How to disguise a well in a country house. Decorative manhole covers or how to beautifully cover sewer wells? Is it necessary to decorate a septic tank?

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Finally the weather is getting better. Yesterday there was sun all day, this morning! Beauty! SPRING has arrived...It's disturbing, and even a very huge amount of snow. Let's float, however...We'll have to dig ditches and drain the water. But sooner or later everything fades away. It's time to think about sprucing up the area (I'm talking about everything). I was concerned that near the house we have two hatches - a sewer (for the septic tank and a water supply. And they stick out like an eyesore. In the most visible place, and they also “eat up” part of the territory. I turned to my dear friend - the Internet and it turns out that I’m not the only one. I’ve looked at a few ideas, I’m sharing them!

A little advertising Fortuna - St. Petersburg LLC supplies equipment and materials for water supply, heating and sewerage systems. Serious, reliable company. Having ordered a cast iron sewer hatch here, you will be satisfied with the speed of execution of your order. Quality guaranteed!

Manhole covers can be used as stands for houseplants, containers with garden flowers, unusual stones, figurines, lanterns on solar powered and so on. The ground near the hatch is much warmer, so plants growing next to it rarely freeze out in winter, even in severe frosts, and in early spring bloom first. Trees cannot be planted here, as there are pipes underground. And there is no need to restrict access to hatches. You can place primroses and other bulbous plants around manhole covers. Use special planting baskets, which in emergency situations can be easily removed from the ground along with all its contents. You can decorate the hatch protruding above the ground with ground cover plants and a few flat stones.

When the hatch and its cover are at the same level with the soil, you can do this: the cover is covered with geotextile or other durable material that practically does not rot. Next, pebbles or gravel are poured onto it, and flowerpots with flowering plants, stones, driftwood or other decorative objects are laid. If necessary, the entire structure can be quickly dismantled and then easily restored.

An original option for decorating hatches with “weightless cobblestones”, “rocks” and various “animals”, made from modern durable materials that do not deteriorate from rain, frost or summer heat. These imitations natural stones and animals are placed on hatch covers and, if necessary, moved to the side.

China. There is a spillway under the stone and sculpture

The experience of other countries is interesting. The Japanese decorate manhole covers with colorful designs, turning them into real masterpieces “under your feet.”

Today it has become a fashionable genre applied arts.

Often the owners of such sewerage installations in the arrangement of autonomous sewer networks, such as septic tanks, they ask themselves how to decorate the territory on which they are located.

After all, after installing one or another septic tank, the place where the septic tank was installed and backfilled with soil initially looks, frankly, not very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, you need to know how to properly decorate and decorate the place where the septic tank is located.

After all, one of the important rules is to ensure full access to the technical sewer hatch, and therefore it cannot be closed in any way.

As for the ideas for decorating sewer manholes, their disguise is a whole art and creativity of creative, non-standard people.

Their services can be used, most often in companies, firms, organizations that have specialists and professional landscape designers on their staff.

Not only will they provide you with a number of ideas after visiting your site, but they will also do everything according to your taste and desire.

Sewer manholes most often include round metal flat covers that are flush with asphalt or paving the ground is covered, protecting it from debris getting inside, as well as for safety purposes for citizens, their cars, strollers and other things.

Such wells, closed with hatches, lead to sewer collectors - huge underground tunnels through which they are located, and within them domestic and industrial wastewater from the city sewerage system moves directly.

Also, in addition to city sewer manholes, there are also sewer covers or manholes in autonomous sewer networks. They usually cover the technical necks of septic tanks and all kinds of openings in sewer wells.

Important! Sewage wells can be located throughout the entire site as inspection, rotary or revision wells, or they can be in one place near the septic tank and directly from the septic tank itself.

And, if on city sewer hatches You may still not pay attention to the hasty way of city life, then on a summer cottage or on the territory country house or cottage, such places are too conspicuous, creating unpleasant and unaesthetic discomfort. As people say: “It’s not pleasing to the eye.”

In such a seemingly simple artistic matter as decorating septic tanks and sewer hatches, there are rules, options, ideas, as well as new-fangled trends that allow you to decorate your place in a unique way.

As for the variations in the decor of the manholes of an autonomous or city sewer system, we can imagine the main directions as follows:

  • decoration elements natural materials;
  • decoration with artificial three-dimensional objects, materials and decorative elements;
  • decoration by floristry;
  • decoration using individual designs.

Decoration using natural materials includes any method of decorating manholes using gifts of nature: Christmas tree or pine cones, flat pieces of wood, sea stones, tree bark and other elements.

Usually they are placed on some kind of shallow container installed on top of the sewer manhole.

Especially simple, natural, but at the same time and original look are flat cuts of any of the wood or low stumps of diameters that match or are slightly larger than the diameter of the sewer manhole.

Of course, this decoration option is most suitable for decorating local area dacha or country house, but not for urban conditions.

Photo: tree circles

Here you can show a fair amount of imagination and not only make an original composition from natural materials, but also regularly change it to something new, thus increasing aesthetic interest and delighting your loved ones, friends and even neighbors.

To decorate with artificial materials or decorative elements, figurines, figurines for the garden or any other voluminous decorations specially purchased for this purpose are often used.

