How to make a nursery cozy. How to make a nursery especially cozy for a growing child

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Your baby is about to emerge from infancy. He no longer hangs on his mother around the clock, his activity is off the charts. Toys are evenly distributed throughout the house and constantly underfoot, and happy parents regularly struggle with “rock painting.” A familiar situation, isn't it?

Or here’s another thing - the baby fell silent in his corner, literally for 10 minutes. Parents with experience, of course, will immediately understand the key “expect trouble,” but those who are new to this troublesome business may miss their offspring’s experiments.

How to make it so at home little man surrounded by a friendly and developing world? Of course, organize his own space - his own children's room. Let's approach the issue creatively and see how to do this?

1. Panels or walls for painting

Any cub, regardless of age, will one day pick up a pencil or felt-tip pen. There is no need to limit him in this, maybe he is the future Van Gogh?

Make one wall in the room specifically for drawing, or set up a regular double-sided easel with a roll of paper and crayons. This does not guarantee the absence of drawings on expensive wallpaper or paint, but it will teach the baby that drawing is a whole activity that involves changing paper, washing the board and pleasantly showing the result to mom.

By the way, if the board is not enough for a child’s wild imagination, duplicate the easel simple sheets, fixed on the wall. Or even select a piece of the wall “for slaughter.” Support the talent, and other walls will be preserved. Today it’s not difficult to paint or re-paint a meter of wall.

2. Physical education corner

Everything is simple here. A growing body needs movement. The ideal option is a Swedish wall with an extension to rings, a horizontal bar and a safety mat on the floor.

If the child has not yet reached the level of conscious safety, but has already learned to climb to the ceiling, simply remove a couple of steps from the ladder for a while. The same applies to arugula.

By the way, it is very likely that you, having installed wall bars, you will also hang on it regularly. After all, stretching and simple physical exercise are also useful for parents...

3. Furniture for studying and sleeping

Regardless of the size of the space that you are ready to allocate to your child, from the first months of your child’s life there should be a strong, spacious and comfortable bed. It’s better if it’s made to order, exactly matching the style of the nursery.

Later you can add containers for storing toys, a desk, and maybe a second bed for a younger brother or sister. There are plenty of options for children's furniture. There are exclusively budget and win-win options from IKEA, but if you want to instill good taste in your child from an early age, contact furniture professionals.

By the way, children's furniture must be extremely durable. Otherwise, a couple of jumps on the bed, and... a trip to the store for a new sofa.

4. Play area with transformation and quickly retractable volumes

Cabinets and drawers in a nursery are the quintessence of a child’s world. This is a repository of his secrets, a property closed from adults. We need to make sure that putting toys in their places also becomes part of the game.

A large drawer under the bed is a good solution to “clean up” the nursery in one motion. Large plastic boxes or containers, baskets, even ottomans filled with soft toys, all this can be simply placed in the room, or hidden in a spacious and very beautiful closet.

By the way, in cases where the size of the nursery is limited, some of the toys can be placed directly on the wall. How? See next point.

5. Every surface needs to work.


Feel free to paint the nursery walls in different colors. Harmony of shades contributes to the development of taste. Even if the nursery is just part common room, you can highlight it with color, which will emphasize the isolation of the living area of ​​​​the small family member.

Show your imagination, decorate the wall with a tree - a shelf. Or simply place soft fabric pockets on the wall. There are also a lot of wall-mounted educational systems, from sets of lock doors for kids to talking multiplication tables for schoolchildren.


The ceiling can also be painted in an adventure or fairy tale theme.

If you are not ready for such a radical change in the image of your apartment, buy a regular “starry sky” night light. The stars, even if they are man-made, are so romantic...

The floor in the nursery should be safe, warm and hygienic.

By the way, it is useful for children to be barefoot at home - this both hardens and properly forms the foot. The range of solutions ranges from ideal cork flooring to high-quality laminate or smooth wooden boards.

6. Lamps for entertainment, work, night lights

The light in the nursery should be varied - general with adjustable brightness, local - for favorite activities, dim for reading a book before bed. There are a lot of options for lamps, but one thing is clear - you definitely can’t get by with just a single chandelier. You'll have to think about a whole lighting system. And don’t skimp on sockets by installing the maximum number of them during the renovation. The child will grow, furniture, electrical appliances and lamps will move. Why do you need meters of extension cords?

A night light is an individual matter. Often babies sleep more calmly with light on, but psychologists say that the natural conditions for human sleep are darkness.

By the way, this is where the night light should definitely settle, so it’s in the toilet. Then the child’s midnight journeys to the potty and back will not be a path into darkness for him and... will quickly teach him not to pee in bed.

