How to set the temperature in the freezer. Optimal temperature for the freezer

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Does your milk turn ice cold and your eggs spoil quickly? You probably don't know what temperature your refrigerator should be. Finding the right temperature is vital for your food. This will keep them fresh by slowing down the development of bacteria.

In the refrigerator compartment, products such as milk, vegetables, fruits, and meat can be preserved longer, provided:

  • Their correct placement,
  • Properly set temperature.

Do you know what the temperature in the refrigerator compartment should be?

Experts on the subject have decided that the ideal refrigerator temperature is about 4°C. It is recommended to select t˚ 0°C to 5°C or between 34°F and 40°F. This is due to the following conditions:

  • External temperature. It must be adjusted based on the time of year. With the arrival of summer, the heat becomes more intense and there is a need to open the refrigerator more often.
  • The amount of food stored. An overfilled refrigerator is just as bad as an underfilled one (temperature changes occur every time the doors are opened). If you don't have enough food, fill bottles with water and place them on empty shelves.

This temperature range guarantees good preservation of food. Correctly set t˚ will not destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but will slow down their growth.

Refrigerator and Strategy: Maintaining Food Security

In addition to maintaining the temperature of the refrigerator, there are additional steps to take to ensure that chilled food remains as safe as possible:

  • Try to quickly use provisions from open packages with food.
  • Check the expiration date of food products.
  • Do not pack food tightly.
    The load on the refrigerator affects t˚. Cold air must circulate around the food to cool it properly.
  • Wipe the shelves more often - this will help reduce the growth of listeria bacteria, which grow at low temperatures.
    Special attention Pay attention to stains after defrosting meat - this will prevent cross-contamination, where bacteria from one food has spread to another.
  • Foil, plastic sealed containers – the best choice for storing most food products.
    Open packages can lead to foreign odors, drying out of food, and loss of nutrients and mold growth.

The temperature inside the refrigerator is not the same everywhere. For example, the bottom shelf - middle t˚ is about + 5 ° C. The cold area at the top is about + 3 ° C. This is why it is appropriate to place food on different shelves, according to their needs in terms of t˚:

  • Coldest area (between 0° and 3°C): top of the refrigerator.
    Store: meat, raw fish, dairy products, fresh fruit juices, sausages, cooked food, seafood.
  • Freshness corner (±4°): the middle of your unit.
    Place: meat, boiled fish and vegetables, fruits, pastries, sauces, medium or hard cheese, yogurt, cream.
  • Bottom drawers (between 4° and 6°C): space for vegetables and fresh fruit.
  • Doors - Temperate Zone (±6°): Least cold zone.
    Place provisions that need to be slightly cooled: eggs, butter, jam, mustard, coffee, drinks, sauces.

Have you ever had any doubts about what the temperature in the refrigerator freezer should be? How to support beneficial features prepared food? Most products can be saved longer good qualities, if you observe the temperature of the freezer 0 degrees F or -18 °C.

Time is important factor to maintain high taste characteristics of frozen food. Despite proper packaging, if kept in the freezer for a long time, many products can become hard or tasteless.

Duration of storage of frozen food in the freezer

Meat (products made from it) is stored:

  • Sausages, sausages, hot dogs – 1-2 months.
  • Salo - 1 month.
  • Minced meat – 3-4 months.
  • Steaks – 6-12 months.
  • Chops – 4-6 months.
  • Roast – 4-12 months.
  • Whole chicken – up to 12 months.
  • Chicken parts – up to 9 months.


Vegetables must be blanched (partially cooked) before freezing. Vegetables should be quickly frozen so they retain their good flavor and most of their nutrients. Keep no more than 12 months.

Do you know that:

  • Defrosting food at room temperature, bacteria multiply quickly when they get into food.
    It may cause toxicity despite high cooking temperatures.
  • To preserve the beneficial properties of the food, it should be defrosted in: a refrigerator, cold water, microwave oven(start the cooking process right away).

