How to use basil in cooking, what dishes to add to and what spices to mix with. Omelet with basil greens

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Basil(lat. Ócimum) is an aromatic plant belonging to the flowering department, dicotyledonous class, order Lamiaceae, family Lamiaceae, genus Basil.

Coming from Asia, spicy basil (translated from Greek means “royal, royal”) has conquered the countries of Europe with its many-sided aroma. Today, many gardeners grow this strong-smelling plant, and true gourmets cannot imagine many luxurious culinary dishes without the most aromatic leaves of this spice.

Description of basil.

The tetrahedral stems of basil reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. Wild species grow 70 cm in height. Basil leaves are green or purple-burgundy in color and oblong-ovate in shape. At the end of the stems there are inflorescences, which consist of several flowers. The basil flower can have different shades: from white and pink to white and purple. The basil plant typically blooms from July to September. Basil calyxes, stems and leaves feel rough to the touch. It is in them that there are glands that accumulate essential oil: it gives basil a pleasant spicy aroma. The plant also contains acid saponin, tannins, carotene and others. useful material.

Types and varieties of basil, names and photographs.

There are about 70 types of basil. Each one is visually different: the bushes can reach different heights, the leaves differ in color and shape. There are types of basil with small leaves, while others have wide and sometimes corrugated leaves.
The most popular types of basil are lemon, purple, cinnamon, sweet and common basil. IN different countries cultures value one species more than another.

  • Sweet basil or camphor, common. A strongly branched plant with a large mass of foliage and a bush height of 55-70 cm. The stem and leaves are pubescent, have a mild peppery aroma. Among the varieties are known: “Fragrant Handsome”, “Magic of the East”, “Ararat”.

  • Purple basil. An annual plant, up to 50 cm high. It got its name due to its bright purple leaves. This type has a more pronounced, stronger aroma than its green-leaved counterparts, it is very popular in the traditions of Asian and Caucasian cuisines. Such varieties of purple basil as “Purple”, “Moorish”, “Zastolny”, “Moskvoretsky” are very tasty and fragrant.

  • Green basil. Bushes of this variety have light green leaves, some varieties have pubescence on the stem and leaves. The height of the bush is 35-45 cm. The aroma varies depending on the variety, but is less intense than that of purple basil. Popular varieties: “Green Cornflower”, “Tonus”, “Favorite”, “Explosion”.

  • . A plant with bright green, shiny leaves and lilac flowers. The height of the bush reaches 45-60 cm. All parts of the plant have a pronounced aroma of cinnamon with a light mint note and a slightly hot aftertaste. The varieties “Cinnamon”, “Wonderful”, “Tender Early” are highly valued.

  • Lemon basil. The plant is characterized by its short growth - up to 35 cm, the leaves are soft green, with a piquant aroma mixed with the tart smell of camphor. Gardeners' favorite varieties are “Moscow Bogatyr”, “Lemon”, “Iskra”, “Novinka”.

  • Black basil. All varieties of this species are distinguished by their unusual color: the stems and leaves have a very dark color, often turning from deep purple to glossy brown and even almost black. There are low-growing varieties up to 30 cm and tall varieties in which the bush reaches a height of 50-65 cm. The taste is excellent, the aroma is strong, peppery, slightly hot, and lasts a long time when the greens are dried. Popular varieties: “Baku”, “Ruby of Cairo”, “Osmin”.

  • Red basil. A plant with a branched stem, 20-35 cm high, with fragrant leaves of a red-lilac color, sometimes turning into a burgundy hue. The smell varies from soft vanilla with a peppery note to a strong camphor-clove scent. Current varieties: “Crane”, “Shchedry”, “Eastern Guest”.

History of basil.

The basil plant has many names. It is called fragrant cornflower, rean, reichon, darling or reagan. The taste and aroma of basil have been valued at all times. In India, followers of Hinduism used it in their rituals, as they considered basil a sacred plant. And ancient Greek authors described how it was used in medicine. The plant came to Europe only in the 16th century. Thanks to its aroma and taste, it began to be highly valued. Even after a long period of time after its appearance in Europe, basil did not lose its position in the cuisine of different countries.
However, during great geographical discoveries and travels, when other spices began to reach Europe, the plant was relegated to second place.

Where does basil grow?

The tropical regions of Asia are considered the birthplace of basil. At the moment, the plant is very common in all countries of Southern Europe. Different types Basil is grown in the Caucasus, India, Moldova, Egypt, Crimea and the Pacific Islands. It was from these islands that it spread throughout Europe.

Basil: planting.

Despite its popularity, the southern guest basil - capricious plant, and to achieve results when growing it, lovers of this spice will have to work hard.

  • When to plant basil? The main thing you should pay attention to is the time of planting heat-loving basil in the ground. If you do not plan to cultivate this crop in a greenhouse or greenhouse, consider: optimal temperature soil for planting – 20-25 degrees. In the middle zone, it is recommended to sow or transplant basil seedlings into the ground at the end of May or beginning of June, with full confidence that there is no longer a risk of return frosts. Tender basil sprouts absolutely cannot tolerate even the slightest cold snap.

  • Planting basil in the ground. As for choosing a place for this fragrant plant, do not forget - basil prefers free-flowing conditions. sunny areas, with light soils without stagnant water. This fragrant culture will definitely thank you lush bush with abundant green mass if you properly prepare the soil substrate. Add a couple of kilograms of good humus, peat and compost to each square meter of land. Before planting basil, it is advisable to spill the soil with a solution of the following components: for 5 liters of water - half a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, the same amount of potassium chloride and urea.

It is better to arrange basil seedlings small beds, 80-100 cm in length, making a distance of 15-20 centimeters between seedlings. The optimal time for planting basil is in the late afternoon and on a cloudy but warm day, so that the plant does not get burned by the sun and it goes through the rooting process more easily.

Caring for basil: watering and fertilizing.

