million. Appeal to simple desires people and they will reward you with attention.

For example, billionaire German Sterligov tells how he made his first million.

6. How to save money

Your listeners do this all the time, help them become better at a discipline that has already become part of their lives. The entire audience will be involved in your topic instantly.

7. How did you achieve the results?

Stories like these are helpful and instantly establish you as an expert who needs to be listened to.

For example, when Steve Jobs told how to achieve success, his opinion was taken away with quotes:

8. Share your experience for free

Whatever you do, you are an expert in a narrow field and have unique knowledge. This knowledge can be useful to people and will be gratefully accepted by them.

This is how famous football players share their knowledge when they come to children's football schools. For example, like Robin van Persie, who taught children to play football.

Now general tips that will help you find your topic, and perhaps build a career on stage:

At his other popular training, Formula Expensive Sales, Alexander Gerasimenko (host of the Speaker Club-VIP) asked the participants to tell about themselves. One of the guests flew to Moscow from Germany and said that his business sports nutrition was built on his passion for sports. He casually mentioned that he holds the title of world champion in kickboxing. There was a pause in the hall, and everyone began to listen to him very carefully.

Even if you haven't been a world champion, you have other titles to be proud of, which means you are desirable as a speaker. If you don't have them, get them. Becoming the author of a book, a website, or the founder of a company today is not at all difficult.

4. Local authority

If you don’t have a title yet, but you need to perform, then think about who you are an authority for. What are you teaching this person? Find a way to convey this topic to your listeners.

5. Concise information

People today read little and mostly watch only entertaining videos on Youtube. If you watch a video on a useful topic, take notes and find personal stories that highlight the ideas from this video, then you have a topic for your speech.

6. Current questions from people

Oratory is not just waving your hands from the stage or talking about great things, it is, first of all, answering questions in the minds of your listeners. Go to the Yandex service Here largest internet a company in Russia shares information about the most common search queries. To be interesting, your speech must answer the questions people ask Yandex.

7. Constant practice

If you speak constantly, your brain will come up with interesting topics for you because you will begin to feel the audience. A lot of time on stage will correct your reflexes. Useful habits will be reinforced by encouragement in the form of a positive reaction from the audience, and negative habits will go away because they will be punished by yawning and distraction of people in the hall. Practice is the most powerful tool for developing a speaker.


If your stories were instructive, do not follow them with conclusions like, “You should...”. Don't take on the role of an all-knowing teacher. We haven't liked people like that since school. We broke up with friends who thought they were smarter than us.

Story from the Speakers Club

Sometimes public speaking courses Speakerclub-VIP organize open meetings. Many people came to one of these meetings, and among them were 7 business coaches who wanted to learn how to speak publicly from Alexander. Then we gathered at the Ogorod restaurant (pictured). Each of them spoke about themselves, but at the same time tried to teach the participants something from their high position as a coach. When the fifth person stood up and said that he was a business coach, there was a slight buzz in the room and you could see people rolling their eyes in disinterest.

Then Alexander gave us very good advice: “If your story leads to a lesson for the listeners, don’t tell people you should.” This is how you put yourself above the audience. Instead, say, “This is what this story taught me.” People will put themselves in your shoes and learn what you want to teach them. Teach people so that they learn from you, not so that they hate you.”

Sooner or later, every person has to speak in front of an audience. And since the latter is very selfish, this activity can cause a lot of trouble. But as Mark Twain said: “The public expects nothing from you in the first place,” so don’t be nervous, but it’s a good idea to take advantage of a few useful tips and review examples of public speaking.

Where to begin?

Any example of public speaking begins with proper preparation speech. No matter how wonderful the speaker’s text may seem, you need to understand that behind it lies remarkable work and long hours of practice.

