How to choose a refrigeration unit. How to choose refrigeration equipment for a grocery store

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Refrigeration equipment is designed to preserve food supplies in stores and catering establishments. The design of a number of models also allows you to demonstrate the product to customers. This article describes the types of technology and the criteria for its selection.

Type of equipment

Refrigeration equipment for stores can be used either for storage only (in warehouses) or for storing and displaying products (in store sales areas). IN utility rooms install solid (not glazed) chest freezers and cabinets. Exhibited in the sales area refrigerated display cases, chests and cabinets with glazed doors. For commercial refrigeration equipment, the display area is important - the larger this indicator, the more product can be placed in front of the visitor, which is especially important for packaged goods.

Refrigerators and freezers are used for storing and displaying drinks and food. They have floor and tabletop versions and are equipped with both solid and transparent doors, as well as lighting. The location is vertical. This is a professional analogue household appliances. It is used in the vast majority of stores (both with a counter and self-service) and even in stalls. Refrigerated cabinets store sparkling water, beer, dairy products, and almost the entire range of gastronomy.

Refrigerated and freezer display cases are used to attract customers. Equipment manufacturers are experimenting with colors, the degree of curvature of the front glass, fluorescent lighting and viewing angles. Showcases are used for storing and displaying meat, dairy, fish and sausage products. The equipment is purchased by both small retail outlets and hypermarkets.

A separate specialized variety is display cases for sushi and confectionery display cases. Their designs are tailored to the needs of a specific product. For example, sushi display cases have a tabletop design, and the mode inside the chamber is designed for storing wet seafood. Used in sushi bars and oriental restaurants. Confectionery display cases are highly temperature regime and enhanced backlighting, often equipped rotating mechanism. Used in restaurants, coffee shops or stores with their own bakery.

Refrigerated and freezing chests are installed in retail establishments (both with a counter and in self-service format), in restaurant kitchens, in warehouses and in street trading for storing frozen meat and fish, semi-finished products, ice cream. The horizontal arrangement avoids loss of cold when opening the lid compared to cabinets or chambers. But loading/unloading food in chests is not so convenient.

Refrigerated tables are located in restaurants or gastronomic shops in stores. The equipment combines a refrigerated chamber and work surface for cooking food. Installing tables saves space in the kitchen and time of staff, who have everything at hand necessary ingredients. Some models are equipped with a side, a built-in sink, pull-out shelves and a display case.

Ice generators are used in bars, as well as for filling islands and fish-on-ice display cases. The equipment is of the filler and flow type, that is, it is filled manually or connected to the water supply.

Refrigeration type

With built-in refrigeration, each piece of equipment contains a unit that produces cold. This type of equipment does not require installation costs and is portable. Refrigerated cabinets, islands, chests can be without special effort move around the sales floor. However, there are certain restrictions. Built-in equipment is cost-effective for small stores up to 150 m² (counter-sales stores, supermarkets, shops walking distance). In super- and hypermarkets, built-in refrigeration will lead to high energy costs, because each unit will have to be powered separately. And due to the heat generated by the equipment, the cost of the air conditioning system will increase.

With remote refrigeration, the refrigeration unit is located outside the equipment. Showcases, chambers, cabinets or cabinets are connected to a monoblock or split system. The difference between these types of equipment is quite significant: a monoblock is used mainly for refrigeration chambers and is mounted on their outer wall, while a split system can be taken outside and connected to any refrigeration equipment by a pipeline. The evaporator will create desired temperature inside a showcase, chamber or slide, and the compressor-condenser unit generates cold where it is convenient for the owner of the room. For super and hypermarkets large area It’s worth spending money on installing a remote refrigeration system. Due to high efficiency, savings reach 30% of consumed electricity. Problems of excess heat and noise are also solved.


