Modeling. Plasticine cockerel step by step with photo

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It is not for nothing that modeling is considered one of the most interesting and useful for fine motor skills classes. Using plasticine polymer clay or test, you and your child can create a whole world of your own images, besides, with plasticine or clay toys and figures it’s very cool to stage performances based on famous fairy tales or come up with your own stories, but first you need to stock up on characters.

The hero of many cartoons and fairy tales is the Golden Comb Cockerel. Your child will surely love this bright and beautiful image, so prepare everything you need and start sculpting.

What might you need?

It is easy to make a rooster from both plasticine and polymer clay or dough - the technique for making the toy is almost the same. You can first figure out with your child what the future rooster should look like or find a beautiful picture of a rooster. You can also use special diagrams or watch a video master class that shows you step by step and in detail how to make a figurine.

If you have chosen plasticine as the material for work, then prepare several bright colors: yellow, red, brown, for the tail feathers you can use green, blue, and purple, and for the eyes - black and white.

It is best to sculpt on a special working board (if you don’t have one, then take at least a piece of plywood or regular kitchen board), you will also need a rolling pin to roll out the workpieces and a knife or stack (as a rule, it should come complete with plasticine). You can cut holes using matches or a pen, and wire or toothpicks will help you fasten the parts and give them rigidity.

Toys made from polymer clay or salt dough will have to be fired and then painted using acrylic paints or gouache (or take colored material straight away).

If you wish, you can make a rooster using some famous technique, for example, make a Dymkovo toy or a Filimonov toy.

Making a cockerel from plasticine

  • The easiest way is to do this flat figurine on paper. To do this, lay out the body of a rooster from yellow plasticine (a small deformed oval with a bend, so that the head is on top). Then attach three small red plasticine balls to the head and form them into a comb. Make a beak from two red triangles and also add a beard. Roll out the red material into thin ropes and attach the legs to the body. Add a small black dot - an eye and a yellow oval on the body - a wing. Out of four different colors form voluminous strips and place them one next to the other in the shape of a semicircle, so that they form a chic tail for your rooster.

  • To make a voluminous toy, first make a body blank - roll a yellow ball and bend it slightly (you will get something like a cucumber). However, the body of a cockerel can be pear-shaped or ovoid. Further, the manufacturing scheme will be the same as for a flat figure. Form a scallop from three small red balls, a beak from a thin orange sausage folded in half, and eyes from two white and black tiny balls. The wings can be made as follows: you need to flatten two pieces cylindrical, so that they form elongated cakes, then bend them slightly (in an arc) and place them on the sides of the bird. For the tail, make three sausages of different colors and connect them at one end, bending them in a semicircle, and then attach them to the body of the cockerel. The paws are made from two flat cakes. For greater resemblance, apply thin notches on them with a match. Place your body on your paws.

Instead of paws, you can make a stand. If you wish, you can add other details: draw feathers on the wings or make molded patterns, decorate the neck of the cockerel, etc. In exactly the same way, a rooster is molded from colored salt dough (if you take the usual one, then you will need to paint the figurine).

Making a cockerel from clay

See how you can make a Filimonov toy from clay ( characteristic feature The thing about these figurines is that they are made like whistles, but cockerels and turkeys are an exception, since they do not whistle).

  1. Take a piece of clay and divide it into three parts - for the stand, for small parts (beard and comb) and for the main part of the figure.
  2. Roll the largest part - the main part - into a carrot. It depends on what dimensions and parameters it will be. future view your product.
  3. Bend this piece in the middle at a right angle. Where the part is thicker, there will be a tail, and from the sharp part it is necessary to form a head with a beak. If cracks appear at the folds, smooth them out with wet fingers.
  4. Pinch the thick end several times to create a large, flat ponytail. You can trim it with a knife.
  5. Make a comb from a small round cake, cutting it in half - just grease the head of the figure with slip (this is liquid clay that is used to hold parts together - fashion a clay bowl, pour a little water into it and stir with a brush) and press the comb tightly.
  6. Roll the beard out of a small ball and attach it under the beak.
  7. For the stand, make a cone out of clay. Then insert a pointed stick into its base and roll it on the table to roll out the cone from the inside. When ready, place the cone on the paper and attach the figure on top to the slip.
  8. The products need to be dried for four to five days, and then fired in the oven (at a temperature of about 1000 degrees).
  9. Then the figures are painted (use gouache with the addition of PVA glue or acrylic).

