How to glaze a veranda, terrace or gazebo: choice of materials, method. Glazing of a veranda at the dacha: the use of aluminum frames and features of frameless glazing Glass veranda in a private house

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In order to comfortably use the terrace during the cold season, it must be at least glazed. We propose to compare the effectiveness of three main types of glazing in order to understand: which option and in which cases will be optimal from the standpoint of both thermal protection, availability, and ease of installation.

Existing glazing methods

The area attached to the house can be used not only for leisure, but also for economic purposes. In winter, a terrace or veranda usually replaces the vestibule and also serves as a kind of airlock fence, reducing heat loss in the house. To perform these functions, it is enough to exclude direct air exchange with the street, so the glazing front of such structures is usually single. This is enough to eliminate airflow and ensure the greenhouse effect, while at the same time the costs of purchasing materials and their installation will be minimal.

There are three systems that are widely used in glazing verandas and terraces. All of them are well known to the average person: the same methods are used to fencing non-insulated balconies. The main difference between them is the material used and the scheme for assembling frame structures into a single front. Windows for terrace or glazing open extension Wooden, aluminum and plastic can be used for the house. There are also options with frameless and so-called “soft” glazing, but the specifics of their application are too narrow to be considered in a general review.

Of course, each of the three systems is suitable for use in a private home, but it would still be better to make a choice taking into account some restrictions. This includes ease of installation and overall style of arrangement. local area, And appearance facade. Of course, one cannot ignore the level of one’s own skills - the complexity of assembly and installation for each type of frame is different, in addition, it may require special tools. The financial side of the issue is also important: in terms of cost, all types of frames have a very clear gradation, and sometimes it is impossible to say whether the additional investments will really pay off in appearance and ease of use.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden frames

The simplest and most cost-effective way to install single glazing is to enclose it in wooden frames. Even very high quality wood chamber drying and its carpentry is usually cheaper than purchasing other types of materials. If you do not have the necessary tool, you can purchase it by refusing the services of a carpenter and completing the assembly yourself. This is more interesting and cheaper, there is a guarantee of exact compliance with the task, plus the tool can be used in the future for other tasks.

There are also negative nuances. The main one is the need for periodic maintenance of wooden frames. This is especially inconvenient if you have to arrange a veranda at the dacha or in a house not intended for permanent residence. A tree needs an eye and an eye: timely restoration protective coating, disease control and reassembly of frames when warping is too high. The latter, by the way, can lead to glass destruction, which occurs quite often, because single-glass frames are usually made quite thin.

We can safely recommend wooden frames for open areas if the adjacent buildings are also made of wood or have finishing in the same style. Platforms open to the floor are not suitable for such glazing; the presence of even a low parapet for installing wooden frames is strictly recommended. Of course, there are restrictions on the span width: for wooden frames, the optimal width will be up to 40-45 cm without an impost and 1.5-2 times more if there is a vertical partition. The installation of wooden frames can be carried out without lining; it can easily be replaced by vertical racks made of timber.

Aluminum complete systems

Many people are put off by the overly technological appearance aluminum systems glazing. Rare adherents of the high-tech style may be disappointed by the high cost of such systems. However, aluminum profiles are definitely one of the best options when choosing windows for a veranda or an attached area. There are several reasons for this.

Aluminum profiles do not require any maintenance - set it and forget it. More precisely, not so: imagine how hot it is on a fully glazed terrace on a hot summer day. If in the case of wooden windows it would be necessary to take into account the need for opening sashes, aluminum frames allow you to simply remove the glass for the summer and install it back when cold weather sets in. And there are no problems with the inclusion of a pair of hinged doors in the front either.

Systems on aluminum profiles the best way Suitable for full height glazing. In addition to high bearing capacity and corrosion resistance, in standard solutions similar designs Installation of doors of all types of opening is provided. Installation of this kind of systems is carried out in the shortest possible time: the profiles have a high degree of unification and a simple assembly diagram; installation is quite easy to do with your own hands.

In terms of appearance, aluminum frames are also very profitable solution. There are options with wood lamination and painting various colors, so the issue of style matching is not acute. Naturally, this leads to an additional increase in the cost of an already expensive system, which can without a doubt be called the main disadvantage of aluminum profiles.

Glazing on PVC profiles

At first glance, it seems that the use of PVC profiles for glazing a terrace is clearly overkill, at least from a cost point of view. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that the bulk of the cost of a plastic window is a double-glazed window, which on the terrace makes sense to replace with ordinary glass with a spacer frame of a suitable size. Also, the load-bearing and heat-saving properties of the profile are not of decisive importance, so you can choose the cheapest frame.