For each product and item there is optimal temperature storage Equipment operating in four ranges can fully meet the needs of the store.
Low temperature (freezing) - below -5 °C. For hypermarkets, convenience stores, and any enterprises selling frozen foods:

  • culinary meat products (up to three months at -22…-18 °C)
  • frozen meat and poultry(up to 12 months at -14…-18 °C)
  • frozen offal (up to 2 days at -12…-8 °C)
  • margarine (60-90 days at -20…-10 °C)
  • butter (-10…-12 °C)
  • ice cream (up to 1 month at a temperature not exceeding -24 °C).

Universal - -5 °С…+5 °С. For storage and sale of products such as:

  • chilled beef and lamb (up to 2 weeks at 0...-1 °C)
  • poultry and game (up to 10 days at -2 °C)
  • pork (up to 2 weeks at -1...-2 °C)
  • veal (up to 12 days at 0...-1 °C)
  • medium and lightly salted fish (up to 7-8 months at -2...-5 °C)
  • onions and garlic (up to 6-8 months at -1...-3 °C)

Medium temperature (refrigeration) - 0 °C…+8 °C. The most common type of equipment. It stores:

  • boiled-smoked sausages (up to 1 month at 0…+4 °C)
  • chilled meat (up to 3 days at 0…+6 °C)
  • chilled poultry (1-2 days at +1…+5 °C)
  • sausages packed under vacuum (up to 3 days at 0…+8 °C)
  • margarine (35-60 days at 0…+4 °C)

High temperature (confectionery) - +1 °С…+10 °С. Used in gastronomic and confectionery departments:

  • boiled-smoked sausages in a suspended state (up to 15 days at +12…+15 °C)
  • raw smoked sausages, sliced ​​and vacuum packed (6 days at +15…+18 °C)
  • margarine (up to 15-30 days at +11…+15 °C)
  • bananas, pineapples (1 week at 8…+11 °C)
  • chocolate (stored at 15...18 °C for 1-6 months, depending on the filling and variety)

Cooled volume

Each type of refrigeration equipment (with the exception of ice generators) specifies required temperature in a sealed chamber. The amount of product that a store or restaurant can store depends on the refrigerated volume. IN technical documentation this parameter is called “total chamber volume”.

For a store with an area of ​​60 m², selling in a “counter-salesperson” format, you will need about 3 sq. m of refrigerated space. This includes:

  • Three refrigerated display cases with a useful volume of 0.19 m³ each
  • Two refrigerated cabinets for drinks and food, 0.7 m³ each
  • Freezer showcase with useful volume 0.54 m³
  • Chest freezer with blind or transparent lid for 0.235 m³
  • Confectionery display case with a usable volume of 0.3 m³

Equipment for a supermarket with an area of ​​150 m²:

  • Four refrigerated display cases with a volume of 0.25 m³ each
  • Two refrigerated gastronomic slides of 0.67 m³ each
  • Refrigerated fruit slide with a volume of 0.52 m³
  • Refrigerator cabinet with blind doors 1.19 m³
  • Two refrigerated cabinets with glass doors, 0.54 m³ each
  • Freezer display with a volume of 0.16 m³
  • Four freezing islands of 1.1 m³ each
  • Freezer cabinet 1.4 m³
  • The total refrigeration and freezing usable volume will be slightly more than 11 m³.

For a large supermarket with an area of ​​350 m², you will need about 24 m³ of refrigerated volume:

  • Four refrigerated display cases of 0.5 m³ each
  • Five gastronomic slides of 0.67 m³ each
  • Two fruit slides of 0.52 m³ each
  • Two refrigerated cabinets with blind doors, 1.4 m³ each
  • Three refrigerated cabinets with glass doors, 0.7 m³ each

To store food stocks in the warehouse, a refrigerating chamber with a volume of 4.4 m³ is used. One of the types of remote cooling supply is installed on it:

  • Low-temperature monoblock (split system) (-18…-16 °C)
  • Medium temperature monoblock (split system) (-5…+5 °C)
  • Two freezer display cases of 0.328 m³ each
  • Four chest freezers of 1.1 m³ each
  • Two freezers, 1.4 m³ each
  • Confectionery display case for 0.3 m³

Help article based on expert opinion author.

Before you start choosing refrigeration equipment, you should carefully and accurately determine the task that such equipment will perform. You need to understand that effectiveness proper operation Cameras are influenced by many factors.

