How to decorate bathroom walls. Bathroom decor (50 photos): beautiful examples of interior design

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You won’t be able to make your bathroom cozy just by tiling the walls with new tiles. The room will remain empty and cold if you don’t add a couple of original notes to the interior design. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to decorate bathroom tiles and make the room more interesting.

When you want to decorate boring tiled walls, the simplest thing that your imagination suggests is to paint it! Of course, you can just take and paint the tiles in the bathroom, or you can do it beautifully and highly artistically. For example, you can paint not the entire tile, but in parts. Your tile was white, but now it’s multi-colored. Look how unusually the walls of the bathroom are painted.

This is not just a checkerboard arrangement of colors, this is surrealism on the wall! It's not difficult to do this. First, choose your paint the right colors. The paint should be for tiles or glass, otherwise your artwork will quickly come off the surface of the tile. Before painting, the tiles must be degreased and dust free. That's all, actually. Next, you paint the tiles with a brush, sponge, roller - whatever is more convenient for you. To make the lines smoother, apply masking tape.

Technique for painting tiles with masking tape

But why is strict geometry necessary? You can draw whatever you want. All you need is imagination, paint and a brush. The technique is the same: degrease the surface and paint with tile paint or acrylic.

You can create such beauty in an Asian style in your bathroom using paint and brushes.

Do-it-yourself tile painting: video

Vinyl stickers and stencil

One way to “revive” cold tiles is to use stickers (vinyl stickers). The choice is wide: you can purchase stickers of any shape, color and size in a specialized store. Along with them, the tube contains instructions and the tools necessary for gluing.

These stickers are not afraid of moisture and impact detergents. Dolphin images, sea ​​turtles, swans, mermaids and decorative fish can transform a bathroom beyond recognition.

Durable plastic stencils will be a worthy addition to stickers. They are placed tightly against the wall and painted over with moisture-resistant paint using a sponge. The pattern of seaweed and wave scallops will harmonize perfectly with sea-themed stickers.

This is important to know: before applying stickers or applying a pattern with paint, the tiles must be degreased.

Decorating using decoupage technique

Today this technique is very popular. It consists of using three-layer napkins to create decorative elements. The process can be presented step by step as follows.

  1. Using scissors, cut out the decor (usually a plant element) from a napkin.
  2. We remove the two lower layers and apply them to the tiles under the ceiling (do not go lower: there is a high probability of damage), after which we apply PVA glue on top of the element with a brush. The formation of air bubbles and folds should be avoided.
  3. After the glue has dried, we apply moisture-resistant acrylic varnish on top of the decor.

Despite protective layer varnish, such decor will not last long in an aggressive humid environment. This allows you to change it periodically and thereby add variety to the interior.

Filling the room with fun accessories

The bathroom can be equipped with towel holders unusual shape, stands for soap and toothbrushes. In a plumbing store, you can choose models that match the style and color of the tile, successfully harmonizing with the ornament on it.

Decorating the bathroom with paintings and mosaics - great way make the interior elegant

Curtains with a thematic pattern can also serve as a decorative element. Large mirror with beautiful frame will make the room bright. The frame can be decorated with decoupage elements. The tiles will sparkle with new colors if you hang pictures on the walls and complement the interior with shelves with flowers.

We use sea shells

Marine style is the most popular in bathroom interior design. You can decorate tiles with natural or plastic shells using hot-melt adhesive: by gluing these decorative elements next to stencil images of seaweed or simply around the perimeter of the room or on the frame of a mirror, you can create unique design interior To make the shells even more original, you can decorate them with acrylic paints.

Decorating tiles with shells is a great idea for creating a “sea” landscape

Mosaic for bathroom decor

In stores selling ceramic tiles, there are always discounted broken tiles on sale. There you can always choose several interesting specimens for making mosaics, which you can use to decorate your bathroom, replacing an expensive border. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • use a marker on the tile to mark geometric figures that will need to be cut;
  • Using a glass cutter and special wire cutters, we cut out the intended elements;
  • Using waterproof glue, we attach the tile fragments to a nylon mesh, laying out a pattern invented in advance;
  • We attach the made mosaic to the wall using tile adhesive;
  • After drying, use colored grout to seal the seams.

