What varieties of melon are grown in the Urals. The best varieties of melons for growing in the Urals: review, planting and caring for melons in a cold region

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In what greenhouse can I plant?

​Marina, thank you!!! To tell the truth, I am the most talkative gardener on the site. Sometimes it even surprises me how my plants survive. ​

​Also do not forget about fertilizing: after planting, when side shoots begin to form, and also before the appearance of buds, it is worth feeding the melon with liquid organic and mineral fertilizers, alternating them with each other... Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers, their excess leads to an increase in the growing season and delaying fruiting.

​It is better to plant immediately in separate containers, the diameter of which is at least 10 cm. My seedlings were about 40 days old at the time of planting; the isolation of the cups helps not to injure the plant during planting.​


Which variety to choose

The dimensions of the metal molding are as follows: height 15-20 centimeters, diameter at the bottom 10-15 centimeters, at the top 15-20 centimeters. The mold is installed with the narrowed end so that the plant is in the center, and then moistened soil is rolled onto the walls of the mold.​

Melon seedlings are very often affected

Seed preparation

​Experienced gardeners who know well how to grow melon in a greenhouse advise regularly feeding the plants. For feeding, use a solution of chicken manure or mullein and complex ballast-free fertilizers. Plants need to be fed every week during the flowering period, and twice as often during the fruit ripening period, alternating organic fertilizers with mineral ones.​

Planting seedlings

​Volgograd, Astrakhan regions, Kalmykia, Uzbekistan - these are the regions where watermelon grows. Growing this crop in the Urals is associated with certain difficulties, primarily due to climatic conditions. This berry is very thermophilic: for germination it requires at least 17°C, and for optimal growth - more than 25°C during the day and from 18°C ​​at night. Watermelons, the cultivation of which in the Urals is often difficult due to high air humidity, require fairly dry air (60-70%). Excessive “water” leads to fungal diseases, plant death or a significant deterioration in the quality of the fruit.​

​Watering and fertilizing are not the only procedures necessary to obtain a good harvest. In addition to them, operations such as forming a melon in a greenhouse, as well as artificial pollination, should be performed. The greenhouse should be ventilated daily. You can try to attract bees to pollinate plants. These insects are very fond of, for example, sugar syrup. It should be placed in small saucers throughout the greenhouse. However, of course, you shouldn’t rely entirely on bees. It is imperative to carry out manual artificial pollination.

Water young melons sparingly. This plant is drought-resistant and is very afraid of waterlogging. If overwatered, seedlings may become sick or rot. If the seeds were planted in ordinary garden soil, the seedlings need to be fertilized twice. In this case, you can use universal mineral fertilizer.​

​Although melon is a southern plant, it is often grown in middle lane Russia. However, of course, it rarely grows as sweet, large and aromatic as, say, in Kuban or Uzbekistan. You can try to correct the situation by planting a melon in a greenhouse. Of course, when growing this plant in this way, you should adhere to certain technologies.​

Caring for young plants

​Last year I decided to improve, they built a fully glazed greenhouse as an extension to the bathhouse, I thought, well, finally I’ll start operating in the greenhouse like a “crop-grabbing maniac,” but the winter brought so much snow that the roof collapsed, and the glass is still there I can’t choose from there. Therefore, all my plants continue to survive in open ground conditions. If the heat-loving melon survives, then you will succeed!!! It’s true that you can’t do without seedlings.​

​When starting to grow melon, you should remember that this is a heat-loving plant, the optimal temperature for the ovary starts at 25 ​

What to do first

Melon seedlings love sunlight while growing on the windowsill, and a temperature of 20-25

​care for melons​

  • ​Glass measuring 20-25 centimeters is placed on the edges of the formed roller. Later (when it warms up), the glass is removed, and the roller is leveled so that the plant is not in a recess, but on a flat surface. Earthen rollers can also be used to insulate seedlings of pumpkins and other heat-loving plants.​
  • ​pests and diseases​
  • During the first week after planting melons in the greenhouse, they are tied to vertical trellises. This is done to prevent the leaves from coming into contact with the ground, which can lead to plant diseases. It is better to remove the lower shoots (up to the fifth leaf) to increase ventilation. Twist the stem in a spiral around the trellis, and when the plant reaches the top, transfer it to the adjacent trellis. When the fruits are the size of an apple, place them in a net and hang them on a trellis.​
  • ​What you need to do to get it in your garden delicious watermelon? Growing in the Urals and central Russia requires a very careful approach to selection seed material. Experts recommend the varieties “Sugar Baby”, “Skorik” or “Ogonyok”, which ripen in 60-70 days, which exactly corresponds to the warm season. Group F1 (“Creamstar”, “Moscow Charleston”, etc.) is also suitable. But these plants do not give good seeds next year. When choosing a variety, you need to look at the number of days from fruit set to readiness. This determines whether the watermelon will ripen, the cultivation of which in the Urals is limited to the warm days of the short summer. You can also pay attention to the shape of the fruit, large fruit size, and transportability if you are going to grow products for sale. Seed packets should only be taken from special stores, because... in markets they may be frozen due to improper storage.​
  • ​To do this, you can pick one flower and rub several others with it in a circular motion. Sometimes a soft brush is used to carry pollen.​

​Growing melon in a polycarbonate greenhouse will be successful only if you first properly prepare the soil. You can plant a melon in the same way as, for example, cucumbers. However, it is still better to make a warm “bed” for her. In this case, the harvest will be more abundant. To install bioheating in the greenhouse, deep grooves are made at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. Hay mixed with humus is placed in them in a layer of 20 cm. Then, according to the instructions, some nitrogen fertilizer is poured on top. Next, the litter is covered with a layer of earth. The grooves should be covered with black film on top.

How to fertilize

​Melons can be grown in a greenhouse made of any material. It can be glass, film or geotextile. But most the best solution There will, of course, be growing melons in a polycarbonate greenhouse. This material transmits well Sun rays and does not become cloudy over time.​

​Oh, Vera, I’ve been planning to build a greenhouse for many years now - and every time something is missing to fulfill this intention))) So for me, too, everything that wants to grow grows in open ground:))​

Caring for melons in a greenhouse: watering

What else do you need?

When growing melon seedlings, it involves pinching the first-order vines above the fifth true leaf. This promotes the appearance of second-order lashes, on which many female flowers are formed. In case of strong growth of melons, non-fruiting canes are sometimes cut out, which enhances the formation of fruits. Leave the first five or six largest fruits on one plant, and remove the rest as they appear. Fruiting of melons when grown in seedlings occurs much earlier than when sowing seeds in the ground.

​Keep the surface of the plot loose. Loosen it immediately for the first time

How to plant melons in a greenhouse

​, for example - a black leg, so it is useful to cover the surface of the soil in pots with a layer of sand 0.5-1 centimeter thick and loosen it from time to time.

​How to determine the ripeness of a melon? It is necessary to press on the fruit bark from the side opposite to the stalk. If the fruit is ripe, the bark will be soft and will bend when pressed with a finger. The color changes slightly, becomes more yellow, and a corresponding sweet aroma appears. A ripe melon is easily separated from the stalk.​

​So, we want to get watermelons in the Urals. Cultivation begins with washing seed material in a solution of potassium permanganate is slightly pink in color. This achieves disinfection and rejection of floating specimens. This is followed by heating the seeds near the radiator (the temperature should not exceed 50°C), which should begin about a week before the intended sowing. The sowing itself is usually done in mid- or late April.

Melons in Siberia

​You cannot allow the melon to grow at will in a greenhouse. After all, space here is limited. Molding is done in such a way as to save space and ensure a good harvest. To do this, each melon is left with a main stem and two shoots. The remaining stepsons should be removed.

Harvesting melons

​After the ground has warmed up, you can begin planting seedlings. The day before this procedure, the plants are thoroughly filled with warm water. The transplant itself is performed as follows:

​The greenhouse for melons can also have any size. The main thing is that its height is at least two meters. After all, melon is a vine-like plant, and it requires a lot of vertical space.​

Procurement of seeds

​But summer is getting hotter and hotter every year, so I’m afraid that soon the question of a greenhouse may disappear by itself - as unnecessary. It was decided: by spring I will choose some early-ripening and not particularly demanding melon variety and will certainly try to grow it! And then I’ll write and tell you what came of it)))​

​C, and for fruit ripening - from 30 ​

​At night the temperature in the room can reach 18-20​

​In this article we will talk about a sweet and aromatic representative of the large pumpkin family - melon. It is not without reason that this plant has gained popularity among gardeners and ordinary consumers. The sweet and aromatic pulp of a well-ripened melon can not only significantly lift your mood, but also improve digestion. Let's take a closer look at this melon crop so that growing it is not difficult.​


Watermelon - growing in the Urals is possible!

​after planting the seedlings​

Caring for melon seedlings involves watering the soil with warm soda (temperature no lower than 25 degrees) and fertilizing the plants. Water the soil generously with a small watering can. Make sure that water does not get on the leaves and especially on the root collar.​

​Don't forget about pollination - to attract insects, spray the plants with sugar syrup or pollinate by hand. Pinch out the growing points on the side shoots - this gives insects access to the flowers.​

​Seeds can be planted in milk bags to a depth of about 3 cm, after spilling the soil with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. The bag is closed with polyethylene and placed on the sunny side of the window. Optimal temperature for seedlings is about 27°C, at which the seedlings will be ready in a month (have 3-5 leaves).​

​Fruiting canes of melons are pinched at a distance of one leaf from the top, “empty” ones - three leaves. There should be no more than 6 ovaries on each lash. The main stem is pinched after it reaches the top of the trellis or the ceiling of the greenhouse. When molding, you should remember that female melon flowers are formed mainly on third-order vines. Therefore, you should be more careful when removing them.​

A small hole is made in the soil.


Growing melon in a greenhouse

​It is up to the owners of the dacha to decide whether to grow melon in a heated or unheated greenhouse. With proper care, you can get a good harvest in both cases.​

Melon seedlings

​This will be very interesting! From source to result!​

Soil preparation

So, melon (Cucumis melo) belongs to the cucumber genus, the pumpkin family and is a heat-loving melon crop. Asia is considered to be the homeland of melon. The melon fruit is an elongated cylindrical or round pumpkin, of various colors: yellow, green, white, brown, often with green stripes.​

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

​, in the future - when weeds appear and crusts form.​

​Two weeks after germination, feed the seedlings with a solution of chicken manure or mullein. Soak one glass of manure or mullein in twenty glasses of water and add 10 grams of superphosphate to this solution before feeding. Apply the fertilizer so that it does not get on the stem and leaves. In the future, feed the plants two or three more times every seven to ten days.

