Which plants produce oxygen around the clock? What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom

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Chlorophytum perfectly humidifies the air in the room and cleans it of harmful substances, poisons, as well as microorganisms and bacteria. This is one of the most unpretentious additions to the decor of any apartment and benefits its residents. Four adult flowers purify the air in a room of 10 square meters. m by 70-80%.

Aloe is widespread in folk medicine thanks to medicinal properties. In addition, it reduces the level of harmful substances, including those released from chipboard furniture, by 90%. At night this plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

Plants receive the necessary oxygen mainly through their leaves. In each of them, despite the fairly strong containment, there are small openings for gas exchange called stomata.

Leaf cells contain chloroplasts, which allow them to open and close. Respiratory cells are located on the bottom of the leaf.

The common belief that you can sleep well in a room with a lot of plants is not true. After all, plants actively consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night.

The respiratory system is not as complex as the human one, but it is no less important. Plants can also breathe through cracks in the bark and stems. When oxygen enters the cell, it begins to move through the intercellular spaces and then dissolves in the water that nourishes the cell walls. This is how it penetrates into the cells themselves.

There are also exceptions, for example water lilies and other aquatic ones. They have air cavities in the underwater part of the stem, which form the basis respiratory system such plants.

What is the main role of plant respiration?

First of all, and this is the main point, respiration promotes the growth of plants and serves as a source of formation of new organs in green spaces. If breathing is impaired, this can easily lead to the death of the plant.

If you like to grow flowers, regularly wipe them with a damp cloth to remove dust and also spray them with water. This will help them breathe properly and grow longer.

During respiration, plants spend carbohydrates that are formed during photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis occurs during daylight hours, because can only be released when exposed to sunlight necessary for plants substances. At night all these nutrients distributed throughout all tissues.

Breathing is the opposite process, when a living organism begins to spend rather than accumulate.

We decorate our apartments and houses with flowers that visually refresh them and make them more cozy. However, we should not forget that indoor plants there are a number useful properties, which we should remember. The editors of WANT.ua will tell you about the most oxygen-rich plants that really need to be placed in the room where the whole family is awake and resting.

Oxygen plants: chlorophytum

A houseplant called chlorophytum is called the best health booster for a living space. It perfectly absorbs the release of colorless formaldehyde gas, which can enter oxygen from wooden parts furniture. IN Everyday life it is often found in other sources, causing harm to health. That's why the best remedy A pot of chlorophytum can be used against unhealthy secretions. By the way, this plant is often associated with educational and government agencies, where you will most often find him. Because of Soviet memories many have abandoned it, but this is in vain. Just transplant the flower into a beautiful flowerpot and enjoy the clean air.

If you place chlorophytum in the kitchen, it will act on the principle of extraction, purifying oxygen from gas and burning smell.

Oxygen plants: chamedorea

Hamedoria is often grown as ornamental plant, vaguely reminiscent of palm leaves. However, not everyone knows that this plant easily absorbs harmful and toxic substances that accumulate in the apartment throughout the day. In the modern world, it is impossible to protect yourself from smoke, benzene and harmful volatile liquids that enter our house from the highway directly through the window. But there is a way out, and it is very simple - you just need to put a flowerpot with chamedoria in your apartment. It is only important to remember that this flower is best kept in the shade so that the sun does not burn its leaves.

Oxygen plants: ficus

The list of oxygen plants cannot be complete without the famous ficus. Everyone remembers it clearly and often places it in the living room or kitchen. And they do it extremely wisely, because ficus cleanses the air of toxins and also attracts dust from the environment. Therefore, the leaves of this plant should be wiped with a damp cloth. This home flower perfectly humidifies the air and also releases oxygen in sunlight. The latter, by the way, suggests that at night they, on the contrary, absorb oxygen, so ficus has no place in the bedroom.

Oxygen plants: Sansevieria

plant with funny popular name"Mother-in-law's tongue" is now rarely seen in modern apartments, again due to certain Soviet associations. But it was absolutely unfairly discredited, because Sansevieria literally produces oxygen for the rooms in which it is located. An even more amazing function of this plant is that it helps improve a person’s immunity and protects him from colds. Sansevieria also protects against harmful toxins that can be released from linoleum. The word is truly a magical home flower.

