How to quickly and correctly wash the floors in the house. Clean floor: how to wash different types of coatings

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Proper care of the floor covering is the key to it long service and representative appearance. And it doesn't matter what is chosen - ceramic tile, marble, linoleum, carpet, wood or laminate - any floor must be regularly, conscientiously cleaned with suitable means.

Types and characteristics of popular coatings

Flooring can be artificial or natural, expensive or cheap, scratch-resistant and difficult to maintain. The most popular in use are linoleum, tiles, parquet, carpet (pile), cork covering, rubber and self-leveling floor.

Linoleum is easy to install, easy to clean, and its service life is quite long.

Extremely popular linoleum is easy to maintain and durable

Tile floors are usually made in rooms with high humidity- toilet, bathroom or kitchen. The reason for this preference lies in the ease of cleaning.

Although tile floors can increasingly be found in living rooms, balconies and even bedrooms, tiles remain a traditional material for finishing kitchens and bathrooms

Parquet - durable material. He is capricious in his care (does not like high humidity), but chic appearance compensates for the time spent on cleaning.

Parquet is always in demand in the interior modern apartments and houses

Laminate is an improved type of parquet, which is multilayer structure from different types of wood. It's inexpensive and durable material, which is easy to care for.

Laminate floors are strong and durable

Carpet (pile covering) consists of several layers: latex lining, base and pile. For softness, sometimes another layer is added - felt. It is easy to install. It serves as heat and sound insulation. Various shades and patterns. But this coating has to be cleaned frequently. The carpet attracts dust and pet hair like a magnet.

Carpet requires frequent dry vacuuming

Cork flooring is hypoallergenic, provides sound insulation, looks good and is easy to install. However, it is deformed by moisture and light mechanical influences (prone to abrasion).

Cork flooring must be protected from abrasion

Rubber flooring is elastic, durable and can withstand loads well. It is based on natural or synthetic rubber. Rubber is suitable for areas where sports are held. It insulates the room from noise, is fire resistant and easy to clean.

Thanks to its “rubber” springy properties, rubber floors can withstand loads perfectly

Self-leveling flooring is a perfectly flat surface, a variety of colors and various effects, for example, 3D. One-piece coating, therefore wear-resistant, stain-resistant, durable, easy to install and maintain.

The splendor of self-leveling floors is actively used in finishing works modern houses

Marble flooring is practical and looks luxurious not only in the kitchen or bathroom, but even in the living room and bedroom. Marble does not require special care, but is susceptible to cracks and permanent stains when using acids.

The influence of microclimate on flooring

Each room has its own microclimate, which is formed under the influence of the external environment, heating, ventilation features, etc. Optimal microclimate indicators according to sanitary standards:

  • in the warm season: temperature - 23–25 o C, humidity - from 30 to 60%;
  • during the cold period: temperature - 20–22 o C, humidity - not lower than 30% and not higher than 45%.

Very dry or, conversely, humid air can cause damage to the coating, especially if it is made of natural materials. An overdried surface can crack, and an overly wet surface can swell and “stand up.”

What should you protect your floor from?

We wash the floors according to all the rules

Any flooring must be kept neat. Scuffs, faded surfaces and dirt can spoil the impression of even the most expensive material. To ensure that the floor does not have to be re-laid frequently, it should be properly cared for. The first step is to get rid of stains.

Removing fresh stains

Try to remove any stain fresh. When choosing a removal method, consider the recommendations of the flooring manufacturer.

Before removing a stain, test the method in an inconspicuous place.

  • Rub the ink on the floor with a cotton pad soaked in vodka or alcohol.
  • Iodine - with a cloth soaked in a detergent containing chlorine (for example, Belizne).
  • The brilliant green is rubbed off with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Rust - with cotton wool soaked in lemon juice.
  • Remove fresh blood by placing a napkin or paper towel on the stain (the liquid will be absorbed). Then proceed according to the following scheme:
  1. Soak a rag in cold water and rinse the surface.
  2. If the stain remains, scrub it with laundry soap.
  3. Wipe off the foam and wipe the floor with a dry cloth.

This method is also suitable for removing urine odor and stains.

Laundry soap perfectly removes stains and unpleasant odors from surfaces

Cleaning the floor from difficult stains

Do you decide to do major renovation or just update your home a little - you will be faced with the problem of removing traces.

