How to insulate the walls of a house from the inside. How to insulate the walls of a house from the inside: materials and their advantages

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Insulation of an apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, since they are not thick enough, they quickly cool down, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms drops. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question faces the majority of homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. The outer walls in such houses become cold especially quickly, and often due to temperature changes they begin to become damp and covered with mold.

Sometimes, when there is such a possibility, the walls are thermally insulated from the outside, since this more effective method heat preservation. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to carry out such measures independently, without the use of special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor. Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total usable area. But, be that as it may, a warm apartment with a slightly smaller area is better than large, cold rooms. Internal work can easily be done with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the right tools.

If the apartment has equipment installed autonomous heating, then insulating walls will help save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared to external thermal insulation of walls, internal insulation apartment has its own quite significant disadvantages:

  • An insulated wall does not accumulate or retain heat, and heat losses range from 8 to 15%.

With internal insulation, the “dew point” may be inside the insulation, which leads to its dampening
  • The “dew point” for internal thermal insulation is located between the insulation and the wall, sometimes inside the insulation layer. This leads to the formation of condensation and the appearance of mold colonies .
  • A wall that is improperly insulated from the inside will freeze all the time, and this inevitably causes, over time, irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material.

Proper insulation

To prevent condensation from forming under the thermal insulation layer due to temperature changes in winter period, and also, as a consequence, no mold spots appeared on the walls, you need to carefully follow all technological recommendations for insulating concrete walls from inside the apartment.

An important element The structure of the thermal insulation “pie” includes high-quality vapor barrier. It should protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions for a long time.

What kind of work needs to be done to achieve the goal?

  • It is necessary to purchase a high-quality vapor barrier film and waterproof tape to seal the seams at the connection of its sheets.
  • For the insulating layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When gluing insulation, its surface is completely coated with glue using spatula-comb, and it is pressed very tightly against the surface of the wall, so that there are not even small cavities left between them.
  • To avoid excessively high relative humidity indoors, they must be equipped additional ventilation natural or forced type. For example, for this, valves are installed on window frames through which air will flow into the room.

  • Next, you need to accurately calculate the required thickness of the insulation. It will depend on the average daily temperature in a given region in winter time. Thickness thermal insulation material should not be less than those parameters that were obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam-heat balance will be disrupted.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers. They will “cure” the wall, prevent mold colonies from forming on it, and also increase adhesion when gluing thermal insulation.
  • Installation of insulation can begin only after the wall has completely dried.
  • The formation of “cold bridges”, which can negate the entire insulation process, should not be allowed. The risk of their occurrence is especially high at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

What insulation materials and how are they used?

Cork is excellent natural material for thermal insulation

Such a thermal insulator is made in the form of slabs or rolls from the bark of a special type of oak - balsa wood. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly, safe insulation material, which is very important for interior decoration.

Using high-quality material, you can solve three problems at once - noise and sound insulation, as well as decorative wall decoration.

An important condition for installation cork covering is the evenness of the wall, so before you start gluing it, you need to carefully prepare the surface. This process is carried out as follows:

  • The old coating is completely removed from the wall.
  • Then the entire surface is treated, which will protect the wall from damage by fungus or mold.

  • The next step is to level the surface.
  • You can also decorate the walls with drywall, but in this case, the sheet must be completely coated with waterproof glue or foam, so that there are no voids left underneath. The drywall is pressed firmly against the wall and is additionally fixed anchor fastenings or plastic “fungi”.
  • Cork material can be glued to a dry wall. To do this, use a special glue designed for such purposes.

The positive qualities of the material, in addition to its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and good noise absorption, include:

  • Easy installation of cork wall coverings, provided you are careful in your work.
  • Aesthetically attractive respectable appearance.
  • The surface of the material is always warm and pleasant to the touch.
  • A variety of release forms, textured patterns and shades.

Cork is not only an excellent thermal insulator. It will give the room a special decorative touch.
  • There is no cork insulation large thickness, therefore it does not make the room area smaller - this quality distinguishes it favorably from other thermal insulation materials.


Penofol at its core is a roll of foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which it is applied, which helps to reflect heat into the room.

Penofol - foamed polyethylene with foil coating
  • Before installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as for cork.
  • Penofol can be secured to smooth walls using double-sided construction tape. Under any circumstances, the material is placed with the foil side facing the room. This creates a kind of thermos for effective heat retention.
  • Stripes penofol laid end to end. They are glued together with special tape, which also has a foil reflective surface, since the entire coating must be airtight.

  • A sheathing of slats, bars or galvanized metal profiles is installed on top of the penofol fixed to the wall. This frame with a tanet base for installing lining or wall cladding plasterboard sheets. The plasterboard surface can subsequently be covered with plaster, wallpapered, or thoroughly puttied and sanded, and then painted.
  • It is very important when installing drywall or lining at the top and bottom of the structure to leave a gap that will serve as a ventilation hole for air circulation to prevent moisture from accumulating.

Despite its small thickness, penofol is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as separate insulation, but it is quite possible to use it in combination with other materials. It attracts with its simplicity and speed of installation on walls, floors or ceilings, as well as long term operation.

Video: insulation of internal walls with foil material

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

When choosing a material for insulating a living space from the inside, you must first examine all wall surfaces on which thermal insulation will be installed. If the wall is dry and there are no mold stains on it, then you can begin preparing the surface and purchasing insulating material. Conduct similar works on an unprepared basis is strictly prohibited. Not only will such insulation not give the desired effect, but it can thoroughly spoil the apartment atmosphere, making it damp and unhealthy, since spores of many types of mold or mildew are extremely dangerous to people’s health, especially for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or a predisposition to allergic reactions .

In general, any of the methods presented in the publication of an apartment from the inside will not require any complex additional equipment, and this one technological process VP can be done independently.

Today, many experts are of the opinion that insulating a house from the inside does more harm than good. But there are ways to insulate a home that can really make it much more comfortable and cozy. But before choosing this type of insulation, it is better to understand what it is and why experts do not recommend it.

The essence and problems of internal insulation

When insulating a house from the inside, you need to take into account some features.