Wipe down the refrigerator more often, constantly monitor its temperature, and you will not only eat healthy products, but will save some of your energy budget.

What temperature should the refrigerator be?

Did you know that refrigerators are designed in such a way that each zone inside the appliance is cooled differently? And the point here is not limited to the fact that the warmest place in them is the door, and the coldest is the freezer. After all, if you know what temperature should be in the refrigerator according to existing standards, you can significantly increase the shelf life of the products we are used to. And the unit itself will work properly for a long time.

Signs of an incorrect refrigerator temperature

About incorrect settings temperature regime testify:

  • ice particles appearing in products, food - the temperature is too low;
  • rapid spoilage of products - high temperatures;
  • the appearance of condensation on the walls of the refrigerator;
  • melting (wholly or partially) of ice in freezer- The freezer does not reach the temperature it should.

How to set the temperature mode

Each refrigerator is divided into the following zones:

  1. refrigeration part;
  2. freezer;
  3. freshness zone - not present in all models.

Refrigerator mode

As a rule, this part is divided into compartments that are cooled differently. For example, take a unit with a freezer at the bottom:

  • The compartment closest to the freezer should have 2 degrees of heat;
  • at the top and in the middle - the zones are warmer and the recommended temperature in them should be within 7 degrees above zero;
  • the space reserved for boxes for vegetables warms up to 8 degrees;
  • door - up to plus 5 degrees at the bottom and up to plus 10⁰C at the top.

How to set the temperature in the refrigerator according to such standards - set the thermostat to the general mode of +3–+5 degrees Celsius.

If the device is equipped with a freshness zone, the temperature in it is set from 0⁰С to +1 ⁰С.

Advice. The more food you store in the refrigerator, the lower the temperature should be. If the unit is almost empty, place it in plastic bottles with water to preserve optimal mode cooling.

Do not allow the device to operate at maximum mode for a long time. This can not only affect your energy bill, but will also reduce the lifespan of the unit.

Temperature standards in the freezer

As in any other compartment, the degree of cooling in the freezer can be adjusted. Each division of the thermostat here corresponds to 6 degrees. The average temperature in the freezer is minus 18⁰С. Most frozen foods are stored in this climate. If you need to speed up the freezing process, you can set the temperature to minus 24⁰C.

Optimal temperature is achieved within eight hours after setting the desired value on the thermostat.

Do not forget to periodically defrost the freezing chamber:

  • in old refrigerators - once every 2–3 months;
  • in devices with No-Frost mode - once a year.

If all the settings are set correctly, but doubts about proper cooling remain, you need to check whether the readings on the thermostat match the actual temperature.

Temperature measurement

How to measure temperature readings in a refrigerator - using a special thermometer or a more conventional thermometer, which we use to measure the temperature of the human body. When choosing the last option, measuring device should be placed in a container with water.

Measurement steps in the refrigerator compartment

  1. First, you should remove all food from the refrigerator. This will allow you to get the most accurate indicators.
  2. Next, you need to install the thermometer in the center of the refrigerator compartment.
  3. To get correct results, keep the thermometer in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. It's better to leave it overnight. During this time, it is better not to open the refrigerator to prevent temperature fluctuations.

Measuring in the freezing chamber

To understand what the temperature is in the refrigerator freezer, it is better to use an outdoor thermometer. Such devices can withstand minus degrees.

Things to consider:

  1. It is advisable to take readings several times, since in the case of a freezer, it is important that it constantly maintains the same temperature.
  2. Just as with the refrigeration zone, to get optimal results, keep the thermometer in the chamber for at least 8 hours.
  3. It is important to measure to what number the thermometer mark drops during extreme freezing.

The standard indicator should not be higher than minus 24 degrees Celsius.

