How to choose an entrance intercom. Types of intercoms: how to choose the best option Called intercom

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Main types of intercoms

Based on the number of subscribers, intercoms are divided into low-subscription ones (usually installed in front of entrance gate to a private house) and multi-tenant (most often installed at the entrances of apartment buildings).

Multi-subscriber intercoms are divided according to the addressing principle into coordinate matrix and digital. In Russia, coordinate matrix systems are most widespread.

Intercoms are also divided into video intercoms and audio intercoms. In addition to voice communication, video intercoms allow you to see the interlocutor, which partly helps to understand whether he is speaking under duress.

Main components of intercoms

Audio intercom intercom.

  • Call panel- located in front of the entrance to the room, on the door or next to it. With its help, a person who wants to get inside the object communicates with those who are inside the building. Usually made anti-vandal. May contain:
    • digital dial buttons,
    • keyboard backlight,
    • hidden surveillance video camera,
    • contact key or smart card reader.
  • Switch- switches the signal to apartments, switching the signal to intercoms depending on the dialed number. Usually present in multi-apartment intercoms, it can be built into the calling panel and works on the principle of a telephone. With its help, a visitor who wants to get inside can introduce himself and report the purpose of his visit.
  • Subscriber device- a device with which people inside can ask who the visitor is, as well as the purpose of his visit - if this person is unfamiliar to them. The unlock button can be used to open the door lock if the door has an electric lock. The device may have a screen connected to a surveillance camera through which the visitor can be viewed.

Basic ways to open a door through an intercom (not vandalism)

  • Key. The lock is opened with a key, which is presented to the reader.
  • From the apartment. The door is opened using a special button on the user's subscriber device after calling the apartment.
  • Code. The lock is opened by dialing a code on the intercom calling panel. Due to the fact that any code sooner or later becomes the property of “unwanted guests”, this function contradicts the purpose of installing an intercom as a means of restricting access and can be disabled.

Intercom repair and maintenance business

The “intercom business” - the activities of companies in Russia and the CIS countries that install intercoms and reinforced doors at the entrance to the entrance, as well as servicing intercoms - often causes complaints from some residents. In particular, opinions are expressed about the inadmissibility of collecting money for the installation of an intercom without conducting general meeting and approval of the decision by a majority vote, instead of which residents are often presented “with a fait accompli,” justifying this by the difficulties of obtaining the consent of the majority of residents.

Complaints and doubts about the legality of the actions of intercom installer companies also arise in cases where one of the residents of the house is agitating for the installation of an intercom (sometimes with signs of fraud), who enters into an agreement with the company on behalf of the residents, without a power of attorney on their behalf for the right to conclude such agreement. Residents who did not consent to the installation are opposed to being forced to pay for installation and maintenance services of an intercom and are defending their right to refuse services they did not order.

Also, misunderstanding causes the need for additional monthly payment for maintenance of the device, which residents purchased and installed at their own expense. There is no such need, however, a number of residents find the proposed intercom subscription service scheme convenient, since it is designed to guarantee prompt troubleshooting and Maintenance devices and eliminates the need to pay for each call to the technician.

Criticism of the actions of companies that install intercoms is also based on the assumption that the monthly subscription fee they charge from residents under the “maintenance agreement” is disproportionate to the volume of services provided to maintain the device. Thus, the annual fee for servicing an intercom in Russia per apartment is about 300-700 rubles, which, when calculated for a 100-apartment building, brings the company about 50 thousand rubles in annual revenue. It should not be forgotten that companies servicing intercoms employ a staff of repairmen and repair (or replace) non-repairable intercom equipment at their own expense in the event of vandalism or planned replacement. It is believed that the intercom service business remains at a healthy profitability threshold of 10-15%.

A common case is the inclusion of service fees for intercoms in payment documents for housing and communal services. This is carried out on a reimbursable basis by settlement centers, which are given the appropriate instructions either by the management organization (or HOA) that has entered into a service agreement with the intercom organization, or directly by the intercom organization that has entered into a service agreement with residents. At the same time, very often there are simply no legal grounds for collecting payment from residents ( decisions of arbitration courts.).

An important point when installing an intercom is that the installed equipment (except for intra-apartment subscriber devices, which almost always become the property of the residents) belongs to the residents or to the company that installed the intercom, which is determined by the terms of the installation agreement concluded. Equipment owned by the service organization, the latter has the right to dismantle upon termination of service.

It is illegal to deprive a tenant of access to the entrance and apartment if the tenant did not want to pay for the installation of an intercom and does not want to use the handset. Typically, these situations are resolved by issuing keys or access codes to such residents free of charge. Experienced companies that install intercoms include the cost of keys for residents who refuse installation in the total estimate. However, if there are a lot of tenants who refuse to pay, this may lead to the termination of intercom service and the possible dismantling of equipment owned by the intercom organization.

Now intercoms are a common device: they are installed in private homes, apartment buildings, offices, warehouses and any other facilities where it is necessary to restrict access. Let's look at the types of intercoms according to their characteristics.

The main characteristics by which intercoms differ are:

  1. Number of subscribers.
  2. Degree of security.
  3. Transmitted data (audio only, or both audio and video).
  4. Interface (handset or built-in microphone).
  5. Device and principle of operation.
  6. Functional.
  7. Appearance.
  8. Equipment.
  9. Lock device.

All models are divided into:

  • Low-subscription. Designed for communication between 1 subscriber and a visitor. They are used in private homes, at checkpoints, and for office entrances.
  • Multi-subscriber. They are used in facilities with a large number of buildings (apartment buildings, office centers, administrative buildings, and so on). There are models for different numbers of subscribers - from a few to several thousand.

By security level

Indoor unit it is operated in safe conditions: it is installed in a room where it is warm, dry, and no one will intentionally damage it.

The external unit may have different designs. The degree of security depends on this.

Main characteristics:

  1. The presence of a protective visor of the front panel. It is necessary to cover the panel with buttons and speaker from precipitation and direct sunlight.
  2. Operating temperature range. Cheap Chinese models can operate in the range from -20º to +30º. Higher quality devices operate at temperatures from -50º to +50º.
  3. Availability of dust and moisture protection for electronics. In winter, due to the temperature difference (between cold street air and warm indoor air), condensation forms inside the outdoor unit and on the electric lock, so these elements must have an anti-corrosion and varnished coating.
  4. Use of electret microphones and speakers with a rubber or latex diffuser in the outdoor unit. Paper diffusers quickly fail due to humidity and sudden temperature changes.
  5. Vandal resistance of buttons and the entire front panel. Since the outdoor unit can be intentionally damaged, it must be made of durable alloy and not have protruding fragile elements.
  6. Durability of the keyboard and electric lock. In an entrance hall with 40-50 apartments, the device accumulates 200 thousand cycles (opening and closing). The uninterrupted operation period should be about 1 million cycles.