Before starting repairs and any work, cover the floor with paper, film, etc. This measure, of course, will not protect you from all stains, but subsequently it will allow you to spend less time on cleaning.

Before repairs, the carpet will have to be removed or covered with film to prevent the ingress of mixtures and liquids.

To eliminate paint marks, first soften them - treat them vegetable oil.

  • Try gently scraping off the paint with a metal spatula.
  • If the stain comes off easily, clean the coating and wipe it with a soft cloth.
  • If it doesn't scrape off, don't overdo it, otherwise you'll scratch the surface.

Rub traces of water-dispersion and nitro paint with white spirit. This product is gentler than acetone.

White spirit is gentler on the surface than acetone

Treat a small spot with nail polish remover.

Oil paint is rubbed off with vegetable oil. If traces still remain, wipe them with a rag soaked in gasoline.

Fresh spots water-based paint removed with a cloth rubbed with laundry soap. If the water emulsion has dried out, proceed as usual:

  1. Wet the stain with water (lightly).
  2. Rub a little with laundry soap and leave for half an hour. This will soften the paint.
  3. Wipe off the paint with a slightly damp cloth and let the coating dry.

Wash hardened lime using the following method:

  1. Gently remove any lumps or stains with a spatula.
  2. In a bucket (10 l) of hot (50–60 o C) water, dilute 0.5 cups of vegetable oil.
  3. Soak a piece of cloth in the solution and scrub away the stains.
  4. Rinse the floor after treatment clean water(do not wet the surface too much).
  5. At the end of the procedure, wipe with a dry cloth.

The floor is washed from whitewash in the same way as from lime, only the washing will have to be repeated several times, since the substance quickly dries out and turns to stone. Can be used saline solution(per bucket of hot water - 100 g fine table salt).

Because of the connection different types Cleaning up construction dust requires some care. Be sure to protect your clothing and respiratory tract from harmful particles.

At the first stage, collect the dirt with a broom (a vacuum cleaner, blowing air, will disperse the dust throughout the room). General scheme action is like this:

  1. Wet the floor with a spray bottle.
  2. Sweep away the dirt. If there are lumps mortars- carefully clean them with a spatula.
  3. Wash the floor with water and any detergent (change the water often and rinse the rag).
  4. Dissolve 100 g of table salt in a bucket of water.
  5. After soaking a piece of cloth in the solution, wipe the surface, then dry.

Construction dust can be washed off well with potassium permanganate. To do this you need:

  1. Dilute potassium permanganate powder or crystals in warm water to obtain a bright pink solution.
  2. Dampen the cloth, wring it well and wash the floor.

To remove gypsum and lime dust, purchase Probel cleaning concentrate (available at hardware stores and building materials stores).

Probel is specially designed to remove lime and gypsum dust from coatings.

Typical cleaning

Remember that when putting things in order, you need to take into account the characteristics of the floor. Each person determines the frequency of washing individually (recommended at least 1–2 times a week).

The first cleaning point is universal for all types of flooring - dry cleaning. Use a vacuum cleaner or broom to remove dirt, sand, wool, etc. Choose further actions yourself.

Linoleum is washed with water without special products.

  1. Fill a bucket with warm water, wet a soft cloth or mop head, and wring it out well.
  2. Wipe down the floor, including the baseboards.
  3. Wipe with a dry cloth or let the coating dry on its own.
  • hot water;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • products with abrasives, alkalis;
  • aggressive means such as ammonia;
  • Do not rub linoleum with baking soda powder.

Once a month, wipe the linoleum with special polishes to refresh and protect it (available at a flooring store). If possible, check the condition of the coating every six months with bottom side to prevent mold and spoilage.

Carpet attracts dust, so it needs to be constantly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and you should choose a suitable attachment. For example, a hard brush cannot be used to clean a high-pile carpet, so as not to damage the fibers, but for a carpet with a special arrangement of loops (cut), it is just right, since the bristles lift up dirt from the depths.

  • For weekly cleaning, simply vacuum the carpet.
  • If you want to add freshness, apply a cleanser - an absorbent powder, for example, Vanish, leave for a while (according to the instructions), then vacuum.
  • Deep clean your carpet at least once a year.
  • Wet cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner is not suitable for all types of soft covering- it can take a long time to dry and change its appearance.
  • Professional dry cleaning allows you to get rid of any dirt.