Each planted bush should be watered with soft, settled water. In the future, basil requires watering once every 3-5 days (this is when high temperatures and lack of rain), fertilizing once every 25-30 days with nitrogen fertilizer (nitrophoska is perfect - 2 tablespoons per 12 liters of water) and careful, not too deep loosening of the soil near the bush. Do you want to achieve maximum green mass growth? Remove flower stalks and apical parts of the bush two to three times during the growing season.

Basil diseases.

Basil is quite resistant to various diseases, but unfavorable conditions such as planting density, excessive watering, high humidity and low temperature in the greenhouse, they can develop fungal diseases. The most common of them are black leg, fusarium, and gray rot.

Preventative measures against basil diseases include the following:

  • You should not grow the plant in the same place for more than 2 years;
  • Watering should be moderate;
  • The soil between the rows should be loosened and a crust should not be allowed to form;
  • Immediately remove diseased plants along with a clod of soil.

At the earliest stage of the disease, the basil plant can be saved by spraying it daily with infusion onion peel(100 grams of onion peel, brew 400 grams of boiling water, leave for a day, then strain) or sprinkle it with a solution of copper sulfate (in the proportion of 2 liters of water: 1 teaspoon of sulfate).

Basil in a greenhouse.

Basil feels quite comfortable in a greenhouse. Most often it is planted there in May, when the soil is already well warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. In a greenhouse, basil requires moderate watering, but the main thing is to ventilate it well: due to stagnation and poor air circulation in a closed greenhouse, this southern guest often gets sick.

Basil: growing from seeds.

Growing basil from seeds is a hassle, but possible variant. Soak the seed material in any growth stimulant for 7-10 hours (Epin is ideal). Then sow the seeds, slightly dried on a cloth, into seedling boxes or directly into open and prepared soil, covering the crops with polyethylene or agricultural material. Water the seeds in a timely manner, choosing the optimal approach - do not overdry or flood them with water. Within 8-12 days, tiny shoots of this plant will begin to appear. aromatic plant.

Basil: growing from cuttings.

Cutting basil is another, and perhaps the most trouble-free method of “starting” it in your garden. personal plot or in a home pot this fragrant greenery. True, you will have to get hold of a couple of sprigs of already mature basil. The cuttings are placed in water with a growth stimulator for about one and a half to two weeks. Once they have roots, they can be planted in open ground or root in a pot, not forgetting about regular feeding and watering.


Here you can find all the information about basil - what it is, its useful and harmful properties, about its use in cooking and medicine, contraindications, as well as how to preserve it for a long time by preparing it for the winter.

You will learn how to use basil correctly in order to fully enjoy its aromatic, taste, and medicinal properties.

What it is?

Basil is a spicy herb with a bitter-tart taste, which is widely used in cooking, has a strong aroma of allspice, cloves, bay leaf, lemon or others, depending on the type and variety.

What does basil look like?

And here is a photo of basil, look how different it is:

This fragrant plant is deservedly popular as a seasoning in many cuisines around the world, for example:

  • Italian broadleaf, or aromatic, is an exquisite and delicate green basil, a treasure of Mediterranean cuisine. Italian cooking is unthinkable without it.
  • Purple basil, which has a more pungent odor, is more often used in the Caucasus (where it is called “regan”, “reykhan”, “rean”, “raikhon”) and in Central Asia for cooking meat.
  • Clove basil is a variegated plant with a strong clove flavor and aroma. It is used in marinades and pickles in central Russia.
  • Thai – adds a special unique aroma to spicy-sweet Thai cuisine.

general description

This is a branched (up to 15 lateral branches of the first order) annual herbaceous plant with tetrahedral stems 30 to 60 cm high. The leaves are oblong, sparsely toothed, green or purple, with an average length of 6 cm.

The stems, leaves and flower cups are rough to the touch.

At the ends of the stems, basil produces inflorescences in the form of tassels consisting of several flowers. The color of the flowers can be different: pink, white, white-violet.

The fruit is a smooth nut.

Obtaining seasoning (how it is produced)

Both fresh and dried, basil leaves and shoots, collected before flowering, are used as a seasoning.

Dry in the shade, grind into powder and store in a dark, hermetically sealed glass container, since basil is sensitive to moisture and light and under their influence they completely lose their aroma.

Proper drying enhances the aroma.

Chemical composition

The aerial part of basil contains up to 1–1.5% essential oil, up to 6% tannins, glycosides, saponins, minerals, ascorbic acid, sugars, fiber, proteins, vitamin P, provitamin A, camphor.

The strong smell that this spicy plant exudes is possible due to the essential oil in the above-ground part of the plant (mainly in the inflorescences).

  • Basil essential oil contains eugenol, methyl chavicol (up to 60%), cineol, linalool, camphor, ocimene, saponin, tannins, carotene, sugars, phytoncides, rutin, vitamins C, PP, B2.
  • The seeds contain 12-20% fatty oil, etc.
  • In the leaves - 0.003-0.009% carotene, up to 0.15% rutin, etc.

Thanks to its active components, basil is widely used in folk and official medicine.

Physiological role (what effect does it have)

Basil contains antioxidants and is able to protect the cardiovascular system from the effects of free radicals and preserve youth, and also has the following effects:

  • Sweatshop
  • Astringent
  • Antipyretic
  • Nerve strengthening
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiseptic

Beneficial features

In medicine, basil is used as a stress reliever, used to improve memory, prescribed as an expectorant for bronchitis, a gargle for sore throats, and an antipyretic.

Basil preparations are used for bronchial asthma and cough as an expectorant.

Infusions and decoctions - as a pain reliever for toothache or muscle spasms.

Essential oil has a bactericidal effect. Using external remedies from basil, wounds, including purulent ones, as well as diseases of the oral cavity and sore throats are treated.

The healing properties of basil essential oil are used in the fight against depression, to strengthen the central nervous system, for headaches.

