How to make instant glue at home. Preparation methods and compositions

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At the time of repair, there is often a need to use adhesives. With their help you can hang wallpaper and lay out tiles. Glue often becomes one of the main components of the cement composition.

To save your finances by purchasing factory-produced mixtures, you can learn how to make glue at home yourself. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the algorithms for producing a wide variety of mixtures.

Recipe for the most powerful all-purpose solvent and foam adhesive

This adhesive composition is used when the house does not have the required consistency or it runs out at the most necessary moment. The substance is suitable for sudden cracks in the roof. Some people prefer to use such an adhesive composition to fasten objects in the interior or to install a cornice on the ceiling.

Solvent and foam glue can be called the most reliable, so using it, you don’t have to be afraid that the fastened parts will begin to fall off over time.

The adhesive gained popularity due to its reliable fastening of materials such as gas-filled polystyrene, baseboards and furniture elements.


Foam glue recipe

In order to create the required adhesive consistency, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Pour the solvent into the container. Acetone or solvent No. 646, 647 is suitable. The volume depends on the required amount of glue after creation.
  • Pour foam into the solvent and keep the material in it until a viscous substance begins to form.

The resulting glue is used to fasten different planes. When the consistency hardens, it reliably holds the surfaces being treated for a long time.

You can use a brush to apply the material. This is an ideal option if you need to repair your roof. When the material hardens, it resembles glass.

We looked at the first method, which described how to make glue at home from polystyrene foam and solvent.
To create a bonding composition, you can simply apply crushed foam to the desired location and pour a solvent over it. During the reaction, the material begins to melt, expand and fill all the cracks. Thanks to this, high-quality sealing occurs.

As an example, we can consider the process of sealing cracks on the roof (slate). The composition can be applied and reliably fasten the joints of roofing felt. Please note that if it has a liquid consistency, it will be unusable.

Features of the composition

As in any other process, when working with chemistry, you need to adhere to specific rules. Mixing work should be carried out away from sources of fire. The resulting mixture not only ignites quickly, but also burns for a long time.

Please note that it is best to cook on fresh air, this will not cause harm to health, since mixing in the room can lead to poisoning by chemical fumes.

In addition, we must not forget about this. That the mixed consistency can be used only after a day, and with increasing layer thickness, the hardening time increases.

A similar adhesive composition is used if the necessary glue is not available or it runs out at the most inopportune moment.

Dissolving the foam

To ensure that the resulting consistency dries faster, it is recommended to choose solvents that contain acetone. If the preparation was done correctly, the result can withstand almost any temperature change. For this reason, this glue is used on the roof and in cracks on the house.

Which foam is suitable

We looked at the question of how to make glue at home from polystyrene foam. Now you need to familiarize yourself with exactly what components can be used to create.

Polystyrene foam is a material made from foam masses. It is very often used to insulate living spaces. Depending on the production process polystyrene foam is divided into 3 categories:

  1. No pressing required. In the final version, this material looks like balls that are interlocked. If you rub several elements of this foam against each other, it will begin to crumble and the balls will separate. The option is used to obtain the glue in question. It can easily be dissolved in acetone and turned into a mass of the required consistency.
  2. Using pressing. The material has an increased strength coefficient in contrast to the previous option under consideration.
  3. Extrusion. This is foam plastic with a homogeneous structure, since elevated temperatures are used during its manufacturing process.

In addition to the options listed, you can also use granulated foam. However, before using it, you need to check its solubility. It would be appropriate to say that this version of foam is considered the most convenient for creating glue.

Thus, with a solvent and foam at your disposal, you can get an adhesive that is reliable and can last for a long time.

Recipe for making wallpaper glue

If you plan to hang wallpaper, but don’t want to waste extra money, we suggest you read the instructions from the website on how to make glue at home. As a basis you will need to take:

  • flour;
  • water.

The number of components used will be selected based on the volume of work to be done. Make the calculation based on the ratio of three tablespoons of flour and 500 milligrams of water.

The creation process itself is very simple, and everything will take no more than thirty minutes.

This glue will ideal option, if during the process of wallpapering, the required consistency has run out, and there are no hardware stores nearby.

How to organize the creation process:

  • put the water on the switched on stove and wait until it starts to boil;
  • in a separate plate or pan, dilute flour with half a mug with a small amount of (preferably purified) liquid;
  • the composition is carefully added to the already obtained boiling water and stirred thoroughly;
  • Bring to a boil again and remove from heat.

Leave the composition to cool. When it has cooled completely, use it for its intended purpose.

The mixture looks like jelly. Some people believe that this particular glue is ideal for renovating rooms with wallpaper. It is easy to prepare, does not require rare elements, and most importantly does not contain harmful chemical components.

Recipe for making wood glue

Glue for carpentry work is one of the most common and most frequently used consistencies. You can also do it yourself.

The process is elementary, and if you approach this matter thoroughly, you will get a composition that can connect wood products. Of course, this glue has its negative qualities - a sharp and unpleasant aroma, as well as the shelf life of the prepared composition.

How can you prepare wood glue?

Option 1

This preparation option is intended for long-term storage of the finished glue. As a result of cooking, you get solid glue, which, if necessary, can be cut into pieces and used.


  • take wood glue, grind it and put it in a bowl of water;
  • wait until the mass swells and becomes soft;
  • pour water with dissolved glue into a glass bottle and set it to heat over steam;
  • Stir the consistency regularly.

You can remove the glue from the stove when the water from the container has almost evaporated. Pour the finished glue into the molds and leave until it cools completely.

Another version of wood glue is made using one of the most well-known technologies today. Is there a dry composition? Use it for cooking purposes. Required adhesive mass 360 grams of composition and 500 grams of vodka.
All components are combined and 100 grams of alum are added to them. We are waiting for everything to boil. Use the mixture after it has cooled completely. The glue will be durable and water-repellent.

Option 2

Let's consider another option for making a carpentry-type cool consistency. It is designed for use during steam cooking.

