How to make a washbasin from a plastic canister. How to make a washbasin from a plastic bottle with your own hands

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It is very difficult to do without a washbasin in the countryside. There is always a need to wash your hands, dishes, vegetables, fruits. Not every country house has running water, but everyone wants to comfortably use a convenient and practical washstand. How to make a washbasin at the dacha with your own hands, photos and videos of the manufacturing stages from scrap materials are given in the article.

Do-it-yourself washbasin for a summer house, photo

Washbasin for a summer house made from scrap materials

There are many options that you can easily do with your own hands and not spend a penny from the family budget. Summer residents most often use the following models of washstands, including:

  • mounted - the most popular model; it can be bought inexpensively at any hardware store or made from scrap materials, for example plastic bottle;
  • A portable washbasin on a counter is a very convenient and practical model. The structure can be installed anywhere on the site, since lightweight design and quite mobile;
  • washbasin with cabinet – stationary option, it is often installed in a country house near the house or indoors;
  • a heated washbasin is decided to be installed by those summer residents who use country house all year round.

Washbasin with cabinet in the country

The manufacture of all of the listed structures is simple and every summer resident can cope with the work. A simple option can be made using a regular plastic bottle. Different volumes of bottles allow, if necessary, to make a spacious wall-mounted washbasin with a spout that will last for more than one season.

How to make a washbasin in the country with your own hands from a plastic bottle, video:

Having made such a washbasin, it is worthwhile to provide for draining the used water. However, those summer residents who rarely use the washstand do not drain at all, and the water pours onto the ground. This method is not suitable if the washbasin will be used regularly. In this case, it is recommended to drain the used water to compost pit or organize a primitive drainage system. To do this, you need to remove the top fertile layer of soil - about 30 cm. Pour crushed stone into the resulting depression and install a drain hose. Water will easily seep through the rubble and it will always be dry next to the washbasin.

Washbasin for a summer residence

Do-it-yourself washbasin for a summer residence from scrap materials

A do-it-yourself wall-hung washbasin in the country from a plastic bottle has a number of disadvantages. For example, the container size is small and the water will run out quickly. In addition, the container has an unattractive appearance. It is more practical to use a metal or plastic canister to make a washstand.

  1. A hole of the required diameter is drilled in the bottom of the canister.
  2. The tap is installed using rubber gaskets to achieve tightness.
  3. Under the canister you need to provide a washbasin with a drain, as shown in the photo.
  4. For lead sewer water drainage is dug out or pipes are laid to carry waste water to the drainage pit.

The photo shows a wall-mounted washbasin made from a plastic bottle with a spout

The principles of making a wall-mounted, portable or with a cabinet washbasin are the same, and if you equip it with a countertop, you will get a rather attractive design that will be convenient to use.

Video about making a washbasin at the dacha with your own hands from scrap materials:

How to make a washbasin at the dacha with your own hands, photo, design diagram or drawing is a fairly popular request on the Internet. Even a builder without experience will be able to perform a number of simple steps. By choosing a budget option, you can even save a lot of money. To do this, you should use available materials available on the farm.

Vacations at the dacha are often marred by the lack of basic conditions and devices that allow for hygiene. Any washbasin is a washing device that consists of a sink and a tap that supplies water. Self-production A washbasin can not only save your budget, but can also become a design item. Among other things, such a country accessory can evoke a feeling of justified pride.

It’s not difficult to make a washbasin for your dacha with your own hands. The main difference between any washbasins is their functionality. An idea of ​​what it is will help you choose the right washbasin. appearance and method of use.

For washing hands after gardening work Sometimes a simple wall-hung washbasin is enough. And in order to properly wash vegetables or fruits and wash dishes, you should get a washing unit with a cabinet.

The best option country washbasin, which can be done quite simply on your own, consists of the following elements:

  • washbasin and sink;
  • cabinet frame;
  • cabinet and tabletop.

Homemade washbasin (video)

Washbasin and sink

You can use containers of different volumes, washbasins with foot driven, washbasins with a factory-made tap or ready-made wall-mounted washbasins. If an in-house water supply system is used as an aquifer source, then it is possible to use both cold and hot water. This system significantly increases not only the level of comfort, but also the quality of washing.