Such decorative elements can be artificial flowers, vines, grass and even artificial moss or algae, but the most notable are artificial stones, figurines and three-dimensional figures.

Photo: decorations with artificial materials

All kinds of fairy-tale characters, ethnic elements, various thematic compositions, even historical and cultural figures in the form of busts, figurines and figurines - all these types of decoration using artificial objects can look very advantageous for a long time.

Besides artificial material it is the most durable and can behave quite steadfastly in frost or rain.

If we talk about the decoration of sewer manholes in urban sewerage systems, then the theme of their decor is rarely natural or homely.

Ideas from all kinds of industries, social needs or achievements, or simply any original ideas, which could be of interest to townspeople.

Therefore, today creative people have already developed a whole direction for decorating sewer manholes with figures, figurines and even entire compositions.

Photo: decoration of sewer manholes of urban sewerage systems

Such artwork They delight not only adult citizens, but even children. After all, it all depends on the topic, the focus on a specific audience and the plot of the creation being read.

Photo: decorations of sewer manholes of urban sewerage systems

If you love living plants, then you can go the route of floristry and create a real royal flowerbed right on the site of the sewer hatch.

Many people use flowers not with a long, but a short root part in order to first cover the lid of the septic tank with polyethylene, and then pour soil on top of it and make a flower bed.

This is necessary for mobile movement of the flowerbed, in case. Of course, if your septic tank has no pumping at all, then you can simply cover its lid with soil and not ruin the wonderful flowerbed.

Photo: decor in the form of a flower bed

Floristry is not just an art, but a whole science, and therefore in such a matter as growing flowers, it is necessary to regularly care for plants, optimal watering for each of them and protection from pests, then your flowerbed will flourish and please the eye.

Decoration by visual arts- this is perhaps the most affordable way in terms of financial costs. You just need to take paints and paint your sewer hatch however you want.

Naturally, if you do not know how to draw, then you will have to use the services of your friend or girlfriend who can draw beautifully.

But in any case, this option for decorating sewer manholes, both urban and non-urban, is available to almost everyone.

Photo: decoration through fine art

If you want to involve a professional artist in decorating the manhole, then he will be able to even create some idea that will always look original.

Photo: work of a professional artist

Such ideas can even be combined with realities. So, for example, if a sewer hatch has several holes, from where it is constantly it's coming hot steam from the city hot water supply manifold, then you can come up with a picture that would combine and harmoniously include the steam coming from the hatch.

Photo: creative decor

And some ideas of fine art have a classic combination of the volume of the structure and its decorated surface.

For example, hemispheres made of polymer material, either foam plastic or metal, which can be painted in any manner, are often used in some courtyards in the city of Tyumen.

Photo: hemispheres made of polymer material

Any decoration option using fine art is suitable for decorating your sewer manholes, even in a country house or on the territory of a private house.

The only condition here should be moisture-resistant, heat-resistant and frost-resistant paints for outdoor work.

If you want to decorate with something completely new and unsurpassed, then for such claims and requests today designers often use all kinds of designs that harmoniously fit into the landscape of your garden, lawn or any other area of ​​the local area.

Such designs include imitations of mills, wells, carts and other ethnic sentiments, as well as garden arches and stands for flower garlands and climbing plants.

Photo: garden stand with flowers on the lid of a septic tank

Any of these types of decor is, of course, expensive, but it will bring so much aesthetic visual pleasure.

Here the most important rule may be the only thing - do not overplay with the color schemes of the designs and colors themselves if you use fresh flowers.

Masking the septic tank cover

Disguise of septic tank lids includes the same options for decorations and decor that are used for sewer cast-iron or metal hatches.

Here, it’s even easier to make something, because polymer material, from which hatches for septic tanks are most often made, is very light, resistant to various types of glue and is not affected by sealed coatings, if you need to completely cover its lid with polyethylene with a layer of soil under the flowerbed.

Most caps for septic tanks have round shape, and covers for sewerage stations deep biological treatment are found square or rectangular.

Depending on the shape of the lid, you can come up with all kinds of decorations. You can simply paint it, or you can cover it with artificial or real lawn grass in the form of a separate layer.

Photo: camouflage with lawn

For example, the decor of Topas septic tanks involves working with square or rectangular lids. Therefore, the method with lawn grass will be very simple and practical.

Thanks to it, the Topas lid will be perfectly hidden from view, the grass mat will be perfectly removable on occasion to open access to the septic tank for its maintenance, and will also partially protect the lid from precipitation.

How to hide bulk filtration fields

In addition to septic tank covers in equipped autonomous sewerage According to modern technologies, there are often bulk filtration fields, thanks to which sewer water undergoes further purification and goes into the ground.

They, as a rule, occupy a fairly large area on the site, are covered with crushed stone and soil, and do not have a very beautiful appearance.

Many people really want to decorate this area on their territory sewer system, but in such a way as not to disrupt its functions.

After all, if this area is planted with shrubs or trees, it will disrupt all activities of sewage water treatment, the plants may die from rotting roots, and the place may become swampy.

Important! Therefore, if you want to make a flowerbed, then you need to use flowers with a small root system and preferably annual plants.

If perforated pipes are used in the filtration field, i.e. pipes with holes through which purified sewer water leaks, then the plants cannot be used openly.

