What kind of glue to glue plywood together. Types of glue for plywood and features of its use

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Plywood can be laid on both concrete and wooden floor. In both cases, it can be glued, fortunately, construction stores today are replete with a variety of offers of different adhesives price categories and quality. The question of how to glue plywood can have many different solutions and buying the cheapest or, conversely, the most expensive glue for laying plywood will be fundamentally wrong - it must be chosen depending on what kind of flooring the plywood is chosen for and in what conditions it will be used be exploited.

  • What are the benefits of plywood glue?
  • Types of glue for fixing plywood to the floor
    • Water based glue
    • One-component adhesive
    • Two-component adhesive
  • Features of choosing glue
    • Depending on the finishing floor covering
    • For unveneered plywood
    • Outdoors or indoors?
  • Glue drying speed
  • Secrets of using plywood glue

What are the benefits of plywood glue?

The convenience of applying glue to plywood is that it does not require special skills or special equipment. Gluing plywood is quite within the capabilities of an inexperienced craftsman who only has paint brush and a spatula. The use of glue offers the following advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • connection strength;
  • Possibility of use for heated floors;
  • resistance to aging and moisture.

Types of glue for fixing plywood to the floor

Water based glue

Water-based adhesives are the answer to the question of whether it is possible to glue plywood to wooden floor without spreading strong odors and maintaining an environmentally friendly atmosphere. Therefore, it is recommended for use in residential areas.

It is best to use them to glue moisture-resistant wood.

But water-based adhesives also have disadvantages:

  • they take a long time to dry;
  • require additional fastening with dowels.

If communications are laid in concrete, and there is no diagram of their location, then you will have to abandon the use of nails or dowels so as not to inadvertently damage the electrical wiring. Otherwise, the floor will have to be opened with diamond cutters, the damaged wire will be corrected, and the concrete will be re-concrete.

The main types of adhesives for water based:

  • polyacrylate;
  • latex containing artificial rubbers;
  • PVA (emulsion of polyvinyl acetate in water);
  • contact compounds.

One-component adhesive

One-component adhesive for plywood floors contains a non-flammable solvent, but when using it, the screed must first be primed. Here you also need dowels for intermediate fixation.

Toxicity requires good room ventilation and the use of a respirator.

In addition to the solvent and polymer, one-component polyurethane adhesives contain a hardener - isocyanate, adhesion enhancers and other additives.

This glue has a number of advantages:

  • perfectly penetrates into voids and cracks, which makes it possible to increase the solidity of the subfloor;
  • after drying, the glue remains elastic, so it does not crack during use;
  • used for plywood made from types of wood prone to deformation from high humidity.

Two-component adhesive

Any two-component adhesive for plywood on a concrete floor, due to its fast reaction (hence they are called reactive), sets very quickly and produces a durable and very strong seam. Buying glue from two components is much easier than gluing it, since immediately before use you need to mix it in the right proportions resin with hardener.

When working with this glue, you should wear personal protective equipment.

The price of glue for plywood on a concrete floor, consisting of two components, is significantly higher than that of one-component adhesives, but there are also plenty of advantages:

  • no intermediate fastening with dowels or screws is required, which saves effort, money and time;
  • After the glue has quickly hardened, you can start sanding chipboard surface much earlier;
  • provides the highest bond strength.

Video on how to glue plywood to a concrete floor with two-component adhesive:

Features of choosing glue

Depending on the finishing floor covering

When choosing an adhesive for gluing plywood to the base of the floor, you need to start from the material of the latter and the conditions for further use of the room:

  • When deciding how to glue ceramic tiles to a wooden floor, you will need tile adhesive for plywood that does not include water and is not aggressive towards wood.
  • If you need parquet adhesive for plywood on a wooden floor, you should choose between epoxy-polyurethane or pure polyurethane systems containing artificial resins and solvents.
  • To glue linoleum onto plywood, you need an appropriate adhesive that can provide a long-lasting, strong seam. It is affordable, safe and approved for use in residential areas.

Laminated plywood (with a film coating) cannot be glued. Therefore, before applying an epoxy compound to it, the film must be removed from the surface. sandpaper.

For unveneered plywood

After gluing to the screed, plywood can be either an independent coating or simply serve as an intermediate layer for the finishing coating.

For unveneered plywood, you can use any glue. The only important thing here is that its surface is clean and dry. The adhesive can be applied evenly with a roller or brush to both surfaces to be bonded. Long-curing adhesives require preliminary fixation of plywood sheets to the screed using dowels, nails or clamps after approximately 30-40 cm. After work, excess mixture must be removed along with unnecessary nails.

Outdoors or indoors?

