“The use of innovative educational technologies in the educational process. Using innovative methods in technology lessons

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Nowadays you can often hear about innovative technologies. This term is tossed around here and there. And this is not surprising, because we live in an era of a real scientific and technological revolution. Let's figure out what they are, how they develop and how relevant their application is.

general information

We live in perhaps the most interesting period of human history. The development of technology has become exponential rather than linear, as it was before. Studying knowledge in the field of the latest technological trends, managing all projects and organizing the necessary processes - this is what the science of innovation does. In essence, the subject of discussion tends to satisfy people's needs for modern world, both essential and social.

Often innovative technology touches on a huge number of problematic issues. Their characteristic feature is novelty in the field of world trends. Moreover, this often applies not only to the technical component, but also to the processes of management and labor coordination. This term is used not just for something new or unusual, but for something that can radically increase the efficiency of a certain area.

Usage innovative technologies leads to an increase in the quality of products and improvement of the production sector. This presupposes the presence of an integral set of measures and organizational developments that make it possible to improve the process of development, production, operation and maintenance, as well as, if necessary, carry out repairs and restore the object of interest with optimal characteristics and reasonable costs. All this leads to effective use not only material and economic, but also social resources.


Here a lot depends on the position of the gaze. So, if we focus on the processes of innovation, we can distinguish technologies:

  1. Radical or basic. This refers to large-scale inventions and discoveries, thanks to which a unique trend in the development of technical progress begins or modern generations (techniques, solutions, etc.) are formed.
  2. Innovations of average potential.
  3. Partial or modified inventions. Used to change outdated technologies, equipment, and organizational processes.

Depending on scale and industry application:

  1. Innovation within the enterprise.
  2. Intersectoral.
  3. Regional.
  4. Industry.

Depending on the factors that led to the emergence of innovation:

  1. Strategic. The decision to implement them is made proactively, with the direct intent of gaining a competitive advantage in a certain time frame.
  2. Reactive. They are used to maintain the state of the enterprise after the implementation of an innovative solution by competitors.

Depending on the nature of the implemented innovation:

  1. Economic.
  2. Social.
  3. Ecological.
  4. Integral.

About the preparatory aspect

Innovative technologies in work are usually presented in the form of full-fledged systems. In this regard, the question arises about the feasibility of identifying processes and researching developments. In essence, innovative technology is the introduction of something new into an already functioning area of ​​responsibility, establishments in this area and the beginning of changes in this area. That is, it includes the introduction of innovation and its implementation. The success of the development of innovative technologies is associated with a certain set of work performed, which allows the emergence and demonstration of the effectiveness of activities. In this case, the whole process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Scientific activity and developments carried out within its framework, which are aimed at obtaining new knowledge. They are used to state a discovery or new invention.
  2. Design work and processes that should allow the creation of new technological tools under these conditions. At the same time, attention is paid to the appropriateness of actions and necessary solutions to achieve the set goal.
  3. Innovative learning technologies also play an important role, allowing one to gain the necessary knowledge, and subsequently the experience necessary to bring the project to life.

What does the implementation of innovation look like?

In this case, there are three main stages:

  1. Before implementation. In this case, ways to identify problem areas are sought and a plan is drawn up to implement an innovative solution.
  2. At the moment of implementation, previously acquired knowledge is rethought and immediate improvements are made during the implementation of the project. As situational features emerge, refinements are developed for them to achieve the agreed upon goal.
  3. After implementation, a diagnostic process is launched, which compares all the obtained parameters with the planned ones and makes it possible to judge the success of the innovation.

At the same time, management is becoming increasingly important. Because reproducing something or creating something is not so difficult. The question is how much time, effort and resources will be spent on this. Efficient model management allows you to intelligently manage all this and win in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The successful implementation of innovative technology is characterized by flexibility, mobility, speed and even agility. And it doesn’t matter where exactly it is implemented - in the banking sector or education, medicine or somewhere else. Let's look at an example that affects everyone. Namely, innovative teaching technologies.

Educational field

The main priority and most important value of humanity is high-quality and useful knowledge that allows us to act effectively in modern society and successfully compete with other representatives of society for position and privileges.

