What harm does Teflon coating on cookware cause to health? The risks of using Teflon cookware - why you shouldn’t always listen to advertising.

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Teflon or polytetrafluoroethylene, abbreviated PTFE, is a plastic-like substance. This is one of the most popular industrial products, which is used both in everyday life and in the space and textile industries. It is found in heart valves, electronics, and packages. Since it became the main component of non-stick coatings, debates about its harm to the body have not subsided.

The benefits of Teflon

Rather, we can say that Teflon is not useful, but convenient. A Teflon-coated frying pan will protect food from burning and will reduce the use of fat or oil when cooking, or even eliminate it altogether. This is an indirect benefit of this coverage, because it is thanks to it that excess fat released during frying does not enter the body, which, if consumed in excess, causes the appearance of extra pounds and all related problems.

The Teflon frying pan is easy to care for: it is easy to clean and does not need to be cleaned. This is where, perhaps, all the benefits of Teflon end.

Harm of Teflon

American Defense Agency environment studied the effect of PFOA acid, which is the main component of non-stick coatings, on this very environment and on humans. Studies have found that it is contained in the blood of the vast majority of American residents and even marine organisms and polar bears of the Arctic.

It is with this substance that scientists associate numerous cases of cancer and fetal deformities in animals and humans. As a result, kitchen utensil manufacturers were advised to stop producing this acid. However, companies are in no hurry to do this for obvious reasons and claim that the harm of Teflon coating is very far-fetched.

Whether this is true remains to be seen, but cases of defects in newborns and diseases with symptoms of polymer smoke heat have already been recorded in persons employed in the production of the notorious frying pans.

Manufacturers claim that Teflon coating is not dangerous at temperatures below 315 ° C, however, research has found that even at much lower temperatures, Teflon pans and other utensils can release harmful neurotoxins and gases into the atmosphere, which enter the body and increase the risk development of obesity, cancer, diabetes.

Food in such a frying pan can only be stirred with a wooden spatula, while multicookers with a Teflon-coated bowl are supplied with a plastic spatula. Dishes made of ceramics or sol-gel are environmentally friendly and do not release harmful substances into the atmosphere when damaged.

Its non-stick properties are maintained at temperatures of 400 °C and above, but this coating loses its qualities even faster than Teflon and fails after 132 uses. Of course, there is more durable ceramics, but not everyone can afford it, and it is also necessary to take into account that this material is afraid of alkalis, so alkali-based detergents cannot be used.

Rules for cleaning Teflon

How to clean Teflon coating? As a rule, such pans and pots can be easily washed with a regular sponge and regular detergent. However, it is not forbidden to use a special sponge for non-stick coatings, remembering to check with the seller whether it can be used with PTFE.

Despite numerous chemical substances, used in the production of non-stick coatings, all belong to the family of perfluorinated compounds. These toxins have been linked to a wide range of health problems, including:

  • thyroid dysfunction
  • weight loss in infants at birth
  • liver inflammation
  • high level cholesterol
  • weakened immune function

These toxins accumulate in the body and are almost impossible to remove or destroy. These harmful substances are found in the bodies of almost every person examined living in Europe and the USA.

According to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the perfluorinated compounds present in your Teflon-coated cookware exhibit "persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxic properties to an unusual degree."

Even poultry are killed by inhaling toxins evaporating from the surface of the Teflon coating.

So how exactly do perfluorinated compounds get from your nonstick pan into your body? In particular, how does this happen when DuPont claims that Teflon is made from a polymer called tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which is biologically inert?

The problem is that at high temperatures, PTFE and other "Teflon chemicals" begin to break down, turning into more toxic byproducts. These chemicals are released into the air, causing them to enter the lungs of humans and pets. Fine known fact is that toxic chemicals escaping from the surface of a non-stick frying pan can kill pet birds, as their lungs are more sensitive than those of humans. Inhalation of these chemicals can also cause acute poisoning in humans, causing the person to experience flu-like symptoms. This condition is called "Teflon flu".

