What flowers are best to grow on the balcony in summer. What flowers to plant on the balcony: annuals, hanging flowers

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The balcony is that part of the apartment that is located on the street, and therefore is often used by many residents only as warehouse– for storing unnecessary and old things that, most likely, will never be useful in everyday life. But with the onset of spring, the balcony can be turned into a wonderful flower garden, the most romantic and bright part of your home. And if leeks and pepper seedlings are the only vegetation with which you decorate your balcony, then it’s time to fix it.

Flowers help in the design of an apartment, highlight its features and bring a note of romance, fairy tales and cheerfulness to the lives of its inhabitants. The choice of specific varieties of the future flower garden depends on the location of your apartment relative to the sun (shady or sunny side), and on what floor your apartment is located on. But the most important criterion, of course, is your likes and preferences.

Preparing the area

Of course, for the future winter garden we need to prepare the place, spend at least redecorating. Think in advance about what types of flowers will make up the balcony composition in order to choose the right paint for the railings and floor that will harmoniously combine with the bouquet. Flowers should not blend into the background of the walls.

Decide what part of the balcony you are willing to devote to landscaping; maybe it will be only one box, or maybe most of your loggia. If you want your flower garden to be admired by passers-by from the street, prepare and strengthen the railings, calculate the weight of the pots and boxes with soil so as not to overload them. Be especially careful if you have an old balcony, don't overload it, remember that a harmonious and elegant composition can be created with a small number of balcony flowers.

Dependence on the size of the balcony itself

Choose for a flower garden matching container size so that their volume allows the root system to develop freely. These could be flowerpots, wooden boxes, pots both made of plastic and clay.

Lungs plastic boxes and pots are ideal for planting flowers with outside balcony Such compositions look especially beautiful in one long box. If there is a possibility that the structure may not hold up and break, then in this case several light meter-long pots are used. To decorate the outer part of the balcony, buy boxes with pallets at once, because in their absence, excess liquid will flow through holes in the bottom directly onto the heads of passers-by.

Clay pots are more comfortable for flowers, because moisture stays in them longer and the soil is better saturated with oxygen. But due to their impressive weight, it is better to place such pots inside the balcony and grow larger and more whimsical plants in them.

For small and medium sized balconies plant pots fit perfectly– they are suspended from the ceiling and can create complex multi-stage compositions by adjusting their height - after all, you decide for yourself at what distance from the ceiling to fix the pots.

Be careful when choosing soil, buy it only in large, specialized stores, or make it yourself using good black soil with sand and humus. Before you start filling the pot with soil, place a special dishcloth on the bottom; it will serve as an excellent layer for absorbing water, maintaining moisture in the soil. Next, lay out a drainage layer - coarse sand, on top of which humus is laid and black soil on top of it.

Choice of colors

Flowers may vary in lifespan.


Such flowers live only one season, but many southern varieties can live for several seasons in their native countries. Therefore, if your balcony is glazed, insulated and the flowers themselves receive proper care, such varieties can delight you in the conditions of your loggia for several years in a row. When caring for such plants, do not forget to trim off the faded heads in time, then the vigorous flowering will delight you for a long time.

In order for your small garden to bloom as early as possible, most annuals grown by seedlings.

Not so popular for breeding on the balcony. The fact is that in the first year these plants develop only their stems and leaves and remain in a green state, and produce flowers only in the second year. In addition, there are much fewer biennial varieties than others and improper care such flowers can live not 2 years, but only a few months.

If you want to see your favorite biennial plant in the flower ensemble, plant it in a pot in the first year and keep it in the apartment. And in the second year, transplant it into a common box with the rest of the flowers, forming the desired balcony composition.

The most popular balcony biennials are forget-me-not, viola, and, of course, daisy.

Also not so popular among gardeners. Main problem The problem associated with their cultivation is that in winter it is difficult to preserve the root system of flowers and prevent them from freezing. For this reason, you have to look for a warm place where you can move the boxes with plants “for the winter.” Of course, the exception is those perennial flowers that are grown in separate pots and simply brought into the apartment for the winter.

But, despite these difficulties, many people like to decorate their balconies with perennial flowers, giving preference grapes, vines, climbing roses , which are easily trimmed and wrapped for the winter.

One of the varieties of perennials are bulbous flowers, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult. Planted in boxes in the fall, it is the bulbous ones that are the first to open the spring season on the loggias, delighting their owners with bright, rich colors and aromas. Daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths are especially favorite varieties of bulbous flowers.

Flowers for the sunny side

The choice of flowers and their varieties largely depends on the location of the balcony and degree of its illumination. Most of them are very thermophilic and making a flower arrangement on a southern balcony will not be difficult. Asters, petunias, purslane, asters, and nasturtiums are ideal for loggias located on the sunny side. Choose any southern flowers.

Flowers on the balcony

Flowers decorate our lives, bring peace and delight. Growing flowers on the balcony helps city dwellers to some extent compensate for the lack of communication with natural world. In order to realize the desire to decorate a balcony with flowers, you need to understand this issue, because the plantings will live in cramped conditions.

We choose varieties depending on various factors

We create a microclimate

If the balcony is not insulated, then annuals are planted in the spring, just like outside in flower beds. Select plants that are similar in terms of growing conditions: need for sunlight, air humidity. On an insulated heated balcony, a flower garden can live all year round.

Sympathy and antipathy

To create a community of plants, you need to take into account their mutual compatibility when planting. After all, like people, they sympathize with someone, but some individuals, if they grow nearby, oppress each other and are not friendly with each other. This topic has not been sufficiently studied; plant friends and foes are identified through observation, for example, dahlias do not tolerate neighbors, lilies of the valley are not friends with violets.

Helpful neighborhood

The useful proximity of asters and petunia, their beautiful mutual combination, in addition, petunia prevents the disease of the aster. Nasturtium also protects asters from diseases. The presence of marigolds in a flower garden creates biological protection against harmful insects for many flowers.

Lighting requirements

When wondering: how to grow flowers on a loggia, it is important to think about the choice of plants according to their need for the amount of light. To do this, determine which side of the world the balcony “looks” at. If the location is southern, then light-loving plants are planted. These include daisies, dahlias, godetias and asters. Long and bright flowering Balsams, verbenas and petunias will delight you. A large number of annuals, bright, uplifting, are included in the list of light-loving plants.

Marigolds, balsam, mignonette, lobelia, and petunia will feel good in partial shade. Shaded viola blooms with larger flowers than in bright sun.

When the balcony is located to the north, the composition is made up of shade-tolerant flowers: decorative beans, morning glory, fuchsia, balsam, calendula. The choice is small. Can be attached to plantings indoor flowers: coleus, the coloring of their leaves is very decorative. Also in the warm season on fresh air Chlorophytums and Tradescantia feel good. Tolerates north-facing shade spices: mint and lemon balm.

