Which shrubs are watered with boiling water. Spring treatment of currant bushes with boiling water

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By pouring boiling water over currant bushes, the plant’s immunity will “grow” and the soil in the area where the bush grows will warm up sharply but briefly. As a result, the currants “will not get sick” during the year and will delight you with a high harvest.

If you prepare a solution based on copper sulfate or potassium permanganate and pour it under the bush at the location of the roots, before using boiling water, then the elimination of harmful insects living (sleeping) in the ground and on the bark of the plant will take place in an accelerated time, and the currants will receive a new portion vitamins for yourself. In addition, its color, if it falls under the last frost in late spring or early summer time, will not suffer at all and the berry yield will be “at its best.”

This is the main answer to the question posed actual question: “Why do you need to water the currant bushes in the garden with boiling water?” Having completed such a generally quite simple procedure, you can be absolutely sure that the phytosanitary condition in the garden and the quantitative yield of berries will not only not suffer from external conditions, but will also increase qualitatively.

Timing of watering

There is another important point in deciding the question “when, at what time of day and year, should currant bushes be watered? hot water"so that the procedure is performed correctly.

This procedure should be carried out completely in early spring when the sun is not yet quite hot, the snow has not yet begun to melt, and buds have not yet appeared on the bushes and trees. Nature is sleeping, but there is very little time left before it awakens.

Watering plan for currant bushes

All procedures for preparing currant bushes for a “healthy” new season must be carried out clearly, pedantically, strictly according to the established plan.

  1. In the fall, leave marks on those currant bushes that have been exposed to harmful effects diseases such as powdery mildew. It should also be noted those bushes that were susceptible to attack by insects (aphids, ants, ticks), and under which there are mouse or mole holes.
  2. On the eve of the day allotted for pouring boiling water, prepare the tools necessary for processing. You will need a metal (galvanized) bucket or watering can “with a strainer” or a bucket with a metal ladle, a thermometer, and boiling water. From the same material, a large kettle or pan where the water will be heated.
  3. As water for pouring boiling water over the bushes, you can use snow (only very clean), which should be melted the day before.

Irrigation technology:

  • Boil water in a kettle or saucepan and let it “bubble” for a little (5-7 minutes);
  • pour boiling water into a prepared container (watering can or bucket);
  • without hesitation, “run” to take the prepared boiling water to the currant bushes. Along the way, the water will begin to cool, and its temperature will drop by about 20 degrees, to 80. During direct contact with plant branches or soil, the water will lose about 20 more degrees, and its temperature will be within 60 degrees.
  • The process of scalding one plant should be rapid. The entire procedure should take no more than five seconds.
  • The branches of the bushes should be scalded by watering them evenly, from above, without missing any of them. In this case, there will be no chance for the pests to live. The distance between the branches of the plant and the watering can (pot) with water should be approximately 10 cm.

Early treatment of currant bushes with hot water reliably protects the bushes from bud mites. These insect pests live in the buds of our plants from early autumn and until the first warm days of spring. From the moment the currant buds begin to open to the sun, mites also awaken from their winter sleep. Their females lay larvae, and now, in place of the buds, the previously spoiled young leaves of the unfortunate bush bloom.

When and how to treat bushes - optimal time and actions

Shrubs should be scalded with hot water in early spring, when the snow has not yet completely melted. This is explained by the fact that by pouring boiling water over the currants after the buds have begun to open on the branches, you will not only get rid of mites, but also stop the growth of shoots and the formation of young leaves.

Remember: autumn processing currant bushes with hot water will not give the desired effect. At this time, the buds have already tightly closed with a crust and, paradoxically, protect pests from negative factors. Water will not be able to get through the sleeping buds and will not reach the mites.

Cover before the procedure root system bushes, if it is located close to the ground surface. Use wooden boards, slate, or simply sprinkle them with a thick layer of earth.

It is best to use a metal watering can. Plastic tends to deform under the influence of hot water, and watering from the bucket will be uneven. Water the bush without staying in one area for more than a couple of seconds. The result will increase significantly if you dissolve currants in hot water for processing copper sulfate, in the dosage indicated on its packaging.

What are the benefits of boiling water for plants?

In addition to the obvious effect of exterminating currant mites, after watering the bushes with boiling water, a number of the following positive changes are noted:

  1. 1. The plant’s immunity increases, and therefore resistance to disease increases.
  2. 2. Bushes tolerate climate changes more easily, they are better prepared for wintering.
  3. 3. Productivity increases, and at the same time the taste of the berries.
  4. 4. The greenery of shrubs treated in spring is more juicy; young shoots form and develop densely on the branches.