With or without video

One of the main indicators is the type of signal that the intercom transmits.

Expensive video intercoms can not only broadcast video from an external unit to an internal one. They have functions for video recording and signal transmission to other devices (smartphone, TV, tablet).

This functionality allows you to see and communicate with the visitor, even if the user is not at home.

Handset or speaker

In the room, the user can talk to the visitor through a handset or through a loudspeaker. Models with a loudspeaker are cheaper than those with a handset, but their noise level is higher. The visitor will hear not only the voice of the apartment owner, but also extraneous sounds.

Models with a tube are a little more expensive, but provide clear sound without extraneous noise.

By design and principle of operation

According to the addressing method, intercoms are divided into:

  1. Coordinate (coordinate matrix). To connect, you need as many wires as there are subscriber units. For example, if you need to connect 30 apartments, 30 separate wires are run from the outdoor unit. Such systems are cheaper than others, but they are more difficult to maintain. The principle of operation is the same as that of a mini-PBX.
  2. Digital. To connect, 2 wires are used, from which the wiring goes to the subscribers. They cost more than coordinate ones and are easy to install. Most apartment buildings have exactly these devices. The main disadvantage is the higher likelihood of problems (call signal loss, difficulty opening doors, listening to conversations from other subscribers).
  3. Wireless. They do not require a separate line - they are connected via an existing telephone cable, via Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable. The most expensive category includes a small number of models, mainly in the premium segment.

By functionality

Intercoms of different models may have the following additional functions:

  • acoustic signal of pressing buttons (call and/or all buttons);
  • the ability to open doors with a digital code or key;
  • possibility of setting individual codes.

Video intercoms in the expensive segment may have the following functionality:

  • recording photos, audio or video, which is triggered by pressing the call button or when a motion sensor is triggered;
  • the ability to talk with a visitor from a smartphone/tablet when the owner is away from home;
  • the ability to open doors from a smartphone.

By appearance

Traditional intercom device - flat metal panel buttons with speaker and microphone on the outside, and plastic block with a handset and a button to open the door in the apartment. Different models differ slightly in appearance.

Premium segment video intercoms have more variety. The outdoor unit looks the same, only it is complemented by a video camera “eye”, a motion sensor and backlight.

There can be several cameras: 1 - standard, on the intercom panel, and additional ones - at other points (for example, above the door, with a wide viewing angle to see not only the visitor’s face, but also the space around him).

The internal units of such models are also made of plastic, but have a large (several inches) display. The display can be color or black and white, touchscreen or not.

By configuration

In stores you can purchase intercoms in different configurations:

  • separate calling panels, handsets, monitors;
  • audio intercom sets (call panel + handset);
  • video intercom sets (calling panel with camera + monitor with or without handset);
  • additional equipment (cameras, video eyes) - separately or in combination with other devices.

According to the lock structure

Locks on entrance doors are:

  • Electromechanical. Cheaper than electromagnetic ones, they can work when the electricity is turned off. Disadvantage - they work worse in cold weather.
  • Electromagnetic. More expensive than electromechanical ones, they operate smoothly in any weather. They operate only on power supply (if the electricity goes out, the lock cannot be opened or closed). Such locks are often installed in areas that require enhanced control.

About the manufacturers

There are products from about a dozen manufacturers on sale on the Russian market.

Main brands:

  1. Visit. Mid- and low-price segment, assortment - audio and video intercoms, single-subscriber and multi-subscriber. The cost of a simple audio kit for 1 apartment is from 4000-5000 rubles.
  2. Cyfral. The same features as the Visit intercoms.
  3. Metacom. In addition to audio and video intercoms, it produces contactless intercoms. The cheapest single-subscriber kit starts from 2,700 rubles.
  4. Commax. An old company, started operating in 1968 in South Korea. Products are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. The range is about 100 models.
  5. One Touch. A line of expensive video intercoms that work via the Internet. Can be controlled from a tablet or smartphone.
  6. Falcon Eye. A line of several dozen video intercoms, most models have an internal unit in the form of a monitor, without a handset. Color touch display.
  7. Slinex. The line of expensive premium video intercoms includes about 10 models.
  8. Tantos. Several lines of simple budget audio and video intercoms.
  9. Kocom. It produces audio and video intercoms in different price segments.

The most common intercoms in the Russian Federation are Digital and Visit - they are installed in “ordinary” apartment buildings and in inexpensive office buildings.

How to choose the right intercom?

Selection rules:

  1. Determine the number of subscribers (individual apartments).
  2. Determine the number of indoor units (several units can be placed in a room to control one door).
  3. Determine the identification method (the door opens only by calling from the outdoor unit, or it can be opened with a key, card, or by entering a code from the panel).
  4. Determine the number of intercoms from the entrance to the building to the final premises. For example, in office centers, 1 multi-user intercom can be mounted at the entrance to the building, and another 1 can be mounted at the entrance to the floor or department.
  5. Determine the mounting method outer panel: on a stand, built-in (mortise), overhead. The safest one is built-in.
  6. Determine whether an emergency door opening function is needed (for example, in the event of a power outage, if the lock is electromagnetic).
  7. Select the functionality of the intercom (with video or audio only, with the ability to record, with a motion sensor, with the function of communicating and/or controlling the door via a smartphone).

If you plan to choose an intercom yourself, it is better to seek advice from the companies that install them. There are over fifty models on the Russian market, with different characteristics and functionality.

Divided into several groups. Their standard classification is divided into video intercom and video intercom. The first type, in turn, is divided into two more types: individual and multi-apartment. Individual audio intercoms are a system consisting of an audio calling panel and an audio handset. The calling panel is usually mounted in close proximity to the gate or door entrance and is equipped with a microphone and speaker. Typically, such systems are classified as country houses, cottages, estates, dachas. - another type of audio intercoms, specializing in the protection and service of residents of apartment buildings, employees of administrative and industrial buildings. By installing this, you will greatly simplify the use of the security and identification system, since it is capable of serving several thousand subscribers. On the intercom market, this type is represented by products of the following well-known brands: Vizit, Cyfral, Metacom, Eltis, Marshal, Raikmann, Keyman. In the JSB catalog you can find audio tubes and interface units from the indicated manufacturers. Interface blocks are necessary when transitioning from using audio intercoms to using video intercoms. Thanks to them, an audio tube and a video screen are connected, which allows you to receive an audio signal and video broadcast through only one device. Depending on the characteristics of the display, you can select either black and white. The JSB product range includes video intercom monitors from Commax, Kocom, Kenwei and Falcon eye. Screens that can be integrated with your existing system are labeled XL or VIZIT. This is how an ordinary intercom becomes a video intercom - a universal device that is especially popular among the population. Also types of intercoms Based on the addressing principle, they are divided into coordinate matrix and digital. Due to the fact that the requirements for safety, filling technical equipment is constantly growing, and has appeared in recent years. They are intercom systems made to individual orders due to the specifics and purpose of their application. Their features are: ergonomics, aesthetics, functionality and uniqueness. Elite devices include: integral part“smart home” and allows you to control the security system remotely using a cell phone. The intercom had to be equipped with high-quality devices with an increased degree of security - everyone knows how poorly developed the infrastructure is often in the private sectors of even large cities. must be made from vandal-resistant materials and covered with special protective shells, making calling panels virtually resistant to force and mechanical influence from uninvited guests. Searching the Internet for products using the wording gives a certain result, showing others types of intercoms.

