Beautiful do-it-yourself weather vane: interesting solutions. Weather vane on the roof rooster Weather vane rooster made of foil

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A weather vane is a metal flag with a counterweight that rotates under the influence of the wind and allows you to determine its direction. In economic matters, knowing the direction of the wind can be very useful!

And when you also make a weather vane for the roof of your house with your own hands, you put your soul and understanding into its protection, and every day you have the opportunity to admire your craftsmanship. Moreover, the variety of samples is huge, as long as you have imagination and hands!

In fact, the word “weathervane” itself comes from the Dutch vleugel and is literally translated as “wing”. It has long been fashionable to install family coats of arms on weathervanes, and if there were none, then silhouettes of animals, birds, people, and most often a rooster.

Even according to modern concepts, a weather vane not only crowns a house, as many people believe, but also energizes air element. You will be interested to know that the oldest weather vane that has ever been found was made in 48 BC and depicted the formidable formidable god Triton.

Apparently, even then, weather vanes had a certain symbolic meaning. The shape of the weather vane was given certain values, because people at all times believed that it was a talisman that protected the house from all troubles.

The meaning of weather vane figures: deciding on the design

Modern specialty stores and designers in particular offer huge selection sketches of a weather vane - you just need to choose something from a plump catalog. But it is much more fashionable today to come up with your own design, with its own important meaning.

Previously, weather vanes were once found en masse in coastal areas, on the houses of sailors, for whom determining the correct direction of the wind was very important. It is precisely such ancient forms as fish and mermaid, which certainly bring good luck in maritime affairs, that originated from there.

If the weather vane is made in the shape of an animal, then the meaning is given to it depending on its type: a lion brings courage and courage, a cat brings comfort in the home, an eagle brings protection, and a dog brings true friendship. But they depict a horse when they want to have success in business. You can also act in the best traditions of the Middle Ages by installing a weather vane on the roof with a symbol of your occupation.

As you already understand, the weather vane is an international detail exterior design home, and each of its types has its own symbolic meaning. Thus, a rooster on a weather vane protects all household members from the evil eye, unclean people and misfortune. This is what they put on the roof when they want to protect themselves from natural disasters, fires or robbery. In pagan times, the rooster weather vane represented vitality, and his singing drove away evil spirits and heralded the arrival of a new day.

Even in ancient Persia the rooster was considered a magical creature, and in Christianity the rooster is the emblem of St. Peter, who denied his teacher three times while the rooster was crowing. And in the middle of the 9th century, the Pope issued a Decree, according to which the spire of every existing church had to be crowned with a figurine of a rooster, so that Christians would not repeat the mistakes of the apostle. This meant that the church cares and carefully watches over the souls of believers.

The figurine of a ship is a symbol of determination, a cloudless journey along the roads of life, clover is a symbol of good luck, and an angel is a home guard. Interestingly, many still believe that the witch on the weather vane protects against the evil eye and damage.

If you want to depict something special and mystical on your weather vane, then place a griffin there - this is an animal with the head of an eagle, the tail of a snake and the body of a lion. Previously, only rich people installed this for themselves, because the griffin is a symbol of absolute power. But the dragon is a symbol of wisdom, strength and prosperity.

The top of the weather vane is usually decorated with a wind rose - these are thin metal tubes that indicate the cardinal directions. The top of the weather vane is usually covered with a protective cap, but not always.

Some strict rules There is no such thing as a weather vane when choosing an image: you have the right to use symbols of the zodiac signs, come up with a variety of scenes, especially funny ones, stories with subtext. Or forge a family coat of arms for your family. Don't you still have this? It's time to create!

Installation of a finished weather vane on the roof

A standard weather vane consists of a base that is fixedly fixed on the roof of a house, indicator arrows that show the direction of the wind and the figure itself, plus a movable part of the weather vane.

In order for the entire structure to fulfill its functions, it is necessary to secure all parts of the weather vane to the roof and correctly distribute the cardinal directions. In other words, place the compass rose in in the right direction:

Since the weather vane is constantly exposed to strong winds, its fastening must be especially strong. Quite rarely, its parts are made of wood, but, as practice shows, such products are not durable.

If you decide to purchase a ready-made weather vane, the kit should include the weather vane itself, parts that will orient it relative to the cardinal directions, a stem, hardware and some additional elements. Let's look at an example of installing a finished weather vane on a roof:

  • Step 1. You can figure out how to assemble the weather vane parts even without instructions - usually everything is quite simple. Simply fasten the parts together and place them on the stem.
  • Step 2. Next, orient this entire structure according to the compass and secure it in the right place with a screwdriver.
  • Step 3. Before inserting the weather vane into the stem hole, place a ball in the hole. It will act as a bearing and reduce friction to a minimum. This way the weather vane itself will be more susceptible to the wind.
  • Step 4. Now we insert the weather vane into the shock.

If you did everything correctly, the weather vane will be sensitive to the wind and turn.

Various homemade options

The simplest and fastest weather vane can be made from plywood; you only need one sheet of 10 millimeters thick, a jigsaw and a hacksaw.

Then all this will need to be secured to a metal rod about half a meter long. But the aesthetic qualities of such a product leave much to be desired, and therefore we will offer you other options.

Weather vane with propeller: colored and reflective

The weather vane, which has been given dynamism, looks most impressive. We are talking about moving elements that are affected by the wind. Therefore, we will now figure out how to make a weather vane with a propeller with our own hands step by step:

Reflective weather vane with propeller

But this one will let out sunbeams. Fashionable item! Surely, you have more than once seen homemade wind vanes made from ordinary disks, which look simply amazing on the roof.