Decorating old tiles

There are ways to decorate the interior of a bathroom not only by tiling with new tiles and decorating it with decorative elements. Old tiles can also be restored to their original attractive appearance. To do this, carefully, using a slightly blunt tool (so as not to damage the enamel), clean the seams. Mold often appears in these places, so treatment with an antiseptic composition is necessary. The cracked tiles need to be removed and replaced with a homemade mosaic.

To remove the tiles, use a chisel, hammer, or chisel.
In order for such mosaic inserts to look logical, it is necessary to sacrifice several whole tiles, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, but with some randomness. We also fill the vacant spaces with mosaics.

You can decorate old tiles using another type of mosaic, which is obtained using a stencil and paint. For this use:

  • acetone;
  • sandpaper No. 100;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • breadboard knife;
  • brush or foam swab;
  • masking tape;
  • epoxy gloss paint;
  • strengthening primer.

You will also need protective equipment: gloves, mask, goggles. Old tiles in places where decor is applied it is necessary to degrease and clean a little sandpaper. Then, using a level, you need to stick masking tape onto the tiles in several rows. With a simple pencil We apply geometric (easier) patterns. Using a breadboard knife, cut them out, and degrease the free areas again with acetone.

Using a foam swab and different color acrylic paint, fill in the cut out areas. After the paint has dried, the masking tape must be completely removed.
Using these simple methods, you can transform the tiles in the bathroom, spending a minimum of money. You can combine different design techniques, but it is important not to overdo it: everything should look harmonious. And then your bathroom will look no worse than those for which expensive materials were used.

Unusual tile decoration: video ideas

The bathroom is that magical place where after working day you can relax, take a bath and even, if you're lucky, drink a cup of coffee. To make your enjoyment of water treatments more complete, you need to feel comfortable and cozy. It’s not difficult to make your bathroom such a pleasant place; you just need to choose the fixtures and furnishings to suit your taste. Doesn't matter if you're done new renovation or you want to improve the old one, there is always the opportunity to change something to your own taste. How to decorate a bathroom with your own hands? Let's look at some interesting ideas in this article.

What should you consider when decorating your bathroom?

If you decide to get down to business and decorate the bathroom with your own hands, then first of all, you need to spend some time in it. general cleaning. Clean the bathtub, tiles, wipe the mirror, get rid of empty tubes. After all these events, you need to look around and decide what you would like to see this place like.

Please note the following points:

  • Bathroom decorations should not only be beautiful, stylish and original, but also functional. If you decide to make some bathroom accessories with your own hands, for example, a towel holder, then it must be of a suitable shape for placing and drying textiles.

Important! Also consider the size of your shower. You shouldn’t put a huge laundry basket in a small room - it will look ridiculous, no matter how you design it.

  • For decorations, you need to select appropriate materials that are not afraid of water, soap suds and steam.
  • All items that you select for your bathroom design should be in the same style or at least somehow combined with each other.
  • Also keep in mind that there should not be too many different items here. A pile of various jars and bottles with by various means for hair and body care will not create comfort, but will cause a semblance of disorder and chaos. It is better to put them out of sight in wall or pull-out cabinets.

Now, taking into account all these factors, you can choose the style and theme of your bathroom. Let's now think about how you can decorate your bathroom with your own hands.

Wall decoration

There are many options for decorating bathroom walls, it all depends on the wall covering material and your preference.


One of the popular methods of decoration is wall painting. You can decorate the entire wall this way, or you can decorate one selected corner. In this case, your hidden or not so artistic talents will come in handy.

Important! If you don’t feel strong enough to do it yourself, you can use the services of professionals.

Try to mount all the shelves in such a way that the entire pattern is visible and is not blocked by other bath accessories, otherwise there will be no point in your idea.

Important! If the drawing is on the entire wall, you can create special islands depicting a sandbank or brickwork and add shelves to these spaces.


If you are not ready for such big changes, then you can limit yourself to stickers that will refresh and update what you are bored with. appearance walls Such stickers are sold in a huge assortment at any hardware store. You can choose from a catalog or make to order.

