How to properly caulk a wooden house. How to properly caulk a log house

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Caulking of a log house is the filling of cracks between the logs of the crowns and in the notches of the corners during the construction of the building and after its complete shrinkage. Proper implementation of such work allows you to avoid deformation of the walls of the house, insulate it and protect the living space from external negative influences(wind, precipitation, low temperatures etc.).

Caulking at home can be done using various materials and working tools. However, such work should only be carried out by experienced professionals. Qualified craftsmen will be able not only to caulk a log house at a price that is most affordable for everyone, but also to ensure the maximum quality of this work.

When is a log house caulked?

Caulking timber is a mandatory process before any finishing works. The work is carried out in two stages. First, filling the grooves between the logs must be done directly when assembling the walls. Next, the caulking of the house must be done after the log house has completely shrunk. As a rule, it takes one to two years for walls to completely shrink. The price of log caulk depends on:

  • height of walls and area of ​​the house;
  • material used to seal cracks between the frame;
  • the quality of the wood from which the walls are built.

If you want to caulk a log house, the price of which is quite affordable by the standards of the modern construction market, it is best to trust real professionals who can perform work of any complexity on highest level.

Materials for caulking a log house

Caulking of a log house, the price of which is determined by the craftsmen directly after inspecting the scope of work, must be carried out from the outside and inside walls This approach to work will ensure maximum moisture and wind protection of residential premises. Can be used for caulking timber various materials. Thus, the most in demand are tape and inter-crown linen and jute seals. With its use, you can easily caulk houses of any size.

Caulking, the price of which also depends on the quality of the sealant and the ease of working with it, can significantly increase the service life of the building and the quality of life in it. If you want to caulk your house, it is best to turn to professionals. Experienced craftsmen will be able to perform rather monotonous and labor-intensive work with the highest quality. The price of caulk in this case will become your investment in durability wooden house.

Do-it-yourself caulking of a log house with jute

Caulking a wooden house is the final stage of construction wooden building, and it is simply impossible to do without it.

Wooden houses have enjoyed wide popularity throughout the centuries. For a long time wood remained one of the most popular base materials low-rise construction. Today, buildings made of timber are more outlandish than traditional. appearance. Due to its naturalness and naturalness, the use of wood gives a person many benefits. However, creating such a building is a rather complex process that has many nuances.

Wooden houses can have various shapes and design, which involves carrying out a variety of work. Moreover, no matter what method of construction or material is used, caulk is always a necessary condition requiring full compliance. It is no secret that any building after construction goes through a process of shrinkage. Brick, concrete and, especially, wood can be subject to serious deformation during use. This is due various factors, ranging from soil specifics to climatic influences.

In the situation with timber, there is one more criterion and we are not talking about the use of the house, but rather about the drying of the wood. No matter how dried and solid the material is, for 5-6 years after being in the base of the structure, it will mandatory undergoes various changes. Under the combined influence of internal and external factors it is capable of not only changing its shape, but also being significantly deformed. As a result, dense and monolithic house becomes less warm, and its surface becomes covered with a web of cracks.

This state of affairs requires immediate correction, since ignoring it can lead to much more serious consequences in the form of rotting of the material and violation of the integrity of the building. However timely assistance is able to resolve this issue once and for all and prevent the destruction of the building.

It consists of caulking aimed at correcting the situation and preventing the most unfortunate development of events. Its implementation has many features and can be performed different ways. However, its purpose remains unchanged and is to fill the cracks formed as a result of shrinkage of the house, special materials. However, they must meet the following requirements:

  • have a low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • have a plastic structure;
  • not to be affected by temperature;
  • tolerates humidity and aridity equally well;
  • not susceptible to rot or insects;
  • be natural and natural.

Only strict compliance with these criteria will make it possible to obtain a monolithic surface capable of standing for a long time. long years. In addition, all these qualities significantly affect the preservation of heat, as a result of which the inside of the house will become warm and cozy.

Sealing cracks in a log house

Caulk wooden houses allows you to eliminate not only all visible surface defects, but also influence its characteristics. Thus, filling the space between the logs significantly increases the thermal insulation of the building and makes it possible to eliminate drafts. The duration of shrinkage depends on many factors and in some cases can reach 7-10 years.

