How to preserve carrots for the winter at home. Storing carrots at home: practical recommendations

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Sweet and juicy carrots are always useful in the kitchen. This vegetable is especially tasty and valuable if grown on personal plot with your own hands. After harvesting, gardeners think about how to store carrots, what secrets will help them remain beautiful, tasty and healthy, which varieties feel better during the winter, and whether it is even possible to leave the crop in the ground and then use it for food.

When deciding how to preserve carrots for the winter, you need to find out which root varieties will last until spring. According to the duration of the growing season (the time from the emergence of seedlings to the ripening of the crop), carrot varieties are: early-ripening, mid-ripening, late-ripening. Early ripening crops produce short root crops; they are not stored and are consumed first.

The exceptions are the popular varieties Alenka and Bangor - they can last until spring. The choice of such plants may be determined by the condition of the soil on the site. According to the observations of gardeners, only varieties with short roots feel comfortable on loams with a thin cultural layer.

Medium ripe carrots will generally last no more than 4 months. But even in this group there are varieties that have good keeping quality: Losinoostrovskaya, Red Giant, Vitaminnaya, Shantanay, Samson.

More often, the harvest of late-ripening crops is placed in the cellar. They are stored for a long time without loss of taste and weight. Such vegetables are large in size and conical in shape. The following varieties are prepared for the winter: Queen of Autumn, Vita Longa, Flakkoro, MO.

The grown crop should not go to waste. Organization of careful cleaning and storage in optimal conditions will keep carrots tasty and healthy.

Harvesting and preparing fruits for storage

Preparing carrots for winter storage begins with harvesting. So that the vegetable has time to accumulate vitamins, but does not deteriorate from the autumn weather, it is important to dig it up in time. She will tell you about the ripeness of carrots appearance: yellow lower leaves, uniformly orange color, small roots white. It should taste sweet, have a pleasant crunch and not contain coarse fibers.


  1. Optimal timing: end of September – beginning of October, in case of cold weather, rainy autumn Root vegetables are harvested early to prevent cracking from excess moisture.
  2. Carrots are harvested before the onset of autumn frosts. Crop caught in the cold becomes susceptible to disease and is poorly stored.
  3. It is better to dig carrots in dry, sunny weather. There is no need to water the garden bed the day before.
  4. The average daily temperature for harvesting should not rise above +10 ºC and fall below zero.

Some gardeners trim carrot tops while the vegetable is still growing in the garden. They believe that the leaves are beginning to be pulled out of the root crop nutrients. Removing the tops does not affect the keeping quality of the crop, but makes it difficult to harvest.

Following the rules for digging carrots will help the vegetable to be better preserved:

  1. If carrot beds overgrown with weeds, they are pulled out before harvesting.
  2. In light sandy soil, carrots are pulled out by hand by the tops. In heavier soil, use a pitchfork or shovel. In order not to injure the root crops with the tool, first dig up the ground a little, and then use a shovel to pry up several bushes at once.
  3. The carrots must be carefully peeled from the soil, being careful not to damage the skin.
  4. Each root vegetable should be carefully inspected; damaged vegetables should be set aside separately and not stored.
  5. With some storage methods, they are washed in running water. This will remove harmful microorganisms, the presence of which can significantly reduce shelf life. It will also clean the vegetables if they were grown in heavy loam.
  6. Sort the carrots by size. This will help to organize storage correctly: small root vegetables will be used first, since they will lose moisture earlier, then medium and large ones.
  7. Trim carrots for storage. The procedure is performed as follows. If you plan to leave the root crop for seeds or use it as food in the next 2-3 months, the tops are shortened at a distance of 1-2 cm from the carrot head. If you plan for longer storage, then to prevent germination, cut off the above-ground part with a sharp, clean knife, grabbing up to 1 cm from the edge of the head.

If the weather is dry, carrots are dried on outdoors in the shadow. If it rains, then it is placed in a cool place - a barn, garage. The temperature at this time should not rise above +5 ºC. Vegetables are placed on a clean surface, avoiding contact of root vegetables with each other.

After drying for one and a half weeks, the collected carrots are kept in quarantine without being stored. If diseased or damaged vegetables are found during this time, they are rejected during re-inspection.

Preparing the cellar (basement)

The carrot harvest is stored in a pre-prepared room.

Important! To destroy insects, mold, and bacteria, the cellar is fumigated with a sulfur bomb. During processing, there should be no food or metal objects left in the room. To achieve the effect, all cracks in the cellar are sealed. Work is carried out in protective equipment according to the instructions. You cannot stay indoors while the bomb is burning. After finishing the treatment, the cellar is ventilated until the smell disappears. Sulfuric anhydride facilitates further cleaning of the storage area.

The gardener must:

  1. Take out all the remains of last year's harvest and garbage: they may contain pathogens.
  2. Ventilate the room, inspect and dry the vegetable racks.
  3. If rodents appear, you should get rid of them.
  4. Disinfect the walls a month before storing vegetables with a solution of bleach: 600 g of powder, pour 12 liters of water, mix.
  5. Re-ventilate the room and whitewash the walls with the following composition: 400 g copper sulfate and 2.5 kg of slaked lime are diluted with 12 liters of clean water.
  6. If the floor in the basement (cellar) is earthen, it must be sprinkled with bleach.

Optimal storage conditions

Basic biological processes continue in vegetables during storage.

Carrots in winter:

  1. Continues to lose moisture. This is more pronounced in damaged, small, early-ripening root crops. The process becomes more active in the case of constant air circulation.
  2. Breathing. This leads to weight loss. Respiration intensity is higher in damaged vegetables.
  3. Organic compounds and vitamins decompose. This is how carrots become soft during storage and may acquire a bitter taste. The main reasons for this: violation of crop cultivation conditions, pests.

Compliance required following conditions carrot storage:

  1. The room should not freeze in winter.
  2. Should be supported optimal temperature storing carrots. It ranges from 0 to +1 ºС. At higher values, the root crop will germinate.
  3. Maintain air humidity values ​​in the range from 90 to 97%. High numbers due to the fact that the capricious vegetable does not retain moisture well and will dry out.
  4. Moderate ventilation with a decrease in air flow to the root crops will help preserve carrots until spring. If there is an excess of oxygen, vegetables will “breathe” intensely and will spoil more quickly.

Best Storage Methods

Gardeners argue about which method is best for preserving carrots until spring. Each proposed option has its own characteristics. Some of them cannot be applied without a special place or conditions.

