How to spend an anniversary evening for a 25-year-old girl. Scenario for the anniversary of a girl (young woman) “A star named ....”

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The 25th anniversary is a special date when a person reaches a certain milestone. On the one hand, the birthday boy is still young and full of fun, on the other hand, he turns into an adult and serious person. That is why competitions should not just be funny, but also exciting, interesting and original.

Simple Basics

While guests are just starting to feel better and their blood alcohol levels are rising, it’s worth organizing a competition to best congratulations for the birthday boy. So that they wish not just “Happiness, health”, but come up with really interesting texts.

The reward will be a certificate “For the best congratulations”; you can specially prepare inexpensive but pleasant little things: sweets, key rings, etc. The main thing is not to forget to raise your glasses after each speaker in order to warm up and prepare the guests for the next, not so harmless, entertainment.

"Dance while you are young"

Both young people and older people participate in such a competition. It will require chairs and appropriate music, as well as people willing to warm up. Participants are seated and asked to dance lezginka in the first round only with their feet, without lifting their heel from the seat. In the second round you will have to perform a gypsy with only your shoulders, in the third - a cancan with your lower limbs. For oriental dances, you can use your hands, but rock and roll will have to be depicted only with the help of facial expressions.

The winner is determined by grateful spectators, or the birthday boy will give first place to the most artistic participant. The main thing is to have time to photograph or video the unique pirouettes and steps.

"Catch Me If You Can"

The number of participants is not limited, but they must be divided into pairs, preferably in a “boy - girl” combination. The ladies are given air balloons, each different colour: some green, some yellow or with a cute face. The young ladies inflate the rubber products and let them go, and the men must catch the flying “something” and be the first to return it to their partner. The team that finds its ball the fastest wins.

"Move your pelvis"

The following games should be offered to a company that raised more than one pile for the health of the birthday boy. In the first variation, men are asked to sit on a chair and hold a banana between their legs. Girls must peel and eat the fruit, but they are not allowed to use their hands.

The second proposal is to place women on stools, and place a glass of alcohol between each thigh: vodka, wine or cognac. If desired, place a piece of lemon a little higher, for example on the chest, as a snack. The task of the male half: drink alcohol without hands, have a snack, and thank your partner.

The next competition can be held either simply among women or between couples. It is necessary to stock up on small bags in which to hide walnuts or bingo barrels. The accessory is placed on the guy’s chair or lap, and the young lady must use the fifth point to determine exact amount items. The participant or team that was closest to the solution wins.

A group of young people will be happy to play ping-pong, but not the usual one, but with a sexual context. Guys are already tied to their belts empty bottles champagne or wine containers, or large vodka containers. Balls are placed on the starting line, and buckets, cups or glasses are placed on the opposite side, into which participants must push the accessory. Guys can only use bottles and a basin, no arms or legs.

"Strip or Sing"

If the guests are not too shy, it’s worth playing “Herringbone”. Each team consists of two participants: a guy and a girl, one of whom will play the role of an evergreen tree, and the second will dress it up. Phones, beads, earrings, ties - the more the better. After the Christmas tree, they must give the leader one decoration at a time until there is nothing left. Guests who want to win will begin to remove not only other people's accessories, but also elements of their own wardrobe. The main thing is to finish on time before the participants say goodbye to their underwear.

For the next competition you will need chairs and music for striptease. Each guest will receive a stool, around which he will wind circles to the song. When the sound stops, participants must place one item of clothing on the chair. They play until they wear underwear, and then the guests must get dressed to the music.

In a large company there will be a person or several who love to sing, so a parody competition is prepared for them. Participants are given two sheets: one with the lyrics of the songs, the other with the name of political figures: Brezhnev, Zhirinovsky, Stalin and others famous personalities. Guests must sing, adapting as much as possible to the person on the sheet, conveying the features of his speech or character.

"Beware of competitions"

Participants are invited to play the role of a famous Chinese chef, who must chop an apple or cucumber into a salad with his eyes closed. Guests are asked to take off their shoes and socks to feel like real Chinese, and are given large knives or chopping axes in their hands.

When the eyes are blindfolded, the vegetables are replaced with the participants' socks, and the chopping process begins. Everyone will be a winner in this competition, and replacements for the cut accessories should be given as prizes.

The presenter invites 10 guys onto the stage and places a box of chicken eggs, hard-boiled in advance. Each participant takes one and breaks it on his head. The winner will be the bravest one who is not afraid to get dirty in a raw egg. The main catch is that all the ingredients will be boiled, and the intrigue will grow until the last participant. Will the guy be able to become the bravest, or will he refuse?

