How to paint (decorate) eggs for Easter with your own hands? Interesting ideas for painting eggs. Easter eggs: how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands - a selection of the best master classes

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There is nothing difficult about coloring eggs at home, without using long dyes, but using only natural products for coloring the shells. Many women have a whole book of recipes that can be used to make dyes for the holiday, as well as apply an unusual design to them. Below we will look at the basic preparation of all eggs for coloring, and also tell you in more detail about all the popular methods of coloring shells.

Some rules for preparing the product

There are several basic rules that must be followed more strictly in order to get beautiful and well-colored eggs; also, on a properly prepared product, the pattern will look brighter and clearer. According to the first rule, housewives are recommended to buy exclusively white eggs for coloring, since it is the light shell that can best absorb color pigments, which will allow them to obtain a rich shade of the shell. And in order for the paint to stick better, it is recommended to wash the egg shells with soap before cooking; if there is no soap at home, then simply wipe the surface with vinegar.

Before you start boiling the eggs, you should leave them for kitchen table for several hours, if you cook a product that has just been taken out of the refrigerator, the shell will crack during cooking due to a sharp temperature change. A cracked shell will not allow the surface of the paint to be painted well, and the eggs themselves will also be colored.

When the product is prepared, it is worth preparing a decoction in which the eggs will be colored; decoctions can be prepared according to a wide variety of recipes, we will write about this in the article below. One of the most popular and traditional is onion broth, which is made from peels, the peels are simply washed and then boiled in clean water for about twenty minutes, when the solution is sufficiently concentrated, chicken eggs are added to it and boiled for at least another half hour. It is worth remembering that the solution must be slightly salted before boiling the eggs, this will help make the pigment brighter.

There are special methods for boiling and coloring eggs that allow you to paint on the surface beautiful drawing, below we will also talk about the most popular methods for decorating Easter colors at home. If you don’t want to decorate eggs using improvised means, you can simply purchase special Easter stickers; their cost is not high, and they look very attractive on painted eggs.

The best natural coloring options

Yellow-brown color. Probably this shade can be considered one of the most popular, since to obtain it you need to use quite affordable onion peels. For one liter of clean water you need to take about one hundred grams of such husks, but if you want to get a more concentrated composition, then double the amount of product or double it. The solution is boiled for about thirty minutes, and then it is filtered through cheesecloth and returned to the fire, prepared boiled eggs are dipped into the resulting composition and painted over the fire for at least twenty minutes.

Red color. Probably many people know about the legend described in church scriptures, which states that egg acquired a red color when Jesus was reborn, and since then it has been customary to paint eggs red. For this coloring, ordinary beets are taken, this vegetable is grated or chopped with a blender, and the product must be taken fresh. Squeeze out all the juice from the resulting mass and start with it. If this method is not suitable, you should use blueberry juice, it also gives a pleasant red tint.

Orange color. This shade is obtained by using a large amount of turmeric or regular onion coloring, but in in this case It is already necessary to take not one hundred grams of husk per liter of water, but about fifty grams. After dyeing, the eggs will take on a slight orange tint.

Yellow. This shade is obtained using a common seasoning called turmeric, the powder must be diluted in water to the shade that you would like to get Easter eggs, the product is added to the resulting composition and colored to the desired shade. In addition, lemon or orange zest, young birch leaves and shells can give a yellow tint. walnut It has been used for many years to obtain yellow color. In these solutions, eggs are boiled until fully cooked, and if it is necessary to color the shells of ready-made eggs, it is best to take fresh carrot juice.

Marbling Easter eggs

To do this coloring, you need to prepare small gauze bags in advance, but it is best to take nylon socks, they will be much more convenient to use. To begin with, all raw eggs are washed in water and soap and thoroughly brushed, then you need to chop the onion peel and roll the wet egg in it. The resulting egg is placed in a prepared bag and tied tightly; it is very important that the husk fits tightly to the shell. If necessary, you can add additional husks to the bag to make the dyeing process more even and bright. Such bags are placed in a container with cold water, but the saucepan must be placed on medium heat.

While the water is boiling, you should add about one jar of brilliant greens to it; for two liters you will need just one bottle, and also add two large spoons of coarse salt to the solution. Boil the eggs for at least ten minutes in boiling water with brilliant green, after which the water is carefully drained, and the finished dye is taken out of the bags and moved to a dry surface to dry. The resulting eggs turn out to be very bright and unusual; it’s worth trying this simple coloring method to surprise your family and guests.

