How to make a garden chair with your own hands. Do-it-yourself garden furniture for a dacha - photos of successful homemade products

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In the considered option for making an Adirondack chair with your own hands, the design features are preserved, but there are no difficult carpentry joints. It will be easy to repeat the project by making it according to our drawings wooden parts and assembling the product using screws.

The work uses planed 20 mm pine boards, galvanized screws 4.5x40 mm, bolts 10x60 mm with a square headrest and nuts with washers. Jigsaw and Grinder will speed up the process and manual frezer will allow you to carefully round the edges, but all workpieces can be cut with a regular hacksaw, and the burrs can be removed manually sandpaper.

Adirondack chair structure: 1 — backrest bar; 2 - screws; 3 — upper cross member; 4 - posterior leg; 5 — side support (spar); 6 - bolts; 7 — armrest; 8 — front leg; 9 — seat bar; 10 — armrest support

Manufacturing of parts

The most complex elements of the chair are the two side supports of the seat. Make a full-size template on paper for the spars.

Side support drawing

Draw bottom side parts, lift the first perpendicular segment from the left and two more at the corresponding angles to point A. Mark point C and draw a cutout for the transverse tie as shown in the diagram.

Mark an angle of 75° with vertex C, extend its lower side with a line. Draw an arc with a radius of 116 mm, measure the angle at point D and connect them with a segment.

Draw a curve between points A and B using a square grid or an improvised pattern as in the photo.

Place the cut template on the board, avoiding large knots and leaving small ones away from the edges of the workpieces. Trace the contours and file the parts using a saw on straight sections, and cut out the curly contours with a jigsaw. Guide the tool blade in the direction of the grain so that the wood is less likely to chip.

Parts drawings: 1 — upper backrest guide; 2 — lower cross member of the backrest; 3 — armrest (2 pcs.); 4 — armrest stop (2 pcs.)

Parts drawing: 1 — backrest strip (7 pcs.); 2 — seat bar (8 pcs.); 3 — front leg (2 pcs.) 4 — rear leg (2 pcs.)

Transfer the drawings of the remaining elements of the chair onto the boards, also using a template, or draw directly on the blanks and mark the next identical part according to the first one cut out.

The shape of the curves of the armrests is not structurally important; you can draw them by hand or using a pattern. Mark the second part in a mirror image so that the chips when sawing are at the bottom of the workpiece.

Sand the ends, joining similar pieces together if possible. Route the edges of the top surfaces of the armrests and backrest slats, or simply soften the sharp edges with a sander.

Assembling the chair

Wooden furniture always begins to rot from the joints, the internal surfaces of which cannot be processed on a finished chair. Therefore, cover the parts with 2-3 layers of antiseptic before assembly.

Most of the components of the chair are connected with screws; the guide holes for them are drilled with a combined countersink, selected according to the thickness of the screws. When they want to hide the caps, they are deepened and covered with glue plugs.

Place a scrap board on the table and place the left side support and front leg on top. Align the workpieces according to the drawing, mark the drilling points.

Chair side assembly diagram

Make holes for the bolts and fasten the parts. Install the rear leg, placing it perpendicular to the bevel of the support. Assemble the right side of the frame in the same way. Connect the sides of the chair with the lower backrest crossbar and the first seat rail.

Install supports on the front legs, securing them with clamps for convenience. Screw the armrests with screws.

Secure the top backrest rail, aligning it with the bottom crossbar. Right now it is possible to correct possible millimeter-by-millimeter marking inaccuracies and uneven cuts.

Small errors can be eliminated by shifting the upper cross member and trimming the angle under it. In extreme cases, you will have to unscrew the bottom crossbar and adjust the cutout.
Mark the center lines on the cross boards and on the center backrest strip. Holding the latter at the top with your hand or grabbing it with a clamp, drill a pilot hole and tighten the bottom screw. Check the vertical position and secure the top of the rail.

Screw all the strips one by one at even intervals. Take a piece of string and tie one end to a pencil and the other to a nail secured at the junction of the seat and backrest. Draw a radius of curvature, cut the strips according to the markings and sand the edges.

Having adjusted the width of the last seat rail, put it in place. Inspect assembled chair and sand down markings, chips and other defects. Carefully sand the top surfaces of the backrest and seat parts.