"Don't forget about the birthday boy"

Guests can prepare fun entertainment for the hero of the occasion by taking with them a pan of small pasta, generously sprinkled with ketchup. One person is placed on chairs, the birthday person is blindfolded, and brought to the victim. Everyone is silent, and only the presenter comments on what is happening in a terrible voice.

“Now we will meet the pharaoh. Here are his legs, and these are his arms, his stomach, his shoulders. And here is the head of the pharaoh.” The birthday boy’s hands are brought to the pan, dipped into the pasta, and at this time the host says: “And these are his brains!”

Screams are guaranteed, even brave men are scared.

Dear guests! Today we have gathered for a reason, but to celebrate the birthday of our most charming and attractive! And we won’t talk about age, because beauties like our Nastya are getting younger every year. Let's all together make sure that the smile never leaves her face and her eyes shine with a dazzling light, so that when men see her, they stack up, and women envy her beauty and intelligence with white envy. Let's greet our hero of the occasion with loud applause!!!
Birthday is a special date!
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.

Let there be happiness and fun
After all, this is the only thing we live for,
And we say: “Happy Birthday! Have a bright and joyful day!”

And I now invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink the first glass while standing for the anniversary of our birthday girl!
(Guests drink 1)

Dear guests, please start your meal, but while you have a drink and a snack, I would like to announce the forecast for today's celebration. Forecast (the soundtrack “Weather Forecast” sounds):

Today is expected to be cloudy, an anniversary hurricane with drops of vodka.
The temperature above the table is 400 degrees Celsius, the air is filled with fun.
Your head will be foggy at night, but it may clear up in the morning.

They also say that they don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules, and therefore I want to read out the rules of the anniversary for some guests, i.e. rules of behavior at today's celebration.

1. Nikolai Romanov, we ask you to have fun, otherwise we won’t let you get hungover.
2. Nina Ryabova, you must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation.
3. Svetlanka, after the 10th glass it is advisable to start singing, but it is not advisable to put your elbow in your neighbor’s plate.
4. Vladimir Shebyaev, I ask you not to lose heart, dance until you drop.
5. Anna Lavrentyeva, if you can’t dance standing, dance while sitting.
6. Tanya Batenkina, put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor’s pocket.
7. Natalya Romanova undertakes to sing until she gets tired.
8. Yura, remember, drink to the bottom, but don’t lie down.
9. Olga, a neighbor, undertakes to give everyone a hangover tomorrow.
10. Sasha and Seryoga are strictly forbidden to meet under the table or on the roof.
11. Nikolai Yur undertakes to go to bed later than everyone else today.

If before leaving you found a little
Wearing other people's things. It's really not a problem.
But we strictly forbid going home then,
When someone else's husband or wife is next to you.

So, drink more, be less sad, don’t hide traffic jams, don’t snack on flowers.
This anniversary charter comes into force from the moment the second glass is raised to the hero of the day!
Therefore, let’s pour a glass and drink to the approval of the Charter!
(Guests drink 2)

One song says “Birthday is a sad holiday!” But for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is an occasion to come to the person, his friends and say what is in our hearts!
Because, 25 years ago, on September 29, 1985, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming girl was born - Nastya! And Nastya began to grow by leaps and bounds. And the hours turned into days, days into years. Our hero of the day has already passed 25 years.
Today at the anniversary there is a loved one and dear person Birthday girls - mom! On this day, dear Anna Nikolaevna, I really want to say these kind words to you:
There are golden domes
There are golden herbs
But there is nothing more beautiful
How gentle hands moms!

Dear guests! Let's greet Nastya's mother with loud and friendly applause! After all, she is also a birthday girl today! Let's give her the floor!
(Congratulations from mom) - toast!!!

Our birthday girl also has parents - father-in-law and mother-in-law, who also play a huge role in family life Nastya, they give warmth and care! They have the floor!

It is also important to note that if it weren’t for Mom’s mother, there would be neither Nastya’s mother, nor Nastya herself and, accordingly, this holiday too.
Grandmother! It was she who, with her warmth, love, and affection, taught her granddaughters to be kind and sensitive people. Let's give the floor to the grandparents of our hero of the day!!!