In this case, innovative pedagogical technologies play a huge role. That is, not only knowledge is important, but also its presentation, as well as its consolidation in people’s minds. This is where multimedia and interactive innovations come to the rescue.

In everyday life, the term “smart school” is used to indicate the goal of the movement. Moreover, this means not only equipping students with computers and projectors, but also using new approaches to students and creating a more flexible system of interaction with them. Innovative technologies in education are not limited to those presented in schools. It’s just that the most significant public emphasis is placed on it.

In addition to it, kindergartens, vocational schools, and higher educational institutions also receive attention, albeit to a somewhat lesser extent. What innovative technologies are there in preschool educational institutions? There is no easy answer here. For, to put it briefly, we should highlight the information and communication, health-preserving, research, personality-oriented and gaming aspects.

Accessory Electronics

For many, technology is something that you have to interact with through your hands. But that's not always the case. There is such an innovation as a brain-computer interface - essentially a neural system that is designed to ensure the free exchange of information between the human brain and an electronic device on the other side. It allows you to control technology using the power of thought.

Successful research and research is now being conducted to help understand paralysis of the arms, legs, eye problems and a number of other significant ailments.

In addition, electronic devices can be used to monitor the functioning of the human body, its condition and well-being. For example, small headphones placed in the auricle allow you to read indicators of the cardiovascular system. There are even small sensors that look like a temporary tattoo, but allow you to control your body posture, as well as carry out the treatment process. Tactile electronic soles, if necessary, will indicate the desired direction based on a signal from the global positioning system, and notify the person about it using vibration.

Progress in materials science

It is urgent to obtain the necessary substances from previously unimaginable sources. And if you remember about the creation of completely new materials! How much the world has changed just by the use of plastics. Now, however, the development and use of new composite materials is more urgent. Scientists are working on creating ultra-light nanostructured fibers that will have high quality characteristics (strength, ductility, etc.).

New composite materials make it possible to create equipment that consumes less fuel, is less toxic and has a number of other advantages. They are used in automobile manufacturing, spacecraft, hydroelectric power plants and similar developments.

In addition, as an example, we can mention the extraction of metals from seawater concentrate. Many people know this world ecological problem, like reducing the amount of fresh liquid that a person can consume. Artificial desalination can correct this problem, but this technology still has significant drawbacks, as well as problems in the field of environmental practice. For example, large amounts of energy are required. In addition, a significant concentration of saline solution is obtained, which also needs to be dealt with. If it is returned to the sea, then this threatens to turn into a problem due to the existing negative impact on the fauna and flora of the World Ocean.

And an innovative solution was found - from this concentrate they learned to extract important and necessary minerals and substances for humans: magnesium, uranium, potassium, lithium, soda. Separately, it is worth mentioning the development of methods for obtaining gold from sea water. According to calculations, the reserves of this material are truly enormous: about 8-10 billion tons! In other words, at current prices there is more than enough to make every person on this earth a millionaire.

Advancement in the field of medicine

First of all, we should remember the pharmacology of RNA strands. Its essence is the creation of vaccine preparations from small networks of the molecular composition of ribonucleic acid, which allow restoring the patient’s immunity. In addition, viral or bacterial proteins can be studied in this way.

Another innovation is the creation of advanced probiotics that help maintain a person in a state of normal balance. In addition, significant qualitative changes should be noted.

Another example is mobile DNA laboratories. Previously diagnostic test chains of deoxyribonucleic acid were carried out in large stationary complexes and took a day. Currently, this process can be completed in a few hours in a benchtop laboratory.

Innovative technology is also a digital cytoscope. Thus, its adapter is connected to a cloud storage where a database is located, which is used to check the patient’s heartbeat and pulmonary respiration. All data obtained is analyzed analytically. And even more - they can be transferred to a smartphone. Thanks to this, it is possible to make a diagnosis in short terms and prescribe correct and timely treatment.

Space technology

Where would we be without this pioneer of scientific activity, who brought many benefits to ordinary residents? Space programs changed the situation of a person and still actively influence him. You can remember new approaches to making food, materials and much more.

