How to care for a Phalaenopsis orchid in winter? Caring for orchids in winter - general recommendations.

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For connoisseurs of orchids, the information is that in winter in their homeland they do not submerge during hibernation, that is, they practically do not stop blooming all year round, is not new. Reason: no decrease in intensity natural light in winter. In the homeland of orchids, the sun shines constantly, even in winter, so orchids never go to rest.

We have autumn and winter can not boast bright sun rather, extremely scarce. Therefore, orchids have two autumn-winter paths here: either sleep or wait until the owner arranges additional lighting for them. Yes, not simple, but produced by a special phyto-lamp. She is the only source long waves red and short waves of blue color required for the production of photosynthesis.

Therefore, if you want Phalaenopsis orchids to bloom, equip a source of additional phyto-light near it in winter. If this is too expensive for you, or you are convinced that the flower is not worth the extra hassle, get ready to fall asleep.

Phalaenopsis winter courtship is due to its special behavior in specific conditions, which is reflected in the lack of light. If the phalaenopsis falls asleep, its roots will not need moisture, they will not consume it. To understand why, one must understand the characteristics of Phalaenopsis roots.

It has epiphytic multi-layered roots. Upper layer is porous, consisting of already dead cells. It is called velamen. Velamen is not able to absorb moisture on its own: water simply penetrates through the pores, where the absorption process starts. After that, with the help of a certain mechanism, moisture is distributed over the stems and leaves, as if pumping them with moisture.

But this whole mechanism begins to work when there are no interruptions of light, when there is a lot of light for twelve months. And when there is little of it in winter, moisture does not spread through the leaves and stems, since the “pump” does not work.

In autumn and winter, there is little light, so you do not need to actively water the phalaenopsis in the summer. Having penetrated inside through the velamen, water does not rise to the leaves, so it will remain in the roots and start the process of decay. Hence the rule: winter, less light, less watering.

Rotting can be avoided if the orchid has a lot of soil, and it is breathable. Then the water will just evaporate. Otherwise in autumn / winter, Phalaenopsis should be watered to a minimum.

With a decrease in the frequency of watering, the temperature in the room where the orchid lives should also be reduced. If there is little light, minimum water, the temperature must be no higher than eighteen degrees at normal humidity, which, by the way, should not decrease. Temperature/humidity adjustments are made in winter, autumn because the orchid needs to dry out. Indeed, in a plant, not only water consumption occurs, but also its evaporation, more often through leaf surfaces.

The plant is on the windowsill, and a battery is installed under the windowsill. It gives a temperature of about 25 degrees. Watering has been reduced, and the heat from the battery makes the air dry.

Therefore, the leaves will intensively lose the moisture of the entire plant. And here the phalaenopsis will do the following: it will “pull” water from the roots. And if there are flowers, from them, from buds. There is no water, the buds dry, the leaves also dry up. Moreover, the lower leaves will dry first.

Therefore, if there is little light in winter (and there is not enough of it), watering is reduced, you need to reduce the temperature, lowering it to eighteen degrees. Humidity in a room with phalaenopsis needs to be increased. If this is not possible, simply remove the plant from the battery.

From all that has been said, one can understand: the owner himself sends the plant into hibernation, if he needs it. With proper care and plenty of light, phalaenopsis will not sleep, but will bloom. That is, his sleep depends on the owner himself. If you want the orchid to sleep, do not arrange additional lighting and proceed as indicated in the above.

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Winter is a special time for the delicate “butterfly” orchid. During this period, it is important to create all conditions for the comfort of a whimsical beauty.

When performing a simple set of necessary measures pet will not only easily survive the cold season, but also will please the owners with unusual wax flowers.

Below you will find out how to care for a plant this time of year.


Watering orchids are the most difficult moment plant care. Too much moisture can detrimental effect on the thin root system epiphyte.