For indoor processing, it is better to use PVA glue, which is non-toxic, does not change the color of the material, but adds strength to it.

For external use, it is better to choose an epoxy composition with phenol, and to connect plywood to metal, it is better to use epoxy glue.

The following factors influence glue consumption:

  • screed quality;
  • number of irregularities;
  • porosity of the material.

On average per square meter it takes 1.2-1.5 kg of glue.

Glue drying speed

It depends on the properties of the solvent:

  • Adhesives with volatile solvents dry the fastest, allowing you to continue working after a few days.
  • Eco-friendly water-based compositions take much longer to dry, which makes many people abandon them.
  • Most quick option– two-component adhesive for plywood on concrete floors, which dries on average within 24 hours. In addition, you can do without dowels, and if the screed is primed with epoxy, then the plywood can be laid on a damp base.

Secrets of using plywood glue

The strength of the bond depends not only on the properties of the glue, but also on compliance with the gluing technology. Deviation from the latter inevitably weakens the connection.

It is also important that no voids form between the plywood and the base; to do this, the plywood must be carefully pressed against it and the glue must be distributed evenly.

Using a primer improves adhesion and saves glue.

Do you trust plywood adhesives? What glue did you use for plywood most often, and under what conditions? Share your experience in the comments.

Adhesives used during plywood production - composition and properties

Sheet plywood has many features by which classification is made different varieties. The grade is influenced by the material of the veneer used, the thickness of the veneer, the number of glued sheets, the presence or absence of a top laminate coating, etc. Among the most important characteristics sheet plywood refers to its resistance to moisture, and this indicator is greatly influenced by the adhesives used during production. What types of plywood exist in terms of moisture resistance?

Plywood with increased moisture resistance (FSF). For its production it is used different kinds phenol-formaldehyde adhesives.

  • Non-moisture resistant plywood. The veneer is glued together with organic albumin-casein adhesives.

As you can already guess, what better characteristics If plywood is water resistant, the more difficult it is to call it completely safe for health. You should know that absolutely all formaldehyde resins with various additives emit harmful chemical compound. The quantity of these compounds is controlled by special government services and, based on their research, they establish a “threshold of harmfulness.” This indicator varies depending on different countries and depends not only on the wishes of doctors, but also on lobbyists of manufacturers. So it turns out that in some countries plywood may be prohibited for use in residential premises, while in other countries manufacturers proudly call this same plywood an “environmentally friendly product.” Let's look at each type of adhesive in more detail.

Adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resin

Currently, domestic and foreign adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resin are used in production; the quality of the resin largely depends on the capabilities of the equipment on which it is produced. Unfortunately, domestic producers Domestic equipment cannot produce resins of world-class quality; most plywood manufacturers buy it from Americans and Finns. Appearance - a transparent homogeneous liquid, the color can be reddish-brown or dark cherry, the dry residue is at least 50%, the amount of free phenol is less than 0.10%, the relative density is 1.2 g/cm3. The completion time of the gelatinization process is up to 70 minutes at t°=+125°C.

For improvement physical characteristics resins, various additives, combined hardeners and combined fillers are added to it. Toxicity is determined by the chamber method and is regulated by current state standards. Adhesive strength tests are carried out in accordance with using effective methods and methods, separate tests are carried out for this class of plywood physical indicators strength of the adhesive joint after boiling the samples. At least three samples are selected for testing, and the arithmetic mean of the three measurements is recorded in the final test report.

Adhesives based on urea-formaldehyde resin

Quite toxic resins, banned for use in some developed countries, industrial production resins cause significant damage environment, in humans can provoke the development of cancer, has a negative effect on the liver, and often becomes an allergen. IN European countries maximum amount formaldehyde is two times lower than domestic standards allow. We have already discussed why safety standards vary so much from country to country.

Some reduction in emissions of harmful substances is achieved by adding melamine, but this additive significantly worsens technological characteristics glue. In addition, melamine has quite high cost, which all manufacturers really don’t like. It is easier and cheaper for them to find “direct contact” with government regulatory services and, with their help, “make products absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.” IN Lately They are trying to replace melamine with urea - this chemical component has average indicators in terms of the strength of glued plywood, the presence of harmful volatile substances and cost. Manufacturers began to produce adhesive compositions from SKMF resin, Aerosil, ammonium chloride and wheat flour. The presence of the latter allows unscrupulous companies to focus on the “environmental friendliness” of their products.

The introduction of technical aerosil into the composition increased the number of molecular bonds in the internal structure of the main polymer. Fluoride compounds improved the structure formation of the polymer, which increased the cohesive strength. Aerosil technical speeds up the curing process of the glue - its manufacturability during the manufacture of plywood has improved, the curing time is reduced by approximately 25%.

