Do-it-yourself patch repair of a soft roof. Do-it-yourself soft roof repair

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Soft type roofing is widely in demand due to its convenience, practicality, ease of installation and low cost. This coating is quite resistant to aggressive environmental influences, but does not have outstanding durability. Therefore the repair soft roof, the technology of which may be different, has to be carried out every few seasons.

How to determine the need for repair work

The waterproofing properties of a soft roof are ensured by the layer of bitumen with which it is covered. If, over time, under the influence external factors If there is a violation of its integrity, then this is a clear sign of the need for repair, the technology of which may differ depending on the criticality of the damage.

Advice! The soft roof should not be brought to a state where it is no longer able to contain moisture from entering the room. It is best to carry out a preventive examination at least once every two years.

You need to pay attention to the following signs indicating that it is time for repairs:

  • Delamination of soft roofing in places where the panels overlap and connect;
  • Visible pits and depressions in which water can be retained;
  • Moss or fungus in places where water stagnates after precipitation;
  • Blisters on the surface, indicating moisture penetration under the roofing;
  • Noticeable mechanical damage, cracks, tears.

Types of repair work

Depending on the condition of the coating, how worn it is, and what damage it has, restoration measures are divided into two types:

  • Preventive (current) repair of soft roofing. It is used, according to technology, for minor damage to the canvas that does not provoke a global violation of the roof’s tightness. Characteristic signs the need for such repairs - local peeling, microcracks and small tears, which can be easily eliminated without dismantling everything soft covering. Moreover, such defects should occupy less than 40 percent of the total area roofs;
  • Major repairs of soft roofing. The need for large-scale repairs and the use of more complex technologies is evidenced by the presence of multiple damage in the form of swelling, deep cracks, severe peeling, leaks, and ruptures. Moreover, they should affect over 40 percent of the entire soft roof area.

Current repairs of soft roofs

If during the inspection no critical damage was identified indicating the impossibility of further use of the old roofing covering, then work is usually carried out to eliminate existing defects and restore the integrity of the sheet. This is the so-called current repair of a soft roof, the technology of which allows you to quickly restore all affected areas of the roof. In this case, as a rule, the swollen areas are cut off, water inlets and eaves overhangs are replaced, a layer of primer is applied and, where necessary, new rolled material is fused.

The repair technology provides for the following work algorithm:

  1. The roof surface is thoroughly cleaned of accumulated debris, moss and any foreign objects;
  2. The roof covering is checked for rotten areas. If the latter are detected, they are removed. In this case, several centimeters of undamaged coating are also captured;
  3. The swollen areas are cut off, capturing a small amount of intact material;
  4. The areas where the roofing was removed are cleaned of dust and dirt, primed and filled with cement-based mortar;
  5. After drying, patches are applied to these areas, which are generously watered with bitumen mastic on top. In this case, the territory of the entire coverage is certainly captured;
  6. Finally, a new one is fused roofing material.

Attention! Old technology less labor-intensive, however, it has one significant drawback - an increase in the weight of the roof. Therefore, it should be used only after calculating all the risks and a comprehensive assessment of the strength of the floor structures. This technology is used primarily to reduce repair costs. By ignoring the operation to remove the old coating, it is possible to reduce the budget by about 30 percent.

Major repairs of soft roofing

If the old coating is not suitable for further use due to critical damage, it is replaced with a new one. Major repairs of a soft roof, the technology of which is more labor-intensive than the current one, provides for the following procedure:

