How to make a polycarbonate greenhouse. Polycarbonate greenhouse: sizes and types of shapes Video: features of organizing heating in a greenhouse

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Growing seedlings is a troublesome and quite labor-intensive process. It is very important to provide her with the right microclimate, the necessary conditions for growth and development. At the same time, everyone wants the plants to develop as quickly as possible, and not be threatened by wind and cold. It is for growing seedlings that summer residents use a mini-greenhouse. It comes in different types and will help provide care for seedlings both at home and at home. garden plot.

Every gardener needs a mini-greenhouse, and why is not difficult to guess.

The main functions and advantages of this structure:

  • protects seedlings from negative impacts, including from drafts in the apartment (if there is a panic at home), rain and wind outside;
  • does not block sunlight, but provides the correct microclimate for seedlings (the required level of humidity, temperature);
  • allows you to carefully harden off seedlings;
  • does not interfere with plant care procedures;
  • It is low cost and can be installed in just a few minutes.

On a note! By the way, many people build mini-greenhouses even on the balcony, and not just in the garden.

The principle of operation of a greenhouse is easy to understand - it provides plants with heat due to the fact that it covers them on all sides from wind and drafts and is installed in a well-lit place. The warm air accumulated under the film is not carried away by air currents in an unknown direction, and therefore the temperature in the greenhouse is much higher than in the open space. This is very important for plants that love warmth and cannot tolerate excessive coolness. And the structure that has small sizes– the mini-greenhouse fully meets all these criteria.

What is recommended to grow in mini-greenhouses? First of all, these are, as already mentioned, seedlings of various garden crops in need of warmth and careful attitude. As a rule, containers with seeds for germination are placed in home greenhouses, which are built on window sills. Peppers and some types of flowers respond very well to the use of a mini-greenhouse. In spring, the plants can be moved to an outdoor mini-greenhouse for hardening. Thanks to the use of these facilities for germination and growing seedlings, crops will begin to bear fruit earlier than usual.

GrowBox - greenhouse for home

On a note! A home mini-greenhouse is, in fact, a structure that performs almost the same functions as regular film stretched over boxes with future seedlings. However, working in it is much easier and more convenient.

By the way, another advantage of using garden mini-greenhouses is that their miniature size allows you to install them in a small garden area. However, when the seedlings grow up, they will have to be moved to a greenhouse or open ground. But a mini-sized greenhouse will not be empty - other crops that do not require large spaces for growth and development can be planted in it.

Ordinary radishes can produce 3 or more batches of harvest per season, since in a mini-greenhouse you can start planting them very early and finish growing them much later.

Early spring or late autumn Onions, dill and other greens will thrive in the greenhouse; they will decorate your table and add vitamins to your culinary dishes. IN small greenhouse You can even grow one that will bear fruit throughout the summer.

A mini-greenhouse will also help with the rooting of certain types of plants. For example, it has all the conditions for cuttings of raspberries, currants and roses to take root and take root at the dacha.

On a note! For the purpose of rooting shrub plants in the garden, it is best to make a separate mini-greenhouse, since this process is far from quick and lasts about a year, and a greenhouse may be needed for new seedlings.

Types of mini-greenhouses

Such greenhouses can be of various types, shapes and sizes - from very tiny, indoor ones, to quite spacious, outdoor ones. Let's consider the main types of these structures.

Table. Types of mini-greenhouses.

Type of designDescription

It is small in size and can even fit on a windowsill. Seedlings begin to be grown in the first days of spring, or even in winter - it all depends on the growth rate certain type crops To shorten the development time of plants, and for the seeds to germinate and grow faster, just such greenhouses are often used. Roughly speaking, these could be exact copies street greenhouses, which are familiar to us, with arcs and film, even multi-story ones, or maybe just film shelters - it all depends on your wishes. You can make such a mini-greenhouse yourself or buy a ready-made one in the store.

It consists of several small arcs installed in a row, covered with film or agrofibre. In principle, no different from a greenhouse regular sizes, with the exception of very small dimensions. Can be installed in any illuminated place.

Represents small box, having no bottom, but having a lid covered with glass or film. A greenhouse of this type is easy to move and install in any garden bed. Typically used to protect plants planted in open ground, during unexpected frosts. It is also quite suitable for rooting cuttings of various fruit and flowering crops.

This is a greenhouse installed in a trench dug on the site. Its “sides” are formed using strapping, and it accommodates fertile bed, and from above this entire structure is covered with a lid made of polycarbonate and film. Thermal insulation material The soil itself serves, in addition, you can arrange additional heating of the greenhouse using biofuel, which we will talk about later. Often such a greenhouse is made with a single slope.