In the street and home options homemade washbasin can be built in plastic, enamel or of stainless steel sink. Steel sinks are durable and practical. Plastic sinks often lose their integrity even from minor impacts. The enamel is susceptible to chipping and is not very suitable for use in street conditions.

Making a cabinet frame

  • The easiest to manufacture are frames made of wooden blocks or steel angles. The section of the bars can be 50x50 mm or 60x60 mm, and optimal size steel angle is 40x40 mm.
  • Depending on your height, a convenient height for such a cabinet is in the range from 80 cm to 100 cm. This is exactly the length you need to prepare four wooden bars or steel angles.
  • Size frame structure completely depends on the size of the sink, which should fit easily on the edges finished frame. Having measured the sink, you should cut eight pieces of wood or metal in accordance with the measurements obtained. Most often, the size of a standard sink is 0.5 meters.
  • On final stage the frame base should be knocked down or welded from the resulting blanks. Depending on the material used, the frame of the cabinet should be primed and covered with a layer of paint that will protect finished design from exposure to moisture, as well as the formation of fungus and mold.

Worktop and vanity unit

Wooden version

Classical country style. Quite aesthetic and environmentally friendly pure material, but is susceptible to external conditions and short-lived. Extending the service life of such a countertop is possible only with the help of special antiseptics.

From formwork plywood

Looks good, but quite expensive option. Like wooden table top, does not withstand contact with moisture well.

Made from polycarbonate sheets or plastic panels

Very available materials, which have an almost eternal service life and do not require special care or repairs.

From steel sheets

One of the most durable materials, which can be decorated with paint.

The side walls of the cabinet and its rear part must be completely sheathed with the material chosen for finishing. The front wall should be equipped with a door that will be hung on hinges. The plank floor covering should not be continuous. Small gaps will allow air circulation to be maintained and water will easily pass through.

The countertop can be complemented with a convenient and functional dish drainer. It can be stationary or portable. To make such a design you will need wooden slats 25x15 mm, from which a kind of lattice is knocked together with a distance between adjacent elements of no more than two centimeters. The wooden dryer should be coated with a special varnish.

Organization of drainage

  • Most often, a regular bucket is used as a primitive drainage container, which must be periodically emptied into the compost pit.
  • More expedient and practical option is the organization of drainage into a special pit, ditch or sewer. For this purpose, a corrugated pipe is used.
  • If the washbasin is installed outdoors, it is permissible to drain the water directly into the ground. With this option, it is necessary not to equip the washbasin cabinet with a floor, but be sure to pour 30 centimeters of coarse crushed stone under it.

  • If the frame and tabletop are made of wood, then wax-based Boritex can be used for processing. Ideal option The treated surface will be coated with yacht waterproof varnish.
  • As the most budget option For a water reservoir, you can use an ordinary plastic canister, into which a tap should be built.
  • The water heating function is easily achieved by installing a conventional electric heater in the water tank.
  • Corrugated drain pipe can be wrapped with Geotextile material and slightly buried in the ground. This option is suitable for summer cottages, where the soil is characterized by high throughput and absorbs water well.

If you design a self-made washbasin, cabinet and dish dryer in uniform style, then you can get very original item garden decor, which will not only decorate personal plot, but will also significantly increase the level of comfort during the summer season.

We all understand that we need to wash our hands, but we are used to doing it in comfortable conditions. At a picnic, and sometimes even at a dacha, there is no sink or sewerage system. It is inconvenient to pour water on each other's hands. You can't get enough sanitary napkins either. So, all eyes are turned towards the plastic bottle.

The idea of ​​making a washbasin with your own hands has occurred to many people. We decided to check different variants making a washbasin from plastic container at work. For comfort various ways divided into those that can be implemented in nature in the absence of tools and more complex ones that are convenient to use in the country.

We go out into nature - we need to put our hands in the water

The simplest washstand is made by turning a 5-liter bottle of water upside down and securing it in the fork of a tree. Just unscrew the lid a little and water drips in. However, the container must be removed periodically to let in a portion of air or add water.

