GVLV sheets technical characteristics. Gypsum fiber: properties and scope of application

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Drywall has become a part of our lives. It is used to level walls and create various designs indoors such as arches and niches. However, the material has a serious drawback - it cannot withstand a lot of weight, and in order to hang a heavy object on it, you have to install additional fastenings. But few people know that this issue is easy to solve, because gypsum plasterboard has an analogue that can withstand heavy loads - this is a gypsum fiber sheet. What are the advantages of GVL and how to use it - all this in our article.

GVL - varieties and main characteristics

Like drywall, this finishing material consists of gypsum, which occupies about 80%, while the remaining 20% ​​is loose cellulose fibers. This mixture is pressed, resulting in gypsum fiber sheet. Unlike gypsum board, it does not have a paper shell, but is a slab with a homogeneous structure. Gypsum fiber - environmentally friendly pure material, in addition, the cellulose used in production is obtained from waste paper, and this allows not only to take care of environment, but also save on product costs. The fiber plays a binding role, giving strength to the material.

There are two types of gypsum fiber boards on sale. The first is standard GVL. The second is moisture resistant, the use of which is recommended in rooms with high humidity such as the kitchen or bathroom. Moisture-resistant GVL acquires its qualities due to special hydrophobic impregnation. It prevents water from penetrating inside, thereby preventing the gypsum structure from being destroyed, because, as you know, gypsum absorbs moisture very well. It is important to note that moisture-resistant gypsum fiber board can be used even in rooms with normal humidity, especially since its cost is practically no different from the price of a standard gypsum fiber board.

Gypsum fiber sheets are also distinguished by the type of edge:

  • GVL with a straight edge, used for arranging a dry screed;
  • GVL with a folded edge, used to create fences, walls and partitions.

The standard sheet thickness is 10 and 12 mm, length – 2500 mm, width – 1200 mm. The weight of a standard sheet is 17 kg. Sometimes on sale you can find reduced slabs with parameters of 1500×1000 mm. The material has good density, the indicators of which vary within 1200 kg/cm 3, and this in turn is almost twice as much as that of red brick! Compressive strength is 100 kg/cm2, and thermal conductivity is in the range of 0.20–0.36 W/m °C and depends on the thickness of the sheet. Gypsum fiber is also valued for good sound insulation. In the table below you can compare the indicators of common materials used for arranging partitions:

What are the advantages of the material and are there any disadvantages?

Gypsum fiber sheet, like any other construction material, has its drawbacks, the main one of which is its price. At the moment it costs more than drywall, plywood, chipboard sheets and OSB boards. In addition, gypsum board weighs more than drywall and bends worse. According to reviews, the products Russian production slightly dusty, unlike imported analogues. These are, perhaps, all the disadvantages of GVL slabs that should be taken into account when purchasing.

The above disadvantages become worthless compared to the advantages that we will now try to highlight. Gypsum fiber has a number of advantages that allow the material to be used almost anywhere. Since gypsum plasterboard, like drywall, consists largely of gypsum, which is not only natural material, it is also considered anti-allergenic, it can be used without fear in children's rooms and health facilities.

GVL has a microporous structure, which means that the material “breathes”. Air circulates freely through it, preventing mold and mildew from growing.

The material is hygroscopic, therefore it is able to regulate the humidity in the room. At elevated levels in the room, GVL absorbs it, and if the air is dry, it releases it back. It is also worth noting that GVL is fire-resistant and practically does not burn, while emitting a minimum of smoke. Working with the material and processing it is also very simple - it does not crumble and is easily cut with a wood saw. GVL plate resistant to temperature changes, so it is recommended to use it for finishing cold and unheated premises.

Gypsum fiber – durable material, which can withstand decent weight, so it can be used to build structures of various functional orientations, such as niches, podiums and others. You can hang heavy objects on it without installing additional belts or using special devices, since it is enough to screw in a screw without a dowel, as is done with wooden surfaces.

What distinguishes gypsum fiber from drywall

We examined the main advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of gypsum fiber sheets. At first glance, it may seem that the material is practically no different from its own " younger brother" – drywall. Therefore, we give comparative characteristics gypsum-containing products to understand whether it is worth overpaying for gypsum plasterboard, or you can easily get by with cheaper plasterboard.

Since GVL has excellent shock resistance and can withstand heavy loads, it is advisable to use it precisely where high wear resistance is required (gyms, industrial premises). Otherwise, you can easily get by with standard wall plasterboard. But if you need to create complex shapes, then preference should be given to gypsum fiber. The material is perfectly cut, maintaining an even cut, unlike plasterboard, which crumbles easily and is mainly used in solid sheets.