It is not so difficult to choose - the range of companies is represented by products of well-known brands that have managed to properly establish themselves. However, buyers today are quite scrupulous in their approach to purchasing such devices, posing more and more new challenges for manufacturers. Of course, the first and main function of any intercom is security. Indeed, in recent years, an increasingly urgent requirement for homes and developers is to have a system in their home or office that can resist the entry of unwanted persons. This affects not only the owners of apartment buildings, which are usually easier to get into, even if there is a working intercom system in the premises, but also the owners of buildings in the private sector. It should be understood that the larger the territory of your home, the more objects there are on it, the greater the number of different devices and gadgets that can be used to ensure comprehensive and reliable control. Typically, an intercom for a private home is not only a device for protecting against unauthorized access by strangers, but also, first of all, a sensor for opening a gate or door. It allows you to allow guests into your territory without leaving your home. This is very convenient when it comes to large dacha areas and plots of a private house. Also yours intercom for a private home it is possible and even necessary to be equipped with the following functionality: the possibility of two-way audio communication between the owner and the visitor; video recording and broadcasting of what is happening at the gate or door on a special screen, while it is possible to use several cameras from different positions; support for multiple electric locks - multi-level protection; option to connect several audio tubes or a free hands device. A set of such functions will allow you to install one too. An intercom with a GSM module will increase the level of protection and comfort. The beauty of this device lies in the ability to receive the signal not only by the video intercom, but also by the home owner’s cell phone. While outside his home - at the opposite end of the city or in another country - the owner will always be able to answer a call from a visitor, who will think that he is talking to a person inside the building. Among other things, you can, if desired, let your guest in by pressing the designated button. It is worth noting that for such devices the priority is the sound quality: it must be the best. The calling panel must be equipped with the entire complex necessary measures, to prevent signal distortion during bad weather conditions or external interference from vandals. Also important for private houses is the possibility of unlimited connection of additional pipes: this is especially necessary in two- or three-story houses. Following everyone the listed rules and recommendations, after reading the JSB catalog, you can choose the one that suits you intercom for a private home.

Today they are used by many people who strive for comfort and do not want to clutter their home with a bunch of gadgets. Especially those that can be quite easily integrated with each other, and it’s a good idea to save not only in space, but also in monetary costs. The bell rang, and you frantically remember from which device among intercoms, mobile and home phones, tablets and other devices such a signal can be heard? To solve this problem, you can use the so-called intercom telephone. This device is so versatile and practically irreplaceable that you will immediately be able to appreciate its advantages. The operation of this device is based on the combination of telephone and intercom functions. Integration is carried out using special subscriber units, or interface devices. They are usually used to interface individual and multi-subscriber coordinate matrix audio intercoms with a city telephone line or with apartment telephones. The interface device, on the one hand, imitates the functioning of an intercom audio handset, and on the other, has a through path to the telephone set. A variety of subscriber devices can be used as a telephone: standard telephones, faxes, answering machines, private telephone exchanges and others. However, when choosing them, one requirement must be met - they must have a tone dialing function in DTFM. Also, the tube may be missing. There is no theoretical limit on the number of possible connected external devices, but in practice it comes down to determining the maximum capacitive load on the integrating product. The telephone line and all additional gadgets are connected to the interface device using a regular standard telephone cable. It is worth remembering that when the telephone connection is turned off, the intercom, which, being an element of this system, is powered by it, will also stop working. When intercom telephone works as an intercom, it occupies the telephone line and is not able to function as a telephone set. If there is no connection to the common intercom line, this gap does not affect the operation of your phone in any way. In certain cases, this subscriber unit can not be connected to the phone, but use the source direct current. The advantages of telephone intercom and other similar devices are combined by the so-called ones presented on the market by companies that have been producing exclusively multifunctional and unique devices for a long time. They are distinguished by quality, reliability, design developed for each individual client, mobility and technicality. Owners of large estates, estates and cottages most often prefer this device, albeit an expensive one, but one that fully pays for itself. But if you want to save money without sacrificing quality, then you should choose intercom telephone.

Installed today by many owners of country and private houses, estates and cottages. They do this not only to secure their home, but also for the information capabilities of this device: the device notifies both the owners about the arrival of guests and the scammers that there is a protected object in front of them. Intercoms installed on a wicket or gate belong to the category of individual devices. Their peculiarity is also determined by their remoteness front door and gates. The intercom will allow owners and household members to save time walking to the gate and back to find out who is knocking on the door, which is most useful in bad weather or late at night. And if your subscriber device is programmed to open doors remotely, then by pressing one button you can let a guest into your territory. You can also use not simple intercoms, but ones with a video function. In any case, the system will consist of several main elements - an external call unit and an internal device for negotiations. The outdoor unit - calling panel - is installed outside, on the gate gate. It is equipped with a call button, loudspeaker and microphone. If you are the happy owner of a video intercom, then you also have a video camera, to which motion sensors are often attached. Internal organization- audio handset or video intercom. The first option is suitable for small spaces, and the second is for protecting large areas with a large number of buildings. It is more convenient, of course, to use a video intercom, since it will allow you not only to communicate with the visitor, but also to see him. And this increases the level of security for your home. Video broadcasting is carried out by connecting an outdoor video camera, often with night vision function, and a display located in the room itself. Due to this organization of the system, you can choose either black and white. This characteristic is associated with the equipment to which the video signal is sent - it can transmit color or black and white images. The choice of one monitor or another depends on other indicators: cost, picture resolution, size, availability additional functions and others. country houses may differ from those that we usually find on the doors of apartment buildings. This is due to the fact that the subscriber of the device is one family, and to the fact that the modern consumer has the opportunity to participate in the process of modeling the intercom system and creating its design. Sometimes the opposite phenomenon occurs - such intercoms are simplified. In any case, owners of small dachas and huge estates should opt for a vandal-proof device model. Examples of such devices can be found in the JSB catalog. An excellent addition would be the connection of siren sensors, which can scare away even the most persistent thieves. And then even not the most expensive one can keep your home safe and sound. intercom for gate.