What you need to know when choosing refrigeration equipment

First of all, it is worth determining the size of the equipment by the number of its sections and boxes. The fact is that to save space, you can install a much smaller structure, and its performance will be high. There is, for example, a big difference between a refrigerator and a chamber. The first option can be used immediately after unpacking it, but the camera is assembled in the place where it will be located.

Refrigerant or compressor

The main advantage of the refrigerant is its environmental friendliness. Modern equipment It is also distinguished by its wear safety, as a result of which the refrigerant has won a high place in the market.

Compressor properties:

  • Low noise levels
  • Quite high power

When choosing, you should pay attention to these indicators Special attention, because otherwise, the equipment will not work efficiently.

Medium or low temperature product

Medium temperature (cabinets, chests, display cases) are intended for storing products a short time. A long period For a period of time, you can only store products that are hermetically sealed and kept at the required temperature. Typically, these products maintain temperatures from 2 to 8 degrees.

Low-temperature storage of frozen foods, vegetables, and semi-finished products. The temperature range is from 0 to -18.

Factors that influence choice

The main factors that are taken into account when purchasing are:

  • Size of the room where the equipment will be installed
  • Product arrival frequency
  • Presence of temperature regulators in small steps. This will allow you to set the desired mode, which is ideal for a particular product.
  • Availability of special indication of device operation, status

Any refrigeration unit has its own characteristics and characteristics. These points may affect the placement of the product. If there is a built-in fan on the back of the equipment, it must be installed so as not to block the air flow to that area of ​​the product.

With the increase in production capacity, modernization of technological lines of plants and factories, there is a need to protect frequency drives and other control automation not only from external influences(dust, oil), but also from exposure high temperatures. In those workshops where it is impossible to use filter fans due to increased dustiness of the air environment, as well as due to high value temperature at the production site, monoblock freon air conditioners of the new generation Rittal Blue e+ series come to the rescue.

Where to begin

  • The maintenance temperature inside the automation cabinet must be equal to or lower than the temperature outside the cabinet (at least part of the time of the equipment operating cycle). If the temperature outside the cabinet is below the required temperature to maintain inside the cabinet throughout the entire operation of the system, then a freon unit is not needed: excess heat in the cabinet can be removed with a filter fan when the dust content of the air is low or an air-to-air heat exchanger when the dust content in the air is high.
  • The IP protection degree of the cabinet in which the freon cooling system will be installed must be at least IP54. Otherwise, outside air may enter the cabinet uncontrollably from production premises. This will lead to a large amount of condensation. It should be noted that during operation of the compressor and the freon circuit as a whole, condensate will still fall out, albeit in small quantities. Rittal Blue e+ units are equipped with a built-in condensate evaporator, which “evaporates” the resulting liquid and discharges it into an external air circuit.

How to calculate

The next step in system design will be to determine the required refrigeration load of the unit, and it is necessary to know exactly not only the heat dissipation of the active equipment - Qv [W], but also following parameters:

Qs = k A ΔT.

Where: Qs – heat radiation through the cabinet surface [W]; k – heat transfer coefficient of the cabinet surface [W/m2 K] (depends on the material from which the cabinet is made);
A – effective heat exchange surface of the cabinet [m2] (according to IEC 60 890);
T – difference between the maximum required temperature inside the cabinet and the maximum temperature environment[TO].
The required cooling power is calculated using the formula:

Qk = Qv – Qs = Qv – k A ΔТ [W].

All the advantages of the Blue e+ line in wall-mounted and
ceiling mounting allows you to save energy
and precisely cool the active components inside the cabinet

How to position

The location of devices and components plays a very important role; the performance and efficiency of the entire system directly depends on the installation location.

The direction of the flow of cold air towards the active components that generate heat should be from bottom to top. Do not direct the cooled air flow from the refrigeration unit directly to the active components to avoid flow cycling.

