Which side to glue the ceiling plinth to the ceiling. Glue the floor plinth with liquid nails

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Ceiling plinth can be called differently - for example, baguette, molding or frieze. He is decorative element which helps to give interior decoration completeness, aesthetic appearance. With its help you can hide irregularities and small flaws at the junction of the wall and ceiling.

Different materials can be used for manufacturing - the baseboard can be foam, wood, plaster, polyurethane, etc.

You need to choose what exactly you can use depending on its material.

Products for gluing skirting boards

Most often, such means are used for gluing skirting boards.

Adhesive compositions for polymer based. Of these, the most common are “Moment” and “Titan”. Not only do they have a good astringent base, but they also set quite quickly, and elements glued with their help will be held securely. There are other similar adhesive solutions based on polymers, but their adhesive properties are somewhat worse.

Liquid Nails. Safe for almost all materials, can perfectly hold the baseboard for long term. Such compositions are made of neopropylene - they have a pungent odor and, if handled carelessly before drying, can cause harm, and acrylic - safer, but less effective.

Putty on acrylic base. Many professional tilers choose it because it is very convenient to stick the baseboard onto the putty:
- you don’t need to press the baseboard to the surface for a long time and wait until it sets;
- with the same composition you can immediately cover the gaps between the wall and the baseboard, and if there are any unevenness, smooth them out.
The putty will hold the material securely; it can be used in indoors without fear for your health.

How to glue foam baseboards

For finishing the ceilings of domestic premises, skirting boards made of polystyrene and polystyrene are most often chosen. These materials are practical and look no worse than plaster or wood. You can imitate a hall of columns, and it won’t be that expensive. It is most effective and safe to glue foam baseboards using acrylic putty.

Liquid nails and other adhesive mixtures can also be used, but only if the composition allows it. The packaging must indicate indications for use.

The use of adhesives containing aggressive substances may result in the baseboard melting and deteriorating.

You can make your own adhesive solution for ceiling plinths. You won't need many ingredients: finishing putty, PVA glue, water. Putty is poured into a container with a sufficient volume, and PVA is added to it in a ratio of 4:1. Water is added and the solution is mixed to a creamy consistency. After this, you need to let it sit for about 10 minutes and mix again. The solution prepared in this way can be used within one and a half to two hours.

Many who have not encountered finishing works, it seems that all the talk is about how to glue ceiling plinth- This is a simple waste of time, because this process is not particularly difficult. But once you encounter it, it turns out that the work requires increased attention. It is impossible to install fillets if their features are not taken into account, there is no clear plan of action, and the composition for fixation is not determined. If all this is not taken into account, the consequences will be very sad: fragments will begin to fall off, cracks will appear in the joints, incorrectly formed corners will ruin the entire appearance.

Installing a ceiling plinth with your own hands should begin with choosing a fillet. There are many types of products that have significant differences.

First of all, you need to know that baguettes vary in shape. So, it is customary to highlight:

  1. Parts with grooves and clearly visible longitudinal recesses are an extruded version.
  2. Elements with a well-convex, highly relief surface - injection type.
  3. The variety that has a very smooth coating is referred to as the laminated type.

But the differences in the material of manufacture are much more pronounced. It is this feature that determines the final characteristics of the product and gives the best idea of ​​how to properly glue the fillets into place.

This option is considered the most versatile and very practical. It has a lot of advantages:

  • Due to its high strength, the profile has a long service life.
  • Doesn't lose his external properties even if it is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • There is a variety that is flexible, which simplifies work on complex geometric structures.
  • It is not exposed to moisture, which makes it possible to use not only in bathrooms and shower rooms, but also in rooms that are constantly different high humidity: swimming pools, saunas, baths.
  • Has a wide range of colors and textures.

A polyurethane profile is the only option that can be used on highly curved structures

Gluing polyurethane baguettes to the ceiling is carried out using special adhesives that do not react with the material and have a good degree of fixation. Installing such a profile is quite simple; the work requires a minimal set of tools.

For all its merits, this material has very noticeable disadvantages. They conclude that its cost significantly exceeds other options, especially when it comes to the flexible variety. It is also taken into account that the elements are quite heavy, which limits their use in conjunction with suspended ceilings.

Foam profile

Foam fillets are rightfully considered the most popular, because they are accessible to the majority of the population, while being endowed with excellent qualities and appearance. In addition, they have a number of other advantages:

  • They are light in weight, which allows them to be used for suspended ceilings, as well as to perform work without the use of additional forces.
  • They are easy to process, which reduces the time required for installation.
  • If necessary, the surface can be painted many times, and this creates limitless possibilities for design solutions.

We also must not forget that this type of fillet has negative qualities, which are associated with the fact that the products are extremely fragile and are easily damaged.