Spotted dyes

You can get unusual spots on the shell quite simply; ordinary cereals will help you with this; it is best to use rice, but other types of cereals will also work. To begin with, the egg is washed well in water, and then also rolled in the prepared cereal and transferred to a bag, such a bag is placed in a solution with a dye and left for the required period of time. A decoction of onion peels is ideal; a decoction of coffee or strong tea is also used. You can use juice from carrots or beets; eggs are boiled in it for about fifteen minutes to obtain bright shade.

Since the grain fits tightly to the shell, after dyeing the eggs have small unpainted areas, for this reason the shell looks spotty and very unusual. This method can be used not only with natural, but also with artificial food colors that are eaten in stores before Easter.

Other interesting methods decorations

If you really want to decorate an egg with interesting patterns, then housewives have come up with other original methods; for this, take a simple thread, lace or bandage, use it to wrap the egg, and then paint it, this way you get chaotic or even stripes. You can take a special mesh bandage, if you wrap an egg in it and dip it into the coloring composition, you will get a beautiful pattern on the surface of the paint.

Today it is also popular to use various leaves, it can even be simple parsley and dill; the leaves are glued to the shell with water, and then placed in a nylon stocking and tied tightly. After cooking in the dye, a beautiful pattern of leaves will remain on the surface of the egg. Some people prefer to use stationery duct tape or ordinary rubber bands, they stick well when boiled on the egg, and leave nice, even marks.

If you want to get more interesting and beautiful patterns on the surface of the dyes, you just need to tie a lace ribbon on the egg, for example, from stockings, after dyeing you will get an unusual lace pattern.

Coloring eggs with nettles

If you want to use more interesting options coloring eggs, you can do this simply using ordinary nettles, the recipe is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal costs. To do the coloring correctly, you need to take the eggs and wash them in water, you should also collect young nettles, which are also washed thoroughly, then fill a large saucepan with the leaves and fill it all with water.

This broth is boiled for at least twenty minutes, then the broth is cooled to the required time and the prepared eggs are dipped into it. It is necessary to cook the dyes from fifteen minutes to half an hour, it all depends on the concentration of the solution and the resulting shade. If you couldn’t find fresh nettle at home, you can use a pack of dried herbs, the effect will be almost the same.

Unusual dyeing methods

I would like to say that all of the listed options for coloring eggs are far from the last on the list, because today you can find other methods on how to make eggs bright and beautiful for the holiday. You can use very strong cascade tea, it will give a light or very rich pink tint; it is no less popular to use brewed coffee, it gives the shell a rich brown color. If you want to get more interesting shades, then you should add a couple of red cabbage leaves to the onion peel decoction. Some housewives use lily of the valley and primrose leaves, as these plants have coloring properties.

Diamond green coloring

Probably many have already heard about the method of obtaining a green color from any dyes; of course, this shade will work better on white eggs, but green dyes are also good for coloring brown chicken products. This solution can be easily purchased at a pharmacy, and making a coloring composition from it is even easier. To do this, take a little water so that it is enough to place several eggs, and then pour into this water required amount greens, you need to pour enough to get a fairly saturated solution, usually half a bottle is taken per liter. Boiled eggs are dipped into the resulting solution and left for certain time until the dye adheres to the shell.

Zelenka is considered a completely harmless pharmaceutical product, but if the housewife wants to use exclusively natural dyes, then spinach juice can be used instead of brilliant green. It is prepared quite simply, you need to take the fresh greens of this plant and chop it, squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass and use it like other types of juices to color boiled eggs. green tint.

Red cabbage coloring

To carry out the coloring, you will need to take a kilogram of such cabbage and chop it well, also prepare eggs, a couple of tablespoons of salt, half a liter of pure oxen and six large spoons of vinegar. Since we need to extract juice from cabbage, it is worth grinding the product with a blender, in this case the coloring process will be much more successful. Next, you need to rinse the eggs well, this will allow the paint to lie on the surface of the shell more evenly; before painting, the chicken product must be boiled until fully cooked in clean water, to which a few spoons of salt are additionally added.

In the meantime, you can pour half a liter of purified water over the cabbage, add six tablespoons of vinegar and mix everything, then put the saucepan on the fire and cook for at least ten minutes. As soon as the resulting decoction has cooled slightly, you can strain it and begin the coloring process.

Ready and cooled eggs are sent to a large jar, into which the resulting broth is poured and the eggs are left in this state overnight. The longer the eggs are in the broth, the more intense the resulting shade will be, but it should be understood that red cabbage gives not a pink, but a dark blue tint to the eggs.

It’s worth rubbing extra with any vegetable oil, so that they are brighter and shiny, and then you can serve the dyes to the table.

