Why is my pet orchid no longer blooming? Orchid care: how to water a plant at home What you need for abundant flowering of phalaenopsis.

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Depends on the experience and ability of the owner to provide Phalaenopsis with the necessary environmental conditions for flowering.

On average, an orchid blooms for about 3 months.. Some especially talented orchid growers manage to extend this period up to 5, or even up to 8 months. Then the plant enters a dormant period gaining strength for a new flowering. The cycle of flowering and rest for each plant is different, so there is no exact data on when exactly the plant should release and decorate the window.

Proper care of the plant can minimize the rest period. Phalaenopsis is able to bloom almost all year round when receiving enough water, nutrients and light, as well as observing the correct temperature regime. When it comes to the first bloom young plant, then it does not need to be expected earlier than 2 years after planting.

Reasons for the lack of buds

What to do if the orchid does not bloom? In a house or apartment, it is difficult to recreate the conditions of the natural habitat of phalaenopsis. but regular care according to all the rules stimulates the rich and long flowering of orchids.

  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • the flower was acquired at the end of the flowering period;
  • high room temperature;
  • excess salt in the soil;
  • lack of light;
  • excess or lack of feeding;
  • improperly selected fertilizers.

Should the plant be stimulated?

A prolonged lack of flowering is a sign that the plant is experiencing discomfort.. bright flowers signal the health of the orchid and proper care for her. If the orchid has not bloomed for a long time, it just needs to be stimulated.

Problems and Troubleshooting

Due attention from the owner of the orchid and care at home contribute to the stimulation of flowering. If the plant does not bloom, there are several reasons for that.


The most common diseases:

  • bacterial spot- brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • sooty mushrooms contribute to the formation of black plaque on the leaves;
  • powdery mildew- a disease that manifests itself in the appearance of white plaque;
  • plant rotting when it rots root system and leaves.

What do we have to do:

  1. Remove all affected parts of the plant.
  2. Apply a special drug created to treat a specific type of disease.
  3. If the plant began to rot, you need to cut off all damaged areas, change the substrate and pot, and transplant the orchid.


The most common pests of orchids: thrips, scale insects, mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids, mites. Pests live both on the leaves and in the substrate. The pest affects not only the frequency and duration of flowering, but also the general condition of the plant.

How to identify the presence of a pest:

For the destruction of pests it is necessary:

  1. wash the plant thoroughly with soap and water;
  2. treat the substrate, plant and roots with a broad-spectrum insecticide solution, repeat after a week.

How to properly care?

Phalaenopsis is an unpretentious orchid, but it is sensitive to habitat and care conditions.:

  • If the plant is in a place that is too dark, or in a place with an abundance of direct sunlight, you should not wait for flowering. The orchid should be in a place with sufficient, but not too bright lighting. If you can’t move the pot from a place with abundant sunlight, it’s enough to darken the window a little. special paper or foil.
  • It is necessary to properly water the plant - no more than 1 time in 4 days and only in the morning.
  • The room should not be too hot and humid - such conditions provoke rotting.
  • Do not transplant the plant and do not rearrange the pot unless absolutely necessary.
  • Frequent fertilization does not benefit this plant. Feeding should only be spring- summer period 1 time in 2 weeks.

How to wake up from sleep?

Phalaenopsis is not the most capricious plant, so waking up an orchid is not so difficult. as it seems at first glance. There are two main ways to wake up an orchid from sleep: using artificial drought or using a temperature difference. Both methods give the plant a "shake-up" and encourage active flowering. The choice of method is at the discretion of the owner.

Important: Stimulation is possible only if the plant is completely healthy, but for some reason refuses to bloom. If the orchid has only recently faded, it is very young or sick, such experiments are not recommended.

Artificial drought

This method will help at any time of the year and at any stable room temperature (not higher than 30 ° C) to plant an orchid to begin to bloom. The process of awakening a flower will take from 1 to 2 months.