  1. The damaged covering is dismantled. This is a rather labor-intensive procedure that is very difficult to perform manually. It is convenient to use a special machine for this, which cuts the canvas and immediately rolls it into a roll. If this is not available, the technology makes work easier by using an ax with a long metal ax;
  2. After cleaning the surface from worn-out roofing material, the condition of the base is assessed. If there are cracks, dents, potholes and other defects, it is carried out partial renovation or complete replacement roof screed. If thermal and waterproofing layers are present, then at this stage the technology also involves their thorough inspection and, if necessary, repair. To increase the service life of the insulation, it is recommended to cover it afterwards plastic film or a membrane with a vapor barrier function;
  3. The surface is primed with bitumen mastic, which protects the steam and heat insulation layers, as well as concrete screed from getting wet, and promoting higher adhesion of the base to the soft roofing material;
  4. A new sheet is laid starting from the lower edge of the roof. The material sections are installed one at a time, overlapping each other by no more than 15 centimeters. In this case, the angle of inclination of the roof should be taken into account: the smaller it is, the greater the overlap should be, since with a more sloping slope the water drains quickly, and with a flat slope it is retained, which increases the risk of moisture seeping inside;
  5. When the laying of all parts of the roofing material is completed, all seams between them, according to technology, are well coated with bitumen mastic;
  6. If necessary, after the bitumen has dried, the technology allows the installation of a second layer of coating. It is important to lay the sheets in such a way that the joints are located as far as possible from the joints on the bottom sheet;
  7. If the repair involves materials such as roofing felt or roofing felt, then it is advisable to additionally apply protective layer, using the same bitumen mastic. Finally, it should be sprinkled with crushed granite crumbs and compacted with a roller. New generation materials already contain shale powder, so additional protection they don't need it. The advantage of using the latter is also that there is no need to use mastic to coat the seams: small overlaps of cuts are efficiently and reliably fused to each other;
  8. The final stage, carried out after the completion of repair work, is the identification of places where water accumulates, which will be the most vulnerable in the future. The technology involves carrying out such a check after the first rain, although you can water the roof yourself. If such places are identified, they should be thoroughly dried, and then an additional layer of material should be applied to them. If necessary, you can also pour them generously with bitumen mastic, which will serve reliable protection leak-proof coatings.

There is another technology for repairing soft roofs, which is not so popular today, however, in the old days it was used very actively. Its essence is that a new layer is simply fused on top of the old coating. To do this, all contaminants are carefully removed from the surface being used, after which it is well warmed up with a heating pad and coated with bitumen mastic. At the final stage of repair, a new layer of roofing material is fused.

Our article is devoted to the description of such an issue as the overhaul of soft roofs and its technology. This topic is of great interest among people who want to carry out roof repairs on their own, so here we will touch on the topic of types of repairs and the features of its implementation.

There are several ways to repair a soft roof, and they all depend on the amount of roof damage and their level of complexity.

There are two types of repairs:

  1. Current. This is when roofing problems account for less than 40% of the overall size roofs.
  2. Capital. When the total percentage of errors from the roof area is more than 40%.

This may seem strange, but the main reason for leaking roofs consisting of soft roll material– destruction of the bitumen layer. It is he who provides protection for of this material using its waterproofing properties.

Experienced experts advise checking the roof every two to three years for various cracks and swellings, and not waiting (as many do!) for moisture to seep into the room. If you adhere to this rule, then you will not have to make major repairs to your soft roof for a long time. By checking and detecting problems in time, you can limit yourself to ordinary “micro repairs” and in this way save both time and waste.

As for the process of repairing soft roofs, it is not so difficult to perform. Of course, if there is a need to repair the roof of the house yourself, then the technology for repairing a soft roof will be somewhat more complicated and will require more of your time and effort than repairing the roof of, for example, a garage.

And a few words about the material: roll roofing coverings are considered the easiest to install (especially with your own hands), since they do not require special skills and equipment for installation.

Roofing materials and their design

We have found that soft roof repair begins with determining the extent of damage to the roof. To do this you need to do simple thing- go up to the roof and carefully inspect the entire covering.

Having done this, you may find the following problems:

  1. Delaminations located at the junctions of material sheets, as well as in overlaps.
  2. Various holes and depressions that hold water.
  3. Rotting of material in places where water accumulates.
  4. Moss and fungus (in the same water areas).
  5. Penetration of moisture. You will know about this if you find swelling on the surface of the roof covering.
  6. Visible mechanical problems: tears, cracks, abrasions.