The situation improves if you make a hole in the bottom of the bottle, as in the photo below. Now unscrew the lid and regulate the flow of water. After use, close the lid.

However, such a washstand is difficult to fill with water, so we turned the container over. The water flow can be adjusted by opening and closing the lid. The next photo shows water running out of two holes.

It is better not to repeat this mistake and make one hole, since when you unscrew the lid to replenish water, you have to hold the two holes at the bottom of the container with your fingers.

This method does not work very well with a 5-liter bottle, since the soft walls of the bottle sag, and the water runs away for some time even when the lid is closed. We found a bottle with a lid that we could drink from and decided to use it.

This lid opens quickly, but does not regulate the flow of water. The water flows out too quickly, and the issue can only be solved by selecting the diameter of the hole at the bottom of the container. The drinking lid located at the bottom does not work well.

We turned the bottle upside down again. The result is the same: it is necessary to make very small holes so that the water does not escape quickly.

It’s very good if you have a nail or a piece of wire, and you also have the opportunity to heat them on a fire. In this case, you need to make several holes at the very bottom of the bottle cap. The bottom of the container should be cut off, but not completely.

Now we assemble the washstand and tie it to the tree with twine, with the cork facing down. Water is poured through the “cap” on the bottom of the bottle. The latter closes the container from debris. The stopper can be rotated and the water flow adjusted.

At the dacha for the washstand we will find a syringe and a self-tapping screw with a drill

At your dacha, you can make a washbasin from a plastic container with your own hands. standard scheme. I used a galvanized self-tapping screw as a valve. Under the cap I put a suction cup from an old soap dish, which shuts off the water well. I screwed another cap onto the tip of the self-tapping screw so as not to injure my hands.

Water is poured into an inverted bottle through a partially cut off bottom. There is a little water seeping through the valve, so it is best to pull it down a little after use.

What I liked most was the washstand using a 2-5 ml medical syringe. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Especially for the readers of this article, we developed and made a hygienic set with our own hands. In addition to the washbasin, it includes a soap dish and pockets for toothbrushes and toothpaste. To make it, you will need another plastic bottle, which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the washstand container. In our example, a 2-liter beer container fit well onto a Coca-Cola bottle. The sequence of actions of the master class is as follows:

See how practical the set looks in nature. In such a situation, you probably won’t have to ask your children to wash their hands or brush their teeth many times.

Particularly lucky ones may come across a factory-made valve for a washbasin made from plastic bottles. Buy it, put it in your car, it will come in handy. Have a nice holiday!

25.11.2016 04:31

I continue to share treasures) from my collection of ideas for creating interior decor and furniture with my own hands - this time, we will talk about the countertop for the sink and the sink, in principle.

Marble countertops and especially earthenware sinks have long since surprised no one. Individuality, creative design and handmade- this is the main interior trend (as it is fashionable to say today) of recent years.
It would seem that you can use it as a tabletop or base for a washbasin?

Any ideas! I have selected the most interesting of them for you and show you in this article.

Is it worth spending a ton of money to get a sink that's not much different from your neighbors or friends? An exclusive piece of furniture can only be made with your own hands.

A stunning example of this is a sink made from cement, a chic industrial touch for stylish interior with industrial charm - loft, steampunk, minimalism, high-tech and any other space with an eclectic concept.

Interior items made of cement are very relevant today. Tables, stools, candlesticks, clocks and other interior decor are made from cement. So why not a bathroom sink or countertop?!

Another hit of industrial design is a sink made from a car wheel or tire! Eco-friendly design in the spirit of the times - you save the planet from pollution while purchasing a cool piece of furniture.

Very fashionable rustic chic style country house will give your bathroom interior a countertop for a sink made from cut wood or from an old barn board. What do you think of the idea of ​​using hemp as furniture in the bathroom? Unreal?

It’s very simple, quite stylish and at the same time in a budget format to make a base for a sink from an old cabinet, bedside table or table.

My hit is a base for a sink made from an old one sewing machine Singer. It has vintage charm, industrial style, and creative design.

Get inspired for new design ideas for your home!