You will need (based on 500 ml of liquid):

  • 500 grams of glue;
  • half a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 500 grams of vodka.

The glue is poured into the liquid and acetic acid is added to the composition. The consistency cooks until you notice that the adhesive ingredient has dissolved. After this, vodka is poured into the composition and mixed.

This preparation method can be improved, but for this you need to take 250 grams of adhesive composition and the same amount of water. Bring everything to a boil, and at the end of cooking, add glycerin.
Ready mixture pour into molds and use as needed. Please note that before use, the composition must be diluted with water in equal proportions.

Recipe for silicate glue for paper

If there is a need for silicate glue for paper, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following creation technology, which will be given below.

This glue is indispensable if a person likes to practice the technique of folding paper figures. It is silicate glue that is suitable for this task.
Not many people know that this adhesive consistency can be used on wooden objects, which has additional benefits.

The main component of silicate glue is dextrin. You can even prepare it at home. What you will need for the work process:

  • Place two small spoons of starch in a container made of heat-resistant material and heat in the oven;
  • when the temperature reaches 150 degrees, the composition is placed in the oven. Approximate cooking time is one and a half hours. The component is ready.

We are preparing glue. Prepare: glycerol, dextrin, water.

The first thing you need to do is combine water with dextrin. We heat the mixture and wait until the component melts in the water. At the final stage, add glycerol to the previously obtained mixture. When the consistency becomes room temperature, you can use prepared glue.

How to make PVA glue at home

If you are one of those who often encounter the need to use PVA composition, check out detailed description How to make high-quality PVA glue at home.

Before you make your own pva glue at home, prepare:

  • water;
  • gelatin;
  • flour (preferably wheat);
  • glycerol;
  • ethanol.

As for the amount of each ingredient, you will need at least 500 ml of water. For this amount of liquid, take a few grams of gelatin and the same amount of glycerin, and 50 grams of flour is enough. As for ethyl alcohol, take 10 milligrams.

To understand how to properly make glue at home, we recommend that you read the detailed instructions:

  1. First add gelatin to the liquid and leave until next day. During this period it will swell.
  2. As soon as the gelatin is prepared, you need to organize a steam bath. Place the container with liquid on the stove. Choose a bowl that can grip the edges of the pot of water. Please note that the container should not touch the boiling water.
  3. Gently add gelatin to a separate plate with water and stir until completely dissolved and add flour. Place it all on low heat and stir thoroughly while cooking.
    When the mixture resembles thick sour cream, remove from heat.
  4. Add glycerin to the consistency you have obtained and pour in alcohol. When ready-made composition Once it cools down, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Now you have learned how to properly make pva glue at home. This cooking method is elementary; many ingredients are available at home or purchased within walking distance.

Flour glue recipe (for fabrics)

To glue all kinds of fabric-based ones together, a lot of glue is required. If the additives are selected in the correct quantities, you can prepare and stock up on several liters of glue High Quality. The glue will not deteriorate and will not lose its qualities even if it is placed at room temperature.

In order for the fabric to stick together firmly, you will need to make a grain-type paste. For this purpose, you need to break wheat or oat grains in a coffee grinder powered by electricity. Of course, you can use a manual unit, but the grinding quality will not be high.

The resulting mass does not need to be sifted; it is filled with water and boiled. When everything swells, you will need to pass the consistency through cheesecloth; there is no need to rub the mixture through it. Alcohol and PVA glue are poured into the liquid; we described above how to make glue correctly at home. The finished consistency can be used according to its intended purpose.

If you plan to work with heavy fabrics, then instead of wheat and PVA, you can brew rye grains in a steam bath and add wood glue with alum.

The need for glue can arise at any time, even at the most inopportune moment. You can’t talk about saving money if you have to buy a whole package of industrial glue to fix a small defect in your home. It is more economical to prepare it yourself and in the quantity needed. All this allows us to solve the problem of the sudden end of the adhesive composition.

In the process of completing many finishing works An essential component is glue. It is used to glue wallpaper, tiles, and is added to cement mortar. To save on purchasing glue, we suggest that you read the instructions on how to make glue yourself.

Functional features and chemical composition of the glue

Glue is a multicomponent composition based on compounds of organic or inorganic substances that easily glue materials of different origins, and in particular:

  • wooden,
  • leather,
  • fabric,
  • paper,
  • glass,
  • metal,
  • plastic,
  • ceramic,
  • rubber products.

The gluing process involves the formation of a strong bond between the adhesive on the two sides of the material to be bonded.

The chemical composition of the adhesive contains materials of artificial or synthetic, organic or inorganic origin. For example, the fairly popular silicone adhesive is based on compounds of elemental organics. To ensure that the consistency of the glue becomes liquid and is easily applied to the surface, it contains additives in the form of water and organic liquids.

Most sealants based on organic resins consist of water and are environmentally friendly.

Organic solvents are hydrocarbon substances of the aromatic or chlorinated type. Such solvents are quite affordable, easily evaporate, and non-toxic. The most common are gasoline, acetone or elite alcohol substance.

In order for the glue to become elastic, the presence of plasticizers is required. They act in the form of dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, triphenyl phosphate. To reduce glue shrinkage, increase its strength and at the same time reduce cost, fillers are used. It is recommended to use kaolin as a filler, quartz sand, sawdust and other components.

If the adhesive is based on thermoactive resins, special catalyst-type hardeners are required, which are sold separately from the adhesive. They are added to the glue immediately before use. Solutions of acids, amines or bases are used as hardeners. When the hardener begins to react with adhesives, polymers with a network structure are formed, which accompany a sharp increase in the adhesive bond before high or low temperatures.

The difference between catalysts and hardeners is that they are not able to enter into such reactions and do not accelerate the hardening process of the adhesive. Salt, peroxide, and acid are used as catalysts. The main requirement for using a catalyst is strict dosage. If the amount of catalyst is increased, the glue will practically not harden and the adhesive joint will remain weak.

