How to pass the Unified State Exam chemistry - all the secrets. How to learn chemistry yourself from scratch: effective ways

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It's not surprising that graduates are asking the same question. Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam? The answer largely depends on your level of preparation. Some students prepare for the upcoming test with a tutor, while others prefer to study the material on their own.

to a schoolboy?

As you know, a single exam can be taken as a final and entrance exam at the same time. Asking whether it is difficult to pass the Unified State Exam, applicants are simultaneously interested in how to get the highest score. Despite all the “horror stories” that claim that it is extremely difficult for an ordinary student to pass the exam successfully.

It’s only important to know how to prepare, and then you definitely shouldn’t be afraid.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

You should never rule out the possibility of getting the highest score. Those students who start preparing in advance have the best chances. For example, a systematic study school curriculum for several years will allow you to avoid stress associated with the need for short time master a huge amount of material.

You can prepare yourself, take a special course, or contact a private teacher. To choose suitable option, you need to take into account how well the student knows the subject at the moment and how much time is left before the exam.

It is also important what subject you are taking.


Interestingly, this item is one of the four most popular. Physics is often chosen by schoolchildren. What is the reason for such popularity? After all, this subject cannot be called simple. The secret is that physics is needed for admission to technical universities. That's why boys take it much more often than girls.

Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in Physics? As mentioned above, this subject is not one of the simple ones. Therefore, preparation should not only be lengthy, but also thorough.

The peculiarity of the Unified State Exam is that the student must not only have excellent knowledge, but also comply with the exam regulations. It is better to familiarize yourself with the rules in advance. For example, you are not allowed to bring into the classroom not only computer technology, but also all sorts of newfangled gadgets like smart watches, etc. You are allowed to take only a ruler and a simple calculator.

When writing a test, you cannot exchange information with other students, it is also usually prohibited to leave without permission, etc.

Violation of requirements can lead to conflict.

To successfully pass physics, you need to score 36 points or more.

Social science

Schoolchildren always find it difficult to decide on future profession. If a student does not imagine himself in either a humanities or a technical specialty, then social studies becomes a universal option. This subject will be useful for future psychologists, sociologists, economists and some other professions.

Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies? Some people mistakenly believe that this subject is easy because it does not involve memorization. complex formulas. However, this may be a mistake. Preparation cannot be neglected.

If a student assumes that when taking social studies he can indulge in philosophical reasoning and in this way successfully pass the exam, the result may disappoint him. The Unified State Exam format requires specific and clear answers.

That is why social studies requires knowledge of terminology, the ability to compare and analyze knowledge. This subject includes several humanitarian areas. Each of them opens up an abyss of knowledge with its own set of terms.

When choosing the Unified State Exam in social studies, you need to take the study of the subject seriously. This is the key to a successful result.


Not only schoolchildren, but also applicants have to take the Unified State Exam. Many people are incredibly afraid of this exam due to conflicting information. Therefore, the question of whether it is difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in biology remains a popular question.

There are probably no simple exams at all. Testing your knowledge is always stressful. According to experts, the greatest difficulty of the Unified State Exam in biology is that the exam covers a colossal layer of information. This science begins to be taught as a separate subject in grades 5-6.

Another difficulty is that biology includes many sections. For example, botany is studied in high school and by graduation, knowledge may be forgotten. You will have to spend time re-learning the material.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, you need to not only study the topics in the textbook. It is important to get used to the format in which the exam is administered. During the testing process, it is important to fill out the form correctly, without making mistakes. It will be a shame to receive a low score not because of a lack of knowledge, but because of errors in filling out.


This subject, unlike biology, begins to be taught in the 8th grade, so the amount of information is less. However, this does not mean that you can neglect preparation.

It is impossible to say for sure whether it is difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in biology and chemistry. Much depends on the current level. The more knowledge the student has acquired, the easier the preparation will be. It's worth starting with a check. It is recommended to pay the most attention to the most complex topics. This is where you need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry. After all, the more time for preparation, the best results can be achieved.

Having received 100 points on the final exam, yesterday's student will join the ranks of those who are regularly asked the question of whether it is difficult to pass the Unified State Exam.