Natural wood

Flooring made of natural wood(board, parquet, parquet board, laminate) does not tolerate moisture, this must be taken into account when cleaning.

  1. Dry clean with a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle attachment.
  2. Dilute the detergent in warm water according to the instructions.
  3. Wet a soft cloth, wring it well, and wash the floor.
  4. Wipe with a dry cloth.

To wash parquet and laminate flooring, use only soft cloths, such as microfiber.

Video: how to wash laminate flooring scientifically

Tiles, marble and self-leveling floors

The main goal is to remove dirt without leaving streaks. To implement this, follow 2 rules:

  1. Measure floor cleaning products carefully.
  2. Use a soft, absorbent cloth or mop attachment.

For achievement best result After washing, wipe the floor with a dry piece of cloth until completely dry.

For marble floors, a crystallization procedure is periodically carried out - special means sprayed or applied to the surface and rubbed. This gives the surface an anti-slip effect, protects against friction and moisture penetration. The procedure is carried out by specialists with professional equipment.

We scrub away dirt and disinfect the floor with a steam mop

A steam mop or steam cleaner is used to clean tile, marble, and porcelain tile floors. Immediately after steam cleaning, wipe the floor with a dry cloth to ensure there are no streaks left.

You can steam freshen carpet, just make sure the machine uses dry steam. Moisture can damage adhesive-backed carpet.

It is not recommended to use steam on wooden floors, even laminated ones, as there is a risk of damaging the coating. The impact on floors made of unprotected wood is especially dangerous - the boards swell.

How to wash the floor in a house with a small child

After the arrival of a newborn in the house, young parents pay attention to hygiene special meaning. The opinions of experts and mothers on what to wash the floor with in a room where there is a child vary: some insist on clean water, others choose household chemicals.

Safe household cleaning chemicals

Household chemicals can be aggressive due to their concentrated acid or alkali content (they cannot be used without rubber gloves) and safe, recommended for cleaning in a room where there is a child or pet. The latter includes LOC from Amway.

Means Mr. Proper, Pronto, Stork are also safe when taken in the correct dosage.

Variety of Mr. cleaning products line. Proper, Pronto, Stork lets you choose proper care for a specific floor type

When choosing what to wash your floor with, study the composition on the labels and listen to the advice:

  • do not buy products containing sodium hypochlorite (the coating will lose its shine);
  • do not buy powder for the floor - it is more difficult to dose and dissolve;
  • do not use products with chlorine and strong odor(A child, crawling on the floor, will inhale harmful fumes. An animal, confused by the aromas, will try to mark such a floor.)

My natural remedies

Prepare natural floor cleaners according to the following recipe:

  1. Place 3–4 small spruce branches in 2 liters of water and boil.
  2. Strain the broth and add 4 tablespoons of table salt and baking soda.
  3. Grate a bar of laundry soap and add 4 tablespoons of shavings to the solution.
  4. Stir the mixture well and place in a water bath for 15–20 minutes.

To wash floors, you need to dissolve 6 tablespoons of the prepared product in a bucket (10 liters) warm water.

Video: how to prepare a natural floor cleaner

The use of essential oils helps disinfect surfaces and distribute a pleasant aroma in the room.

  1. Dissolve a handful of table salt in a bucket (10 liters) of warm water.
  2. Add 10-12 drops of citrus oil.
  3. Wash the floor.
  4. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Table salt and citrus essential oil will allow you to clean thoroughly and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

To add shine, wash the tiles or porcelain tiles with warm water and add lemon juice(1 tablespoon per liter of water).

If the floor also needs to be disinfected, use table vinegar. It successfully fights bacteria and destroys mold. The recipe is simple:

  1. In a bucket of water, dilute 100 ml (half a glass) of ordinary table vinegar.
  2. Wash the floor as usual.

Vinegar is known for its antibacterial properties

To combat stubborn stains and difficult dirt in the kitchen, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 200 ml of warm water with 100 ml of table vinegar.
  2. Add 100 ml of vodka (you can dilute alcohol) and 0.5 teaspoon essential oil orange
  3. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  4. Spray onto the stain and scrub with a cloth or sponge.