Moreover, not only government agencies, but also various Innovative Technologies LLCs are involved in this, that is, private sector. And that's certainly a good thing. After all, if everything is concentrated in one government agency and call it a center of innovative technologies, then gradually due to the loss of rivalry and competition, research would slow down. In addition, private companies can try different operating patterns, approaches to personnel policies, and much more, without being limited by the bureaucracy of officials.


The technology of innovation processes (their emergence, formation, implementation) has been studied very well. This allows us to make the road easier for those who follow this path. It should be noted that all this is not taken from scratch. Initially, there are children who are interested in science and various technical developments. They study and practice a lot. For example, they launch homemade rockets that fly up several tens of meters. Then they go to get a higher education, enter or organize a design bureau, and only then create new developments that will take humanity upward. That is, in order for there to be people capable of creating and implementing innovative technologies, this must be taken care of from the very birth of a person, instilling love and interest in even the smallest. And such investments will pay off handsomely.

The rapid development of society dictates the need for changes in technologies and methods of the educational process. Graduates of educational institutions must be prepared for the trends of changing modernity. Therefore, the introduction of technologies aimed at individual approach, mobility and distance in education seem necessary and inevitable.

What is “innovative technology”

Word " innovation" is of Latin origin. “Novatio” means “renewal”, “change”, and “in” translates as “in the direction”. Literally “innovatio” - “in the direction of change.” Moreover, this is not just any innovation, but after its application significant improvements in efficiency and quality of activity occur.

Under technology(Greek techne “art”, “skill”, logos “word”, “knowledge” - the science of art) refers to a set of methods and processes used in any business or in the production of something.

Any innovation finds its implementation through technology. Thus, innovative technology- is a technique and process of creating something new or improving an existing one in order to ensure progress and increase efficiency in various fields activities of mankind.

Innovative educational technologies

The methods used do not work as effectively with the new generation of students. Standardized training does not take into account individual qualities child and the need for creative growth.

Despite a number of problems that cannot be solved using old methods, there are difficulties in introducing innovations. The teacher must understand that the introduction innovative methods It helps not only its students to learn the material more effectively, but also develops their creative potential. But it also helps the teacher realize his own intellectual and creative potential.

Types of pedagogical innovations

A wide variety of innovative pedagogical methods are used in school education. The profile orientation of the educational institution, its traditions and standards play a huge role in the choice.

The most common innovations in the education process:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • student-centered learning;
  • project and research activities;
  • gaming technologies.


Implies integration of teaching disciplines with computer science, and computerization of assessment and communication in general. The computer can be used at any stage of the educational process. Schoolchildren are trained to work with basic programs and study material using electronic textbooks and manuals. Using a computer and projector, the teacher presents the material. Presentations, diagrams, audio and video files, thanks to their clarity, contribute to better understanding of the topic. Independent creation of slides, diagrams, and memory cards helps to structure knowledge, which also helps with memorization.

The presence of a computer, the Internet and special programs makes it possible distance teaching, online excursions, conferences and consultations.

At the end of the study, topics can be used as control tests on the computer. Schools use the system electronic magazines, in which you can track the results of an individual child, class, or performance in a specific subject. Come into use and electronic diaries, where grades are given and homework is recorded. So parents can find out the child’s scores and availability of assignments.

It is important to teach schoolchildren to properly use the Internet, search engines and social networks. With the right approach, they become an inexhaustible source of information and a way for schoolchildren to communicate with the teacher and among themselves.

Gaining popularity creation of a teacher’s own website. Thanks to him you can share interesting books, manuals, articles, educational videos and audios, answer student questions remotely. Can be used when developing a group project: participants share their work and results with each other and the curator and solve emerging problems.

Student-centered learning

In this case The child is recognized as the main character in learning. The goal is to develop the student’s personality, taking into account his individual qualities. Accordingly, it is not the students who adapt to the educational system and the style of the teacher, but the teacher, using his skills and knowledge, organizes learning according to the characteristics of the class.