The fast freezing mode allows you to preserve all the taste of food. To understand how well a refrigerator works in the most “stressful” climatic conditions, you should measure the temperature in it during the hottest and coldest times of the year. Indicators indicating correct work unit must be from 0 to +7⁰С in the refrigerating chamber.

Incorrect temperature associated with faults

Sometimes adjusting the thermostat does not give the desired results, and the refrigerator still malfunctions. Often in such cases, the temperature of the freezer flashes or even makes characteristic sounds reminiscent of a squeak.

Reasons and solutions:

  • the door does not close tightly - something inside is in the way (pan, etc.);
  • the door does not close tightly due to the fact that the rubber seal has lost its elasticity - it will have to be replaced;
  • There is too much frost and/or snow in the freezer - just defrost the device and wipe the walls dry;
  • the door is open for too long or an excessive amount of food has appeared - the temperature regime is disturbed, you need to wait until the previous microclimate is restored;
  • the board with built-in programs is broken, the temperature sensor or compressor is faulty, there is a malfunction in the defrosting mode, there is a crack in the cooling system - you will have to call a technician for repairs.

Food storage table

To extend the shelf life of food in the refrigerator, you should know in which zone it is best to place them.


In a microclimate of minus 18 ⁰C, you can store here:
ice cream, sausages, semi-finished products - within 3 months;
berries, fish, meat - six months;
fruits, vegetables, butter, mushrooms, poultry - 12 months.

Refrigeration compartment

Here it is better to store products depending on the zone:

  1. The warmest place where the drawers are located is best to place fruits and vegetables. At a temperature of +8⁰С, such products can be stored for up to 3 months.
  2. On the top and middle shelves (up to +7 ⁰С) prepared food can be stored for up to 5 days, packaged sausage, fruits, vegetables, butter, eggs - up to 4 weeks, and confectionery- about 3 days.
  3. In the lower compartment (+2⁰С), as well as in the rear part, fresh meat is stored for up to 3 days, fresh fish - for 48 hours, all dairy products, herbs, vegetables - for more than a month.


You are allowed to store here:

  • packaged cheeses - 3 weeks;
  • butter, ketchup, juices, mayonnaise - 3 months;
  • carbonated drinks - six months.

Remember that frequent opening of the door leads to a violation of the temperature regime. When storing, you should always take into account the manufacturer's recommendations.

Freshness zone

  • meat, fish, sausages, berries, mushrooms, tomatoes - store for a week;
  • vegetables, fruits - more than a month.

This compartment can also be used to quickly cool drinks. With the exception of “live” beer.

Advice. Regardless of the area, try to arrange products so that there is space between them. This promotes normal air circulation.

Don't forget that warm and hot food cannot be put in the refrigerator. Such actions can cause overheating and engine damage.

If you take care of the operation of your refrigeration appliance, it can last for a very long time. And your products will be stored in it in the best possible way. After all, these units are designed to make our life easier. So let everyday life be easy and pleasant along with the right microclimate in the refrigerator.

A certain temperature regime in the refrigerator is maintained for a reason, but in accordance with established international standards. This means that owners do not have the ability to arbitrarily regulate the temperature. Of course, it is possible to regulate, but only within certain limits set by the manufacturer.

Why is that? Because the shelf life of products set in food factories and the temperature range in the refrigerator are interrelated. After all, this is the only way the manufacturer can guarantee compliance with shelf life. And so that users do not exhaust themselves with constant temperature control, standard parameters are set.

Temperature zones

The refrigerator is not maintained at the same temperature, as different foods may remain fresh at different temperatures. different conditions storage Therefore, the temperature regime inside the unit is not uniform.

For this reason, the refrigerator is divided into certain zones:

    Freezing zone

    Freshness zone

    Other zones

The freezer has its own standard value temperatures: from -6 to -24 degrees Celsius. To find out which refrigerator supports which operating mode, you need to look at the special stars. Each asterisk is plus 6 degrees below zero.