Contraindications (harm)

Despite the fact that the substances in basil have beneficial properties, consuming too much of it can be harmful to your health.

Do not use basil for:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Having suffered a stroke
  • Epilepsy

Smell and taste

Delicate taste and pleasant aroma has everything aboveground part basilica The smell can be different depending on the variety - clove, mint, lemon, cinnamon, anise... For example:


Basil variety


“Aniskin”, “Anisovka”, “Anise aroma”, “Anise delight”, “Ararat”, “Anise gourmand”




“Sandwich Leaf”, “Delight”, “Darkie”, “Marcus”, “Sanka”, “Perfection”, “Purple Fireworks”, “Stela”, “Red Ruby”, “Robin Bobbin”, “Robin Hood”, “ Philosopher”, “Khaki”, “Valya”, “Spring Mood”, “Vitamin”, “Purple”, “Emerald”


“Dreamer”, “Dwarf”, “Dreams of the Sultan”, “Dragon”, “Yerevan”, “Gigolo”, “Crimean”, “Legion”, “Luciano”, “Marquis”, “Russian hero”, “Russian giant green” ", "Black Prince"


"Purple Glitter"



Caramel mint



“Cinnamon aroma”, “Karakum”, “Cinnamon”, “Cinnamon”


"Purple Stars"


“Limonchik”, “Limonello”, “Lemon Aroma”, “Baderny”, “Freshness”

Lemon mint

"Lemon Miracle"


"Velvet", "Gourmand Mint"


"Raspberry Muscat"


"Pomegranate Nutmeg"



Pepper cinnamon



"Pearl of the Moscow Region"

Fruity caramel


How to store and prepare for the winter

Fresh basil cannot be stored for long periods of time. You can place the twigs in a glass of water and change the water every two days. This way it can be stored for about a week. In the refrigerator in plastic bag will last 1–2 days.

Dried basil in a tightly closed container will retain its scent for 3-6 months. If you keep the leaves in a glass or porcelain container, without access to air or moisture, they will retain their aromatic properties and color until the next harvest.

How to dry basil yourself

The cut greens are dried on outdoors in a shaded place, protecting from direct sun rays. To preserve essential oils, it is recommended to dry basil greens at a temperature no higher than +35C.

The quality of drying can be determined by the color of the raw material: properly dried leaves retain their original color.

Video on how to dry basil at home

How to pickle basil

  1. Dry the washed shoots and cut into pieces no larger than one centimeter in size.
  2. Place in sterile glass jars, sprinkling every 100 grams of greens with two teaspoons of salt (without a slide).
  3. Pickled basil should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to properly freeze basil for the winter

  1. Finely chop the thoroughly washed and dried basil leaves
  2. Mix with olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) until it becomes a paste. Thanks to the oil, they will be preserved during storage. beneficial features and incredibly rich taste and aroma of spices.
  3. Place the prepared mixture into ice cube trays.
  4. Place in the freezer until frozen.
  5. Place frozen basil cubes in bags and store in the refrigerator.

Uses of basil in cooking

Basil is also consumed dried, but as a spice it is especially valued in its fresh form.

  • Crushed basil leaves improve the taste of meat dishes. They are added to cottage cheese, vegetable oil, omelettes, salads, all vegetable dishes, beans, peas, beans, soups and sauces.
  • Basil sprigs are very good for pickling vegetables and mushrooms; the pickles acquire an excellent taste. Improves the taste of pickled cucumbers and zucchini.
  • When you add dried basil, you get exceptionally tasty dishes - meat, fish, crab, chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables, and sausages.
  • In dietary cuisine it helps to reduce salt intake, especially in combination with rosemary and sage.
  • Fresh basil sprigs can be used to decorate any prepared dishes - salads, soups, pizza, desserts.
  • Dessert drinks and tea are seasoned with aromatic spices.
  • Fresh basil leaves can be used to enhance the flavor of vinegar or oil by placing them in a bottle. In the same way, you can add a piquant flavor to sauces and salads.
  • Basil is an essential ingredient in the famous Italian pesto sauce.
  • Basil seeds can be used to flavor salads, drinks, soups, and pates.

In Italian and southern French cuisine, it goes well with tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, capers and olives, is used in salads, sauces and goes very well with fish.

To preserve the unique aroma of first courses, boiled and fried second courses, add basil 10-15 minutes before cooking. Average amount per serving:

  • fresh herbs 2-10 g
  • dried – 0.3-0.8 g

When heated, basil still loses its aroma, so it is advisable to add it to a ready-made dish.

Combinations of other spices with basil

You can create a unique bouquet consisting of a combination of basil with other spices.

The peppery scent comes from a mixture of basil and rosemary. Savory will enhance the spiciness of the dish. Good combinations of basil with parsley, marjoram, mint, cilantro and tarragon.

How to replace basil

If you're running out of basil or just want to try changing up the recipe a little, you can try substituting another herb for this herb. The substitution will likely make a big difference in the aroma and taste of the original dish, as there is no perfect substitute.

For salads, you can use a small amount of chopped fresh oregano or thyme.

If you don't have fresh basil on hand and need to replace it with dried, then general rule replacing dry herbs with fresh ones is 1 to 3, since dried herbs are more concentrated. So if a recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped basil, try using 1 teaspoon dried.

For pesto sauce, instead of basil, you can use arugula - although it will have a different taste and aroma, it is also bright green.

No on summer cottage a brighter herb than basil, photos of varieties of which are striking in rich green, purple and violet tones. The aroma of fresh herbs is no less rich. Depending on the variety, the fragrance of the leaves resembles the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, camphor, lemon and cloves, caramel and all sorts of combinations of these notes.

Types of basil, photos and brief descriptions

Fragrant, noble or ordinary basil with a peppery aroma and pungent taste has become the basis for breeding plants with smooth, large and often wrinkled leaves. Thanks to the work of breeders, the varieties obtained from this type of basil acquired the smell of menthol and vanilla.