There are such stickers on different topics, different sizes and quality. All types of bathroom stickers can withstand moisture easily. Just keep in mind that before gluing the pattern, the surface must first be degreased.

Important! A special adhesive base reliably holds the image for a long time, and if necessary, the sticker can be easily removed.


If the walls do not yet have any covering, then you can lay them out with tiles. Any plumbing store will be happy to help you with this. The range of colors, sizes and shapes of such tiles is very large. Catalogs are overflowing with various collections - from single-color copies to compositions that are thematic paintings.

Important! You can complement empty walls with various hanging shelves, cabinets and even entire hanging structures.

Decorating the floor:

  • Sometimes for beauty it is enough just to put a beautiful carpet on the floor or make islands from various rugs in the shape of flowers, shells or starfish. These rugs are designed specifically for the bathroom.

Important! In addition to single rugs, there are also entire sets on sale, including several pieces in the same style.

  • Plain tiles can be diluted with stickers; there are even neon ones that glow in the dark.
  • If you have the desire and the possibilities allow, you can make a niche in the floor and place stained glass or glass with a beautiful composition there.
  • If you don’t have a floor yet and you don’t want to lay tiles, you can make a self-leveling floor. Now the masters are creating real miracles. Under your feet you will find a sea lagoon, a waterfall or another pattern of your choice. All this is combined with technologies for installing heated floors, since it is a sin to cover such beauty with carpets.
  • IN large rooms You can place figurines, figurines, vases and flowers in pots that love a humid climate.

Decorating the shelves:

  • If you have open shelves in the bathroom and you want to fill them, then put beautifully rolled towel rolls there. Place scented candles, stylish figurines and bottles.
  • In any supermarket you can find bathroom appliances consisting of a soap dish, a dispenser, a glass for toothbrushes or something else.

Important! The assortment can be anything. They are made in the same style and will look harmonious on the shelves in your bathroom. You can make such bathroom accessories yourself. Find containers and decorate them in the same style, for example, using the decoupage technique.

Decorating the window

The bathroom window should be impenetrable prying eyes:

  • This can be done using one curtain or a combination of several.
  • Blinds or roller blinds will also look good.
  • Stained glass is suitable for decorating a window, the main thing is that it matches similar patterns on tiles or other surfaces.
  • You can leave the window transparent, but decorate it with a pattern.

Decorating the door:

  • If the door has a flat surface, it can be decorated with stickers. Just stick to the overall theme of the bathroom.
  • The same goes for painting the door. If you don't have the required talent, just buy a stencil or make one yourself and paint it with paints.
  • You can complement the design with frames, pieces of polystyrene foam or plinth and their compositions. Paint them in desired color, make a composition and fix it on the door with glue.
  • You can also hang towel holders made from pipe sections on the door.
  • You can hang paintings, embossing or compositions made of shells and sea stones on the door.

Decorating the mirror

No bathroom is complete without a mirror. Sometimes there are models that have nothing to decorate with. Everything is already there: the frame, the lighting and the shelves and stands. There are countless options. But there are times when you want to decorate the mirror in your own way.


Artificial flowers are most suitable here. Find the option that suits you in the store and decorate your mirror with them.


For such decoration, it is better to choose a mirror without a frame at all and decorate it with stickers glass surface.


Halogen lamps give the bathroom a special charm and the whole environment looks completely different, so to speak, in a new light.

Stencil painting

Select a stencil with the desired design and stock up on a can of spray paint. Everything else is the work of your hands and imagination.

Important! Secure the stencil to the glass with tape so that the design does not move out.

Remnants of jewelry

Everything you have lying around will go here: beads, pebbles, shells, glass. Make an impromptu frame out of them. Use a glue gun to secure.

Decorating the bathroom with shells

One way to decorate your bathroom with your own hands is to cover it with shells. You can glue them on walls, sinks, mirrors and other places where you think they will look good. The main thing is to remember that they must all be clean and free of biological material. You can make a curtain or panel from shells. They even sell shells in the shape of shells, although they are small in size.

