How to correctly calculate how much wallpaper you need. How many rolls of wallpaper are needed? Standard wallpaper sizes

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To make a simple but quite attractive renovation in a standard room, it is enough to use high-quality, or inexpensive, wallpaper. They will be an excellent means of finishing a room, providing good performance and aesthetic qualities.

Calculate volume building materials for decorating a room is as difficult as it is simple. Let's start with the fact that often the trick is to uneven walls or ceilings, the end result is not very pleasant when in the end there is a little bit of calculated material missing to complete the repair. Therefore, we will try to take into account as many factors as possible to achieve the desired result. Let's find out how to calculate wallpaper for a room.

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An important basis for further actions are accurate measurements. To perform this operation you will need a tape measure. With its help, we first find out the perimeter of the room, not taking into account the width of doors and windows, as well as the areas above or below these elements.

Based on this data, you can already calculate the wallpaper for the room. The resulting figure must be divided by the width of the wallpaper to determine the number of canvases. The length of the roll must be divided by the height of the ceilings, which will allow you to calculate the number of canvases in one roll. Now it remains total number Divide whole canvases by the number that can be obtained from one roll.

As a result, we get the number of integer stripes. To them you need to add more incomplete pieces, which must be taken into account in the calculations. They can be counted using the same principle.

If there is a drawing

We have considered the calculation option if plain wallpaper is used, but if products with a pattern are used that requires combining the canvases, what should we do? The number of wallpapers per room in this case is calculated somewhat more complicated.

It should be taken into account that the cost per sheet per roll will be less.


Let's give an example of how to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you need. For example, we have a room area. 12 sq. m. height 2.5 m. The room has a window (1.2x1.5 m) and a door (0.8x2.1 m). Let's say we have chosen a material whose roll width is 60 cm and length is 10.5 m.

In this case, the perimeter will be 12 m, minus the width of the window and door. As a result, you will need 20 canvases: 12/0.6. With a roll length of 10.5 m, you get 4 pieces of wallpaper. As a result, there will be 5 whole stripes: 20/4.

It is also necessary to take into account the areas above the door, as well as above and below the window. There will be enough scraps for this. However, it is recommended to add at least one more roll for an area of ​​12 square meters. m. Therefore, if the wallpaper is plain, you can buy at least 6 rolls, with a pattern - 7.

A room of 18 square meters is calculated in the same way. m. How many rolls will be required in this case? Let's try to calculate according to the old scheme.

So, the perimeter will be 20 m. 34 canvases will be required: 20/0.6. And there will be 8.5 whole stripes. That is, you need to buy 10 rolls without a pattern, and 11 rolls with a pattern. These are the recommendations for rooms with an area of ​​18 square meters. m.

The selected examples are not accidental, since these room sizes, 12 sq. m and 18 sq. m. are the most popular. Therefore, for many, the task of calculating how much wallpaper is needed for a room will be significantly simplified.

Let's sum it up

You should not neglect such recommendations, since they allow you to lay a high-quality foundation for further actions, which means that the result will depend on them. The calculation should be made as accurately as possible, this will eliminate the need to purchase additional material in the midst of the repair process.

The calculations can be compared to preparing walls for wallpapering. If the procedure is implemented efficiently, the result will be attractive. It remains to recommend not to rush into calculations. As they say, it’s better to measure seven times and cut once...

Wallpaper calculation is one of the main stages preparatory work, which allows you to obtain data on the required quantity finishing material. This procedure should be approached with all responsibility; if the calculation is incorrect, many problems will arise during wall cladding. There are several methods that allow you to get the correct result.

How to calculate wallpaper? It is necessary to resort to step-by-step implementation of actions, this will help to take into account all the nuances and get an accurate result. Many people think that determining how much wallpaper is needed is easy. But in the end they are lost important factors, which leads to rather unpleasant consequences.

Determining the parameters of different wallpapers

It’s worth mentioning right away that without choosing a specific type of material, the calculation will be conditional. Therefore, work begins with defining standard parameters all available varieties from which the final choice will be made.