Caring for melons in a greenhouse

​If you do not want the weather to destroy your watermelon, growing this plant in the Urals should begin under a film, planting seedlings between the 15th and 20th of May. The distance between the sprouts should be about half a meter; about a kilogram of compost is added to each hole and spilled with warm water. The seedling ball should rise slightly above the ridge (a couple of centimeters) so that the plant does not rot. The film is removed from the ridges in mid-late June, when the watermelon blooms. After 2-3 fruits have formed, the remaining ovaries are trimmed and excess branches are removed so that the remaining watermelons receive more light. The maturity of fruits is determined not by size, but by the clear pattern that appears, a decrease in wax coating, and a dull sound when tapped. The ability to distinguish a ripe fruit from an unripe one comes only with experience. And experience makes it possible to grow some exotic varieties, like watermelon with yellow flesh or a square shape.​

This is how melons are formed in a greenhouse. In addition to the actual pinching, you need to ensure that the lashes grow vertically rather than horizontally. Growing stems should be wrapped around the trellis ropes by hand. As the melons gain mass, they are placed in special nets attached to a support. The fruits of this plant weigh a lot. Therefore, the lashes simply cannot hold them on their own.​

​The glass warms up and turns over. After this, a lump of earth easily falls onto your hand.​

Melon cannot be grown together with cucumbers and other pumpkins. Due to cross-pollination, the fruits of this plant may completely lose their taste. Nightshades are usually grown together with melon. These could be, for example, tomatoes, peppers or eggplants.​

​Vera and I’m like you!)))) I’m from the Black Sea coast, here melons grow only with watering, I won’t even try it at home…​


| Amur vegetable garden | Far East portal

Growing melon seedlings in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East

​S. Therefore, I recommend choosing a variety based on the characteristics of the region where you plan to grow melon. Varieties are divided according to the growing season into early, middle and late. For central Russia with an unpredictable summer, of course, it is better to take early-ripening varieties, in which case there is a chance that they will ripen and produce a harvest.​

​S. If it is raining and cloudy outside, you need to lower the temperature in the seedling room so that it does not stretch out, as in the photo below. The characteristics of the fruits, as well as their number on one plant, depend on the plant variety. Now in central Russia not only adapted melons are ripening, but also southern melons from India, the cultivation of which has become possible using closed soils, where growing conditions as close as possible to natural ones are created. Fruits can ripen from 2 to 6 months.

Growing melon seedlings in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East

Melon seedlings, with the exception of the “Gribovskie ground” and “Moscow Lebedevskie” varieties, should be pinched above the third true leaf. Plant melon seedlings in the second decade of June. If it is grown in a greenhouse, intensively ventilate it two weeks before planting, and leave it open for the last two days.​ ​7129 views​​Grow melon in regions with cool temperatures that are not suitable for melons climate is still possible. Growing melon in a greenhouse allows you to harvest these sweet fruits even in the Moscow region.​

​The method described above is perfect for growing this plant, including in cold regions of the country. Melon in a greenhouse in Siberia is more than possible. The only thing is that in this case you will have to monitor the air temperature. During the day inside the greenhouse it should be about 25-30 degrees, at night - at least 18. Therefore, in Siberia, it will most likely be necessary to build a heated greenhouse for melons.​

The melon sinks into the ground. Its roots should be at the same depth as in the glass. Early melons are best suited for greenhouses. For example, varieties such as Dessertnaya, Prestige or Titovka can be a very good option. Taking into account the early planting, the harvest from such melons can be harvested already in July.

Caring for melon seedlings

​Altai melon​

​During the development of plants, it is necessary to provide fertilizing:

Melon culture dates back about 400 years. In central Russia, the most common type of melon you can find is the common melon. Therefore, in this article we will dwell in more detail on it and its varieties.​

Planting melon seedlings in the ground

​caring for melons​​Plant seedlings of most varieties of melons in the ground at a distance of 1 meter between the rows and at the same distance in the rows, and “Moscow Lebedev” and “Gribovsky ground”, which have short vines, at a distance of 0.5 meters between plants. In the planting areas, make deep holes, pour water into them and grab them. In the middle regions of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, most varieties of melon do not have time to ripen when sowing seeds in the ground, so

​The seeds are sown 3-4 weeks before the seedlings are planted in the greenhouse. The older the seeds, the better. Plants grown from fresh melon seeds often have an insufficient number of female flowers. Transplantation has a detrimental effect on young plants, so melon seedlings are usually not picked. Seeds are planted immediately in separate containers, immersed in the soil to a depth of 2 cm. It is best to use ready-made soil for seedlings. pumpkin plants, in this case the likelihood of disease occurring decreases.

The fruits are picked as they ripen. In order to determine whether the melon is ready for cutting, it is inspected in the area where the “tail” adjoins. If the base of the latter is covered with ring-shaped cracks, the melon is ripe. The fruits should be cut carefully, being careful not to damage the skin.​

​The next melon is planted at a distance of at least 40 cm.​​Early ripening hybrids can also be a very good choice. The same Roksolana F1 or Goldie F1 are just perfect for a greenhouse. Using these hybrids, very tasty and aromatic melon can be grown in a greenhouse. In the Moscow region, Leningrad region, Volga region, etc., they are simply ideal for growing. You can also plant them in the Urals or Siberia.​ ​… WHAT CAN BE DONE?​

​It will take 60-80 days for this variety to fully ripen. The fruits are oval, yellow in color, with thin aromatic skin and juicy fleshy pulp. The fruit weight can reach 600-1200 g. The variety is well transported. Length of lashes up to 2 m.

​1. When the seedlings have their first true leaf, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride according to the instructions on the package).​​This summer my melons are somehow especially small, most likely this was due to constant rains and acidification of the soil , the temperature for growth was often insufficient, although the variety itself has great value. Last year I planted an early ripening melon and there was no rain for a couple of months of summer. The fruits turned out sugary and very juicy. This year I chose a variety with an average ripening period, but summer let us down. ​Necessary in dry weather - plants need to be watered, especially after fertilizing.​

​planting melon seedlings in the ground ​growing melon seedlings​​The temperature for germination of melon seeds is not less than +15°C, the optimal temperature range is from +25°C to +30°C. Such conditions are created by placing the seedlings in a greenhouse or biofuel greenhouse. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, they are hardened off.

Melons are usually stored in the refrigerator, but not for too long. Otherwise they will simply lose their taste. There is no need to be afraid of picking a slightly underripe melon. The fruits of this plant can ripen when stored in a warm room.​ After the row has been completed, the plants should be thoroughly watered with warm water. Due to the high humidity in greenhouses, various types of fungi and bacteria develop very quickly and easily. To reduce the risk of any future diseases, melon seeds should be disinfected. To do this, they are dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. You can also additionally keep the planting material in a one percent solution of baking soda (24 hours).​

​Carefully replant into a deeper container, I tried it, if you don’t damage the root, everything will take root normally.​

​Melon Blondie​​2. After 2 weeks after the first, a similar feeding is done.

​But you should still adhere to the basic features of growing melon in order to be guaranteed to get a harvest.​ Melons grown by seedlings are usually fed two to three times. For the first​, always together with an undestroyed lump of earth.​


Melon is a fragrant guest on the autumn table. Planting, growing, care

​is considered the most effective way. Growing seedlings makes it possible to obtain mature melon fruits in more northern regions. You can also cultivate early-ripening varieties using seedlings, wanting to get an early high yield of melon on poorly warmed soils.​

The soil for planting melons needs to be prepared in the fall. To do this, humus (10 kg) and superphosphate (40-50 g) are added to the greenhouse. You can also add 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or potassium salt. It is allowed to use ash (300 g per sq.m.) instead of potash fertilizers.​

​If a non-hybrid was grown in a greenhouse, you can collect planting material for next year yourself. The seeds are usually taken from the largest, sweetest and most aromatic melon. They are removed along with the pulp and allowed to settle for several days. Then the seeds are washed under running warm water and laid out on a flat plate to dry.​

A trellis should be installed in advance near each row. For seven days after planting, melons cannot be watered, loosened or fed.​

​Disinfected seeds need to be soaked in warm water for germination for 12 hours. They must be ventilated every 4 hours. Sufficiently large containers are used for seedlings. In any case, their diameter should not be less than 8 cm. Soft plastic glasses are best suited for melons. When using them in the future, it will be easier to transfer the seedlings to the greenhouse.​

Hello, Vera! I’m pleased that in the reviews you can learn something useful for yourself, I live in Siberia and I want to try to plant melon and watermelon seedlings. Of course, at the beginning of April I sowed watermelon and melon in cups, they stretched out for me - I’m thinking of transplanting them into deeper dishes, but the question is whether there will be a harvest. I planted them three years ago - they turned out small, but ripe. Thank you for the advice. Iraida, Tuva.​

Melon planting

From germination to full maturity it will take 80-90 days. I planted “Blondie” once under film in a bed with manure. I really liked the unusual aromatic pulp. When this melon ripens, it exudes sweetness. strong smell, saying that it’s time to remove it from the garden. At the same time, its color becomes a little beige. The variety is characterized by large, round, slightly flattened fruits and long vines. My fruits were small, weighing only about 400 g. In the original, in hot summers they can reach up to 700 g.​

From the second ten days of May, when the seedlings have reached the stage of 5-7 true leaves, it is time to plant them in the ground. Having moistened the seedlings well, carefully plant them in holes prepared in the soil. The distance between plants is about 55 cm.

So, for melons you should choose open sunny areas, well heated, protected from cold winds. Preference should be given to southern slopes.​

​feeding melons

​After planting, water the soil generously, and then, to protect the plant from frost, cover the plant with a wooden box without a bottom or insulate it in another way - with film.​

Sow melon seeds twenty-five to thirty days before the end of the last frost in clay, plastic pots or paper cups (in the Moscow region, melons are sown in the third ten days of April. In

​In the Urals, a different technology for preparing soil for melons is common. There, instead of fertilizers, the following is used soil mixture: fresh sawdust enriched with nitrogen is mixed with peat, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride and lime are added. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, gradually adding a solution of microelements. This mixture should be spread annually in a layer of up to 20 cm on pre-loosened soil. A novice gardener should know that it is not recommended to plant material prepared in this way in the first year. The harvest from them subsequently will not be too large. Planting melons in a greenhouse or in open ground is usually done using two-year-old seeds. An operation such as feeding melons in a greenhouse is mandatory. Otherwise, the plants will develop very poorly. You can fertilize melons, for example, with a solution ammonium nitrate. This fertilizing should be applied a week after planting. After another three weeks, complex mineral fertilizer is added under the melons. After 14 days, this operation is repeated. Fill the containers with either ordinary nutritious garden soil or a mixture of soil, peat, humus and sand. Two or three seeds are planted in each glass. In the future it will be possible to leave the strongest sprout. Thanks for the interesting article)) I live on Southern Urals(Magnitogorsk), gardener - second year. I immediately planted seeds from a greenhouse (polycarbonate), variety Serezhkina Lyubov (SibSad). Available information on caring for melons; due to the heat of this summer, I have to water them almost 2 times a week (I look at the condition of the soil; if it’s wet, I don’t overwater). ​

​Melon Zimovka​

​Make sure that the root collar is not buried, otherwise there is a high risk of fungal diseases. For the same purpose, river sand should be sprinkled around the plant. While the sprouts are taking root, water the seedlings with warm water. ​

​Choose light soils with a neutral reaction. Melon is resistant to drought and soil salinity, but does not tolerate soil acidification and high humidity. My aunt in Kursk has a huge melon tree in a field in the open sun; such melons are less likely to be affected by diseases and ripen better than their “brothers” in the shade. I have slightly acidic soil in my melon patch, so I always add wood ash before planting. Do not allow the ash to come into contact with the melon root system.​

​, which is carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings, dissolve 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate, 12 grams of potassium salt in one bucket. For each plant, apply 1.5-2 liters of fertilizer into a hole 5-6 centimeters deep at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the plant stem.​

​Seedlings can be covered with cone-shaped caps made of transparent paper or plastic bottles. A few days before removing the caps, gradually accustom the plants to fresh air, for which lift the caps from the south or southwest side.​

Care for melon plantings


Once the seedlings reach 20-25 days of age, they must be planted in a greenhouse. In older plants, overgrown roots may be damaged during transplantation. The simplest arrangement of plants is in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining intervals between holes of 50-70 cm. You can plant melons in paired rows. In this case, the distance between rows in a pair is 40 cm, between pairs - 90 cm. The plants themselves in the row are planted at intervals of 35 cm.