Temperature difference

This method of stimulation is suitable for most orchids.. Let's consider its features:

  • In spring, when the night temperature is around 16 ° C, the plant should be taken out to the balcony closer to the open window.
  • If it is possible to protect the orchid from direct sunlight, you can keep it on the balcony all day, but if this is not possible, take it out only at night.
  • Phalaenopsis will be warm during the day and cool at night. As a result of such differences, the plant has the strength to develop the peduncle, the growth of leaves and roots. Usually 10-15 days are enough for stimulation.

The temperature difference method can also be used in summer and autumn, but it is in spring that you can achieve the greatest results. If the plant does not receive proper care, flowering stimulation will not give good and lasting results.

Unfortunately, in the care of orchids do not work standard rules, as is the case with ordinary indoor flowers. Orchids don't have a regular schedule like twice a week or once a month. It is necessary to determine whether watering is necessary solely on the condition of the plant and the substrate in which it is located.

How to understand that a flower needs watering?

The simplest and effective method to understand that a flower needs to be watered is assessment of the moisture content of the substrate in which it is located:

  • completely dry substrate in a pot;
  • the absence of condensate droplets in the pot;
  • a noticeable decrease in the weight of the pot indicates that the substrate is already dry;
  • partial color change of orchid roots from rich green to silver gray.

ADVICE! Do not water a flower whose substrate is still slightly wet or partially wet, wait until it dries completely. Compliance with this simple rule will help you keep your orchid from rotting.

Water Requirements

To make it bloom and with what kind of water? The requirements for the water with which we water the orchid are quite simple and easily achievable. The water should be warm, not too hard and slightly acidic. This can be achieved by doing very simple steps:

  1. Water should be filtered, conventional filters that are built into the plumbing system, or kitchen stationary ones, will do.
  2. Hard water can simply be boiled, in which case all excess salts will precipitate during boiling.
  3. filtered or boiled water it is necessary to defend at least 12 hours, and better - during the day.
  4. You can dilute ordinary, settled water 1: 1 with distilled water, this will reduce the hardness and acidity of the water.
  5. Use of rain water.

A photo

Watering methods

There are several, and each of them is aimed at ensuring that the plant absorbs as much moisture as possible, and the substrate becomes heavy and wet enough. You can choose any watering method that is most convenient for you:

  • hot shower method;
  • watering method in a pot;
  • spraying method;
  • method of immersing a flower pot in water;
  • method of conventional watering from a watering can.

How are these methods different? Let's look at each of them in more detail.

In the shower

Flower pots are placed in a bathtub, basin or tray, the shower is set to a small pressure so as not to injure the plant. The water temperature should be warm enough, between 30 and 38 degrees in other words, your inner side wrist or elbow should comfortably withstand the temperature of the water. Flowers are simply watered from the shower for 8-10 minutes, and then they are allowed to drain well.

Attention! The disadvantage of this method is that if you have a lot of flowers, then such watering can take much longer.

In addition, if the liquid from the substrate is not glass well enough, then drops and streaks cannot be dispensed with in the place where the flowers are constantly located. You should also ensure that no drops of water remain in the leaves and rosettes of the orchid - this can lead to flower disease and leaf rot.

This method is more convenient than the hot shower method., because it allows you not to transfer flowers and prevents problems with excess water on surfaces. For him, you just need to purchase flowerpots, which will be slightly larger than the orchid pots themselves, and pour water directly into the flowerpot, leaving them in this state for half an hour - an hour, after which it is worth pouring out the remaining water to avoid rotting the root system of the orchid.

Another advantage of this method is that you can use tap water of dubious quality, but properly prepared, as we talked about a little higher.


This method, like the hot shower method, is very close to natural, street watering orchids. It is carried out with the help of a spray gun, which sprays the plant itself, and the soil is well sprayed.