Every successful example of public speaking begins with preparing the speech. It was not for nothing that Mark Twain once said that it takes about three weeks to prepare an impromptu. Any performance, regardless of its type and intended purpose, must be prepared in advance. First you need to make the so-called “skeleton” of the performance. To do this, you need to decide on the following positions:

  • Understand the motivation of the people who came to listen to the speech.
  • Determine the main idea of ​​the speech.
  • Divide this idea into several components(subheadings).
  • Identify keywords. They will need to be repeated several times in the speech so that the listeners better remember what is actually being discussed.
  • Every speech should have a clear plan and structure. The speech should consist of an introduction, main part and conclusions.


Once the speaker has decided on the basic structure of his speech, it is necessary to build muscle on this “skeleton”. What could they consist of?

  • You can use vivid examples from life or literature, the main thing is that they correspond to the main topic.
  • To help the listener visually consolidate the information received, it is worth preparing graphs, slides, pictures, videos, etc.
  • You can ask the audience a question during the speech, this will help keep the audience's attention on the main topic.

Introductory part

Particular attention should be paid to the beginning and end of the speech. They play the main role in communication between the speaker and the listener. The introduction helps to form a first impression of the speaker, and the summary allows the audience to consolidate the information received.

While preparing your speech, many questions may arise. For example, how to start a public speech? The main thing here is to interest the audience from the very beginning. The first impression of the speaker will accompany him throughout the entire speech, and if you make a mistake, it will be difficult to correct it later.

For example, the introduction to a public speech could be a witty joke or some kind of interesting fact. You can puzzle the audience with a question or intrigue with a pause. The main thing is to attract attention. Just don’t start apologizing for the fact that your voice is hoarse, this is your first speech, etc. The speaker should always be confident in himself, and turn every trouble to his aid. For example, if the speaker is really sick, you should not apologize, but say that due to such and such circumstances, I ask everyone to sit closer so that I can be heard.

End of speech

As for the ending, it is important to summarize the entire speech, highlight the main ideas and recall the issues raised. The last phrases must have a certain emotional message and be expressive, only in this way the listener can not only reward the speaker with applause, but also become an adherent of his ideas. Although, no matter how much you talk about the correct construction of a speech, it will be easier to consider examples of public speaking.

Types of public speaking

Examples of public speaking are divided into several types:

  • Information. For the most part, these are reports, lectures, and oral responses.
  • Protocol and etiquette. Such speeches are used when welcoming important guests, making toasts, a funeral speech, or opening a new establishment.
  • Entertaining. They are usually used for a good time, they have an entertaining context, but at the same time convey information. As an example, we can cite the performances of Russian pop comedians E. Petrosyan, E. Stepanenko, M. Zadornov and others.
  • Persuasive speech. Such a report must have indisputable facts and evidence that will win the audience over to your side. Examples include speeches by famous politicians. For example, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in 1863, where he assured citizens that not a single soldier died in vain, and this is a necessary sacrifice on the path to freedom.

Get there in three minutes

In general, the audience's attention lasts only 15-20 minutes, this is due to psychophysiological reasons. Depending on the variety, oral presentations can last from a few minutes to 1-2 hours. However, there are also speeches that need to be delivered in 3 minutes. In most cases, these speeches are wedding toasts or press conferences. In total, the length of the speech should be between 200 and 405 words. Here is an example of a public speech for 3 minutes:

“Today the Dalai Lama gave a unique interview to a Russian blogger for the first time. For his YouTube channel, business blogger Dmitry Portnyagin was the first in the CIS to interview the Dalai Lama. Communication with the famous Buddhist took place in a Delhi hotel, where the monk often stays with his followers. Before communion began, the premises were checked twice: first by the Indian security, led by a Sikh, and then by His Holiness’s personal security.

The interview lasted only an hour. During this time, the conversation participants were able to discuss political problems, including questions of the competence of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin. Predict the future of Russia, talk about material and spiritual values, mutual understanding between people and the secrets of success. Each question received a detailed answer. The Dalai Lama spoke openly and with humor. At the end, he gave some advice for entrepreneurs and talked about personal safety.