Basic ways to store carrots:

  • cellar or basement;
  • at home (in the refrigerator, on the balcony, in the entrance);
  • in the garden plot.

How to store carrots in the winter in the cellar and basement

When choosing to store carrots in a cellar or basement, gardeners find the best ways to store vegetables, based on the capabilities of the room, preferences and personal experience. They use sand, sawdust coniferous species, clay “shirt”, covered with moss, onion peels, placed in plastic bags, saucepans or boxes.

Note: carrots should not be stored next to apples. They produce ethylene gas, which will cause the orange roots to sprout.

In plastic bags

If a gardener organizes storing carrots in a bag, he should know that the vegetables cannot be kept in such conditions until spring. They will need to be used within 2-3 months.

The advantages of putting root vegetables in bags for the winter include:

  • maintaining the required level of humidity in the packaging (root vegetables will not wither);
  • The carbon dioxide retained in the bags protects vegetables from fungal diseases.

Carrots are placed in plastic bags. To allow CO 2 to escape, the packaging is not closed - increased carbon dioxide content leads to spoilage. Only washed carrots are stored this way.

If the owner notices an accumulation of condensation in the bags, sprinkling slaked lime on the floor of the room will help reduce excess moisture.

In sand

Storing carrots in sand is widespread. This method improves shelf life by reducing liquid loss from vegetables and maintaining a constant storage temperature.

  1. It is recommended to take loamy sand and moisten it at the rate of 1 liter of water per 12 liters of substrate. To protect root crops from diseases, a small amount of chalk is added to it.
  2. A layer of sand 4 cm thick is laid out in the prepared box.
  3. Place a row of carrots at some distance from each other, without touching.
  4. A 1 cm thick layer of sand is added on top of the root vegetables.
  5. Alternate vegetables and filling until the box is full.

Some gardeners pre-heat the sand for disinfection, place carrots in buckets and other containers, on shelves or the floor.

In pine sawdust

The advantage of sawdust coniferous varieties consists in their release of phytoncides. These substances prevent the appearance of bacteria or fungi in winter stocks. Storing carrots in sawdust is organized according to the same principle as in sand.

In the moss

This method of storing carrots is practical due to the fact that carbon dioxide is retained in the moss around the root crops. In this case, wooden boxes will serve as packaging.


  1. Clean boxes are prepared.
  2. Sphagnum moss is first collected.
  3. Carrots for this storage method are only slightly cleared of soil and not washed.
  4. Vegetables are dried and laid out in layers of sphagnum.

In clay

For the winter, carrots are stored in a clay “blanket” in the cellar. This allows you to keep carrots in excellent condition for a long time. The method has 2 varieties:

  • clay filling;
  • dipping.

To protect root crops, prepare a thick solution as follows: half a bucket of clay is diluted with water and left for a couple of days. Then the substrate is mixed and diluted again with water. The product should reach the consistency of not very thick sour cream in order to remain on the root vegetables and not roll off them. Such clay can be stored under a thin layer of water for several days.

The fill looks like this:

  1. To fill with clay, spread plastic film on the bottom of the box and lay out the carrots. Root vegetables should not touch.
  2. The first layer of vegetables is poured with clay and left until completely dry.
  3. The second layer of carrots is laid out and poured in the same way as the first. The steps are repeated until the box is filled.

Dipping into clay is carried out for each root vegetable separately. Take unwashed carrots and immerse them in thick clay mortar and dry in a well-ventilated place. Then the vegetables are placed in boxes for storage.

In onion or garlic peel

If the owner does not throw away garlic and onion peels, then by the end of the gardening season he will be able to accumulate them in sufficient quantities. This substrate works in the same way as pine sawdust. The peels of onions and garlic release phytoncides that protect carrots from rot in winter. To organize storage, take boxes and place the root vegetables in layers of pre-collected and dried husks.

In enamel pans

For this method, take a large enamel pan. The dishes must be clean and dry.


  1. Carrots are thoroughly washed after digging, and the stems and tops are cut off.
  2. Root vegetables are dried.
  3. Carrots are stored tightly and strictly vertically.
  4. Cover the top of the vegetables with a paper napkin.

A pot of carrots is stored in the cellar.

In plastic boxes

carrots in plastic boxes laid out in the same way as in wooden ones. The same fillers are used for storage: sand, sawdust, clay. Advantages plastic containers are:

  • the material is not damaged by mold;
  • the weight of such a box with carrots is lower than that of a wooden one;
  • they are easier to wash and disinfect;
  • the service life of the container is longer.

How to store carrots at home

Gardeners who do not have a subfloor or basement also organize storage of carrots for the winter; at home, root vegetables are placed on the balcony, in the entrance or in the refrigerator. In the vestibule or storage room in front of the apartment, it will not be possible to provide the necessary temperature and humidity parameters; the vegetables will dry out quickly enough. It is also difficult to allocate enough space in an apartment and create comfortable conditions to accommodate a large harvest.

On the balcony

If the balcony is not glazed and not insulated, it will not be possible to store vegetables on it until winter. Root vegetables are left until the first frost, and then transferred to another place or used for food.

To store carrots on the balcony, the following conditions must be met:

  • glazing;
  • insulation.

Root crops are placed in boxes with sand or stored in clay. To monitor storage parameters, the container with the harvest can be equipped with a thermometer with a hygrometer.

In a refrigerator

To store carrots in the refrigerator, use the vegetable compartment or freezer. This method does not allow storing large volumes of crops for a long time. The temperature and humidity levels in the refrigerator are approaching optimal values, but the storage duration will still not exceed 1-2 months.

To keep root vegetables fresh longer, use the following methods:

  • store carrots in a bag or stretch tape;
  • wrap in newspaper;
  • Place in plastic containers with a lid.

In refrigerator conditions, the bags are tied. This shortens the shelf life due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in them.

The most compact way to store carrots in winter is in freezer. To do this, the root vegetables are washed, chopped on a coarse grater, placed in bags and, after removing the air, tied.

Storing carrots in the ground until spring

There are two ways to store carrots in your garden: in a hole and in a garden bed.

The first way to save carrots without bringing them into the house or basement is to leave them on the property in a specially dug hole.

To prevent vegetables from spoiling in the ground before spring, the following conditions must be met:

  • do not water carrots before digging;
  • harvest with a pitchfork;
  • Shake the root vegetables to remove any adhering soil, doing this carefully so as not to damage the skin;
  • dry the carrots by spreading them in the shade on polyethylene;
  • cut off the “tops”, it is recommended to leave no more than 2 cm;
  • inspect root vegetables and discard damaged carrots and set aside medium-sized vegetables for storage.