Adhesives based on thermoactive resins are characterized by the introduction of catalysts, inhibitors or retarders to adjust the degree of hardening, to accelerate, slow down or stop the process of interaction between the accelerators and the main adhesive element.

To increase the viability of adhesives based on organic compounds, it is recommended to add antiseptics to them. Catalysts must be added to adhesives of polymer origin; they help increase their durability.

Main types of glue

According to the drying method, adhesives are divided into:

  • adhesives that are characterized by drying,
  • non-drying adhesives,
  • polymer compounds.

The first option, in turn, is divided into:

1. Let's start looking at the types of glue from the most popular PVA glue, which is an emulsion of polyvinylene and water, with a small amount of plasticizers and additives. The smell is practically not pronounced, it is used for gluing various substances.

There are these types of PVA glue:

  • household or wallpaper purposes - glues paper products, is used for decorating walls with wallpaper, looks like a white homogeneous mass, has a white or beige color, capable of defrosting and freezing six times;
  • stationery type - glues products made of paper, photo paper, cardboard, looks like a viscous liquid, color - white with a yellow tint, unstable to water and frost;
  • universal purpose - used for gluing wooden, paper, cardboard, leather, glass substances, is part of putty, primer, concrete mortar, has the appearance of a white, slightly yellowish viscous mass, characterized by the presence of six cycles of frost resistance;
  • PVA super glue glues wood, paper, glass, porcelain, leather, fabric, linoleum, tile products, frost-resistant;
  • PVA dispersion - appears in the form of an aqueous solution of polymers, which is stabilized with the help of a protective colloid, such as polyvinyl alcohol, has high adhesive ability, there are two types of dispersion: plasticized and unplasticized.

Scope of use of PVA glue:

  • as an additive to mortars;
  • in industrial establishments of textile, shoe, leather, printing origin;
  • in the manufacturing process of such products as: cigarettes, paints, industrial fabrics, household chemicals;
  • in the process of gluing paper, cardboard, and wooden parts.

Characteristics of PVA glue:

  • high level of frost resistance;
  • high adhesive properties;
  • environmental safety, non-toxicity, fire safety;
  • amenable to most organic solvents;
  • if you apply the glue thinly, it will be almost invisible after drying;
  • has no shrinkage.

2. Silicate glue is also called liquid glass, this material It is actively used both in everyday life and in industry, for gluing any parts.

Scope of use:

  • production of spraying for electrodes that are used in a welding machine;
  • in the mechanical engineering industry for delicate joining of parts;
  • in the pulp or paper industry;
  • in ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry;
  • is an integral component of most washing powders.


  • fire safety,
  • water resistance,
  • frost resistance,
  • resistance to acid solutions.

3. Wood glue is used for gluing wood parts. There are three types:

  • tiled,
  • chips,
  • granular

In relation to the composition, glue is distinguished:

  • vile,
  • bone type.

The first is stronger than bone, characterized by a greenish tint. Bone glue is orange-brown in color. Wood glue involves boiling it. Chip adhesive is boiled immediately, and tile adhesive is pre-crushed.

4. Starch-based glue is called paste, its production is quite simple, you need to mix starch with water and heat it until it becomes glue. Best qualities has a glue based on corn starch, and the worst ones are potato starch. It is recommended to use it within 24 hours.

Materials that will be required in the process of making PVA glue:

  • half a liter of purified water,
  • 2.5 grams of photographic gelatin,
  • 2 grams of glycerin,
  • 50 grams of wheat flour,
  • 10 mg ethyl alcohol.

Pre-soak the gelatin for a day in water, it should swell. Gelatin must be photographic.

When the gelatin is ready to use, you need to build a water bath. To do this, take a pan of water and place it on the stove. Find a bowl that fits the diameter of the pan and place it on the surface so that it does not come into contact with the boiling water.

Place a mixture of water, flour and gelatin in a bowl and cook until it becomes thick like sour cream. This requires constant stirring. Remove the mixture from the heat and add alcohol and glycerin to it. Be sure to stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous. When the glue has cooled, it is ready for use.

Before using it, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust. If there are pores on it, prime them first. Stir the glue before applying it to the surface. Then apply glue using a brush or roller and glue the two parts together.

This glue is used for a maximum of six months, at a temperature of at least +10 degrees.

How to make glue from flour yourself

Materials for work:

  • wheat or rye flour - 3 tablespoons,
  • purified water - 500 ml.

Flour glue is great for gluing paper products or wallpaper. Its production is a fairly quick process that will take no more than half an hour. Therefore, in a situation, for example, when you run out of wallpaper glue and the store is far away - excellent option There will be recommendations on how to make glue with your own hands.

Instructions for making flour paste:

  • Put the water on the fire and wait until it boils;
  • Separately, dilute the flour in a small amount of water;
  • pour the flour into boiling water and stir the liquid constantly;
  • wait until it boils and remove the glue from the stove;
  • wait for the glue to cool completely;
  • it is now ready to use.

The finished flour glue looks like thick jelly. As you can see in the answer to the question of how to make glue quickly, making this glue is the best option.

How to make glue from starch

The proportions of starch glue are the same as for flour glue:

  • for half a liter of water,
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch.

It is better to prepare glue in enamel or galvanized containers. Place a container of water on the fire and wait until it boils. Separately, dissolve the starch and pour it into the liquid. Wait until the glue boils and remove it from the heat.

The main advantage of starch glue is that it is more transparent and does not leave marks. It is recommended to use this glue completely without any residue, since over time it loses its abilities. To improve the quality of starch glue, it is recommended to add 50-100 grams of PVA glue to it.

If you add wood glue to this glue, it will do an excellent job of priming the walls before wallpapering.

How to make glue using acetone and old linoleum

This method makes it possible to prepare a universal adhesive material that has high level gluing.

To make glue at home using this method, first of all, you need to prepare the materials.