Damage to flooring and how to fix it

The floor may become discolored: linoleum turns yellow over time, parquet reacts to ultraviolet radiation.

Optical brighteners or alkalis in the composition of the product can ruin the new wooden floor . You should not use ammonia on parquet or wood flooring.

To restore the slightly faded color of parquet or boards, coat the surface with varnish. If the discoloration is severe, replace the damaged board.

IN winter time year due to insufficient air humidity in wooden covering Small cracks may appear. There is no need to worry about this; such deformation is quite natural. When humidity increases, the structure of the tree will be restored.

Cracks in tiles or marble (for example, from falling a heavy object) can be hidden by matching the grout to the same color. If the crack is noticeable or chips appear on the tile or marble, then it is better to replace the damaged part.

Incidents also happen: the covering has just been laid, but the boards “stood up” or wavy cracks appeared. The reasons for the swelling of wood fibers lie in unevaporated moisture or improper installation. Replace damaged boards.

The appearance of scratches annoys housewives. Linoleum can only be re-laid, but for wooden surfaces A paste with restorative properties is produced. It is applied to the damage and polished with a soft cloth.

A special paste will allow you to cope with scratches on parquet and laminate flooring without replacing the coating

Whatever coating you choose, you need to take care of it. When cleaning your house, remember that excess moisture harms the floor. Eliminate stains while they are fresh, use suitable means. Systematically disinfect the floor covering if there is any Small child or pets.

If you ask an experienced housewife about how to properly wash floors, she will most likely be surprised, because it is such a simple and common thing. But for a girl just starting her journey into adulthood, this question is very, very relevant. Therefore, our article today is dedicated to novice housewives, and the conversation in it will be on the topic of how to quickly and cleanly wash the floor.

How to wash floors correctly: general rules

Let's start with general rules, which are applicable to cleaning floors, regardless of the type of floor covering.

  1. Rule 1. All items on the floor that can be lifted should be removed from the floor. This way you will clear the area as much as possible and cleaning will be much more comfortable.
  2. Rule 2. Before you start wet cleaning, it would be a good idea to go over the floors with a broom. It will help pull dust out of crevices and nooks, because its twigs are much thinner than your fingers. Just before sweeping, lightly moisten the tip of the broom in a bucket of water, and then lightly tap it on a cloth or the edge of the bucket to shake off any excess drops.
  3. Rule 3. And finally, you need to start washing the floors from the farthest corner of your home, gradually moving towards the exit from it. And cleaning each room should be done from the walls to the middle and then to the exit from it.

Even if you only follow these rules, you already get the answer to the question of how to quickly and cleanly wash the floor, but that’s not all. Flooring in different parts at home can differ significantly in materials, and therefore require an individual attitude. Let's deal with these nuances of wet cleaning.

How to properly wash floors depending on their type?

So, according to the type of material, modern floors can be parquet, laminate, painted or unpainted wood, tiles and covered with linoleum. Each type of floor requires its own detergent and its own specific treatment.

Parquet floors are washed no more than once a year, and the rest of the time they are only wiped with a damp cloth dipped in slightly soapy water. And then rubbed with mastic.

Laminate floors are washed in the same way as parquet, but they are not rubbed with mastic. And if stains form on the floor, use a special detergent for parquet and laminate floors.

Linoleum should be washed regularly with warm, but not hot, soapy water. At the same time, wring out the rag almost dry, and if stains are found, use either kerosene or a special detergent for this type of floor.

Painted wooden floors can be washed every day, especially in the kitchen and hallway; they are not afraid of water, and stains can be easily removed from them using ammonia, adding 2 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. this remedy.

Unpainted floors are washed once a week hot water with soap. Then they are rinsed well and wiped dry.

Tile floors are the most unpretentious and easy to clean. They can be wiped with a wet cloth at least every day. And any difficult stains can be quickly removed either with laundry soap or with cleaning powders, for example, the same Pemolux.

That's all the wisdom of the question of how to properly wash the floor. Now the young housewife will be fully armed.

Such a common procedure as washing floors can lead a housewife to a dead end if the coating has absorbed stains, various dirt and traces of repair. Not every person knows how to properly clean floors covered with carpet, laminate or tiles. As stated in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, cleanliness of the floor is associated with positive energy in the home.

