Roof for a bathhouse: types, designs, roofing materials, construction technologies. Principles and main stages of building a roof for a bathhouse Building a bathhouse roof from timber

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The construction of baths involves the arrangement of a roof; the options for its creation may be different, but provided that one of them corresponds this building. The question of which bathhouse roof design is preferable in this particular case worries many owners of private households, especially when the work is done on their own.

The bathhouse is usually on the backyard or suburban area they build it themselves, so you need to know not only how to make a roof, but also how to properly waterproof it and lay a thermal insulation layer, which ones to prefer roofing materials and other aspects of solving the problem. The fact is that the floors on this building have significant differences from the roofs on buildings for other purposes: the main load falling on it load-bearing structure, are created from inside the room, and not from outside it.

As is known, humidity and temperature regime in the bath during procedures are significantly increased and therefore a large number of couple gets into attic space, after which it settles on the roof structural elements.

What types of roofs are there for baths?

The construction project and applicable domestic construction standards can help you decide on how to make a roof for a bathhouse. First of all, when choosing the type of roof, the technical parameters of the structure are taken into account.

An important factor is the type of terrain where the activities are carried out. construction works:

  • simple bath near a residential building they are usually built with a gable roof, such as in the photo;
  • if in the region in winter time significant precipitation is observed, then choose roofs with a large angle of inclination, but not more than 45 degrees. This structural solution allows the snow mass not to linger on the roof, and it rolls down;
  • in a steppe or forest-steppe natural zone, where there are frequent gusts of strong wind, the choice is minimum slope, due to which the roof structure has such aerodynamic properties that avoid heavy loads on it;
  • in the case when the building is attached to a residential building, the problem of how to make a roof for a bathhouse is solved simply - it is created as a pitched roof in accordance with technical characteristics at home (more details: " ").

The lifespan of the roof without repair or restoration will depend on the chosen option for arranging the roof and the material for its creation, and how reliably the installation work is performed. Multi-pitched roofs have the most presentable appearance; they have a more complex design and provide the building with an original appearance. But they are not always a reasonable solution, since they are expensive for the owners.

Features of creating bath roofs

Each of the options for making a roof in a bathhouse has its own characteristics and advantages. Thus, the presence of an attic improves the appearance of the building and ensures the creation of effective thermal insulation, and this factor is very important, since the bathhouse is most often used in the cold season.

As for what material is best for a bathhouse, it depends on its slope. When using a metal roof, this parameter should be approximately 20 degrees, and if a slate roof is to be created, then about 30 degrees. Roll coating requires that the roof slope be within 5 degrees.

In the absence of an attic, the slope, regardless of the roofing material used, cannot be more than 10 degrees.

Rafter system for the roof of a bathhouse

Before making the roof of the bathhouse, you should equip it with a load-bearing truss structure consisting of separate trusses. They also carry out lathing and select materials for laying on the roof.

At the top of the frame there are floor beams. Before, to support the legs rafter system a beam called a mauerlat is mounted. At the same time, special nests are made in the walls of the building, which are necessary to maintain a strictly horizontal arrangement of the floor beams, which extend beyond the outer perimeter of the bathhouse. The size of the outlet is adjusted depending on the design solution, but if it is more than 50 centimeters, the installation of support pillars will be required.

Before putting the roof on the bathhouse, before attaching the rafter trusses to the required places, you need to make sure that they are fully consistent with each other. To do this, you can put them all in one pile and if there are deviations, it is advisable to correct such elements and, if necessary, redo them. Otherwise, if the deficiencies are not eliminated, the reliability of the truss structure will be compromised.

After this, appropriate markings are made on the covering beams or on the mauerlat. To make it more reliable, you can nail the cuttings of the beams so that the supporting parts of the rafter legs are located in the space between the cuttings. This method of installing a rafter system can significantly speed up the work and prevent errors and miscalculations in the size and location of trusses.

How to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse, see details in the video:

At the same time, the front trusses are attached to the center of the roof at a very slight angle, which gives the supporting structure the necessary rigidity and allows it to withstand significant wind loads during operation. All other trusses are mounted at the same distance, which should be one meter, and secured to in the right place, stitching with a ridge board.