And while cookware manufacturers regularly claim that pans must be heated to extreme temperatures to release toxic fumes, tests by a research nonprofit Environmental Working Group showed that it only takes two to five minutes of the pan over medium heat to reach these temperatures.

For example, poultry (canaries, budgies) present in the kitchen are killed when the pan reaches at least 162°C. When reaching 360°C, non-stick pans release chemicals into the air that can cause cancer, kidney damage and even fatal poisoning.

The frying pan has a non-stick coating and can reach 400°C in just eight minutes during the heating process.

It is noteworthy that virtually no studies have been conducted on the long-term effects of Teflon fumes on the human body. There have also been no studies done on the long-term effects of Teflon flu.

However, it is known for certain that perfluorinated compounds, including those from Teflon, accumulate in the human body, negatively affecting his health throughout his life. Perfluorinated compounds have been found to be so resistant to breakdown and elimination from the body that a single exposure can contaminate the human body for decades. Significant accumulation of perfluorinated compounds in the human body is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and stroke.

There is a solution - cast iron frying pans!

So many people poison their bodies because of their need for the convenience that nonstick pans provide them. But can we also have convenience and not risk our health? You can get the same convenience from a cast iron skillet that will actually improve your health rather than detract from it.

Cast-iron pan - best alternative Teflon coated frying pans

Although you may often hear that cast iron pans are difficult to care for, the reality is that special care Cast iron cookware is not needed. Simply wash this frying pan after each use without using detergents in running tap water, then dry it completely and lubricate it with a very thin layer of oil. Nothing sticks to a well-seasoned cast iron frying pan, and over time it becomes even more stable, since the oil used in frying forms an airtight, dense natural non-stick coating.

Cast iron is incredibly durable, and pans made from it can be used for a lifetime, because... The shelf life of such products is unlimited. Investing in cast iron cookware is the most profitable, as it saves both your money and your health!

Due to the thickness of cast iron cookware, heat is distributed over it more evenly, which also has a positive effect on the food cooked in it - it has a much more attractive taste and appearance than if it were cooked in other cookware. Cast iron cookware can even be used for oven cooking.

And on top of that, cooking in cast iron actually increases the amount of iron in your diet.

So why continue to use toxic Teflon, since the harm of Teflon coating is obvious?

In modern times, a huge number of things and devices have been developed for the convenience of people. One of these new products is Teflon coating, which is used to cover the surface of frying pans, irons, etc. The main advantage of Teflon is that when heated, it helps prevent products or things from sticking to the surface of the device. For example, an iron with a Teflon surface is very convenient for ironing delicate fabrics (silk), since they will never stick to the iron and spoil the fabric itself. Teflon-coated frying pans are used with pleasure by many housewives; they are convenient for cooking various dishes without fear of food sticking to the bottom of the dish. But few people know that the harm of Teflon coating to humans is enormous. These facts were proven by British scientists who conducted relevant research for several years and determined that Teflon can provoke the development of a number of serious diseases, for example, cancer, immunodeficiency and others.

What are the dangers of using a Teflon frying pan for humans?

The structure of Teflon consists of a huge number of harmful components and toxic substances, which during the heating process can be transferred upon contact into products. Moreover, during the heating process, toxic substances become volatile and move freely into the surrounding air that a person breathes. It has been proven that a large number of heating, destroys the surface structure of Teflon; accordingly, under the influence of deformation, even more toxic pesticides are formed, which spread in the air.

Teflon coating has been proven to be harmful to humans. Components released during heating contribute to the appearance of a number of different diseases or ailments:

  • obesity;
  • thyroid cancer;
  • insulin dependence;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • rising blood cholesterol levels.