Berry bushes are often affected by many pests and diseases. Among them are powdery mildew, mites, and aphids. To combat these pests, gardeners use a wide variety of pesticides. However, there is one catch - treating shrubs with chemical solutions and mixtures can negatively affect the harvest (berries watered with pesticides cannot be eaten). Many of us have heard about simple technique pest control: treating shrubs with boiling water. When is the best time to water shrubs with boiling water? Why is this being done? Is it possible to water other berry bushes? Let's try to figure it out!

Why treat shrubs with boiling water?

Watering shrubs with boiling water is effective in combating the bud mite, which is the main distributor of terry. It settles in the buds of the plant in early autumn and finds refuge in them throughout the winter. As soon as the buds begin to wake up, the mites begin their activity. The females lay eggs, and after two weeks, disfigured leaves appear in place of the buds, looking like miniature bitten heads of cabbage. After another three weeks, the bushes take on a pitiful appearance: there is almost no greenery, the remaining leaves are faded and underdeveloped, new shoots do not develop. With the beginning of autumn, the mites again move into the kidneys, and everything repeats. Watering the branches of bushes with boiling water allows you to destroy tick individuals, thereby interrupting the process of their reproduction.

When to treat shrubs with boiling water

Shoots of berry bushes become a refuge for pests in winter period. Larvae and fungal spores overwinter. A simple remedy - boiling water - will help in the fight against misfortunes. Treatment should be carried out either in late autumn or at the end of February, before sap flow and buds begin to bloom. Water +80...90°C is poured into the watering can.

Which shrubs are treated with boiling water

First of all, identify the objects that need to be treated with boiling water. Include all plants that suffered last year from powdery mildew, various spots and pests such as aphids, mites, etc. Map out the route how you will move from bush to bush. You can’t rush around the site with boiling water, looking for something else to process. It will be necessary to act quickly, clearly, decisively. Boiling water is mainly poured on blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes.

Technology for treating shrubs with boiling water

To application method heat treatment was as successful as possible, you need to know not only when to carry out the work, but also how to do it:

  1. Pour boiling water into a suitable container or bucket and, without delay, go to the garden where they grow berry bushes. By the time you reach the bushes, the water temperature will drop to about +80 °C, and upon contact with the branches, the water will lose about 10 °C more and will be between +60–65 °C. That is why take a thermometer with you to monitor the temperature of the liquid - if the temperature drops too low, the effect of watering will be zero (using too hot water can harm the plants themselves).
  2. Additionally, to enhance the effect of the solution, add salt or a little potassium permanganate to the water.
  3. Scald the branches evenly, trying not to miss any of them, so as not to give pests any chance. The soil around each bush should also be treated with boiling water. But you should not pour hot liquid directly onto the roots of plants. To protect the root system, use iron sheets.
  4. Keep the watering can about 10cm away from the branches. Water each shoot for no more than 5 seconds. One bush requires approximately 5–6 liters of water.

Some gardeners act even harsher with shrubs - they pour hot water over them. Usually this treatment is carried out from a watering can, making sure that there is at least 1 m between the watering can and the bushes - boiling water, flying this distance, cools down and will not cause harm to the kidneys. More often, treating plants with boiling water is postponed until the spring, since such treatment stimulates the buds to awaken, which brings more benefits in the spring.

Watering shrubs with boiling water against bud mites

The procedure for watering with boiling water is indicated mainly in case of infection, or for the prevention of damage to shrubs by bud mites. This is the most dangerous pest for culture and it is very difficult to fight it. Some gardeners, considering it completely invincible, do not take any measures to exterminate it. The size of this pest is 0.2 mm in length. It belongs to the class of arachnids. These pests appear simultaneously with the first leaves, and are the main distributors of terry disease - a dangerous viral disease that significantly reduces the yield of the bush. A sign of the presence of these pests on the plant are swollen buds. With their awakening, ticks begin their active activity. After all, from early autumn, throughout the winter, the buds of bushes were their refuge.

Currants grow in almost every garden or summer cottage. The taste of this berry is familiar to most of us since childhood. But to get good harvest And delicious fruits, it is necessary to constantly care for plants. The cause of crop failure may be violations of agricultural practices, but most often pests cause the greatest harm. Many of them easily endure the winter, and in the spring they begin to destroy currants.

