How to place the bed in relation to the door. How to properly place a bed in the bedroom: photo examples and Feng Shui layout diagrams

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The bedroom is a place where you can sleep and relax. Therefore, you want to arrange it as cozy and comfortable as possible. How to properly and comfortably place a bed in the bedroom? And how can you not install it?

The bedroom is a special place in an apartment or house

Basic rules for installing a stock

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to place a bed correctly in the bedroom, especially in a narrow room or a room with a non-standard layout. But there are basic placement rules that cannot be violated.

  • the headboard should not be directed towards the windows or doors - this negatively affects the psyche, the sleeping person is at the intersection of energy flows;
  • near a window, fireplace, radiators - in such places it is difficult to maintain the required temperature;
  • near the walls adjacent to the toilet, storage rooms, ventilation shaft - constant extraneous sounds impair the quality of sleep;
  • near tall cabinets, under shelves, ceiling beams, chandelier - a sleeping person will experience a constant feeling of danger under overhanging objects;
  • in the immediate vicinity of electrical appliances - televisions, computers remind you of work, have electromagnetic radiation, which interferes with proper sleep;
  • opposite the mirrors - waking up in the middle of the night, you can be afraid of your own reflection.

You can't sleep with your feet front door– this rule is present for all people, regardless of nationality. If there is no other option, you need to close the door tightly at night.

The prohibition of placing a bed with your feet towards the door has been known since ancient times.

How to place a bed in the bedroom? It is necessary to provide a convenient approach from three sides, especially if the sleeping place is intended for two people.

The sleeping place should be located in a quiet place, where bright light and loud sounds do not disturb. Psychological comfort will be provided by support behind the bed - a wall, a low partition or a closet.

It is correct to place lounge furniture diagonally from the window or door; it is especially convenient to do this in a narrow bedroom. This way the sleeping area will be sufficiently illuminated and conveniently located relative to the passage area - you can see those entering the room. This will help a person feel calm and protected.

You can place the bed opposite the window. If the windows face east, you can always wake up at good mood with the rays of the sun. But if this prospect does not please you, you can hang blinds or thick curtains on the windows.

For comfort and coziness in the bedroom, special attention should be paid to the placement of the bed.

When arranging a bedroom, Europeans adhere to the rule that the bed should not be placed near the door. Slavs often place the bed along the longest wall, since most bedrooms in apartments are quite narrow.

People of a romantic nature prefer to place the bed in the corner between the entrance and the window. This makes it convenient to approach the resting place from any direction. It is difficult to do this in narrow rooms, but this situation guarantees harmonious family relationships.

How to put a bed in a small bedroom

Rooms in standard apartments often they are not large in size, and the bedroom can be very narrow. Therefore, the question often arises about how to properly place a bed in a small bedroom and where to place all the other necessary furniture.

The resting place must be equipped along a smaller wall. Often in small rooms they make alcoves or niches in which many people set up a resting place. But in such small spaces there is poor air circulation, and a person may feel a constant lack of oxygen. Therefore, you cannot place a bed in a niche; it is correct to install a wardrobe in an alcove.

If there is a niche in the bedroom, it is better to place a closet in it

You can place the sleeping furniture with the headboard in the corner, diagonally. This solution looks original and correct, taking into account the specific dimensions of the room. The vacant corner can be decorated with flowers.

Furniture in small bedrooms should be functional, without unnecessary decorative elements. For visual expansion For wall spaces, choose the right light finish. Can not use dark colors, bulky furniture - such a bedroom is not intended for proper rest. In small and narrow rooms, it is better to replace the bed with a folding sofa.

Feng Shui and other areas of harmonious organization of space

Feng Shui is a Taoist practice designed to create a harmonious space. It is based on the flow of qi energy, which permeates all the space around it. This teaching pays a lot of attention to the placement of the bed according to Feng Shui, depending on the cardinal directions.

This teaching also recommends leaving free access to the bed on three sides - this helps maintain harmony and brings prosperity to the house. According to Feng Shui, the bed should not be placed so that a person lies with his feet towards the door, so as not to accumulate bad energy during the night's rest. Any tall object or flower near the bed will take on all the negative energy.

When placing a bed in the bedroom, adhere to the rules of ancient teachings

According to Feng Shui, the bed should not be located near sharp objects or corners. Sharp angles directed at a sleeping person have a destructive effect on the physical and psychological state.