So, we will need a very ordinary wheel from a scooter or roller skates. If you don’t have any, they can be easily purchased at a sports store or simply removed from old unnecessary things. Then follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Mark the wheel for making slots for future blades. It is better to make a stencil for this purpose. Regular ballpoint pen We make marks on the wheel for about 4 blades, to begin with.
  • Step 2. We clamp the wheel in a vice so that rubber sawdust does not fall on the bearing. We set the hacksaw blade at an inclination angle of 30-45 degrees and begin sawing from the top point of the wheel. To do this, take a metal saw and do not rush, otherwise you will damage hacksaw blades. You need to cut to a depth of 2/3 the thickness of the rubber, but not to the steel pads.
  • Step 3. As soon as the first cut is made, replant the wheel and make the second cut.
  • Step 4. Now think about mirror surface to reflect sunbeams. The simplest thing is to take old CDs and DVDs for this purpose. To avoid accidentally scratching your hands, it is better to wear gloves.
  • Step 5. Slightly rock the disc and insert it into the cut carefully so that it does not bend or break. By the way, if it breaks, we just throw it away and take the next one. It’s better to practice this several times so that you can quickly and successfully place everything on the glue.
  • Step 6: Prepare epoxy resin. Do not use Moment glue and similar analogues, as they create a zone of fragility at the border of the disk and wheel, and the glue itself does not tolerate destructive forces. ultra-violet rays. Therefore, resin would be the most suitable option.
  • Step 7. It is better to assemble the propeller using resin fresh air. Line the work surface with newspapers and dilute the ingredients right before use. Watch the thickness of the resin: it is important that there is not too much binder and it does not flow off the weather vane.
  • Step 8. Now carefully insert the coated edges of the discs into the cuts. We do the same with the other blades. And carefully coat all the voids in the wheel with resin. The main thing is that mirrored and non-mirrored parts alternate when the sun reflects from such a weather vane.
  • Step 9. Now take the turbine, place it on a chair and carefully adjust the blades. The wheel should be parallel work surface, and the blades should touch it. Even if you get some kind of curvature, don’t be upset - it will still turn.
  • Step 10. Let the glue dry for two or three days in summer weather, and during this time work on the rocker arm of the windmill, the very part on which we will attach the wind wheel and tail blades. The tail blade itself is needed in order to direct the wheel into the wind. The most common hacksaw and discs will help you cut the required part.
  • Step 11. Now you need to install the handle or pole. The main thing is that the upper end of this has an even cut, and in the center of it we will drill holes to secure it all.
  • Step 12. On finishing stage check that the wheel is balanced, because if the discs are of different weights or the installation is inaccurate, the imbalance will lead to strong vibrations and mechanical noise from such a weather vane. To fix this, simply turn the wheel to the desired angle.
  • Step 13. When lifting such a weather vane onto the roof, the main thing is not to accidentally destroy it by hitting foreign objects.

The reflected rays of the sun from such a weather vane will send sunbeams everywhere dark place your garden and it will seem magical!

Bright weather vane made from a plastic bottle

You will be surprised to learn what wonderful weathervanes can be made from ordinary ones. plastic bottles, which are thrown into landfills in huge quantities every day. Moreover, the weather vane itself can be made multi-colored!

But we were talking now about a simple windmill, although you can even make a full-fledged weather vane from a bottle. Why not? Moreover, we have prepared for you detailed photo instructions How to make a weather vane from a bottle with your own hands - you just need a strong wooden block, on one end of which we will attach a fan, and on the other we will make a vertical tail.

Everything needs to be secured to the axle right in the center. To make a vertical tail, we perform all the same manipulations as with a simple windmill, from the same walls of a bottle without a neck. The only thing is that it is advisable to straighten the tail and only then insert it into the slot at the end.

Step by step:

  • Step 1. Cut off the neck of the bottle and cut the sides into strips 25-40 millimeters wide. Make sure they are the same width and there is no leftover. Therefore, to begin with, simply measure the circumference of the bottle with a simple string or centimeter and divide it into equal parts.
  • Step 2. We bend these strips down and to the sides at an angle of 40-45 degrees, and cut off the ends of the strips on both sides.
  • Step 3. Now we rotate each strip a little so that we get a propeller profile.
  • Step 4. Next, we make a hole in the bottle to install the weather vane. We will attach it to a shaft, which you can make from any rod.
  • Step 5. Now think about the limiters that will not allow the propeller to fly off its axis.

In practice everything is simpler, see for yourself:

Here's another fairly simple option:

And here’s this wonderful painted weathervane:

Keep in mind that a weather vane made from a plastic bottle will last you a maximum of five years. Because plastic does not tolerate ultraviolet rays well. There is, of course, the option of painting it with light-resistant paint and trying to extend its life. But it is much more expedient to use such a weather vane as a temporary one, making a real one from metal in the future.

After all, judge for yourself, in what conditions is the weather vane on the top of the roof? These are constant strong winds, impacts from raindrops, temperature changes, corrosion from smoke from the living room and heating from sun rays. Not to mention the destructive power of ultraviolet exposure, which is why the presence of a weather vane on the roof can easily be called the most severe conditions of all possible.

Such a roofing element must be the strongest! And therefore the only ones durable materials that can withstand all this - roofing metal, galvanized metal and stainless steel.

“Real” metal weather vane

Traditions still exist today artistic treatment sheet metal. Today you can often find weathervanes on the roofs of houses, made with special love and imagination.

Even improvised weather vanes made from an old cast iron bucket or flask, which do not decorate the pipe, of course, provide excellent protection from the wind and improve traction. Therefore, if you were able to build a good stove or install a fireplace yourself, then you will be able to do the basics of tinsmithing.

All you need is a few tools and some quality sheet material. Even if you don’t have the necessary skills, you can still make at least the simplest but cute weather vane:

What material to choose for manufacturing?

Most often, a weather vane is cut from roofing iron. The main requirement for it is that the depicted figure clearly stands out against the sky and is clearly visible. Therefore, it is not customary for him to make too many parts, especially small ones. Usually it is a silhouette of a person or animal or fairy-tale creature, understandable and recognizable.

Why from this material? The fact is that sheet metal was the most common material in cities and towns at the end of the 19th century. At that time, houses were often decorated with carved decor, and especially expressive decoration was made from lace tin. An openwork crest was attached to the ridge, and miniature turrets with tin weather vanes were installed at the edges.

But the most beautiful and effective weather vanes are made from copper. It's all about the quality and properties of this material, and therefore it is easy to give it volume and more expressive look. Warm gold color always looks impressive:

How to apply a design to a tin sheet?

You can take sketches for making a weather vane from us in this article. Yes they small size. The easiest way is to simply redraw them or run them through special programs that convert them into a vector drawing. The third option is to print any image you like on a large-checked sheet, and then enlarge it all manually on the finished cardboard. It's not difficult, believe me. Still, you won't find exact dimensions weather vane, since they need to be calculated individually.

And now about how to transfer a drawing to a tin sheet. Many people do this: they spray water from a spray bottle onto a protected sheet of metal and glue a design. Next, they follow the contours with a core and remove all the wet paper. Once again, draw out the design and cut out large pieces of metal with a jigsaw, and smaller pieces with a metal file or large chisel. The most complex parts are easiest to process with a file.