​After the planting material has dried, it should be wrapped in paper and stored in a dark, dry, cool place. Melon seeds can retain their germination capacity for seven years.

If the soil is poor, growing melon in a polycarbonate greenhouse is done a little differently. In this case, ammonium nitrate is applied to the plants every week.​

Melon varieties

Place containers with seedlings on the windowsill. They should not be placed too close to each other. Young plants should not touch foliage. It is best to plant in mid-April. This is one of the main conditions for the success of such an enterprise as growing melons in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Early planting guarantees an early harvest.​​As soon as you sow. covered with a thin covering material (during cold nights in May and when it suddenly warmed up (so that the young leaves would not burn)). She left it to trail with the whips and did not tie it up. I used the same fertilizer as for cucumbers (health, it says for cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins). ​ ​ ​The most familiar way for everyone to grow melons is with vines spread on the ground (in a spread). With this method to obtain best harvest Above the 4th leaf, a shoot is pinched, as a result of which 2 strong side shoots grow, which can subsequently be pinned to the ground and the shoots can also be pinched. The good thing about the pinching method is that nutrients are not spent on green mass, but go into fruits. To get a good harvest, the soil needs to be filled with organic and mineral fertilizers. To do this, during the autumn digging it is necessary to add compost or humus, as well as mineral fertilizers in the form of double superphosphate. I liked the yield when adding fresh manure, the fruits were larger.​

​After three weeks, feed the plants again. After abundant watering, fill the furrow with dry soil. In the absence of organic fertilizers, the second dressing is prepared from mineral fertilizers: 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium salt are dissolved in one bucket of water. When five leaves form on the main lash, pinch the end of the lash. This will accelerate the growth of the first and second order lashes on which the ovaries appear. “Gribovskie ground” and “Podmoskovskie Lsbedevskie” melons do not need to be pinched.​

​If there is no translucent paper and wooden boxes to cover the seedlings, an earthen roller is placed around the plants using a metal molding, which protects the plant from low temperatures. For​

​and Khabarovsk sow seeds later - by the beginning - mid-May). After filling the pots (or cups) with fertile soil mixed with sand, water it with warm water. In the center of the pot, make a hole where you place two sprouted seeds and cover them with a layer of peat or sand 2-3 centimeters thick. Then place the pots in a warm room or greenhouse.​

Immediately before planting, pour 1 liter of copper sulfate solution (0.5%) into each hole. This way you will protect the melons from diseases. The plant is planted in a hole along with a lump of earth, watered and sprinkled with dry soil. You can mulch the holes with sawdust to prevent root rot. To do this, sawdust is mixed with bird droppings, ash and nitroammophos.​

So, we have found out how to care for melons in a greenhouse. The procedure is simple, but some rules still need to be followed. Plants should be watered moderately, fertilized on time and the bushes should be pinched. In this case, you can get a very good harvest of tasty and aromatic melons. After the first flowers appear, the plants begin to be fed with liquid universal fertilizer. Use it before the first ovaries appear. From this time on, melons begin to be fed liquid fertilizer for tomatoes.​

​After five true leaves appear on the plants, they can be transferred to the greenhouse. Before planting in a permanent place, you should pinch off the top of each melon.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

​if anyone needs Uzbek or Turkmen melon seeds - write [email protected]

Vera, Orel

​This variety is a late variety. Most likely, it will be quite difficult to grow it in central Russia. More than 90 days will pass from germination to ripening. In the State Register, the variety is recommended for planting in the Lower Volga region. A strong climbing plant. The fruits are light yellow-green, without stripes, but with a large mesh on the skin. Juicy pulp of light green color. Not very crispy, but tender. The weight of the fruit can reach up to 2.5 kg. Well transported and stored.​

But do not forget about the trellis method of growing melon, in which a frame about 2 m high is prepared in advance and already on the 4th day after planting the plant is tied with a rope, the upper end of which is fixed to the trellis. The plant will twist up the rope. With the trellis method, the growing point is also pinched. This happens immediately after planting in the ground above 3-4 leaves. After pinching, side shoots form from the axillary buds of the plant. Leave the 2 strongest ones, remove the rest. Tie both shoots in turn to the trellis. The advantages of this method are that the lashes are better illuminated and warmed up, which has a qualitative effect on the harvest.​

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

​In central Russia, melon is grown by seedlings. To do this, in mid-March or late April, we sow seedlings with a sowing depth of about 1.5 cm. I use soil purchased at a specialized store.​

When long lashes form on melons

Vera, Orel

Pepe-grown melon seedlings

Andrey, Russia

​As soon as the melon shoots begin to appear, remove the weaker plant by pinching off the stem with your fingernail so as not to damage the roots. When growing seedlings in greenhouses, remove the mats during the day, and on warm days, slightly raise the outer frames of the greenhouse (for ventilation). If melon seedlings are grown indoors on a windowsill, place them in the brightest place. In case of excessive elongation of the seedling stem, it is twisted in the form of a corkscrew, as shown in the photo.​

OLGA, Kaluga

Watering of plants begins on the 7th day after planting the seedlings. Water the melons with warm water. At different stages of growth, plants consume different amounts of water. At the initial stages, watering should not be abundant, otherwise the plants may get sick. But during the period of fruit ripening, moisture consumption will increase significantly. Dry soil can cause the fruit to develop cracks. Monitor the air humidity - it should not exceed 70%. To do this, the greenhouse should be regularly ventilated. Watermelon is not only a wonderful taste and aroma, but also a berry that has many beneficial properties for the body. For example, it contains fructose, pectin substances that improve digestion, magnesium salts, calcium, iron, fiber and B vitamins. This gift of summer helps with anemia, edema, kidney stone diseases, and is also used as a restorative agent after operations under anesthesia . Few people know that, in addition to the pulp, the seeds in watermelon are beneficial. They, along with pumpkin, are anthelmintic and contain a large amount of vitamin D. In rural areas, thick watermelon rinds are still tied to the head instead of pills for headaches and migraines.​

Irina Belova, Kazan

​As with seedlings, the soil under large melons is moistened only as needed. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. But too much moisture will be very harmful for melons. In order to prevent rotting of the roots or stem, two grooves should be dug on both sides of each row. They are sprayed with water from a hose. Water the melons very carefully. Water should not get on the leaves and stems.​

Salchak Iraida, Kyzyl

​The seedling method is simply an excellent answer to the question of how to grow melon in the Urals in a greenhouse, or even in Siberia. If in the European part of Russia the seeds can still be planted under polycarbonate directly in the ground, then in cold regions it is still better to use this particular technique. But, of course, good results can only be achieved if the seedlings are properly cared for.​

Oksana, Russia

​I want to invite you to make an announcement in our new section I will give and exchange. You can read about how to correctly compose an ad and what must be included in it here

​I like melon - its aroma immediately improves my mood)) But I didn’t even think about growing it in our area - I thought that the plant was too heat-loving and capricious for the unpredictable summer of the Middle Zone. Vera, now I understand how mistaken I was and how much I lost by refusing the experiment! I'll fix it! :)) Thanks for the useful article!​

Olga, Rybnitsa

​When the seedlings are tied up, they need regular watering, which should be stopped when the fruits appear so that they can pick up sugar. When watering, it is worth considering that if there is excess moisture, the melon roots can rot.​

​If you make the mixture yourself, then it should consist of turf soil, peat, humus, mixed with mineral fertilizer and wood ash. Take peat and turf soil in equal proportions, humus - one part more.​


​, spread them evenly on the surface of the soil and pin them to the ground with flyers, which will promote the formation of additional roots and, therefore, better nutrition of the plants.​

    The best varieties of melons in the Urals Eggplants how to grow

Melons and watermelons love the sun very much and feel comfortable in the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus, the Astrakhan Region, the Primorsky Territory and other regions with a similar climate. They grow in open ground in fields called melons, which is why these plants are called melons. But gardeners from the Urals, Siberia and the North-Western part of Russia do not lag behind their colleagues from the south and can also grow watermelon or melon in their garden. They plant melons not in open ground, but in greenhouses. Fruits from the north, of course, are smaller in size than those from the south, but they are still very tasty.

Melon crops do not like transplanting, so they are planted in the ground only after the first true leaf appears.

Melons and watermelons are divided into different varieties. The choice of any of them depends on the climate in the place where the seeds are planted and the preferences of the gardener. Melons are used for food not only fresh, but they are also used to make jam and even salted for the winter.

Selecting seeds for different regions

The first priority if you want to grow any plant is to buy high-quality seeds.

This rule also applies to watermelons and melons. It is best to purchase seeds in specialized stores or at fairs. It is not recommended to buy them secondhand from private individuals or in markets, as they may be replaced with cheaper and lower quality ones. Melon seeds differ in ripening time into early, mid-ripening, mid-late and late. The former ripen in mid-June, and the latter in autumn.

It is better to purchase seeds in specialized stores. Preference should be given to products from your region.

There are a great variety of watermelon varieties that can be grown in the southern part of the country: Astrakhan, Madeira F1, Crimson Sweet, Galaxy, Black Prince, Competitor, etc. (more than 100 types of varieties). Watermelons grow large, sweet, juicy, fruit weight is from 7 to 20 kg. Things are completely different in the northern regions, where only a few types of the largest berries can be planted. These include Ogonyok, Sugar Baby, Early Kuban, Siberian Lights. The fruits are usually no heavier than 5 kg, but juicy and tasty. Watermelon pulp is not only red or pink, but also yellow.

There are several dozen types of melons, the most famous of them are honey, aikido, Scythian gold, Altai, Cinderella, collective farmer, Iroquois and others. In sunny regions you can grow any variety, but in Siberia and the Urals it is better to plant early ripening varieties, for example, Altai or Barnaulka. The weight of the fetus ranges from 0.50 to 3 kg. The flesh of the melon is very juicy and sweet, like that of a watermelon, white or yellow in color.

You can grow melon or watermelon in open ground or in a greenhouse. At the same time, the technology for growing melons in different conditions very similar. Below we describe step by step how to grow a melon or watermelon in the garden.

Preparation of soil, seeds, seedlings

To grow a melon or watermelon, experienced gardener begins preparations in the fall. He chooses a sunny place in advance, well protected from the wind, and fertilizes it. To do this, you need to dig up the soil in the place where the melons will be grown and mix it with fertilizers, for example, peat or humus. Feeding the soil before the onset of winter increases its fertility.

If you didn’t fertilize the melon in the fall, don’t be upset; if you do everything else correctly, you’ll have a juicy and tasty harvest. In the spring, a few weeks before planting the seeds, dig up the bed and add organic fertilizer. Melons do not favor clay soil, but you can add a few buckets of sand to it. Just before sowing, the land is fertilized again with manure and other fertilizers.

Next you need to prepare the seeds. Melon seeds are first soaked in a special solution for 10-12 hours. This solution can be bought in a store or made independently from boric acid, zinc sulfate and water. Watermelon seeds are soaked in warm salted water for a whole day. It is advisable to wait until the sprout appears. In this case, you do not need to cut the seed so that it grows faster.

Growing watermelons and melons is not complete without seedlings. It is planted to quickly reap the desired harvest. Also, a plant germinated in advance at home is already prepared for growth in open ground. Another agricultural technology is also used for growing melons - grafting plants, but planting seedlings is more convenient and familiar. Sometimes in warm southern regions the seeds are immediately sown in the garden. For seedlings, you need small pots with a diameter of no more than 10 cm, the composition of the soil in them is: 1/3 soil, a glass (250 ml) of wood ash, a little sand and peat. You can mix it yourself or buy ready-made soil for melons in the store.