It is chosen by the majority of owners of such premises intended for a large number of people to work in them. In this regard, it makes sense to talk about the need for increased, multi-level protection of a building in which large groups of workers, visitors, partners, etc. are constantly located. Today, such a device in the office is no longer considered a whim - rather a tool for solving a need. At the same time, the tool is quite versatile and reliable. The purpose of intercoms installed in business centers or administrative buildings, is no different from their work in apartments or private houses. In both cases, an intercom system is used to restrict access of unauthorized persons either to the entire building or to its individual rooms, buildings, or offices. Such a device is designed to provide the maximum level of protection for a company or enterprise, its data and the livelihoods of its employees. It would be a reasonable decision to install in the office not a standard audio intercom, but a device with video recording capabilities - a video intercom. This office intercom includes a calling panel, thanks to which the visitor can contact the company's service personnel. It comes with a subscriber device equipped with a display, speaker, microphone or loudspeaker. All this will allow you to identify the visitor in order to decide whether to let him into the building or ignore his request. you must choose one that supports an unlimited number of additional external devices. This requirement is especially relevant for large business centers that unite diverse companies under their wing. In this case, it is possible to install calling panels at each entrance to the building, which will significantly facilitate the ability to establish contact with staff and will also save money. The use of several video surveillance cameras will allow you to combine intercom and security functions. Depending on the goals pursued, you can integrate all protective system into one device or, conversely, separate and use a personal access control system. To enhance the degree of control, it is possible to use expanded or improved video intercom models. This may be a version of the free hands intercom, commonly known as “ free hands", or a wifi intercom that does not require cabling, which is great for high-altitude office buildings. You can consider others by carefully reading the offers on the website of the JSB company, which offers devices from well-known brands. All this will allow for the most efficient and high-quality use of labor resources and increase labor productivity. If you really want to develop your business, attract new partners and professionals, and increase your income, then you need to create an image of the company. Its important component is intercom in the office.

Today they are especially popular. And this is not surprising: each of us wants to truly protect our home, and at the same time protect our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. These intercoms, which are not accidentally called elite, are capable of solving these primary tasks at the proper level. Firstly, these technically modern devices for private homes and office buildings are capable of providing comprehensive access control and security. They have an increased degree of protection against impacts of any nature: mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal and others. It can be said that it is impossible to damage or break them - the elements of elite intercoms are made of first-class vandal-resistant materials, which, among other things, are moisture- and frost-resistant. The second and no less attractive feature of such an intercom is the individualization of the system. This means that specialists, having familiarized themselves with all your recommendations and the floor plan, will develop a personal home protection system for you. In connection with this fact, the level of protection increases sharply: after all, no one except the owners will know the nuances of all the work. In our computerized age, the factor of aesthetics is also becoming very important. Intercom models elite class are characterized by unsurpassed design, unexpected interior solutions, often hiding the true capabilities of the decorative element. Well thought out not only technically, but also aesthetically, such an intercom system will become a full part of your home, without causing you any hassle. are characterized by more than expanded functionality. Real high-quality intercoms differ from ordinary ones in that they can surprise a person experienced in various devices. They are usually equipped with the latest technology: high-quality professional cameras with night vision function, high-resolution screens of the broadcast image, panels made of vandal-resistant material with touch control and a display showing the entered data, as well as a fingerprint reader or voice recognizer. The presence of connectors for external memory cards allows you to record and save video files. It is possible to fully use the answering machine function or call forwarding to the owner’s cell phone - both audio and video signals. Remotely opening an intercom lock by dialing a specific code is also used in elite systems, but it managed to prove itself even when they were used. Wireless technology for connecting and connecting the calling panel and device units has long been used by engineers and other specialists involved in the development of first-class intercoms. The choice of such models today is quite wide, so consumers can easily find ones that suit them. elite intercoms.

An example of the latest innovations in the field of intercom systems. This name, of course, does not indicate the color of the model’s body. It suggests that we have a modern device that provides its owners with the maximum level of protection and gives them comfort. All this is possible due to the fact that a display is connected to a standard intercom, consisting of a calling panel, an electric lock and an audio handset. The presence of a screen allows us to classify this security system as one of the best and most reliable. Modern developers and supply markets offer a wide range of such video intercoms. In the JSB catalog they are represented by companies with a global reputation in the field of security: Commax, Flacon Eye, J-Phone, Kenwei, Laskomex and Kocom. Prices for such devices depend on manufacturers, screen diagonal, type of intercom - free hands or audio handset, the presence of a GSM module, coordinate or digital method of connecting to the entrance intercom and other parameters. It is possible to classify these devices by color: black and white and color. divided in turn into models with PAL or NTSC color systems. Their predecessors were ordinary black and white intercoms, which some time later significantly displaced color ones from store shelves, meeting the requirements of the modern consumer. However, today sellers can offer you both devices. The main advantage of a black and white display is its price - it is 2-3 times less than the cost of a color intercom. And if you equip it with infrared illumination, the device will become sensitive even to night photography, with sufficient high resolution. The main advantage of color monitors is the ability to broadcast video images in color, which provides an increased level of protection for your home. In this regard, it is more advisable to buy larger LCD displays. The options for connecting additional devices to video intercoms are different: from one to four calling panels and up to two video cameras. This way, you will reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of scammers to a minimum. The communication and video recording modes with which most of these intercoms are equipped will allow you to track visits different people. And the device’s built-in memory can save up to two hundred frames. This condition is most important for office and industrial premises. But it will not be superfluous for residential buildings in which they are installed, uniting all residents with a single security system. In addition, currently prices for color intercoms are falling, therefore, they are becoming more affordable and the demand for them is growing. This is beneficial not only to manufacturers and suppliers, but also to consumers themselves, who have the opportunity to purchase a device at moderately high prices that allows them to increase the level of security for their homes. It will help you combine comfort and safety color intercom.

