Personnel security: provision, creation, analysis. Factors of threats to the personnel security of an organization

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Success entrepreneurial activity determined by many factors. These are resources, production facilities and personnel. All of these are separate areas, each of which needs to be controlled. Safety control is one of the measures to maintain the efficiency of the company.

What is personnel security?

Personnel security is measures to prevent negative influences from personnel. Workers can directly influence a company's operations. Therefore, the manager must monitor all potential and real threats. Let's consider the threats that may be associated with the employee's personality:

  • Creating a threat to the life and health of founders/other workers.
  • Creation of conflict conditions.
  • Discrediting the management system.
  • Provoking the dismissal of key employees.
  • Damage to the organization's reputation.
  • Disclosure of confidential information.
  • Theft.

Harm can be caused not only by an individual employee, but also by the entire team. Let's look at the potential dangers:

  • Active disregard for corporate norms and values.
  • Imitation of labor activity.
  • Illegal strikes.
  • Mass layoffs in order to influence the employer's decision.
  • Sabotage of decisions.
  • Failure to comply with demands.

ATTENTION! According to statistics, 80% of the damage to an organization is caused by its personnel. That is why the manager must Special attention pay attention to personnel safety. A competent management policy will reduce the organization’s losses associated with its personnel by 60%.

Internal and external dangers

The manager’s task is to carry out competent work to identify and prevent hazards. There are internal and external threats. The first are the actions of employees that cause damage to the company. Let's look at examples of internal dangers:

  • Inconsistency between the qualifications of employees and the requirements for the position.
  • Poor organization of the management system.
  • Mediocre organization of the training system.
  • Poorly established motivation system.
  • Errors in labor resource planning.
  • Reducing the volume of effective proposals and ideas.
  • Dismissal of well qualified employees.
  • Employees are completely focused on solving tactical problems.
  • Employees care only about the interests of their department.
  • There is no reasonable corporate policy.
  • Employees are accepted into the organization without first checking their professionalism.

External dangers are processes that are not determined by the will of personnel, but cause damage to the organization. Let's look at their examples:

  • The motivation system of competitors' personnel is more effective.
  • Competitors are trying to lure qualified workers.
  • There is external pressure on the organization's employees.
  • Dependence of workers on external circumstances.
  • Inflation, which will have to be taken into account when calculating salaries.

Identifying hazards is already 50% of success. The manager must know exactly what problems he is facing. After this, you can outline a strategy to eliminate the threats.

What does personnel security depend on?

Personnel security is determined by these three factors:

  1. Hiring. It is a list of safety measures when hiring workers in an organization. The manager must also formulate a reliability forecast. The hiring procedure is divided into these stages: search for specialists, selection of applicants, documenting employee. The manager is also responsible for the duration of the probationary period and the adaptation of employees to a new place. Security measures also include preparing certification and planning an educational program.
  2. Loyalty. It is a set of measures to create a favorable attitude among employees towards the organization and the manager. The initiative of employees and their motivation to work depend on the situation in the company. Motivated specialists invest more in their work and are more diligent in solving problems.
  3. Control. This is a set of management measures: the creation of regulations, restrictions and rules. Checking their implementation. Creation of objective assessment systems. Control is needed to eliminate potential hazards. As a rule, the security service is responsible for it.

The measures presented can compensate for each other. For example, the company pays a lot of attention to safety when hiring employees. In this case, it is less possible to finance the direction of staff loyalty.

The most common problems and their solutions

One of the most common problems in the field of personnel security is theft. You can prevent and identify it using the following tools:

  • Installation of CCTV cameras.
  • Introduction of fines for theft.
  • Creating a loyal environment.
  • Regular inventory of funds.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Another popular problem is the disclosure of confidential information. This can cause the most serious damage to the company. For example, an employee leaks information to the company’s competitors, causing the latter to lose profits.

Phased implementation of personnel security

Personnel security involves various stages from employment to dismissal. Before implementing measures, you need to prepare. In particular, the manager needs to identify existing and potential problems. For this you can use various instruments: surveys, interviews, conversations with employees and managers, viewing violations for a certain period. After this, a list of current problems is formed. The measures implemented must be appropriate to the specific situation. For example, if the company is doing poorly with the professionalism of its employees, you need to concentrate on hiring workers.

Let's look at examples of safety measures during employment:

  • applicants when they are admitted to the company.
  • Psychophysiological study of applicants.
  • Drawing up an information and analytical report about the worker.

Personnel security measures must be implemented as part of working with already hired personnel:

  • Social and psychological examination of workers, checking loyalty and climate in the organization.
  • Determination of management style.
  • Creating conditions for staff loyalty.
  • Psychophysiological study of the employee.
  • Conducting internal investigations using .
  • Technical events.

Personnel security can also be implemented in the area of ​​dismissal:

  • Measures to identify employees' desires to leave work.
  • Measures to create a loyal atmosphere to prevent layoffs.

The phased implementation of personnel security measures will ensure the effective operation of the organization.

What does effective personnel security provide?

Effective personnel security provides these benefits:

  • Opportunity to compete with strong players in the market.
  • Minimizing costs for damage compensation.
  • Attraction the best professionals, which ensures maximum performance.
  • Theft prevention.
  • Exclusion from the staff of employees with insufficient qualifications.
  • Creating a friendly environment.

Timely implementation of the necessary measures will prevent losses and extract maximum profit from the organization’s activities.