For glazing systems PVC profiles there is an important advantage - the free division of openings into sections. Thus, the lower cells can have a blank filling, forming a kind of parapet. It is possible to separate blind and transparent transoms to adjust the insolation, as well as to save on the size and, accordingly, the fittings of the opening sashes. In general, plastic frames have a degree of manufacturability comparable to aluminum: they are easy to assemble yourself, the glazing front is almost completely sealed even in strong winds, and the profiles are massive and stable enough to be used for fastening window sills, tensioning clotheslines and for other similar purposes. When using reinforced profiles, they can also perform a load-bearing function, supporting the terrace canopy.

In terms of appearance, PVC windows are practically not inferior to aluminum ones. There is also the possibility of applying wood lamination for them and, although the profiles are not factory painted in arbitrary colors, this can be done independently using the cheapest aerosol paint.

Installation subtleties

The general glazing scheme is extremely simple: the general front is divided into separate openings using profile pipes or antiseptic-treated beams that are installed vertically, dividing the entire front into sections. As a rule, the height of the openings does not exceed 2.5 m, which fits into the standards of all types of glazing considered, however, the width (step of the racks) must be selected for the specific frame material. For wooden frames, the recommended strut spacing is 100-120 cm. Aluminum and PVC frames can be installed without intermediate supports, however, the section width in both cases should not be chosen higher than 160 cm.

Formed openings are almost ready-made window blocks, the frames for which must be selected with a gap tolerance of about 5 mm. When installing glazing on a loggia and veranda, you need to take into account the capital structure, read - the stability of the structure. This mainly concerns the canopy (or roof), because quite often attached structures are made according to frame structure subject to fluctuations and seasonal precipitation. To ensure the safety of the glazing, especially when using wooden and aluminum frames, it is necessary to properly strengthen the canopy and ensure that throughout the year linear dimensions prepared openings are not changed beyond measure.

Another way out of this situation is the installation of “floating” glazing with increasing gaps between the frame and the boundaries of the opening. In this case, the frames are attached using flexible elastic connections - mounting plates. The remaining gaps, which can be up to 20-25 mm, are filled polyurethane foam. Foam seam protection is provided by overlays wooden planks, which in mandatory need to be sealed with acrylic or silicone sealant.

If the installation of window sills when glazing a terrace is not necessary, then ebb sills must be installed unconditionally. When installing glazing on a parapet or directly on the foundation, the flashing strips will protect bottom seam adjoining from excess moisture, excluding the development of mold and other harmful microflora.

Verandas are usually used in the warm season as an additional usable area. Based on the type of construction, they are classified into attached and built-in. The first ones are built after the construction of the house is completed. The presence of built-in ones is provided for at the design stage of a residential building. Also, verandas can be with or without glazing. In the second case, the site is essentially a terrace equipped with a canopy. Verandas with glazing can be used not only in bad weather in the summer and without fear of rain or wind, which previously interfered with quiet gatherings, but also in the winter if they are heated. In this regard, the premises are similar to attics, into which cold attics are converted. In the south, the veranda is most often used as a gazebo or dining room. On the hottest nights, you can set up a bedroom here, where the coolness of the night comes in abundance. In the outback, equipment for summer kitchen, if there is no free separate building for these purposes. A veranda can be called not only an extension to a house, but also a separate room on the site in which a greenhouse or a hall for receiving guests (formerly for dance evenings) is equipped.

The fashion for such spacious “gazebos” came from France. And the word “veranda” itself is of Bengali origin, which in principle is not surprising if we recall the close ties of Old Europe with the countries of South Asia. Balconies and loggias, in fact, are also verandas, but related to city apartments in multi-storey buildings. Suffice it to remember that they are also divided into “warm” and “cold”. We will consider options for glazing verandas in private houses.

Features and Benefits

Glazing a veranda is that rare case when, among the many advantages, the disadvantages are lost. The room can be warm or cold. In the first case, it can be used in winter as a residential space. If the glazing is cold, then the temperature inside the veranda will be only a couple of degrees higher than the temperature outside, that is, the difference is insignificant. This veranda can only be used in summer. The advantages of glazing a room include:

  • Protection from wind and rain (for both cold and warm options).
  • Noise insulation.
  • Possibility of arranging a separate room. In the case of cold glazing we are talking about a “summer residence”. With warm glazing, the room can be used all year round, that is, another full-fledged room is added to the living space on a “permanent basis.”
  • Possibility of connecting to heating and using the room in winter (only for warm glazing). It is quite possible to arrange a bedroom, a small guest room, a winter garden, a storage room and a kitchen or dining room here. The choice of functional purpose depends entirely on the size of the veranda itself and its capabilities.
  • Creating a stylish unusual element interior and exterior of the house. Glazing can be different, and original solutions will emphasize the creativity of the design of the entire building as a whole.

