Expanded clay concrete blocks: types and production technology. Partition and load-bearing walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks - select the thickness Thickness of walls made of cbb

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Choosing material for building a house is very difficult. The house must be warm, reliable and durable. It is also very desirable that the material for constructing the walls be inexpensive. It is very difficult to “pack” all the parameters into one material. One option is expanded clay concrete blocks. The material is far from ideal, but warm, light, and inexpensive. Also the size expanded clay concrete block can be different, which makes it easier to choose the optimal size.

What are expanded clay concrete blocks according to GOST

Expanded clay concrete is classified as lightweight concrete. A porous material, expanded clay, is used as a filler. These are round granules made of baked clay. The composition of expanded clay concrete is cement, sand, expanded clay and water. When preparing the mixture, more water is poured than in ordinary heavy concrete, since expanded clay is hygroscopic and absorbs liquid. When producing blocks ready mixture poured into molds, left until initial hardening, after which they are removed from the mold. In principle, the blocks are ready, but they cannot be used until they reach their design strength.

There are two technologies for bringing products to normal strength at the factory - in an autoclave and by vibration pressing. In the first case, the blocks are sent to an autoclave, where the material is treated with steam under pressure. This makes expanded clay concrete blocks more durable. The second method is vibration with simultaneous pressure. When vibrating, all voids disappear, the solution becomes more homogeneous and fluid, enveloping each of the expanded clay granules. The result is high strength indicators.

At handicraft production the blocks are simply left to “ripen”. In theory, it takes at least 28 days until the concrete gains strength. But they can sell it earlier so as not to take up space. Nobody guarantees durability.

The point is that for normal set With strength cement, it is necessary to create a certain heat and humidity regime. Expanded clay concrete is more capricious in this regard ordinary concrete. Due to the high absorption capacity of expanded clay, it can take up too much water. And the liquid will not be enough for the concrete stone to gain strength and not just dry out. That's why ready-made blocks It is advisable to water and cover with film for at least several days after production. They cannot be kept in the sun and the temperature should not be lower than +20°C. Otherwise, expanded clay blocks will never gain the required strength and will crumble even under light loads and impacts.

When it comes to price, factory units are more expensive. But still. If you are building a house, and not a utility block or barn, you should not save money and buy “garage”-made blocks. Quality is a big question here.

Pros and cons of a house made of expanded clay blocks

Expanded clay blocks are many times larger. Even double. The size of an expanded clay concrete block can only be compared with ceramic building blocks. But expanded clay blocks weigh less, have best characteristics by thermal conductivity. And, importantly, much lower in cost. Durability and frost resistance are comparable to ceramic bricks.

Advantages of construction from expanded clay concrete

The advantages of houses made of expanded clay blocks include the following points:

The blocks can have a tongue-and-groove system, which improves the thermal characteristics of the masonry. The material is natural, breathable, so there will be no problems with regulating humidity in the rooms.


Expanded clay concrete houses also have some quite serious disadvantages. They must be taken into account when choosing building material.

The main disadvantage is high hygroscopicity. Clay granules can absorb a lot of water. Blocks that long time stored under open air, weigh many times more than those that remain in dry rooms. Cement only becomes stronger from moisture. But you probably won't like damp walls. Therefore, it is important to properly waterproof the foundation and cut off all possible sources of moisture leakage. It is better to make the roof with large overhangs and build quality system catchment area

Standard size of expanded clay concrete block

The fact is that there is no separate standard for expanded clay concrete blocks. This type of material is described by a group of standards that regulate lightweight concrete and products made from it. Thus, the dimensions of wall blocks made of lightweight concrete are established by GOST 6133-99.

Standard size of expanded clay concrete block according to GOST 6133

Maximum deviations are also indicated. They are ±3 mm in length, ±4 mm in height, the thickness of the walls between the partitions can be 3 mm thicker (they cannot be thinner).

Popular size of expanded clay concrete block for walls and partitions

Most often, expanded clay concrete blocks measuring 390*190*188 mm are used for laying walls. It turns out to be very convenient, because for middle zone In Russia, the optimal wall thickness is 400 mm. That is, the masonry is laid “in one block.” Partitions usually require a smaller thickness - 90 mm. The length and height remain the same. That is, the size of the expanded clay concrete block for partitions is 390*90*188 mm. This does not mean that partitions cannot be made from longer or shorter partition slabs. It’s possible, but shorter ones - more seams, more consumption solution, and longer ones are heavier and more difficult to work with.

If you want to have best parameters For sound insulation between rooms, partitions can also be made from wall blocks. Or standard width- 190 mm, or thinner ones - 138 mm. But the costs are higher.

Non-standard dimensions

The standard contains a note that, in agreement with the customer, the size of the expanded clay concrete block can be any. So you can find products in any format.

In addition, there are also technical specifications(TU), which are developed and registered by the enterprises themselves. If you are going to purchase a large batch and the marking is not GOST 6133-99, but TU, it is better to familiarize yourself with this document so that there are no surprises.

Types of expanded clay blocks

The ends of the blocks can be grooved, flat, or made using the tongue/groove principle. For use on corners, one edge can be smooth. In addition, the corners can be rounded or straight. On the supporting surfaces (where the mortar is placed), grooves can be formed for laying reinforcement. These grooves should be located at a distance of at least 20 mm from the corner.