If you just want to redraw the drawing from the sample directly onto the tin, a grease pencil will help you, which you can make yourself: from four parts of wax, two parts of black powder soot or stove soot and one part of rendered lard.

Just add all the ingredients to the melted wax, mix thoroughly and pour the liquid mass into the hollow trunks of any weeds. As a last resort, use a paper tube rolled up in several layers. When the wax mass hardens, you will get a solid rod that will be especially convenient for carrying out sharp lines on roofing metal. Here good example:

When you finish drawing and remove the paper from the metal, use a steel scribe and a ruler to connect the corner points, draw circles and arcs with a compass that has steel needles at both ends. For example, if you transfer straight or slightly curved long lines onto metal, you can make the interval between them quite large. But where you transfer the contours of small parts from paper, the distance should be reduced:

More drawing openwork patterns V sheet metal easily special tools, which are made from special tool steel No. 8 and 10. And after each cut, the working part of the weather vane must be hardened. If patterns are repeated on your weather vane, it is better to make a template. It is easy to make from thin plywood or thick cardboard. The main thing is that he is in life size.

How to cut an image from tin?

But if you don’t have special chops, then use chisels and a regular chisel. This is how you need to cut sheet metal:

  • Step 1. Place the tip of the blade and tilt the blade slightly so that you can easily observe the movement of the blade.
  • Step 2. Without removing it from the metal surface, place the chop vertically and hit the end of the handle with a mallet. You need to hit it so hard that the roofing steel immediately spreads, the first time.
  • Step 3. Once the metal is cut through, move the cut and repeat everything again.

Note that the cuts themselves are different shapes blades:

  1. Choppers with semicircular blades are good because they have greater maneuverability. They are especially convenient for contours with a complex configuration, and all edges of the future weather vane turn out smooth, without burrs or steps.
  2. And semicircular cutters with wide blades are good for making straight or slightly curved lines.
  3. Candles with straight blades - only straight lines and corners of openwork openings are convenient.

If you do not have special materials, it is also convenient to cut sheet metal with metal scissors or a jigsaw. You can smooth out any sharp edges later with a regular file. But hand-made weather vanes are especially beautiful if you highlight some of the details using embossing.

You can also use this during your turn special machine:

The most difficult thing in this matter that you will have to face is making patterns on sheet steel:

  • Step 1. Draw a drawing on a life-size sheet of thick paper for the future weather vane.
  • Step 2: Now start translating this drawing into roofing iron. To do this, attach the paper to the edges of the iron sheet with small pieces of plasticine or glue.
  • Step 3. Using a chisel or sharp compass, transfer the drawing onto the sheet.
  • Step 4. Now place the tool on the drawing line and apply a quick sharp blow, but not hard.
  • Step 5: Apply the same strokes step by step until the entire pattern is completed. As a result, you will be left with small indented dots on the drawing line, which are also called black dots. There is a difference what the distance between them will be - it depends on the nature of the lines themselves.

And to bend the edge, you need to make two precise and strong blows with a mallet on opposite edges of the sheet, and then in the middle.

How to install a finished weather vane on the roof?

Make a weather vane stand from a small piece of pipe, up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter and about 12 centimeters long. Cut a thread in the upper part, and secure the bearing in the lower part.

On the roof itself, you can secure the weather vane with steel strips and fix them on the side of the post. The main thing is that the stripes do not interfere with the free rotation of the weather vane.

A great option is to install the weather vane immediately with the base:

Or make a special stand for it:

The selection of fasteners for making a weather vane depends on how you will attach the cardinal direction indicator. The easiest way is to simply weld this indicator to the main pipe body. This can be done by a welder or a car service worker.

Do not forget to also build a protective cap for the rod, which will protect the bearings from rainwater.

Every person wants his home to be beautiful both inside and outside. To decorate the exterior of the house they are used as decorative Decoration Materials, as well as various statues, trees and flower beds. Today you can also decorate the roof of your private home or country house using a weather vane.

A weather vane is a flag that rotates around its axis under the influence of the wind. Previously, they were used to determine the direction and strength of the wind. At present, they have become excellent and original decoration roofs of the home.


The weather vane has its own rich history. There is no exact information about who and when the first weather vane was made. But today it is known for certain that the first weather vane decorated the Tower of the Winds in Athens, and this was around 48 BC. This weather vane was an image of the sea god Triton and the direction of the eight winds. You can immediately understand that even the very first design had a symbolic meaning.

The tradition of making weather vanes in the shape of a rooster originated in England. There, since ancient times, it was considered a symbol of a new day, vigilance and had magical meaning. The rooster is also a symbol of Christianity. During his reign, the Pope ordered all churches to be decorated with the image of a rooster, which symbolized the Apostle Peter. Thus, the roofs of cathedrals in Catholic Europe began to be decorated with weather vanes depicting this bird.

The rooster is also a symbol of France, which is why its people love to decorate their houses with weathervanes with this particular image.

The Vikings also loved this device. They made weather vanes from bronze, often gilded, depicting figures and scenes from Scandinavian mythology. The Vikings often placed their weather vanes on their ships. The symbol of the stork - the patron saint of the family hearth - originated in the Scandinavian countries.

During the era of feudalism in Europe, the weather vane was made with the image of the coat of arms of the owner of a particular castle. The Japanese and Chinese, who had their own mythology, loved to decorate their homes with weathervanes depicting a dragon. He brought good luck to the house and protected it from evil spirits.

In Rus', weather vanes began to appear in the 15th century as home decorations. Initially they were made in the form of a flag. But over time, they began to depict animals, people and mystical creatures.

In 1782, by order of Empress Catherine II, the largest weather vane in the world was manufactured and installed. The name was given to him symbolically - Tsar Weathervane. But, unfortunately, due to its enormous weight, it did not last long and was subsequently melted down.

Over time, this device gained increasing popularity, so in Europe, at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, workshops even began to appear in which weather vanes were produced en masse.

It should be noted that this trend is still observed today due to the growing demand for this design. As it turned out, weather vanes have not lost their meteorological value. Forecasts do not always correspond to reality, and modern weather vanes, equipped with more complex design and electronic filling, can easily determine the strength of the wind and its direction. They are most often used by modern weather services and aviation bases.

Today, the simplest version of this device has lost its scientific value due to the development of technology, but modern people Everyone also decorates the roofs of their houses with this simple device for decorative purposes.