After completing the installation of the truss structure, they begin to create the sheathing, which is made solid or sparse depending on the roofing material that is decided to be used to cover the roof.

Choosing thermal insulation for a bathhouse roof

Choosing the option of how to make a bathhouse roof involves purchasing high-quality thermal insulation material, since the reliability and strength of the roof is affected by the increased temperature from the steam room. If you don't proper insulation, in winter, the integrity of the roof will be threatened by the formation of condensation, which will certainly cause irreparable damage.

  • the insulation is fixed under the rafter system;
  • thermal insulation is laid on the rafter structure;
  • thermal insulation products placed in the spaces between the trusses. This option is the most preferable because it is easy to implement and requires minimal time.

The construction of a bathhouse for permanent use cannot be completed without insulating the roof, because the safety of the building depends on this. long period wood materials that were used. The insulation is laid as closely as possible to all planes of the rafter structure. Even minor holes and cracks are not allowed.

Most often, mineral wool is used for insulation, which as a building material has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, low price and environmental safety. Some property owners use foam plastic as insulation, which is less often chosen due to its poor environmental friendliness.

In addition to thermal insulation, when creating a roof for a bathhouse building, you need to remember to provide hydro- and vapor barriers, which provide indoors the opportunity to “breathe”.

Construction of a roof for a bathhouse is one of last stages construction, which is designed to protect the building from climatic influences. The roof of a bathhouse can give the building individuality, but more often than not, it represents simple design, which can be made with your own hands.

Ready-made bathhouse project with a gable roof

For those who have wondered how to build a bathhouse roof, it is necessary to carefully study all the nuances of construction, and then the bathhouse will not only become a decoration personal plot, but will also allow you not to worry about your comfort when taking water procedures.

The roof of the bathhouse consists of two main elements:

  1. The rafter system, which is the power part of the roof.
  2. Flooring, which is intended for the installation of protective elements (insulating and roofing materials).

It is worth noting that some baths are built with an attic or attic. The presence of this element is not necessary, because there are options for bathhouses with flat roofs without useful space under the roof. Whatever bathhouse is planned on the site, most likely it will have a pitched or gable roof.

Project of a wooden bathhouse with a pitched roof

In addition, there are options for roofs with four slopes, as well as more complex options with numerous kinks.

Surely those who are thinking about how to make a roof for a bathhouse with their own hands are tormented by the choice: which is better, a pitched roof for a bathhouse or a gable one. Let's figure out in what cases one or another option will be preferable.

Roof slope angle

As a rule, the angle of inclination of the slopes is in the range of 2.5 – 60 degrees. Steeper slopes contribute to better removal precipitation from the roof surface. However, you should carefully consider the choice tall structures, if construction is carried out in an area for which strong gusts of wind are the norm.

Scheme of a gable roof design for a bathhouse

For steppe areas, with characteristic strong winds and little precipitation in winter, it is preferable to build a flat roof frame bath. In the northern regions, which are characterized by large amounts of snow, a high roof with a slope angle of 45 degrees is best suited for a bathhouse. It should be noted that as the height of the roof increases, the cost of the structure being erected also increases, as well as the complexity of its installation.

Roof base

The support for a gable roof structure is the upper floor or mauerlat, fixed to the top of the building. The Mauerlat is usually mounted on brick walls and walls made of all kinds of blocks. When installing the roof for wooden baths made of profiled timber or log structure, recesses are provided in the upper crown of the structure for the installation of floor beams.

An example of a roof base for a timber bathhouse

It is worth noting that floor beams can extend beyond the boundaries of the log house, but there is a rule: a beam extending more than half a meter must be supported by a reinforcing structure or pillar.

The construction of bathhouses with a pitched roof type assumes that the roof frame will be supported on walls of different heights.

In order to secure the trusses to such a structure, it is necessary to use purlins and rafters.