At the same time, correct and high-quality work can make even an old wooden house warm and comfortable room. However, not every building material is suitable for caulking, since in addition to all the above qualities, it must also have a specific structure, which can be called hygroscopic. For today everyone necessary requirements Only a few materials correspond, the list of which is as follows:

  • sphagnum moss;
  • flax tow;
  • hemp hemp;
  • jute;
  • linen felt.

These means are inherent necessary qualities, and they can well be used for work on processing a wooden house. However, it should be remembered that the total cost of caulking may vary significantly when using a particular material, since they all have different prices. In addition, even the same product may differ in its structure, increasing material consumption or increasing work time.

This state of affairs is due to the fact that natural materials, like moss or tow, do not always have the same structure and properties, since their characteristics depend to the greatest extent on the qualities of the plant. Therefore, at the time of purchase, you should carefully check the insulating agents and their characteristics. This is the only way to be sure of obtaining a positive result and full-fledged caulking of the building, which will improve its quality.

Necessary tools and work process

As mentioned above, caulking is a rather labor-intensive, responsible and painstaking process that can take quite a lot of time. Based on this, the best solution will invite specialists who will perform all the work efficiently and accurately. In addition, such a solution will make it possible to reduce total time construction and guarantee optimal results. However, the price of such work can be quite high, which is not always appropriate.

An alternative to calling in specialists is to caulk a wooden house with your own hands, which allows you not only to make it as comfortable as possible, but also to save a significant part of the materials. However, it should be remembered that this process is of particular importance and is associated with serious responsibility, since the durability of the building and its insulating characteristics will largely depend on its results.

  • caulk;
  • mallet;
  • wooden spatula.

The main one of the listed tools is rightfully considered to be a caulk - a tool made in the shape of a spatula, pointed at the edges. Its use makes it possible to evenly and efficiently distribute any type of insulating material, as well as fill cracks and other holes with it. In turn, the remaining tools are designed to ensure its maximum fixation in those places where caulking is not able to help.

Caulking a log house involves several stages of work. The first of them is carried out at the time of construction of the structure, the second - after 1-2 years, and the final one - only after 6-7 years. At the same time, during construction, insulation is laid directly at the joints of the logs and at their joints, and the second and third treatments involve filling the cracks formed as a result of shrinkage of the house.

As a rule, the surface is caulked from top to bottom by evenly distributing the insulation over all cracks and holes. A feature of this process is the need to evenly distribute the material along the entire perimeter of the building, since focusing on one wall can lead to distortion of the entire building. Small cracks are filled with individual threads of tow or moss, and larger holes are best covered with jute thread, which has a denser structure. Complete treatment of all problem areas will make it possible not only to increase the service life of a wooden house, but also to make it as comfortable and warm as possible.

Caulking a house is a construction operation, the purpose of which is to seal the cracks between timber or natural logs fibrous material to prevent cold air from entering the home from the street. The second property of caulk is decorative. Smooth long rollers between the logs, twisted from flax or jute and varnished, look original and give the structure a natural natural look, referring us to technologies developed during the times wooden architecture. But the decorative component of caulking is important only for log houses, houses made of logs, which are not finished on the outside. For buildings made of timber, the cracks are only punched with tow, since the walls are almost always lined with finishing material.

Owners may object, why do they need to caulk if the building is to be finished? This can be answered this way: even despite external finishing heat loss through the spaces between the timbers will still be the same. In addition, wood-boring insects, which love to live in such recesses, can settle in them. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to caulk the house outside and inside. As a last resort, the cracks should at least be foamed before finishing.

To work, you need to have a special tool, a caulking chisel. They are sold in construction stores. The width of the working part is from 1 to 5 cm. It is more convenient to caulk with a tool with a narrow blade internal corners log house The tow is hammered in with a small sledgehammer, weighing 1 kg. A heavier tool, weighing 1.5 kg, is used in cases where the shrinkage of the house has ended and the gaps between the logs are minimal. Accordingly, when working with a weighted sledgehammer you get tired faster. By the way, almost everyone professional caulkers chronic pain in the wrist joints.

To caulk cracks, use natural fibrous material - flax or jute. Jute fiber is more expensive, dense, and birds do not like to pull it out. But if the gap between the beams is minimal, you will have to hammer in the jute with great effort.

Flax fiber is cheaper and less dense. Easily fits into the narrowest gap. If the distance between the beams is wide, more flax is consumed than jute. Birds love to pull it out for their nest-building purposes. The quality of flax fiber is easy to determine: the fewer inclusions of straw, the better it is.

