Do-it-yourself key holder, wall-mounted wooden house. Key holders - instructions on how to make them yourself

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With the help of the correct implementation of the appropriate project, you can ensure convenient storage of important things and. A high-quality wall-mounted key holder with your own hands will be made quickly and without extra costs after reading the materials of this article. There is general thematic data and special photos here. good decisions. Some production technologies are described in detail. Therefore, anyone can reproduce them accurately even without previous experience performing similar work operations.

To formulate a list of requirements for this design, it is necessary to make several clarifications regarding the intended purpose:

  • A decorative wall key holder is installed in the entrance area, in a visible place. Its aesthetic characteristics should.
  • The direct loads from the keys themselves are not great. However, with intensive use it is difficult to count on very careful handling. Possible mechanical influences should be taken into account.
  • The resistance of decorative coatings to changes in humidity and temperature is useful. The differences in these parameters are especially large in the hallways of private houses.
  • It is necessary to ensure good visibility of all objects. If necessary, install.
  • In some cases, it is necessary to equip the structure with closing doors.

Taking into account the features noted above, we can consider various traditional solutions.

One glance is enough to check that objects are in their place. An additional advantage of this design is its simplicity. Decorative design is chosen individually. But a base with several hooks can be created in just a few tens of minutes. Of course, you will have to provide a suitable fixation system on the wall. But this problem is not difficult to solve using ordinary screws with dowels, or other standard ones.

They provide some protection against theft during visits by courier service workers and other strangers. For good review installed in the door glass insert. If necessary - inside

This modification rationally uses the free space inside the door. A mechanism was installed there that performs decorative and practical functions at the same time.

For your information! Similar project not too difficult to implement on our own. You just need to purchase a watch that matches the size of the product. It is better to choose an electromechanical or electronic model to reduce the operating load on users.

It must be remembered that such accessories should not interfere with free movement. To store a large number of keys, you can use the internal volume, or open shelves.

It’s not difficult to make a wall-mounted wooden key holder at home

One of the main advantages of this material is its ease of processing. You can make a beautiful and functional key holder from wood with your own hands using simple carpentry. Chisels are also used to give the desired size and shape. An ideal flat surface is created using a plane and sandpaper. Interesting natural cut lines are preserved using clear varnish. If necessary, decoupage or other decorative coating techniques will be used.

In the example in the photo, you will need to find a birch log of suitable size. After cutting and cleaning the ends, hooks are screwed in from below. This completes the manufacturing process of the device.

This product is a suitable illustration of the shortcomings simple solutions and the material itself:

  • The primitive appearance imposes significant restrictions on matching the interiors.
  • Without treatment, the log will become a source of pollution.
  • If you do not treat the product with a deep primer, the structure will be quickly damaged by changes in humidity and temperature.

It’s not difficult to buy a wall-mounted wooden key holder in a store. But it’s much more pleasant to create the desired product yourself. If the plans are implemented correctly, it will become a source of pride that will be shown to guests.

This example shows that the key holder, with appropriate equipment, can be used to store jars and smartphones, gloves and other small items.

Reliability and durability of metal wall key holders

Metal products are highly durable. They retain their functional characteristics over many years of use in excellent condition. Using special technologies parts are made from these materials complex shape. The only drawback is destruction by corrosive chemical reactions. To eliminate such negative manifestations, use different kinds decorative and protective coatings.

Metal is more difficult to process than wood. To manufacture some products, you will have to master welding, casting, and other complex technologies. You will have to equip your home workshop accordingly. Even without a thorough analysis, it is clear that the total investment will be significant.

What's good about making a plywood key holder with your own hands?

This material is better for the following reasons compared to the options discussed above:

  • Plywood is created in factory conditions, so the thickness and other characteristics are precisely known.
  • If you purchase a moisture-resistant variety, you can prevent damage from appropriate external influences.
  • The outer surfaces, even without treatment, are quite smooth. They are well suited for applying images using various techniques.
  • Unlike metal, plywood is not difficult to process.
  • Even large products made from it weigh little.

Important! When using plywood, take into account the relatively low hardness of the material. Places for attaching hooks, etc. additional details may become loose over time. We must also not forget about the limited resistance of wood to moisture and microorganisms. To protect against them, special impregnations are used.

Quick creation of key holders from cardboard with your own hands

These pictures explain the algorithm for creating a functional . You will need to first compile a list of necessary components. To avoid mistakes, you should prepare the project in advance. It is enough to make a sketch by hand with dimensions and other design parameters. You should also choose and master the application of beautiful, long-lasting images in advance.

This material itself is inexpensive, but you will have to take into account the additional costs of production technologies. We must not forget about the limited resistance of cardboard to mechanical loads and high humidity

In this photo of a do-it-yourself wall-mounted key holder, only a container for small items was made from a box. Durable base and decorative overlays are made of plywood. Metal hooks with the desired aesthetic characteristics were purchased at the store.

Examples from other materials

These examples clearly demonstrate the wide possibilities when using different materials. Quite often, craftsmen use combined designs. When preparing the appropriate project, you should pay attention to the following general recommendations:

  • The power frame is calculated taking into account real future loads.
  • The dimensions are selected so as to eliminate obstacles to the free movement of people.
  • All parts of the product must be designed for the appropriate operating conditions. If necessary, they are protected from adverse external influences.
  • In any case, it is necessary to consider the entire complex of works. Some complex components (hooks, locks) can be purchased in a retail chain, or ordered from a specialized workshop.

DIY key holder: master class and useful recommendations

Before making a pocket key holder with your own hands, you need to decide on the method of securing objects inside it.

In this example, you can look at some of the components:

  • button for fixing in the closed state;
  • You can use a carabiner to attach this useful accessory to your belt;
  • rivet;
  • device with rotating elements for keys;
  • linings to prevent edge wear.

For manufacturing you will need not only leather and the special metal fittings listed above. Drawing the workpiece and cutting will not cause significant difficulties. However, quality seam.

To make a wall-mounted key holder from wood yourself, you don’t need to purchase expensive specialized equipment. A suitable blank could be a completely free piece of driftwood of a special shape, found while walking through the forest. When purchasing a small board or plywood from a hardware store, you will not need significant expenses. You can also purchase standard fasteners, hooks, varnishes and paints there.

The following description will help you create such a key holder for the hallway with your own hands without errors:

  • After specifying the dimensions, you need to buy plywood (up to 10 mm), rings with key chains.
  • Make life-size drawings of individual parts. With its help, templates for the lower and upper parts and key rings are cut out of thick paper.
  • They are applied to a sheet of plywood and outlined with a pencil.
  • Cutouts are made along the marked lines using a jigsaw.
  • Surfaces are sanded sandpaper. Drill holes in the key rings for subsequent installation of the rings.
  • The “house” and the base are fastened using PVA wood glue.
  • “Hearts” and other decorations can be applied using burning tools.
  • The products are varnished. After drying, fix it on the wall.