Methods for installing rafters

A rafter is a link in a rafter structure that rests on a mauerlat or an upper crown, depending on what kind of bathhouse is being built: from brick and aerated concrete blocks, or from profiled timber and a log house. Bearing the load of the roof, the rafters work in compression and bending.

In order to assemble the structure with your own hands, you can purchase finished parts or make them yourself from the following material:

Installation of a roof truss will be simple if you use ready-made parts or material made from timber or boards. To fasten the elements, you can use self-tapping screws or nails.

Let's figure out what the rafters can be and what fits better Total:

Gable roof truss

A truss consists of identical rafters installed at a certain distance. The resulting structure is necessary for placing roofing material, insulation, and other types of insulating coatings (waterproofing, vapor barrier) on it. Typically the roof is made in the form of an isosceles triangle. The presence of overlays, struts, beams and other parts necessary to strengthen the roof will depend on how complex the design of the future roof will be and what the pitch of the rafters will be.

It is possible to assemble a roof truss on the ground.

It should be noted that assembling the structure directly on the ceiling is not so convenient and carries a certain danger.

The disadvantage of assembling a roof truss on the ground is the need to transport it upstairs, which will entail extra expenses in the form of renting special equipment.

Various schemes rafter structure for sauna roof

Will the choice be made towards safety or towards economy? Money It's up to everyone to decide. However, if the construction of a frame bathhouse, just like the construction of other types of bathhouses (from blocks, bricks), is done with your own hands, it is best to choose a safer option.

For ease of roof construction, it is recommended to make a template. In this case, all elements of the farm will be completely identical. The template is made as follows: two rafters are fastened at the top point, and their lower points are placed on a support and fixed with a crossbar.

After installing two roof trusses at opposite ends of the bath a level is pulled between them. At this level, other elements are installed with a certain step. It is very important to maintain the vertical installation of the rafters; for this it is best to use plumb lines.

Installation of roofing material on the rafter system

Shed roof truss

In cases where the distance between the supports of a pitched roof is less than four and a half meters, additional support posts are not used. It is recommended to place the rafters at a distance of half a meter from each other. To securely fasten the rafter trusses, a groove is cut in the Mauerlat on one side and in the timber on the other, with the expectation that the rafters fit tightly there. The rafters can extend beyond the perimeter of the building by 500 mm, thereby creating cornices.

The roof sheathing can be done using timber or boards. Depending on what type of roofing material will be used, the cross-section of the material for the sheathing and the step of its installation are selected. Soft roofing involves installing sheathing with gaps of one centimeter.

Schemes of trusses for pitched roofs for a bathhouse

If applicable sheet material, then you can save on the sheathing, because the gap between its individual parts can be up to half a meter. Installation of the sheathing should begin from the roof ridge, followed by advancement to the eaves using self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Even at the bathhouse planning stage, you need to think about what the roof will be like. Its main functions are protective, but do not forget about the aesthetic side. For the simplest structure of a bathhouse, you should not take a complex roof structure. The fewer bends and skates, the more practical the system. For a bathhouse, they usually use a gable or single-slope structure, which you can easily assemble with your own hands. If you don’t know how to install a roof for a bathhouse with your own hands, then this article will be a real help. We will tell you how to do the work quickly and correctly, introduce you to some of the subtleties and tricks of installation, and help you choose a practical design.

Roof for timber bath, gable.

Bath roof truss system assembled from timber

There are many roof structures for bathhouses, but the basis is always taken as a standard one of 2 elements: a rafter load-bearing base and a roof, which is attached to a sheathing with waterproofing. Based on functionality, roofs can be divided into: with and without attic floors. The first option is more difficult to assemble, but the bathhouse will become functional. Availability attic floor does not in any way affect the choice: single-slope or gable. Of course, you can find more complex hipped ones, but these are rarely assembled with your own hands.

Which roof is better, a shed roof or a gable roof?