At the stage of building a house, the initial installation of inter-crown insulation is carried out. In ancient times, moss was used for these purposes. It was collected from the forest, dried and placed between logs. Today, this painstaking work is not necessary: ​​flax or jute fiber, collected into strips of various widths, is produced in factories and then sold in stores.

The wider the tape, the cheaper the same volume of fiber. Thrifty owners buy a bale of the widest strip and then cut it to the size of a log or timber. This insulation option is the most economical. Of course, it also has its downsides. Natural fiber is very difficult to cut. For these purposes, craftsmen have adapted an ordinary scythe, which must be sharpened after each cut. Therefore, sometimes it is wiser to buy a tape of the required width. You will not spend much more money, but you will save time and nerves, which are so necessary when building a log house.

Inter-crown insulation is laid between logs or beams. To prevent it from being blown away by the wind, it is attached to the tree using construction stapler. The tape is laid with a small margin, so after it the walls look untidy, with rags of insulation sticking out everywhere.

After construction, the house is left to shrink. During this time, the tree dries and decreases in size. between the logs they close or, on the contrary, increase. This happens when the timber or logs are uneven. In any case, gaps appear through which cold air enters the building. To minimize losses on buildings, it is necessary to caulk them.

The construction services market offers a wide range of offers for caulking wooden houses. Type the word “caulk” in the search bar and you will see big choice such works. This service is expensive; in 2017, prices for 1 meter of caulk start at 100 rubles. If you have a log house measuring 8 by 8 m and a height of 2.5 m, then you will spend about 50,000 rubles on caulking the outside alone. And there's just as much inside. This work is not difficult, but rather monotonous. If the construction budget allows, it is better to hire professional caulkers. They will do their work quickly and efficiently. If you don’t have money for caulking, but still hold on, you can perform this construction operation yourself.

The approach to caulking a house made of timber for finishing and a log house is slightly different. The log is completely caulked, even if there are no cracks. Here, the caulking also has a decorative component - an even roller is made along the perimeter of the building between all the crowns of jute or flax. In a log house, if there are no gaps between the crowns, it is not necessary to hammer in caulk. Only those places through which air can enter are caulked. In addition, the tow is hammered flush with the wall, decorative roller do not do this, as the surface will be finished off. This version of caulking is much faster.


About six months after the construction of the house, they begin to make caulking by pushing old tow inside the gap. This is the most simple work. Take a chisel and, starting from the very lower crown, punch through the tow that has come out between the beams. According to the rules, you need to caulk the log house around the perimeter of the house, starting from the bottom of the building. There were cases when inexperienced builders first caulked one wall, then the other. As a result, the house was warped, and the tow had to be removed and the whole work redoed again.

Then we take the tow and start punching it. We used flax insulation, tape, 15 cm wide. This is the most common size, since tow of this width can be rolled 2 times. We tear off a piece of about 2 m and tuck the edge between the timber, driving it in with a chisel to a depth of 1-2 cm so that it does not jump out. If the gap is so small and you understand that cold air will not pass through it, there is no need to caulk the timber.

Then we take the tape by the bottom edge, fold it in half and again hammer it with a chisel along the entire length. There is no need to punch deep; it is enough that the insulation does not fall out of the gap.

Next, we’ll roll up the tow again and also hammer it between the beams. Here you need to increase the force of the blow with the sledgehammer in order to push the tow inside.

Now you need to hammer it flush with the wall along the entire length of the tape using short elastic blows.

The fibrous material located between the beams must be elastic and not be pressed through by finger pressure. If the width is quite large and the tow is easily crushed, you need to add more tapes of the same length and repeat the whole operation again. Over time, you will understand how much tow you need to caulk the crack. different sizes. Then we again tear off another 2 meters of tow and break through further gaps, and so on around the entire perimeter of the house.

Vertical seams between the beams are hammered in the same way. Only the tow needs to be rolled several times more. The result should be an elastic roller driven flush with the wall.

Corners are also made using this system. In some cases, a chisel with a narrow blade may be needed. If you didn't buy one, a regular impact driver may work.

Thus, meter by meter, you need to go through all the crowns around the perimeter of the building. Finally, to prevent the wind and birds from tearing the tow apart and removing it from the cracks, it can be treated with varnish for outdoor use. For log houses, they usually use yacht varnish, for finishing – the cheapest. The varnish is applied to the seam with a brush.