). But it’s not too late to catch up and finally understand the solubility table and formulas. And not only in them, if you make a clear plan and choose the right materials. Anna Tikhonova, chemistry teacher and author of the FarSmatceutika telegram channel, talks about preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry.

For those preparing for the main school exam

This year the exam format has remained almost unchanged: instead of 34 tasks there will be 35. But because of this, the system for converting primary scores into test scores will change slightly. The exam consists of two parts: the first involves choosing numbers or a sequence of numbers (29 tasks), the second - answers with a detailed answer (6 tasks). Maximum amount primary points that can be scored for the first part - 40, for the second - 20. Usually my students start to panic at this stage - when they find out about the assignments. But in reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.

1. Find someone you can ask questions to.

It is not necessary to hire a tutor. This person could be a teacher at school or a student you know who is studying at the chemistry department. The main thing is not to be shy about asking even the stupidest, in your opinion, questions and try to close the gaps that arise during preparation. Believe me, the fact that you have at least some thoughts about chemistry already indicates that the process has started. Feel free to raise your hand during the lesson, ask the tutor, participate in discussions in thematic communities and don’t be afraid to look stupid in the eyes of others.

2. You will have three official cheat sheets for the exam. And you need to understand them

This periodic table, solubility table and voltage series of metals. They contain about 70% of the information that will help you pass the exam successfully. The remaining 30% of your success comes from your ability to use them.

To understand the periodic table, you must first study the periodic properties of elements: the structure of atoms of elements, electronegativity, metallic, non-metallic, oxidizing and reducing properties, valencies, oxidation states. If you remember them, you won’t have to remember the properties of each individual element or every single substance in nature. Just look at the table and remember the periodic law.

A tip for those who always forget everything: F (Fluorine) is the strongest non-metal and the most electronegative element, and Fr (Francium) is the opposite (the strongest metal and the least electronegative element). This will help you start somewhere.

3. Review math. You can’t pass chemistry without it

Of course, no one asks you to integrate or differentiate, and in general you can use a non-programmable calculator during the exam. But repeating the topics of percentages and proportions is a must. There are not so many formulas that are necessary to solve problems. You only need to remember the basics: formula for calculating the mass fraction, mass of a substance, volume, amount of substance, density and product yield. Knowing them, you will be able to display others without any problems.

Try to derive the mass of the solution from the mass fraction formula or, knowing the mass and molar mass substance, determine its quantity. After a few weeks of training, you will notice that all these formulas are interconnected and, if you forget something, you can always derive the formula you need from another one.

4. Table of chemical reactions - your assistant

There are indeed a lot of substances in chemistry; they can be systematized and patterns can be identified. The table of interactions between substances will help you. Print it out and keep it in front of your eyes when you first start solving chains or reactions.


How to use it?

  • Learn to identify the class of substances (oxides, acids, salts, bases, metals and non-metals) and understand the types of reactions and how they differ from each other.
  • At least two substances react. Determine which class the first substance belongs to. Find the corresponding item in the table on the right (or at the top).
  • Do the same with the second substance, look for the item at the top of the table (or on the right).
  • Look at the intersection of these two points in the table - this is the answer that is obtained in the reaction.

You cannot use such a cheat sheet during the exam. But during preparation, you can easily remember what happens if, for example, an acid and alkali react, and other substances. And this is about 80% of the tasks on the Unified State Exam.

5. Take FIPI books and go from simple to complex

In fact, it doesn’t matter which textbook you choose to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Take the one where you will understand the material and which contains all the topics that will appear on the exam. As for tests, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here either: I recommend using FIPI books. The material they give is as close as possible to what will be on the exam. And you can solve texts on the topics you have studied directly on their website.