Wet cleaning and general floor cleaning are different concepts. Wet cleaning of the premises is carried out regularly; general cleaning of the painted surface with detergents is carried out infrequently so as not to damage the surface.

No certain rules, describing how to properly mop floors and how often this should be done. For example, in a hospital, cleaning is carried out several times a day, and in a residential area, the frequency of the procedure depends on the family’s lifestyle, coverage and time of year. In the room where a family lives: mother, father and child, linoleum floors are washed every other day in the summer, and several times a week in the winter.

Cleaning specialists recommend washing the children's room, kitchen and hallway every day, regardless of the time of year or surface. In order for wet cleaning to proceed quickly, the equipment must be at hand. To prevent dirt from accumulating in the house, you need to teach family members to always clean up after themselves: wipe dirty shoes after coming from outside, wash dishes, put things in their places.

Necessary cleaning equipment

Before cleaning, the room is prepared in advance. You also need to acquire special equipment. What you will need for this:

How to quickly wash floors: for this it is preferable to use rags made from natural and synthetic material. Cotton or woolen rags are used to rub parquet. It is better to take a larger bucket and fill it halfway with water.

Before starting cleaning, put on an old unnecessary clothes. It is better if the “outfit” is soft, does not restrict movement and is practical. Before the procedure, the soles of the slippers are wiped so that after washing there are no dirty marks left on the floor. What else needs to be done:

  1. Before quickly washing the floor, remove large debris from it using a vacuum cleaner or broom.
  2. It is necessary to remove all dirt, such as hair and dust, from the legs of the furniture.
  3. All objects that interfere with cleaning are removed.
  4. Carpets are rolled up, chairs are raised, furniture is moved away.

Dust is shaken off the furniture and the room is ventilated.

After preparatory stage The room is divided into several sections. Various detergents are used, for example, it can be liquid “Mr. Proper” or “Pronto”. After using cleansing cosmetics, it remains at home pleasant aroma, and it also helps to cope with stubborn dirt.

Cleaning often starts with hard to reach places eg under the bed, closet and in corners. Washing is done from the window towards the door, this is necessary so as not to stain the clean floor later. The coating is washable until clean water. The water is changed immediately after becoming cloudy until, after wrung out the rag, it remains clear. After wet cleaning, the parquet is wiped dry with a dry cloth. This will help avoid deformation of the flooring and stains.

After the procedure, the floor cloth is washed with powder, and the bucket, attachments and mop are also rinsed. At the end, the cleaning equipment is dried on the balcony or other convenient location. All rules must be followed regardless of how the floor is washed: with a mop or with your hands. Purity is achieved in both cases. Many girls do not know how to achieve the best effect when washing the floor - by hand or with a mop. You need to evaluate the pros and cons of both procedures to decide which one is better suited. . Washing floors by hand, advantages:

  1. Stubborn stains can only be removed with your hands and with the application of certain physical efforts.
  2. The result is better.
  3. It is convenient to wash baseboards, walls and corners.
  4. There is no need to spend money on purchasing cleaning equipment.
  5. Useful for maintaining a normal figure; washing the coating with your hands burns a lot of calories.

In addition to its advantages, the manual method has several disadvantages: a large load on knee joints, hands and back, cleaning with gloves is uncomfortable, and without them the manicure will spoil. And without a long mop handle, it is difficult to deal with dirt under the bed, table and cabinets. At manual way more time is spent.

Positive points when cleaning with a mop:

  1. If the mop has automatic mechanism push-ups, the manicure will remain intact.
  2. Hygiene.
  3. You can easily reach hard-to-reach places.
  4. The process is faster.

Flaws: high price quality mop; corners, baseboards, and stubborn stains will have to be scrubbed by hand.

If cleaning is carried out to refresh prominent places, then use a mop big size It is difficult to wash the areas between furniture and carpets.

Use of folk remedies

Often used in modern homes different coatings, With different colors For example, there are tiles in the bathroom, parquet in the bedroom, laminate in the living room, and linoleum in the hallway. How to clean a floor depends on the coating, and not only modern cleaning cosmetics are used, but also folk remedies. For spring cleaning You can’t do without an arsenal of cleaning products. Housewives often use the following:

  1. Mastic.
  2. Glycerol.
  3. Turpentine.
  4. Ammonia.
  5. Salt.
  6. Vinegar.
  7. Laundry or liquid soap.
  8. Lemon acid.
  9. Cleaning or laundry detergent.