One of the most popular query options in Internet search engines. However, such a formulation can hardly satisfy the user’s desire to find comprehensive, and most importantly, reliable information about intercoms and their variations. And this is not at all accidental. There are different classifications of intercoms, and it is not always possible to see the differences between certain types using a photo or diagram. The basic principle of dividing intercoms is based on the equipment used. There are audio intercoms and video intercoms. All of them are devices that include a calling panel, an electric lock, a subscriber device and a power supply. The subscriber device of the first type of intercom is capable of receiving and transmitting only audio signals. That's what it is distinguishing feature audio intercom from a video intercom, the subscriber device of which is equipped with a video screen. Through the display, which can be black and white or color, touch or push-button, the different designs, a video broadcast is carried out and the owner not only hears, but also sees his visitor. Audio intercoms can be multi-apartment or individual. When using a multi-subscriber device, each apartment in a residential building has its own handset, through which calls are made. An individual intercom is the use of the system in private houses, cottages, and estates. That is, the user of such an intercom is one person. By type of work types of intercoms photo divided into coordinate matrix and digital. Digital systems prove to be the simplest in the installation process. When installing them, only one wire is supplied to the building, which is then routed separately to apartments. Installation of analog intercoms has its own specifics: your installer will have to run not a two-wire wire to the top floor, but a cable consisting of a number of wires equal to the number of apartments. In this regard, difficulties may arise during the work - for example, the absence or overcrowding of embedded channels in the walls. Nowadays, with the development of technology, other types of intercoms have emerged. For example, a wifi intercom that allows you to use a wireless device and control it not only in a standard way, but also using a mobile phone, tablet or computer. Hands free intercom is a device that does not have an audio tube, but has a loudspeaker function. Today, this type of device is gaining popularity. The principle of its operation is to pair audio or video intercoms with a city telephone line and with apartment telephones. Of course, these are not all modern adapters and sensors for intercom systems. Such types as IP intercom and radio intercom are widely known, often included in the “ Smart House" You can find information about them by entering a query in a search engine types of intercoms photo.

It is the simplest and easiest to use device that ensures the safety of residential and office premises. If you are unable to purchase expensive equipment, but you want to protect your home with high-quality devices, then this intercom option will be the best solution. This device is a simple two-way intercom. Its usual elements are a calling panel, a subscriber device and an electric lock. The calling panel is usually mounted at the door entrance or on the gate and has a call button, a key reader, a speaker and a microphone. It is advisable to purchase this component of the intercom system, made of durable, vandal-resistant materials. Various protective covers for calling panels are made of heavy-duty plastic or metal. These devices, depending on the installation method, can be overhead or mortise. The JSB product catalog presents both types of panels from different manufacturers. Audio handsets are intercom devices that can perform various functions. In addition to the standard conversation between the owner and the visitor, the subscriber device can also act as a remote control for opening an electric lock. These devices in the JSB product list are represented by well-known global brands Vizit, Cyfral, Metacom, Eltis, Marshal, Keyman and Raikmann. All of them are characterized by high performance and durability. must be equipped with a reliable electric lock, without which the protection system will not fulfill its main purpose. Electric locks come in several types: magnetic and electromechanical, one of their subtypes is the electric strike. All of them, like calling panels, can be mortise or overhead. If necessary, you can use a system of several locks different types. This option is worth paying attention to, since it makes it possible to ensure uninterrupted operation of the intercom in various situations. The handset and calling panel are connected using a regular wire. When a visitor presses the call button, the owner, who is in the apartment, hears a programmed melody notifying him of this. Convenient to use country house or a dacha, because it, in fact, replaces a standard electric bell. This means you don’t need to leave the house every time to hear a knock on the door and be distracted from your usual activities. Thus, the intercom performs an informative function. Being quite cheap, an audio intercom is an excellent security solution for both small houses and two- and three-story buildings. A more expensive option would be a wireless intercom using wifi or radio communication. Depending on the premises where you plan to use this or that device, you can choose individual or multi-apartment audio intercom.

They are a two-way intercom device, primarily intended for installation in apartment buildings, production premises, offices. That is, where it is necessary to organize communication between a large number of subscribers and visitors. Two-way communication can be carried out using only audio devices, or with the ability to transmit a video signal. In this regard, we can say that these intercoms come in two types: audio and video intercoms. The standard devices of any multi-apartment intercom are an external calling panel, which must have a housing with anti-vandal protection, a backlit keyboard and, of course, a call button and a key reader; a locking device, preferably with protection against code selection; lock controller and button that allows you to open the door from the inside; audio tube or video panel located in an apartment or other room. Also included with these devices are a door closer and a power supply for an electric lock - electromechanical, electromagnetic or electric strike. Having such a complex device at home or in the office allows you to talk with a visitor and even see him without leaving the room. To call the owner, the guest dials the number of his apartment on the calling panel, and the owner answers him and then decides whether to open the door for him or not. You can also open the door remotely - by pressing a special button on your subscriber device. It will not be difficult for the owner to get into the entrance area, and then into his home - he has his personal key, into which an individual code is sewn. have a number of advantages. Such devices can be easily integrated with similar ones in order to monitor a large number of entrances and doors of residential and administrative complexes. When using an apartment intercom in unified system You can combine up to 60 thousand subscribers. If there is a need to carry out interpersonal communication, you can always supplement the device with a distribution block. This option is popular in cottage-type villages and business centers. Multi-user intercoms have long been known on the market and are very popular among the population due to their reliability and availability. Stable work is provided by such devices even in harsh climatic conditions, which is most important for our country. Neither forty-degree frosts nor uninterrupted downpours are an obstacle to the operation of the intercom. Cleanliness and comfort in the halls of office buildings and the entrances of high-rise buildings is the main and main advantage for most users of such systems. Today, experts recommend installing several lines of protection: a hidden door video peephole and a calling panel on landing. Manufacturers and stores provide customers with a wide range of choices for home security devices, good example that are multi-subscriber intercoms.

Today it is not a new product - everyone has long been accustomed to it and knows how to use it. However, such a device, simple at first glance, requires a certain attitude towards itself, and it must also have a number of certain characteristics. The calling panel, or, is installed with outside entrance doors or gates. In connection with this fact, it is natural to require anti-vandal protection, which can be achieved using an anti-corrosion coating. To protect microcircuits from condensation and dust, the electrical circuit boards of the lock and calling panel must be coated with varnish or any moisture-repellent agent. A simple visor placed above the device itself and designed to protect the calling panel and possibly installed video camera from snow, rain, dirt. The operating temperature range should average from -40 to +40 C°. To ensure that the sound transmitted through the call unit to the subscriber device in the apartment does not disappear or cut out, it is important to choose a model that is equipped with speakers with a latex diffuser and a high-quality electronic microphone. For push-button-type calling panels, the important parameter is the ergonomics of the keyboard - that is, the ease of pressing the buttons without applying additional force and their size for ease of use by visually impaired people, as well as typing the code while wearing gloves or mittens. In this case, the MTBF of the panel must be at least one million cycles. An excellent option for the street would be an intercom that is resistant to an unstable power source. The presence of a warranty card with installation and operating instructions, as well as the ability to quickly restore the functioning of the system are some of the most important requirements to a device such as street intercom. And this is understandable - the device belongs to the category of intensive use systems, the standard service life of which should not be less than five years. In this regard, even the slightest malfunctions and failures must be corrected immediately, which will allow you to use your intercom system longer than the stated period. A standard outdoor device does not have a built-in video camera, but to provide more high level protection its presence is mandatory. To do this, it is necessary to purchase a video intercom, which will allow residents to significantly reduce the penetration of unwanted persons into the premises. private territory. With a conventional intercom, the owner of the apartment can only hear the visitor's voice, and will see it only when the guest is directly in front of his door. With a video intercom, the owner will see the visitor even before he enters the building itself. But modern technologies let's go further, and now we have the opportunity to choose a wireless street intercom that is most suitable for large construction projects, territories of country houses. If you are truly concerned about your own safety and are looking for a reliable solution to the problem, then you need street intercom.