You must first cover the crushed stone layer on the filtration field with polyethylene. Then lay layers of earth on it and only then can you plant and sow plants and form a flower bed.

Alpine slides are very fashionable in filtration fields - a combination of stones with various types of plants and flowers.

Photo: Alpine slides on filtration fields

If you just love green grass and don’t like colorful colors different plants, then the filtration field can be safely covered with rolled lawn grass, which does not have long roots and cannot in any way interfere with the operation of such a device as the filtration field.

How to disguise the elements of a septic tank

Specialized covers for septic tanks are already on sale various shapes and sizes, which contain the main elements of decoration.

So, for example, when purchasing a particular septic tank, you may already be interested in additional decorating materials.

If in the store where you bought the septic tank there were no decorations or accessories for your local treatment plant, then you can look for them in specialized stores, which will always be able to offer you the best option for decorating and camouflaging hatches and other elements of the sewer installation.

For example, today lawn hatches, or flowerbed hatches, which are a box in which plants or lawn grass are already growing, are very popular.

It is very convenient to remove such hatches whenever you need to clean the septic tank without disturbing the grass cover of the flower bed.

Photo: lawn hatch

If you need to elegantly and beautifully disguise a ventilation pipe, which, as a rule, should rise above the septic tank at least 60 cm from the ground surface, then designers will find excellent solutions to solve this problem.

These can be flower vines, garlands or any other weaving plants that will freely twist around the pipe, making it interesting and unusual.

You can draw it in the form of some kind of tower. Or you can place this pipe inside an entire structure, which will remind you of the village mood.

The most fashionable designs today are wooden models that imitate drinking wells, windmills, frames for lanterns and even barbecues for fires.

Photo: imitation drinking well, windmill, hearth

Drainage or storage wells, where water is purified, can also be decorated as a well, a mill or a fairy-tale tower. Any imagination will be needed here to consider decoration options.

If it is difficult to implement your idea on your own, then you will need to involve specialists in the work. For example, is it possible to add certain types of climbing plants to the ventilation pipe?

If, let's say, it will be like this powerful plant like clematis, then with its weight it can break the ventilation pipe. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right plants and decor, so that it does not damage this or that element of the septic tank.

Artificial stones

Decorations and camouflage made from artificial stone are considered the most profitable and a good option for above-ground septic tank elements.

The artificial stone decor looks quite massive in appearance, as if a real stone were protruding from the ground. But in fact, these are decorative elements. Especially for septic tanks, they are completely hollow inside.

It is thanks to this design that camouflage of sewer hatches is possible. Artificial stones imitate natural ones, such as sandstone, granite, cobalt, steppe boulders and others.

Such stones are made from natural and polymer resins, as well as natural stone chips. Thanks to these modern technologies, a lightweight hollow structure is obtained that visually completely resembles natural stone.

Photo: stones made of natural and polymer resins

The design of a decorative manhole cover made of artificial stone consists of the following elements:

  • polymer frame - most often fiberglass is used for its manufacture, which is a resistant material, especially to temperature changes or mechanical stress, and is also completely environmentally friendly. The frame is hollow, has small horizontal protrusions that serve as a kind of platform and provides stability to the structure;
  • cladding or additions imitating stone - this layer is, in fact, crumbs of natural stones - quartz, sandstone, granite, marble, serpentine, jasper, cobalt and other natural stones, which, by mixing with resins, is applied to the surface of a polymer structure with the outlines of a stone.

Photo: additions imitating stone

Most designs of standard decorative elements that imitate natural stone weigh from 3 to 12 kg.

All other exclusive items, which may have the smallest or largest dimensions and weight, are made to order. Such “stones” are installed immediately after you have completed the installation of the septic tank.

Around the stone on the ground you should sow lawn grass or lay out a rolled lawn so that it is beautifully buried in the grass and its protrusions-platforms are not visible.

You can put a couple more “pebbles” next to the lid of the septic tank to create the ideal image of a real natural corner. In total, you get a rather beautiful natural picture on your site.

Photo: beautiful natural picture on the site

To create a particular stone, first of all, a designer-sculptor works, who is looking for unique concepts for a particular series of stones. After which the stones are sent to the production flow, where thousands of copies are made.

When ordering or purchasing this or that artificial stone decor, you simply need to indicate the required dimensions of the lid of your septic tank or manhole and the preferred color, shape and height of the stone.

Important! To firmly strengthen the structure to the surface of the earth, it is enough to attach it by drilling holes and securing it with any fasteners, anchors, for example, to concrete and even the surface of compacted earth.

Living plants

As already noted, more alive than plants- this is the most interesting and best option for those who like to care for plants in general.

Those owners who do not have time for this or simply do not really like to tinker in the ground themselves are not recommended to grow flower beds over the lid of the septic tank.

And all for one simple reason - such decor as a flowerbed or the presence of any interesting plants If they are not properly cared for, they will quickly turn not into decoration, but into something completely ugly.

Therefore, the use of living plants as a discreet way to disguise the elements of a septic tank is only for those who like to care for flora.

For flower lovers, you can arrange them in an original way car tires, which, in turn, can close the hatch cover from the septic tank on top.