So, the following sizes exist:

On a note! In order to calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room, you should take into account that in addition to the standard length of 10.05 m, there are roll options with an indicator of 5, 8, 12 (15) and 18 meters.

Fabric adjustment

It may seem that knowing all the parameters, you can accurately determine the wallpaper consumption. But it is quite difficult to imagine a situation where all the stripes are superimposed on the surface with absolute accuracy. In reality, there are a number of factors that influence the accuracy of the calculation:

All stages of counting are taken into account in mandatory, this helps to avoid annoying and ridiculous mistakes.

On the standard marking there are several symbols related to the adjustment of the pattern; they directly relate to the number of rolls

A natural question arises: why determine exactly how much wallpaper is needed for a room? Indeed, if you purchase material with a sufficient supply, then absolutely accurate parameters are not needed, but there are situations when expensive products are used in the work or financial possibilities are limited.

On a note! Many people think that if there is a shortage of material, it is better to buy more - this opinion is wrong. The fact is that when using different batches of goods, the appearance of different colors is almost guaranteed.

There are many shades of the color spectrum and you should not expect that in another batch of wallpaper the palette will match 100%

Determining room parameters

Based on the available parameters, it is possible to calculate the wallpaper for the room with the greatest accuracy.

Calculation formulas

There are two main ways to determine how much wallpaper you need for a room, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Perimeter calculation

In principle, the formula is quite simple:

  • The perimeter of the room is determined.
  • The length of the strip is calculated. To do this, add a small margin to the height and, if necessary, rapport.
  • Next you need to count the number of stripes. To do this, the perimeter is divided by the width of the roll of selected material.
  • Then you need to calculate how many strips are included in one roll. To do this, the total length of the roll is divided by the height of the web, taking into account all allowances.
  • All that remains is to determine the number of rolls of wallpaper per room.

Knowing the width of the roll, you can roughly calculate the amount of material per room

Calculation based on area

  1. The area of ​​the room is determined. From these data, the specific volume that will be finished is calculated.
  2. The area of ​​the selected type of material is calculated taking into account one roll.
  3. The quantity of required products is calculated.

On a note! This method allows you to get more correct indicators, but it does not take into account the characteristics of the room. Therefore, it is often worth adding some margin.

Theoretically, when calculating the area of ​​walls, you need to subtract the area of ​​windows and doors, but in reality it is better not to do this, since a reserve is needed

Examples of calculations

For convenience, we can give several examples that allow you to calculate how much material is needed depending on the chosen method.

Room of 12 sq. m

Because the total area 12 m2, which means the room is 3 meters long and 4 m wide. The ceiling height is 2.5 m. Thus, it is necessary to determine how many rolls of wallpaper will be required:

  • Room perimeter: 3+4+3+4 = 14 m +5% = 14.7 m.
  • The number of stripes must be calculated depending on the type of material. In this case, the standard size of 53*1005 cm is used. Then, with a height of 250 cm, taking into account the margin and rapport, the result is 260 cm.
  • Based on the fact that the width of the product is 53 cm and the perimeter of the room is 1470 cm: 1470/53 = 27.7, that is, 28 stripes.
  • There are 3.8 strips in one roll, which is obtained if 1005 is divided by 260. But only the whole value is taken into account, 3 segments will be used for continuous gluing, and the rest will be used for areas above and below the openings.
  • Thus, for a room of 12 m2 you will need: 28/3 = 9.3. Which is 9 rolls, 0.3 is excess.

If you calculate the consumption, it turns out that there is a lot of excess material left, so it is recommended to choose products of a different length.

Room 20 sq. m

  • The area is calculated from the calculation: 4*5, the perimeter is: 4+5+4+5+5% ≈ 19 m. And the ceiling height and headroom are 235 cm.
  • The material chosen is 106*1005.
  • Required number of strips: 1900 (19 m)/106 = 17.9. You can round up to 18.
    1005/235 = 4.2. That is, there are 4 strips on a roll.
  • Then 18/4 = 4.5. Thus, with a reserve you will need exactly 5 rolls.