Content temperature

Winter temperature regime no less important, it depends on the type of plant:

  • thermophilic orchids- for successful cultivation the air temperature should not be lower than 15-16°C. Daily fluctuations should not exceed 3-5°C. This group includes: (Phalaenopsis), (Vanda), (Ludisia), variegated slippers (), ascocentrum ().
  • Orchids that need a moderately warm content. These specimens are able to withstand a significant drop in temperature for a short period of time. The optimal mode is 12-15°C. This includes most domestic orchids: dendrobium (), (Laelia), (Cattleya) and some others.
  • Orchids that prefer cool climates. They feel great at winter daytime temperatures of 12 ° C and night temperatures up to 5 ° C. These are such cold-resistant plants as (Cymbidium), (Coelogyne), Miltoniopsis (Miltoniopsis) and others.

It should be remembered that all indoor orchids do not tolerate stuffiness and too warm air , so the room must be ventilated more often.

Important! Avoid cold drafts in the room. They can be detrimental to orchids.

Choice of location, lighting, air humidity

The right choice of location guarantees good growth and orchid bloom. prefer bright, but diffused. by the most good option for winter, the location of the plant on the south window is considered. Here it gets required amount Sveta during a short winter day.

A balcony or loggia can also become a cozy place, provided that the space is sufficiently insulated.

The orchid is very photophilous, so a good addition would be additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp. This is especially true during the growth of young shoots. The light source is best placed at about 30 cm from a flower, no more.

Plants of the orchid family not too demanding high humidity environment. Do not forget that these are "adapters" whom nature endowed with dense leathery leaves and roots, in which there is enough moisture to endure a short period of drought.

But if the apartment is too hot and you can’t do without spraying, it is necessary to remove the moisture remaining in the axils of the leaves so that it does not stagnate and lead to decay.

In very dry air, there is a risk of spider mites breeding on plants. To increase the humidity of the microclimate experienced growers recommend the following:

  • Place pallets with pebbles next to the orchid filled with water;
  • Cover radiators wet towels;
  • Periodically turn on the humidifier;
  • Install an indoor fountain near the plant.

What to do after flowering

Attention! The bark of living trees is not suitable for planting orchids.

top dressing

necessary condition for the full development of a whimsical plant. AT winter period orchids need to be fed, but concentration should be four times less than during the warm season.

Should stop at fertilizers rich in phosphorus or potassium. These substances stimulate the appearance of the kidneys and provide lush bloom. It is useful to use specialized fertilizer for orchids. It contains the entire complex necessary elements in a balanced way.

Basic feeding rules:

  • in winter - once a month;
  • feeding is done immediately after watering;
  • you can not fertilize the sick or pest-infested plants;
  • prohibited feed orchids during active flowering;
  • do not fertilize during and after transplant.


winter can and should be done. It improves appearance plants, cleans the leaves from dust. For irrigation, use a spray bottle and warm clean water or special solutions. Great for such a procedure "Epin", it effectively protects the orchid with a sharp change in conditions of detention.

It is important to avoid getting drops on flower stalks with buds.. Spraying is best done in a shady place and do not expose the flower immediately under straight lines. Sun rays. This will prevent burns on the leaves of the plant.

Advice! To make orchids shine with health, flower growers recommend spraying them. succinic acid(1 tablet per 1 liter of water). This inexpensive tool has a positive effect on the immunity of "butterflies".

Flowering conditions

While doing home orchid sure to bloom in winter.

  1. We put the plant on the brightest place. With a lack of sun, artificial lighting is used.
  2. We bring mineral fertilizers.
  3. We support the necessary humidity air.
  4. Create a temperature difference. In winter, this is easy to achieve on a regular windowsill, you just need to make sure that there is no hypothermia of the roots.
  5. We apply " shock therapy”:
  • hot shower- water the plant in a warm bath with hot (up to + 35 degrees) water. After that, leave the pot to cool and return to its original place.
  • Artificial drought- for two months we water the orchid extremely rarely and do not spray. When flower stalks appear, we begin intensive care.

Choosing a plant when buying

From how high quality and healthy plant bought in the winter, depends on his whole future life. If the temperature and humidity conditions are not observed during transportation, the roots, stems and leaves of orchids may rot.