Intercoms are intercoms with two-way communication. Intercom kits include two blocks - a calling block, located in front of the entrance to the room, and a response block - with the ability to open the lock relay.

Installing an intercom not only provides remote control lock, but also increases the level of security and safety of property. When choosing one or another intercom device, you need to familiarize yourself with their varieties.

Classification of intercoms:

  • based on the number of subscribers, low-subscription ones are distinguished - for servicing private territories and general security posts, and multi-subscriber ones - for apartment buildings;
  • According to the type of connection, there are the following types of intercoms - coordinate matrix, digital and wireless. They differ in the number of cables, interface units and signal transmission lines;
  • by identification - audio intercoms with voice method, and video intercoms - with video communication.

Among the additional functions of intercom devices are the ability to forward a call to a mobile phone, record materials when alarm sensors are triggered, record data on external media, as well as adjust the call and conversation volume, select a melody and set a photo frame.

Popular intercom models

Installation and connection

Installation of intercom systems is carried out in four stages:

  • Laying the necessary cables underground or overhead;
  • Attaching the calling panel;
  • Installing an internal response unit - a monitor or audio tube, and connecting a power source;
  • Work on switching and setting up equipment.

Selection of intercoms

The Sek-Group SB company specializes in the sale and service of intercom devices of the following brands: CTV, Commax, Kocom, BPT, Tor-Net and other manufacturers.

The catalogs present both individual video monitors, audio devices and calling panels, as well as ready-made intercom kits. They are equipped with an electromagnetic or electromechanical lock, a built-in video camera or a reader with the Touch memory identification type.

The price is set depending on the configuration, monitor diagonal and functional features each model. The company also provides equipment installation services, including design and cable laying.

Comments and reviews Commax CDV-35A

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Intercom- an ordinary intercom, but it has a number of design features. The main purpose of the intercom is to prevent uninvited guests from entering the building. The personal safety of people and their homes is one of the most current problems our time. An unguarded entrance to a residential building or office is, as a rule, one of the most dangerous places. You can increase the security of your entrance by equipping it with an intercom. Currently, there are many options for making intercoms: according to the number of subscribers - single-subscriber, multi-subscriber, and according to the principle of operation - video intercoms and audio intercoms. Intercoms are even sold in the form of a board inserted into the central computer that controls the “intelligent building.”

The intercom is designed for negotiations between external and internal zones.

The inner zone is its own zone. It is guarded, inaccessible to intruders, and it is dry and warm. In the internal zone there are the owners of the intercom. Accordingly, the equipment of the internal zone should be convenient, comfortable, and as friendly as possible for the one who works with it (the operator). But it does not need high vandal resistance at all.

The outer zone is a foreign, hostile zone. There can be any temperature and humidity. There may be a difficult crime situation there. There will be people there who see the intercom for the first time and do not know how to use it. Therefore, the requirements for the external part of the intercom are completely different. The outer part must be durable, resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, protected from damage and theft, and extremely easy to handle. In general, the difference between the design of the external and internal parts of the intercom is approximately the same as between an ordinary telephone and a street payphone.

Intercoms can be divided into individual and multi-apartment ones.

An individual intercom usually has one call button on the panel (rarely several, but no more than four). Addressing is always direct, i.e. working according to the one button - one subscriber system. Pressing the button gives a call signal inside. The operator picks up the phone and two-way duplex communication is activated. The connection is not limited in time, i.e. you can talk as much as you like. Communication can also be initiated from within by simply picking up the handset. Such intercoms are often used in offices, hence their second name - office.

Multi-apartment intercoms are designed for big number indoor units (tubes).

There may be several hundred of them. In this case, direct addressing intercoms are used with the number of handsets no more than 20. After 20 there are intercoms with multi-digit apartment number dialing, i.e. with keyboard. Multi-apartment intercoms have a number of communication restrictions. So, a poorly hung up phone can paralyze the entire system, so the connection is automatically turned off after a certain time, usually 15-30 seconds. In addition, on such intercoms it is impossible to initiate communication from the inside. Lifting the handset only activates communication during an outside call. Almost all intercoms are designed to control an electric lock. Locks are selected according to the type and weight of the door.

The video intercom allows you to see the visitor. A video camera is built into the panel (in Russia, as a rule, a hidden video camera is used). The indoor unit has a small screen. Modern multi-apartment intercoms allow you to combine - some apartments have video intercoms, others have simple handsets.

If there is a concierge, it is possible to install a concierge remote control. In this case, the visitor contacts the concierge, and the concierge contacts the apartment. If the concierge is not on duty all day long, then before leaving he switches the intercom directly to the apartments.

Classification of intercoms

Based on the number of subscribers served, intercoms are divided into the following types:

  • multi-subscriber;
  • low-subscription.

According to their technical design, intercoms are divided into groups such as:

  • multi-wire (decimal and hexadecimal coordinate systems);
  • low-wire (two-wire).

Today there are other systems on the market that do not fall under the above classification, but so far they are not so widely known.

Among wired intercoms, coordinate matrix and two-wire ones are most widespread. Installing a two-wire intercom takes 2-3 days and does not require great qualifications (the connection diagram for decimal coordinate systems is more complicated), this was the reason for the great demand for this type products that took place several years ago. The reasons for this were different: firstly, the low qualifications of the installation staff; secondly, the fact that for a long time the trendsetters were not the manufacturers of this equipment, but the installers themselves. The latter can be explained by the fact that the end consumer does not have information about the advantages of some intercoms over others and entrusts the choice to the installer. Thus, two-wire intercoms did not justify their worth due to their high cost and insufficient protection against polarity reversal (incorrect installation of the intercom (handset) by the installer or the user himself).

It should be noted that a new class of intercoms is currently emerging - wireless. When installing them, wire lines are either not used at all, or previously laid lines are used, technically intended to solve completely different problems. Wireless systems (Wi-Fi or connected to the mains) are still in the process of development. They are mass produced abroad, but in our country they have not yet become widespread.

Another new product on the domestic market is intercoms based on optical fiber technology. Their main advantage is their unprecedented information content, increased bandwidth signal.

