How to remove a key fragment from a cylinder. The key in the door lock is broken

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In order to remove a broken key from a lock, you need to take a thin file from a jigsaw and then insert it into the lock so that the teeth of the file are located upward. After this, you need to turn the file so that it catches on the key. Next, you need to very carefully, without jerking, pull out the file along with the key fragment.

If a piece of the key is sticking out of the hole, you can use ordinary pliers. The main thing is to firmly grasp the fragment in such a way as to pull out the key.

If the key fragment is not visible from the outside, then pliers will not help. You should try to remove the key using a piece of steel wire.

If it is possible to disassemble the lock, then this would be the best solution. After all, in this case the lock can be kept in working order and there is less chance of damaging it.

You can also try to remove the key fragment using superglue. To do this, you need to buy superglue, apply it to the rest of the key and carefully insert it into the lock. Then you should press the parts of the key a little, wait, and carefully remove the whole key. Subsequently, it is better not to use this key.

Helpful advice

If you order duplicate keys, make sure that the blanks for them are from durable metal.

One of the most common problems encountered during operation cars, – jamming of the front door lock. To find out the cause of the breakdown, you need to pull out lock from cars. You can do this operation yourself, without resorting to the services of a car service.

You will need

  • - Phillips screwdriver;
  • - slotted screwdriver;
  • - pliers;
  • - wrenches number 8 and 10;
  • - marker.


To pull out lock from the front door cars, lift the window and remove the trim. To do this, take a Phillips screwdriver and pry it off the part that is the armrest plug. Remove the plug by hand. Unscrew the three mounting screws located in the armrest recesses using a Phillips screwdriver. Insert the end of a slotted screwdriver between the trim of the handle located on the window regulator and the socket. Separate the handle trim from the socket by pressing them apart. Remove facing material pens. Pull out the socket and the handle itself from the door. Remove the trim material from the small lock lever by prying it up slotted screwdriver. Using a slotted screwdriver, press out the seven plastic clips that secure the upholstery, located on the side of the door. Pull the trim down and remove it from the inside door handle.

Proceed to remove the lock. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the two rear channel screws located on the end of the door. Lower it a little lock and remove the tongue from the groove. Move lock to the side. Disconnect the button rod that closes lock. Disconnect the switch rod located on outside doors.

Remove the nut securing the front channel using a number 8 wrench. Pull back the plastic plug, lower the channel down and disconnect it from the tilt glass frame. Remove the front channel from the door. Remove the two screws located on the front door handle using a Phillips screwdriver. Push the handle into the door. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the three screws located at the end of the door that secure lock. Take out lock from the door along with the handle and pull. Unscrew the three bolts securing the clamp using wrench number 10. Remove the lock retainer.

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It is best to carry out all types of work wearing protective gloves, since almost all manipulations are performed in extremely inconvenient places, and there is a high probability of injuring your hands on the metal edges of the door partitions.

Helpful advice

To improve the lock's performance, unscrew the locking screws halfway and move the lock to the desired position where it opens and closes easily.

Broken key, for example, from an apartment or from a garage, represents a lot of trouble. But it brings great trouble key when it is broken directly in the lock. To remove a piece of debris from the lock, you can use different ways, but it is not a fact that they will always be effective. In such a matter, in addition to skill, you also need to have a little luck. Each individual case requires a separate approach.

You will need

  • Pliers, rust remover, brass tube, blowtorch, screwdriver, magnet.


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Imagine for a moment the situation: after a difficult working day returned home, put the key in the keyhole, but instead of the click of the lock opening, you hear the crunch of the key. Catastrophe! How to get to the apartment? Don't panic: the situation can be fixed.

You will need

  • - jigsaw file;
  • - pliers;
  • - drill with drill bit;
  • - Bulgarian;
  • - screwdriver;
  • - crowbar.


First, remove the broken key that is stuck in the lock. Ask for a jigsaw file. Take it and insert it into the keyhole so that the teeth of the file are directed upward. Then, slowly turning the nail file, try to catch the key. After this, slowly pull the nail file with the key out.