After work with the harvest is completed, prepare a pit:

  1. Dig the soil to a depth of 60 cm.
  2. The bottom of the pit is filled up river sand layer up to 5 cm.
  3. Lay the first row of root vegetables, being careful not to let them touch.
  4. Sand is poured on top.
  5. Place the rest of the vegetables in the same way.
  6. When the last carrots are stored, there should be about 10 cm of hole left to ground level. Then the “warehouse” is covered with sand and earth to a height of up to 40 cm.
  7. The storage is insulated with leaves and sawdust.
  8. Cover with spruce branches and set traps, scatter poison against garden rodents.

A gardener may not dig up carrots from the garden if he:

  • does not have a spacious place for storing root vegetables;
  • does not have time to harvest the crop and process it properly.

In this case, the vegetables are left in the ground; you won’t be able to try carrots until spring.

It is important to remember that in this case the crop is more susceptible to diseases and pest attacks; it will not be possible to monitor the condition of root crops in winter.

To implement this method, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Carrots should not be affected by soil diseases, there should be no pests (wireworms, mole crickets).
  2. The bed should be located on a piece of land that will not be flooded when the snow melts.
  3. You should make sure that winter storage will not interfere with spring gardening work.
  1. Root crops are not watered for a month before cutting off the above-ground part.
  2. In dry weather, weeding is carried out and all weeds are removed.
  3. Carefully cut the carrot leaves to ground level.
  4. The bed is covered with coarse sand, also covering the area around the planting a meter in each direction. The thickness of the sand layer is 3-4 cm.
  5. Just before frost, the bed is covered with plastic film, on top of which insulation is placed in several layers: first sawdust or fallen leaves, then roofing material or film. The structure is secured from above using available materials.

Spruce branches, which should be scattered over the shelter, traps with poison on the approaches to the storage, and repellers will help protect carrots in the ground from mice.

Expert opinion

Maria Vlasova


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Carrots are an indispensable product in the kitchen. Knowing which varieties withstand wintering better, how to select ripe specimens, and what conditions need to be created for root crops, gardeners will be able not only to preserve the harvest until spring, but also to keep the vegetables tasty and strong.

How to store carrots until the new harvest so that they:

  • did not sprout;
  • not rotten;
  • remained juicy;
  • Has it lost its taste?

Storing carrots has always caused a lot of trouble for summer residents. Whatever you say, keep this root vegetable fresh without observing proper conditions not easy. The inventive minds of gardeners have come up with many ways to store carrots: in the cellar, on the balcony, in the refrigerator and directly in the beds.

We offer you 8 proven options for storing carrots. Choose the most suitable one, focusing on your conditions, the complexity of the process and the availability of materials.

Keeping quality, that is, the ability of carrots to long-term storage, depends on several factors. First of all, it depends on the variety, on the region of cultivation, on weather conditions.

It would seem that late-ripening varieties should be stored best. This is a well-known rule. IN southern regions With warm summers this rule really works. But in the central zone and in other regions where the summer weather is unstable, late carrots do not ripen. Doesn't make it in the short cold summer. It has to be harvested unripe, and by definition, unripe vegetables are not stored well.

It turns out that the best varieties carrots for storage will be mid-season, which ripen in 100-110 days. Here are some of them: Moscow Winter, Gribovchanin F1, Valeria, Monanta, Chance, Canada F1, Tsirano, Mango F1, Typhoon, Nanteiska, Samson, Nandrin F1, Rosal, Nantes 4, Nerak F1, Incomparable, Nevis F1 and the like.

The correct choice of variety is not the only condition for good preservation of the carrot harvest. Agricultural technology also matters. For the shelf life of root crops, it is important to pay attention to:

  • soil type and fertility. Carrots prefer slightly acidic or neutral loose soils. She does not need any special fertilizers; after harvesting, it is enough.
  • frequency of watering. We water the carrots all over, the main thing is that it’s better less often, but deeper.
  • nitrogen content. An excess of nitrogen in the soil reduces the storage capacity of root crops. If you apply nitrogen fertilizers, do it in moderation during the first half of summer.

Preparing carrots for long-term storage

Proper and timely harvesting is the key to good shelf life of any vegetable. It’s important to remove carrots on time: not earlier and not later.

The ripening time of carrots depends on the variety. As a rule, they are indicated on the seed packet. Save the bag or calculate the expected harvest day in advance (in the spring). Why is this necessary? Carrots pulled from the garden ahead of schedule, does not ripen, does not have time to accumulate a sufficient amount of sugars. This negatively affects both the taste and the ability to be stored all winter. On the contrary, carrots over-seasoned in the garden show an excess of sugars and amino acids. It turns into a tasty morsel for pests - carrot fly larvae, mice and rats. But overripe vegetables are no longer suitable for long-term storage.

If you still don’t know exactly when to harvest carrots, focus on the color of the tops. As soon as they start to turn yellow lower leaves– carrots are ready for harvesting.

To ensure that root crops remain juicy for a long time, they should not be watered the day before digging. It turned out to be a warm, dry and sunny day - you couldn’t imagine a better day for harvesting carrots.

Trimming carrots after harvesting

Immediately after harvesting, the tops of the carrots are cut off. Otherwise, it will draw some of the moisture from the root crops during drying.

Trimming carrot tops can be done in two stages:

  • first, cut the leaves just above the head of the root crop,
  • then completely cut off the base of the carrot (0.5-1 cm thick) together at the growing point. The cut should be even and smooth.

Drastic pruning prevents carrots from germinating in winter, wasting precious nutrients, prevents fruits from withering, and ensures their best storage.

So, as soon as we cut the tops, we send the carrots to air under a canopy in the shade. Then it is recommended to keep the carrot roots at a temperature of 10-14°C for 7-10 days. During this time, she, just like her, goes through a kind of “quarantine”. This means that the cut areas and small mechanical damage, sick and spoiled root crops make themselves felt.

When the time comes to put the carrots into storage, we inspect and sort out the root vegetables again. All damaged ones, with wormholes, with traces of a carrot fly, are put aside. It is better to eat them first or freeze them in grated form for winter consumption.

We still have the best, fairly mature root vegetables, suitable variety, without defects or signs of disease. Our carrots are ready for long-term storage.