Intercom functions

Today, a modern home rarely exists without some kind of entrance security device. The intercom has long been considered a security system. However, this is a misconception. The intercom is only a means of restricting access and ensuring comfort and is part of a system that also includes a remote control for the concierge and the dispatch operator. The latter is a DEZ employee who monitors the condition of elevators, electricity and heat meters, etc.

Security function

An intercom with the ability to open with an electronic key Touch Memory (TM) can perform the function of protecting the premises, the principle of operation of which is quite simple. Each TM key is unique as it has its own serial number; the total number of combinations of serial numbers of TM keys is 650,000,000. An intercom is installed in the apartment, next to which a controller (reader) is located. When leaving the apartment, the user places the key on the controller, on which the green indicator light begins to blink. Then a period of time is set (from 30 seconds to 5 minutes) during which it is expected to leave the premises; At the end of the specified time period, the security function of the intercom is activated. In the event of unauthorized entry into a home or the activation of a fire sensor, a digital alarm signal is first sent to the controller located in this apartment, then to the floor controller and then to the concierge console, the central console and the UDS dispatcher console. Thus, the ODS employee receives information about an emergency situation that has arisen at a specific address.

When developing modern intercoms, the security function becomes mandatory.

Alert function

An extremely important and integral function of intercoms today is a loud emergency warning system for evacuating people from high-rise buildings.

Information function

Manufacturers of intercoms provide their customers with additional services. Thus, a visitor can listen to a message left for him by the owner who left the apartment, or leave his own message, including a video image.

On the terminal device, the user can be provided with any kind of information (text, audio, video information, video messages). Such a device is placed in an apartment, an elevator, on a landing, in an entrance hall or directly on the call unit itself. Thus, the user has the opportunity to receive the latest news, weather forecast, and letters when leaving home. It is possible to transfer information directly between apartments.

Intercom components

The intercom consists of three main elements:

  • call block (door station, intercom);
  • lock - a mechanism that holds a door in place closed position(doors can be wooden, metal, etc.);
  • intercom (audio or video signal).

All components of the intercom are switched and receive power using a switch (built-in or remote) and a power supply, respectively.

Most of the intercoms produced today are processor-based, since the requirements for them and requests for their functional content can no longer be satisfied using hardware methods.

As the volume of tasks solved using intercoms increases, the number of its components increases. Thus, to ensure communication with the UDS, a block of addresses is used, and for communication with the dispatcher, a block of dispatchers is used. To support the public address function, as well as the apartment security function, there are also blocks. The basis, however, is always the same - this is a call block, an intercom in the apartment and a lock.

Individual codes

Already at the level of the factory firmware of the processor, the intercom device must be equipped with such functionality like using a custom code. This means that when installing an intercom, each apartment is assigned an individual code, which can be changed if desired (programmed from the keyboard). This process is carried out by the installer, who is an intermediary between the manufacturer and the user. In addition, there are also general codes intended for use by all services or only operational ones (housing and communal services, police, ambulance).

In many models of the devices in question, such a security function is implemented as sending a signal to the apartment when the intercom is opened with an individual key or by dialing the individual code of this apartment.

Types of castles

Until 1993, in most cases, access doors were installed electromechanical locks. At first, these were devices exclusively produced by the Moslift plant, since it had no competitors. Later, Korean, Taiwanese and Italian models appeared on the domestic market. And then it was developed electromagnetic lock. Currently, it is widely used due to the fact that it does not contain mechanically rubbing parts. Suffice it to say that the entrance door of a multi-story building opens and closes on average 1,200 times a day, so a mechanical system that experiences such a high load quickly breaks down.

A significant step forward in the development of locking devices was made with the appearance of electromagnetic locks on the domestic market. A strong magnetic field that creates the effect of attraction between the magnet and the plate is capable of holding a load of up to 700 kg.

The electronics of these devices are used to control the demagnetization process, since any metal begins to be magnetized when an electromagnetic field appears, and in locks this leads to the appearance of jamming. Electronics allows you to create a reverse pulse, which ensures the removal of residual magnetization from the lock electromagnet. However, it can periodically fail, so it is important to provide for the possibility of emergency opening of electromagnetic locks.

Modern regulatory documents and GOSTs establish a requirement that electromagnetic locks must be equipped with an emergency opening button. In addition, the locks must be equipped with a backup button, by pressing which you can neutralize the electronics, turn off the power supply and unlock the door. Such measures are necessary to ensure the successful evacuation of residents who would otherwise be unable to leave the building during a power outage or electronic failure.

It should be noted that door lock manufacturers recommend installing their products not in the upper part door leaf, and in the middle.

A prerequisite for a quality lock is that it has an exit button.

The apartment intercom can be equipped with both an audio and video panel. In addition, there are also apartment panels made on the basis of Touch Screen technology, which is quite rare today.

Types of keys

Resistive switch

A resistive key is a specially shaped plastic plate with a resistor pressed into it. The special shape of the plate prevents the connection of a “non-standard” resistor to the reading device. The key code is the resistor value. However, the problem is that there is only one resistor for the entire entrance, so the keys of this type easy to fake.

Optical key

In some intercom models, an optical key (card with perforation) has been used, which is a 1 mm thick metal plate with a coded combination of holes. The number of code combinations of such a key is quite enough to protect the entrances of apartment buildings. The reading device for such keys is optocouplers (LED-photodiode) operating in the infrared range. The disadvantage of this system is the fact that the optocouplers become dirty over time, and the use of optical switches becomes impossible.

Reed key

Reed switches operate on the basis of a reed switch pair, that is, a permanent magnet on one side and a counterpart in the form of a vacuum flask. There is a switch in the flask that is acted upon by a magnet.

Touch Memory Key

The Touch Memory key is a non-volatile memory housed in a metal case in the form of a small tablet, which is attached to any media (card, key fob).

Proximity key

Proximity technology is, in essence, a remote electronic pass used for contactless identification of its owner when determining access rights to an object protected by an access control system. Today, Proximity key fobs and Proximity cards have been launched into production. They have not yet become as widespread as Touch Memory keys, although compared to them they are much more convenient and reliable. Touch Memory controllers, in turn, are very sensitive to high voltage, the source of which can be, for example, stun guns and piezo lighters.

Technologies based on biometrics

On the territory of enterprises and institutions whose management does not skimp on access control systems, exclusive technologies based on biometrics are used. The most common biometric systems are: retinal scanning, hand geometry testing, fingerprinting, voice recognition and digital system.

Video monitors

Using intercoms, you can provide access to the Internet if you replace intercoms with video monitors. The latter are currently on the market in large quantities from manufacturers from Italy, Spain, South Korea and China. Video monitors are made either with a cathode ray tube (the so-called CRT - cathode ray tubes - picture tubes), or based on an LCD matrix (liquid crystal monitors). The use of LCD video monitors allows the consumer to receive audio and video signals, color images, and data input using Touch Screen technology (intercom control without a keyboard).

