How to hang different types of wallpaper. Successful wallpapering options

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If you don't know how to combine several types of wallpaper to achieve the right decorative effect. How to hide imperfections in the layout of a particular room using wallpaper. Are you interested in options for wallpapering in the living room, bedroom or kitchen? This article is for you!

There are many options as per the room. You can combine several shades or focus on differences in texture, choose interesting combination ornaments or even opt for patterns from liquid wallpaper.

Don't forget about tile combinations, artificial stone, wood and wallpaper materials. Let's look at all these examples.

How to combine wallpaper

Combining wallpaper is the most popular design technique. Think about what you would like your room to look like after renovation; don’t be afraid to experiment with textures or coating colors. Evaluate the functions and characteristics of the room.

What options for wallpapering can be used in your case, taking into account the height of the walls, the width of the room, and planning elements?

The options proposed below are suitable for almost any standard interior; with problem rooms you will need to experiment, combining several types of alternations at once.


So, the “vertical stripes” option. Use of two types of stripes in the interior different color and the textures are quite original way creating an atmosphere and adding dynamics to the room.

You can combine either shades of the same color or use contrasting combinations. A monochrome combination will create the effect of a play of shadows, and contrasts will emphasize the uniqueness and character of the interior.


Dividing into horizons is a fairly common finishing method. It will fit perfectly into any designer style, allowing you to alternate absolutely any canvas with different shades and surface relief.

What to alternate – contrasting or monochrome stripes, depends only on you. The main thing is to choose the correct width.

For example, in rooms with high ceilings experts recommend combining stripes in a ratio of 2:1.

A combination of non-woven and textile wallpaper will look very impressive; rough relief is smoothed out soft color and drawing.

Interesting options for wallpapering walls can be obtained through the use of additional decorative elements.

The joint location must be determined before gluing the strips and marked with a line that should be parallel to the floor, this will allow the divider to coincide with the level of the furniture.

Horizontal is done from top to bottom, and an overlap is left at the joints, which is cut off only after the canvases have dried and “pulled together.”

Note! The joint can be hidden with a border or a special tape, this will hide possible disadvantages and cracks formed during gluing.

Very often the canvases have different widths. Use of polyurethane moldings or wooden slats(depending on the design) will easily solve this problem and diversify the interior with an additional decorative element.

Methods of pasting rooms

  • Don't know how to cover the walls in your bedroom? We offer you an original method - wallpaper inserts. Decor general interior inserts must be carried out on prepared walls.

To begin with, monotonous background canvases of a light shade are glued. Then - pieces of thick massive, for example, non-woven sheets. These inserts can vary in size and shape. Classic style allows the use of rectangular structures, but you can experiment by pasting over the wall geometric shapes.

  • But in the nursery they can be used as inserts vinyl stickers, depicting your favorite cartoon characters.

Also enough original decoration the interior will have liquid wallpaper imitating fabric covering. They are safe, made from natural materials, which allows their use in a children's room.

Combining in the living room will help divide the room into functional areas, visually separate them from each other, give meaning to each individual part of the territory.

In the hall you can use a method called " accent wall" So, the wall behind the TV stands out bright shade, sharply contrasting with the background of the room. To enhance the effect above this area, you can make a transition from the wall to the ceiling.

Original design methods

  • If you need creative wallpapering, use a patchwork combination. This is a derivative of the design with wallpaper inserts, only now the surfaces of the room are covered with solid inserts, without the use of a background.
  • It's reminiscent of an old patchwork quilt or a bird's eye view of fields - either way, the design looks great.
  • The main secret of this method is the harmony of materials. You can glue chaotic multi-colored blocks or ordered combinations, express your own fantasies, but the main thing is that all these inserts have something in common - a pattern, ornament or shade.

If your house has a lot of niches, arches and protrusions, whether they were created according to the builder's idea or are inconveniences in the planning of the apartment, all this should be used to create an original interior.

Often, owners simply try to hide such places from prying eyes, however, designers recommend highlighting them in every possible way.

In niches and ledges it is usually done with contrasting colors or bright relief fabrics. Do you have light wallpaper? Make a dark niche! Small pattern on the walls - decorate the ledge with wallpaper with a large pattern!