If we mention the features of the glazing of the veranda, then it should fit well with the design of the house. This is a mandatory and most important condition. Next, you should pay attention to the area of ​​the translucent sheet in order to provide it with proper support in the form of frames and at the same time not reduce the strength of the entire structure. The next stage is the choice of material for the frame, but we will talk about this in detail later. Modern systems glazing opens up great opportunities for owners:

  • Partial roof covering with sheets of heavy-duty glass.
  • Exact repetition of the shape of the veranda.
  • A variety of door and window opening systems.
  • Adjusting the width and height of open door and window openings.
  • Possibility of installing mosquito nets.

Now let's talk about the types of glazing, their disadvantages and advantages.

Types of glazing

There are quite a few classifications of glazing depending on its features:

  • Warm and cold, which were already mentioned above.
  • Frameless and with frames.
  • Full and partial.
  • Swinging and sliding.

Cold and warm

Cold glazing is used when the owners have chosen “seasonal use” for the veranda. Suitable basic materials:

  • Plastic single-chamber double-glazed windows.
  • Aluminum profile as a frame, which also weighs very little, unlike heavy wood.
  • Panoramic windows.

Cold glazing looks stylish and practical. At the same time, double-glazed windows reliably protect the veranda from precipitation, dirt and dust. In summer, the room can be used as a study, relaxation room, summer kitchen, and in winter it can easily be converted into a pantry for storing pickles or “gifts from the garden.” Warm glazing is usually carried out using plastic double-glazed windows that have special air chambers.

They act as a “buffer”, trapping heat in the room and preventing cold from entering from the street. Window sashes fit hermetically to the frames. Glass consists of several transparent sheets, the spaces between which are filled with a special absorbent that absorbs moisture. Such glazing does not allow cold, moisture and wind to enter the room. It reliably protects the veranda from the external environment and allows you to convert it into a full-fledged living space. If we talk about cost, then you will have to pay more for double-glazed windows, but this option provides many more advantages.

Full and partial

Depending on the functional purpose of the veranda, its glazing can be full or partial. The first option allows you to create warm or cold glazing, that is, the openings are completely closed with double-glazed windows and there are no “gaping” windows left in the walls of the room. Partial glazing is a simpler and cheaper option. It is appropriate in cases where, for example, the room needs to be protected on the leeward side. This veranda can only be used in summer.

Frameless and with frames

Glazing with frames is a popular and already quite hackneyed option. Sheets of glass are placed inside a special frame, which provides the structure with strength and stability. Relatively recently (just a couple of decades ago), the fashion for frameless glazing came to us, when the facade consists entirely of sheets of heavy-duty glass, which are sealed at the joints. The illusion of a completely open space is created. Sheets of glass are fixed with aluminum profiles at the floor and ceiling. This option cannot be called budgetary, but relaxing on such a veranda will truly take your breath away. It is appropriate to use frameless glazing only in cases where the room offers a beautiful view (of a garden, field, meadow, nearby river or sea coast). Although the structure looks fragile from the outside, in fact it will outperform any other double-glazed window in terms of strength. For frameless glazing, only tempered glass is used, which is almost impossible to break.

If a blow of enormous force nevertheless damages the surface, then it will only be covered with small cracks, but will not shower everything around with fragments. The design is equipped additional protection from accidental opening. The only disadvantages that can be noted are low noise insulation and difficulty in maintenance. In order for the glass to retain its transparency and “gloss,” they should not be washed with substances with an abrasive effect that leave small scratches on the surface. You will also have to forget about the old “grandmother’s” method using crumpled newspapers instead of a sponge.


Panoramic glazing is carried out along the entire facade, that is, the windows occupy the entire space from the ceiling to the floor. It's stylish original solution, which originates in European traditions of decorating windows facing the garden. The veranda will offer a magnificent view of the nearby beauty. Panoramic glazing can be frameless or with frames. This option is popular not only for verandas, but also for glazing balconies and loggias in high-rise buildings, with a slight difference: there the system is necessarily supplemented with a protective frame that prevents a person from falling onto the glass.

The only disadvantages noted are rapid fogging and freezing of the transparent fabric in winter period.

To avoid this, you must either install an additional heat source in which hot air flows are directed at the windows, or regularly lubricate the glass with a glycerin solution.

Sliding and hinged

The swing opening system is familiar to everyone: window or door sashes, after turning the handle, open inward (usually 90 degrees). Plastic double-glazed windows use a more complex swing system, which additionally allows windows and doors to be partially opened from above by pulling them towards you. This option is ideal for ventilating the room. Hinged glazing provides good tightness. With its help you can create both a cold and warm room. The sliding system works on a completely different principle: the doors are moved to the sides on special guides located below and above. They can only “travel” in a straight line (as in sliding wardrobes) or fold “accordion-style”.

In the latter case, we are talking about panoramic glazing with frames, when large “window-doors” are compactly assembled against one of the walls of the veranda. Sliding systems cannot provide complete tightness, therefore they are used only for cold glazing.