Dmitry Portnyagin did not remain indifferent during the conversation. He showed the Dalai Lama a photograph of his grandfather and said that a photograph of the Supreme Head of Tibet always hung in his office, so he also became interested in this topic. Saying goodbye to His Holiness, Dmitry gave the Dalai Lama a hat with earflaps as a souvenir. The monk immediately put on his new clothes and appeared in this form in front of the camera lenses. The full version of the interview can be viewed on the Transformer channel.

Suitable or not?

This sample public speaking text follows all the rules. Such a short speech fully reveals the topic of the video presentation on the YouTube channel. It tells about the participants, the location of the interview, the issues that were raised and general mood, which was present during the conversation.

At the end of the press release, the speaker invites listeners to watch full version video. Although the ending can be supplemented with one more sentence or two, saying that the interview turned out to be successful and informative for everyone.

Alexander I

To be effective, speech must be precise and expressive. And these may not always be large amounts of text. You can get your point across with a few strong sentences and vivid comparisons. For example, Alexander I’s public speech to the French ambassadors even before the start of the war sounded as follows:

“Here is small Europe, and this is big Russia (he shows all this on the map). In case of failure, you can retreat only to Paris, and I can run to the edge of Kamchatka! But at the same time, every meter of this land will be hostile to you, even the women will not stop fighting. Russia may lose some battles, but it will never be defeated.”

To say that the ambassadors left under the impression is an understatement. An example of the text of a public speech by Tsar Alexander I amazes readers today. There is not a drop of arrogance here, just facts served with the right “sauce.”

Steve Jobs

A striking example of modern oratory are the speeches of Steve Jobs. Public speaking was definitely not his strong point - it was just a hobby, but he began every presentation of a new product with his own speech. Examples in its execution look like this:

These are just small fragments of one of his speeches. But how does a person motivate?

Correct solution

You can give a speech on any topic. Examples of public speaking are easy to find in print and other media. mass media. Typically, speakers address important social, political and economic issues. IN Lately It has become fashionable to give training on ways to make money on the Internet, present various training programs or draw attention to advertising campaigns. Sometimes speakers conduct psychological trainings, discuss religion or philosophy. But no matter what the speaker talks about, his main goal is to captivate the audience.

A speaker is not a person who professionally manipulates pathetic speeches, but one who is able to conduct a simultaneous dialogue with thousands of listeners. He must speak the language of the people who listen to him, understand their problems, find common ground and skillfully lead them to making the right decision.

Business communication

It may seem that it is varied and has no clear boundaries, this public speech. The examples of speeches presented above give the false impression that the speakers' texts have nothing in common. In fact, they all have the same goal: the listener must agree with the speaker's point of view. And this can be done completely different methods, even to the point of provocation. Although this method is used mainly in court proceedings.

The founder of the Russian legal profession, A.F. Koni, once defended a disabled hunchback. For many years, his neighbor mocked him, and then one day, unable to bear it, the hunchback grabbed a stone and threw it at him, thereby causing serious bodily injury. In his public speech, A.F. Koni was original like no one else. He, as expected, addressed the jury: “Gentlemen of the jury!” Then he paused and repeated this phrase four more times, making minute stops after each address. After the fourth appeal, one of the jurors could not stand it and furiously blurted out: “Are you kidding me?!” A.F. Koni was not taken aback, this is exactly the reaction he expected: “I addressed you politely and only 4 times, and you were already starting to get nervous. My client long years listened to insults directed at him. How was he supposed to feel?

This speech achieved its goal - the defendant was acquitted.

Who, comrades judges, feeds you?

History knows many cases of such original performances. Even in the literature you can find good examples oratory speeches by which this art can be taught. Thus, in A. M. Gorky’s novel “Mother,” the convicted Pavel Vlasov spoke at the court hearing. He was convicted under a political article and refused to carry out the escape prepared by his comrades only in order to make a speech in front of the large people who had gathered at the trial.