If you install a bed according to Feng Shui, you need to place a dragon figurine on the left side and a tiger on the right. In front of the bed there should be a picture with a red bird, and behind it there should be a picture with a turtle.

Vastu – religious doctrine ancient Hindus. This is a whole scientific system according to which buildings and structures are erected. It is also based on the movement of energy, which is called prana.

Both directions are aimed at creating a harmonious balance between a person and his habitat. But the recommendations for bed placement according to Feng Shui and Vastu are radically different.

Side of the world Feng Shui Vastu
North Promotes the development of intuition. According to the doctrine, it is absolutely forbidden to place a bed like this. My sleep becomes restless and I have nightmares.
Northeast Improves mental and mental abilities.
East Provides sound and restful sleep. Most favorable position sleeping place, special children's. Improves intelligence.
Southeast Helps you become persistent and persistent and achieve your goals.
South Creates a good reputation. Promotes sound sleep and pleasant dreams, improving health.
Southwest Suitable for lovers, helps in matters of the heart.
West Good location for those who want to become parents soon. Worsens your health.
Northwest Helps you find good friends.

The bedroom is an important room in any apartment or house, since it is here that every person fully rests and relaxes, as a result of which this room should be very cozy, beautiful and interesting for constant spending time. It is also important to pay a lot of attention to the correct arrangement of all items. The location should be such that sleeping is always comfortable and convenient, and the person himself, while on the bed, is located in the correct position relative to the cardinal directions. At the same time, many people in the process of arrangement constantly pay attention to the rules of Feng Shui, as a result of which they can obtain the correct arrangement of all elements.

How to choose and install a bed in the bedroom?

Initially, it is important to know that this element should be comfortable for sleeping, so it should be spacious enough and designed for the number of people who will constantly use it. Any bed should be equipped with comfortable pillows and a blanket, and bedding should always be clean and pleasant to the touch.

Most often, products made from wood are purchased, but you can choose other options. of this product, which should go well with other elements present in the bedroom. When choosing, it is important to ensure that an attractive and cozy environment is created in the room, and that all items are well combined with each other, creating a single composition.

The location of the bed in the room is also very important, because if you install this element in the wrong place, you can expect that it will not be very easy, pleasant and comfortable to use. Scientists have proven that the place where there is a bed can have both positive and negative effects on a person’s sleep and well-being. Moreover, each person can independently decide which method is suitable for correctly installing this element. To do this, you can focus on the cardinal directions or use Feng Shui tips, as well as use Arabic or other techniques. However, at the same time important point is that the bed should be installed in such a way that it is actually very comfortable to use.

Basic points for placing a bed in a room:

How to install a bed indoors in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui?

The location of the bed according to Feng Shui is considered very popular in Lately because everything more people become adherents of this unique and useful teaching. The most important point in it is to create an optimal environment in any room so that every person can feel light and free. It is also here that a lot of attention is paid to ensuring that in the process of using any interior item, the impacts that will be exerted on a person are taken into account.

Rules for installing a bed according to Feng Shui:

How to install a bed correctly, focusing on the cardinal directions?

Also, many people, in the process of installing all the elements in the house, take into account exactly how they are installed in relation to one or another side of the world. The location of the bed on the cardinal points is deservedly popular, and at the same time the most optimal choice It is considered that this element is installed in such a way that the heads of the people in it are directed towards the north. In this case, the best possible stay for the person is ensured, and he will also be able to fully relax and enjoy a sound and pleasant sleep. However, orientation to the cardinal directions is not always possible, since several beds are often installed in one room at once, and it is simply impossible to install them the right way. In this case, it is best to choose other positioning techniques, but in any case, it is not recommended that people lie in bed with their heads facing south.

Not correct location beds - by the door

How can you not install a bed?

We can talk a lot about how to correctly install this element, but we can note some conditions that indicate how exactly it should not be installed. Not recommended:

  • Position the bed so that people are facing the exit, since it is believed that dead people are carried out of any room feet first;
  • Press the headboard tightly against the wall, since during sleep a person is considered the least protected, but the presence of a wall behind can create a favorable and calm environment for sleep;
  • Hang any heavy and bulky objects above the bed, which include chandeliers or large decorative elements that will put pressure on a person. It is almost impossible to relax under such pressure, which can result in quite serious problems with sleep;
  • Place a mirror next to or opposite the bed. There is a belief that this particular element accumulates a huge amount during life. negative energy, which can transfer to him during a person’s sleep. As a result, you can expect that your dreams will not be very good. good dreams, and the person himself will not be able to fully relax in his home.