If a piece of the key is sticking out of the door, you can open the front door and pull out the key using pliers. Hook the tool on the protruding edge of the broken key and carefully turn it in the direction in which you turned the key to open the door. After the door opens, carry the key on yourself.

If you managed to pull out the key, but the lock still does not open, perhaps the problem lies in the fact that the lock itself is broken. Try to get to the internal mechanism of the lock. This is not difficult to do if you front door"" lock installed. To get to the internal mechanism, drill out the cylinder, then remove the lock “cylinders”, and then use the metal hooks to hook the drive mechanism, so that the bolts will be in the lock body.

If the lock bolts are visible between the door leaf and the frame, cut them with a grinder.

If the front door has even small gaps, try to pry it open with a strong screwdriver and a crowbar: this manipulation will allow you to determine the weak point of the door, thanks to which it could be opened without damaging it door leaf.


If you decide to go extreme, climb from your neighbor’s balcony to your own, weigh your possibilities. Perhaps the risk is not worth it! It's too dangerous to do this high altitude without having any safety net!

Helpful advice

Use the services of a service whose specialists, if you have a passport or other document proving that you really live in this apartment, will open the front door for you.

A key or a piece of it stuck in the lock will bring many unpleasant moments. If you are reading this article, then you are also in difficult situation and want to know .

Despite the fact that lock manufacturers are constantly improving the quality of their products, releasing unique locking mechanisms that can withstand various options hacking, keys, like many decades ago, sometimes fail their owners. They break at the most inopportune moment. Most affected people prefer to remove and throw it away, purchasing a new mechanism.

It would seem that this is the only correct option, but in fact there are other methods, the use of which will preserve the castle. All you need to do is simply remove the key piece. How to do this is described in detail below.

How to remove a broken key. Several effective ways

First of all, let's tell you how to remove the key from a door lock, if normal is installed mortise lock with rod key. To do this, you just need to remove the side cover of the locking mechanism. After the fragment is removed, the lock is installed in place. Its functionality will not change in any way. Perhaps it is recommended to lubricate the internal mechanism to prevent the unpleasant situation from reoccurring.

Now let's tell you how to remove the key from a door lock, if a locking mechanism is used that cannot be disassembled. The easiest option is to use pliers, but this is only possible if part of the key sticks out of the keyhole.

If the fragment peeks out just a little and you can’t catch it with pliers, try using tweezers with sharpened edges. The work ahead will be “jewelry”, since you will have to not only securely cling to the fragment, but also carefully pull it out of the well. Considering that the area of ​​contact between the tweezers and the key is minimal, this is not so easy to do. You should rock the piece slightly until it gives way forward.

Some craftsmen advise taking two awls (or regular sewing needles), well sharpened. Each awl is inserted into the keyhole on both sides of the fragment and securely clamped together. As soon as you manage to fix the rest of the key, you need to pull the awl towards you. Gradually the fragment should move forward.

What other methods are there - a jigsaw file and super glue?

If none of the above has helped you, we recommend that you consider a few more methods: how to remove the key from a door lock. To do this you will need a certain set of tools and devices:

  • jigsaw file;
  • thin steel wire;
  • Super glue;

Each of the above mentioned things is intended for a separate method. Let's start in order.

The jigsaw file must be inserted into the keyhole with the teeth facing up. Then carefully and extremely carefully turn the file in any direction - the main thing is that the teeth pry off the fragment. As soon as the nail file securely adheres to the rest of the key, slowly pull it towards you, pulling the key out of the hole.

However, not everyone has a jigsaw file, but finding thin steel wire is not a problem. Carefully insert it into the hole and try to hook the fragment, gradually removing it from the hole.

Now let's move on to how to remove the key from a door lock using super glue. The method is quite original, but takes a little time. Apply glue to the head of the key that is still in your hand and press it against the piece of debris stuck in the hole. Fix the head and hold it for a while until the glue hardens. Its strength will be enough to remove the fragment, but in the future it is not recommended to use the glued key. This method is quite difficult, as it requires increased attention and accuracy. The slightest carelessness can lead to glue being smeared keyhole and you will have to change the locking mechanism.