Blocks come with or without voids. Voids can be through or not, they are placed evenly, perpendicular to work surface. Maximum permissible weight building block from lightweight concrete - 31 kg. The standard standardizes the thickness of the walls that enclose voids:

  • outer walls - at least 20 mm;
  • partition over blind voids - at least 10 mm;
  • between two voids - 20 mm.

Voids are often made flat - in the form of cracks. The number of “lines” with voids determines the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material. The more lines of voids, the warmer (and “quieter”) the wall will be. Air is known to be a poor conductor of heat. At least worse than concrete. Therefore, splitting a block with voids gives a good result.

Grades by density and compressive strength

Based on strength and thermal conductivity, expanded clay concrete blocks are divided into two categories: structural and structural-thermal insulating. Each group may contain products various densities. Density is the mass of one cubic meter of material in a dry state. The approximate value appears after the letter D. For example, D600 - the mass of a cubic meter is 600 kg, D900 - 900 kg. And so on.

In private housing construction, structural and thermal insulation blocks are usually used. For the construction of external walls one-story houses Expanded clay concrete blocks of grade D700 or D800 are used; lower grades can also be used for internal unloaded partitions.

Standard solutions for the middle zone

When building a house, it is best to order a project. Here everything will be taken into account for you, all components and materials will be prescribed, including the size of the expanded clay concrete block, its parameters and quantity. All that remains is to purchase everything according to the list. But few people do this. A project is an expense, and money is already scarce. Therefore, they try to roughly “estimate” without making calculations. The position is also understandable, but it does not always lead to savings, because “standard solutions” are made with a margin of safety, and this is an overconsumption of material. But, in general, there are proven options for the composition of the pie of external walls made of expanded clay blocks for Russia.

When choosing expanded clay blocks, we look at two indicators: compressive strength class - for load-bearing walls it should be at least B3.0 (with a margin). The second indicator is the thermal conductivity coefficient. The lower it is, the better.

Expanded clay concrete is one type of concrete. He is in Lately began to be used quite often in construction work: construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages. It is also used to fill the frame for multi-story buildings that are built of reinforced concrete. This material has become so popular that it is difficult to imagine a country in which it would not be used by builders. More precisely, pre-made expanded clay concrete wall blocks are used.

Many who have not yet had time to appreciate the benefits of this material are beginning to notice them. Those who decide to use it for their construction must carefully consider such a characteristic as the thickness of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks. This is all for good reason, because after studying all the nuances, you will be able to get the most out of this insulation.

Dependence of thickness on type of masonry

The thickness of the surface finished with expanded clay concrete block mainly depends on which masonry option you choose. Each option, in turn, depends on weather and climatic conditions. It also takes into account how much the building is used. When construction is major, often more than just one block of expanded clay concrete can be used. In addition, bricks and foam are used. The thickness of the future masonry will depend on what kind of thermal insulation is required for a particular building. The various thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent characteristics of the insulation will also be taken into account.

Depending on the choice of masonry, you will calculate the thickness of the walls that are being made ceramic blocks. Moreover, the external and inner layer finishing plaster applied to the wall:

  1. First option: if the supporting wall is laid out in blocks of 390:190:200 millimeters, then the masonry must be laid 400 millimeters thick, not counting the layers interior plaster and insulation that is located outside.
  2. Second option: if it consists of blocks measuring 590:290:200 millimeters, then the wall should be exactly 600 millimeters. In this case, it is worth filling special voids in the blocks between the walls with insulation.
  3. Third option: if you decide to use 235:500:200 millimeters, then the wall thickness will be 500 millimeters. Plus add layers of plaster on both sides of the wall to your calculations.

Effect of thermal conductivity

Scheme of expanded clay concrete block.

In construction work, it is important to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has an impact on the durability of the entire structure. The coefficient is important when calculating the thickness of walls that consist of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a material property that characterizes the process of heat transfer from warm objects to cool ones. Everyone knows this from physics lessons.

Thermal conductivity in calculations is expressed through a special coefficient. It takes into account the parameters of the bodies between which heat is transferred, the amount of heat, and time. This coefficient shows how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one body to another, which measures one meter thick and one square meter area.

Different characteristics have their influence on the thermal conductivity of each material. These include the size, type, presence of voids of the material or substance, its chemical composition. Humidity and air temperature also affect this process. For example, low thermal conductivity is observed in porous materials and substances.

For each specific building, its own wall thickness is measured. It varies depending on the purpose of the building. For a residential building, the standard thickness will be exactly 64 centimeters. This is all spelled out in special building codes and rules. True, some people think differently: that the load-bearing wall of a residential building can be 39 centimeters thick. In fact, such calculations are more suitable for summer house, country house, garage, buildings for economic purposes. Can be erected interior finishing a wall of such thickness.

Calculation example

Table of reduced heat transfer resistance for various designs walls

The moment of making an accurate calculation is very important. Need to take into account optimal thickness walls that are made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To achieve results, use very simple formula consisting of one action.