Naturally, the total amount of material depends on the type chosen.

Room of 18 sq. m

With this value, adjacent walls will be 4.5 and 4 meters. The ceiling height is 3.2 m. Therefore, the calculation of wallpaper over an area of ​​18 square meters. m is produced in this way:

  • The area of ​​the walls is calculated: 4.5 * 3.2 = 14.4 and 4 * 3.3 = 12.8.
  • It must be taken into account that there are two opposite walls with approximately the same area, then 14.4*2+12.8*2 = 54.4 m2 – the total area of ​​the walls.
  • When choosing a product with parameters of 0.53 * 15 m, the roll area will be 7.95 m2.
  • Then for a room of 18 m2 you will need: 54.4/7.95 = 6.8, which corresponds to 7 rolls of wallpaper. This figure already includes the required margin, since openings were not subtracted.

Using a table to determine wallpaper consumption

To determine the amount of material required for the wall, you can use or use a table that makes it easy to check the calculations.

Calculation according to the tables provided is made without taking into account the selection of the pattern. When purchasing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to take into account that for every 6-7 rolls you need to take one additional one. For example, for a room of 24 sq. m with a ceiling height of more than 2.5 m, 15 + 2 = 17 rolls of standard size wallpaper will be required.

Wallpaper calculation important preparatory stage at the purchasing stage, when you need to know exactly how many rolls to buy. It is better to calculate the wallpaper in advance, having previously known the width and length of the desired wallpaper, as well as the presence of repeat and pattern shift. Rapport is the distance between separate elements drawing, i.e. their repetition, parts of which are joined between the canvases.

Wallpaper calculator

Below is convenient calculator wallpaper, to calculate the required quantity. The result obtained takes into account the repeat of the wallpaper and the displacement of the pattern. Additionally, you can check the calculation of the amount of wallpaper per room using the method described in this section.

Room parameters:

Room width meters

Room length meters

Room perimeter meters

Room height meters

Wallpaper options:

Wallpaper roll length meters

Wallpaper roll width centimeters!

Pattern repeat centimeters

(repeat the pattern in height: the larger the pattern, the greater the margin)

Shifted drawing

Leveling margin 10 cm 15 cm

Calculation result:

Necessary rolls of wallpaper

Necessary linear meters wallpaper

All necessary information To calculate the wallpaper for a room, you can get it on the wallpaper packaging, which will indicate the length and width of the roll, as well as the repeat and offset of the pattern. This wallpaper calculator will help in planning and calculating the amount of wallpaper to purchase. You can double-check the wallpaper calculator yourself using the self-calculation of wallpaper for a room, which is offered on this page.

You can get all the necessary information for the calculation on the wallpaper packaging, where the length and width of the roll, as well as repeat and pattern offset will be indicated. This wallpaper calculator will help in planning and calculating the amount of wallpaper to purchase. You can double-check the wallpaper calculator yourself using the self-calculation of wallpaper for a room, which is offered on this page.

Calculating the amount of wallpaper will protect you from further purchase of rolls or, conversely, expenses for extra wallpaper. We can calculate wallpaper for everyone; for this you can use our wallpaper calculator for calculations, or use the instructions below on how to independently calculate the number of rolls per room. Both options come down to a single principle. When measuring the parameters of a room, doors and windows should be taken into account only in cases where they occupy a significant volume of the total area. To do this, in the wallpaper calculator, set the perimeter yourself, first subtracting a few meters from it, which are compensated by the presence of windows and doors. But it’s better to calculate the wallpaper with a reserve.

Calculation of the amount of wallpaper per room

Let's consider an example of calculating the number of wallpapers per room, which are sold by linear meters at a certain width of the canvas, in other words, standard roll wallpaper. Let's take for example the dimensions of a room of 4 x 7 meters, the ceiling height is 3 meters. Wallpaper 70 cm (0.7 m) wide, pattern repeat 45 cm (straight pattern).