Most experts really believe that insulating the inside of a house is only worth it as a last resort, recommending insulating the outside. What is meant in this case by the word “inside”? This refers to the direct covering of the walls of rooms with any materials. And if floors, ceilings and some other areas can be easily insulated, it is with the insulation of walls that many problems arise.

The main difficulty is the transition of the wall surface to the cold zone. Usually, if any thermal insulation is missing, warm air from the room passes through the walls, heating them. If insulation is laid from the inside, air masses will collide with them, unable to escape outside. In this case, all walls remain cold, and there is a risk of cracks.

For this reason alone, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to insulate a private house from the inside instead of thermal insulation from the outside. It’s logical: why waste money and your energy if the result is only cracked walls and a cold room? But this is only part of the difficulties. In addition to damage to insulated surfaces, there is condensation and other troubles that will appear in a minimum time if even a small mistake is made during the insulation work.

About building materials

Mineral wool, as an insulation material, is well suited for insulating a wooden house.

However, even despite all the shortcomings, decisions are increasingly being made to insulate a wooden or brick private house from the inside. For the sake of warm winters and their comfort, owners are willing to take risks. To reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant outcome, you need to carefully study the insulation technology and all its nuances.

Today, in all the variety of insulation materials, three can be particularly highlighted:

  • extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex or polystyrene foam);
  • mineral wool;
  • wood fiber boards.

The first two materials, widely used for insulating the facade of buildings from the outside, are installed almost identically, but there are some subtleties in using the third option. That is why it is worth considering two ways to insulate a private house from the inside.

Covering walls with mineral wool and foam plastic

Mineral wool and foam plastic are also suitable for insulation brick house from the inside.

There are two options for laying these materials. One of them, the standard one, repeats all the stages of insulating walls from the outside: laying slabs on a previously cleaned surface, mechanical fastening, reinforcement and subsequent decoration. It is this method of insulation that leads to the problems described above. More condensation accumulates on the walls, cracks appear faster, plus the house loses footage that can be used more successfully.

The second option of insulation with mineral wool or polystyrene foam is the most successful. At the first stage, a special wooden or metal carcass. This is where the insulation is placed. Perhaps this design is similar to the previous one, but there are differences that allow you to control what is happening inside, avoiding difficulties, because the insulating materials are not “tightly” mounted to the wall.

Advice! You can create removable panels that make it easy to monitor the occurrence of condensation and protect foam or mineral wool from it.


Before you begin work on insulating a panel house from the inside, study the technology.

Fiberboard is a fairly common material that is used for various purposes, including for finishing the outside of houses. It is better for them to insulate buildings due to their excellent insulation characteristics and ability to absorb noise. Often, owners of private houses want not only to make a wooden or brick house warm, but also to protect it from extraneous sounds. Wood fiber boards are great for this, combining both properties and providing an opportunity to save money.

You can cut and process the edges of the slabs with any available tools, which makes the finishing options very diverse. Their installation is also very simple: it can be done correctly and simply by nailing it with long (more than 35 mm) nails.

Advice! It is better to use 16-18 fasteners per slab.

Dural plates are installed under the nail heads. The correct way to do the driving is in a checkerboard pattern.

Advice! It is better to recess the heads of the fasteners a little in the insulation so that they do not stick out.

Important! If the walls of the house are plastered, the fiberboard may not be nailed down, but rather glued to PVA or special mastic.

The method of insulating the walls of a private house with wood fiber boards is quite good, but it also does not guarantee that problems will not arise in the future. That is why experts advise insulating houses from the outside. But this method also has its advantages. One of them is the possibility of laying electrical cables inside the surface.

Important! For cables, special grooves must be installed in advance.

Insulation of the ceiling surface

Ceilings are almost always included in the complex of work for insulating a house, since it is through the roof that a wooden or brick house loses a greater percentage of heat. It is quite difficult to insulate it correctly using the same fiberboard, since the material must be lifted and an aluminum support made for it.

About floors

If the ceiling of the lower floor is well insulated, the floors of the second and subsequent floors will always remain warm. On the first floor, the floor must be properly insulated so that cold does not enter the house, especially if it is panel, from the basement.

All floor insulation options are also based on fibreboards, which in this case are used with other materials in combination. For example, before laying fiberboard you can cover the floor with roofing felt, having previously dismantled the existing covering. If the owners do not want to bother with this, they use the option of insulating the outside with special carpets. They are coated with a special substance that retains dust and at the same time simplifies cleaning.

Important! Using carpets Fiberboard is still needed. They are nailed to the floor and then treated with adhesive.

In this case, it is correct to apply the glue not over the entire area, but in strips several centimeters wide.

Advice! For better adhesion of surfaces, carpets can be pressed with boards for a day.

Insulating a house from the inside - the correct order of work

If you properly insulate the house from the inside, you can significantly reduce energy costs for heating (especially in the northern regions). Therefore, it makes no sense to skimp on this aspect. This article will discuss in detail how to perform this procedure with your own hands.

We analyze the features of internal thermal insulation

We can talk endlessly about the advantages of façade insulation. However, such a technique is not always available (for example, if external finishing building has already been completed). In such cases, work has to be done inside the house.

We are trying to find the advantages of the technique

This technique has few positive qualities:

  • Simplicity - all work can be done without problems with your own hands, because there is no need to create large “scaffolding”.
  • Possibility of carrying out work regardless of the time of year. Proper external insulation should be carried out at positive temperatures, in the absence of precipitation and low humidity. Work inside can be carried out under any conditions
  • Availability. You can do the work gradually. This is convenient in cases where a person does not have the opportunity to immediately begin large-scale work, and he plans to insulate the most important rooms with his own hands first, and not the entire building.

We analyze all the shortcomings

As for the negative points, there are plenty of them:

  • Significant reduction in room area, especially if interior decoration is planned. Of course, you can make a small thickness of the thermal insulation layer, but this will negatively affect the efficiency.

Tip: Choose the right insulator size. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, look at online calculators or calculate the recommended insulator thickness with your own hands.

  • Condensation begins to form under the insulation at a faster rate. This is due to the incorrect dew point shift. How to correct this consequence with your own hands will be discussed in the next paragraph.
  • When insulating the interior, the walls will practically stop warming up. They will not participate in protecting the house from the cold, and most importantly, their service life will begin to decrease.
  • If you create frames indoors for laying insulators, this will inevitably lead to the formation of so-called “cold bridges”. As a result, the efficiency of the insulation will decrease.