Builders, to solve this formula, must know two quantities. First you need to find out the thermal conductivity coefficient, which was mentioned earlier. In the formula it is written through the sign “λ”. The second value that needs to be taken into account is the heat transfer resistance coefficient. This value depends on many factors, for example, weather conditions area where the building is located. The area in which the building will then be used is also an important factor. This value in the formula will look like “Rreg”. It can be determined by building codes and regulations.

The value in the formula that we need to find, namely the thickness of the wall being built, we denote by the “δ” icon. As a result, the formula will look like this:

To give an example, you can calculate the thickness of a wall under construction in the city of Moscow and its region. The value of Rreg for this region of the country has already been calculated and officially established in special rules and regulations for construction. So it is 3-3.1. And you can take any wall size as an example, since you will already be calculating yours on the spot. The thickness of the block can be completely different. For example, it will be possible to take 0.19 W/(m*⁰С).

As a result, after solving this formula:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

We understand that the thickness of the walls should be 57 centimeters.

This is how, by calculating a simple formula, you can build such walls near your house to ensure the safety of the building, its stability and durability. Just by performing a simple action, you will build a truly good and reliable house.

Expanded clay concrete blocks have proven themselves well in construction. Good savings and quick installation- some of the advantages of this material. The information provided on which expanded clay concrete blocks to use for load-bearing walls is based on low-rise construction private sector, provided that the foundation is properly laid. Recommendations are subjective and based on personal experience.

The choice of expanded clay concrete blocks is based on several factors:

  • Building height;
  • Type of floors;
  • Purpose of the structure;
  • Climatic conditions of the external environment;
  • Laying method;
  • Aesthetic perception.

For the construction of low-rise buildings, expanded clay concrete products are used, differing in the type of concrete:

It is prohibited to use heat-insulating blocks in load-bearing walls. Only for the purpose of insulation.

Exist technical aspects selection of expanded clay concrete products:

  • Compressive strength;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Medium density;
  • Thermal conductivity;
  • Water absorption;
  • Color.

Mechanical strength of blocks

The mechanical strength of expanded clay concrete blocks determines how high a building can be built. The floors used in the building determine the grade of compressive strength of the expanded clay concrete product. Compressive strength is a parameter showing how much pressure a block can withstand before breaking, measured in kilograms/cm2. The number after the letter M means the number of kilograms per 1 cm2.

The compressive strength of products is classified by brand and class. Brands are designated by the letter M, classes by the letter B: M5, M10, M15, M25, M35, M50, M75, M100, M150 (B10), M200 (B15), M250 (B20), M300 (B22.5), M350 (B25 ), M400 (B30), M450 (B35), M500 (B40).

The strength of blocks from the manufacturer may immediately differ from those declared. The compressive strength should be less than the parameters presented below.

During the warm season:

  • 80% for products of brands 100 and below;
  • 50% for products of brands 150 and above.

In the cold season, the actual strength may be:

  • 90% for products of brands 100 and below;
  • 70% for products of brands 150 and above.

Within 28 days of the block from the date of manufacture, the product must achieve the declared strength.

Expanded clay concrete blocks of the M25 grade are not used at all for load-bearing walls. Blocks of the M35-M50 brand can be used in one-story buildings with wooden floors.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance is standardized for products used in the laying of load-bearing walls and fences. Frost resistance is the block’s resistance to freezing. It is frost resistance that determines the reliability and long-term operation of expanded clay concrete products. After the letter F, the number indicates the number of cycles of complete freezing and thawing, without compromising strength. According to frost resistance, products are divided into brands: F15, F25, F35, F50, F75, F100, F150, F200, F300, F400, F500.

For load-bearing walls, it is necessary to take products with a frost resistance grade of at least F50.

Average density is the weight of the product.

The required block density should be no more than D2000. After the letter D is the mass value in kilograms per cubic meter. That is, 1 m3 of structural insulating blocks marked D600 will weigh 600 kg.

As an example, the marking of expanded clay concrete products for load-bearing walls KBSL-50-M25-F35-D600 GOST is given. According to the information above, it is easy to decipher - expanded clay concrete wall block 500 mm long, compressive strength 25 kg/cm2, frost resistance 35 cycles and weight cubic meter 600 kg.

The weight of the product depends on its design. Hollow products usually have a tensile strength of M35-M50.

The outer wall of the hollow block should be no thinner than 20 mm.

There are reinforced hollow products with a wall thickness of 40mm. Standard characteristics of M75-F50-D1050. They are recommended for load-bearing walls up to 3 floors.

IN self-supporting walls c concrete floors for which high loads are planned, use solid blocks with a density of D1100 - D1800, strength M100 - M500 and having high frost resistance from F50.

To reduce the weight of the wall, combined masonry is used. For front side they take facing expanded clay concrete products with a tensile strength of M35, and as an ordinary solid block M100. The result is not only a reduction in weight, but also a reduction in heat loss.

Thermal conductivity of the material

Expanded clay concrete products, for external walls, thermal conductivity is standardized. The thickness of the walls depends on the thermal conductivity of the material. Below is part of the table for residential and domestic buildings and structures, without correction factors, on the basis of which you can independently calculate the depth of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Standardized values ​​of heat transfer resistance of walls R m2? S/W

Full table data with correction factors and calculation rules can be found in SNiP 02/23/2003.