When creating a wall key holder with your own hands, it will help improve the decorative parameters of the product without extra costs and personal artistic talents. Therefore, this technology is worth studying in detail:

  • By preparing the surface, chips and irregularities are removed.
  • Apply 2-3 layers of white paint, which forms a neutral color background and eliminates minor defects.
  • Cut out the design you like from a napkin, making the edges uneven.
  • Having attached such a blank to in the right place, apply (transparent PVA). Move from the center to the sides to remove air bubbles.
  • After drying, coat with varnish.


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Every apartment should be in order, and all things should be in their places, this also applies to keys. Every person has a bundle from their home, garage or office. In order for the item to be always at hand, a small but very important accessory, this is a wall-mounted key holder. Making it with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to show a little imagination and follow the recommendations of our review.

The most original ideas for your home

In general, key houses can be divided into two main categories: open (metal, wood, leather) and closed models (used for careful or strict storage).Open wall key holders are a lightweight design with a holder that simply complements the overall design of the apartment.

Closed key holders are the most presentable; they look like a small “house” for keys.

To make a key holder for the hallway with your own hands, we will need:

  • Wooden blank in the form of a house.
  • Napkin with a picture.
  • Adhesive composition for decoupage.
  • Tassels.
  • Matt lacquer.
  • Light colored soil mixture.
  • Scissors.
  • Texture paste.
  • File.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of a wall-mounted key holder, the first stage of work:


Preparing the surface
First we prime wooden house two layers, then plaster.

Cutting out the image
Cut out the desired image from a pre-prepared napkin.

Place the file face down
It is imperative to separate the layer where the drawing is depicted and apply adhesive composition. Then we place the image on the file with the pattern down. Spread the resulting result with glue on top.

Place the image and apply varnish
After this, we pick up the stationery file and attach it to our house. We place the image with glue applied and go over the file with a roller.

After all the work, carefully remove the file and let the product dry completely. We paint the borders with a light color and wait until our key holder is completely dry. After this, apply several layers of matte varnish.

Decorating the house

At the second stage, we decorate the wall decoupage of the key holder with our own hands. We will need a brickwork template and structural paste for further steps.

First you need to glue the roof and, using a palette knife, apply a layer of paste, which gives structure.After drying, apply glitter and a silver tint of paint. Let it dry again, then the house is varnished, dried and the fasteners for the keys are installed.

Decoupage of a pocket key holder

In addition to wall-mounted and tabletop key holders, there are also pocket models. Such a thing is not just the image of the owner, but also performs several functions. We will describe in a little more detail how to make a pocket key holder with your own hands. Let's take the simplest but most popular option. For this we need:

  • Leather flap, size 150*105 mm.
  • Studs that match the leather color.
  • Blank for key storage with carabiners.
  • Punch.
  • Scissors.

The pocket keeper will be much cuter if it has rounded edges. To make the markings correctly, you can use a regular bottle cap.

  • First, we attach the blanks with carabiners.
  • We lay out a bunch of keys and wrap the edges to determine the location for the rivets and make notes.
  • We make a spacer under the keys to strengthen the whole model.
  • We make holes along all the marked marks using a punch.
  • We fix the workpiece with rivets and attach the rivets to the lapels.

Decorative stitching made of contrasting thread with a slight indentation from the edge will add a special highlight.


Wall-mounted key holders fit perfectly into the hallway - plus you don’t have to look for keys throughout the house. This is the main advantage of any key holder: saving time. In a couple of weeks, you will develop the habit of hanging the key on it in the evening when you come home from work, and taking it off in the morning when you leave for work. As a result, you no longer need to search the apartment in search of missing keys, and you are always aware of who is at home from your family - just look at the key holder and see if all the keys are in place.

The practical side is not the only advantage. There is also aesthetics, because the key holder can be decorated in any style. Do you have an eco-friendly hallway? Nothing will fit into it better than a key holder made from a tree branch. High tech ? A small stylish metal key holder will go well with it. Provence? Decoupage with flowers or birds. Classic? Wooden varnish board of strict shape.

You can find something that suits your needs at any home improvement store. But there is another approach: make a key holder with your own hands.

It has advantages:

  • Originality. A thing made with your own hands will always be different from a similar one, but produced on an assembly line. Features of processing inherent in each master, interesting design solutions - even when making a key holder according to the instructions, you will know for sure that no one else has the same one.
  • Diversity. At home, even without experience, you can make more than a dozen different key holders. From wooden cut, from a box, from wire, from a branch, even from forks - there will always be material, you just need a little patience to handle it carefully.
  • Harmony. The key holder you bought may be perfect for your hallway, but you need to find it first. If you made it yourself, it will fit like your own - after all, you will work on it, coming up with a design and knowing how it will fit in.
  • Interesting experience. Making something with your own hands is not only useful, it’s also fun. If you have kids, you can team up with them, turning the simple act of making a key holder into a real adventure. And if there are no children, you can simply enjoy the process.

Homemade key holders come in different varieties - from different materials, different designs. Before you get down to work, you need to figure out what kind of work you need.

What types of key holders are there?

There are two ways to classify key holders.

The first is by design:

  • Open. These are usually made by hand because they are easier to make. They are any kind of hooks on which you can hang keys driven into anything. Board with nails? Open. Branch with twigs? Open. Leather cut with pockets? Open.
  • Closed. These are more difficult to make - it will take some carpentry. They are a cabinet that closes with a door. The door will have to be hung on hinges, otherwise it will quickly fall off. They allow you to hide what exactly is inside and protect the keys from prying eyes. You can build in shelves for useful little things, hang a mirror on the door and otherwise expand practical use.

The second method is based on the materials that were used.

A type of wood can be considered corks from wine bottles- you can also make a beautiful key holder from them. But you can’t make it out of paper - it will wear out too quickly. It will also not come out of glass or stone - the material is difficult to find and even more difficult to process.


When choosing a material, focus on three indicators: what will be easiest for you to work with, what will fit best into your hallway, and what you will definitely be able to get. Having decided, proceed.

How to do it yourself?

Before starting work, it remains to remember the basic rules that guide all masters:

  • You should not be disturbed during the process. Ask your family to give you a couple of quiet hours, close the door and avoid distractions.
  • The work place should be well lit. Doing something with your hands in the light of a dim light bulb is not only harmful to the eyes, but also simply inconvenient.
  • Everything should be in its place. This is important when you are working with sharp objects. When you finish cutting plywood or metal sheets, you should put the jigsaw or knife in a visible place, where you won’t lose it. Otherwise you might get hurt.