You can find out how to protect raspberry bushes from diseases and pests.

Watering currants with boiling water: why and when is it best to do it?

Berry bushes are a good refuge for pest larvae and fungal spores. Therefore, currants constantly need processing from the very various kinds pests and diseases. There are several dozen of them in total.

Early spring processing of currants includes two main stages. The first step is to burn the plant debris, and then dig up the soil around the bushes and between the rows. This gives good results.

But larvae and spores are also found on the bushes themselves. There are several ways to get rid of them. For example, treat currants with boiling water before the buds bloom on them. This is a widely known and effective method of pest control, which is used in late February - early March. This procedure is also useful because it increases the immunity of currants. IN middle lane In Russia, it is better to pour boiling water over currants in early March. The snow had already melted at this time, and the buds on the bushes had not yet blossomed. If leaves have already appeared, then you should not pour boiling water on the bushes, so as not to burn them. It is necessary to ensure that the boiled water cools to 80-90 degrees.

The greatest damage to currants is caused by the mite, which wakes up in the spring after hibernation. The wind, birds, and people themselves can become carriers of larvae and spores throughout the garden. Female mites begin laying eggs after the buds begin to bloom. And after about two weeks, already disfigured leaves appear in their place. By watering currant branches with hot water, you harass the mite and thus interrupt its reproduction.

If you do not treat the plant on time, then in the fall the harmful creatures will again invade the buds in order to survive the winter. As a result, swollen formations appear on currant bushes, which are easily visible on black currants, but are completely invisible on red ones. During this period, it is useless to use boiling water to treat currant bushes, since protective shell the buds in which the ticks are hidden are strong. It will withstand such treatment, and the pests will remain unharmed.

When the buds begin to swell, you need to very carefully and thoroughly examine all the bushes. An overly enlarged bud contains thousands of mites that can only be seen with a strong magnifying glass. Larvae emerge from eggs laid by females. The process is repeated, and the affected buds dry out. Deformed buds should be plucked out, and if there are several such swollen buds on one branch, then it is better to cut it off. Then all this must be burned.

Among other things, a mite that has settled on currants is the cause of terry. This is dangerous viral disease berry plant, affecting the entire bush. Currant flowers are multi-petaled, and when infected with a virus they become separate-petaled, appearing double. The flowers stretch out, acquire a lilac tint, and no longer form an ovary. As a result, the bush stops bearing fruit.

Once the mite is removed by treatment with boiling water, powdery mildew mushrooms are also destroyed. This is the causative agent of another disease - powdery mildew of plants. The disease causes the plant to stop growing and die.

Some gardeners and gardeners apply boiling water treatment at the end of October, but this is not so effective. The fact is that aphid eggs have a strong protective shell in the fall, and the method using boiling water may not work.

How to water currants with boiling water?

For watering with boiling water, it is best to use a metal watering can. Plastic watering cans are undesirable because they can become deformed from hot water. And when using a bucket, you will need too much hot water, which is irrational. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to add salt to boiling water, as well as manganese or copper sulfate in small quantities. The processing efficiency will only increase from adding these ingredients. As auxiliary equipment, prepare pruners, buckets and scissors.

To save gas, it is best to boil water over a fire, using available means. Can be adapted iron barrel, drilling two holes in the middle on the sides, and then inserting iron rods into them. Light a fire underneath them and place a container on top of them.

After boiling water, begin to evenly scald the currant branches. It is necessary to ensure that each branch is treated with boiling water. The procedure must be carried out quickly so that the water does not cool down. Ten liters of boiling water is enough for about three currant bushes, each of which has up to 15-16 branches.

The currant root system may be close to the soil surface, so you need to place sheets of plywood, boards or other auxiliary material under the bushes. If you don’t have any of this at hand, sprinkle it with soil to protect the roots from boiling water.

Boiling water is a simple and universal remedy for currant pests

By using boiling water to kill pests, gardeners also receive a number of other benefits. Bushes treated at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring practically do not get sick in the summer. They are juicy and fresh. Immunity increases: increased resistance to disease helps currants more easily tolerate temperature changes and other unfavorable conditions weather. The yield of currant bushes becomes higher, and the taste of the berries improves.