Seedlings are sown at the end of April, 2-3 seeds (depending on size) in one pot. After 7-10 days, shoots will appear. When they grow up, you need to leave one of the strongest sprouts. The seedlings need to be loosened, watered only at the root, but not flooded; melons and watermelons do not really like water. The minimum temperature for plant development is 15 °C.

Sowing seedlings for melons and greenhouses

In the southern, coastal and black earth regions, seedlings are transplanted at the end of May. To grow melon or watermelon in other regions of Russia, it is better to transplant in the second ten days of June. In Siberia and in early June there may be frosts on the soil at night; melons will die in such weather even in a greenhouse.

To transplant melons in the garden, make holes at a distance of 70-90 cm from each other. Then carefully remove the root from the pot along with the soil and transplant it into the hole, but do not bury it completely, let it be 0.50 cm above ground level. Next you need to sprinkle it with soil, water it and observe for 2-3 days (it will be accepted or not). Small plants can be covered with film at night and in rainy weather.

The roots of watermelon seedlings are transferred to the soil along with soil from the pot. The distance between the holes in which watermelons are planted is 1.00 - 1.50 m. The distance between adjacent rows on a melon patch is at least 0.50 m, the holes in different rows are staggered. Watermelon sprouts are buried in holes below the ground level in the garden bed; each root must be watered with 2 liters of water and surrounded with sand so as not to rot. Observation of watermelons is carried out for 2-3 days.

Melons are planted in a greenhouse in the same way as in open ground. But greenhouses have special requirements for watermelons and melons: average humidity (no more than 65%), daytime temperature - 30 °C, night temperature - 18 °C, frequent ventilation. Although melons and watermelons love the sun, they need to be kept in the shade for the first 2 days after planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse.

To grow a rich harvest of melons or watermelons, the plants need to be watered, weeded, hilled, loosened, and pinched. You need to water very carefully so that water does not fall on the leaves and stems, but only on the ground near the root. The water should be warm. Watermelons need to be watered once a week, during the period of flowering and fruit formation - 2 times, if it is hot outside. Melons are watered abundantly during flowering and fruit formation at the root, and then only in the furrows between the holes.

You need to loosen the plants once a week, but not deeply, because watermelons and melons have very branched roots. When ovaries form, melons need to be weeded and hilled. In order to separate several additional ones from the main stem, during formation you need to pinch the melon stem every 5-6 leaves; if the ovaries do not appear, then after the 3rd. The watermelon has only one main stem; after the ovaries appear, it is pinched off. During ripening, watermelons need to be turned from side to side so that they ripen evenly.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

How to grow melon or watermelon without fertilizers? This is possible, but the quality and quantity of the harvest will be much worse, even if you grow on very fertile soil. All plants need feeding. The most common fertilizers: manure, humus, wood ash, bird droppings. They are added to the soil in which melons will be grown. Nitrogen mixtures are also added to the soil, but not much, otherwise the plant will not form ovaries for a long time.


Feeding is needed so that melons and watermelons grow and ripen faster, do not get sick, do not rot, and the fruits are sweeter and larger. Infusions of bird droppings, wood ash, and mullein are suitable for melons. You can also buy other fertilizers in stores, such as potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, nitrogen, phosphate fertilizers, etc. They are diluted with water according to the instructions on the package. There is no need to violate the dosage; you may harm the plants. Fertilizing is usually done when planting in the ground, during the formation of flowers and ovaries.


Watermelon - growing in the Urals is possible!

Watermelon is not only a wonderful taste and aroma, but also a berry that has many beneficial properties for the body. For example, it contains fructose, pectin substances that improve digestion, magnesium salts, calcium, iron, fiber and B vitamins. This gift of summer helps with anemia, edema, kidney stone diseases, and is also used as a restorative agent after operations under anesthesia . Few people know that, in addition to the pulp, the seeds in watermelon are beneficial. They, along with pumpkin, are anthelmintic and contain a large amount of vitamin D. In rural areas, thick watermelon rinds are still tied to the head instead of tablets for headaches and migraines.

Volgograd, Astrakhan regions, Kalmykia, Uzbekistan - these are the regions where watermelon grows. Growing this crop in the Urals is associated with certain difficulties, primarily due to climatic conditions. This berry is very thermophilic: for germination it requires at least 17°C, and for optimal growth - more than 25°C during the day and from 18°C ​​at night. Watermelons, the cultivation of which in the Urals is often difficult due to high air humidity, require fairly dry air (60-70%). Excessive “water” leads to fungal diseases, plant death or a significant deterioration in the quality of the fruit.

What do you need to do to get delicious watermelon in your garden? Growing in the Urals and central Russia requires a very careful approach to the selection of seed. Experts recommend the varieties “Sugar Baby”, “Skorik” or “Ogonyok”, which ripen in 60-70 days, which exactly corresponds to the warm season. Group F1 (“Creamstar”, “Moscow Charleston”, etc.) is also suitable. But these plants do not produce good seeds for the next year. When choosing a variety, you need to look at the number of days from fruit set to readiness. This determines whether the watermelon will ripen, the cultivation of which in the Urals is limited to the warm days of the short summer. You can also pay attention to the shape of the fruit, large fruit size, and transportability if you are going to grow products for sale. Seed packets should only be taken from special stores, because... in markets they may be frozen due to improper storage.

So, we want to get watermelons in the Urals. Growing the crop begins with washing the seed material in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. This achieves disinfection and rejection of floating specimens. This is followed by heating the seeds near the radiator (the temperature should not exceed 50°C), which should begin about a week before the intended sowing. The sowing itself is usually done in mid- or late April.

The seeds can be planted in milk bags to a depth of about 3 cm, after spilling the soil with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. The bag is closed with polyethylene and placed on the sunny side of the window. The optimal temperature for seedlings is about 27°C, at which the seedlings will be ready in a month (have 3-5 leaves).

If you don’t want the weather to destroy your watermelon, you should start growing this plant under film in the Urals, planting seedlings between the 15th and 20th of May. The distance between the sprouts should be about half a meter; about a kilogram of compost is added to each hole and spilled with warm water. The seedling ball should rise slightly above the ridge (a couple of centimeters) so that the plant does not rot. The film is removed from the ridges in mid-late June, when the watermelon blooms. After 2-3 fruits have formed, the remaining ovaries are trimmed and excess branches are removed so that the remaining watermelons receive more light. The maturity of fruits is determined not by size, but by the clear pattern that appears, a decrease in wax coating, and a dull sound when tapped. The ability to distinguish a ripe fruit from an unripe one comes only with experience. And experience makes it possible to grow some exotic varieties, like watermelon with yellow flesh or a square shape.


Grow watermelons | Varieties of watermelons from Siberia and the Urals | Amur vegetable garden | Far East portal

Grow watermelons in the Far East, Urals and Siberia

The cultivation of this crop is mainly carried out in the southern regions, in the Far East, Siberia and the Urals it is not bred on an industrial scale. Grow watermelons in the Far East- Can! For its cultivation, raised manure or deep soils are used. warm beds. Watermelons in the Far East in Siberia or the Urals They often don’t have time to keep up. To do this, many gardeners resort to planting early ripening varieties of watermelon, such as Crimpson, Sweet Baby, Sugar Baby, and Ogonyok. The most effective are Gypsy and Striped. The Amur vegetable garden wishes you success!

Planting watermelon seedlings

We recommend sowing pre-prepared watermelon seedlings into the ground. Its approximate age should be 25 days. The approximate time for planting seedlings in the ground for Siberia and the Far East is June 10-12. I plant the sprouts one at a time in fertilized holes (pour 2 handfuls of humus and a handful of (quick ash) into each hole).

The holes should be located at a distance of 0.7-0.8 meters, the distance between rows should be 1.5-1.7 meters. If you are afraid of frost, cover the planted watermelon seedlings with film.

Important! The soil in the garden should be covered with black for the whole summer. plastic film by making slits in which you can plant watermelon seedlings.

Caring for watermelons

You can speed up the growth of seedlings in the ground by fertilizing. 7 days after planting watermelons in Siberia or the Far East, add an infusion of cow manure and water to the soil. The concentration should be 1 to 10.

Somewhere towards the end of July and beginning of August, to accelerate the growth of the berries and improve the taste, carry out 2-3 feedings, the interval between them should be about 7 days. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be added to the soil. The concentration should be 1 matchbox per 1 square meter or prepare a watering solution in the ratio of 1 matchbox per 10 liters of water and water your watermelons.

Watermelons need to be watered often but not too much. By August, watering should be stopped and the watermelons should be allowed to ripen.

Get a watermelon harvest in Siberia

For the speedy formation of fruits and their normal growth, pinching of watermelons is necessary. One plant should have two stepsons that will bear fruit in the future. This will significantly accelerate the growth of the sweet berry. If you don’t pinch off the remaining stepsons, they will draw nutritional moisture and minerals onto themselves.

During the formation of the importation, when the fetus becomes the size of an egg, it is necessary to pay personal attention to each future fetus. You can place a wooden or plastic board under each berry - this will protect the fruit from rotting.


Tell me, what type of melon ripens best in the Urals? And when to plant seedlings?

Natalia Solovyova

The agricultural company Biotekhnika has a melon hybrid, Gerda, especially for your climate. Bred for cold climates.
Kolkhoz and pineapple will not have time to ripen in your climate and will not be tasty. Look for zoned varieties.

Igor Vertogradov

Have watermelons been grown in the Urals for a long time?

Irina Shabalina

For seedlings - a month before the intended planting. The varieties are the earliest, medium-sized - now there is a large choice - Imperial, Pineapple, Early Love, Honey Ball, a very reliable variety Kolkhoznitsa.

Natalia Zakharova

Pineapple, Zlato Skifov, Collective Farmer. They are quick to ripen, so they will ripen for you too. I plant from seedlings and grow them in a greenhouse.

Elena Gubaidullina

Buy Kolkhoznitsa seeds

I want to plant a watermelon this year. Please share your advice from anyone who has already grown watermelon in the Urals, will it grow or not?

Anastasia Stepanova

A watermelon will be normal, just take small ones, like a light, and you need to grow seedlings... I grow seedlings in peat pots. From the purchased seeds, I choose 4-5 best seeds or germinate them in gauze and choose from them. I put them in cake boxes or flower boxes on the window and place pots in them, so there’s less dirt... On June 6-12 I put it under trees in the shade for 2-3 days, plant it in the ground (there is no greenhouse), I grow 5-8 watermelons on one vine and eat it in August September. (I live in Novosibirsk). The weather conditions are similar, perhaps it’s warmer here...


If he grows up, he will grow up...
but it won't be very sweet)

Svetlana Kharina

The sweetness of watermelon depends on the degree of ripeness and annual temperature. May grow small. We grew it in Belarus, in the northern region: it was like a huge plum and sweet, sweeter than usual, but without seeds (we grew it from the seed of an Astrakhan watermelon).

Alina Reva

Unlike cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins, watermelon is more heat-loving crop, and, unfortunately, varieties that can grow in our conditions without shelter have not yet been invented. Therefore, not every gardener dares to plant this plant in their garden.

But you can grow it in the Urals almost without any special difficulties if you provide it with a minimum necessary conditions, and, no less important, observing the technology of its cultivation. After all, in every plot of ours, other “children of the tropics” – tomatoes and cucumbers, peppers and eggplants – grow and bear fruit magnificently. So is it possible to grow watermelon in the Urals?