Coat the wood with oil if you want to preserve its natural shade. Use synthetic resin glaze to create an opaque colored surface.

The dacha plot serves not only for growing vegetables and fruits, but also for complete recreation in nature. This is best done in a luxurious and reliable chair made by yourself. We’ll talk about how to make it, what materials, tools and knowledge you’ll need below in the article.

If you like to tinker with wooden crafts, it won't suit you to install it on own plot standard plastic chairs. Not only do they not fit into the natural atmosphere of the kingdom of plants and flowers, but they are also unreliable.

In addition, their design does not always contribute to proper rest. Therefore in in this case we offer you a simple model of a wooden garden chair that will fit organically into the landscape suburban area. Special skills, such as forging or welding metal products, you will not need it, although knowledge of carpentry is desirable.

Requirements for country wooden furniture

Special conditions of use require that the design meet certain parameters. Then it will last long enough in its original form.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Immediately count on the fact that the chair needs to be made transportable, then in case of bad weather you can quickly hide it under. Of course, special antiseptics and paints used to protect wood will allow the structure to withstand atmospheric influences, but we advise you not to test it in such cases.
  2. Choose hardwood for garden furniture, including oak, beech and walnut.. Although the price of such materials is higher, the quality of the construction will be excellent. Aspen, larch, cedar and pine are also less susceptible to rotting, but the disadvantage of the latter is its sensitivity to impact. Even a small one is enough to create a dent on the chair, which will then be difficult to remove.

  1. Particular attention should be paid to protecting the material from atmospheric influences.. This is due to the fact that it can for a long time be exposed to the sun's rays, and often fall into heavy rain, so you need to protect her from such tests.
    Preparation for protection begins at the stage of harvesting wood for furniture making. Place the boards under a canopy in a stack, press them heavy on top and leave them to dry. It’s very good if you were able to immediately buy dry, high-quality lumber.
    During operation, the workpieces must be sanded, impregnated with an antiseptic, and then with hot drying oil. At the next stage, dry them and coat them with varnish for exterior use.

  1. The texture relief and decorative cut of the tree will depend on the number of undeveloped branches and knots, i.e. the more there are, the better. Such a polished surface can resemble strolling grape snails.

Tip: when assembling a wooden chair for a summer house, the fasteners should be embedded in the material, then you will avoid puffs on clothes and scratches.

How to prepare for work

First of all, it is necessary to collect in advance all the tools that may be needed, as well as the material. In our case, all blanks, with the exception of the insert strips, will be cut from cedar boards, the thickness of which should be at least 20 mm.

Details Dimensions in mm:
  1. Legs:
    • rear — 2 pcs. (20x254x787);
    • front – 2 pcs., (20x76x533).
  1. Back – 1 piece, (20x279x914).
  2. Armrest:
  • support - 2 pcs., (20x127x406);
  • rear support – 1 pc., (20x76x610).
  1. Jumper – 1 pc., (20x51x589).
  2. Insert strips – 2 pcs., (12x20x254).
  • Key (24x60 mm) made of hard wood – 30 pcs.;
  • Brass screws - 4.5x50 mm and 4.5x32 mm, 20 pcs.;
  • Sandpaper No. 220;
  • Polyurethane glue;
  • Furniture varnish;
  • Drying oil;
  • Masking tape;
  • Cardboard for stencil.
  • Circular Saw;
  • Plane;
  • Manual frezer;
  • Wood hacksaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Drill;
  • A grinding machine, although you can do without it;
  • Clamps;
  • Ruler, tape measure, pencil.

Manufacturing process

Preliminary stage - cutting out the main elements

Let's start work by cutting out the parts. For this we will prepare detailed drawing, this will make it easier for us to continue making the chair.

Prepare the parts that will later become the back legs and back. To do this, try to carry out all work based on a detailed drawing with explanations, where there are appropriate tips. After checking it, mark and cut out the necessary blanks.

Cut out the rear legs, backs, seats and armrests from wide panels.

Get them by gluing boards that need to be matched to the color and texture of the wood.

Tip: select the grooves for the keys in advance, positioning them so that they are invisible after finishing cutting the parts.

  1. Cut out the back legs using a cardboard stencil. Attach the template to the blank that will be used as a leg and trace it with a pencil. Connect and pull two pieces together masking tape so that you can cut both at the same time.
    Carry out cutting with a small margin. To adjust parts to size, use a router or plane.