Linoleum should be cut into pieces measuring 3x3 cm. Then place it in a container that can be hermetically sealed. Take acetone, its amount should be twice the amount of linoleum. Pour acetone into a container with linoleum and place it in a place protected from direct contact. sun rays for twelve hours.

If, during this time, all the linoleum has managed to dissolve, use the glue for its intended purpose, otherwise, wait until the linoleum is completely dissolved.

Scope of use - gluing:

  • wooden,
  • porcelain,
  • metal,
  • leather parts.

How to make paper glue

If you are interested in origami, quilling or appliqué, this glue recipe is ideal for gluing wooden parts. It is based on the use of dextrin, which is also easy to prepare at home.

This requires:

  • take a few tablespoons of starch,
  • put it in a heat-resistant container,
  • heat gradually in the oven,
  • bring the temperature to 150 degrees,
  • leave for 90 minutes.

To prepare glue, you must have:

  • three tablespoons of dextrin,
  • five tablespoons of water,
  • one tablespoon of glycerin.

The first step is to mix dextrin with water. The mixture is heated until the dextrin is completely dissolved, requiring constant stirring. At the end of cooking, glycerin is added. After cooling, the glue is ready for use.

How to make titanium glue

To prepare such glue you will need chemical substance vinyl acetate copolymers. It is very difficult to get, so making such glue at home is quite difficult.

Let's consider the advantages and features of titanium glue of industrial origin:

  • appears to be a clear liquid
  • frost-resistant,
  • waterproof,
  • heat resistant,
  • used in the process of gluing ceiling tiles,
  • convenient to use.

Making your own wood glue

The process of preparing wood glue is simple, and allows you to make glue that can easily glue any wooden parts. But at the same time, this glue has its drawbacks:

  • fast shelf life,
  • presence of a disgusting, pungent odor.

Therefore, in the process of cooking it, a special mass is produced, which has a greater speed of shelf life. This mass is solid and is cut into pieces, which are boiled for their further use in the form of glue.

Let's look at the four most popular methods of making wood glue:

1. Take standard wood glue. Chop it and leave it in the water. Wait until it swells. When the mixture becomes soft, place it in a glass bottle. This is the name of the tank in which the melting process is carried out. Take a can and pour the liquid into it. Place it in a water bath, stirring constantly until the glue becomes liquid. For 360 grams of glue, take 475 grams of vodka and combine them. Then you should add 100 grams of powdered alum. This glue has water-repellent properties and is characterized by a high level of strength.

2. Dilute equal amounts of glue and purified water in metal container. When the mixture thickens, put it in a mortar and grind. Pour the mixture into a plate and wait until it thickens completely. After cooling, this mass is cut into pieces and used in portions. For 350 grams of glue you should take 360 ​​grams of water and 180 grams of vodka. Bring all ingredients to a boil and use glue after cooling.

3. Prepare a water bath. For half a liter of water, take half a kilogram of glue and half a spoon of vinegar. Cook until the glue dissolves, then add half a liter of vodka.

4. For 250 grams of glue, take 250 grams of water, bring to thickening. At the end of cooking, add 250 grams of glycerin. Wait until the water evaporates. Place glue in the mold and use as needed. To use this glue you need to dilute it with water in a one to one ratio.

Video on how to make glue:

There are literally hundreds of homemade glue recipes. Some originate from ancient times, while others were invented not so long ago. Some recipes are very specific, such as collagen glue made from deer antlers and hooves, and there is even glue based on fresh animal blood. But usually the adhesive base is either flour, milk, or natural or synthetic gum (in other words, carbohydrates).

Commercial adhesives, of course, compete for our attention, offering an impressive range of choices in both strength and price. However, you must agree that homemade glue, made by yourself, wins both in terms of accessibility and ease of working with it.

Traditional paper glue

If you have a large-scale collage project or exhibition poster, etc. looming on the horizon, it is much easier and cheaper to make your own glue than to look for PVA or rubber-based adhesives.

One third cup of wheat flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 glass of water
0.5 teaspoon of alum powder (used as a preservative, sold in pharmacies; if you are not going to prepare glue on an industrial scale, then adding alum is not necessary)

Mix flour and sugar. Gradually add water while stirring vigorously to prevent lumps.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until it becomes a thick paste. Remove from heat and stir with alum if required.

Feel free to apply the resulting glue over paper or cardboard using a brush. Press the joined parts together and let dry. Ready.

Store in a closed glass jar. With the addition of alum, your homemade glue will last for several weeks. It is not necessary to keep it in a cool place.

Waterproof glue

This adhesive can be used on glass, ceramic, porcelain or metal. You may be surprised, but it also perfectly glues both porcelain stoneware and aluminum foil - in general, any non-porous materials, unlike the paste in the previous recipe. Please note that this homemade adhesive option is waterproof, but not heat resistant. You can easily glue a broken cup or plate back together, but you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose, so don’t put it in dishwasher or microwave.

1 packet of dry unflavored gelatin
3.5 teaspoons water
2 teaspoons skim milk

Soak the gelatin in cold water in a small bowl until softened. Boil the milk (this will take a few seconds in the microwave). Pour the milk into the gelatin and remove any lumps by stirring thoroughly.

Adhesion will be better if you use this glue hot. If the resulting glue is too liquid, then let it cool to a gel state.

Store in a closed container. Shelf life is about a week. Before use, heat in a saucepan with hot water.

White milk based glue

Casein is a protein found in abundance in milk. This protein is hydrophobic (repels water molecules), but its molecules themselves repel each other. For this reason, fresh milk does not separate. Add an acid to the milk (in this recipe it's vinegar) and the whites will begin to clump together. In other words, the milk will curdle. Heating speeds up the reaction. Once the whey is removed, the casein clumps can be easily filtered out.

On in this example We will use ordinary cottage cheese to make a natural "plastic", and by adding a small amount of water we will cause the casein molecules to separate from each other again and again and turn into a funny white glue. This isn't a particularly cost-effective option for homemade glue since milk is an expensive and perishable product unlike flour, but it's still a pretty fun experiment and can be used as a quick fix in an emergency.