In addition, this option has the most restrictions on the use of fixing compounds. Making decisions about how to glue foam baseboard on the ceiling, take into account that the adhesive solutions used should not contain any solvents. The fact is that their presence is a direct path to complete deformation of parts that literally dissolve from the influence of this substance.

PVC profile

This type of fillet is a product that is made of polyvinyl chloride. To put it simply, it's just plastic. PVC profile most often used in the case of wall cladding with plastic panels. But this is not a necessary condition.

PVC fillets have the following advantages:

  • Quite cheap, although this parameter is much higher than that of foam products.
  • They have an abundance of colors and imitations. If necessary, you can select parts that will replicate the natural cut of wood or stone.
  • Insensitive to moisture. According to this indicator, they are superior to polyurethane.

For gluing, universal adhesives are used, which are marked as suitable for PVC. Although plastic has impressive qualities, it cannot be painted, which is important to consider.

Wood profile

The widespread use of wooden fillets is on the decline. This is facilitated by:

  1. Expensiveness of the material. We are not talking about rare breeds here, high cost They even have widespread species. Of course, in specialized construction stores you can also find inexpensive wooden frames, but they are of very low quality.
  2. Not the easiest processing procedure. To perfectly fit the parts, they must be laid on a flat surface, and trimming must be done very carefully. The resulting defects are very difficult to hide under a layer of putty.
  3. Installation involves a series of labor-intensive procedures. Before gluing the ceiling plinth, you should decide whether this will happen using putty or glue. The first option is often preferable. Next, additional fixing measures are taken - with self-tapping screws, dowels or nails; the choice of fasteners depends on the base.

Of course, a wooden fillet is real luxury. It is she who is able to give the room a certain aristocratic look. It is important to consider that walls covered with clapboard and wood panels cannot look good without such an element. Attempts to replace the profile modern version will lead to the interior losing its appearance.

On a note! Gypsum varieties are also becoming less popular. They have an unsurpassed appearance. But this feature Many synthetic products began to be copied. In addition, gluing stucco molding is only possible on a plaster solution.

Gluing taking into account the width of the product

It is impossible to talk about how to properly glue a ceiling plinth with your own hands if you do not take into account its width. This indicator directly affects the sticker technology and general form premises. The following features are taken into account:

  • Wide parts are perfect for rooms with high ceilings, because they visually reduce their height. To obtain a reliable fixation, the composition is applied along the entire back side, this will prevent the glued elements from starting to fall off.
  • Small-width fillets are an excellent solution when ceilings need to be visually raised. Fastening is carried out pointwise if lightweight products are used.
  • Medium-width fragments are considered the most acceptable; they are used everywhere. Ceiling plinths of this size can be glued using all known methods.

On a note! The appearance of the product is of great importance during installation. Thus, fully processed, painted, textured elements require very careful application of adhesives. The fact is that their contact with front side can lead to the fillet being irrevocably damaged.

Sticking according to design

Particular attention should be paid external features fillets. Thus, the color of the elements can visually change the perception of the room. For example, if the shades of decorative details and walls match, the room will seem much smaller.

But then how to properly glue the ceiling plinth, taking into account the shape of the product? There are a number of simple recommendations for this:

  1. The pattern should be selected taking into account what style will dominate the interior. Thus, classic variations suggest that baguettes will have a complex texture, patterns that resemble stucco. Modern minimalism strives for simplicity, so thin fillets are suitable for it, the ornament on which is absent or has a clear geometry.
  2. with volumetric figures it is better to use for plain surfaces. This option significantly complicates the atmosphere, so it is absolutely not suitable for small rooms.
  3. To achieve harmony, the pattern must be combined with the walls or ceiling. This will make the transition as smooth as possible.

Create the most harmonious interior obtained by combining the fillet pattern with the walls or ceiling

On a note! When working with baguettes that have complex shape and texture, take into account that these parts are very difficult to adjust to the corners. Therefore, it is better to purchase special corner pads for them.

Basic installation methods

Exist various ways, which are used when gluing ceiling plinths. It is customary to distinguish two main technologies that allow the installation of the most popular product options: polyurethane and foam.

Method one - using putty

This option is great for situations in which wallpapering has not yet been done. Many masters rightly consider this method the most acceptable. The fact is that an untreated surface allows you to achieve the best grip.


To work you will need the following set of materials:

  • Directly fillet. It is very convenient that this method is universal and practical for all varieties.
  • Putty. The process uses the most common mixture, which is sold everywhere in stores; you can use leftovers from previous repairs. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the substance. If the material is not friable, it is rejected.

    On a note! A gypsum composition can be selected for the job. But it has one big disadvantage - quick setting. This limits the time the solution can be used, and also does not make it possible to correct any defects that have arisen.

  • Priming. Used to increase surface adhesion. It is better to choose formulations with deep penetration.