His speech was full of refrains, where he spoke on behalf of the people, but the main “highlight” of the speech was the climax: “How can you destroy the workers, those who feed you, comrade judges?” It costs a lot to create such a speech.

Prosperity of the country

To conclude this article, I would like to give one more option for public speaking. Example text on the topic “Theft in Japan.”

“The prosperity of a country is influenced by many human and economic factors. Among them there is one, almost insignificant fact, which will seem to us a fantastic absurdity.

They don't steal in Japan. They don't steal at all. They don't steal at all. They never steal. People don't lock their apartments and cars. Stores safely place trays of goods on the streets and happily forget about them. They know: no one will take someone else's.

In this country, you can forget anything, anywhere, and then come back for it a few days later. It will remain untouched. Every Japanese knows: if something is lost, it probably lies where it was lost, which means it will be found. Whether it’s a mobile phone or a wallet, you can still find any item.

Tipping is not accepted in Japan. The seller or waiter will run after you for several blocks to give you your change. Most residents of the capital travel on bicycles, and no one ties them up. Steal a bike?! This is funny!

Here they know: taking someone else’s is a shame. After it, the person will no longer be trusted; he will never get rid of it.

And by the way, about the economy. Officials religiously follow this rule: taking someone else’s property is taboo. Not long ago, a Japanese minister, who was suspected of free handling of finances, hanged himself. Not even theft. Because of this story, the previous prime minister also resigned.

So, what does the prosperity of a country depend on? That’s right, from theft, or more precisely, from the absence of it.”

The speaker is a kind of shooter. He either hits the mark and makes everyone bow their heads before him, or he misses, and then the despondent crowd begins to go about their business, ignoring the words of the speaker. Therefore, before speaking in public, you need to aim at a specific target. Examples of public speaking by leaders will help.

Thorough preparation is the key to success for any speaker. The first step in it is to choose a topic. There are many interesting areas that you can tell your listeners about. There is a category of questions that can be called eternal - these are God and religion, the relationship between soul and body, duty and the right to free expression of will.

On the role of art in the modern world

One of the most interesting topics for performance is an art. It accompanies man throughout the history of civilization. People's awareness of themselves was reflected in the making of stone figurines, in the features of various architectural monuments. Human experiences and various qualities have been captured in paintings and sculpture over the centuries. Russian psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky wrote that “art is social in us.” In the process of rethinking the information received, the artist has the opportunity to discover the mysteries of existence and take a fresh look at the world.

You can also choose other interesting topics for public speaking:

  • Last news in the field of culture and art.
  • Features of work in this area.
  • History of art.
  • What will the culture of the future be like?

Art and the new reality in which man lives

A report can also be prepared on the topic of how important art is in modern world. Currently, it occupies a very special place in the life of society. For example, T. Chernigovskaya, professor at St. Petersburg State University, emphasizes: the role of art in modern reality cannot be overstated. It is art today that has the function of saving humanity from negative influence new technologies. People have become too addicted to gadgets, and nothing can be done about it. The virtuality of the world around us is increasing, and with it the number of mental disorders. This is a serious danger, the researcher emphasizes.

The problem of art in the modern world will be an interesting topic for presentation at school, especially in high school. The discussion can be continued by describing the problem of information accessibility. Tatyana Vladimirovna also notes that the world today has become transparent. After all, almost everything can be known about a person - right down to who he had breakfast with and what brand of wine he bought yesterday. In these conditions, the professor emphasizes, the only secret about a person remains the genome. However, even this information may soon become available - after all, the sequencing process will not be carried out by the person himself. This means that information about the genome will one way or another remain in a certain database. The only thing that can help people in this new reality, according to the professor, is art.