  1. Cut out the back. To do this, cut the workpiece so that the glue line falls exactly in the middle between the boards. Bevel the bottom end of the backrest at an angle of 12.5° to match the profile of the back legs. Round the top edge to a 9mm radius.

Having completed this work, you can begin assembling the product; for this you will need to cut out and adjust other parts in place.

We continue to work

Below are instructions for assembling and cutting the remaining elements.

Back and hind legs

  1. Drill holes for fasteners in advance to prevent the workpieces from cracking.
  2. To attach the rear legs to the backrest, use screws (50 mm) and glue.
  3. Connect the side ends of the backrest to the legs at an angle of 12.5°.
  4. Close the gaps between the parts with insert strips by making them of the appropriate profile. The ends of the planks and the opposite ends of the legs must coincide, which will mean correct position backrests
  5. Screw the inserts to the back with screws (l = 50 mm).

Tip: Keep in mind that the strength of the seat will depend on the arrangement of the boards, which should be placed from one leg to the other.

  1. Take circular saw and cut the piece to width.
  2. Mark the sides of the seat, which are located at an angle.
  3. Saw the workpiece from the sides along outside line markings. You don't have to clean the raw ends just yet.
  4. Select a groove at the rear end of the workpiece, tilt the bottom at an angle of 12.5°. This must be done because the seat will be located at an angle to the back. The joint will be tight, which is what we need.
  5. Round the front end of the seat.
  6. Screw the seat to the legs, sand its side edges, and adjust them flush with the back legs.


Front legs

  1. Cut out the front legs by bevelling their bottom and top edges 6˚.
  2. Screw them to the rear ones using screws (l = 32 mm), strengthening the connection with glue.
  3. Make a leg - a jumper between the legs so that the garden chair receives additional reliability and stability.
    You need to cut it to size:
    • attach the workpiece to the front legs and mark the fixing grooves. In this case, make the bottom of the groove at an angle of 12.5° to the face;
    • select a depth of 9 mm from the high side of the groove;
    • attach the jumper to the front ends of the legs using glue and screws (l = 32 mm).


  1. Cut out wedge-shaped supports for them, bevelling their upper edges by 6°.
  2. Screw the supports to the front legs using glue and screws (l = 32 mm).
  3. Cut out the armrests, as well as the back support for them.
  4. Clean the ends of the parts with sandpaper.
  5. Cut the ends of the support at an angle of 30°, the top edge at 31.5°.
  6. Press the rear support piece to the back with clamps.
  7. Reinstall the armrests and loosen the clamps.
  8. Level the position of the rear support element, ensuring that the armrests are strictly horizontal.
  9. Tighten the clamps and screw the rear support to the backrest.
  10. Screw the armrests to the rear support, then to the wedge-shaped supports, and then to the front legs, using glue and screws (l = 50 mm).

Cover the recessed screw heads with wooden plugs and sand them flush. Take hot drying oil and saturate the wood with it, dry the product and varnish. You will end up with a comfortable classic design With beautiful texture, which will be appreciated by your family.


Wooden chair for summer cottage, made independently, will add the necessary flavor. The main thing to remember is that it is necessary to protect the structure from atmospheric influences so that it lasts for a long time. Only familiar tools and materials will be used in the work. The video in this article will help you find Additional information on this topic.

IN furniture stores a wide range of various items furniture. They all have different shapes and design, but it’s much more interesting to make the product yourself. To make it yourself wooden chair, you will need the ability to use tools and the desire to work. And to make the task easier, there are many detailed drawings and lessons on making furniture.

Model selection

Making a chair from wood is a labor-intensive task, but anyone can do it. Having found best option and some free time, you can start working. The process itself consists of developing detailed drawings and preparing parts, which will then need to be combined into one whole. All instructions have a standard algorithm of actions, in which they first prepare the parts, make holes for fasteners, fasten the parts with screws and glue, and finally paint the product or varnish it.

The assembly of the chair must take place taking into account the established plan so as not to make a single mistake.

The work of making a wooden chair begins with determining its type. After all, not every type of chair can be made with your own hands; some of them require either mechanized actions or professional skills. Having studied everything possible options you need to choose the one that is right for you. It is unwise to take on a complex drawing right away, because in the end nothing will work out.