Studies have shown that Teflon has a particularly negative effect on animals. After exposure to volatile toxic substances, animals begin to suffer from infertility, liver or spleen cancer, disruption of the endocrine system, deformation of the size of the brain, and developmental delays. It is possible that similar negative processes may appear in a person after frequent and correct use Teflon cookware.

Teflon or ceramics - which is better?

In addition to the common Teflon, ceramic coating for cookware is widely used in modern times. Which coating is better? Teflon or ceramic?

If we talk about Teflon, it is thin layer appropriate material that covers the surface of frying pans, irons, multicookers, etc. Teflon is not capable of reacting with water or fats. It has been proven that it is not capable of causing harm to the human body if used in smoking modes. Poisonous substances and various toxic components are released from Teflon if you heat it above 250 degrees and produce further work with the device in the specified maximum mode. In this case, Teflon becomes a dangerous and harmful substance that provokes serious diseases in humans. The disadvantages of Teflon coating are the fact that it is quite easily damaged, so only wooden or plastic spatulas can be used to work with Teflon coatings. Teflon should not be cleaned with abrasive sponges.

Ceramics is an absolutely safe and harmless material for humans. The ceramics contain sand, clay and some other components that are harmless to the body. The ceramic coating can withstand heating up to 450 degrees and is not capable of causing negative impact on human health and internal organs. Ceramics are very insensitive to mechanical damage, so here you can use blades made of metal, wood or other materials. The disadvantage of ceramic coating is that the material is completely unable to withstand sudden temperature changes. Therefore, if you put a hot saucepan under the stream cold water, then it will simply be damaged externally and crack. The disadvantages of the coating include its rather fragility (service life up to 1.5 years), as well as its high price.

To summarize, it is important to point out that Teflon is now available more than ceramics, but the latter coating has a larger range important indicators, which are not capable of causing harm to human health and body.

Proper care of Teflon coating

As a rule, their Teflon coating is quite easy to clean from existing contaminants, since the material does not promote the adhesion of foreign substances. In order to clean a Teflon-coated frying pan, you need to rinse the surface of the pan under moderate warm water soft sponge. If necessary, it is recommended to use any liquid-based dishwashing detergent or foam from laundry soap. But the use of abrasive sponges and materials is prohibited, as they destroy the entire integrity of the coating surface and lead to damage to the dishes.

How to clean a Teflon coated iron?

Carbon deposits should not form on high-quality Teflon. But scale from the Teflon coating on the iron can be cleaned using special means- “Antinscale”, “Sillite”. Craftsmen It is recommended to remove scale from a Teflon-coated iron using vinegar or citric acid.

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Teflon– a popular coating for dishes. American scientist Roy Plunkett, working in the DuPont laboratory, accidentally synthesized this polymer. This formula was discovered on April 6, 1938, and since then this material has been widely used as it has helped make people's lives easier. But at the beginning of the 20th century, the harm of Teflon coating was proven. Various studies have been conducted over the years and have found that Teflon material is dangerous to use. The DuPont brand refutes the results of such studies. Can Teflon be used, is it dangerous or not?

What is Teflon? This is the trade name for the synthetic polymer – polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The term Teflon is trademarked by DuPont Corporation. This synthetic is produced in the USA. PTFE is a hydrophobic polymer, meaning it does not stick to water and has one of the lowest coefficients of friction against any solid, which gives it necessary qualities for non-stick cookware. Chemical structure Teflon is very complex, it consists of many substances, some of them are very toxic.

Teflon is a fluoroplastic material, one of the best insulating materials, He:

  • has a low coefficient of sliding friction;
  • high thermal conductivity and frost resistance;
  • does not attract water and fat molecules;
  • By chemical resistance surpasses gold and platinum, as well as any synthetic materials and organic solvents;
  • melting temperature of Teflon from +260°C.

Teflon generates huge profits, so it quickly became a popular industrial product. Manufacturers of this material are ready to pay multi-million dollar compensation to victims due to the harmful effects of the substances used to produce Teflon, since the huge profits from the production of the popular material easily cover these costs.