Good day everyone! The approaching Easter holiday, Bright Sunday of Christ, is one of the most beloved Christian holidays. Solemn, bright and joyful, it symbolizes the salvation of the world and soul, the possibility of eternal life. Easter comes at the end of winter, when nature awakens. For Orthodox Russians, Easter is associated not only with the end of Lent and with the Easter festive church service, but also with a special Easter table. For experienced housewives The preparation period is already in full swing. Recipes are collected and carefully copied, and egg dyes are selected.

Painted eggs are an invariable attribute of the approaching Easter. They decorate the table, they are given to each other with the words “Christ is Risen!”, and we can no longer imagine this bright spring holiday without colored eggs.

The tradition of painting eggs appeared in ancient times, long before the advent of Christianity, and carries a mythical and sacred meaning. Our distant ancestors believed that the world hatched from an egg. They gave him sacred properties. It served as a talisman, helped in the treatment of infertility, and protected the home and family.

Previously, Easter eggs were painted exclusively red, as it symbolizes the blood shed on the cross, but then they moved away from strict canons. It is now possible to color and decorate eggs various colors, methods and techniques. It all depends on people's tastes and preferences.

Have you already decided what and how you will decorate your Easter eggs? Today I want to invite you to consider some options for painting these holiday attributes and hope that you will find something new and interesting for yourself.

If you have children, be sure to involve them in this process. This is both useful and entertaining and educational at once.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

On the eve of the great Easter celebrations, almost every home traditionally makes beautiful and symbolic attributes of this bright spring holiday - Easter eggs. Making them beautiful with your own hands is not as difficult as many might imagine. To color eggs, you can buy special food dyes, decorating kits, paints or markers for painting, stickers, iron-on adhesives, napkins, or use the recipes of our great-grandmothers, gifts of Mother Nature, that is, natural dyes.

The most common painting method is using special food coloring. To do this, you just need to buy the dyes that are suitable for you, which are sold in any supermarket and, following the instructions, make everything come true.

When using this method, keep the following tips and cautions in mind:

  • Be careful when dyeing eggs, as dyes are difficult to remove from clothing.
  • The longer you keep the eggs in the food coloring solution, the brighter they will turn out. Start with a few minutes, then increase the coloring time. This will be a great experiment for the kids!
  • To make it easier for you to dip the eggs into the dyes, use a kitchen whisk. This simple idea will help you and your children keep their hands and clothes cleaner.

There is another interesting way to color eggs using food coloring and wax. The idea is that you rub some part of the egg with wax, dip it in the dye and it is colored only in the part where there is no wax. This way you can create similar patterns.

For those who know how to draw well, you can make murals with food paints or permanent markers. Moreover, the painting will look great both on painted eggs and on simply boiled eggs.

The most basic and least labor-intensive way to decorate Easter eggs is using regular or thermal stickers. To do this, you just need to buy stickers, put them on boiled eggs and put them in boiling water for a few seconds.

The most common method, perhaps, remains painting with natural dyes. You can use the following cheat sheet as a basis.

We will discuss the methods of painting eggs in more detail below, but now I would like to give you some tips on preparing them for coloring.

  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be removed from the refrigerator an hour in advance so that they reach room temperature.
  • Before painting, paints must be washed with soapy water or alcohol, then the paint will lie evenly.
  • Add a spoonful of salt to the water or solution where the eggs will be boiled. This way, even from a cracked shell, the contents will not spill out.
  • If you want the paints to have a shiny appearance, rub them with vegetable oil after painting.

After you have prepared the material and chosen the most suitable suitable way, you can start creating a masterpiece.

Step-by-step painting in onion skins

The most traditional and time-tested method of coloring eggs is considered to be a decoction of onion peels. The more raw materials you can collect, the brighter the finished color will be. For a beautiful rich red Brown eggs, you need to collect the peels from 6 large onions. If you don't like such a rich color, you can collect less husks and then the finished product will be light yellow or light brown. It all depends on the variety and color of the onion peel. I will show you how to achieve a rich red-brown color.

1. Fill the husk with water and boil for 20 minutes, then strain - the solution for coloring is ready.

2. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled broth. l. vinegar, place the prepared eggs there and cook for 7-10 minutes. Please note that the egg must be completely immersed in the liquid and it must not boil.

3. Carefully remove the eggs with a spoon and place them on a paper towel to cool. Cooled and dry paints can be greased with vegetable oil.

4. If the resulting color seems insufficiently saturated to you, return the eggs to the broth and keep them there until you get the color you want.

In onion peel with patterns

This method is for those who want to get a little creative with their paints. We will use the same decoction of onion peels, but we will use flowers and herbs as stencils to create beautiful designs.