Toast: Let's fill our glasses and, according to tradition, drink while standing to our parents and grandparents - they deserve it!
(Guests drink 3)

Dear guests, I would like to present to your table a PHOTO ALBUM that reflects the important life moments of the birthday girl:

On a bright, quiet autumn day,
Warmed by the warmth of the sun,
A little girl was born,
To the delight of mother and father.
They named their daughter Nastya.
Their joy was felt everywhere
They were proud of their baby
Their eyes shone with happiness... (photos in infancy)

This is Nastya in kindergarten,
Here with the neighbor's children,
Here he digs in the sand,
Here she sews handkerchiefs for dolls,
Wow, smart little girl!
Here she is leafing through books,
Nastya is good for everyone,
It grows up slowly. (photos in kindergarten)

The years passed. I didn't know any worries
Our Nastya was growing up.
Here is the school, First grade, The student is here with us... (photos of first grade, junior school)
Nastya studies approximately
School years fly by
Second, fourth, fifth grade
Time flies quickly,
It's almost the last call
For Nastyusha it will ring... (photos school years, high school graduation).

  • Competitions for the 25th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 30th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 35th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 45th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 50th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 55th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 60th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 65th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 70th anniversary
  • Competitions for the 80th anniversary

1. "Statue of Love"

We select several people and take them to another room. Then we launch one of them into our room and give the task to make a statue of love out of two volunteers (a guy and a girl). After our “sculptor” completes the task, he needs to take the place of the guy (or girl) in this sculpture. The next person brought into the hall is given the task of remaking the sculpture to his own taste, because the previous sculptor did not do his task very well. And so with all selected participants.

2. "Cooks"

Every nation treats some kind of grain with care. Wheat is valued in America, beans in America, pasta in Italy, etc. The presenter invites volunteers who are able to prove their superiority in culinary art. Participants are given two bowls, tweezers and a handful of beans, pasta or wheat. Use tweezers to transfer the contents of one bowl to another. The fastest and most accurate “cook” wins a prize.

3. "Hare"

The presenter selects one participant for the competition and takes him out of the hall. Without words, the contestant must show the hare so that the guests guess. At this time, the other guests are told that they will be shown a hare, but they must not name it. This prank lasts until the “hare” speaks.

4. "Stream"

The presenter invites the girls to walk along the stream without getting their feet wet. You can use a roll of wallpaper as a “stream”. After successfully completing the first attempt, participants are blindfolded and asked to try again. After the girl passes along the “stream” the man lies down face up. Taking off the bandage, the girl begins to feel embarrassed. Then she watches the second participant go through the same process and laughs heartily.

5. Stripping competition.

You need to invite two guys and two from each side to compete. The bottom line is this: guys need to put it on a girl maximum amount items of clothing and accessories taken off. The time is, of course, fixed. The one who puts more items on the girl than his opponent in terms of the number of items brings victory to the team.

25th anniversary for women " anniversaries

The organization of any holiday begins with the choice of its location. When choosing a place, you need to take into account the preferences and interests of the birthday girl herself, as well as the time of year.

IN winter period you can start celebrating your anniversary at the skating rink outdoors. Having skated to your heart's content and having a lot of fun, you can continue the holiday in a cozy cafe near the skating rink or in a warm home environment.

One of the traditional places to celebrate an anniversary is a restaurant or nightclub, where, hiding from the weather, you can have a good time, dance, sing karaoke, play billiards or bowling.

In winter, when the forest is fabulously beautiful and if it is not very cold or in early spring When the first flowers bloom and streams flow, you can get out into nature. An excellent continuation would be a feast at village house with a heated stove and a bathhouse.

From late spring and early summer until the autumn cold, the most relevant place for a celebration is nature. You can go out of town and settle down on the edge of a forest, choose a picturesque place by the river, rent summer gazebo with a barbecue or organize a party at the dacha. You can go on a hike with friends.

On a hot summer day you can have a picnic on the beach, rent small boat or a yacht. Or celebrate your anniversary on a pleasure boat.

On rainy autumn days you can go to the karting club. Having received a dose of adrenaline and a bunch of unforgettable impressions, you will happily spend the rest of the evening in the nearest cafe. And if the weather permits, you can split into two teams and play paintball.

Organization of the anniversary

Friends of the birthday girl can organize the celebration; perhaps someone will take on the role of toastmaster. You need to start the anniversary with a ceremonial part and the presentation of gifts. Then you can start complimenting the hero of the occasion. Guests whose compliments the hero of the day likes the most can receive a kiss or a signature from the birthday girl as a prize.