This external type mini-greenhouse, differing in the way of opening. It has two doors that, when open, resemble butterfly wings. In fact, such a design can have absolutely any size, but is usually small in size.

This type of greenhouse can also be quite large. The name “breadbox” was born due to the special way of opening the structure, which really resembles a full-fledged breadbox in appearance. The structure provides convenient access to plants and makes caring for them pleasant and easy.

Growbox prices


Description and characteristics of materials

Before we begin to study the instructions for creating the simplest mini-greenhouses, we will understand the basic materials from which they are built. Each of them has certain pros and cons.

What can you make the frame of an arched greenhouse from? The simplest option is plastic or metal arcs; some even manage to make greenhouses from wooden arcs. If we compare these materials, we will immediately understand that metal will last much longer than wood, since it does not rot. However, it is prone to corrosion in high humidity conditions. To slow down both processes, the tree is treated with special protective equipment, and the metal must be painted.

On a note! Unlike a greenhouse, when installing a metal mini-greenhouse you will not need welding machine. Metal rods can simply be bent and stuck into the ground.

Plastic arches are good because they are not afraid of rot or corrosion. But it is a more fragile material than wood and metal, and breaks easily when the slightest effort. But it is also the cheapest.

By the way, a greenhouse box is usually made of wood, especially if it is a portable greenhouse or a “butterfly”. But make the “snail” out of metal - it’s easier and more convenient.

To cover the structure you can use:

  • polycarbonate;
  • agrofibre;
  • polyethylene;
  • glass.

Polyethylene film is the simplest version of covering material. It is easy to attach to any frame, and it is inexpensive. However, it quickly breaks and - even if removed for the winter - becomes unusable within 2-3 seasons. But in apartment conditions, greenhouses are closed with film.

Agrofibre is very good material, which transmits enough light and provides plants with a favorable microclimate. This is a fairly dense but porous material that allows moisture to pass through but does not release heat. It can be washed, and agrofibre serves when stored carefully long years. Costs more than polyethylene.

- a material that has long been known to all gardeners for its positive properties. It is quite durable, lightweight, and easy to use. They can cover both a small greenhouse and a huge greenhouse.

- good, but still not the best option for a greenhouse. The fragility and complexity of working with glass significantly limit the possibilities of its use. It is unlikely that gardeners will suffer with this material for the sake of a small greenhouse - except perhaps to cover the greenhouse.

Advice! We recommend using film, agrofibre or polycarbonate (depending on the type of product) to equip a mini-greenhouse. So, for “breadboxes” and “butterflies”, buy polycarbonate, for outdoor greenhouses would be better suited agrofibre, and for indoor use - film.

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

cellular polycarbonate

Heating a mini-greenhouse with biofuel

Biofuel will help insulate the greenhouse and provide it with additional heat. Its role is perfectly fulfilled by manure, straw, and old leaves. Setting up such a heating system for a greenhouse at the dacha is quite simple.

Step 1. In the place where the greenhouse will be built, make small hole or a trench in the shape of the future structure.

Step 2. Fill the hole about 2/3 full with the biofuel mixture. To do this, mix leaves, straw, manure with soil.

Step 3. Spill the “bed” with water and cover it fertile soil, filling the trench to the brim.

Attention! The soil layer must be thick enough to plant garden crops in it.

Step 4. Place a greenhouse on top of the structure.

Due to decomposition processes, biofuel will heat up and give off heat more actively, and the greenhouse will accumulate it. This is how a natural heating system will operate in any greenhouse.

To ensure that the greenhouse is not blown away by a strong gust of wind, and that the entire structure is sufficiently rigid and stable, it is necessary to make a foundation. This will take very little time and will allow you to easily move the greenhouse to a new location if necessary. More details.

We make mini-greenhouses of different types

Depending on the type of construction, greenhouses can be made different ways. Let's look at some of them. Let's start with the simplest option - a frameless greenhouse. This is just covering a bed with seeds planted in them and covering plastic film or agrofibre. Simply cover the ground with material and press it down at the edges with bricks or stones, protecting it from blowing away by the winds. And this simple structure will already be considered a greenhouse.

You can also make your own tunnel or arched frame greenhouse.

Step 1. Purchase or make yourself several arches of the same size (usually choose arches made of metal or plastic). You will also need polyethylene, wire and clamps.

Step 2. Install the arcs at a distance of about 40 cm from each other, simply digging or sticking their ends into the ground 30 cm.

Step 3. Using wire or a wooden slat, connect the arcs to each other at the top point. This will give the structure stability.

Step 4. Cover the resulting structure with film and secure it on one side with plastic clamps or wire. On the other side of the film, fasten with clamps or wire wooden slats– the latter will help roll up the material during the opening of the structure.