For a more golden color of the finished product, I recommend using red and yellow onion skins.

To create designs, you can use anything: from dill leaves, parsley, fern, to flower petals or flowers. The possibilities are endless.

To color eggs we will need:

  • Red and yellow onion peels - from 6-7 onions
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Herbs and flowers
  • Nylon stocking

Stages of work:

1. Cut the nylon stocking into 15 x 15 cm squares.

2. Wet small sprigs of dill, parsley, blades of grass or flowers and attach them to the eggs. Then carefully place each egg in a separate nylon blank, wrap tightly and tie the ends with thread.

Before you start cooking onion skins, soak them for several hours or overnight in cold water. Thanks to this, the eggs will color faster, and the color will be more beautiful and vibrant.

3. Add vinegar to a container with pre-soaked onion peels and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes.

4. Add the prepared eggs to boiling water and boil for 8-10 minutes. After this time, the eggs can be placed on a napkin or you can leave them to cool in onion broth overnight for a more intense color.

5. Once the eggs have cooled, you can cut the nylon bags, remove all twigs, leaves, flowers and wipe them with a paper towel. To add shine, you can rub them with sunflower oil.

Original marble eggs for Easter

There is an opinion that colored eggs in onion skins leave no options - there is only one color. But as practice shows, you can paint with onion skins with a twist. Now I want to show you this marble method.

1. For marble design To make Easter eggs, you need to take several large onion flakes, wet them with water and wrap them around each egg.

3. Carefully place our preparations in nylon bags, tighten them tightly and send them to cook.

As a result, the egg will be unevenly colored, and the folds of the onion peel will form a marble-like pattern.

Marble eggs in onion peels and brilliant green

Marble eggs according to this recipe are very beautiful, original in design and shiny. They are made easily and from affordable means. Most importantly, they turn out to be harmless, since onion peels and medicinal brilliant green are used. Such marble beauties will be a wonderful decoration for the festive Easter table.

In order to color the eggs, we will need:

  • Onion peel
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Bowl of cold water
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Zelenka - 20 ml.
  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Nylon stocking or piece of gauze
  • Sunflower oil

Stages of work:

1. First, we need to cut the onion skins into small pieces. This is very convenient to do with scissors.

3. Wrap the eggs tightly in gauze or nylon blanks and secure with thread. Place the prepared products in a pan with cold water so that they are completely covered with water. Add salt and send to simmer. From the moment it boils, cook for 5 minutes.

4. 5 minutes after boiling, add the green stuff and cook for another 10 minutes. Drain the water and rinse each egg with cold running water. Remove the gauze and husks from the cooled eggs. Lubricate dry, cooled eggs with sunflower oil using a cotton pad. This is how beautiful it should turn out.

How to color paints with natural dyes?

Every housewife always dyes eggs before Easter. This centuries-old tradition is currently taking on new forms, but more and more often we are returning to our grandmother’s old, environmentally friendly and safe methods of coloring. Natural dyes surround us and are present in the kitchen of every housewife. The main thing is not to be lazy and prepare the right paint given to us by nature. What can you use? At the beginning of the article I gave you a small cheat sheet, and now I suggest you take a closer look.

In the video, each proportion is for 3 eggs. I hope you liked these natural dyes and can easily recreate them.

We dye eggs with beets at home

Have you tried dying Easter eggs using natural products you have in your pantry or kitchen? If you are looking for a safe, easy and fun way to color eggs for your holiday table, I suggest you try this method in different interpretations.

1. Peel and cut the beets into small pieces. Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-60 minutes until you get the desired color of the broth. Cool it until room temperature, strain through a sieve and add vinegar. Add vinegar at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass. Place the egg in a glass with dye and refrigerate until the desired color is achieved.

For this method For coloring, it is best to use a white egg.

2. Peel fresh beets, pass through a juicer or grate on a coarse grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. After our juice is ready, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and dip a chicken egg in it for 4-5 hours. If after this time the color is not beautiful enough, you can leave it on for a few more hours.

3. Fill the chicken egg, brought to room temperature, with cool water, add 0.5 tbsp. l. salt and place grated beets on top. To save best color, you can add 1/3 tsp. vinegar. We send our broth to a small fire and cook for 1-2 hours.

4. Grate the peeled beets on a coarse grater, wrap hot boiled eggs in it and wrap in a paper napkin. We put it in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you will get this beauty.

Decoupage eggs for Easter with napkins

Decorating Easter eggs is one of my favorite pastimes, because here the flight of imagination is not limited. Currently, there are a huge variety of ways to color, decorate, decorate, and paint Easter eggs. Now I want to show you a very simple decoration method that takes no more than five minutes. Plus it requires zero artistic preparation and it always works!