The presenter should explain to everyone present that this is an annual gift that is given to a person for joy. Wherever the celebration is held, it should be decorated festively. First of all, flowers should be present in the interior design. You can decorate the anniversary venue balloons, postcards, congratulations and wishes written on paper, photographs of the birthday girl, a festive table.

You should plan the 25th anniversary of a young woman so that neither the guests nor the birthday girl herself gets bored. The hero of the day must constantly be in the center of everyone's attention. Competitions, games and a disco should be prepared in advance, focusing on the preferences of the birthday girl.

Scenarios for a young woman's 25th birthday.

  • Scenario "Hawaiian Party"
  • Scenario “Giving a Holiday”
  • Scenario “My Anniversary”
  • Scenario "Women's Friendship"
  • Script “For Elena”
  • Scenario "Picnic"
  • Scenario "Birthday Butterfly"
  • Scenario "Arabian Night"
  • Scenario for a woman's anniversary in nature
  • Scenario "Chinese Party"

Scenario for a girl's 25th birthday. "glade with daisies"

Having decorated the room, the walls with daisies, in winter time daisies can easily be made by hand. Also inflate the balloons and tie them in the shape of a daisy, i.e. The center is yellow, the petals are white.

Poster Happy Anniversary, 25 years must be hung on the wall. And prepare bright markers so that guests can leave theirs for the hero of the day in the colored squares of the poster.

Enlarge the poster

The presenter begins the anniversary with the following words:

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen

Why did you come here?

Or is it bad to be at home -

Only the simple truth

Our (name) is young

Among family and friends

I decided to celebrate my anniversary.

Guests are seated in the following places:

We wish to stomp for a thousand years

Along your life's path,

Never get tired

Soul and head and legs.

May love be your faithful companion

Always accompanied you

Hope with a warm light

I lit your way.

So that the circle of friends does not thin out,

So that the heart beats with inspiration,

Not believing that there is a limit

And everything in the sublunary world is perishable.

The guests are given the floor, the opportunity to congratulate and give gifts to the hero of the day.

An anniversary comic "Chamomile Medal" is awarded

The comic medal must be enlarged and printed. Manufacturing instructions included:

Making a comic anniversary medal from paper.

Enlarge joke medal

Instructions for using the medal are included

Memo for the anniversary medal.

Memo for the award medal.

Memo for the award medal.

A remade song for a happy birthday girl. Motif "Let them run clumsily...".

We are all together today

Gathered in this song

To sincerely congratulate you,

Wish you more happiness

And there is more passion in love,

I'm getting better day by day!

Twenty years, Birthday,

This is an important step in life,

Let there be more inspiration,

To work, to friends and just because!

Let everything be as before

But maybe a little older

Because now you're older

And more responsibility

But we wish to live a simpler life,

And let it be more fun in your soul!

After congratulations, a musical break and competitions:

Competition for happy anniversary"Chamomile"

Details, attributes: after cutting out the core and petals with questions, assemble them into a daisy.

On the printed petals, write the questions that the competition participants will answer. Approximate questions:

Who was I sitting at the desk with?


Favorite color

Favorite name

Favorite treat

Favorite flowers

Date of Birth

Time of birth

Time of birth

Who is the godmother?

Who is the godfather

Middle name of the hero of the day

Enlarge core

Enlarge petals

Two players are called.

Each player takes turns tearing off a petal and answering questions written on the daisy.

The player who answers the most questions correctly becomes the winner.


Details, attributes: Balls inflated with helium and long ropes reaching to chest level. Pencils, markers, scissors, blindfold.

Guests come and, to occupy the time before the start of the holiday, draw on paper what they would like to give to the dear hero of the day. Cut out and attach the picture to the ball.

The competition is held in the middle of the festive anniversary.

The hero of the day is blindfolded, then they disorient him a little by circling him a little and offer to cut the rope with the intended gift.

The hero of the day is asked to guess who drew this gift and if he guessed right, then the culprit (who drew the gift) says a toast.

Game for the anniversary feast: “Bluff Tour”

After the guests at the anniversary party

had fun, danced, sang, you can offer a comic game to test your wits. Your guests will be happy and the anniversary will be remembered for a long time.