What if you solder it without removing it from the lock?

That's a variety of options, how to remove the key from a door lock, does not end. In this part of the material we will offer several more methods for which you will need:

  • liquid to combat corrosion and rust;
  • brass tube and blowtorch;
  • magnet;

IN in this case Each item has its own way of removing a piece of key from the keyhole. For example, you can use a brass tube, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the size of the fragment, that is, the tube will be put on the fragment with a certain force.

With help blowtorch slightly warm up the end of the tube that you plan to put on the fragment. Then pull it over the remains of the key and wait a little until the tube cools completely. Then inject some anti-corrosion liquid into the keyhole. Now you can slightly bend the tube, turn the key and slowly pull it out of the lock.

Would you like to know another way? how to remove the key from a door lock? Use a regular magnet, naturally large in size. First, inject a very small amount of anti-corrosion liquid into the hole, and then, using a magnet, try to make the key appear at least a little above the level of the keyhole. Once this is achieved, then it’s a matter of little things. Use tweezers or pliers to pry up the key.

The key is not broken, but it is impossible to get it out

Situations are relatively common when a key gets stuck in new locks installed in a building. At the same time, it does not break, but when trying to remove it from the well, nothing happens. As practice shows, it is actually quite difficult to pull out the key without damaging the lock core.

Most often, the cause of such blocking is a broken spring under the pin, as a result of which it remains motionless and secures the key tightly. The second reason why the key is “blocked” inside the well may be internal parts made of soft raw materials. This leads to the fact that the pins again do not fall into the channels and fix the key without letting it out of the hole.

Don't be upset. Eat great way, how to remove the key from a door lock in such situation. First, carefully lubricate the locking mechanism cylinder using the popular WD-40 lubricant. It is best to take an aerosol can, since a special nozzle will ensure the most accurate distribution of the lubricant. Next, use regular pliers. Hold the head of the key with them and carefully, moving it up and down, as if creating a slight vibration, begin to slowly pull it towards you. In most cases, you can remove the key. If you also managed to free it, be sure to replace the locking mechanism cylinder, since it is faulty and will cause you a lot of trouble and problems in the future.

However, it is only possible to remove the key in this way if the door is already open, and if the lock is locked, then you cannot do without professional help.

Summing up

Now you know several at once effective ways, how to remove the key from a door lock. However, you should not think that one of them will necessarily become a panacea and help solve the problem.

In order to remove the fragment, it is necessary to show maximum dexterity, and also rely on Lucky case. Without a certain amount of luck, it is difficult to count on success. In particular, rash actions can lead to damage to the lock. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately seek help from professionals who know what to do in each specific case.

How to remove a broken key from a door lock

Our life is replete with funny incidents, but it is one thing when such an incident causes everyone to laugh and lifts the spirits, and quite another when it turns into serious difficulties. Opening the entrance once again or garage door You can find yourself in a situation where one part of the key remains in the lock, and the second is in your hands. Usually, as luck would have it, you are in a hurry somewhere, hoping to jump home or into the garage as quickly as possible, grab some thing, in order to run further, but one careless movement and it turns out that there is no point in running.

Having broken the key, the most important thing is not to panic and not do anything stupid so as not to aggravate the situation. There is no need to push the fragment remaining in your hand into the keyhole, pushing the broken part even deeper; it is better to use the advice of experts on how to remove a broken key from a lock, we presented them in this article.

Why does the key break off when opening the lock?

Before considering specific tips for extracting pieces of a key from the secret of a lock, let's determine why such a key breaks. There are actually quite a few reasons for this. Let's define them briefly.

Experts say that theoretically, with the help of a thin steel wire, it is possible to remove the stuck part of the key, but this requires skill and this is possible only in a very limited number of cases.