First, we need to divide the perimeter of the room by the width of the wallpaper to find out the number of canvases: (4 + 7) x 2 / 0.7 m = 31.43. We round up and get 32 ​​canvases. Next, we calculate the height of the canvas taking into account the pattern repeat. It is necessary to add 10 cm to the height of the room - a margin for leveling the edges, i.e. 3 + 0.1 = 3.1 m. We divide the resulting height by the amount of rapport: 3.1 / 0.45 = 6.89. Rounding, we get 7 repetitions of the pattern per canvas. We multiply this number by the repeat value 7 x 0.45 = 3.15 - the new height taking into account the repeat.

Having found out the new height, we multiply it by the number of canvases and get required amount linear meters for this room: 3.15 x 32 = 101 linear meters.

If the pattern is shifted, then add another 1/2 of the pattern alignment value to the resulting height (for example, if the repeat is 45 cm “shifted pattern,” then the height of the canvas should be 315 cm + 22.5 cm = 337.5 cm).

Since our wallpaper is sold in rolls, we divide its length (for example, 10.5 m) by the new height and get the number of canvases from one roll: 10.5 / 3.375 = 3.11 Rounding down, we get 3 canvases from a roll. Then we divide the total number of required canvases by the number of strips from one roll, and we get the number of rolls we need: 32 canvases / 3 = 10.67. Rounding up we get 11 rolls. This is how any calculation of wallpaper per room is made.

After calculating the wallpaper and directly choosing it, you will also need information on preparing the wall for gluing, as well as the gluing instructions itself.

How to find out how much wallpaper you need for a room? The quantity, of course, depends on the size of your room. To determine, required quantity trellis, we need to calculate the perimeter or area.

What is needed for this?

Firstly, this is a tape measure for measuring the room, secondly, a notebook or notepad to write down the measurement results, and finally, a calculator.

Calculation of wallpaper by room area and perimeter. A simple and understandable table.

First you need to measure the length and height of the room where you are going to glue the wallpaper. It is also worth measuring door and window openings. This will help improve the calculation.

First you need to calculate the perimeter of the room:

P = (L of one wall + L of adjacent wall) * 2
P – perimeter;
L – length.

Estimated length of the web, how to calculate?

To accurately know the length of the wallpaper, you need to use the formula:

Estimated strip height = room height + ornament step (rapport) + allowance for upper and lower allowances (5 cm)

The work begins by measuring the width of the wallpaper strips you have chosen. After this, calculate how many stripes are needed to cover the room:

N stripes per room = P / wallpaper strip width

Counting from one roll.

Find out the length of the roll, which is indicated on the label. Then calculate using the formula:

N strips from 1 roll = L roll / calculated strip height

N – quantity.

Calculation of rolls of wallpaper per room.

After all the work done, we will find out how many rolls are needed to cover a room:

N rolls = N strips per room / N strips per roll

Calculation of wallpaper based on the area of ​​the room.

Since the calculation along the perimeter may not always be relevant, because the number of doors and windows is not included in the calculation, because of this the quantity is calculated by area.

We measure the area of ​​the walls using the following formula:

SO = L walls * H walls
S – area;
SO – total area;
H – height.

You also need to calculate the area of ​​the walls on which you will glue the wallpaper. But before that you need to calculate the amount of door and window openings. And then use this formula:

S wallpapering = SO - S windows and doors

If the roll fits the standard 53 cm width and 10 m length, it is designed for approximately 5 sq.m. rooms.

To calculate you need:

N rolls = S room / S that can be covered with 1 roll

Is there a pattern on your wallpaper?

If there is a pattern on your wallpaper, first of all you need to find out its report, and then calculate its final ceiling height and carry out the calculation along with it.

Using tables

In order to use the table, you need to know the perimeter and area of ​​the room. This determines which table you need to use.