Some basic secrets of correct bed installation

The location of the bed in the apartment is an important issue for every person, and at the same time, there are several secrets that, knowing about which, you can install it so that using it is pleasant and comfortable. In this case, each person in it will be able to fully and well relax.

This includes what a person lying in bed should have good review the entire room, and especially the door should be in his field of vision, because then he will feel comfortable and protected. It is best if the headboard is directed towards the north, and also next to the wall. If you take into account these nuances, it will be difficult to make a mistake with the correct location of this element in any room.

The bedroom is the place where we spend a third of our lives. The main element of this room is the bed. And how you arrange this piece of furniture in the bedroom depends not only on the perception of the interior, but also on the quality of your sleep. And as you know, strong and healthy sleep- the key to good health for the whole working day! If you have been racking your brains for a long time about how best to arrange the bed in the bedroom, then the tips from iDezz will come in handy!

Let's consider the places where a bed could theoretically be located in the bedroom and determine the most rational choice.

1. Near the wall
The most common and good option bed placement. It is best when the head of the bed not only rests against the wall, but also goes into small niche or alcove. In such a space you will feel cozy and safe.

2. Headboard by the window
A bed near a window has its pros and cons.


  • Fresh air;
  • Lots of light for reading books, notes and other small work;
  • From the bed it is convenient to look out the window and watch the world around you.


  • There is a possibility of drafts;
  • There is no access to the window - it is inconvenient to open, wipe, wash.

If you are a morning person by nature and don't like to sleep late, then you will like a bed by the window. You will get up at sunrise as soon as Sun rays touch your face.

3. In the center of the room
Round beds look good in the middle of the room. By embodying this idea, you get an interior with extraordinary shapes. In addition, you can sleep in any direction on a round mattress. If you are interested in Eastern teachings, you will like this, as you will be able to decide which side of the world to place the pillow.

4. Opposite the entrance to the bedroom
The bedroom opposite the entrance is suitable for those who lead a nocturnal lifestyle. For example, he works or relaxes in clubs. If you are one of these people, then when you come home, you won’t have to look for a long place to sleep - it will be right at the entrance. Just remember to undress before you fall into bed :)

There are no rules as such on how best to place a bed in the bedroom. Usually people place the bed as the shape and size of the bedroom allows. When placing furniture, many are guided by personal preferences, however, there are some principles that still should not be violated:

  • Placing the bed in the bedroom in a straight line between the window and the door is not a good idea. There will be a draft from the open window, so you will just catch a cold. And if you keep the window closed, then the room will not get Fresh air, which is necessary for sound sleep.
  • Do not hang heavy objects in the bed area, especially in the children's room. - paintings, beams, shelves, chandeliers, etc. Indeed, if they are not securely fastened, they can fall on the sleeping people and cause injury to them. If in your bedroom the place for a chandelier is located directly above the bed, then for safety reasons, purchase a plate chandelier or a model with arms pointing upward.
  • Don't know where to place the bed in the bedroom? Main do not place the sleeping bed close to the TV if you want to preserve your vision.
  • Leave the space under the bed free for good ventilation of the mattress. Nowadays platform beds are in fashion. They have room for bed linen. However, do not overcrowd the inside of the platform, otherwise you will have to ventilate the mattress from time to time.

  • Place the double bed so that the sleeping area is accessible from 2 sides. There should be enough space in both aisles so that both people can freely stand on their side.