It’s worth starting with the blocks that are most common:

  • atomic structure, periodic properties of elements
  • types of chemical bond
  • classes of inorganic substances
  • hydrolysis
  • electrolysis
  • interaction of substances with each other and classification of chemical reactions
  • problems on the topic “solutions”
  • chemical equilibrium
  • organic chemistry (classes of compounds, their methods of preparation and chemical properties)

The remaining blocks are more difficult. After you complete the tasks for the main blocks, you will understand which topics you have gaps in and which you know well. Pin the topics you know best and get back to studying theoretical basis those topics that are given worse. Learn the topic and do 20 exercises a day. If you have little time to prepare, focus on assignments whose topics are clear to you. It is better to completely solve the problem with redox reactions (redox reactions) than to do nothing.

6. Theory is good, but without tests it’s still impossible

If it seems that you know everything from theory and you don’t need to spend time solving tests, this is not so. Most mistakes on the exam happen because the student misread the task or does not understand what is expected of him. The more often you take tests, the faster you will understand the structure of the exam and the complex and mysterious wording of the task.

For example, task No. 30 says: “From the proposed list of substances, select substances between which an ion exchange reaction is possible. In your answer, write down the molecular, complete and abbreviated ionic equations of only one of the possible reactions.” Very often, students skip the stage of writing the full ionic equation and immediately write the abbreviated one, because it’s faster. This is not a mistake, but I can deduct one primary point for this.

7. But you definitely don’t need to read unnecessary articles and literature

Sometimes, while preparing for an exam, a student gets so carried away that he begins to read highly specialized literature. And when answering a simple question, he confuses himself: it seems that zinc hydroxide exhibits amphoteric properties and reacts with both acids and bases, but in such and such an article it was said that new research says something completely different. And this calls into question all fundamental knowledge about chemistry! Of course, I'm exaggerating, but the point is that the purpose of the exam is to test your knowledge of the school curriculum. And the strategy “the simpler the better” works perfectly in tests.

Single State exam(Unified State Exam) in chemistry is not included in the list of mandatory exams. It is worth taking chemistry only if your choice of future profession lies in the field of medicine, construction, chemical or biotechnology.

Schoolchildren often ask teachers the question: “Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in chemistry?” It is definitely not easy to answer, but learning a little more about the examination process is worth it to everyone who has chosen this discipline.

The exam consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into three parts - A, B and C.

Tasks A1-A26 belong to the basic level, and the correct answer to each question brings the student one primary point. There are four possible answers, from which you need to choose the correct one.

Let's look at how to solve these types of tasks.

Job type Possible error Action
Standard simple question Hasty answer

Read the entire question to the end, discard the obviously incorrect options and choose the correct answer

Question with denial The answer to the question is exactly the opposite

Don't forget about denial

Group selection

Focusing on the first thing in the group All elements listed in the group must meet the task conditions

Two judgments

Ignorance of some exceptional properties of a particular thing

Remember the exception rules in chemistry

General recommendations:

  • solve tasks in three stages: in the first stage, discard difficult questions and solve only obvious ones; on the second - think and remember the exception rules; and on the third, if there are still unsolved tasks, use your intuition and try to guess the correct answer;
  • remember the cheat sheets: periodic table, solubility table and voltage series;
  • if it seems to you that there are several correct options in the list of answers, re-read them several times: perhaps you missed a denial or facts that are possible in principle, but are not used in practice;
  • Remember the special properties of some substances and exceptions to the rules.

Doing Part B: Going Deep and Focusing

B1-B9 - this is how tasks of an increased level of complexity are marked, where you need to write down a short answer. Each completed task is scored from 1 to 2 points, and in total you can get 18 primary points for correctly completed tasks.

There is a gradation of tasks by type, and, accordingly, its own nuances of implementation.

Job type Possible error Action

Matching tasks

The desire to apply every proposed answer Carefully re-read each proposed answer option. Please note that the letters in the answer may be repeated, and some of the proposed options may not be applicable to solve the problem

Group selection

Getting confused in the names of compounds of each group due to the need to compare several parameters at once

To answer correctly, it is necessary to take into account the interactions of things. This is where eliminating unnecessary options can help.

Correspondences between substances and the coefficient of the ionic equation

Forget about coefficient 1, which is not written. When moving from the full ionic equation to a reduced one, many people forget that coefficients can also be reduced if they can be divided by the same number.