To decorate Easter eggs with napkins we will need:

  • Chicken boiled egg
  • Paper napkins with a beautiful pattern
  • Egg white
  • Brush
  • Scissors

Stages of work:

1. I tried different methods of decoupage with paper napkins and through trial and error I realized that it is best to cut out each picture separately. In this case, you will not have bubbles and folds when you glue them to the egg.

2. If you have multi-layer napkins, you only need to glue upper layer with an image. Attach the workpiece to the egg and coat the top with egg white using a brush. To ensure that the design lies evenly, smooth it out carefully with your fingers. Do not overdo it so as not to tear the part.

3. Once you have decorated all the eggs, leave them to dry. Now you have Easter paraphernalia with designs that look like they were painted directly on the egg!

Painted Easter eggs in fabric

Did you know that eggs can be dyed with silk or chiffon fabric with a bright pattern? I bring to your attention another quick and very beautiful way decorating Easter eggs. They turn out so bright and unique that you can at least put them on display.

The finished product turns out better and more beautiful when the fabric patterns contain dark blue, purple and red colors.

The interesting thing is that you never know how much color and design will be imprinted on the egg during the dyeing process. Sometimes patterns that you may think are amazing will look ugly on the finished product and vice versa.

In order to create such masterpieces we will need:

  • 100% silk fabric
  • Scissors
  • Cotton thread or elastic bands
  • White cotton fabric
  • Vinegar

Stages of work:

1. First of all, we need to prepare the fabric in which we will wrap the eggs. To do this, measure and cut silk and cotton fabrics into pieces measuring 18 x 18 cm. Tightly wrap a raw chicken egg in each piece and tie it. Make sure the front of the design is on the inside and not the outside!

2. After you have wrapped the eggs in silk fabric, they need to be wrapped in cotton fabric and tied.

3. Place these little beauties in a saucepan, fill with water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and cook for 20-30 minutes. Vinegar helps better coloring. The longer you cook the eggs, the brighter the designs will be.

4. After the eggs are boiled, they must be removed from the water and cooled naturally or under cold running water. You can remove the cloth from the cooled eggs.

If you have chosen light and dark patterns for coloring, then it is better to paint them separately. Otherwise, the finished crumbs will have the effect of a “dirty” pattern.

Look what beauty can be achieved using this simple method!

Original methods using improvised means

Every year we want to try some new ways of coloring Easter eggs in order to surprise our family and friends and delight the kids with an interesting coloring process. Let's look at some interesting decor options using available materials.

1. For this method we will need: boiled eggs, shaving foam, food coloring, wooden sticks and a cardboard box or other container to create the base. Squeeze the shaving foam into a container, spread it over the surface with a stick, drip dyes on top, spread it with a stick, creating a pattern, dip the egg in the foam, place it on a napkin and leave for 15 minutes.

Then we wipe the eggs with a paper napkin and get original marble attributes of the Easter feast.

2. This coloring option will appeal to children who love to draw and create crafts. For this we will need: boiled eggs, paper towels and colored wax crayons.

3. Older children can be asked to paint eggs with acrylic paints.

4. For fans of cartoon characters, you can create such funny minions. To do this, you will need appropriate food coloring, a black marker, black thread and eyes, which can be purchased at a craft store.

5. And for fans of Ninja Turtles excellent option they will become such wonderful little ones.

6. This simple and time-consuming method will help you create beautiful lines on Easter eggs. To do this, you need to prepare food coloring, rubber bands of different thicknesses and paper napkins. Wrap the egg with rubber bands as shown in the picture below and dip into the dye you want until completely colored. Place the egg on a napkin and leave to dry. When the paint is completely dry, the rubber bands can be removed. You should get paints like this.

7. Decorating Easter eggs with natural, ecological products, as opposed to artificial ones, guarantees that the product will be edible. In addition, the costs for this are minimal. Pour water into three saucepans, bring to a boil, put a bag of a different type of tea into each of them and steep them for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the tea bags and add 1-2 tsp. vinegar into each container, drop one hard-boiled egg into it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can admire the work done.

That's all for me today. I tried to choose for you as much as possible more options dyeing Easter eggs at home and I hope that this article will be useful to you. Having this basic knowledge in stock, you can always supplement it using your imagination.

And now I want to wish you good health, happiness and congratulations on the upcoming holiday of Happy Easter!

Hi all. April 28th is coming soon. It is on this day in 2019 that all Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Sunday. It's time to think about how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter.

It is customary to exchange dyes with each other on this holiday. And of course, everything is still cooked traditionally. holiday dishes- bake and make.