Bright fuchsia in balcony boxes

Color composition

How to grow flowers on the balcony so that the flowerbed delights and speaks of the delicate taste of its owner - create the right composition. Choose two or three colors that combine harmoniously with each other. They create an ensemble of plants of this color, playing with shades.

An example of a design composition in purple-red shades:

Fuchsia is planted in the center of the pot. Around it there are several Waller's balsam plants and several bushes of New Guinea balsam hybrids. Plectranthus shrubby is placed along the edges of the box. All members of the composition are shade-tolerant and bloom until late autumn.

Very beautiful combination plants in the composition: red Waller's balsam and silver wormwood.

Some flowers look great in a mono planting: purslane, godetia, Erica, chrysanthemum, dimorphotheca.

Choosing a place and container

When creating a flower garden on the balcony with your own hands, it is important to think about which pots and boxes will be best for the seedlings to live in. Flower shops have a wide variety of containers for growing flowers on the balcony. It is better to choose identical, inconspicuous pots so as not to distract the eye from flower arrangement. It would be appropriate to use boxes or pots that match the floral coloring, but are much paler in color intensity.

Space large balcony or loggias can be used by compactly placing long drawers along the walls at different levels, on the railings and on the floor. They come with a variety of decorations: stone-like, braided. You can use special flowerpots for lechuza flowers, which help create the most beautiful plants comfortable conditions using an automatic watering system. The boxes have a nice design and can be attached to railings or to the wall of the house.

Read about how to choose the right one in another article on our website.

Many plant lovers prefer to plant. We described how to choose the right variety and plant it in a separate article.

Plastic containers

Plastic boxes are quite suitable for a balcony, because water does not evaporate through the walls of the container, which means that moisture is retained at the roots, warming up the root system of plants in the sun and promoting their development. If excessive overheating of the soil occurs from the sun's rays, then it is advisable to choose a slightly larger pot for the box for air circulation. TO positive qualities plastic containers attributed to its light weight. Plastic happens different quality. Dutch plastic boxes can even winter outside.


Balcony flowers are planted from seeds in April.

Tip: Mostly plant the flower garden on the balcony with seedlings so that it smells fragrant in all its glory as quickly as possible.

The soil

Compost is used to grow flowers on the balcony. The soil must be moisture-permeable so that it does not compress, but allows moisture to get to the roots. For this purpose, a small amount of sand and purified peat (one fifth of the entire mixture) are added to the earth mixture. You can enrich the soil with crushed eggshells. Soil compositions for house flowers are not suitable for planting on the balcony.


Eat simple rules how to plant flowers on the balcony. Planting boxes must have holes to drain excess liquid. Drainage is laid at the bottom: pebbles, expanded clay, broken brick. Fall asleep soil mixture, leaving a distance of three centimeters to the top of the pot. This is necessary so that during watering the water does not overflow over the top of the container.

Plants are planted by immersing them in the ground to the same level as they were in the container with seedlings. The surface of the ground between the seedlings can be filled with expanded clay and pebbles. Flower pots should be commensurate with the size of the plants in adulthood. There is no need to plant small flowers in large boxes for them.

Plant care

Top dressing

The specifics of growing flowers on a loggia differ from those in open ground flower beds. The container with soil where flowers grow does not have natural microflora and beneficial worms. The land is quickly depleted and therefore it is necessary to periodically fertilize. After five weeks, you should feed the plants every ten days. Use a complex fertilizer containing molybdenum, boron and manganese.

Excess nitrogen can result in poor flowering. Flowers are very fond of fertilizing with ash; it contains potassium, which improves budding and makes flowers bright.


Unlike plants in open ground, flowers on the balcony require frequent watering. You should focus on the weather. On a hot day you need to water more often than on cloudy days. Use settled water at room temperature. Over time, it will become clear what total volume of water will be needed to water the entire balcony flower garden. The soil is brought to a noticeable level of moisture so that water appears slightly in the pan.

Watering is carried out by sprinkling in the morning and evening. Such watering refreshes the plants well, gives them the opportunity to create a healthy microclimate, and washes away pests and dust from the leaves. When it’s hot and the plants look wilted, you can also do daytime watering “under the roots”, so that water does not get on the leaves.

Signs of insufficient watering and fertilizing: the edges of the leaves dry out and the plant turns brown. And, conversely, with excessive watering, the edges of the leaves turn red or yellow.


It took a lot of effort to create a blooming balcony with your own hands. To maintain a flower garden in a healthy condition, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

  • Maintain optimal soil moisture and do not overwater the plants.
  • Renew the soil every year.
  • Keep the soil loose.
  • Don't plant flowers too close to each other.
  • Inspect the flowers and at the first signs of disease or pest attack, spray with folk or chemical means.

Flowers on the balcony video

And now you can watch a short video showing a balcony with flowers.

Very soon the most wonderful time of the year is coming - summer, we all rejoice at this event. Nature comes to life, summer residents rush to their plots, gardeners are planning new color combinations in their flower beds. But the city dwellers, who do not have a place on the street where they could grow their garden, are sad. But in vain - on your own loggia you can create a real landscape masterpiece from plants. Today on the agenda is very interesting topic— what flowers should I plant on the balcony so that they bloom all summer?

On a note!

For a long time now, people have been able to plant flowers not only in typical pots. Now in stores there are a lot of different hanging containers, flowerpots, and decorative boxes in which you can grow not only indoor plants, but also garden ones.

So, as you understand, today we will tell you how to make a living corner out of your dull and so ordinary balcony. After all, so much space is wasted and used to store unnecessary things. Do not despair if your house and balcony, respectively, are always gloomy, as they are located in the shadow of other buildings or in the north. There are absolutely unpretentious plants, which can please you in your conditions - we’ll start with them.


A flower that was unfairly forgotten some time ago is gaining popularity again, which is not surprising. Impatiens can grow anywhere, including in the shade. In this case, your balcony can be either cold or warm. For the winter, balsam can be moved indoors. We delight with its flowering until the coldest weather.


  • grows very well;
  • propagated by cuttings - you simply cut off part of the stem and plant it in the ground;
  • unpretentious to the soil;
  • decorative, can easily tolerate pruning and replanting;
  • lives both at home, in the warm season, and on the street or balcony.

Balsams with bright colors colors may be duller in the shade, so choose better white version or light pink. They look no less luxurious, and you won't be disappointed.


  • The root in the pot grows quite quickly, so it is better to change the container to a larger diameter during the season;
  • consumes a lot of moisture. You will water this flower every day, otherwise it will become smaller and the buds will fall off.