When choosing a roof design, you need to take into account the following factors:

  1. Location of the building on the site. U attached baths This is usually a single-slope system.
  2. Material possibilities. A single-slope building is built mainly to save money.
  3. Features of the bathhouse layout. For a building with an attic, it is better to choose a gable one.
Scheme of a pitched roof for a bathhouse

A lean-to structure is chosen mainly for a bathhouse at the dacha, when quick assembly is needed with minimal costs. Mostly pitched roofs are made low, at a slight angle.

Scheme of a gable roof for a bathhouse.

More often you can find gable structures with a high skate. If you equip and insulate the roof, you can get additional space. It is convenient to place a recreation room or billiard room in such a room. The uninsulated one is used as an attic for storing brooms and dried herbs for the steam room.

What to consider when choosing the height of the ridge or the steepness of the slope

When choosing the height of the ridge you need to consider:

  1. Features of the climatic conditions of the region (windiness, amount of precipitation).
  2. Aesthetic aspects.
  3. Features of the construction of a bathhouse.

The roof is gable on a bathhouse made of timber with a slope of 45 degrees.

The roof inclination angle can be from 2.5 to 60 °. A flat roof can be used in a region where the average annual rainfall is low. A steep one is made when the design includes an attic or attic space. But in regions with strong winds, a ridge that is too high cannot be used. For example, in steppe regions, where the amount of precipitation in winter is minimal, a flat roof with an angle of a maximum of 10 ° is used, in the northern regions with a lot of snow - from 45–60 °.

The lower the roof, the less material and physical resources are spent on its installation.

Bath roof support system

Mauerlat made of timber with attached rafter legs.

A gable roof has a base of slopes that rest on floor beams or are connected to the mauerlat frame on top. Mauerlat is a beam that is mounted on two walls of a bathhouse. Floor beams gable roof on wooden bathhouses they are attached using special sockets, which are made in the upper crown. The nests must have a strict horizontal line where the support elements are placed.

Floor beams can protrude beyond the walls of the bathhouse. If the support beam protrudes beyond the walls by more than 1 m, then additional support is installed for it in the form of a column.

For a bathhouse with a pitched roof, the beam system is made so that the stop on both sides has different heights. Rafter trusses are secured using purlins and rafter beams.

Rafter leg system

Diagram of a truss truss: rivel, legs, base.

A rafter truss consists of rafter legs that rest on the top link of the wall or mauerlat. The rafter legs in the structure are affected by two forces at once: compression and bending. Therefore, they need to be made from wood with a diameter of at least 120 mm or timber 60x60 mm. You can make the legs of the rafter system from boards 40x150 mm or larger.

It is easier to assemble trusses from glued or edged timber with your own hands. If you don’t have such materials at hand, you can take boards and join them together with nails or self-tapping screws. You can install notches in such legs only at support points.

According to the method of fastening, rafter legs can be layered or hanging.

Hanging rafters

Design of a hanging rafter system: diagram of fastening and elements

This system consists of rafter legs that rest on top of each other. A ridge is mounted at this junction. The reference points of the hanging rafters are the outline of the roof. Hanging systems are subject to horizontal pressure, which a special tightening helps to resist. Nodal connections of hanging rafters can be strengthened with rails, but in lightweight design you don't have to do them.

To build a lightweight system from small-section timber, it is necessary to perform additional runs. They will strengthen the structure.

The rafter system of a hanging structure must be as rigid as possible, since during operation it is subject to heavy loads. The slope planes are connected by additional diagonal beams, this is especially important in windy areas of the country.

Layered rafters

Design of a layered rafter system for a bathhouse.

Sloped roof structures are often used in single-pitched types. The system does not use additional puffs; it is as simple as possible. The rafters rest on a mauerlat, which is mounted on one of the load-bearing walls. They can be fastened with knitting wire or through the Mauerlat with screws or metal pins. The pitch of the rafters of the layered system is calculated depending on total load roof and winter precipitation. In this case, you need to take into account the selected slope of the bathhouse roof.

Features of installation of a gable roof truss system

Gable roof on a bathhouse made of logs, covered with slate for shrinkage

The gable roof system of the bathhouse consists of trusses, which should be installed sequentially. They all must have same sizes and are installed in one step. The rafter system is needed for laying roofing material for hydro and thermal insulation.