Design features and operating principle

A weather vane is a simple meteorological device. Its main part is a flag, which, under the influence of wind, rotates in the direction of least resistance. At the base of the structure there is a wind rose, usually having four or eight directions. Using them you can accurately determine where the wind is blowing from. The weather vane design can also be equipped with a small fan, which will create noise and vibration, scaring away small rodents and birds.

It is necessary to understand that any weather vane consists of mandatory parts, which include:

  • a housing that is inserted into the axle;
  • a bearing that ensures free rotation and is located in the housing;
  • a wind rose indicating the cardinal directions (without it, it is simply impossible to determine the direction of the wind);
  • an axis connecting the body to the flag;
  • cap, which is important detail and protects the bearing from moisture getting into it;
  • a flag indicating the direction of the wind, and often representing a decorative figurine;
  • a counterweight that must be placed on the opposite side of the flag to rotate it.

It is better to fasten all parts of the weather vane efficiently to each other, and it is also better if they are processed either decorative paint, or protective varnish for long-term operation of the device.

Select an option

Undoubtedly, a beautiful and original weather vane can be purchased in a store. But it is also possible to make it yourself at home. To do this, you need to select the appropriate material and develop a detailed sketch of the device.

The weather vane can be made from a variety of materials:

  • plywood;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic or plastic bottles;
  • old CDs.

The last two options are suitable for small structures that can be placed, for example, on the roof of a veranda or gazebo. Plywood and wood are short-lived materials, even if they are treated with special means.

Metal can withstand all weather changes and strong gusts of wind, so it is considered the most successful material for a decorative weather vane.

The most important step is choosing a figure for the flag. After all, there are opinions that it is not easy decorative element, but also a certain symbol. Therefore, any image has its own mystical overtones. The symbols are deciphered as follows:

  • The rooster is very popular in Russia; it scares away evil spirits.
  • The cat is a symbol home comfort.
  • The owl symbolizes wisdom.
  • Leo, the king of beasts, indicates power and strength.
  • The eagle helps protect your home from enemies.

  • The stork brings mutual understanding and happiness to the house.
  • The goose is a symbol of vigilance, love and order in the home.
  • The chimney sweep is a symbol of good luck.
  • George the Victorious protects the house from any troubles.
  • Baba Yaga opposes the evil influence of evil spirits.

When choosing a weather vane figurine for your home or cottage, it is better to familiarize yourself with what it can symbolize.

It should be noted that there are several main functions that this design has.

  • Meteorological. First of all, a weather vane serves to measure the speed and strength of the wind and indicate its direction.
  • Protective. When installing this structure on a chimney, it serves as protection from strong wind blowing.

  • Repellent. If you install a propeller on the weather vane and place this device not on the roof, but on the ground, then the vibrations will repel moles, rodents and shrews. If you install an electronic windmill, the effect will be stronger.
  • Decorative. This device often has a very attractive appearance, so it is installed on the roof as an unusual decorative element.

Materials and tools

Typically, the design of a simple weather vane includes the following elements:

  • checkbox, which turns in the direction of the wind. It can have a simple geometric shape or an unusual decorative design and be the main decoration of the device.
  • Arrow. The figurine is most often placed on it.

  • Counterweight. It is located on the opposite side of the flag. It must have a greater mass than the mass of the flag, then it can return to its original position.
  • Vertical axis. It is mounted either on a bearing or on a metal ball, which allows the structure to rotate.
  • Cap prevents water from entering the bearing.

It is best to make a flag from metal, for example, it can be copper or steel. This way it will be much more durable than a product made from wood or plywood sheets.

There is always the opportunity to make a forged product, but it will be quite heavy, and not everyone can do it on their own. And the work of a master will be expensive.

Any material must be processed protective coating, such as paint, to withstand the effects environment.

The base and axle should be metal, as this is a very strong material for their construction.

To make a weather vane with your own hands, you will need special tools:

  • a jigsaw for wood or metal (this is useful for cutting out a flag);
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • soldering iron;

  • vice;
  • pliers;
  • grinder and files;
  • sandpaper.


First of all, you need to decide which figure will crown the weather vane. Then you need to create its drawing with your own hands. If you have never cut out this kind of shapes before, then it is better to stick to a simple option for better execution.

The circuit is very easy to make yourself. It is better to first draw a drawing on a regular sheet of paper, and then complete it in exactly the size that the figure will be, thereby obtaining a stencil. This stencil will be universal for any manufacturing material. It is better to choose its dimensions in the range from 300 to 500 mm, otherwise the flag may break.

Manufacturing stages

Regardless of the choice of materials and shape of the figurine, the manufacturing steps will be the same.

The main parts of the structure are the axle and its body. The process of rotating the weather vane will depend on them. It is better to install the axle on a bearing, and the diameter of its base should clearly match the diameter of the bearing. The bearing must be covered with a housing to prevent moisture from getting on it.

During the manufacture of the device, it is very important to follow all the technology, since its functioning will directly depend on this.

Figures cut out from a stencil using a plasma cutter or sawed out with a jigsaw are very beautiful. An updated version of the fan type can be made from an old weather vane. It will look more modern.

The first step is to make a flag. A pre-prepared stencil is placed on a sheet of metal, secured with clamps and cut out using a jigsaw. Sawing a picture using a regular one with a hand jigsaw is a very complex process. Therefore, if you have a jigsaw, then it is better to use it. If you prefer metal, for example, plywood or a plastic panel, then you can use a plasma cutter.

As soon as one part of the figure is cut out, you need to loosen the fastening and turn the sheet over so that you have free access to the other part. The lines must be cut carefully so that no irregularities arise. It is better to carry out all work on a metal table.

After the figure is cut out, it needs to be sanded well using a sanding machine. Small holes are cut using a drill and smoothed with a file.

After making the flag, you need to make an arrow. It is also better to make it from metal. A stencil is applied to it and the required shape of the product is cut out. The boom will include two parts, which are manufactured separately. Both parts need to be sanded well.

Both parts of the pipe are welded to rotary mechanism. A metal ball or bearing can be used as it.

After the arrow is secured, you can attach the figurine prepared earlier. It is also better to do this by welding for greater structural reliability. The flag must be secured to one part of the arrow, since there will be a counterweight on the other at its sharp end.


To make a support you will need a thick metal rod. It is attached to the end of a pipe, into which a metal ball must also be placed.


The cover can be made of any materials, the main thing is that it fully matches the dimensions and protects the bearing well from moisture.