Remember the decision rules ionic equations, about reducing the coefficients. Do not confuse the numbering of answer options with answer values

Multiple Choice Questions

Use only one option or all at once.

Recording selected options in a chaotic order

Remember that there is a special field for preliminary calculations, and only after you finally solve the task, write down the options in the answer form in ascending order.

As a rule, in this type of task there are 3 correct answer options.

Calculation problems Rounding errors Use the calculation field and write down only the correct answer

General tips for solving problems in Part B:

  • do not rush to write down answers on the test form;
  • If you are in doubt about a multiple choice task, it is better to write fewer answer options.

Part C: maximum attention

Tasks of the most difficult level of the Unified State Exam in chemistry - C1-C5. There are only five of them, for each you need to give a full, detailed answer. Problems are worth 3 or 4 points, and the maximum you can get for the entire part C is 18 points.

If you get stuck on the first two parts, you won’t have enough time to solve the third. Look at the main types of tasks in Part C and the mistakes that students most often make.

Job type Possible error Action
Equations of redox reaction Even with the right decision many equations forget to indicate the oxidizing agent-reducing agent Determine the missing reaction compounds and oxidation states, apply the standard electronic balance algorithm. Double-check the answer you provided.
Equations of possible reactions for a set of inorganic substances Many people forget to double-check the recorded answer. Write down only those equations in which you are 100% sure, because only the first 4 are counted
"Thought Experiment" Some examinees skip this task because the answer is unclear. 1) draw up a reaction scheme; 2) decipher the diagram, replacing the designations with specific formulas; 3) write the reaction equations, placing all the coefficients. Do at least one of the listed steps correctly and it will earn you a point
Chain of transformations of organic substances

Do not indicate by-products in addition to the main products. Examinees do not take into account the reaction conditions and write equations without structural formulas

Consider the sequence of reactions and write the formulas correctly. Remember about complex reactions (oxidation with permanganate, electrolysis of solutions of carboxylic acid salts, interaction of halogen derivatives with alcoholic and aqueous alkali solutions, etc.)
Combined task Errors in nomenclature and reaction equations. Often examinees do not understand the difference between phosphate and phosphide, nitrite and nitride Write down all the results of reactions at each stage of solving the problem and take them into account in subsequent calculations using the reaction equation
Determining the formula of a substance In problems with combustion products, hydrogen is lost, which is part of the hydrogen halides Test yourself to see if there are more molecules or atoms. Don't get carried away with excessive rounding. Remember to write down structural formulas
  • be sure to perform the calculation using the reaction equation in MOLES, otherwise the solution to the problem will not be counted;
  • complete at least part of the task: in this case you have a chance to earn at least a few extra points;
  • Write down your answers as legibly as possible to avoid losing points due to carelessness.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in chemistry?

Chemistry is not a simple, but interesting subject in the school curriculum. He is not included in the number mandatory exams, it is taken only by those who wish to continue their studies at higher education educational institution by specialty: medicine, chemistry or food industry and other industries. Graduates who have decided on their future profession must promptly begin preparing for such a complex subject as chemistry.

It is necessary to start preparation as early as possible. If you have the opportunity, you can sign up for courses or take additional lessons from a teacher, because preparing for this subject on your own is very difficult. But if you cannot study for a fee, you will have to seriously prepare yourself for self-training. It will be better if you, already in the 10th grade, will begin to systematize the information necessary for the Unified State Exam.

Theoretical knowledge is extremely important for writing the Unified State Exam in chemistry, but this may not be enough for an excellent result. It is imperative to pay attention to the analysis of all test tasks in the exam. Moreover, they need to be considered from several positions and searched for alternative options decisions, justifying your opinion. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly navigate when writing the official Unified State Examination, and even encounter similar tasks.

The Unified State Exam is based on test technologies. Such new form exam requires good knowledge of subjects, preliminary psychological preparation all participants educational process(teachers, parents, students.

Tips for teachers:

Teachers, remembering that “you can’t teach swimming while standing on the shore,” should more actively introduce testing technologies into the teaching system. IN last years The Russian Federation Testing Center has published collections of thematic tests. These tests are designed for students in grades 5-11 in almost all subjects taken for the Unified State Exam. With their help, you can assess the level of student mastery of the material and develop their skills in working with test tasks.