Where is Teflon used?

Application of Teflon. is not limited to kitchenware. It is widely used in industrial production. Fluoroplastic is part of the materials from which valves, pumps, and filters are made. In electronics it is used as a dielectric. Teflon is also used in the aerospace industry. It is used in the textile industry to impart water-repellent and dirt-repellent properties to fabrics.

Medical implants such as heart valves are also made using Teflon. Iron surfaces contain this material; they can iron delicate fabrics; they do not stick to the Teflon surface and do not damage the fabric. Teflon is used to cover razor blades and boilers. Pipes are rust-free and stain-resistant cushioned furniture and carpets, and many other things with unique properties made using Teflon. It has become indispensable in the manufacture of packaging for fast food products; they retain their taste for a long time in such a wrapper.

What harm does Teflon have on humans?

Is Teflon harmful to humans? Cookware manufacturers claim that this material is completely safe, but new research results confirm that Teflon is dangerous and toxic for use in the kitchen.

Scientists are greatly concerned about the release perfluorooctanoic acid, one of the most powerful carcinogens. It will be released when the Teflon breaks down.

Laboratory experiments with animals that were injected with high doses of polytetrafluoroethylene led to developmental problems in the subjects: they had low weight, and some experimental subjects developed liver cancer. Birds located near kitchens that use Teflon cookware also do not live long.

Production workers and people living nearby are at great risk. Teflon damages the liver, leads to thyroid dysfunction, and lowers immunity. Teflon toxicity causes a flu-like syndrome in some people. Because fevers mimic the flu, doctors often misunderstand the origin of the illness and misdiagnose it.

Teflon coating is especially dangerous for the health of children. There are cases where Teflon provoked the birth of children with congenital malformations. Teflon increases the risk of liver and thyroid diseases in children.

The dangers of Teflon on kitchen utensils

Many people are happy to buy frying pans and pots with Teflon coating. This non-stick cookware allows you to fry without oil or fat. Teflon frying pan is easy to clean.

Companies that make non-stick cookware claim that if their products are used for their intended purpose, according to the instructions, and they are maintained proper care, the polymer remains inert.

A Teflon-coated frying pan poses an increased danger in the following cases:

  • when heated above 230 C;
  • dishes with damaged coating.

If you slightly scratch non-stick cookware, do not use it anymore; this polymer lingers in the human body for a long time, gradually destroying it.

What kitchen utensils can be found with Teflon coating:

  • in frying pans;
  • multicooker bowls;
  • pots;
  • baking trays.

The heating surfaces of boilers, waffle irons, and toasters are covered with it. Teflon is applied to rolling pins to form an anti-stick surface.

Why are Teflon vapors harmful?

The fumes from the Teflon coating are very harmful and can make you dizzy. Therefore, when cooking in such a container, turn on the ventilation or open the window. If you inhale too much of these fumes, it can cause great harm to your lungs. Teflon vapors settle on carpets, walls, furniture, gradually poisoning the human body, even when the source is eliminated.

The more often we use Teflon cookware, the faster the coating cracks. With steam, harmful substances enter the air, and small particles enter food.

Is it possible to restore the Teflon coating yourself?

In some cities you can find companies that offer to restore Teflon coating. They apply a new layer using special equipment.

But restoring Teflon coatings is a very expensive service. To apply Teflon you need expensive equipment. If your neighbor claims to have restored her kitchen utensils, it’s better not to take her advice.

There are also craftsmen who offer to remove Teflon from dishes at home with their own hands, they offer:

  • Buy sandpaper discs of different grits;
  • Remove the Teflon layer with a drill;
  • Polish the pan until it shines.

But many scientists believe that high-quality restoration of Teflon is impossible. You cannot use cookware for its intended purpose with a damaged non-stick coating; if you feel sorry for it, you can use it to store something.