Dew point problem

From this picture you can easily understand the principle of this term.

The dew point is the point at which moisture that comes from the air begins to condense. This situation inevitably leads to the destruction of walls (brick walls suffer the most) and insulating material. Thermal insulation from the inside helps the dew point move closer to the room. However, the situation can be improved if you take a set of measures:

  • Purchase insulators with very low vapor permeability and moisture absorption. As a result, the moisture that accumulates inside the room will practically not enter the walls.

Advice: the most suitable option for this criterion is foamed polyurethane foam. However, its cost is relatively high.

  • When laying the insulator with your own hands, avoid joints. Even the slightest cracks will contribute to the formation of condensation.
  • Install a vapor barrier layer with one-way conductivity. You can use a special membrane film.
  • Arrange the layers of thermal insulation in order of increasing degree of vapor permeability. That is, those materials for which this indicator is minimal should be located indoors.

We step by step analyze the insulation process

The theoretical aspect has been studied, now it is time for practice. Most of the operations described below can be easily done with your own hands, even without special skills.

How to properly prepare the surface

Preliminary procedures are the most labor-intensive and critical stage. You will need to do the following:

  • Deal with the wiring. If it is inside the walls, it must be brought outside. For this purpose, there are distribution boxes and wires are led out from them (the connection is made through special terminals). With external wiring (which is placed in special cable channels) it is even simpler - you just need to disassemble it.

Important! If you do not have electrical skills, it is better to invite a specialist to avoid fatal mistakes.

  • The next step is leveling the rough surface (the process of dismantling the finishing is not considered). If the walls are brick or concrete, then a small layer will help cement screed. Defects wooden surfaces can be removed using a plane.
  • Next, dust and dirt are removed. Do not wet the surface!
  • Now you need to thoroughly dry the walls to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. For this purpose, heat guns or convectors are used. These devices must be operated until all moisture has completely evaporated.
  • Then you should cover the surface with antiseptics, especially if we are talking about a wooden structure.
  • When the impregnations have completely dried, a vapor barrier material is attached to the surface using a special moisture-resistant glue.

Creating a frame of strength

Now you need to build a frame from bars (their size should be no less than the expected thickness of the heat-insulating layer). In a wooden house they are fixed directly to large self-tapping screws. For brick and concrete buildings, you will have to pre-drill holes and install dowels and nails in them.

The distance between the bars is made according to the size of the selected insulation - this makes the work easier. In addition to vertical logs, several more horizontal ones are installed, in increments of 1-1.5 meters. They are needed to ensure maximum rigidity of the frame.

Laying the insulator

All that's left to do is to place heat-insulating material in the emerging niches using special glue. The following models are actively used for internal insulation:

  • Styrofoam. Most cheap analogue, which is characterized by low efficiency. It is permissible to use it only with impressive wall thickness, or in warm regions.
  • Mineral wool. Recommended to use basalt variety, since it has low thermal conductivity (in this segment it is second only to penoplex).
  • Penoplex. The most advanced thermal insulation material to date. It is very light weight, making it very easy to install.

When laying, no gaps are allowed. It is best to do two layers in a “checkerboard” order, since all joints will be securely hidden.

Let's consider alternative options

The options presented above are not the only ones that are suitable for this task. Two more methods are actively used:

  1. Warm plasters - special mixture simply applied to the surface. Only suitable for thick brick or aerated concrete walls. There is no need for the construction of a frame and preliminary preparation.
  2. Foamed polyurethane foam. It is applied like polyurethane foam. When using it, there is no need to lay a vapor barrier material, since good adhesion to the surface is necessary. A frame is created with big step(1-1.2 m). Polyurethane foam is sprayed into it and subsequently covered with some sheet material.

How to insulate a house from the inside: methods and materials

In the conditions of the domestic winter, the issue of additional insulation of housing is quite important for any owner of an apartment or private house. Moreover, in the second case we are also talking about significant cost savings, since insulated walls will help reduce energy consumption for heating.

You can reduce the thermal conductivity of enclosing structures with your own hands and, accordingly, reduce heat loss and increase the temperature inside the premises in several ways. One of them is internal insulation.

Mineral wool

One of the most popular materials for insulating homes inside are various types mineral wool. Mount them using frame system and laths made of wooden beams. In this case, the sheathing should be 20-30 mm narrower than the mineral wool sheets - this is the only way to ensure its tight fit between the beams with no gaps.

Cotton wool for insulation can be in the form of rolls, well suited for small rooms, or in sheets (option for a large room).

Features of application

The main advantages of using mineral wool are:

  • high resistance to high temperatures and chemicals;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good sound insulation properties.

Among the disadvantages of the material, besides the fact that during installation it should be handled very carefully (using a mask or respirator to protect against mineral wool dust), the main one is the need to cover it from the side of the room with sheets of drywall. This leads to the room being visually reduced in size.

Expanded polystyrene

Another common type of insulation is polystyrene foam, sometimes used for interior decoration.

It can be extruded or foamed, although the only difference is in the way the materials are produced. Their properties are almost the same.

Advantages and disadvantages

The material owes its popularity to its low cost compared to most other insulation materials. For this reason, it is used quite often, insulating walls, ceilings and even the facades of a private house or apartment. Moreover, it is suitable for both panel and brick buildings.

At the same time, when using polystyrene foam, it is worth knowing about a number of its disadvantages:

  • about low service life. Passport data indicates maximum operational period at 20 years old, however certain conditions, for example, if the insulation technology is not followed correctly, the period is reduced by half or even three times;
  • about promoting the formation of mold underneath, causing asthma and allergies. This happens due to the almost complete airtightness of the material, which often leads to the appearance of fungal formations that are unfavorable to human health;
  • about the release of dangerous gas in case of fire. Expanded polystyrene, although it does not burn, when ignited, melts and emits black smoke and very dangerous phosgene gas, leading to paralysis of the respiratory tract.

Polyurethane foam

Choosing polyurethane foam as insulation ensures the creation of a moisture-resistant and heat-resistant barrier inside an apartment or house. Although applying it is quite problematic.

In order for the foamed liquid, which the material initially represents, to harden as evenly as possible and have the required thickness, formwork is used, and the space is not filled with the entire volume of foam at once, but in parts.