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Today, together with you, we will learn how to sculpt a rooster from plasticine. This poultry is real owner chicken coop and head of the chicken family. He walks importantly around the yard and looks at his possessions. And if two or more roosters live together, then you cannot do without a fight, because these birds do not like rivals.

In this sculpting lesson we will show you how to sculpt a colorful poultry. And at the same time, we will offer you a way to recycle mixed plasticine, which has already served its purpose.

Other lessons on the topic of pets:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

The plumage of roosters is sometimes replete with rainbow colors. It is impossible to understand which color is the main one, and in the sun the feathers generally shimmer, as if they were mother-of-pearl. In general, for sculpting a rooster it is better to use a mixture of shades, and several. For example, you can make red or orange the main color and add green, yellow, brown and others to it. Overall, sculpting a rooster out of plasticine is a great way to use up already damaged material. Surely, after experiments young sculptors There are pieces of unknown color left in the box. They are the ones that will suit us for sculpting. Roll into a ball.

Attach a protrusion to the ball - the neck and head. The same mixed red or orange plasticine is suitable for this.

At the top of the protrusion, attach the beak, eyes and red beard under the beak.

To sculpt the wings, plasticine of a similar shade is suitable, or add more green to it. First, pinch off two portions from a piece, knead them in your hands, and flatten them. Then press down on the sides with your fingers. You should get flat cakes, the shape of which resembles a drop. Draw many stripes in a stack on the surface of the wings.

Connect two flat parts with a voluminous body.

Make the tail in the same color scheme, as the wings. Pull the mass into several oblong thin sausages. Assemble a bouquet from the prepared parts. And pre- or subsequently rinse the plates with a stack. Fluff the top for a chic ponytail.

Attach the tail to its rightful place.

Next you have to decide how to make the rooster stable. Thin legs can be made using matches or toothpicks. Take the halves and stick plasticine on them thin layer, and attach the paws with three fingers to the bottom.

Attach the legs to the main craft.

So the bright plasticine rooster is ready. You can make a chicken coop and place a rooster in it.

    Well, everything is simple here, take as a basis the rooster that is in the photo below, then try to make it exactly the same as there

    Make a body from yellow plasticine, then wings (the color does not matter, the main thing is that they are flat), then a fluffy tail, a red comb and a beak.

    My nephew is 5 years old. He loves to sculpt with plasticine. He and I sculpt different animals. You can blind a cockerel. To do this we will need colored plasticine, a toothpick and a stack for cutting plasticine.

    As a result, we will get a cockerel like this.

    In order to sculpt a figurine of a cockerel from plasticine, we will need plasticine of several shades. You can select them yourself, or choose those offered by the author of this craft (), i.e., this is plasticine in yellow, brown, orange, red, light green, white shades.

    This is what the rooster should look like:

    We follow the detailed instructions:

  • To make a cockerel you will need different color clay, such as red, orange, blue and green and some black. From orange plasticine we sculpt the body of the cockerel itself with a head and legs, then from green we sculpt a tail and from blue we stick a few feathers so that the green shows through, we also sculpt wings from green plasticine and a few feathers from blue, from red we sculpt a comb and attach it to the head, and the beard is also made of red, we also attach it. The eye is made of black and you can also emphasize the beak with black. Select feathers on the orange plasticine neck, and on the panties too.

    Roll the ball into a cone-shaped roll. Connect three red balls together and attach the comb to the body of the cockerel. We will make eyes from white balls: we will stick small black dots (pupils) on them. Make a sausage from an orange ball and shape it into an arc (beak). Roll the green balls into tubes and flatten them. Attach the cockerel to the body. Make the tail three-colored: roll out three different balls (the size of a pea) into sausages and connect them together. Make rollers out of two orange balls and flatten them, draw notches.

    The symbol of 2017, made of plasticine, is in no way inferior to other products in the form of this animal. Plasticine crafts are easy to make and even children can get involved.