The easiest way is to put together a truss system on the ground with your own hands, and then raise it with the help of machinery. The shape of the rafters should resemble an isosceles triangle. If the roof is complex, then the structure can be strengthened with additional linings and ties. To simplify the work, you can make a truss template and substitute it during the manufacture of each subsequent one.

First, you should install the two outer rafters and connect them with a reel. Regel is cross beam, which connects the farms to each other. The regel can be secured using metal screws. To do this, you need to cut it out and drill holes for fastening.

Rafter trusses must be installed strictly vertically. To do this, they are checked with a plumb line. Defects are leveled out by trimming off excess or lining that does not reach under the rafter.

A short video will help you understand the installation in more detail:

Features of installation of a pitched roof truss system

Shed roof for a bathhouse made of brick, covered with corrugated sheeting.

If the distance between load-bearing walls baths are less than 4.5 m, then there is no need to provide additional support. a mauerlat is laid on one of the walls, in which grooves are cut for the rafters. opposite wall in the upper link the same ones are cut out. Their size should correspond to the rafters so that it fits snugly against the cut. You should not use all possible sealing gaskets.

The rafters should be such a length that they extend beyond the contour of the walls by 30–50 cm. This will make it possible to mount a cornice that will protect the walls from rain. The rafters are attached to the mauerlat and top beam using iron pins or screws.

Roof sheathing

An example of different sheathing of a bathhouse roof for a soft and hard roof.

Next, for any design, the sheathing is made. Its pitch must be calculated depending on the material with which the structure will be covered. If this soft roof, for example, andulin, then the sheathing is made of wide boards, leaving a gap of 1 cm between them. For hard sheets, for example, slate or corrugated board, the sheathing is made of bars with a section of 50x50 mm. The fastening step can be from 15-50 m.

Installation of the sheathing should begin from the ridge downwards using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Along the ridge, installation of the sheathing begins with two boards, which should be attached to it. Next, the roof is waterproofed and covered with the selected material. The ridge and cornices are hemmed.

For roofs with an attic it is necessary to perform additional insulation. You can read about how to insulate the roof of a bathhouse in the following article.

If you don’t rush and do the work correctly, the roof of the bathhouse will last for more than one generation of your family. And its appearance and shape will delight you for many years.

Construction of a bathhouse is a very labor-intensive and difficult task, since it is necessary to take into account a large number of little details on which the comfort of its operation depends. Particular attention should be paid to the roof, since it not only protects from rain and snow, but it is also through the roof that the most heat escapes from the room.

The roof of a bathhouse is significantly different from the roof of a residential building.

Therefore, the question of how to make a roof on a bathhouse is one of the most pressing. This is due to the fact that in addition to the roof, it is necessary to think over and implement waterproofing of the roof and insulate it. It is important to understand that the design features of a bathhouse roof differ significantly from residential buildings. All aspects of building a bathhouse roof, as well as the problems that people encounter in the process, will be discussed further.

Types of roofs for baths

The construction of a roof must begin with its design. This is the only way to do the job efficiently and once, and not to redo it several times. And design should begin by identifying the main technical parameters, which are mainly influenced by the climatic characteristics of a particular region. There are certain factors to consider.

  1. The presence or absence of an attic or attic.
  2. The amount of precipitation that falls during winter period. This will allow you to calculate the optimal angle of inclination that the roof of the bathhouse should have.
  3. Features of the terrain of the region where the bathhouse will be built. For example, if it is a steppe, then the angle of inclination should be as small as possible to create a small level of resistance to the wind.
  4. Place for construction. If the bathhouse will be built separately standing building, then the roof structure and its installation will be more complex.

If a bathhouse, the roof of which must be ideal, is attached to a building, then it is quite possible to get by with a single-cascade roof.

Option for a bathhouse with a pitched roof

The type of roof, as well as how reliable and durable it will be, depends on all of the above factors. If the appearance of the building is also important, then it is worth thinking about multi-cascade types of roofing, however, it will be much more difficult to build them due to more complex design. In addition, their implementation will require large financial costs.