So, the inspection has been completed. Now we draw conclusions and decide what type of repair the roof of the house needs.

Next we move on to next stage- drawing up estimates. An estimate for repairing a soft roof does not have to be drawn up by specialists. You can do this yourself, but only if you are completely confident in the correctness of your roof repair decisions.

What does the estimate include?

We will provide a list of works, which are compiled by soft roof repair specialists and which need to be completed first:

  1. Completely or partially remove the old roof.
  2. Prepare the surface for installation of the roof covering.
  3. Carry out the work of installing the top layer and sealing the roof seams.
  4. Consider the cost of the top waterproofing layer.
  5. Prepare flammable materials for the burner.
  6. Take account Consumables for repairs and their delivery.

If you decide to do the repairs yourself, then the estimate for repairing a soft roof may only include the price and delivery of the material that you plan to use.

If you are in doubt about whether to do the repairs yourself or hire workers, there is a third option - contact a roof repair company.

How much will the repair cost?

This question occupies those who want to repair a soft roof with their own hands no less than The right way repair of the roof itself. The information provided will help you find out approximately how much you will need to spend on soft roof repairs.

The first is drawing up a roof plan with its exact dimensions. This is necessary in order to calculate the amount of material required.

The second is to clarify the parameters (length, thickness, height) of parapets and connections to walls, as well as the length of eaves overhangs.

If there are shafts on the roof, then you need to find out their number and their sizes. The same actions apply to pipes and other various elements, if they are present on the roof.

Another point is to find out the condition of the roof and it is advisable to take photographs.

To calculate the funds spent on repairs, you also need to make an approximate list of the work required to carry out the repairs.

And lastly, part of the costs depends on what kind of material you will use for repairs.

Stages of major repairs

To repair a soft roof with your own hands, experienced craftsmen advise you to learn a few immutable rules that many self-taught craftsmen do not follow and, as a result, regret it. But it is by no means always their fault. The fact is that most of the rules according to SNiP, which are observed when repairing roofs, were developed in Soviet time. But, as you may have guessed, a lot has changed since that time - new materials have appeared, modern technologies have been developed.

And therefore, we hasten to assure you that if you have knowledge and confidence in what you are doing, these rules will not be of any use to you. And if the repair is carried out by specialists, then it will be done efficiently and quickly without looking at the SNiP “cheat sheet”.

So, repairs, just like the installation of a soft roof from scratch, must begin with preparing the base, since the material will be laid on it.

Current repairs have several options. It is possible to perform partial replacement (patches) and repairs “the old way”, when one or a couple of layers of new material are laid on the old cover.

If you use patches, you need to remove all defects in the places where they are laid. Afterwards, the surface is cleaned of dust and debris and filled with sealant or bitumen mastic.

Remember: the dimensions of the material must be larger than the dimensions of the surface being repaired.

The edges must be coated well with bitumen mastic.

It's worth saying that this method does not give a very high quality result. But “old-fashioned” renovations are much more often in demand among developers.

Repairing a soft roof, the technology of which involves laying the material according to the old method, is simpler - without removing the old cover.

Here you need to remember that the presence of two more layers will increase the load on the roof, so first you need to find out whether the floor and wall supports are capable of bearing such weight!

Example: the average weight of modern materials is 4-5 kg/m2; with a roof area of ​​1000 m2, the load on it will increase by 5 tons.

Soft roof: repair

First, the roof is cleared of debris, dirt, etc. A new layer is covered in the usual way. But remember that it is better not to use this method if the old cover is severely damaged or if there are already more than eight layers of material on the roof.

Major repairs of a soft roof include the following processes:

  1. Replacement of roofing material.
  2. Repair of parapets, foundations (screeds).
  3. Replacement of eaves overhangs.
  4. Replacement of abutment aprons and fencing.
  5. Repair and inspection of drains and water intakes.

And if the roof of the house is too neglected, then you will not limit yourself to just repairs. It will have to be built practically from scratch, which will one way or another affect the cost of the work.