Pouring boiling water - stressful situation for a currant bush. In order to subject a plant to such a test, compelling reasons are needed. They may be:

  • the presence of a bud mite on currants - the main culprit of leaf terry. This tiny pest settles in the buds of the plant, feeding on the sap of leaves, shoots and flowers. The leaves of the affected bush turn yellow, it begins to bear fruit poorly and is stunted in growth. Massive spread of the pest can lead to the death of the plant;
  • damage to currant bushes by aphids;
  • fight against fungal infections, including powdery mildew spores, and viruses that have settled under the bark or in the soil;
  • the need to warm the soil, accelerate the awakening of the buds and strengthen the general immunity of the plant.

Photo gallery: currant infection with bud mite

Currant kidney mite activates in early spring Under the influence of tick saliva, the currant bud swells, loosens, increases in size and becomes like a small, loose head of cabbage Enlarged buds of the plant indicate that currants are infected with mites.

Experienced gardeners claim that currant bushes treated with boiling water in early spring are less sick in the summer, have juicy and fresh greens, and produce more shoots.

Phases of currant vegetation during which treatment with boiling water can be carried out

The following phases of the growing season are distinguished in currants:

  • bud bursting (beginning of growing season);
  • beginning of flowering;
  • beginning of maturation;
  • full maturity;
  • end of shoot growth;
  • the beginning of leaf fall;
  • end of leaf fall.

Then comes a phase of deep dormancy, during which the plant's metabolism is sharply inhibited and visible growth stops. Treatment of the currant bush with hot water can only be carried out during this period. If such an event is organized in the fall, it will have a detrimental effect on aphids and powdery mildew spores.

Watering and spraying currants with hot water - effective method fight against fungal diseases and many pests

Approximate time for processing currants with hot water

If you plan to carry out the procedure in the fall, then you need to do it in October-early November, about a month before the onset of frost. In the remaining time, the plant will have time to fully prepare for the upcoming drop in temperatures. In spring, currant buds awaken early from winter dormancy, so treatment with boiling water should be carried out early, when there is still snow on the site, but the height of the cover is already small (5–10 cm). IN different regions In Russia this period begins at different times.

Table: timing of spring treatment of currants with boiling water

Determining the processing time depends not only on the weather conditions of the region, but also on the varietal characteristics of the crop. Hybrid varieties black currant(Golubka, Koksa, Primorsky Champion, Altai Dessert), obtained by crossing grouse currants and Siberian species forms, enter the bud bursting phase earlier. In European varieties (Pobeda, Neapolitanskaya, Laxtona, Neosyshayushchaya, etc.), the growing season begins later. The difference between the beginning of the growing season early and late varieties is approximately 1 week.

The buds on red and golden currants begin to bloom a little later than on black ones. This feature should also be taken into account when choosing the timing of spring treatment of bushes with hot water.

It is possible to carry out treatment not only on the last snow, but also in the phase of bud protrusion, swelling and preparation for flowering. At this time, the bud mite leaves its shelter and moves to currant shoots, so irrigation with hot water will destroy the pest, but negative impact It will not have any effect on the bush itself.

Basic rules for processing currants with hot water

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to think through and organize preparatory activities:

  • identify bushes that require treatment. The importance of this point is determined by the fact that hot water in cold air will quickly cool down, therefore, without a clear watering plan, the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease;
  • organize additional protection root system, covering the soil around the bush with any available materials: plywood, boards, plastic oilcloth;
  • Prepare a metal watering can with a fine strainer. A watering can made of another material, in particular plastic, will not be suitable, as it can become deformed due to exposure to hot water.

Water for irrigation should boil. To make the procedure more effective, you can add traditional means against pests:

  • potassium permanganate (0.1 g per bucket of water);
  • copper sulfate (3 g per bucket of water);
  • salt (1 teaspoon per bucket of water).

When irrigating a currant bush with hot water, you should know not only when to carry out the procedure, but also how to do it correctly:

  • you need to constantly monitor the temperature of the water for heat treatment: it should be between +60–80 degrees. From watering more cold water the effect will be zero, and treatment with boiling water can lead to burns to the plant;
  • it is necessary to process all branches evenly, and no more than 5 seconds can be spent on watering each shoot;
  • Do not allow hot water to get into the root system of the bush;
  • Depending on the age category, 10 liters of water are consumed for 2–3 plants.

Remember that incorrectly chosen time, non-compliance temperature regime water for irrigation, contact with boiling water on the roots of the plant will not only not bring the desired result, but will also weaken the currant bush.

Video: treating a currant bush with boiling water in early spring


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