For improvement protective properties The material is waterproofed in the form of a polyethylene film, attached to the enclosing structures of the room with slats and sealant.

To avoid finishing and plastering of polyurethane foam, which it may not withstand, a special plasterboard wall. This design will also protect the surface of the insulation from the formation of condensation on it.

Pros and cons of the material

The main advantage of the material compared to others is achieving maximum adhesion to the wall and providing better thermal insulation properties.

However, due to the fact that polyurethane foam does not form a layer on a vertical surface very well, it is more often used for insulation horizontal structures. For example, floors attic spaces and basements, as well as roof slopes.

Using a double wall

One more interesting option To ensure comfortable temperature conditions in your home, you can install a double wall. In this case, “warm floor” elements are used, mounted inside the outer wall.

To improve appearance vertical structures The heaters are covered from above with plasterboard or a second wall ½ brick thick. And the insulation (any) is attached with outside plasterboard partition.

Possible nuances

Option with double wall and one of the insulation materials chosen by the homeowner is suitable for periods of severe frost, when such thermal protection prevents both dampness and destruction of the walls. The disadvantages in this case are the reduction in room area and significant electricity bills.

Cork wallpaper

A new and fairly effective finishing material used for insulation is wallpaper made from natural cork obtained by crushing and pressing the bark of cork trees.

They are highly environmentally friendly and versatile, as they can be varnished or left uncoated, maintaining their porous surface.

Is it worth using?

The advantages of the material include:

  • high fire-resistant, antibacterial, as well as heat and sound insulation properties;
  • long service life exceeding 20 years;
  • ease of installation and further maintenance.

The surface for gluing them should be prepared even more carefully than when painting or using the most ordinary wallpaper.

Don’t think that the thickness of the material will hide the imperfections of the walls. Cork wallpaper is not capable of this.

The durability of the coating may be its disadvantage. Over time, wanting to update the interior with his own hands, the apartment owner will be faced with the impossibility of either painting over the cork wallpaper or sealing it. Removing them from the wall will also not be easy, especially in this case you will have to look for new insulation.

Additional insulation

In addition to using the listed materials, indoor walls are additionally insulated in the following ways:

“Warm” plaster, containing not sand, but crushed polystyrene foam, is very quickly applied to surfaces and sets in the same short time. In addition, it has high thermal insulation properties– 5 cm of such material will replace two rows of bricks. And such advantages of plaster as vapor permeability ensure good condensation in the house and, accordingly, a healthy atmosphere.

Thanks to special liquid preparations with antifungal and anti-corrosion properties, it is possible to increase the thermal insulation properties of surfaces. If you apply this material not in one layer, but in two or three, you can replace a 10-centimeter layer of mineral wool. The suspension also successfully resists the effects of thermal radiation.

In order to reduce the impact of moisture on insulation materials, they are protected with vapor barrier films.


Of course, you can save on heating a private home using interior decoration. Moreover, this is exactly what many property owners do, hiring specialists for insulation or doing the work themselves. However, over time, the insulation ceases to perform its functions, and the structures protected with its help begin to freeze almost more than before. Why does this happen - after all, the most modern and popular materials were used for insulation?

The cause of the problem lies in the insulation method itself - internal, and therefore providing minimal results. When the insulation is placed indoors, the dew point (the place where condensation occurs) shifts towards the room - due to its lower (tens of times) thermal conductivity compared to brick or concrete. Thus, moisture does not form inside the building envelope, where it would cause virtually no harm, but inside the insulating material. The walls become damp, mold begins to appear, and the wallpaper pasted on top turns black.

Much more effective is external insulation, which is used much more often than interior finishing and provides Better conditions in room. Using this method of preserving heat in the house prevents structures from “sweating” and fungus from appearing.

Insulation from the outside also allows you to seal those joints and cracks that would be impossible to reach from the inside. Internal placement of insulating materials is possible only in a number of cases when external work is impractical - for example, it is impossible to change the façade of a building by decision of the authorities, or there is an elevator or part behind the wall expansion joint.

How to insulate walls from the inside in a private house - useful tips

Many experts today believe that if you insulate a house from the inside, it will do more harm than good. But expert opinions differ.

There are many ways to insulate a home that make your home cozier and more comfortable. Before choosing this method of insulation, you need to understand what this type is.

There are some features that should always be taken into account when insulating a house. Only in extreme cases can you insulate a house inside by insulating it outside.

How do we understand the word “inside”? What we mean here is that the walls are directly covered with certain materials. If ceilings, or floors, or any other areas are insulated without problems, then a lot of fuss may arise with insulating the walls. The main difficulty is when the wall surface enters a cold zone.

In general, when there is no insulation of any kind, the walls are heated by warm air that passes from the room. And if you put insulation inside, then air masses will collide with it and will not be able to escape outside. This creates a risk of cracks appearing and all the walls in such cases will be cold.

This is one of the reasons that suggests that it is worth thinking about the question: instead of thermal insulation from the outside, should a private house be insulated from the inside? The logical answer is: you shouldn’t waste effort and money, because as a result you can still end up with a cold room and cracked walls. This is part of the difficulty...

And, if you don’t make even small mistakes, then you can forget about poor insulation of surfaces.

Materials for insulating walls from the inside in a private house

Let's talk about materials for construction.

Suitable for a wooden house good insulation mineral wool.

In general, insulation materials are varied, for example:

  • extruded polystyrene foam (penoplatst),
  • fibreboards
  • and mineral wool.

For exterior buildings and façade insulation, the first two materials are used. But mivat and polystyrene foam are often used to insulate a private house from the inside. These two materials are also suitable for insulating the inside of a brick house.

These materials have two different installation options.

The first option for laying miwata and foam plastic

The first one is standard. He insulates the walls using the method from the outside.

First, the slabs are laid on the surface, which must be prepared and cleaned in advance, then the slabs are mechanically secured, reinforcement is done, and finally decoration is done.

The second option for laying miwata and foam

The second - this option of insulation with polystyrene foam and mineral wool is the most successful.

First, the first stage takes place, at which a special metal or wooden frame is made. The insulation is placed precisely in it. This design is somewhat similar to the previous one.