The openings for air inlet and outlet should not be obstructed by devices, cable channels or documents, diagrams.
Cooling of the condenser of the refrigeration unit by the air flow of the external circuit should not be covered by the walls of adjacent cabinets or the ceiling of the room when installed on the ceiling. Minimum distance from the condenser grille to the obstacle - 200 mm.

When using ceiling refrigeration units, it is necessary to direct the flow of cooled air downwards using duct systems.

Do not lower the indoor air temperature setting. The average value of 35°C is suitable for operating active equipment in 90% of cases. ( Exact value the required maintained temperature inside the cabinet volume must be checked with the manufacturer).

Which installation method to choose

In general, there are 3 options for installing wall-mounted refrigeration units and 2 options for installing ceiling-mounted refrigeration units:

Flush wall mounting- the condenser grille of the refrigeration unit and the display are placed on the front part of the automation cabinet, while the main part of the unit is located inside the cabinet. Saves space in the room, suitable for loosely packed shells active ingredients.

Semi-flush wall mounting- half of the depth of the refrigeration unit is installed in the cabinet, half - outside the cabinet. Saves space both inside and outside the shell.

Suspended wall mounting- the entire unit is hung on the door from the outside, the inside of the cabinet remains completely free for the location of active equipment. Suitable for tightly packed cabinets.

Ceiling installation - such freon monoblock units are suitable in cases where, for technological, service or aesthetic reasons, the unit cannot be located on the vertical surface of the automation cabinet.

Integrated Solution- mounted ceiling refrigeration unit, pre-installed in the cabinet of the modern Rittal VX25 line. Suitable for quick cabinet integration into manufacturing process: no cutouts are required for installation of the unit and their cleaning. Ready assembled wardrobe The Rittal VX25 is supplied with the Blue e+ ceiling cooling unit already installed and does not require additional installation door limit switches (already preinstalled).

Why Rittal Blue e+?

A number of advantages of these monoblock freon refrigeration units allow them to be used on any production site: metallurgy, machine tool building, production building mixtures and paints, automotive industry, shipbuilding, etc. There are 5 capacities in the line of wall-mounted units: 1.6; 2; 2.6; 4.2; 5.8 kW, while the mounting cutout is the same for units with a power from 2 to 5.8 kW.

Combination the latest solution Rittal
in the field of distribution cabinets
VX25 and ceiling refrigeration
Blue e+ unit, installed and
connected at the factory

The Blue e+ ceiling unit is available in a standard size of 1.42 kW of cooling capacity. The integrated VX25 Blue e+ solution is also available with a power of 1.42 kW.*

The units have 2 built-in freon circuits: one active, with a working compressor. It turns on when the temperature of the outside air of the production room in which the refrigerated cabinet is located increases. The rest of the time, the second circuit, the so-called “heat pipe”, operates, while only the internal and external circuit fans consume energy, the compressor is turned off. Heat removal occurs in the right amount thanks to the integrated PID controller. Moreover, even when the compressor is turned on, thanks to inverter control, consumption can be reduced from 10% to 80%. Electronically commutated motors on the fans also control the speed of rotation, which allows you to adapt to the required level of cooling power and save energy. This raises your seasonal SEER to 8! Precision cooling is also determined by the ability to regulate the temperature of the internal air using a remote sensor, which is installed in the hottest point of the cabinet in the place of the greatest heat generation.

Blue e+ refrigeration units have touchscreen for intuitive and fast setup. The internal temperature is displayed in real time, errors are displayed on the screen in text rather than codes. Russian is one of 21 languages ​​standardly “built into” the controller. The NFC interface included in the basic package allows you to set the parameters of several refrigeration units from one mobile phone(with support for NFC module).

Blue e+ units up to 4 kW, both wall and ceiling mounted versions, including the VX25 Blue e+ integrated solution, can be powered from various types voltage: both from 1 phase 220 V and from 3 phases 380 V without any modifications from the operation side at a network frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. This solution simplifies the number of design options and simplifies the logistics of spare parts.