Feng Shui placement of the bed in the bedroom

The goal of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui is to achieve harmony and a cozy atmosphere in the interior of the house. Followers of the Chinese concept believe that the location of the bed plays a role important role in how the day will go: will it bring good luck or bad luck. Here's what Feng Shui advises on this matter:

  • According to Feng Shui, the bed in the bedroom should be in accordance with the cardinal directions. East side responsible for healthy and sound sleep. The south helps you achieve success at work. If you want to develop your intuition, place the head of your bed in the north direction. And if you and your significant other have been planning children for a long time, then place the head of the sleeping bed on the west side.
  • According to Feng Shui ideology, a person sleeping on a bed should not be reflected in the mirror. It's better to remove it completely mirror surfaces from the bedroom, as they take away positive energy.
  • From the point of view of ancient Chinese thinkers, it is not good to sleep on the floor and it is equally bad to sleep too high (for example, on the top bunk of a 2-bunk bed). Positive Qi energy flows under the sleeping bed, but due to an excess of energy, interference may occur in the smoothness of its movement. So if you keep suitcases with old things under your bed, put them somewhere else, as they impede the movement of Qi.
  • According to Feng Shui technique, ideally the bed should be located diagonally in the bedroom. This arrangement creates a smooth, meandering flow of energy in the room.
  • Do not place the head of the bed against the wall in which the plumbing is installed. so that the sounds of water do not interfere with your dreams. If you live in a cottage, make sure that there is no bathroom or toilet above the bed, and no stove under it. Feng Shui also does not recommend laying behind the headboard. electric wires and place the bed near the air duct or chimney.
  • Try to position the bed so that the corner does not point towards sleeping people , if the bedroom has a large closet, there is a column or a corner of the room protrudes.
  • According to Feng Shui, a person lying on a bed should be able to see the door to the bedroom. If the door is located behind the head or too close to the head, then sleep will be disturbing, especially in children.

How can you not place a bed in the bedroom?

According to Feng Shui, the bed should not be placed in front of mirrors. It is believed that a mirror is one of the most dangerous neighbors of a sleeping place. However, in small bedrooms there is no alternative for rearranging the bed. Therefore, it is better to abandon mirrors altogether or cheat a little:

  • Remove all mirrors in the bedroom , leave only what is built inside the cabinet.
  • Cover mirrors with curtains at night. Or use a screen that you can place between the bed and the mirror. You will only need the screen at night, and during the day, hide it in the closet for free movement around the room.
  • Install a canopy over your bed - it will hide your reflection from the mirror.

What else should you pay attention to?

A bed is a place to sleep, not a place to work. Do not bring a laptop or documents here, because the energy labor activity disrupts rest and proper sleep. Moreover, there are special places for this - an office, in extreme cases a living room or kitchen, but not a bedroom.

Also note, mobile phone is an active source of electromagnetic radiation that should not be left near the head of the bed. At night while you're resting, electromagnetic waves negatively affect the human body.

When arranging the interior of your bedroom, remember that this is a place of solitude, a love nest. Therefore, leave a minimum of equipment in this room - then nothing will interfere with a romantic idyll and a sound sleep.

How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom?

A narrow bedroom is quite common in modern apartments, especially in older ones. standard houses. When arranging a narrow bedroom, follow our tips, and then you will be able to ergonomically arrange the elements bedroom interior:

  • If you want to maintain space in a narrow bedroom, then install the bed across the room along a narrow wall.

  • If possible, replace the bed with a folding sofa or transformable bed.
  • Instead of bedside tables install tall narrow chests of drawers. They have greater functionality and practicality.
  • Proper zoning of space is an excellent design technique narrow bedroom. The room can be divided into 2-3 zones, in one of which the bed will be located, and the rest of the space can be decorated at your discretion. For zoning, through partitions in the form of shelves, shelves, and screens are suitable. Dividing the bedroom into zones will expand the room and make it comfortable and cozy.


According to Chinese thinkers, the location of the bed plays a big role in what energy settles in the bedroom. Will it be conducive to success in your career and home harmony, or, on the contrary, will it have a negative impact on your life?

In this article, we talked about how to correctly position a bed in the bedroom from a practical point of view and according to Feng Shui, as well as what can be done if it is not possible to place the sleeping bed in any other way. We hope the tips from iDezz will help you with this!

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A person spends almost a third of his life in the bedroom. How to properly place a bed in the bedroom is a question that apartment and house owners ask themselves. A good, sound sleep without nightmares depends on its location. How to properly organize a sleeping place with your own hands is suggested in this article.

It is known that sound sleep is the key to health. A person can sometimes sleep a lot in a day, or maybe very little, but no one can do without it.

In order to be in shape, you need to have restful and deep sleep, which requires falling asleep easily and then waking up the same way. The master of the bedroom is the bed. Therefore, she must be maximum size for this room.