Step 5. The ends can be covered separately with pieces of film, or you can simply take a film of greater width and lower its sides onto the ends while closing the greenhouse.

Step 6. Fix to the film with stones or bricks.

This is one of the most simple options mini-sized greenhouse. But there are others.

You can also make a small portable greenhouse. To do this you will need lumber, screws, glass or polycarbonate, awnings and a handle.

Step 1. Put together a small frame without a bottom, reminiscent of a beveled box.

Step 2. Put together a wooden frame from thin pieces - this will be the base of the transparent lid.

Step 3. Insert a sheet of glass or polycarbonate into the frame.

Alternative option- use of old window frames

Step 4. Secure the frame to the awnings on one side of the box (the higher side).

Step 5. Make a support for the frame from a block. You can also provide the frame with a hook for closing. The mini-greenhouse is ready.

On a note! By spending a little more time and putting together several polycarbonate frames, you can make such a greenhouse completely transparent.

This design is easy to move from place to place. The main thing is that it completely hides the beds with seedlings.

50+ photos of greenhouses with an opening top

Below you can view a gallery of greenhouses with an opening lid that you can make with your own hands. We collected photos from all over the Internet, below we indicated the sources from which we were able to determine the authorship.

Mounting methods

How to attach an opening greenhouse lid

How to attach greenhouse arcs or PVC pipes under film


We insert it into the ground
(Shockingly simple way!!!)

The method is that we plant PVC pipes on reinforcement driven into the ground. Wooden rods can be used instead of reinforcement (enough for a season)

Click on the photo to enlarge

How to attach film to a greenhouse

The simplest version of a greenhouse made of PVC pipes

Very simple design greenhouse Easy to assemble and just as easy to disassemble. It can be moved, enlarged, reduced.

It's cheap and easy to make .

Step by step photos. Click on them

How to make a greenhouse from willow or cedar branches.

This greenhouse is suitable for those who did not expect sudden frosts.

This mini greenhouse can be done in 45 minutes, according to the author of the photo.

To make the arcs, we used not PVC pipes, but cedar branches, but I think that in our conditions, willow branches will also work. The branches are tied together with nylon thread (it doesn’t matter what) to give it an arched shape. When the arches of branches are stuck into the ground, a block is attached on top of them to give one level, which is also attached to each arch.
To move such a greenhouse to another place, the author advises placing two long bars along the bases of the arcs, then tying each arc to these bars. As a result, we will get something like a stretcher. Taking such a stretcher from both ends, you can quite easily pull our greenhouse out of the ground and move it to another place.
Below you can see step-by-step photos; to enlarge, just click on them.

Telescopic greenhouse or greenhouse

Here is a very interesting version of a telescopic greenhouse or greenhouse. I moved the arches and nothing gets in the way, below you can see the fastening mechanism, click on it to enlarge.

DIY greenhouse with convertible top

Look at the step-by-step photos of making such a greenhouse. First we make a tray for the soil, then we make a frame on which we will attach the arcs, and which will recline. Then we attach this frame to the pallet on hinges and cover it with film.

Step-by-step photos of production.

Click on the gallery to enlarge

A greenhouse made of straw or hay.

As you can see, the photo shows a greenhouse, the walls of which are made of briquettes (or bales) of straw (hay). A frame with an opening top is simply piled on the straw walls. The film rolls onto the block. Such greenhouses are usually directed to the south. This design helps well when the slope of the soil on your site is directed to the north; in such cases, the sun slightly heats the earth. This kind of greenhouse will help you out in this situation..

(Dew Collector greenhouse system from Roots Up)

The greenhouse condenses up to 80 liters of water per day!!!

Soon, thanks to such greenhouses, Ethiopia will flood the world with food. The greenhouse was created for arid countries to solve the problem of drought.
During the day, steam accumulates in the upper part of the greenhouse. When night falls, special valves are opened to draw in cold air, which cools and condenses the water vapor, after which the liquid enters a special storage tank.
Excess water left after irrigation can be used for drinking.

Portable greenhouse (greenhouse) from a barrel

Easy and simple to make (45 minutes)

This portable greenhouse is suitable for growing seedlings, or plants such as parsley, cilantro, etc.

  • 2 photos - cut out square holes with a jigsaw to 1 quarter of the circumference of the barrel.
  • 3rd photo - a hole with a drill so that you can insert a jigsaw.
  • 4 photos - holes in the bottom to drain water from the drainage.
  • 5-6 photos - attach handles on the sides for carrying.
  • 7-12 photos we attach the film.
  • 14 photos - drainage.

The greenhouse can be painted green to blend in with the landscape of the dacha

Portable greenhouse made of film

As you can see from the photo, the greenhouse has a lightweight version. It does not have a massive base; it is attached to the ground with reinforcement fixed to the base. It is carried as if on a stretcher using two long boards nailed to the base. It will be useful for the gardener when there is a need to close some weak plants at the time of cold snap.