Root rot is especially dangerous., so it is important to carefully examine when buying root system. This is easy to do, as flowers are most often grown in transparent pots. This is due to the fact that the roots of orchids are capable of photosynthesis.

Preference should be given plants in dry soil, since the result of one inaccurate watering can be deplorable, but it will manifest itself already at home.

from 4-5 large leaves . The number of open flowers may vary, but the fewer, the better. This means that the plant is just starting to bloom.

How to transport a plant in the cold?

During home delivery at temperatures below +10 degrees, use packaging to protect against cold. The colder, the more layers of packaging will need to be done, and the entire plant will need to be covered completely.

Can be taken from home roll insulation type "Foiled Thermal Insulation" and hermetically wrap the plant in it in several layers.

It is advisable to immediately transfer from the store to a warm car (call a taxi if you don’t have your own) so as not to destroy the plant in the cold.

Useful video

The video shows how to care for phalaenopsis in winter:

This video answers the question: “Where is it better to put an orchid in winter, and where in summer?”:

How to water an orchid in winter and do I need to repot? Answer in this video:

And here it is told about the growth and flowering of orchids in winter on the window:


A blooming orchid in a winter window is an unforgettable sight. To help the "butterfly" bloom in the cold season, a simple magic formula: a lot of light, a decrease in temperature at night, a dormant period and always sufficient air humidity.

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Winter is a special period in the life of all living organisms. Most plants either die or are in "waiting mode" for the next life cycle, birds fly away to places warmer than our temperate zone, and some animals fall into prolonged hibernation. And if the house has a small "living corner", then good mood even the strongest blizzards will not be able to sweep away, and a riot of colors will create an inspired mood for new beginnings. For all this, one condition must be met - proper winter care. Now we will help you figure out exactly how to help home orchids overwinter without compromising their health and beauty, or how to care for orchids in the winter.

First of all, it is worth noting that there are many varieties of orchidsthat are grown in different parts of the Earth: from Southeast Asia to Australia. Some of them, due to seasonal climatic changes (in this case this cooling) a state of rest is observed (growth and development stops). In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering, do not carry out any bait and lower the temperature of the environment in which the plant is located. Such orchids include the following varieties: tunia, playone, calantha, some types of cattleya and dendrobiums.

Most orchids that can be purchased from us in stores, flower shops or markets are hybrid, the most popular of them are Phalaenopsis hybrids. And this great option for beginner gardeners or people who want to grow lovely orchids but don't have enough time to care for them. After all, hybrids are very unpretentious in care, and the temperature regime and irrigation regime throughout the year does not change significantly.

Whatever species and varieties your favorite beautiful orchids are, there are still a few special rules for caring for them in winter time:

Winter watering regime

The main rule of winter watering is to reduce the frequency of watering and dose. During this period of cooling, even in orchids without a clear state of rest, life rhythms slow down a little, that is, the roots simply will not have time to absorb the usual amount of water. It's not difficult to observe this: just check the moisture content of the substrate and watch the color of the roots. Healthy roots are light green or slightly lilac in color. If the roots get grey colour they urgently need to be watered. How to do it correctly, you can find in our special section.

The most common mistake flower growers make is not proper care behind plants after watering. Without waiting for the moment when the roots absorb enough water, and excess moisture completely drains into a special bowl under the pot, novice flower growers return it to its original place (most often it is a window sill) along with that same bowl. It must be taken into account that near the window the air temperature is slightly lower than in the entire room, and the roots still continue to absorb the already cooled moisture, during which they themselves supercool. This situation is ideal for the development of diseases in orchids (most often this fungal diseases). To prevent such an outcome, it is not necessary to remove the plants from the window, it is enough to put a sheet of foam between the plants and the window sill, and place the flowers themselves in special pots with a recess. So you provide thermal insulation and protection for orchids.

If you like to arrange your orchids as watering warm shower, then it is best to do this in the evening and leave them to dry all night in the bathroom. This trick will help prevent the formation of rot at the growing point. And the humid and warm environment of the bathroom is close to natural conditions, so orchids will be grateful for such a gift.