    For the rooster you will have to take plasticine of different colors.

    How to make a rooster can be seen in detail in the video:

    If your child asks you to help him sculpt him and make a cockerel himself, then of course you can help him with this, and to do this, use this hint diagram, which tells you step by step how to sculpt a cute cockerel from plasticine.

    We will need colored plasticine in green, blue, purple, yellow and orange.

    And first, you should sculpt the parts for the cockerel’s body one by one. These are its body, comb, legs, tail and head. Then we assemble the figurine of our cockerel in detail.

    And then you will need to draw his nostrils and claws. And in the end we get such a handsome handsome man. And here is another similar scheme for sculpting such an original cockerel.

    Here is, perhaps, a fairly simple cockerel for sculpting. You need to mold two balls and add plasticine parts to them. .

    Here's another interesting ideas for sculpting.

Plasticine is a wonderful material that is widely used in children's creativity to create interesting characters. It allows you to make a figurine even with subtle and elegant details. Let's try today to make a rooster out of plasticine - a symbol of the coming year 2017.

You can choose the colors of plasticine for sculpting a rooster yourself, or you can choose those suggested in this master class.

For work we will need:

  • plasticine 6 colors: yellow, red, black, white, green, purple;
  • 2 toothpicks;
  • Scissors;
  • modeling board.

How to make a rooster from plasticine, master class

Let's take yellow plasticine and warm it in our hands so that it becomes more elastic and soft. Let's form the body of a cockerel out of it oval shape, slightly elongated corner as in the photo.

Roll small balls from white and black plates and make the bird's eyes. Let's form a ridge from a piece of red plasticine and give it a wave shape. Let's attach the parts to the rooster's head.

Made from plasticine white we will make 2 small rollers and attach them to the place of the beak. You can also make a beak from sharp cut pieces of a toothpick.

Roll up a drop of red plasticine and attach it next to the beak to create a beard.

We knead the green plasticine well in our hands so that it becomes plastic and soft, and we form the bird’s wing, shaped like a flat drop. Let's attach a cockerel to the body.

Let's roll 2 green and 2 purple long sausages, bend them slightly, make a tail out of them, attaching the cockerel to the body one after another and alternating colors.

You can use different colors of plasticine to make the tail.

All that remains is to make the rooster's legs. Roll 8 small thin sausages from yellow plasticine, form them into fingers, attach them to 2 toothpicks (4 to each). Attach toothpicks to the body of the cockerel.

If you want to present such a plasticine cockerel as New Year's gift, cover the craft with two layers of colorless varnish. For this purpose, you can use colorless nail polish or acrylic, which is used to create crafts from decoupage.

Our plasticine cockerel is ready! It can be carefully placed on an open shelf so that it pleases the eye and gives a positive mood.

It’s worth buying bright plasticine and seeing the attractiveness of this pliable material. Various images arise by themselves, you just have to stretch it in your hands. The outlines of objects will be completed by your own imagination. Children immediately choose the most colorful shades from the box and get to work. It is important to help them initial stage, tell a few secrets, show interesting master classes so that they have the basis for starting their creative activity.
Children's modeling from plasticine is very exciting. From bright colors you can blind a rooster. All children are familiar with this poultry, and therefore will gladly copy the actions of adults.

Children's modeling from plasticine: Photo lesson “Cockerel”

1. Buy a set of plasticine that contains a plastic knife. Choose from red, yellow and white colors.

2. The main details of the rooster will look like this: an oblong body, a cone-shaped neck and a round head.

3. Connect the components, carefully smoothing the edges.

4. From red and yellow plasticine, form additional elements: comb and oblong feathers.

5. Attach the tail to the back of the body, the comb to the top of the head.

6. On front part place the beak and eyes.

7. To make legs, make two teardrop-shaped parts from yellow plasticine, attach black fingers to the sharp part.

8. Piercing the torso in in the right places matches, put both feet on them.

9. Blind two red flat triangles, make oblong cuts on the surface of each. These will be the rooster's wings.

10. Attach the wings on both sides of the body. The plasticine cockerel is ready.

This children's modeling from plasticine is suitable for children from 5 years old, but with the help of adults, a 3-4 year old child can also make a cockerel.


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