Introduction. The concept of “enterprise personnel security” 3

1. The role of personnel security in the work of the enterprise. 4

2. Internal dangers of the enterprise. 5

3.Internal security factors. 5

4.Methods of ensuring personnel security. 7

4.1.Methods of personnel security when hiring employees. 7

4.2.Ensuring employee loyalty. eleven

4.3.Control at the enterprise. 12

Conclusion. 16

Literature. 17

Introduction. The concept of “personnel security of the enterprise.”

information about property (movable and real estate), as well as whether the candidate is a founder (shareholder, participant) of legal entities and/or public organizations;

· information about relatives (special attention should be paid to relatives working in competing companies);

· information about marital status;

· level of computer proficiency (information about programming skills may be of interest from the point of view of the company’s information security in the event of an conflict situation upon dismissal of an employee);

· attitude towards religion, including membership in prohibited (or destructive) sects;

· information about your health status (whether you are registered with dispensaries, etc.)

It is also necessary to include in the questionnaire the wording of the candidate’s personal permission for possible verification of the data provided by him, including by obtaining data from a third party.” This is an important preventive measure against accusations of violating the rules on the protection of personal data of an employee.

With this approach, questioning in the hands of the HR manager turns from a routine procedure into a full-fledged tool for ensuring personnel security.

An autobiography is also a personnel security tool, useful in all respects and saving money and time. A personally written autobiography is an evidentiary (certified by signature) sample of a person’s handwriting. If, for example, a crime involving forgery of documents was committed in a company, then both the security service and the investigative authorities will thank you for such significant material evidence. It is possible to determine the features of handwriting only if there is large quantity handwritten text, but where can I get it, because in most companies, employees, except for the signature on the salary slip, do not write anything “by hand”. If necessary, the autobiography will become material for conducting a graphological analysis of handwritten text and a psychological assessment of certain personality traits.

In addition to the application form and autobiography, the candidate provides various documents, while the employer pursues the following goals:

Identification of the candidate;

Detection of falsification, forgery;

Reconciliation of information from documents with information obtained from other sources (questionnaire, autobiography);

Assessing the condition of documents, as well as examining attachments (records, inserts, etc.).

Another source of information about the applicant is studying recommendations from previous places of work and checking the information received.

Many personnel management services use psychological tests(professional selection, career guidance, determination of personal characteristics, etc.). In order to ensure personnel security, a company can use specialized techniques, for example, to identify:

· addictions (drug, alcohol, gambling);

· certain personality traits - conflict, aggressiveness, impulsiveness;

· personality orientation;

· stress resistance.

These are complex specialized techniques, and in order to apply them, it is better to undergo training.

4.2.Ensuring employee loyalty.

So, the employee went through all stages of hiring - an interview, an internship, joined the team, underwent adaptation, and began to perform job responsibilities. At this stage, the question arises: how to achieve employee loyalty to the company? To maintain loyalty to the workforce, there are the following methods:

1.Motivation. That is, the interest of employees in any benefits. These can be both material benefits (bonuses for special services to the company, vacation vouchers, free lunches, the list goes on and on) and non-material benefits (choice of the employee of the month, year, etc. with the presentation of certificates, medals and etc., public praise of employees - creating orders for declaring gratitude and recording them in a personal file..) If an employee feels support from the company, in particular material, he will defend the interests of the company with great zeal.

2. Creation of a corporate code. To maintain the level of loyalty of the team to the company, it is necessary to remind employees as often as possible about the importance of the company in which they work, as well as the importance of each employee as an element of the entire company. Each employee must understand that the result of the entire company depends on his actions. To maintain a positive and loyal environment in the team, we can recommend the creation of some kind of corporate code (a set of rules by which the team as a whole and each employee works individually). Every newly hired employee must be familiar with this code. This document simultaneously performs 2 functions: firstly, each employee is given a clear understanding of what is acceptable in this company and what is not, what can be punished for, what constitutes a trade secret, etc.), secondly, absolutely everything employees adhere to this code - from the secretary to the general director. Understanding the commonality with the management team of the company increases the self-esteem of employees, and, as a result, their loyalty to the bank.

4.3.Control at the enterprise.

Control at an enterprise, as a rule, is entrusted not to HR managers, but to the security service. If the hiring of personnel is carried out with high quality, in compliance with all safety measures, loyalty in the workforce is at the proper level, then control is more formal in nature. However, it is through this process that the shortcomings of the HR manager are corrected. The development of personnel control systems usually requires special knowledge and skills. There can be a lot of options for control schemes at an enterprise. The most common of them:

A). Development and creation of a unified technological process (production flow chart). In this case, the employee performing some action receives a clear algorithm for its implementation with a description of all possible options. Routing will work more efficiently if there is a controller (an employee who monitors compliance with the technological process, according to the map).

b). Personnel testing. In addition to testing when applying for a job, it is advisable to conduct scheduled psychological testing in order to timely identify negative processes in the team associated with a decrease in the level of loyalty, tension in the situation, and the presence of conflicts within the team. Such testing should be carried out by a professional psychologist on staff or invited from outside.

V). Creation of “anonymous anti-fraud hotlines.” Often, when economic crimes are committed within a company (disclosure of trade secrets, leakage of information to a competing company), information about their commission is known to some of the employees. However, they don't know what to do about it. What to do - if the information is reported to the security service or management, it will turn out that the person “turned on” his colleagues, which is not accepted in our society, is not nice and can be condemned by the team. The situation is completely different if there is an anonymous channel for receiving such messages. At the same time, the fight against disloyalty should be widely promoted in the team; each employee should have the opportunity to send a truly anonymous message. Additionally, you can develop a scheme to reward employees for preventing certain situations.

G). A polygraph survey (POI) is a comprehensive psychological and psychophysiological procedure and is non-traumatic and harmless to life and health, organized according to special techniques a procedure for interviewing a person using control and assessment of physiological reactions that are recorded using sensors placed on his body. The purpose of the IPR is to assess the reliability of information previously received from the person being interviewed by recording the physiological reactions of the interviewee to the questions asked.