Chairs that you can actually do it yourself:

  • Soft– the main thing here is the frame and upholstery. A correctly assembled product and neat upholstery are the key to success. Such a product can be placed in any place convenient for you to create cozy corner for relaxation.
  • Folding- This is a more complex option, but more functional. The frame of the product is made in such a way that it can be expanded and folded with some pressure. This chair will be the perfect item for a country trip.
  • Kentucky- a simple version of the product, but very original in appearance. To create it, you only need bars and wire.

  • Sliding– their design is more complicated than a regular chair, but a beginner can easily handle it. A sliding product will help save space in a small room and can replace a full bed.
  • On wheels– the main thing in their design is to install stable wheels that will be able to move both an empty chair and a chair with a person sitting in it. This is a pragmatic option for disabled or elderly people.
  • High back– these products can be hard or soft, the main thing is that they have a comfortable high back. Making it is no more difficult than a regular chair.
  • Rocking chair– these products are not suitable for beginners, but for experienced craftsmen this is a completely doable task. The main thing in the design of the chairs is the arched bases, due to which they will swing.

Wood as the main material

Making a wooden chair can be quite easy if you choose suitable way. You can use an old armchair or stool if it is not possible to purchase individual parts. Even from a banquette you can make a small chair that any child will like. To create a classic chair, boards, bars, and logs are usually used. A product made from solid wood has a number of advantages over other pieces of furniture, because wood is environmentally friendly pure material, which is absolutely harmless to health.

Natural wood- Not cheap material , but it is precisely this that is the key to the quality of a homemade chair. After making sure quality wood you can start creating a work of art. There should be no knots or cracks on solid wood or bars. All parts must be carefully polished, and only then proceed to assembly. A special coating will protect the material from insect attack and drying out.

For making a chair it is better to use oak, birch, ash or alder because they have a unique beauty. These materials allow the product to serve for a long time without squeaking or cracking. The beauty of the product can be emphasized by high-quality textiles that will be used for its upholstery.

The main advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness. This is what makes it different from other materials. It is widely used in construction because it is relatively easy to obtain and costs less than many other materials.

Wood is very durable and can compete even with metal. She doesn't give in plastic deformation and withstands shocks and loads well. It is easy to work with, and therefore you can make a chair from wood yourself. The disadvantages of this material include moisture intolerance and high temperatures. When exposed to water, wood swells and crumbles, so you need to first coat it with varnish.

Manufacturing workshops

Step-by-step instructions will help to minimize work time and save material consumption. The most popular step-by-step instructions for making chairs:

Chair for the garden

First you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials: electric saw, plane, hand router, hacksaw, screwdriver, drill, centimeter, screws, glue and boards. Procedure:

  • The boards need to be cut out four legs (2 pcs. 2/2.5/7 cm, 2 pcs. 2/7.6/5 cm). Then you need to make the back size 2/2.7/9 cm, two armrest supports size 2/1.2/4 cm and rear support 2/7.6/6 cm. You will need a jumper to work. (2/5.1/5 cm) and planks (1.2/2/2 cm).
  • Based on the drawings, you need to prepare the basic details. The most difficult thing is making the side supports. Therefore, before cutting, you need to print a full-size template of this element or draw it yourself on large sheet paper.
  • To cut straight sections of parts you will need a power saw, and in order to cut out shaped elements, you need to use a jigsaw.
  • First you need make wedge-shaped supports for the armrests, and then use glue and screws to attach them to the front legs.
  • Next stagesawing out the armrests and rear support.

  • To smooth out all the unevenness of the part, they are cleaned with sandpaper. Then you need to cut off the ends of the support, press the back part to the back for support and mill along the edge of the surfaces.
  • The assembly process of parts should begin after how they will all be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Hind legs must be installed perpendicular to the bevel of the support, and after that the side parts of the backrest and the first seat bar are connected. To fasten the parts, you need to make holes for the bolts.
  • Having installed the supports, you need secure them with clamps. The upper part of the backrest must be secured with screws, aligning it with the lower transverse part. The planks need to be cut according to the markings, first drawing a radius of curvature.

Having finished the work, you need to sand all surfaces and hide the screw heads with wooden plugs. You can treat a finished wooden chair with oil impregnation.