The simplest: cardboard key holder

Cardboard is the simplest material from which you can make a key holder. You will need:

  • sheets of thick cardboard - regular gray, can be found in the house, or you can buy a set;
  • a suitable drawing on photo paper - you can print it in any stationery store, and choose it according to your taste by searching on the Internet;
  • decorative screws with beautiful heads, an awl;
  • a piece of wire, brushes, varnish, glue, sponge.

The instructions for performing the work are simple:

  • cut out the desired shape from four sheets of cardboard - a circle, a square, a heart, it all depends on your imagination;
  • use an awl to pierce two holes in the upper part of one blank figure - for a loop;
  • insert the wire into the holes, twist it so that it does not fall out;
  • Glue the remaining pieces to the side where the twisted wire remains;
  • On the front part, mark the holes for the screws and pierce them with an awl.

At this point, the key holder itself is prepared. The rest is essentially decoration:

  • place the photo face down, wet the sponge, wet the top layer, and then roll it up, pressing lightly;
  • dry the photo, coat it with glue using a brush and stick it on the workpiece;
  • coat everything together with varnish to achieve greater strength;
  • insert screws.

The result is simple key holder. It is not very durable, it is afraid of moisture, it can tear if you pull it hard, but it is easy to make, the materials cost almost nothing and the result looks decent. Especially if you like bright lacquered designs, and you have a simple renovation in the hallway, without designer frills.


This key holder is a good gift for older relatives. Grandparents will be delighted to receive a little thing with a photo of the faces of their beloved relatives and at the same time useful in the household.

Ideal eco-style: made from a branch

A branch used as a key holder is fresh, original and fits perfectly into eco-style. You can find it in the nearest park (you may have to spend several days), and it won’t be difficult to apply for it. Will be needed:

  • dry branch - a wet tree will quickly begin to rot and lose its appearance;
  • stain, jigsaw, drill, sandpaper, hooks (you can buy special ones in the store, you can use thick nails).

If desired, you can place a varnished design above the branch that will complement it. You can hang beads, feathers and decorative keys on bright threads from it. You can carve anything on wood - from a few letters to a simple design.

For connoisseurs of strong drinks from corks

It’s good to make a key holder from corks together with children, since this process is most similar to trying to assemble a mosaic without a picture that shows the end result.

You will need:

  • photo frame - you can glue it yourself, or you can buy it;
  • about twenty wine bottle corks;
  • PVA glue - not a pencil, but in a jar;
  • nails with beautiful heads or hooks.

What follows requires only skill:

  • take a cork, coat the sides and ends with glue, insert it inside the photo frame so that it fits against the frame from the inside;
  • take the next cork, spread it with glue, and attach it to the first one.

The process is close to meditation: you need to fold the corks so that they perfectly fill the space of the frame. The resulting result should be left to dry overnight, and then varnished and hooks for keys inserted into soft cork wood.

The advantage of such a key holder is its uniqueness. Just as no two branches are alike, no two photo frames are equally filled with corks. To make the design chic, you can paint the corks in different colors, burn them, or cut out letters on them.

A simpler option, more suitable for eco-style, is to find a thin stick and hang corks from it on bright threads. Drive a hook into each plug and hang the key on it.


A simple option with traffic jams will look appropriate only in a minimalist interior or in a hallway that is full of fun accessories. It has no place in strict styles - the same classics and hi-tech.

Classic beauty: made from sawn wood

Despite the impressiveness of the result, the process of making such a key holder is no more difficult than working with a tree branch. The only problem you may encounter is the difficulty of finding pine cuts when living in the city. But you can either find a fallen tree branch and cut off a piece from it, or turn to village relatives.

You will need:

  • a round cut of a tree - a circle two to three centimeters thick, cut from the end of a log, and it is best if it is pine;
  • stain, sandpaper of different grain sizes, varnish;
  • wide brush, hooks, drill, screwdriver;
  • printout of an image that has previously been flipped as a mirror image.

It all comes together simply:

  • sand with sandpaper - first medium grain, then fine, and exclusively along the fibers, otherwise unsightly scratches will form;
  • moisten with water so that the wood swells slightly, leave to dry;
  • cover with stain (preferably water-based, since it hardens longer and all mistakes can be corrected in the process) three times to get a beautiful bright color;
  • coat the prepared printout with varnish, then cover the front side of the back with it, press the printout to it, carefully smooth it out so that there are no bubbles;
  • After the print has dried (this will take two to three hours), moisten it warm water, slowly remove until the pattern appears - clean off the remaining white;
  • On the back side of the key holder, use a drill to drill holes for the hook on which it will hang, and on the front side - holes for the hooks on which the keys will hang.

The drawing can be anything, the main thing is that it is black and white - the colors can be conveyed using varnish, but they will not be as bright as on the original. You can do without it altogether, then the hallway will be decorated with the noble texture of processed wood.


A wooden cut fits well into a classic interior. Good decision will also select its shade so that it matches the color of the furniture. As a last resort, you can go over it with a dry brush and acrylic paint to get the desired color.

Quality for decades - made of metal

Working with metal is difficult, especially if you have never done it before. But if you start with a key holder made of ordinary wire, it will become clear that perseverance will overcome any difficulties. You will need:

  • thick wire - several millimeters in diameter;
  • sharp scissors - best for metal, but regular wire cutters will do;
  • pliers, hammer.

The manufacturing process is simple:

  • find an interesting contour drawing on the Internet - for starters, something simple, like an intricate spiral, square, circle, stylized cat;
  • try to repeat the pattern using wire - you should bend it by holding one end in pliers and fixing the other with your free hand;
  • sharp corners can be obtained by pressing them with the head of a hammer; smooth lines can be simply curled with pliers;
  • When the figurine is ready, you need to attach hooks made of the same wire to its lower part, and attach a thin wire to the back, on which you can hang the entire structure.

An interesting variation of this same idea is the use of a hanger. It does not need to be bent with pliers or hit with a hammer. It’s enough just to hang hooks on its lower part, and decorate the main part with anything, from the gears of an old watch to banal flowers made of colored paper.

A more complex way to make a metal key holder is to use a thin sheet of metal, which can either be found in renovation scraps or purchased at a hobby store.

You will need:

  • thin metal sheet;
  • sharp scissors, nail, sketch drawing, hand drill, hooks;
  • a product that will make the metal airtight and protect it from rust.

The design cannot be anything - only the kind that can be cut out of metal. Silhouettes are best - animals, fish, plants, castles. Any fairly simple forms. You can show your imagination and come up with an abstract figure.