We take out the broken part of the key by disassembling the lock

If the key in the lock is broken, then you need a quick and reliable way remove the broken part from the keyhole, preferably without damaging the lock. Reliable methods exist, but the speed of removing the damaged part will depend on your skill. Perhaps the most the right way The solution to such a problem can be considered to be the removal of debris from a disassembled lock.

But there is a problem here, because you need to get into the room and open the door to gain access to the lock body, and this is often inaccessible. That's why this method you can take note in case you manage to come up with Alternative option entering a closed space.

A self-tapping screw will help you remove the key

You can relatively quickly and efficiently remove a stuck piece of wood from a keyhole using a drill with a thin drill bit and a self-tapping screw. The work ahead is very delicate, worthy of the best jeweler. The task is to get the drill into the end of the stuck piece of the key, drill a hole in it and manage to screw a self-tapping screw into it; if you act carefully, this is quite possible.

Do not rush to pull the screw or twist it, trying to remove the fragment right away; it is better to spray WD-40 liquid into the keyhole and carefully shake the stuck part of the key. Only after 5-10 minutes of this “swinging”, you can try to very carefully “fish out” the fragment using pliers.

Let's use pliers

If a piece of key fragment sticks out of the key hole and is large enough to be grabbed with pliers, round nose pliers, or, as a last resort, sharpened tweezers, you should try to remove it using these tools. Again, when doing this, do not repeat the mistakes of thousands of “would-be-masters” who, grabbing a fragment with pliers, pulled it so hard and thoughtlessly that they broke it again, aggravating the problem.

Before you start “operating” the tool, you need to thoroughly lubricate the insides of the keyhole, and wait until the lubricant spreads, getting between the stuck fragment and the walls of the secret mechanism, and only then make attempts to pull out the broken part of the key. Act carefully and the chances of success will be very serious.

Exotic ways to remove a broken key from a lock mechanism

To summarize, we note that there are quite a few unusual ways removal of a broken key from a lock, offered by professionals. Let's consider them too, since they clearly deserve our attention.

Our life is replete with funny incidents, but it is one thing when such an incident causes everyone to laugh and lifts the spirits, and quite another when it turns into serious difficulties. When opening the front or garage door again, you can find yourself in a situation where one part of the key remains in the lock, and the second is in your hands. Usually, as luck would have it, you are in a hurry somewhere, hoping to jump home or into the garage as quickly as possible, grab some thing, in order to run further, but one careless movement and it turns out that there is no point in running.

Having broken the key, the most important thing is not to panic and not do anything stupid so as not to aggravate the situation. There is no need to push the fragment remaining in your hand into the keyhole, pushing the broken part even deeper; it is better to use the advice of experts on how to remove a broken key from a lock, we presented them in this article.

Why does the key break off when opening the lock?

Before considering specific tips for extracting pieces of a key from the secret of a lock, let's determine why such a key breaks. There are actually quite a few reasons for this. Let's define them briefly.

Whatever the reason for the key breakdown, the fact is obvious, it is broken, and something needs to be done about it. Many ways out of the situation have been invented. Lock picking experts kindly shared some secrets on how to remove a broken key from a lock with the least risk of damaging the lock. And we will definitely share this information, but first I would like to talk about how unnecessary it is to act when removing a stuck key.

Myths about the ease of removing a key from a lock

On the Internet you can find a lot of information articles that vying with each other about simple ways removing a piece of key from the lock. In fact, everything is not so simple, because in most cases the key does not just get stuck in the mechanism, it gets jammed there. Moreover, it often jams tightly, and it is not possible to pull it out with superglue, as the authors of some articles suggest to us.

Experts, assessing the method of extracting part of the key using superglue, simply laugh, because this “method,” if I may say so, does not stand up to criticism. Firstly, the glue is not able to “grab” the two fragments well enough for the stuck part to be pulled out. And secondly, most likely the glue-smeared fragment that you push into the lock will smear the inner walls of its hole. And the second part of the key will safely stick to them.