Rose of Wind

The wind rose must be made from metal rods up to 20 cm long, which must be welded together at an angle of 90 degrees. At the ends of these rods there will be letters indicating parts of the world. Latin letters are often used, but you can also choose letters from the Russian alphabet corresponding to each side. The height of each letter must be at least 70 mm. The wind rose is welded onto the housing cover.


The entire structure is assembled, starting from the base and ending with the flag picture. Using the case, you need to adjust the wind rose so that it shows reliable data. After all this, you can move on to the fasteners.


Fastening is carried out only after complete assembly products. It is necessary to decide in advance on the location of the fastener; this can be either a chimney or the ridge of the roof. Depending on the location, the mounting system will be supported.

Roof mounting

It is very important to install the weather vane correctly. It should be mounted in the highest place of the house strictly vertically. If the first time it is not possible to set the axis vertical exactly, it must be corrected later.

Before installation, it is better to treat the finished weather vane with paint or enamel, which will withstand the influences of the external environment. When installing the weather vane, you do not need to tighten its elements too much.

Excessive rigidity of the fastening will not be able to withstand the wind well.

Mounting can be done in several ways:

  • using a round base in the form of a flange;
  • using plates or clamps;
  • using metal slats for mounting on the chimney.

In order for the weather vane to catch even the slightest breath of wind, it is better to install it at a height of 10-12 meters. The process of installing a structure on a house canopy is not at all complicated, but it has a number of features.

When attaching the weather vane to the ridge, you will need two metal plates. They are screwed on both sides of the ridge, and a piece of metal pipe required diameter, cut the thread and put on the nut. Then you can install the entire structure, securing it in the hole with a nut. It is better to lubricate all parts that come into contact with each other with grease.

If you decide to place a weather vane on a chimney pipe, then you need to take into account that the thickness of the metal cap must be at least 2 mm so that the structure does not collapse. The bracket is attached to the cap using rivets. The main shaft of the weather vane is then screwed into the bracket and secured with a bolt and nut.

Not everyone has the opportunity to make a real weather vane on their own or order one from professionals. In this case, you can make a weather vane with your own hands from scrap materials at no additional cost.

A variant of this design could be a homemade weather vane made from plastic bottles. One type of such a homemade device is a weather vane in the form of a propeller. For this design you will need a bicycle wheel, a metal pipe, and plastic bottles.

Its production will proceed as follows:

  • The bicycle wheel is divided into four even parts, then places for attaching bottles are marked.
  • At the next stage, plastic bottle caps are attached using self-tapping screws.

  • Next, the blades themselves are prepared. One side of the bottles is cut out using a stationery knife.
  • The bottles need to be placed on the wheel by screwing their necks into the caps.
  • Next, the wheel must be secured to the pipe so that it can rotate, for example, using a suitable screw.
  • Finally, the finished weather vane can be installed in open areas.

You can make a weather vane in the form of a pinwheel. It only requires one plastic bottle and a metal rod. Manufacturing occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • On the bottle you need to mark the places that will be cut in the shape of blades.
  • Then they need to be cut to the top of the bottle so that they are sufficiently secured.

  • Next, bend the cut parts at right angles.
  • The bottle cap must be secured to the rod, which will serve as the axis of the weather vane.
  • Then the finished bottle is attached to the axle.
  • The resulting weather vane can be painted and decorated with multi-colored ribbons to give it a decorative look.

Of course everyone has seen and knows what it is vane. There are especially many of them on buildings in the Baltic States, Scandinavia and the Netherlands, where the weather vane is, one might say, part of the unique landscape and the calling card of cities - Riga, Tallinn, Amsterdam, Leiden and others. Few people know that not so long ago a weather vane was one of the most necessary attributes - only with its help could one determine the speed and strength of the wind. Therefore, it is so common in countries with access to the sea, as well as where navigation was developed in the Middle Ages.
Now, weather vane on the roof, mostly a toy, a tribute to tradition. But the house on which it stands, for example, weather vane, made with your own hands looks very original and unusual. You can make a weather vane with your own hands or order it from a craftsman. For this you will need structural sheet steel, but if you are lucky enough to get sheet copper, it will be perfect option, because making a weather vane from copper assumes that it will delight not only you with its unusual appearance, but also your grandchildren and great-grandchildren, because copper is not susceptible to atmospheric corrosion.
You can make a weather vane with your own hands if you have some plumbing skills, and if you don’t have them, but still have the desire to make a weather vane with your own hands, go to the appropriate service on the Internet and look at the technology and design options. It should be noted, that a weather vane for a chimney made by yourself, will also perform the function of protecting the chimney from blowing wind.

DIY rooster weather vane

Now about the details of the process. How to make a weather vane With our own hands, we decided to look on the Internet, a very important point - how the weather vane is attached to the chimney or another location. This is done using special strips - spacers, and it is better to do this on the pipe cap, because strong winds place a very large load on the fastening site.
Before you start making a weather vane with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the list of tools required in this case. You may need to buy something or borrow something from your neighbors. But I must say, looking through articles on the topic " how to make a weather vane with your own hands from metal"You can note that technology uses tools that are found in every home.
On the pages of this article it is impossible to describe all the intricacies of the process and the question “how to make a weather vane?” This is a complex issue, where there are nuances and subtleties, and at least initial experience is required. Having studied the information on the Internet, you may not immediately get what you have in mind, but, as you know, no theory can replace experience, try and you will succeed.
Now about the details of the process. How make a weather vane, this is a very important point - how the weather vane is attached to the chimney or other location. This is done using special strips - spacers, and it is better to do this on the pipe cap, because strong winds place a very large load on the fastening site.

Before you start making a weather vane with your own hands, you can look at the drawings and get acquainted with the list of tools necessary in this case. You may need to buy something or borrow something from your neighbors. But it must be said that in making a weather vane you independently use tools that are in every home.
On the pages of this article it is impossible to describe all the subtleties of the process and the question “how to make a weather vane yourself?” This is a complex issue, where there are nuances and subtleties, and at least initial experience is required. Having studied the information on the Internet, you may not immediately get what you have in mind, but, as you know, no theory can replace experience, try it DIY weather vanes and you will succeed.