Leading. I ask a question that begins with the words “Do you believe that...”, and you try to determine whether this is true or not.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)

2. In Australia, the practice is to use disposable school boards? (No)

4. Ball pen Was it first used only by military pilots? (Yes)

5. Vitaminized pencils for children are produced in Africa,

who have a habit of gnawing on anything? (Yes)

6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)

7. Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)

11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

12. If you put the flounder on chessboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)

13. Spartan warriors Did you spray your hair with perfume before the battle? (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

15. Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)

16. Can children hear higher-pitched sounds than adults? (Yes)

17. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)

18. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

19. In some places people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

20. The bats can they receive radio signals? (No)

21. Owls can’t roll their eyes? (Yes)

22. Is elk a type of deer? (Yes)

23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)

24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)

25. Rhinoceros horn has magical power? (No)

26. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)

29. Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, leeches)

30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

31. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets him in the following way - puts his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? (No, this diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)

36. The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)

37. High-heeled shoes ranked first among the causes of accidental death in Japan in 1995? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

The festive evening ends with the words of the host

The evening is coming to an end,

And I still want to laugh with you,

It's time for me to know the limit,

I danced and sang with you!

And on my own behalf, I will say the words,

For the main maiden of the celebration:

Still truly young

There is a beginning for breathing,

Beautiful, sincere, gentle,

I haven't seen much yet!

And going on a good journey,

Which is called life,

I want to tell you the words

Let many people know them -

Be happy as ever

Love, without measuring anything,

Let the years go by slower

In each of them there is a simple truth,

May the sun shine brightest

And the sky will be blue

May success come to you

And only family will be nearby!

Anniversary script - script, skits, funny, new, new year 2013

In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to take care of the table setting in advance. dining table and decorating the main room, in which all the relatives and friends of the birthday girl will gather on the day of the celebration. Mother's anniversary can be celebrated not only as a noisy feast with the family, but also as fun party, of interest not only for... Read more »

Scenario for 25th anniversary

Anniversary scenario young man, a guy for 25 years One of the very first anniversaries that a young man approaches with already formed views on life is his 25th birthday. During this period of their lives, men, as a rule, have already decided on their professional interests, receive an education, and some even manage to make initial advancements up the career ladder. Therefore, the script for the celebration must be drawn up individually, taking into account the inclinations of the hero of the day, his preferences, but in such a way that none of the participants in the evening gets bored for a minute. The preliminary stage of any 25th anniversary is inviting guests. Considering the importance of this date for the young man, it is necessary to make the guests aware of this in advance. After all, this is not just another ordinary birthday, but an anniversary. Therefore, it will be very useful to invite guests not using a telephone directory, but by sending out invitations to everyone indicating the place and time of the event. You also need to take care of the room in which the evening will take place in advance - decorate it with flowers, multi-colored balloons and streamers, place something like a wall newspaper on the wall, on which photographs will be glued, capturing moments from the life of the hero of the day in the most different ages. It is advisable to choose a host for the evening, which will greatly simplify the celebration for the hero of the day. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether the toastmaster is a professional or your bosom friend - the main thing is that he has a script for the celebration, and a sufficient supply of jokes and not too vulgar speeches. First of all, the presenter should invite everyone present to congratulate the birthday person on a significant milestone in his life, and the first word for this is given to the parents of the hero of the occasion, after which everyone else is congratulated. You can immediately take the bull by the horns and offer a competition for the best - then the guests will treat the congratulations more thoroughly, competing with each other in ornateness and ingenuity. Although, undoubtedly, the one who can demonstrate home preparation will win, and there will always be such people. As a prize, the winner can be given an item that once belonged to the hero of the day, for example, his favorite children's toy. In addition to the prize, you can prepare a colorful “Most Congratulations” letter in advance and present it to the winner in a solemn atmosphere. After this, the presenter offers to raise glasses and glasses in honor of the hero of the day. The 25th anniversary of a young man should be held quite actively, in a friendly atmosphere, with the involvement of as many guests as possible to participate in various competitions and games that should directly or indirectly relate to the birthday boy. For example, the quiz “How well do you know the hero of the day?”, in which guests try to guess the answers to questions about the birthday person such as “What is the favorite dish of the hero of the day?” Those who know best about the identity of the hero of the occasion receive as a prize a photograph of the birthday boy with his personal autograph. You can ask guests to sing one of the favorite songs of the hero of the day at karaoke, having prepared leaves with the words of the song. Most likely, among the guests there will be at least one poetic soul who will congratulate the host of the evening in poetic form. This will be a good reason for new toasts. You also need to think about the musical part of the celebration in advance - both about the equipment and the repertoire. Required condition a successful holiday - video or photo accompaniment of the evening - after all, this is a memory of a bright event in the life of the hero of the day, which should last a lifetime!