Construction materials

The glazing frame can be made of plastic, wood and aluminum. The materials are arranged by popularity, starting with the most popular. Of course, at first plastic began to be used everywhere in the glazing of city apartments. Gradually, it migrated to private homes, but wood and aluminum here continue to stubbornly hold their own. This is especially good for the tree, which is involuntarily associated with warm atmosphere rustic house and fits perfectly with the design in the chalet, country, Provence style, which are so often used in the outback.


The main advantage of aluminum is its light weight. The material allows you to make the structure much lighter, but without compromising its strength. In terms of cost, aluminum also outperforms its main competitors. For comparison: the price of plastic glazing is twice as high as installing a similar aluminum structure. Unfortunately, the material did not become widely used due to its main drawback: the design retains heat very poorly.

A veranda with an aluminum profile can only be used in summer; in winter, it is most logical to install an “outdoor freezer” here. Although now manufacturers offer a rather expensive solution to this problem - thermal inserts and special liners that retain heat and create additional sound insulation. The aluminum profile is fireproof, so the risk of the structure igniting is reduced to zero, which becomes another advantage of the material when compared with wood.


Previously, only wood was used for glazing houses (not only verandas). With the advent of alternative options, this material began to be slowly forgotten, but its advantages did not fade. Wood has high noise and heat insulation. Although, of course, the glass itself receives the main “blow” in terms of heat conservation, a lot also depends on the frames. Unlike plastic or aluminum, wood does not need additional thermal liners, since the material itself prevents cold from entering the room and warm air from escaping outside. Wood has micropores, which allows it to “breathe”. Manufacturers of plastic double-glazed windows state in their characteristics that the maximum minus for the material is 30 degrees below zero. At this temperature, PVC loses strength and becomes brittle.

For wood there is also a frost resistance limit, but this figure is so sky-high (minus 120 degrees) that even in conditions Far North it cannot be verified. From this we can conclude: wood is the most warm material. The wood is environmentally friendly, but it will catch fire when in contact with an open flame. The material is pre-treated with special impregnations, which increase its fire resistance and moisture resistance. Contact with liquid is dangerous for wood. Material that is not properly processed can become deformed, rendering the double-glazed window completely unusable. And the main advantage of wood lies in its beauty, which neither aluminum nor PVC has. Warm, homely, “cozy” material will ideally highlight the design of an Alpine chalet, a simple country house, French Provence and rustic Russian style.


Contrary to misconceptions, high-quality plastic does not emit harmful substances during operation. PVC retains heat perfectly, thanks to special rubberized inserts around the perimeter of the window and door sashes, the veranda remains airtight. Plastic windows provide good sound insulation. They are ideal for warm glazing, but are heavy, so they are not recommended for use in dilapidated dachas or old country houses. PVC cannot be called fire-resistant, but upon contact with an open flame, they do not catch fire, but begin to melt, releasing caustic substances.

Perhaps, main drawback plastic glazing is due to its high cost. If you need to install one or two windows, then the purchase and installation will not hit the budget much, but for a panoramic double-glazed window you will have to spend a lot of money. Wood and aluminum leave PVC far behind in this regard, luring buyers with tempting prices.

Glass materials

The transparent canvas occupies the lion's share of the area of ​​the glazed area, so its characteristics have a greater influence on the quality of the structure than the features of the frames and profiles. On verandas, not only “classic” glass is used, but also other materials that also ensure free penetration of sunlight into the room and at the same time protect from bad weather. Let's look at their varieties and evaluate the profitability of using them in veranda glazing.


For glazing houses, it is better to use special materials that have increased strength. All of them are produced in the form of sheets and belong to the large category of sheet glass. The following types are suitable for glazing the veranda:

  • Tempered. Ordinary sheet glass is subjected to special treatment: the mass is heated to high temperatures followed by sudden cooling. The technology makes it possible to create strong glasses that can withstand heavy loads (compared to ordinary ones) and are absolutely safe for humans, since when hit hard they are showered with small fragments with blunt edges that cannot injure, even if the pieces fall on open areas of the skin.
  • Laminated or triplex. Belongs to the group of tempered glasses with increased strength. Triplex is a layered “pie” of several sheets that are glued together. There are two types of such glass: cast and film. In the first case, gluing of sheets is carried out using a laminating liquid, and in the second - using a special film. When hit hard, triplex does not crumble like regular glass, but becomes covered with cracks sealed between two protective layers.
  • Energy saving. A new product on the double-glazed window market, which so far only wealthy home owners can afford. Externally, glass is no different from ordinary sheet glass. It even has a standard thickness (no more than 1 cm), but from the inside its surface is covered with a special coating. It “repels” heat, redirecting it indoors, thereby preventing it from leaking out into the street.
  • Stained glass. Glass is a decorative composition, which is assembled from pieces of different colors, enclosed in metallic profile. Previously, this option was widely used to decorate cathedrals and rich palaces in Europe. Real masters put together small pieces using the mosaic principle to create whole pictures that will become the highlight of the veranda interior. They have only one drawback - they do not transmit sunlight well, so they are often used in conjunction with ordinary transparent glasses and play the role of accent decor.