The leaves, inflorescences and stems of the camphor or mint-leaved variety, in contrast to fragrant basil, are covered with small hairs, some of which contain fragrant essential oil, which determines the recognizable aroma. The heat-loving plant, like other types and varieties of basil, has long been appreciated by pharmacists and perfumers. Before the Great Patriotic War, the herbaceous shrubs of the basil shown in the photo in the south of the country were grown for the industrial production of camphor.

In the Crimea, Kuban and North Caucasus, eugenolic basil is grown, which is almost twice as large as its counterparts and, due to its high eugenol content, has a bright clove smell. The plant is highly valued as an essential oil crop and serves as a raw material for the production of vanillin substitute for perfume and cosmetic products.

In India, among all the varieties and types of basil, we especially venerate holy basil or fine-flowered basil. In warm climates, tulsi, as this plant is called, has the appearance of a perennial herbaceous shrub, has a pungent smell of cloves, and the leaves can be either green or purple.

The aroma of basil is determined by the combination of essential oils present in the herb.

Modern varieties have an incredibly bizarre range of odors that are not available to any spicy-flavoring crop.

At the same time, all varieties of basil grown in gardens, as in the photo, are heat-loving and can seriously freeze even at zero temperatures. But this does not stop summer residents who plant seedlings or sow basil at the beginning of summer, when the time of frosts and cold nights has passed.

Descriptions and photos of basil varieties of domestic selection

The industrial cultivation of basil in the USSR began in the 20s of the last century. Then the culture was recommended only for the southern regions, including Crimea and the Caucasus. The Voronezh region was then recognized as the northern border of the comfort zone. Today, excellent varieties of green and purple basil are available to gardeners in other regions.

The Anise Aroma basil variety with the fresh sweetish-spicy smell of anise is easily recognized not only by its aroma, but also by the combination of green, rather small leaves and reddish-brown or green-purple stems. The medium-sized bush readily branches and supplies the summer resident with excellent spicy herbs throughout the warm season.

The basil variety, in the photo, Lemon Aroma for Cooking, already a month and a half after germination, produces juicy bright greens with an invigorating lemon scent. The variety belongs to the large-leaved varieties with a characteristic, bubbly shape of the leaf blades, and is also distinguished by a high concentration of essential oils, which give the green foliage the ability to soften coughs, soothe stomach colic, and facilitate the treatment of inflammatory diseases and wounds.

The Lemon Aroma variety, bred especially for lovers of piquant, spicy tea, forms a small bush, up to 35 cm high, with light green leaves and white-green spike-shaped inflorescences.

The entire above-ground part of this early-ripening lemon basil contains many essential oils and can be used both fresh and for winter harvesting, drying and freezing.

Basil The aroma of vanilla does not stand out due to its large size. The bush grows only up to 35 - 40 centimeters, but the variety with purple jagged leaves and lilac flowers is still very interesting to gardeners. The reason is the sweetish smell of vanilla, unusual for a spicy herb, which makes basil indispensable in desserts and fruit and berry preserves, in sweet pastries and fruit salads. A leaf with a spicy taste will give the tea an oriental character.

Varieties with this shade of leaves are often called purple or red basil. But in this case, do not confuse basil with perilla, a lesser-known spice with green, variegated or purple foliage with a pointed, heart-shaped or curly shape.

Green aromatic basil grows quickly after sowing, forming a well-branched shrub 40 to 50 centimeters high. Large foliage is brightly colored green color, has a smooth crinkled surface and a piquant spicy aroma. The variety of basil, in the photo, goes well with fresh tomatoes, cottage cheese and cheese, can be used in meat dishes and marinades.

The basil variety Wonderful Day will delight the gardener with a fresh aniseed smell and a spicy, pleasant taste. The leaves of this variety are small, with dense purple veins. The stems have an anthocyanin color, are well branched and reach a height of 40–50 cm.

The cinnamon aroma of basil Fragrant handsome and its bright green-lilac leaves made the variety one of the leaders among Russian summer residents. An unusual addition to fruits, desserts, hot and cold drinks will delight both adults and young gourmets.

The Caramel variety belongs to the mid-season varieties. One and a half to two months after sowing, the plant forms a bush 40–50 cm high with smooth dark green foliage. main feature culture is disclosed in the name of the variety. Greens have a pleasant caramel aroma, which will undoubtedly add a piquant note to desserts, baked goods, fruit salads and homemade preparations.

Purple aromatic basil is an indispensable addition to roast and baked meats, fresh salads and marinades. A basil bush with purple foliage, the same stems and pink-purple inflorescences yields up to 230 grams of excellent fruit per season. fragrant greenery and branches quickly when the tops are pinched.

Purple fragrant basil with large violet-red leaves and crimson or purple flowers has rich aroma pepper To preserve the smell, the leaves are recommended to be added fresh, and also used in marinades, home preservation, and for the preparation of flavored vegetable oils and vinegar.

The variety belongs to the mid-early varieties, and over the summer you can get up to 250 grams of fresh foliage from the plant.

The Smuglyanka basil variety will delight lovers of spicy purple foliage with a bright peppery smell and tart taste, irreplaceable in marinades and salads with ripe tomatoes or spaghetti.

One of the most famous and beloved varieties of basil, in the photo, is rightfully considered Ararat with purple flowers, purple-violet stems and green leaves, generously decorated with lilac, purple coating and veins. Ararat basil greens have a classic peppery aroma, pleasant flavor, and the entire plant is prized for its yield, fast growth rate, and great taste.

For lovers of plant growing on the windowsill, the Basilisk basil shown in the photo with medium-sized green leaves and a bush only 20 centimeters high will suit you. At home, greens with a peppery-clove scent grow without problems throughout the year. You can even transplant it into a pot mature plant, grown for garden beds.