How to avoid Teflon poisoning

To properly use non-stick cookware, it is important to ensure that food does not burn in it. Using cookware with scratches is very dangerous: Teflon will get into your food and then into your body. If you have fallen in love with Teflon cookware and do not want to give it up, strictly follow the rules for their use:

  • use silicone spoons to stir food to avoid scratching the surface;
  • do not use scratched dishes;
  • do not heat the pan too much;
  • Take proper care of your Teflon frying pan. When cleaning dishes, do not use abrasive detergents or hard sponges.

Look at the photo what Teflon turns into when misuse. It's better not to buy cheap thin ones non-stick frying pans, they are usually very thin. When heated, the Teflon layer on them cracks easily. A cheap coating without burning or sticking will withstand only a couple of hundred cycles heat treatment. Even if you properly care for such dishes, they still won’t last long.

Competent and complete technology Applying a Teflon coating allows you to create durable non-stick cookware, but it costs much more.

It is better to use Teflon frying pans with a heat-sensitive indicator, which gives a signal when the frying pan heats up to 180 °C. Fillers change the properties of Teflon, so when choosing frying pans, it is recommended to focus on the composition of the coating itself.

Refuse food instant cooking in packaging containing Teflon or fluoroplate impurities. Fluoroplastic is the same as Teflon. Do not use hair polish, cosmetics, or shaving cream that contains fluoro, perfluoro, or PTFE.

Although Teflon makes life easier, its benefits pale in comparison negative consequences. The American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has banned the manufacture of Teflon-coated cookware for safety reasons. Experts continue to study the effect of Teflon on human health. In parallel, work is underway to create more safe materials for human health, having all beneficial properties Teflon.

Infectious disease doctor, private clinic “Medcenterservice”, Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".

Teflon cookware. Teflon coating. Harm of Teflon

A terrible discovery was recently made by scientists from the University of California in Los Angeles (USA). Non-stick cookware, grease removers, carpets and other fruits high technology cause irreversible changes in the body of women, preventing them from having children.

Harm of Teflon
The discovery of the century was made by accident, during a study of the course of pregnancy in 1240 residents of Denmark. It was then that Professor Jorn Olsen, working at the University of California (USA), drew attention to the presence of perfluorocarbons in their blood.
These chemical compounds They have completely unique properties of repelling water and fat, which is why they are widely used in everyday life. Since the mid-20th century, non-stick frying pans have been made from perfluorocarbons, added to dishwashing detergents, and used to impregnate carpets and clothes.
Until now, it was believed that perfluorocarbons are absolutely safe for human health. However, a study conducted by Californian scientists unexpectedly showed that they can accumulate in the body. Moreover, women whose concentration in their blood was maximum were unable to conceive a child for a very long time; many of them had to resort to artificial insemination (IVF).
So far, scientists are finding it difficult to say what is the reason for such an unfavorable effect of perfluorocarbons on a woman’s body. “Perhaps they somehow affect hormonal levels. This is indicated by the fact that women with the highest concentration of perfluorocarbons in the blood before pregnancy were characterized by an irregular menstrual cycle,” suggests one of the authors of the study, Dr. Chunyuan Fei. Professor Olsen, however, warns his colleagues against making hasty conclusions. “It remains possible that infertility is due to other factors. For example, women who have high levels of perfluorocarbons in their blood eat a lot of fast food, which contributes to obesity, which leads to infertility. Further studies are needed to confirm our results to decide whether PFCs cause infertility or not,” he notes.