Albumin-casein adhesives

Only this group of adhesives can rightfully be classified as environmentally friendly and safe for our health. Casein is obtained from dairy waste, while albumin is obtained from animal blood. These adhesives have been used for hundreds of years but are considered "unfashionable" today. Plywood made using such adhesives is afraid of moisture; in terms of the strength of connection between veneer sheets, it is much inferior to chemical adhesives. Plywood can be used to create light- and medium-load furniture structures. It is almost never used in construction due to unsatisfactory physical characteristics.

Conclusion for Thought

We did not discuss specific brands of adhesives; there is no fundamental difference between them. We consider it important that you understand the main differences between the various components of adhesives, and draw your own conclusions, without being particularly influenced by manufacturers’ advertising brochures. These are the realities today - you have to pay for the quality of life, and you have to maintain your health with the help of a pharmacy.

600 rub

  • RUB 1,350

  • 800 rub

  • 2,000 rub.

  • RUB 3,500

  • 990 rub.

  • 600 rub

  • RUB 1,900

  • 950 rub.

  • RUB 2,000 RUB 2,200

  • Plywood is a multilayer material made from wood veneer, glued together. Due to its fairly strong and stable structure, it is widely used in construction, in particular in the construction of parquet floors.

    Marking of plywood used indoors

    • NS– unpolished. After installation, the material is sanded.
    • FC– moisture resistant. This plywood is glued together with an adhesive based on formaldehyde resin and does not contain phenol, which makes it possible to use it in residential premises.
    • Ш1- the material is sanded on one side.

    Main types of plywood glue

    The speed of laying lumber, as well as the strength of the floor covering and the duration of its operation depend on the correct choice of composition. Based on the type of composition, plywood screed adhesive is divided into:

    • Water. The undeniable advantages include the absence of odor and environmental friendliness. This composition can be used in rooms where people live. Water-based adhesive is suitable for wood with a high degree of moisture resistance. Disadvantages include long drying time and the need for additional fastening of plywood using dowels.

    • One-component Solvent based plywood adhesive. The drying time of the mixture is 3-5 days. The screed must be pre-primed. After gluing, the plywood is additionally secured with dowels. A one-component composition is used for types of wood that are prone to deformation under the influence of moisture. One-component adhesive is fire hazardous.

    • Two-component. Bonding of surfaces occurs as a result of a chemical reaction occurring within the mixture. The two-room composition provides minimal time for gluing surfaces, which is why it is called “reactive”. It is superior to its analogues in terms of strength and drying speed. However, when applying the mixture, personal protective equipment should be used.

    Features of choosing glue for plywood

    The choice of composition determines the type of gluing and conditions for further operation. The process itself can take the form self-installation plywood on the screed or go as an additional one, in order to give the structure additional strength.

    If you use unveneered plywood, you can purchase any glue. The main requirement is that the surface of the material must be dry and clean. The composition is applied with a roller or brush evenly on both surfaces to be glued. If necessary, after applying the composition, use nails, screws or clamps to press the plywood to the screed (every 40 square centimeters). After finishing the work, the excess mixture is removed.

    Dowelless installation involves the use of solid sheets of material. Glue is applied to the surface of the plywood and then pressed using temporary dowel nails. After the composition has dried, the nails are removed.

    For indoor work, you can use PVA glue; it will not disturb the texture of the material, will not change its color, but will at the same time add strength to the structure. For external gluing best choice there will be phenol and epoxy glue. Epoxy glue is used to bond plywood to metal.

    Laminated plywood (with film coating) is not intended for gluing. Therefore, before applying the epoxy compound, the surface should be cleaned with sandpaper.

    The strength of the connection depends not only on the type of mixture applied, but also on strict adherence to installation rules. If these rules are violated, the properties of the glue will not be fully demonstrated.

    Laying plywood on a concrete screed

    Lumber glued to a concrete floor allows for a level and stable base for further laying of laminate, parquet board, linoleum or carpet. This method is cheaper and easier to implement than laying on logs. In addition, plywood allows you to correct unevenness in the base and increase thermal insulation properties, and also reduces the installation time of the floor covering. Main stages of work:

    • Preparing the concrete base.

    Checking concrete base for horizontalness and evenness. If the difference in height exceeds 2 mm, you will have to cement screed. After the base has dried, clean it from dust using a vacuum cleaner.

    You can use plywood glue as a primer mixture. The composition is diluted with a solvent corresponding to its brand and applied with a roller or wide brush to the surface.