There is one fun tradition on this day, or rather even a game - beating eggs. The loser is the one whose egg is cracked. Why is this being done? Here is one of the versions.

An egg that breaks carries evil in itself and must certainly be punished - eaten. A strong egg brings blessings and prosperity to the house; it needs to be kept in the closet until the next Easter day! Such an egg can protect you from diseases and the evil eye throughout the year, since it was not in vain that they were used various fortune telling, they made amulets, and with their help they cured terminally ill patients.

I Googled and found a lot of simple and interesting ways coloring Easter eggs. Some of them I didn’t even suspect.

Today I have made for you a selection of the most interesting, in my opinion, ways of painting and decorating them. I hope you like them too.

But first, I’ll give you some useful tips.

Take them out of the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature, at least 2 hours.

  • For painting, choose white.
  • Before cooking, wash them under running water and dry them with a cloth (microfiber dries well) or paper towel. It is also recommended to wipe with alcohol or vinegar.
  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, add salt to the water (1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters)
  • Choose a pan so that they lie tightly to each other, so that when boiling the shells do not crack against their neighbor.
  • When cooking, the water should cover them, watch this.

Now let's move on to painting.

The classic method in onion skins

This is perhaps the most famous and traditional method. Moreover, it is budget-friendly.

Accumulate more onion peels, the color of the eggs will be brighter.

1. Fill the husk with water and put it on the fire, after boiling, cook for about an hour.

2. Then let the broth cool and brew, after that we get rid of the husks, you can pour the water through a colander into another pan.

3. Place eggs in this broth and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Then transfer them to cold water and let cool.

5. Rub the finished paints with vinegar so as not to lose color and with vegetable oil for shine.

Easter eggs with marble pattern

Eggs turn out very beautiful if you paint them using this method. There is nothing complicated here. You just need to have onion peels, gauze and thread on hand.

1. First you need to finely chop the onion peel and leave it on a plate.

2. Soak the eggs in cold water and roll them wet in the husks.

3. Then wrap it in gauze and tie it with thread. Cut off the tip so it doesn't interfere.

4. Place them in a saucepan with water to cover the top, add salt and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. Then add a bottle of green stuff and cook for another 10 minutes.

5. When they are cooked, let them sit for another 10-15 minutes, and then take them out and clean them of gauze and husks under cold water. Wipe dry and grease them with vegetable oil for shine. We get this beauty.

With a pattern of green leaves

Another simple but original way to paint Easter eggs. Here we need a bunch of parsley and dill, onion peels, nylon (old tights or socks are perfect) or gauze and thread.

1. Don’t forget to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance and prepare a decoction of onion peels as described

2. Moisten the egg and attach a green leaf to it. Wrap tightly with nylon and tie with thread. Do this with the others as well.

3. Add the decoction of the husks and cook for 15 minutes. Don’t take it out right away, let it sit in it for another 10 minutes. Then remove and remove the nylon and herbs, rinse in cold water and grease with oil. Beauty on the face.

Coloring eggs using rice

This is done according to the same principle as above. Just roll it in rice cereal.

Then also wrap it in nylon and cook in a decoction of onion peels.

Remove the gauze and rice, rinse and lubricate. This is how they turn out.

Dye in beet broth

In this way you can get rich red eggs.


  • Peel and cut the beets into pieces. Boil it in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes.
  • Drain the broth into another pan, add vinegar, add eggs and cook for 10 minutes. The eggs must be completely covered with beet water.
  • After the eggs are boiled, let them stand in the beet water for another half an hour or more; the longer they stand, the richer the color.
  • Then rinse them and dry them with a towel.

Red cabbage dyeing technique

Thanks to this method, our cocas will be a beautiful blue color.

1. We need 1 head of red cabbage. It needs to be finely chopped and cooked for half an hour. Then it should cool down and after that we pour the broth into a separate bowl, add 5 tbsp to it. spoons of vinegar.

2. Place boiled eggs there and leave for 2-3 hours. The intensity of the color depends on how long you keep them in the decoction.

Video lesson - 3 original ways to paint eggs

In addition to natural dyes, there are many ways to decorate Easter eggs.

I found very interesting video with three original coloring methods.

This is how, using ordinary white napkins, food coloring, nail polish and patterned napkins, you can simply and quickly decorate our products.

Decoupage eggs in Vintage style

Eggs in the “Vintage” style are made very interesting using cut newspaper and beautiful napkins.

Coat the eggs with glue, you can use regular PVA, or you can egg white, and stick newspaper pieces in several layers. Let it dry.