Thanks to the RiDiag III program, troubleshooting the system is easier: just install this program on a PC and connect the Blue e+ unit to it via a USB cable. The program will diagnose Current state unit and will provide a history of errors, if any. You can also view the load on individual components of the refrigeration unit and draw conclusions about the overall level of energy efficiency. The search for spare parts will be performed automatically for certain type connected unit.

Using an additional IoT interface module via common communication protocols (SNMP, OPC-UA, Modbus, CAN-bus, etc.), the refrigeration unit is connected to higher-level monitoring, electricity metering and customer dispatch systems. Also, using the IoT interface, it is possible to connect several Blue e+ refrigeration units to the master-slave operating algorithm, if joint operation of units is required if available large quantity cabinets connected in a line.

Refrigeration equipment is needed mainly in industry. It is a rare case when large refrigeration units or chests can be seen in a residential building. And even then, the person who keeps them is most likely engaged in trade.

Such equipment is widely used in industrial enterprises and shops. It is literally impossible to do without a properly organized refrigeration system.

All retail outlets, from large megamarkets to small street kiosks, use refrigerators to one degree or another, pursuing several goals:

  • First of all, any refrigeration equipment is designed to preserve the freshness of certain products that room temperature spoil quickly;
  • Besides, refrigeration units designed for long-term storage of certain products. This mainly applies to meat products and semi-finished products;
  • modern refrigeration equipment also carries decorative function. It creates a certain image of the store and may indicate status;
  • Finally, refrigeration equipment can also serve as a way to promote a brand. It is popular to place advertisements directly on chests and refrigerators.

Refrigeration equipment, like any other equipment, requires careful inspection before purchase. This is due wide choice on the market for these products, which do not always differ in quality and meet operating requirements.

To be confident in your purchase, you can purchase refrigerated counters in Nizhnevartovsk at the store All models here are of high quality and availability.

Let's move directly to the choice of refrigeration equipment. Here you should be guided by several criteria:

  • purpose of purchase;
  • the amount to count on;
  • availability of sizes, etc.

Refrigeration equipment for shops and homes

So, when choosing refrigeration equipment for a store, kiosk, or storing large quantities of perishable products at home, first decide on the quantity necessary equipment.

How many, what type and size of refrigerators, refrigerated counters, chests, display cases do you need to run your business comfortably. In the case of small stores, sometimes a couple of refrigerators and a modest-sized display case are enough.

A large supermarket requires more sophisticated equipment. Refrigerators for storing drinks and baked goods, dairy products and frozen foods also play an important role here.

In addition, the choice of refrigeration equipment is also influenced not only by the need to have one or another refrigerator, but also by the ability to place it in the room, according to the instructions.

The size of the room where refrigerators and other refrigeration devices will be located plays almost a decisive role in the choice.

The size of the room directly affects the size of the refrigerators. How bigger structure, the more equipment can fit there and the better it can be arranged shopping room.

Another important factor- characteristics of the product that is supposed to be stored in the cold. Literally everything influences the choice of a particular cabinet:

  • preferred position of the goods during sale and storage;
  • recommended optimal temperature for storage;
  • purpose of the goods (long-term storage or simultaneous demonstration and sale);
  • sanitary and hygienic storage standards.

Depending on the listed characteristics, you can choose the following types refrigeration equipment:

  • showcases (slides);
  • lari;
  • baths;
  • counters;
  • glass display refrigerators.

These types of refrigeration devices differ in different parameters. Let's start with the fact that, depending on the expected shelf life, store refrigeration units may have a blank lid or a glass door.

The first ones are intended more likely to be placed in utility rooms, if deliveries are not too frequent and in large quantities. This refrigerator is also suitable for placement in a private house or on a property.

It allows you to store long time frozen meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, berries and other products.

Glass doors are made from simple refrigerator demo. It performs two functions at once: it maintains the temperature required for storage and makes simultaneous demonstration available.

It is worth remembering that each product has its own sanitary standards storage Some products or goods are prohibited from being stored nearby, which means you should think about purchasing several refrigeration devices.

If you still have questions, go to ours and ask them there. Our specialists will try to help you.