    Important! The primer (primer) must be selected according to glue mixture(for dispersion composition - acrylic primer, for solvent-based compositions - a primer based on synthetic resin, for two-component plywood adhesive - a polyurethane or epoxy primer).

    The primer not only removes dust from the surface and makes it stronger, but also improves adhesion, blocks residual moisture and reduces composition consumption.

    • Laying plywood

    Apply to the surface of the screed adhesive composition layer about 2 mm. For these purposes, it is best to use a notched trowel. We cut the plywood into squares 75*75 or 60*60 cm. A large number of seams will provide compensation for temperature and humidity changes. The cut sheets are numbered and laid according to the laying diagram. After the sheet is placed on the base, it is rolled with a heavy roller and secured with self-tapping screws and dowels. The fastening step is 15-20 cm, fastenings along the perimeter are made at a distance of 2 cm from the edge. The length of the screw should be three times the thickness of the plywood used. To ensure that the screws are not noticeable, the holes into which the dowels are inserted are drilled to the required depth at the fastening points. The top of the hole is countersunk with a large diameter drill.

    • Sanding plywood.

    To achieve a perfectly smooth coating, grinding is performed. For these purposes it is best to use grinding machine with coarse sandpaper.

    Today, not a single industry can operate without the use of plywood. This multi-layer veneer material, which has a strong and stable structure, has found wide application in construction and furniture production, when carrying out repair work and even in the automotive industry. To connect plywood sheets together or attach them to a concrete floor screed, you can use various fastening materials, but the most convenient of them is plywood glue.

    Features of using glue for plywood

    The composition for gluing plywood, which many foreign and domestic companies are working to improve, can be purchased at any hardware or construction store. Using glue, you can attach plywood to glass, concrete, wood, metal and other materials, and the connection will be stronger and more durable than using nails or screws.

    To work with glue, no special training or special professional skills are required. The main thing is to act according to the instructions, dilute the composition correctly and apply it to the surface, and any novice master can do this.

    In addition to ease of use and strength of the resulting structure, another advantage of the adhesive joint is resistance to wetness and high wear resistance.

    In rooms with warm floors, when under the concrete screed there are pre-laid heating pipes or special electrical panels, gluing plywood to a concrete floor is the only the right decision, since screws and bolts can damage the wiring.

    How can you glue plywood together?

    Professionals use the following types of plywood glue:

    • two-component polyurethane;
    • alcohol based;
    • water based.

    The speed of repairs and the quality of the finishing coating depend on the choice of the most suitable adhesive composition.

    Two-component adhesive contains two or more active components, which during operation react with each other and form a binder. Such products are much more expensive than one-component compounds, but the strength of the resulting compound is incomparably higher.

    Polyurethane adhesive forms both an elastic and rigid connection and provides good adhesion to almost all existing materials.

    Advantages of a two-component adhesive composition:

    • no additional fixation of plywood to the concrete screed with bolts or screws is required;
    • the viscous mixture does not spread, it is convenient to apply it using a comb spatula;
    • before work, you do not need to worry about the special cleanliness of the base, since the composition saturates the surface to be treated well;
    • 30 minutes is enough for gluing materials.

    One of the significant disadvantages of the polyurethane compound is the release of substances hazardous to human health, which occurs when working with any polymers. After complete polymerization, which takes 48 hours, the material becomes completely safe.

    Polyurethane glue hardens within 30-40 minutes, so you should prepare such a portion of the adhesive that you can use it up within this period of time.

    The resulting connecting layer is stronger than concrete and can withstand temperatures up to +55°C.

    This type of adhesive differs from others in the content of artificial resins, rubber and solvents and is used for gluing plywood to a wooden or cement-sand surface. The advantages of alcohol compositions are ease of use, high drying speed, and resistance to moisture penetration.

    Rubber glue hardens relatively quickly - after a day you can already walk on the glued plywood surface. However further work It is better to postpone finishing the floor for 5-6 days. Before gluing the wood sheets, it is advisable to secure them to the base with screws.

    Alcohol adhesives have a significant drawback - during operation they emit harmful volatile oils and esters and can quickly catch fire. Therefore, when carrying out repairs using alcohol glue, it is necessary to take care of personal protective equipment and follow fire safety rules.

    Water based adhesive

    A prominent representative of such adhesive compositions is PVA, consisting of polymers suspended in aquatic environment. In addition to the fact that such adhesives are capable of providing strong elastic connections between plywood sheets and with each other concrete slabs, they are completely harmless and do not emit odorous substances. PVA glue can be used in hospitals, kindergartens and other institutions where people may remain during repairs.