You can make shells for decorating your bathroom yourself as follows:

  • First you need to make molds for the shells. The easiest way to make them is from plaster. To do this, you will need several shells of various sizes and shapes.
  • Lubricate the surface of these shells with rich cream. This is done so that the plaster does not stick to their surface. Place these shells in liquid plaster.
  • After the plaster has hardened, remove the shells. Dry the mold overnight.
  • To make the mold smooth, it needs to be soaked in PVA glue.
  • Take the plastic mass, knead it with your fingers and fill the plaster mold with it.

Important! It's better to take a lot white, it will be easier to color it later.

  • Carefully remove the finished shell from the mold and leave until completely hardened. Then coat with varnish in several layers.

Important! You can paint shells with acrylic or watercolor paints.

In this article we have proposed several interesting ideas how to decorate a bathroom, its walls, floors, furniture. You can use these options or improve them at your discretion and design a cozy bathroom the way you like it.

The bathroom is the very corner where you can wash away all the fuss at the end of the day and enjoy the gurgling bubbles of water, plunging into relaxing relaxation. Cleansing water procedures will be doubly pleasant if you are surrounded by a comfortable environment: properly selected furniture, accessories, interior additions and decorations. You can create a cozy bathroom, even if it’s small room. A piece of soul and a certain amount of style are enough for you to admire the surrounding beauty.

How to decorate a bathroom

Cleanliness is the first decoration that suits all rooms equally. If you decide to change your bathroom, then first you need to clean it. Get rid of empty tubes, wipe down the mirror, clean the tiles and bathroom surfaces. Now look around, which design would you prefer? Perhaps you've been sitting around a toothbrush cup with green plant designs or a gold-plated dispenser for a long time. Find exactly the item that you will use as the basis for the alteration.

  • Remember that the bathroom should have functional decorations. If it is a heated towel rail, then it must have suitable shapes for placing towels or drying them. Although the laundry basket has suitable look, but must be selected in accordance with the size of the shower. Agree, it would be ridiculous to look at a tank the size of a laundry factory, if you have a bathroom of 3 square meters;
  • Before you start creating beauty, decide on the materials of the jewelry. Paper figures, beautifully arranged napkins, are best left for dining table. For the bathroom, items that are not afraid of soap suds, steam, or drops of water are suitable;
  • Combination is another criterion that must be observed when decorating a bathroom. Select items to create a cozy environment that will be thematically combined with each other. For example, nickel-plated taps and a heated towel rail, a shower curtain or valve in combination with a foot mat, accessories on shelves with a dispenser or soap stand;
  • Minimalism - let only the necessary items be on the surface of the shelves and washbasin. There is no need to display mountains of shampoos, gels, and bottles of creams. You won’t need them all at once, and grouping them together will only ruin the order. Put everything unnecessary in cabinets or hidden drawers;

Armed with the basic rules for creating comfort and beauty, you have the next step - choosing the style and theme of your bathroom. You can use the entire bathroom furnishings at once or decorate only a separate corner of it. Here are the options you can use when creating an updated interior:

  • Decorate the walls in the bathroom;
  • Decorate the mirror in the bathroom;
  • Decorate the bathroom floor;
  • Decorate the shelves in the bathroom;
  • Decorate the window in the bathroom;
  • Decorate the bathroom door.

Decorate the walls of the bathroom

There are plenty of options for decorating bathroom walls. Everything will depend on the wall covering material, the surrounding interior and the allocated volume to change the usual environment.

  • One of the popular options for decorating walls is painting. Graphic plaster can occupy the size of the entire wall or a separate corner. Determine free space for the drawing. Even if you have tiles or mosaics laid around the entire perimeter, some of the masonry can be easily removed. Next, the background of the wall is leveled and the image is applied.
    All shelves for bath accessories are mounted bypassing the painting. It is not advisable to block the drawing. In this case, special “islands” are created, representing brickwork, sandbanks, and sand mounds. Over time, the image may become boring or deteriorate, unlike tiles, which have a longer service life. Then you can update the fresco by changing the design;