Bathroom sink made from scrap materials - 34 ideas for a sink, countertop and base with your own hands:

Cement sink in an industrial bathroom interior

Natural stone vanity top

Chic vanity top made from old barn wood

Sink from an old galvanized basin and an old cabinet as an underframe with a storage system

Sink from an old galvanized basin in a bathroom interior country style and a base from an old console table

Two sinks from old basins, legs from metal resource objects, a heated towel rail from a ladder, a mirror from an old window, an apron over the sink from a cut of wood, a frame on the wall from an old furniture door - all the furniture and decor in this shabby chic bathroom are excellent examples of designer remodeling with their own hands from old to new

Sink base made from an old wooden box

A bicycle is a creative base for a bathroom sink

Galvanized trough sink

Sink base made from tree trunk

Sink base and bathroom furniture made from a tree trunk

Basin base made from tree branches

Bathroom countertop made from cut or sawn wood - rustic charm in the interior of a glamorous modern bathroom

Bathroom countertop made of wooden board or timber

Bathroom sink base made from a Singer sewing machine

Sink in the bathroom from wooden barrel

Wooden barrel base for bathroom sink

DIY plywood bathroom furniture

Chic industrial style sink - boat motor and reclaimed wood countertop

DIY cement sink - industrial style bathroom furniture

An old bedside table was used for the base in the bathroom, and the countertop for the sink was decorated with pebbles.

Bathroom furniture from old furniture do it yourself - a table base from a small shelving unit

DIY bathroom furniture from old furniture - remodeling from an old kitchen cabinet

DIY bathroom furniture from old furniture - an old shabby chic table now decorates the bathroom interior

DIY bathroom furniture from old furniture - a classic secretary from the living room

DIY bathroom furniture from old furniture - from an old kitchen table

Do-it-yourself bathroom furniture from old furniture - remodeling from an old industrial table

DIY bathroom furniture from old furniture - a once beautiful walnut bedside table continued its life as vintage bathroom furniture

DIY bathroom furniture from old furniture - remodeling from a beautiful antique cabinet

DIY bathroom furniture from an old nightstand

DIY bathroom furniture made from old furniture - a base made from an old barn board

DIY interior design ideas, DIY interior design and decor ideas- GET INSPIRED!

Surprisingly, a simple plastic bottle turned out to be multifunctional, and many things are made from it, including washbasins.

First, let's look at the options for supplying water from the bottle cap:

1) make a hole in the center of the cork to the diameter of the nail, develop it a little so that the nail can easily move up and down and is pressed tightly with the head to the bottom of the cork. To avoid injury, place a piece of wood, cork or rubber on the tip of the nail,

2) make several slits in the cork around the perimeter; when the cork is unscrewed slightly, water flows from the sides of the lid. The pressure is small, water will not splash around,

3) you will need a neck from a toothpaste tube, a cap with a hinged lid. Make a hole in the center of the cork the size of the cut neck, then insert it from the inside,

4) instead of a valve, take a small syringe and fill it first fine sand or water, close the tip spout tightly. Make a hole in the cork that matches the diameter of the tip.

Now let’s start with the plastic bottle: Cut off the bottom, but cut it out so that there is a small ear left, for which we will hang the washbasin on a hook. The cut bottom will serve as a cover for the washbasin to prevent debris from getting into the water. It can also serve as a soap dish. If you look at this picture, we will see how you can cut out “clothes” for a washbasin from another bottle with pockets for a tube of toothpaste and toothbrushes.

The simplest option for a washbasin is to cut off the bottom of the bottle and pierce two holes opposite each other along the top edge with a hot awl. Tie strong twine or insert wire into the holes and secure. The washbasin is ready, close the neck of the bottle with a lid, all that remains is to hang it on a branch and pour water into it. By unscrewing the lid a little, water will flow out, wash your hands, wash your face - screw the lid all the way down (Fig. 1).

The second option is also simple: We tie a string around the neck, below the screw of the lid. Using a hot awl, we pierce a thin hole in the bottom of the bottle. Then close the hole with your finger and pour water into the bottle to the very top, screw on the lid. We hang a homemade washstand on a branch. If necessary, the lid is slightly unscrewed and water pours out (Fig. 2).


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