    PVA is recommended to be used only for moisture resistant plywood, and the drying time of the composition is 7 days, which greatly complicates the work. In addition, when choosing this means for gluing plywood, it is necessary to secure the sheets to the screed in advance using bolts and expansion dowels.

    Review of adhesive compositions from well-known manufacturers

    Many foreign and domestic manufacturers produce glue for plywood. Each of the compositions fully performs its functions, and they differ from each other only in the environmental friendliness of the raw materials, the combination of strength and elasticity, and the duration of polymerization.

    Here are some of the most popular items of two-component plywood adhesives among buyers.

    1. Sipol 9. Manufacturer: Italian company Lechner. Epoxy-polyurethane adhesive is used for laying plywood on a concrete floor without additional fasteners. The hardening time is 2 hours.
    2. Parketolit 1549. This adhesive composition was developed and produced by Mitol specialists from Slovenia. Polyurethane adhesive suitable for installation solid wood any sizes. Working time – 1.5 hours.
    3. Ibola R 200. The German company Ibola produces a two-component universal hard-elastic adhesive, work time which is 1 hour.
    4. Stauf P.U.K. This adhesive composition from the German company Stauf is an elastic polyurethane adhesive. Due to its low cost and long (1 hour) working time, it has become famous brand in this country.
    5. SikaBond-PU. The Swiss company Sika produces two-component adhesive that differs long term operation and resistance to low temperatures. This adhesive is very popular in Russia, as it has been distinguished for many years high quality and stability.

    When starting to repair the floor in your apartment, first of all you need to analyze whether it will be possible to get by by simply gluing plywood onto a concrete screed or whether you will have to arrange additional fasteners. Depending on the solution, you should choose a suitable adhesive composition. If, due to the communications located under the concrete, it is not possible to use dowels and screws to fasten the plywood and the base, then only two-component polyurethane glue is suitable for the job. In other cases, you can use a water- or alcohol-based adhesive.

    The procedure for gluing plywood yourself is as follows:

    • Treatment of joints and the adjacent surface of the material in order to degrease and remove remaining dust and dirt.
    • If you want to glue laminated sheets, the next step is to sand the material to get rid of the slippery laminated surface over the entire joint area. Or make it rougher.
    • Before gluing, take care to thoroughly dry the sheets.
    • Apply glue to the adhesive surface using a roller for greater uniformity of the product.
    • Apply special clamps to ensure a fixed and tight fit of the parts to be glued.

      How to glue plywood sheets together

      Attention! When gluing large parts, additional connection is required using self-tapping screws and/or nails.

    • Remove excess glue using a rag or knife.
    • After the adhesive has completely dried, remove the clamps.

    Ready to start practical solution question? Then prepare following materials and tools:

    • Nails and/or screws;
    • A sanding machine with an appropriate attachment or sanding paper;
    • Clamps;
    • Hammer;
    • Rags;
    • Glue;
    • Roller.

    What glue should I use?

    To answer this question correctly, first decide how large pieces of plywood you want to join and how to use it after gluing.

    For gluing construction (rough) plywood that does not have a facing layer, any adhesive composition is suitable. The main thing when joining is to clean and degrease the surfaces of the sheets to be glued together as efficiently as possible.

    When gluing large sheets After applying the glue, the workpieces are pressed together with each other using temporary clamps.

    If, when gluing plywood, it is important not to disturb the texture and color of the material, but to ensure reliable connection, we recommend using PVA if the blanks will be used indoors in the future. If we are talking about external use, then epoxy or phenol would be ideal.

    To ensure a strong and reliable connection of workpieces, it is important not only to choose the right glue, but also to use it correctly. Because violation of technical regulations is fraught with the risk of all the qualities of the adhesive composition not working.

    • Easy to use, suitable for household needs;
    • Provides reliable fastening;
    • Resistant to moisture;
    • Inert to the effects of fungus and mold;
    • Color and composition that do not disturb the composition.

    Which glue is better: based on liquid glass or polyurethane?

    The universal composition of the adhesive, which is based on liquid glass, guarantees high moisture resistance of the adhesive joint, as well as inertness to sudden temperature changes. This composition is ideal for gluing plywood to the floor, fiberboard or chipboard, as well as tiles or glass.

    Polyurethane-based adhesive is moisture-resistant, does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, provides excellent sound insulation, and dries quickly. Two-component polyurethane adhesive suitable for gluing laminated or varnished surfaces.

    Selecting glue based on plywood brand

    Here it is important to proceed from the category of joint strength that needs to be obtained, as well as air humidity during further operation of the structure.

    If the product after gluing will be in a well-dry and ventilated area, then synthetic glue, PVA or protein-based glue will be perfect.