Finally, a few tips:

  • Buy wallpaper in one place so that it matches in shades and textures.
  • Use canvases of the same width.
  • Use combination not only to create visual effects, correct planning deficiencies.

Summing up

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Pasting wallpaper from canvases of different colors or patterns is a technique for those who are not looking for easy ways, because in addition to the work itself, you also need to choose the wallpaper correctly. Therefore, before you hang two types of wallpaper, you need to understand the issue in the most thorough way!

How to hang wallpaper in two colors - methods and combinations

If we are going to combine wallpaper in one plane, for example, on one wall, we need to choose ones that are made of the same material. We combine paper with paper, non-woven with non-woven, vinyl with vinyl. Because of different thicknesses There is no point in mixing wallpaper, since they form visible differences at the joints that cannot be masked even with a border. It’s another matter when the combination takes place on different planes - we cover one wall with paper samples, and the opposite wall with vinyl samples. In this regard, photo wallpapers are universal - they can be combined with any other type of coating.

The method of combining vertically involves alternating different types of stripes through one or two, depending on your wishes and stylistic decision. The canvases must be the same size, but different in color scheme. If you are the owner of an elongated room, for visual expansion you can use a vertical symmetrical pasting method. In this case, the central part of the room is covered with wide bright stripes. If you want to visually make the room wider and shorter, it would be just right to use a vertical asymmetrical gluing method - combine canvases with both wide and narrow stripes, gluing them on different walls. The design of wallpapering two types allows you to distract the eye from the shortcomings of the room, for example, an uneven wall.

In this case, on the opposite wall you should hang brighter canvases or wallpaper with a more dynamic pattern - such a wall will become a focal point and distract guests from the shortcomings.

Combining horizontally will be appropriate in high rooms. Most often combined plain canvases, light and dark. The upper part of the wall is covered with light stripes, and the lower part with dark stripes. This classic way Pastings are often used to decorate halls and living rooms. Wallpaper with a pattern is glued according to its own method - plain or striped canvases are used for the lower part of the wall, while variants with a pattern are glued to the upper part of the wall. The exception is the children's room, in which everything is done just the opposite.

The site’s site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate required amount wallpaper

You can easily divide a room into zones if you cover three walls with one pattern or color, and highlight one with a different tone or texture. Sometimes, to highlight an area, it is enough to make wallpaper inserts, especially if you frame them like framed paintings - for this it is enough to choose a good edging. Those who have experimented with wall coverings more than once will like the “patchwork” method of pasting - gluing different types of canvases, different in both color and size, in a chaotic order.

Pasting two types of wallpaper - combination rules

To avoid a failed experiment, you must follow simple rules combinations of patterns and shades, which in turn is a condition for how to successfully hang wallpaper of two colors. So, rich bright colors look good with muted, neutral tones. If you are looking for a good “partner” for wallpaper with floral patterns, take a closer look at textured canvases. Geometric designs are perfect for abstract patterns. Patterned samples look good together with plain ones. Plain options will help balance the atmosphere when the interior contains bright details, for example, panels.

For a more youthful interior design, you will probably want to use active colors - red, yellow, green. However, the eyes will get tired of such rich splendor, so it is best to combine bright wallpapers with neutral ones. In addition, you can play with the zoning of space in this way. Correct, beautiful and unnoticeable gluing of two types of wallpaper is ensured by the same thickness of the panels, thanks to which their joining will be perfect simple matter. In addition to selecting wall coverings, you need to remember about interior items - everything should be in harmony!

Different wallpapers for different rooms - hall, living room, kitchen

When decorating the room, you will probably want to follow the mood of solemnity, luxury and, at the same time, comfort. This is understandable, the hall is the place where guests are welcomed and family dinners are held. It is best to choose wallpaper for the hall in noble colors - golden, beige, brown, peach. When decorating, it is important not to overdo it with solemnity - guests come once a month, but you live in your house permanently.