For gluing the ceiling plinth, select necessary set tools:

  1. Trimming of parts is carried out using an ordinary hacksaw for metal. You need to use a stationery knife only when the width of the elements does not exceed two centimeters, otherwise the quality will not be as intended.
  2. To form an angle, they resort to the services of a primitive, but very effective device - a miter box.
  3. A medium-width spatula of 8-10 cm is suitable for applying putty.
  4. It often happens that the surface of the fillets has a very noticeable roughness, which interferes with high-quality work. It is removed using sandpaper.

Before attaching the plinth, check the availability of all materials and tools. The work is much more efficient when there is no need to search for the necessary devices during the process.


The fillets are glued according to a specific pattern, which consists of several stages. It should be borne in mind that when performing work, all actions are adapted to the specific situation.

Stage one:

  • It all starts with inspecting the area where the molding will be installed. Happens often, especially after doing finishing that small defects and irregularities remain on the surface. To remove them use sandpaper, which is fixed to a special bar. Of course, it is better to do these preparatory work in advance.
  • The walls and ceiling are treated with a primer. It is important to consider that even this composition needs preparation. The simplest option is to simply stir, but if a concentrate is used, it must be properly diluted. Further procedures can be carried out only after the surface has completely dried.
  • Marking is required. The simplest way is that the part is applied to to the right place. A line is drawn exactly along the edge that will serve as a guide.

Marking the wall surface
  • Many craftsmen advise measuring the length of fillets in advance. That is, measurements of all areas are taken, and fragments are calculated. It is much more convenient to draw up a diagram on a piece of paper. You can skip this step, then the marking will have to be done for each individual element when direct fixation is performed.
  • Parts are being trimmed. It is this process that can cause many problems. You need to be especially careful when working with polystyrene foam, which easily crumbles from improper exposure. To form corners, use a miter box. It’s better to practice a little to determine the correct placement of the products in this tool.

Cutting skirting boards at an angle

Stage two:

  • Installation of the ceiling plinth begins with the preparation of the putty mixture. It should be noted that it is kneaded immediately before work to prevent loss of properties. ready solution. This process is quite simple: a dry substance is poured into a container, which is diluted the right amount water. The mixture should be thick and well mixed.

Advice! It is important to avoid the appearance of lumps or dry residue in the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to first add water, and then add putty. Each manufacturer places instructions on the label that must be strictly followed.

  • Now comes the most crucial moment - fixation. To do this, use a spatula to collect a large number of prepared solution. It is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the baguette, which will directly interact with the ceiling and walls. This procedure is not complicated, but care must be taken to ensure that excess does not fall on front part.

  • Installation starts from one of the corners. It is believed that it is better to choose an area for this that is in the field of constant visibility. But before gluing the ceiling plinth, check that the applied mixture is not too much. Otherwise, there will be too many leftovers that will be difficult to deal with.
  • The part is pressed to a specified location. It is at this moment that those lines that were previously drawn will come in handy. They are used to verify the correct installation. There is no need to press too hard; fresh solution allows you to fix the element very quickly. In any case, excess mixture will appear from under the edges. Until the solution hardens, it is removed.

Advice! Removing excess is not always advisable. It often happens that there are minor unevenness on the surface, in which case the putty fills them perfectly. Thus, fillet edges are formed that do not have any defects.

  • When attaching the second fragment, a logical question arises: how to join the ceiling plinth correctly? Many admit typical mistake– they forget to apply the solution directly to the end part. The mixture requires a small amount so that the excess is completely absent or minimal. The product is pressed into place and combined with the first element. It is important to achieve a perfect match, because any distortions will be obvious.

Each glued part must be installed clearly along the line. It takes time for the material to adhere well and dry completely. This takes about a day. Further work consist in the fact that possible flaws caused by mixture residues are cleaned out. If necessary, the fillets are primed and painted. To avoid painting adjacent surfaces, apply masking tape along the edges of the ceiling plinth.

On a note! When work is carried out with fillets that are highly fragile, pressing is carried out with the back of the hand, without a point stop. This will help avoid dents.

Method two - using glue

This option is usually used when you need to glue the ceiling plinth onto the wallpaper. Although this does not mean that it cannot be used on bare walls. An important condition in this case, the wallpaper must be glued very securely, because you can diligently and carefully install the fillets, but due to defects in the main coating, they will begin to lag behind the wall.

Installation of the ceiling plinth using glue can be done over the finishing finishing: painting or wallpapering

Glue selection

Before gluing the skirting boards, you need to decide on the choice of adhesive composition. Currently, there are many options that are suitable for this task. So, among all the diversity, the following stand out:

  1. Universal substances. This category includes solutions that have a very viscous and transparent mass that hardens for a very long time. The most popular options are called “Titanium”. These products are recommended for working with polystyrene and its varieties, and are suitable for any foamed materials. But they are quite inconvenient to use: they take a long time to apply to the surface, and the fixation is not always of high quality; you have to hold the parts for several minutes.
  2. Liquid Nails. These are very convenient compositions, to which many masters give the unconditional palm. Available in tubes for a construction gun. But when choosing this option, it is necessary to take into account that the composition must have an inscription confirming that it can be used with polystyrene foam products.
  3. Acrylic sealant. Enough original solution, which helps to find a way out of the situation when it is not possible to purchase one of the above materials. But in this case it is very important to choose proven formulations.