Before what remains is:

  • cut out a silhouette from a sheet with a pattern;
  • attach the silhouette to a metal sheet, circle it with the tip of a nail;
  • carefully cut along the contour, making sure that no unsightly jagged edges remain;
  • use a hammer to bend any sharp edges that may arise during the process;
  • use a drill to drill holes for the hooks;
  • coat the resulting base with a sealing agent and let dry;
  • Insert the hooks into the holes and secure the mount at the back.

It is better if the metal sheet is black, this will make it more stylish. You can, however, use shiny, polished options, but they tend to fade over time, losing all their chic appearance.


Do not use metal that is too thick; it will be difficult to cut. In addition, the nail on which it will hang may not withstand the weight.

This will be interesting to you:

Decoupage technique - made from a frame

If you like simple paintings of flowers, birds, animals or landscapes, you will also like this method. You will need:

  • a frame from an old painting or photograph - you can even glue it together yourself;
  • a piece of plywood - always of good quality;
  • acrylic paints, varnish and primer, plus a wide brush;
  • sandpaper, decoupage drawing, file, stationery PVA;
  • hooks, drill, jigsaw.

The technique for making a key holder is more complicated than the previous ones. You will have to not only glue, drill, use sandpaper, but also cut out with a jigsaw.

The sequence looks like this:

  • measure the dimensions of the frame, cut out the plywood with a jigsaw so that it coincides with them and can be inserted inside - you need to act carefully, otherwise it will crack;
  • drill holes in the plywood through which the self-tapping screws will go in that will fasten it to the frame, cover it acrylic primer and leave for several hours;
  • sand the plywood first with medium-grain sandpaper, then with fine sandpaper;
  • place the decoupage design face down on the file, moisten the inside with water;
  • coat the plywood with glue, attach the file, smooth it out properly so that there are no bubbles left, carefully remove;
  • dilute acrylic paint, cover the frame with it so that it matches the color of the picture;
  • Insert hooks into the holes drilled in the plywood and attach it to the frame;
  • varnish the result.

Instead of plywood, you can use thick paper or fabric with embroidery. You can even leave the frame empty, attaching hooks directly to it - this will also be beautiful in its own way.


It is important to ensure that the design matches the interior. For high-tech, birds with flowers will be foreign, for rustic style the city of the future will not work either.

Artistic cutting from plywood

The most difficult of the open key holders is perhaps this one. Plywood that you might have left after renovation, in the form of a shelf from unnecessary furniture or a back wall from something, the material is cheap, but capricious. If you work with it carelessly, it can crack, after which it will not look as beautiful as you would like.

But you can give it any shape, cut out any silhouette or word from it.

You will need:

  • jigsaw, drill, spatula, wood putty, varnish;
  • hooks for keys, directly a piece of plywood.

You will also need a sketch. As with the metal sheet, simple silhouettes work best: a cloud, a cat, a word, a flower, even a simple circle that can be turned into a moon. You can go further and make a double key holder: give it a shape, and then cut out the individual elements.

This idea can often be found: a house-shaped key holder, separately cut elements in the form of human figures. Each one has a key attached to it. When a person wants to take it, he takes out the figurine and leaves with it in his pocket. By the remaining voids, you can easily understand who is at home and who is not.

Regular hooks - an economical option

The technology, however, is the same:

  • take the plywood and secure it well so that it does not slip out;
  • start sawing, carefully removing thin layer plywood - the movements of the jigsaw should be directed in one direction, intensifying from beginning to end;
  • drill holes for hooks;
  • sand the edges; if cracks appear, seal them with putty;
  • coat the product with varnish and let dry;
  • insert hooks into the holes.

To make the key holder brighter, you can paint it in any color using acrylic paint before varnishing. You can put a design on it, you can cut out a simple pattern with a jigsaw. The main thing is that the result looks harmonious and matches the main interior.


A plywood key holder can suit any style. The question is how you design it.

Elegant simplicity: uncomplicated models

The cardboard key holder is simple, the design made from a branch is also not complicated, but there are simpler ones:

Cutlery. If you have unnecessary spoons and forks around the house, they can make excellent key holders. Simply bend them to form hooks and secure them to a wooden or plywood board using a drill and self-tapping screws. The teeth of the forks can be beautifully bent, twisted into a spiral using pliers, or bent so that they resemble bent fingers. Spoons can be engraved, drilled or decorated in some other way.

Leather. Leather key holders are an excellent solution for those who like to sew rather than work with a jigsaw. It is enough to take a large piece of leather, give it a shape using scissors (from an abstract spot to the silhouette of a cat or bird), and then either drive small nails into it or sew leather pockets onto it. You can even sew in bright threads so that they hang down, and the ends are provided with small hooks. Embroidery, decoupage, ribbon bow, badges or buttons - all means will be good for decoration.

Lego is creative and interesting way diversify the interior

wooden plank. It does not need to be sawed with a jigsaw, like plywood, and treated with stain, like sawn wood. You just need to attach hooks purchased from your nearest hardware store to it. For beauty, you can burn a picture or a few words on wood, cut out a simple pattern or apply a drawing - either guided solely by your imagination, or by translating it using carbon paper.

Watch. Old, non-working beautiful watch- an excellent basis. They can be attached to a board, drilled holes in it, and secured with hooks. Or you can use a clock without a board, if it is old and there is enough space to screw in the screws.

Threads. You need to drive nails into the board in a random order, and then connect them with bright threads so that you get something like a pattern. You can form it point by point, like a constellation, or you can leave it abstract, just intertwined bright colors. Drive the hooks in at the bottom and calmly hang the keys on them.

In addition to the shape, it is also important to position the key holder correctly. It should be approximately at the height of your chest so that it is convenient to reach .

If there are children in the house, you need to either substitute a chair for them or hang the structure lower.

It should be placed so as not to interfere with anything, and at the same time close enough to the door so that a person standing with shoes on the rug can easily reach it. Do not place anything additional under the key holder; do not overload the hallway with accessories.

A key keeper in the house contributes not only to order, but also to the safety of property and the safety of the home. Lost keys are a threat to both, and a hook that has been empty for a long time clearly says: look for it, or do something at all. Similarly, in particularly critical industries, say, aviation, hand tool stored hanging on green or gray boards, and the outline of each object is filled in red. A red spot blazes at the end of the shift - we search until we find it, right up to the complete overhaul of the car.

Exactly because of this reason the most practical wall key holder. Tabletop ones (old saucers, ashtrays, figurines/twigs with hooks), by comic definition, are designed to ensure that keys get lost exactly where they shouldn’t. Pocket key holders-cases are certainly useful, but they belong to haberdashery, and not to pieces of furniture, so in this publication we will limit ourselves to mentioning them.