Early spicy herbs will give the summer resident basil the Taste of Cinnamon. The leaves of this variety not only have a cinnamon aroma, unusual for the culture, but also decorate any dish thanks to the purple or violet veins that penetrate the entire leaf blade.

Mid-season variety green basil Gourmet Clove – truly universal plant, whose tasty foliage goes equally well with vegetables and meat, cheese and fish. The abundantly growing greens are suitable for fresh consumption and do not lose their clove smell after drying. During the season, a bush up to 60 cm high produces about 800 grams of succulent elliptical leaves.

The purple basil of the Yerevan variety, well known to Russian gardeners, quickly forms a spreading, well-branched bush up to 60 centimeters high. The leaves of this variety have a pepper aroma with warm shades of tea and do not lose their properties when dried or frozen.

Adding a spicy clove aroma and the taste of home-preserved basil, Tonus vegetable basil is one of the most popular varieties among summer residents, in demand thanks to high yield and the bright clove scent of greenery. Over the course of a season, quickly growing shrubs per meter of area produce up to three kilograms of piquant foliage for universal use.

Even the photo of the Thai Queen basil variety clearly shows how original and bright this plant looks. The variety, which has rightfully received the royal title, not only amazes with its unusual purple-lilac inflorescences and elongated green foliage. The greens of this variety have a classic peppery smell and spicy taste. This variety of basil, which blooms for two months, will be appreciated by lovers ornamental plants, as well as those who keep pots of herbs at home, on the windowsill or balcony.

Video about basilica

Since ancient times, people have used spicy herbs as a vitamin seasoning for various dishes, and prepare medicinal potions from them.

These herbs include basil, species and varieties of which are grown in many countries around the world for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Let's get acquainted with the main species characteristics and varietal assortment of this spice, and find out how they differ and what they look like.

Description of basil plant species

Basil – Ocimum

Other names: fragrant basil, common basil, camphor basil, mint basil, fragrant green basil.

A bush or herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family. It can be perennial or annual.

Translated from Greek as “king”.

The plant blooms in an intermittent cluster or spikelet. White, light pink or purple flowers collected in whorls of 6-10 pieces.

The roots are superficial and branched, the stem is straight and branched, about 60-70 cm long.

The leaves, which have an ovoid oblong shape, are decorated with sparse teeth and covered with villi.

The seeds remain viable for about five years.

Wild basil can be found in the South and Central Asian regions, India, China, Africa, Iran, the American tropics, and the Caucasus.

The well-known camphor oil is made from basil essential oils. The leaves of the plant have a salty and tart taste, so they are added to meat and fish dishes, pasta and cheeses.

Historical Roots of Basil

As the story goes, it first appeared in the Middle East and India. In ancient times, healing decoctions and infusions were made from it.

  • In European countries they learned about it thanks to the Germans, in whose country basil began to be cultivated from the beginning of the 12th century.
  • In the 16th century, the French and other Europeans began to add its greens to traditional dishes, especially meats, desserts, and refreshing and warming drinks.
  • In the 18th century, it ended up in Russia, where this greenery was initially used as a medicine.

Now basil is cultivated all over the planet and is used mainly as an aromatic spice, rich in essential oils, vitamin C, PP and B2, as well as carotene, routin, camphor, etc.

Green and purple basil: the difference

There are a great many varieties of this plant, but according to the color of the leaves they are all divided into two types: purple and green. Let's find out what their features are and how green basil differs from purple basil.


Green basil has a mild flavor and is therefore commonly used in European cooking. There are many desserts made with this plant, and the purple look is not suitable for them.

But residents of the Caucasus and Asian peoples prefer the purple plant, appreciating its rich, islandy taste.


Green basil exudes a delicate aroma, especially the lemon variety, used in the production of refreshing drinks.

In contrast, purple basil, also known as red basil or black basil (with black-purple leaves), has a more pungent odor. It is enough to walk past a stall with this species at the market, and you will immediately notice the characteristic pungent smell.

By the way, this greenery, whether it be bush basil or herbaceous basil, smells strongest when it gains color.

Leaf color

As can be seen from the names of the species, one of them has green leaves, the other has purple, purple-violet or black-violet leaves.

These are, perhaps, all the differences between green and purple basil.

Green basil: photo

This is what a variety of spicy plant with green leaves looks like:

Purple basil: photo

This is what a plant with leaves looks like purple:

Let's find out which varieties of the species with green leaves are popular among modern gardeners.

Basil "Basilisk"

An ornamental variety, successfully grown both in vegetable gardens and at home - in flower pots.

A plant up to 20 cm high with a rich cap of smooth small leaves, blooming with small white flowers. Thanks to its peppery-clove aroma, it is used in marinades and fresh salads.

From 1 square meter you can collect up to 700 g of leaves. The leaves are ready for cutting after 2 months from the date of emergence.

Basil "Clove"

A tall bushy plant, capable of growing up to 60 cm, covered with elongated bright green leaves. Blooms in clusters of snow-white flowers.

It can be grown both in the garden and at home. Due to its characteristic smell and taste, cloves serve as an excellent seasoning for meat and salads.

From 1 square meter you can collect up to 2400 g of leaves. Clove basil is ready for cutting after 24-40 days from the date of germination.

Basil "Greek"

This small-leaved spherical bush, 15 cm high, is so beautiful that it can decorate any interior, not just a garden. Its sweetish, spicy taste and classic basil aroma are highly revered by Italian chefs. They add Greek basil to sauces, marinades and fresh salads.

It is ready for cutting after 2-2.5 months from the moment of germination.

Basil "Lemon Flavor"

A plant with a rich, refreshing lemon aroma. From one bush of this variety you can get up to 250 g of fresh, smooth, light green leaves. They add a special taste to desserts, vegetable salads, drinks and various dishes.

From 1 square meter you can collect up to 2900 g of leaves. Lemon basil can be cut after 2-2.5 months from the date of emergence.

Basil "Gourmet"

Salad variety. Compact low plant (up to 25 cm) with wide large leaves.