Oxygen plants: geranium

Geranium is a flowering alternative to any antidepressant. The aroma of this plant can relieve neurosis, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. And a substance called geraniol, which this flower secretes, can kill any bacteria and destroy nasty staphylococcal and streptococcal viruses. It is worth noting that geranium can also absorb colorless poisonous gas, and also renew stale air, which often becomes a problem in small apartments.

Oxygen plants: aloe

Never remove aloe from your apartment, even if you want to replace it with another more fashionable plant. By placing aloe in the bedroom, you will find a friend who will regularly absorb carbon dioxide - it causes drowsiness and weakness in people indoors. This plant also removes electricity in the room. And, of course, we should not forget that the aloe plant is medicinal - its juice treats colds and can help relieve colds.

Most plants produce oxygen primarily during the day, and in dark time days, on the contrary, they “breathe” with it, giving it away environment carbon dioxide. But with the plants on our list it’s the opposite – they are ideal for rooms where they sleep.

The plant actively releases oxygen both in the light and in the dark. Moreover, couples essential oils Kalanchoe is a recognized natural antidepressant. Place the flower in a sunny place and do not forget to water it so that the air in the room is always fresh.

This unpretentious plant– a powerful source of oxygen. In addition, the green tree fits very well into the bedroom interior. The main condition is access to sunlight and regular watering.

Aloe vera does not have an attractive appearance, but the plant is truly unique. Its juice is used to treat many diseases, including skin problems. But this is not the only advantage of the succulent.
At night, its leaves actively release oxygen and disinfect the air in the room from germs.
Place the pot in a room with new furniture– you can be sure that the plant will “pull” all harmful substances from the air, including toxic formaldehyde.
SANSEVIERIA (“Mother-in-Law’s Tongue”)

Despite the rather unkind name that has taken root among the people, this home plant has a lot of useful properties. Sansevieria is a powerful natural air purifier. At the same time, in special care the flower does not need. Practically perfect option for forgetful owners!

Unlike angular succulents, an orchid is a real home decoration. A flower can not only refresh the interior of a bedroom, but also fill the air in the room with life-giving O2. In this case, the plant releases oxygen mainly at night. Place a pot of orchids near your bed and enjoy a sound and healthy sleep!

Like many cacti, Decembrist has a reverse metabolism, producing oxygen mainly in the dark. The plant tolerates darkness well and feels good even in the corners of the bedroom far from the window.

Geranium is a recognized natural disinfectant. Vapors from the plant's essential oils improve mood, relieve anxiety and depression, and the leaves fill the air with oxygen and ozone. The only “but” is the specific aroma of flowers, not everyone can tolerate it.

Plants from the palm family often decorate the corridors of hospitals and dental clinics. And this is no coincidence. Green trees not only look very decorative, but are also a powerful source of oxygen.
Wide leaves tropical plant absorb harmful gases and regulate indoor air humidity.
In an apartment, a palm tree will also feel good if it is provided with diffused lighting and watered with purified or rain water.

We are accustomed to consider the gerbera to be more of a street flower than a house flower. But it is not so. Indoor views plants are perfect for apartments, however, they require improved soil quality and caring attitude. At night, gerberas absorb the carbon dioxide we emit, releasing oxygen instead - which is why sleeping in a room where gerberas bloom is especially comfortable.

In Ayurveda, the Neem tree has acquired special meaning. As a symbol of purity, it not only purifies the air, but also disinfects it. Azadirachta is not tolerated by many insects - if you place a pot with a plant in the room, you definitely won’t need a fumigator.
The healing properties of Neem have been proven by scientists.
Its leaf extract inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, including pathogens of dangerous diseases. Provide the tree with good lighting and quality soil, in return it will give you healthy sleep and strong immunity.

Scientists advise: in a room where people spend a lot of time, you need to have at least three indoor plants.