How to make weather vanes
For those who would like to do DIY weather vane immediately, without wasting time searching on the Internet weather vane toys moved by the wind, I will give a detailed description of the process of how to make a weather vane, which can be created in a home workshop. I would like to immediately make a reservation that making a weather vane will require welding or serious soldering with brass or zirconium solder. Of course, welding is better, and you will also need some minor turning work, but if you have emery in the house, you can get by with it. True, in any auto repair shop, which are now on every corner, they will help you make a weather vane literally for pennies.
So, let's start making a weather vane with our own hands. You can make a drawing of a weather vane, or you can make a weather vane for your home without having weather vane drawing, according to descriptions and drawings. Everyone would like to know how to make a rotary weather vane without having weather vane drawings. The most important component of a weather vane is the body and axis. It is the design of this unit that will determine how sensitively the weather vane will react to the slightest breath of wind. If you make a weather vane yourself using a drawing of the body, of course, it is advisable to have it, but not necessary. The best option If the axis of the weather vane rotates on ball bearings with a closed housing, they do not require regular lubrication and are not afraid of moisture. We will start from the diameter of the weather vane axis; its diameter should provide sufficient resistance to radial loads, which will be quite decent during gusts of wind. You need to select a steel wire or rod with a diameter of at least 10 mm and a length of approximately 400 - 450 mm. This diameter will be required to make it possible to select the desired bearing. As an option, I can suggest using a radial ball bearing No. 1000099 according to GOST, but you can use what you have or what you can find on the nearest iron market. Bearing No. 1000099 has the following characteristics: inner ring diameter - 9mm, outer ring diameter - 20mm. Thus, we need a housing into which we could drive a bearing with a diameter of 20mm. For such a housing, a piece of ¾-inch pipe 120 - 130 mm long is suitable. On the top of the pipe we cut pipe thread, onto which we will screw the lid. We hammer our bearing into the lower part, which should fit with interference. It may happen that there will be no interference, in this case, using a powerful soldering iron (at least 100 W) and soldering acid, we need to weld a layer of tin onto the outer ring, due to this layer we will obtain the interference we need.
Let's go further and comprehend the question, how to make a weather vane correctly. We already have the body, now we need to work on the axis on which we will mount the figure. Since we have selected a rod with a diameter of 10 mm, and the diameter of the inner ring where the axle will rest is 9 mm, the end of the rod must be machined to a diameter of 9 mm, this is best done on a machine, but you can also use emery, removing layers of metal little by little and checking with a caliper or trying on
axle to bearing. Next stage when you do weather vanes, how to make- housing cover, protective cap and cardinal indicators. The housing cover can be made from a blank plug for a ¾ pipe, such plugs are sold on any market, then a hole with a diameter of 10 mm is drilled in it and rods with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 200 mm are welded to its sides, crosswise, you can make a radius in the middle of the rod along the diameter of the pipe , it will be more beautiful. Latin letters are attached to the ends of the rods by soldering or welding, which will indicate the cardinal directions: W, N, S, E. They are cut from sheet steel 0.8 - 1 mm thick. The size of the letters depends on the height at which we will place them. vane(to be clearly visible), in my opinion, sizes 70x70 should be enough.
Screw the cover onto the body and insert the axle into it until it stops in the bearing, try how freely it rotates, if everything is in order with the rotation, you need to weld a cap with a diameter of approximately 40/50 mm right above the cover so that it fits into the body less water. The cap can be cut from sheet steel, which you used in the manufacture of letters - cardinal directions. We measure up about another 250 mm from the cap and cut off the excess from the axis, although it is better to do this locally in each specific case.
Let's get to the most interesting part - a stylized figure that is attached to the axis of the weather vane and
defines his whole appearance. Usually this is a weathercock rooster, according to popular belief DIY rooster weather vane manufactured acts as a talisman for the home against evil spirits. The best material for the figure there will be sheet copper 0.8 - 1 mm thick, but you are unlikely to find it now, so we make the cockerel from sheet steel 0.8 - 1 mm, you will have to draw the picture yourself or search on the Internet weather vanes inpictures. The dimensions of the figure in plan should be approximately 500x300 mm and the entire figure should be elongated in the horizontal plane in order to have the appropriate windage, you can use examples as a guide weather vane photo posted on the network. Let's do weather vane pictures figures on paper, then glue it onto a sheet of metal and, using metal scissors, a small chisel and a file, cut out and bring the figure to the shape we need. There are two options for attaching it to the axle. Can be heated blowtorch or in the fire the end of the axle and flatten it on an anvil to a width of 15 mm. Then drill holes in it with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, lean the figure as it will stand in the working position, and mark the corresponding holes. Then it’s a matter of technique - we fasten the cockerel with rivets or screws with nuts. The easiest way is to grab a figurine weather vanes welding
Little things left. Install weather vane on the roof and orient vane to the cardinal points. Before you install weather vane on the house, the housing must be filled with grease (just in case) - grease or lithol. There are many mounting options, you can install DIY chimney weather vane. From the same sheet steel 0.8 - 1 mm we cut 4 strips 25 mm wide and 300 - 350 mm long. We bend them at an angle of 90 degrees, you can cut them in half, 200 mm on one side, and 100 - 150 mm on the other. Using self-tapping screws, we attach them crosswise to the body, but first we need to link the ridge, the location of the strips and the location of the cardinal points to each other. The cardinal directions can be determined by sunrise, the polar star or a compass. In the bent part of the strip, two holes with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm are also drilled, through which the entire structure is attached to the ridge using long pins or bolts, which must be passed through the ridge and secured to the inside of the roof with bolts, washers and nuts.
Material support to make a weather vane with your own hands.
You will need the following tools: drill (manual or electric), ruler, scriber, metal scissors, drills with a diameter of 3.3; 4; 5; 9 or 10 mm, files, emery, soldering iron, welding, lathe, hammer, anvil.

What can a weather vane be made from?
Materials: rod with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 450 mm, a ball bearing, a pipe ¾ 120/130 mm long, a rod with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 1 meter, a plug ¾, sheet steel 0.8 -1 mm thick, dimensions 0.5x0.5 meters (approximately), solid oil or litol, M5/M4 bolts, M5/M4 nuts, self-tapping screws, rivets with a diameter of 4/5 mm.

A weather vane is a meteorological instrument used to determine the direction of the wind, as well as its speed and strength. It is a metal flag with a counterweight at the other end. Rotating around its axis, the device rotates under the influence of wind. The compass rose is installed on the same axis.

Of course, wind parameters nowadays are measured with special electronic devices, so an ordinary weather vane is often used as a decorative detail on the roof of a house.