This requires the teacher's knowledge of psychological, emotional and cognitive features student group. Based on this, he forms lesson plans, selects methods and ways of presenting the material. It is important to be able to awaken the student’s interest in the material being presented and to work collectively, acting not so much as a leader, but as a partner and advisor.

If desired by the educational institution, it is possible student differentiation. For example, staffing a class according to a certain sign as a result of testing; further division according to interest; introduction of specialized classes in high school.

Project and research activities

The main goal is to develop the ability to independently, creatively search for data, formulate and solve problems, and use information from different fields of knowledge. The teacher's task is to awaken interest in search activity and creating conditions for its implementation.

When working on a group project, teamwork skills, communication skills, the ability to listen to other people’s opinions, criticize and accept criticism also improve.

The use of this technology in school develops the ability to understand the world, analyze facts, and draw conclusions. This is the basis and assistance in entering higher education. educational institution and work on diploma and master's theses.

Gaming technologies

Value gaming technology is that, being essentially a recreation, it performs an educational function, stimulates creative realization and self-expression. Of course, it is most applicable in younger group schoolchildren, as it meets their age requirements. It must be used in doses.

At the request of the teacher, the entire lesson can be conducted in a playful way: competition, quiz, KVN, staging scenes from the work. It is possible to use game elements at any stage of the lesson: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end as a survey. A properly organized game stimulates schoolchildren’s memory, interest, and also overcomes passivity.

Changes in the educational sphere are necessary and inevitable. And it is worth noting that for the most part students happily accept something new, interesting, unusual. They are ready and able to perceive. The last word belongs to the teachers.

A lot of useful materials using innovative technologies are presented in the “Publications” section. You can learn interesting techniques and ideas from your colleagues' work.

The use of innovative models of organization, content and technologies of the educational process in order to ensure optimal conditions for the development and self-determination of the child’s personality.

Description of material: the article is intended for teachers primary classes and class teachers. This article describes the creation of conditions for the formation of a socially active personality, combining high moral qualities, efficiency, creative individuality, the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, and a humanistic attitude towards the world.
Author: Shikina Tatyana Ivanovna
Place of work: primary school teacher MBOU "Maritime Secondary comprehensive school" urban district Sudak, Republic of Crimea