In addition to glass, there are several other transparent materials that are actively used for glazing verandas and gazebos on sites.

PVC film

PVC film is better known as “soft glass”. It is used only for cold glazing, since the material cannot cope with the vagaries of the domestic climate and harsh winter conditions. PVC film is sold in rolls and can have different thicknesses and colors. It is ideal as an alternative to expensive glazing due to its low cost. The material can be given any shape. Soft glass is often used as “flexible curtains”, which are rolled into compact rolls and secured in this position with ribbons. If it starts to rain or the wind rises, the curtains are lowered, but the street can be seen just as well as without them. The film is durable. With constant contact with sunlight, it can be used for up to five years. If operating conditions are more gentle, then this period is doubled.


Polycarbonate is often used for glazing greenhouses, summer greenhouses and gazebos. The material is flexible and light. It is classified into two types:

  • Monolithic. The sheets are more like glass, transmit light well, and have high transparency.
  • Cell phone. The sheets consist of two layers of material, which in cross-section are similar to “honeycombs”, that is, the surface of the polycarbonate is decorated with “stripes” formed due to the cells inside. The material transmits light well, but it cannot be classified as transparent. Suitable for verandas that need to be hidden from the view of passersby.

From an aesthetic point of view, monolithic polycarbonate looks more solid and noble. From a distance it is generally difficult to distinguish it from sheet glass. Cellular material benefits in cost, as it is more accessible. Naturally, such glazing is not suitable for warm verandas.

How to choose a glazing method

The choice of type of glazing for the veranda depends entirely on the functional purpose of the room. The first thing you need to decide is the time frame for its use:

  • End of spring, summer, beginning of autumn.
  • All year round.

You can already build on this when choosing the type of structure and materials. For “winter” verandas, durable wooden frames or plastic double-glazed windows, tempered glass or triplex are ideal. For cold glazing you can use aluminum, polycarbonate, and soft glass. Of course, a summer veranda will cost much less, but a “warm” one provides more opportunities.

Design and decoration of terraces

The design of the veranda is selected to match the stylistic design of the house. The interior of this room should not stand out from the overall composition. Most often, verandas are used as a relaxation room. A wide sofa, armchairs, and a coffee table are placed here. The outside walls are covered with hops, grapes or ivy, and the windows are covered with light curtains. When the dimensions of the room allow, its interior is complemented with a couple of shelves with books and a cozy fireplace. If a loft is chosen as the main direction, then brick prevails in the decoration, and it is better to choose glazing with aluminum profiles. Similar designs are suitable for high-tech and modern style. Provence, modern, classic, chalet, and a number of ethnic styles are more impressed by wood. Plastic is universal and can be combined with any modern styles, but it is not suitable for luxury apartments, where every element of the interior should be associated with luxury.

The nuances of self-glazing terraces

You can glaze the veranda yourself only if you plan to use wood as frames. You must first carefully take measurements and create design drawings. The glass is inserted into special grooves in the timber, which are cut out in advance. Whatever a good master No matter the owner, his work will still be much inferior to ready-made double-glazed windows, which are produced in factories and undergo strict quality control.

Country houses and dachas are often complemented by terraces and verandas in the local area. Glazing the veranda improves comfort, protects from the vicissitudes of the weather and gives a feeling of unity with the surrounding nature.

Verandas and terraces perform a similar function, but have some structural differences. A terrace is a platform with an independent foundation. It can be either completely open or glazed. The veranda is always adjacent to the house and has a common foundation with it.

Glazing types

Depending on what functions the site glazing should perform, its type is selected.

Cold and warm

All types of glazing are divided into two main groups: cold and warm. Since the cold glazing system is only protective in nature, it is not used when it is necessary to heat the room. This option for glazing the veranda and terrace protects from dust and wind, and also provides shade from the sun's rays on hot days.

One option is to use single glazing and wooden frames. Aluminum sliding structures have a longer service life and high performance characteristics.

Warm glazing has great features. It creates not only a fence, but also has heat-saving properties, allowing you to create a comfortable microclimate. To make the room habitable, windows for the veranda at the dacha are selected with high reliability and good thermal insulation properties.

Such a system must be installed by specialists in compliance with all necessary requirements. According to their own performance qualities and installation requirements are more complex designs, requiring a professional approach to installation.

You can spend time on the glassed veranda in any weather.

Partial and complete

Depending on the requirements, the glazing of the veranda and terrace can be complete or partial. Complete allows you to create a complete closed room, with cold or warm glazing. Partial is a simpler option, in which the functional requirements are much lower.