Important! Such watering will have to be carried out much more often, since the amount of water entering the substrate will be much less. But some orchid owners are happy to use only this method.

potty dips

This method is called the orchid soldering method. It is not difficult to carry out such watering, it is enough to have a suitable container on hand in which you will need to place your flower, or even several at once. A wide basin with high sides or even a simple bucket is useful here, in which the plant itself is placed first, and then water is poured, slightly not reaching the level of the edge of the pot. This is necessary so that water does not get on the leaves and the flower socket, as when watering with a shower, and subsequently, there was no need to waste time blotting the sockets and leaves from excess moisture.

From a watering can

For watering from a watering can, it will be mandatory to have a pallet or planter for each pot. All the water will drain into them, which should be poured out a short time after watering. It is worth watering the orchid with a watering can only along the edge of the pot, and it is necessary to protect the plant itself from getting water into it.

What to do with plant overflow?

  1. Plant overflow.

    As already mentioned, overflow is harmful to orchids and leads to decay of the root system of the flower. The roots become dark, sometimes even black, they are soft and slippery to the touch. Such roots must be removed to a healthy, elastic part and sprinkled with powder on the cut. activated carbon or cinnamon powder. Irrigation needs to be adjusted.

  2. Insufficient watering leads to drying of the roots and wilting of the leaves.

    Dry roots become brown, thin and brittle. They are easy to take off upper layer. The roots in this state should also be removed, leaving a small dry area, after which it is best to water the orchid using the hot shower method or the soldering method.

  3. Water ingress into the socket and axils of orchid leaves leads to decay of the above-ground part of the plant, unfortunately, after that the plant is almost impossible to save. It is necessary to thoroughly blot the recesses of the leaves after watering, if water has got into them, or to avoid such situations at all.
  4. Flower hypothermia.

    This often happens when watering. cold water, or in winter time while taking a hot shower. If the orchid is immediately placed on a sufficiently cold window after watering, or taken out into a cool room, this can cause not only rotting of the roots, but also damage to the leaves, the appearance of furrows and deep cracks on them. Be sure to check the temperature in the room and on the windowsill, especially at night.

By following all these simple rules, you will receive gratitude in the form of a chic plant that will delight you with lush flowering for a long time, and will undoubtedly please you. Orchid care may seem too complicated and burdensome for you, but experimenting, you will definitely find the watering method that suits you completely and will not be a burden to you.

Useful video

Watch a video about proper watering home orchid:

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To each florist wants to see not only blooming, but also see this beauty for as long as possible.

And each of those who keep at home this beautiful flower wondered how to achieve abundant flowering orchids?

You will find answers in this article.

How beautiful an orchid flower is, so it is moody at at home.

In order for the orchid to bloom profusely, it needs good care.

But if you bring the climate closer to natural conditions, then you can observe in several periods. To do this, you must also know a number of factors. Let's take a closer look: what to do to make the orchid bloom profusely?

flower age

What to do so that the orchids bloom again magnificently and beautifully? Before wishing orchid, you need to know a little about her age. If the flower is grown with my own hands, then the signal for will be age, which varies from 1.5 years to 3 years. It is during this interval that the plant reveals its potential.

The duration of the period is explained by the type of flower and the condition of the content. During this period of time, up to 5-8 adults should be formed.

Too much early flowering can lead to death. Since the plant will not have time to accumulate strength. When buying orchids in a store, you should pay attention to the presence of adult leaves.

Plant location, proper lighting

South side of the house
most optimal location for an orchid. At the same time, the plant requires shading from direct rays.

When buds are formed, it is already undesirable to move even a few centimeters. Not to mention their turnaround. All permutation procedures can only be performed at the formation of all opened flowers.

This usually takes 10 days. Then any corner of the house can be decorate with blooming clusters colors. Penumbra during this period is not terrible for the plant.

When buying an orchid, during the formation of peduncles, you should notice the side of the pot, with which it is directed towards the light. Set the house in the same position. This will help him quickly adapt.