Such training in completing test tasks will allow students to actually increase their score during the Unified State Examination. Knowing standard designs test tasks, the student will spend virtually no time understanding the instructions. During such training, appropriate psychotechnical skills of self-regulation and self-control are formed.

At the same time, it is advisable to carry out the main part of the work not before the exam itself, but in advance, working out individual details when taking tests on the topics covered, i.e. in cases that are not as emotionally intense as passing the Unified State Exam.

The psychotechnical skills acquired by students during the learning process only increase the effectiveness of preparation for passing the Unified State Exam, but also allow them to behave more successfully during the exam, contribute to the development of mental work skills, the ability to mobilize themselves in a decisive situation, and master their own emotions.

Tips for parents:

It is no secret that success in passing the exam largely depends on the mood and attitude of the parents. To help your children prepare as best as possible for exams, try these tips:

Don't worry about the number of points your child will get on the exam. Instill in him the idea that the number of points is not a perfect measurement of his abilities.

Do not increase your child’s anxiety on the eve of exams; this will negatively affect the test result. Child in effect age characteristics may not cope with his emotions and “break down”.

Provide Homes comfortable spot for classes, make sure that no one at home interferes.

Help the children distribute their preparation topics by day.

Familiarize your child with the methods of preparing for exams. Prepare various options test tasks in the subject and train your child, because testing is different from the written and oral exams he is used to.

While practicing test tasks, teach your child to navigate time and be able to distribute it. If your child does not wear a watch, be sure to give him a watch for the exam.

Encourage children and increase their self-confidence.

Monitor your child’s preparation for exams and avoid overload.

Pay attention to your child's nutrition. Products such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, etc. stimulate brain function.

On the eve of the exam, provide your child with adequate rest; he should rest and get a good night's sleep.

Don't criticize your child after the exam.

Remember: the main thing is to reduce the child’s stress and anxiety and provide suitable conditions for classes.

Tips for graduates:

Exam preparation

Prepare a place for studying: remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils. Introduce yellow and purple colors(they increase intellectual activity). For this, a picture or print in these colors is enough.

Make a lesson plan. First, determine whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark”, and depending on this, make the most of your morning or evening hours.

When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: “I’ll study a little,” but what specific sections and topics.

Start with the most difficult section, with the material you know the worst. But if it’s difficult for you to “swing,” you can start with the material that is most interesting and enjoyable.

Alternate between classes and rest: 40 minutes of classes, 10 minutes of break. During a break, you can wash the dishes, water the flowers, do exercises, and take a shower. Take as many published tests on the subject as possible. These training sessions will familiarize you with the construction of test items.

Practice with a stopwatch in your hands, time the tests (on average, one task in Part A should take no more than 2 minutes).

As you prepare for exams, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph. Never think that you will not cope with the task.

Leave one day before the exam to review the most difficult questions.

On the eve of the exam

Many people believe that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is enough. It is not right. You are tired, and there is no need to overwork yourself. On the contrary, take a walk in the evening and take a shower before going to bed. Get as much sleep as possible so you can wake up feeling like you're in a fighting spirit.

You must arrive at the exam site without being late, preferably 20 minutes before the start of the test.

If it's cold outside, don't forget to dress warmly, because you'll be sitting for 3-4 hours.

Before the exam starts

At the beginning of testing you will be informed necessary information(how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.). Be careful! The correctness of your answers depends on how carefully you remember these rules.

During testing

Skim the entire text to see what type of tasks it contains.

Read the question carefully to the end to ensure its meaning is correct.

If you don't know the answer to a question or are unsure, skip it so you can come back to it later. Start easy! Start answering those questions that you have no doubt about, without stopping at those that may cause long thoughts.

Learn to skip difficult or unclear tasks. Remember: in the text there will always be questions that you will definitely be able to answer.