7. Themed decorations in accordance with the child’s hobbies

Has your child accumulated fifty soft toys and you don’t know how to get rid of them? Sew or buy a bag with a zipper - and now you have an ottoman, inside which this whole zoo will live.

Another thing is knights in armor, cars or dinosaurs, rubber bouncing balls, or a collection of strange shells brought from the sea. Why not display them clearly - in a flat display case or shelf?

By the way, such a move will greatly please the guests who should definitely come to your child. Perhaps it will even teach you to share your most valuable exhibit with your beloved friend. Well, or protect your “gold” from immodest attacks.

8. Guests? No problem!

However, a flock of kids left in the nursery for half an hour can ruin a week's efforts to restore order. This means that we must immediately limit the circle of what is subject to intense destruction by a gang of rabid backbreakers, and hide everything else. For example, in the same drawer under the bed.

What is comfort in a children's room? We think the main indicator is when a child enjoys being in his nursery, he feels comfortable, interesting, comfortable and understandable there. Coziness consists of many things - furnishings, decor, accessories. And in order to make a room more comfortable, to fill it with special attractive magic, you often don’t need global changes. We'll tell you about 10 simple ways to make your baby's personal space special and conducive to long, exciting games. Go!

1. We use natural materials

Eco-style is at the peak of popularity, but not only fashion makes it suitable for a children's room. Natural materials in the interior or decor of a room create a unique charm, and beckon you to spend an hour or two there. Wood accents are especially successful in this - warm, textured and simply beautiful, they will become a real decoration! The undoubted advantage of such material is environmental friendliness and safety for the child.

And if a global renovation is not part of your plans, you can get by with a stylish wicker toy cart or doll stroller from the brand "Harvest". These elements look very stylish and will bring pleasure to both mother and children.

2. Create a secluded corner

Perhaps hide and seek is the most favorite pastime for children of all ages; you can hide in a secluded corner and then laugh at your mother’s unexpected find. Kids, just like adults, need their own personal space to play and just dream.

Therefore, a small house will definitely turn out to be a favorite place to spend time. Read a book, tell secrets to your best plush friend - a magic tent or a real wigwam from the project is ideal for all this "A house on a tree".

Fill the house with soft pillows and good fairy tales, and then time will fly by!

3. Add textiles

Everyone knows that textiles can work wonders in the interior of a children's room. Soft fabrics create a pleasant, enveloping effect, the child’s room will be filled with special warmth and comfort. Use your baby's bed to create a focal point in the room. Blankets and pillows will turn the crib into a place where the most amazing fairy tales are born. Magic will settle here at night, guarding rainbow dreams, and at daylight when it’s especially nice to lazily lie in bed with your mother.

These are exactly the kind of knitted blankets and pillows – with a unique design and, of course, quality worthy of your little ones – that you will find in the online store "Apero".

4. Organize a space for creativity

If your baby still doesn’t have a table and a chair where he can sit comfortably and create from the heart, creating children’s masterpieces with his still unskilled hands for his mother’s art gallery – now is the time to think about it! Having such a creative corner in a child's room really enlivens it. This is exactly what space looks like in a children's room, which is loved and actively used in everyday fun. And how happy your child will be with a wonderful bunny chair from the brand "Maviwood", with whom it is so easy and joyful to try yourself as a young artist!

5. Let's update the walls

No, this is not at all what you thought, no wallpaper or paint! A simple, neutral design can be easily transformed with interior stickers or posters. Boring plain walls will sparkle with new colors if you choose decor from the store "Smilewithfriends".

Let your little one be a part of the design process and your child's wall design will make the room truly special for the whole family. The final result depends only on your imagination, but one thing we know for sure is that it will be simply amazing!

6. We organize storage

Comfort cannot be without order, so a lot of attention should be paid correctly organized storage in the nursery. Putting things in order is sometimes so boring and not interesting for little ones, but you won’t find comfort in an untidy room. New toy houses will help solve this issue, because they can be very unusual. Just look at what storage solutions are offered in the online store "kk.withlove" !

Stylish wooden shelves and drawers with decor that you can choose to suit your taste. Cleaning will turn into a game and become enjoyable, and order will forever settle in the children's room.

7. Cute details

Little things are simply created to set accents and create islands that literally attract the eye and are memorable. Decorative elements emphasize the overall idea, complement the picture, create uniform style throughout the children's room. Unusual shelves on the walls can be an excellent decoration, and besides, it is always practical - you can place your favorite books or toys on the shelves.