The only difference is that insulating materials are not “tightly” mounted to the wall. This avoids the difficulty of controlling what is happening inside. Advice! To protect mineral wool or polystyrene from condensation, you need to create removable panels.

Wood fiber boards

Wood-fiber boards are used for insulation work from the inside of a panel house. This material is also used to decorate the outside of the house, but in general it is used for very different purposes.

It has excellent insulating properties and absorbs noise. Very often, owners of wooden or brick houses want to protect them from sounds. Fiberboards are excellent for this. Since they combine two properties, this makes it possible to save money.

Plates are processed antiseptics, and is poisonous to insects and rodents. Such slabs are not affected by air humidity and temperature changes.

The slabs are cut with any available materials. The edges are processed in the same way. This makes the finish very diverse.

Installation is done by simple nailing.

Advice! 14-16 fasteners can be used per slab. Only in a checkerboard pattern you need to drive. Dural plates are used under nail heads.

The scope of work also includes ceilings, because a large percentage of heat is lost through the roof. It is also insulated using wood-fiber boards. But they need to be raised on an aluminum support.

Advice! To prevent the heads of the nails from sticking out, they need to be recessed a little into the insulation. Important! The slabs may not arrive. They can be glued to a special mastic if the walls are plastered.

In addition to all this, it is necessary to insulate the floors on the first floor, especially if the cold comes from the basement and if the house is panel. To insulate the floor, slabs are also used, but in combination with roofing felt.

If the owners do not want to bother with it, then they can use special carpets to insulate the outside. Cleaning is simplified by applying a special substance that holds dust.

Methods for insulating the walls of private houses from the inside are quite good, but they do not guarantee that problems will not arise in the future. Therefore, in addition to insulation from the inside, houses need to be insulated from the outside.

How to insulate walls from the inside in a private house made of foam blocks

Houses made of foam blocks have quite good heat-retaining properties, but in harsh climatic conditions, such houses may require additional insulation.

So how to insulate walls from the inside in a private house? Insulation in residential buildings is usually carried out from the inside, but it is simply impossible to carry out the cladding in this way. Sometimes home owners do not want to disturb the attractive appearance Houses. It also happens that a building is attached to a building that is not heated or there is a building nearby.

Therefore, for many who own a personal plot, the important question is how to insulate a wall from the inside. In a private home, this procedure is simple, and various materials can be used.


  • Mineral wool. The usual basalt insulator or fiberglass is used, which is less harmful to human health;
  • Expanded polystyrene. The price of this material is higher than mineral wool, but insulation will probably not cost much more. Since when using polystyrene foam there is no need to install the frame. But you need to take into account that this material is more harmful than mineral wool;
  • Polyurethane foam. This material is environmentally friendly, but such insulation will be expensive. When applying it, it is necessary to use special equipment, and therefore it will not be possible to perform insulation with polyurethane foam on your own.

Selecting an insulator

Today the most popular insulator is basalt wool. In its production, stone fiber is used, which is impregnated with resins.

This material is considered harmful because the resins contain phenol formaldehyde.

If you have made a choice of basalt wool, then the main attention should be paid to its quality and brand. Good characteristics are present in Ursa basalt wool and its price is reasonable.

Fiberglass wool is considered safer, but it is not completely environmentally friendly. In this case, it is best to buy the most quality material, good option is “Isover” or the same “Ursa”, but now fiberglass.

Expanded polystyrene should be used if the walls inside the room are smooth and even. The slabs are installed with glue and without the use of a frame.

Internal insulation of a house is less effective than covering the building with thermal insulation from the outside. The method is popular because it is easier and cheaper to carry out the work. How to insulate walls from the inside in a private house inexpensively and effectively?

Selection of materials

There are several materials most suitable for internal insulation. Most a good option is the use of foam boards, chipboard. They do not produce harmful fumes, chemical odor, or correct installation and fastening do not deform over time, they effectively insulate the walls of the room.

The use of mineral wool is easy to install. A significant advantage of this material is that, due to its composition, the use of mineral wool guarantees the absence of any pests between the wall of the house and the interior lining of the room.

However, a significant disadvantage of this method is the negative impact that many types of this insulation can have on human health. This material is especially dangerous for people suffering from allergies or asthma. Therefore, the use of mineral wool implies mandatory insulation of the insulation from the living space.

Like on the facade. Method No. 1

Expanded polystyrene slabs and mineral wool mats are laid in two ways. The first method exactly repeats the external insulation of a house and consists of the following steps:

  • Leveling the surface of the insulated wall.
  • Primer.
  • Marking.
  • Reinforcement, fastening of insulation.

It is important not only to level the surface, but also to remove all protruding objects, especially those made of metal. Otherwise, over time they will rust and a red spot will appear. If communications run along the partition, they must be dismantled while the work is being carried out.

The primer must be made with a special antiseptic material. This will protect the walls of the house from the appearance of fungus and mold. It's better to apply primer thin layer, but twice. After priming, it is necessary to correctly mark the surface - this will save insulation and make as few seams as possible.

Next, the base strip is secured around the perimeter of the insulated surface. It will protect the insulation from shifting and additionally insulate it from the living space. After this, the slabs are laid and secured with special dowels and construction tape. Final stage execution of work consists of finishing - plastering, installation of drywall or other selected material.

So that the walls don't get damp. Method No. 2

This method is quite inexpensive and moderately labor intensive. However, for damp climates this insulation option is not the best choice, since mineral wool mats help retain and accumulate moisture between the wall of the house and decorative finishing rooms. Therefore, it is better to use another method of insulating the inner surface of the walls of the house.

The first stage also requires surface cleaning and priming. Next, the frame is installed from a stainless steel profile. Drive-in dowels are usually used for installation - they ensure reliable fastening.

Insulation is placed in the gaps between the guides, which is fastened to the profile with special corners. Any selected finishing material – plastic, wood, plasterboard – can be installed on the profile. As a result, there is an additional layer of air between the insulation layer and the inner wall.

This method looks more aesthetically pleasing and also allows you to check the condition of the internal space of an improvised “sandwich panel” at any time. To do this, it will be enough to unscrew a few screws and remove the sheet of drywall. In addition, you can arrange special ventilation holes or install a small grille into the front sheet - an vent, so that the fumes will not linger inside, spoiling the materials and contributing to the appearance of mold.