Choosing where and what to store carrots in

We know eight ways to properly store carrots so that they remain juicy, do not rot or wilt. To do this, it is covered with wet sand or sawdust, dip into clay or pack in polyethylene, cover moss or onion skins. And also compacted in pans or leave it altogether in the garden bed until spring.

Method number 1. How to Preserve Carrots in Sand

We will need: sand (preferably loamy, not river), water and boxes.

Storing carrots in sand is very popular among summer residents who have cool cellars, underground, garage pits. And it is not surprising, because sand reduces the evaporation of moisture from carrots, prevents the development of putrefactive diseases, and ensures a constant temperature. All this contributes to the excellent keeping quality of root crops.

The sand must be wet; one liter of water is used for moistening each bucket of sand. Then the prepared sand is poured onto the bottom of the box in a layer of 3-5 centimeters. Then lay the carrots so that the root vegetables do not come into contact with each other. The carrots are covered with a layer of sand, and then the next layer is laid out, etc.

Some gardeners prefer to use dry sand instead of wet sand and buckets instead of boxes.

Method number 2. Storing carrots in sawdust

We will need: pine sawdust and boxes.

Sawdust from coniferous trees is another excellent filler for boxes with carrots. Phytoncides in needles prevent the germination of root crops and prevent the penetration of pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

In the same way as when sanding, carrots need to be placed in boxes in layers, sprinkling each layer with sawdust.

Method No. 3. How to store carrots in plastic bags

We will need: film bags with a capacity of 5 to 30 kg.

Plastic bags with carrots are kept open in cool rooms. The air humidity in such bags is automatically set at the optimal level of 96-98%. Therefore, carrots do not wither.

In addition, carrot roots emit carbon dioxide during storage. A small amount accumulates in open bags. However, it is quite enough to prevent diseases. If the bags are tied, the carbon dioxide content will be several times higher than the oxygen concentration. And the carrots will spoil. If you still want to store root vegetables in closed bags, be sure to make holes for ventilation.

During storage, condensation may form on the inner surface of the bags - this indicates high humidity in storage. Then fluff lime is scattered next to the bags containing the carrots. Lime perfectly absorbs excess moisture.

Method number 4. Storing carrots in clay

We will need: clay, water, boxes or carton boxes, polyethylene film, garlic (optional).

Clay forms a thin layer on the surface of the root crop. protective layer, which during the winter protects it from withering. Very effective, but quite labor-intensive option. The technology for processing carrots with clay before storing is as follows:

Option 1. Filling with clay

Take half a bucket of clay and fill it with water. Every other day, thoroughly mix the swollen clay and fill it with water again. For 3-4 days, the clay is in this state, under a layer of water of 2-3 cm. Before use, it must acquire the consistency of sour cream.

It's time to line the bottom of the boxes with film and lay out the first layer of carrots so that the fruits do not touch each other. Pour liquid clay onto the root vegetables. And when the clay dries, lay out the carrots again and fill them with clay again. The clay dries and the process repeats. And so on until the end, to the very top of the box.

Option 2. Dipping in clay

Here we must prepare two chatterboxes in advance: garlic and clay.

Garlic mash is prepared as follows: grind 1 glass of garlic through a meat grinder, then dilute the “minced meat” in two liters of water.

To get a clay “mash” you need to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, so that it cannot then drain from the root vegetables.

So, we put the unwashed carrots first in the garlic and then in the clay mash. We lay out our harvest to dry in a well-ventilated area (on the veranda, in the attic, under a canopy). Then we put the dried carrots in the “clay shell” into wooden boxes or cardboard boxes.

Method No. 5 Storing carrots in moss

We will need: wooden or plastic boxes, sphagnum moss.

Unwashed and sun-dried carrots are first kept in a cool room for 24 hours, and then placed in boxes, alternating layers of carrots with layers of sphagnum moss.

Moss has unique preservative properties and retains the required amount of carbon dioxide inside. In addition, unlike sand and clay, moss is a lightweight material that does not add additional heaviness to carrot boxes.

Method number 6. Storing carrots in pans

We will need: big enamel pans.

After harvesting, the carrots must be washed well, the tops and tails trimmed, and dried in the sun.

Then the root vegetables are placed tightly vertically in the pan, a napkin is placed on top of them and the pan is covered with a lid. It is recommended to keep all pots with carrots in a cool cellar - then the carrots will last well until the new harvest.

Method No. 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

We will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels.

This method of storing carrots is based on the same principle as storing them in pine sawdust. Essential oils from onion and garlic scales prevent rotting of root vegetables.

Therefore, carrots do not spoil for a long time if they are laid in layers, first sprinkled with dry husks onions and garlic remaining after harvesting these crops and accumulated over the winter.

Method No. 8. Storing carrots in the garden

Some gardeners leave part of the carrot harvest to overwinter directly in the garden bed, then dig it up in the spring and eat it all summer until the new harvest.

The tops of carrots left for storage in the garden bed are completely cut off. Then the bed is covered with damp coarse sand and covered with film.

Sawdust, fallen leaves, peat or humus are poured on top of the film, and then the bed is covered with roofing felt or another layer of film. Under such shelter, carrots tolerate winter cold well and remain fresh and tasty.

A few more original ways to store carrots

Cling film for storing carrots

Pre-washed and trimmed carrots are wrapped in cling film, trying to ensure that each carrot is completely wrapped and does not come into contact with its “neighbors”. In this form, carrots are stored for several months at home: in boxes on an insulated balcony.

Spraying root crops before storage

Root vegetables are stored well if they are first sprayed with an infusion of pine needles or onion peels. Take 100 grams of husks or pine needles, add a liter of water and leave for 5 days. This infusion can not only be sprayed, you can immerse carrots in it for 10 minutes, dry it and store it.

Storing carrots in paraffin

Unusual folk way storing carrots in paraffin. Clean and dried root vegetables are dipped in hot paraffin with the addition of large quantity beeswax for elasticity. This treatment allows carrots to be stored for 4-5 months at a temperature of 0-2°C. It will remain tasty and juicy.

Chalk will prevent carrots from spoiling

Carrots can be dusted with chalk at the rate of 150-200 grams of chalk per 10 kilograms of carrots. There is another option - immerse the root vegetables in a 30% chalk suspension and then dry well. The chalk layer creates a weak alkaline environment, thereby preventing root crops from rotting.

Freezing as an option for storing carrots

If your carrot harvest is small and you have a freezer, it makes sense to grind most of the carrots using a food processor and freeze them in regular containers. plastic bags.

It should be carefully sorted, and root crops with traces of disease, damage, or simply uneven should be separated. Size also matters.