    For plywood products that will be used both inside and outside, use synthetic glue.

    Moisture-resistant plywood is better bonded with compounds based on urea resin.

    How to glue plywood

    How to glue plywood

    Most modern flooring is laid on a subfloor rather than directly on concrete. One of the most popular types the substrate is plywood. It is attractive due to its ease of installation and affordable price; we should also not forget about the important fact that This - natural material . Its popularity is evidenced by the fact that manufacturers have begun producing a moisture-resistant type for use in bathrooms. Also, the sanded variety on one side is gaining great popularity, which facilitates installation under the final floor covering.

    Choosing the right substrate is not enough, the main thing is to choose good glue for gluing plywood to concrete. It depends on it how firmly the sheets will stick to the floor, how quickly everything will dry and you can move from preliminary work to final work.

    Types of glue

    The huge assortment presented on the shelves of construction stores can be divided into several main types:

    • water based;
    • polyurethane;
    • epoxy.

    These types of glue for plywood on concrete floors differ in price , composition, consumption and drying time.

    PVA glue for plywood

    Water-based, it is also called water-dispersion (the most popular in this series is PVA) has a number of undeniable advantages: safe, non-toxic, affordable, suitable for moisture-resistant plywood, it can even be applied to damp screed.

    But besides its advantages, it also has its disadvantages:

    • takes a long time to dry (up to 7 days for large volumes);
    • only suitable for interior works in heated rooms (there is an option marked D with frost-resistant additives, but its price is much higher);
    • the fastening of the base to the flooring is not very strong, so the sheets must be screwed with self-tapping screws until they dry completely;
    • When using this type of glue, the floor must be fairly level, the difference cannot be more than 2 mm.

    Polyurethane adhesive has high strength, viscosity and ductility. It can be either two-component or one-piece.

    Two-component adhesive for plywood on concrete floors has a high viscosity (applied with a comb trowel). This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, it sets in literally half an hour, but on the other, it cannot be prepared in large portions “in reserve,” as it quickly dries out and becomes unusable.

    The solid version takes much longer to dry, so it does not harden during installation. Complete drying takes 36 - 48 hours, and the strength of the resulting layer exceeds concrete and can withstand changes up to +55 ° C.

    Installation of plywood with glue

    The disadvantages include:

    1. high toxicity, but harmful substances are released only during installation, after hardening it becomes safe;
    2. two-component mixtures harden too quickly, which creates inconvenience during the work process.

    Epoxy adhesive for plywood on concrete floor , also consists of two components that must be mixed before installation. Complete drying occurs after 4-5 days, but walking on plywood covering possible in a day.

    Read the topic: how to properly lay plywood on a concrete floor.

    When laying, harmful substances are also released into the air (due to alcohol base the smell is rich and pungent), so you need to work in compliance with safety precautions. IN mandatory Safety glasses, gloves, and a respirator must be present, no matter what adhesive you used to glue the plywood to the concrete floor.

    But there are a few general rules:

    1. The concrete must first be cleaned of construction debris and other contaminants (vacuum or wet clean if necessary).
    2. It is advisable to prime it before work - this will reduce the consumption of raw materials and improve adhesion to the surface. For these purposes, both a primer (regular or water-repellent, for damp rooms) and the glue itself are suitable. It must be diluted and applied in a thin layer to the prepared surface.
    3. Although only PVA and its water-based analogues require additional fastening, when working with the rest, for better adhesion, it is also advisable to press the sheets with something to the floor (put them under pressure) until completely dry.
    4. It is best to cut the sheets into 0.5x0.5 squares, so they will fit better without creating cavities in uneven areas. Such squares are laid in a checkerboard pattern, or simply offset.
    5. It is necessary to leave a technological gap of 2 - 5 mm between the sheets.
    6. Depending on the condition of the surface (cracks, unevenness, contamination) and the selected type of glue, the consumption will be 0.5 - 1.5 kilograms per square meter.

    Laying plywood on a concrete floor

    The PVA label often says “consumption from 0.25 kilograms per square meter,” but don’t get your hopes up. This type of glue must be coated not only on the concrete base, but also applied to the sheet. Therefore, when calculating consumption, the numbers indicated on the label should be multiplied by two.


    Glue for plywood on concrete floors can be purchased at any hardware store.

    The most affordable option is the water-based one.

    What glue is best for plywood

    PVA will cost somewhere around 60-100 rubles per kilogram, depending on the region and volume of purchase. Polyurethane and epoxy are approximately the same in price, but are an order of magnitude more expensive than water-based ones. Here the price per kilogram will be from 200 to 600 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and region.