A shelf in the shape of a house is very popular now; the trendy product can be found in the store "A house on a tree". And if you prefer more laconic products, then we advise you to pay attention to circle shelves and heart shelves from the brand "kk.withlove".

8. The main place for games

Don't forget the floor! After all, it is on the floor that children’s main games take place - the construction of endless roads and high towers, knightly tournaments and princess balls, doctor’s appointments and school lessons. A carpet can transform the interior of a nursery, but you have to be careful when choosing. The space for games should be comfortable, safe, and at the same time remain attractive. It is also ideal if the floor covering does not cause any difficulties during cleaning, because little fidgets often leave marks from their games.

The ideal choice is PVC carpet from "Feel Hell" it has all the necessary qualities and is created specifically for children, combining aesthetics and practicality.

9. New toys

New toys are what make spending time in the nursery desirable again and again - to try out a new car, put the animals in their bed, or have a tea party for the dolls. Correct, age-appropriate toys are always a great opportunity for creative development, a tool for creating a thousand and one exciting game scenarios, it is joy and unforgettable emotions.

Particularly good at this are the various characters who are important participants in all games. Soft knitted bunny from "Apero" will become your best friend, whom you can trust with secrets and with whom you can have so much fun!

10. Cozy lights

Soft, dim light can transform a room beyond recognition and fill it with magic. It is lights that are most often associated with something cozy - be it a burning candle or the light of a garland. We recommend using garlands in the nursery; even in daylight, they are a stylish independent decor, and in the evening twilight, when they light up, they look even more wonderful!

But even among children's night lights you can find interesting options, for example lamps "Masaihome" which will not only help your baby fall asleep sweetly at night, but will also become a wonderful decoration in the children's room during the day.

For a baby, his own room is always special and the best. After all, everything here is just for him - toys, his favorite crib, a closet with clothes, things dear to his heart. This is why mothers put so much effort into trying to surround their child with only beautiful things. We hope our tips will help you in this matter, and you will be able to transform the children's room so that it becomes a favorite space for the child, so that the room is filled day after day with comfort and ringing laughter!

For a child, his nursery is the whole world. Here you can play, play sports, have a get-together with friends, or go on a trip with the characters of your favorite book. Creating a cozy nursery will allow children to always feel comfortable in their personal space.

Comfort through the eyes of an adult and a child

An adult associates comfort with trinkets, sounds, photos, smells and sensations dear to his heart. For children younger age it appears to be a small space in which it is easy to retreat to games or daydreams. This is why many children love to build things around the house using scrap materials. For a teenager, comfort is expressed by tangible objects in the interior.

A cozy nursery also looks different through the eyes of boys and girls. There is one similarity - an important place is given to the choice of color. But guys less attention pay attention to small details and may limit themselves to the necessary, functional set of furniture. Girls are more meticulous about small details, which is expressed by the presence in the room large quantity decorative elements.

Color as a basis

Children's room can't be gloomy. And parents often want to saturate the interior bright colors. But this is not always true, since an abundant accumulation of catchy colors can harm the developing psyche of a child.

The correct design would be not in bright, but in warm pastel colors with contrasting decor. The main thing is not to rush into making a choice. There are no trifles in repairs!

Shades of yellow and orange are associated with warmth and will fill a child's bedroom with the necessary coziness. Greenish, white, beige will serve as the basis for design ideas teenagers, and “fruit” and apricot will add softness characteristic interior For a girl.

The interior will be decorated with furniture in the same style


During adolescence, children with enviable consistency change their preferences. To avoid frequent repairs, there should be dynamics in the nursery. Non-standard furniture designs will help make the room more comfortable and cozy. An option would be sectional furniture on wheels, which is easy to rearrange and therefore make changes to the interior.

For a school-age children's room a good decision will serve folding bed, thanks to which maximum free space will be preserved.

An interesting sleeping option is a sleeping area built into the closet. This model can easily be transformed from a cabinet section into a convenient one. pull-out bed. Girls are unlikely to want to have it in their bedroom similar design, but boys will certainly be interested in it.

Proper organization of lighting creates additional coziness and comfort

A children's room with functional furniture can easily be made cozy with the help of lighting. Subdued light will add softness and mystery to the girls’ room, and LED lighting will serve as decor in the autonomous territory of teenage boys.


It's no secret that girls are more prone to sentimentality than boys. At such moments, you really want to retire and indulge in reflection in a secluded place. It’s easy to create such a corner for a child. Just choose in the room small area, which will fit comfortable armchair with a table or floor lamp.

A small sofa makes the interior even more comfortable

If the children's area allows, then personal space can be separated with a light ceiling screen, highlighting a relaxation area. This solution will be appreciated by young ladies who love to have get-togethers with their friends.