The kitchen is a special place in the house; by and large, it is the very first most important room! In addition to beauty and comfort, you should also follow the principles of practicality and functionality. Today, the choice of washable wallpaper with resistance to household chemicals The coating is large enough to allow you to combine colors in the kitchen.

Of course, a cheerful mood should reign in the kitchen, so bright, cheerful colors - required condition registration kitchen interior. For a more festive mood, use a combination of contrasting fabrics with plain ones. Before you hang wallpaper of two types with a dominant red color, think carefully - red stimulates the appetite, so if someone in your house is struggling with excess weight, such a color will not be entirely appropriate. It’s better to add more orange - this color stimulates our brain. Pink helps fight despondency.

The most the best combination colors for the kitchen, according to psychologists, are a combination of turquoise and orange - with such wallpaper your mood will improve from the very morning. On the contrary, green, gray and blue shades calm and relax, suppressing the appetite.

In the living room, the first thing you need to do is to take a responsible approach to choosing the main tone. Shades of yellow, green, beige perfectly correspond to the purpose of the living room - to be the center of the house. Dark red, ocher and brown tones will bring more coziness and tranquility, while coral and pearl shades will add a gentle mood to the atmosphere of this room. Psychologists recommend decorating the living room in yellow-green colors - this color scheme will allow any guest to relax and get used to the surroundings.

The wallpaper combination also includes experiments with photo wallpaper. And although the very mention of them still causes an internal shudder in people who have seen works of printed “art” of the 1970-1980s, the real state of affairs in this area makes one forget all the old stereotypes. of our time inspire the most extraordinary designers to create interesting interiors, so you shouldn’t lag behind. In the living room, choose a central place for photo wallpaper; this design element will definitely become the dominant feature in the interior.

Design for wallpapering two types of wallpaper in the office, bedroom and children's room

Office - in this room you need to forget about all external stimuli and completely immerse yourself in the work process. Therefore, leave the bright and flashy colors behind the door - let laconicism, rigor and sophistication reign in the office. If the first and second are necessary for you in order not to be distracted while working, then the sophistication of your office will serve as a good additional trump card during business negotiations if you arrange them on your “territory”.

Therefore, choose wallpaper in soothing colors with a classic pattern, for example, striped and checkered fabrics. However, such examples of wallpapering two types are irrelevant if you are a representative of a creative profession. In this case, the office must fully correspond to the creative mood of its occupant, stimulate his imagination and ingenuity, and for this, all means are good! To put it simply – your office, the cards in your hands! Choose what you like, what will inspire you to new achievements even when you choose.

In the bedroom, we willy-nilly spend a third of our lives with the only desire - to fill ourselves with energy and good mood for the remaining two thirds. most often presented in beige, olive, peach tones. In the bedroom combination - a great opportunity to highlight the most important and beautiful furnishings. In this case, the entire room is covered with one layer of wallpaper and only in those places where the interior items we need will be located is it decorated with contrasting fabrics. Visually it looks like a niche in the wall.

The children's room has its own rules for combining - here you need to take into account both the child's character and his preferences. When experimenting with how to hang wallpaper in two colors, do not overdo it with bright and too dark shades - the former can have an overly invigorating effect, while the latter, on the contrary, can depress his mood and even provoke aggression. Warm and gentle palette as a base - the best choice for children's. And photo wallpapers with the same cartoon characters will help make the room brighter and more original.

How to hang two types of wallpaper - working nuances

By and large, combining wallpaper does not affect the process of pasting walls in any way - combined options They are glued in the same way as regular ones. The only difference is, don’t even think about accomplishing this feat on your own! You will need the help of more than one person so that you have someone to hold the wallpaper when you want to preview how your chosen combination looks on the wall.

First, prepare the walls properly by scraping off the remnants of old wallpaper with a spatula, pulling out nails and screws, and cutting off protruding dowels. Secondly, mix the glue in advance, following all the instructions in the instructions. For non-woven and vinyl wallpaper A special glue with stronger adhesion is used. As a rule, the glue must be infused for at least several hours. Thirdly, prepare the wallpaper yourself - take accurate measurements of the walls, decide on the size of the canvases and cut at least a few canvases from which you will begin pasting.