Attention: Carrots that are kept in the refrigerator for a long time should be approximately equal in size, not too big and not too small.

Is it possible to preserve root vegetables in the refrigerator?

Depending on the form in which you plan to store the carrots, you need to correctly determine the place where to place it. Modern refrigerator has suitable for different cases locations: compartment for prepared foods, compartment for fresh raw vegetables and freezer compartment.

If you don’t mess with the place and follow additional conditions in relation to the form factor in which the root vegetable is presented, then there will be no obstacles to using the refrigerator. in a refrigerator:

  • in the main compartment at a temperature from +2 to +6 degrees;
  • in the “freshness zone” at a temperature from 0 to +3 degrees;
  • in the freezer at a temperature of -8 to -23 degrees.

How long is the shelf life?

For processed vegetable

If we are talking about a finished product or a preparation, then the duration of preservation at home will depend on the specific case. Let's consider how long freshly squeezed carrot juice, boiled and Korean carrots can be stored.

  1. "Korean carrot- this is a ready-made dish from an orange root vegetable, which is grated and seasoned to taste, after which it is poured with highly heated vegetable oil. The composition of the gas station usually includes:
    • table vinegar;
    • salt;
    • sugar;
    • red pepper.

    Korean carrots are usually infused for 12-14 hours until ready, after which they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

  2. Boiled carrots is considered a fully cooked product, even if it is intended for some kind of salad. If you keep it in the refrigerator for more than two or three days, then the very appearance will no longer cause appetite. The carrots will become flabby or slimy in appearance and unpleasant. It is no longer worth eating it in this state.
  3. Freshly squeezed carrot juice- a tasty and healthy drink that is prepared by almost everyone who has a juicer. But it is extremely undesirable to store it: valuable properties are lost. If necessary, you can place the carrot juice in the refrigerator in a closed container for a couple of hours. But it is better to drink it immediately after preparation.

For fresh carrots

Speaking about fresh (raw) root vegetables, you can count on the fact that when the right approach before storage, it will remain in the refrigerator from one to several months and at the same time remain high-quality, tasty food rich in vitamins and microelements.

How to properly prepare a root vegetable?

The steps before putting carrots into the refrigerator for storage often depend on personal experience and habits. Few people decide to make a sudden experiment if they are planning a long-term harvest of root vegetables, because a mistake can be costly.

The main difference is the almost Hamletian question “to wash or not to wash.” Some believe that washed root vegetables are stored better, others are inclined towards “grimy”.

Do I need to pre-wash?

- a controversial issue. In support of carrot washing supporters, a number of advantages of this approach can be cited:

The disadvantages include the fact that washed carrots are more demanding on storage conditions and undesirable proximity in the refrigerator. It also takes longer to dry before sending it for long-term storage. It's up to you to decide which is best.

How to preserve carrots longer?

Regardless of whether you washed the carrots or simply limited yourself to removing excess soil, the primary stage of preparing the root crop for storage in the refrigerator is to thoroughly dry it from excess moisture obtained during “bathing” or absorbed by soil. Carrots that are clean after water can be thoroughly blotted with a towel and thus speed up the process. Ready for next stage washed carrots will be dry to the touch and monochromatic. From an unwashed root crop, small particles of soil will fall off on their own when rubbed.

Washed and cleaned

Whole peeled carrots are rarely placed in the refrigerator for long-term storage.. But if they have to, they don’t leave it open, because deprived of its natural “skin,” it quickly weathers and loses moisture.

Advice: A food-grade plastic container or film will extend the shelf life of peeled carrots for up to a month if stored in a special compartment of the refrigerator.

A proven method for short-term (3-4 days) storage of carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator is to immerse them in water. And if you change the water, you can “cheer up” the carrots for up to a week.

We recommend watching a video about storing carrots in film in the refrigerator:

I'm grating

When placing grated carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator, you need to take into account that in this form they will weather even faster than simply peeled ones. A container will help the cause, glass jar with a lid or, as a last resort, just a plastic bag.

Without freezing, the shelf life will not be long, so grated carrots should be eaten within 10-12 days.

Without freezing

For long-term storage, carrots should be packaged carefully.. Examples of good packaging include vacuum bags and cling film. They will prevent excess moisture from penetrating and preserve own juices root vegetable This is one of the most important conditions long-term storage. If you are going to use film, then be prepared to work hard: it must tightly cover each carrot.

Sometimes wrapping in paper or paper is used to absorb excess moisture. paper bag. Such packaging will need to be periodically felt, checking for dampness, and replaced if necessary. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to protect the carrots from rotting and flabby.

Placement also matters. The lower the tier in the refrigerator on which you place freshly packaged carrots, the better.. Ideally, this should be a compartment for vegetables. A working refrigerator maintains the optimal temperature and humidity ratio in this area.

  • Some housewives use wrappers made from newspapers and other printed matter to regulate humidity. It is strongly not recommended to do this, since printing or printing ink may contain lead, cadmium and other substances that are not very beneficial for the body.
  • If the carrots are purchased, then the tops have most likely already been removed. In this case, the place where it was torn off should be completely amputated. In the case when the carrot is your own, it is enough to simply trim the tops to the base.
  • When you have a lot of carrots, it is better to trim the tops of the root vegetables quite strongly: by 1-2 centimeters. This will prevent them from germinating in the refrigerator.

So as not to become sluggish and flabby

Even with hermetically sealed carrots, there is still a risk of them softening, flabby and sprouting if the optimal humidity regime is not maintained. For carrots it is 65-75%. No less important - temperature regime.Temperatures beyond -1 to 8 degrees are incompatible with long-term preservation of fresh carrots. Typically, the fruit and vegetable drawer maintains a range of 0 to 3 degrees. For carrots - just right.

For the whole winter

In addition to the rather troublesome preservation of fresh carrots in the “freshness zone” of the refrigerator, it is practiced. Most often, grated or diced carrots are frozen for the winter. In this form, it can be stored throughout the cold season, although it loses some of its taste and beneficial properties. When placed in the freezer, it should also be packaged: in containers, vacuum packaging or plastic. In this form, carrots are suitable for frying, in vegetable stews and any dishes where the cook’s imagination dictates.

We recommend watching a video about freezing carrots for the winter:

What to do if something goes wrong?

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to carrots in the refrigerator is their spoilage. Rotting, loss of pleasant strength or sprouting of carrots, as a rule, is due to violations of storage conditions. Let’s not talk about possible technical problems with the refrigerator, but rather talk about what depends on its owners.