Possible situations for using OIP

The use of IIP is especially effective in three classes of situations, which, in relation to the practice of conducting official proceedings carried out by the security service of a commercial bank, can be characterized as follows.

The first class includes situations in which the security service is completely unable to obtain the information necessary to solve and investigate a crime without bypassing a specific person.

The second class consists of situations in which obtaining the information necessary for the security service is possible using traditional operational means or forensic methods, but this is associated with large material and/or time costs or the involvement of significant operational forces. The use of EIP allows you to choose the most rational way out of the current situation, while saving the mentioned resources.

The third class includes situations that require urgent (within a few hours or one or two days) obtaining information, and no other traditional way or method can provide the security service with the required speed. This problem can only be solved by an OIP that establishes the presence (or absence) of the required information in the memory of a particular person.

However, for security services, the application possibilities of using IPR technology are not limited to the sphere of official proceedings; scheduled checks of employees using IPR are possible.


From a safety point of view, there is one not always noticeable detail in the approach to labor interaction - every candidate for a vacancy, every employee of the enterprise must be considered every minute, including as a source of risk, a source of potential threat. And this should be not only in terms of intentional damage, but also in relation to the danger of causing losses associated with low qualifications, or, on the contrary, with the inability to use high professionalism; with dissatisfaction with their work and working conditions; with the absence of clearly and unambiguously established legal relations; with inadequate assessment of labor results; with weak forecasting and reliability control, etc.

Thus, personnel security, being an element of the economic security of the company, is aimed at such work with personnel, at establishing such labor and ethical relations, which could be defined as “break-even”. All this activity is not a separate area in the functionality of the HR manager, but only fits organically into it. And here practically no additional resources are involved, provided that the company has all stages of organization and personnel management.


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Personnel security plays an important role in matters of economic security of an enterprise.

Personnel security is a process of minimizing or finally reducing to zero any adverse effects(both external and internal) on the economic security of the enterprise by eliminating or reducing the risks of threats associated with personnel, their intellectual potential and labor relations in general.

The personnel security system is a set of measures in the field of personnel management aimed at minimizing the risks of damage to the organization from the personnel and directly to the personnel themselves.

In the economic literature, personnel security is considered from two perspectives.

Figure 1. Positions for considering personnel security issues

Threats are negative impacts that negatively affect the state of the personnel functional component of the economic security of the enterprise.

A number of academic economists consider low reliability of personnel, delinquent and deviant behavior of employees, an unfavorable socio-psychological climate, low loyalty of personnel, errors in personnel selection, and lack of a high corporate culture as threats to personnel security.

Personnel security, like any science, has an object and a subject of security. The subjects of personnel security are the personnel management service and the security service of the organization (if there is one in the structure of the enterprise). The personnel management service occupies a dominant position in relation to other elements of the company’s security system, since it “works” with personnel, personnel, and they are primary in any component. Thus, the personnel service is a more important subject in personnel security than the security service. This is due to a number of reasons.

Firstly, selection, assessment, development, etc. It is the personnel management service that deals with employees, with the help of which it influences security, including personnel security.

Secondly, the direct responsibility of HR specialists is to contribute to the achievement of the company’s goals with the help of personnel, which implies minimizing negative influences from personnel.

Thirdly, a colossal number of methods and capabilities for ensuring personnel security are in the hands of personnel service employees.

Personnel security at any enterprise (regardless of its legal form and industry affiliation) performs a number of tasks. In our opinion, the tasks of personnel security include:

  1. Identification and suppression of any types of threats emanating from employees - criminal activity, disclosure of trade secrets, illegal cooperation with competitors, damage to business, etc.
  2. Study and assessment of the overall situation in the work team, relationships between employees
  3. Determining the level of staff loyalty to the enterprise, identifying so-called “risk groups”, developing and implementing measures to neutralize negatively inclined employees
  4. Collection and analysis of data about applicants to create a reliable portrait of the applicant, providing information to management to make a correct and objective decision on hiring (refusing) a job
  5. Collection and analysis of information from open sources to make decisions on access to confidential information and documents
  6. Conducting (if necessary) psycho-emotional and psycho-physiological testing (for example, using a polygraph) when applying for any position, as well as in the event of controversial situations
  7. Providing consulting services, conducting training courses for personnel training related to issues of personnel security, rules for handling confidential (closed) information
  8. The ability to ensure security for all workers, both in information and personal security, while complying with all labor obligations (if there is a threat)

There are several main factors of personnel security.

  1. Hiring employees. At this stage, it is worth predicting the employee’s reliability. Documentary, legal support for employment, minimum or justified by law probation, assistance in the adaptation period - all this directly affects the loyalty and trustworthiness of the employee as a whole, which means this directly affects personnel security activities. But it is worth noting that personnel security in general depends not only on the hiring of workers.
  2. Employee loyalty to the company. This is the most important task in the development strategy and improvement of personnel policy. IN in this case need to create favorable environment for employees (including through social policy, motivational system, etc.), creating and nurturing loyal employees. At the same time, it is necessary not only to determine the vector of development in this direction, but also to prescribe at the administrative level a detailed program for creating employee loyalty, writing individual (or group) motivation according to needs, creating a corporate culture, etc. It is worth considering that when implementing a personnel management strategy, as well as improving it, the personnel security of the enterprise increases. This is due to the satisfaction of the employee’s basic non-financial needs, which often determine the level of satisfaction with employers and the job in general. Also, when creating this system, the staff’s ability to work increases due to the positive attitude of the team.
  3. Control by the administrative body. Control is necessary primarily to check the implemented regulations, regimes, orders, standards, statistics and other things. These measures are not aimed at restricting employees, but at instilling in them the corporate and ethical standards required by the company. Also, these measures minimize the likelihood of causing economic and image damage to the organization.