The mathematical difference between the recommended indoor temperature and the average daily outdoor temperature during the heating period is multiplied by the number of days of the official heating period. The result obtained is rounded within the table.

Wall thickness:

Based on the table data, we multiply the resistance coefficient R by the thermal conductivity of the block. The result obtained is the depth of the wall.

For example, degree-day D for Krasnodar is 2380?2000, respectively, heat transfer resistance R -2.1. There is an expanded clay concrete block M50-F50-D950 dimensions 380?190?188 thermal conductivity 0.19-0.26 W/m C. We get 2.1?0.26=0.546 m. ​​The width of the wall will be one and a half blocks.

The thermal conductivity of the expanded clay concrete block in the masonry increases, so in the calculations we take the maximum value.

Water absorption

Frost resistance is directly related to such a parameter as water absorption. The block can absorb from 10 to 50% of its own weight of water. Water crystallizes and destroys the product. Typically, expanded clay concrete blocks in walls are plastered on the inside and protected on the outside facing material. Facial products have low moisture permeability. Therefore, there is no need to focus on water absorption parameters; the main criterion is frost resistance.

Color spectrum

The color can be any. It matters only when cladding a building and depends on aesthetic perception owner.

The criteria by which it is necessary to select expanded clay concrete blocks for load-bearing walls are mechanical strength, frost resistance and weight. Thanks to modern heat-insulating materials heat loss can be reduced not by increasing the thickness of the wall. Blocks with technical characteristics from:

  • M35 to M100
  • F50 to F100
  • D 600 to D1400

It is advisable to use for load-bearing walls in low-rise private construction.

Expanded clay concrete is one of the types of concrete. Recently, this material has become increasingly used for various works: construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages, etc.

d. Expanded clay concrete is also used to fill the frame of multi-story buildings built from reinforced concrete. Expanded clay concrete is so popular that it is used in almost all countries of the world, or rather, already made blocks of expanded clay concrete are used.

Order expanded clay concrete blocks at favorable conditions by calling us at:

or send a request through the form on the website.

Those who have not yet been able to appreciate all the advantages of expanded clay concrete are already beginning to notice them. Those who decide to start building a house from of this material, should carefully study the issue regarding the thickness of the walls of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Let's figure out why this nuance is so important.

The thickness of a wall built with expanded clay concrete blocks primarily depends on the choice of masonry type. In turn, each type depends on the weather and climate.

It is also necessary to consider how much the building will be used. At capital construction Other building materials can also be used: brick, cinder blocks or foam blocks. The thickness of the walls of the future building will also depend on what kind of thermal insulation of the room will be needed.

In addition, you need to take into account the thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent properties of the material used. Depending on which masonry option is chosen, the thickness of the walls will be calculated. In this case, both the internal and external layers of plaster with which the walls are finished are also considered.

Laying options:

First option: the supporting wall is built from blocks measuring 390/190/200 mm.

In this case, the blocks are laid with a thickness of 400 mm, without taking into account the internal layers of plaster. Second option: the load-bearing wall is laid with blocks measuring 590 by 290 by 200 mm. In such a situation, the size of the wall should be 600 mm, and the resulting voids in the blocks are filled with insulation. Third option: when using expanded clay concrete blocks measuring 235 by 500 and 200 mm, the resulting wall will be equal to 500 mm. In addition, layers of plaster on both sides of the wall are added to the calculations.

Effect of thermal conductivity

Scheme of a block made of expanded clay concrete.

Before starting any construction work, you need to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has great value for durability of the structure. The resulting coefficient is necessary to calculate the thickness of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a characteristic of a material that indicates the ability to transfer heat from warm to cold objects.

In calculations, this characteristic of the material is shown through a certain coefficient, which takes into account the parameters of the objects between which heat exchange occurs, as well as the time and amount of heat.

From the coefficient you can find out how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one object to another, while the size of the objects is 1 m2 (area) by 1 m2 (thickness). Various characteristics have different effects on the thermal conductivity of a particular material. Such characteristics refers to: size, composition, type and presence of voids in the material. Thermal conductivity is also influenced by air temperature and humidity. For example, low thermal conductivity occurs in porous materials.

Recommended thickness for the construction of a residential building

During the construction of each specific house, its own thickness of future walls is measured. It may vary depending on the purpose of the building.

To build a residential building, the wall thickness must be exactly 64 cm, which is prescribed in special norms and rules for construction work. But some people think differently, and I make a load-bearing wall only 39 cm thick. In fact, such calculations are only suitable for a summer house, garage or country house.

Example of calculating wall thickness

The calculation must be made very accurately. It is necessary to take into account best thickness walls built from expanded clay concrete material. In order to make an accurate calculation, you need to use a special formula.

To do this, you need to know only two quantities: the coefficient of thermal conductivity and the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer. The first value is indicated by the symbol “λ”, and the second by “Rreg”. The value of the resistance coefficient is influenced by such factors as the weather conditions of the area where construction work will be carried out.