Inexpensive and reliable. Method No. 3

The insulation method described above is good for everyone, except for one thing - enough high cost. After all, it requires not only insulation, but also guides, wall material and its subsequent decoration.

It will require the following materials:

  • Insulation in mats or slabs.
  • Special glue.
  • Cement mortar.
  • MDF/Fibreboard/Chipboards.

The first stage of work is preparing the wall. All irregularities are knocked down, the remains of whitewash, old plaster and everything that does not hold well are eliminated. The surface can be coated with a special agent to improve adhesion to the solution.

Next, the walls are leveled with mortar. The better this stage of work is carried out, the better the insulated wall will look. Therefore, it is necessary to use leveling beacons and strictly adhere to the technology of plastering work.

After the main layer of plaster has dried, a contact layer is applied. Using a special spatula-comb, it is made wavy for better adhesion to the insulation. It is important to make this layer thin enough.

An even layer of glue is applied to pre-marked and cut sheets of insulation. It is necessary to start insulation from the bottom up - this way there is less chance of involuntary displacement of the sheets before the adhesive base dries. After completing this work, you must wait until the glue dries, releasing moisture. It must be carefully removed.

This material is quite durable and flexible, so it is easy to work with. In addition, the use of special impregnation makes chipboard unattractive to woodworms and other pests. The plates are attached to the joint using self-tapping screws. You can treat them with a special varnish - this will protect the material from dampness.

Any of the above methods reduces heat loss at home by about 30%, allowing you to save on heating in winter. However, do not forget about insulating windows and roofs - after all, up to half of all heat losses occur precisely in them.

Video instructions: insulating a private house

We all know how important it is for our homes to be warm. You can spend a lot of effort and energy on building a house, you can think through the design of the facade down to the smallest detail, interior design, pay attention to every little detail in the environment. However, if it is cold in our house, then we are unlikely to feel good in it - thermal comfort is one of the most important conditions comfort.

If you are the owner of a private home, then you must be aware of how important the role is played by proper insulation your home. It doesn’t matter what material your house is built from - any building requires additional thermal insulation.

Insulation of a private house is best done at the construction stage - this makes it easier to take into account all the important factors and choose the appropriate method and material. However, if you bought finished building or you didn’t take care of the thermal insulation of the house during the construction period, you can insulate it after the construction work is completed.

Many owners want to insulate their home with their own hands - this is not surprising, because in this way you can save a significant amount of money. And there is more confidence that everything will be done conscientiously - who can you trust to keep the heat in the house if not yourself?

Methods for thermal insulation of a private house

Modern construction technologies distinguish between external and internal insulation of buildings. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages and is used depending on the characteristics of a given building.

The external method involves placing an insulating layer on the outside of the building. This method provides the following advantages:

  • It becomes possible to protect the façade from negative influence external environment, which has a bad effect on its durability.
  • Not “eaten” effective area inside the building, as happens when we choose the internal location of the insulation.
  • The dew point is located outside the house, which helps prevent fogging of the walls indoors.

However, it happens that external insulation for some reason it is undesirable or impossible. This usually happens in cases where it is necessary to preserve the original appearance of the facade or its design does not allow external placement of insulation. In this case, they choose internal insulation - its advantage is that it is much easier to do it yourself without the need to hire a team of professional craftsmen.

Before you insulate the walls of the house from the inside with your own hands, you should take into account that with this method the dew point is located inside the room. Everyone knows that air masses carry a certain proportion of water vapor. When the thermal layer is located inside the building, the wall remains cold. Water vapor coming into contact with it condenses into droplets of moisture, which leads to fogging of the wall. Droplets of moisture turn into ice and can destroy walls by getting into cracks on their surface. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to consider proper waterproofing that will protect the wall and insulation from condensation.

There are various materials with which you can make effective and inexpensive internal insulation of your home with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself internal insulation of a house using penoplex

Penoplex (expanded polystyrene) is widely used for thermal insulation of buildings. This modern material white, consisting of air and foamed polystyrene. It is very convenient and beneficial for this type of work, thanks to which expanded polystyrene occupies one of the leading places in demand among thermal insulators. Penoplex is produced in the form of slabs of various thicknesses and different overall dimensions. The thicker the slab, the more effective the thermal insulation.

Expanded polystyrene has the following properties:

  • It has an extremely low thermal conductivity coefficient, which makes it an excellent material for thermal insulation of buildings.
  • Absorbs noise very well - an important advantage if you want to protect your home from excess extraneous sounds.
  • It does not allow or absorb moisture - this is very convenient, since there will be no opportunity to create a humid environment.
  • Does not lose its properties under the influence of moisture.
  • Durable.
  • Non-toxic - penoplex does not emit any substances that can harm the human body.
  • It tolerates temperature changes well and retains its characteristics over a wide temperature range.
  • It has a small weight, which simplifies its transportation and installation.
  • Works well with conventional tools.
  • Non-flammable
  • It does not rot and does not allow fungi and mold to form.
  • It's inexpensive.

Do-it-yourself internal insulation of a house using penoplex looks like this:

  • We prepare the surface of the wall, clearing it of dust and debris. We seal all cracks and cracks using putty and a spatula.
  • We prime the surface with a special acrylic primer in order to eliminate the possibility of mold and fungi.
  • After the primer has dried, we glue the polystyrene foam boards to the surface of the wall. Apply glue to the wall and the slab and press the slab against the wall. We start installation from the bottom and glue the slabs end-to-end in a checkerboard pattern. We blow out all connections with polyurethane foam.
  • After the glue has dried, we additionally fix each slab using plastic dowels with wide caps in the center and in the corners.
  • On top of the polystyrene foam we stretch a layer of waterproofing - dense polyethylene, which we glue at the joints with tape.
  • We stretch a reinforcing mesh over the waterproofing.
  • And now we can start finishing decorative plaster.

At this point, thermal insulation using polystyrene foam can be considered complete.