It makes complete sense to make the key holder yourself. Just look at the prices for ready-made ones: 400-600 rubles. for something that you can literally create in an hour or two at home on the table and hang on the wall. It’s also good that a mini key hanger is not a critical item, not material-intensive, but for high-quality execution it requires quite subtle skills. It didn’t work out right away - no big deal, the keys will hang there for now. Once you get the hang of it, you can take on more serious things, the savings on which will no longer amount to hundreds. And the satisfaction from a job well done - of course, one could not even mention.

Types and varieties

Evolution simplified and standard designs wall key holders shown in the photo. In the days of spring and lever locks, keys were large and often were works of decorative art. Therefore, the house key holder was most often just an overlay on the wall, as long as the metal did not spoil the finish, pos. 1. The key holder-plate has survived to this day, because aesthetically well in line with the trends of modern interior design, pos. 2.

In city apartments, where there is excess usable area never happened before, convenient key holder-shelf, pos. 3. You can make it from wood in half a day in the kitchen or on the balcony; there is room for goggle gloves. It combines with the key holder and shelf in the most natural way. She also has hidden capabilities; We’ll remember them later, so take a closer look at the poses. 3 more carefully.

A key holder for a house with services and outbuildings is, as a rule, a rather large board of the traditional type, because only a bunch of keys from utility rooms there will be several, plus a gate, 1-2 wickets and perhaps a locked passage to the back. The hooks are marked (item 4), and the “auxiliary” key holder is placed at the back exit or in the kitchen. For key rings of family members to the front entrance, garage and car, a smaller key holder is usually hung in the hallway.

In cases where access to keys is limited to a limited number of people, key holders-cabinets are used, pos. 5. And not only in offices or in production: it is highly desirable to place a key holder-cabinet in the hallway; especially in private households: psychologists and criminologists consider keys hanging in plain view to be a strong factor that can provoke a visitor with an unstable psyche to commit illegal actions. Simply - out of harm's way.

But what then - hang a key holder somewhere with a key to the key holder, where are the keys? And somewhere else - a key holder for the key of the key holder, in which is the key to the key holder, where are the keys, and so on ad infinitum (to infinity), as in Swift’s satire? No, you just need to make a key holder with a secret lock. This is not required specialized knowledge, subscriptions, permissions and masterly mastery of metalworking techniques. It is enough to know that the most reliable secret is the absence of any secrets. Remember how in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession,” the experienced thief and burglar Zhora Miloslavsky burst into tears while trying to open the dentist’s safe. Let’s see what follows from this for the home craftsman in the end.

For an unreliable guest, the absence of the host's keys in sight will certainly not give a reason to break loose and do something that neither the hosts nor he himself needs. Also, of course, hiding the keys will not stop a professional thief; They have an iron principle: if you go to work, get the job done. But in this case, the thief will stay in place longer, will leave more behind, and there will be much more chances of identifying him and taking him before he “dispossesses the junk.”


Key holders-plates are the most common, because... They are convenient to make from scrap materials, incl. the smallest waste. But here, too, there are some subtleties, like any quality work. For example, a piece of board with a milled groove is already a seemingly ready-made key holder-shelf (item 1 in the figure), all that remains is to attach the hangers at the back and drive the screws under them into the wall. However, if there are at least two cords in such a key holder, then when removing one, it is easy to pull out the other. And according to the law of meanness, she will definitely fly into the most inaccessible nook just when time is counting down to seconds.

In a key holder-plate with oblique grooves (item 2), the cords no longer conflict with their neighbors. But, firstly, try using a hand cutter in your home workshop to select several inclined transverse grooves evenly and accurately. Secondly, if you hurriedly pull the bundle directly towards yourself, you can break its chain or even tear the key holder off the wall.

The most reliable key holder is a block with straight transverse vertical grooves, pos. 3. However, then the bundles require large keychains, which are not always comfortable in your pocket. But keychains can be replaced/supplemented with haberdashery carabiners on an extended chain, pos. 4. The carabiner is fastened to the belt loop, to the steel loop on the belt itself or the cell phone case. There’s nothing extra in your pocket, and you don’t have to worry about your keys, even if these very pockets are completely full of holes.


A type of board key holder is a frame key holder; Due to this, it looks generally more attractive. If instead of a picture a picture is inserted into the frame solid foundation, every now and then it’s simple: we attach hooks to the board, and that’s all here, on the left in Fig. There is no need to insert the backdrop with the picture into the frame for the keys; it will soon be scratched and worn out. If the wall decoration is durable (for example, tiles, porcelain tiles or artificial stone), then the keys themselves play the role of the image. Then the hooks with threaded shanks are screwed into the top bar of the frame from the inside, in the center in Fig. Finally, you can simply screw the same hooks into the picture frame in the hallway, right there. Of course, if it is made of wood or MDF. A cast or applied molding will crumble and crack from the face already during drilling.


Abroad, especially in English-speaking countries, key organizer holders are widespread, see fig. below. The reason, first of all, is that in countries with seemingly the most developed Internet, correspondence on paper is still intensive and mail is actively working. Why cut down trees and keep ecological harmful production Nobody can really explain it there, but half a dozen or a dozen outgoing/incoming envelopes are the norm for the average American. Then, here’s a proverb translated into Russian from the same place: “If the average American doesn’t cut his throat while shaving, he’ll break his neck slipping in the bathroom.” That seems to explain the reminder board.

However, the average American is not such a klutz as he is made out to be in Hollywood and in folklore. Statistics around the world show that a “reminder” board in the hallway better accustoms children to order and makes family relationships more favorable. As for the shelves, they are also suitable for gloves and glasses.


Key cabinets, in addition to concealed storage, are more suitable than others for installing secret locks, see at the end. The ceiling of the cabinet is a ready-made shelf, and even if there is a clock there (which is by no means superfluous in a hallway), then there remains a storage area for small items. But, due to the straightness of the forms, the design of key holders-cabinets is appropriate only in the styles of classic and rustic clones, see fig.


The house key holder is originally a type of cabinet key holder. She came out into the world, it seems, from Russia, or more precisely, from the USSR. They say that in one of the first issues of “Modelist-Constructor” there was a description of a key holder made from the body of an unusable cuckoo clock. However, from an aesthetic point of view, the upper corner of the contour gave it a number of new qualities. That craftsman hardly thought of anything like that, but the widespread use of “key houses” is not at all surprising.