This coefficient can be determined by building regulations and standards. Thickness future wall indicated by the “δ” icon. And the formula for calculating it will look like this:

For example, you can calculate required thickness walls for the construction of a building in Moscow or the Moscow region. The heat transfer resistance coefficient for this area has already been calculated and is approximately 3-3.1. The thickness of the block itself can be any, for example, let’s take 0.19 W. After making calculations using the above formula, we get the following:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

That is, the wall thickness should be 57 cm. Most experienced builders It is advised to erect walls with a thickness of 40 to 60 cm, provided that the building is located in the central regions of Russia.

Thus, by calculating a simple formula, you can build walls that will ensure not only the safety of the structure, but also its strength and durability. By completing this simple step, you can build a truly strong and reliable house.

The walls of private houses, cottages and other low-rise buildings are usually made of two or three layers with an insulating layer. The insulation layer is located on the load-bearing part of the wall made of bricks or small-format blocks. Developers often ask questions: “Is it possible to save on the thickness of the wall?” “Shouldn’t we make the load-bearing part of the wall of the house thinner than the neighbor’s or than provided for by the project?

On construction sites and in projects you can see a load-bearing wall made of bricks with a thickness of 250 mm, and from blocks - even 200 mm. has become commonplace.

The wall turned out to be too thin for this house.

The strength of a house wall is determined by calculation

Design standards (SNiP II-22-81 “Stone and reinforced masonry structures”), regardless of the calculation results, limit minimum thickness carrying stone walls for masonry in the range from 1/20 to 1/25 of the floor height.

Thus, with a floor height of up to 3 m, the wall thickness in any case should be more than 120 - 150 mm.

The load-bearing wall is subject to a vertical compressive load from the weight of the wall itself and the overlying structures (walls, ceilings, roof, snow, operational load). Design resistance The compression strength of brick and block masonry depends on the brand of brick or class of blocks in terms of compressive strength and the brand of mortar.

For low-rise buildings, as calculations show, the compressive strength of a wall with a thickness of 200-250 mm made of brick is provided with a large margin. For a wall made of blocks, with the appropriate choice of block class, there are usually no problems either.

In addition to vertical loads, the wall (wall section) is subject to horizontal loads caused, for example, by wind pressure or transmission of thrust from rafter system roofs.

In addition, torques act on the wall, which tend to rotate a section of the wall. These points are due to the fact that the load on the wall, for example, from floor slabs or a ventilated facade, is not applied in the center of the wall, but is shifted to the side edges. The walls themselves have deviations from the vertical and straightness of the masonry, which also leads to additional stresses in the wall material.

Horizontal loads and torques create a bending load in the material at each section of the load-bearing wall.

The strength and stability of walls with a thickness of 200-250 mm or less does not have a large margin for these bending loads. Therefore, the stability of walls of the specified thickness for a particular building must be confirmed by calculation.

To build a house with walls of this thickness, it is necessary to choose a ready-made project with the appropriate wall thickness and material. We always entrust the adjustment of the project with other parameters to the selected thickness and material of the walls to specialists.

Practice of design and construction of residential low-rise buildings showed that load-bearing walls made of bricks or blocks with a thickness of more than 350 - 400 mm. have a good margin of strength and resistance to both compressive and bending loads, in the vast majority designs building.

The walls of the house, external and internal, resting on the foundation, together with the foundation and ceiling, form a single spatial structure (framework), which jointly resists loads and influences.

Creating a durable and economical building frame - engineering problem, requiring highly qualified, pedantry and culture from construction participants.

A house with thin walls is more sensitive to deviations from the project, from construction norms and rules.

The developer needs to understand that the strength and stability of walls is reduced if:

    the thickness of the wall decreases; the height of the wall increases; the area of ​​openings in the wall increases; the width of the partition between the openings decreases; the length of the free section of the wall that does not have support or interface with the transverse wall increases; channels or niches are installed in the wall;

The strength and stability of walls changes in one direction or another if:

    change the wall material; change the type of floor; change the type, size of the foundation;

Defects that reduce the strength and stability of walls

Violations and deviations from the requirements of the project, norms and construction rules, which are allowed by builders (in the absence of proper control on the part of the developer), reducing the strength and stability of the walls:

are used wall material(bricks, blocks, mortar) with reduced strength compared to the project requirements.

anchoring of the floor (beams) with metal connections to the walls is not performed according to the design; deviations of the masonry from the vertical, displacement of the wall axis exceed the established technological standards; deviations in the straightness of the masonry surface exceed the established technological standards; the masonry seams are not filled completely enough with mortar. The thickness of the seams exceeds established standards. excessive use of brick halves and chipped blocks in the masonry; insufficient bonding of the masonry of internal walls with external ones; omissions of mesh reinforcement of the masonry;

In all of the above cases of changes in the dimensions or materials of walls and ceilings, the developer must contact professional designers to make changes to project documentation. Changes to the project must be certified by their signature.

Your foreman’s “let’s make it simpler” suggestions must be agreed upon with a professional designer. Control the quality of construction work done by contractors. When performing work on our own Avoid the above construction defects.

The norms of the rules for the production and acceptance of work (SNiP 3.03.01-87) allow: deviations of walls by displacement of axes (10 mm), deviation by one floor from the vertical (10 mm), displacement of supports of floor slabs in plan (6...8 mm ) etc.