Presentation of the Golden Star Award

Costumes and scenery: microphone and TV screen frame
Friends play the role of fans of the birthday girl - they stand with pre-prepared congratulation posters, wall newspapers, flowers
Presenter (reporter): Hello, dear TV viewers! Today we came to the mansion of our star - famous NAME for an exclusive interview on the occasion of her 25th birthday. Our report today is dedicated to this greatest, to the most beautiful girl, which drives all men crazy. Today she gathered a crowd of fans at her mansion who came to congratulate her (fans applaud). The plot will be dedicated to her life this year, a congratulations competition, in which the birthday girl will act as a jury, and our program will end with the presentation of the Golden Star award. Meet our birthday girl! (the presenter approaches the birthday girl, holds the screen alternately in front of him and in front of her during the conversation)
- Our television company wants to ask you a few questions. Tell me, have there been many interesting events this year? Could you tell us about the most striking and impressive ones?
(the birthday girl says that she will remember)
- Your loyal fans followed the life of their favorite star, and prepared a story about your life this year (friends show a presentation with photographs of this year, if not good photos, you can make a comic presentation of events that did not happen: frames from cartoons and films, where the characters are signed with the names of the birthday girl and her friends).
Fans throw down placards, take microphones, and turn into journalists.
Questions are asked to the birthday girl one by one. Sample questions
- Name the funniest event this year!
- And the saddest thing?
- What new things have you learned this year?
-Who are you currently in love with?
- How old do you feel?
Presenter (reporter): Our dear birthday girl! Your friends would like to speak to you with congratulations.
Girlfriend 1:
My dear friend,
You are my ray of sunshine, because you are the best.
We always understand each other,
We hear thoughts without any interference,
I'm always interested in you,
Give us the light of a smile.
Let your eyes shine with love,
May your whole life be in love!

Girlfriend 2:
I wish you a rich groom
I wish you many suitors,
Always be slim and pleasant -
So that without diets, and there are cakes,

Best friend:
If we are together it will be fun
Wherever we meet! Should we frown?
People with boring, insipid faces -
Beware! We went outside!

Chip and Dale to the rescue!
If necessary, they will make you all laugh!
If one of us becomes sad,
So the other one will push her away!

I wish you not to lose heart,
Wake up and get up with a smile in the morning,
Walk down the street with a smile, and let you
Passers-by are jealous and admiring!

Other examples of congratulations:
Charming lady
We always wish you
Go to success and victory,
Be so beautiful, young
Always be as friendly
Let the house be full of guests,
Be kind, affectionate and smart,
Don't forget your friends!

Most best girl in the world
I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
May your luck shine brighter.
After all, today is your wonderful holiday,
A holiday that brings together all your friends,
All relatives and friends at the table.
You are joy, you are our pride.
Congratulations on your holiday!

Presenter (reporter): The first part of our story has come to an end. I invite all viewers to the show “Star fever”. I will host it, and we invite our beautiful birthday girl to the jury! Instead of tokens, the winning participants will be given autographs of the star, and we will count them to determine the winner.
1 competition: Participants - guests - take turns saying epithets and compliments to the birthday girl. The one who repeats himself is eliminated from the game.
2nd competition: “Autograph”. Participants are divided into pairs. One holds a marker motionless, the other is blindfolded and given a sheet of paper. While blindfolded, moving a piece of paper over a marker, the participant must write his name. Then the participants in the pair change roles. The one who wrote the name most accurately wins. The winner is determined by the birthday girl.
Competition 3: “Hollywood Stars”. Participants portray their favorite Hollywood stars. The birthday girl guesses. Artistry is assessed, how similar the image is, etc.
4th competition: “Variety Stars”. Participants take turns singing songs. The best performance is judged. Competition options: who knows more birthday songs, sing a line of a famous song, whoever forgot the words is eliminated, etc.
Competition 5: “Stargazers”. Objects (buttons or beads) are laid out on the chair under the fabric. Participants take turns sitting on a chair and trying to count the number.
6th competition: “Movie Stars”. It is proposed to play a scene from the film. Scenes are written on pieces of paper. Participants are divided into pairs and draw lots. Examples of scenes: a gladiator fight, a cowboy shootout, a declaration of love, a bride escaping from a wedding, etc. Artistry and humor are assessed. Both members of the winning pair are awarded.
The show ends with the presentation of awards in the categories “Funniest Actor”, “Most Charming”, “Most Artistic”, “Most-Most”, etc. All participants receive diploma awards
The holiday ends with the presentation of the Golden Star award (a cup with a star can be cut out of foil)
Leading: Do you think that only famous actors, singers, and presenters become stars? Our star is special. Her merit and main talent– in the ability to be friends, to love, to illuminate our lives with joy. She sings well, dances, and, if necessary, will play any role - a housewife, a successful worker, a stylish lady, flirtatious or strict... But we love her because with us she is real! Cheerful or sad, kind, tired, energetic - she is dear to us in any form. The Golden Star Award is awarded to our brightest star!
One of your friends: We, your friends, today helped you imagine yourself as rich and famous. They say that if you imagine what you dream about more vividly, your dream will definitely come true. We all sincerely wish you to be happy, rich, creative. And when you achieve your goals, whatever they may be, be it career, family, creative development, remember this day, remember your friends, and never forget about us, as each of us always remembers about you. Now we want to give gifts not to the celebrities from our scenario, but to you, our simple and cheerful friend (gifts are given to the birthday girl’s favorite music).
Leading: This concludes our program. Before the second part of the evening begins with feasting and dancing, I want to make the first toast.
Let's drink to the power that today has brought us together, so different, with different plans and moods, in one place, with one desire - to arrange a cheerful holiday for our birthday girl - let's drink to the power of this girl's charm. We all love her very much. And we wish her to realize her strength and, with its help, fulfill all her dreams!