If a girl’s bedroom is small and there is no way to add a seating area, then a bed will serve as a secluded area. You can decorate a corner by placing a transparent canopy over the sleeping area and complement this option with decor.

Properly selected textiles add comfort and coziness

Small design tricks

As soon as you finish decorating the interior, its holistic composition and the compatibility of the elements within it should appear before your eyes. No object should “draw” attention to itself. Harmony in everything is the basis of a cozy room.

  • There is the necessary basic set of furniture that should be in a child's room: a bed, a table and a chair for creative activities or study, a rack or wardrobe for clothes, books, toys. It’s good when these items correspond to the child’s age, there is no “for growth”. Exit - ergonomic models, adjustable for height.
  • The location of the working area should be as close as possible to the source natural light, and the head of the bed should be positioned so that the front door is visible.
  • Will add zest to children's interior wigwam hut, marker board for drawing or taking notes, ball basket, Dollhouse, night light, for teenagers - an inflatable chair or, soft pouf, darts, designer lamp.
  • When thinking about practicality, do not forget about figurative versatility. Children have a different perception of objects, where an adult has realism, a child has imagination. This explains the situation when a bed turns into a car, a pillow into a steering wheel, an ordinary bunny into a princess. In a nursery, a combination of materials and textures is important, but the room should not turn into a pile of design elements that do not match each other.
  • Knitted items are associated with comfort. A bedspread or blanket on the bed will turn even the most discreet interior into a cozy nest.
  • The selection is important based on their usefulness and how they will look in the interior. Large-leaved flowers, for example, amaryllis, will be noticeable against the background of wallpaper with a small, modest pattern, and vice versa, a fern will suit the walls with a bright accent. It is ideal when the color scheme of furniture upholstery or textiles echoes flowers.

if you have a pet who has chosen a place in the child’s room, then his furniture must also be correctly integrated into the design. The most versatile - wicker basket, bedding, beds or houses, the color of which is in harmony with the overall color scheme.

What makes a good nursery? It appeals to a child who feels comfortable and relaxed in it, and where he can express his physical and creative abilities without hesitation.

Children grow quickly, their interests and hobbies change. But the concern of parents remains unchanged, one of the manifestations of which is comfort in the children's territory.

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Presence of a child own room- undoubtedly a reason for his joy. But if the area is small, then the baby will face certain inconveniences. But is it really only a large nursery that a child can really like? Of course not. We share the secrets that will make the nursery a real dream room for your baby.

1. Festive decor on weekdays

Who said that various holiday decor can only be used on special days? Such decorations instantly enliven the interior of a small nursery without weighing it down. In addition, affordable price holiday decor allows you to change it as often as you see fit. Paper balls, garlands... There are many options.

2. A wall you can stare at for hours

For decoration accent wall in a small nursery, choose wallpaper with complex pattern, which the child will not get tired of for a long time. The ideal option is an image that will also contribute intellectual development child. For example, a world map covering an entire wall.

3. Your own mini-kingdom

Is the apartment so small that there is no room for a separate nursery? It's not a problem. Order the production of multifunctional furniture for children. On several square meters fits a bed, table, storage system. After all, it is so important for a child to feel that he has his own corner in an “adult” space.

4. Surrounded by your favorite things

A workspace for older children, surrounded by a mini-wardrobe – perfect solution for small children's rooms. This trick allows you to fully use the vertical space of one of the walls.

5. Skirting in reverse

Plastic Wall panel will reliably protect the walls in the nursery from dirt and mechanical damage. And in order for such a finish to become even more functional, attach a wide plinth to its upper part. It will play the role of a shelf where kids can place their favorite toys and other necessary little things.

6. From the hallway to the children's room

Often children do not clean not because they have no desire to do it, but because of the inconvenience or complexity of this process. To reduce the number of scattered clothes in your room, simplify it as much as possible.
storage. For example, place a spacious hanger in the nursery.

7. Personalized room

A decor that will always be relevant in a nursery is the wooden letters that make up the name of its main owner. They can be hung on the wall or mounted on the bed. This simple technique will help the child feel like a full owner of his own personal space.

8. Wall with lots of shelves

You can make rectangular shelves from dense cardboard boxes, for example, shoes. The more similar boxes there are, the better. The child will be able to sort all his favorite toys and little things. This will also allow you to utilize vertical space for storage.

9. Taking care of the finish and not forgetting the child’s wishes

Children tend to steal the walls with posters, photos, pictures... It looks good, but the decoration of the walls suffers from the placement of such decor. Hang several large cork boards and long ropes with clothespins. This way you won’t have to fight with a child who wants to decorate the room to his own taste, as well as maintain the integrity of the walls.