In addition, when considering the construction of a bathhouse roof, you should immediately think about whether you need an attic or an attic. If you want, for example, to organize a recreation room on the second floor, then you will need to erect a ceiling, which will give the structure greater strength and stability. If there is no second floor, then you can get by with a single-cascade roof.

Design features of a bathhouse roof

If you decide to build a bathhouse roof with your own hands, then the type of roofing does not matter at all, since each option has certain advantages. For example, two-story bathhouse has more attractive appearance, better performance characteristics, as well as in them better insulation heat, which significantly reduces the amount of utility bills.

Baths without an attic will become ideal solution for construction on summer cottage, where you spend a small amount of time, for example, a few weeks a year in summer period. They are much simpler to construct and are much cheaper.

Diagram of a gable roof for a bathhouse

As for the choice of roofing material, it all depends on the level of roof slope. If the slope does not exceed 20 degrees, then you can use metal roofing. Slate can be used at a slope of 30 degrees. For roll materials optimal inclination roof is 5 degrees. Moreover, if a second floor is not provided in the building, then, regardless of the material, the angle of inclination of the roof should be 10 degrees.

Preparatory stage

Before you start building a roof in a bathhouse with your own hands, you need to build a supporting structure, as well as make a lath on which the roof will be attached. In addition, at this stage of construction, insulation is also carried out and the roof of the bathhouse is waterproofed. However, first things first.

First of all, special ones are made in the walls seats, which are necessary to maintain a strictly horizontal position of the ceiling. After this, the ceiling is laid, it is insulated and laid waterproofing material. A bath ceiling built using this technology will retain heat much better.

When the overlap is finished, you can move on to next stage, namely the construction of the truss structure. Its main elements are load-bearing beams, between which during installation it is necessary to leave one meter. They are secured to each other using boards standard technology. Further, building a bathhouse roof with your own hands involves erecting a sheathing. For its installation it is used wooden beam size 50x50 mm.

The roof performs several functions at once. First of all, it protects the building from precipitation, and also decorates the house. As for the bathhouse, the simplest options that you can build with your own hands are often used. But for this it is necessary to strictly observe building regulations.

Types of roofs for baths

The simplest design of a sauna roof includes two main elements: a rafter system and a roofing covering, for the installation of which it is necessary to make a sheathing and lay a waterproofing layer. In some cases, the presence of an attic is allowed, but for this it is necessary to install a gable roof, which is not always advisable for a bathhouse.

A gable roof allows you to equip an attic space

Shed roof

More often pitched roof can be found near the baths, which are part of another building. The angle of inclination of such roofs can vary from 5 to 45 degrees. The value depends on many factors, such as the type of roofing material and weather. The flat roof structure consists of:

  • rafter system;
  • sheathing;
  • insulation;
  • external cladding of gables;
  • roofing.

The shed roof has the simplest design and is used in cases where the main priority is speed and low cost of work.

Depending on the building, they can be used different types rafter systems:

  1. Sliding system. Suitable for log baths as it can withstand structural shrinkage of up to 15%. The peculiarity of this design is that the rafter legs on the upper wall are fixed to the Mauerlat, and on the lower wall - to special devices.
  2. Layered system. Suitable for buildings with slight shrinkage. It is characterized by the support of the rafters on the floor beams, while the upper ends necessarily rest on high wall. To increase rigidity, struts and racks are used.
  3. Hanging structure. It is rarely used for a pitched roof, since the height of all walls must be the same, and the system itself consists of trusses. These trusses must be assembled on the ground and only then installed on the roof of the house.
Depending on the span length, the rafter system uses different kinds stops and struts

Shed roofs can have a non-ventilated structure, which is mounted with a slope of no more than 5 degrees and is carefully insulated, and a ventilated roof with a slope of up to 45 degrees, which has free space under the roof covering.

Advantages of a pitched roof:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • light roof weight;
  • high stability to precipitation, but only if the slope is correct;
  • big choice roofing materials.

It also has disadvantages:

  • there is no possibility to equip the attic;
  • You need to remove the snow on time.