When it dries, the tow will harden and neither the wind nor the birds will be able to pull it out. In some cases, after about six months to a year, after the final shrinkage of the structure, re-caulking is carried out. Before this, an inspection of the cracks is carried out to ensure the need for this construction operation.

Caulking is a tedious and time-consuming job. Especially when you need to break through the upper crowns. We have to tinker scaffolding or use the ladder, climbing on and off it countless times to move it further.

It is most convenient to caulk with your own hands in winter period when cold weather prevents you from doing other things. Dress warmly, brush the snow off the wall, and swing the sledgehammer until it gets dark. If you liked the article, share it on social networks.


The caulking of the log house provides reliable insulation home for the entire period of its operation. This operation is no less important than the construction of a log house; if you treat it formally, you can end up with a cold, uncomfortable and drafty house.

Unlike brick and concrete, wood is special building material, the tree is sensitive to the conditions in which it finds itself. Caulk correctly wooden house- it means to create normal conditions For construction wood, and ensure the longevity of the structure. In addition to solving problems of insulation, caulking protects wood from excess moisture and dampness, rotting, damage by microorganisms and insects.

Wooden houses are traditionally caulked with material natural origin, one of the most popular are insulation materials made from the fibers of the jute plant. IN wooden house construction insulation from this plant, exotic for Europe and America, is confidently replacing other materials; jute is widely used by Canadian and Scandinavian builders.

The reason for the popularity of jute fibers was low price and good performance, on Russian market jute competes with traditional Russian flax. When the question arises: how to caulk a house made of timber, preference is increasingly given. Cottages, economy class residential buildings, bathhouses and outbuildings are insulated using jute.

In the countries of South Asia, three “harvests” of jute are obtained from one plot per year with a yield of about 2 tons per hectare; Asian producers are able to fully satisfy the needs of the world market for this product; the advantages of jute material include:

  • Environmentally friendly, fibers do not split and do not form dispersed dust,
  • The fibrous mass is homogeneous, does not cake,
  • Jute tape is compressed to 1-2 mm without disturbing the geometry,
  • Jute insulation is hygroscopic, protects the log house from excess moisture,
  • Jute can be used to caulk houses made of logs, beams, profiled and edged timber.

The disadvantage is noted: wet jute mass can create favorable environment for microorganisms and insects. To eliminate this drawback, manufacturers use preservatives and antiseptic impregnations, you need to pay attention to this when purchasing material.

Depending on the density, jute insulation is divided into tow tape, batting and felt. The material is rigid and elastic, tends to maintain its original shape, which requires attention and certain skills when using it.

How to properly caulk a log house with jute

A house is caulked in two stages: during the construction of the log house and after its shrinkage, the first operation is called primary caulking, the second - finishing. Primary caulk done in two steps: they lay a jute tape between the crowns during the construction of the log house, after erecting the walls, the seams are processed clean. When laying jute tape between logs or beams, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The surfaces of the crown before caulking are cleaned of adhering dirt, shavings and sawdust, the jute tape is rolled out along one side of the wall, and secured every meter with a construction stapler. When laying in parts, the edges are joined end to end,
  • The tape is cut along the side edge of the beam, in log house– along the line of the laying groove,
  • The dowels are driven through the jute tape, an incision is made crosswise at the puncture site,
  • The operations are repeated on the next crown.

The initial finishing caulking begins after laying the walls and installing the roof; caulking begins from the bottom crown. The material is driven into the inter-crown joints to a state of elasticity using special tool, after completing work on the first crown, move on to the second. The operation is labor-intensive and requires diligence and considerable effort. According to builders' prices, the cost of this work is up to 100 rubles per meter.

After completion of work on outside, the operation is repeated from the inside of the house, the technology for insulating a house made of timber from the outside and inside does not differ. Time spent on caulking one-story house 8x8 can be 5-7 days.

It is important. If you caulk each wall separately, you may encounter the following problem: each processed seam increases the inter-crown distance by 3-4 mm, a fully processed wall of a house made of 200x200 timber with a height of 16 crowns will become higher by 5-7 cm, which can lead to distortions in corner connections.

Caulking methods

When caulking cleanly, interventional crowns drive jute batting into the cracks, the operation is performed in two ways:

  • “In a stretch” - a twist-pigtail of jute batting with a diameter of 20-25 mm is driven into the crack, in this way seams with large gaps are caulked,
  • “To the set” - the cracks are caulked with tape insulation 5-7 mm wide, the edges of the tape are hammered into the crack one by one, then the middle part is recessed.