Here's what a major overhaul looks like:

  1. Removing (removing) the old coating.
  2. Foundation repair.
  3. Laying waterproofing.
  4. Performing a screed.
  5. Laying material intended for roofing.
  6. Laying a protective layer.

Here is a list of things that will be needed to complete this work:

  1. Gas-burner.
  2. Roofing material.
  3. Bitumen mastic or sealant.
  4. Knife (to cut roofing felt).
  5. Broom (to clean the surface).
  6. Cement (for screed).
  7. Insulation.
  8. Overalls.

Do not confuse a gas burner with a blowtorch! According to professionals, using to heat the material blowtorch, You will spend significantly more time than if you use a torch.

Now let's look at the overhaul of a soft roof in more detail.

To complete the first stage - removing the old coating - you can use special equipment that removes and immediately rolls the coating into a roll.

Another option is an ax, where the wooden handle is replaced with a metal one. Moreover, its length is determined by the height of a particular person.

After cleaning the surface, you need to check the base for dents, cracks, etc. If they are absent, there is no need to fill the screed.

In some cases, the screed is preceded by a thermal insulation layer, for example, polystyrene foam or gravel.

When the cement has hardened, we begin laying the roofing material. Despite the differences in the composition of soft roofing, it is better to use fiberglass materials. Unlike cardboard coverings, fiberglass-based materials are more durable and have high technical qualities.

Begin installation from the bottom edge of the roof. Each subsequent row is laid with an overlap - from 10 cm. The amount of overlap will depend on the angle of the roof slope.

Then the seams must be treated with bitumen mastic. After waiting for some time, you can proceed to the next layer. It is laid in such a way that the seam of the previous layer of coating does not coincide with the seam of the next one.

Roofing felt, glassine and roofing paper also require the installation of a protective cover, which is made from bitumen mastic. Afterwards it is sprinkled with stone chips and rolled with a roller.

It is better, of course, to resort to new generation materials that are already coated with a protective coating and make it possible to avoid caulking the seams between the rows. Thus, less material is wasted.

This, in principle, is the whole technology for repairing a soft roof - as you can see, it’s not difficult. Two people can easily carry out this work, and the choice of coating material is entirely up to you.

And one more thing - remember that inspecting the roof cover (at least once every three years) and removing minor errors will save you from problems such as complete covering of the roof, roof leakage during the rainy season, as well as such undesirable circumstances as urgent repairs soft roof in winter. Good luck to you!

Our article describes soft roof repair technology + video. We touched on the most frequently asked questions on this topic. Describe the types of repairs and how they are performed.

There are several answers to the question of how to repair a soft roof. Everything will depend on the extent of the damage and its complexity.

Repairs are usually divided into two types:

  1. Current – ​​damage to the roof covering is less than 40% of the total roof area.
  2. Major – damage amounts to more than 40% of the roof area.

No matter how strange it may sound, the main reason for leakage of roofs made of soft rolled materials is the destruction of the bitumen layer, which provides the waterproofing properties of this material.

Repairing a soft garage roof with your own hands is not difficult, since this building has small dimensions. But on other buildings this work will not take much time and effort, especially if we are talking about current repairs.

In general, roll roof coverings are considered the easiest to install. Installing them does not require any special equipment or skill.

As mentioned above, before starting work, you should determine the extent of damage. How it's done? We need to go up to the roof and examine the covering. What to look for?

  • In places where panels overlap and join, there may be visible peeling;
  • There may be visible depressions and pits on the roof surface that can retain water;
  • In places where water stagnates, it should be examined for decay of the material, the appearance of moss or fungus;
  • Blisters on the surface of the roofing indicate that moisture has penetrated in this place;
  • Availability of visible mechanical damage, abrasions, cracks, tears.

After inspecting the roof, you can draw conclusions about what type of repairs will be needed. Based on this, an estimate for a soft roof is drawn up. What does it include?

Advice! To draw up an estimate, it is not necessary to call a specialist; you can do it yourself. But if you are not confident in your abilities, then of course you should contact the appropriate companies.