The variety is very aromatic and has a delicate taste. Grows back quickly after pruning. Good for adding to salads and pasta, it can be dried, pickled and frozen.

Leaves can be cut 50 days after germination.

Basil "Caramel"

A favorite plant for culinary experts with a pronounced caramel-fruity taste, ready for cutting within a month after germination!

It can be grown both in the garden and on windowsills. Fleshy, large leaves of caramel basil are suitable for vegetable salads and other dishes, they can be preserved and dried.

The yield of the plant is up to 3300 g per square meter; it is ready for the first cutting 30-40 days after germination.

Basil "Thai Queen"

An ornamental plant with elongated large leaves contrasting with purple square stems when cut.

It is distinguished by luxurious flowering in the form of clusters of dark purple flowers, more reminiscent of lilac blossoms. This variety can be grown in greenhouses, vegetable gardens, orchards and on windowsills.

The leaves are eaten throughout the growing season.

Holy Basil

It is also Indian basil, or Tulsi. The variety is grown in vegetable gardens, greenhouses and flower pots.

Its leaves exude a spicy, pungent clove-pepper scent and have a bitter taste, which is why they are used in spicy dishes.

Basil "Naughty"

A plant with small fragrant leaves with a delicate taste, forming a nice bush with many shoots.

It is grown both in gardens and in homes - in flower pots and containers. It is used for food preservation, as a seasoning for meat, pasta, fish and fresh salads.

The yield of the “Shalun” variety is up to 1800 g per square meter.

Basil "Tonus"

Tall spicy plant. Leaves average size and bright green color are distinguished by a tart, pleasant taste and delicate aroma. They are used dried or fresh - in salads, drinks and various dishes.

Cutting is possible after 76 days from the moment of germination.

Let's find out which varieties of purple basil are most often grown by summer residents and gardeners.

Basil "Thai"

Thai basil seeds produce compact plants with dark purple, toothed, smooth leaves that form a dense bush.

The leaves exude a distinct spicy aroma with cinnamon notes. They are added to salads, marinades and pickles, meat and other dishes.

Basil "Yerevan"

One of the best varieties in terms of culinary use. Produces a vibrant foliage mass of bright purple leaves with a reddish tint.

During flowering, the bushes are decorated with soft pink flowers, so this plant is often grown as flower bed flowers. The variety is also good because the leaves can be cut 2-3 times per season.

The yield of the variety is 3-3.5 kg of leaves per 1 square meter.

Basil "Opal"

A popular variety with deep purple-violet leaves. It blooms with crimson flowers, which need to be picked off so that the flowering does not interfere with the growth of the leaves.

The leaves have a pronounced peppery smell with clove notes and a tart, pleasant taste. Used in sauces, salads, vinegars, oils and various dishes.

You can collect up to 2 kg of Opal basil leaves per square meter.

Basil "Pepper flavor"

An annual herbaceous plant with leaves of an unusual reddish color. Vitamin leaves have a spicy aroma and taste, and therefore are often used by chefs instead of peppers when preparing sauces and various dishes.

The plant is ready for cutting after 20 days from germination. Its yield per square meter is up to 4200 g.

Basil "Ararat"

A very fragrant variety that forms tall branching bushes with lilac flowers. Its leaves, colored green-violet, are rich in carotene and essential oils. They are added to delicate cheeses, green salads and vegetable soups. They are sprinkled on finished dishes before serving.

Leaves can be cut after 2 - 2.5 months. Can be grown in flower pots.

Vanilla basil

An annual variety of herbaceous basil with powerful branched stems no more than 40 cm high.

The leaves are jagged, dark purple in color, the flowers are pale purple, collected in spikelets. The leaves are so tasty that they are used not only in traditional dishes, but also in fruit salads.

This greenery has long been used by cheesemakers in the production of cheeses, and by culinary specialists in vegetable salads, spicy soups such as gazpacho, meat and fish dishes. The French add green basil to sweets, the Italians to jams.

So that you can understand why Europeans value this spice, we suggest preparing the famous Italian salad with basil and mozzarella.

Caprese salad

Ingredients for 4 servings
  • Fresh tomatoes - 8 pcs.
  • Green basil leaves - 1 tbsp. + 2 branches for decoration
  • Water - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Shallot - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to your taste
  • Mozzarella – 250 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Oregano and black pepper - to your taste.
How to make basil salad

To make Caprese salad, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  1. Cut the washed tomatoes and mozzarella into thin slices.
  2. Prepare basil sauce: grind basil leaves with peeled onion, water, salt and wine vinegar in a blender.

We wait 5 minutes for the sauce to infuse and mix it with olive oil.

  1. Fan out the tomatoes and mozzarella onto the plates, alternating them.
  2. Decorate them with basil leaves, sprinkle with oregano and pepper and pour over the infused sauce.

This salad is especially delicious with baguette toast.

Now you know how much basil, the types and varieties of which are simply innumerable, is adored by cooks and lovers of ornamental plants. Try it at least once, and you too will join the ranks of basil fans!

Basil came to us from the eastern part of India and Ceylon. This spicy plant has a specific aroma and inimitable taste, so it was originally used only in cooking. Traditional healers noticed the beneficial properties of the culture and began to actively use the herb to treat many diseases. Somewhat later, the chemical composition was scientifically studied and the therapeutic properties of the plant were confirmed.

Botanical characteristics

The basil herb comes in many forms and cross-pollinates easily. It is on this property that the numerous species are based, as well as the production of different plant varieties. The acquisition of new morphological properties underlies the numerous names applied to one variety of basil. Thus, common basil is called garden basil, mint-leaved basil, camphor basil, fragrant basil, although we are talking about one species, but in different morphological manifestations.