Impatiens are very unpretentious, the main thing is to water them every day. But, of course, you can’t flood it. As the bush grows, watch for when the roots grow too much, then remove the flower from the watering area and transfer it to a larger pot using the heating method. The balsam will very quickly occupy him too. At the same time, the crown itself looks quite compact, it does not hang down and will not fall apart. Once every two weeks, water your flowers with a liquid complex of fertilizers for flowering plants.

  • You can easily take several cuttings and plant them in a long box without having to soak them in water to develop roots. The cuttings begin to grow very quickly, and soon you have a blooming, beautiful alley on the window - perfect flowers on the balcony in boxes.
  • If the crown has lost its beauty, then do not be afraid to trim it radically. Replace the soil, and soon there will be an abundance of green mass and buds.


You just have to look at the photo of this beauty and you can’t help but fall in love. For all lovers of everything airy and those who save space, this is an ideal option. Because hanging fuchsia planters are beautiful and don’t take up space underneath. In addition, such flowerpots at the top always receive maximum amount light even in dark places.


  • fuchsia is not afraid of shadows;
  • requires little maintenance;
  • has a high decorative effect;
  • can grow in tall floor flowerpots and hanging ones;
  • has multifaceted shades of petals;
  • blooms from spring to autumn;
  • is not afraid of acidified soil, which is very rare among plants.


  • does not like moving from place to place;
  • if you flood a flower, it will drop all its buds and become smaller;
  • The roots are very sensitive and can overheat.

Did you know?

Fuchsia was discovered at the end of the 17th century; at that time it grew near the Dominican Republic. The name was given in honor of one of the famous physicians and scientists in Germany, Leonart von Fuchs.


In order for fuchsia to become a balcony flower that blooms all summer, as in the photo, it needs regular watering, but only as the soil in the pot dries out. If you have a hanging pot, then you don’t need to remove it every time, just add water from above. It is better to use settled water.

If your place is very dark, the summer turned out to be gloomy, then the greenery and flowers may become smaller, then just buy a lamp daylight. Fuchsia does not tolerate heat; the roots must be kept cool, which means that it is better to maintain the temperature between 16 and 22 degrees. Fertilizers are applied regularly to ensure abundant flowering. The plant responds well to the drug “Bud”.

Combine root feeding and foliar spraying, and your flowers will always be the most beautiful.

  • If you have just planted the fuchsia in a pot and it has not yet become strong, then do not make mistakes - do not fill it with water or any fertilizers at this stage.
  • The plant is fed only in a healthy state.
  • When choosing a fertilizer, make sure that the preparation contains large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
  • Fertilizing is always combined with watering.

Unpretentious plants for the south side

The north side, of course, is problematic, but often in the south of the apartment not all flowers and plants can survive. The point is that during the season, even in conditions temperate climate and north Sun rays very hot. They injure the leaves, the roots overheat, the buds fall off, and the flowers dry out prematurely. Here, too, it is important not to make a mistake. So, what flowers do we recommend to plant on the balcony on the sunny side?


Of course, the queen and the unsurpassed pelargonium, or among the people, geranium cannot be ignored. These are flowers that amaze not only with their unpretentiousness and beauty, but also with their rich variety. In addition, our ancestors also revered geranium, knowing about its beneficial properties.


  • very beautiful flowering and long lasting;
  • is not afraid of direct sunlight, and can also grow in the shade;
  • high decorativeness of not only flowers, but also leaves;
  • a huge variety of shades, varieties;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • Possibility of growing in the garden in summer, at home and on the balcony in winter.

Good to know!

IN folk medicine You can find this recipe - if your blood pressure has increased, then you need to pick a leaf of fragrant pelargonium, apply it to your pulse and soon everything will go away.


  • Not everyone can tolerate fragrant varieties for the aroma of their leaves;
  • may react to a sharp cold snap by changing the color of the leaves and stopping growth;
  • The soil dries out very quickly.


Geraniums are very easy to care for. It even grows outdoors in open ground and is often used for urban landscaping. You need to water it often, and the water can be simple - tap water. If your balcony is cold, and the weather forecast warned of a sharp cold snap, then it is better to bring flowers into the house at this time. Geranium is not afraid of hot window sills, rooms, or drafts.

It needs to be watered and fed regularly so that the bushes do not become smaller and the flowers bloom luxuriously until the fall. I love geranium very much liquid fertilizers. Preparations for flowering plants from “Fasco” are excellent. Once a week you can bathe pelargonium in the shower, as its fuzzy leaves collect dust. Geranium simply loves this procedure.

  • When choosing a variety, give preference to low-growing and low-peduncle varieties; such flowers are more decorative.
  • Geraniums are ideal not only for ordinary pots, but they can also be planted in long boxes, combined with other plants, or hung. It looks very advantageous not only when standing on the windowsill, but also from the street side of the window in long trays.
  • It is better not to spray pelargonium, but rather to bathe it.


Just as we couldn’t even mention geranium, we can’t forget about the beautiful petunia. Perfect option simply for everyone - for beginners, for those who have long dreamed of creating a balcony, like on the cover of decor magazines, for those who do not like to tinker a lot with flowers. Petunia is decorative and has such a variety of varieties and species that it will give any plant a head start. In addition, among its colors there are dark shades - almost black.

When choosing petunia seedlings, always consider where you want the flower to appear. For hanging flowerpots you need hanging varieties, for flowerpots - bushes that will grow in breadth, covering the entire soil.


  • highly decorative;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • light agricultural machinery and long flowering until frost;
  • the possibility of combining with other flowers in one flowerpot - bacopa, lobelia, geranium, thyme and others;
  • a huge variety of varieties and species;
  • can grow in acidic soil;
  • resistance to diseases, direct sunlight, temperature changes.


  • for dense flowering they require regular feeding;
  • You can’t overwater flowers, they are sensitive to this.


Petunias are very easy to care for and... best flowers for the balcony, blooming all summer, you can’t argue with the photo. Flowers need to be watered as they dry out; flowers are not afraid of slightly dry soil. Sometimes, due to too acidic soil, chlorosis can begin; they fight it with the help of “Antichlorosis”. Petunia can be cut to stimulate dense flowering, but it does not always tolerate transplantation from place to place well. Every 10-14 days the flowers are given additional food; you can buy preparations such as “Fertika”, “Akverin”, “Ideal”.

  • Petunia is very versatile; combine it wisely with other flowers so that your balcony does not turn out too tacky.
  • When flowers dry out, remove them to encourage flowering.
  • If you water the plants too rarely, the leaves curl up and become sticky, but after watering everything returns to normal.
  • If the bushes begin to disintegrate greatly in the flowerpot, then you can radically trim the branches, this will stimulate the growth of new shoots in the middle, on which flowers will soon appear.

Flowers for the west and east sides

People who have a balcony with east and west windows can be called the luckiest. The thing is that there is light here either in the morning or in the afternoon. That is, there is both good lighting and partial shade. Such conditions are ideal for many plants - both for gardens and indoors. At the same time, the sun's rays are always the most gentle; they do not burn delicate leaves. You can choose anything.