Unpainted plank flooring is an environmentally friendly coating that has good characteristics. This kind of flooring is only called unpainted. In fact, it is treated with wax, varnish or oil - they are classified as dyes, only “invisible”, due to this it is achieved natural look flooring You can remove stubborn stains from this coating using the following methods:

  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of soap shavings or 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar are diluted in 7 liters of cool water.
  2. The floor is washed using a stiff brush.
  3. After cleaning is completed, the floor is wiped with a soft cloth.
  4. Then wipe it dry with a dry cloth.

If you need to disinfect the room, then use Whiteness, take 5 tablespoons of the product per 7 liters of liquid. In this case, it is not necessary to use physical strength. To protect the unpainted coating from dampness and the formation of fungi, the surface is treated 3 times a year with a rag soaked in turpentine.

Painted plank flooring - this coating is not afraid of moisture. If a high-quality dye was used, then it is not afraid of powerful detergents. You can easily remove stubborn dirt from such flooring. When cleaning, special attention is paid to the shine of the boards. In that an indispensable assistant it will turn out to be ammonia. How to properly wash the floor in an apartment with a painted wooden floor:

  1. 3 tablespoons of ammonia are diluted in 7 liters of liquid.
  1. The resulting composition is used to thoroughly wash the flooring.

This composition does not require additional washing. If in some places the paint has worn off over time, then this part is rubbed with parquet mastic the desired shade. This little trick allows you to delay renovation work, maintain the beautiful appearance of the floor.

Tile, ceramic tiles and laminate

Laminate and parquet are considered demanding floor coverings. To clean them, it is strictly prohibited to use steam cleaners, powerful cleaning products or abrasive substances. Do not allow moisture to get between the boards - this will cause the floor covering to swell. To clean the flooring use purchased funds eg Denkmit. This cosmetic product for cleaning floors contains wax; in addition, it cares for the floor covering and protects against exposure sun rays and premature wear.

If you do not use detergent cosmetics, then when washing with plain water, do not wet the rag too much. Before cleaning, the floor is vacuumed, then wiped with a damp cloth, then the remaining water is carefully removed. Finally, the flooring is rubbed with a soft cloth until it shines. Get rid of stubborn stains with washing powder. How to do it:

  1. A creamy paste is made from 2 tablespoons of detergent and water.
  2. The composition is applied overnight.
  3. In the morning, stubborn dirt is wiped with warm water, and the remaining moisture is soaked with a soft cloth.

If parquet is used as flooring at home, glycerin is used when washing it. To do this, 5 tablespoons of the product are diluted in a liter of liquid. The resulting solution is used to wipe the floor covering. For laminate flooring, you can use the following method: dilute a small amount of vinegar in hot water. In this case, the floor is wiped with a well-wrung out rag so that there are no wet stains left.

The easiest way to clean tile flooring is. How to clean:

  1. 7 drops of ammonia are diluted in 8 liters of water.
  2. To give the tiles a shine, add a small amount of dishwasher-safe shiner.
  3. The flooring is thoroughly washed with the resulting mixture.
  4. At the end of the process, the floor is wiped dry.

If the flooring is laid with rough tiles, then clean it with a brush or sponge, using a soap composition or commercial cosmetics such as Glorix, Mister Proper or Sif. If there are severe stains, you can get rid of them with Pemolux universal soda powder.

Cleaning carpet and linoleum

Linoleum cannot be wiped with ammonia, baking soda powder, hot water, bleach or hard brushes. It is advisable to wash linoleum flooring quickly so that the pattern is not damaged. Correct actions:

  1. Eight liters of water are diluted with 3 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings.
  2. The floor is washed with the resulting solution.
  3. After this, the floor covering is wiped with cold water.
  4. If the linoleum is soft, then the rag is moistened with a composition of linseed oil and water and the resulting product is rubbed on the floor.

If there are dark spots on the floor, then you need to prepare a paste of chalk and water. The brilliant green is wiped off with nail polish remover or foam from laundry soap. You can achieve gloss using a mixture of water and milk. Once every 4 months, the linoleum coating is wiped with drying oil, and immediately after that it is polished with a silk cloth.