    When working, you should remember that incorrectly selected adhesive for plywood on a concrete floor can significantly complicate the installation process and significantly worsen the result.

    Detailed information in this video.

    It is very important that the floor in the apartment is warm and comfortable. Therefore, its installation begins with laying plywood, which will act as a base and can ensure its stability and strength. This material, consisting of several layers of veneer made from wood coniferous trees, is predisposed to various types of fastening. It can be mounted using screws, nails or bolts. But if you choose glue for this purpose, the work will be much simpler and the result will be of high quality.

    General issues

    To the question whether plywood can be glued, today there is a clear positive answer. Since various types of glue have been developed, if you select them correctly, you can glue plywood to any base. It will firmly connect to concrete, wood, plastic and even metal. Gluing is a fairly easy manipulation that can be done by anyone without any prior skills. Such a floor will be resistant to moisture and will not age. This technology can also be used when installing heated floors.

    Dispersion glue

    On modern market Several types of different glues are presented. In order to figure out which one is suitable in a particular case, you need to consider their characteristics.

    When deciding which glue to use for plywood, you can choose an environmentally friendly dispersion glue that is odorless and has no harmful fumes. People call it PVA glue. It consists of a white suspension, which includes crushed particles of polyvinyl acetate and water.

    It qualitatively connects the plywood to the base. But, despite all the above advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages. These include:

    • mandatory additional fastening using dowels and self-tapping screws;
    • hardening for at least 1 week.

    Before use, it is diluted with water or a special primer is added to it. For gluing 1 sq. m of plywood you need a little more than one kilogram.

    To the question whether it can be used in children's institutions, offices, apartments - the answer is definitely positive.

    Alcohol glue

    If you need to do the work quickly, then for installation use one-component glue, which is also called alcohol glue. It is based on artificial resins and solvents, so it has a strong, pungent odor that requires the use of a respirator when working and long-term ventilation of the room. Before applying it, the concrete screed must be primed. Additional fastening is desirable. But at the same time, this glue has a number of advantages:

    • V normal conditions dries after three days;
    • due to its consistency, it fills cracks and leaves no voids, thereby compacting the rough base;
    • does not crack during operation, due to its high elasticity when frozen.

    It has higher consumption per square meter than dispersion. You need about one and a half kilograms.

    Two-component adhesive

    Laying plywood with two-component glue will be quick and problem-free. Having a higher cost than analogues, it has a number of advantages, including:

    • plywood does not need to be additionally secured with self-tapping screws;

    • the glue hardens in just two days;
    • has the greatest strength.

    This adhesive for plywood flooring is sold in the form of two separate components - a resin and a special hardener, which must be mixed, adhering correct proportions and immediately before use. It is recommended to work with the material using personal protective equipment.

    Technology of adhesive laying of plywood

    To provide correct installation and fixing the material onto the screed from the solution, it is necessary to glue it. This ensures the coupling of two various surfaces, which guarantees good quality laying the preparatory layer of the floor (this process is shown in the video).

    Installation should be carried out in the following sequence:

    1. An adhesive composition of about 2 mm is applied to a pre-prepared flat surface.
    2. Next, the wood adhesive material, cut into squares, pre-numbered, is placed in each place.

      What is the best way to glue plywood?

      To eliminate air, you need to roll over the squares, pressing them.

    3. We carry out the final fastening by placing self-tapping screws around the perimeter of each tile, which should be much longer than the thickness of the sheet (see photo).

    After processing the rough surface grinder We glue the tiles onto the plywood, having first cleared it of debris, primed it, coated it with adhesive and prepared it for laying the tiles directly. We glue parquet in the same way.

    Wallpaper is one of the most common materials for wall decoration. They are attractive, stylish, and gluing them is not particularly difficult. Wallpaper can be glued even when general repairs completely finished without fear that Decoration Materials the floor or ceiling will be damaged. The canvases are demanding on the base; they can only be glued to a previously leveled surface, since their small thickness will make any wall defects clearly visible. One option for leveling is plywood. This material is distinguished by its rigidity, strength, stability, and its surface is as smooth as possible. Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto plywood? Yes, this option is sometimes used, although plywood requires preparatory work to make the wall as attractive as possible.

    Scheme for marking the wall before wallpapering.

    When decorating walls with plywood, you must remember that wood is subject to temperature and humidity expansion. Therefore, you need to choose only moisture-resistant slabs and ensure special clearances during installation. You can use any wallpaper for plywood, but its texture will affect the quality of the wall preparation. The best option are non-woven wallpaper that perfectly disguises irregularities and joints. But with thin ones paper wallpaper you will have to tinker a little, the plywood wall should acquire the perfect appearance. Only after this can work begin. Attention should also be paid to the glue, which should be designed specifically for working with wooden surfaces. Before gluing, a primer is applied to the surface.