Each employee goes through three stages of interaction with the organization: employment in the organization, work of the organization and dismissal from the organization. Personnel security risks are differentiated according to the specified stages. Based on this, the main risks to personnel security of Yu.A. Poskripko systematizes it into 3 groups. They are presented in the table.

Table 1. Personnel security risks

Risk group

Personnel security risks when working with personnel at the entrance to the organization

  • risk wrong choice source of candidate search (experience, field of activity, gender, social status);
  • the risk of lack of formalized competencies of the position or unclear formation of requirements for a candidate for the position;
  • the risk of incorrect assessment of the candidate at the selection stage (insufficient qualifications, accentuation, deviation, dependence, psychological incompatibility);
  • the risk of accepting a candidate with direct threats to the personnel and economic security of the enterprise

Personnel security risks when working with personnel within the organization

  • the risk of unsuccessful adaptation of the employee to the team or lack of acceptance by the team;
  • the risk of employee reduction and loss of motivation and incentives to work effectively;
  • the risk of outflow of professionals to competitors through offers of better working conditions (poaching);
  • the risk of a decrease in the pace of development and loss of personnel potential by the company’s employees;
  • the risk of unconstructive internal conflicts between employees of the enterprise;
  • the risk of direct abuse by an employee causing economic damage to the enterprise (direct financial abuse, theft, fraud, distribution of trade secrets, sensitive risk of crime);
  • the risk of creating a negative image of the enterprise in the market;

Risks when working with personnel leaving the organization

  • the risk of financial claims by the employee (in case of dismissal at the initiative of the enterprise) against the enterprise;
  • the risk of forming a negative image of the enterprise as an employer through the dissemination of negative information about it;
  • the risk of an employee distributing information that is a trade secret among his competitors

Personnel security is influenced by the external and internal environment. She experiences external and internal threats. Threats are negative impacts that negatively affect the state of the personnel functional component of the economic security of the enterprise.

External threats are actions, phenomena or processes that do not depend on the will and consciousness of the employees of the enterprise and entail damage. In turn, internal negative impacts include actions (intentional or careless) of the enterprise’s employees, which also entail damage.

The classification of external and internal threats is presented in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. External and internal threats to personnel security

Thus, personnel security is, first of all, aimed at working with personnel, with company employees, at establishing ethical and labor standards protecting the interests of the company. It is worth noting that activities in this area should not be the responsibility of an individual employee of the HR department, since only in coalition with other functions can they bring the desired result, organically complementing the daily functionality.

"HR Officer. Personnel Management", 2010, N 10


The article reveals the importance of rest as the most important condition for ensuring the functional comfort of an employee. The influence of the syndrome has been shown chronic fatigue and professional stress on the state of psychological comfort. Recommendations for organizing workers' rest are offered.

Organizational security is a state that is achieved by ensuring and maintaining the protection of its personnel and vital interests of the organization from internal and external threats in order to reduce negative consequences unwanted events and achievements best results activities.

A threat to the safety of an organization is an event, action or phenomenon that, through its impact on personnel, financial, material assets and information, can lead to harm to the health of workers and damage to the organization, disruption or suspension of its functioning.

Ensuring the security of an organization is the activity of its officials, personnel, special security units, government law enforcement agencies and other structures, aimed at preventing possible disruption of its normal functioning.

An organization's security system is a complex of organizational, managerial, economic, legal, socio-psychological, preventive, propaganda, security and engineering measures and activities aimed at ensuring the safety of the organization and its personnel. The determining and initial element in the formation of a security system is the organization’s security concept, which is a set of basic documents relating to the security policy and strategy, the main directions, means and methods of ensuring it.

Let's consider the essence of types of security.

Physical security of a facility is the protection of material and financial resources from emergency circumstances (fire, natural disaster, terrorism) and from unauthorized entry into the territory (vandalism, theft, theft, etc.). Ensuring the safety of objects is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 N 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended on December 27, 2009), regulations and instructions developed and put into effect by the State Fire Supervision and Management Service private security Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

This type of facility security is ensured by the activities of security officers by observing facility and intra-facility access control regimes using appropriate security technical means and systems. Technical and engineering security means and systems include: perimeter security systems; systems burglar alarm; fire alarm, fire extinguishing and warning systems; CCTV systems; access restriction systems; access control systems; means of operational communication; protective engineering means (grids, blinds, armored glass, etc.).

The physical safety of personnel is divided into the personal safety of management and leading specialists and the safety of all personnel as a whole.

The personal safety of management and leading specialists is their physical security, as well as the protection of housing and means of transportation of managers and leading specialists of the organization and their family members. Personal safety is ensured by a whole range of operational and technical measures to protect the person both in normal everyday and extreme conditions. The implementation of measures to ensure the personal safety of the protected person is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Private Detective and Security Activities”.

Physical safety of personnel is a system of occupational health and safety in an organization based on industrial sanitation and psychology business relations. Safe and healthy conditions labor in the organization are ensured by complex interaction of both the management of the organization and, not in last resort, through the efforts of the organization’s personnel themselves. Occupational health and safety systems in the organization are regulated Labor Code RF (Section X), the RF Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation” and regulatory legal acts on occupational safety and health.

Economic security is the state of protecting the economic interests of an organization from internal and external threats by minimizing commercial risks, a system of measures of an economic, legal and organizational nature developed by the administration of the organization. Economic security is characterized by a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators and includes the following functional components: financial, property, currency, credit, political and legal, etc. Economic security is the material basis for solving almost all problems related to the functioning of the organization.