For heating the veranda you can use not only standard systems, but also organize a warm floor.

Frameless glazing

The frameless glazing of the veranda gives the full impression of open space. This approach to the design of verandas begins its history in the seventies. This type of glazing looks light and modern. Based on transparent glass surfaces high strength up to 1 cm thick.

The glass veranda is created on the principle of closely spaced surfaces with sealing at the joints. This allows you to achieve the necessary tightness and prevents rain and dust from getting inside. Fastening is carried out using aluminum elements at the top and bottom of the opening.

Despite the external lightness and fragility, this type of glazing is durable. Frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace is protected against accidental opening. Equipped with special locks, such windows and doors are protected from burglary. The special glass used in production is safe, since it is practically impossible to break.

Among the advantages of using tempered glass:

  • good natural light;
  • protection against flying fragments when broken - they linger on the film;
  • hygiene;
  • saving free space;
  • not susceptible to corrosion.

Of the minuses this method glazing should be noted low noise and heat insulation. Such surfaces require special care - do not use aggressive cleaning agents, newspaper, or hard sponges.

Frameless glazing is popular not only in the arrangement of verandas, but also in offices and shopping and entertainment complexes.

Sliding system

Particularly relevant in summer time sliding windows for the veranda. If necessary, such glazing can be moved, freeing up additional space. In their operating principle, such systems are similar to the organization of sliding wardrobes with guides.

To the disadvantages sliding design refers to the lack of tightness. In this regard, sliding systems are in demand only for cold glazing.

Advantages of sliding windows:

  • glazed veranda easy to clean;
  • sufficient protection from wind, dust, and rain is provided;
  • safe operation – no spontaneous opening.

Glass can be used not only transparent, but also frosted, stained glass or with relief. Additionally, it can be tinted, photo printed or patterned.

The sliding systems themselves can be made of the following materials:

  • aluminum;
  • tree;
  • polycarbonate glass.

Sliding systems go well with horizontal blinds and roller blinds.


For small verandas, a system of sliding portals can be organized. These are heavy and solid structural elements made of wood, PVC or aluminum. They are usually controlled from a remote control.

For glazing the veranda, portals of a combined type can be mounted:

  • sliding folding;
  • lift-and-slide;
  • parallel-sliding;
  • sliding folding.

Types of materials

When choosing windows for the veranda, it is necessary to provide for good air circulation, sunlight, and the presence of mosquito nets.

Aluminum structures

The aluminum profile is lightweight and relatively low in price. The advantages of using this material include resistance to rust and corrosion processes. The profile color can be selected depending on design requirements and personal preferences.

Based on an aluminum profile, systems can be of two types:

  • sliding;
  • swing

Stylish and modern design, and the ability to create complex structures allows you to make glazed verandas and terraces for the house, as in the photo, not only functional, but also attractive. In addition, it creates the possibility of implementing panoramic glazing.

The work uses a narrow profile. It does not exert significant pressure on the foundation, has good light transmission and harmoniously combines with any type of finish.

Environmental safety and non-flammability allows the use this material in close proximity to housing.

Soft windows

Soft windows for the veranda are made on the basis of durable and high-quality PVC film. This option is suitable if you need to leave free space and open window openings. To do this, the film is rolled up and secured at the top. To cover the veranda from wind and rain, the canvas is rolled out.

The design using PVC film is quite airtight, which allows you to use the veranda even in winter if you install a heater.

According to its characteristics, the film is highly wear-resistant; soft windows can be used for at least ten years at any air temperature and difficult conditions. weather conditions. Despite this, the material requires careful handling:

  • It is not advisable to roll the fabric at temperatures below 15 degrees below zero;
  • must be protected from accidental cuts.

The peculiarity of PVC film production imposes a limitation on the size of the panel. If a width of more than 140 cm is needed, then the two canvases are connected to each other by fusing. This creates a visible seam 30 mm wide. For fastening the film around the perimeter, leave about 50 mm. If this method is issued doorway, then a zipper is inserted in the middle.

Types of fasteners:

  • silicone straps and brackets;
  • rotating brackets (they are used for wide, up to 5 meters, canvas);
  • locks made of brass or other metal (for widths up to 2 meters).

Depending on whether the structure is intended to be removable, fasteners can be installed:

  • along the perimeter of the canvas;
  • only on three sides (sides and bottom), and on top the PVC film is mounted on eyelets;
  • in cases where fasteners are not provided along the lower edge, it is supplied with a weighting material.

PVC material does not require maintenance; cleaning can be done with soap solutions.

Polycarbonate glazing

The strength and aesthetics of polymer plastic are used in glazing systems for terraces and verandas. This durable material, which has good light transmittance and is a good barrier to precipitation and wind.