Internal insulation of house walls using mineral wool

Mineral wool is another very popular and widely used home insulation material. There are several varieties of it - stone (basalt) wool, glass wool and slag wool. The most convenient and popular option is stone wool- it is made by melting and centrifuging volcanic rocks. Unlike glass wool, it does not require any safety measures during installation work and has more advantageous characteristics:

  • Excellent insulation of various areas of buildings.
  • Absorbs noise well.
  • Has high vapor permeability.
  • Highly environmentally friendly and non-toxic.
  • Its high fire-resistant qualities make it possible to perform thermal protection of areas with high temperatures- for example, near stoves and chimneys.
  • Does not absorb moisture.
  • Durable.
  • It withstands temperature changes well.
  • Resistant to rotting and molding.

The high vapor permeability of mineral wool requires the use of waterproofing - otherwise, droplets of moisture can become entangled in its fibers and create a humid environment, which will negatively affect the durability of the building and insulation.

Mineral wool has quite an impressive mass - when working with it, you must take into account the ability of the walls to withstand a load of this level. This material is produced in the form of rolls, rigid slabs and flexible mats with a fibrous structure.

Internal insulation with mineral wool occurs according to the following scheme:

  • Thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from dust and dirt. Use a spatula and putty to seal all holes and cracks. We remove all possible areas of molding.
  • Using thin strips, we fill the wall with a waterproofing layer of dense polyethylene. We carefully glue all joints with tape, ensuring tightness.
  • We put a sheathing on the wall from wooden beams, located vertically. The sheathing pitch should be equal to the width of the mineral wool roll.
  • We tightly place the insulation end-to-end between the sheathing beams. We glue the connections with adhesive tape to avoid the formation of cold bridges.
  • On top of the thermal insulation layer we stretch another layer of waterproofing made of dense polyethylene, gluing it at the joints and monitoring the tightness. We attach it to the sheathing beams using thin wooden planks.
  • We fill the sheathing beams with a finishing coating - lining, drywall or any other option to your taste. At this point, thermal insulation using mineral wool can be considered complete.

Use of foil insulation

Modern technologies offer a number of new developments in the field of thermal insulation of housing. One of these new products is foil insulation, which is increasingly used for thermal protection of houses.

Foil insulation is a heat-insulating layer to which a metallized foil coating is glued. Foil is not a heat insulator - its thermal conductivity coefficient is extremely high, which does not allow it to be used as insulation under any circumstances. However, another phenomenon is used here - the foil reflects thermal radiation and directs it back into the room.

The industry produces foil insulation based on foamed polyethylene, foamed polystyrene and mineral wool. There are varieties with one-sided metallized coating and double-sided ones. Foil heat insulators with a self-adhesive coating are also available - this greatly simplifies their installation on the wall.

Let's consider the thermal insulation of a house from the inside using foil insulation, for example, penofol:

  • We clean the surface of the wall from dust and debris, carefully seal all cracks and crevices using putty and a spatula.
  • We attach a sheathing of wooden beams arranged vertically to the wall. We choose the pitch of the beams equal to the width of the penofol roll.
  • Between the beams of the sheathing we place end-to-end foam rolls so that the metallized coating faces the inside of the room. We glue the joints using a special adhesive aluminum tape.
  • Immediately after this, we can install the finishing coating on the sheathing beams - foil heat insulators based on foamed polyethylene or polystyrene do not require the use of waterproofing. After the finishing coat is completed, the thermal protection process can be considered complete.


The process of thermal insulation of a house from the inside has more disadvantages compared to external thermal protection - it is used when thermal insulation from the outside is for some reason undesirable or impossible. However, the installation of the thermal layer itself is simpler and easier to do if all the work is done independently.

Thermal insulation of housing from the inside requires a good knowledge of all the subtleties and nuances. The choice of material depends on the characteristics of the room and the wishes of the owner of the house. The work is done quite simply and you will not have any difficulties if you are careful and hardworking. Your efforts will bring good fruits- with your own hands you will make your home exactly a home - a place where you want to return in order to enjoy the warmth and comfort.

If you have experienced the purchase or sale of apartments, then you have noticed that buyers do not really like corner apartments or rooms. What is this connected with? Although it is much easier to ventilate such an apartment in summer, the view from the windows opens on two or even three sides.

But there is one significant drawback. Very often, with the arrival of frost, residents of corner apartments suffer from insufficient heat. If the temperature outside is around zero, and the heating season has not yet begun, uncomfortable conditions are created inside such an apartment. It appears, the windows fog up, the floor becomes cold, and the bed becomes damp.

The main reason for this is the presence of three walls that have access to the outside and are therefore most susceptible to low temperatures. In winter, even with central heating, the situation only gets worse.

The walls can freeze completely, especially in the corners, interior decoration will begin to fall off, mold and mildew will appear. Staying in such an apartment will not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe, especially for children. After all, they are most susceptible to the occurrence of diseases caused by.

What to do in such a situation? Many people try to establish additional radiators heating, but this, most often, does not solve the problem or solves it, but not completely. Dampness moves to the ceiling, forming places where mold accumulates.

What is the right thing to do in such a situation? The best solution is to try to insulate the walls. How can I do that? How to do it? We'll try to figure it out now. What is the best way to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside? First, let's look at what types exist.

Today's market thermal insulation materials extensive, represented by a variety of products. All of them are divided according to the place of their installation: outside the wall or inside the room.

Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. When installing any of them, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

When buying a heat insulator, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • heat conductivity;
  • air permeability;
  • waterproofing properties;
  • environmental Safety;
  • fire resistance;
  • operating time.

Using high-quality material, you can insulate a corner without any problems. What is the best insulation for walls inside an apartment? What is the best way to insulate walls from the inside?


This heat insulator is the most popular; it is made from basalt fiber. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, allows good ventilation air, but does not tolerate excess moisture well. This material has a high degree of fire safety and does not emit toxic substances when exposed to direct fire.

When installing mineral wool, special guides are used, and the installation process itself does not require special effort, because light material and elastic. Is it possible to insulate walls with it? But over time, these qualities can cause it to lose its shape.

The environmental component is also ambiguous - the material emits a small amount of harmful gases. Some people do not use it because of the significant weight gained during installation of the structure.

Polystyrene foam insulation

The name speaks about the process of its creation. That is, the material is created by foaming polystyrene under high pressure. The price of such material is quite affordable, it is easy to assemble and install, which makes it a popular heat insulator.

It has good thermal insulation properties, it is environmentally friendly and safe. It can be used for interior works, and for external ones. It can be mounted on walls made of any material.