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a complete drawing of the roof, in particular, to correctly determine the angle of inclination and length of the slope. The angle of inclination depends primarily on the type of roofing material and the level of snow load in the construction region.

The angle of the roof depends on the selected roofing material

Required materials and tools

To work you need to prepare:

  • edged board 40–60 mm for beams and rafters;
  • lathing board;
  • board for filing the ceiling;
  • waterproofing film;
  • roofing;
  • insulation;
  • antiseptic.

You must also ensure that you have:

  • knife;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • stapler.

Installation of a pitched roof

The installation process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Artificially increase the projection of one of the walls, guided by the drawn up project.
  2. Make rafters. Those that will later rest on beams are impregnated with a waterproofing compound and wrapped in roofing material. Insert them into the grooves. Secure with special staples or pins. Tighten the rafters on the upper mauerlat with plates. If the roof length exceeds 4 m, additional struts or supports must be installed.

    The rafters on the Mauerlat must be secured using metal plates, having previously made a corresponding cutout in them

  3. Finish the gables. For this purpose, boards or special facade material. It is necessary to make a ventilation window on one of the gables. Place the waterproofing film on the rafters so that it is not stretched, but sag slightly between the rafters. Lay a sheathing of boards on top of the film in increments of 20–50 cm. Roofing material is spread over the sheathing and secured with self-tapping screws. The material is installed with an overlap.

    Typically, the gables of the bathhouse are sheathed with the same material as the walls.

  4. The work must be completed by installing the cornice strips, while ensuring that there is a ventilation gap. If the chimney in the bathhouse will pass through the roof, it is recommended to carefully treat the junction of the roof and the chimney pipe. Remember that the distance from it to any wooden structures should be more than 20 cm.

    The junction of the chimney with the roofing must be protected from moisture penetration

  5. Flat roof the inside needs to be insulated. Thermal insulation material 10 cm thick is laid between the rafters. If you plan to equip an attic, you need to insulate the ceiling of the bathhouse, which requires laying a subfloor and covering it waterproofing film. The insulation is installed between ceiling beams. Additionally, vapor barrier protection is required.

    The roof is insulated with sheets of mineral wool, which are placed in the spaces between the rafters

Not every insulation is suitable for a bath. High quality material it should be:

  • moisture resistant, thanks to which it will be long time maintain its properties;
  • With low level conductivity;
  • safe;
  • self-extinguishing;
  • well adjacent to the surface;
  • resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • For a bath you can use fiberglass, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam, basalt wool. Some masters use natural materials, such as straw or seaweed.

    The most popular insulation for the roof of the bathhouse is mineral wool

    Video: building a pitched roof quickly and at no cost

    Baths with sloping roofs

    Construction sloping roof above the bathhouse involves arranging an attic space for various purposes. The sloping roof system is characterized by the presence of a large number of joints. Although it is beautiful, it will be very expensive.

    Under a sloping roof, you can arrange a full-fledged living space, in which you can equip, for example, a recreation room or a games room

    Features of the rafter system for sloping roofs:

    The angle of inclination of the roof slopes must exceed 15 degrees. This is necessary for effective removal of precipitation. To install the rafter system, it is recommended to use boards or timber from coniferous species wood, only they are able to withstand significant temperature fluctuations and not deteriorate from constant exposure to moisture.

    The main components of the rafter system must be tightened with brackets or metal plates

    Construction of a sloping roof

    Installation work The construction of a sloping roof should proceed in the following order:

    Now you can insulate the attic and start finishing the interior. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam or penoizol are suitable for insulation. To cover the roof you can use:

    • ondulin - it is able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
    • slate is the most cheap material;
    • metal tiles

    To create a comfortable atmosphere in attic room It is recommended to use a special roofing pie. This way you can create optimal humidity.