Due to the heavy mass of such a structure as one slope with earth and flowers, only one such flowerbed can be arranged on a sewer hatch, and many others nearby.

Photo: flower slide

Among the many ways to improve an area with a septic tank with living plants, all kinds of supports for climbing or weaving plants are often used.

But for some, it is enough to beautifully arrange bindweed, bells or periwinkle creeping along the ground. A climbing tea rose, which requires a frame, will look very beautiful.

And near ventilation pipe It is enough to even install a stand with several curls in the form of hooks on which you can hang flower pots with petunias.

You can also safely install some small pot with lush flowers on top of the ventilation pipe cover.

Photo: ventilation pipe

Any grass or densely growing lush plants of various shades of green looks very funny and cute.

You can sprinkle the seeds of some type of mint, calendula, night violets, alpine carnation or any other flowers that can grow in a dense planting.

Also very good for flower beds near sewer manholes. perennials, which themselves disperse their seeds.

Look on the page.

DIY crafts

To decorate your septic tank in an original way in the garden or on plot of land, you can also try to make the decor yourself. You can use an old and leaky clay pot, sow flowers or some beautiful plants and place this pot directly on the lid of the septic tank.

You can add some figurines or figurines to the pot. WITH clay pots Sea corals or large stones also look very beautiful.

It would also be nice to use an old cart, or make a miniature cart yourself entirely from wood. The wood is treated with varnish for external surfaces.

Photo: DIY decor

It will look elegant to arrange a flowerbed on top of the septic tank cover, which will be combined with an intertwined vine in the form of a wedge or a fence.

Such things of ethnic trends always advantageously give the entire landscape design a subtle taste of soulfulness and a clearly consistent country style. You can also use any other weaving: wicker basket with decorations, wicker flower vase, wicker flower pot and so on.

Some lovers of extravagance manage to use the frame of an old car with flowers climbing over it as a decoration for the place where the septic tank is located.

Photo: decoration using an old car

Any option that you choose to decorate your septic tank will suit only your taste. Therefore, think carefully about the decorations you want to use.

Important! Especially make sure that all those decorating materials that you use in any mechanical or any other way cannot harm the septic tank system and its elements.

Do not use very climbing or heavy plants to decorate the ventilation pipe. And also do not tightly cover the lid of the septic tank so that you can later freely approach it to service the sewerage equipment.

Video: decorative covers for hatches

Technical structures (sewage and water wells, free-standing cellars, tanks, etc.) do not at all decorate our areas. Their covers rust and dirt accumulates on them. Workers of specialized services who visit us during preventive inspections or emergency calls are least of all interested in landscape design problems. You have to spend a lot of time and nerves trying to get everything back to perfection after their visits.

The easiest and cheapest way to decorate a manhole cover

There are two hatches on our site: water supply and sewer. They are covered with standard covers made of so-called gray cast iron. Unfortunately, these hatches are located in the most visible place near the entrance to the house. In addition, they “eat up” part of the beautiful territory of the site. This is where plants feel very comfortable. We had to work a little before the sight of these technical structures stopped annoying us.

First of all, I washed off all the dirt from the hatch covers with a strong stream of water from a hose. A stiff wire brush was very useful. The covers became clean, but more rusty. Before this, the rust was hidden under clay and garden debris, but now it was clearly visible. It became obvious that it needed to be painted. The simplest and cheapest option was bitumen varnish. It is black, inexpensive, and when painted it eats up all the rust. Durable and dries quickly. Painted manhole covers can be used as stands for indoor plants, containers with garden flowers, unusual stones, figurines, solar-powered lanterns, etc. The ground near the hatch is much warmer, so plants growing next to it rarely freeze in winter, even in severe frosts, and are the first to bloom in early spring. Trees cannot be planted here, as there are pipes underground. And there is no need to restrict access to hatches. I placed primroses and many bulbous plants around the manhole covers. She used special planting baskets, which in emergency situations can be easily removed from the ground along with all the contents. My neighbors decorated the exposed hatch with ground cover and a few flat rocks. Friends who are summer residents preferred “bronze” lids.

Using imitations when decorating a manhole cover

In cases where the hatch and its cover are flush with the ground, you can find several very interesting options registration For example, this: the lid is covered with geotextile or other durable material that practically does not rot. Pebbles or gravel are poured on top of it. Flowerpots with flowering plants are placed on this surface, large stones, driftwood or any other decorative items are placed. The masked cover no longer disfigures the area. If necessary, the entire structure can be quickly dismantled and then easily restored. You can use pieces of special fabric with glued pebbles or colored mosaics. It is sold in many stores. An original option is to decorate the hatches with “weightless cobblestones”, “rocks” and various “animals”, made from modern durable materials that do not deteriorate from rain, frost or summer heat. These imitations of natural stones and animals are placed on manhole covers and, if necessary, moved to the side.