Calculation by area, table:

To use this type of table, you must know the height and square footage of the room. And then you can easily find out the required number of rolls.

Table No. 1 53

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

Table No. 2 designed for wallpaper of equal width 70 centimeters and 10 meters long.

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

Table No. 3 designed for wallpaper of equal width 106 centimeters and 10 meters long.

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

Perimeter calculation, table:

To use the table below, you need to calculate the width of the stripes and the length of the wallpaper you have chosen. Then you need to measure the height of the ceiling and look at the table to see how many rolls you will need.

Roll size (strip width / roll length = pasting area): 0.53 m / 10.05 m = 5.33 sq.m

Height Room perimeter, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2.4-3.5m 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20

Roll size: 0.53 m / 15 m = 7.95 sq.m

Height Room perimeter, m
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
up to 2.4m 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10
2.4-3.5m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14

Roll size 1.06 m /10.05 m = 10.65 sq.m

Wallpapering walls is quick and relatively cheap way finishing of rooms. Before you go to the hardware store, decide how much material you need for the room. To do this, you need to know how to calculate the wallpaper so that there is enough for everything and no surplus left.

In this article we will look at how best to make calculations, what measurements need to be made, and what to pay attention to when planning a purchase.

Calculation of wallpaper for a room: formula and instructions

You need to choose the wallpaper correctly and calculate its quantity

Along the perimeter of the walls it is easy to calculate the wallpaper for the room. The formula is as simple as possible. Using a tape measure, measure the length of two walls, add the resulting numbers and multiply the result by 2.

For example: the length of one wall is 4 m, the other is 6 m. Thus, the perimeter is: (4+6)*2=20 m. Then find the height of the ceiling. Let's say it is 2.5 m. At this height, one roll can be divided into four equal strips, since the standard roll length is 10 m and its width is 53 cm.

The total width of four stripes is calculated by multiplying their number by the width of one strip: 4 * 53 = 212 cm. Then the perimeter is divided by 212, it turns out: 2000/212 = 9.43, the amount is rounded up and the number is 10. Thus, for a room with a perimeter of 20 m you will need 10 rolls of wallpaper. From the presented table you can find out how many rolls are required for a room with different heights ceiling and different perimeter.

Ceiling height Perimeter of the room, including doors and windows, in meters
9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21
2,15 – 2,30 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9
2,30 – 2,45 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10
2,45 – 2,60 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11
2,60 – 2,75 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11
2,75 – 2,90 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12
2,90 – 3,05 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12
3,05 – 3,20 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13

How to calculate the number of wallpapers with a pattern

Wallpaper with a pattern counts differently

In order for the fragments of a large pattern to coincide on adjacent panels, they are shifted in a certain way. A sales consultant cannot always advise on how to calculate the amount of wallpaper with large patterns. Therefore, when purchasing them the required number 2 additional rolls are added.

Repeat (the arrangement of sheets relative to each other and their number on one wall) is indicated on the packaging. The larger it is, the more waste remains when gluing combined panels. Therefore, for large premises it is advisable to buy more additional rolls. To save money, you can use the remaining waste to cover inconspicuous places: under the radiator, behind the doors, etc.

Calculation of wallpaper for painting

The standard size of wallpaper for painting is the same as regular wallpaper - 10 m by 53 cm. There are other size options: 17 m by 53 cm, 33.5 m by 53 cm and others. To calculate them, the table below is given:

Ceiling height (m) Room perimeter (m)/number of rolls
10 15 20 25
2 2 2 3 3
2,25 2 2 3 4
2,5 2 3 3 4
2,75 2 3 4 4
3 2 3 4 5
3,25 2 3 4 5

Calculation of non-woven wallpaper

The width of the rolls of non-woven wallpaper is 100 cm. We must not forget about this when dividing the perimeter of the room by the width of the panels. These wallpapers are calculated according to the same principle as regular ones, using the perimeter and height of the walls.