If the repair work will be carried out by a team of specialists, then first of all they will indicate a list of works, namely:

  • Full or partial withdrawal old roof.
  • Preparing the surface for subsequent installation of roofing.
  • Installation of the top layer of the roof and sealing the seams.
  • Waterproofing top layer.
  • Combustible materials for the burner.
  • Consumables and their delivery.

If you decide to carry out the repair yourself, then the estimate will only include the cost of the material used and its delivery.

Those who have not yet decided whether to do it themselves or hire workers can contact a company that repairs roofs. By providing them with the following information, you can find out approximately how much the repair will cost.

  1. Roof plan with all dimensions to calculate the amount of material.
  2. Lengths of eaves overhangs, junctions with walls and parapets, thickness and height of the latter.
  3. The presence of shafts on the roof, their number and size.
  4. The presence of pipes and other elements on the roof, their sizes and quantities.
  5. The condition of the roof, it is advisable to take photographs.
  6. Approximate list of repair work.
  7. What roofing material will be used.

SNiP rules

Work should be carried out in accordance with:

  • SNiP soft roofing 03/12/2001.
  • SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization”;
  • SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”;
  • SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”;
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction” part 1. General requirements;
  • SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction” part 2. Construction production;
  • POT R M-012-2000 “Inter-industry rules for labor protection when working at height”;
  • SNiP repair of soft roofing 11-26-76 (1979).

Although many of those who carry out repairs roofing coverings, they are not always followed. This is due to the fact that most of the rules listed above were developed back in Soviet times. Much has changed since then, including materials and technology.

Please note: ignorance of these rules does not in any way affect the quality of work. If the workers know their job well, roof repairs will be completed quickly and reliably.

Repair and installation of a soft roof should begin with preparing the base on which the material will be laid.

If we talk about current repairs, there are several options. Partial replacement (patches) and repairs can be carried out as before (1-2 layers of new material are laid on the old cover).

If patches are installed, all defects in the places where they are laid are removed (cut out or pierced). Then the surface is cleaned of debris and dust and filled with bitumen mastic or sealant.

A piece of roofing felt or other rolled material is placed on top. It must be larger in size than the surface being repaired.

The edges are carefully coated with bitumen mastic. But this method usually does not give results. Therefore, many people use the following method of routine repairs - “the old way.”

Soft roofing for garages and more can be installed during routine repairs without removing the old cover. With this method, it is worth considering that fusing two more layers will increase the load on the roof.

So it’s worth starting by finding out how much weight the walls and floor supports can withstand.

For example, the following calculation can be given: on average modern materials have a mass of 4-5 kg/m2, if the roof area is 1000 m2, the load on the roof will increase by another 5 tons. And so, instead of the base, they use the old roofing cover.

It is pre-cleaned of debris and dirt. Installation of the new layer is carried out in the usual way. This method cannot be used if the previous covering is severely damaged or there are already more than 8 layers of old material on the roof.

Typically, the process of major repairs involves a complete replacement of the roofing material, partial repair of the base (screed) and parapets, replacement of eaves overhangs, aprons, fencing, inspection and repair of water inlets and drains.

But sometimes roofs are in such disrepair that they have to not only be repaired, but practically built from scratch. Naturally, this affects the cost of work.

Major repairs of soft roofing are carried out in the following order:

  1. Removing the old cover.
  2. Foundation repair.
  3. Laying a waterproofing layer.
  4. Installation of insulation (if necessary).
  5. A screed is being made.
  6. Roofing material is spreading.
  7. A protective layer is laid.

To carry out the work you will need a gas burner, roofing material, a knife for cutting roofing felt, sealant or bitumen mastic, a broom for cleaning the surface, cement for screed, insulation, and special clothing.

Major repairs of a soft roof begin with the removal of the old covering.

For this process, such as, you can use special equipment (the machine removes the coating and immediately rolls it into a roll) or an ax (for convenience, the wooden handle is replaced with metal pipe, its length is selected individually, according to the person’s height).