I can’t help but recommend these flowers – they are of unearthly beauty, simply perfect. They are beautiful in a flowerbed, but even more luxurious when hanging from hanging planters balcony or terrace. They can also grow in flowerpots, and on the east and west sides you will definitely provide yourself with flowers that are suitable for a balcony, blooming all summer, just stand in the photo above. You will be the center of attention.


  • highly decorative;
  • relative unpretentiousness;
  • combination - you can plant in boxes on the balcony, outside windows in trays along with petunias, geraniums, bacopa, snapdragons, herbs;
  • a very beautiful azure color in a number of varieties, but lobelia can also be of a different shade;
  • blooms from June until frost;
  • some of the most popular colors for rock gardens, home decor in Provence, country style, for combination with stones;
  • abundant flowering that covers the leaves on the bushes. A bright spot among any monotony.


  • if the summer is cloudy, the flowers become smaller and the bushes look sparse;
  • on poor soils and without additional feeding, the bushes look less decorative.


Growing lobelia is quite simple. It is watered only when the soil dries well. It is advisable to feed them every week with complex fertilizers containing a lot of potassium and phosphorus. A prerequisite for lobelia is fertile and loose soil. Therefore, every time after watering the next day, loosen the pots. It is also better to avoid drafts.

Your balcony will look very beautiful if you combine white and dark azure lobelia in pots of the same design.

  • In order for the bushes to bloom profusely, you must always pinch out already grown shoots.
  • Also, whenever possible, remove flowers that have already dried up. This stimulates flowering and the pots look neat.
  • Lobelia loves foliar feeding. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early in the morning with complex fertilizers, as for root feeding, but only with a weaker concentration.

Low growing snapdragon

For all lovers of delicate, spring shades, lightness and ease in decor, the dwarf snapdragon will be the best option. It has only pros and no cons. You can grow flowers on the balcony in boxes, in simple pots, outside the window, yes, even in a simple container at hand. They are extremely unpretentious, but it is amazing how different their unusual inflorescences can be.


  • shades;
  • from snapdragon alone you can create a varied composition;
  • combines with other flowers - phlox, marigolds, forget-me-nots;
  • require minimal feeding;
  • Flowers are not afraid of direct sunlight.


  • root system sensitive to flooding;
  • may hurt if not cared for properly;
  • it blooms a little later than the previous plants - from July, but it blooms only after frost;
  • Insects may bother you. Therefore, it is better to plant flowers inside the balcony with mosquito nets.

Did you know?

Snapdragon is one of the most unusual flowers due to the shape of the inflorescence. It is popular all over the world, each nationality gives it its own name - dogs, lion's mouth, biting dragon. Now there are more than 1000 varieties of these flowers.


Since the root system of the snapdragon is delicate, it is better to take care of it right away quality soil. It is best to combine peat, humus, soil from the site, or make a composition from a purchased soil mixture and turf - 1/1. In such soil, flowers will grow quickly and bloom together. Water the snapdragon as it dries, loosening is a must. Fertilizing is applied only 3-4 times per season. For this you can use nitrophoska. Root feeding is always combined with watering for those plants that have delicate roots. Flowers love spraying with water.

  • If you overwater the flowers, rot may begin. "Hom" is used for treatment.
  • They don’t save you from aphids Mosquito nets, but fragrant flowers next to snapdragons or sprinkling the soil with cinnamon and tobacco can save them.
  • To prevent diseases during spraying, add a little manganese to the water.

Finally, it is worth saying the following. Decorating your balcony is not a problem nowadays. Vertical gardening looks very beautiful; gardeners do a lot of it with their own hands. Before choosing one or another plant, always carefully study its agricultural technology and needs. It is also worth choosing the right flowers, not only because they may be too colorful, but also to avoid disappointment. After all, there are climbing, cascading, ampelous, groundcover, low and tall species. When shopping for seedlings, know what you want to ask the seller.

You can plant all these flowers on your balcony, and they will delight you all season. The main thing is to read about each one in advance, think through combinations of shades, so that you end up with decor like in the best magazines.

A selection of interesting options


You can admire crocuses, tulips, and hyacinths with the first rays of spring. Of course, we are used to them growing in the country. But you can also plant them on the balcony in separate pots or in a common container, where other flowers will then be planted. Yes, primroses fade quickly, but if you combine these flowers with other plants different terms flowering, then your balcony will delight you from the first days of spring until autumn.


What could be simpler than scattering purslane seeds on the ground. These flowers delight with their unpretentiousness, because they can grow even in the most unfavorable places by self-seeding. Purslane blooms all summer, hanging beautifully from flowerpots, and its flowers have different shades.

To create a real floral paradise on your balcony, you can bring indoor plants onto it for the summer, which will join the overall composition. Lianas that can be entwined around vertical supports will fit perfectly.

In our city apartments, it is the balcony that often becomes the oasis where constant summer reigns - plants turn green and flowers bloom. Let's figure out how to choose the right flowers for a balcony or loggia. What kind of care do they require? How to protect them from diseases and pests?

In the southern regions of Russia, you can maintain a constant assortment of perennials on balconies, but in the middle and northern regions it is better to prefer annuals. However, a glazed and heated balcony will significantly increase your possibilities in choosing plants.

Flowers on a sunny balcony

If the balcony faces the south, sunny side, the vast majority of balcony plants will bloom well and for a long time, with the exception of fuchsia and begonia: excessive sun suppresses them, they wither and sometimes do not bloom at all.

They show a special “greed” for the sun and warmth purslane, kobea, morning glory, dorotheanthus and dimorphotheca.

On cloudy days, the grandiflora purslane will not open its flowers, and in cool summers it blooms sparingly even on a southern balcony.

Daisies, asters, mignonette, dahlias, godetia, gatsania, heliotrope, ageratum, balsam, lobelia, verbena, violas, sweet peas, morning glory, ampelous pelargonium, petunia, nasturtium- an excellent set for a sunny balcony.

They do well in tubs or large pots. agapanthus africa and Indian canna.

Place in one container grandiflora tobacco, graceful zinnia and Drummond's phlox, and you will get a lovely mini-flower garden.

In order to please your balcony with flowering as early as possible, you should plant daisies, violas and everblooming begonia.

And so that flowering continues until the end of October, use asters, kobeya, petunia, gazania, lantana, tuberous begonia and sedum.

Flowers on a shaded balcony

They will bloom well in partial shade begonias, lobelias, fuchsias, mignonette, violas.

Will come to terms with the lack of light marigolds, pelargoniums, nasturtium and petunia. Quite comfortable in partial shade calceolaria and ageratum.