Now you need to figure out how to properly glue the ceiling plinth with glue. The instructions are:

  • The surface is being prepared. It is necessary to carefully inspect it for any irregularities or defects. If there are any, they are completely eliminated. This is required to ensure that the planks are pressed tightly and that strong bending does not occur.
  • Markings are being made and parts are being prepared. It is better not to neglect this procedure, it allows you to perform work with better quality.
  • Next, begin applying the adhesive. It is most convenient to distribute it in the center of areas adjacent to the surface.

  • The parts are applied to a given area and pressed. It is important to follow the instructions that come with each glue. So, different types they require compositions different approach: holding, tearing and re-sticking. It is better to strictly adhere to the specified scheme.

    Advice! It is these parameters that you should pay attention to before purchasing. They help you understand how to glue the ceiling plinth as quickly as possible.

  • The remaining elements are stacked. After which the fillets are left until completely fixed. This time is determined by the composition used. If there are cracks, they are sealed with sealant. Joints that are not always able to fit tightly are also sealed.

Repairing cracks with sealant
  • When you have to correct a large number of defects, it is better to carry out subsequent staining. It will help hide conspicuous flaws.

Indeed, glue helps to significantly reduce the time required for work, but it is important to take into account the features of each composition.

Currently, many popular solutions have similar names, but differ in manufacturer. Therefore, the manufacturer is the main indicator of quality.

Correct formation of corner and intermediate joints

It is this procedure that causes the most problems: it only takes a small mistake to irrevocably damage the workpiece. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about how to properly glue skirting boards to the ceiling if there are no concepts about the formation of joints.

So, there are a number of tips that will help in this situation:

  1. For such work, a miter box is used, which has a set of stencils for different angles. To create a 90-degree angle, you need to trim two parts at 45-degree angles.
  2. The internal corner is obtained if the fillet is placed pressed against the bottom and side of the miter box. In this case, the surface of the part that will be adjacent to the ceiling should be located on the bottom of the tool.
  3. To obtain the left angle vector, the element is located on the same side, and the knife must enter the stencil from right to left. If you need to get the right vector, then everything is done in reverse.
  4. But how to glue the plinth to the ceiling when you need to get an external corner? In such a situation, the cut must be directed differently. That is, to obtain the right vector, you need to position the knife from right to left.

If you don’t have a miter box on hand, you can resort to creating a stencil with your own hands. To do this, the baguette is placed on a table on which two lines are marked corresponding to its width. So, for example, with a fillet width of 80 mm, both lines will be located exactly at this distance. A square is drawn between them, which should have all sides of 80 mm. It contains diagonals. They will form an angle of 45 degrees. Now all that remains is to place the part on the desired side and cut it. This option is bad because the fragments are difficult to fix; any shift can lead to an uneven angle.

Attaching the ceiling plinth is also complicated by intermediate joints. There are several recommendations:

  • Baguettes made of plaster and foam are best laid at right angles, especially when using putty. It should be noted that thin layer the solution is applied to the joint of the second (next) element.
  • Trouble can arise if the edges are damaged. Then it is necessary to cut the part so that it is possible to form a complete pattern in two fragments.
  • Polyurethane products need more attention; their joints work better when they are made at an angle. The bias stitch will be less noticeable.

Indeed, cutting corners is not the easiest task and requires concentration and care. To better understand the whole process, we suggest watching the video below.

Features of gluing on different ceiling surfaces

Difficulties also arise when there is no proper understanding of how to glue baguettes to a ceiling made of different materials. It is a mistake to think that different surfaces need exactly the same approach.

Stretch ceiling

This option is very popular. This is easy to explain, because it can be done very quickly and without special effort obtain a flat surface that can have different design. It is important to take into account one feature when you need to select a fillet for such a coating: the side of the part that will face the ceiling remains without adhesive. That is, the fixation is carried out directly on the wall. Therefore, products must have the following qualities:

  1. Light weight. IN in this case Styrofoam, polystyrene foam, plastic and some types of polyurethane are suitable. At the same time, we glue the ceiling plinth with compounds that have quick and reliable fixation.
  2. The side that faces the ceiling should be smaller than the side that is adjacent to the wall.
  3. To install wooden baguettes, you will need additional support points. These could be: dowels, hidden anchors.

Designers advise choosing PVC products; they harmonize best with tension structures.