10. Functional sleeping place

The presence of spacious drawers under the child's bed will make it easier for the child to clean his room. In addition, such a storage system is especially relevant in the interior of a small bedroom. After all, most often people forget about the opportunity to rationally use the space under the bed.

11. Sleep in the air

Hanging beds are an original solution for a nursery that has not yet become boring. To make the structure relatively stable, use short, thick ropes.

12. Hide from the whole world

The interior of a small bedroom does not allow for a separate area for complete privacy for the child, for example, installing a toy house or hut. But this is a problem. The child will be able to completely retire behind a canopy or awning fixed above the bed. This solution is suitable not only for girls, but also for boys.

Furniture placed close together will save space.

The usual option for placing furniture for most is the presence of free space between its individual elements. But in the interior of a small bedroom this can be problematic. Place the furniture close together, and then the room will be able to accommodate everything necessary for the child. In order for the interior to look harmonious, we recommend choosing one color for all furniture.

15. Hanging chair - instead of a swing

For some reason, hanging chairs are most often used in the interior of a living room or when arranging a garden, but not in a nursery. Destroy this stereotype, and the child will be crazy about a bold experiment. Hanging chair It will not only save space in a small nursery, but also replace a child’s swing.

A children's room is a special room, and its main feature is its multifunctionality. Conditions for study, sleep and rest should be created here. When decorating a nursery, it is necessary to take into account many factors, and first of all, the age and gender of the children.
Parents do not always have enough confidence that they will be able to choose the right concept for the interior of a children’s room or solve such problems. complex tasks, such as the selection of finishing materials, furniture, curtains and lighting. It would not hurt to listen to the opinions of professionals - psychologists, psychotherapists and architects.

What do builders and finishers think about this?

What is the best material to make a floor in a nursery? This issue needs to be taken especially seriously. The child will spend most of the time on the floor, and parents will have to constantly monitor cleanliness and order.

Piece parquet is a solid solid wood, it is beautiful, expensive and long lasting. Main advantage wooden piece parquet– its durability and maintainability. It can not only be sanded, but also scraped, which makes a completely deteriorated coating look like a completely new one. Main disadvantage parquet - high price. In addition, parquet requires updating every 5-6 years.
Parquet board. It was invented as a radical replacement for block parquet. Relatively new material it is also environmentally friendly and completely natural, just as beautiful, no less durable and wear-resistant, and with proper care it is also very durable. At the same time, it is much easier to install, lighter and, finally, cheaper. Parquet boards are made from several layers of wood, but they have a very serious drawback - they cannot be sanded. A useful layer of 4 mm is removed with the first pass of the cycle. Damaged parquet must be replaced.
Cork is a 100% environmentally friendly natural material (pressed cork oak bark). They do not accumulate on coatings made from it. electric charges This means that dust does not collect on them, which is important when used in a children's room.
The most remarkable are the high heat and sound insulation of cork materials, which are a honeycomb structure of cells filled with air
By cork floors it is easy and pleasant to walk (especially barefoot), since vibrations from steps are damped and not transmitted to the spine. According to doctors, this relieves the musculoskeletal system. In addition, this flooring has a very high coefficient friction, which means it is not slippery.
In fairness, it should be noted that the disadvantage of cork is its low mechanical strength and hardness.
Laminate In appearance, laminated flooring is practically no different from natural parquet. Plus, they have many advantages of their own, among which the most significant: more low price and higher wear resistance. Laminate floors can be installed quickly and easily. The panels are glued together, stapled together, or connected using grooves of different shapes and protruding ridges, forming a tight interlocking joint. There is no dust, shavings, knocking or squealing from machines, which is always in abundance when working with natural parquet.
Unfortunately, average quality laminate can suffer from prolonged contact with water, so puddles must be wiped up quickly. The service life of laminate flooring is from 5 to 20 years.
Wool with sisal This unique floor covering has a slightly rough feel and is made from natural plant fibers - agave leaves. It is installed in the same way as carpet, but only in dry rooms.
Carpets and sisal flooring should be vacuumed daily. They are cleaned more thoroughly once every six months with dry shampoo or powder. Never use a vacuum cleaner! If water is accidentally spilled on the coating, immediately absorb it with blotting paper and dry the wet area with a hair dryer.
Carpeting Carpeting for a nursery should be chosen taking into account the age of your child. The main requirements are complete safety, maximum comfort and a positive emotional attitude. Babies who have not yet learned to walk crawl with extreme enthusiasm and amazing speed. In no case should you deprive them of this pleasure, but taking care of their tender knees and palms is the responsibility of all reasonable parents. Soft cut pile of medium height and density is an ideal option. Hard coverings are unacceptable in the room of a child under five years old, as well as models with excessively high, even soft, pile. Tiny legs will get confused in these “wilds”, and besides, daily cleaning in in this case can turn into hard and thankless work of a treasure hunter. Manufacturing companies offer many color and pattern options. Traditional drawing - funny animals, cartoon characters, etc.
A grown-up naughty boy (from five to ten) is not so afraid of falls, so the carpet pile can become stiffer and more elastic. It must be said that there are no particular objections to synthetics. Synthetic coatings for children are usually made from special food-grade polyurethane (bottles for all kinds of drinks are also made from it). The decor of the carpet also changes. Painted railways and streets with all the road signs are extremely popular - both funny and useful.