Recently, the term “innovative pedagogical technologies” has come into use quite widely.
Before considering the essential features of innovative pedagogical technologies, let us clarify the key concepts of “innovation” and “educational technology”.
The word innovation is of Latin origin and translated means renewal, change, introduction of something new. In pedagogical interpretation, innovation means an innovation that improves the course and results of the educational process.
Researchers of problems of pedagogical innovation (O. Arlamov, G. Burgin, V. Zhuravlev, V. Zagvyazinsky, N. Yusufbekova, A. Nichols, etc.) are trying to correlate the concepts of the new in pedagogy with such characteristics as useful, progressive, positive, modern , advanced.
V. Zagvyazinsky believes that what is new in pedagogy is not only ideas, approaches, methods, technologies that have not yet been put forward or used in such combinations, but also that complex of elements or individual elements of the pedagogical process that carry a progressive beginning , which makes it possible, in the course of changing conditions and situations, to effectively solve the task of upbringing and education.
There is a distinction between the concept of innovation, or new way and innovation, innovation. Innovation is the means itself ( new method, methodology, technology, program, etc.), and innovation is the process of its development.
Alone scientists(V Slastenin, L. Podimova) consider innovation to be a complex process of creating, disseminating and using a new practical tool in the field of engineering, technology, pedagogy, scientific research. Others deny that innovation cannot be reduced to the creation of means. Podlasy believes that innovations are ideas, processes, means, and results taken as a qualitative improvement of the pedagogical system.
Disagreements in the interpretation of the concept are caused by the different vision of their authors of the essential core, as well as the radicality of innovations. Some of them are convinced that only those new things that result in cardinal changes in a certain system can be considered innovations; others count any innovation, even minor ones, in this category.
The basis and content of innovative educational processes is innovation activity, the essence of which is updating the pedagogical process, introducing new formations into the traditional system. The desire to constantly optimize the educational process has led to the emergence of new and improvement of previously used pedagogical technologies of different levels and different target orientations.
Today, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. There are different views on the disclosure of this concept.
technology- this is a set of techniques that are used in any business, skill, art;
educational technology– a set of means and methods for recreating theoretically based processes of teaching and upbringing, which make it possible to successfully implement educational tasks (V. Bezpalko);
educational technology– a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set of forms, methods, means, teaching techniques, means of education; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit for the pedagogical process (B. Likhachev);
educational technology– a systemic set and order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means that are used to achieve the educational goal (G. Clarin);
educational technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity, thought out in every detail from the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for the student and teacher (V. Monakhov).
educational technology- This system method creation, application, definition of the entire process of teaching and learning using computers and human resources, the task of which is to optimize forms of education.
A number of authors, in particular V. Kukushkin, believe that any pedagogical technology must meet some basic methodological requirements (manufacturability criteria).
Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology must be inherently based on a certain scientific concept, which contains a philosophical, psychological, didactic and social-pedagogical rationale for achieving an educational goal.
Systematicity. Pedagogical technology must have all the characteristics of a system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.
Possibility of control. Provides the possibility of diagnostic assignment, planning, design of the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.
Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of education.
Reproducibility. Possibility of using (repetition, recreation) of pedagogical technology in other identical educational institutions, by other entities.
Visualization (specific to certain technologies). Involves the use of audiovisual and electronic technology, as well as the design and use of a variety of didactic materials and original visual aids.
One of the most important strategic tasks at the current stage of modernization of education is to ensure the quality of training of specialists at the level international standards. Solving this task is possible subject to changes in pedagogical methods and the introduction of innovative teaching technologies. This is what developmental and distance learning serve.
One of the first definitions of this concept is associated with the works of pioneers in the field of developmental education, primarily with the works of V.V. Davydova: “...development is the reproduction by an individual of historically established types of activity and the corresponding abilities, which is realized in the process of their appropriation. Thus, appropriation (it can be represented as a process of education and training in a broad sense) is a universal form of human mental development.”
A teacher who is capable and ready to carry out innovative activities at school can become one when he recognizes himself as a professional and has an attitude towards creative perception of existing innovative experience and its necessary transformation. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2020 sets an important task: to prepare the younger generation for life in a rapidly changing information society, in a world in which the process of the emergence of new knowledge is accelerating, the need for new professions and continuous advanced training constantly arises. And ownership plays a key role in solving these problems. modern man ICT. In this regard, the teacher needs to prepare students for a variety of activities related to information processing, in particular, mastering information technology and ICT. In modern society, many will agree with me that teaching children is easier than raising them. The process of upbringing requires a more subtle approach to the child and this is a process of constant creativity. The activities of the class teacher are primarily aimed at working with students of the entire class. It forms the motivation for learning of each individual child by studying his age and individual characteristics to develop and stimulate cognitive interests; through various forms and methods of individual work; creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, ideological culture, creative work skills, creative individuality, the successful entry of a child into society, the formation of a democratic culture in the system of classroom self-government. The basis for the development and upbringing of a child continues to be the fundamental knowledge that he receives during the educational process. However, personal education should be focused not only on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of independence, personal responsibility, creative abilities and qualities of a person that allow him to learn, act and work effectively in modern economic conditions. The Concept of modernization of Russian education guides us towards this, defining the priority of education in the process of achieving a new quality of education. Based on this, one of the priority areas of the educational process is to strengthen the role of the class teacher in school. Education is one of the most important components of the educational process, along with training. Complementing each other, training and education serve a single goal: the holistic development of the student’s personality. Teaching and upbringing are so closely related to each other that since the informatization of educational and subject-related activities is underway, this cannot but affect the educational process. The class teacher should be at the epicenter of the innovative activities of an educational institution. Therefore, the class teacher is expected to work filled with both new content and new technologies for designing the educational process. Information and communication technologies play a huge role in solving educational problems. The widespread introduction of ICT into the educational process has made it possible to expand the arsenal of methodological techniques: it has become possible to create spectacular computer tools education with elements of sound, video, multimedia, which helps to increase the effectiveness of teaching work.
Today, one of the urgent tasks of Russian education is the development and creation of the most effective conditions training and development for each student as part of the educational process at school. This is due social need in creatively thinking individuals striving for active independent activity, self-realization, competitive, ready to generate and implement new ideas in various fields of knowledge. At the same time, ensuring the transition of the educational process of the school to a high-quality one is of particular importance. new level, answering state tasks modernization of the educational environment in the space of the modern information society.
Student-centered learning The focus is on the child’s originality, his self-worth, and the subjectivity of the learning process. This is a methodology for organizing the conditions of training and education, which involves the inclusion of personal functions or the demand for the subjective experience of each child. A person-oriented approach in the context of developmental education at school creates the prerequisites for the development of creative thinking in schoolchildren, stimulates students to find original solutions to problems posed during the learning process, and promotes successful self-realization of children in various types educational and creative activities.

