What solvents can be used to dilute different types of paints? Thinner for acrylic paint: selection and use Painting a car: how to thin the paint.

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How to dilute paint correctly and what this means “correctly”. This means not only adding to the paint according to the instructions required quantity hardener (and thinner) ...
In a smooth beautiful painting There seem to be only two secrets.
One of them is the selection of the correct viscosity of paint (or varnish), suitable specifically for your spray gun and your style of painting.
It is absolutely clear that thick paint will adhere worse, even with the so-called “shagreen”. If you use excessively thick paint, then when painted with a spray gun it may then simply have no appearance or shine. Precisely when painting with a spray gun.
The fact is that it really makes a big difference to paint with a brush or with a spray gun.
In the second case, the paint particles get extra air, which dries it additionally, the drops arrive “dried up”
Dry particles of paint are placed on the surface, which cannot completely dissolve in each other and therefore will not stretch into a beautiful smooth surface.
This is a bit of a rough description, but it kind of gets the point across. For me at least all this is important.
Few people talk about thinning the paint “for a beautiful result,” but this is a very important part of painting (and painting is all about moments and little things). In general, let’s call this point an important component of “success”. The point is not at all to figure out who is better to paint, but to find something important in painting.
What is the second “secret” in painting?
It is correct to transfer this paint. Everyone has their own style and their own spray gun. Someone has a spray gun high pressure(paints, say, at a pressure of 2.5 or more atm.), someone has an HVLP spray gun that has a working pressure of 2.0. The first normally spreads paint on the surface at a distance of 15-20 cm, the second, no matter how hard you try, will not be able to give a smooth surface at such a distance. Its normal distance is up to 15 cm, it has more weak pressure, but it saves material and generates less dust. Means for smooth painting of these two spray guns is already different.
Is there some more medium type spray gun (between them), LVLP system, again you can paint from a distance of 15 cm or more.
Also, for paint, it is recommended to use your own nozzle size on the spray gun. For enamel and varnish, a nozzle of 1.4 is recommended
But you can paint it well with enamel or varnish with a nozzle of 1.3 or even 1.2.
For nozzle 1.2 you will have to dilute the paint even more.

So. There are instructions for dilution on the jar (picture).
The paint (or varnish) has its own hardener and thinner. Clear dilution proportions for different manufacturers no one will tell you, they are on the banks. But still (when diluting) we have to proceed from the situation that we have at the moment.
For example.
Good temperature indoors (+ 20 degrees).

Then the paint after adding a portion of hardener to it already becomes quite liquid. You may have to add only the very minimum of diluent to it (for example, 3-5%).
- Another situation. It's cold inside. And then you will have to add more thinner - perhaps this is already 5-10-15%. There is also a “workaround” option (very suitable for winter). Heat the paint - then it becomes more liquid...
Another example. For clarity. In the morning we mixed the paint with the hardener, but for various reasons we couldn’t paint it (either we started painting, it started to flow somewhere or swelled, which means we need to stop, heat it up, wait for it to dry and fix this place...). Now I will only paint in the evening. But the paint in the container will already have time to thicken. This means you will have to add diluent to it again (or solvent).
Or other situations. It seems like one small point is opening.
Why sometimes the first layer of paint goes on exceptionally evenly and smoothly. And for some reason the second layer (after 15-20 minutes) turns out to be more dry or already with shagreen.
Precisely because the paint manages to become thicker after 15-20 minutes of action of the hardener and therefore now adheres worse.
“I’ve been paying attention to this for a long time.” And in cases where I need to try and paint it “completely normally,” I pay great attention to this point.
And I even wash the gun after each coat of paint. I do separate tests for each layer and adjust the viscosity on a new layer each time... If I paint in three layers, then I wash the spray gun twice and adjust the viscosity twice.
One video confirming that everyone’s style of painting is different.
The video is also interesting because it shows a Taiwanese spray gun. There was an interest in dealing with them (Taiwanese). For example, compare them with SLIM. They are practically the same in cost.

According to the video. I would have diluted the varnish differently. The author only stretched it due to the fact that the temperature in the paint booth was 20 degrees.
Another thing noted. Good viscosity is good soft sound when painting. For the author, it is “dry” and pinching. This is my opinion.
I liked the torch on this spray gun (last seconds of the video).