  • If you are not ready for a total wall change of drilling and knocking out tiles, then you can give your wall covering a fresh and updated look using stickers. They are sold in construction stores. If the required sample is not available, the order is made according to the catalog. Stickers come in different themes, material quality and sizes.
    Marine themes, schools of fish, depths of the sea with waves, algae thickets. No less relevant is the garden theme with flower stickers, grass carpet, and vines. The top orders also include children's themes, when multi-colored stickers are made in the shape of colored animals, sea creatures, letters or numbers.
    All of these stickers are easy to clean and transfer well high humidity. The main thing is not to forget that the pattern is glued to a clean and dry tile, plastic, glass or metal surface. A special adhesive base securely holds the image for a long time. Then, when you decide to change the wall decoration, it can be peeled off from the surface;

  • You can complement empty walls not only with images, but also suspended structures shelves or cabinets. Plan the location of the shelf/cabinet in advance. Mark holes on the tile for drilling. To make it convenient to drill on a slippery surface, glue a piece of masking tape. Drill the tile part feather drill or a diamond-coated drill, which is ideal for working with brittle materials. To avoid damage, run the drill bit into the tile at low speed. After passing the tiled area, change the nozzle to a regular one, for working with brick or concrete;

  • If you haven't gotten a mirror yet, now is the time to decorate your wall with it. Choose a size that will harmoniously fit your wall. Don't forget about baguette frame. It’s good if it matches the color of the faucet, heated towel rail or hooks. The latest innovation on the mirror market are mirrors with illumination, built-in lamps and lamps;

  • If your bathroom has nothing wall coverings other than standard plaster or paint from the manufacturer, then you can decorate the walls with tiles. Any plumbing store will help you with your choice. Catalogs are full of monochromatic pieces, collections consisting of different options tiles, and color compositions representing thematic paintings. The range of tile sizes is also large, from small mosaic to large-format rectangular and square. The shape of the slabs is no less varied. Geometric expanse is suitable for different directions masonry;

  • Among other things, the walls of the bathroom can be decorated with stained glass, ledges made of treated wooden or plastic structures, columns, statues, paintings, decorated masonry made of bricks, glass, stone.

Decorate the bathroom mirror

There are a lot of different types of mirrors in supermarkets. Sometimes models are sold in such a way that there is simply nothing to complement them. They contain both shelves-stands and neon lights, and even built-in lighting fixtures. And what can we say about the decor - the frames are so varied that they can easily be hung not only in the bathroom, but also in a pompous living room. There are many options, but sometimes you want to update the interior at your own discretion. And then you can use the following options:

  • Add flowers to the mirror. Of course, these are not paper or real flowers, but artificial ones. Manufacturers create flower plants in a very realistic way, which could easily be confused with the real thing. Let's say there are flowers on the tiles, washbasin, bathroom curtain or foot carpet. Find a suitable option and decorate the mirror surface with it;

  • Stickers. They can be used to cover not only walls, faience, but also mirrors. Find matching parts and cover the glass surface with them. Glass without a frame would be ideal;

  • Backlight. Halogen lamps give a certain charm to the bathroom. The entire environment with a colored glow looks new. If the option with lamps is not for you, then you can use the installation of a small lighting fixture. For a small mirror, one lamp is suitable. For glass more than 60-70 cm wide, it would be ideal to install two identical shades;

  • Remains of tiles. They can be used to decorate a bathroom mirror. You need to make a “mosaic” out of them and then place them along the edge of the glass. A great idea would be a full-fledged frame that will frame the new mirror;

  • Stencil decor. To make a mirror decoration, you will need a stencil of a design that suits you and a can of spray paint. The color is also your choice. Place the stencil on the glass and secure it with tape so that there are no marks left after removing the paper. Now spray paint, let the glass dry and you can hang it new option mirrors;

  • Remnants of decorations. This could include beads, pebbles, shells, glass, figurines and other items that you have and are suitable for decoration. You can use them along the edge of the mirror, fixing them with an adhesive gun, or create a special frame for this;

  • Handmade. This is a destination for lovers of DIY creativity. Like the method described above, it is performed based on one’s own imagination. Only here you need to use a certain number of objects that will complete the image - a mirror. More precisely, you will have to look for them not in your pantry, but in the store. For example, buy several packages of white disposable spoons, get rid of the stick and stick the rest of the spoon on the frame - that is, the part with which you scoop up food. Additionally, you can tint the rim in suitable color. You can also use sushi chopsticks, toothpicks, shells, wooden blocks, rope rope.