Ceilings from gypsum plasterboard

How to glue skirting boards to plasterboard surfaces? This is a fairly simple procedure, because the base turns out almost perfect. A little attention should be paid to the joints of gypsum plaster boards, as they may contain putty residues. Any irregularities can be easily removed with sandpaper.

On a note! Any fillets are suitable for such surfaces. But it should be borne in mind that the use of plasterboard leads to a reduction in the size of the room, especially when mounted on a frame. That's why the designers came up with perfect solution– place the wider side of the baguettes on the ceiling, which visually enlarges the room.

Plastered ceilings

Such surfaces have their drawbacks. Therefore, before installing the ceiling plinth on a plastered ceiling or wall, check their evenness. If the defects are small, then there is no need to eliminate them. For this case, you can use fillets with soft edges that will not create very noticeable irregularities.

Summarizing the above, it becomes extremely clear that the work of installing baguettes requires proper treatment. All the talk about how to quickly glue skirting boards to the ceiling, but maintain quality, makes no sense, since this is a guarantee that the desired effect will not be achieved.

Rules for selecting an adhesive composition for ceiling skirting boards, methods for fixing fillets made of different materials, methods for joining and cutting corners, rules for finishing.

Reasons for installing ceiling skirting boards

The main function of ceiling moldings is to mask joints. These details will close the gap between the suspended, stretch ceiling and the wall, and will also disguise the top edge of the wallpaper, creating a smooth transition.

The second reason for the need to install baguettes is the implementation of the design idea. Using fillets, you can visually increase the height of the room or make the ceilings wider. They are also used to create contrast.

In addition, you can insert lighting between the ceiling and the baseboard ( LED strip). This is an original and non-standard design move. True, in this case you need to glue the plinth not to the ceiling, but to the wall, leaving a gap between the plinth and the ceiling.

Features of choosing ceiling skirting boards

Ceiling moldings should be selected in accordance with the planned design. In general, they are made from the following materials:
  • Gypsum. Durable, aesthetic, massive, attached to gypsum putty.
  • Foam plastic (expanded polystyrene). Lightweight, cheap, low strength. For fixation, use glue for panels or polymer.
  • Polyurethane. They are available in a wide range of shapes and colors, are durable, have high performance characteristics, and are glued with sealant or liquid nails.
  • Tree. Eco-friendly material, these skirting boards look solid and have an original natural pattern. Difficult to process, fixed with fasteners.
When selecting skirting boards, consider their width. The lower the room, the narrower the fillets should be so as not to take away additional height. Conversely, massive details will look more appropriate in high formal rooms than thin baseboards. The width of the ceiling plinth of 5 centimeters is considered universal and is used most often. However, if the height of the room is more than 3 meters, then it is worth using fillets with a width of 6 to 8 centimeters.

Skirting boards for the ceiling also vary depending on the pattern: smooth, lace, striped, with patterns.

Ceiling plinth installation technology

Baguettes on the ceiling are glued to different compounds or attached with self-tapping screws. The fixation method primarily depends on the type of material. It is also important to decide in advance at what stage the installation of the ceiling plinth will be carried out - before finishing the ceiling and walls or after. Craftsmen usually first fix the fillets, and then level the wallpaper using them. However, in ordinary life They think about ceiling moldings only after all surfaces have been finished, so installation has to be done on top of them. In this case, when re-gluing the wallpaper, the fillets will have to be dismantled.

Selection of materials for gluing ceiling plinths

To carry out the work you will need fillets, adhesive composition and a miter box (a device for proper cutting). Having selected a fillet that is suitable in design and material, select the appropriate adhesive composition. It is important that he be High Quality, because insecurely fixed elements will soon fall off, and periodic gluing will lead to the fact that the molding on the wall will look unaesthetic and sloppy.

The main types of adhesives used:

  • Polymer. The most commonly used adhesives from this group are “Titan” and “Moment”. They set quickly, hold the glued parts firmly and reliably and have a good astringent base.
  • . They have high adhesive ability and are suitable for almost all materials. There are neopropylene and acrylic mixtures of this type. The first ones have a pungent odor. If you do not follow safety rules until it dries completely, you can harm your health. Due to their water-repellent properties, neopropylene liquid nails are used in rooms with high humidity, for example, in bathrooms, kitchens. Acrylics are completely safe and recommended for use in living rooms, but do not tolerate high humidity.
  • Acrylate-based putty. Safe, easy to use. Performs two functions at once: fixes the baguette and fills cracks.
In addition to those presented above, you can also use glue for ceiling plinths, prepared with your own hands from PVA, putty and water as follows:
  1. Pour into container finishing putty.
  2. Add glue to it in proportions of one to four.
  3. Gradually add water, thoroughly stirring the solution.
  4. Stir until the mixture reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. It is important that there are no lumps in the solution.
  5. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and mix thoroughly again.
The resulting adhesive composition must be used within one and a half to two hours, therefore it is recommended to do it immediately before gluing the ceiling plinth. If there are lumps in the composition that fall on the baguette, then the product will not stick in this place and will soon begin to come off. Remove all lumps before work.