You can use this graphical assistant:

The most optimal indicator is 18 degrees below zero. This is the temperature maintained in most equipment models.

What about the maximum 24 degrees? This mode is used exclusively when you need to quickly freeze something.

The freshness zone became known not so long ago, but in the Soviet Union they had never even heard of it - they stored milk in cans, meat in the freezer, and vegetables in drawers below and were quite happy. The temperature in this zone is maintained stable - 0 degrees, sometimes it can be +1, but not higher.

What does this temperature give? With it, food does not freeze, but does not disappear, since at zero degrees the reproduction of microorganisms stops. As a result, the food retains its natural qualities (taste, juiciness and aroma), beneficial properties, does not dry out or disappear.

This zone will be very useful before preparing for the holidays. You can put meat and fish in it, and when the moment of cooking comes, you can simply take them out and, without wasting time on defrosting, begin the process of creating dishes.

Products that are suitable for storage in the fresh zone:

    Meat, fish, minced meat and fish (they can stay here for up to 7 days)

  • Semi-finished products

    Various types of cheeses

    Milk and dairy products

    Vegetables, fruits, greens

    Bread and bakery products

    Sauces, tomato paste

    Champagne, vodka

Important! Black and red caviar, cottage cheese and tropical fruits should not be stored in the freshness zone. Cottage cheese will quickly become dry and lose its taste, and caviar is best stored at a temperature of 2-4 degrees. Also, this area is not suitable for storing live beer - it must be placed in the same compartments as natural juices.

All products in this area are stored in special sealed compartments that protect them from environment and microorganisms.

The question inevitably arises: since it is so effective in storage, why is the entire refrigerator not equipped with one continuous freshness zone? But because not all products can withstand freezing and not spoil.

Other branches

After the freezer and the subsequent freshness zone there is a shelf where the temperature is kept in the range from +2 to +4 degrees Celsius. What products is it intended for? - For various semi-finished products, cakes and pastries, eggs, meat, fish, sausages and milk. There is a separate shelf for eggs in the refrigerator door, just opposite the freezer.

We move below - the middle shelves, where the temperature varies from 3 to 6 degrees above zero. Freshly prepared soups and borscht, bread, vegetables, sauces, etc. are best preserved here.

At the very bottom there are shelves and drawers in which vegetables and fruits, as well as pickles and root vegetables, can be stored for a long time. The temperature maximum for any refrigerator is +8 degrees.

How to find out what the temperature is in the refrigerator

If it's in the kitchen old model, then you will have to focus only on the condition of the freezer compartment and the rear wall of the unit. If ice is present in moderate quantities, and there are drops on the wall, it means that the equipment is working properly, according to the given plan. But as soon as the picture changes: ice appears in the pan and excess water collects, it’s worth starting repairs as soon as possible.

Modern models are more progressive in this regard: many of them are equipped with a small backlit display that displays the temperature maintained inside.

Some models have a very interesting and useful mode called “Vacation”. It is ideal for those who are forced to leave home for a long time.

Thanks to this mode, the temperature inside the equipment is maintained below room temperature. This avoids the growth of bacteria and, consequently, the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Temperature measuring instruments

If for some reason none of the methods for determining temperature is suitable or is missing, you can use instruments to measure it:

    An ordinary thermometer for the street

This thermometer is placed in a dry saucer and placed on a shelf. You need to leave it there all night and take measurements in the morning. They may have some error, but that's something.

    Non-contact thermometer

This is what it looks like:

This device is capable of receiving infrared radiation from objects. And the spectrum of this radiation depends on temperature. With it you can easily find out what is happening in the freezer.

The device is very easy to use, as it is equipped with only two buttons: “measure” and “backlight”. The display will show the measured value, an error of +- 2 degrees is allowed.

    Infrared baby thermometer

It, unlike the two previous devices, gives completely accurate readings without errors. After all, it is designed to determine the baby’s body temperature, baby food, purees and other things. It operates in a temperature range from 0 to 100 degrees.