If there are no large dents or cracks, but only minor damage, then the screed does not need to be filled. Sometimes the screed is preceded by a layer of insulation. This could be polystyrene foam, a layer of gravel or other thermal insulation.

In the first hours after laying the cement layer, the surface is primed with bitumen, which covers the screed with a thin film and prevents the evaporation of moisture from it.

After the cement has hardened, you can begin laying the roofing material. The composition of soft roofing varies, but it is better to use fiberglass-based materials.

They have more long term operation and higher specifications, in contrast to coatings based on cardboard.

Laying begins from the bottom edge of the roof, gradually rising upward. Each subsequent row is overlapped (from 10 cm). The greater the angle of the roof slope, the greater the amount of overlap.

For roofing felt, glassine and roofing felt, a protective cover made of bitumen is installed. It is then sprinkled with stone chips and rolled with a roller.

Advice! When using the latest generation materials, the seams between the rows are not coated and they are already covered with a protective coating on top. Consequently, less material is wasted.

As you can see, the technology for repairing a soft roof is not very complicated. Two people are enough to complete the work. The choice of materials is entirely up to you.

But I would like to remind you, do not forget to inspect the roofing at least once every three years. After all, correcting minor flaws is much easier and cheaper than covering the roof completely.

When a roof covered with soft roofing materials begins to leak, there is an urgent need for rehabilitation. Sometimes you can get by with patch restoration, which boils down to gluing joints or patching up cracks. And sometimes only labor-intensive and thorough will help.

Before repairs, it is necessary to carefully examine the roof and determine in which places repairs need to be made. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the following defects:

  • small cracks, peeling in places where panels are glued;
  • depressions and pits in which moisture accumulates;
  • dampness, rotting of the coating, growth of the roof with fungus or moss;
  • swelling of the coating occurs after moisture penetrates inside;
  • large abrasions and tears from mechanical impact.

After a thorough inspection of the roof, you can determine whether major or minor repairs need to be carried out.

What materials should I use?

The modern market offers a huge range of roofing roll materials. The most common:

  • weldable glass elastomer;
  • bikrost;
  • membranes;
  • bitumen;
  • roofing felt

Methods for minor repairs to soft roofs

Current repairs are carried out when there are small cracks, loose joints, abrasions and tears on the roof. Usually a patch method is used to repair the coating. Cracks, abrasions and tears are removed as follows:

  • the damaged area is filled with bitumen;
  • roofing felt or other material, pre-cut to the size of the damaged coating, is glued on top of the mastic;
  • The patch is secured with a layer of bitumen mastic, evenly distributed with a roller over the roof surface.

Broken joints are eliminated in the following sequence:

  • lift and dry the peelable surface of the material using a gas burner;
  • apply bitumen mastic with a roller;
  • lower the dried material;
  • re-treat the joint with bitumen.

Major renovation

Repairs to sheet roofing should be carried out after a thorough inspection. If there are multiple areas on the roof where water collects, there are deep scratches, chipped roll coating. Tools you may need when fixing your roof:

  • gas burner for heating panels;
  • sheets of roofing felt material;
  • knife for removing defective areas;
  • sealant and waterproofing bitumen mastic;
  • broom for cleaning;
  • insulation if necessary;
  • reinforcing mesh and cement for screed.

Advice! It is recommended to use a gas burner as heating equipment, as it will allow the soft bitumen sheet to heat up faster. This greatly simplifies the installation of the coating.

is carried out in several stages:

  1. Removal of the defective coating layer.
  2. Cleaning from debris, dirt and water.
  3. Repair of ceiling and roof base.
  4. Laying the base.
  5. Installation of insulation is carried out if necessary.
  6. Cement screed primed with bitumen.
  7. Laying soft covering.
  8. Application of special protection from bitumen mastic.