Firstly, a house-shaped key holder can literally be of any design and type for a given class of furniture, the top row in Fig. If the key holder-cabinet is certainly voluminous, then the key holder-house can be flat. Secondly, the housekeeper also accepts absolutely any design and decoration, the bottom row. It does not lose its appearance even with the standard, crookedly screwed-on fittings. The only drawback is that if there is a clock in the attic, the shelf disappears. How to make a housekeeper, see master class:

Video: do-it-yourself housekeeper (master class)

If there is a box...

Perhaps in the unnecessary trash you will find a wooden box for cigars, luxury drinks, an expensive gift, etc. In Norway, for example, they produce sets of delicious smoked fish in wooden boxes that are more elegant than those from French or Swiss chocolate sets. In a middle-income family, it is more likely that by the time a child can be trusted with his keys, he will have outgrown the old toys and the box for them.

In all these cases, the wood of the box is of sufficient quality, and it is quite appropriate to make a key holder-cabinet from a box. However, simply screwing hooks into the back wall (or sticking pushpins with long necks) and installing hangers is not enough. In Fig. you can see where it is weakness: door hinge. In gift boxes that are not designed for long-term use, it is made of paper or fabric and will not last long in a key holder. Therefore, the door needs to be hung on a piano or a pair of small card hinges. In addition, it is not possible to secure the lock of such a cabinet in all ways.

...or a box

Comfortable, roomy key holders or, say, toilet cabinets can also be made from drawers from old furniture. If the bottom of the box is made of fiberboard, it needs to be impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion or PVA diluted 3-5 times with water for strength and moisture resistance. The surface of a part treated in this way holds glue well and accepts varnishing and painting.

A word about plywood

You have probably already noticed that key holders are made with extensive use of plywood. Amateurs sometimes create truly masterpieces from it, above in Fig. Impressive results with little effort and skill are obtained by the two-layer technique, top right: a carved shaped overlay is glued to the base and, possibly, reinforced from the inside with small self-tapping screws. It is enough to first sand the overlay with sandpaper No. 240-260, and varnish the entire product.

This, it must be said, is the rarest case in history when the development of industrial technologies contributed to the revival of a handicraft that had been withering away: artistic sawing on plywood. At furniture factories, they began cutting blank figures from sawing waste using a laser under computer control, and using a laser, if necessary, to apply strokes/contours on them, and put them on sale. The success was phenomenal, prices soared. This is where amateurs remembered how to make elegant little things from plywood at home:

  • You can sketch to complete perfection and print the outline drawing on your computer and at home.
  • In addition to carpentry jigsaws, there are also hand-held jigsaws for fine work.
  • For artistic cutting, it is quite possible at home, with your own hands, to make a vibrating tabletop jigsaw using a thin string file.
  • A hand cut will be more accurate and its small irregularities will be completely hidden if the contour drawn on the workpiece is drawn in advance on wood using an electric burner.
  • With the same electric burner you can apply strokes on plywood and draw contours no worse than with an industrial laser.
  • To make an electric burner with your own hands, you need a 3-12 V or 0-30 V power supply for a current of up to 3 A and an old burnt soldering iron.

Key for keys

For example in Fig. Shown is a drawing of a universal hanger for the hallway in the form of a key made of 15 mm plywood. To make it, you don’t need to be able to draw, and you don’t need a computer: the entire outline is made of straight lines and circular arcs. For use only as a key holder, all dimensions are proportionally reduced by 2-3 times, and the thickness of the plywood is reduced to 6-8 mm. It is possible without calculations: we remove the comma everywhere in the numbers, and you will get the dimensions in mm suitable for the key holder.

The key holder is not without intent. Capable children are often willful and freedom-loving. Valuable instructions and moralizing on the board of the key holder-organizer will only irritate them. And it’s cool to hang your keys on a key, so they’ll get used to order without being forced.

Your own, unique

Naturally, you want to see the creation of your own hands as unique. Original key holders are simpler than other items due to the reasons stated above: fundamental simplicity, low consumption of material and labor. But giving recipes for originality is nonsense. It is original because it is a unique fruit of the master’s invention. For outstanding designers, it costs a lot of training, solid experience, hard thinking, painstaking work on complex equipment And expensive materials. But is it possible to be original with the key holder on a quick fix, without all this and without really racking your brains? Well, let’s try to give a few “tips” for your imagination.

First, the original wooden key holder-hanger is made from branches with knots. Here the material itself contributes to the uniqueness: no two plants are identical in nature. Small branches will gain strength only when they become completely lignified. Then their thickness at the butt will reach at least 4-6 mm, so the hanger will turn out to be universal, pos. 1 and 2 in Fig. The technology is simple: saw off, dry in a heated room for 3-4 weeks, cut to size, impregnate twice with a water-polymer emulsion or once with acrylic varnish diluted in half water based; this will protect the product from rotting and retain the bark, if necessary. Then we varnish or paint it and hang it where needed.

The next option for natural originality is tinder mushrooms. Especially good are those that grow on birch (item 3) and oak dead wood. The strength of the dried ones is like stone, and the durability after the processing described above is many decades.

You can also get original with purchased plywood blanks, which were discussed above. For example, for family key holders, pos. 4. Family kits are available different composition, with keychains in the shape of a car, a gate, even an outdoor toilet. All this can be decorated in your own way (see below) or at least simply covered with your own photographs. From ready-made “blind” parts you can also glue a key holder using a two-layer technique, and write out the inscriptions and strokes on the fragments with a burner, pos. 5. Just first you need to draw them with a pencil! There is a wide range of plywood blanks for home crafts on sale; here originality is achieved by a huge number of possible combinations.

Favorable blanks for originality with hangers of any kind are old tableware. Especially forks. It would seem that there is something to bend here, but in how many ways and how expressively can this be done, pos. 6-8, and the bent handle will withstand, in addition to keys, quite heavy things. The aesthetic potential of this material is so great that there are hooks for hangers on sale, stylized as bent old forks, pos. 9.

Decor and finishing

A truly original design of the key holder will require more work and skill. But the limitations of imagination disappear source material. Let's look first at what is better to make the base from, and then at what to finish it off.


For voluminous decor of small furniture best material– polymer clay, or just plastic. It comes in two types: immediately plastic and bar-like, like plasticine. Immediately plastic is sold in all colors in plastic bags and is squeezed out with a sausage through a cut corner. After drying, it becomes hard and moisture-resistant, but during mechanical processing it crumbles and is not particularly durable, therefore it is used mainly for decoration. additional elements utilitarian details, e.g. hooks Painted with suitable acrylic paint (see below), the finished modules look like solid cast ones, on the left in Fig.