The craftsmen recommend laying jute tape between the crowns with an overlap of up to 60-70 mm, the free edge is wrapped, tucked into the gap and caulked “into the set”. IN difficult cases the insulation is hammered into the stretch, the seam is completely processed “into the set”.

After the house has been subjected to shrinkage, the previously laid layer of insulation is deformed, the inter-crown cracks open, and at this stage of caulking the log house, the work must be done virtually all over again. During the shrinkage process, deep longitudinal cracks-sinuses will appear in the body of the beam; such cracks are caulked with flax tow and sealed with sealant; for individual cracks, thermal insulation with flax material is more effective.

How to caulk the corners of a log house with jute

When caulking a log house Special attention They pay attention to the corners; this largely determines whether the house will be warm or not. The easiest way to work is with angles. In this case, the oblo is part of a log or beam, the jute tape is laid on a common surface, as a result, each seam of the corner lock receives its own layer of insulation.

When chopping into a paw, the elements of the castle are caulked in different ways; in general, the principle is followed: each joint must be caulked.

Finishing caulking is done in order, simultaneously with the crowns.

How to choose a jute ribbon

Jute insulation is selected according to density, thickness and width. A high-density jute tape is laid between the crowns; when shrinking, the low-density insulation cakes more; the width is chosen according to the size of the timber; for rounded logs - according to the size of the laying groove. Experts recommend:

  • Lay the edged timber with jute tape 20-25 mm thick; under pressure its thickness will be no more than 4 mm;
  • For dry planed timber, use a tape 10-12 mm thick, which shrinks to 2 mm.

Intervention seams are caulked with a material of lower density; to fill cracks, jute batting with a density of 500-600 grams per square meter is used.

Caulking Tools

The toolkit includes:

  • A stackable caulk with a blunt blade for working “as a set”; it is better to have two types of tools: with a 10-centimeter blade for caulking crowns and a 2-centimeter blade for cracks;
  • The road worker for laying twists “in a stretch” has a wide blade thickened towards the bottom. A semicircular notch is made along the entire length of the blade;
  • Breaking caulking with a wedge-shaped blade is driven into the cracks to widen them.

The tool is made of hardwood or soft metal and has a handle that is comfortable for use. As percussion instrument use a mallet - a hammer with a wooden or rubber head.

Caulk with jute rope

  1. The walls of a house made of edged timber do not always have an attractive appearance; it is almost impossible to lay insulation between the crowns without unevenness, so it will not be possible to caulk the frame “string by thread”. You can decorate the facade using jute rope, which is laid over a layer of inter-crown insulation; the rope is secured with clapboard nails.
  2. After finishing caulking, it is advisable to treat the inter-crown cracks with an antiseptic, effective means is a domestic drug "Neomid". The product provides long-term protection of insulation from natural material from rotting, fungus and insects. It has a liquid consistency and is applied with a brush.
  3. If the log house is subjected to grinding after shrinkage, the finishing caulking is carried out in last resort– after finishing sanding the walls.


Despite mass production synthetic materials, houses continue to be caulked with natural fibers that have excellent thermal insulation properties. Interventional insulation made from flax and jute have specific advantages and disadvantages, all best qualities combined in the increasingly popular combined material “linen-jute”.

What material to caulk with? Vacation home or a bathhouse, each developer decides independently depending on the design of the house, local climate and other conditions.

The final stage in the construction of walls of wooden houses is caulking. This process is necessary to prevent the penetration of moisture between the elements of the log house, since the trapped moisture leads to rotting of the logs.

After building a house, the final stage is caulking. It is necessary to prevent moisture from getting between the logs and acts as insulation.

Before caulking a log house, you need to decide on the material used for insulation. Today's manufacturer offers new materials - jute and linen. They replaced the old ones, such as moss and tow.

Caulking is carried out a year after the construction of the log house, regardless of whether the insulation was laid during felling. This time is necessary for shrinkage wooden structure at home, so that the elements of the timber or log fall into place and take shape during shrinkage. After another year, it is necessary to re-caulk, since complete shrinkage may cause additional cracks to form, which should also be caulked. In carrying out this work, the following goals are pursued:

  • achieve tightness of the log house;
  • provide good thermal insulation;
  • prevent wood from rotting;
  • protect the material from condensation.