How thinner than the wall, the more they are loaded, the less safety margin they have. The load on the wall multiplied by the “mistakes” of designers and builders may turn out to be excessive (pictured).

The processes of wall destruction do not always appear immediately, but sometimes years after the completion of construction.

It is certainly advisable to choose a wall thickness of 200-250 mm made of bricks or blocks for one-story house or for top floor multi-storey.

A house of two or three floors with a wall thickness of 200-250 mm. Build if you have it at your disposal finished project, tied to the ground conditions of the construction site, qualified builders, and independent technical supervision of construction.

In other conditions for the lower floors of two- or three-story houses safer than a wall thickness of at least 350 mm.

Read about how to make load-bearing walls only 190 mm thick here.

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Expanded clay concrete is one type of concrete. It has recently become quite often used in construction work: the construction of cottages, outbuildings, garages.

It is also used to fill the frame for multi-story buildings that are built of reinforced concrete. This material has become so popular that it is difficult to imagine a country in which it would not be used by builders. More precisely, pre-made expanded clay concrete wall blocks are used.

Many who have not yet had time to appreciate the benefits of this material are beginning to notice them. Those who decide to use it for their construction must carefully consider such a characteristic as the thickness of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks. This is all for good reason, because after studying all the nuances, you will be able to get the most out of this insulation.

Dependence of thickness on type of masonry

The thickness of the surface finished with expanded clay concrete block mainly depends on which masonry option you choose.

Each option, in turn, depends on weather and climatic conditions. It also takes into account how much the building is used. When construction is major, often more than just one block of expanded clay concrete can be used.

In addition, bricks, foam and cinder blocks are used. The thickness of the future masonry will depend on what kind of thermal insulation is required for a particular building. The various thermal conductivity and moisture-repellent characteristics of the insulation will also be taken into account.

Depending on the choice of masonry, you will calculate the thickness of the walls, which are made with ceramic blocks. Moreover, the outer and inner layers of finishing plaster applied to the wall will be taken into account:

    The first option: if the supporting wall is laid out in blocks of 390:190:200 millimeters, then the masonry must be laid with a thickness of 400 millimeters, not counting the layers of internal plaster and insulation that is located outside. The second option: if the structure of the load-bearing wall consists of blocks measuring 590:290: 200 millimeters, then the wall should be exactly 600 millimeters. In this case, it is worth filling special voids in the blocks between the walls with insulation. Third option: if you decide to use an expanded clay concrete block measuring 235:500:200 millimeters, then the wall thickness will be 500 millimeters. Plus add layers of plaster on both sides of the wall to your calculations.

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Effect of thermal conductivity

Scheme of expanded clay concrete block.

In construction work, it is important to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient, since it has an impact on the durability of the entire structure. The coefficient is important when calculating the thickness of walls that consist of expanded clay concrete blocks. Thermal conductivity is a property of a material that characterizes the process of heat transfer from warm objects to cool ones. Everyone knows this from physics lessons.

Thermal conductivity in calculations is expressed through a special coefficient. It takes into account the parameters of the bodies between which heat is transferred, the amount of heat, and time. This coefficient shows how much heat can be transferred in one hour from one body to another, which has dimensions of one meter in thickness and one square meter in area.

Different characteristics have their influence on the thermal conductivity of each material.

These include the size, type, presence of voids of the material or substance, and its chemical composition. Humidity and air temperature also affect this process. For example, low thermal conductivity is observed in porous materials and substances.

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For each specific building, its own wall thickness is measured. It varies depending on the purpose of the building. For a residential building, the standard thickness will be exactly 64 centimeters. This is all prescribed in special building codes and regulations.

True, some people think differently: that the load-bearing wall of a residential building can be 39 centimeters thick. In fact, such calculations are more suitable for a summer house, country house, garage, and buildings for household purposes. It is possible to build interior decoration with a wall of this thickness.

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Calculation example

Table of reduced heat transfer resistance for various wall designs.

The moment of making an accurate calculation is very important. It is necessary to take into account the optimal thickness of the walls, which are made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To achieve results, use a very simple one-step formula.

Builders, to solve this formula, must know two quantities. First you need to find out the thermal conductivity coefficient, which was mentioned earlier.

In the formula it is written through the sign “λ”. The second value that needs to be taken into account is the heat transfer resistance coefficient. This value depends on many factors, for example, on the weather conditions of the area where the building is located.

The area in which the building will then be used is also an important factor. This value in the formula will look like “Rreg”. It can be determined by building codes and regulations.

The value in the formula that we need to find, namely the thickness of the wall being built, we denote by the “δ” icon. As a result, the formula will look like this:

To give an example, you can calculate the thickness of a wall under construction in the city of Moscow and its region. The value of Rreg for this region of the country has already been calculated and officially established in special rules and regulations for construction. Thus, it is 3-3.1.

And you can take any wall size as an example, since you will already be calculating yours on the spot. The thickness of the block can be completely different. For example, it will be possible to take 0.19 W/(m*⁰С).

As a result, after solving this formula:

δ = 3 x 0.19 = 0.57 m.

We understand that the thickness of the walls should be 57 centimeters.

This is how, by calculating a simple formula, you can build such walls near your house to ensure the safety of the building, its stability and durability. Just by performing a simple action, you will build a truly good and reliable house.