The public, however, is not reassured by these statements. The fact is that the study by Californian scientists is far from the first to assert that perfluorocarbons are extremely dangerous to human health. Until now, however, Teflon has been at the center of scandals.
A killer called Teflon
In 2001, scientists from the University of Toronto (Canada) published data from environmental monitoring conducted near factories that produce Teflon. The article had the effect of a bomb exploding. And it’s not surprising, because it said that when heated, a harmful substance is released from the Teflon coating, the half-life of which is several hundred years. We were talking about the so-called perfluorooctanoic acid (substance C-8), which, among other things, also has the unpleasant ability to accumulate in the environment.
The American environmental company Environmental Working Group became interested in the data obtained. Her research showed that C-8 is present in the blood of the entire (!) US population, albeit in a very low concentration (5 parts per million). The source of its appearance remained unclear, although even then many researchers believed that the culprit was Teflon-coated utensils.
Under public pressure, the US Environmental Protection Agency attempted to evaluate the impact of C-8 on human health. The results shocked even seasoned specialists! Rats to which perfluorooctanoic acid was added to their food initially ceased to be interested in the opposite sex, then they developed malignant tumors, after which they quickly and en masse were sent to the next world. The data obtained were sufficient for C-8 to be recognized as a very strong carcinogen.

Panic meanwhile continued to grow. In 2004, residents of Parkersburg, a town in West Virginia where Teflon cookware is manufactured, filed a lawsuit against DuPont. In their statement, they claimed that C-8 was the cause of many birth defects in children and a wide variety of diseases in adults. The company's management categorically denied any guilt, claiming that S-8 did not pose any health hazard, but decided not to bring the case to trial. The plaintiffs were paid substantial compensation, the amount of which, according to some sources, ranged from 82 to 300 million dollars.
Z However, it was not possible to put an end to the scandal. Information about him was leaked to the press. At the end of 2004, the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published a sensational article saying that Teflon frying pans are harmful to health, not of people, but of parrots. Her background was as follows. British housewife Irene Clarke's four budgerigars suddenly died. Surprised by their premature death, the woman turned to the veterinarian, who examined the scene of the emergency and came to the conclusion that the Teflon frying pan on which the meat pies were fried was to blame. A caring doctor warned the frightened woman that the harmful substances released when the frying pan was heated strongly would remain in the air of the apartment for a long time. long term, so it’s better for her not to buy new birds. Journalists sought clarification from DuPont representatives, who stated that “excessive heating of our Teflon cookware can actually harm birds.” What about people?
DuPont executives argued that perfluorooctanoic acid had not yet been proven to cause cancer in humans, although they did not deny that if their cookware was heated to 360 degrees Celsius, the Teflon would begin to melt, and its fumes could actually be harmful to humans. However, the maximum temperature of conventional electrical or gas stove 240-275 degrees, so the main thing is not to overheat the pan. And representatives of Russian science saw no reason to panic. “No one will add a toxic substance to the coating for frying pans, unless, of course, it is some kind of fake. There is homemade vodka that makes people go blind, so in the left frying pan there can be anything, even potassium cyanide,” Boris Korolev, associate professor of the department of macromolecular compounds at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, reassured his frightened fellow citizens.
Meanwhile, the scandal continued to gain momentum. In July 2005, lawsuits were filed in eight American states against the largest American chemical concern DuPont. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which initiated the lawsuit, argued that DuPont management knew full well that when certain conditions Teflon may cause cancer, but did not communicate this information to consumers. Compensation for the damage suffered was estimated at an astronomical amount - $5 billion, which is comparable to the budget of a small third world country. The plaintiffs also demanded that the manufacturer indicate on the labels that their cookware was hazardous to health. Also, in their opinion, the DuPont corporation was obliged to begin a large-scale study of the impact that food prepared in such dishes has on human health, and to open two funds for these purposes. Representatives of DuPont, in turn, considered the accusations brought against them to be completely groundless. In their opinion, “the legal proceedings were initiated by competitors.” Six months later, under pressure from facts, DuPont management radically changed its mind, promising to find a replacement for perfluorooctanoic acid by 2015, completely removing its residues from its enterprises. However, it apparently did not do this very actively.