To calculate the quantity required material, divide the perimeter of the room by 2 (the standard length of one baguette) and round up. It is important to buy them with a reserve in case you suddenly make a mistake when cutting. If you wish, you can immediately stock up on decorative corners so as not to waste time cutting individual elements at internal and external corners.

You may need:

  • One-piece parts for sealing internal and external corners. They are presented in the shape of a right angle.
  • Small elements with in different directions cut. Suitable for gluing in both internal and external corners.
  • Extended corners for installation in even corners.
  • In the kit you can purchase special plugs for joints.

Preparatory work before installing the ceiling plinth

Preparations for installing ceiling plinths are carried out in the following order:

  1. By using building level, tape measure and painting cord, draw a line on the wall along which we plan to attach the fillet.
  2. Prime the fixation area acrylic composition to improve adhesion with glue.
  3. We take measurements and calculate the mounting location for each part.
  4. If the base is concrete and the plinth is wooden, then immediately mark the fastener locations and drill holes.

Please note that to glue baguettes to already tiled walls, you need to protect the coating from glue drips. Masking tape is used for this.

Methods for joining ceiling plinths

To make the glued parts look neat, you need to understand how to join the ceiling plinth in the corners.

We proceed according to the following instructions:

  • We insert the profile into the miter box, pressing it to the bottom and the nearest side.
  • To cut the left vector internal corner Insert the baguette from the left and cut from right to left. For the right vector, we do everything in a mirror image.
  • When making blanks for the outer corner, insert the left vector fillet from the right side and cut from left to right, and insert the right vector fillet from the left and hold the hacksaw from right to left. The lower part of the plinth for external corners is shorter than the upper part. This detail will help you not to get confused in the workpieces and quickly determine the identity of the fillet.
  • If the angle is uneven, then you can determine the cutting angle by making appropriate markings on the ceiling. To do this, apply both skirting boards in turn and mark with a pencil inner circuit each of them.
  • At the intersection of the lines there will be a point of the upper cut. In the same way we determine the cut location for the outer corners.
  • We join the gypsum fillets in the middle of the wall to increase the length, cutting them at a right angle, since putty will be used for fixation, which will fill the cracks.
  • We also connect the foam fillets at right angles. Soft texture, pressing tightly, will not leave gaps.
  • We cut wooden and polyurethane products at the joint at an angle. In this case, it will be less noticeable.
When joining, the most important thing is to follow the pattern. If it does not match, then all your efforts to disguise the joint will be useless.

Rules for fixing ceiling skirting boards with glue

Panel adhesive or polymer composition used for fixing skirting boards to flat surfaces. If there are potholes on the wall, then there will be no reliable grip, and therefore the baguette will soon fall off.
  1. Apply glue to the inside of the fillet. It should be evenly distributed over the entire surface, but make sure that the layer is not too thick, because in this case it will be squeezed out and flow down onto the wallpaper.
  2. Apply the glue-coated side to the wall and press firmly.
  3. Hold for 30-40 seconds for the adhesive to set securely.
  4. We use a sponge to remove any remaining glue if it gets on the front part of the fillet.

It is not recommended to press foam or polyurethane products tightly with your hands. You can leave traces of dents or completely deform the baseboard. To apply pressure, use a piece of cloth or, in extreme cases, wear cotton gloves.

Technique for installing ceiling plinths on putty

Before you start fixing the ceiling plinth with putty, the composition must be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.
  • We wet the fastening area with water or primer to improve the adhesion of the wall and putty. In addition, this is necessary so that the putty does not dry out so quickly.
  • Apply diluted putty to reverse side fillets in an even layer.
  • Apply the baguette and hold it in this position for 1-2 minutes.
  • If excess putty is squeezed out when pressed, remove it with a damp sponge and cover the gaps in the cracks.

After drying, the putty in the joints will shrink a little, and therefore they can be covered again.

Method of fastening wooden ceiling plinths

Wooden fillets can be attached to putty only if they are narrow and light. In other cases, the use of metal fasteners is recommended.

We carry out the work in this order:

  1. We insert fasteners into the pre-made holes to fix the wooden baguette.
  2. We apply the plinth and bury the heads of the screws inside.
  3. We cover the fasteners and joints with putty to match.

If the baguette is made of expensive wood, then you need to make the markings very carefully, because large cracks sealed with putty will be quite noticeable.

Specifics of finishing of ceiling plinths

Upon completion installation work the fillets need to be painted. This is required not only for decoration, but also to mask the putty in crevices, prevent yellowing and give strength to foam products.

We carry out the work in this order:

  • We prime the baguette to improve adhesion to the paint.
  • Apply the first layer of paint and wait for it to dry completely.
  • If spots are visible, the coating is uneven or its color is not intense enough, then apply a second layer.