Decorate the bathroom floor

Sometimes, to make the bathroom beautiful, it is enough to put a beautiful carpet on the floor or make several “islands”. Surely many have seen rugs in the shape of flowers, starfish, and shells, designed specifically for the bathroom, on sale in supermarkets. Among the sales samples there are also sets that include several rugs: for the washbasin, for the bathroom, and sometimes there are also toilet mats if the bathroom is combined. These are the options you can stock up on if you already have floor tiles.

It happens, it happens, that there are no floors in the bathroom as such. One way to remedy the situation is to make a self-leveling floor. Masters in this direction create real masterpieces. Instead of a floor, under your feet you will find a sea lagoon, a reed field, a waterfall, foamy shores, or an elevator shaft. As a rule, such a base is used in conjunction with “warm floor” technology, so as not to cover the beautiful surface with carpets.

You can also dilute plain tiles with stickers. For decoration, it is better to choose those that do not contain rhinestones and stones. Walk on smooth surface it will be much more enjoyable. There are neon models on sale that appear in the dark. If you have the opportunity to allocate a niche in the floor of the room, then you can place stained glass or glass with a beautiful sand composition there.

In large bathrooms, figurines, figurines, vases can be placed on the floor, and flowers in pots will also fit here. Suitable for both flowering and non-flowering houseplants that love a humid environment.

How to decorate bathroom shelves

Perhaps in every supermarket with bath accessories you will find sets consisting of a soap dish, a dispenser, and a glass for toothbrushes. Items in this set may include a larger assortment. Beautiful jars are perfect for decorating shelves. They look harmonious and elegant, unlike multi-colored piled-up tubes with household chemicals.

If your shelves are open and you need to fill them with something other than gel and shampoo, then add beautifully folded rolls of towels. You can also place candles, flowers, stylish figures or bottles on the shelves. For evening romance, place flower petals, stones, glass, and beads on the shelves.

How to decorate a bathroom window

Bathroom windows should always be covered or have a non-intrusive surface to prying eyes. You can complement the window with one curtain or a combination of several. The installation of blinds and roller blinds will also be beautiful.

Suitable for decorating windows and stained glass. The glass design will look great in combination with similar patterns on tiles, shower curtains and other surfaces. If you want to leave the glass transparent, then decorate it with a design. Even a novice artist can make them. All you need is a stencil and suitable paint.

Decorate the bathroom door

You can decorate the bathroom door as follows. Prepare several sections of pipe, choose the color based on the range of plumbing fixtures. Pin them on inside doors. On the one hand, you get an analogue of a heated towel rail, on the other hand, you have changed the usual appearance of the door. Instead of pipes, you can use paintings, embossing, and shell compositions.

If you have a flat door surface, you can decorate it with stickers. In combination with separate elements bathroom they will find harmony. This also includes door painting. If you are proficient fine arts, then prepare the surface and feel free to create a masterpiece.

Add door leaf You can also use frames, foam pieces of skirting boards and their compositions. Paint them in a color that is different from the color of the door and suitable for the bathroom. Then fix it on the door super glue or hot glue from a gun.

Decorating the bathroom with shells

Before you start decorating your bathroom with seashells, it is important to remember that all of them must be clean and free of living biological material. Therefore, you can use any, collected with your own hands or bought in a store.

You can decorate absolutely any surface in the bathroom with shells: shelves, mirror, bathtub, window sill and even the floor. Arrange items on shelves, collect them in a basket, or simply cover the free space with them. You can use shells to make a pendant or hanging curtain or panel.

For true lovers of marine themes, special sinks are sold - washbasins. They also contain drainer, but the volume is usually small. The shops are full decorative ornaments from shells of different sizes. They can easily be placed on empty wall or shelf.

Another option for decorating a bathroom with shells is a floor niche under glass. This decor option is applicable in many marine-themed restaurants. A mound of shells or a combination of sand and a neatly laid out composition is usually placed under the glass.

These are not all the options for bathroom decor. It is impossible to write about all combinations and preferences. So listen to your heart, pay attention to the details and choose what you really love. Let your room be functional and stylish!

Decorating a bathroom is not an easy task, but... design decoration even more difficult.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the room is small, but at the same time it must be very functional.