There are instructions that indicate how not to place a bed in the bedroom:

  • It should not be placed with its feet towards the door.. According to legend, this can attract evil spirits and ghosts of the dead, through open door At night, bad energy can easily enter. If it is impossible to arrange the sleeping bed in a different way, you can reduce the negative desire by closing the bedroom door during sleep.
  • It is not recommended to place the sleeping place with the head of the bed facing the window. A person in a dream is very vulnerable and defenseless, and needs support. Optimal location places to sleep are opposite the wall.
  • The sleeping bed should be in the freest part of the room.
  • Avoid drafts and air currents, this can cause illness. This means that the bed cannot be placed on the aisles and near the opening windows. If there is no other option, you need to close the front door well and curtain the windows with thick curtains (see).
  • The bed should not be placed in the passage between the window and the door. There is constantly an active movement of different energies that interfere with restful sleep.
  • Feng Shui is not recommended to be placed next to the bed or in front of a mirror.(cm. ). According to this teaching, mirrors can reflect the negative energy that has accumulated during the day and direct it back. After which the person wakes up tired and depressed.
  • To preserve vision, the sleeping place from the TV should be at least four meters away. In addition, harmful radiation from the device negatively affects the quality of sleep and general condition.
  • Center. A central location of the bed in the bedroom cannot be considered successful. There is not a single wall nearby, which means there is no feeling of protection and reliable support.
  • Niche. In an alcove or niche is the most correct location of the bed in the room. The enclosed space gives a feeling of comfort and safety, as shown in the photo.
  • You should sleep with your head facing north or east.

How to arrange a place to sleep

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of space forms on a person.

There are several simple rules that will help you properly arrange your sleeping area:

  • The structure of the bed should be strong with a good backrest, the headboard adjacent to the wall. This is necessary to create a sense of security in a person, to fully supply the bed with the necessary energy. For the same reasons, you should not place the bed with its head to the window, even with thick curtains, under a skylight, in the middle of the room, or with its head in a corner.

Advice: You should not place the head of the bed in a corner, even if the “best” direction is precisely in this corner.

  • There should be nothing hanging above the sleeping place, and especially the head of the bed. Especially in the nursery. If the room is small, there may be a chandelier above the bed (see). In this case, it is better to buy it in the form of a plate or with horns whose direction is upward.
  • Installing a bed with a headboard under a low-hanging sloping ceiling, as shown in the photo, has an adverse effect on the psyche.
  • For an adult, it is necessary to provide access to the sleeping place from two sides. Sometimes the bed can be positioned in a corner if it is not possible to find a better other place. It is recommended that a child under 12 years old sleep in a corner, with the bed adjacent to the walls on both sides. This creates a greater feeling of security.
  • It is advisable that a person lying down can see the door to the room. When it is located behind the head or very close to it, sleep will be sensitive and restless, especially in a child.
  • A massive cabinet, column or protruding corner of the room should be located so that its corners do not point towards a person.
  • It is not advisable for the head of the bed to be adjacent to the wall of the toilet or bathroom. It is necessary to ensure that there are no pipes directly behind the headboard.

How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom

A narrow bedroom in an apartment is quite common, especially in Khrushchev-era buildings. How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom?

Where to place the rest of the furniture so that the room does not feel cluttered? Such problems arise when solving these issues.

When creating the interior of a narrow bedroom, you should give preference to compact furniture:

  • , Not great depth sliding wardrobes will fit perfectly into the room.
  • The room will seem more spacious if you install the bed near a smaller wall; you can place it along or across the room.
  • If possible better bed replace with a folding sofa.
  • Bedside tables can be replaced with tall narrow chests of drawers, which are more functional and practical.
  • There is no need to clutter the room with decorative elements and accessories; even the furniture should not have excesses.
  • In the design of a narrow bedroom, it is better to adhere to the principles of minimalism, where methods of visually expanding the space are used.
  • For narrow room, main decorative element, as a rule, is a large mirror. You can install it on one long wall. It will not only decorate the room, but also visually make it more spacious.
  • Zoning space is not a bad technique for decorating a narrow bedroom. It can be zoned into two or three zones using through partitions in the form of shelves, shelves or screens. Visual zoning can be done various finishes V different zones. Zoning is necessary to “expand” the room; it makes it more comfortable and cozy.
  • Proper lighting and light wall decoration can make the room more spacious and comfortable.

How does installing a bed with reference to the cardinal directions affect a person?