So that nothing goes missing

Even with proper operation of refrigeration equipment and normal temperatures, food manages to lose its freshness. Why is this happening? Perhaps the reason is the negligence of its owners, who simply use it incorrectly, because there are a lot of rules here too.

    Products must be in packaging

    You can’t put warm, much less hot, food in the refrigerator.

    Doors should always be tightly closed

    Each type of product has its own compartment

Advice! Many families buy enough food for a week and immediately fill their refrigerator with it all. Its work with such a dense staffing is noticeably reduced, since air circulation is disrupted, and at the same time the cooling intensity decreases. But if this cannot be avoided, then it is better to lower the degrees by increasing the production of cold.

What temperature should the refrigerator be? Answer: different in each compartment. It can be slightly adjusted within the limits of what the manufacturer allows. But if you store food correctly and do not create “temperature swings” by constantly opening the door, no adjustments will be needed, and the food will stay fresh longer even in the heat.

Useful video on proper food storage and timing:

Where is the lowest temperature in the refrigerator?

Do you pay attention to food manufacturers' requirements for food storage temperatures?

Sometimes housewives thoughtlessly put vegetables, meat, desserts on one shelf of the refrigerator, without giving special significance location. The settings in the refrigerator use those that were set by the manufacturer, without considering it necessary to change anything. And suddenly it turns out that the sausage and cheese have spoiled ahead of time. But this attitude towards food is a mistake.

To properly store food, you should know about the zoning of the refrigerator compartment, as well as what temperature should be in the refrigerator in the summer and what in the winter.

Optimal temperature

What is usually the optimal temperature for storing food? This becomes clear if we consider the storage conditions of basic products:

To measure the temperature in the refrigerator, place a bowl of water (500 ml) on the middle shelf of the refrigerator compartment, place a thermometer and leave for a day. The resulting value is the average for the chamber. This is also how indicators are measured in models with a digital display, for example, in the LG GC-B207GLQV, to obtain reliable data, since the display shows the set temperature, and not the real one.

If the temperature is up to 5 °C, then the food is cooled correctly, in accordance with international standards.

After measurements, you should adjust the temperature in the desired direction.

Refrigeration chamber zoning

Each product has its place

But the question arises: what will happen to fish and meat? After all, they require colder air than 5 ° C; at an average temperature they will spoil? No, this won't happen if you know which shelf to put them on. Therefore, we will consider the issue of zoning the refrigeration chamber.

Some models are equipped with a fan in the refrigerator compartment - in particular, Stinol products. Inside such refrigerators, an even air temperature is maintained at 0...3 °C.

Freshness zone

It is included in most models, but not all, and occupies a shelf next to the freezer. If the freezer in the refrigerator is located at the bottom, as in Indesit DF 5181 X, then this is the lower part of the chamber, if above it is the upper part. As a rule, this is a separate box or a special compartment.

Here the thermometer does not rise above 0...1 °C. This is the ideal temperature to prevent reproduction harmful microorganisms, causing premature spoilage of food and poisoning. Under these conditions, without freezing, the shelf life reaches 48 hours.

The freshness zone is used:

    for meat - fresh, semi-finished products, sausages;

    for fish - fresh, semi-finished products, with the exception of caviar;

    for dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese;

    for greenery.

It is convenient to cool drinks here, including alcoholic drinks - vodka, champagne, but not beer.

If there is no zero zone in the refrigerator - as in NORD DRT 50 022, then all the listed products are placed above or below the freezer, closer to the back wall.

Middle zone

The temperature in this part is 3...5 °C. Semi-finished products, confectionery, and cold cuts are placed here. This is the optimal place for ready-made meals, cooked soups, stews, and so on. Raw meat and fish are also stored here, but with the condition that they will be used within 24 hours.