This unusual chair can be made with your own hands using drawings and diagrams, which it is advisable to create in computer application and then print. This is necessary in order to get exact dimensions and contours of all complex geometric details. Procedure:

  • All parts need to be cut out with a jigsaw. Movements should be smooth so that no unevenness remains. To Work with bent plywood preferably after the master has previously practiced on a piece of unnecessary wood.

  • It is important to varnish all elements so that they look aesthetically pleasing and are not exposed to external influences. But before that, it is necessary to sand all the unevenness and chips and clean the surface from dirt and dust. There must be varnish good quality and it must be applied in at least two layers.

The chair is assembled using wood glue, which secures all the parts. In order for this process to proceed without incident, you need to secure the gluing areas with clamps. Instead of the glue method, you can use self-tapping screws, but you need to screw them in deeply so that their heads are not visible.

From pallets

For the manufacture of of this product no drawings or preparation required additional elements. A homemade chair from pallets can be made in just a couple of hours:

  • First you need to disassemble the pallets and remove old nails from them. They are unsightly and can cause injury.
  • To give the pallets a decent appearance, they need to be sanded, after which all the parts must be assembled again.

Making chairs for your garden with your own hands is both a way to demonstrate your skills and an opportunity to further decorate the area. Such furniture will come in handy when you want to sunbathe in the garden, or for relaxing in the shade of trees with your favorite book. Using these products, you can feel comfortable anywhere in your summer cottage. And with the device family holidays and picnics, the problem of accommodating guests can be easily solved. Thus, homemade chairs– excellent helpers and organizers of holidays.

Even the most inexperienced craftsman can make a chair for a summer house.

Their design should be chosen taking into account where they will be used. For example, for relaxing in the garden suitable for gardening chair, and on open veranda- rocking chair. If furniture installed indoors can be made of any materials, then for use on outdoors We need chairs made from materials that are resistant to the vagaries of nature. Several typical designs for dachas are discussed below.

Homemade garden chair

Furniture of this type has been known for a long time and quite well. Most often it is assembled from planed boards without glue, using self-tapping screws or bolts. The material can be any boards, even old ones. In order to make a chair, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hand saw, circular saw or miter saw;
  • hand or electric drill;
  • screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • bolts with nuts and self-tapping screws.

The popularity of such designs is explained by their simple device, convenience and reliability during operation. For example, by placing pillows on the seat and back, you can easily turn the chair into a soft one. It can stand both in the house and on the street, and in the latter case, both on open place, and under a canopy.

As already mentioned, can be used various boards. Below are the approximate dimensions of the parts. In any case, it is recommended to make a sketch with the dimensions indicated on it. Approximate Dimensions parts and their quantity:

  • front leg (section 15x2.5 cm, length 60-85 cm) – 2 pcs.;
  • horizontal rail of the seat frame (section 15x2.5 cm, length 118 cm) – 2 pcs.;
  • front cross rail of the seat frame (section 10x2.5 cm, length 55 cm) – 1 pc.;
  • rear cross-bar of the seat frame (section 10x2.5 cm, length 60 cm) – 1 pc.;
  • horizontal rail for collecting the back (section 10x2.5 cm, length 60 cm) – 1 pc.;
  • horizontal rail for collecting the back (section 10x2.5 cm, length 74 cm) – 2 pcs.;
  • vertical rail for the back (section 12x2.5 cm, length 120 cm) – 5 pcs.;
  • armrest (section 15x2.5 cm, length 90 cm) – 2 pcs.;
  • support under the armrest (section 12x2.5 cm, length 20 cm) – 2 pcs.;
  • seat slats (section 10x2.5 cm, length 58 cm) – 5 pcs. (their number can be increased by reducing the width accordingly);
  • self-tapping screws 4.5-5 cm long.

Chair assembly sequence:

  1. The bars of the seat frame are 118 cm long required form– their front parts are rounded and bevels are made on the back ones.
  2. These bars are bolted to the front legs. The distance from the ground to the lower edges of the bars is 18 cm. Washers should be placed under the nuts.
  3. The two resulting parts are fastened using self-tapping screws with transverse slats of the seat frame. The front one is end-to-end, and the back one is overlapped.
  4. The back is assembled on three horizontal slats (short in the middle). Then its upper end is sawed off according to the template. The lower part of the backrest is screwed to the rear transverse rail of the seat frame. Its angle of inclination should not exceed 30°, and the depth of the seat should be about 50-55 cm.
  5. The frame of the structure is rigidly secured by two armrests.
  6. The seat of the chair is covered with slats using self-tapping screws. You need to pre-drill holes in the slats and countersink the entrance.
  7. All elements are carefully sanded and impregnated with antiseptic; it is better to putty the screw heads. For final finishing, stains, moisture-resistant impregnations or wood varnishes are used. The product can also be coated with opaque paints.