Cut out the design you like from napkins and paste it on top of the newspaper. You can varnish the top. Dry it and this is what you get.

You can also decorate with lace, ropes and buttons.

Color with a marker

There is no limit to our imagination. But everything is so simple - you take it boiled egg and color with a permanent marker.

You can do it like this.

Or like this.

I hope I've helped you with some new ideas on how to dye eggs for Easter this year. I have already decided, what about you? Write in the comments which method you chose.

Don't forget what else needs to be baked. I look forward to visiting you again. Have a nice day. original

Good afternoon friends!

Today I am writing about the custom of dyeing eggs for Easter. It is very ancient, Western literature contains indications that the first Christians of Mesopotamia cooked them red in memory of the blood of the crucified Christ, and that they may have been the first to associate the decoration of eggs with the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ (from Wikipedia)

And now Easter is a wonderful holiday in the Christian calendar, people prepare for it in advance - they bake Easter cakes and perform Easter.

And it’s time for us to worry about how and what to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with our own hands at home. And this can be done in a very original way using the simplest means at hand.

How to paint eggs for Easter 2018 with your own hands

As we color the eggs, we will deal with some questions that arise such as: how to do this quickly and without chemicals, should they be hot or cold? How to make it so that it doesn’t burst and is edible? What should the number be, even or not?

And you can paint at home with anything: watercolors and gouache, acrylic and tempera paints, wax pencil and newspaper, felt-tip pens and markers. We take out paints, brushes and paint together with the children. Believe me, it will give them great pleasure!

We paint it in any color except black (it symbolizes grief, sadness).

There is no exact rule for how many eggs to paint, whether the number is even or odd, i.e. it doesn’t matter how many eggs there are, the main thing is to have time to eat them and exchange them for Easter week

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Have you ever wondered why they are painted and why they must be on the holiday table?

It turns out that the tradition of painting eggs for Easter has its own legend (from Wikipedia)

According to the account of Demetrius of Rostov, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene found the opportunity to appear to the emperor and presented him with an egg painted red with the words: “Christ is risen!” The choice of the gift was caused by the poverty of Mary, who, however, did not want to appear empty-handed, and the color of the offering was intended to attract the attention of the emperor.

Another version of the presentation says that at first the egg was completely ordinary and that the emperor, doubting the strange news of the resurrection, said that just as an egg cannot turn from white to red, so the dead do not rise again - and “a miracle happened: white The egg began to turn red. The amazed Tiberius exclaimed, “Truly he has risen!”

Since then, the tradition began to paint them red and greet each other with these very words.

How to color eggs with natural dyes at home

A set of Easter food coloring will help you quickly and easily achieve the desired color. Following the instructions, you can set any solid, rich colors.

We use only 3 colors and get these bright colorful rainbow eggs. Boil them hard (10-12 minutes), and hot, dip them alternately in different dyes, leaving for 1-5 minutes. The overlay of two colors gives new color. Gently blot excess dye with a napkin. We use gloves to protect our hands.

We obtain such “rough and embossed” colors as follows. IN plastic bag or container, put 1 cup of dry rice, add 2-3 tablespoons of any dye, a spoonful of vinegar. Mix well until all the rice is colored. Then put a hot boiled egg into it and shake the bag for 5 minutes. All is ready! We take it out, shake off the stuck grains of rice, wipe it with an oiled napkin and put it on a plate.

To ensure that the paint goes on more evenly, before painting the eggs, they must be degreased.

And in this picture unusual ways dyeing eggs with vegetable dyes.

Traditional painting in onion skins

Although this is the easiest and most versatile painting method, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. simple rules to properly color them with onion skins.

1. To dye a dozen eggs you will need 2 kilograms of onion peel.

2. Place it in a saucepan, pour boiling water and cook over low heat for at least 30 minutes. Strain the finished broth and add a teaspoon of salt.

To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be warmed to room temperature and boiled in water with added salt.

3. Using a spoon, carefully lower them into the hot broth and make sure that they are completely covered with the broth.

4. Bring to a boil and cook for no more than 10 minutes; for more uniform coloring, turn over during cooking.

5. Keep the finished ones in cold water until they cool completely, wipe them dry with a towel.

To give a glossy shine, wipe them with vegetable oil.

These are such beautiful paints, with a very rich shell color.

Beautiful coloring in onion skins with a pattern

Let's watch 7 different ways How to color eggs in an original and unusual way.

We will need:

  • onion peels 5-7 handfuls
  • leaves of various fresh greens
  • nylon stocking, gauze
  • mixture of cereals and seeds
  • vegetable oil
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • threads


  1. In advance, cut the nylon stocking into squares of such a size that an egg can fit in them.
  2. Warm them to room temperature and rinse well.
  3. Prepare a decoction of three kilograms of onion peels.