Before sculpting, block plastic needs to be kneaded for a long time with effort; you may have to put 2-4 drops on the bar vegetable oil. Finished part bake in the oven at 120-130 degrees; when a brown crust appears, turn off the gas and, without opening the oven door, allow the stove to cool completely, only then can the part be removed.

Baked block plastic is durable; in the form of a figurine on a wire frame, it can also serve as a hook, in the center in Fig. It can be machined approximately like PVC or solid polycarbonate. It holds up well to painting and varnishing with water-based paints and varnishes, firmly sticks to PVA wood, on the right in Fig.


The most common decor for small pieces of furniture is decoupage: applying a finished design to a prepared surface and then removing it from it protective film and fixing the image with varnish. Decoupage can be direct or reverse. When direct, the surface is primed with a special primer, decoupage glue is applied to it and a picture is applied. Reverse decoupage is a well-known decal. In general, decoupage is a vast area applied arts with many varieties; Video tutorials on decoupage for beginners, see below:

Video: decoupage master class for beginners

For decorating furniture, direct decoupage is mainly used, because... If the opposite is true, it is very difficult to avoid wrinkles on an area of ​​more than about the palm of your hand. Decoupage 3D is sometimes also called molded bas-reliefs made of foam plastic; with this technique it is possible to achieve greater subtlety of outline and shades than with polymer clay, see video:

Video: volumetric decoupage, decorating a key holder


The finished key holder needs to be painted, varnished and possibly aged. Water-based acrylic paints are now most commonly used for painting; Complete drying time approx. 5 o'clock They are sold in tubes in art stores and Skillful Hands stores. Often in construction: there is considerable demand for ready-to-use paints in small packaging among finishers.

Color spectrum acrylic paints such that minerals have never even dreamed of: in addition to all the colors of the spectrum, multi-colored metallics, with simple gloss and sparkles, antique gold, red gold, polished and blackened silver, nickel, chrome, etc. Mix acrylic paints, in contrast to oil paints on mineral pigments , you can do whatever you want.

The layer of acrylic paints is thin, durable, and elastic. This makes it possible to use two- or multi-layer painting to age the surface or, for example, to decorate in the Provence style by wiping the top layer(s). Rubbing is done either on not completely dry paint with a dry, hard brush, or on dried paint with an abrasive. The first method gives a smoother texture and smoother color transitions, but requires more experience and skill. Almost equivalent results can be achieved by dry rubbing with an abrasive sponge instead of sandpaper (sold in construction and art stores).

Among the coatings of acrylic painted surfaces, the following should be noted:

You should dwell on the crackle technique (crack, craqueling). Crackle is an ancient, highly developed technology and there are many types of crackle varnishes. At pos. 1-3 fig. presented as an example only individual species crackled surface. The type of crackle retinization created by this varnish is indicated on its label, in the packaging, pos. 4, or, for expensive high-quality varnishes, on a separate liner coated with varnish from this particular bubble.

Second - craquelure varnishes There are one- and two-step ones. Two-step ones are opaque and are designed for aging plain surfaces. One-step varnishes, except for the crackle type, must first be selected according to the general parameters indicated in their specifications. For decoupage on objects the size of a key holder, the following are preferred:

  • Medium – the mesh size of the craquelure mesh is medium.
  • Thin or Hairline – thin (hairline) cracks.
  • Sharp – the edges of the cracks are sharp and the corners of the mesh are sharp.

What a picture the size of a book looks like, crackled with varnish with such properties, is shown in pos. 6. And at pos. 5 and 7 for comparison – images of a similar nature, processed with varnishes with different characteristics.

Secret key holders

So we got to the key holders with a secret. The first, the mechanism of which is shown in pos. 1 Fig., is well known to intruders, but will not tempt an unbalanced guest. She disguises herself as a picture on the wall, pos. 2. The door is hung on the left on hidden spring-loaded hinges. When you press the secret bar in the place indicated by the red arrow, the tongue of the bolt will come out of the holder and the door will swing open. Just like a dentist’s safe in front of the nose of a completely tired Zhorik Miloslavsky.

Bevels on the secret bar of 1.5-2 mm are necessary so that it does not jam when pressed. The crossbar is made either from sheet steel with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm, pos. 5a, or bent from strong elastic wire of the same thickness, for example. bicycle spoke, pos. 5 B. The cage is steel of the same thickness. The clamps holding the spring are installed with a play of approx. 0.3-0.5 mm.

Skilled craftsmen achieve precise balance of the secret bar with just one spring, but without experience, you will have to tinker a lot with adjusting the mechanism. For a beginner, it is better to place a weak ball latch between the bar and the back wall of the drawer so that the spring will snap it in reverse.

Hidden lock, the diagram of which is shown in pos. 4, already more cunning. Look again at the key holder-shelf, fig. at first. Imagine that the keys are covered there with a door in the form of an organizer shelf, pos. 3, quite necessary and useful. On the left it is hung, as in the previous one. case, but the mechanism is hidden in the right drawer. And a strong magnet, ferrite or niobium, is built into the bottom of the tray. We moved the tray to the right - the magnet lifted the load, the tongues released the clips, and the door swung open. To close it, you need to push the tray back, otherwise the latch will not latch.

This device also has something invisible in Fig. secret: cargo in cross section not round, but oblong, like the slot for it in the top bar of the drawer. This will prevent the rod from turning with the crossbars. You can also, if the crossbars are wire, lengthen their fingers coming out of the rod and select a groove from the inside in the outer wall of the mechanism in which they will move.

The use of paper applique to decorate surfaces made of different materials is called decoupage. Using this technique, you can decorate the most various items. The easiest way to work is with wood, and this material is recommended for beginner craftsmen. Our article contains tips on making it on a wooden base.

Important! First you need to select materials, and the key detail of decoupage is a paper napkin, from which decor is made.

Types of napkins for decoupage of a key holder

To get a beautiful drawing, you need to know some features. Wipes you can use:

Types of napkins Characteristics
Three-layer napkins 33 x 33 cm They can be incredibly beautiful - the kind of goods you can find in a supermarket. There are packs with the same motifs, and they can also come in 4 different colors. The advantage of such napkins is their low cost. The disadvantage is the limited choice of decor, and it is sometimes impossible to consider different design options in one pack.
Paper handkerchiefs (four-layer napkins) They come in sizes 21 x 21 cm, there are also many of them on sale, the price is low. Here the pros and cons are the same as in the previous version.
Products from a specialized store - napkins for decoupage They consist of three layers. Available in sizes 33 x 33 or 25 x 25 cm. They are sold individually and cost much more than those found in retail stores. Among the advantages we can name big choice options for decoration.