How to automatically open windows in a greenhouse?

A very interesting and simple design for automatically opening the window depending on the weather conditions. The principle is as follows. Between the large (3L) and small (0.5L) jars there passes a tube in the form of a communicating vessel. A large jar is suspended from the base of the greenhouse, and a small one from the window. Moreover, the small one should be balanced with the window in such a way that with a minimum amount of water in it, the window should be closed. In a hermetically sealed large jar when the temperature in the greenhouse rises. water due atmospheric pressure moves into a small jar, opening the window

A simple greenhouse option opening from the side .

As you can see, the design of a greenhouse made of film is very simple. Such a greenhouse can be easily moved and placed in a new location.

Dome greenhouse made from pipe scraps

it's ugly, but it works

The authors of the blog moved to new house, and they had to install their own sewer system. As a result, they were left with a lot of pipe scraps, which were used by an enterprising young family to create this greenhouse. The advantages of these pipes are that they are easy to bend and at the same time stable and easy to nail down.

Look at step-by-step photos of creating a greenhouse.

As I understand from the translation of the article from English, the pipes are attached to wooden crossbars using tape. I didn’t really understand about the film, the film scraps were somehow fastened together, most likely a cord was threaded through the holes, and there is also a hint in the 6th photo.

The film at the bottom is pressed to the ground with bricks, this makes it possible to lift the film up on hot days.

I could not translate the purpose of the star (in the 4th photo), but I assumed that it was attached to the dome to give stability to the structure.

Write your options for assigning a star in the comments.

Recumbent greenhouse made of double-glazed windows or frames

The author of the blog made such a recumbent greenhouse on his site from glass door(a double-glazed window), which was accidentally hit by a stone from under a lawn mower.
According to the author, such a greenhouse allows him to collect greens for salads in January, well, America, I can’t say exactly what state it is.

Look at the drawing of this greenhouse. Everything is very simple. As we can see from the photo, the double-glazed window is not attached to any hinges; it simply lies, resting against the side board to prevent it from slipping.
The double-glazed window can be replaced with any large glass or window frame.

in summer hot weather, when there is no need for such a greenhouse, it can be thrown over the strawberries to protect the berries from birds.

Photo source:

Attention!!! Important point about greenhouses made from window frames

Whatever frames you have at your disposal, the transparent roof should be made folding (lifting upward), and not hinged or folding, as on the right in Fig. Through any vertical crack the entire warm air will instantly evaporate and the plants will be hit with cold, and the horizontal one can be adjusted with supports according to the weather and local conditions.

What should be the slope of the greenhouse lid???

Note: optimal inclination slope of the roof of a lean-to greenhouse from the vertical (90 degrees) – φ, where φ – geographic latitude places; and (90 degrees)–φ is the angular altitude of the Sun at noon of the spring/autumn equinox. See below about a greenhouse with a heat accumulator.

Source of the last two paragraphs and photos:

Cold greenhouse. (diagram-drawing)

With your own hands

Auto photo of this cold greenhouse Vince Babak, while growing vegetables for the school cafeteria, wondered if it was possible to grow fresh vegetables early winter. After studying the literature on this topic, he created this winter cold greenhouse.

The greenhouse consists of wooden frame And glass lid. The glass of the lid should always be tilted to catch as many rays of the weak winter sun as possible.

The author claims that even in winter, with sunny weather, this greenhouse can heat up to very high temperatures, so the lid must be able to open upward. In order to regulate the temperature, a thermometer must be placed in the greenhouse (see photo 5), and a mechanism must also be made to fix the open lid on different angles(see photo 4).

Vegetables that can be grown in early winter in a cold greenhouse

BUT still, the main secret of such a greenhouse is not in its design, but in the plants grown in it . These should be plants that can easily tolerate cold. According to the author's research, there are five crops: spinach, green onions, mache, claytonia, and carrots can be grown successfully in the northern states of the United States. And also arugula, Escarole, Mizuna, parsley, sorrel, European lettuce, mustard, spinach and turnip.

My advice: Make a cardboard sheet covered on one side with foil. At night, you can cover the greenhouse with this foil, which will reflect the heat coming from the ground back into the greenhouse.

Greenhouse made of window frame and hay

Greenhouse (greenhouse) In a plastic bottle

or "How to grow seedlings if the apartment is cold"

Often happens in our domestic apartments what for growing seedlings the room is not warm enough. A way out of this situation could be a greenhouse like this in a plastic bottle.

When sunlight enters such a greenhouse, the air in the greenhouse begins to heat up. and remains warm for a very long time, even after sunset .