Common basil is tropical plant. It grows wild in tropical and subtropical latitudes of Asia, America, Europe, Iran, and the Caucasus. Due to the valuable properties of the herb itself and the essential oil extracted from it, basil is actively cultivated in the southern part of France, Italy and Spain, Moldova, China, Mongolia, as well as in the south of Ukraine and Russia.

Morphological characteristics

The plant is a herbaceous annual. Grows on loose fertile soils. Characterized by the following features.

  • Root system. It is represented by a central root and many lateral ones, which branch strongly. The depth of penetration of the plant into the soil is small - about 10 cm. Additional roots quickly form on the shoots.
  • Stem. It has a round shape and four edges. Very often pubescent. Green or anthocyanin in color. The plant reaches a height of 60 cm and is highly branched. During development, the stem becomes woody.
  • Leaves. In basil they are petiolate, ovoid or round-ovoid in shape, reaching 8 cm in length, depending on the variety. The location is opposite. The edge is entire or finely humped. Mostly not pubescent, color from rich green to anthocyanin.
  • Flowers. They have a light purple color. Whorls of eight to ten small flowers form a racemose inflorescence at the top of the main stem, less often in the axils of the leaves. Flowering continues from June to the end of August.
  • Fruit. They begin to ripen in September. After flowering, four shiny dark brown seeds are formed, up to 2 mm long. The upper shell of the seed, upon contact with moist soil, quickly forms mucus and the fruit germinates. The ascending ability of seeds is maintained for seven years.

Wild basil in tropical climates is perennial plant. Cultivation in other climates requires annual planting.

Growing conditions

Basil is heat-, light- and moisture-loving herbaceous plant. Seeds germinate only if the soil warms up to +15°C. The plant is also demanding regarding the composition of the soil - it likes moist, loose soil. fertile soil. To obtain strong, viable crops, annual fertilization of the planting site with organic fertilizers is recommended.

The ideal temperature for plant development should exceed +25 C. Regular and abundant watering is required, as well as a sufficient amount of sunlight. This is the only way the plant can accumulate a sufficient amount of essential oil in the above-ground part.
Planting of seedlings begins at the end of March. Seeds are planted in boxes, creating a greenhouse effect, and regularly sprayed with water. Planting in open ground should be done no earlier than in the second half of May, when the risk of night frosts completely disappears. The culture does not withstand frost at all; the shoots die if the temperature drops to 0°C. Seedlings get sick if the temperature lasts for several days environment does not rise above +15°C.

Procurement of raw materials

For treatment purposes, fresh basil leaves or a dried plant can be used. It is important to properly prepare raw materials.

  • Collection and preparation. They begin in June, after the plant blooms, since the inflorescences also accumulate essential oil. The shoots are taken at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground. This approach allows you to get several shoots per season, because the cut stem grows back.
  • Drying. Conducted under a canopy. This minimizes the loss of biologically active substances. It is also possible to dry the plant in a well-ventilated area or using a dryer at low temperature conditions(up to 35°C). The shoots are tied into small brooms and hung, laid out in a thin layer on paper or cotton fabric.
  • Storage. After complete drying, the stems are packed in paper bags and wrapped with film or cellophane on top. If you plan to grind the raw materials immediately after drying, it is necessary to prepare an airtight container to reduce the evaporation of the essential oil. In a dark and well-ventilated place, dried raw materials can be stored for two years.


Peculiarities. The leaves are used for culinary purposes. They are picked from the dried stems and crushed, after which they are added to dishes and sauces. But the fresh leaves of the plant, which are frozen, are of much greater culinary value.

Procurement algorithm

  1. Collect fresh leaves, separating them from the shoots.
  2. Rinse with cold running water.
  3. Lay out on a paper towel in a thin layer or use a special “drying rack” for fresh herbs.
  4. After complete drying, the leaves are placed on a wide baking sheet and placed in the freezer.
  5. After an hour, they can be collected and placed in a container or bag.
  6. Whole leaves are added to soups and salads, used to serve dishes, and used as a topping for multi-component puff pastries.


Peculiarities. For sauces, dressings, salads, cooking fish and meat, basil is frozen in the form of a paste. Chopped leaves are added to hot snacks and dishes without defrosting.

Procurement algorithm

  1. Fresh basil leaves are separated from the shoots, thoroughly washed with water, and dried.
  2. Place in a blender bowl for maximum chopping.
  3. Add a small amount of olive oil until it reaches a mushy consistency and mix thoroughly. (Oil helps preserve the juicy color of greens after freezing).
  4. The resulting paste is placed in ice trays.
  5. After 12 hours, the cubes are pulled out and placed in a container or plastic bag.


Peculiarities. When using this seasoning, it is important to be careful not to oversalt the dish.

Procurement algorithm

  1. Fresh leaves are separated from the shoots and washed with cold water.
  2. Use a large metal knife to cut into pieces up to 1 cm long.
  3. Place in a jar or container in layers, each layer sprinkled with fine salt.
  4. Store the product in the refrigerator.

It is better to use salted leaves in one cold season. Frozen ones have no restrictions on shelf life.

Chemical composition

Essential oil is of particular value. Its amount in the plant ranges from 3.5% to 5%. Chemical composition very complex, includes aromatic compounds of different nature. All volatile components, to a greater or lesser extent, have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, astringent properties and a local irritant effect. The oil contains most camphor.

In addition to ether, the plant contains a number of other beneficial substances:

  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids (malic and ascorbic);
  • fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, palmitic);
  • complex of minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron).

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, basil has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of skin diseases and digestive disorders. But over time, others have been proven medicinal properties culture. Thanks to the essential oil, the plant exhibits the following effects:

Tannins cause the astringent effect of the plant, as a result of which the regeneration process is accelerated skin and epithelial tissue of mucous membranes.

Organic acids - regulators of the biochemical composition of blood - have hypoglycemic and cholesterol-lowering effects. Their molecules are structural elements of the vascular epithelium.

The sedative, cardiotonic, anti-ischemic effects of camphor allow the use of basil for cardiovascular disorders, respiratory system disorders, and deterioration of peripheral blood flow.