  1. Dismantling of old roofing material is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the base of the roof.
  2. And ventilation pipes, protruding onto the roof surface, are treated with a single roll of bitumen coating, and not in pieces, in order to avoid water leakage at the joints.
  3. Additional protection from moisture in protruding areas will be provided by non-woven lavsan-viscose materials impregnated with bitumen mastic.
  4. When servicing the roof winter time years, it is recommended to remove snow using a wooden shovel so as not to damage the surface flexible roofing. It is recommended to leave a small layer of snow – up to 5 cm.

Fused roofing - device and installation methods

Repair of a built-up roof is carried out using polymer-bitumen roll coverings And gas burners. Roofs covered with fused materials are practical and affordable. They are monolithic waterproofing panels. The construction of a built-up roof includes the following advantages:

  • lightweight material, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and deformation;
  • simple installation without the use of special equipment;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • high waterproofing and noise insulation properties;
  • has an elastic flexible structure;
  • environmentally friendly and durable.

Modern overlay coating roll roofing made from polyester, fiberglass, fiberglass and bitumen modifiers.

Repair of soft roofing using fused materials

Features of membrane coatings

Repair work to restore flexible roofing is carried out extremely rarely. After all guarantee period Membrane roofing service life is 35 years. The biggest advantage This material is resistant to sudden temperature changes. The roofing membrane is a polymer that consists of fiberglass, a plasticizer and modified bitumen.

Membrane roof installation

Today, the following methods for producing flexible membranes are used:

  1. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride reinforced with polyester mesh. Installation of this material is carried out by welding individual panels into a single coating using hot air.

Important!Advantages: UV resistance, fire resistance.Disadvantages: the color fades, the material is not resistant to oils, solvents and bitumen components.

  1. Glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic olefins. The plates are not elastic, so they are inconvenient to install. During installation, the panels are welded into a single coating. This is the most durable material with a service life of 60 years.
  2. Synthetic rubber reinforced with polyester mesh. Very elastic material. The installation of the canvas is done using glue. Over time, joints can peel off and allow water to pass through. Cheaper than analogues.

Installation methods and installation of membrane roofing

Repair of membrane roofing is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Mechanical – for roofs with a slope angle of more than 10 degrees. Installation is carried out using fastening equipment.
  • Ballast - for roofs with a slope of less than 10 degrees.
  • Adhesive installation is used on the roofs of buildings with high wind loads.

Repair of seams is carried out by welding; however, welding old and new material without special equipment is quite problematic. Therefore, during repairs it is recommended to use chemical method membrane connections. This method of joining fabrics allows you to produce renovation work in any season.

Repair methods and installation of bitumen roofing

Repair bitumen roofing is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Roof preparation. Cleaning of old coating, dirt and debris. Repair of minor defects: peeled, swollen and wrinkled areas are cut out and filled with mastic.
  2. Cleaning and drying the roof surface is done using a stiff brush. Surfaces are thoroughly degreased using special means cleaning.
  3. Using polymer fabric or polypropylene tape and a base layer of mastic, it is necessary to strengthen the areas freed from the coating.
  4. After strengthening all repaired areas with flexible reinforcing fabric, it is necessary to apply finishing layer bitumen mastic.

Installation methods and construction of roofing felt roofing

Roofing felt roofing repairs are carried out seasonally. This material is most often used in the construction of buildings and structures with flat roofs, requiring constant inspection by technical personnel, which leads to additional wear. Roof felt roofing is repaired in spring or summer. In winter, it is impossible to replace the roll material. Major repairs are carried out in the spring, since after the winter season all damage and leaks are noticeable. Specialists carefully inspect it, find places of damage, carefully clean the surface of the old coating and begin installing new roll material.

Methods, design and roof covering with bicrost

Bikrost consists of fiberglass, on top and bottom of which a bitumen composition is applied. Bicrost is good for protecting the roof from moisture. Bicrost also allows you to replace another roofing felt coating during repairs. The roof is covered with bicrost from the bottom up. It is often used as waterproofing material under bitumen or membrane roofing. Just like bitumen sheeting, roof covering with bicrost occurs in several stages. The service life of this material is 5 years.


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