1 cup skim milk (any milk will do, but skim milk has a higher casein content)
2 tablespoons wine vinegar
0.5 teaspoon baking soda
1.5 tablespoons water

Mix milk and vinegar in a saucepan and place over medium heat, but do not let it boil. When the milk has curdled, remove from heat and pass through a filter ( regular one will do gauze or paper towel). Transfer the resulting “technical” cottage cheese into a separate bowl. In a separate jar or container, dissolve baking soda in water and then slowly pour into the curd until it reaches whatever consistency you desire. After use, the glue should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Delicious glue “Vegan’s Dream”

This is the type of glue that is spread on paper, dries and is wetted with the tongue before gluing. This recipe was used by the US government for its stamps until World War II. This is a 100% kosher and vegetarian recipe.

Like milk glue, this glue is more suitable for fun than actual use as it is not very strong but tastes quite tasty. You can use it to amuse your children with a pack of colorful stickers. In this case, it would be appropriate to add a drop of peppermint oil or vanilla extract for flavoring.

The fact of the fortress of centuries-old buildings has always been surprising. But back then there was not such a variety of adhesive materials. Used for preparation natural ingredients and their strength is admirable. What they are made from now, and how to make glue at home using scrap materials - there are many recommendations.

Cooking is used in a number of cases. One of the advantages is that it is prepared from harmless ingredients. This problem has to be solved when, in the midst of work, the adhesive runs out. What glue is made from that is not inferior to store-bought glue will be discussed below.

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How to make PVA glue

It's good to know PVA to get a quality product. It is necessary to maintain proportions and cooking technology. This composition is widely used in the manufacture of mortars that are used for tiling.


  • water (distilled) – 950-1000 ml;
  • alcohol (ethyl) – 20 ml;
  • glycerin – 3.5 g;
  • gelatin (photographic) – 4.5 g;
  • flour – 100-120g.


  1. Soak the gelatin in some liquid overnight.
  2. Place the container in a water bath. Dissolve flour in liquid. Place gelatin solution in a container. There should be no lumps.
  3. Wait until it comes to a full boil. Consistency of thick sour cream. For uniformity stir constantly.
  4. Pour in glycerin and alcohol.
  5. After complete cooling, the mass is ready for use.

Attention! Shelf life is about six months.

To use it as a primer, you can learn how to make PVA glue, and then use it for its intended purpose, but with a thinner consistency.

Traditional paste recipe

Flour-based wallpaper glue for home use has been familiar since childhood, when there was not such a variety of products that now abound on store shelves. When we carried out repairs before, we knew how to make glue from flour and water, and... This environmentally friendly product popular even now. All that is needed:

  • water – 950-1000 ml;
  • flour – 160-170 g (6-7 tbsp.).


  1. Prepare a container of the required size.
  2. Dilute the main ingredient in a small amount of liquid. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Boil water.
  4. Pour in the flour solution in a thin stream, stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.
  5. Boil. Let cool. The consistency of the mixture is like jelly. If, when you unclench your hand, your fingers stick together, it means it’s cooked correctly.

In terms of quality, such materials may be better than those produced industrially. Wallpaper glue at home has some drawbacks - afraid of water, therefore it is not advisable to use in damp areas.

You can enhance the properties by adding PVA or carpentry to it. When manufacturing, it is necessary to take into account the type of wallpaper. For heavier types, the consistency should be thicker.

It is advisable to strain pass the resulting composition through a sieve (gauze) to remove lumps and grains. The maximum quality is preserved for the first 24 hours, so you shouldn’t store a lot of it.

DIY wood glue

Optimal bonding agent wooden elements is welded wood glue with your own hands. Accordingly, it is suitable for cardboard and paper. Some disadvantages of these compositions are Strong smell, relatively short shelf life liquid composition. It should flow from the stick, not drip. You need to use it before it completely cools down. The temperature stays at 30-60 degrees for several hours. After cooling, it loses its properties.

Several methods have been developed for preparing wood glue with your own hands. The starting material is dry wood glue in tiles.

First way:

  1. Grind the main component and soak in liquid until it swells. The mass should be soft. Typically, this period takes 6-10 hours.
  2. Place in melting bowl.
  3. Stir vigorously to avoid burning. Otherwise, properties are lost.
  4. Pour 970 ml of vodka into 750 ml of adhesive mixture.
  5. Add powdered alum at the rate of 12 g per 100 g of mixture.

Second way:

  1. Combine equal parts water and crushed raw material. Boil.
  2. After cooling, pour into a container. When cool, cut into individual pieces. In this form it is allowed to be stored.
  3. Before use, take 340-375 ml of vodka and 730 ml of water for every 720-740 g.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Third way:

  1. For one liter of liquid, take 1 kg of crushed starting component.
  2. Heat the swollen material.
  3. Pour in 960 ml vinegar (9%) and 960 ml of vodka.
  4. Mix thoroughly.

Fourth way:

  1. For this recipe, take water and dry matter in equal parts.
  2. After swelling, heat using a water bath until it reaches a thick consistency.
  3. Add glycerin, the same amount as glue was used. Heat until the water completely disappears.
  4. Place in mold and dry. This product will be stored for a long time.
  5. Before use, take required quantity, dilute with water in equal parts.

To acquire specific properties, linseed oil or drying oil is added to the traditional composition to increase the resistance of the joints to moisture. When working with leather, it is recommended to add glycerin.

Casein glue

The casein composition is quite effective means for gluing leather, wood elements and some other materials, including puzzles. Manufacturing consists of two stages:

  1. You will need a regular homemade cottage cheese. It must undergo preliminary degreasing. You will need 30-35 g of soda for 1 liter of liquid. Soak the cottage cheese in this solution for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, rinse well, squeeze, dry until completely hardened. The resulting lump grind into powder. This is how casein is obtained.
  2. To obtain the material you will need one part powder and two parts water. Place the powder in a container and slowly pour in water. You will get a thick mass.