The experience of other countries is interesting. The Japanese decorate manhole covers with colorful designs, turning them into real masterpieces “under your feet.” Today it has become a fashionable genre of applied art. In addition to cast iron and steel, domestic manufacturers use durable plastics and polymer-sand mixtures with the addition of dyes. Exclusive hatches are also made to order, but highly artistic casting is expensive. The first original cast iron garden manhole covers appeared, which were produced by several factories. I was surprised to learn that there are people who create virtual collections of manhole covers. Moreover, many enthusiasts go on walking expeditions to cities and villages. Their goal is to look at their feet to find, photograph or sketch the most original ornament, image or inscription on a cast iron disk. A discovery from a different era is considered lucky. Has anyone heard of a very interesting international non-profit project called “Sewers of all countries, unite!”? Within its framework, a huge collection of photos, videos and digital images of manhole covers was collected different countries. Now I also began to pay attention to the manhole covers. It turned out that they are so different! There are some very interesting ones. I photograph them with great pleasure.

Traditional lid designs with "mesh", "braid", "wafers", concentric circles and radial lines have been preserved since the 19th century. The inscriptions on the hatches have changed. They must indicate the type of hatch and functional purpose well:
“B” – “plumbing”
"G" - "fire hydrant"
"K" - "sewage"
“D” – “rain drainage”,
“TS” – “heating network”,
"GS" - "gas network".

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The purpose of decorative measures is to provide access for inspection of wells and beautification appearance hatches Indeed, often when planning a site and building a house, owners do not think about their rational location. As a result, during the operation of the dacha, unaesthetic sewer covers constantly catch the eye in the most inappropriate place.

A modern comfortable dacha is impossible without a convenient and functional system water supply and sewerage. For home improvement, outbuildings and landscape territory today an extensive communication network is used, drainage system and complex engineering routes. For their technical and preventive maintenance, special wells must be installed, closed from the outside with functional hatches.

But even the practicality of such structures does not exclude the desire of many owners to avoid a constant reminder of the presence of a communication system underground. Therefore, owners often think about how to disguise hatches and sewer wells on a summer cottage with available funds, spending insignificant financial and time costs.

Basic conditions for decoration

Options decorative design some. However, the most important condition for choosing an aesthetic camouflage technology is the ability to access communications at any time of the year. It is advisable to make sure that the hatch itself is not visible, but it remains easy to use. Therefore, before you begin refining, you should carefully consider all the details. future design or decor systems. Much depends on the location of the well, the height of the structure and the quality characteristics of the material from which the cover is made.


If the well is located directly in the middle of the lawn, then it can be decorated with shrubs and various plants: barberries with golden or red foliage, spirea, cinquefoil, etc. As they grow, they will cover the manhole cover, and from afar they will distract attention from it. In addition, if flowers or branches are damaged during the operation of the garden, they will quickly grow again. Astilbes are excellent for solving such problems.

She is very beautiful in appearance. And besides this, these plants recover very quickly, without consequences for further aesthetic perception. You can plant stephanandra, stylish creeping shrub. This plant has many exquisite decorative shoots with which you can decorate any lid.

Well decoration designs

At the location of the sewer hatch, you can build a lightweight pyramid of steel rods (reinforcement). It should be remembered that the base of the pyramid structure must be larger than the dimensions of the well. Therefore, careful measurements should be taken before carrying out work.

Using the data obtained, when purchasing metal blanks, you can order the cutting of rods in accordance with the original dimensions. Experts advise not to forget to prime and paint all steel elements, as well as fastening parts. Then the resulting design will serve the summer resident for many years. The color of paint on metal can be matched to the tone of other garden structures, or vice versa, paint the pyramid in green color, in the shade of the surrounding landscape.

You can plant any favorite thing around the constructed structure. climbing plant, For example, sweet pea. And then, after a certain period of time, a beautiful and fragrant flowerbed will delight the eye in the middle of the lawn. You can also use a variety of annuals to create such a “green decor”.

Other types of disguise

For those who want to decorate the manhole cover without carrying out complicated preparatory work and time spent on planting, experts advise using large boulders or compositions from various types stones. Today, artificial stones that imitate natural boulders with maximum accuracy can be bought in specialized construction supermarkets or markets.

Such compositions look very harmonious against the backdrop of natural pebbles or a bright flower bed. By the way, stones laid on sewer hatches can become part of a beautiful ensemble consisting of alpine slide and a cascade of gurgling waterfalls.

To make life at the dacha comfortable, it is necessary to carry out basic communications - water supply and sewerage. On suburban areas often absent centralized network sewerage, so each house owner solves the problem independently. Periodic use of the home does not require the installation of expensive and complex equipment; it is enough to install a septic tank.

Often in dachas, the function of collecting wastewater is performed by a cesspool. If the house is not equipped plumbing system this option is fully justified, but when installing plumbing fixtures and large volume drained water is not enough. In this article we will talk about how to make a sewer system in your country house with your own hands. different ways(from concrete rings, barrels, without pumping), and we will also demonstrate diagrams, drawings, photos and video instructions.

The sewerage system must be built in accordance with the developed project, including external and internal wiring pipelines.

Two-chamber septic tank

The most convenient option is to install a collector consisting of two chambers connected by an overflow pipe. Let's find out how to arrange it yourself.