Flowering time can come at any time of the year. The main thing here is to provide the plant with enough light. In the winter autumn time need artificial lighting.

Important! As lighting fixtures use phytolamps. They have the ability to scatter light. And what is very important - they do not dry the air space near the flower.

Ambient temperature and humidity

The lack of light does not allow the orchid. And the emerging buds suddenly dry up and fall off. Some flower growers mistakenly think that artificial light is needed for the whole plant.

Actually it is not. enough to illuminate only the top. Light day should be 10-12 hours.

The ambient temperature in the room plays a significant role. Best Options during the day - from 20 to 24 degrees C, at night: 15-18. When the difference is within 5-6 degrees.

IN summer season orchid can take out to the balcony, where it will receive a natural temperature difference. It is the difference that causes the plant to bloom.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature in the apartment.

IN winter period can be arranged mini fridge. Use a box, for example, from shoes, and enclose the pot from outside window sill.

The temperature from the window will be lower than in the room. Continue such procedures at night should be within 10 days.

Orchids sitting in pots get enough moisture from. So you don't have to worry about humidity.

But specimens grown epiphytically, that is, on the bark, need it. And also those who are with the weak. For this, apply multiple methods to get the right humidity:

  • They put vessels with wet expanded clay;
  • Container with water;
  • sprayed hot water, heated to 35 degrees;
  • Install a humidifier.

Good microclimate is provided by flowers standing in the neighborhood.

Watering mode

At the time when the buds are poured, it should be moderate. Re-irrigate after complete drying of the substrate. Indeed, in nature, flowers are prepared for during this period.

Insects that do this job do not fly in rainy weather. Therefore, it is also worth refraining from.

Use water for irrigation well settled and heated to 35 degrees C. In nature monsoon rains heated up to that temperature. You can use defrosted water after turning off the refrigerator.

Excess moisture can negatively affect, it will simply wither and fall off.

Worth knowing! Before opening a flower, it is better to underfill water than to overfill.

Always link your actions with natural phenomena, then there will be no problems with flowering.

Some orchids love dried substrate during opening and flowering. Watering is best done in the morning, by the evening the substrate should dry out.

Some species require re-watering already on the third day, others - after a month. Irrigation signal can serve. They visually become wrinkled. A day after the next watering, you can notice that the leaf straightened out and the wrinkles disappeared.

In winter, place the flowerpot on foam plastic so that the lower layer of roots from the window sill does not get supercooled.

Pot of orchids immersed in a container of water for 10 minutes so that all roots have access. Further, water from the pan should be poured out or a planter should be used, where excess liquid will merge.

The right fertilizer application pattern

In nature, orchids receive nutrients from the air, dewdrops. Therefore, at home you can spray bait or add it in liquid form:

Eliminate draft and exposure to direct sunlight after the procedures.

Basic prerequisites for abundant flowering

Orchids bloom for 3 months, and some specimens, depending on the species, can please up to 8 months. For the abundant bloom of orchids the following factors influence:

Stimulation of the growth of peduncles

A plant with 5-8 leaves is ready to bloom. But how to increase the growth of an orchid? In order for flower stalks to grow more actively, growth stimulants are used, i.e. fertilizer:

Rules for feeding drugs

During active growth liquid fertilizer NRK is required to be applied in a ratio of 8:3:5.

When a peduncle appears, the dosage of NRK changes 2:6:6.

Top dressing is carried out every 2 weeks, if the activity falls on the summer period. In winter gap between meals is 30 days.

Fertilizers should be rotated into root and surface. Periodicity will not allow the roots to get burned. During spraying, reduce the dosage from the instructions by half, for complex fertilizers - by 3-4 times.

Plants are not fed just now, as in the composition of the substrate there are nutrients.