The more thoroughly it is mixed, the higher the quality will be! You can use a mixer and mix at low speed.

Dextrin based glue

For paper crafts: quilling, applique, origami, a dextrin-based product is quite suitable. In this case, there is no need to search for the main component in stores. It can be made from starch.


  • dextrin – 3 tbsp. l.:
  • water – 60-70 ml;
  • glycerin – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Make dextrin from starch. Place the starch in the oven. Keep at 160 degrees about an hour and a half. While under the influence high temperature starch is broken down.
  2. Mix dextrin with liquid and heat until completely dissolved.
  3. Add glycerin.

Additional options

There are many varieties of products prepared using available ingredients.

Glue stick

Have you ever wondered what you can make from PVA glue at home? For office supplies, the most convenient thing is a glue stick. It's quite easy to make if you have the right ingredients on hand. For the case, either packaging from an old one or an empty tube from a roll-on deodorant or other container is suitable. The main thing is that she was hermetically sealed.


  1. Finely grind the laundry soap.
  2. Mix two parts of shavings and one part of water with water. Dissolve using a water bath.
  3. Pour in 3-4 tbsp. spoons of PVA glue. Cool.
  4. Place in the form.

If the mass is not very viscous, you can re-dissolve it and add more soap shavings.

Super glue

Many people are interested in how to make super glue at home, not in industrial conditions. You can get it using carpentry as a basis. Components:

  • water – 450 ml;
  • slaked lime – 35 g;
  • sugar – ½ cup;
  • glue (carpentry) – 125 g.


  1. Dissolve sugar in liquid. Add lime.
  2. Heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cut the glue into pieces. Place in solution. Wait until it swells.
  4. Cook until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Super glue can be made at home using acetone. Pieces of linoleum or plastic are used as filler. Action plan:

  1. Prepare a container that can be tightly closed.
  2. Place finely chopped pieces of linoleum or plastic into it.
  3. Fill with double volume of acetone. Place in a dark place.
  4. After complete dissolution, it can be used to fasten metal, wood, and porcelain.

Foam glue

With the increase in the cost of energy resources, it has become popular to insulate house facades with foam plastic. Making your own glue is not difficult. For this, the use of carpentry is allowed, since acetone can melt the layers. Styrofoam glue can be made using cottage cheese and slaked lime. Mix in equal parts until smooth. Because it hardens quickly, use quickly.

Foam glue

You can cook quite a lot yourself quality material made of polystyrene foam. Glue used for fastening metal, glass.


  1. Place pieces of foam plastic into a container.
  2. Pour in a small amount.
  3. The splitting process will begin immediately. Use liquid foam mass.
  4. Apply to the surface and squeeze firmly.
  5. The hardening time is almost a day, but the period may vary depending on air humidity and temperature.

Attention! Remove excess immediately, as this will be problematic after drying.

  1. Flour glue - universal remedy for wallpapering. But with a wide variety of wallpapers, it is necessary to take into account their density and know how to make high-quality material. If the wallpaper is dense and heavy, increase the amount of the main component. The thicker the consistency, the better it will hold. Depending on the wallpaper you will need from 300 to 500 g.
  2. To prepare, take a smaller amount of base, about 100 g. It is recommended to add copper sulfate(1 g) so that it has antiseptic properties.
  3. To strengthen the properties, you can pour ethanol, denatured alcohol. Turpentine will also increase stickiness; a standard recipe requires adding 125 ml of turpentine.
  4. The paste will become easier to use by adding glycerin (4 g) or gelatin (5 g). The grip will be stronger.
  5. In the paste, the main component can be replaced with starch, or a solution can be prepared by mixing with starch.

Necessary ingredients: flour - a glass, starch - 35 g, water - 2.5 l.

Action plan:

  • Dilute everything in cold water, mix thoroughly;
  • boil water, slowly pour in the solution;
  • Boil the mixture and let it cool.

Important! Use available means: natural, cheap. Repair and enjoy the result. After all, nothing pleases the eye more than quality work done.

Useful video: preparing glue at home

You can make homemade glue yourself at home. How to prepare glue yourself and how to use it is described on this page of the site.


A slab of wood glue is broken into pieces, placed in a glue pot and poured cold water so that it lightly covers the glue. When the glue swells (after 10-12 hours), the glue cooker is placed on low heat, where it is kept until the glue dissolves. It should be used while it is hot.

Adhesive paste

For gluing to metal, glass, stone, etc. Finely sifted powder is added to hot wood glue. wood ash to form a thick paste.

Bookbinding glue

Glycerin is added to the melted wood glue (1 part by weight of glycerin per 20 parts by weight of glue).


The composition of this glue is: sugar 120 grams, slaked lime 30 grams, wood glue 120 grams and water 400 cubic centimeters. First, dissolve the sugar, then add lime and heat, stirring, for an hour. The transparent solution is drained and pieces of wood glue are added to it. When the glue swells, it is boiled as usual until the glue is completely dissolved. Syndeticon is a universal glue.

Waterproof glue

Add hot wood glue to natural drying oil or linseed oil (1 part drying oil or oil to 4 parts glue).


Starch: Potato flour (starch) is poured with a small amount of water and thoroughly stirred until creamy. Pour boiling water into the resulting solution in a thin stream, continuously stirring the solution so that there are no lumps. As soon as the paste becomes transparent and gelatinous, it can be used.

Flour: Sifted wheat or rye flour is poured into boiling water, and then, stirring, heated over low heat until the flour is brewed.

Dextrin glue

Dry potato starch is heated on an iron sheet to 400°C. The resulting brown translucent lumps are broken into powder. Preparation of glue: 10 grams of this powder are carefully diluted in 20 -25 cubic centimeters of cold water. You can also add 2 grams of sugar. Glue is used mainly for gluing paper.