Every day, on the way to work, we dream of long-awaited holidays, weekends to go to your favorite summer cottage, enjoy spending time with family and friends, and merge with nature.

A wooden chair in a country house is an excellent element of the interior, allowing you to relax comfortably and drink tea on the terrace.

Today, a cozy, well-equipped dacha should not be an unattainable luxury that requires exorbitant expenses. Schemes, drawings, technologies, Internet resources offer hundreds of ideas for creating garden furniture.

We invite you to create a chair with your own hands for your home or cottage.

Throughout our lives we are surrounded by furniture. Furniture production technology is evolving and improving. Garden furniture, designer, author's- it's everywhere, we're surrounded by furniture! It’s natural to want to purchase a high-quality, practical, stylish item for your garden at an affordable price.

Any owner can assemble a chair with his own hands for a summer cottage or private home.

Innovative furniture showrooms, designer garden furniture stores provide a range of services, sell stylish wooden chairs, for children and adults, with and without armrests, but not every average family can afford this kind of pleasure.

Your favorite area will be significantly transformed if it is decorated with a luxurious, reliable, hand-made chair.

It is not necessary to resort to enormous expenses to purchase a fashionable piece of country furniture. A handmade product will provide comfort and will harmoniously “fit” into the design of your favorite garden. Flight of fancy, list necessary tools– everything you need to make your dreams come true in everyday life!

Wooden furniture has been and remains a classic that accompanies us everywhere.

In order for hand-made furniture to serve you for a long time, the design must meet certain parameters.

This chair is ideal for relaxing in the country and looks great in the garden.

Transportability As a rule, wooden chairs are used for relaxing on fresh air, under open air. In case of sudden change weather conditions, it is convenient to move the chair under a canopy if it is transportable.
Selection of quality raw materials One of important conditions In making a chair yourself, hardwood plays a role. Despite the high pricing policy, design result thanks to quality material, will be excellent. These species include: aspen, oak, pine, cedar.
Maximum weather protection Keeping the chair straight for a long time sun rays, heavy rain, leads to deterioration external state. Preparation for protecting the finished chair begins at the earliest stages of design. High-quality, dry lumber is the key to success. If you initially purchased low-quality raw materials, dry the boards while working. Sand, saturate antiseptic workpieces, apply hot drying oil. At the final stage, after complete drying finished product, it must be opened with varnish. The material to get started is ready.

Making a garden chair is not difficult; there are no complex connections or parts.

A set of standard questions for a self-taught furniture maker

How to make a chair out of wood with your own hands? Is it possible to build a garden chair with armrests yourself? How to make Baby chair and where to find correctly drawn up drawings and diagrams? A number of similar questions will certainly flash through the mind of a beginner. home handyman. There are various models of wooden chairs for summer cottages: folding and standard metal constructions, wooden rocking chairs, comfortable chairs for two, children's and adults with durable armrests and comfortable seating.

Such furniture can be used without worrying about scratches and annual painting.

Not always, each of the above structures contributes to proper rest. Let's consider the process of making a simple model- wooden garden chair.

Preparing for work

The main components in preparatory stage is the presence of a list of tools and materials that should be in the master’s arsenal.

Necessary materials:

Required tools:

  • Saw (disc);
  • R ubank;
  • Manual frezer;
  • N wood saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • D rel;
  • From the tube;
  • L frost, tape measure, pencil.

Tools for work.

A preliminary calculation of measurements for the components of a cedar wooden chair is as follows. Dimensions are indicated in millimeters.

  1. Legs 4 pcs. (rear 2 pcs., front 2 pcs.)
  • Two front legs – 20x254x787;
  • Two hind legs - 20x76x533.
  1. The back of the chair is 20x279x914.
  2. Chair armrest:
  • ABOUT it's time - 2 pcs., (20x127x406);
  • Z rear support – 1 pc., (20x76x610).
  1. Jumper – 1 pc., (20x51x589).
  2. Insert strips – 2 pcs., (12x20x254).