In February 2007, the American Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) became involved in the “Teflon case” and banned the use of Teflon-coated frying pans. As stated in the conclusion of the agency’s experts, “during laboratory experiments with animals that were injected with large doses of one of the coating components, it turned out that these substances contributed to the occurrence of liver cancer, low birth weight of newborns, and caused problems with the immune system and development process.” Previously, such a harsh decision was made only in relation to asbestos, which turned out to be a very strong carcinogen.
Housewives around the world could breathe a sigh of relief, throw away the Teflon frying pans and live in peace, but, as the latest study by American scientists showed, humanity relaxed in vain.
No exit?
The problem is that our world is literally riddled with perfluorocarbons. The same Teflon, in addition to frying pans, is contained in outer skin airplanes, acne creams, Goretex-type clothing, computer chips, hair straighteners, dental floss, electrical insulation, fast food packaging, fire extinguisher foam, furniture, garden supplies , in hair dryers, in knitwear, in paints, in kitchen utensils, in irons and ironing board covers, in leather clothing, in light bulbs, in suitcases and travel bags, in medical containers, in nail hardeners and nail polish removers, in pesticides, in pet mattresses, in dentures, in shaving foams and jellies, in coatings solar panels, glasses with scratch-resistant lenses, stain removers, surgical instruments, in umbrellas...
“There's nothing we can do about perfluorocarbons now unless we're going to turn civilization back. Sooner or later, humanity, of course, will find a replacement for them, but this is a matter of the distant future. In the meantime, I must state that couples who are trying and cannot conceive a child, no matter how much they try, will not be able to avoid contact with perfluorocarbons. In addition, as we found out, they have the ability to accumulate in the body. It is extremely difficult to remove them,” says Jorn Olsen.

Teflon coating
It’s hard to say what Americans love more: eating poorly or suing over the slightest reason. Indignant overseas consumers and their relatives have already thoroughly milked the manufacturers of fast food and cigarettes. Now, reports that food cooked on Teflon-coated cookware is allegedly life-threatening have become manna from heaven for them. At the thought that such a dear and beloved frying pan, which has long been included in every home, is potentially the breadwinner of bank accounts, citizens who are experienced in consumer lawsuits are salivating.

This time, their anger turned against the chemical giant DuPont, which “has been deceiving people for 20 years” by assuring that scrambled eggs, which do not burn on Teflon and without oil, are absolutely harmless to health. Immediately in eight US states, angry housewives filed lawsuits against the concern for $5 billion, accusing DuPont of the fact that, knowing about the carcinogenic properties of Teflon, the company did not disclose this information to buyers of cookware, which is sold all over the world. In addition to material claims, the plaintiffs demanded that the manufacturer of frying pans henceforth supply all its products with a non-stick coating with special warning instructions, and also begin research negative influence, which food prepared on such utensils has, and open two financial funds for these needs.
The defendant denies any possibility that the brand's Teflon-coated cookware contained carcinogens. DuPont headquarters issued a message stating that the cookware produced using their technology is harmless. And therefore, offended by the attacks of ungrateful housewives, the concern, in turn, intends to “actively defend itself” from the lawsuit.
It is not known for certain who is right and who is wrong in this matter. DuPont is at least supported by the simple fact that no one has ever died from using frying pans. Consumers refer to Scientific research, the results of which show that perfluorooctanoic acid, used in the preparation of Teflon, certainly will not improve health. Rats that were heavily fed this substance, adding it to their food, quickly and en masse were sent to the next world. And those who survived were not particularly interested in the opposite sex and generally lagged behind in sexual development. Some birds that are located close to the kitchen where they cook with Teflon also do not live long. One British housewife learned this from her own experience, from whom an infernal frying pan took away four pets. And back in 2001, scientists from the University of Toronto reported that non-stick Teflon coating affects not only humans, but can also change the chemical composition of the environment, since it releases harmful substances, the decay period of which can be several centuries.