From whatever wooden material No matter how the house was built, caulking is made according to the same principle. The main thing is to tightly hammer the material between the crowns. In some places where the wood has become very dry, excessive large gaps, in this case they are caulked with jute or hemp ropes.

Materials for caulking at home

When selecting material, the following requirements must be taken into account:

When choosing a material for caulking a log house, you must be guided by the fact that the material is non-toxic and does not have unpleasant odors and had low thermal conductivity.

  • it must have low thermal conductivity;
  • must not contain harmful substances that may harm health;
  • exclude an environment for the development of mold and fungal formations and the reproduction of insects;
  • be resistant to influences natural factors, temperature changes and high humidity;
  • must not contain unpleasant odors;
  • do not lose their heat-protective and sealing qualities for many years.

Moss. This is an environmentally friendly natural material that has the ability to absorb moisture and release it. When using moss, wood is not subject to rotting, as it has antibacterial properties. Thanks to its natural origin, the room is filled with a healthy, favorable atmosphere. But when working with moss, some difficulties arise due to the fact that it is difficult to lay down. To simplify the work, it is combined with tow. And even despite its minor shortcomings, this material is the best option.

Tow. Is also natural material. But, unlike moss, it is a secondary product after processing flax and hemp. Has the same positive qualities, as moss.

Linen batting is made from flax fiber and is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

Lnovatin. It is made from pure flax fiber. It is not harmful to health, as it is environmentally friendly. Provides excellent thermal insulation. It also has the ability to absorb water when high humidity, and if it’s low, give it away. Thanks to these properties, wood does not rot and the formation of mold and mildew. The material has the form of a tape, which is available in various thicknesses. It is laid using the stretch method.

Jute fiber. This is the result of processing plants from the mallow family, which grow in Central Asia, India and China. It is used in the manufacture of ropes and bags. It is also in great demand for caulking houses made of wooden beam and logs. Its insulation properties are similar to tow, but its installation is carried out in a set.

Jute. Jute fiber is used to make it; it is produced in rolls with different thickness. It is mainly used in buildings where increased thermal insulation is required. It has excellent thermal insulation properties and is resistant to humid environments. The ability to not absorb moisture allows installation directly on damp logs.

Methods and features of caulking

There are two ways:

  • stretching;
  • to the set.

Diagram of caulking methods.

With the caulking method, strands are twisted from the material, which are subsequently wound into a ball for ease of use. Loops are knitted from the resulting threads and hammered into the resulting gaps and crevices. The number of loops depends on the size of the cleft. The caulking material is first driven into the upper edges, and then into the lower edges. To give the seam a neat appearance, the tow is trimmed with the flattened end of a small nail puller.

A lot of attention needs to be paid to the corners, as they are caulked with special care. When sealing the walls, the ends of the tow should be extended to the corners by 10-15 cm.

If the caulk is placed in finished house, the height of the log house increases to 15 cm, therefore, in order not to damage chimney, it must be freed from sealing solutions for the duration of the work.

But laying the material in a set method is mainly used during the second caulking. This method has found its application in sealing large gaps and cracks. For work, a fiber roller is used, which was prepared in advance. Since the seams are the same width, the thickness of the bead should be the same. However, if there are larger gaps in some places, then the roller needs to be folded several times to form something like a loop. This method got its name “to set” because of the gain of thickness by twisting the cord.

The material is hammered with a special caulk and a wooden mallet.

Caulking a log house

Every year it is necessary to inspect the house for cracks and gaps. If found, they must be caulked immediately.

The installation of caulking of log houses differs little from the insulation of other log houses, if you do not take into account the fact that the gaps in log houses are much smaller and experience is required when working so as not to overfill interventional insulation. But when caulking with jute, special attention should be paid to the joints between the logs, since they are the weakest point.

When performing poor-quality work in the cold season, the wind will blow through small, at first glance, cracks and corner joints, which will help lower the temperature in the house. Since these places are almost impossible to identify, you will have to redo the caulk, which will lead to waste of material and money.

Therefore, it is necessary to caulk houses made of logs with special care. If even the smallest gaps and cracks are found, they must be filled with the material as tightly and efficiently as possible; caulking must be done both outside and inside the house.

For a log house, it would be most advisable to use the roller method, since due to the rigidity of the roller, its quality and efficiency are significantly increased.


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