The main difference between household refrigeration equipment and professional refrigeration equipment is the range. If the range of household equipment is limited only to refrigerators, freezers, household ice makers and air conditioning systems, then the professional one is much broader in functional terms: refrigerated cabinets and refrigerated display cases, chest freezers, specialized refrigerated tables: tables for pizza, storage of beer kegs, saladettes, blast freezers, bar refrigerators, refrigerators and related equipment: monoblocks and split systems, salad bars, wine cabinets, professional systems ice production different types and sizes and more.

On the other hand, in household equipment there is a wider range of models in one functional line, differing appearance, individual non-key characteristics and equipment.

Another difference between professional equipment is its narrow specialization.
For example, the range of refrigerated cabinets includes low- and medium-temperature cabinets, cabinets with the ability to withstand 0 C, refrigerated cabinets with static and dynamic cooling, intensive cooling and blast freezing equipment.

And of course, professional equipment has a significantly higher service life compared to household equipment: these include door hinges, refrigeration units, and housing and insulation materials. Professional equipment is designed specifically for long-term operation under high loads. Structurally, professional equipment is usually more convenient for routine maintenance and repair work.

2. Fundamental differences between a refrigerator and a chamber.

First of all, the refrigerated cabinet is a device ready for use after packaging, designed to store relatively small quantities of products. The refrigerator compartment is assembled at the installation site from ready-made modules and panels. Naturally, the volume of the refrigerator compartment can also be significantly larger than even the largest refrigerator.
Using the camera, you can solve the problem of organizing space for cooling and storage in a room of any configuration. Depending on the tasks assigned, the most suitable refrigeration machine (split system or monoblock) of the required power can be selected for the chamber.

3. Refrigerant and compressor - basic requirements.

The main consumer requirement for refrigerant today is its environmental friendliness. The refrigerants R134a and R404a used in modern refrigeration equipment are ozone-safe. The choice of refrigerant is made by the manufacturer to ensure the required performance of the refrigeration system and taking into account the design features of the equipment.

Basic requirements for the compressor:
- low noise levels. In a professional kitchen, oversaturated with a variety of mechanisms and equipment, compliance with environmental standards regarding noise levels becomes one of the main tasks facing the development technologist.
- effective power, which should provide permanent job refrigeration equipment in the required mode.
- reliability

4. Medium-temperature and low-temperature equipment.

Medium-temperature equipment (refrigerated cabinets, display cases, chests) are designed for short-term storage of chilled products. For a long time in medium-temperature cabinets, you can store hermetically sealed products with a long shelf life corresponding to the temperature conditions: drinks, groceries, confectionery. As a rule, equipment of this type is capable of maintaining a temperature range from 0 to 10 C. There are various operating temperature ranges of equipment: from 2 to 8 C, from 3 to 7 C, from 0 to 8 C, etc.

Low-temperature equipment is used for storing frozen foods, semi-finished products, vegetables and fruits, and ice cream. Range of supported temperatures for low-temperature equipment: from 0 to -18 C.

There are several transitional and combined types of equipment:
- combined refrigeration cabinets capable of maintaining both medium- and low-temperature conditions in different chambers.
- refrigeration equipment with a transitional mode, for example from -5 to +5 C. In such refrigerated cabinets it is ideal to store fresh products that require a storage temperature of about 0: fresh vegetables, fish, meat.
- wine cabinets with static cooling, offering their own temperature regime at different levels for various types wine

5. Factors influencing the choice of the size and number of refrigerated cabinets and chambers.

The main factors that are taken into account when choosing refrigeration equipment are the size of the existing room and the approaches to it ( doorway, the presence and size of an elevator, etc.) and the frequency of delivery of products intended for storage in the selected equipment.
So, for example, in a small warehouse in a restaurant kitchen with a large customer flow, and, suppose, with a short frequency of food purchases, it makes sense to organize a medium-temperature chamber or buy several medium-temperature cabinets. If the production process involves long-term storage of a certain assortment, then the purchase of a low-temperature refrigerated cabinet will be required.
The need to store a large volume of frozen food in a large room can best be satisfied by organizing a low-temperature refrigeration chamber.