An important advantage will be high humidity inside the bottles and, which will be created due to the heating of pre-moistened soil. This humidity significantly speeds up the process of seedling ripening.

The manufacturing process is simple : cut the bottle, wash it, place the soil with the seeds inside and seal it tightly with tape.

How to make a quick greenhouse with your own hands

Greenhouse made of wooden gratings

The advantages of such a greenhouse:

  • - quickly erected
  • - stable
  • - easy to manufacture


Not suitable for tall plants, but can be used for growing early greens and seedlings.

Russian in-depth greenhouse on biofuels

About Russian pits

The simplest greenhouse is a lean-to greenhouse, sunk into the ground, with biological heating. For its construction, choose a dry, well-lit and sheltered place from the winds. It is desirable that it be a low slope facing south. To protect the greenhouse from the wind, green spaces, fences or special reflective screens, which are installed on the north side, can be used. Particularly convenient are the rotating flat screens, painted white, which allow you to get the most out of your solar energy. Illumination with reflected light increases the temperature in the beds by 2-3°, which is equivalent to moving your site, for example, from the Moscow region to the black earth regions of the country: Lipetsk or Voronezh.

Note: You can use any flat panels covered with aluminum foil for baking.

Construction begins with the installation of a frame around the perimeter of the greenhouse made of four sanded logs with a diameter of 10-14 cm. The northern side of the frame should be slightly higher than the south. On the south side, a groove (quarter) is selected in the trim to support the frames.

At one time, the Russian greenhouse was a revelation for European farmers. It was from the “Russian pits” that the nobility of that time received green onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, radishes, and strawberries for the table in winter.

The pit is dug to a depth of 70 cm. In diameter it has the shape of a trapezoid. In dense soils, the walls do not need to be fastened, but in loose and slumping soils, fastening with horizontal boards is used. To prevent the greenhouse from being washed away by rain, a drainage ditch is installed around it, which can be closed wooden shields, facilitating approaches.

The most convenient frames for a greenhouse are 160x105 cm in size. They are made from 6x6cm bars, connected for strength with wooden pins, and then properly painted with weather-resistant varnish PF-166 (“6 = c”). Glass is strengthened with putty or glazing bead. To drain rainwater, grooves are cut into the lower sashes.

Biofuel in greenhouses is horse or cow dung . Horse fiber is considered the best; it gives more heat. It is harvested in the fall. Manure is collected in piles and carefully insulated on all sides with straw, sawdust, peat and covered so that the manure does not freeze. In the spring, before filling the greenhouse, it is transferred to another, looser pile and heated. To do this, make several holes in it and pour a bucket into each hot water, after which the stack is covered with burlap or matting. After two to four days, when the manure warms up to a temperature of 50-60°, the greenhouse is filled with it. The colder one is placed on the bottom, and the hotter one is placed on top and on the sides. After precipitation, a new portion is added in two to three days. The manure should lie loosely, and only at the walls it should be slightly compacted so that voids do not form.

Greenhouses - pits were usually made of 3-4, which ensured year-round use: while 1 pit was warming up after refilling, the rest were producing products. An indispensable condition for the successful operation of a Russian greenhouse is the lining of the entire complex of pits clay castle With drainage ditch, otherwise the biofuel will sour.

To enlarge the photo click on it

After filling, the greenhouse is covered with frames and mats made of matting, straw or burlap. Soil is poured on top of the heated manure - garden or turf soil, compost or fertilized peat. On average, one frame requires 0.2 cubic meters. m of land. It is not recommended to exceed this amount, since under the weight of the earth the manure becomes compacted, the flow of air to it becomes difficult, and it stops burning. For the same reason, you should not over-moisten the soil.

A greenhouse of even such a simple design will make it possible to grow vegetables much ahead of schedule.

Greenhouse layout diagram

where is the best place to put a greenhouse on the site?