Additional protrusions or corners in the room increase material consumption. When gluing the corners, an overlap is made, and then the wallpaper is cut so that the pattern on the adjacent strips fits evenly. In such cases, 1-2 additional rolls are required.

Calculation of wallpaper by room area

Another way to calculate is to calculate the wallpaper by the area of ​​the room. To find the perimeter, we use the already known indicators of length, width, height - 4.6 and 2.5 m. Find the area of ​​one wall: (6 + 4) x 2.5 = 25. We multiply the resulting amount by 2, since there are identical walls in the room 2, and we get 50 square meters.

Then we calculate the area of ​​one roll. To do this, we multiply 0.53 by 10, the product of these numbers is 5.3 sq.m and is the total area of ​​the roll; it can cover 5 sq.m of space.

Wallpaper for walls with a border is calculated according to the area of ​​the walls or along the perimeter

Modern designers invented a finishing method in which not only the wall, but also the border or decorative plinth is covered with wallpaper. Available for sale special wallpaper, the design of which is suitable for such pasting. It is applied in such a way that its elements that fall on the border fit perfectly with the elements on the wall.

Walls with a border look interesting

Manufacturers create compositions that allow you to combine wallpaper in contrasting colors and different patterns at the bottom and top of the wall. And the border will serve as a separator for the pictures.

Typically, rooms with borders are tiled according to the ratio: 1 part on the bottom, 2 parts on the top. The amount of wallpaper with such cladding is also calculated based on the perimeter.

With a ceiling height of 2.68, the length of the lower panel is 100 cm, the upper one will be 168 cm. From one 10-meter roll you will get either 10 lower parts or 5 upper ones. Those. The length of one roll is divided by the length of each part.

If you have difficulty calculating the perimeter, you can use the following algorithm. Add the length and width, multiply the result by 2 and subtract the width of the door and window openings from the product. For example, the width of the room is 6 m, the length is 4 m. Standard width doors – 0.9 m, windows – 1.5 m. Mathematically it looks like this: (6+4)*2 – (0.9+1.5) = 17.6 m, which is the total perimeter of the room.

To calculate the lower part, we divide the roll into 10 strips 53 cm wide. 53/10 = 5.3 - the area for which 1 roll of wallpaper is required. Then, divide the perimeter by this figure: 17.6/5.3=3.3. Thus, to cover the lower part of the room you will need 3-3.5 rolls.

The upper part is calculated according to the same principle. It is known that 1 roll produces 5 top panels. One roll can cover 2.6 meters of wall. Perimeter – 17.6 divided by 2.6. As a result, 7 rolls are enough for the top of the room.

There is another way in which we calculate the amount of wallpaper based on the area of ​​the walls. To do this, we will conventionally take the upper and lower parts of one wall as different walls. We find the area of ​​each of them using a well-known formula. Then we add the two resulting products and multiply by 4, according to the number of walls in the room.

Calculations for combined cladding

The cladding is not always limited to just gluing wallpaper. Modern designers offer combined solutions for wall decoration. Can be used either different types materials, or wallpaper of different textures and colors.

The material for such repairs is calculated individually for each case. For example, you are going to highlight with a bright insert some fragment of a wall, 3 m wide. With a ceiling height of 2.5 m, 6 panels or 1.5 rolls of wallpaper will be spent on this insert. For this you will need 1 roll of non-woven wallpaper, since its width is 100 cm.

Can be combined different variants finishing

Wallpaper is a convenient and practical way interior decoration wall, which has not lost its popularity over the years. In addition, if it is necessary to update the repair without special costs and effort, you just need to stick other wallpaper.

The choice of materials and colors is large enough so that everyone can choose a design to their liking. When choosing wallpaper, you should not forget not only about calculating the required quantity, but also about correct selection Supplies(glue, brushes).

You may have some wallpaper left, and then in case of minor damage to the surface, you can re-glue it, hiding the defects.

If you doubt that you can paste the wallpaper yourself, seek help from specialists.


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