To get more saturated colors, take eggs with white shells.

Take leaves of any greenery, carefully straighten them and glue them front side to the wet shell. We wrap it tightly with nylon and tie it with thread.

We roll the wet egg in various mixtures of cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet peas), small pasta, sesame seeds. We also cover it with nylon.

Cut a handful of dry husks into small pieces. And roll the wet egg into them, fixing the stuck pieces with gauze.

Decorate using regular threads. We wrap them with threads, paint them, remove the threads.

We do it using sets of stickers for Easter eggs. We choose the template of the picture or inscription we like, “glue” them onto the shell with water, and secure it with nylon or gauze. Do not confuse with thermal stickers. After painting, we remove the templates; closed areas remain unpainted.

This method of painting will require patience, accuracy and time from you. To prevent the electrical tape from coming off during painting and cooking, we fix it with a tightly fitted nylon.

  1. We wrap the eggs in lace and secure the ends with thread.
  2. Carefully place a spoon into the prepared saturated broth of onion peels, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Transfer to a bowl of cold water and keep until completely cooled. We clean, remove all excess, rinse and dry with a towel.
  4. Rub with vegetable oil using a cotton pad and place a beautiful lace miracle on a plate.

How to easily and simply color eggs for Easter with brilliant green and iodine

What else can you dye eggs at home besides the husk?

It’s not at all difficult to paint the shell beautifully with brilliant green and iodine. It is important to wear gloves and use an old saucepan that you don't mind.

1 way. First you need to boil the eggs, and then coat them with brilliant green or iodine. Dry it, paint on top as you wish, or you can leave it without a pattern. Wipe with an oily cloth

Method 2. Boil them in water with a large addition (1 bottle) of iodine or brilliant green.

Painting with brilliant green is not harmful if you are sure that it will not get inside through microcracks in the shell

Using various stencils you can create beautiful designs.

Marble method of painting in onion peels with brilliant green

Marble eggs with greenery turn out beautiful and unusual. Original, and it is impossible to predict their incredible scams.

An original way of dyeing colored scraps of fabric

You can paint eggs very beautifully using fabric. It works best with 100% silk; you probably have such scraps at home (for example, your husband’s old ties).

We wrap the eggs in them as tightly as possible (the front side of the fabric should be adjacent to the shell) and tie them well with thread. To get a more saturated color, wrap scraps of light fabric over the silk (you can use an old pillowcase) and secure with elastic bands.

Place the prepared parcels in a saucepan. Fill with cold water, add vinegar and cook for 15 minutes from the moment it boils.

Then cool with cold water and remove the fabric. The paints are ready, they turn out very beautiful with a variety of patterns!

Decoupage eggs in gold color - master class

Remember, as in the fairy tale: “and the hen laid an egg, but not an ordinary one, but a golden one.” Decorating Easter eggs with gold elements will add sophistication.

Decoupage with three-layer napkins

Decoupage is appliqué, gluing individual fragments of an ornament or design onto a shell. Three-layer paper napkins are perfect for this. There are special decoupage ones on sale; the design on them is printed with high precision with durable paint, which does not fade when glued. If there are no special ones, then any three-layer or dense single-layer with beautiful patterns will do.

We will need:

  • boiled white eggs
  • raw protein
  • colored napkins
  • flat brush
  • manicure scissors

We cut out fragments of napkins with scissors, or tear them with our hands. We take smaller parts (they are easier to glue) and create a composition from them. If the napkins are multi-layered, separate the top layer, which we will work with further.

We use protein instead of glue raw egg(you can take starch), stir with a cyst. Lubricate the shell with egg white and place the prepared napkin fragments on it. We also cover the top with protein, move the brush from the middle to the edges, thereby expelling the air from under the napkin. So we glue the entire composition one by one, pass the brush over the pictures again, and place them on a wire rack to dry.

Another option for decoupage. We cut out not fragments of a napkin, but a rectangle slightly larger than an egg.

We wrap the whole egg with it, secure it on top with our “glue” and send it to dry. Then, to give it a marketable appearance, grease it with vegetable oil.

Decoupage in Gzhel style will add sophistication and elegance and decorate your holiday table.

Paint eggs with nail polish

Coloring eggs with nail polish is another option for original Easter egg decoration. It’s not a fact, of course, that you can eat these eggs later, but, you see, it looks beautiful.

Friends, I tried to collect for you universal ways to paint eggs for Easter. From all that is offered, choose the options that suit you the most and decorate your Easter table.


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