You are the door to the adult world!
(Applause from the guests.)
Birthday is a special date!

This holiday cannot be compared with anything,

Someone wise once came up with

Give joy to the birthday boy.

Let there be happiness and fun

After all, this is the only thing we live for,

And we say: “Happy Birthday! Have a bright and joyful day!”

(The guests shout three times: Congratulations!)

And it's time to honor these minutes
We can hear the anniversary fireworks here!

(Guests pierce the balloons, imitating fireworks)

Dear birthday boy, in honor of your anniversary, the guests have prepared for you a magical drink infused with forty herbs of love, Have a good mood and the most best wishes
(The hero of the day drinks a drink to the applause of the guests.)

Let's start the feast, friends,
Please take all the seats at the table.

(Guests take their places at the table)

Dear guests! I'm glad to see you all at our family holiday, on the anniversary of my son Denis. And I declare our anniversary open!
Dear guests, friendly, simple people. Old and young. Married and single, Rich and poor, Good and harmful. Drinkers and non-drinkers, Slightly susceptible. Let's pour together and raise our glasses! Let the glasses we move symbolize unity in the congratulations!
Well, now that everyone is sitting at the table
We'll pour more glasses
And the toast is ready-
We drink to the birthday boy! Hooray!
And now I invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing for the anniversary of our birthday boy!
Everyone (in unison): Hurray!
As you already understand, I am spending this evening. But I need an assistant. Try, everyone, under your chair - on the bottom side - to find the attached whistle. Whoever has a whistle under his chair must whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order.
Today Denis gathered many guests at this table. And so that all the guests recognize each other, I will now ask everyone to introduce themselves, and at this time I will write down your names, after which I will read the horoscope for each of you for tonight.
To cast a horoscope, guests are asked to say their names out loud and write them down in the order they were said.
1. A spark will fly between Natalya and Denis, and you will understand that this is not just infatuation, but love at first sight.
2. Natalya will remember how she hasn’t rested for a long time, and will allow herself to relax with Dmitry.

3. Nikolai will soon start lending money to everyone and, after drinking the nth portion of alcohol, he will trip over Olesya’s gorgeous legs and at the same time he will forget who he gave to and how much.

4. Alexander will become intoxicated by the aroma of Victoria's perfume. (sister)

5. Evdokia will choose a sex symbol for herself, and it will be Beibut.

6. Alexander will give Galina his tender kiss today.

8. Closer to midnight, Lyudmila and Lyubov will go to a nightclub and meet there two young beautiful... well, you understand... But they will not go there alone, but taking with them Mikhail and Anatoly, who will win a bracelet there at cards for the birthday boy.

9. Stepan will invite everyone gathered to visit him.

10. Lesya Semyonovna and Vasily Ivanovich at the end of the evening will walk around the hall and ask: “Do you need empty bottles?”
11. Janelle, tomorrow morning she will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and when she gives you beer for beer, she will become a wife again. Ilyas, do you like to watch horror films? And tomorrow morning you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!
12. Valery Petrovich, A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On Lyudmila Alexandrovna's belt.