Safe cookware
Is it possible to tell anything about the owner of the kitchen by the utensils she uses to prepare food? There is a lot that can be said. And first of all, does the woman care about the safety and health of her beloved household members?
The issue of the safety of Teflon cookware cannot be considered completely resolved. Some studies consider Teflon-coated cookware safe, stating that Teflon does not interact with food even when heated. Other studies state the exact opposite - that when Teflon is heated to 200 degrees, it begins to evaporate from the surface of the cookware, and these fumes are unsafe for the health of the woman who cooks in this cookware (after all, she is always near these fumes). In any case, when choosing Teflon cookware, you need to take into account two important points: firstly, you need to purchase Teflon cookware in branded stores that provide a quality guarantee for the products sold (after all, the use of fake Teflon cookware can lead to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract even in adults, and especially children). Secondly, when cooking on Teflon cookware, you need to use wooden spatulas and spoons to avoid scratching the Teflon coating.
Enameled cookware is also considered safe. And, like Teflon, it requires careful care. Chips and cracks are a death sentence for enamel cookware. Any even minor damage to this cookware can no longer guarantee safety. Because microbes begin to accumulate in the chips, in addition, the food begins to become saturated with metals from the base of the pan, plus an oxidation reaction occurs.
Aluminum cookware is considered unsuitable for cooking because aluminum reacts with food and destroys vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. You should not stew or fry vegetables or boil milk in it. However, if you have no choice, you can cook, but not store in aluminum cookware I'm going.
Plastic dishes are often used for babies, as well as for heating food in the microwave. What's attractive about it is that it doesn't get very hot. hot food and doesn't break. However, not all plastic utensils are safe. Just as in the case of Teflon, plastic utensils should be purchased only in branded stores that are ready to confirm the quality of the products with appropriate certificates. In addition, any chips or scratches on plastic utensils are a reason to replace them. Also, plastic utensils need to be replaced if they have been used for more than three years (three years is the standard shelf life plastic dishes). And also, if plastic tableware contains melamine, this is a serious reason to throw away the tableware or not buy it. Melamine contains formaldehyde, which releases when heated and mixes with food. And food flavored with formaldehyde causes severe irritation to the throat, skin, respiratory tract and lungs. If after washing there is a residue and film on the dishes, this is also a sign that the dishes are no longer safe (this rule applies to any dishes, not just plastic ones).
Stainless steel
Although the dishes are from of stainless steel It is resistant to oxidation, which means that food does not lose taste and vitamins when cooked in it; however, stainless steel cookware cannot be called safe. The fact is that such cookware usually contains nickel. And it is a strong allergen and can provoke the appearance of dermatosis. The same drawback, by the way, also applies to titanium cookware.
Clay, ceramics
Real ceramic tableware heat resistant and easy to withstand high temperatures. But the same cannot be said about low-quality ceramics. Therefore, despite all the environmental friendliness and safety of this cookware (after all, the experience of using it has been proven for centuries), it has two drawbacks - high-quality cookware will be expensive, and clay and ceramics quickly absorb grease, in order to wash it you will have to suffer a lot.
Although silicone utensils are unusual (after all, it is so wonderful that after use the plate can be rolled into a tube and stored until next use), it is safe. Silicone is inert, it does not rust or crumble, and does not interact with hot or cold. And in principle, it is quite versatile - in silicone dishes you can cook in the oven, microwave or air fryer, you can freeze food, or you can bake it. Wherein smooth surface has natural non-stick properties. But for self-defense purposes, silicone utensils are useless. This is not for you Cast-iron pan(by the way, about cast iron - cast iron cookware is, of course, heavy, but food does not burn in it due to the fact that cast iron heats up slowly and cools down slowly).
Among other things, there are also edible dishes. It is made from bamboo, sugar cane, starch and water. In water, such a plate disappears without a trace in two days, under normal conditions in 180 days. And all sorts of cows will help such dishes disappear in just a couple of minutes. It turns out not only safe, but also effective in the fight for a clean environment. The only “but” is that such dishes can only be used in the microwave and oven.


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