If the balcony is heavily shaded, limit yourself tuberous begonia, daisies, violas, and nasturtium can decorate a balcony until frost, if not abundant flowering, then beautiful rounded leaves.

On high floors, where it is windy and there are constant drafts, it is better to use daisies, low-growing marigolds, ageratum, gatsania, sedum and everblooming begonia.

For vertical gardening suitable inside balconies and loggias ampelous varieties of lobelia, petunia, winged thunbergia, fuchsia, pelargonium and tuberous begonia.

Interesting balcony flowers and caring for them

And in conclusion, a few words about plants, sometimes undeservedly unclaimed in balcony floriculture.

Tuberous begonia is the queen of balconies.

The color range ranges from pure white to pink, yellow, salmon, bright red and crimson. Flowers are simple, semi-double and double on one plant.

Varieties with a height of 15 to 30 cm are suitable. Flowering from late May until October frosts. For the winter, the tubers are put into a cool room and stored until March in sand or peat chips at plus 8-12°C.

Kobeya climbing

Kobeya climbing is distinguished by large bell-shaped flowers of an exotic shape on long stalks, first colored green and later bluish-violet. There is a variety with white flowers.

This fast-growing summer plant, thanks to its tenacious and strong tendrils on its pinnate leaves, rises up several meters even on plastered walls, although it is more reliable to strengthen it on a thin wire mesh or a support on a balcony box.

Blooms from June to October. It is afraid of cold weather, so it is planted after the end of spring frosts. Kobeya quickly plants large areas, although from a distance it looks much more modest than calceolaria or salvia. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in March.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other.


A low-growing plant with small, very beautiful flowers, similar to primrose. The flowers are fragrant, with white eyes inside. When the plant reaches a height of 12 cm, you need to pinch the top.


Coleus attracts with its luxurious “mosaic” leaves and is easily propagated by cuttings.

Small-leaved balcony forms form a dense bush 20-40 cm high. The brightness of coleus leaves and its showiness in the near or distant plans outshine the brightly colored balcony flowers. Plants are planted in May at a distance of 20-30 cm. In August, coleus are cut and left to overwinter in bright room. Reproduction by seeds is possible in February.


Calceolaria blooms profusely and tirelessly yellow flowers, resembling bright balls. Plant height 30 cm.

It is enough to buy one plant to further provide a spectacular contrasting bright yellow tone for red pelargonium, salvia, petunia, blue and purple violas, blue ageratum and blue-violet heliotrope.

Propagates well in mid-summer by cuttings in a cool, bright room. They overwinter, like pelargoniums, in a room or frost-free room, and in mid-May they are planted on the balcony.


Erica (Erika carnea), sometimes incorrectly called "heather", reaches 15-30 cm in height, has needle-shaped leaves and is recommended for southern regions and insulated balconies and loggias.

Various varieties bloom from January to March with white, pink and red flowers abundantly covering the tops of the shoots. For autumn flowering, the species Erika gracilis is recommended, blooming from September to November.

Early-flowering Erica is grown on calcareous soil, and late-flowering Erica is grown on a slightly acidic substrate, preferably in a mixture swamp soil with peat.

Eriks winter in middle lane in the basement, in frost-free loggias and even in open ground under spruce branches and snow; in the southern regions - in open ground.


Gatsania is notable for its radiant, shiny, orange-red (to bronze) flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm with a dark spot at the base of the petals and a white eye.

Flowering from June to October. Unpretentious, resistant to winds. Height 20-40 cm. Seeds are sown in the room in March, seedlings are planted on the balcony in May. Close-up decoration.


An annual plant up to 25 cm high, it has a compact bush shape and very abundant flowering. Thanks to the peculiar bright colors can be a decoration for any garden. Perfect for growing in balcony boxes. In March, petunia seeds are sown in cups or pots; they are not covered with soil, but only pressed down, then covered with glass or paper. Germination time is 1-2 weeks at 18-20°C. Dive into loose, not very nutritious soil, keep at 10-14°C. They are hardened off and planted in mid-May at a distance of 25x25 cm in balcony boxes. Blooms until November.


From mid-February to early March, geranium seeds are sown at 20°C. Maintains optimal hydration. It is best to cover cups and boxes with seeds with film or glass. Germination time is 6-8 days. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings dive into pots 8-10 cm high. Planted in pots or boxes with nutritious soil in late May - early June. For a box 1 m long, 5 plants are enough. It has been noticed that plants growing next to geraniums are not damaged by spider mites.


An annual plant 20 cm high. Forms a white cloud of small flowers. Blooms throughout the summer. The aroma is reminiscent of honey. In March, the seeds are sown in a box, lightly sprinkled with soil. At a temperature of 16-20°C they germinate in 8-12 days. Plant 3-5 plants together in a box on the balcony in May at a distance of 10-15 cm. When flowering decreases, the plants are cut to half. They soon grow back and continue to bloom.


Annual plant. This beautiful flower attractive for flower beds. Its large silky inflorescences of different colors (white, pink, red) are a decoration for any balcony. If you cut off faded inflorescences in time, the plants will bloom again. Sow in March-April in pots and replant in mid-May. The plant prefers sunny or semi-shaded places and loves fertile soil. Requires moisture. Cold-resistant. Blooms early and until frost.

Plant compositions for balconies

When placing flowers in balcony boxes, the main thing is not to get carried away with the variety of colors: no more than two colors that harmonize well. Monochromatic red pelargoniums, fuchsias or salvias, pink petunias, white daisies, yellow or lilac violas are beautiful and laconic.

Two-color combinations of red salvias (petunias, zonal pelargoniums) from the side of the apartment and blue, white, purple petunias paired with yellow marigolds, mignonette, and blue ampelous lobelias from the street side.

Instead of hanging plants in the outer row, you can place low-growing red and white fuchsias, pink ever-flowering begonias, blue petunias or ageratums, and with inside- red tuberous begonias and yellow calceolarias, respectively. These options are suitable for semi-shaded and shady balconies.

To create a bright flower spot that attracts attention from the street, red and white pelargoniums, red salvias, yellow marigolds, calceolarias, and nasturtiums are good.

Up close, ageratum, mignonette, kobea, beans, lobelia, daisies, sedums and balsams are expressive.

Some plants are good only in the same type of planting: purslane, gatsania, godetia, celosia, eric, dimorphotheca, doronicum, nemesia, aster, dahlias, coleus, chrysanthemums and lantana.

Microclimate and seasons on the balcony

On insulated, frost-free balconies or loggias, you can carry out a successful early spring forcing of bulbous plants - crocuses, tulips and daffodils.

Autumn row ornamental plants from the garden it will migrate to the balconies and will delight you with blooms all autumn (asters and chrysanthemums).