Watermelon – annual herbaceous plant. It has a powerful root system, and its taproot penetrates the soil to a depth of more than 1 meter. Thick lateral roots extend from the main root, which are located in the arable layer at a depth of 20-30 cm; smaller roots are located below. This arrangement of the roots of the watermelon is its adaptation to the use of even light precipitation.

The stem of the watermelon is long and creeping. The strongly cut pubescent leaves are gray-green in color and have long petioles; tendrils emerge from the axils of the leaves.

Watermelon is a monoecious plant. The male flowers bloom first, then the female ones. There are many more male flowers than female ones. Pollination is mainly done by insects.

Watermelon fruits different varieties very different in size, shape, bark color, pulp color and structure, seed size and shape, etc. This “berry” in southern varieties can reach a weight of up to 25 kg or more. The ripe pulp of watermelon is red in most varieties, white or yellowish in some, very juicy and sweet. Numerous flat seeds are embedded in the pulp.

Watermelons have exceptionally high taste and are the most popular and affordable dessert dish in Russia. Usually watermelons are eaten fresh; some gourmets salt them.

Watermelon has a rich chemical composition. Thanks to the presence of vitamin C and folic acid, it actively promotes hematopoiesis and the regulation of fat metabolism. And the high content of easily digestible organic iron is useful for anemia and pregnant women.

Its pulp has the strongest diuretic effect, stimulates intestinal motility, helps eliminate excess cholesterol from the body, and is useful for diabetes. Watermelon is an excellent food for treating obesity and the need for fasting.

A true southerner
Watermelon is an extremely heat-loving crop. At a temperature of 30-32 degrees, its seeds germinate within 3-4 days, and seedlings can appear within 8-10 days. Higher air temperatures in the greenhouse (about 40°C) worsen the conditions for pollination of flowers, but are very useful for fruit ripening.

When the temperature drops to 18 degrees, watermelon seeds may rot and not germinate. As the temperature drops to 15°C, the vital activity of the plant weakens, which causes flowers to fall off and growth to stop, and at a temperature of 10°C the assimilation process stops. Watermelon is also sensitive to strong daily temperature fluctuations. That’s why when growing this “berry” you can’t rely on chance.
Watermelons are drought resistant and high humidity They don't need air. Soil moisture should be closely monitored only during seed germination and seedling emergence.

About a month after emergence, shoots begin to grow rapidly. At this time, the root system is formed and the lack of moisture is less dangerous for the plant. Largest quantity water is required during fruit growth. But excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the plant.

Watermelon is demanding of sunlight. It does not tolerate shading and thickening, does not do well in prolonged cloudy weather, accumulating little sugar in its fruits. It is especially sensitive to shading during the early growth period and during flowering. Therefore, it is always necessary to pay attention to the timely cleaning of glass in the greenhouse from dirt and dust...

whether it will grow up with you or not... Depends on you


Mavo guys are growing up in Irkutsk. True, not big, but sweet.

Tatyana Pavlova

The watermelon will grow, you need to take zoned varieties and grow them through seedlings, then under cover until the end of frost on the soil. . Plant in the sunniest place, without shade. I bought Chill and Sugar Baby Super Run for this year. - south ural

Rukhshod Dadomatov

)) yes you can get a normal watermelon, you just need to add river sand into the soil 20% watermelon in Tajikistan after germination we illuminate the seedlings around the clock.... 4-5 days. but watermelons need large cups. 0.8 liter cups are large at the roots... and after germination, light around the clock or 18 hours for 4-5 days, this is the secret of great success in the Harvest. . Our cows are fed watermelon, such a harvest. .


Mine grew, but not very big, with a thin crust and sweet. Growing conditions are the same as for cucumbers.


Who doesn't love juicy and fragrant melon? There are many varieties of them. They may have different tastes and sizes, as well as different shapes, but without exception, they all want to grow in a hot, sunny climate. But gardeners and gardeners have nevertheless adapted to care for this wonderful plant in our climate. Growing melon in open ground requires some knowledge and skills. However, like caring for any other crop.

This plant does not tolerate excess moisture, but is not afraid of direct rays of the sun. This article will look at how melon is grown in open ground. Varieties, planting and care depending on climatic conditions - all this will be described in detail.

Preparing the right area

Everyone knows that the fragrant beauty from the south will not tolerate any garden bed that comes her way. It is necessary to prepare such a plot of soil that your melon will love it. Growing in open ground requires the start of preparatory measures in the fall. In September, the bed where melons will grow in the future should be thoroughly dug up. This does not need to be done to great depth. Digging with a shovel on a bayonet is considered sufficient. It is also necessary to apply fertilizer. To do this, use humus at the rate of four kilograms per square meter of area. If the soil is clayey, then river sand should also be added to it. For one square meter, as a rule, half a bucket of sand is used.

What to do with the seeds? Preparatory stage

To get good seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the seeds. You can simply purchase them at the store or prepare them yourself. For a good harvest, choose seeds that are three or even four years old.

They must be large. Seeds should be treated with boric acid and zinc sulfate. They should be soaked in this solution for twelve hours. Growing melon in open ground also involves hardening the seeds. To do this, they need to be immersed in water at a temperature of thirty-five degrees, removed, then kept for twenty-four hours in conditions where the temperature environment equal to 20 degrees Celsius. Next, the temperature is reduced little by little until it drops to zero. In this mode, the seeds are kept for another twenty hours and the temperature is again raised to twenty degrees. This entire procedure is repeated three times in the last seven days before the day on which the landing is planned.


Seeds for seedlings are sown in pots made of plastic or cardboard. They are filled with a planting mixture consisting of peat and sand in a ratio of nine to one, and one glass of wood ash is added per ten liters of soil.

In each pot you need to plant two or three seeds at a depth of five centimeters. All this should be placed where the temperature during the day is eighteen degrees Celsius, and at night does not fall below fifteen. Future plants should be kept in such conditions until the first shoots appear. As soon as the first shoots appear, and this is about a week later, you need to select one of the shoots, the strongest, and remove the rest.

After the fourth leaf appears, the plant must be pinched. This will stimulate the formation of side shoots. When watering seedlings, make sure that water does not get on the leaves and stems. The seeds are sown in April and the melons are transplanted into the ground after twenty-five days.


Growing melon in open ground requires preliminary preparation of the beds. Small depressions are made in the soil. The distance between them should be about eighty centimeters. Under no circumstances should you plant your seedlings during frost periods. Better wait this time out. In this process, the most important thing is not to damage the root system. Plant the sprouts along with the soil that is in the pots.

Water is poured into each hole and a little manure is added. Plant the seedlings in such a way that the stem does not deepen. When all the seedlings are planted, they need to be watered and sprinkled with dry soil. During the first two days it should be in the shade. Thanks to this, the melons will be cooked much faster. To prevent exposure to temperature fluctuations during the day and night, and also to protect the plant from rain, cover the seedlings with film.

Features of varieties. Melon Collective Farmer. Growing in open ground

There are different varieties of melons. Let's look at some of them.

The Alushta variety ripens within seventy days. Melons are large in size and oval in shape.

They are orange-yellow in color, with dark orange streaks on the surface. Melon pulp is white in color and has a sweet taste.

Dessert melon is smaller in size and has a short oval shape. The pulp is white, with a greenish tint, very juicy and sweet. The difference between the variety is its long-term storage after harvesting.

Yuzhanka is a variety distinguished by round fruits of a fairly large size (reaching two kilograms). Has high sugar content.

The most popular option for growing in central Russia is the Kolkhoznitsa variety.

Melons of this variety are round in shape and orange in color. They weigh up to one kilogram. The pulp is very sweet and light, white in color. This variety is sown to produce seedlings at the end of April, and in mid-May it is already planted under film.

Growing melons in the Moscow region in open ground begins no earlier than when the seedlings are 35 days old. It is possible to grow a crop in a plant. But in this case, it is necessary to place moisture-resistant material under the melons. This prevents fruit spoilage. It is necessary to observe regular watering and weeding. This melon is fed with organic as well as mineral fertilizers.

Soil care

The soil on which melon grows needs special care. It must be loosened. The first two times you should loosen no deeper than fifteen centimeters, and the next time - ten centimeters. Do not loosen the soil too close to the plant stem. When the first side lashes appear, the melon is hilled up. To do this, screw the earthen roller onto the stem of the plant.

Features of watering

Water melons should be as moderate as possible. If there is dew on the grass in the morning, then the melon should not be watered at all. If moistening is still carried out, then it must be done very carefully and between rows. Under no circumstances should water get on the leaves or stems.


The plant experiences the first pinching in the seedling state. The melon is pinched again after adaptation in the soil above the seventh leaf. The same should be done with the side branches. In the future, it is necessary to remove all excess flowers. There should be three tied fruits left, located at a distance from each other. All shoots that do not bear fruit are subject to destruction. They should not draw juices from the main plant.

Fertilizer application

The first feeding of melon must be done as soon as two weeks have passed after planting in the ground. Add saltpeter, chicken manure or mullein. Plant fertilizers are produced every ten days. Use complex fertilizers with the addition of ash or chicken droppings. Stop fertilizing as soon as the fruits begin to ripen. Weeding is carried out only if necessary. The canes should be guided in their growth so that they do not fall between the rows, and a piece of plywood should be placed under each melon. This will protect the fruits from rotting.

How to care for melons depending on where they grow

Depending on where you plan to grow melons, some aspects of caring for this plant may differ. For example, growing melons in Siberia in open ground requires good seed hardening before sowing. This event increases the cold resistance of melon and also contributes to the earlier appearance of fruits. Seed hardening can be done using variable temperatures, or resort to short-term freezing.

Sawdust, coarse sand or other raising agents must be added to the soil. Melons are planted in areas that are not only well-warmed and sunny, but also maximally protected from the cold winds of the North. Artificial pollination, which is carried out in the morning, is of great importance for melons growing in Siberia.

Growing melon in Belarus in open ground also has its own characteristics. Not every species is able to produce a good harvest in these climatic conditions. Therefore, the most important thing is to choose the right variety. The best option is considered to be European varieties with a growing season of less than seventy days. Melon seedlings in Belarus are planted only in the first ten days of June. The soil is deeply plowed and weeds are thoroughly controlled, resorting to continuous semi-steam tillage.

Let's also consider growing melon in the Urals in open ground. This plant is grown in harsh conditions together with tomatoes and cucumbers exclusively in greenhouses. Seedlings are planted only when the soil warms up to fourteen degrees. Overmoistening of the soil is not allowed.

As soon as the melons reach the size of an apple, they are placed in nylon nets, which are attached to a trellis. The degree of ripeness of the fruit is determined by the change in color and the appearance of aroma.

So, we have looked at how melon is grown in open ground. And although the main measures for planting and caring for this plant are similar to each other, there are still certain nuances in different regions. Choose the right melon variety for your area and follow the rules for caring for this crop. And then you will certainly be rewarded with tasty and aromatic sunny fruits.


Watermelon: growing in the Urals is possible

Watermelons in the Urals: cultivation

Usually, amateur gardeners, having chosen watermelons as a garden crop to grow on their plot, make every effort to ensure that they become especially large and juicy, and certainly sweet. But in reality, despite care, regular watering and loosening the soil, watermelons often do not live up to the expectations of their owners, growing small, inconspicuous and tasteless. After failure, many people no longer dare to choose a berry like watermelon. Growing such a crop in the Urals is quite a troublesome task, requiring adherence to basic rules. It is much easier, according to some gardeners, to care for other plants that do not create similar problems. In order to grow a watermelon, high air temperatures are required, so only a hot summer with enough sunlight is favorable for such a berry to grow large, juicy and velvety.