Think only about the current task! When you do a new task, forget everything that happened in the previous one. Remember: the tasks in the texts are not related to each other, so the knowledge that you applied in one solved one, as a rule, does not help, but only hinders you from concentrating and correctly solving a new task.

Many tasks can be solved faster if you don’t search right away correct option answer, and consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The elimination method allows you to ultimately focus on just one or two options, rather than five to seven.

Leave time to check your work so you can skim and spot any obvious mistakes.

If you are not sure about the answer, trust your intuition.

Practice shows that a teacher cannot fully prepare 9th grade students for the Unified State Exam and 11th grade students for the Unified State Exam in chemistry in the classroom, especially when studying this subject for 1 or 2 hours a week.

However, a teacher can be of great help to students by adhering to a certain methodology.

1.Repetition. This is one of the most important parts of exam preparation.

There is no need to postpone organizing revision until the end of the school year. The sooner the teacher begins to combine the organization of repetition in the lesson with the study of new material, the better the result will be. It is not necessary to separate repetition in a lesson into a separate block. There may not be enough time for this. Repeat the topics covered when surveying students, connect new material with previously studied and even when consolidating a new topic.

Without repetition count on good results when passing the Unified State Exam it is not necessary.

The organization of repetition must be included in calendar and thematic planning. It is impossible to repeat all the material covered in a few months. In addition, each child has his own gaps in knowledge. The teacher should identify the main topics in which students are having difficulty.

You cannot use screening tests from only one author or publication. The graduate must be ready to cope with any task, no matter how the question is formulated.

In addition, you can create an individual revision program for each student. But he must do it himself. Each student has his own weak spots, therefore the accents will be placed differently.

The most common mistakes made by students:

1. Mechanisms of connection formation. Difficulties in choosing substances that have a bond formed by a donor-acceptor mechanism: if the answer contains an ammonium salt, there are no errors, but if ozone should be chosen, carbon monoxide, complex compound - there are much fewer correct answers.

2.Hydrogen bond. It is imperative to recall the classes of organic compounds that form this type of bond and remember its effect on physical properties.

Students often mistakenly believe that substances with ionic crystal lattices conduct electricity in the solid state, forgetting about the strength of the ionic bond, and, as a consequence, the impossibility of free movement of ions.

3. Regularities of chemical reactions

When repeating chemical kinetics, attention must be paid to factors affecting the reaction rate. Often, when asked about reaction speed, the authors of manuals

the equation has been given a reversibility sign, this is enough to push the student to the wrong answer, in which, instead of factors affecting speed, he considers factors affecting balance.

When repeating a chemical equilibrium, the most common error occurs when the influence of pressure on the equilibrium is considered and the amounts of substances - gases and solids or gases and liquids. To remember that the volumes of liquids and solids in in this case can be neglected, we can compare the volume of 1 mole of water vapor (22400 ml) and the volume of 1 mole of liquid water (18 ml).

4. Physico-chemical properties of solutions. Electrolytic dissociation. Reactions in electrolyte solutions

Equations of stepwise dissociation of polybasic acids, polyacid bases, as well as acidic, basic and complex salts. A very common error in recording the dissociation of acid salts is:

NaHSNa+ + Н+ + S ² ˉ

Pay attention to the factors influencing the degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes. 5. The effect of solution dilution on the degree of dissociation (Ostwald’s dilution law). The wording of the question itself in the tests, “The brightness of the light bulb will increase...” is not clear to all students.

6. Hydrolysis of salts

About the environment in solutions of dihydrogen phosphates and hydrosulfites.

On the mutual enhancement of hydrolysis, for example, when mixing solutions of iron (III) chloride and sodium carbonate.

Point out that when iron (III) salts are mixed with sulfides, it is not the mutual enhancement of hydrolysis that occurs, but the redox reaction.

It is necessary to repeat the irreversible hydrolysis of binary compounds (carbides, silicides, nitrides, phosphides, active metals).

7.Amphoteric compounds.

Review topics related to reaction products of amphoteric oxides and hydroxides in solution and fusion.

Draw the student's attention to the oxidation state of the amphoteric metal and the dependence of the reaction product on it.