How to feed orchids? Flower growers recommend using liquid fertilizers . The most popular of them:

  1. greenworld(Germany) - before use, shake and dilute according to the instructions for the root system 10 ml per 3 liters of water, in case of spraying, reduce the dosage by 2 times. Solution Brown color without smell. Remove while spraying. excess moisture from points of growth;
  2. "Bona Forte"(Russia) - complex fertilizer. Stimulates re-blooming;
  3. "Kemira-Lux". Judging by the reviews of flower growers, it occupies a leading position. There are no complaints about him;
  4. Substral, Etisso And BioEkor also have a lot of fans;
  5. "Flora". As part of natural ingredients. Fertilizer is used for foliar feeding. The container is equipped with a sprayer.

Advice! Look at the label for the amount of NRK in the solution. So that you can decide at what stage the fertilizer should be applied.

Questions from readers about flowering:

How to increase duration?

Until the buds fully open keep the plant in a well-lit area, not less than 12 hours. Then move the flower to another place with a lower temperature. Do not fertilize them during flowering.

When is stress good?

Not all stresses are detrimental to flowers. Some of them stimulate flowering. For example, the difference between night and day temperatures by 4-5 degrees C, overdrying of the substrate. It is necessary to subject such stresses at a time when the plant has up to 8 leaves, that is, it is ready for flowering.

How does a sudden change in temperature affect?

There is a concept useful and tolerable temperature. When nighttime indicators vary within 15-18 degrees C, and daytime indicators - 20-24 degrees, the transferred values ​​are 15 and 24 degrees C, respectively.

The temperature in the intermediate segment is useful. Any deviation of the transferred values ​​in one direction or another stresses the plant.

Why does the death of old roots provoke the process?

With the death of old roots suction capacity decreases plants. It turns out a lack of moisture, which provokes the laying of flower buds. From where the peduncle is drawn, then the buds.

How does reducing watering affect bud opening?

Buds that yearn to open ready for pollination. Just when it's not raining. Orchids also respond to lack of moisture. Therefore, they open up.

Why do orchids wither leaves?

Overheating and direct Sun rays, even if shaded, have a negative effect not only on the leaves, but also on the flower as a whole. It should be moved to partial shade.

Useful video

Learn in the video how to make an orchid bloom profusely at home:

Look at the video that stimulates the flowering of orchids:

Video instruction on how to properly water an orchid:

See the video for which one you need temperature regime for orchids:


Beginning growers:

  1. Do not water orchids with boiled or distilled water., since it does not contain useful trace elements that the plant feeds on;
  2. Should not be allowed to the flower insects capable of pollinating it. He will instantly die;
  3. Do not use perfume in the room where the orchid is located;
  4. Don't put it in the kitchen where fruit is always present, from which a specific substance ethylene is released;
  5. The signal for the next watering can be the absence of drops on the walls of a transparent flowerpot.

At first glance, a novice florist can take a head and decide that he could not cope with the cultivation of orchids.

But not everything is so scary if you love flowers. Enough to study all tips and tricks, and the plant will respond with lush flowering.

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How to make an orchid bloom room conditions, and what mistakes do flower growers most often make in caring for a plant? Why indoor orchid doesn't want to bloom You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Orchids are very photophilous plants, and main reason why they refuse to bloom is a lack of light.

  • If the flower constantly lacks sunlight, then flowering may not occur for years. Leaves will only develop. For example, the Cymbidium orchid blooms only in very bright light, as in nature these plants grow under the open sun. For this variety, when grown indoors, it is very important to provide long daylight hours and bright lighting. But the foliage of a dark green color with a lack of lighting will grow by the plant very well.
  • Also, the flower may not bloom for a long time if the soil is too wet. Excess water causes the orchid to stop flowering. It is especially important to observe watering regimes when the plant is forming flower buds. If the orchid is constantly flooded abundantly, then the buds, contrary to expectations, will simply dry out, the flower stalks will become dry. During flowering, orchids generally do not need a lot of water.
  • The orchid needs a dormant period. To do this, in winter, you should lower the temperature in the room and greatly reduce watering. In order for the plant to give new flower stalks, it needs a long rest. There are, however, also such varieties of orchids that need to lower the air temperature only at night. During the dormant period, orchids do not fertilize, otherwise they will not bloom at all.