  1. Work begins with digging a pit in a place chosen taking into account all sanitary requirements. The volume of the structure depends on the number of people living in the country house. You can dig a pit manually or using an excavator.
  2. A sand cushion up to 15 cm high is formed at the bottom of the pit. The depth of the pit is 3 meters.
  3. It is necessary to install formwork made of boards or chipboard. The design must be reliable. Next, a reinforcing belt is formed from metal rods tied with steel wire.
  4. It is necessary to make two holes in the formwork and insert pipe cuttings. These will be the entrance areas sewer main and an overflow pipe between sections.
  5. The formwork is filled with concrete, which is distributed throughout the entire volume using a vibrating tool. The design of the septic tank must be monolithic, so it is advisable to fill the entire formwork at one time.
  6. In the first compartment, the bottom is filled with concrete, a sealed section is formed, which will serve as a sump. Here the wastewater will be separated into large solid fractions that sink to the bottom, and clarified water that flows into the adjacent section. For better decomposition of solid residues, aerobic bacteria can be purchased.
  7. The second compartment is made without a bottom; it can be made not only from monolithic walls, but also using concrete rings 1–1.5 meters in diameter, stacked on top of each other. The bottom of the well is covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rock (crushed stone, pebbles, gravel) to filter the wastewater.
  8. An overflow pipe is laid between the two sections. It is installed at an angle of 30 mm on linear meter. The height of the pipe is located in the upper third of the wells. The number of sections is not necessarily limited to two; a four-section septic tank can be made, which provides better cleaning.
  9. The ceiling of the septic tank is made independently, using formwork and concrete, or ready-made reinforced concrete slabs are used. Be sure to install a hatch that allows you to control the filling of sections and the hood. The pit is filled with sand and selected soil. The sump tank of such a system will be cleaned every 2–3 years.

Due to the ease of installation, many summer residents prefer to make a septic tank from concrete rings.

If the soil on the site is clay or groundwater are located very close to the surface, it will not be possible to install a septic tank of this design. You can settle on a sealed container of sufficient volume, securely installed and secured to concrete slab in the pit.

Another option is a biological treatment station. Local stations are convenient and efficient, they are indispensable for suburban buildings large area. The installation and commissioning of the device is carried out by specialists; the cost of such a station is acceptable for a narrow circle of summer residents.

Laying the external main

From exit point sewer pipe It is necessary to lay a pipeline from the house to the septic tank. The main must lie at a slope that ensures the drainage of contaminated water. The larger the diameter of the pipes you use, the smaller the angle of inclination required for their operation, on average it is 2 degrees. The depth of the trench for laying pipes must be greater than the amount of winter freezing of the soil. If the depth of the trench is small, provide thermal insulation of the line.

The average depth for laying a sewer system is 1 meter; in warm regions it is enough to go down to 70 cm, and in cold regions you will need to dig a pit up to 1.5 meters. The bottom of the dug hole is covered with a dense cushion of compacted sand. This procedure will protect the pipes from soil displacement.

The best option would be to lay a direct pipeline to the collector. If it is necessary to make a turn, this place will be equipped with an inspection well. For the highway you can use plastic and cast iron pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, their connection must be airtight. After installation, the pipeline is covered with sand and then with soil.

The design, which does not require regular pumping of wastewater, consists of several tanks operating simultaneously. These can be two/three-chamber septic tanks. The first tank is used as a sump. It is the largest in volume. In two-chamber septic tanks, the septic tank occupies ¾ of the structure, and in three-chamber septic tanks ½. Here, preliminary wastewater treatment takes place: heavy fractions settle, and light fractions are poured into the next compartment as the first one is filled. In the last part of the septic tank, the final wastewater treatment takes place. The water is then directed to the filtration fields/drainage well.

The first 2 compartments must be sealed. The last chamber has holes in the walls/bottom. In this way, purified water seeps into the ground, which helps avoid systematic pumping of waste without causing irreparable damage to the soil.

It is worth considering that in addition to organic matter, wastewater also contains insoluble impurities. In view of this, such a structure will also have to be pumped out periodically to get rid of the sediment accumulating in the sump. This can be done with a fecal/drainage pump. The frequency of septic tank maintenance depends entirely on the size/volume/composition of wastewater.

To independently construct such a septic tank, you need to correctly calculate its volume. It depends on the water consumption of your household. The water consumption rate per person is 200 liters per day. So, multiplying this amount by the number of household members, you get daily norm water consumption in the house. Add another 20% to the resulting figure.

18 m3. In this case, you need a septic tank that has a depth and length of 3 m, and a width of 2 m. By multiplying all sides, you get 18 m 3. Minimum distance from the bottom of the septic tank to drain pipe– 0.8 m.

Advantage treatment system is that the sludge is processed anaerobic bacteria, as a result of which it settles to the bottom in a much smaller volume. Gradually this sediment becomes denser and rises. When the sludge reaches the overflow level, the septic tank must be cleaned immediately. You should resort to cleaning a septic tank quite rarely. This is due to the fact that the volume of sludge in 6 months will be from 60 to 90 liters.

Volatile septic tanks have built-in pumping units. Their non-volatile analogues should be cleaned manually or using sewer equipment.

However, not so long ago, biological products with special enzymes appeared that convert sludge into acid, and then into methane and carbon dioxide. To remove these gases, you just need to install ventilation in the septic tank. Thus, your septic tank will become an absolutely waste-free, safe and energy-independent treatment facility.

Bacteria need to be “fed” with oxygen to make their work more efficient. You can buy containers for a septic tank or make your own.