Repeat the destruction of hydroxo complexes in an acidic environment. Pay attention to their destruction by hydrolysis products of salts of weak bases and strong acids (a solution of aluminum, zinc, and iron salts is added to the complex).

8. Main classes of compounds. Convert Special attention on the dependence of reaction products on the excess or deficiency of reagents: for example, when alkalis react with carbon monoxide (IV), both an average and an acid salt can be formed.

Be sure to pay attention to the issue of thermal stability, especially nitrates.

Remind students of the differences between industrial methods obtaining substances and laboratory. Don't forget to focus on what it is optimal conditions receiving.

Repeat qualitative reactions for substances and ions.

To successfully prepare students for the Unified State Exam, the teacher is recommended to implement the proposed algorithm:

1. Analysis of information on the content and procedure of the Unified State Exam.

1.1.Identify the number of students planning to take the Unified State Exam in chemistry.

1.2.Get to know regulatory documents regulating the content and procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam (published on the websites,,,,

1.3.Agree with management educational institution organizational form of preparing students for the Unified State Exam (consulting hours, electives, special courses, etc.).

1.4.Analyze the content of the Unified State Exam according to the specification

1.5.Analyze educational and methodological support(textbooks, additional literature, collections of tests, websites) to prepare students for the Unified State Exam.

2. To identify the level of students’ mastery of all course topics during trial testing based on materials from the demo version of the Unified State Exam.

3. Draw up calendar and thematic planning that reflects the topics of classes, their content, a list of basic knowledge and skills, a list of mandatory nomenclature. Calendar and thematic planning is compiled taking into account the number of hours and deadlines allocated for preparation for the Unified State Exam.

4. In the calendar and thematic planning, it is necessary to include deadlines and forms for diagnosing the level of mastery of the repeated material.

5.When planning repetition, it is recommended to take into account the level of individual preparation of students. To do this, individual plans for preparing students for the Unified State Exam should be developed and agreed upon with students and their parents.

Just don't deceive yourself! “In principle, everything is fine with us,” parents often tell me in the first telephone conversation, - At school the child has a B and even an A, that’s just trial Unified State Exam"accidentally" wrote two! I was probably worried."

Friends! If a person really knows a subject with a B, he will not be able to pass the exam with a B, even if he is in an unconscious state. Don't flatter yourself! Chance is not a bad mark on a test exam, but a waterfall of fours and fives that befalls schoolchildren during their 11 years of study. Unfortunately, practice shows that 90% of school grades are fake! We will not talk now about the reasons for this phenomenon (you can read more about this Here), but rather, let’s think about how to give ourselves (or our offspring) an objective assessment.

I can offer several options:

  • use tests in chemistry and mathematics on this site;
  • buy the collection Unified State Exam tests in the relevant subject and try to solve several options (only honestly, without cheating and without the help of friends!);
  • Seek advice from a qualified tutor, ask him to assess your current level of knowledge and create a preparation program for the exam.

Set yourself a realistic goal. Consider time restrictions

If there are four months left before the Unified State Exam, at the moment you are barely able to solve 3-4 simple problems, and you are aiming for 90 points, I am afraid that you will be disappointed! To reach the level of 80 points in mathematics, even a very capable student will need 1.5 - 2 years of intensive work.

It is very difficult to clearly formulate what it is realistic goal. There are too many variables to consider. The initial level of the student, his abilities, the level of motivation, and, of course, the amount of time play a role. An experienced tutor already after one or two lessons understands what one or another of his students can count on. A non-professional can very often greatly exaggerate or understate a child’s capabilities.