What materials should you prefer when decorating walls?

Wallpaper. To decorate the walls of a children's room, it is best to buy paper wallpaper. Unlike vinyl, paper is a more natural material. Vinyl is the top thin plastic film, which creates beautiful decorative elements on such wallpaper, but interferes with the normal exchange of air and humidity between the walls and the air in the room. This is probably why wallpaper manufacturers traditionally produce the “children’s” series in paper form. Film materials do not absorb moisture and do not allow air to pass through, and this can lead to disruption of the air-humidity conditions of the room.
Wallpaper + paint. You can stick modern paintable wallpaper on the walls, which can be painted in a wide variety of colors. These wallpapers do not have a continuous vinyl film, however, they are not very durable and usually the results of children's pranks are too visible on them. It should be remembered that the painted area will almost certainly stand out on the wall. To prevent this from being visible, you will need to paint from corner to corner, at a minimum.
Decorative plaster and painting. Structural plaster makes the walls of the nursery “warmer”. This type of finishing ideally masks uneven walls. In addition, the walls will better withstand the attacks of mischievous people. Decorative painting is applied with the already prepared relief that it contains. When applying plaster, the design depends on the use of various devices, as well as on the master himself. Plaster is a “living” material, so each coating is individual. Using various tools - a sponge, a flat brush, a stencil, a roller with a cut-out pattern, mittens - you can achieve various decorative effects. Walls with decorative finishes can be made washable by treating them after drying with a layer of matte colorless acrylic varnish.
Friezes will make the children's room more lively and fun. They can be used both in combination with wallpaper and on painted walls. The main condition will be that the frieze pattern matches the main tones of the wall. Some frieze designs can be embedded and used to decorate furniture and other children's interior items. For kids, you can use friezes depicting bunnies, bears, kittens and other cute animals. For older children, a frieze with popular cartoon characters is perfect.

What do designers think about this?

The children's room is perhaps the most complex, but at the same time the most interesting in terms of design. The interior of a children's room leaves an indelible imprint on everything that follows. human life, influences the formation of character and personality development.
The main principle of a children's room is multifunctionality and variability. Furnishings should awaken the imagination and create opportunities for various activities and games. In order for the children's room to have all these qualities, designers use the zoning method. As a rule, this room is divided into educational and gaming parts, as well as a recreation area. An excellent solution for a relaxation area would be a bunk bed. This frees up extra bed, where you can place a desk or play area. In addition, it is advisable to install a small sports complex in the children's room.
The desk area should be well lit. In general, the light in the nursery plays very important role. Using different lighting options you can achieve unusual lighting effects. For example, a luminous neon thread will give a truly fabulous look to a window opening, and spotlights of directional lighting will effectively highlight the necessary interior details.
When planning the interior of your baby’s room, you shouldn’t get carried away with architectural delights. Multi-level ceilings, stucco molding, arched openings, steps and podiums are more likely to console the parent’s pride, but will not help the child in any way.
It is also important how the nursery combines with the rest of the apartment or house. It is desirable that the child, if desired, can freely be with adults by opening the door of his room, or, conversely, remain alone. The remotest corner of an apartment or house is not a place for a nursery.
Furniture in a child’s room allows you to highlight your baby’s individuality in the best possible way. (And modern children begin to realize their individuality very early.) Today, many furniture manufacturers produce special children's series. Such products can be found in company catalogs and in furniture stores.
Children's furniture is usually made from natural materials. During operation, a table, chair, or cabinet should not emit any harmful substances, therefore, when purchasing such furniture, carefully read the product certificate.
In addition, children's furniture is also an element of play. It’s good if it contains various drawers and containers. The child can store his things and toys in them.
Often a child gets tired of his toys. This is quite a common occurrence, so you should plan in advance. comfortable places for storing cars, dolls, cubes, etc. The child can independently put his toys, for example, in drawers, and remove them from there as needed. This is also a game that develops a very useful character trait - a tendency to order.
The ceiling space can also serve as an excellent field of activity for the designer’s unlimited imagination. It may look like a starry sky with the moon as a lamp, or it may be dotted with airy cumulus clouds. Birds may fly here or kites. It all depends only on your imagination and the individual needs of the child.
The space of the children's room should be very bright. But in this matter it is important not to overdo it. Curtains are the most proven way to shade a room if necessary. They save you from excessive sunlight and illumination of the city at night.
It is advisable for your baby to feel more or less independent in his room. Let him feel it. Let the interior of the nursery have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.