Information security is the protection of channels for the receipt, storage, processing and transmission of information, the protection of any information resources by access levels. Any documentary information is subject to protection, the unlawful handling of which may cause damage to its owner, possessor, user or other person. The information protection regime is established in relation to confidential documentary information by the owner of information resources, i.e., the organization itself.

The results of threats to information can be: loss (destruction, destruction), leakage (extraction, copying, eavesdropping), distortion (modification, forgery), blocking.

There are two basic principles of information security: separation of duties and minimization of privileges. The principle of separation of duties prescribes that roles and responsibilities should be distributed in such a way that one person cannot disrupt a process that is critical for the enterprise. The principle of least privilege requires that users be given only those access rights that they need to perform tasks. official duties. At the same time, a high level information security The organization is provided with a whole range of administrative measures and operational and technical measures.

Legal security is the protection of the rights, order and conditions for the implementation of competitive business activities of an organization within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. If we consider legal protection in more detail, then it can be conditionally divided into three main areas:

Relations with government authorities;

Protection from actions of unscrupulous partners, customers or contractors;

Creating conditions for successful production activities of the organization.

Intellectual security - protection of rights to scientific works, industrial designs, trademarks, commercial names. Based on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 138) “recognized exclusive right(intellectual property)... of a legal entity on the results intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization. The use of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization may be carried out by third parties only with the consent of the copyright holder."

Environmental safety - protection environment, provision safe work environmentally hazardous enterprise facilities, prevention environmental disasters. IN general view questions environmental safety organizations are regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. The environmental component of safety in the security structure of an enterprise is a rather specific phenomenon and is mainly significant for enterprises that have environmentally hazardous production or are engaged in subsoil development, etc.

Finally, personnel security is a process of preventing negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise due to risks and threats associated with personnel, their intellectual potential and labor relations in general.

Food for thought. Types of threats from personnel:

1. Theft of enterprise property.

2. Use of enterprise resources for one’s own purposes.

3. Deliberate damage and destruction of enterprise property.

4. Receipt wages for unfulfilled work.

5. Blackmail with competence (I am an irreplaceable worker).

6. Blackmail with powers (concentration of powers in one hand).

7. Trading of trade secrets.

8. Disciplinary violations.

9. Creation of an unbearable moral and psychological climate in the team.

It is obvious that personnel security occupies a dominant position in relation to other elements of the organization's security system, since it deals with personnel, who are primary in any component.

Food for thought. Damage statistics...

About 80% of damage to companies' physical assets is caused by their own personnel. Only 20% of attempts to hack networks and gain unauthorized access to computer information come from outside. The remaining 80% of cases are provoked with the participation of company personnel.

It is also impossible to ignore the global statistics that apply to Russia: 10 - 15% of all people are dishonest by definition, 10 - 15% are absolutely honest, the remaining 70 - 80% are hesitant, that is, those who will act dishonestly if they risk getting caught will be minimal.

Some more American statistics. Cost of crimes committed by officials and employees American companies, in 1980 amounted to $50 billion, in 1990 - $250 billion, in 1998 - $400 billion, in 2002 - $600 billion.

That last figure means that every employee in every U.S. organization (the study includes private and government agencies and businesses) steals more than $12 a day from their employer, year-round.

Employee fraud has been the main reason for the forced closure of about 100 US banks over the past 20 years. 95% of the damage suffered in the US banking industry is caused by the direct participation of bank personnel and only 5% by the actions of clients and other persons.

sgqconsulting. ru.

The subject of personnel security is the personnel management service, and personnel security issues must be resolved at each stage of personnel management (search, selection, admission, adaptation, development, assessment, etc.). Any action of the HR manager at any stage is either strengthening or weakening the company’s security in its main component - personnel.

As practical experience shows, ensuring the security of an organization must comply with the following principles:

Continuity - the implementation of security measures must be based on constant readiness to repel both internal and external threats to the security of the organization. At the same time, organizational leaders must clearly understand: the security process does not allow interruptions, otherwise they will have to start all over again;

Comprehensiveness - the use of all means of protecting financial, material, information and human resources in all structural divisions of the organization and at all stages of its activities. At the same time, complexity is realized through a set of legal, organizational, engineering and technical measures without prioritizing them;

Timeliness - ensuring safety using proactive measures. At the same time, the principle of timeliness involves setting tasks for comprehensive security at the early stages of developing a security system, as well as developing effective measures to prevent attacks on the interests of the organization;

Legality - ensuring security based on the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulations approved by government bodies within their competence. It must be borne in mind that the question of the permissibility of certain methods of detecting and suppressing offenses within the framework of the current legislation and a large number of departmental regulations currently remains open in most cases;

Proactivity - ensuring the security of the organization with a sufficient degree of persistence and with extensive use of maneuver of available forces and means;

Universality - ensuring safety through the use of such measures and carrying out such activities that have a positive effect regardless of the place of their specific application;

Economic feasibility - comparison of possible damage and security costs. Moreover, in all cases, the cost of the security system should not exceed the amount of possible damage from any type of risk;

Specificity and reliability - defining the specific types of resources allocated to security. At the same time, sufficient duplication of methods, means and forms of protection is mandatory when ensuring the security of the organization;

Professionalism - the implementation of security measures should be carried out only by professionally trained specialists. At the same time, in the context of the rapid development of security means and systems, it is necessary to constantly improve measures and means of protection on the basis of personnel training;

Interaction and coordination - implementation of security measures based on a clear relationship between relevant departments, services and responsible persons. At the same time, the issue of interaction and coordination concerns not only the units and persons directly responsible for security, but also their connection with other units of the organization;

Centralization of management and autonomy - ensuring organizational and functional independence of the process of organizing the protection of all security objects and centralized management of ensuring the security of the organization as a whole.