Relationship between soul and body

An interesting topic for a speech can also be a contemporary problem of a philosophical nature chosen by the speaker - for example, the problem of the relationship between spirit, soul and body. It has interested scientists and philosophers since ancient times. For example, new era in this understanding, Aristotle discovered. The physical and spiritual, according to the understanding of the philosopher, form a single inseparable reality. The soul is not a separate form - it does not “fly” somewhere outside the body, but, on the contrary, is a form of its organization. On the one hand, the soul is not a body, on the other hand, it cannot exist separately from it.

The position of Rene Descartes on this issue is also of interest. According to the scientist, the soul and body have different natures. However, the scientist offers a new interpretation of their interaction for his time. Descartes was convinced that not only the soul can influence the physical state of a person, but also vice versa. The body also affects the emotional component. For the 17th century, this idea was quite radical.

The problem of spiritual decline

Pick up interesting topic speaking on a free topic is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Consideration of the issue of the relationship between spirit and flesh is one of the most interesting topics. The speech can be continued by saying that many people nowadays prefer to live, guided mostly by the body. It is their master, but a person rarely remembers the spirit - most often because of fear. According to the highest plan of the individual, the spirit should occupy a dominant place, leading the body and emotions.

If a person is strong and strong-willed, then the mind and soul are his assistants, while the body can be figuratively represented in the form of a child being raised. For example, a person sets a goal to improve his health by losing weight. On this path, temptations will constantly await him. If he sees a sign advertising a delicious hamburger, he may resist this temptation. If such a person gathers his courage and waits for the opportunity to have dinner at home with porridge and salad, then he will be able to achieve two goals: immediate health benefits and strengthening his spirit.

Other issues for the speaker to cover

Quite a lot various options Interesting topics for presentation can be selected on this issue. For example, these:

  • "How is the relationship between soul and body considered in religion?"
  • "Development of views on this issue in psychological science."
  • “What is more important for a person - the soul or the flesh?”

A question of will and choice

Fulfilling one's duty is inextricably linked with a person's strong-willed qualities. If a person is faced with a dilemma - to act according to his conscience or to follow the path of least resistance, then here he will have to make an effort of will to choose a more noble path. For example, this is the situation when, during military operations, it is necessary to carry out the order of the commander and go on the offensive. It is very difficult to launch an attack, however, one must submit. A volitional action is one that is carried out under conditions of choice.

Issues of will and choice are an interesting topic for public speaking. In this area, philosophers and psychologists have divided opinions. Some believe that in such situations the will of a person is manifested, since he makes a conscious choice. Others are convinced that there is no choice as such - and therefore all will has to be mobilized. Another example can be given in this regard. A drug addict needs to get rid of a terrible addiction. This will require remarkable volitional efforts from him. On the one hand, we can talk about his conscious choice in favor of life. But on the other hand, he has no choice as such - he will either die or make every effort to overcome the terrible trap of addiction and start a new life.

Within the framework of this problem, the speaker can also choose more specific interesting topics for speech:

  • "On the triumph of the will - examples heroic deeds".
  • "Views on free will in psychology and philosophy."
  • "Religion and Free Will".
  • "Is it possible to become a strong-willed person?"
  • "Does Free Will Really Exist?"

Work and employment

Also, for many, an interesting topic for speaking to an audience will be employment. After all, every person at least once in his life searched for a job. For some this happened quickly and without problems, for others the process took a longer time. Professional fulfillment occupies one of the most important places in the life of an adult.

Options for topics about work

An interesting topic for speaking to students would be one that highlights employment problems. After all, very soon young people will have to directly face the realities of the labor market. The issue of employment and the opportunity to use the knowledge acquired at the university is one of the most pressing for a student. Interesting topics for speaking to young people may include the following:

  • "The main problems that you may encounter during employment and ways to solve them."
  • "Improving professional skills after receiving a diploma higher education".
  • "Questions labor legislation".
  • "How to get a job in foreign company?"
  • "Rules for a successful interview."


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