What do psychologists think about this?

Psychologists say that human thinking is directly related to the development of visual perception: the subtler this perception, the more shades it distinguishes human eye, the more perfect the human brain is.
Psychologists advise surrounding a baby’s first two years of life only with soft, desaturated colors; when he grows up, the nursery, on the contrary, may well become the brightest, most colorful and cheerful room in the house.
The baby's room should be soft and cozy, in calm, restrained colors. For example, it could be a combination of warm shades of blue combined with pastel yellow, which create a feeling of security and comfort. Children's furniture painted in similar colors can make a room cheerful and cheerful. color combinations. In such an environment, the baby will be able to fully play, study and relax.
Psychologists believe that starting from the fourth year of life, the baby begins to give preference to contrasting and cheerful colors - pure yellow, red, blue. At this time, it is very important to use pure colors when decorating a nursery, since such colors create a sunny and active atmosphere in the children's bedroom and playroom.
Dark shades of spectral colors are undesirable for decorating a nursery, since the closer to black the shade of any color is, the more depressing the effect it has on a person. Light shades, on the contrary, evoke positive emotions and correspond to development, youth, and strength. Scientists have found that a good, upbeat mood can be created using color. Ivory- light with a golden tint, and the soft blue color of the walls normalizes blood pressure and improves general condition.
An interesting solution is two-color walls. For example, a combination of light yellow and light blue, but not monochromatic, but with small specks interspersed with a different shade of the same color: this “breaks” the monotony of the color and gives the wall a picturesque appearance that is pleasing to the eye.
It is very important to choose the right shade of color. Often, for a girl’s room, parents select a warm color scheme, in pinkish tones; for a boy’s room, “cooler” color combinations, shades of blue. However, experts do not consider these color preferences mandatory rule. They only recommend taking into account the impact of colors and shades on the emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical state of a person, which has already been mentioned earlier.
Psychologists recommend decorating the interior of a children's room in soft and pure colors: pinkish, greenish-yellowish, light blue, light green. Pastel colors in the nursery create harmony, they even help dark room make it more fun and cozy, create a lively atmosphere in it, very different from the regularity of “adult” premises. You can make a nursery interesting and comfortable using a small number of shades - for example, beige and light lilac tones with the addition of brown.
Some experts argue that very light shade purple is well suited for a schoolchild’s room, as it gives a positive creative impulse and stimulates mental activity. Pastel colors are especially preferred for newborns and infants. Delicate shades of pink, for example, reduce excitement and pleasantly lull you to sleep.
The walls of the nursery can be decorated with multi-colored bright drawings: flowers, butterflies, animals, which develop the child’s imagination and curiosity. You can hang light, bright, contrasting toys from the ceiling to attract the child’s attention.
At the same time, psychologists and designers do not recommend using many bright colors at the same time, so that the room does not become tacky. Parents should be especially careful when using intense red and orange tones, as their abundance can irritate the child.
Important When choosing the main color for a nursery, the temperament of the baby who will live in it also matters. For example, in decorating a room for a little phlegmatic or melancholic person, you can use separate, but small, bright red objects that stand out with colored “spots”, or cover the walls with soft pink wallpaper. This background and bright red spots will moderately stimulate the child’s activity and increase his immunity.
A gentle blue-blue background would be appropriate in the room of a restless child - a choleric person or an overly excitable sanguine person with an "explosive" temperament. It is also believed that all shades of blue have the ability to strengthen the child’s body and stimulate its development. But in a nursery with orange walls, curtains and a lot of colorful toys, on the contrary, it will be very difficult for such an active child to become a good boy, finish the game on time and go to bed, since the abundance of bright orange tones has an exciting effect on the psyche.
Many psychologists advise parents who are choosing a color scheme for their beloved child’s room to be sure to find out his opinion: ask what color he himself likes, because color preferences reflect a person’s emotional needs, and a personal color scale can to a certain extent be considered an expression of individuality.