Closely related to personnel safety is the labor safety and health of personnel - a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the process of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and prophylactic, rehabilitation and other measures (Article 1 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection).

The safety of the organization is ensured through the interaction of the administration, the occupational health and safety department and the employee himself. For this purpose, organizations are developing comprehensive plans for organizational, technical, socio-economic and psychological measures to ensure the safety of the organization.

The basis for the development of such plans can be the construction of a “tree of goals” for the organization’s security system. In Fig. Figure 1 shows a fragment of the “tree of goals” of the organization’s security system using the example of one of the most important areas of security - the personnel security of the organization.

Fragment of the organizational security system goals tree

(personnel security)


General goal │ Ensuring the security of the organization │



┌──────────┴───────────┐ ┌────────────┴─────────┐

│ Administration goals │ │ Employee goals │

└──────────┬───────────┘ └────────────┬─────────┘



││ ││ ││ ││ ││


Level I goals │ Physical ││ Physical ││Economic││Informational││ Legal││┌────────────┐│

│security││security││security││security ││security│││ Personnel ││

│ facility ││ personnel ││ ││ ││ │││safety││




┌───────────────┴──────────────┐ ┌─────────┴─────────┐

Level II Goals ──────── ────┐│

││Prevention and minimization││ ││ Increase ││

││ risks and threats from ││ ││satisfaction││

││ own personnel ││ ││ personnel ││

│└────────────────────────────┘│ │└─────────────────┘│

└──────────────────────────────┘ └─────────┬─────────┘



Level III Goals ──────── ───┐││┌──────────────────────────┐│

││ Selection ││││ Control ││││Prevention││││Formation and maintenance││

││reliable││││reliability││││ possible ││││ socially optimal - ││

││ employees ││││ and loyalty ││││violations of the││││psychological climate in││

││ ││││ personnel ││││ parties ││││ team, creation ││

││ ││││ ││││ personnel ││││ corporate culture ││




Goals │ Elimination ││ Increase ││ Formation of business ││ Increase │

administration ──>│ losses in ││loyalty and││solidarity and ││productivity │

│result of hiring││reliability ││mutual assistance for the purpose of ││labor, reduction │

│ unreliable││ personnel ││ promotions ││ non-productive │

│ employees ││ ││ productivity ││ losses │


Goals │ Guarantees ││ Reduction ││ Preservation and maintenance ││ Growth │

workers ─────>│ stable ││ stressful ││ mental health and ││ satisfaction │

│ work ││ situations ││ emotional state││work in an organization│



1. Badalova A. G., Moskvitin K. P. Management of personnel risks of an enterprise // Russian Entrepreneurship. 2005. N 7.

2. Organizational personnel management: Proc. / Ed. A. Ya. Kibanova. M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

A. Kibanov


head department

personnel management


University of Management

Signed for seal

annotation. The study of factors influencing the emergence of threats is of particular importance in the theory and practice of ensuring the personnel security of an organization. The article aims to identify the main factors of threats to the personnel security of the organization. As the latter, it is proposed to consider a set of reasons that are associated with the intention of the employee/employer to cause harm to each other and determine the possibility of causing harm.

Based on content analysis of scientific publications, the main causes of threats to the personnel security of the organization and the sources of hazardous factors are identified. As a result, a list of threats to personnel security was compiled, consisting of 18 items. An assessment is made of the severity and relevance of threats, their impact on the state of personnel security of organizations (the study was carried out using the example of organizations in the Irkutsk region). Using the technique of factor analysis, the factors of threats to the personnel security of the organization were identified, which were interpreted as the presence of vulnerabilities in the security system, low quality work force and its moral potential, shortcomings and mistakes in the field of implementation personnel policy and personnel security policies.

The analysis methods used are content analysis, analysis of linear and cross distributions, correlation and factor analysis. The analysis is based on materials from an expert survey conducted in the Irkutsk region (2015). Consistency of expert opinions was confirmed using the Kendall concordance coefficient.

The results obtained can be used to study and identify factors of threats to the personnel security of the organization; they can form the basis for predicting and analyzing threats to personnel security, and developing methods to counter them.

Keywords: personnel security, threats to personnel security, factors of threats to personnel security, severity of threats to personnel security, types of threats to personnel security, the state of personnel security of the organization.


The changes that have occurred in recent years in our country have led to an exacerbation of contradictions in the social and labor sphere, to the polarization of the interests of employees and capital owners. Under these conditions, dangers arose, the destructive impact of which on the state of social labor relations has not yet been studied, and traditional threats from and against personnel have acquired new features. A favorable institutional environment for the emergence of threats was also created by ineffective public policy regulation of social and labor relations, which led to the widespread dissemination of informal norms and rules in interactions between employee and employer, to an increase in costs caused by their opportunistic and dishonest behavior.

When considering the problem of the formation and manifestation of threats in social and labor relations, the focus is often on the peculiarities of the subjects’ response to dangers arising in the social and labor sphere associated with the possibility of causing harm. The works of A.R. are devoted to the study of threats to personnel security. Alaverdova, I.G. Chumarina, L.I. Lyubavskoy, V.F. Shchelokova, L.P. Goncharenko, T. Vetoshkina, V. Chernyshova, M.V. Bgasheva, D.V. Belyaykina, T.O. Solomandina, V.G. Solomanidin, V.I. Yarochkina, M.I. Koroleva, D.A. Kuznetsova and others. Most often, the object of research in the works is not the threat to personnel security as such, but the consequences of its implementation (losses from personnel actions). In addition, the process of creating threats to personnel security remains poorly understood. In this regard, questions that reveal the causes and sources of their occurrence require elaboration.