Other compartments

The compartment farthest from the freezer is for vegetables and fruits

In the compartment farthest from the freezer, the temperature does not drop below 5...8 °C. This place is intended for food products such as canned food, salads, vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

Eggs are stored on the door shelves (the shelf closest to the freezer). Drinks, beer, sauces are left below. The temperature in this part is about 10 °C.


Storing food while preserving nutrients, vitamins, and color for a long time is achieved at a temperature of -18 °C and below. All products are allowed to be frozen, except for vegetables that are consumed exclusively raw (for example, salad).

The temperature in the refrigerator freezer can be adjusted. Manufacturers typically use the following markings on the regulator handle:

    * - up to -6 °C, ensures food safety for a week;

    ** - up to -12 °C, up to 1 month;

    *** - up to -18 °C, up to 3 months;

    **** - up to -24 °C, 6−12 months.

Some manufacturers have lowered the lower threshold in the freezer household refrigerator down to -28 °C - for example, this mode is supported in Bosch. It is called deep or super freezing. To reduce energy consumption, use this function like this.

    Switch the freezer to super-freeze mode and wait until the temperature drops to this level. This usually takes 2-3 hours.

    The food is loaded into the freezer and is covered with an ice crust, preserving its beneficial qualities.

    After freezing, raise the temperature to standard -18 °C. Best models switch to this mode on their own.

Fresh food products in the freezer should not be placed in close proximity to already frozen ones.

The latter, if you need to replenish supplies, it is advisable to move them to refrigerator. If you need to preserve a lot of food in this way, then one day the thermostat is set to the maximum level, and a day after adding fresh food, it is returned to the “three stars” mark.

Temperature adjustment in summer

What temperature should you set your refrigerator to in summer? There is no definite answer to this question, since the operation of the device, as prepared above, depends on many factors. In particular, it depends on how busy the cameras are. If the refrigerator is empty, then there is no need to do this. As a result, you will get increased energy consumption and load on the mechanism. But when it’s crowded inside the chamber, as well as when high temperature and moderate load, you should move the regulator one notch. In short, the temperature should be maintained at 5 °C, as discussed above.

To avoid having to lower the temperature inside the freezer and refrigerator compartment, do not place the equipment nearby heating devices- batteries, gas and electric stoves, stoves and other similar items.

In order for food to cool properly, cold air must circulate around it. Circulation is disrupted if the refrigerator is heavily loaded. Therefore, the device is selected according to needs.

It is necessary to regulate the supply of cold air depending on the filling of the chambers: if there is only a stick of butter and a piece of cheese inside, it is worth raising the temperature slightly. Close the doors as quickly as possible. IN modern equipment An alarm is installed that will notify the owner that the device is not closed. So, the Liebherr company took care of this.

Cool ready-to-eat dishes before storing them.

Read the product label first to know exactly what temperature to store it at. This is important for your health and for rational use of energy.

The topic of food storage has always occupied the minds of mankind. With the advent of refrigerators, everything became much simpler. We can stock up on food for future use and not worry about it going bad. But for proper storage you just need to know what the optimal temperature in the refrigerator is, how to set it, how to measure it, etc. In this article we will try to cover all these issues and teach you how to use refrigerators to the greatest benefit.

Modern refrigerators are complex automated systems, providing best storage products. Typically they include:

  • freezer;
  • refrigeration chamber;
  • freshness zone.

The freshness zone is located at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment. Correctly selected optimal temperature in the refrigerator and freezer is the key to preserving all the beneficial properties of products and increasing their shelf life.


The freezer can be located under the same door as the refrigerator compartment or under a separate one. Its main characteristic is the minimum temperature that you can set. The ideal refrigerator-freezer temperature is -18°C.

The more often you use it and the more loaded it is, the lower the temperature should be. Down to -20°C and below. If there are few products in it and you hardly open it, setting it to -15 degrees is enough.