Red color

Negatively affects the child’s psyche: they excite it, which, as a rule, increases blood pressure and increases the risk of headaches and nightmares.

Blue color

Has a positive effect. Despite the depressant effect on the nervous system, Negative influence on the pulse, it relieves muscle tension and dulls pain. However, it happens that when you are in a room in which the color blue dominates, you feel tired and depressed. It is permissible to be present in the children's room of blue color in small quantities (for example, pajamas, a child’s robe, a border on a blanket).

yellow color

It has an absolutely positive effect on all aspects of a child’s life. This is a great color for decorating a baby's room. It activates brain activity, improves mood, increases the speed of perception and visual acuity. And it is contraindicated only in cases where the child is susceptible to overexcitation or neuralgia.

Green color

Increases visual acuity. In addition, it helps normalize blood and eye pressure, stabilizes pulse and breathing, and also helps concentration, good mood, has a beneficial effect on insomnia. That is why in the past, working (desks) were covered, as a rule, with cloth Green colour, and the table lamp had a green shade! Drawings, toys and book bindings in green tones are exactly what your child needs.

Orange color

This color has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and increases appetite, but its abundance in the children's room causes the child to become overtired and sometimes even dizzy. Therefore, only a few toys in a nursery can be orange.

Shades of colors

Pastel colors - pale yellow, pale blue, pale green or pink are ideal for a baby's room. They refresh the room and create a good mood. Therefore, designers recommend painting the walls of the children's room in different colors. For example, to reduce the brightness of the light and create a feeling of coolness, the solar wall can be bluish or greenish; a wall that is in the shade may be peach, yellowish or cream. And to stimulate a child’s creative activity, Japanese designers recommend placing children’s drawings directly on the walls. In addition, this factor will give the room an individual, unique style.

What do Feng Shui masters think about this?

The task of parents is to arrange and decorate the children's room so that the child likes it, and so that its feng shui has a beneficial effect on his development, health and success, relationships with family and peers.
The favorable direction for boys is the east, for girls - the east and southeast. The nursery should be oriented in this direction. It’s good if her window “looks” to the east, and the bed is adjacent to the eastern wall.
East is the direction of growth, progressive development; this side of the world corresponds to the element Wood. In order for a tree to grow healthy, tall and strong, nothing should limit or suppress its growth; someone must take care of its protection and nutrition. The child will feel protected and happy, feeling the care and love of loved ones.
It is best if the bedroom of a child who has not reached adolescence is located next to the parents' bedroom.
The baby's nursery should not be too spacious (large area, with high ceiling), so as not to cause fear, or too small, with a low ceiling that puts pressure on the psyche, and walls that limit movement. Children feel the overwhelming influence especially acutely various items furnishings, color and light. There should be little furniture in the room, only the essentials, so that part of the space (in the center of luck, that is, in the center of the room) remains free for games.
In order for the child to fall asleep quickly and have a restful sleep, neither toys nor the work table should be visible from his bed. At night, all toys should be put away in cabinets or boxes. Make sure that large soft toys, especially those that depict predatory and aggressive animals, are not left in the room where the child sleeps. Only your favorite toy - a friend and protector of the child - should be left nearby, hanging it on the wall by the bed or placing it on the nightstand.
The rays of the rising sun should penetrate every corner of the nursery, so the curtains should be opened early in the morning. Artificial lighting should be bright, place lighting at different levels so that the whole room is illuminated evenly. Hang a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, workplace equip the schoolchild table lamp. It is advisable to place a night light by the bed (on a nightstand or at the side of the headboard) so that the child can reach it and turn it on at any time.
Various moving objects and toys will help attract positive energy into your child's room, such as clocks with a pendulum and moving parts, windmills, musical carousels and funny mobiles.
“Wind music” for a nursery should be slightly smaller than usual, brightly colored and have eight pendants.
There is no need to activate one or another sector of the children's room without apparent reasons. However, it is quite understandable that some parents want to direct their upbringing in the right direction from the very birth of their child. To achieve this goal, you can place an object or image near the baby’s bed that symbolizes his future occupation or interest (for example, a musical instrument, a car model, a globe, etc.).

Unfortunately, not every family can afford to create a room taking into account this or that furniture, its location, colors, lighting, and so on. In any case, it is necessary, as far as possible, to adhere to the advice of experts. But you always need to know one thing: whatever the situation in the room, it will not replace the affection, kindness and warmth of your mother’s hands.

©Svetlana Omelchenko


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