To paint foam ceiling plinths, you need to use solvent-free paints. It is better to treat wooden ones with stain and varnish. Additionally, you can use different glazes for decoration, giving it an original texture.

The following tips will help you avoid the most common mistakes when attaching fillets:
  1. On suspended ceiling The baseboard is not attached. The adhesive composition is applied only to the plane that is in contact with the wall.
  2. If you pick ceiling moldings If it matches the walls, then the room will visually look taller, and if it matches the ceiling, it will look wider.
  3. If you don’t have a miter box, then you can get by with a simple template by drawing two parallel lines and segments intersecting them at the desired angle on thick cardboard. This will create a kind of miter box without sides.
  4. When using production corners, install them on the wall first, and then the moldings themselves.
  5. When fixing massive plaster fillets, additionally screw them with self-tapping screws, which can be removed after the putty has dried. Cover the resulting holes with putty.
  6. Solid plaster or polyurethane baguettes should only be cut with a hacksaw for metal, since a hacksaw for wood will leave torn marks on the cut.
  7. If you decide to fix the baseboard with sealant, then choose high-quality composition. Otherwise, it will quickly turn yellow in those places where you seal the cracks with it.
  8. If paint collects in drops during finishing, the coating must be primed.
How to attach the ceiling plinth - watch the video:

Ceiling plinths are installed easily and quickly. However, the main criterion in this process is accuracy and aesthetic appearance. Our recommendations will help you understand the types of fillets, choose the most suitable adhesive composition and avoid getting confused when joining.

During the repair process, sometimes you have to resort to methods of masking problem areas on the mounting surface. For example, if the walls were not leveled and the wallpaper was pasted at different height levels, then the junction of the ceiling and the wall surface will look ugly. To hide this defect, you can use a ceiling plinth. It will smooth out all the unevenness and cover problem areas. However, not everyone knows which side to glue the ceiling plinth to the wall surface. To solve this problem, it is worth considering different types of this molding and the technology for its installation.

Installation of skirting boards

Ceiling baguette can be glued to various surfaces:

  • Wallpaper;
  • Drywall;
  • Putty wall.

Depending on the type of surface, the appropriate adhesive base is selected. For a putty wall, this is a special grout; for wallpaper, a special glue or acrylic sealant. When choosing a ceiling plinth, you need to accurately calculate the amount of material. The curvature of the walls is also taken into account. Some dense PVC moldings are not suitable for installation on uneven surfaces as they will crack and burst during installation.

Which side to glue the ceiling plinth

In order to figure out which side is most suitable for installing the molding, you need to know what material you will be working with.

  1. Symmetrical skirting boards. These products have the shape of an isosceles triangle. More often they are made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene. The baguette itself has identical ribs, the size of which is in the range of 4–6 cm. On the back side it has two flat surfaces. It is these planes that are glued to the ceiling or wall.
  2. Textured plinth with a pattern. It is a plank with a high side on one side and a narrow side on the other. In this case, the plinth is glued to the wall with the high side, and the narrow side is glued to the ceiling. Typically, such skirting boards are made of PVC or other dense materials.
  3. Skirting boards with carved patterns. This group includes molded plinths, as well as moldings made of plaster or wood. The design of the molding is made in the form complex pattern or pattern. Often the edging of such a plinth is made from elements of different sizes and lengths. For example, the corners of the room can be framed in the form of elements of columns or flowers, and the long sides of the walls are edged with baguettes of a straight silhouette or ornament. More often this type molding is chosen when repairs are carried out according to a design project. Accordingly, all recommendations for mounting and installing the molding should be looked at in the documentation for the design project.

The ceiling plinth performs several functions. Firstly, it gives the design of walls and ceilings a special charm and beauty. Secondly, the baseboard can hide some defects (for example, minor unevenness of the walls). In this article we will tell you how to glue foam ceiling plinth onto wallpaper, suspended ceilings and putty, as well as how to properly glue it in the corners. What should be taken into account and what nuances should you know?

Selecting the appropriate baseboard and glue

The ceiling plinth or fillet is made from different materials. It can be wood, foam, plaster or polyurethane. Therefore, first of all, you should choose a skirting board that is suitable for your case.

The most commonly purchased products are foam and polyurethane products. They have a lot general characteristics. Such fillets are made of polymer compounds, are low cost and quite lightweight.

Most cheap option- this is foam plastic. But such a plinth has disadvantages. Polystyrene doesn't bend well. If you need to go around large irregularities or paste over corners, then such a plinth will simply burst.

Polystyrene foam does not like moisture, so it is not recommended to glue it in the bathroom.

Polyurethane is more flexible and is not afraid of moisture. It does not cost much more than foam products, but the quality is significantly different.

Polyurethane can be bent to large radii quite easily. It does not crumble or break.