In summer, the balcony will also be decorated with indoor plants that benefit from being in the fresh air: azalea, cyclamen, bromeliad, hydrangea, ficus, clivia, oleander, hippeastrum, agave, aloe, crassula, pomegranate, monstera, aspidistra, aucuba and cacti.

But indoor plants native to the humid tropics and subtropics do not tolerate conditions well open ground(Saintpaulias, or Uzambara violets, peperomia, anthurium, royal begonia, philodendron, sansevieria and dieffenbachia), only a glassed “dacha” is useful for them and high humidity air.

Soil for balcony plants

For most summer gardens, compost soil rich in humus with the addition of peat chips (10-20%) and liming material (ground egg shells) is suitable. Summer plants such as sweet peas, asters, and chrysanthemums are especially sensitive to a neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction.

Melissa, catnip, and bluebells prefer slightly alkaline soils (pH up to 7.0-7.5); azaleas, heathers, hydrangeas - acidic soils(pH 4.5-5), they are fertilized with superphosphate or potassium sulfate.

In general, the soil must have moisture permeability, for which they add river sand; be sufficiently moisture-absorbing, which is achieved by adding peat chips, and must be fresh and free from pathogens; in addition, the soil for balcony flowers must be changed annually.

It is important to remember that earthen mixtures are not suitable for balcony flowers. indoor flowers containing too few nutrients. A three-meter balcony requires about 30 kg of soil mixture.

For summer camps, you can use peat chips from briquettes, enriched nutrients: it will provide more easy care, retains moisture for a long time, weighs less and is clean from pathogens. For perennials grown in tubs and pots, humus lumpy soil with turf and clay additives is preferable.

Unlike annuals, which require replacing old soil with fresh ones every year, perennials are transplanted into new ground after 2-4 years, with the exception of agapanthus: they prefer to stay in lived-in old pots for as long as possible, content with adding fresh soil.

Feeding balcony plants

Taking into account the limited feeding area and the rapid depletion of the soil substrate, balcony flowers need more frequent fertilizing compared to garden ones. Complex products are ideal for these purposes. mineral fertilizers with trace elements (manganese, boron, molybdenum).

Fertilizing is carried out every 7-10 days, alternating with watering, using weak solutions (2-3 g per 1 liter of water). The first feeding is carried out 4-6 weeks after planting and rooting of seedlings. Feeding continues until the end of August.

Minimal fertilizing (once every 2-3 weeks) is given to nasturtiums, gatsania, purslane, sedums, godetia and dorotheanthus: on heavily fertilized soil they form many leaves to the detriment of flowering, or even do not bloom at all; purchased soil for them is diluted by 30% river sand.

How to plant balcony flowers

It is important not to thicken flowers when placing them in boxes: optimal distance between seedlings of dahlias, chrysanthemums, salvia, gatsania, petunia, pelargonium, asters, lantana, tuberous begonia, fuchsia and celosia - 20-30 cm; for verbena, heliotrope, balsam, godetia, Drummond phlox, violas, zinnias, daisies, mignonette, marigolds and ever-flowering begonia - 12-15 cm; for fire beans and sweet peas - 10 cm.

It is important to remove flowers immediately after flowering, preventing the formation of ovaries, unless you need to collect seeds. When the flowering of ageratum, lobelia and nemesia weakens, it is important to trim the upper part of the plant, leaving only stems 3-5 cm high: they will soon form young shoots and flower buds.

Diseases and pests of balcony plants and how to deal with them

Provided the location is chosen correctly and decent care balcony plants are rarely affected by diseases.

Reddish or yellow coloring of leaves at the edges occurs when the soil is severely waterlogged (lack of drainage) or overdrying.

Poor flowering may indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and in combination with suppressed growth and yellowing of leaves - a lack of nutrients.

Plants can be damaged by pests.

Ugly, bent shoot tips and leaves covered with sticky sap indicate an aphid infestation, which occurs during dry, warm summers. Don’t rush to the store for pesticides, but don’t put off fighting pests: they multiply at an unprecedented rate and can quickly eat your entire flower garden. Sprinkle the affected plants with an infusion of garlic, nettle, or, at worst, soap or washing powder.

Sometimes the leaves are eaten by caterpillars - remove them and destroy them. A mini-garden of spice herbs and planting marigolds will help repel pests. Finally, a tiny ladybug will complete the job.

In dry, warm summers, sometimes the leaves and stems become covered with a white powdery coating - a real powdery mildew. Sprinkle the plants with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (15 g per bucket of water) or fermented infusion of fresh chopped garlic (40 g per bucket).

The most effective means protection are, contrary to popular belief, not strong poisons that destroy pests and pathogens, but simple and generally available preventive measures that stimulate the plant to effectively defend itself.

Do not over-moisten the soil and do not thicken the plantings - your asters, marigolds, and lobelias will not get sick with blackleg and fusarium. Do not use acidified soils - get rid of rot. Every year, change the soil in the boxes with fresh soil - there will be no soil fatigue and pathogens.

Garden flowers

What flowers to grow on the balcony?

1:502 1:511

In our city apartments, it is the balcony that often becomes the oasis where constant summer reigns - plants turn green and flowers bloom. Let's figure out how to choose the right flowers for a balcony or loggia. What kind of care do they require? How to protect them from diseases and pests?

1:1033 1:1042 1:1045 1:1054

In the southern regions of Russia, you can maintain a constant assortment of perennials on balconies, but in the middle and northern regions it is better to prefer annuals. However, a glazed and heated balcony will significantly increase your possibilities in choosing plants.



Flowers on a sunny balcony


If the balcony faces the south, sunny side, the vast majority of balcony plants will bloom well and for a long time, with the exception of fuchsia and begonia: excessive sun suppresses them, they wither and sometimes do not bloom at all.

1:479 1:488

2:992 2:1001

Purslane, kobea, morning glory, dorotheanthus and dimorphotheca show particular “greed” for the sun and warmth.

2:1190 2:1199

On cloudy days, the grandiflora purslane will not open its flowers, and in cool summers it blooms sparingly even on a southern balcony.

2:1426 2:1435

Daisies, asters, mignonette, dahlias, godetia, gatsania, heliotrope, ageratum, balsam, lobelia, verbena, violas, sweet peas, morning glory, ampelous pelargonium, petunia, nasturtium - an excellent set for a sunny balcony.



3:512 3:521

African agapanthus and Indian canna feel great in tubs or large pots.

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Place Tobacco Grandiflora, Elegant Zinnia and Drummond Phlox in one container and you have a lovely mini flower garden.

3:937 3:946

In order to please the balcony with flowering as early as possible, daisies, violas and ever-flowering begonia should be planted already in early May.

3:1203 3:1212

And to ensure flowering continues until the end of October, use asters, kobeya, petunia, gatsania, lantana, tuberous begonia and sedum.