Creating ideal conditions for flowering

To stimulate flowering, first of all, the orchid must be created ideal conditions. It is very important to choose the right place for the potty and provide optimal care.

  1. There should be a lot of light, but at the same time, the orchid cannot be placed under direct sun. On the south side of the window, shade with a matte film. This rule must be strictly observed in the spring, as the orchid in the spring begins to adapt after resting to a longer daylight hours. The mild sun in autumn will not harm the flower, and it can even be rearranged under direct rays. Daylight hours for lush and regular flowering of orchids should be more than 12 hours.
  2. The place where the pot stands should be permanent. Due to frequent rearrangements, the orchid may stop blooming. Changing the pot is severe stress for a flower.
  3. Different varieties of this beautiful plant love different temperature air. So, phalaenopsis prefer temperatures above +25 ºС in summer, and about +15 ºС in winter. It is very important that the daily temperature difference is no more than 5 degrees.
  4. The humidity in the room should be between 40% and 70%. If the air is too dry, the buds will start to fall off. Too dry air in winter can be the reason for a prolonged lack of flowering in an orchid.

Stimulating the orchid with fertilizer

If the orchid stubbornly refuses to bloom, it needs to be fed. Top dressing helps the plant to tie more buds and bloom longer. In addition, the color of the petals will be more saturated. But it is important to follow the rules for fertilizing, otherwise you may not wait for flowering.

  • It is categorically impossible to make top dressing immediately after transplantation.
  • Fertilize the plant only during the growth period.
  • It is impossible to fertilize diseased specimens, as they may even die.
  • Fertilizers are applied immediately after watering.
  • Fertilize orchids every two weeks.

To stimulate the flowering of an orchid at home, it must be fed with compounds that contain a lot of potassium and phosphorus.

These elements contribute to a large number flowers. It is also desirable that vitamins and amino acids are present in the top dressing. You can purchase special fertilizer specifically for indoor orchids.

Irrigation Features

The intensity and frequency of watering also depend on the orchid variety.

  • Phalaenopsis love well-moistened soil, but they do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
  • But dendrobiums need more rare watering, they are watered only after the soil dries out.

In any case, orchids are watered carefully, trying not to overfill too much, because due to excess moisture, the roots can rot and the buds dry out.

Two watering options are allowed: traditionally from above and from below, when the pot is placed in a container of water. When watering from above, they simply moisten the soil, and the liquid flowing into the pan is immediately drained. When immersed in water, the pot is kept in a container for about 10 minutes so that moisture soaks the soil.

Orchids are watered with well-settled tepid water.

Secrets of the constant flowering of orchids

If an orchid does not bloom at home, what should I do in this case? At experienced flower growers there are secrets that will help make the plant bloom more often and for a longer time.

  1. First of all, flowering largely depends on the age of the orchid. Young plants may not produce a peduncle for a long time, even if all the rules for growing are followed.
  2. You can not rearrange the plant! Orchids are very sensitive to the light source, and in a new place they can simply stop blooming. Conversely, if you immediately choose appropriate place on which the flower will be fine, it will bloom for a long time.
  3. Orchids really don't like to be disturbed, so you need to grow these plants in transparent pots through which the roots are visible. The root system must be protected from touch.
  4. Orchids do not tolerate overheating, so pots should not be placed in rooms that are too hot or near heating appliances. In spring and summer, flower growers are advised to take the pots out into the air, where orchids will bloom all the time.

To correct the decline in flowering in winter, you can use additional lighting. Many flower growers illuminate orchids even at night. There are also special phytolamps that do not dry out the air.

Another secret that will make the orchid bloom: as soon as the flower falls off, watering should be stopped for a month. Water only after the soil dries out. This requirement must be met at any time of the year and for orchids of any age.