  • The protective layer on which the inscriptions are applied must be located with outside greenhouse
  • To get the maximum robust construction be sure (!) to pay attention to the location of the polycarbonate “honeycombs” - they should only go vertically, in inclined structures- parallel to the slope.
  • When creating arches, keep in mind that polycarbonate sheets bend only in one direction - lengthwise, that is, along the line of the stiffeners.
  • The joints of the sheets should be at the center of the frame post; the sheets are connected only in this way.
  • This type of plastic is cut construction knife, jigsaw, grinder. You can also use a hacksaw or a circular saw.
  • To firmly connect the sheets to each other, special plastic profiles. Manufacturers do not recommend overlapping polycarbonate. In practice, when making a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, it is not always possible to cut and fit the sheets perfectly. Some craftsmen generally manage to do without connecting profiles, placing polycarbonate overlapping. The most important thing is that the joint must be in the center of the rack, and not sag in the air. Moreover, even with ideal installation, snow pressure can force the sheet out of the profile. In the case of overlap, this does not happen.
  • It is not advisable to use a powerful drill for screwing in self-tapping screws - it will overtighten the fasteners and often slip off during operation. It is better to work with a regular screwdriver. Polycarbonate is drilled at low speeds with little effort. Next, turn off the tool, insert the screws and continue working.
  • The distance between the screws to be screwed in is 25-70 cm. It all depends on the type of frame and the expected snow and wind load.
  • When assembling polycarbonate structures, rivets are sometimes used instead of self-tapping screws. However, dismantling the greenhouse or replacing a damaged sheet in this case will be more difficult.
  • When the temperature changes, plastic can change size. When making butt joints, a small space of a couple of millimeters in size is necessarily left between the sheets - a technological gap. Otherwise, cracks will form at the junction. For the same reason, the size of the holes for fasteners is made a little larger. To prevent the plastic from cracking, do not tighten them all the way.
  • To compensate for expansion and protect against cold bridges, it is recommended to use special thermal washers for polycarbonate (screws are purchased separately). It is allowed to use EPDM roofing screws, equipped with a gasket or standard for metal with a rubber thermal washer, in which the threads have a small pitch.

A greenhouse is the dream of many gardeners. But purchased designs often do not meet all the requirements: sometimes they don’t fit in size, sometimes the price is too high. so nothing remains as . Moreover, it turned out that it was not so difficult.

Polycarbonate is the main material from which the greenhouse will be made. We will need one sheet measuring 12 x 2.1 m. When building the structure, we need to take into account that standard width polycarbonate is 2.1 m, so all calculations are made based on it.

You will need to make a polycarbonate greenhouse

Necessarily: welding machine polycarbonate sheet 12x2.1 m drill grinder profile pipe 25x25 mm self-tapping screws with press washer chain 8 m handles 8 pcs. gloves tape rust paint door handles 12 pcs.

screwdriver roll forming machine seal for doors and windows.

Having decided on the size of the bed on which your greenhouse will stand, and also based on the size of the polycarbonate, we cut the profile pipe using a grinder. Now we can begin the most important part of the process - welding the frame.

Making a frame for a greenhouse from polycarbonate

The width of my bed is 0.9 m, and the length is 4.3 m, we will proceed from these data. We will make the lower contour of the structure double.

Let's start by welding the side of the contour. Let's place two profile pipes cut to size (A, B) parallel to each other. Their length should correspond to the length of your greenhouse, in my case it is 4.3 m. We insert a smaller pipe (B) from one of the edges between the profiles and start welding. Having welded the smaller pipe and thus connecting two profiles of the same length, we will process the welding seams using a grinder. We will do the same on the other side, welding the second small pipe (D). As a result, we ended up with a very elongated rectangle.

Now you need to find and mark the middle of the greenhouse structure. Step back 10 cm on both sides from the middle and weld in these places along the small profile (D and E). Thus, the distance between them should be 20 cm.

Weld another small pipe G in the center between profiles B and D. Do the same between profiles E and D, welding profile 3 between them.

Let's make another such “rectangle” - this will be the second side of the contour.

After this, we will take another prepared profile pipe with a length equal to the width of the future greenhouse (in in this case 0.9 m).

Having placed the rectangles vertically, we place the pipe between them and weld it to the bottom edge. We will weld another pipe to the top edge. Let's do the same on the other side of the structure. We have created the “bottom” of the greenhouse.

Installing arcs for a greenhouse

If you want your polycarbonate greenhouse to be of high quality and last a long time, it is better to purchase a profile bending machine or, as described here, with which you can bend pipes.

If you can't afford it, I suggest you another way. A metal pipe can be bent into an arc by making shallow cuts on it at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Total of profile pipe eight arcs need to be made. I used one that I already had.

We weld two arcs along the edges of the structure and two more in the middle of the frame, exactly in those places where the small profiles are located (at a distance of 20 cm). That is, in such a way that the distance between these arcs is also 20 cm.

Again, mentally divide the frame in half - there are two arcs on the right and two on the left. The two arcs that are on the right need to be connected by two profiles at the top. To do this, we look for the middle of each of the arcs, step back from it 10 cm to the right and weld the profile. Then we retreat 10 cm to the left from the middle of the arcs and weld the second profile. We do all the same actions with the second half of the frame.

Now only two central arcs, located at a distance of 20 cm, remain unconnected. We will also attach them to each other with short sections of the profile.