According to the ancient Chinese, a person’s ability to a certain type activities:

  • To the north can help develop intuition.
  • To the northeast helps in the development of mental and thinking abilities.
  • To the east provides a calm, sound sleep.
  • To the southeast increases the chances of developing perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goals.
  • To the south, although it is not clear how, it can help in acquiring a good reputation for a person.
  • To the southwest reduces problems in matters of the heart and love.
  • To the West helps in the birth of healthy and strong children.
  • To the northwest improves the possibility of making good friends.

All the details about the arrangement of beds in the bedroom can be seen in the video in this article. We have listed only brief recommendations for installing a sleeping place indoors.

The bedroom is where life began for many of us. This is the same corner where we spend a third of our lives, being in sweet bliss. You can give up a lot in life, but not sleep. A sound and healthy sleep after a working day is everyone’s destiny.

Choosing a place to place the bed will probably be the main concern when arranging a bedroom. To find out where to put the bed in the bedroom, our ancestors first let a cat into the house: where it lay down, they placed the bed there. IN modern world It’s not that simple and not everyone has a cat.

Bed for bedroom

The first beds appeared in ancient Egypt. Since then they have undergone many changes and improvements. Modern beds vary in size, design, and are distinguished by a wide range of materials used, both natural and synthetic. In some bedroom interiors, designers design individual exclusive furniture, including beds.

beds do not lose popularity natural wood threaded

modern design solutions fits perfectly into the interior

Possessing not the most big apartment, and not being able to allocate a separate room for a bedroom, you can install transformable furniture - a bed built into a closet, a sofa bed or a chair bed. Everything will depend on the size of your apartment.

Transformers increase living space. They are multifunctional, compact and convenient. Due to their versatility, they fully replace their stationary counterpart.

Those who have room to arrange a bedroom should think about a massive stationary bed. She is the main thing in the interior of the room, the rest are accessories. And the entire interior should be built around it. You should also pay attention to the choice of mattress. It depends on its model and content correct position body during sleep and, accordingly, the quality of rest. The mattress must be selected based on individual characteristics person.

How to arrange a bed in the bedroom

When placing a bed in the bedroom, you must follow some rules. They have both physical and psychological effects. Let's determine the basic rules for installing a bed.

1. The head of the bed should be against the wall. This optimal solution. The wall gives a feeling of security and comfort. It is optimal if the headboard of the bed is recessed into a small niche.

The wall adjacent to the headboard should not have plumbing installed so that any noise does not disturb your sleep. It is also not advisable to lay electrical points and wires behind the headboard.

2. There should not be a heating radiator near the headboard. The saying “keep your feet warm and your head cold” applies 100%.

3. You cannot place the bed with the headboard facing the window. It's uncomfortable with psychological point view, also on the side of the window the air temperature is lower, which can create drafts and makes it impossible to open the window for ventilation in the summer. You should also leave a clear path to the window. Opening and closing the window while constantly climbing over the bed is not very convenient.

4. Do not place the bed opposite the front door. According to Feng Shui technique, the correct position of the bed relative to the doors is diagonal. This will protect you from banal drafts, and will also create a smooth, meandering flow of energy in the room.

5. The double bed must be placed so that there is access to it from two sides. There should be enough space on both sides for a person to calmly stand on his side. This will also make cleaning the room easier. It is possible to move a single or one-and-a-half bed against the wall with one side, but it is not advisable. To get up or down on the bed, a person who sleeps against the wall must always climb over their partner.

6. The space under the bed must be left free for good ventilation of the mattress. Nowadays, one of the rages is the use of platform beds. Installing such a bed saves space for storing bed linen. But in this case, it is necessary to ventilate the mattress itself from time to time, leaving the platform open. When installing a bed with bedside tables, they must be pulled out to ventilate the mattress.

7. It is undesirable for any heavy objects to hang above the bed, including chandeliers and air conditioners.

8. TV, computer, video games - a great pastime! and the main enemy of your marital relationship.

Minimum household appliances in the bedroom - then nothing will interfere with a sound sleep.

The bedroom should become a place of solitude, a love nest and an oasis of relaxation from everyday life. For this purpose, choose the most secluded room in the house, remote from all communications. Modern apartments open-plan designs provide for a smooth flow of one room into another, then in this case care should be taken to separate the sleeping area.


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