Wet cleaning is not allowed for carpet. To clean it, dry foam is used, which is removed with a vacuum cleaner. Or specialized preparations are used to clean such coating. Acceptable to use washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. If possible, the carpet is cleaned with snow in winter. How to get rid of stubborn stains:

  1. Three tablespoons of medical alcohol are mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. The stubborn stains are moistened, a cleaning composition is applied, and the stain is left untouched for 30 minutes.
  3. Then the solution is removed with a sponge.

Universal methods against stubborn stains

Every housewife has ways to clean the flooring that are suitable for any type of floor. These include:

According to the ancient Slavic tradition, floors should not be washed in the evening; it is better to do this during daylight hours. Thus, a woman brings positive energy, prosperity and prosperity into the house.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people think that cleaning the floor is not difficult, that it is a simple procedure that requires a mop and a rag. However experienced housewives They know for sure that proper and thorough cleaning of the floor requires compliance with certain rules.

First of all, it is important to take into account that different floor coverings require a certain attitude and special products.

Basic rules for cleaning floors

Before you start washing, you should remove all those items that can be rearranged or lifted from the floor, which will facilitate the cleaning process as a whole. If the area is clean, then washing the floor will be much more convenient. You can remove floor lamps, chairs, flower pots. This is not too difficult, but it will save time on cleaning the floors, because you won’t have to go around unnecessary objects.

Initially, it is worth sweeping the floor, this way you can remove excess dust and debris. A broom can remove dirt from hard-to-reach places. Just before sweeping, you should wet the broom and shake off excess water.

It is best to start cleaning from distant corners, moving towards the center and then towards the exit. It is best to visually divide the room into several sections and gradually remove everything.

Do not forget that you can use different household chemicals for cleaning, but the choice should depend on the type of floor, that is, on the floor covering.

Different means are used for these types:

  • for painted floors,
  • for linoleum,
  • for parquet,
  • for plastic flooring,
  • For tiles.

How to clean wood floors and linoleum

The painted floor is not very fancy, it does not require special care. If such a floor is in the hallway and in the kitchen, that is, in those places where dirt quickly accumulates, then daily washing of the floor will be required.

An unpainted floor will require more careful maintenance. Here it is not enough to simply wipe the floor; it must be washed with water and soapy water, while heavily soiled areas can be wiped with a soft brush. After this, it is best to wipe the floor with clean water and wipe dry with burlap.

This floor can be washed with the addition of ammonia or vinegar. Oily stains may disappear after leaving the solution with soap for a day.

Linoleum is easy enough to wipe clean. If you need to remove a lot of dirt, then you need to purchase linoleum care products.

Sometimes you can use laundry soap to care for this coating. However, there are a number of products that are unacceptable when washing linoleum:

  • alcohol,
  • turpentine,
  • petrol,
  • ammonia.

All these substances can cause the design to wear off, and the coating itself can also deteriorate and swell. If the linoleum begins to darken, you can wipe it with a woolen cloth to make it shine.

Washing laminate and parquet

It is customary to wash parquet floors no more than once a year; you can only wipe them with a damp cloth in order to remove dust. At complete wash You can use a soap solution. It is worth knowing that parquet flooring is the most demanding to care for.

Laminate flooring requires wet cleaning only a couple of times a year to avoid cracks.

The floor is wiped with a damp cloth, after a good spin; it is also important to dry the surface completely. If stains are found, you need to apply a special product and then wash it off.

It is better to use only products that can be purchased in specialized stores. Alternatively, you can use acetone, but only in a certain dose. The most optimal are products with a neutral pH.

Cleaning marble and tile floors

It is better to sweep marble floors only, that is, only dry cleaning is relevant here. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush or hair brushes for sweeping. Soap should not be used on these floors. washing powders, because a natural stone requires only special care. He is very sensitive to any usual means and especially to chemicals.

As an option, products with a neutral pH are suitable, but only in the permitted dose. To ensure that floors retain their strength and beauty longer, they can be polished with special liquid wax.

Tile floors are less fussy. Simple soapy water is enough here. This solution can be used once a week if the floors are too dirty, which often happens in the kitchen. You can use a solution of ammonia. Old stains or lime deposits can be removed by adding vinegar to water. However, you should avoid getting such solutions on the seams between the tiles. Powders and products with abrasives are not suitable for washing.


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