Making greenhouse doors from polycarbonate

You should have four unused arcs left. This is what we will deal with now. Let's make doors out of them. To do this, we cut the arcs in half with a grinder and begin to adjust them to the size of the opening. Please note that the half-arcs should not fit tightly to the frame, otherwise it will later be difficult for you to open and close the greenhouse.

At this stage of the work, you will have to call an assistant, since it will be problematic to carry out all the manipulations alone.

We attach two half-arcs to the sides of the greenhouse opening and measure the distance between them (the greenhouse has four openings in total). Don't forget to leave a gap between the door and the arc (about 2 mm)! Based on the measurements, we cut the profile and weld these parts to the half-arches, connecting them first at the top and then at the bottom. You should have four doors in total.

So that the doors can be opened, it is necessary to make something like hinges. To do this, we place the door frame in the opening, on both sides we retreat from the top edge by 4 - 5 cm. In the marked places we make through holes (through the half-arc of the door and the arc of the frame) with a diameter of 8 mm. Then we insert a rod with a diameter of 8 mm into them. The doors can now open.

The frame of the greenhouse is completely ready, so it’s time to cover it with special paint that will prevent the structure from rusting. You can choose any color. After painting, you need to give the structure time to dry properly. Only after this we can start wrapping the frame.

Polycarbonate greenhouse cover

We cut the polycarbonate sheet into segments according to the dimensions of the finished structure and begin to wrap the frame.

To fasten the sheets we use self-tapping screws with a press washer measuring 4.2x19 mm. Moreover, we seal all the cuts made on the polycarbonate with tape to prevent moisture from getting inside the honeycombs.

And in places where the polycarbonate joint was not tight, we glued the seal for doors and windows.

We install two handles on each door, and also weld two on the ends for convenient transportation of the structure.

The final touch on making a polycarbonate greenhouse

In order for the doors to be fixed in open position, we will use it very much simple trick. At the ends of the greenhouse, install a two-meter profile pipe like this. so that they are located perpendicular to the surface of the earth. We will attach a 2 m long chain to the ends of these pipes with a self-tapping screw. We will also attach a self-tapping screw to the wings of the greenhouse. Then, having sawed off their caps, we get pins to which you can hook a chain and thus fix the doors in the open position.

Progress of work on the production of a polycarbonate greenhouse

1 . We weld the side of the contour;
2 . We weld the “bottom” of the greenhouse from polycarbonate;
3 . Let's do

Create optimal conditions Growing vegetables without special shelter is quite difficult. During the day, plants will languish from the heat, and at night they will grow poorly due to the cold. By installing a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, you can create comfortable conditions For various seedlings. We invite you to take a closer look existing species greenhouses and features of their creation.

Read in the article

What is the difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse

To begin with, let us note what are the features of such covering structures. In the greenhouse, positive temperatures are maintained mainly by sunlight. It is permissible to use additional heat sources, for example, coal, wood, gas or fuel oil. This design is larger than a greenhouse. An adult can walk inside the greenhouse in full height.

The greenhouse belongs to the category of self-sufficient energy systems. Heating internal space provided by biological decay organic materials and created by sunlight greenhouse effect. Such buildings, as a rule, are made without doors. For access to plants, a folding or removable top part is provided. The greenhouse is actively used for growing seedlings. There is not enough space for grown plants.

What a greenhouse and a greenhouse have in common is the conservation of thermal energy inside the structure. Based on this, it is worth considering carefully design each shelter and the materials used in construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate for the manufacture of greenhouses and greenhouses

The choice in favor of polycarbonate is made because of its undeniable advantages:

  • durability. Compared to film coating, it can last much longer;
  • safety. You don’t have to worry that during use it will break like glass;
  • high bandwidth. A large percentage of sunlight passes through the formed coating;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • sufficient plasticity. Polycarbonate can be used as a covering material for arched greenhouses;
  • long service life reaching 20 years;
  • attractive appearance and a wide range of colors;
  • light weight, allowing you to abandon the construction of a powerful foundation.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted more high price, compared to other covering materials.

Projects of greenhouses and greenhouses made of polycarbonate with photos of structures

You can independently create a structure of any shape and configuration. If you are thinking about the appearance of a future polycarbonate greenhouse, photo ready-made options can serve a clear example. We invite you to get acquainted with possible solutions.

Polycarbonate greenhouse with house

Greenhouses with gable roof have certain advantages. A polycarbonate greenhouse with a house, when correctly located on the site, can provide plants with thermal energy throughout the day. We invite you to look at photos of interesting incarnations.

Mini-greenhouses made of polycarbonate

To grow seedlings you do not need a large shelter. Mini-greenhouses made of polycarbonate cope with this task perfectly, photos of which you can see below.

How greenhouses and greenhouses made of polycarbonate work

Based on their design, covering structures are usually divided into above-ground and in-depth. The latter are a trench with top harness made from bricks, boards and other materials. The roof can be of any shape: single-, gable or arched.