Advice! Very beautiful options You can bring it from abroad - there is a large selection of beautiful napkins. However, You can also use single-layer napkins in your work if you come across some nice ones. Just don't have to separate them.

It is important that clear patterns are made on a monochromatic background that do not intersect with each other. Good for processing and decoupage of internal surfaces or sides of boxes napkins with small patterns or stripes. If you decide to glue the canvas completely, then you need to choose beautiful drawings and collages.

Advice! If the printed main design is clearly visible on the second layer, then it can be used for gluing to the back side of the product.

First master class: making a stylish key holder in a rustic style

In order to create a key holder, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  1. plywood blank, which is cut into in the required form and processed under the key holder;
  2. tropical designs on a paper napkin;
  3. white and black;
  4. glossy acrylic-based adhesive;
  5. foam sponge;
  6. PVA glue;
  7. scissors;
  8. two containers for glue and paint;
  9. two brushes (one fan-shaped, the other synthetic);
  10. oilcloth so as not to stain the table;
  11. fine sandpaper.

To create a unique appearance Your key holder will require several sequential steps.

Preparatory stage

We cover the table with oilcloth and place the workpiece on top of it. Dip a foam sponge into white paint and blot the base. This method of painting will help to obtain a bubbly, uneven surface. IN hard to reach places use a brush.

Important! After finishing the decorating process, you need to let the paint dry for about an hour..

Then we cover the workpiece with a second layer of paint. Now you need to leave it to dry for 2 hours. Inspect the product after drying, and if necessary, paint it again. To stick a napkin, you need to take PVA and dilute it with water in equal proportions.

Decoration process
  1. Taking a napkin, decide which part of it you will need. Cut off what you don't need.
  2. Iron the selected fragment and divide it into layers. To work, you only need one top layer with a pattern.
  3. Having spread the napkin on the workpiece in an even layer, we begin to glue it using a fan-shaped brush.
  4. We go from the middle to the edges of the picture. We bend it along the edges and tear off unnecessary parts.
  5. The glue needs to be passed along the edges of the workpiece and placed on a jar or glass to dry.
Varnishing the key holder

After the glue has dried, you need to treat the surface with varnish. Using a decoupage brush, varnish the surface of the entire workpiece.

Advice! After the first layer has completely dried, another one is applied, then the next one. A total of 5-6 layers of varnish are applied. It is important to dry the coating thoroughly, after which the edges of the workpiece are covered with black paint..

Once completely dry, run your hand over the surface. If you feel any unevenness, sand it down with sandpaper and sand it again. varnish.

Second master class: key holder in Provence style (photo)

We prepare materials and tools for work:

  1. blank for decoupage of a key holder;
  2. PVA, White paint and a set of acrylic paints;
  3. foam sponge;
  4. stain;
  5. sandpaper;
  6. flat brushes;
  7. napkins and iron;
  8. furniture hooks and screwdriver.
Preparatory work

Sand the workpiece with sandpaper. Cover the entire surface with PVA and dry. Apply paint using a sponge white the entire workpiece.

Decorating the key holder
  1. Cover the surface with glue and leave to dry for 40 minutes.
  2. We place the selected fragment of the napkin on the workpiece and iron it with a hot iron through the paper.
  3. We glue the corners in the usual way, which is described above. We leave everything to dry.
  4. We glue the roof separately and paint over the voids between it and the base. On the reverse side we cover the key holder with stain.

Advice! For ease of mounting on the wall, you need to screw the hanger with self-tapping screws. The front side of the product is varnished and hooks are attached for hanging keys..

Third master class: more complex decoration of the key holder with decoupage

In this way, you can decorate not only the key holder, but also for the dacha, where it will be convenient to store various little things.

Before starting work, prepare materials and tools:

  1. a board for the base of the key holder;
  2. fine sandpaper;
  3. glue: PVA, “Moment”, “Titan”;
  4. brushes and rubber spatula;
  5. acrylic paint;
  6. ;
  7. a napkin with a chosen motif;
  8. strips from a plastic bottle;
  9. decorative sand.

The base on which decoupage will be performed should be sanded well, eliminating all roughness. Then cover the front side with PVA. After the glue has dried, the surface is covered with white acrylic paint.

Creating decor

Using the file method, we transfer the napkin to the base: lay out the drawing front side on the file and moisten it with water using a spray bottle. Then we turn the file over onto the board. After carefully removing the film, you need to glue the design and after drying, varnish it.

Using a spatula and paste, prepare a free space on the base for finishing.

We coat the edges of the key holder with Titan glue, then sprinkle with sand. Attach the hooks and get a finished key holder.

Fourth master class: decoupage of a key holder in an old style

To create this option, you should prepare a drawing of a bird on a sakura branch. From tools and materials you will need:

  1. a wooden base on which the design will be applied;
  2. napkin with picture of a bird;
  3. fine-grain sandpaper;
  4. acrylic paints and varnish;
  5. artistic bitumen;
  6. ;
  7. silicone stamp;
  8. foam sponges.
First stage
  1. We prepare the surface. To do this, we sand both sides of the workpiece; it is important to get rid of all irregularities and nicks.
  2. After this, both sides are varnished.
  3. We cut out the necessary designs from a napkin and lay them out on the base.
  4. We paint the key holder twice; the key holder can be decorated with monograms.

    Let everything dry well. After this, we varnish the workpiece and repeat the work on the reverse side. We treat the ribs with artistic bitumen and varnish the key holder again. Hooks can be painted with antique bronze paint.

    Fifth master class: French decoupage for a key holder (video)

    To create this version of the key holder you will need the following blanks:

    1. beautiful napkins for decoupage, choose the option to suit your taste;
    2. basis for creating a house-shaped wooden key holder;
    3. primer, paint and varnish;
    4. fine grain sandpaper;
    5. foam sponge;
    6. Window cleaning liquid is suitable for degreasing;
    7. thin brush and ;
    8. scissors, plastic plate and napkins;
    9. hooks for making key fasteners.
    Preparing the base
    1. All nicks on the wooden base are sanded.
    2. All dust must be removed with a cotton pad, which is soaked in window cleaning liquid.
    3. Dry the workpiece well and cover it with primer and then paint. The work is carried out using a sponge. Several layers are applied so that no gaps are visible.

    Attention! Make sure that the surface is smooth and even, then the napkin will cover it evenly and look beautiful.

    Applying decor
    1. Lay out the napkin and cut out the desired fragment. Then, placing it on the surface of the base, you need to cover it with glue on top.
    2. If the design is larger than the workpiece, then it is folded along the edge.
    3. We draw on the roof of the house. Dry everything well and coat it with varnish in 4 layers.
    4. When the workpiece is dry, screw the furniture hooks to it - and you're done!


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