Gum arabic is made from a gum (resin) that is secreted by some plants. However, quite satisfactory glue can be obtained using the resin of cherry, plum, apricot trees, as well as the resin secreted by white acacia. Pieces of this resin are cleaned of bark and dirt, dried and ground into powder, which is stored in a closed bottle. As needed, the required amount of powder is dissolved in warm water, and the glue is ready to use. Gum arabic - best glue for paper.


Casein glue is used for gluing various materials, including earthenware, plastic, etc. Casein glue is more moisture resistant than wood glue. Casein is usually sold in powder form, but you can easily make your own.

Obtaining pure casein: Skim milk is placed in a warm place so that it sours. It is then filtered through blotting paper.

Casein (the protein substance in milk) remains on the paper. It is washed in soft water, then, tied in a cloth, boiled in water to remove fat. After this, the casein is laid out on blotting paper and dried at room temperature. Preparation of glue. Ten parts casein and one part borax are kneaded in two parts water to form a dough, then another two parts water is added. The resulting glue is usable for two to three hours, after which it hardens. Casein glue can be prepared by adding drops to cottage cheese. ammonia until you get a gelatinous transparent mass. This mass is used to lubricate the parts to be glued. For greater strength, surfaces coated with glue are allowed to dry, then coated thin layer lime paste and after that the parts to be glued are connected.

A few drops of formalin or aluminum alum solution are added to the finished casein glue to obtain a waterproof glue.


Celluloid glue can be used to glue a wide variety of materials - wood, leather, fabrics, plastic, etc. The glue dries quickly and is not at all afraid of moisture. To prepare the glue, use unusable film. She is washed in hot water from the emulsion and cut into small pieces. These pieces are placed in a vial and filled with acetone or amyl acetate (pear essence). For one part of celluloid take 2-3 parts of acetone. The bottle is shaken from time to time. When the film has completely dissolved, the glue is ready for use.


Small sawdust of organic glass is placed in a vial and filled with a solvent composed of equal parts of acetone and amyl acetate. After filling the solvent, the bottle is placed in a warm place for several days. When organic glass dissolves, the glue is ready for use.

You can also use acetone or pear essence as a solvent; the organic glass will not dissolve completely, but the resulting solution can still be used to glue. Organic glass is heated to 20°C before gluing.


Adhesive for rubber products can be made in the following way. A piece of good soft rubber(raw rubber) is crushed into small pieces, which are infused for several days in clean, light so-called aviation gasoline. The result is a rubber solution, which is carefully drained, filtered and left open in a warm place until a thick mass is obtained. It is used for gluing. The surfaces to be joined must be free of all dirt and grease.

Another recipe for glue for galoshes: 13 parts of gutta-percha and 25 parts of rubber are dissolved in 100 parts of carbon disulfide. Add 7-8 parts of bovine glue to the resulting solution and mix. If the surfaces to be glued are cleaned (with a knife or sandpaper), then it is enough to apply a thin layer of this glue to make the connection very strong. The glue hardens completely in 1-2 days.


Glue composition: Wheat flour - 10 parts, alum - 0.2 parts, water - 410 parts. Wheat flour is kneaded in cold water until a paste without lumps is formed.

The rest of the water is heated to a boil and alum is dissolved in it. The gruel is added to the alum solution, stirred and the mixture is boiled until a translucent mass is formed.


Dextrin is mixed with a small amount of water and enough denatured alcohol is added to make a syrupy liquid. This glue does not bleed through the paper.


To obtain a mixture for gluing glass, you need to melt 50 grams of light shellac with 25 grams of turpentine over low heat. The mixture is cooled slightly and divided into small tiles. When used, the mass is warmed and carefully combined. Excess mass is carefully removed. When gluing glass, gelatin is also used, to which a small amount of an aqueous solution of potassium dichromate is added. This glue, when exposed to light, becomes completely insoluble even in hot water.

Casein dissolved in liquid glass, is also suitable for this purpose.

Porcelain can be glued with the same compounds as glass. Gypsum cement mixed with egg white is especially good for repairing dishes. This cement hardens very quickly, and therefore must be handled very carefully.

You can get glue for porcelain and earthenware in the following way: Beat egg whites into foam and put them in a cool place for a day. After this, the settled protein should be separated and thoroughly ground with quicklime powder, adding it gradually in such an amount to obtain a dough-like mass. This glue is applied to the parts to be glued in a thin layer. The gluing process must be done as soon as possible so that the glue does not have time to dry out. To glue parts of porcelain and glass objects, you can use the following lubricant: take washed glass flour (crushed glass) -1 part, add river sand (sifted) -2 parts and liquid glass -6 parts. This putty cements the parts to be glued very firmly. Its structure is somewhat rough, so it is used for gluing large objects.

HERE IS ANOTHER putty, which differs from the previous ones in its finer structure, and is also used for gluing large objects. Take burnt lime (quicklime) - 1 part, chalk (ground) - 10 parts and liquid glass - 2.5 parts. According to both recipes, the putty is prepared before use, as it hardens quickly. There is a particularly hard putty for gluing small objects made of glass and porcelain. You can prepare it like this: take burnt sculpture or medical plaster and place it in a saturated alum solution for one day. It is then dried and again calcined and crushed. Gypsum treated in this way, when combined with water, turns into a very hard mass. The ratio of gypsum and water should be such that a liquid mass with the consistency of cream is obtained.


Amber products can be glued as follows. The surfaces to be joined are washed with an aqueous solution of caustic potassium, slightly heated and tightly compressed. The parts to be glued can also be lubricated with a thin layer of boiled linseed oil after which the seam should be carefully heated over a flame charcoal. In this case, the parts to be connected must be strongly compressed using a clamp or tied with wire. An adhesive consisting of a solution of solid copal in ether is also recommended.


The ivory is glued together using a paste of slaked lime and raw egg white. For this purpose, you can also use a solution of albumin in water. The parts to be glued should be firmly compressed and left to dry in a cool place for at least a day. Small ivory products are glued together with an alloy of equal parts wax, rosin and turpentine.