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How to dilute acrylic paint, choose a solvent

There are three groups of acrylic thinners:

Therefore, for high-quality work, always choose a material at a certain air temperature.
If it is cold, then use a “fast” thinner at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. At normal temperature from 15 to 25 use “normal”. And in hot weather from 25 degrees you need a leisurely one. How does this motor work? The engine for the Toyota Corolla 1.6 1zr fe is found in the E160 and E150 body styles, it is designed taking into account previous experience, created by advanced technologies. How to thin car paint. . We mix 2k acrylic paint on how to paint a car. All numbers are approximate; for a clear definition, see the manufacturer's instructions. The photo below shows a series of thinners from Body 740 741 742.

How thin acrylic paint according to Feng Shui.

Channel about economical preparation and painting a car with your own hands.

We are breeding 2k acrylic paint(Dilute 2k acrylic paint)

Lesson for beginners. As in proportion dilute 2k acrylic paint. Dilute 2k acrylic paint.

It should be noted that there is no special thinner for varnish or for primer, acrylic. How to properly dilute car paint. To dilute them, use a universal acrylic thinner. But for base enamel there is a base solvent. Although many people use the usual universal one.

Transition solvents

In addition to universal ones, there is also a solvent for transition. They are not intended for thinning varnishes and enamels. > How to dilute paint for painting a car? How to dilute paint for painting a car? Their purpose is to create an invisible transition between old and new paint or varnish. To do this, apply the transition solvent from a paint sprayer or aerosol can onto the dry “spray” in the transition zone of the varnish or acrylic paint.

It is extremely important to note that the solvent for transferring varnish or acrylic paint“acrylic” and for moving across the base, also called “Binder” are completely different products. A paint binder is something like a transparent base. It is used so that the metallic grain does not stick out like a “hedgehog” in the transition zone, but “settles down” correctly, which will ensure a high-quality invisible transition.

How to mix paints correctly.

Each has its own advantages and what to use is purely everyone’s choice. The measuring ruler is reusable and will last a very long time, unlike a measuring cup. How to choose a paint for a car? Modern varnish for painting cars for the most part. Measuring rulers are double-sided (each side has different mixing proportions). How to choose a paint sprayer for painting a car? Basic criteria when choosing and purchasing a spray gun. Basically like this: 2:1 and 4:1 and another option is 3:1 and 5:1.
How to use the measuring ruler and glass in the photo below, there is nothing complicated about it.
Before mixing paints, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging in what ratio to dilute the material. Below I will tell you in what proportions to mix different paints.

Mixing acrylic paint "acrylic":

For Vika paint this is a 4:1 ratio with hardener and 20%-30% thinner. Tags: how to open the trunk from the inside of a Ford Mondeo 4, although the problem is rather common to all cars with a trunk with electric locks. And for Mobihel 2:1 with hardener and 10% -20% thinner.

Mixing base:
The base paint is generally mixed 2:1. That is, the base itself and half of it is the solvent. It can also be mixed 1:1.

Mixing varnishes:
The story with varnishes is almost the same as with acrylics. The varnish is diluted 2:1 with hardener and thinner from 0% to 20%. Depending on what viscosity you need it.
All the above mentioned figures are approximate and may vary depending on specific needs, type of work, and application technique. In general, read the instructions before use and there will be no problems.

To accurately determine the viscosity of paint there is special tool called a viscometer. The operation of the viscometer: the viscometer is immersed in paint, taken out and timed for how long it takes to empty. How much paint is required to paint a car, how to dilute the paint and varnish. We fix it. How to dilute paint before painting, how much paint is needed to paint a car. As soon as the stream begins to drip, the stopwatch is stopped.

And finally, a couple of comments and tips:

  • What to do if the paint has dried or thickened? Fill it with solvent, stir, close and leave for a while.
  • Do not forget about Health, solvent vapors are very volatile and poisonous, prolonged exhalation can harm your health. Use a special respirator
  • How to dilute alkyd paint? Lately alkyd paints are practically not used in car painting. You can dilute alkyd enamel with white spirit.

Result repair work related to recovery paint coating, largely depends on how you prepare the paint. Consumables To paint a car, it is necessary to activate and dilute with solvents. By the way, most of the instructions for using the latter, among other things, also contain an incentive to purchase expensive solvents from the same series as paint (varnish). In fact, an expensive solvent is not always of high quality. In addition, expensive products foreign manufacturers sometimes it can be replaced with no less effective domestically produced license solvents.