Flexible windows for verandas can differ in color, thickness, and transparency. There are two main types of material: cellular and monolithic.

The positive properties of the material include the following:
environmental friendliness;
fire safety;
impact resistance;
resistance to gusts of wind;
UV protection;
plasticity, allowing to make structures with bending
a choice of shades is possible;
good tolerance to temperature changes;

PVC profiles

The choice in favor of this type is made in cases where the veranda to the house with plastic windows should be warm, with the possibility of use in winter. Exists additional opportunity selection of profile color.

Such a system is made according to individual measurements.

When choosing glazing, you need to consider the following important points:

  1. Strives to ensure that there is sufficient natural lighting in the room.
  2. A ventilation system must be provided.
  3. Glazing should be selected taking into account carefully taken measurements.
  4. It is advisable to place terraces on the northern or east side Houses.
  5. The view from the terrace or veranda should be pleasing to the eye.

Before making a final decision on the design of the veranda and the type of glazing, you should analyze everything possible options and choose the most suitable one.

Possible options for glazing the veranda - video

A properly glazed veranda can not only decorate even the most modest house, but also make it especially cozy and comfortable for living. There are summer residents who spend most of their time on the veranda. It is spacious, bright and always warm at any time of the year. Glazing helps to retain heat on the veranda. It is practiced in a variety of constructive solutions, and in this article we will look at all possible options: from the simplest to the most fashionable and technologically advanced.


In order for your open veranda to finally turn into a spacious and bright room, you need to make the most appropriate choice of glazing options. It can be warm or cold. If it is warm, you will be able to freely use the veranda even in the coldest periods of the year. With cold glazing, the temperature difference between the air indoors and outdoors will be only a few degrees, and such a veranda can only be fully used on warm days.

You also have to decide on the design level of glazing, which can be partial or panoramic. If the walls of the veranda are already partially covered and only window openings are left, then the glazing will be partial. A veranda in the form of a roof with supporting pillars makes it possible to create panoramic glazing, which is sometimes supplemented with roof glazing. Depending on the chosen option, the cost of glazing the veranda and the labor intensity of the work will add up if you plan to do everything yourself. We will begin our study of these technologies with the simplest glazing from old frames.


This option is considered the simplest and most economical among summer residents. Walking through the nearest city neighborhoods, you can see many good and even new ones window frames, removed in favor of newfangled metal-plastic structures. Restoration is not difficult, and you will save a lot of money.

First of all, you need to remove the glass and clean the frames from paint layers. The covering can be removed construction hairdryer And special solvent. You will be surprised by the excellent quality of Soviet-era frames. Cover possible chips and cracks with putty to match the wood, dry and lightly sand with sandpaper No. 200–250. It is better to put the glass in place using silicone general construction sealant. After this, the frames can be painted clear varnish or alkyd enamels nice color.

Transparent alkyd and acrylate varnishes bring out the wood texture well, making it brighter and more expressive. To ensure that the varnish is absorbed evenly over the entire area to be painted, you can first apply it to wooden surface thin layer moisture-proofing primer. Water-based varnishes can then be applied after 3-4 hours, and urethane and alkyd varnishes can be applied the next day after the primer has completely dried.


Now this classic method of glazing verandas is again arousing great interest. Factory technologies have changed for the better - wooden frames now look quite modern, elegant and close without unnecessary effort. They retain heat well in the room, and their installation does not require professional skills and is quite accessible to you.

Install a beam or planed board 50–60 mm thick around the perimeter of the window opening. Inside this structure, secure the frames without glass. Check their position with a level and adjust using mounting wedges. Carefully fill the junction gaps with mounting foam. Install the glass with silicone sealant and secure it firmly with a bead. You need to remember that wooden windows will last you much longer if you treat them with wood-protective complex impregnations.


Metal-plastic PVC windows for the veranda are quite suitable and are in great demand. Summer residents are attracted by their good thermal insulation properties, aesthetics and durability. For verandas of any size, you can order window models of any color and configuration, even if non-standard sizes opening.

Usually installation plastic windows performed by specialists from the company from which you ordered these windows. But you can buy windows in a store and glaze the veranda yourself. After installation and checking the vertical and horizontal planes, the frame must be secured to the opening using galvanized fastening brackets. The junction gaps must be filled with polyurethane foam and care must be taken to protect it from the outside and inside.


Soft windows began to be called transparent membranes for verandas and gazebos made of vinyl and PVC. This is a popular and very practical alternative to heavy glass at a very affordable price. Such curtains retain heat quite well on the veranda and provide excellent visibility. They are used not only for the period of unfinished construction, but also in the most respectable country estates. A well-thought-out fastening system allows you to quickly close and open the veranda or terrace, depending on the weather or the circumstances of your holiday.