The parts that make up a garden chair.

The process of making a chair with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Creating Basic Parts

As a rule, work begins with a preliminary stage- preparation of basic elements. Having a drawing with detailed tips will facilitate the further process of making a wooden chair with your own hands.

Scheme for creating a garden chair with your own hands.

The most complex and time-consuming process is the manufacture of the side supports of the seat. You need to make a full-size template of the side support on cardboard.

Drawing of the side support of a garden chair.

1) Draw the first side of the part, lifting the segment on the left, then the next two at the appropriate angle.

2) Mark a perpendicular segment, heading towards point A.

3) Mark point C, draw a cutout under the transverse tie.

4) Extend the bottom side with a line, marking an angle of 75 degrees, with the vertex C.

5) Draw an arc, measuring the angle at point D. The radius of the arc is 116 mm. Connect the points with a segment.

6) Using a square grid, we draw roundings between points A and B.

7) The resulting template is placed on wooden board. We outline the parts and prepare for cutting.

To cut straight sections, you need to use a saw; for cutting out shaped sections, a jigsaw is perfect.

Drawings of garden chair parts.

IMPORTANT! In order for the cedar board to chip less, the cutting blade of the tool must be carried out in the direction of the grain!

After transferring the finished drawing to the board, we will mark a similar one according to the first diagram, using the already cut out part.

If you don’t have a ready-made armrest pattern, no problem! The circumference is not important.

1) It is necessary to make wedge-shaped supports for the armrests using a saw, bevelling the top edges by 6 degrees.

To make it easier to connect parts, use a clamp.

2) Carefully screw the supports to the front legs. For fastening we use glue and screws.

3) We cut out the armrests and rear support.

4) Use sandpaper to clean the ends of the finished part.

5) Cut off the ends of the support.

6) We press the rear support part to the back.

7) We mill the edges of the surfaces.

Attaching the armrests to the wedge-shaped support.

IMPORTANT! Clay plays important role when making a garden chair with your own hands. Heat-resistant wood glue, unlike the common and frequently used PVA glue, will not lose its properties when exposed to high temperatures, moisture, and will not dry out or crumble. For this reason, to create wooden product, we recommend using heat-resistant glue.

Assembly of parts

Before assembly, it is necessary to carefully coat each of the parts with a triple layer of antiseptic to preserve the internal surfaces. After processing the material, you can proceed to the next steps.

  1. Align finished parts, having previously marked the drilling points.

    We cut out the parts exactly along the marked contour.

  2. We make holes for the bolts andcarefully fasten the parts together.

    Please note that the strength of the seat will depend on the placement of the boards.

  3. We install the rear leg perpendicular to the bevel of the support (similar to the first one, we assemble the second side of the frame), withWe connect the side parts of the wooden chair with the lower back cross member and the first seat bar.

    The ends of the planks and the opposite ends of the legs should coincide, which will mean the correct position of the backrest.

  4. We install supports. We fix the supports with clamps.

    The joint will be tight, which is what we need.

  5. We fix the upper backrest guide with screws, trying to align it with the lower cross member. We draw a line on all the cross boards, as well as on the bar of the back of the chair, then drill a pilot hole, holding the bar.

    Afterwards, we secure the top with slats and evenly fix all the slats in turn.

  6. We draw the radius of curvature, cutting the strips according to the markings.

    Having chosen the correct width of the final slats, we place it in place of the seat.

  7. We carefully sand the edges, upper surfaces of the backrest and seats. We close the screws with wooden plugs and sand them. Using hot drying oil or oil impregnation we process the finished wooden chair.

Drying and varnishing the product is the final stage of production.

Making wooden garden furniture with your own hands

Decor is one of the important components. With the help of unnecessary things, pillows, bright rags, vine branches and painstaking work, you can achieve phenomenal results.

As you can see, making a garden wooden chair with armrests with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Fantasy, imagination, a charge of positivity, basic knowledge, diagrams and drawings - this is the entire list of necessary components for creating a wooden chair with your own hands. Desire and a little work are the key to success!

A wooden chair made by yourself will last for many years.

While maintaining its original appearance, such a chair will perfectly “fit” into the natural atmosphere and allow you to enjoy a comfortable rest.


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