    Necessary tools for wallpapering walls.

    To quickly and efficiently glue wallpaper onto plywood, you need to prepare the following materials:

    • waterproof primer;
    • putty (alkyd enamel for rough and non-waterproof plywood);
    • brushes and rollers;
    • metal spatula;
    • sickle tape, metal perforated corners;
    • wallpaper glue;
    • wallpaper;
    • metal ruler;
    • a simple pencil;
    • knife with replaceable blades.

    Preparation for gluing

    The scheme for gluing wallpaper on plywood sheathing is simple, but it must first be prepared. This is due to the fact that the coating has its own characteristics. It can cause the wallpaper to begin to lag, warp, and bubble.

    For wall cladding, it is best to take waterproof plywood; so-called bakelite or American plywood is excellent.

    Scheme for wallpapering walls.

    Such sheets are less susceptible to temperature changes than others.

    Under no circumstances is low-grade plywood allowed, which has visible defects or delamination of the end part. All these disadvantages will quickly appear after wallpapering; the covering will have to be removed.

    Sequence of work

    Before gluing wallpaper, you need to properly prepare the surface of the walls:

    1. When fastening the sheets, the screws should be literally sunk into the wood so that the caps in no case protrude above the surface. After this, all fastenings are processed special compounds against corrosion, otherwise rust spots will quickly appear on the surface of the canvas.
    2. After installation, plywood must be covered with a layer of primer. The composition must contain special anti-mold additives. This is especially important for vinyl wallpaper.
    3. The joints between individual plates must be sealed with putty, otherwise they will be visible through the canvas, especially paper. The same applies to any defects, including microcracks, knots, and nail marks.
    4. After the putty has dried, it is necessary to sand the surface and coat it with primer again.

    Scheme of wallpapering procedure.

    It is best to use non-woven wallpaper for a plywood wall. They camouflage perfectly various defects, since the canvas is quite thick.

    How is plywood prepared? Plywood after covering the wall has seams between the individual slabs and fastening points. All such joints and fastenings must be sealed, otherwise they will be clearly visible. If rough plywood was used for work, the walls are first sanded and then cleaned of dust. Next, they are covered with a moisture-resistant primer, all joints and fastening points are puttied.

    When the mixture has dried, it is necessary to sand the surface again so that it becomes perfectly flat and smooth. If non-moisture resistant plywood was used to cover the walls, it is recommended to paint the wall with a special alkyd enamel, water cannot be used. If waterproof plywood was used for the work, then after all the mixtures have dried, the walls must be treated with a regular vacuum cleaner, which will collect all the dust so that it does not interfere with the adhesion of the glue.

    Pasting process

    Rules for wallpapering.

    Don’t forget about puttying; for this you need to use waterproof putty and sickle tape. The plywood is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws, so you only need to use galvanized fasteners, the heads of which are additionally processed. If this is not done, then over time rusty spots will appear on the surface, which will appear through the wallpaper; there is no way to remove them.

    The putty is applied to the joints and fastening points, then carefully leveled with a spatula. After this, it is necessary to apply serpyanka to the still wet mixture, for external and internal corners you need to use special perforated metal corners. Then the surface is again covered with a thin layer of putty, which must dry.

    After this, you can start gluing wallpaper. First you need to lay out the material on the floor, protected plastic film. Then dilute the wallpaper glue with water in full accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The gluing process depends on what kind of wallpaper on plywood was purchased. If non-woven fabrics are used, then the glue is applied only to the wall, for others - only to the fabric. This must be taken into account, otherwise the wallpaper may become covered with bubbles, swell, or warp. There is nothing complicated here, manufacturers indicate the conditions for wallpapering, you just need to pay attention to them.

    You need to start gluing wallpaper on plywood, stepping back a little from the far corner. It will be glued separately; here, not the whole canvas is used, but a small part of it. The same applies to places above window and door openings.

    How to glue plywood together: rules and methods of adhesive bonding

    All of them are glued last, along with niches and complex parts. After the wallpaper is completely glued to the plywood, you need to leave the walls to dry. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts in the room. The amount of time for the glue to dry depends on what type of wallpaper glue was used.

    To hang wallpaper on plywood, you need to properly prepare the surface, hide all the joints between the sheathing slabs and fasteners. This allows the wall to be made as suitable as possible for gluing. The wallpaper will look neat and attractive. The gluing process itself is not complicated; it consists of applying glue to the surface of the wall or canvas, after which the wallpaper is carefully glued.

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