One of the most important appointments external walls Any home is to protect it from external natural influences, weather conditions and create the strength of load-bearing structures.

The construction material expanded clay concrete is inexpensive and quite simple to install.

What kind of material is this?

Expanded clay concrete contains expanded clay in the bulk - this is a special clay foamed and subject to firing with cement and water.

When enough high level strength, this material is relatively light in weight. Walls built from expanded clay concrete, in contrast to concrete structures, have good heat and soundproofing properties and much lighter, which allows you to build a house on a lighter foundation.

The period of preservation of the operational properties of such walls can be close to 75 years.

What should be the thickness of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks?

The thickness of expanded clay concrete walls depends on several factors:

Firstly, it is necessary to understand what functions the building will perform: residential or industrial. Based on this, it is important to determine the degree of use of the building. It is equally important to take into account climatic conditions.

The choice of masonry blocks is of great importance, depending on the functional significance of the building. The thickness also depends on the moisture-resistant and heat-conducting properties of the insulation. A layer of finishing plaster on both sides will also increase the thickness of the expanded clay concrete wall being built.

If we take into account natural conditions, then for the central region it is enough to build single-layer block walls thickness from 400 mm to 600 mm. For regions with colder climates, the walls are insulated with thermal insulation materials.

Types of designs

According to their purpose, walls are divided into internal and external. According to load distribution - load-bearing and non-bearing. A load-bearing wall is a wall that experiences heavy loads and serves as a support for floors and roofs.

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When building your own house, you often have to deal with a situation where there is either not enough building material or there is too much of it left. Expanded clay concrete blocks are no exception. And despite their relative cheapness, extra costs always not very pleasant.

There are even situations when a person, saving his precious time, tries to make a quick calculation with the help of construction calculators, which promise to accurately calculate the number of expanded clay concrete blocks he needs. But in the end, there is still a lot of surplus left, or, what is sometimes much worse, there is not enough of it.

Why calculating blocks with “construction calculators” is not always accurate

Due to their primitiveness, most construction calculators are primarily designed for approximate or preliminary calculations of building materials, and in most cases are not suitable for accurate final calculations.

As a rule, calculators work on a very simple principle - they calculate the area of ​​​​all walls, subtract the area of ​​​​all windows and doors (some do not even take this into account), and then calculate the number of blocks required, without paying attention to many factors, such as the presence of gables, the need for an armored belt , internal load-bearing walls, ratio of the height of the walls to the height of the blocks, etc.

What needs to be taken into account for accurate calculation of expanded clay concrete blocks

  1. The most common mistake in calculating expanded clay concrete blocks (ECB) for a house is that many people forget about the gables and do not take them into account. By the way, most online calculators make the same mistake.
  2. Very often, in addition to external load-bearing walls, the house also has internal load-bearing walls, which will also be made of ordinary blocks.
  3. If your house is faced with brick on the outside, then this must be taken into account, because... in this case, the length of the wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks will be slightly shorter outer wall Houses.
  4. If an armored belt is installed on top of the walls, then when calculating the blocks, its height must be subtracted from the total height of the wall.
  5. The height of a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks, as a rule, should be a multiple of the height of the blocks themselves along with the seam. Because The height of the block with a seam is about 0.2 m, then the height of the wall without reinforced belt should be a multiple of this value (for example, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, etc.).
  6. The length of the wall will not always be a multiple of the whole number of blocks, i.e. in most cases, the wall will contain not only whole blocks, but also various inserts, for example, half a block, a quarter, etc. Due to its fragility, it is not always possible to saw or split an expanded clay concrete block without waste.
  7. It often happens that when unpacking a pallet with blocks, broken blocks are already found there, which will be unsuitable for masonry.
  8. If lintels will be mounted above windows and doors, then they must also be subtracted from total area walls, although if the area of ​​all the windows is not very large, this is usually neglected.

At first glance, the calculation ahead is very complex and without higher mathematics there is no way around it, but this is only at first glance. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, and I will now prove this with a small example.

An example of calculating blocks for a private house

For example, let's take a small one-story house with two gables and one interior load-bearing wall. The thickness of the external walls is 19 cm (0.5 block), the thickness of the internal load-bearing wall is 39 cm (1 block). The outside of the house will be faced with brick. A diagram of this house can be seen below.

On the sizes of expanded clay concrete blocks I won’t dwell on it, I’ve already written about this in detail earlier.

It should be noted that the diagram shows the dimensions of the external walls taking into account the facing bricks in meters. Part of the wall will be occupied by brick and insulation, so each of the external walls made of blocks will be approximately 15 centimeters smaller on each side.

Calculation of expanded clay concrete blocks for walls without gables

The calculation usually begins with determining the perimeter of the walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. When calculating, everything should be taken into account - all projections, hallways (if any), balconies, etc.

In our case, each wall will be 0.3 meters less than in the diagram (as mentioned above, due to the fact that part of the wall will be occupied facing brick and insulation for walls).

Perimeter of all walls: 9.7 x 4 = 38.8 m.

1. It is necessary to determine how many blocks will be in one row around the entire perimeter:

38.8 / 0.4 = 97 pcs.(0.4 is the length of one block including the seam).