Plaster or wood fillets are quite expensive. In addition, they cannot be bent.

Such skirting boards are glued only in rooms with absolutely correct geometric dimensions and smooth surfaces. And, of course, the interior itself should be suitable.

If you have figured out the choice of material, then it is worth calculating the required quantity. To do this, just measure the perimeter of the room. Then divide this figure by the length of one fillet. Skirting boards can be produced different lengths, but, as a rule, it is 2 meters.

Don't forget to decide on the width of the fillet.

If you have low ceilings, then it is better to choose narrow baseboards. Also look at the texture and lighting; it should suit both the design of the walls and the decoration of the ceiling.

Now let's talk about glue. Acrylic and polymer adhesives are available for sale. Each of them has its own characteristics. Thus, acrylic ones do not have a pungent odor (experts recommend using them when renovating a child’s room), which cannot be said about polymer materials. But the latter can be used in rooms with high humidity. Choose glue from well-known and well-established brands, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the baseboard manufacturer.


Before gluing the plinth to the ceiling, you need to do a little preparatory work. Firstly, the fillets themselves must be kept in the room for at least a day. This is how they adapt to environment. Secondly, the ceiling itself must be clean and level.

The ceiling plinth can be installed before wallpapering the walls and after this work. The first method is the most labor-intensive, but at the same time more preferable. Firstly, in this case you don’t have to change the fillets when changing the wallpaper. And secondly, you will have the opportunity to seal the gaps between the wall and the baseboard, which can greatly spoil the appearance.

Experts recommend starting gluing from the corners. If everything is done carefully and beautifully in these places, then you will pass straight sections quickly and efficiently. But gluing corners is a special job. To do everything correctly, it is better to watch a video with detailed instructions.

Glue the plinth in the corners

To prevent the angle from spoiling the appearance of the entire design, the baseboard plates should be joined at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be achieved using a miter box. This is a special device that allows you to make cuts at the desired angle. You can also use decorative corners. They are glued to the joints and cover the resulting cracks and seams.

Often apartments do not have the right geometric shapes, which becomes very noticeable when gluing cut skirting boards at an angle of exactly 45 degrees. In this case, the cutting angle will have to be aligned in place.

How to properly glue fillets

Now let's talk about how to properly glue fillets. The glue is applied to the back side of the baseboard using a trowel or a construction gun. If you have a suspended ceiling, then glue is applied only to those areas that will be attached to the wall.

Then the fillet is pressed against the wall and the ceiling (if it is not tensioned). You don’t need to hold it for a long time right away, let the glue dry a little. After a short period of time, press the strip firmly.

The glue sets quickly, so adjust the position of the strip in advance. Fingerprints and dirt may remain on the light background of the baseboard; to avoid this, wash your hands often while working.

If protrusions appear adhesive mass, then they must be removed immediately with a rag.

Instead of glue, you can use finishing putty by adding PVA glue to it. Excess of this material often remains after repairs. You can use material from any manufacturer, there is no fundamental difference.

If you use putty, the surface (where you will glue the fillets) must be moistened. Then a layer of putty is applied to the back side of the baseboard using a spatula. Now press the plate against the ceiling and wall. Wipe off excess putty with a rag.

How to glue skirting boards to wallpaper

As already mentioned in the article, it is best to glue the baseboard before wallpapering, but it happens that for some reason this could not be done. In this case, you will have to glue the baseboard to the wallpaper.

Before starting pasting work, make sure that the wallpaper is well glued to the wall (or ceiling). If this is not the case, then first glue the wallpaper with PVA glue, let it dry and only then glue the baseboard.

The process of gluing a plinth to wallpaper is not much different from gluing it directly to the wall. The main difficulty is not to get it dirty. glue mixture wallpaper. To do this, you can attach the plinth to the place where it will be glued and outline its edges with a simple pencil, leaving a barely noticeable line. The baseboard is removed and the wallpaper near the line is taped with masking tape, which can be easily removed from the wallpaper. Now you can glue the baseboard. After gluing, excess glue is removed and then the masking tape is removed.

Hiding the joints

Very often, after gluing the skirting boards, joints can become noticeable; this problem can be easily dealt with. Such gaps can be sealed with white (or the color of your fillets) sealant.

There is another way. To do this, prepare liquid putty. Using a brush, paint all the baseboards. After drying, go over them with fine sandpaper. This way, the baseboards and ceiling will become one, and the gaps between the strips will be difficult to see.

If the room has white baseboards, it is advisable to paint them over. This will keep the color much longer. For this procedure, water-based, latex or acrylic paints are used. Often the first option is used. But if you use nitro paints, the surface must first be primed.

Painting can be done a day after installation of the baseboard. This will allow the glue to completely set. At painting work be careful. It is better to use a small brush, otherwise there is a risk of painting the entire space around the fillets.



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