Lighting orchids in winter

As you know, in winter daylight hours become as short as possible, because there is not enough sunlight for orchids. In order for your pets to delight with their flowering as often as possible, you need to take care of an additional point of light. To do this, we recommend that you get a special fluorescent lamp or an ordinary fluorescent lamp with a warm or cold glow (about 60 watts). The lamp should be installed at a distance of no more than 30 cm from the plants. And remember that the “light day” for orchids should last from 8:00 to 20:00, otherwise, with a lack of light, the leaves will fade and begin to wrinkle.

Fresh air

Do not forget that not only people, but also flowers need fresh air, so try to ventilate the room where your pets are as often as possible. In no case do not leave flowers in a draft, because it can be fatal for them.

Temperature indicators

The optimum air temperature for orchids in winter drops to +15 degrees at night and up to +23 degrees during the day. Natural temperature drops of 5-7 degrees create favorable conditions for setting flower buds. Therefore, if you want orchids to please you with their beautiful color as often as possible, you should not worry too much about warmth. all day long. Can be safely opened at night window pane so that fresh air enters the room and to create normal temperature conditions.

By following these fairly simple and affordable tips, you can happily winter with your favorite plants to bloom with new force with the onset of the freshest and most colorful season of the year!

For many gardeners, an important topic is how to care for orchids in winter. The reason is that many varieties of phalaenopsis are capricious, they do not tolerate drought, or vice versa, they begin to hurt at the slightest drop in temperature. All this is relevant precisely in the winter, when in some apartments it’s too hot, and in others - “you won’t warm your soul.”

In order to understand the rules of care, it must be said that they will differ depending on the dormant state of the flower. Many people think that in winter this condition is the same for everyone, but in fact it is not.

Flower care by class

All orchids are different, what suits one will not suit another, so they must be divided into classes and considered individually.

These classes are the following:

  • Phalaenopsis without a pronounced dormant state.
  • Orchids with pronounced dormant periods.
  • Phalaenopsis with mild dormant periods.

All these orchids need special care.

Phalaenopsis without a pronounced dormant state

Flowers that fall into this category need stable care throughout the year. We are talking about lighting, temperature, watering and humidity. True, in winter there are still some nuances, which will be discussed later. This category includes such popular orchids: paphiopedilums (shoes), phalaenopsis, miltonia.

Phalaenopsis with mild periods of rest

Such flowers do not fall into "hibernation". However, care for them in winter is somewhat different than in summer. For example, top dressing and are reduced. Such orchids include: oncidiums, dendrobiums and lelias.

Orchids with pronounced dormant periods

Such orchids need special care with complete drying of the substrate. In winter, species that belong to the class presented are not watered, the flower loses its leaves, and shoots can only be observed in spring. We are talking about tunia, calanthes, playon and several.

Caring for orchids without a pronounced dormant state

Despite the fact that the flowers from the presented group are similar to each other, home care for them will be slightly different.


First of all, proper care is in bright lighting. In winter, it is necessary to turn on the fluorescent lamp. The air temperature in the room must be at least +12 °C. Water the flower should be only when the substrate is well dried. Manipulation should be performed by immersing the flowerpot with the plant in a basin of warm water.

In summer, phalaenopsis is sprayed, and in winter only the area around the flower is sprayed. Top dressing is not applied in winter.


This orchid needs the same watering at any time of the year. Considering that the flower throws out flower stalks in winter, it is imperative to turn on the fluorescent lamp. The light should be bright but diffused. Temperature indicators should not exceed + 18 ° C, but also fall below +10 ° C. It is important to ensure that water does not fall on the stem during watering.


It is a heat-loving flower, therefore minimum temperature cannot be lower than +18 °C. The soil must be constantly moist. Not only the main roots need watering, but also air ones, which should be sprayed regularly. winter sun the flower is small, so do not forget about the backlight.