Slow, medium and fast solvents for car enamels

How to properly prepare paint for painting parts in different times of the year? During the car painting process, the solvent evaporates at a certain rate, which is affected by temperature. environment. In this regard, they highlight the following types solvent compositions:

  • slow, which is advisable to use in the hot season so that the paint does not set too quickly;
  • medium, suitable for transition periods;
  • fast, which accelerate the hardening of paints and varnishes at low temperatures in the workshop.

Enamels with different degrees of fullness

Enamel drying diagram. Click on photo to enlarge.

To paint a car, varnishes and paints with different component compositions are used. During storage, certain substances in enamel can be in a calm or active state. Based on this criterion, car paints are divided into several groups:

  • LS are enamels of the “low solid” type, that is, low-filled. They are characterized by higher volatility, so to properly prepare such paint for work means diluting it with a very small volume of solvent;
  • MS – enamel with medium fullness;
  • HS, HD – auto paints with high fullness, which should be diluted with a solvent in large proportions;
  • VHS, UHS are materials for car painting with ultra-high content. They interact with the surface being painted several times better than other types of auto paints.

It should be noted that the viscosity of both low- and high-filled enamels is approximately the same, therefore, to find out how to properly dilute LS or UHS paint for painting a car, you must carefully study the instructions on the paint packaging.

The rule of similarity in the composition of the base material and the solvent material

To correctly answer the question of how to prepare paint for application to a surface, you need to know the component composition of the enamel used to paint the car and the solvent. It is possible to achieve a mixture of the correct consistency only by adding a solvent to the car paint with a similar chemical composition. In this regard, for example, acrylic enamels and varnishes are diluted with the same solvents, since acrylic paint is the same varnish, only with pigment.

The most popular solvents for paints and varnishes used when painting a car

Solvent No. 646 is widely used in car painting work. With its help, you can properly prepare mixtures for priming car surfaces. This composition is also suitable for diluting acrylic enamels used for painting cars. Caution should be exercised with other paintwork materials, since 646 contains rather aggressive components. But at the stage of cleaning guns and other tools after painting, this aggressiveness will come in handy.

White Spirit. This solvent composition is used mainly for degreasing surfaces before applying paintwork. They can also be diluted different kinds mastics (shale, rubber-bitumen, etc.).

Solvent No. 647 – ideal remedy for diluting nitro paints and nitro varnishes.

Solvent No. 650 is characterized by its mild reaction with other substances, so it can be used when preparing working mixtures based on most paintwork materials for car painting.

R-4 is a mixture of butyl acetate, toluene and acetone. The composition is suitable for diluting alkyd enamels and coatings based on chlorinated polymers.

Polar and non-polar solvents

To properly dilute paintwork materials, it is necessary to maintain the polarity of the components of the working mixture. Thus, polar substances include organic solvents, having oxygen in their molecular structure (alcohols, ketones, acetone, etc.), as well as paints on water based. White spirit is a non-polar product, so it cannot be used to dilute water-based enamel or water-soluble acrylic.

Benzenes, xylenes and oils have variable polarity, therefore they are suitable for diluting most well-known car enamels.

First, strictly follow the directions on the paint packaging. For example, if an activator is already present in the acrylic paint, the solvent composition is added in a small volume and only for the convenience of spraying the enamel.

When painting a car, especially yourself, you need to know many nuances. First of all, attention should be paid to the choice of paint and its preparation for the procedure. Most of them are not applied in their original condition; for a better effect, a solvent for automobile paints is used. It is often used for dilution, since special diluents act slightly differently.

Manufacturers can sell a whole kit for repainting a car. For simple paint, for example acrylic, the product itself, a solvent (extractant) and a hardener will be available. All components are mixed. But the metallic effect coating is applied in two layers, so the set will consist of a base, a thinner for it, a hardener, clear varnish and varnish extractant.

The difference between a solvent and a special thinner is significant. Extractants are initially present in any paint and varnish materials. They affect their structure, diluting some resins and making them suitable for even and thin layer. Thinners are simply mixed with the composition and diluted to a certain viscosity.

As a result, a correctly selected mixture can best bring the dye to the correct state, since it is originally a component of it. The use of thinners will not give such a rosy effect. Choosing which solvents to use for car paint, it is worth considering the desired shade and application rules.

There are many categories various colors for cars, but only four main varieties have become popular. They have different properties and have earned the love of car owners for various reasons.