6. Rules for storing food. What are they regulated by?

The rules for storing products at trade and catering establishments are regulated by SanPiN

Products must be stored according to the classification by product: dry (flour, sugar, cereals, etc.), bread products, meat, slaves, dairy and fat products, gastronomy, vegetables and fruits.

Raw materials and finished products must be stored in separate refrigerators. In some cases, joint storage is allowed subject to the conditions of product proximity (on separate shelves and racks). Products with a specific smell (spices, fish products, etc.) are strictly prohibited from being stored next to products that perceive extraneous odors: butter, egg, cheese, salt, sugar, flour, etc. Refrigeration chambers must be equipped with racks that are easy to clean and have condensate collection and drainage systems.
Deep-frozen products can be stored on adjacent shelves.

When choosing cookware, you need to take into account the fact that aluminum cookware long-term storage is not allowed food products of any kind.
It is ideal to store food in stainless steel containers, which have a number of advantages: easy and high-quality cleaning, durable in use - does not break, does not change the consumer qualities of the goods.

More economical types of dishes are made of plastic: polycarbonate and polypropylene. Polycarbonate dishes are more expensive, but have an important advantage - they do not absorb odors.
Wear-resistant polypropylene cookware is the most economical option With additional benefit- doesn't beat.

7. What parameters should be regulated in refrigeration equipment.

It is extremely important that refrigeration equipment has a temperature controller with the smallest steps. In this case, it is possible to set a mode that is ideal for storing certain products, for example 0...1 C for fresh fish.

For specific refrigeration equipment with multiple temperature zones (e.g. wine cabinets) the ability to independently control the temperature in each zone is quite critical.

Unlike household equipment, professional equipment, as a rule, does not provide for changing the distances between shelves. The specifics of stored products and volumes require standard, long distances sufficient to accommodate large professional equipment. The only exceptions are display cases and cabinets for confectionery products.

8. Important details when choosing refrigeration equipment.

The conditions of a professional kitchen impose their own requirements on the refrigeration equipment used. While refrigerators with protruding handles are common in everyday life, professional models usually have recessed handles that do not interfere with the free movement of personnel and carts.

When choosing refrigeration equipment, it is imperative to pay attention to the presence and detail of the equipment status indication: indicators, control panels, etc. In order to avoid long downtime equipment, personnel and service engineers must quickly determine the cause of the problem and take the right steps to eliminate it. An important addition is the presence of a self-diagnosis system. This functionality for professional equipment is much more important than the “nice” service functions usual for household equipment, in the form of self-defrosting systems, open door indication, built-in clock or USB interface.

The location of the refrigeration unit is also important for professional equipment. In most cases, the upper location of the unit is much more convenient - it is less dirty, easier access for repairs and maintenance.

A number of manufacturers, incl. Russian, in the near future they plan to launch models of refrigerated cabinets with an upper removable cassette refrigeration unit. This implementation has a number of advantages: the useful volume of the cabinet is significantly increased without increasing its dimensions, ease of maintenance is significantly increased and, of course, ease and simplicity of replacement, which will allow for service and repair work, do not change the cabinet itself, but simply replace the refrigeration unit.

When choosing a refrigerated cabinet, it is very important to take into account the specifics of production. For example, economical models of refrigerated cabinets made of painted metal are quite suitable for classic school pre-preparatory canteens. At the same time, if full-cycle enterprises already require cabinets made of stainless steel for storing “raw” products.

9. Which equipment is more reliable?

It is generally accepted that equipment from manufacturers historically located in hotter zones is more reliable. That is why, among imported equipment, the products of Italian and Spanish manufacturers are in greatest demand. However, in a global economy and taking into account the export of technology, when choosing professional equipment, we advise you to pay more attention to its technical characteristics, class and real reviews and the reputation of the manufacturer rather than being guided by geographic preferences.

Among Russian manufacturers there are enterprises producing products of the very High Quality due to the applied modern technologies production and imported components. Russian equipment also has the advantage of greater maintainability and prompt delivery of spare parts.


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