Understanding the factors of threats to the personnel security of an organization: generalization of theoretical approaches. Many authors point to the need to study the factors of threats to personnel security. The need to study them, to identify the nature of the impact on the state of personnel security of the organization is associated with the need for a more complete taxonomy of personnel hazards, as well as the formation of a strategy for protecting the organization from threats emanating from and against personnel.

At the same time, in the literature, threat factors to personnel security, as a rule, do not act as an independent subject of research. This is largely due to the fact that the concepts of “threat to personnel security” and “factors of threat to personnel security” are not differentiated. For example, D.A. Among the threats to personnel security, Kuznetsov includes both the personal qualities of workers and various forms of their manifestation, as well as shortcomings in personnel management (unfavorable socio-psychological climate, errors in personnel selection, low corporate culture). Other authors share a similar opinion.

Indeed, the approach to understanding security threats as a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the target of threats (individuals, states, societies, etc.) is quite common in Russian literature. As a result, a threat is often understood as factors (events, phenomena) that have a potentially negative impact on the security state of an object. In this case, both the phenomena themselves (for example, theft, corruption) and their dynamics can be considered as threats: positive for a socially negative phenomenon and vice versa (for example, a decrease in the quality of education, deterioration in public health, etc.). As a result, it becomes difficult to differentiate the concepts of “security threat” and “security threat factor” and to highlight the distinctive properties inherent in each of them.

It is worth noting that in explanatory dictionaries a factor is understood as “a driving force, the cause of a process.” Based on this, we can conclude that security threat factors are what contribute to its occurrence, implementation and regeneration; they are the cause of a dangerous situation.

The distinctive features of a security threat are, firstly, that it presupposes the presence of a subject (that is, one who implements it), as well as an object at which it is directed. Secondly, the result of a threat is the deterioration of the state of the security object, that is, it is characterized by an aim to cause harm (damage). Thirdly, it is social in nature, since it originates as a relationship mediated by the social conditions in which the subject and object of the threat operate, and their individual characteristics.

Understanding the causes of threats and the sources of hazardous factors requires finding answers to the following questions:

1. Does the threat actor intend to cause harm? What grounds (reasons) does he have for this?

2. Does the threat actor have the ability to cause harm? What vulnerabilities can he use for this? What resources does he need for this?

3. How significant is the harm that the threat actor could cause if the threat is carried out? Accordingly, what should be the reaction to the threat?

The search for answers to these questions allows us to outline the framework of the relationship between the subject and the object of the threat to personnel security, a certain outline of the space of social and labor relations, within which a whole complex of mutually oriented actions of the employee and the employer takes place, aimed at anticipating their reactions to possible harm.

This, in turn, contributes to understanding not only the characteristics of interactions between employee and employer in a threat situation, but also the reasons for the emergence of threats to the personnel security of the organization.

The above allows us to identify the most important elements of a threat to personnel security (Fig. 1).

Thus, the factors of threats to personnel security should be understood as a fairly wide range of reasons, which, firstly, are associated with the intention to cause harm, that is, they encourage the employee/employer to cause harm to each other by their actions; secondly, they determine the possibility of causing harm, and therefore are mediated by the presence of vulnerabilities in the system for protecting vital interests; thirdly, they contribute to causing such harm that will be unacceptable from the point of view of personnel security. The formation of such a set of dangerous factors, in our opinion, will make it possible to most fully systematize the reasons contributing to the emergence of threats, their implementation and regeneration.

Rice. 1. General overview about elements of threat to personnel security Note. Compiled by: .

It should be taken into account that a factor is not just the cause of a process, but determines its nature.

Of course, the very nature of the threat suggests that if it is realized, the condition of any object may worsen.

At the same time, the study of threat factors in their entirety will contribute to the formation of more effective protective mechanisms against the actions (inactions) of the threat actor, that is, will have a positive effect on the results of countering threats.

Thus, a theft investigation may reveal weak spots in the company’s resource protection system, as well as reveal shortcomings in the systems of personnel selection and control over its activities.

During the study, the results of which are presented in the article, the goal was to identify factors that threaten the organization’s personnel security.

The study is based on the assumption that threats to the personnel security of an organization are caused by a limited number of independent factors, the conclusion about which can be made based on the observed relationships between the severity of types of threats.

Data and Methods

The study included the following methodological procedures:

Analysis of the information field on the topic of personnel security, compiling a list of threats to personnel security, their generalization.

Questionnaire survey of experts. In order to identify ideas about the main causes and sources of threats to personnel security, a survey was conducted among experts representing the following areas of professional activity: heads of organizations; HR specialists responsible for implementing HR policies; managers and security specialists who develop and implement the strategy and policy for ensuring the organization’s personnel security. The total number of completed questionnaires was 61.

Statistical analysis of survey data. Analysis empirical distribution expert assessments was carried out on the basis of constructing frequency tables, calculating medians and interquartile range (IQR). When analyzing relationships, the polychoric correlation coefficient was used as the most appropriate measure of the relationship between scores representing ordered categories (“very low”, “low”, “reduced”, “medium”, “increased”, “high”, “very high” ). the olichoric correlation between a pair of ordinal variables is determined based on the correlation coefficient of a bivariate normal random vector of their corresponding continuous variables. The assessment was carried out using a two-step method. To determine how significant (different from zero) the found coefficients are, the standard deviations of the estimates were additionally calculated. To assess the degree of agreement between experts' opinions, Kendall's coefficient of concordance was used.

Threat factors for personnel security were identified based on factor analysis. To enter and process expert survey data, the IBM SPSS 17.0 statistical package and the R statistical data processing environment were used.
- Generalization of data and interpretation of results.