You used to be walking down the street. You look into other people's windows, what a sin to conceal. Only you look not at someone else's life, but at flowers. I've always wondered what people grow on their windowsills. Today, orchids are in fashion. What shades you will not see!

It happens that none. The tropical beauty does not want to please the owners with her splendor. But if you do it right, then it can bloom without interruption for almost 9 months. Then he will rest and again boast of beauty.

How to make an orchid bloom at home? Yes Easy. It is customary to mistakenly believe that this plant is capricious, requires special care and anxious attitude. So happy owners are dancing with a tambourine near it. And just something and you need to bring the conditions of detention to natural. So, we make the tropics at home!


In nature, the orchid is used to growing in partial shade. big trees. That is, there is a lot of light, but it does not fall directly on the plant. Therefore, we put the charmer on the sunniest window, the southern one is ideal. But be sure to scatter the light. We cover with paper, a curtain, blinds, a piece of cloth.

Or we don’t bother with penumbra, but create artificial lighting required power using phytolamps. Ordinary incandescents will not work, they will simply burn the plant.

Do not turn over

Under natural conditions, orchids do not walk. At all. Therefore, we do not drag the pot from place to place. It is desirable not to even rotate it around its axis. This is not a sunflower to spin after the sun.

If there is a serious need to move the orchid to another habitat, then be sure to make a mark on the pot before transferring. And already in a new place, put it on that side to the light, which was before.

Watch your feet

Orchids are sold in transparent pots. Out of ignorance, after the purchase, some transplant it into an opaque container. You can't do that. The root system of this plant is actively involved in the process of photosynthesis. For example, in nature, the roots are attached to the bark of the tree on which the beauty grows. Only a small part penetrates under the bark. Everyone else hangs outside and is beautifully lit.

This means that at home it is necessary to provide as much light access to the root system as possible.

And further. Check the roots carefully. As they begin to rot, they change color. You will have to urgently pick out your charm from the substrate or bark. Then, with a sterile knife or blade, cut off the rotting roots, capturing part of the healthy tissue. After the wound, it is necessary to cauterize with an ordinary medical brilliant green. And the substrate will have to be completely replaced with a new one.

Advice. The orchid will grow to the clay walls of the pot. And there is zero food. It must be glass or plastic. Most the right materials and perfect fit. Better plastic, it is easier to make many side holes in it so that the root system breathes freely.

Air humidity

We recall the climate of the tropics from the school geography course. Probably everyone knows that the humidity of the air there rolls over. Therefore, we create an artificial microclimate. We put additional containers with water around. Plus, we additionally constantly (up to three times a day) spray the air around. Not the plant itself, but the air! If a few drops fall on the orchid, then it's not scary. But try not to let that happen.

count the leaves

Most orchids only start blooming when they have at least 7 true leaves. This corresponds to an approximate age of 1.5 years. If your beauty threw out the buds earlier, then after flowering she may not have enough strength to recover. Then you will have to treat and protect it for a very long time.

Buying a plant flower shop Be sure to count the leaves. If there are less than 5, and flowering is in full swing, then refuse to buy. This is an artificial stimulation for the appearance of buds. Pity your nerves. How many of them will be left in a pot with a diseased plant?

Advice. Still, they ventured and got quite a crumb, but with a lush peduncle? Your patience and pity are boundless. Get ready for a long recovery period. For the plant, not for you.

Fertilize properly

Orchid for the full laying of flower buds and long flowering feeds are needed. The most suitable fertilizers for this are those with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. But the increased content of nitrogen and the like minerals strongly inhibits flowering. But it helps to grow a lush bush of foliage.

Therefore, we feed a small orchid with nitrogen, and then we switch to more suitable feeds. Only without fanaticism! Strictly follow all instructions on the package. And do not sprinkle fertilizer on the eye. An overabundance of minerals is just as destructive as their lack.