2. We multiply the resulting value by the number of rows, which depends on the height of the walls (2.4 m = 12 rows, 2.6 m = 13 rows, 2.8 m = 14 rows, etc.). In our case, we will take the height of the walls equal to 2.8 m, which corresponds to 14 rows of masonry of expanded clay concrete blocks:

97 x 14 = 1358 pcs.

3. Now you need to subtract the windows. We have 2 windows measuring 1.6x1.4 m. Let's calculate how many blocks our windows will replace. Length: 1.6 / 0.4 = 4 pcs., height: 1.4 / 0.2 = 7 pcs., total:

7 x 4 = 28 pcs each window.

Two windows - 28 x 2 = 56 pcs.

4. Entrance doors ours is 2 x 1 m in size. According to a similar scheme:

(1 / 0.4) x (2 / 0.2) = 25 pcs.

5. Subtract doors and windows from the total number of blocks:

1358 – 56 – 25 = 1277 pcs.

Thus, we have calculated expanded clay concrete blocks only for external walls; now it is necessary to calculate the internal load-bearing wall, taking into account the fact that its thickness is twice as large, i.e. the length of one block (39 cm).

Calculation of an internal load-bearing wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks

The required number of expanded clay concrete blocks for the internal wall is calculated according to the same scheme, except that now we take one block not 0.4 m, as in the previous calculation, but 0.2 m along with the seam, the difference is clearly visible in the photo.

If you have interior wall(walls) with a thickness of 19 cm, and not 39 cm, as in the example, then its calculation should be carried out similarly to external ones.

1. Wall length 9.2 m. Calculate the number of blocks in one row:

9.2 / 0.2 = 46 pcs.

2. Multiply by the number of rows:

46 x 14 = 644 pcs.

3. Door (2m x 1m):

(1 / 0.2) x (2 / 0.2) = 50 pcs.

4. Subtract the door:

644 – 50 = 594 pcs.

5. Now, by simple addition, we determine the number of expanded clay concrete blocks we need to build a house:

594 + 1277 = 1871 pcs.

I would like to add that if when calculating doors or windows you get a non-integer number, then it is better to round it down to a whole number.

Calculation of gables

For those who remember their school geometry course, calculating blocks for gables will be a very simple task. To do this, it is enough to know the height of the future pediment; in our case it will be 2 meters. The width of the pediment will be equal to the width of the wall, in our case – 9.7 m.

The area of ​​two pediments is equal to the area of ​​one rectangular wall, in which the lengths of the walls are equal to the width of the pediment and its height.

In other words, we need to find the number of blocks for a wall with a height of 2 m and a length of 9.7 m:

(9.7 / 0.4) x (2 / 0.2) = 242.5 pcs.

It is necessary to take into account that the laying of a pediment, as a rule, begins with a whole row, and already from the second row the blocks begin to be sawed. Therefore, to the resulting number, you need to add two whole rows

242.5 + 48.5 = 291 pcs.

Considering a large number of sawn blocks when laying the pediment, you can safely add a small amount “for cutting”. And thus, it would be better to prepare 300 pieces for the gables.

So we counted required amount expanded clay concrete blocks for a house with two identical gables:

1871 + 300 = 2171 pcs.

It is worth noting that for a more accurate calculation it is necessary to count each wall separately, because, even in our case, it turned out that 24 whole blocks + 1/4 blocks are needed for each wall. And when cutting or splitting, rarely 4 quarters will come out of one block, due to the fragility of the blocks themselves. And given the above, you need to take a small reserve of 5-7%.

As a rule, the supply is taken “up to a whole pallet”, and you can find out from the manufacturer. And then calculate how many pallets you need.

If suddenly the thickness of your external walls is not 19 cm (in the floor of the block), but 39 cm (in the block), then their calculation must be carried out similarly to the internal load-bearing wall from our example, or exactly the same as in the example, then multiplying their number on 2.

How many expanded clay concrete blocks are in a pallet?

Honestly, there is no clear answer to this question. “How many blocks does the manufacturer put in a pallet?”- You won't find it anywhere. Various manufacturers, different pallets, one might even say different sizes, although expanded clay concrete blocks do not differ in this diversity.

Basically, the number of expanded clay concrete blocks in a pallet depends entirely on several factors:

  1. From the manufacturer, because there are no strict standards, and everyone completes their products as they see fit.
  2. Depending on the size of the pallets, the larger the pallet, the correspondingly more blocks will fit on it.
  3. From the weight of the expanded clay concrete block, since this affects the overall weight of the pallet, and too much weight, firstly, the pallet itself may not be able to withstand, and secondly, loading and unloading, and the delivery of the blocks itself may be difficult.

Despite this, there are still some numbers characteristic of expanded clay concrete blocks, a certain unofficial standard, which many adhere to and complete their products in 72, 84, 90, 105 pieces.

In addition to ordinary blocks with a thickness of 19 cm, blocks with a thickness of 12 cm and 9 cm are produced. Such blocks are called partition or semi-blocks.

Blocks 12 cm thick are stacked approximately 120 pieces per pallet, while blocks 9 cm thick, as a rule, are placed on one pallet twice as many as ordinary ones, i.e. 144, 168, etc.


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