If carrots are not stored in the freezer, then you should pay attention to the appearance of condensation inside the plastic or plastic packaging. These droplets can indicate the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the container or bag. If condensation is detected, carrots should be removed, dried and repacked..

  1. You need to make sure that carrots are not in direct contact with other vegetables or fruits. With apples - any close proximity should be excluded altogether. Apples emit ethylene, which can spoil the taste of carrots.
  2. It is important for long-term storage. Among the hardiest are: “Moscow Winter”, “Vita Longa” and “Forto”. It is worth paying attention to varieties planted early.
  3. For winter storage, select only root vegetables that have reached maturity. Unripened ones may disappoint with quick spoilage.


There are experienced owners. They tend to stick family traditions and time-tested inventory conservation techniques. It’s another matter if there are no stable preferences yet. Then an experiment suggests itself: divide, for example, carrots into several parts and compare several ways to preserve a tasty and healthy root vegetable using the refrigerator. Perhaps this publication will be of some use to experimenters.

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It would seem that it is enough to place vegetables in a special compartment intended for them and that’s it. Yes, they will lie there for some time, and will remain fresh a little longer than when room temperature. But to further increase the lifespan, Carrots in the refrigerator must be placed in bags.

  1. Be sure to sort out the carrots and divide them into several parts according to size.
  2. Pack each of them in a plastic bag, and no more than six pieces in one.
  3. Try to ensure that there is no air left inside; use your hands to press the bag until it comes out.
  4. Try replacing bags with newspapers. It is very important to wrap the root vegetables tightly so that they do not lose moisture.
  5. You can store vegetables in the freezer, but only in grated form. Wash them, chop them, put them in bags and refrigerate.

Carrots that have been in the refrigerator for a long time lose their spring-like appearance and become wrinkled and dry. Usually such vegetables already go into the trash bin, but there is no need to rush - they can still be brought back to freshness. It is enough to cut off the lower part of the root vegetable, place it in a glass of water so that it covers a third of the carrots and add a few pieces of ice. In a couple of hours you will be able to notice the transformation.

Storage conditions in the cellar in winter

Storing carrots in the cellar in winter is one of the best ways. But it’s worth starting to prepare from the harvesting process. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the degree of preservation depends on the variety.

  • For long-term storage it is usually used late varieties, which have a development period of more than four months.
  • It is necessary to collect root vegetables in dry weather, then they will not have to be dried for a long time before being sent to the cellar.
  • Try not to damage the skin of the vegetable, as any scratches will affect the preservation process, and the carrots can quickly rot.
  • We divide the vegetables into several piles by size and cut off the tops.

Once the carrots are prepared, it's time to decide what method you'll use to preserve freshness. After all, if you approach this process correctly, the root crops will last a whole year.

  • The simplest are ordinary wooden boxes with a lid. We simply put carrots in them, cover them and place them about 15 centimeters from the walls. Boxes should be tight, without holes. It is better not to place it on a bare floor, but you can use a stand.
  • Another option is to stuff bags onion skins, and then carrots. The husk will protect the vegetables from moisture, bacterial growth and, of course, maintain freshness.
  • You can use sawdust. Carrots are placed in boxes and covered with dry sawdust from coniferous wood. It is the needles, due to the phenolic substances it contains, that will protect root crops from rotting.
  • Wet sand also helps preserve vegetables. It is enough to sprinkle it in a layer, place the carrots on top, sprinkle it with sand again and lay out the root vegetables again, but in a checkerboard pattern. The total height should be no more than one meter.
  • Root vegetables are well preserved in clay. After dipping them in a thick, creamy mash, they are dried and laid in rows.

How to properly store carrots in bags

For this method, you will have to stock up on regular plastic bags with a large capacity.

  • Root crops are placed in bags and then stored in a cool room.
  • Please note that there is no need to tie the bags. If you do this, the vegetables will quickly deteriorate due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide.
  • If moisture forms on the pacts during storage, then special lime must be scattered next to them to absorb it.

Storing carrots in the cellar: optimal conditions

There is no better place to store carrots, the cellar is perfect option. But before you put containers with root vegetables in it, you need to create the necessary conditions in the room.

  • The temperature should be no higher than two, maximum five degrees and no less than zero.
  • Shouldn't be too much fresh air. Ventilation should be moderate.
  • The maximum moisture level is 97% and it is better not to exceed this threshold, otherwise the vegetables will quickly deteriorate.
  • Pay close attention to temperature fluctuations; even small changes can have an impact on vegetables: they will begin to rot, sprout or dry out.

If all conditions are met, carrots can last in the cellar for four to seven months. If the temperature is higher, this period will be reduced to two months.

The most in a convenient way storage in sand is considered. But clay and sawdust preserve the integrity of carrots for several months longer.

How to store carrots in an apartment without a refrigerator

Of course, at home, it is best to store carrots in the refrigerator or cellar, but what to do when there is neither one nor the other?

  • In this case, a balcony is perfect, but it must be glazed, otherwise the winter cold will quickly spoil the vegetables. It is necessary to place the root vegetables in a box and wrap it with something thick, such as a blanket or blanket. If it suddenly becomes very cold, bring vegetables into the apartment and leave them balcony door until the weather gets better.
  • Another option is under the bed. Place the carrots at some distance from each other and sprinkle with onion peels.

You can keep root vegetables on the balcony for about four months using paraffin. It needs to be melted, washed and dried carrots placed in it so that they are completely covered with it, and stored.

What varieties of carrots are best stored?

If you leave carrots for storage, you may notice after a few months that they have turned black, become limp and dry. Why does this happen, since all the necessary conditions have been met?

The fact is that how long carrots last depends on their variety. Among them there are even those that cannot be stored at all.

  • Our domestic varieties are higher quality, less demanding and adapted to poor climatic conditions.
  • Foreign varieties, of course, look more attractive, but they are much more capricious and their taste is not as rich.
  • Varieties with round roots produce small yields and grow quickly.
  • Late varieties are best preserved.

Among other early and middle varieties, there are those that can last for a long time, but most often their taste deteriorates, although their appearance remains unchanged.

Late-ripening carrots ripen approximately 4 months after planting, have an oblong shape, do not crack, which means that microbes do not enter them. Under optimal conditions it can last up to next summer, while completely retaining all its properties.