Research results

As the results of the study showed, experts assess the state of personnel security of the organization in which they work quite optimistically. The answers of the majority of respondents turned out to be noticeably biased towards options suggesting low, reduced and medium levels of anxiety about the state of personnel security (see Fig. 2). The median value of assessments regarding the state of personnel security of the organization corresponds to a reduced level of anxiety.

Assessing the severity of threats to personnel security. One of the objectives of the study was to determine the severity of threats to the organization’s personnel security. As already noted, the list of such threats was compiled on the basis of a content analysis of the formulations of threats to the organization’s personnel security contained in scientific publications. The final list included 18 items presented to the experts for assessment: for each threat, it was necessary to give a rating on a scale from 1 (“the severity and relevance of the threat is minimal”) to 7 (“the severity and relevance of the threat is maximum”). The results of processing respondents' assessments are presented in Table 1.

Rice. 2. Assessment of the state of personnel security of organizations, % of total number respondents Note. Compiled by the authors based on data from an expert survey.

According to experts, the most acute threats to an organization’s personnel security are the ineffectiveness of programs for developing the company’s intellectual potential, low motivation for innovation, and the lack of effective system training personnel in the basics of countering threats to personnel security. In second place, experts put such a threat as low level professionalism of workers. Indeed, an insufficient level of professional training and a lack of necessary practical skills among workers often lead to errors in work, as well as accidents and equipment failures. Experts consider the least acute threats from the position of ensuring the personnel security of their organization to be excessive exploitation of the workforce, minimizing personnel costs in general, as well as violation labor rights workers.

It can be assumed that there is some relationship between the assessment that an individual expert gives to the level of personnel security of the organization as a whole and his ideas about which threats pose the greatest danger. The set of such relationships can be interpreted as the contribution of each threat to the perception of the level of personnel security as a whole.

To test this hypothesis, a correlation analysis was carried out, where the characteristics “degree of severity” were used as comparable data series i-th threat personnel security" (where i means the threat number on a scale from 1 to 18) and "the level of alarm regarding the personnel security of the organization as a whole." The values ​​of the calculated polychoric correlation coefficients (R) are presented in Table 2.

The level of anxiety about the state of personnel security of the organization has the maximum positive relationship with the perception of the severity of the threat “high staff turnover” - the higher the staff turnover is assessed, the greater the concern about the state of personnel security of the organization (R = 0.38). Among other threats, the most closely related to the overall assessment of the state of personnel security is “ineffectiveness of programs for developing the company’s intellectual potential, low motivation for innovation” (R = 0.23).

It is worth noting that the absolute values ​​of the correlation coefficients turned out to be small, however, the results of the correlation analysis indicate the presence of a statistically significant connection between the key factors in shaping the degree of concern of experts and the level of personnel security in general.

Factors of threats to personnel security.

In order to identify “related” (as perceived by experts) threats to personnel security, a factor analysis procedure was applied, as a result of which threat factors were identified. The factorization method chosen was the generalized weighted least squares method, and orthogonal rotation was performed using the varimax method. Three factors have been identified that cause threats to personnel security at the organizational level, which together explain 57% of the variations in the initial characteristics.

The matrix of factor loadings for the selected factors is shown in Table 2. The results of parallel analysis showed that the resulting factor structure actually reflects the observed relationships between threats to personnel security, and is not a product of chance, and all selected factors are correctly included in the model.

The identified factors can be interpreted as follows:
1. The presence of vulnerabilities in the company's security system.
2. Low quality of the workforce, its moral potential.
3. Disadvantages and errors in the field of implemented personnel policies and personnel security policies.

Table 1
Assessment of the severity and relevance of threats to the organization’s personnel security*

Notes * - expert opinions are agreed upon at a 95% confidence level, which is confirmed by checking the significance of the Kendall concordance coefficient. Calculated by the authors based on data from an expert survey.

We can conclude that from the perspective of ensuring the company’s personnel security, it is first of all necessary to pay attention to the study of vulnerabilities in the organization’s security system in general and personnel security in particular. This will allow us to identify the causes and sources of threats and develop a set of measures to prevent them.

Discussion of results and conclusion

The article attempts to assess the severity of threats to the organization's personnel security, as well as to identify their factors. The study revealed unexpected results regarding the assessment of the severity of threats to the organization's personnel security: the ineffectiveness of programs for developing the company's intellectual potential and low motivation for innovation received the highest rank. Obviously, it is worth recognizing the legitimate point of view on understanding personnel security as a process of preventing negative impacts on the economic security of an organization due to risks and threats associated with personnel and their intellectual potential. Consequently, when considering the problems of ensuring personnel security, an organization needs to study not only those dangers that are associated with the possibility of personnel causing harm (damage), but also evaluate those that are caused by the low labor and innovative potential of employees.

Results of factor analysis of threats to personnel security of an organization

table 2
Results of factor analysis of threats to personnel security of an organization

Notes * - for each type of threat, the interpreted load is given (showing its correlation with the threat factor), as well as the maximum load in absolute value, if it does not coincide with the interpreted one.
Calculated by the authors based on data from an expert survey.

The proposed approach to identifying threat factors is accessible and relatively simple and can be used to develop methods for countering threats to an organization’s personnel security. At the same time, it cannot be used to identify external threat factors that develop at the regional and state levels. For this purpose, the study must be supplemented with a list of relevant threats and a study of their factors.

1 The article was prepared within the framework of research work No. 2014/52 to carry out work in the field of scientific activity within the framework of the basic part of project No. 1841.


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Bulletin of Volgogradsky state university. Series 3. "Economics. Ecology. 2017. No. 1 (38)


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