No one can accurately guess when people began to use weather vanes. The oldest one at the moment can be considered a weather vane, made by a Greek astronomer just over 2000 years ago. It crowned the Tower of the Winds in ancient Athens and also had a symbolic meaning.

Weathervanes were very popular in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries. In coastal port cities, it was necessary to determine whether the wind would allow the ship to dock. To this day, they decorate the roofs of buildings, striking with their variety of shapes and, at times, being real works of art, but only as decoration.

Types of weather vanes

According to their functional significance, weather vanes are divided into the following types:

  • Meteorological instruments. Precisely balanced wind vanes that measure wind direction. This also includes Wild weather vanes, which allow you to determine wind speed. The design of the latter includes a propeller or plate that swings under the influence of air currents. The propeller also serves to scare away birds;
  • Chimney weather vanes . Protect the chimney from wind blowing, preventing smoke;
  • Decorative weather vanes . Artfully crafted weather vanes are commonly used to decorate a home and add personality to a home, adding a unique flair. They are mainly figurines of animals, mythical creatures or birds, but there are also very original ones, reflecting the tastes of the home owners.

Often all of the above types are contained in one device.

Symbolism of weather vanes

Over the past centuries, the weather vane has become the subject of legends and served not only as a decoration for the building, but also as a kind of amulet. According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, a weather vane helps to establish warm, friendly relations with neighbors.

The most popular are weather vanes with the image of a rooster, especially in Russia. The rooster symbolizes vigilance. In folk legends, he could scare away evil spirits, protect the home from fires and other disasters. In Christianity, the rooster is considered a symbol of St. Apostle Peter.

In Asian countries, weathervanes in the form of dragons are often found. The dragon personifies wisdom, and a weather vane with its image also serves as a talisman.

When choosing a weather vane figurine for your home, it would not be superfluous to ask what this or that image means. For example: a cat serves as a symbol of home comfort, an eagle is designed to protect from enemies, a lion represents strength and power, a ship represents determination, a stork represents a family hearth.

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to any canons. You can choose the figure you like. If you wish, it is not at all difficult to make a weather vane with your own hands.

Materials for making a weather vane

To create a weather vane, it is preferable to use metal: sheet steel or copper. This design will last a very long time without losing its attractiveness or deteriorating from environmental influences. Forged products look very impressive.

Wood and plywood structures also work, but they suffer from precipitation and temperature changes. To extend their service life, they are coated special composition and varnish.

Quite often in Lately Plastic is used to make weather vanes. It is lightweight, non-corrosive and impervious to precipitation. But his life is relatively short.

The simplest weather vane can be made from plastic bottles or CDs. Of course similar device will be able to decorate a modest garden house, greenhouse or shed, but not a solid cottage.

Required Tools

The material chosen for the weather vane determines the set of appropriate tools for its processing, including everything necessary to install the weather vane on the roof.

Possible set of tools: ruler, drill, various drills and files, emery, hammer, soldering iron, jigsaw (for working with wooden parts, plywood or plastic). Depending on the complexity of the design, a lathe and anvil may be required.

Main parts of a weather vane

The weather vane design includes:

  • bearing axle;
  • flag with counterweight;
  • frame;
  • a cap that protects the housing from water;
  • compass rose showing the 4 cardinal directions

Before you make a weather vane with your own hands, you need to select or carefully draw up a drawing of the weather vane. This will help avoid errors and inaccuracies in the design.

The weather vane can be any size; there are no strict rules. But basically they stick to the size 70 x 40 cm (for a cottage).

Making a weather vane from metal

  • To construct the body, a piece of metal pipe is taken, about 130 mm long and 13 mm in diameter, in the upper part of which a thread is cut. A bearing with an internal diameter of 9 mm is installed inside the lower part of the pipe. It is advisable to use a bearing with a closed housing that is not susceptible to moisture;
  • A rod made of smooth reinforcement, 450 mm long and 10 mm in diameter, is used as the axis of the weather vane. The rod is sharpened to a diameter of 9 mm at lathe or using sandpaper. Adjustable to bearing size;
  • To make a wind rose, metal rods (preferably steel) of small diameter are taken. They are welded at right angles to the housing cover and end with letters indicating the 4 cardinal directions;

  • A thread is made on the inside of the cover, then the cover with the compass rose is installed on the weather vane body;
  • The rod of the structure is fixed in the hole in the cover and fixed in the bearing. Then the ease of rotation of the structure around its axis is checked;
  • To prevent atmospheric moisture from penetrating inside the case, a special cap is fixed above the lid;
  • The axis is adjusted to the required size and a decorative flag is attached to it - the main decoration of the product. This is done by welding, but you can use bolts or rivets.

Figurine for a weather vane

The most interesting creative moment is to make a weather vane flag figurine.

The size is selected individually, taking into account the dimensions of the entire structure as a whole. For windage, the figure should be somewhat stretched along the horizontal plane.

The design you like is cut out of paper and glued to the material from which the figure will be made (metal, plastic or plywood). Then it is cut out with an appropriate tool (for example, metal scissors).

The edges of the product are carefully processed with a file. Metal flags are often embossed.

How to properly install a weather vane on a roof

Immediately before installation, the product body should be filled with lubricant (for example, grease).

The height at which the weather vane is mounted must be at least 10 m from the ground, at the highest point of the building. The weather vane is attached to the ridge of the roof or to the cap of the stove (or ventilation) pipe. Since the structure is constantly subject to loads under the influence of wind, it is advisable to carry out installation and strength testing with special care.

An important point is the orientation of the weather vane to the cardinal points. A compass is used to determine them.

Attaching the weather vane to the pipe cap

Stove hood or ventilation pipe– the most convenient place for fixing the weather vane. In this case, the thickness of the metal of the cap itself must be 1.5 mm or more!

A bracket is installed in the cap. For this, a strip of steel 2 mm thick is used, bent at both ends by 30–50 mm. The bracket is secured with rivets.

In advance drilled hole cap, insert the threaded vane axis at the very bottom, and attach it to the bracket using a washer and nut.

Attaching a weather vane to a roof ridge

In order to secure the weather vane to the roof ridge, you will need 2 strong, bent at an angle, metal plates.

When installing, you must act carefully so as not to damage the roof or break its tightness.

Simple DIY weather vane

Not everyone can afford luxurious cottages decorated with exquisite wrought iron weather vanes. For the humble country house You can build a weather vane from inexpensive materials, using your own imagination with minimal material costs.

To decorate your summer cottage, you can make a figurine of an animal driven in the wind using a propeller.