The following varieties are considered the most popular and shelf-stable:

  • “Queen of Autumn” - stored until June;
  • “Sweet Winter” - also stored until June, does not crack;
  • "Olympus" - retains freshness until the end of spring;
  • "Flakoro" - ripens in 130 days, stored until the end of spring;
  • "Red Giant" - large variety, disease-resistant, stored until the end of April.

Well, who among us doesn’t love fresh, delicious carrots? Let's talk about how to properly store carrots.

That is, store it so that it:

  • NOT wilted;
  • NOT sprouted;
  • NOT rotten;
  • It has NOT lost its taste and beneficial properties.

What varieties of carrots are best stored?

Oddly enough, early-ripening varieties are stored better than late-ripening ones, as many people think. We explain why: in most regions of Russia, the time favorable for the growth and development of root crops is short. Spring is long, autumn is early... If you plant late-ripening varieties of carrots, it may happen that they do not ripen and do not accumulate enough fiber and sugar.

In addition, the longer carrots ripen and are in the ground, the more organic acids and vitamin C they contain, which means they spoil faster. On the other hand, it is also more useful. But this is a theory. But practically, what varieties are optimal for storage? I believe that they are mid-season and mid-late. For example, Gribovchanin F1, Monanta, Canada F1, Mango F1, Nanteyska, Nandrin F1, Nantes 4, Incomparable, Nevis F1, Nerak F1, Rosal, Samson, Typhoon, Tsirano, Chance, Valeria, Moscow winter and so on.

The varieties with shortened root crops, like the Parisian carotele, spoil the fastest. But conical carrots, on the contrary, are usually more stable and resistant to long-term storage.

Thus, carrots harvested at the age of 100-110 days are better stored. But it is worth keeping in mind that growing conditions can significantly affect the “keeping quality” of root crops, even if the variety is successful. The most critical: poor soil type, excessive watering or application of large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. Everything should be in moderation.

Proper cleaning and drying of carrots

Traditionally, late-ripening varieties are grown for long-term storage, with a growing season (development time) of more than 120 days; you can also use mid-ripening varieties - the most popular in private farms, but we’ll talk about choosing a variety in the final part of the material. Harvesting carrots is best in dry, warm weather, since root crops removed from dry or slightly moist soil will only need to be dried a little. Carrots need to be dried before they are stored in the cellar for storage.

Harvest in middle lane you can start in mid-September. The season ends, as a rule, in mid-late October, which largely depends on the number of sunny days, because carrots can be characterized as a long-day plant, whose photoperiodism requires more than 12 hours of light for successful ripening. The first light frosts of carrots are not terrible, so you don’t have to worry about it. It is better to dig up carrots with a pitchfork, holding each root vegetable by the tops, but you can also use a garden trowel. It is better not to use a large shovel, or just dig up the ground a little and carefully pull out the root crops. If the soil is loose and dry, this will be quite easy to do.

When harvesting, try not to damage or scratch the carrots, since if the skin is damaged, the vegetable will not be stored well and will quickly rot. You need to dig up the carrots carefully so as not to damage the peel. In good weather, just spread out harvested outside and dry for several hours. If you are unlucky with the weather - it’s damp and raining outside - you need to collect the carrots and evenly spread them out to dry in the house or garage. We recommend spreading the carrots in one layer on a dry mat. It is advisable that individual vegetables do not touch each other. Raw root vegetables need to be dried for several days - this is the so-called quarantine period.

After the carrots have dried, you need to perform the following manipulations with them:

  • We clear away excess soil. After the moisture has dried, you need to carefully clean the root vegetables from dirt. If the soil in your area is clayey and the lumps of earth have dried up, let them remain.
  • We select root crops damaged during harvesting. Only healthy, whole and strong vegetables should be stored in the cellar. If the carrot peel is damaged, pathogenic microbes will immediately penetrate there and the process of rotting will begin. It is well known that one spoiled root vegetable can infect everyone around it. Therefore, the carrot sorting stage should be given Special attention. Take the rejected vegetables home and put them in the refrigerator for prompt use, and if you come across cracked root vegetables, but these cracks are dry and do not cause suspicion, they can be stored, however, they still need to be used first.
  • We sort the carrots by size - separate the small ones from the large ones. First, small vegetables will be eaten, then medium-sized ones, then the largest ones.
  • We remove the tops. With a sharp knife you need to cut the tops at a distance of 1–2 mm from the root crop itself.

Sometimes carrot tops pruned before harvesting (1-2 weeks), but is this method justified? big question, and it’s much more convenient to pull root vegetables out of the ground, holding onto the tops. Now our carrots are ready to be stored, and we move on to the next stage. The ideal place for winter storage of root vegetables is a basement or cellar.

Preparing the cellar

Carrots are one of the most difficult and capricious root vegetables to preserve. In order not to rot, dry out and sprout, it needs special conditions, namely – temperature -2 – +2 degrees and air humidity 90 – 95%. Ventilation in the cellar should be of medium intensity; if there is too much air, germination will inevitably begin.

Do not store carrots and other root vegetables in the same room as apples. This is explained by the fact that apples (especially ripe ones) actively emit ethylene, which leads to rapid spoilage of vegetables.

In order to ensure the required microclimate in the cellar or basement, take care of its timely insulation, waterproofing and protection from groundwater, as well as an effective ventilation system.

Before storing vegetables in a cellar or basement, you need to thoroughly clean the room, sweep out the trash and get rid of the remnants of the previous harvest. One rotten carrot from last year lying in the corner can significantly spoil the joy of the new harvest. The room and shelves need to be disinfected (for this you can purchase a sulfur bomb in advance or use slaked lime).

Advice: Before storing, it is advisable to keep the vegetables themselves “in quarantine” for 1 – 2 weeks. They can be scattered in a garage or other room with a temperature of +13 - 15 degrees. During this time, all spoiled vegetables will make themselves known and can be easily removed.

Preparing carrots for long-term storage

Of course, the shelf life of carrots depends on the chosen storage option.

These are the deadlines:

  • In plastic bags (in the refrigerator) – from 1 to 2 months;
  • In a clay shell (in the cellar) - until the new harvest (up to a year);
  • In sand (in a cellar) – from 6 to 8 months;
  • In pine sawdust (in the basement) - up to a year;
  • In closed boxes (in the basement) - from 5 to 8 months.