Before installation finished design it is necessary to determine a suitable location for the septic tank. The minimum distance between the septic tank and the house is 5 m. The sewer pipes leaving the house must be directed directly to the septic tank. It is better to avoid turning the pipeline, because it is in such places that blockages form.

The septic tank should not be installed near trees, as their roots can damage the integrity of the body. The depth of the septic tank and sewer pipes directly depends on the level of soil freezing.

If groundwater is close to the surface, then reinforce the bottom of the pit with a concrete slab/screed. The dimensions of the pit will depend on the size of the septic tank. If you have to install a compact structure, then it is easier to dig a pit manually in order to save money.

The pit should be slightly wider than the septic tank body. The gaps between the walls and the ground should be at least 20 cm, and preferably more. If there is no need to strengthen the bottom, then you should still lay a sand cushion 15 cm thick (meaning the thickness of compacted sand).

The top of the septic tank should rise above the ground. Otherwise, melt water will flood the device’s equipment in the spring.

After constructing the base of the pit, lower the septic tank into it. This can be done using cables placed in the ribs of the septic tank. In this matter you cannot do without an assistant. Next, connect the device to the communications, having previously dug trenches for the pipes, laid a sand cushion and installed the pipes. They should be laid at a slight slope - 1–2 cm per linear meter. The pipes are laid to a depth of approximately 70–80 cm.

The septic tank should be installed strictly according to the level. It will work better in a horizontal position.

To connect the sewer pipe to the septic tank, a hole of the appropriate diameter should be made in it. This is done according to the instructions for the cleaning system. After this, you need to weld the pipe to the hole. To solve this problem you will need a polypropylene cord and construction hair dryer. When the pipe has cooled down, you can insert a sewer pipe into it.

If you are connecting a volatile septic tank, then after these steps you need to connect electric cable. It is carried out from the panel to a separate machine. It must be laid in a special corrugated pipe and placed in the same trench as the sewer pipe. There are special holes with marks on the septic tank. The cable is connected to them.

If the level of soil freezing in your region is high enough, then insulate the septic tank. Any type of insulation can be used thermal insulation material, which can be used for laying in the ground.

After connecting the electricity and pipes, the septic tank should be filled with soil. This is done in layers of 15–20 cm. To equalize the pressure during the process of filling the soil, you need to pour water into the septic tank. In this case, the water level should be slightly higher than the level of backfilling of the pit. So, gradually the entire septic tank will be underground.

If you are not satisfied with the finished plastic autonomous system to clean wastewater, due to its size or cost, then you can make a septic tank from several compartments yourself. An excellent inexpensive material for realizing your plans is concrete rings. You can do all the work yourself.

Among the advantages of a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings, we note the following:

  • Affordable price.
  • Unpretentiousness during operation.
  • Possibility of performing work without the help of specialists.

The following disadvantages deserve attention:

  1. Presence unpleasant odor. It is impossible to make the structure completely airtight, and therefore the formation of an unpleasant odor near the septic tank cannot be avoided.
  2. The need to clean the chambers of solid waste using sewage disposal equipment.

You can reduce the frequency of the need to pump out the septic tank if you use bioactivators. They reduce the amount of solid fractions by accelerating the process of their decomposition.

If the installation of the rings is not carried out correctly, the septic tank will be leaky, which will increase the risk of untreated wastewater penetrating into the ground. But, with proper installation, the septic tank will be sealed, so this disadvantage of the system is rightly called conditional.

The design of a septic tank, as a rule, includes 1–2 chambers designed for settling and purifying wastewater and a filtration field/filter well.

If there are few people living in your house and a minimum of plumbing fixtures are connected to the sewer system, then you can easily get by with a septic tank consisting of one septic tank and a filter well. And vice versa, if you have a lot of household members and many devices are connected to the sewer system, then it is better to make a septic tank from two chambers and a filtration well.

How to calculate the required volume for a septic tank has already been described above. According to building regulations, the septic tank chamber must accommodate a three-day volume of wastewater. The volume of the reinforced concrete ring is 0.62 m3, which means that to build a septic tank for 5 people you will need a septic tank of five rings. Where did this amount come from? For 5 people you need a septic tank with a volume of 3 m3. This figure must be divided by the volume of the ring, equal to 0.62 m 3. You will get a value of 4.83. It needs to be rounded up, which means that to install a septic tank in this particular case you will need 5 rings.

The pit must be of such a size that it can accommodate septic tank chambers and a filter well. This work, of course, can be done manually, but it takes a long time and is very difficult, so it is more cost-effective to order digging a pit from a company with earth-moving equipment.

The bottom of the pit at the site where the settling chambers are installed must be concreted in order to avoid the possibility of untreated wastewater penetrating into the ground. Before the beginning concrete works, part of the bottom of the pit should be drained to install settling tanks by laying a sand cushion on it in a layer of 30–50 cm.

If you do not want to concrete the bottom, then you can purchase reinforced concrete rings with a solid bottom. They will need to be installed first in a vertical row.

The place for the filter well also requires preparation of the base. Under it you need to make a cushion of sand, crushed stone and gravel at least 50 cm thick.