Properly water

Who about what, and we are again about the tropics. How does it happen in natural conditions? A long rainy season gives way to a slightly dry period. So we do the same.

First, we water the orchid abundantly and in plenty for a long time, and then sharply reduce watering. The plant understands that it is time to produce a peduncle. After all, pollinating insects do not fly in rainy weather. Therefore, only after the cessation of abundant moisture can flowers be expected.

If you constantly moisten the roots with a small amount of water and do not take breaks, then you can not wait for flowers.

By the way, about the rainy season. Almost all types of orchids have very small seeds. And in nature they are found many kilometers from the mother plant. Could the wind carry them so far in rainy weather?

It is said that the appearance of flowers is very well stimulated by spraying warm water directly on the plant itself for two weeks. The temperature of the water is approximately +35°C. Perhaps the orchid perceives such a procedure as the rainy season.

Arranging stress

Then make her stressful situation. A brief shock will cause the plant to flower. Because the beauty will think about imminent death and hurry to leave behind offspring.

Abrupt change in temperature. For example, for 12 hours, put an orchid in a room with a temperature of 6-8 ° C lower than usual. There is no need to think about changing the lighting. The cutie is snickering and she needs a shake-up.

Such a trick is easy to do in spring or autumn, putting it at the right time at open window or take it to the balcony. Just make sure that there is no draft, the Tropicans do not like this very much.

It's even easier in winter. Just move the orchid closer to the battery central heating during the day, and at night, on the contrary, pushing back. Just be sure to humidify the air more often. Otherwise, instead of stimulating flowering, you will get dried foliage. Or cover the battery with a thick blanket at night. Open during the day.

Irrigation stop. The principle of water operation is described above.

Refusal of fertilizers. It is possible that you simply fed your beauty. Stop giving her top dressing and any fertilizer. Absolutely. After all, you are growing a flower, not fattening a pig.

Change of lighting. For a day, the orchid is placed in more dark place. Or just one day they do not illuminate with auxiliary lamps. Method didn't work? So we increase the cruel time by whole month. And nothing terrible will happen to an orchid if it sits in semi-darkness for 30 days. For example, in the bathroom. It's quite dark and very humid. A good place in the kitchen under the sink. Just be sure to remove household chemicals from there. We do not kill the orchid, but help it begin to bloom.

Regular night cooling. They do it at the beginning or end of summer, when it is already hot during the day, and at night the temperature is kept at + 10-15 ° C. Weekly training in such conditions and the orchid will bloom like a pretty one!

Pruning. It happens that an orchid has released a peduncle, but there are no flowers themselves at all. So we will cut. Looking for kidneys. They are very clearly visible on a long peduncle. We count 3 pieces and boldly tick with a knife or blade. Just not with scissors! They crush the delicate fibers of the plant. An ordinary knife dipped in antiseptic. After such a haircut, the orchid begins to bloom rapidly and magnificently.

Dishonest sellers intensively process orchids with all kinds of growth stimulants. Moreover, doses that can make even an elephant bloom. You can also try some chemical agent. Only in adequate dosages. But it is advisable to use these measures only when you have already tried everything. possible ways and despaired of seeing the flowering of their favorite.

Let's rest

You can not force the orchid to bloom immediately after the end of the previous flowering. Not at this time, a dormant period begins, about 4 months long. During this period, new leaves and roots grow, the plant gains strength and power. Wait a bit and don't forget to take care of your pet. She needs your attention, rare plentiful watering and top dressing. And yet, often it is the rest period that is best time for rearranging and transplanting plants. While it is half asleep, it will not experience severe discomfort after your manipulations. Take advantage of this convenient moment.

How to make an orchid bloom at home? Yes you! No one thought to force. This is too thankless a job. Just a little spur, stimulate or help bloom - that's our task. Fulfilling all the recommendations, this task is quite feasible without special efforts and economic costs.

Video: how to achieve orchid flowering


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