The plant is useful for the prevention and treatment of the following ailments.

  • Digestive organs. Basil stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands, therefore it is indicated for decreased appetite, a feeling of heaviness after eating, flatulence, and constipation. The anti-inflammatory effect of the plant allows the use of basil for gastritis, pancreatitis, and colitis of various etiologies. Antimicrobial properties are appropriate for dysbacteriosis and poisoning. Also, the spice is able to regulate lipid metabolism, accelerate the breakdown and elimination of fats, which is why it is actively used for weight loss.
  • Heart and blood vessels. Basil increases the tone of vascular walls, improves the supply of oxygen to the myocardium, enhances heart contractions, can lower blood pressure, and also eliminate platelet aggregation. It is actively used for the prevention of hypertension and its treatment in the early stages, and the prevention of thrombosis. The stimulating effect of the plant is appropriate for heart failure, varicose veins, and tissue trophic disorders due to vascular insufficiency.
  • Nervous system. Basil has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Increases the ability to concentrate, improves memory, normalizes sleep and the process of falling asleep. Has antidepressant properties. Eliminates cerebral vascular spasms, which is why the plant is actively used to treat migraine pain. The stimulating effect allows the use of basil for poisoning with narcotic or sleeping pills.
  • Skin and mucous membranes. The regenerating and antimicrobial effect of basil is used to treat all skin damage: wounds, abrasions, scratches, insect bites, burns, frostbite, fungal infections. The plant is also used for stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, gum disease, and to relieve toothache. A positive effect is observed when treating lesions such as eczema, trophic ulcers, bedsores, and dermatitis with basil preparations.

Basil is used as a natural antibacterial, antiviral, and diaphoretic agent. The plant's ability to relieve fever is known. Camphor has a mild expectorant effect. ENT diseases (otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis) can also be treated with basil. Due to its ability to stimulate the respiratory center of the brain, the plant is used for respiratory depression accompanying pneumonia.

In addition, basil is used both as an analgesic and as an anti-inflammatory agent for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, and myalgia. The general strengthening properties allow the herb to be used for the prevention of ARVI.

Basil can act as an aphrodisiac and is considered a natural potency stimulant. Regulates hormonal levels in women, eliminates dysmenorrhea, and softens the symptoms of menopause. The plant is used for motion sickness, as well as to repel insects.


The harm of basil occurs when it is consumed excessively orally, as well as if a person has an individual intolerance to this plant. This increases the risk of developing side effects: dyspeptic disorders, allergic reactions. disturbances of consciousness and heart rhythm disturbances.

Contraindications for use:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • encephalitis;
  • epilepsy.

Also, the herbal remedy is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug recipes

For therapeutic purposes, basil should not be taken for longer than 21 days. Otherwise, addiction and accumulation of specific chemical substances in organism.


Peculiarities. Used for stomach and intestinal disorders, poisoning, to relieve headaches, colds, as well as for gargling and washing wounds.

Preparation and use

  1. Pour two teaspoons of chopped herbs into a cup of boiling water.
  2. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat for ten minutes.
  3. Leave for one hour, then strain and squeeze out the cake.
  4. For digestive disorders, headaches, and colds, take a sip throughout the day. Gargle or treat wounds three times daily. To treat toothache, add a teaspoon of salt and vinegar to the resulting decoction and rinse your mouth throughout the day.


Peculiarities. It is used for bloating, poor digestion, nausea, painful periods, as well as for disorders of the nervous system.

Preparation and use

  1. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add honey to taste.
  5. Drink no more than two cups per day.


Peculiarities. It is used to prepare ointments, and is also consumed in its pure form.

Preparation and use

  1. Dried plant materials are ground in a mortar to obtain a homogeneous powder.
  2. To treat skin damage, it is mixed with any ointment base (vaseline, baby cream), maintaining a 1:1 ratio. Apply to the affected area and cover with gauze. Use three times a day. Pure powder is snorted to induce sneezing during rhinitis, as well as to eliminate and prevent motion sickness in transport.


Peculiarities. It is used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, and is also used externally.

Preparation and use

  1. Fresh leaves are washed with cold water.
  2. Grind to a paste using a blender.
  3. Place the resulting pulp in gauze, folded several times.
  4. Carefully squeeze the juice into a clean glass container.
  5. Apply externally for skin diseases. Drop two drops into the ear for otitis media. Take a teaspoon orally twice a day for kidney disease.

Role in cooking

Basil is an essential attribute of Mediterranean cuisine. The plant is actively used to flavor dishes made from fish, meat, and even some confectionery. The herb stimulates digestion, which is why it simply needs to be served as an appetizer to fatty dishes (kebabs, stewed, baked meat).

The specific aroma makes the culture indispensable as a flavoring agent for pickles: tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini. Crushed leaves are included in the classic composition of many herbal spices, dough dishes, and sauces.

A few leaves added to a regular soup will create an almost Italian dish. By the way, this plant is one of the main ingredients of the famous Margherita pizza.

Finely crushed basil leaves add an interesting flavor to sandwiches when mixed with butter. And if you combine them with olive oil and let it brew for at least 12 hours, you get the perfect salad dressing.

Use in cosmetology

The herbal remedy is used for beauty because it contains antioxidants, tannins and antibacterial components.

  • For hair . The use of basil essential oil helps strengthen the roots, eliminate fragility and excess oiliness of the strands. To do this, add an ethereal extract to the shampoo, balm or mask at the rate of three to four drops per 10 g of the original product.
  • For face . Basil extracts are used to create anti-aging products. Thanks to them, it is possible to significantly improve skin color, eliminate dullness, and make facial wrinkles less noticeable. Dermatoses, acne, pimples, and blackheads are treated with decoctions of the leaves.

It is best to start using basil for treatment with small doses. If an allergy occurs, consult a doctor.


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