Be sure to close all windows to prevent drafts. When gluing paper wallpaper You need to coat both the wall and the canvas, while non-woven, vinyl and photo wallpapers do not need to be coated with glue - just cover the wall with it. To prevent bubbles from forming under the canvas, use a special rubber roller for leveling. The windows in the room should not be opened for another day after gluing.


Combined wallpaper

We all want our home to be comfortable and pleasant to live in. When renovating an apartment, you want to create your own, special interior.

How can you create your own unique interior for your apartment in an original and inexpensive way? Using methods of combining wallpaper can help us with this.

Combined wallpaper allows you to zone a room, highlighting, for example, dining area. This is useful in children's rooms, living-dining-kitchens and studio apartments.

Secondly, covering walls with combined wallpaper may cost you less, since many stores are selling leftover wallpaper at discounted prices.

But, of course, you need to choose the wallpaper for the combination thoughtfully so that it turns out beautifully. This is what we will talk about today.

It is very important to understand that combined wallpaper is an exact statement of basic colors premises. If the room is covered with one type of wallpaper in a neutral color, then the room can be filled with almost any furniture, textiles and accessories.

But if a combination with wallpaper of a different color appears in such a room, then this color must be duplicated in the interior.

So, the first and main rule is the color of the wallpaper used for the combination must be duplicated in the interior

When color palette combined wallpaper repeated in the interior, a very harmonious, balanced interior appears.

Combining wallpaper: six ways for modern design

Method one: vertical stripes.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually raise the ceiling.

IN modern interpretation One wall may have striped wallpaper, while the rest may be plain-painted or with a dim, barely noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at regular intervals. As you can see in the photo, the spacing on different walls may be different.

The stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture of this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you will get an incomprehensible jumble. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns release several designs that combine with each other. As a rule, they are available in several colors. One collection has two or three plain backgrounds and several options with patterns.

When combining vertically, there is another interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the stripes “extends” to the ceiling. At the same time, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To make the principle of the stripes a little clearer, we present several options in a graphical representation. The drawings are made as if viewed from above.

Waysecond: dividing walls into horizons.

Waythird: wallpaper inserts.

Wayfourth: wallpaper inserts on large areas.

Wayfifth: combining with flaps.

Waysixth: highlighting various niches and protrusions.

Some general tips for the correct combination of wallpaper.

When you decide to do a combined decoration of a room, try to buy all the wallpaper in one place. If, nevertheless, half of the purchase needs to be made in another store, be sure to take samples of the purchased wallpaper with you, so that you can later attach them to other rolls. This will allow you to choose matching colors and textures without relying on chance. After all, even the slightest deviation of the color from the one you need can ruin the overall picture.

Try to use wallpaper of the same width. This will avoid many problems associated with gluing them to the wall or selecting the desired edging. It is most convenient to work with one type of material produced by one manufacturer.

Combining wallpaper will allow you to smooth out many of the shortcomings of the room: correct the height of the walls that are too large or too small, highlight and decorate niches or protrusions, and balance the overall illumination of the space. By achieving various visual effects, you can give the room a completely different look, making your home more comfortable, cozy and modern.

Every apartment owner strives to ensure that the interior of the rooms corresponds to his character, ideas about coziness and comfort. Wall decoration plays one of the main roles in this matter. Sometimes, in order for an apartment to get its own “zest,” it is enough to use only two types of wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

Combining wallpapers different colors and textures, you can advantageously emphasize the advantages of the interior, place visual accents on those areas of the rooms that you want to emphasize, as well as hide possible flaws in the layout and defects made during the construction of the house. It should be borne in mind that if a person who decides to update the appearance of an apartment does not have an understanding of the features of gluing different wallpapers within the same room, the sense of color, how the wallpaper will match the furniture and the storms in the room, he will easily make mistakes. This will reduce all efforts to create an interesting interior to nothing.

Combination rules

When selecting two types of wallpaper, you need to pay attention to how the colors and patterns on different rolls harmonize with each other. There are a number of rules that make it possible not to miss in your choice:

  • Intense colors should be combined with soft, soft shades. It is impossible to stay in a room entirely decorated in rich colors for a long time. This leads to overexcitation of the human psyche.