Storage methods

Method number 1. How to properly store carrots in sand

You will need: sand (preferably loamy, not river sand), water and boxes. Storing carrots in sand is very popular among summer residents who have cool cellars, crawl spaces, and garage pits. And it’s not surprising, because sand reduces the evaporation of moisture from carrots, prevents the development of putrefactive diseases, and ensures a constant temperature - all this contributes to the excellent “keeping quality” of root crops. The sand must be wet; one liter of water is used for moistening each bucket of sand. Then the prepared sand is poured onto the bottom of the box in a layer of 3-5 cm, after which the carrots are laid so that the root vegetables do not come into contact with each other. The carrots are covered with a layer of sand, and then the next layer is laid out, etc. Some gardeners prefer to use dry sand instead of wet sand and buckets instead of boxes.

Method number 2. Storing carrots in sawdust

You will need: pine sawdust and boxes. Sawdust from coniferous trees is another excellent filler for boxes of carrots intended for long-term storage. The phytoncides contained in the needles prevent the germination of root crops and prevent the penetration of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. In the same way as when sanding, carrots need to be placed in boxes in layers, sprinkling each layer with sawdust.

Method No. 3. How to store carrots in plastic bags

You will need: film bags with a capacity of 5 to 30 kg. Plastic bags with carrots are kept open in cool rooms. The air humidity in such bags naturally remains at the optimal level of 96-98%, and therefore the carrots do not wither. In addition, carrot roots emit carbon dioxide during storage. In open bags, a small amount accumulates, just enough to prevent disease. If the bags are tied, the carbon dioxide content will be several times higher than the oxygen concentration and the carrots will spoil. If you still want to store root vegetables in closed bags, be sure to make holes for ventilation. During storage, condensation may form on the inner surface of the bags - this indicates increased humidity in the storage. Then fluff lime is scattered next to the bags of carrots, which absorbs excess moisture.

Method number 4. Storing carrots in clay

You will need: clay, water, boxes or cardboard boxes, plastic film, garlic (optional). Clay forms a thin protective layer on the surface of the root crop, which protects it from withering during the winter. There are two options for treating carrots with clay before storing them.

Option 1. Filling with clay Take half a bucket of clay and fill it with water. A day later, the clay, swollen with water, is thoroughly mixed and filled with water again. For 3-4 days, the clay is in this state, under a layer of water of 2-3 cm. Before use, the clay must acquire the consistency of sour cream. Then the bottom of the boxes is lined with film, a layer of carrots is placed (so that the fruits do not touch each other) and filled with liquid clay. When the layer of clay dries, the carrots are laid out again and also filled with clay, and then dried again. And so on until the very top of the box.

Option 2. Dipping in clay With this method, unwashed carrots are dipped first in garlic and then in a clay mash and laid out to dry in a well-ventilated area (on the veranda, in the attic, under a canopy). Then the dried carrots in the “clay shell” are placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. Garlic mash is prepared as follows: grind 1 glass of garlic through a meat grinder, then dilute the “minced meat” in 2 liters of water. To get a clay “mash,” you need to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, so that it cannot then drain from the root vegetables.

Method No. 5 Storing carrots in moss

You will need: wooden or plastic boxes, sphagnum moss. Unwashed and sun-dried carrots are first kept in a cool room for 24 hours, and then placed in boxes, alternating layers of carrots with layers of sphagnum moss. Moss has unique preservative properties and retains the required amount of carbon dioxide inside. In addition, unlike sand and clay, moss is a lightweight material that does not add additional heaviness to boxes of carrots.

Method number 6. Storing carrots in pans

You will need: large enamel pans. After harvesting, carrots must be washed well, the tops and tails must be trimmed, and the roots must be dried in the sun. Then the root vegetables are placed tightly vertically in the pan, a napkin is placed on top of them and the pan is covered with a lid. It is recommended to keep all pots with carrots in a cool cellar - then the carrots will last well until the new harvest.

Method No. 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

You will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels. This method of storing carrots is based on the same principle as storing them in pine sawdust - essential oils from onion and garlic scales also prevent rotting of root crops. Therefore, carrots do not spoil for a long time if they are laid in layers, having previously been sprinkled with dry peels of onions and garlic, remaining after harvesting these crops and accumulated over the winter.

Method No. 8. Storing carrots in the garden

Some gardeners leave part of the carrot harvest to overwinter directly in the garden bed, then dig it up in the spring and eat it all summer until the new harvest. The tops of carrots left for storage in the garden bed are completely cut off. Then the bed is covered with damp coarse sand and covered with film. Sawdust, fallen leaves, peat or humus are poured on top of the film, and then the bed is covered with roofing felt or another layer of film. Under such shelter, carrots tolerate winter cold well and remain fresh and tasty.

What to do if you don't have a cellar?

How to store carrots and beets if there is no cellar? This question interests many people because not everyone has private houses with a cellar or basement. As we already know, carrots are well preserved at temperatures from 0°C to +2°C and a moisture content of 96%, so storing them in an apartment will be quite problematic. However, there are some ways that can help solve this problem. Carrots can be stored in the refrigerator in film bags. The duration of savings using this method will be very short, but you will be insured against possible rotting and sprouting of root crops. Also, if the apartment has a glazed and well-heated balcony, then it is possible to save carrots there, in wooden boxes with wet sand. But the most effective and long-term way is to preserve carrots in clay. Creating on a carrot containment, clay helps preserve carrots throughout the year. You can also store carrots in clay on the balcony in boxes or bags.

How to store carrots in a caisson?

First of all, you should understand what a caisson is. A caisson is a waterproof structure. Simply put, this is a box or chamber that is externally equipped to prevent the passage of water from the outside. To preserve carrots in this way, they must be washed well and the tops removed, then they should be dried well in the shade. After the carrots have dried sufficiently, they need to be placed in plastic bags. Root crops must be placed in the caisson on the same day.

Clue: You can leave a couple of bags in the refrigerator, since in winter it’s not every day that you can get carrots out of the caisson.

In addition to its taste, carrots are also a very healthy root vegetable. There are practically no dishes in cooking for which carrots would not be used. Carrots also make very tasty and refreshing freshly squeezed juices. Carrots are also one of the main components in various cosmetics. It makes excellent masks, scrubs and creams. Carrots are also used in folk medicine How effective remedy in the fight against various kinds diseases. Therefore, the question of storing carrots in winter is quite relevant in our time. We all love to eat carrots in the summer. But summer, as a rule, passes quickly, and you really want to pamper yourself with vegetables and fruits not only in the summer, but also in winter period. And cunning sellers raise prices for vegetables and fruits almost 3 times in winter and, unfortunately, the price does not always correspond to the quality. In this regard, each of us should learn how to store carrots at home.


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