Features of cultivation

If the weather is rainy and cool throughout the summer, it is impossible to get a large and sweet watermelon. For this reason, growing in the Urals is somewhat difficult. Steppe watermelons have an incredibly pleasant taste and natural aroma, which hybrid varieties that can withstand not very favorable climatic conditions lack. The watermelon plant has a powerful root system, which gradually develops as it grows; it is with its help that the berry receives all the necessary nutrients. For proper penetration of powerful roots into the depths, sandy loam soil is required. It is important to remember that “heavy” soil prevents the full growth and development of the plant as a whole. Weeds are especially dangerous for such berries, which can lead to its death. It does not matter in what area the plant is grown.

Seeds, soil

All weeds must be weeded on time and regularly, and removed from the soil on which the watermelon grows. Growing such a berry in the Urals may well turn out to be promising, provided that it is properly cared for. All seeds that have defects cannot be sown, since they will not produce a high-quality harvest. To avoid being put at a disadvantage, it is recommended to purchase seeds only from reputable organizations. Dense soil must be loosened. Before planting a watermelon, you should germinate the seeds, for which you need to fill them with water, the temperature of which is no more than sixty and no less than fifty degrees. Then the water is drained, after which the seeds are soaked again and waiting for germination. At the right approach and organizing the gardening business, a fairly juicy watermelon grows. Growing in the Urals is possible only in good summer. The seeds of the plant are usually stored in a warm place from the last month of summer. It is recommended to treat them with a manganese solution (dark) for fifteen minutes and rinse. Can be used at night ash solution. If the berries are grown in a greenhouse, you can get a particularly rich harvest. In a greenhouse it is quite possible to grow a large number of fruits, four times the yield under normal conditions.

During planting, maintain a distance of two meters between rows, which will make it possible to obtain large watermelons. Growing in the Urals does not differ in its rules from those followed by gardeners in other areas. No more than ten seeds per meter should be sown in one row. Must remain the most powerful plants, the depth of the hole is eight centimeters, you need to pour at least one liter of water into it. After the soil has been absorbed, the seeds are placed in the hole, sprinkled with soil, and trampled down. There is no need to water immediately after planting. First, water the plant for its best growth, after which watering should not be frequent (up to three buckets of water once every fourteen days).


How to choose the right varieties

Fragrant and tasty melon grown in the Urals

It's probably no secret to anyone that melon is a very heat-loving plant. Therefore, in the southern regions of the country you can grow all kinds of varieties of this melon crop. As for the choice of seed for the Ural region, there are several recommendations for the correct selection of melon varieties.

First of all, you need to know that due to the cold natural climate of the Ural region, you need to choose melon seeds of early and mid-early varieties so that the plant’s vegetation is invested in a short summer period.

The most optimal sowing material for melons are the following varieties of this melon crop:

  • "The Dream of a Sybarite." This variety is rightfully considered ultra-early ripening, since the period from the emergence of seedlings to the first ripened fruits is only 50-55 days. From one melon bush of this variety you can collect about 15-20 fruits per season, the average weight of which is 350-450 grams. It should also be noted that this type of melon is a medium-sized plant that bears fruit until the first frost. The fruits of this variety are oval in shape with green stripes, and the flesh is white, very sweet and juicy;
  • "Cinderella". This melon variety is quite early ripening, because the growing season is no more than 60 days. It has a fairly high level of productivity. The fruits, weighing one kilogram, have a yellow peel with a convex mesh pattern. This melon variety is medium in size and therefore very easy to care for;
  • Melon variety "Kolkhoznitsa". The fruit of this variety is spherical in shape, the pulp is dense and sweet. The variety is resistant to temperature changes. From germination to the appearance of the first fruits, as a rule, 2-3 months pass;
  • "A pineapple". This is a medium-ripening melon variety. The peel of the fruit is orange in color and oval-round in shape. The weight of melons ranges from 1 to 1.8 kg. The peculiarity of this melon variety is that the stem has few female flowers, so there is a need for pinching the plant;
  • "Iroquois". The ripening period of this variety is 70-80 days. The fruits are oval in shape with a yellow-green peel, and their weight ranges from 1.1 to 1.6 kg. The peculiarity of this melon variety is that the plant has a fairly strong whip. Accordingly, the average yield is 7 kg/m2;
  • "Gold of the Scythians f1". The ripening period of this melon hybrid is 75-85 days. The fruits weighing 1-1.5 kg have a round shape with a yellow peel. Productivity is 6 kg/m2;
  • "Tamanskaya". This melon variety is considered early ripening, since the ripening period is 50-75 days. The fruits are oval in shape and yellow in color, and their weight ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 kg;
  • "Done f1." This is an early ripening hybrid, since the first harvest is harvested 50-55 days after planting the seedlings. The fruits are oval in shape, and their weight can range from 2 to 6 kg. This melon variety has good disease resistance.

Thus, we have indicated only the best varieties of melons that are optimally suited for planting in the Urals region.

Our next article talks about the secrets of growing Aikido melon.

Soil preparation

Preparing the soil for planting melon seeds

An important aspect of good melon growth is preliminary preparation soil in the selected area.

To do this, you need to perform the following steps:

  • in the fall it is good to dig up that part of the ground on which you plan to plant melons;
  • simultaneously with digging, it is good to add a sufficient amount of humus or nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • Before planting melons in the spring, the selected area is carefully cultivated, and organic fertilizers are applied.

Worth knowing: Pre-winter fertilization significantly increases the fertility of the soil.

When the soil for planting melons is ready, you can proceed to seed treatment.

Seed preparation

Soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate

Today, there are quite a lot of methods for pre-sowing treatment of melon seeds. We will describe the most polar methods that do not require significant investments and labor costs:

  • the seed is placed in a container and filled with warm saline solution for about a day, while the greatest effect can be achieved when sprouts begin to appear;
  • melon seeds are soaked for 10 hours in a special solution, which consists of zinc sulfate and boric acid, and then slightly dried in a warm place;
  • the seed is soaked for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then wrapped in a damp cloth, wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a warm place until sprouts appear.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in pre-sowing seed treatment, so every gardener can do it with his own hands.

Seedling care

Growing melon seedlings

In the Ural region, it is most effective to grow melons using seedlings (planting melons as seedlings is described in detail in this article).

This statement is based on the fact that, despite the coldness of the climate, the melon crop will be much more protected from weather “surprises” and the time spent in open ground will be significantly reduced.

Operations for caring for melon seedlings consist of the following important points:

  1. Pots for melon seedlings are pre-prepared. It is desirable that the volume of these containers be approximately 300-400 ml. This is due to the fact that in this case the root system of melons will develop well.
  2. The pots are filled with a mixture that consists of soil, peat, humus and sand in equal proportions. At the same time, it is also worth soaking this mixture well with warm water.
  3. Pre-soaked and treated seeds are planted one in each pot. Advice for gardeners: if the seeds are dry, then it is advisable to plant three seeds in each container. This is done in case some seeds may simply not sprout.
  4. When the first shoots appear, all shoots are carefully examined and the weaker ones are removed. It is also worth knowing that in order to protect seedlings from the appearance of diseases, it is necessary to sprinkle the surface of each pot with wood ash.
  5. The key stage in the effective growth of melon seedlings is regular watering, which should preferably be done with rainwater.
  6. Two weeks after the appearance of the first shoots, the plants are fed with a solution of mullein or chicken manure, the concentration of which should be no more than 5%.

From the above operations we can safely conclude that proper care seedlings of melons will guarantee a good harvest of tasty melons in the future.

And here you can get acquainted with the technology of growing melon of the “Amal” variety.

Planting melons and caring for them

Planting melons in a permanent place

It is worth noting one important point: melons and melons in the Ural region can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Our next article talks about growing melon in a greenhouse.

Caring for melons in these cases is practically no different, but special requirements are imposed on the microclimate of greenhouses, which include the following important points:

  • a stable daytime must be maintained temperature regime at 30 0C, and at night - not lower than 17 0C;
  • air humidity should not exceed 60%;
  • Regular ventilation should be established.

So, caring for and growing melons in the Ural region consists of the following sequential operations:

  1. In the selected area, holes are laid out according to a 70x90 pattern.
  2. The melon root along with the soil is carefully pulled out of the pots and transferred to the hole.
  3. The first five days, the planted seedlings will require special attention. For example, in case of frost, the sprouts must be covered with film.
  4. The soil on the site must be constantly loosened, and between the rows weeding is necessary to remove weeds.
  5. It is necessary to regularly water melon crops, and the intensity of water application should be increased during the period of flowering, as well as when fruits appear. Watering stops when the melons begin to fill.
  6. If melons are planted using seedlings, then fertilizing is sufficient three times with an interval of 10-14 days.
  7. It is necessary to trim the stem in time. It is worth noting that many people do not understand why this operation is performed. The point is that when the first 4-6 true leaves appear, the main stem of the plant needs to be cut off so that side shoots can grow. This is due to the fact that the main stem contains more male flowers, while the side ones contain female flowers.

    Melon formation scheme

  8. Artificial pollination should be carried out in cases where insects do not carry out this process well. To do this, pick a flower from the main stem and successively touch the flowers on the side shoots.

Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that it is quite possible to harvest a good harvest of melons in the Ural region if you follow all the recommendations of experienced specialists in the field of agronomy. We hope that our article was useful, and in the future you will collect a wonderful harvest of fragrant melons in the Urals.

Look video about growing melons in the Urals:


Growing melons and watermelons in Siberia in a greenhouse: technology features, description of varieties, planting rules and care, fertilizing, diseases and pests, video

Today, it is greenhouse conditions that allow gardeners in the northern regions to grow a good harvest of melons. It should be noted that the cultivation of watermelons and melons in a greenhouse is characterized by some technological features growing these heat-loving plants.

Features of the technology

Melons, along with watermelons, enjoy deserved popularity. The technology for cultivating melon and watermelon does not differ significantly. Particular attention should be paid to the competent selection of high-quality seed material.

Growing melons in greenhouses in the Siberian climate is not very difficult. And the key to a good harvest and high-quality fruits is strong seedlings, the optimal composition of greenhouse soil and proper care throughout the entire growing season of melon and other greenhouse melon crops.

Particular attention should be paid to the competent selection of high-quality seed material

Description of varieties

Today in Siberia, self-grown watermelons and melons will no longer surprise anyone. Even novice gardeners can grow these melons. However, the yield of greenhouse melon and watermelon greatly depends on the variety. Most suitable for growing in closed ground Melon varieties are listed below.

  • Early ripening variety for growing in a greenhouse "Barnaulka". Melons of this variety are characterized by a regular shape, slightly elongated and completely covered with a network of fine cracks. The maximum weight is one and a half kilograms. The pulp is creamy-orange in color and has a good taste. The variety is very resistant to high humidity in the greenhouse.
  • Melon variety "Altai" specially zoned for cultivation in the Altai region. External qualities are similar to the Barnaulka variety. The variety is characterized by early ripening and the presence of thin, short vines, which makes caring for the plant easier. The maximum weight of round or oval fruits is no more than two kilograms. The bright yellow or white flesh is juicy and sugary.
  • Variety for cultivation in a greenhouse "Amber". It is characterized by excellent taste and elongated shape. The fruits are short-lived, and the standard shelf life does not exceed twenty days.

Melon variety "Altai" specially zoned for cultivation in the Altai region

In addition to the above varieties, good results when grown in a greenhouse are shown by such melon varieties as “Early-133”, “Hybrid”, “Dessert”, “Dream” And "Golden"

In the difficult climatic conditions that characterize Siberia, it is recommended to grow the following varieties of watermelons in a greenhouse.