Miltonia also cannot grow in cold conditions. True, she needs to find shaded habitats. In the daytime, it is good if the thermometer stays at +20..+25 °C. At night, this figure can be lower and even +15 °C. This type of orchid does not like sudden changes in temperature and drafts. You can forget about feeding for the winter. Watering should be reduced and manipulation should be carried out only after the substrate has dried.

Care for orchids with a mild dormant period in winter


The presented specimen has two types: flowers that bloom in spring and plants that bloom only in autumn. Although many gardeners believe that this is all conditional.

Important! At favorable conditions the impetus to flowering can be given at any time of the year.

If the plant bloomed in autumn, then it will not have a dormant state, because after flowering you can see the exit of the next peduncle.

True, this does not mean that you need to take care of the plant in the same way as in the summer. In winter, top dressing is completely removed and watering is reduced. The flower loves bright light, so the fluorescent lamp must be turned on constantly during the daytime. This rule is also obligatory for spring specimens, which have "hibernation" before and after the release of the peduncle. As for the temperature, it should be within +12..+18 °C.


The vast majority of flowers of these species delight with the beauty of flowering at the very end of winter and early spring. During this period, it is necessary to take care of good lighting, air humidity and watering. Humidity should be increased, because there is a high chance of damage to the plant spider mite. As for watering, it is carried out only when the substrate is completely dry.

Caring for orchids with a pronounced dormant period

Flowers belonging to this class also have their own characteristics.


With the advent of autumn, the leaves of this species begin to turn yellow and crumble. During this period, watering begins to gradually stop. As soon as all the leaf plates crumble, you can forget about watering for a while. So that the stems do not break off, they can be tied up. Lighting is left bright, but diffused. Temperature indicators should be kept at +8..+10 °C.


This specimen does not need high temperature indicators, regardless of the time of year. In winter, the flower sheds all the leaves. After this happens, the plant needs to be transplanted into a fresh substrate. Watering is carried out once - immediately after transplantation, which cannot be said about lighting, which should be bright and constant. As for the temperature, the ideal option is +7..+10 °C. It is not for nothing that many gardeners prefer Playone, since caring for an orchid in winter at home is not difficult.


This is another species that sheds leaves for the winter. The dormant period of the plant often occurs at the end of winter. When there are still flowers on the orchid, it should be fed, watered abundantly and taken care of. high humidity air. After flowering and leaf fall, the pot is transferred to a cool and ventilated room. The flower “rests” for about one and a half to two months. After the appearance of leaves and young shoots, they begin to feed and water.

If the grower has a copy that was not listed above, then you can use the general recommendations for care.

They are the following:

  • Any orchids need ventilation, but not drafts. It is best to perform the procedure in the daytime. Considering that many gardeners have flowers on low stands or on window sills, it will not be superfluous to protect the roots from hypothermia. To do this, you need to either raise the flowerpot higher, or put a little foam under the pots.
  • Backlight. Most orchids need extra light. Daylight hours for flowers should be at least 12 hours a day. In order for the plant to feel good, it is advisable to purchase special lamps. In anticipation of the acquisition, you will need to turn on fluorescent lamps.
  • Many people in the winter in apartments with central heating too hot. There is no option to adjust the temperature. This means that being in such a room, cold-loving orchids will die. In order to avoid this, you will need to find the coolest place in the house, perhaps the hallway. And on the wall where there is no battery, create a greenhouse, but in the form of a refrigerator. Having closed a small space completely with a film, you will need to install a flower, and next to put a container with ice, which will cool the greenhouse. Using this method, it is possible to easily maintain a temperature of about +10 ° C.
  • In winter, spraying is not carried out with any orchids. The only exceptions are cases when it is necessary to treat the flower from pests. The procedure is performed in the morning and only hot water(not boiling water, but very warm). At the same time, the atomizer is set to a minimum.
  • Humidity is of great importance. In dryness, the plant may begin to disappear. The ideal option will purchase a humidifier. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to place containers with water next to the orchids.

Important! In winter, phalaenopsis are especially susceptible to attack by pests and various diseases. Therefore, it is very important to know how to care for an orchid in order to protect it from this.