I will try to give just a few guidelines using typical situations as examples. So,

Typical situation Forecast
We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, we have a year left, the current level is “below the baseboard”. We can count on 60 points in the exam, maximum 65 if we work hard.
We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, we have a year left, and at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks from the first part. Realistic forecast: 70 - 75 points.
We are preparing for a math exam, we have two With a year left, we can currently solve about 50% of the tasks. We can even go above 90 points. Level 80 points at normal operation practically guaranteed.
We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, we have a year left, the current level is “zero minus”. We can count on 70 - 75 points on the real exam (with intensive work throughout the year).
We want to pass the Unified State Exam in chemistry, at school we got a “real” B, we have a year left. 80 - 90 points is an achievable result.
We dream of getting 100 points on the Unified State Exam in chemistry, we have two years ahead and a great desire to work. We do all our homework and work regularly. The dream of 100 points can come true.
Six months before the Unified State Exam in mathematics, we even know the multiplication tables with uncertainty. Is it possible to pass the exam with at least the minimum score? Yes, you can. You need to find a professional tutor and start working seriously.
A similar question for chemistry. Of course it is possible.
There are two to three months before the exam. Zero knowledge. Is there anything to hope for? You can only count on passing the Unified State Exam for a minimum score, and even then only under the condition of intensive work under the guidance of a top-class tutor.

Let me remind you once again that these are guidelines only. Naturally, there are no guarantees in such forecasts and cannot be!

Create a lesson program

So, by the beginning of June you plan to confidently solve, for example, ten problems in the test. Currently you are able to complete 2-3 tasks. Take a piece of paper, a pen and try to sketch out a rough work plan: December will be devoted to tasks B1 and B4, January - B2 and B5, etc. If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam with a tutor, the situation will be simplified: he will have to draw up a plan and monitor its implementation. If you are preparing yourself, show your plan school teacher; Perhaps something will need to be adjusted.

It is likely that some changes will be made to the plan during preparation. This is normal.

Give yourself some extra time

It is important to understand that life makes its own adjustments to any plan. You may get sick, the exam may be postponed until later early date, it turns out that a topic that seemed very easy to you will, in fact, require more effort, etc.

You must allow for time reserve. Let's say you already know that the Unified State Exam in mathematics will take place on June 10. But you must be fully prepared by May 15th. If any problems arise, you can solve them in the remaining time. If no problems arise, you can once again repeat the material covered, or even work on more complex examples.

Check yourself periodically

Any preparation is meaningless if you do not constantly monitor the implementation of your plan. After each lesson, organize a small test. Check all completed tasks using the answers (but do not adjust them to the answer!) Periodically arrange a trial Unified State Exam for yourself: you can use collections of exam tests or materials from the Internet. The main thing is that the exam be as objective as possible. Don't look at textbooks, solve problems in an "exam setting", ask friends or parents to test you.

Your results should gradually improve. If progress is not observed, it is necessary to change the preparation system: use a different textbook, devote more time to classes, seek the help of a tutor.

Prepare for the Unified State Exam every day

I understand that today is a friend’s birthday, and tomorrow is an important test at school, and the day after tomorrow - New Year. Yesterday I had a headache, and the day before yesterday they promised a collision between the Earth and an asteroid (and why bother preparing for the Unified State Exam then?). No, friends, it won’t work that way! If you plan to exercise occasionally, once a week or even less often, I have to disappoint you: the effectiveness of such work tends to zero.

Daily exercises of 20 minutes are much more beneficial than one two-hour lesson once a week. Regularity of work is the basis of success. And friends, holidays, social media, football, TV let them wait until the summer!

Preparing for the Unified State Exam is not just about solving tests

I would like to once again warn graduates against thoughtlessly using numerous “Collections of tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam.”

Firstly, the quality of most (if not most!) of these collections is not very high (this is putting it mildly!): there are a lot of factual errors, incorrect assignments, etc.

Secondly, even high-quality collections of this type do not replace textbooks, reference books, etc. These books, of course, have the right to exist, but only as auxiliary element training. You can use them to assess your initial level (see above), for periodic self-control during training.

The stupidest thing you can think of when preparing for the Unified State Exam is to simply “solve” (as some teachers like to say) an endless number of tests.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam (as well as for any other exam) means working on certain topics, on problems of certain types. Today you learn to decide quadratic equations, tomorrow you analyze equations with modules, the day after tomorrow you remember fractional rational equations etc. You only need to move on to the next topic by completely mastering the previous one.

Obviously, test collections are for you similar work won't help. It is better to use regular school textbooks or specialized literature for those preparing for higher education.


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