  • Early ripening variety "Stokes-647" with rounded fruits whose weight does not exceed two kilograms. The thin bark is dark green with very dark stripes. The pulp is very juicy, pale pink in color. The taste is excellent, but the variety cannot be transported or stored.
  • Ultra-early and popular variety in the Siberian region "Hybrid-45". A high-yielding variety with excellent taste, which can be grown not only in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also in open ground ridges.

Moreover, it is stable high yield and resistance to adverse weather conditions are characteristic of varieties and hybrids “F1-Gift to the North”, “Cinderella”, “F1-Moscow Charleston”, “Ultra-Early”, “F1-Creamstar” And "Siberian".

How to grow watermelon in a greenhouse (video)

You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about how to choose a variety and grow melon in a greenhouse.

Landing rules

Proper preparation of seed material is carried out as follows:

  • melon seeds must be soaked in a special stimulating solution for at least twelve hours;
  • Watermelon seeds should be soaked in warm salted water for 24 hours.

When cultivating plants, it should be taken into account that watermelon is more demanding of thermal conditions than other melons and melons. Watermelon seeds begin to grow at a temperature of at least sixteen degrees. The optimal temperature for watermelon and melon is twenty-five degrees. Seeds planted on seedlings are well moistened and covered with glass or film, which is removed after sprouts appear.

As soon as the ovary begins to enlarge, you should pinch off the lashes and leave no more than eight leaves after the developing fruit

In May, you should begin preparing greenhouse soil. It is necessary to dig square holes in the greenhouse into which layers of humus and soil are poured. After the soil has thoroughly warmed up, holes should be made in the poured layers into which the seedling material is transferred. Watermelon and melon seedlings should be transplanted as carefully as possible and with a clod of earth. The maximum depth of seedlings should not be more than five centimeters.

Features of care

Caring for melons in a greenhouse is simple and involves following the following recommendations.

  • Greenhouse melons and watermelons do not need regular and abundant watering. The lack of moisture in the soil can be determined by the withering leaves of cultivated melons. However, excessive greenhouse humidity often causes cracking of the ovaries;
  • Growing watermelon and melon lashes need to be spread out to prevent tangling. At the beginning of July there is a massive flowering of melons. Initially, male flowers are formed, and a little later female flowers appear, which are distinguished by the presence of a small ovary under the flower itself;

Greenhouse watermelons do not need regular and abundant watering

  • Greenhouse cultivation requires not only compliance with temperature and humidity levels, but also regular ventilation, which allows pollinating insects to freely enter the greenhouse. If the percentage of natural pollination is very low, then hand pollination of melons should be carried out. For this purpose, you need to pick the male flowers and carefully apply them to the female ones. This procedure should be performed several times during the entire flowering period;
  • As soon as the ovary begins to enlarge, you should pinch off the lashes and leave no more than eight leaves after the developing fruit. If the plantings suffer from severe thickening, then next stage all side shoots are removed. In addition, excess ovaries must also be removed. It is recommended to place wooden or plastic planks under the growing fruits;
  • A high-quality harvest can only be obtained by using fertilizers. The most commonly used fertilizers for fertilizing are manure, humus, wood ash, bird droppings, and nitrogen mixtures;
  • It is allowed to use potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and phosphorus fertilizers in the standard dosage for such plants.

Low temperatures, high humidity and insufficient lighting make greenhouse melon crops vulnerable to diseases and pests

Diseases and pests

Low temperatures, high humidity and, especially, insufficient lighting weaken greenhouse melon crops and make them vulnerable to the following diseases and pests:


Tell me, what type of melon ripens best in the Urals? And when to plant seedlings?

Natalia Solovyova

The agricultural company Biotekhnika has a melon hybrid, Gerda, especially for your climate. Bred for cold climates.
Kolkhoz and pineapple will not have time to ripen in your climate and will not be tasty. Look for zoned varieties.

Igor Vertogradov

Have watermelons been grown in the Urals for a long time?

Irina Shabalina

For seedlings - a month before the intended planting. Varieties—the earliest, small ones—now there is a large choice—Imperial, Pineapple, Early Love, Honey Ball, and the very reliable Kolkhoznitsa variety.

Natalia Zakharova

Pineapple, Zlato Skifov, Collective Farmer. They are quick to ripen, so they will ripen for you too. I plant from seedlings and grow them in a greenhouse.


Growing melon using natural farming in the Urals is a simple matter!

- a wonderful gift from nature, which, when grown correctly, gives people health and beauty.

Whatever type of melon you choose, the southern beauty will definitely give you good mood! But this statement, about the southern one, is no longer so plausible for me, after I have been getting a good harvest of melon in my URAL garden for many years without straining!

Many gardeners still consider it unrealistic to grow a melon or watermelon in their garden. But why? Maybe there is not enough knowledge or information?

Growing melon is a must! Now you’ll find out why... I’ll reveal it, and you remember, notice and apply... for your HEALTH!

Secret No. 1.

Melon grown with your own hands is very useful!

I would even say so! it simply works wonders: Strengthens hair, gives youth to the skin, strengthens hard tissues and nerves. It can serve as a beach diet, because this berry is low-calorie!

Yes, yes - melon, although it is considered a melon, along with pumpkin, is still considered a berry! It helps improve an even and lasting tan! Melon can improve memory, relieve depression and insomnia.

And for the cardiovascular system it is generally an irreplaceable storehouse of vitamins. It is also very, especially its seeds, if you chew no more than 2 g per day with raw honey - excellent! And its most interesting property is that it lifts your mood!!! So melon should grow in every garden!

Secret No. 2.

The agricultural technology for growing melons is very simple!

Peppers are more difficult to grow than melons. It does not require any extra costs. It grows easily and naturally, but if it is formed correctly, of course.

Even our short Ural summer is enough for its maturation! can grow and ripen even in cold regions. So let’s try and admire this miracle berry! We soak the seeds on April 20, sowing depth - 1.5 cm, germination temperature +25 - 30 degrees.

We transplant twenty-day-old seedlings with two true leaves into the ground. Melon loves fertile, loose soil, rich in vermicompost, diluted with sand. We plant them at a distance of 50 cm from each other in one row.

But the soil must be warmed up, and return frosts must have passed. Immediately around the seedlings we install heat accumulators near the root. It can be plastic bottles with water or stone.

Melon loves warmth! And we immediately mulch the bed! This will help conserve moisture in the soil, prevent weeds from appearing, and provide the necessary nutrition.

Secret No. 3.

Proper shaping of the melon is a guarantee of harvest!

As soon as 4-5 true leaves appear on the melon, the main stem needs to be pinched. Fruits are formed only on side shoots.

Now we are monitoring the development of the lateral branches. A large number of fruits will begin to set on each side lash! But not everything needs to be left, but 2 fruits on each branch.

In total, leave no more than 6 fruits on the bush. We remove the remaining flower stalks so that they do not take away nutrition. We also pinch off the excess lashes. We wait until 6 leaves grow after the second fruit and pinch this lash too. This completes the formation.

Now the fruits are starting to ripen.

Secret No. 4.

Proper watering of melon is the key to harvest!

From the moment of planting, the melon should be constantly watered, but not overwatered. At the time of fruit ripening, it needs a sufficient amount of moisture. Melon grows in approximately 60 days. Therefore, we water until the fruits stop growing. Usually they do not grow more than 1.5 - 2 kg.

Once they reached the right size- stop watering. The melon begins to gain sweetness and sugar content!

Secret No. 5.

Protecting melon from negative influences!

Melon does not like wind, so provide protection from the wind. But she just needs the sun! Still needed protect fruits from excess moisture.

To do this, you need to put some kind of board under them. In principle, if you constantly mulch, your melons will always be warm and dry.

Secret No. 6.

Growing melon at the dacha in open ground - practical experience

09/06/2014 by Natalya | 3 comments My parents grew melons - we have 9 acres of no-man’s land next to our dacha, we plow it up every year, plant potatoes, pumpkins, corn, sunflowers, there was even room for a small melon plant. I still remember how proud my father felt when he brought small melons of the Kolkhoznitsa variety from the dacha.

I don't have any experience. But I really want to try melon grown with my own hands. Therefore, by publishing this article, I am beginning to accumulate experience that will help me decide to grow melon in my garden. Who wouldn’t like a slice of sweet, aromatic and juicy melon?

Especially on a hot summer day? Melon is a southern resident, it is very demanding of heat, so it ripens on melon trees only in the southern regions of the country.

Useful properties of melon

Melon is an annual, herbaceous plant. The fruits are large, with many seeds. They are very sweet due to their high sucrose content.

By the way, melon contains much more vitamins than watermelon. And there is also a lot of iron in it. For medicinal purposes, only ripe fruits are used. Melon is useful for obesity, and for disorders of fat and cholesterol metabolism.

Melon juice, despite its sweetness, is useful for diabetes, arthritis, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid, contained in large quantities in melon, helps prevent fragility, fragility of blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure. The high calcium content strengthens bones and teeth.

The silicon found in melon has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Melon seeds have a beneficial effect on increasing potency in men at any age. For this purpose, melon milk is prepared and drunk from them. The benefits of melon are great, which is perhaps why its cultivation is moving further and further north.

Melon growing experience

Below I will describe the experience of growing melon of Lyubov Andreevna Zaitseva from the village. Krasnogvardeyskoye, Krasnodar Territory. “I have ten years of experience in growing melons on our land, although the old-timers assured me that melons would not grow to full size in the garden. only in the field. Grown! 6 acres were allocated for melons.

The seeds were sown in three periods - after 10 days. I had no knowledge, so I asked in advance for advice from an agronomist-vegetable grower, who not only shared his knowledge, but also gave me the necessary literature to read. The land for melons was plowed twice: in autumn and spring. In the fall, they plowed deeply and did not level it so as not to blow away the snow.

In the spring there was shallow plowing, harrowing and cutting shallow furrows. Melon requires a large area for growth and branching of vines. Therefore, the grooves were placed rarely - at a distance of 3 m from each other.

Melon seeds were sown dry and not soaked. The distance between each seed is 12-15 cm. Then the grooves were trampled down.

After the seedlings appeared, they began to thin them out. There were several thinnings. After the first, the distance between seedlings was left 50-70 cm, then we increased it so that after the third weeding the distance was 1.8-2 m. There is another way to sow melons.

Prepare holes at a distance of 2 m from one another. Sow a few seeds in each. Then, thinning out, leave the best plants. At the time of sowing the seeds, the temperature of the ground is very important.

To do this, the thermometer is immersed in the ground 10 cm and as soon as the ground shows 18? early in the morning, you need to start sowing. The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 3 cm. A handful of wood ash is added to each hole. Of great importance for obtaining a good harvest of melons is plant formation - pinching shoots.

You can't do without this. This is one of the most important operations for caring for melons. As soon as the fifth leaf grows on the main lash, it is pinched. After this, side shoots will appear.

There are usually 3-4 of them. You should wait until the fifth leaf appears on each of them and also pinch each one. Now we wait for the ovaries to appear. As soon as the small melons reach the size of a walnut, we inspect each plant.

The time has come for the formation of the future harvest. No more than five or ten ovaries are left on each lash. Five - if the melon variety is large-fruited, and ten - if it is small-fruited. You should pick off all the flowers on the second-order vines.

And if lashes without ovaries are found, then it is better to remove them so that they do not take away nutrition from the future harvest. If the weather is damp, you can place a piece of glass or tile under each ovary. This will protect them from rotting.