  • Floral patterns and textured designs can make for an interesting combination. They look stylish next to plain wallpaper. Bright patterns should be emphasized with pastel shades. If you do not dilute the brightness of the colors and patterns of some wallpapers with the calm shades of others, there is a high risk of getting a tasteless, tacky picture that will quickly get boring.
  • Canvases with geometric and abstract patterns coexist well on the same area.

Selection by type

When purchasing two types of wallpaper, experts do not recommend choosing materials from different manufacturers. The easiest way to purchase them is by choosing from a specific collection. This allows you to better combine wallpaper companions in the same room. Exist various options wall pasting.

Vertical option

This is a classic way of working with two types of wallpaper, which achieves the effect of high ceilings. Using this approach to decoration, panels of different patterns and colors can alternate. In the very simple version the basic color is emphasized by an additional one; in more complex ones, emphasis is placed on a variety of textures and colors. By gluing the wallpaper in this way, you can avoid monotony and emphasize the compositional center in wall decoration.

At the same time, monochromatic and multi-colored stripes, neighboring wallpapers with similar appearance patterns or complementary geometric shapes, such as polka dots or stripes.

Patchwork method

It is akin to patchwork mosaic or what is commonly called patchwork. This approach combines vertical and horizontal method sticking. The results of the patchwork method look especially good in children's rooms. The combination of fragments of various sizes allows you to achieve unique effects in decorating not only living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms, but also to highlight individual zones in kitchens and when decorating country houses.

Wallpaper inserts

Based on the patchwork method, you can use inserts on the walls when decorating a room. These are fragments of panels with interesting designs, and monochromatic ones. Inserts made of dense material with a pronounced texture look most advantageous. To add small pieces of contrast, usually first decorate the surface with wallpaper of a base color, as a rule, smooth and in one tone. Then the inserts are glued on top.

Sometimes, in order to complete the composition, they are framed with frames made of decorative slats.

Photo wallpaper

You can add uniqueness to any room by using photo wallpaper together with wallpaper. They look equally attractive in a nursery, bedroom or living room. Moreover, with their help you can create a unique interior that will tell a lot about the life preferences of the owner of the house: the achievements of digital photography and the quality of modern printing allow you to create exclusive decor for walls. Photo wallpaper can be printed By individual order . This opens up unprecedented possibilities for interior design.

Emphasizing niches and protrusions

Niches and projections made of plasterboard are actively used to create modern interior. They can be seen behind the sofa or fireplace, where large TVs are placed, or behind the headboard in the bedroom. Wallpaper that contrasts with the main background makes it possible to emphasize the shape of such elements, as well as draw attention to them. To create a truly beautiful decor of such elements, you will have to tinker, but it’s worth it - the room will receive a unique design. You just need to use marking devices correctly.


Today there is a great variety of materials on the market with which you can decorate walls:

  • Paper wallpaper. Good for their flexibility. Thanks to this property, they can easily be used to cover even inconvenient and hard to reach places in room.
  • Vinyl. They are distinguished by elasticity and strength. Best suited for hallways or kitchens where there is a high risk of damage to wall decor. Combined with paper ones.
  • Non-woven. Their advantage is in texture. Using this material, it is easy to retouch imperfections such as scratches or unevenness. Non-woven wallpaper looks good in combination with paper or vinyl “counterparts”.

  • Textile. Gives the impression of luxury. They make a special impression in the living room or bedroom. At the same time, their proximity to non-woven and even paper ones is quite appropriate.
  • Liquid. Remind decorative plaster. They can be used in any room of the apartment. They look attractive in company with non-woven wallpaper.

Room size

When purchasing everything you need for decoration, you need not only to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper of one type or another you will need, but also to take into account the dimensions of the room. For a spacious room, dark and bright wallpaper is suitable, which will visually reduce the space, making it more comfortable. To prevent the room from seeming dull, you can choose dark coverings with large light ornament. Abstract, geometric or floral designs will come in handy.

About the purchase dark wallpaper in a small room is out of the question. The texture itself decorative material At the same time, it should be medium-sized, and the drawing should be small and clear.