13. Lera, smile, dear, because with your smile you are very beautiful. And I’ll tell Olya, go for it, happiness is nearby, don’t yawn.
14. Vasily will make a toast today. And everyone else will applaud him loudly.
Dear guests! Take a look at our birthday boy! At 25 he looks like a real man!
What, what, what are our men made of?
From overseas bottles and tight wallets,
From beautiful foreign cars, drills, nails, grinders.
From picnics, parties, violins and, of course, smiles.
And I was already convinced of this, noticing that the birthday boy’s smile is his characteristic feature. I think the guests are also ready to smile broadly at him in response.
Since we started talking about men, please remember how this word will sound in foreign language? (Men.)
For the word “men” in Russian, you can find many words with the same root. For example: athlete, showman, businessman, gentleman, as well as new names well known to children - Spiderman (Spiderman) and Batman. All these words can only be attributed to real men. I propose today to proclaim our hero of the day
SUPER-MAN! Do you, dear guests, agree with me? YES
(The hero of the day is awarded a diploma with the inscription “SUPERMAN.” Applause from the guests.)
Dear guests! Our hero truly deserves a special toast.
We raise a toast to Superman,
We wish you success and good luck in the future! (drank)

Denis is a prominent guy here
And for many he is enviable.
Because we all, friends,
You can't argue with him at all!
He doesn't say his age
He hides everything under secrecy.
I'll give you the exact answer:
“The hero of the day is not old enough.”
If you want to live in wonder,
Perform rituals on this birthday.
Because this is a sacred thing,
We bring you dear wine.
So that there is always balyk in the house,
Take 25 drops of wine on your tongue.
(Use a pipette to drip 25 drops onto the tongue of the hero of the day.)
To drink cognac in the evenings,
You must drink 25 grams of this wine today.
(Pour 25 grams for the hero of the day.)
So that your life goes smoothly,
We will sanctify you with this wine.
(With a brush dipped in wine, the ears, chin, and nose are “blessed” for the hero of the day.)
After going through all these rituals,
Pour wine into your guests' glasses.
(The hero of the day pours it for the guests.)
My call is quite simple -
“Let’s raise this toast to the age of the hero of the day!” (drank)
Dear friends, now I will ask you to raise right hand those who love and respect our birthday boy. And now left hand those who came to congratulate from the bottom of their hearts, have fun and take a walk! Now applaud each other!
Today we don't know any worries
Let's all shout "Congratulations"
Well, since we still have a hero of the occasion today, we need to congratulate him with the whole team. I prepared a congratulation, but I have problems with the Russian language, namely with adjectives. I will ask you to name any adjectives, and I will write them down.

On this ____________ and ___________ evening, when __________ stars are shining in the ____________ sky, ____________ ladies and no less than ____________ gentlemen gathered at this ____________ table in this _____________ hall to congratulate our __________ Denis. Everyone knows that he is a man of __________ mind, __________ soul, and besides, is in __________ form. In his __________ years, not everyone achieved __________ success and accomplished so many __________ things.
Today, in honor of Denis, we will sing ____________ songs, give ____________ gifts and drink ____________ wine. At our __________ party there will be _________ jokes, ________ gags, _________ dances and shams. We will play ____________ games and put on _______________ skits. Let our Denis be _____________.
Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drop some red into your glasses.
Believe it if you want
If you want, don't believe it
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called "moose"
- It’s been like this for a long time.
Let "ELK" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you would like and be able to
So that happiness does not end,
To dream about good things,
So that the matter succeeds
May everything always come true!
Let's drink to make all these wishes come true. (drank)

The life of our hero of the day is directly connected with roads, intersections, traffic lights and road signs, because he is our driver not only at work, but also at home.
Nothing happened
Just in the atomic age
Under the shining sky
A man is born!
He's already more than a month old
He's more than a year old
25 years exactly
He lives in the world
Nothing happened.
With best wishes
We wish you
Always be young
And it's not a sin on this day
Raise our glasses
Wish you happiness
And wish you love!
Dear guests! Take a closer look at our birthday boy! Handsome! Vigorous! Cute! Sleek! Well maintained! Hardy! Modern! Super-fast, top-class car, the most prestigious model of world brands... Careful operation. Garage storage. Documents in hand... Except for the inspection ticket. And this is not a problem - call a friend and the technical inspection is ready!
An inspection certificate will be presented.
Ladies and gentlemen, your applause! Well, the presented car is all good, ready for use, except for one circumstance: It has not been washed! But I think that together we can easily cope with this task! (Guests drink)
Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to a beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
Endowed him with a considerable amount of intelligence.
For those thanks to whom now
Denis is sitting among us as a birthday boy.
So, let's listen to congratulations from the parents of our hero of the day.


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