There are a lot of ideas that allow you to create great modern decor.

Decorating the walls

Walls are decorated in a number of ways:

  • Are used vinyl stickers that tolerate high humidity.
  • A mosaic is used, which represents both a separate pattern and a plot work on the wall.
  • Wood panels are used.
  • DIY bathroom decor is used - weaving, decoupage.

What about the sink?

Sink in the bathroom - key moment, and therefore, when choosing an original model, you can radically change the impression of the created and thoughtful design to the smallest detail.

Many sinks are standard and it's hard to find something that isn't white, but anything is possible.

To highlight the sink, a new material is selected for its manufacture.

In addition to ceramics, the sink can be made of metal or crystal.

So, when choosing such a sink, it is important to understand that it should generally suit the style of the bathroom design; for example, a metallic black-gray color will definitely not suit a marine tone.

By the way, it is important to experiment with the location of the washbasin in order to find the position that saves space.

It is worth considering a place to store towels under the washbasin.

Mirrors, lighting

Mirror surface - not new trick designers, which is used in literally all styles. This technique allows you to visually make the space wider.

A mirror is a mirror everywhere, everything is standard with it, and therefore the frame will give it uniqueness. The mirror frame can be of different shapes.

The frame must be combined with a single idea - for a completed nautical style A reflective mosaic is suitable for a bathroom, but if the bathroom is classic, it is better to choose wood.

Lighting plays an important role. The light should be intense - a strong light source increases comfort. Both a chiseled version and a chandelier are chosen as a lamp.

If you are a fan of dim light, then a compromise is a dimmer, thanks to which the flow of light is adjusted.

Niche and towel holders

Placing towels on hooks is extremely inconvenient.

Instead of hooks, it is better to use an open shelving unit in a contrasting color as decor for a small bathroom, which will go perfectly with white tiles.

Modern bathroom decor is not possible without niches - it’s like practical element, and aesthetic.

It is worth creating contrast for the space of niches and walls. If the bathroom area is small, you can still make a shallow niche.


If you clearly know what the design of the walls and floor should be, you should adhere to the rules:

How smaller area bathroom, the smaller the diameter of the tiles so that the decor of the bathroom with tiles is unique.

Mirror surfaces and light tiles allow you to make the space wider.

White color and similar colors will harmonize perfectly with any palette.

Most often among bathroom decor ideas, it can be seen that the background is light and bright accents are used on it.

Tile is like a design base that sets the style.

Remember that you can choose the most original colors - a mosaic of all the colors of the rainbow, a marine ornament...

Conservatives are accustomed to revealing their potential on floor tiles - this decor does not get boring, and variety is indispensable.

Shower stall

The practicality of this solution is obvious - space in the bathroom is significantly saved. But more than that, this element allows you to slightly diversify the design.

An excellent solution is to separate the cabin with glass walls - thereby protecting the space from splashes. If there is a struggle for every centimeter of space, then it is better to replace glass panels with doors.

Let there be wooden beams on the floor - vintage is appropriate in every style.


To freshen up the bathroom interior a little, a variety of decor is used, including plants.

Because conditions in the bathroom are extremely difficult for plants, you need to choose unpretentious species.

This type of bathroom decor will fit into both a minimalist, hi-tech, and nautical style.

Beauty corner

Every woman spends a lot of time in the bathroom, and most often makeup is applied in the bathroom.

Therefore most practical solution, create a special place in the bathroom for beauty, of course, if the space allows.

It makes the most sense to place a table next to the sink so as not to install another mirror. A pouf can be used instead of a chair.

Bench inside shower stall

Owners of a spacious bathroom are lucky - you can place a bench inside the shower stall.

It is not necessary to buy this piece of furniture; you can make a ledge in the wall.

Wood is often used for this purpose, which gives it a special coziness.

Worthy decoration modern interior- those products that are made by hand.

If you have the opportunity to realize your potential, then do it as standard decor walls in the bathroom, and decorate the bathroom with trinkets, flowerpots, panels.

On the Internet, in the photo of the decor in the bathroom, you can familiarize yourself with all of them in more detail. existing options and choose the one that is acceptable for the dimensions of your room.

Bathroom decor photo


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