The option with glue is also bad because careless handling of it can lead to chemicals getting into the secret mechanism of the lock, which will inevitably lead to its breakdown. Then you will have to look for a way to clean the lock mechanism from superglue, but why is all this necessary? There is also a mythical proposal on some forums to remove a piece of a key from a keyhole using a wire. I would like to ask the author of the method, has he tried to do a similar trick himself?

Experts say that theoretically, with the help of a thin steel wire, it is possible to remove the stuck part of the key, but this requires skill and this is possible only in a very limited number of cases.

We take out the broken part of the key by disassembling the lock

If the key in the lock has broken, then you need a quick and reliable way to remove the broken part from the keyhole, preferably without damaging the lock. Reliable methods exist, but the speed of removing the damaged part will depend on your skill. Perhaps the surest way to solve such a problem is to remove a piece of debris from a disassembled lock.

But there is a problem here, because you need to get into the room and open the door to gain access to the lock body, and this is often inaccessible. Therefore, this method can be taken into account in case you manage to come up with an alternative option for entering a closed room.

A self-tapping screw will help you remove the key

You can relatively quickly and efficiently remove a stuck piece of wood from a keyhole using a drill with a thin drill bit and a self-tapping screw. The work ahead is very delicate, worthy of the best jeweler. The task is to get the drill into the end of the stuck piece of the key, drill a hole in it and manage to screw a self-tapping screw into it; if you act carefully, this is quite possible.

Do not rush to pull the screw or twist it, trying to remove the fragment right away; it is better to spray WD-40 liquid into the keyhole and carefully shake the stuck part of the key. Only after 5-10 minutes of this “swinging”, you can try to very carefully “fish out” the fragment using pliers.

Let's use pliers

If a piece of key fragment sticks out of the key hole and is large enough to be grabbed with pliers, round nose pliers, or, as a last resort, sharpened tweezers, you should try to remove it using these tools. Again, when doing this, do not repeat the mistakes of thousands of “would-be-masters” who, grabbing a fragment with pliers, pulled it so hard and thoughtlessly that they broke it again, aggravating the problem.

Before you start “operating” the tool, you need to thoroughly lubricate the insides of the keyhole, and wait until the lubricant spreads, getting between the stuck fragment and the walls of the secret mechanism, and only then make attempts to pull out the broken part of the key. Act carefully and the chances of success will be very serious.

Exotic ways to remove a broken key from a lock mechanism

To summarize, we note that there are quite unusual ways to remove a broken key from a lock, offered by professionals. Let's consider them too, since they clearly deserve our attention.

All sorts of pleasant and unpleasant surprises happen in our lives. While pleasant events bring joy and satisfaction, unpleasant ones can lead to confusion, anger, irritation or despair. Probably, many people have experienced events related to door locks, or more precisely, their breakdown. So, not everyone can answer the question: “How to remove the key from the lock if it is broken.”

Difficult situations can cause panic, which can disrupt the thought process, lead to stress and the inability to find a way out of the situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare in advance for a situation that can happen to anyone. You can get the key, but subject to complete calm and prudence.

Some careless actions and unsuccessful attempts can lead to the fact that the fragment not only remains in the castle, but also completely ruins it.

It is almost impossible to open a door with a key stuck in the lock. It is important to know the reason why the key broke, and it would also be good to know the structure of the lock mechanism. The reasons why keys break can be very different.

Why the key may break:

  • If the key is of poor quality, it can easily bend and then break. When purchasing keys, it is important to pay attention to the material from which they are made, as well as the composition of this material.
  • The lock and key may simply wear out. This means that the locking device in the lock may fail. The inside of the lock can become dusty and dirty. If the mechanism has not been cleaned in time, the key in the lock will move slowly and may even break.

Sometimes a key breaks due to a simple human factor, when the key is inserted halfway into the lock and pressed. Of course, when a breakdown has already occurred, you should not immediately find out its causes, you need to start solving the problem. Today you can find a solution on the Internet, but sometimes situations turn out to be so stressful that you only need to act according to a pre-planned plan.