Soft veranda windows can be created from PVC curtains, transparent or with printed patterns in various colors. Sometimes they are used in combination with ordinary glasses, which looks quite attractive and unusual. This polymer material can withstand temperatures well in the range from +70 to -30 degrees, and is resistant to solar ultraviolet radiation and microorganisms. Many manufacturers guarantee their service life up to 15 years.


Glass panels on aluminum profile Both the loggias of city apartments and country verandas are closed. It must be said right away that this is a very convenient, but cold glazing option.

Movable and thin glass frames on the country veranda can be installed from the floor to the ceiling, with maximum panoramic views. Aluminum is not subject to corrosion and can last for decades with careful care. Due to their light weight, such structures can be easily installed on light verandas without a permanent foundation.


U cellular polycarbonate very good light transmission, it is not without reason that it is used in greenhouses. Of course, for the veranda they buy polycarbonate of greater thickness: from 10 to 20 mm, preferring options tinted in bronze or other shades. Surprisingly, dacha craftsmen have learned to use the heat-saving properties of cellular polycarbonate by covering the veranda openings with sealed blocks made of two layers. Taking into account air gap The result is a very warm three-chamber double-glazed window that ideally retains heat inside the room. Such glazing with honeycomb panels can be alternated with transparent polycarbonate, which is no different in appearance from ordinary window glass, but is tens of times stronger than it.


This is already very modern version, with a claim to stylish respectability country life. Why not? The only drawback is the inability of the structure to retain heat indoors. It can be compensated for by energy-saving glass. Frameless glazing does not actually use frames to hold the glass in place. They are attached with special guides in window openings, and the joints are usually closed with contact seals. The advantage of this method is that you can create own designs any configuration with a magnificent panoramic effect. The structures look aesthetically pleasing and provide plenty of natural light, and the installation sliding systems Provides good ventilation during hot periods. The glass used for such structures is tempered - it is not easy to break even with significant impacts.

A glazed veranda will withstand the attempts of uninvited guests to get inside much more successfully if you stick it on the inside protective film. To do this, the glass must be thoroughly washed and sprayed onto it. clean water with a small addition of baby shampoo. The film with the liner (protective layer) removed must be rolled tightly onto the glass with a plastic spatula so that there are no air bubbles left. This is very effective protection. Such films are produced in different thicknesses, but glass protected by even the thinnest film becomes especially strong and does not shatter into pieces under severe impacts. Thus, your glazed veranda will not only be bright and cozy, but also safe for living.

A veranda is part of a house, cottage, or dacha. It gives the building a finished, attractive appearance. Its registration is necessary in accordance with all basic parameters and standards. It is important that she not only looks decent, but also chic. Questions about how to glaze a veranda at the dacha with your own hands and create a cozy and stylish atmosphere in it are important. We need to approach this with special attention. To do the job correctly, you should make an effort maximum amount effort and become familiar with some of the subtleties of this matter.

How to glaze a veranda at your dacha with your own hands, step-by-step instructions

A house made entirely of glass was often considered an indicator of the wealth and practicality of the owners of a country house. And although the prestige of this design was lost for a while, current fashion trends in the design of a country house are again introducing the popularity of using glazed verandas. The highlight of a terrace made entirely of glass is that such a design creates the illusion of proximity to the natural landscape, and the latest developments and technologies contribute to this more than ever.

There are many glazing options, here are the most popular ones:

  • glazing of the veranda with double-glazed windows;
  • aluminum veranda glazing;
  • glazing of the veranda with wooden frames;
  • glazing of the veranda with polycarbonate;
  • frameless glazing of the veranda.

Glazing with double glazed windows

If desired, you can glaze the veranda using ready-made double-glazed windows. In addition, this option for improving the terrace is suitable for heated and unheated rooms. Taking into account all the operating features of the building, we select certain types plastic window systems.

For a veranda that is poorly heated or not heated, it is best to choose double-glazed windows that have a special coating, and there will be an inert gas between the glasses. Most often, sliding glass panels with an aluminum profile are selected for the veranda. There are models of double-glazed windows that can be opened remotely using an electric drive.

In this case, glazing starts from the bottom of the floor and runs upward to the ceiling. Such glazing of the terrace creates excellent visibility and visibility, and also allows you to fully ventilate the room at any time. Installation of windows is carried out in the following order.

Opening doors are removed from their hinges, this is done in this way. In the upper loop there is a metal rod with a round head, it extends downwards, and in the lower loop the same rod extends downwards. After this, the door is removed, and the lightweight frame is installed in the prepared opening. Using special fasteners, the frame is attached to the racks. The resulting gaps between the frame and the stand are filled with polyurethane foam.

Important ! When filling cracks with foam, do not fill all the free space, as it may burst when it swells. window profile(frame). You need to fill the opening with foam to about 2/3 of the free space.

After installation and filling the gaps with foam, the removable frames are installed in place in the reverse order of removal.

Aluminum glazing


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