It is worth choosing home flowers not only for their beauty, but also for their usefulness. City apartments need plants that clean the air of dust, microbes and toxic substances, enrich it with oxygen, and saturate it with beneficial aromas and phytoncides. And you should know that there are plants that will be more useful in the kitchen, where, as a rule, high humidity, stuffiness and smoke.

There are those who help improve the atmosphere in the office - they remove bad influence electromagnetic radiation from a computer, scanner, TV. Is there indoor flowers, which are very useful to grow in the bedroom.

Here are five of the most useful indoor flowers:

1 Chlorophytum. This is a champion among flowers for improving the health of rooms. A few of these plants are enough to absorb formaldehyde released by thermal insulation from synthetic materials in the apartment average size. And if in flower pots put Activated carbon, the cleansing properties of chlorophytum increase several times.

This "sanitary" also kills harmful bacteria. By the way, it is no coincidence that chlorophytums are never affected by pests.

The plant is unpretentious and easily reproduces - just separate the “babies” from long stem, just stick them into moist soil, and they will immediately take root and begin to take root. It should be watered infrequently, but abundantly, especially in summer.

If you place chlorophytum in the kitchen, it will act more efficiently than expensive air purifiers - it will clean the room from harmful gas oxides and odors in a few hours.

2 Ficus. It has phytoncidal properties and cleanses the air of toxins, so the best place for it is the kitchen or rooms whose windows overlook, for example, a busy highway or industrial area. Glossy ficus leaves are ideal for the kitchen: they retain a large number of dust, but they are convenient to wash and wipe. Ficus will also help to humidify the air and saturate it with oxygen. It’s just important to know that ficus plants produce oxygen during the day in sunlight, but absorb it at night. Therefore, they should not be placed in the bedroom, much less in the nursery.

The plant prefers bright places, but not direct sunlight. Watering is moderate. In autumn and winter, it often drops healthy leaves due to excessive waterlogging. That's why experienced flower growers It is advised not to water the plant in winter, but only spray the leaves.

3 Geranium. It is recommended to keep it in the bedroom. The beneficial compounds produced by pelargonium (this is the scientific name of geranium) have a calming effect, which is very important for stress and insomnia. It also releases biologically active substances that kill staphylococci and streptococci, disinfects rooms and drives away flies, so it would be quite appropriate in the kitchen. Moreover, geranium has the ability to absorb dampness and waste, to clean and refresh a room with a stagnant, “sour” smell.

The plant is unpretentious and easily propagated. Light-loving - best kept on a windowsill, on the sunny side. In the warm season, it requires abundant watering. Practically not affected by diseases and pests.

4 Laurel. Useful to grow in the bedroom. This small evergreen shrub kills germs and has a beneficial effect on people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, intestinal and biliary spasms.

Laurel is photophilous and grows well only in sunny place. The plant is easy to trim and is usually given a spherical shape.

5 Aloe. At night it releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, so it belongs in the bedroom. It also removes electricity in the apartment. Plus aloe is real ambulance at home. The washed sheets can be applied to a bleeding or infected wound. Aloe juice helps with headaches and colds.


Among indoor plants, which are very common, there are also poisonous ones - for example, oleander and dieffenbachia. Make sure that small children do not put them in their mouths.

Scientists have found that in the air of rooms where common myrtle grows, there are two times fewer pathogenic microorganisms than in rooms where it is not present.

And the antibacterial properties of amaryllis, agapanthus, ziferanthes, hipeastrum, and dracaena are so strong that their volatile phytoncides kill some bacteria faster than the phytoncides of garlic.

Asparagus absorbs heavy metals.

Water-gas exchange in an apartment can improve plants with large leaves- Dieffenbachia, anthurium, philodendrons.

Flowers can be used to increase air humidity. Flowers that need a lot of moisture usually return it through their leaves. These are violets, cyclamens, ferns. Abutilon, aphelandra, hibiscus, and azalea also increase humidity.

Dracaena, philodendron, schefflera, spathiphyllum, dieffenbachia, sansevieria will get rid of formaldehydes and phenols released from new furniture.