Acrylics are two-component. Not only a thinner is mixed into them, but also a hardener. The color depth can be adjusted by the number of layers. They have the following advantages:

  • They don't burn out.
  • Slow aging process.
  • Does not require varnishing.
  • Easy to apply.
  • You can choose a softer or harder option.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Withstands high temperatures.
  • The shade does not depend much on the thickness of the layer.

It gives a soft matte color with a slight shimmer. It is not varnished on top. Acrylic is easy to polish to the desired finish.

Alkyd enamels are used much less frequently for painting cars; they require more effort to obtain a specific result. On top they are coated with an additional layer of transparent varnish and polished. The result is an excellent shiny coating with high performance properties. In them, solvent compositions are used rather to reduce the drying time, since the additive quickly evaporates. They are more expensive, but they also maintain a good appearance longer, prevent the formation of corrosion, and are resistant to aggressive environments.

Nitro paints have won the love of consumers with their “mirror” effect. They have an original glossy body with a metallic sheen. The main disadvantage of this material is its high toxicity during the procedure, so their use is gradually being reduced.

Their use requires careful cleaning of the surface, since they cannot be mixed with other types. But they dry quickly and are long-lasting.

Water-based, environmentally friendly. They have the following advantages:

  • Can be applied to other coatings.
  • Does not require surface leveling.
  • Gives the surface an ideal condition.
  • Gives more thorough painting.
  • They do not repel water during application, so they do not swell.
  • It lasts a long time.

It also has disadvantages - it takes a long time to dry and requires expensive equipment for proper application.

Which solvent to choose for acrylic composition

It is best to use a specialized acrylic solvent for automobile paints. Under no circumstances should you choose organic options, for example, 646,647 and so on. It is worth spending money and purchasing a specialized version from the same company, although it costs more. Then the effect will be much better.

If the budget does not allow for such expenses, then it can be replaced with a product similar in composition. Extractant 651 or universal - P12 are perfect. It has been used many times with acrylic varieties, so the result is guaranteed.

Which solvent to choose for alkyd versions

Alkyds are divided into two grades depending on the resins that are the base. They come in pentaphthalic (PF) and glypthalic (GF) types. For them, a volatile solvent for automobile paints is used - white spirit, gasoline, solvent, turpentine or a mixture thereof. You need to choose a specific option depending on the marking, but there is also a universal option - R-4.

What solvent to dilute nitroenamel

Nitro paint is best diluted with organic varieties. Suitable composition 646 is a clear color that contains alcohols, hydrocarbons and esters. When working with this solution, be sure to follow safety precautions, as it is highly flammable. A little bit of it is required; it is a fairly aggressive solvent for car paints. If the car owner does not want to take risks, then R-4 solvent can be used.

When selecting 646 composition, you need to be careful - there are GOST and TU markings. The TU option should only be adapted for cleaning surfaces and a spray gun. This is a cheap, aggressive mixture that will destroy the coating.

How to dilute water-based mixtures

For them, as the name suggests, solvents should not be used. Best options will be water or alcohol. You can try to choose a very soft composition based on alcohol or esters, but the result is unpredictable.

What solvent to use to remove old coating from a car?

The type of extractant is chosen depending on the type of coating, so as not to damage the base and quickly complete the task. For example, acrylic solvent for car paints is suitable for acrylic varieties. For the rest, you can choose the general universal P-4 or a more aggressive option - 646. You can also use white spirit or its analogues, but they are difficult to remove the varnish. It is better to choose them specifically for the coloring layer.

The entire process of replacing paintwork on a body requires attention to detail and safety rules. Most solvents can be life-threatening if precautions are not taken - gloves and a respirator, preferably a protective suit. The room in which the mixture is diluted and applied must be well ventilated.


Different types of car paint have different compositions, which determine their chemical and physical properties. Many types of car enamel contain a certain amount of solvent, so they do not require preliminary preparation before use.

But it is worth considering that during long-term storage all paints thicken, lose color and dry out, which can lead to problems during their subsequent use. Viscous paint spreads less well over the surface being painted, which leads to the appearance of sagging and other defects.

In order to avoid having to repaint the car body after painting, it is recommended to immediately give the car paint the required consistency. How to dilute it? Today we will look at this issue in more detail.

Types and composition of enamel

Any industrial automotive paint consists of the following components:

  • Binder. ABOUT ensures fixation of car enamel on a metal or plastic part or element to be painted, due to which the car body acquires a uniform, smooth, glossy surface;
  • Coloring pigment. The powdery component of the paint, which is responsible for the resulting shade and its saturation;
  • Solvent. Gives the paint and varnish material a certain degree of viscosity, ensuring uniform and highest quality spraying.