Video intercoms

A video intercom is a calling intercom device equipped with a miniature video camera, designed to connect a visitor from the outside with a person inside an apartment, office, or home.

When installing a video intercom, it is necessary to lay additional networks for broadcasting the video signal, and install monitors in the premises.

The latter can be hidden or remote; in the second case, the quality of the resulting image will be better.

The weak point of video intercoms, which is almost impossible to protect properly, is their optics. Make a replacement optical device very difficult, so manufacturers of video cameras for intercoms try to equip them with pinhole lenses (with miniature exit pupil (0.8-4 mm) and eye relief (0.5-2 mm) from the surface of the lens). The most successful anti-vandal solution seems to be to make the chamber entrance hole with a diameter of less than 1 mm. It should be noted that any attempts to disguise the camera lens reduce its viewing angle; The image quality on the monitor also deteriorates as a result of insufficient light entering the camera.

Polycarbonate lenses are used to protect video cameras. Among its advantages the following are noted:

  • when set on fire, it does not burn, but exhibits the property of self-extinguishing;
  • characterized by elasticity, that is, resistant to destruction.

The disadvantages of polycarbonate include the fact that the foaming of this material in the event of arson, as well as its instability to scratches, causes the production of video of reduced quality.

The main components of video intercoms (cathode ray tubes and LCD matrices) are not produced in Russia. When purchasing a color LCD monitor, it is logical to purchase a color video camera.

Today, there is often a need for access control both at the entrance level and at the floor level, and therefore monitors have appeared on the market that can display images from two CCTV cameras. Production development is moving towards increasing the number of video channels connected to one video monitor.

Monitors can be equipped with a pipelined memory unit. Previously, it was possible to display only 4 images on one monitor, then their number increased to 8, then to 16; Today there are 32 pictures, which are provided with the date and time of shooting.

Experience shows that further increasing the number of images displayed on the monitor does not make sense.

Currently, the task is to compulsorily digitize audio and video signals for ease of working with data. Using a digital video intercom, you can receive up to 32 videos (messages from visitors) of optimal quality on the monitor screen, which will be stored in the device’s memory.

It should be noted that there is a tendency to further expand the functionality of monitors. Today, there is an increasing tendency to replace cathode ray tubes with LCD monitors. The latter are distinguished by their simplicity of design, small size, reliability, the ability to obtain color images and the use of Touch Screen technology.

A mandatory condition for video intercoms is that all external parts must be vandal-proof. The best option here is casting technology, which allows the production of products beautiful design through the use of manual work. In addition, the electronic components of video intercoms must be designed for use in a wide temperature range of -40...+60 °C. For this purpose, the internal heating method is used, and heat removal conditions are determined.

Digital intercoms

Currently, digital intercoms are appearing on the domestic market, designed to transmit signals either via copper (wire lines) or via optical fiber, or using the Wi-Fi wireless standard. Wi-Fi technology allows you to stream large amounts of data at high speeds.

Compatible with engineered safety equipment

Part utility network buildings include: an automatic telephone exchange system, a security system, an emergency warning system during evacuation, etc. In modern houses, each entrance can have up to 4 entrances. Therefore, intercom calling units must be provided for all doors; At the same time, parallel installed call blocks should not conflict with each other if one of them is currently being used for its intended purpose.

In addition to the ability to connect to the Internet, intercom manufacturers today provide connection to their devices from a city telephone network (TTN) line. If you have a telephone pair (and according to current regulations it should be allocated for concierges), it can be connected to a common block via the GTS block adapter. As a result, this telephone can be used by both the concierge and the ordinary user, in particular to call services “01”, “02”, “03” and “04”. The listed numbers are stored in the processor’s memory, where there is also a cell for the telephone number of the organization servicing the intercom.

Vulnerabilities and ways to protect them

It must be recognized that the intercom system is very vulnerable to unauthorized actions, in particular tampering. Therefore, intercom protection technologies are constantly being improved.

Over time, intercoms are becoming more and more complex both from a technical point of view and in terms of software. Thus, Proximity intercoms are equipped with microprocessors to solve issues of telephony, music for video calls, and reconnection.

The most sensitive components of intercoms to damage are the following:

  • call blocks - today they provide maximum protection with outer shell and casting technologies;
  • displays - previously plexiglass was used to protect them, but today polycarbonate or Lexan is used. Protective screens based on polycarbonate are perfect combination price and quality, resistant to vandalism. An alternative display option is LEDs. So, if there is a panel with three LEDs, each of them lights up sequentially in accordance with the actions being performed - when dialing an apartment number, performing the dialing function and answering the subscriber;
  • Touch Memory controllers are protected from fire and voltage up to 10,000 volts. However, the possibility of intentional damage to this type of controller cannot be completely ruled out. With the spread of Proximity technologies, the relevance of this issue will decrease;
  • calling panel made of piezoceramics (touch) - reacts to the slightest change in the structure of the metal. Any pressing entails deformation of the material and causes data entry; Moreover, the sensitivity of the device can be adjusted. Due to the specific nature of their technology, touchscreen calling panels are weatherproof. In addition, the design of some panels does not always prevent accidental pressing of buttons.


The requirements of currently valid GOSTs, introduced into practice about 5 years ago, are quite flexible. Therefore, it is possible to install the equipment in such a way as to minimize costs, provide users with increased convenience, in particular, provide for the use of the call unit by children. In addition, the door structure is constantly subject to dynamic loads, so the intercom equipment should be mounted on a stationary door or wall.

Touch Screens (both on the call block and on the monitor) will first of all be used indoors, and only after some time - at the entrance to the entrances, where they will be protected either by armored glass or polycarbonate screens.

Non-standard solutions

In addition to using the intercom for its intended purpose (access control and restriction), there are non-standard solutions for its operation.

Today, the possibility of connecting an intercom to the Internet is being actively discussed, and in the future, the possibility of transmitting data within the intercom system via a fiber-optic network. However, the latter is rather long-term plan. Purely non-standard solutions for operating intercoms include the following:

  • use of Proximity key fob technology, made in anti-vandal design;
  • the ability to unlock the intercom using any card or key, regardless of its manufacturer. For example, if a person has a Muscovite card equipped with a chip, it would be convenient to also include in it the functions of a metro card and a card for controlling an intercom;
  • connecting intercoms to PBX;
  • equipping intercoms with an emergency notification function during evacuation; I
  • use of intercoms to protect premises;
  • use of intercoms at factory entrances;
  • using intercoms as internal switches: the intercom system acquires the functions of an internal intercom, providing the ability to transfer data between users.


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