Irina Kozina
Analysis of the work “Use of innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Modern conditions public life place special demands on personal development. These conditions introduce new adjustments into the life of Russian society, requiring specialists to be mobile, flexible thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, and a creative approach to solving various problems.

Today's preschoolers think and feel in a special way. Psychologists, teachers, parents talk about one: These children require a special approach because they are different. The changed world requires a different consciousness, and for us, adults, this consciousness becomes more accessible precisely through communication with children.

The concept of modernization of Russian education states that a developing society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for fate countries. In the educational process, the idea of ​​self-development of the individual, his readiness for independent activity, comes to the fore.

In this regard, the functions of the teacher change. Now he is no longer an informant, but an organizer of intellectual search, emotional experience and practical action.

In his work I try with children use a variety of innovative technologies aimed at implementing the Federal state standard preschool education.

One of the important tasks of preschool education is the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children, introducing them to healthy image life. Health-saving people help me with this technologies.

I try to use health saving technologies in various types of activities. To ensure that children enjoy doing morning exercises, I conduct them in a playful and thematic form. To prevent fatigue during regular moments, I include eye exercises, breathing exercises, and finger games. During walks, I suggest outdoor games not only with running, but also with climbing, throwing and throwing. Children really liked games such as "Sly Fox", "Wolf in the Moat", "The Bear and the Bees", "Burners", "Classes" and others. Children love to play sports games: "Football", "Volleyball", "Basketball", "Badminton".In summer, children enjoy riding scooters, bicycles, and in winter, sledding and skiing.

In his I use music therapy at work. Listening to classical music, falling asleep to music, performing movements to music, helps to correct children's behavior and their emotional state.

I created a center in the group "Health". It has attributes for sports games: balls, jump ropes, flags, bags for throwing, bowling alley, ring throw, albums with illustrations of summer and winter sports, disks with cartoons about sports, as well as non-traditional sports equipment made using parents: dumbbells; paths for walking barefoot; equipment for the prevention of posture disorders and flat feet, board games on sports themes "Sports Lotto", "Vitamins", « Winter views sports", "Summer Sports", "Hockey", "Volleyball", "Football"; breathing games "Air volleyball". In order for parents to look at their children’s health differently, I place posters, wall newspapers, and folders covering the issues of disease prevention on informative stands. "Barefoot from illness", "Golden Rules of Nutrition", "Rules for a healthy lifestyle", "Strong and healthy teeth since childhood" etc. Parents enjoy participating in physical education, sports events, hiking trips, and events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Technology project activity is a new educational technology, which allows you to effectively solve the problems of a person-centered approach to teaching children. Usage The project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrative teaching of preschoolers can significantly increase the independent activity of pupils, develop creative thinking, children’s ability to independently, different ways find information about an object or phenomenon of interest and use this knowledge for the creation of new objects of reality, and also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to the active participation of parents. In his at work I use creative exploration projects that allow children to experiment "Vegetable garden on the window", "Our flowerbed", "World of Food", "Magnets", "Water Sorceress";role-playing projects that allow you to solve assigned tasks in a playful way in the form of characters “ "Cosmonauts", "Ministry of Emergency Situations", "Defenders of the Fatherland", "Safe Road"; information projects that make it possible to collect information, analyze and display on stands, stained glass windows, etc. "Red Book of Nature", "Unusual Ball", "My best friend","Unusual Space".