After applying auto enamel to a part or body structure element, the solvent gradually evaporates, leaving a durable and strong composition of color pigment and binder. Long service life and flawless performance The quality of the chosen car paint is determined by the degree of its hardness and elasticity.

Depending on the chemical composition There are several types of auto enamel, which is important to consider before choosing a solvent:

  • Alkyd. The main component of the enamel is an oil resin, thanks to which rapid polymerization of paintwork materials on the surface of the body is achieved under conditions of normal humidity and air temperature. Alkyd paint It is not intended for complete painting of the vehicle, since it requires repeated application of varnish and the need for subsequent polishing. The rapid drying process of auto enamel can lead to the appearance of numerous defects;
  • Melamine-alkyd. The paint polymerizes when high temperature- from 110 to 140 degrees, usually used in factory conditions. Auto enamel creates a durable, reliable coating on the surface of the body that is resistant to adverse external factors;
  • Acrylic. The composition contains only two components - a color pigment and a hardener; it has gained wide popularity among car enthusiasts due to the absence of the need for subsequent application of varnish. After painting with acrylic paint, the surface acquires a rich shade and glossy shine;
  • Nitro. Used when performing local repair work, the main advantage of auto enamel is the rapid polymerization process (at ambient temperatures above 20 degrees it takes half an hour).

According to the degree of concentration, paint is divided into three groups - highly filled, medium filled and low filled. When choosing the type and amount of solvent used to dilute car enamel, this parameter must be taken into account; in this case, when painting the body, the paint will not dry out too quickly, which can lead to large quantity defects.

Note! Low-fill car paint should not be diluted with large amounts of solvent.

How to dilute car enamels of different composition?

Using thick paint when painting a car leads to an unaesthetic result - various defects, influx and shagreen. Applying viscous auto enamel using a spray gun results in the absence of mirror shine and attractive appearance body

The paint must be diluted immediately before performing the procedure for painting the surface of the vehicle body. Compliance with mixing proportions and right choice solvent will ensure high-quality, problem-free application of auto enamel and a quick drying process.

Thinning the paint allows you to achieve ideal viscosity paint composition sufficient to cover the entire area of ​​the car body. Incorrect choice solvent may cause problems during the painting process - bad grip With metal surfaces, separation, formation of thick lumps and “flakes”.

Note! Before choosing how to dilute the paint, you should carefully study the instructions on the car enamel packaging. Many paint and varnish manufacturers provide recommendations on the use of their products and the choice of solvent.

For certain types Different solvents are suitable for car paint:

  • White Spirit. It is used mainly for degreasing and cleaning the body surface to be painted before applying enamel. Suitable for slate or rubber bitumen mastic, not recommended for diluting acrylic car enamel;
  • №646 . An aggressive solvent that not only reduces the viscosity of paintwork materials, but also leads to a change in its chemical composition. It should be used with caution in combination with acrylic paint and some types of primers;
  • №647. The solvent is used with car varnishes and nitro paints and has an aggressive effect;
  • Multicomponent composition R-4. Contains acetone or toluene, used to dilute alkyd enamels;
  • Toluene and xylene designed for diluting paint containing chlorinated polymer.

Note! When choosing a suitable solvent, it is worth considering the degree of polarity paint and varnish material. If liquid hydrocarbons are used in the manufacture of enamel, kerosene or white spirit are suitable for diluting it, the presence of hydroxyl group molecules indicates the polarity of the auto enamel, for which alcohols and ketones are suitable for diluting.

Acrylic car enamels contain a certain amount of water. Reducing their viscosity before use requires the addition of a hardener followed by the addition of a solvent. Economical and budget options dilutions are such thinners as No. 651 and R-12.

For alkyd enamel Pure toluene or xylene, as well as multicomponent R-4, are suitable. The use of nitro paint to give a car body a metallic shining effect requires a competent choice of thinner; usually paint manufacturers indicate the recommended composition in the instructions on the packaging (for example, No. 646).

When choosing a paint solvent, in addition to its type and polarity, it is worth considering the temperature dependence. Some thinners are positioned as universal, others are intended for use at a specific ambient temperature (negative or positive).

When diluting paint, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • When staining is carried out at normal temperature(15-20 degrees) the enamel must be dissolved by 3-5%;
  • With reduced and sub-zero temperature the solvent should be added in larger quantities - at least 5-10%.


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