Staphylococcal microorganisms are destroyed by Ruellia, Sanchetia, Dieffenbachia, Myrtle, Psidium, and the danger of streptococcal infection is reduced by begonias, aglaonema, and Japanese euonymus.

Plants in the kitchen suffer from droplets of fat that fall on the leaves. Therefore, once a month, give them a “bath day”.

Some time ago there was a debate about whether to place plants in the bedroom. This is due to the fact that at night almost all plants change their life cycle. During the day, during photosynthesis, oxygen is produced and carbon dioxide is absorbed. At night the reverse process occurs.

Plants for the bedroom should produce oxygen around the clock! At night, like all living things, most plants take in oxygen. The fact that plants absorb oxygen at night is the basis for the debate that flowers have no place in the bedroom.

Plants for the bedroom serve several functions

Under direct sunlight, the process of photosynthesis occurs. During the night, without sunlight, photosynthesis stops and carbon dioxide levels rise. This does not mean that carbon dioxide emissions will choke you. The risk of anxiety and insomnia increases.

Some plant species release oxygen even at night without direct exposure sun rays. The presence of such indoor flowers in the bedroom will provide more oxygen necessary for a good sleep.

  • Plants for the bedroom carry a functional load:
  • During daylight hours, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
  • The best indoor flowers for the bedroom are those that release oxygen at night.
  • Work like air filters, absorbing harmful volatile substances
  • Flowers in the bedroom should be odorless
  • Plants must be safe for people and pets
  • There shouldn’t be too many indoor flowers
  • House plants fit organically into the interior

Tip: take indoor flowers out of the bedroom at night and return them to their place in the morning when practical implementation somewhat tedious. In fact, flowers do not take up much oxygen, so there is no reason to panic.

The Best Plants for the Bedroom Release Oxygen Day and Night

However, many people do not place house plants in the bedroom. To stop worrying, there should be flowers in the bedroom that release oxygen, both day and night. For example, Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue” works around the clock.

  • Sansevieria
  • Christmas cactus
  • Orchids
  • areca palm

Five useful plants for the bedroom

Aloe vera is unpretentious

Easy to care for. The main thing is to follow the watering regime. The plant is hardly watered in winter, and in summer as the soil dries out. Aloe produces oxygen even at night. The plant has healing properties and actively absorbs the pollutant formaldehyde from the air.

Tropical areca palm grows quickly

The palm tree releases oxygen at night and effectively absorbs different kinds harmful volatile compounds. The areca palm is a natural air humidifier. The disadvantage of palm trees is their size. Some species reach 1.5-2 meters in height. Palm tree simply does not fit in a small bedroom.

Christmas cactus, "Decembrist" or Schlumberger cactus

We are talking about the same plant. At proper care cactus blooms for Christmas. Succulent leaves release oxygen throughout the night. The cactus prefers shaded windows and does not like bright light.

Sansevieria is unpretentious and hardy

In everyday life you will hear the evil nickname “mother-in-law’s tongue.” Sansevieria, also known as “pike tail,” does not deserve such a nickname. This is one of the best plants for indoor air purification. In addition to releasing oxygen at night, Sansevieria actively absorbs harmful volatile compounds. The plant is extremely unpretentious and does not need constant attention.

Beautiful orchids are complex and whimsical creatures.

They release oxygen at night and are ideal for the bedroom. It's nice to surround yourself with such beauty. You need to know how to care for orchids. During the day, orchids need plenty of sunlight. The downside is toxicity to pets and whimsicality.

Bedroom, this is not a winter garden

Walking in the forest, you don’t think or worry about the amount of oxygen in the air. Many animals live in the forest. No one has ever heard of a battle between animals and trees for oxygen. In general there is no reason to worry about this. There is some danger if you place hundreds of flowers in the bedroom, but, as a rule, such an idea never occurred to anyone. For every 10 m2, 3-4 plants are recommended.

They will survive even if you forget about them.

They absorb toxins and release oxygen.

This is a home first aid kit. Aloe vera is easy to grow at home. Healing gel is always at hand.


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