    If you want to equip a year-round living space in the attic, you must fully comply with the technology of laying the roofing pie with all recommended ventilation gaps

    Video: attic devices in the bathhouse

    Gable roof for a bathhouse

    Most often mounted gable roof, which allows you to equip a room, for example, for storing bath accessories. This design allows you to quickly remove precipitation from the roof. The most simple system rafters - hanging, which involves supporting the rafter legs on only two points. Rafter legs fixed at the top ridge beam.

    A gable roof is one of the most popular solutions for a bathhouse, since it is easy to erect and allows you to get an additional attic space

    Construction of a gable roof

    It is necessary to draw up a project in advance and calculate the basic parameters, in particular, determine the angle of inclination. The installation process itself consists of several steps:

    Video: gable roof rafter system


    There are two types of T-roofs:

    1. The width of the gables is the same, while the ridge is located at the same level, and the angle of inclination of the slopes is the same.
    2. The angle of inclination and width of the slopes changes, which leads to the location of the skates at different heights.

    Before installation, you must draw a plan of the walls. This will allow you to determine the roof parameters. On the project, you need to retreat 50 cm from the extreme line of each of the four walls and draw the perimeter of the roof, taking into account the overhangs. It is also necessary to mark the locations of the roof ridges. After this, determine the location of the valley, for which a straight line connects the angle of closure of the two roofs: the main and additional. In these places it is necessary to install layered rafters.

    The T-shaped roof is well suited for bathhouses because it allows you to arrange a dressing room

    The process of installing a T-shaped roof takes place in several stages:

    Chalet roof

    The peculiarity of this style is the strong overhang of the overhangs over the walls. This allows you to completely protect the bathhouse from the sun and precipitation. In some cases, the extension of the roof beyond the wall reaches 3 m. This design saves the bathhouse from dampness. In addition, additional usable space.

    The roof of the chalet has long overhangs that protect it from dampness and precipitation

    In winter, such a roof can hold a large amount of snow, which provides the room with additional thermal insulation. It is recommended to further strengthen the roof overhangs with supports.

    When calculating the roof, be sure to take into account:

    • weather features;
    • amount of precipitation;
    • roof covering used.

    For the roof of a chalet you can use very original roofing materials:

    Chalet roof requires internal insulation, and between the insulation and the roof you need air gap. Installation of a vapor barrier layer is also required.

    The chalet roof structure can be assembled independently. It includes rafters and roof beams that extend several meters beyond the walls. The main thing in this process is to correctly install the nodes, and fix the rafters to the ridge with brackets and overlays only.

    You can increase the service life of your roof if you cover all joints. special composition, and extend the rafters and tie-rods beyond the walls at least 1.5 m. After completing this stage, it is necessary to lay a lattice bar.

    Unusual roofs for baths

    It is allowed to combine a bathhouse with other buildings. For example, a profitable option is a bathhouse with a garage. This allows you to reduce construction and heating costs. When drawing up a project, the following must be taken into account:

    • the level of waterproofing in both rooms must be sufficient;
    • you need to choose a roof so that removing snow and ice is not difficult; it is best if it is a gable roof;
    • the roof on the garage side requires an additional waterproofing layer, this also applies to the adjacent wall.

    The roof of the garage adjacent to the bathhouse must be well insulated and waterproofed

    The bathhouse can also be adjacent to the house. This also has its advantage - you won’t need to make a long walk down the street to return home from the bathhouse. There are several ways to place a bath:

    • on ground floor;
    • in the annex;
    • in an adjoining room with a bathroom and toilet.

    The roof of the bathhouse extension does not need to be connected to the main roof of the house

    A separate roof for such a bathhouse is required only if it is located in an extension. Remember that with this arrangement, two pipes will exit onto the roof of the building at the same time, which means there will be two holes on the roof. Therefore, it is very important to think ventilation system baths, in particular, make a ventilated roof.

    The bathhouse combined with a gazebo looks very original. As a rule, such a building common roof. Usually it is made gable.

    When combining a bathhouse with a gazebo, you get good savings building materials

    Remember that no matter what kind of roof your bathhouse has, you must provide access to it. This will allow for periodic inspection of the rafter system and roofing, thanks to which leaks and roof deformations can be detected in time, and therefore eliminated in time.


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