To make such a device, you can take plywood, if possible, moisture-resistant. The propeller wheel is made of tin, the edges are bent to form the blades. The parts of the device should not fit tightly together to ensure easy rotation of the weather vane. The resulting product can be painted.

How to make a weather vane with your own hands from plastic bottles

The most “budget” option is to make a weather vane using two plastic bottles.

One bottle is cut and a propeller is made, the second is used to make a weather vane. Next, the parts are strung on a metal rod and installed in the right place.

Regardless of the complexity of the weather vane design, its creation and installation must be approached responsibly, then the device will function correctly and not only bring aesthetic pleasure to your appearance, but also be useful as a meteorological instrument.

The weather vane not only has practical value on summer cottage, but also performs a decorative function. Usually it represents a metal figure of a rooster or other forged composition on a vertical axis, which rotates with the help of the wind and shows its direction and strength. At first, weather vanes were exclusively made of steel due to the high strength and durability of such material. And now, in addition to this, a special anti-corrosion coating is applied to them, which protects the metal from negative influences. external influences.


Weather vanes differ from each other in their purpose; the following varieties are distinguished:

  • decorative options (serve as decoration);
  • meteorological weather vanes (determine wind direction);

  • chimney models (protect pipes from wind blowing and smoke entering the room);
  • schlagen weather vanes (protect the chimney from the penetration of harmful animals or birds due to the action of special rattles or fans that create vibrations).

Moreover, some designs can combine several functions at once.


The metal version of the weather vane is the most common, practical and affordable. Weather vanes can be from of stainless steel or copper. Moreover, the second option, although more expensive, is the most durable. In addition, this design effectively shines in the sun, is resistant to corrosion and is very easy to maintain. In addition, copper is a soft material that is pleasant and easy to work with when forging.

As exclusive weather vane models you can use wooden structures, but they are less durable. And plastic is a budget option"not for everyone." Some craftsmen are even able to make a weather vane at their dacha from scrap materials (for example, plastic bottles). But it is unlikely to serve its owner for a long time, and it will not evoke any sense of aesthetic pleasure.

So, a wooden weather vane, subject to processing protective compounds will last 5 years. A steel structure will last for ten years if it is tinted every year, but a copper structure is almost eternal.


A classic weather vane is usually made of metal up to 50 cm high in the form of an image of an animal. It can be a rooster, a cat, or even any fairy-tale or cartoon characters, which will especially appeal to children. If you wish, you can also make a wooden plane with your own hands. If you want the weather vane to serve a decorative function, make sure that its design fits seamlessly into the architecture of the building and the overall style.

For example, for wooden country houses Figures with a rustic theme are more suitable, and for an elegant roof with a spire - Gothic motifs.

When choosing the type of figure for a weather vane, keep in mind that each has a specific meaning. For example, a rooster symbolizes vigilance and, according to old folk beliefs, scares away evil spirits. The cat symbolizes comfort and coziness in the house, and is also considered a guardian of the house and a protector from evil spirits. The owl means wisdom, and the lion means strength and power. A weather vane in the shape of a horse is suitable for purposeful and noble people.

In Asian countries, weather vanes with the image of a dragon are common as a symbol of wisdom and spiritual strength. The image of a chimney sweep, according to popular belief, will bring good luck to your home. St. George the Victorious, killing a snake with a spear, is the protector of the house from negativity.

The griffin speaks of the strength and vigilance of the owner, and also protects the house from the influence of evil forces. It is interesting that even such a seemingly negative image as Baba Yaga is great solution: it will not only attract the attention of others with its unusualness, but will also protect against evil forces.

The eagle protects the home from enemies and, being a symbol of Heaven and the Sun, embodies strength, power and greatness. Such a weather vane will emphasize the independence of the owner and show his social status. And the stork patronizes families and is a symbol of mutual understanding. A very romantic image is a ship flying across the sky. Old Russian themes are also popular: for example, a weather vane in the shape of a rook or a hero.

Therefore, choose a weather vane design not only based on the aesthetic appearance of the structure, but also on the message that the figure conveys.

How to do it yourself?

Before starting work, you need to make a sketch and drawing of the weather vane in order to know exactly what size and shape the structure will be. A standard blank in the image of a rooster can be found on the Internet and the contours of the drawing can be transferred to paper. For the drawing you will need special paper with millimeter markings. Subsequently, this stencil is applied to the metal or other material that you will use. You can cut the figure with a jigsaw or special metal scissors, and file the edges.

To make a weather vane you will need: metal scissors; bolts; compass; bearing; drill with drills; wire; welding machine; kernel; wrench; cover with internal thread; a tube; file.

The base of the weather vane will be a metal tube. At its end a thread is cut into which the lid is inserted. Where there is no thread, a bearing is inserted. We denote the cardinal directions on the weather vane with wire using welding machine. Can be fixed on each side symbols cardinal directions, which are adjusted using a conventional compass.

We fix the completed structure on the lid, while fixing a metal rod into the support. A metal figurine and an arrow indicating the direction of the wind are welded to it. And don't forget to balance the figure's weight and counterweight to get accurate readings. And, of course, take care of safety precautions when carrying out installation work.


The most common and practical option– fastening the weather vane to the chimney pipe. If the chimney is made of brick, then the strength of the fastening is not satisfactory. In this case, the weather vane structure is fixed in a vertical position with screws at the corners. And if you have a ventilation deflector, you can weld the structure to it.

You can attach the structure on special supporting elements to the horizontal edge of the roof slope. The only drawback is the wooden ridge, which can crack over time under the influence of rain, snow, bright sun and other external influences. The figurine must be secured strictly vertically at the highest point of the roof.

Another interesting and very non-standard version of the weather vane is a figurine of a cat. as if playing with a ball or catching a mouse. Cat figurine in in this case is a flag, and the counterweight will be a ball or a mouse. Similar design rests on a rotating axial tube enclosed in a thicker copper pipe. Rotation occurs due to the presence of a bearing in the main body.

By following the advice of professionals, you can not only easily build a weather vane with your own hands, but also ensure its accuracy and durability.

  • for greater accuracy of the weather vane, pay attention to the fact that there are no tall buildings or trees nearby that can significantly distort the wind direction indicators;
  • the design of the weather vane should not be too weighty, and the figure on the arrow should be balanced with a counterweight - only then will the weather vane rotate freely;
  • to connect the axle to the base, use a special bearing with protection from moisture so that rotation occurs freely;


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