To install the rings, you will have to order the services of lifting equipment. Performing these tasks manually is very difficult. You can, of course, install the rings by digging under the bottom ring. But this method is labor-intensive. And the bottom will have to be filled after installing the last ring, which will entail a number of inconveniences. In view of this, it is better not to save on ordering lifting equipment.

Usually the rings are fastened together with mortar, but for greater structural reliability they can be fastened with metal plates or staples. In this case, your septic tank will not be damaged due to soil movement.

Now it’s time to organize an overflow, and for this you need to connect pipes to the rings. It is better that they work on the principle of a water seal, that is, they need to be installed with a bend.

To seal the joints you need to use a solution with an aqua barrier. WITH outside tanks must be treated with coating or weld-on waterproofing.

Another option is to purchase plastic cylinders that are installed inside the well. In this case, the likelihood of dirty water entering will be minimized.

Installation of ceilings/backfill

Finished wells must be covered with special concrete slabs, which have holes for installing sewer hatches. Ideally, backfilling of the pit should be done with soil containing a high percentage of sand. But if this is not possible, the pit can be filled with soil previously removed from it.

Now the septic tank can be put into operation.

The system for treating wastewater from barrels, like a similar structure made of reinforced concrete, can be two- or three-chamber. Wastewater will flow into it by gravity, so it must be installed below the sewer pipes. The operating principle of this device is similar to the design of reinforced concrete rings.

To set up an autonomous sewerage system based on the principle of a treatment system, you can use any containers. It could be old metal/ plastic barrels. The main thing is that they are airtight.

If you decide to make a septic tank from metal barrels, then they should be pre-treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Plastic containers have a number of advantages over their metal counterparts:

  1. A wide range of plastic containers that can be used to equip a septic tank.
  2. Barrels have high stability to the aggressive effects of wastewater. Therefore, they last longer than their metal counterparts.
  3. The light weight of the containers simplifies their installation at a permanent location.
  4. Plastic does not require additional processing, unlike metal.
  5. The high tightness of the barrels eliminates the possibility of penetration dirty waters into the ground.

Plastic barrels must be securely fastened when installed in the ground, because due to spring floods or winter frosts they can be squeezed out of the ground. In view of this, plastic barrels are secured with cables to a concrete base (it must first be poured or a reinforced concrete slab must be installed). To avoid crushing plastic barrels, backfilling of soil should be done extremely carefully.

For seasonal use Sewage from metal barrels will also work, but for stationary use this is not an option.

The popularity of metal containers for sewerage installations is associated with their compactness and ease of installation. Can be used as a lid of the appropriate size wooden blank or the one provided by the manufacturer. To install a metal septic tank, you need to dig a corresponding pit, which also needs to be concreted - the walls and bottom.

Metal containers do not have a long service life even after they are treated with anti-corrosion compounds. Therefore, installing them as a septic tank may be unprofitable. Buying stainless steel containers is not an option, as these products are very expensive.

Maybe you decide that in this case you can buy barrels with thin walls. However, this is also not The best decision, since during operation such a septic tank can be pushed out. And such barrels have a limited capacity - up to 250 liters, which is not suitable for a large family.

For installation reliable system It is better to use factory-made polymer barrels for wastewater treatment.

To make a septic tank from 220 liter barrels, you will need the following materials:

  • geotextiles – 80 m2;
  • sewer pipe Ø110 m, length 5 m;
  • crushed stone fraction 1.8–3.5 cm, approximately 9 m3;
  • corner for sewerage at an angle of 45 and 90º – 4 pcs.;
  • plastic barrel with a volume of 220 l – 2 pcs.;
  • coupling, flange – 2 pcs.;
  • wooden peg – 10 pcs.;
  • Y-shaped sewer tee – 4 pcs.;
  • building level;
  • drainage perforated pipe in the filter 5 m – 2 pcs.;
  • epoxy two-component sealant – 1 pc.;
  • glue for PVC – 1 pc.;
  • plumbing tape – 1 pc.

Tools you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Rake.

For a dacha/small country house, if used sparingly, standard plastic barrels are suitable. Installing such a cleaning system is not difficult. If you do not pour black waste into the sewer, the septic tank will be unpretentious in maintenance. If there is a toilet in the house, then the sewerage system will have to be cleaned regularly by calling a sewer service.

For private homes with permanent residence, barrels will not be enough. For sewerage, it is better to purchase plastic cubes/tanks/tanks. The process of installing them in the ground is no different from installing barrels.

The distance of the septic tank from the house should not exceed 15 m. Too much distance will complicate the process of connecting the sewerage system to the house:

  • there is a need for a large depth of the pipeline;
  • On the way to the septic tank you will need to install an inspection well.

A sewage system made from metal barrels does not require large financial investments and complex work on installation. To begin with, as in previous cases, you need to prepare a pit, and then install 2 barrels, each of which has a volume of at least 200 liters. Then pipes are installed to transfer liquid from one barrel to another and transfer to the filtration fields/drainage well.

Each subsequent container must be located below the previous one in level.

The joints must be sealed, and the barrels must be insulated using polystyrene foam. After this, the pit and septic tank are filled up. Since, as mentioned above, metal barrels do not last long, you need to be prepared for the fact that after 3-4 years they will need to be replaced.

Pipe laying



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