When using special options designed for quick freezing of fresh food, the freezer is set to the lowest possible temperatures from -25°C to -30°C. This process takes several hours. With this method of freezing, products retain their beneficial properties and taste as much as possible.

cooling chamber

The temperature in the refrigerator compartment is distributed unevenly across the shelves. As a rule, the closer the shelf is to the freezer, the cooler it is. average temperature the refrigerating chamber is in the range from +3 degrees to +6°С. It is not recommended to set it above 6 degrees, although some models have an upper limit of up to +9°C.

If you set it to +4 degrees, the temperature distribution will be as follows. The coldest place - against the wall on the shelf closest to the freezer - keeps the temperature at about +2 - + 3°C. On the middle shelves - +3 - +5°C.

The warmest place is the shelf and door of the refrigerator farthest from the freezer. Here it can reach up to +10 and depends on how often you look into the refrigerator compartment. The optimal temperature in the refrigerator for the freshness zone is from + 4 to + 8 ° C. If you do not open the door for a long time, the temperature inside the chamber will gradually equalize. In the freshness zone it usually does not rise above +1°C.

In the coldest zone, sausages, sweets with cream, meat and semi-finished products, fish, milk, etc. are stored. The middle shelves are designed for storing soups, sauces, vegetables, main courses, etc. The topmost ones store fruits, root vegetables, pickles, etc. The freshness zone is designed for storing herbs, vegetables, fresh fish, meat, minced meat, etc.

Temperature measurement

It is quite natural that users want to know the exact temperature on the shelves of the unit. Sometimes this is caused by the need to check its serviceability or the requirements to comply with strict temperature conditions on the part of the product or medicine. Some modern models equipped with displays showing the current temperature level. But, as you already know, it is different on the shelves of the refrigerator compartment.

You can measure your temperature with a special device that can be found and bought at any hardware store, or with a regular thermometer designed to measure body temperature. In the latter case, place the thermometer in a container of water before placing it on the shelf. For a more accurate measurement, empty the chamber of food. Only the most perishable ones can be left. Place the container with the thermometer in the approximate center of the shelf and leave until the morning. It is advisable not to open the door during the temperature measurement period. This method cannot be used in the freezer.

To measure the temperature in the freezer, an outdoor thermometer with a scale of at least -35°C is suitable. It is especially important to know to what division the bar drops in super freezing mode. After all, the quality of frozen products depends on its level. The lower it is, the better.

Food storage table

Products should be stored at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer in strict accordance with established deadlines. You can find this information on the product packaging or label. For the most popular products, we provide a table indicating the shelf life at various temperatures:

Products Shelf life
0 to +4 0 to +6 Up to +8 -12 and below
Eggs No more than 20 days
Meat, poultry 3 days 3 months
Butter Up to 10 days 3 months
By-products 3 days
Chopped meat 12 hours
Milk 24 hours
Sour cream 3 days
Cream 12 hours
Cottage cheese 3 days
Vegetables 7 days
Cheese 7 – 15 days
Salads, vinaigrettes 12 hours 6 hours
Fish 2 days
Ketchup, mayonnaise, sauce from 15 to 120 days

To maintain the set temperature, follow the rules described in the operating instructions. To be supported normal temperature follow simple rules:

  • Place only cold food in the refrigerator compartment. Even if the soup is lukewarm, first place it in cold water and refrigerate completely.
  • Try to always use packaging. It is better if these are sealed bags or containers.
  • To ensure uniform cooling, do not fill the chamber to capacity.
  • If you load a lot of food into the refrigerator and the door remains open for a long time, set minimum temperature. After loading, return the regulator to your normal value.
  • Always close doors tightly. Some models are equipped with sound signals in case the door does not slam shut. Otherwise, it's better to double-check. A poorly closed door will lead to unnecessary high consumption electricity, temperature loss and possible food spoilage.

Proper operation and adherence to temperature conditions will allow your refrigerator to serve for a long time, and you will always enjoy fresh food.


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