The process is quite simple and not labor-intensive. The advantages include its huge service life. But of course there are also disadvantages.

So, due to poor water permeability, condensation can accumulate on wooden walls, which leads to their destruction, and it is also highly flammable. The insulation of a concrete wall from the inside can be carried out perfectly using this material.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This material It is the most popular insulation. It is elastic and easy to process. The disadvantages include the difficulty in joining sheets.

There is a material on sale in which the edge is made in the form of protrusions, which makes it much easier installation work.

has good moisture resistance, it is lightweight, convenient for installation work.

Use of polystyrene foam

This is an excellent material for insulating apartment walls. It contains more than 95% gas, so it is an excellent heat insulator.

It is distinguished by its low cost, excellent waterproofing, and fire safety. Polystyrene foam is used at any temperature, being an environmentally friendly material.

Application of keramoizol

It's relative new material. It is sold in containers of various sizes, as it represents liquid material. Has excellent thermal insulation properties. Keramoizol is a durable, waterproof and vapor-tight product.

During installation, several layers are applied, and for better thermal insulation - six. The layers are laid perpendicular to each other. This material has proven itself only from the best side. Its only and main disadvantage is its high price.

Penoizol insulation

Thermal insulation material - penoizol is a type of polyurethane and is used in the form of foam. The advantage is the quick installation of the material in a brick building., forming a layer required thickness heat insulator, no seams or joints.

Excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing properties, the material is non-flammable and environmentally friendly. But perhaps its main advantage is the low cost of work, almost two times less than when using conventional materials.

Using Astratek

Asstratek is a suspension; solid particles are represented by various polymers. To apply to the wall, use a spray gun or install it manually with a paint brush. Excellent insulation, just one centimeter of layer is similar to fifty centimeters of a mineral wool slab.

Doesn't pick up inner space premises, forms a smooth, homogeneous surface that requires minimal processing for applying cladding. The main limiting factor for large-scale application is its high cost.

How to insulate the walls in an apartment from the inside? It's up to you to decide.

How to insulate walls in a panel and monolithic house?

How to insulate walls from the inside? How to insulate concrete wall from the inside? How to do this correctly? To insulate a wall from the inside, consider step by step instructions insulation of walls and partitions in panel house from the inside.

Algorithm of actions:

  • First you need to prepare the walls. To do this, you need to remove furniture, clean the walls from finishing material to plaster. Therefore, this procedure should be combined with renovation work in your apartment;
  • next must be done. It is best to use special polymers, but you can also use regular plastic film. It is applied directly to the walls, the places where the strips are fastened are glued. To do this, use construction tape;
  • Next we install the sheathing; you can use both wooden and metal guides. In the first case, the tree must be treated with antiseptics and fire-fighting solutions. When installing the sheathing, the step size must be selected depending on the insulation, so as not to form gaps and voids;
  • then we directly lay the heat insulator, that is, we insulate the walls. It should fit into the openings between the sheathing. Many materials are designed in such a way that during installation they straighten out and fill the entire form, this significantly reduces installation time;
  • installation . By installing it, we protect our insulation from wet steam, which is always present in the apartment. Under no circumstances should these measures be neglected, as moisture will begin to accumulate in the insulation. As a result of this, the product will lose its properties, and all your work will be lost.

The vapor barrier film is laid without gaps or omissions, the joints and cracks are treated with sealants;

  • installation . It is necessary to choose a material suitable for installation in residential premises. When installing sheets, it is important to follow the instructions, and then you should do the necessary procedures for installing facing materials.

How to insulate the walls of an apartment from the inside? Insulate a corner apartment in a panel or monolithic house you can by following these six steps.

Installing insulation on brick walls

How to insulate brick walls inside an apartment with your own hands? Corner walls V brick house can be insulated using the same method as in a panel one. Therefore, we will analyze the work of installing material made from polystyrene.

Insulating a wall in an apartment from the inside:

  • clean the walls down to the plaster. If it is missing, then it should be applied. After this, the walls must be leveled, cracks repaired and then treated with a primer;
  • you need to prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's recommendations and apply it to the walls that you will insulate. In the beginning, you can use a regular spatula. You need to apply glue to the walls, then take a notched trowel and go around the entire perimeter again. This is done in order to create an uneven surface of the glue. This promotes better adhesion of the insulation;
  • how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside? Next, we take sheets of thermal insulation and begin installing them on the walls. First of all, the very bottom row is laid. We apply the polystyrene sheet tightly and press it through; you do not need to use dowels or other fastening materials. When installing, use a level and carefully join the edges so that no gaps form; if necessary, cut the sheets. The next row is installed so that the junction of the two sheets is in the middle bottom sheet. This will give greater durability to the entire structure.

Watch the surface of the insulation so that unevenness does not form, because when final finishing this will bring additional difficulties.

  • After you have installed the thermal insulation, you can begin finishing works. If you plan to cover the walls with plasterboard, then no additional work on the insulation is required. If you plan to cover it with a layer of plaster, putty, wallpaper, or paint, then you need to treat it with a primer, then install a mesh of reinforcing fiber. After this, you can begin to apply layers of plaster or putty.

By following these steps, you can insulate corner room from the inside.

Insulation of walls using the “electric floor” method

How to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside according to this method? Insulation of the apartment from the inside is carried out as follows. First of all, you need to attach the “” sheets to the wall using fastening materials.

After this, we connect the sheets to electrical network apartments. At the very severe frost turn on the system and warm up the walls until they are completely dry. After this, we lay thermal insulation to prevent heat loss. Then you can start tiling the walls.

So, if you decide to insulate the walls of a corner apartment, you need to choose a material based on the type of walls and the price range of the heat insulator. Then it is important to consider the method of installation and subsequent cladding.

You should also pay attention to the following aspects:

  • installing insulation reduces the volume of the room;
  • poorly performed work can lead to mold;
  • For a comfortable life it is necessary to install ventilation.

By strictly adhering to the rules, you can insulate your apartment and create comfort in it. Insulating the walls of an apartment from the inside is a fairly simple process.

AND inside(you can insulate the front, rear, end wall) is carried out according to the instructions. Insulated corner apartment– this is great because you can enjoy comfort.


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