Watering a flower during the cold season is the most difficult part of caring for an orchid, so this point is worth considering doing. In winter, in all varieties of orchids, life rhythms slow down, so the roots absorb less moisture than in summer. In order to control the amount of moisture in the pot, just look at the color of the roots - in healthy they will have a light green or slightly lilac hue. But if the roots of the flower turned gray, then they urgently need to be watered.

An important feature of orchid watering is that when it is carried out, the flower pot must be placed in a special container, wait until excess water drains into it, and then put the pot on the windowsill. Remember that chilled water contributes to the development of diseases in a flower, therefore, for especially thermophilic varieties wintering on the windowsill, it is recommended to install a foam sheet between the pot and the glass for thermal insulation.

After watering varieties that need moisture, you can arrange a kind of warm shower with a sprayer. But you also need to do this in a certain way - at night and in the bathroom, so that the flower dries up until morning in its natural humid environment.

Let there be light, nutrition and temperature

If you are growing a variety of orchids that needs additional lighting in winter, then you can organize it using a special fluorescent lamp for flowers. If this is not the case, then you can use a conventional fluorescent lamp, the power of which is not lower than 60 watts. The light source should be about 30 cm from the flower, but no more.

Fertilize orchids in winter should be rare, as absorption useful substances from the ground, compared to summer, slows down significantly. And some varieties do not need winter feeding at all.

Warm - best friend orchids, but for successful budding, the plant needs a temperature difference of about 5-7 degrees, so you can safely open the window for airing at night if there is no outdoor hard frost. It is also good that orchids need an influx fresh air, and frequent airing it won't be redundant.

It is not worth transplanting orchids in winter, only if the plant is affected by a disease and a transplant is vital for it.

How to care for an orchid in winter

A flower like an orchid has a very a large number of varieties, each of which differs from the others not only in the color and size of the inflorescence, but also in the conditions of detention. If we talk about winter care, then there are three main categories:

  1. Orchids that do not fall into a dormant state - for these varieties, care in winter is practically no different from summer.
  2. Flowers that need a change in care - these varieties themselves do not fall into complete hibernation, but in winter they need to be looked after differently than in summer.
  3. With a pronounced state of rest - need special care where certain rules must be followed.

The following varieties of orchids do not fall into a dormant state:

  • Phalaenopsis is one of the most common varieties that needs auxiliary lighting in winter with the help of fluorescent lamps. The recommended temperature is +12 degrees, and you need to water the plant only when the soil is completely dry. Watering phalaenopsis is carried out in a special way - the pot is immersed in a container of water and left there for half an hour. It is not necessary to spray and feed the variety in winter;
  • Pafipedilum - in winter it also needs additional lighting, the temperature should be in the range from 10 to 18 degrees;
  • Wanda - the soil must be constantly wet, and the temperature is not lower than +18;
  • Miltonia is as heat-loving as the previous variety, but it does not treat the light so positively, so it is better to keep the pot in a shaded place. Does not need winter feeding.

If we talk about plants that have a dormant state, but it is not expressed clearly, then they act here following rules winter care:

  • Cattleya - needs to rest in winter, so at this time of the year it is worth completely stopping top dressing and significantly reducing watering. Additional lighting, like many other varieties, is needed, and the recommended temperature is 12-18 degrees;
  • Dendrobiums - unlike the previous variety, all types of dendrobiums need winter abundant feeding and watering, but exactly until the end of flowering, which occurs at the end of winter. After the plant has faded, no fertilizer is needed, and it is worth watering only when the soil is completely dry.

The winter dormancy period is pronounced in the following varieties:

  • Tunia - as soon as all the leaves fall off, the plant must be completely stopped watering, while maintaining bright diffused lighting and temperature within 8-10 degrees;
  • Playone - with the onset of winter, it is transplanted into fresh soil, after which watering stops. You can keep a pot with this orchid on the balcony, as it calmly tolerates temperatures up to +7 degrees and needs diffused lighting;
  • Kalanta - just like the previous varieties, does not need watering after all the leaves have fallen. In winter, the orchid pot is placed in a cool place.


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