3:1448 3:1457



Flowers on a shaded balcony


Begonias, lobelias, fuchsias, mignonettes, and violas will bloom well in partial shade.

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Marigolds, pelargoniums, nasturtiums and petunias will tolerate the lack of light. Calceolaria and ageratum are quite comfortable in the penumbra.

4:447 4:456

If the balcony is heavily shaded, limit yourself to tuberous begonia, daisies, violas, and nasturtium can decorate the balcony until frost, if not with abundant flowering, then with beautiful rounded leaves.

4:820 4:829

On high floors, where it is windy and there are constant drafts, it is better to use daisies, low-growing marigolds, ageratum, gatsania, sedum and ever-flowering begonia.

4:1121 4:1130

For vertical gardening inside balconies and loggias, ampelous varieties of lobelia, petunia, winged thunbergia, fuchsia, pelargonium and tuberous begonia are suitable.

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Interesting balcony flowers and caring for them

4:1510 4:8

And in conclusion, a few words about plants, sometimes undeservedly unclaimed in balcony floriculture.

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Tuberous begonia is the queen of balconies.


5:806 5:815

The color range ranges from pure white to pink, yellow, salmon, bright red and crimson. Flowers are simple, semi-double and double on one plant.


Varieties with a height of 15 to 30 cm are suitable. Flowering from late May until October frosts. For the winter, the tubers are put into a cool room and stored until March in sand or peat chips at plus 8-12°C.

5:1454 5:1463

Kobeya climbing


6:503 6:512

Kobeya climbing is distinguished by large bell-shaped flowers of an exotic shape on long stalks, first colored green and later bluish-violet. There is a variety with white flowers.


This fast-growing summer plant, thanks to its tenacious and strong tendrils on its pinnate leaves, rises up several meters even on plastered walls, although it is more reliable to strengthen it on a thin wire mesh or a support on a balcony box.


Blooms from June to October. It is afraid of cold weather, so it is planted after the end of spring frosts. Kobeya quickly plants large areas, although from a distance it looks much more modest than calceolaria or salvia. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in March.


Seedlings are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other.

6:100 6:109



7:641 7:650

A low-growing plant with small, very beautiful flowers, similar to primrose. The flowers are fragrant, with white eyes inside. When the plant reaches a height of 12 cm, you need to pinch the top.

7:990 7:999





Coleus attracts with its luxurious “mosaic” leaves and is easily propagated by cuttings.


Small-leaved balcony forms form a dense bush 20-40 cm high. The brightness of coleus leaves and its showiness in the near or distant plans outshine the brightly colored balcony flowers. Plants are planted in May at a distance of 20-30 cm. In August, coleus are cut and left to overwinter in a bright room. Reproduction by seeds is possible in February.

8:798 8:807



9:1347 9:1356

Calceolaria blooms profusely and tirelessly with yellow flowers resembling bright balls. Plant height 30 cm.


It is enough to buy one plant to further provide a spectacular contrasting bright yellow tone for red pelargonium, salvia, petunia, blue and purple violas, blue ageratum and blue-violet heliotrope.


Propagates well in mid-summer by cuttings in a cool, bright room. They overwinter, like pelargoniums, in a room or frost-free room, and in mid-May they are planted on the balcony.

9:746 9:755



10:1283 10:1292

Erica (Erika carnea), sometimes incorrectly called "heather", reaches 15-30 cm in height, has needle-shaped leaves and is recommended for southern regions and insulated balconies and loggias.


Various varieties bloom from January to March with white, pink and red flowers abundantly covering the tops of the shoots. For autumn flowering, the species Erika gracilis is recommended, blooming from September to November.


Early-flowering Erica is grown on calcareous soil, and late-flowering Erica is grown on a slightly acidic substrate, preferably a mixture of bog soil and peat.


Eriks overwinter in the middle zone in the basement, in frost-free loggias, and even in open ground under spruce branches and snow; in the southern regions - in open ground.

10:906 10:915



11:1447 11:1456

Gatsania is notable for its radiant, shiny, orange-red (to bronze) flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm with a dark spot at the base of the petals and a white eye.


Flowering from June to October. Unpretentious, resistant to winds. Height 20-40 cm. Seeds are sown in the room in March, seedlings are planted on the balcony in May. Close-up decoration.

11:314 11:323



12:855 12:864

An annual plant up to 25 cm high, it has a compact bush shape and very abundant flowering. Thanks to its unique bright colors it can be a decoration for any garden. Perfect for growing in balcony boxes. In March, petunia seeds are sown in cups or pots; they are not covered with soil, but only pressed down, then covered with glass or paper. Germination time is 1-2 weeks at 18-20°C. Dive into loose, not very nutritious soil, keep at 10-14°C. They are hardened off and planted in mid-May at a distance of 25x25 cm in balcony boxes. Blooms until November.





13:539 13:548

From mid-February to early March, geranium seeds are sown at 20°C. Maintains optimal hydration. It is best to cover cups and boxes with seeds with film or glass. Germination time is 6-8 days. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings dive into pots 8-10 cm high. Planted in pots or boxes with nutritious soil in late May - early June. For a box 1 m long, 5 plants are enough. It has been noticed that plants growing next to geraniums are not damaged by spider mites.

13:1431 13:1440



14:1972 14:8

An annual plant 20 cm high. Forms a white cloud of small flowers. Blooms throughout the summer. The aroma is reminiscent of honey. In March, the seeds are sown in a box, lightly sprinkled with soil. At a temperature of 16-20°C they germinate in 8-12 days. Plant 3-5 plants together in a box on the balcony in May at a distance of 10-15 cm. When flowering decreases, the plants are cut to half. They soon grow back and continue to bloom.

14:790 14:799



15:1331 15:1340

Annual plant. This beautiful flower is attractive for flower beds. Its large silky inflorescences of different colors (white, pink, red) are a decoration for any balcony. If you cut off faded inflorescences in time, the plants will bloom again. Sow in March-April in pots and replant in mid-May. The plant prefers sunny or semi-shaded places and loves fertile soil. Requires moisture. Cold-resistant. Blooms early and until frost.



Mini-garden for the balcony


16:569 16:578

Despite the very limited area, it is advisable to find a place on the balcony for a fragrant mini-garden, for which it is enough to plant two or three plants of mignonette, verbena, tobacco or heliotrope with a distinct aroma of vanilla.


It is useful to have a corner of herbs on the balcony: watercress, salad mustard, catnip, lemon balm, chervil, parsley, dill, savory, chives.


On the balcony in early spring It is quite easy to get perennial onions (onions, chives, onions), parsley, celery, parsnips, beets, rhubarb.



Plant compositions for balconies


When placing flowers in balcony boxes, the main thing is not to get carried away with the variety of colors: no more than two colors that harmonize well. Monochromatic red pelargoniums, fuchsias or salvias, pink petunias, white daisies, yellow or lilac violas are beautiful and laconic.