This composition is not particularly durable, but it is very convenient to use.


The skin is glued together with a solution of pure rubber in carbon disulfide. Warm up the parts to be glued slightly and carefully rub the glue at the site of the future seam. It is recommended to add a small amount of turpentine to the resulting solution. Leather glue can also be prepared this way: good light wood glue is soaked in water for 24 hours and then slowly melted over a fire with a small amount of water. After this, tannin is added to the liquid mass, causing it to take on the appearance of sticky threads. Gluing is done with this sticky mass, and the skin must first be cleaned (washed with gasoline) and made rough using glass paper (sandpaper).


You can glue marble using the following composition: four parts of gypsum and one part of gum arabic powder are thoroughly mixed. Then add a strong solution of borax in cold water until a dough is obtained. The parts to be joined are smeared with this putty, squeezed tightly and left to dry in a cool, dry place for 5-6 days. Another way of gluing marble: mix two parts wax and one part rubber with two parts crushed marble into a fine powder and heat it on fire. Marble must be completely dry when gluing. External cracks are additionally covered with alabaster, ground into a paste with glue water. If the marble is gray, then slate is used instead of alabaster; red and dark marble is smeared with ocher. Finally, the entire surface is polished with very fine pumice or tripoli.


Gluing gypsum products should be done using syndeticone or thick wood glue. In both cases, you need to make sure that the glue is not squeezed out of the seam, as this will create a black line that spoils the appearance of the item. The seam should be covered from the outside with plaster.


A broken whetstone can be glued back together even if it has broken into small pieces. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and remove all particles of oil from the fracture sites by heating the pieces on a hot stove. After this, all particles that should be in contact are carefully sprinkled with shellac and heated again until the shellac melts and fills the pores. Heating should be done on a smooth metal board, and the flame should not touch the pieces, otherwise they may crack elsewhere. For this reason, they should not be heated too much. When the shellac has melted, the pieces are put together, pressed one against the other and left in the clamp until they cool. The pieces connected in this way are glued together so firmly that they will not yield to a solid stone.


The bone plates that have fallen behind the keys are glued as follows. Mix white zinc oxide with ordinary wood glue, then file or sandpaper surface of both the wooden key and the bone plate, lubricate the key with the specified mixture and leave it for 5-10 minutes. After this, place a plate on the key and tie it with a cord. After 3-4 hours, the glue will dry and the excess protruding along the edges can be removed with a file or sandpaper.


Mica is glued together liquid solution gelatin. If the gluing must be particularly strong, then chrome alum is added to the gelatin.


Universal cement (Chinese) is prepared as follows: prepare a mixture of 54 parts of slaked lime powder, 5 parts of finely ground alum and 40 parts of fresh, well-beaten ox blood. All of the above substances must be mixed as thoroughly as possible to obtain a homogeneous mass of the desired thickness, depending on its intended purpose. IN thick form This cement can be used for gluing stone, earthenware, porcelain, etc. In a thicker form, it is used to coat various types of objects to make them waterproof.


This is a thick transparent liquid of light yellow color, which is used for gluing vases, figurines, bas-reliefs, antique items made of earthenware, glass, plastic, wood and metals, as well as for repairs metal products: buckets, tanks, etc. Not recommended for gluing dishes in which food is prepared. When gluing, you must ensure that no water gets into the glue. The surfaces of the products to be glued are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, rust and traces of grease. Metal objects are sanded and washed with gasoline or other means; non-metal objects are washed with hot water and soda or gasoline. The areas to be glued must be thoroughly dried after cleaning. Depending on the type of damage, repairs are carried out as follows: the edges of the product for butt gluing are lubricated with a thin layer of glue using wooden stick or brushes and air dry until the glue no longer sticks to your finger. Then apply a second thick layer of glue and lightly dry it. The parts to be glued are tightly connected by tying with a rope or bandage.

The glued small products are placed in a saucepan or metal can, filled with water and placed on fire. The water is brought to a boil, which should last for at least three hours, after which the pan is removed from the heat, cooled in air and the products are removed. You can also heat the products in ovens or ovens at a temperature of 120-150°C for 1 hour, or above electric hotplate. Holes in products, for example in metal ones, are sealed as follows: suitable material(thin sheet metal, aluminum, copper, etc.) cut out a patch, the dimensions of which should be 0.5-1 centimeter larger than the hole.

Apply a patch to the hole and glue the product. Then water is poured inside the dish so that it reaches the bottom edge of the patch and does not touch it. After placing the product on electric gas stove or a kerosene stove, boil the water for at least two hours, then remove from the heat and cool in air. If the patch is applied to the bottom of a bucket, basin, etc., they are heated over a fire for one to two hours. When gluing figurines, ashtrays, antiques, large vases, etc., where high gluing strength is not required, you can limit yourself to holding at room temperature for four days.


This glue is used for repairing clothes, linen, carpets, etc. It is a thick transparent liquid of yellow or red color. The areas of the products to be glued are first cleaned of dust with a brush and moistened warm water and squeeze well. Having straightened the edges of the wetted areas of the fabric, apply two layers of glue to them and air dry after applying each layer until the glue stops sticking to the finger. Then connect the objects to be glued and press them with a hot iron (carefully). The iron is pressed through the dampened fabric for 2-3 seconds at intervals of 10-15 seconds until the bonded surface is dry. After cooling to room temperature, the product is ready for use.


You cannot cook wood glue directly over a fire, as it may burn. Therefore, it is cooked in special glue cookers.

You can make a glue maker yourself from tin cans. Take one larger jar and the other smaller one. In a large jar, several holes with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters are made at the top. Iron brackets are soldered to the small can, with the help of which it is secured to the large can. Dry glue is soaked and placed in a small jar, and a large jar is filled with water and heated. When the water boils, the glue will melt and you can use it.


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