Attention! Deep greenhouses with pitched roof they are called Russian, with a gable - Belgian.

Ground-based structures are often portable. A heating pad is usually placed under a layer of soil. As soon as the “coolant” completely rots, you will have to add a new portion. If you decide to buy a polycarbonate greenhouse, it will definitely be above ground.

What types of support base are used when installing greenhouses and greenhouses

Bases can be used to construct greenhouses various types. For buildings installed on long time, you can choose a strip, brick or pile foundation. For seasonal greenhouses, a base made of wooden beams is suitable.

Attention! At high level groundwater It is worth abandoning the construction of a strip or brick foundation.

DIY polycarbonate greenhouse: materials for making a supporting structure

The greenhouse frame can be made of various materials. Many people make their own polycarbonate greenhouses from wood. Assembling such a structure is not difficult. The frame is stable and durable. With proper care and processing special composition and the use of dried wood can last quite a long time. Easily attaches to wooden base. The greenhouse does not need on a reliable basis. Enough support pillars.

If you decide to buy a polycarbonate greenhouse, then you will most likely be offered a product with metal frame. You can make such a greenhouse yourself from thick reinforcement or profile pipe. The elements are connected by welding. Due to its heavy weight, it requires careful preparation of the base.

Can be used to make a frame metal-plastic pipes with high performance characteristics. They bend well and are strong enough to support the weight of polycarbonate. Suitable for making arched structures.

The cheapest option is a frame made of polypropylene pipes. Using nodal elements, you can form a greenhouse of any shape and size.

How to choose polycarbonate for covering a greenhouse or greenhouse

Manufacturers offer cellular and monolithic polycarbonate. When choosing a covering material, you should immediately pay attention to the first type, which is capable of transmitting up to 88% of light and has good thermal insulation characteristics. An important criterion when choosing polycarbonate is its density. It should average about 800 g/m². This parameter can be visually determined by the absence of distortions in the lying sheets, bends and other types of deformation. However, it is better to check specifications from the seller. The thickness of the selected polycarbonate depends on the characteristics of the shelter being built.

Advice! If you decide to buy polycarbonate, contact a trusted seller. Present on the market a large number of poor quality material.

Calculation of the required amount of building material

The procedure for calculating the required amount of materials depends on design features specific building. We invite you to watch a thematic video that will help you understand the intricacies of the calculation.

Preparatory stage before building a greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse

For those who have decided to make a polycarbonate greenhouse with their own hands, drawing future design will help you decide required quantity material and the procedure for performing installation work. Except project documentation, the site where construction will be carried out should be prepared. You should decide on the location of the greenhouse in the allocated area.

Advice! For better illumination of grown vegetables, the greenhouse should be located from east to west.

How to build a greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

If, instead of purchasing a ready-made structure, you decide to build a unique structure with an optimal configuration, we suggest you figure out how to build a greenhouse with your own hands from polycarbonate. Below are step-by-step instructions that will allow you to thoroughly understand this issue.

What tools are needed for the job?

The list of tools used depends on the design features of the greenhouse and the material from which the frame is made. Be sure to have:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • sledgehammer;
  • measuring tool;
  • building level;
  • sharp knife.

Laying the foundation

The answer to the question of where to start and how to install a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands should be from the foundation. Work begins with marking the territory. It is necessary to drive in pegs to mark the contours of the future greenhouse. By their location it will be possible to determine how correctly the markings are made. When installing pile foundation, instead of pegs, you can immediately install metal pipes. Before digging, pipes are coated with a special compound to slow down corrosion. Piles are dug to depths of up to 0.9 m, leaving about 20 cm on the surface.

For strip foundation a trench is dug, formwork is installed and mortar is poured. After the concrete has completely dried, they begin installation work. The timber base elements are pre-treated with a composition that slows down rotting. After this, it can be laid on bricks, dug in, or simply laid on the ground.

The video of installing a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands allows you to understand in more detail the features of laying the foundation.

A video on how to cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate with your own hands will help you understand the nuances of the process.

How to make windows and doors in a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands

Leftover polycarbonate is used to make windows and doors. They are attached to previously prepared places. To fasten the door you will need three hinges, for the window - two. When thinking about how to make a greenhouse with your own hands from polycarbonate, you should decide on the direction of opening the window. It can be opened up, down or to the side.

In the following video of assembling a polycarbonate greenhouse you can find interesting information.

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the greenhouse “Element”

More details on Otzovik:

We hope the video on how to assemble a polycarbonate greenhouse was useful to you. Share in the comments how much time you spent on installing the greenhouse itself, what size it is and what it is made of.


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