16:577 16:586

17:1090 17:1099

Two-color combinations of red salvias (petunias, zonal pelargoniums) on the side of the apartment and blue, white, purple petunias paired with yellow marigolds, mignonette, and blue ampelous lobelias on the street side are successful.

17:1495 17:1504

Instead of hanging plants, low-growing red-and-white fuchsias, pink ever-flowering begonias, blue petunias or ageratums can be placed in the outer row, and red tuberous begonias and yellow calceolarias can be placed on the inner side, respectively. These options are suitable for semi-shaded and shady balconies.

17:564 17:573

To create a bright flower spot that attracts attention from the street, red and white pelargoniums, red salvias, yellow marigolds, calceolarias, and nasturtiums are good.

17:876 17:885

Up close, ageratum, mignonette, kobea, beans, lobelia, daisies, sedums and balsams are expressive.

17:1059 17:1068

Some plants are good only in the same type of planting: purslane, gatsania, godetia, celosia, eric, dimorphotheca, doronicum, nemesia, aster, dahlias, coleus, chrysanthemums and lantana.

17:1392 17:1401

Microclimate and seasons on the balcony

17:1484 18:1988 18:8

On insulated, frost-free balconies or loggias, you can carry out a successful early spring forcing of bulbous plants - crocuses, tulips and daffodils.

18:281 18:290

In autumn, a number of ornamental plants from the garden will move to the balconies and will delight you with flowering all autumn (asters and chrysanthemums).

18:515 18:524

In summer, the balcony will also be decorated with indoor plants that benefit from being in the fresh air: azalea, cyclamen, bromeliad, hydrangea, ficus, clivia, oleander, hippeastrum, agave, aloe, crassula, pomegranate, monstera, aspidistra, aucuba and cacti.

18:966 18:975

19:1479 19:1488

But indoor plants native to the humid tropics and subtropics do not tolerate open ground conditions (Saintpaulias, or Uzambara violets, peperomia, anthurium, royal begonia, philodendron, sansevieria and dieffenbachia); they only benefit from a glassed-in “dacha” and high air humidity.



Soil for balcony plants


20:579 20:588

For most summer gardens, compost soil rich in humus with the addition of peat chips (10-20%) and liming material (ground egg shells) is suitable. Summer plants such as sweet peas, asters, and chrysanthemums are especially sensitive to a neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction.


Melissa, catnip, and bluebells prefer slightly alkaline soils (pH up to 7.0-7.5); azaleas, heathers, hydrangeas - acidic soils (pH 4.5-5), they are fertilized with superphosphate or potassium sulfate.


In general, the soil must have moisture permeability, for which river sand is added; be sufficiently moisture-absorbing, which is achieved by adding peat chips, and must be fresh and free from pathogens; in addition, the soil for balcony flowers must be changed annually.


It is important to remember that earthen mixtures for indoor flowers that contain too few nutrients are not suitable for balcony flowers. A three-meter balcony requires about 30 kg of soil mixture.


For summer gardens, you can use peat chips from briquettes, enriched with nutrients: it will provide easier care, retain moisture for a long time, weigh less and is free from pathogens. For perennials grown in tubs and pots, humus lumpy soil with turf and clay additives is preferable.

20:958 20:967

Unlike annuals, which require replacing old soil with fresh soil every year, perennials are transplanted into new soil after 2-4 years, with the exception of agapanthus: they prefer to remain in lived-in old pots for as long as possible, content with adding fresh soil.

20:1456 20:1465

Feeding balcony plants


20:2 20:11

Taking into account the limited feeding area and the rapid depletion of the soil substrate, balcony flowers need more frequent fertilizing compared to garden ones. Complex mineral fertilizers with microelements (manganese, boron, molybdenum) are excellent for these purposes.


Fertilizing is carried out every 7-10 days, alternating with watering, using weak solutions (2-3 g per 1 liter of water). The first feeding is carried out 4-6 weeks after planting and rooting of seedlings. Feeding continues until the end of August.


Minimal fertilizing (once every 2-3 weeks) is given to nasturtiums, gatsania, purslane, sedums, godetia and dorotheanthus: on heavily fertilized soil they form many leaves to the detriment of flowering, or even do not bloom at all; purchased soil for them is diluted by 30% river sand.

20:1394 20:1403

How to plant balcony flowers


21:1978 21:8

It is important not to thicken the flowers when placing them in boxes: the optimal distance between seedlings of dahlias, chrysanthemums, salvia, gazania, petunia, pelargonium, asters, lantana, tuberous begonia, fuchsia and celosia is 20-30 cm; for verbena, heliotrope, balsam, godetia, Drummond phlox, violas, zinnias, daisies, mignonette, marigolds and ever-flowering begonia - 12-15 cm; for fire beans and sweet peas - 10 cm.


It is important to remove flowers immediately after flowering, preventing the formation of ovaries, unless you need to collect seeds. When the flowering of ageratum, lobelia and nemesia weakens, it is important to trim the upper part of the plant, leaving only stems 3-5 cm high: they will soon form young shoots and flower buds.

21:1282 21:1291

Diseases and pests of balcony plants and how to deal with them




Provided the right location is chosen and proper care is taken, balcony plants are rarely affected by disease.

22:206 22:620

Reddish or yellow coloring of leaves at the edges occurs when the soil is severely waterlogged (lack of drainage) or overdrying.


Poor flowering may indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and in combination with suppressed growth and yellowing of leaves - a lack of nutrients.

22:1137 22:1146

Plants can be damaged by pests.




Ugly, bent shoot tips and leaves covered with sticky sap indicate an aphid infestation, which occurs during dry, warm summers. Don’t rush to the store for pesticides, but don’t put off fighting pests: they multiply at an unprecedented rate and can quickly eat your entire flower garden. Sprinkle the affected plants with an infusion of garlic, nettle, or, at worst, soap or washing powder.


Sometimes the leaves are eaten by caterpillars - remove them and destroy them. A mini-garden of spice herbs and planting marigolds will help repel pests. Finally, a tiny ladybug will complete the job.


In dry, warm summers, sometimes the leaves and stems become covered with a white powdery coating - real powdery mildew. Sprinkle the plants with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (15 g per bucket of water) or fermented infusion of fresh chopped garlic (40 g per bucket).



The most effective means of protection are, contrary to popular belief, not strong poisons that destroy pests and pathogens, but simple and generally available preventive measures that stimulate the plant to effectively defend itself.


Do not over-moisten the soil and do not thicken the plantings - your asters, marigolds, and lobelias will not get sick with blackleg and fusarium. Do not use acidified soils - get rid of rot. Every year, change the soil in the boxes with fresh soil - there will be no soil fatigue and pathogens.



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