In elongated rooms, wallpaper is applied to short walls. light shades, capturing the corners of the room. This technique allows you to compensate for the shortcomings of the geometry. The selection of materials also depends on the height of the ceilings in the room. It’s good if there are vertical lines on the canvas, although you can use wallpaper of a different color for this. It is necessary that such a combination of wallpaper partners be used on at least two, or even three walls.

If the ceiling is below 2.5 m, you need to select light wallpaper with a fine pattern and soft texture. Helps alleviate the feeling that the ceiling is hanging over your head using light wallpaper with a dim pattern as the main background. In apartments and houses with ceilings higher than 3 m, decor with a large pattern stretched in width is used. It makes sense to alternate canvases of different wallpapers horizontally.


Deciding on the color of the future wall decoration in the room is one of the most important stages work. When determining color range It must be taken into account that brightness and tone are not the same thing. Combinations of tones may be successful, but the canvases may vary too much in brightness. The combination of colors in contrasting shades should be approached very thoughtfully, assessing how harmoniously the dominant and background colors look together.

It is advisable that the wallpaper that plays the role of the base be neutral in tone.

Contrasting colors allow you to highlight pattern details and functional areas in the room. A well-executed combined gluing of black and white decorative canvases should give the room a special style, emphasizing the taste and creativity of the owner of the apartment or house. When working with sharply contrasting colors, such as white and black, the wall opposite the window should be covered with dark wallpaper.

Let other walls remain in light colors. If the room itself is dark, you can stick light-colored wallpaper, including plain wallpaper, opposite the window. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that dark-colored walls look narrower, while light-colored ones appear wider. Therefore, taking into account this feature, You can visually change the dimensions of the room.

Fashionable ways

In order for a room to have not just beautiful, but also fashionable wall decoration, sometimes it is enough to properly glue wallpaper with a border. In addition, this allows you to adjust the perception of ceiling height. The room will look impressive, if the canvases are combined diagonally. This fashionable technique, among other things, is good because it does not visually change the parameters of the room.

This can be important when its dimensions and configuration completely suit the owner, and he does not want to disrupt the perception of space. Wallpaper adjacent diagonally is connected both by a straight line and by steps or waves. You need to use materials that are the same in texture so that the joint line looks neat.

Horizontal sticker also allows you to achieve fashionable effect. This technique can visually delimit a wall at a certain height. The lower part is usually decorated with darker or brighter wallpaper, and the upper part is decorated with darker or brighter wallpaper. bright hues. This is especially important in an apartment with low ceilings: horizontal division creates the impression that the wall is lower than it is. The light top part smoothes out this effect.

Using wallpaper with this gluing method, you can achieve the impression of panel cladding. This looks especially interesting in the hallway.

It will also look great combination of striped panels below and with floral patterns above. It is necessary to determine exactly at what level to join them in order to get exactly the effect you are striving for. So that the connecting line runs at correct height, experts recommend focusing on the level of furniture in the room. Also, when combining wallpaper, denser and more textured wallpapers should be placed at the bottom, since this is where the coating is most easily damaged, while glossy and thin ones should be placed at the top of the wall.

You can also create decor by alternating horizontal stripes. To do this, you will need facing materials with the same density and similar texture so that the joints look neat. It is better to use this approach in rooms with high ceilings, because then the walls will appear wider and the ceiling lower than they actually are. This impression can be avoided if desired. It’s just that the stripes of neutral color should be wider than the canvases of more saturated shades.

To achieve a fashionable effect in wall decoration, sometimes it is enough to vertically divide different functional areas of the room with wallpaper. You just need to turn on your Creative skills to achieve originality. Practice shows that to create fashionable look no rooms required high costs. The walls can be covered with leftover wallpaper. Stores are selling the last rolls from the batch at a discount.

If for implementation creative concept For repairs, 3-4 rolls are enough, it is easy not only to achieve impressive results, but also to save a lot.

Design features

When decorating walls in various rooms You always have to keep in mind how life goes in each room, so the principle of wallpaper combination should be different in the bedroom, kitchen, living room or office.


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