Key stuck in door lock: what to do

On the Internet you can find many articles about how to easily, quickly and easily remove a broken key. However, in practice everything turns out to be much more complicated. When the key becomes sharp, it gets stuck in the lock - it is not so easy to get it out.

For example, there is an opinion online that the key can be easily pulled out of the lock using glue - in fact, this is a myth.

This method will not only not help you remove a key stuck in door lock, but can also lead to the second part of the key also remaining in the keyhole. When choosing a key removal method, it is also important to remember the likelihood of breaking the lock. Today locks are expensive, so it is better to choose a neat and safe method removing the key.

Key extraction options:

  1. Disassemble the lock. Careful handling of the lock will prevent it from being damaged while removing the key.
  2. Use a self-tapping screw. A thin drill or self-tapping screw can carefully remove the key from the hole. It is important to accurately hit the stuck key with the drill.
  3. Use pliers. If the key protrudes from the hole, you can grab it with pliers, but under no circumstances should you pull the key too hard.

When trying to get the key, it is important to remember not to damage the secret mechanism of the lock. It is important to understand how deep the key is and use methods that will actually help solve the problem, and not make it worse. Removal methods may be different, but the essence is the same - you should not pull the key with force, as this will only damage the lock mechanism.

How to open a door if the key is broken

On many Internet sites, users ask the question: “What should I do if I can’t get a broken key out of the lock?” This situation is familiar to many, when it becomes impossible to get into or out of an apartment. There are ways in which the key can be easily removed, and the door can be opened within ten minutes.

If the key is left in the front door, the first rule is not to panic, do not start acting rudely and aggressively.

I tell many stories that the key turns before it breaks. Many people try to press it harder in the hope that it will help. But such actions often lead to the key breaking.

Key extraction options:

  1. Using an awl. They take two tools, try to hook the key with them and gently swing it from side to side. Before the operation, it is better to lubricate the keyhole with machine oil or an anti-corrosion compound.
  2. A jigsaw file. It will help you cut off a piece of the key so that it is convenient to grab its tooth. If this is possible, you need to drag it slowly, slightly rocking the fragment from side to side.
  3. Using a blowtorch and brass tube. A brass tube is placed on the fragment, it is heated and the key is removed.
  4. Fishing hook. This tool allows you to remove the key without damaging the lock core. They are trying to hook the fragment with a hook. This method requires patience.

The success of all key extraction operations is also influenced by the type of keyhole. If you cannot get the key yourself, it is better to seek help from specialists - they have great experience in such a matter. Removing the key and being nervous is not the best option.

Options: how to knock a lock out of a door

Sometimes it happens that no methods help open the lock. Then the most main way, allowing you to quickly open the door - knock the lock out of the door. This will not be easy to do if you don’t know how to act. This method will help those who are in a hurry and cannot wait for a specialist to come to the rescue.

Usually men knock down doors with their shoulders - this is good way, but only for those who have sufficient strength. After three attempts, you shouldn’t hope that the lock will give in.

You can knock out the lock with a strong kick. But here it should be noted that it is necessary to hit exactly in the place where the keyhole is located. The impact force must be maximum, otherwise the lock may remain in place.

How to knock out a lock:

  • Use a “roll up”;
  • Master key;
  • Bumping.

Opening a door without a key is very difficult. If you have time, it is better to seek help from a specialist who, using special and professional devices, will open the door so as not to break either the lock or door structure. If a key is stuck in the lock, you must first try to remove the lock cylinder. If this fails, then the lock on the door of the apartment or house will have to be broken.

If the key in the lock is broken, how to get it out (video)

Many people have found themselves in a situation where the key in the lock breaks. Part of the key remained in the hole, which did not allow opening the door and entering the room. When a person has time, he can call a door opening specialist. But if there is no time, you need to act yourself. It's important not to be nervous. Will cope with stressful situation knowledge gained before such a situation occurs will allow. If the key breaks, first of all there is no need to remove it from the well aggressively. You need to try to grab it and, swinging it slightly, pull it out.


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