Plywood and planks are not suitable, as they retain moisture and will not protect the ovaries from rot. As melons turn yellow and ripen, they emit a pleasant aroma. It is recommended to keep ripe melons in the fresh air - their aroma will become richer and stronger. It is advisable to harvest the melons before the first night frosts.” Materials used from the newspaper “Niva Kubani” dated September 5, 2014

In the middle regions of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, most melon varieties do not have time to ripen when sowing seeds in the ground, so growing melon seedlings considered the most effective way. Growing seedlings makes it possible to obtain mature melon fruits in more northern regions. You can also cultivate early-ripening varieties using seedlings, wanting to get an early high yield of melon on poorly warmed soils.

Growing melon seedlings in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East

Sow melon seeds twenty-five to thirty days before the end of the last frost in clay, plastic pots or paper cups (in the Moscow region, melons are sown in the third ten days of April. In Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk sow seeds later - by the beginning - mid-May).

After filling the pots (or cups) with fertile soil mixed with sand, water it with warm water. In the center of the pot, make a hole where you place two sprouted seeds and cover them with a layer of peat or sand 2-3 centimeters thick.

Then place the pots in a warm room or greenhouse. As soon as the melon shoots begin to appear, remove the weaker plant by pinching off the stem with your fingernail so as not to damage the roots. When growing seedlings in greenhouses, remove the mats during the day, and on warm days, slightly raise the outer frames of the greenhouse (for ventilation).

If melon seedlings are grown indoors on a windowsill, place them in the brightest place. In case of excessive elongation of the seedling stem, it is twisted in the form of a corkscrew, as shown in the photograph. Melon seedlings are very often affected pests and diseases, for example, a black leg, so it is useful to cover the surface of the soil in pots with a layer of sand 0.5-1 centimeter thick and loosen it from time to time.

Caring for melon seedlings

Caring for melon seedlings involves watering the soil with warm soda (temperature no lower than 25 degrees) and fertilizing the plants. Water the soil generously with a small watering can.

Make sure that water does not get on the leaves and especially on the root collar. About two weeks after emergence, feed the seedlings with a solution of chicken manure or mullein. Soak one glass of manure or mullein in twenty glasses of water and add 10 grams of superphosphate to this solution before feeding.

Apply the fertilizer so that it does not get on the stem and leaves. In the future, feed the plants two or three more times every seven to ten days. Melon seedlings, with the exception of the “Gribovskie ground” and “Moscow Lebedevskie” varieties, should be pinched above the third true leaf.

Plant melon seedlings in the second decade of June. If it is grown in a greenhouse, intensively ventilate it two weeks before planting, and leave it open for the last two days.

Planting melon seedlings in the ground

Plant seedlings of most varieties of melons in the ground at a distance of 1 meter between the rows and at the same distance in the rows, and “Moscow Lebedevskie” and “Gribovskie ground” ones, which have short vines, at a distance of 0.5 meter between plants. Make deep holes in the planting areas, pour water into them and grasp planting melon seedlings in the ground, always together with an undestroyed lump of earth. After planting, water the soil generously, and then, to protect the plant from frost, cover the plant with a wooden box without a bottom or insulate it in another way - with film. Seedlings can be covered with cone-shaped caps made of transparent paper or plastic bottles.

A few days before removing the caps, gradually accustom the plants to fresh air, for which lift the caps from the south or south-west side. If there is no translucent paper and wooden boxes to cover the seedlings, an earthen roller is placed around the plants using a metal mold, which protects the plant from low temperatures. For pepe-grown melon seedlings The dimensions of the metal molding are as follows: height 15-20 centimeters, diameter at the bottom 10-15 centimeters, at the top 15-20 centimeters.

The mold is installed with the narrowed end so that the plant is in the center, and then moistened soil is rolled onto the walls of the mold. Glass 20-25 centimeters in size is placed on the edges of the formed roller. Later (when it warms up), the glass is removed, and the roller is leveled so that the plant is not in a recess, but on a flat surface.

Earthen rollers can also be used to insulate seedlings of pumpkins and other heat-loving plants. Maintain the surface of the plot in a loose state. Loosen it immediately for the first time after planting seedlings, later - when weeds appear and crusts form. Must melon care necessary in dry weather - plants need to be watered, especially after fertilizing. Melons grown in seedlings are usually fed two to three times.

For the first feeding melons, which is carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings, dissolve 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate, 12 grams of potassium salt in one bucket. For each plant, apply 1.5-2 liters of fertilizer into a hole 5-6 centimeters deep at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the plant stem. After three weeks, feed the plants again.

After abundant watering, fill the furrow with dry soil. In the absence of organic fertilizers, the second fertilizing is prepared from mineral fertilizers: 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium salt are dissolved in one bucket of water.

When five leaves form on the main lash, pinch the end of the lash. This will accelerate the growth of the first and second order lashes on which the ovaries appear. “Gribovskie ground” and “Podmoskovskie Lsbedevskie” melons do not need to be pinched.

When long vines form on melons, spread them evenly on the surface of the soil and pin them to the ground with flyers, which will promote the formation of additional roots and, therefore, better nutrition of the plants. Subsequent melon care When growing melon seedlings, it involves pinching the first-order vines above the fifth true leaf. This promotes the appearance of second-order lashes, on which many female flowers are formed.

In case of strong growth of melons, non-fruiting canes are sometimes cut out, which enhances the formation of fruits. Leave the first five or six largest fruits on one plant, and remove the rest as they appear. Fruiting of melons when grown in seedlings occurs much earlier than when sowing seeds in the ground.

Technology for growing melon in cold regions: Moscow region, Urals and Siberia

Today we’ll talk about growing melons. Growing melon in the Urals, central Russia and Siberia requires compliance with certain conditions.

In particular, compliance with special agricultural technology and correctly selected seeds. Three conditions, three types, three varieties. Gardeners of the northern Kirov region for example, cucumbers have been grown for two centuries in such quantities that we have never even dreamed of. Of course, the principle of growing a cucumber is not much different from a melon, except for the growth time.

A cucumber needs only 15-20 days less to ripen its fruit. What can prevent us, seasoned Russian summer residents, from growing melons even in Sbibiri? Here are some varieties that are worth choosing: F1 Cantaloupe, F1 Scythian Gold, F1 Sweet Pineapple, F1 Early Sweet, F1 Galileo, etc. These varieties begin to bear fruit early , produce small and sweet fruits and are cold-resistant. Mainly three types of melons are grown: cantaloupe, reticulated (Kilian) and winter. When growing melon, the main thing is to fulfill three conditions:? protect from late frosts in spring - from May 15 to June 15; and correctly shape the plant? limit the number of fruits on the bush;? carry out repeated fertilizing to intensify plant growth in open ground from June 15 to August 1 - 5. If you meet these conditions, you will be provided with a good harvest in the fall. Under these conditions, it is advisable to sow melon seedlings in the second half of April.

For better plant endurance, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant (for example Epin) before planting. In order not to damage the roots of the seedlings later, you need to sow the seeds in a separate container (cups, jars).

The soil is prepared from a mixture of compost and garden soil in equal proportions. Fertilizers are added to the finished mixture: 1 tbsp. l. urea, 1-2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate into a bucket of mixture.

For seed germination, the required temperature is 30°C, then the daytime temperature is reduced to 25-26°C, and the night temperature to 19-20°C. It must be remembered that at a temperature less than 15°C, melons do not develop, so at first you need to provide heating.

At night you can use a battery for these purposes, and during the day you can place it on a heated box, having previously installed a 25 W light bulb in it, or a mini-greenhouse with heating and lighting will do. Seedlings should be watered only with warm water very sparingly; excess moisture may cause the roots to rot. After 3-4 leaves appear, you need to start feeding the seedlings with complex fertilizers every week.

A 12-hour day is considered normal for melon, so at first the plants will have to be supplemented with light and also sprayed well with Epin. Melon is planted in the ground at the end of May or beginning of June. Actually, it all depends on the weather and the specific region.

Melon loves it very much fertile soil and is demanding on soil temperature (it should be at 20-24°C). That is why the beds must be high and warm. To do this, make a layered bed.

A layer of branches is placed at the very bottom, then a layer of tops, manure (preferably horse manure), sprinkled with a layer of sawdust, leaves or straw, and then a fertile layer of soil. Planting melon seedlings is simple: first they are watered, carefully removed from the pots and planted. You need to be careful not to deepen the root collar.

After planting, water lightly. At 1 m? place up to 5 plants. After planting melon seedlings, temperatures are still low, and therefore it is necessary to arrange shelter in the form of arcs and covering material.

It is also good to mulch the ground with film and press it down with stones. Or place 3 dark plastic bottles of water in the shape of a triangle near each plant.

During the day, the water will heat up, and at night it will give off heat. There is another interesting way to grow melon in a greenhouse, this is grafting onto a pumpkin. Only weakly growing types of pumpkin are needed as a rootstock. The time of sowing the rootstock and scion is chosen individually, but more often the rootstock is sown 2-3 days later than the scion.

It is best to take a rootstock with 1 true leaf and do a “prick grafting” so that the components grow together quickly; you need to maintain a temperature of 25-30 ° C. To accelerate the growth of fruits, watering must be done regularly. The need for water can be determined by the condition of the leaves: if they have wilted, they need to be watered.

But be careful: overmoistening may cause the fruits to crack. Plants should be fertilized constantly, every 7-10 days, alternating infusions (mullein, chicken, herbal) and adding wood ash to them each time. It contains a lot of microelements necessary for growth, and most importantly, a lot of potassium so that the fruits are sweet.

As soon as the melons begin to ripen, you should stop fertilizing and reduce the amount of water when watering. A ripe fruit can be identified by the appearance of a typical melon smell, ring cracks at the tail (where the fruit connects to the vine) and small indentations on the rind of the opposite part of the melon when pressed.

You also need to choose a melon when purchasing. Because... Melon is drought-resistant; water it a little and only with warm water. During the period of fruit filling, the watering rate is increased slightly. Melon is very light-loving, so the shoots need to be positioned so that no shadow falls on them.

During fruit filling, you need to feed the melon once a week. A good effect is achieved by weekly spraying with the growth and development stimulants Epin and Zircon; it would be good to alternate these preparations. It is equally important to regularly spray the plants with the stimulants Ovary and Bud.

This will allow non-sterile pollen to form and pollinate the melon by hand. This is done simply, early in the morning, put the male flower into the female one and make rotational movements. Form the melons into 2 stems, at a height of 30 cm, pinch the main shoot and remove all the side shoots, except for the 2 strongest ones.

Then all the side shoots that appeared after this are pinched: non-fruiting ones above 1 leaf, fruiting ones above the 3rd leaf after the ovary. Harvesting must be done on time, ripe melons are easily separated from the stalks. Not quite ripe fruits are placed for ripening. I hope everyone understands that there is nothing special about growing melons.

And if you work hard, in the fall you will be provided with a harvest of sweet and fragrant fruit. Collected melons can be eaten from August 10 to October 1, feeding both children and grandchildren. What are the benefits of melon - you ask?

Melon contains a lot of potassium, which effectively protects against heart attack or stroke. On the eve of treatment with melon, you should eat only vegetables, preferably in processed form (vegetable stew, first courses), and in no case eat meat and fermented milk products. On the day of treatment, you should eat 200-250 g of melon every 1.5-2 hours. If the melon season coincides with the treatment of infectious, inflammatory diseases with antibiotics, then melon should be included in the menu. Melon seeds should not be thrown away, but rather dried and ground in a coffee grinder and dry it into flour.

Growing dahlias in open ground


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