Job The project includes the activities of children, teachers and parents of students. When making a plan work with children on a project, I try to interest each child in the theme of the project, create gaming motivation based on the children’s interests, create an atmosphere of co-creation with the child, using individual approach, develop the creative imagination and fantasy of children, take a creative approach to the implementation of the project, orient children to usage accumulated observations, knowledge, impressions. Technology Project activities in the garden allow me to get to know the students better and penetrate into the inner world of each child.

Technology research activities in kindergarten helps to form in preschoolers basic key competencies and the ability for an investigative type of thinking. With the help of research activities, you can support and develop a child’s interest in research, gaining experience in successful own research activities, developing perception, thinking, and most importantly - speech (the ability to think, reason and analyze, the child’s development as an independent, proactive person will be more successful.

Children love to experiment always, everywhere and with everything. using for this, any material, any time of year. My children are no exception. In order to develop primary natural science concepts, observation, curiosity, activity, and the formation of the ability to examine objects, I created an experimentation center. In him appeared:

- natural material : stones, shells, saw cuts and leaves of trees, moss, seeds, different types of soil, etc.

- technical materials : nuts, paper clips, bolts, nails, cogs, screws, construction parts, etc.

- different types paper: regular, cardboard, sanding, copying, etc.

- Other materials: mirrors, Balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored and clear glass, candles, etc.

Sieve, funnels

-parting assistants: magnifying glass, hourglass, microscopes, magnifiers

Conducting experiments: with water, air, magnet, sand, snow, dough. For example, with sand: "Hourglass", "Shifting Sand" or "Properties of wet sand". Same with paper: "In the Kingdom of the Paper Queen", "Paper Properties"; water "Magic Drop", “What kind of water is there?”; magnets "Properties of a magnet", air, sunlight, fabric, fur, etc.

As a result use in your work Research activities in children increased cognitive activity and interest in the world. They became more confident in themselves and began to strive to get results when achieving their goals. The children's speech has improved. They began to express their thoughts, construct sentences correctly, and compose coherent creative stories.

Usage information and communication technologies is one of the priorities of education. The introduction of ICT into the educational process of kindergarten improves the quality of preschool education. The main goal of introducing information technologies is the creation of a single information space of an educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational and educational process are involved and connected at the information level process: administration, teachers, students and their parents.

Information and communication technology helps me:

1. Select illustrated and educational material for classes and material for decorating group stands and a corner for parents. Children's educational sites help me with this "Preschooler", "Preschooler", "Cat and mouse"», "Sun", "Children's World" and etc.

2. Using a computer I can simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to demonstrate in class or to see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of animals, nature, transport work, etc.. d.)

3. Create presentations in the PowerPoint program to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children. I created presentations "Unusual Space", "History of Olympic Games", "Santa Claus's Birthday", "Professions", "Animals of hot countries" and so on. Use presentations at parent-teacher meetings "Our life in kindergarten", “How we prepared for the New Year” etc., joint events with parents and children "Our Mothers", "Winter Olympics in Sochi" .

4. Exchange experiences, get acquainted with the scenarios of holidays and other events, developments other teachers in Russia and abroad.

5. Get acquainted with periodical printed publications in electronic form.

6. Constantly improve your skills in Pedagogical University "First of September", taking advanced training courses remotely.

7. Participate in international and all-Russian competitions for children and teachers on the Internet.

8. New modern features help in working not only with children, but also with their parents. Our kindergarten has created its own website. Parents can freely access it, find out news about the life of children in preschool educational institutions, look at reports on past events, get advice on a topic that interests them, etc.

But no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have technologies, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.

Thus, the application innovative pedagogical technologies contributes to:

improving the quality of education;

advanced training for teachers;

application of pedagogical experience and its systematization;

use of computer technologies by students;

maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils;

improving the quality of training and education.


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