To create curved structures, it is recommended to take sheets of drywall. For this purpose it is even produced special option GKL - arched, which has a smaller thickness compared to standard sheet. The drywall is pierced to make it easier for the plaster to absorb water, and then bent to the required radius. After this, it is fixed and left to dry. After drying, it does not lose the shape it was given and does not crack. In this regard, gypsum fiber is much inferior to plasterboard, since it has poor bending characteristics, so when trying to give it a semicircular shape, it easily breaks.

GVL sheets are excellent for arranging partitions or leveling walls in unheated rooms, which cannot be said about plasterboard products. According to manufacturers, gypsum fiber board can withstand up to 15 cycles of freezing and thawing, while gypsum board can withstand a maximum of 4. In addition, gypsum fiber is fire-resistant, although fire-resistant plasterboard is also produced. It has a pink shell and is impregnated special composition. Unfortunately, it can only withstand a direct flame attack for a while, since it contains a paper shell.

Gypsum fiber sheets with a straight edge are often used for dry screed construction because they have decent compressive properties. They are not even afraid of women's heels, and this says a lot. The same cannot be said about drywall, so under no circumstances should it be used for these needs. As you can see, each of the materials has its own advantages, therefore, when choosing a finish, you should focus on the above indicators, then you can not only make correct design, but also save money, because the cost of gypsum plasterboard is almost twice the price of plasterboard sheets of similar parameters.

Areas of application of the material and installation features

Due to its versatility, the material is used to create walls and partitions. To do this, equip a frame of wooden blocks or aluminum profile, on top of which the material is attached. Inside such partitions, you can additionally install sound and heat insulation if the standard characteristics of gypsum fiber are not enough for you. In addition, wiring and communications can be laid in the cavities.

Due to their fire-resistant properties, GVL sheets are used in rooms that have special requirements for fire safety. These can be boiler rooms, electrical panels, elevator shafts and corridors. The material is used for arranging emergency exits and fire escapes. GVL sheets are suitable for cladding wooden surfaces to protect them from fire.

All these qualities also make it possible to use GVL as a rough material, and to use the material as an element of a dry screed. This method is especially relevant when it is necessary to arrange floors in the shortest possible time, since there is no need to wait for drying, as happens with concrete option leveling the floor. In addition, such coatings are lighter in weight compared to wet screeds, and this can be extremely important when arranging floors on weak floors or wooden joists on the second floors of a private home. The only thing that is recommended is to use a moisture-resistant version of gypsum fiber boards.

As you can see, the areas of application of gypsum fiber are extremely diverse, but in order for the material to last as long as possible, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of its installation. Gypsum fiber boards can be attached in two ways: framed and frameless. In the first case, special self-tapping screws are used that are able to pass through the thickness of the material, since those intended for drywall will not work. When attaching gypsum fiber board to glue, a special reinforced composition is used, which is able to withstand significant weight of the material.

When laying gypsum fiber board on the floor, it is necessary to lay the flooring in two layers, with the second being laid across the direction of the first so that the seams of the two slabs do not coincide, i.e. with offset. When laying the material, it is important to leave gaps between the plates, the thickness of which is equal to half the thickness of the sheet. It is important to know that, unlike plasterboard, the chamfer is not removed from the slab, and the seams are reinforced and sealed with putty specially designed for gypsum fiber. You can also lay gypsum fiber board on wooden floor to level the base for laying a new one flooring, such as linoleum, laminate, parquet boards.

IN Lately“Dry” construction and finishing technologies are becoming increasingly popular. This is understandable. With less time spent, the result is very decent. You just need to choose the right materials. If you want to level the walls, ceiling, make a floor or sheathe a frame, but do not want to use potentially hazardous materials containing formaldehyde, you will have to choose from sheet materials made from gypsum. These are gypsum fiber (GVL) and plasterboard (GKL). But deciding which is better to use - GVL or gypsum board - is not so easy. Both materials have their pros and cons. And, the most reasonable thing is to use both, but in those areas where their properties will be in demand.

GVL and gypsum plasterboard: what is it in construction

Drywall and gypsum fiber are relatively new building materials. They appeared a couple of decades ago, but have already confidently supplanted traditional materials. To understand the best way to use GVL or gypsum board, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what kind of materials they are, what their advantages and disadvantages are. Based on this knowledge, you yourself will be able to accept optimal solutions. Because it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - GVL or gypsum board. In some places one material is more suitable, in others it is better to use a second one. So let's figure out what these materials are and what types of gypsum board and gypsum fiber board exist.

GCR: what is it and what types are there?

GKL is an abbreviation of the name Gypsum Cardboard Sheet. This material consists of two cardboard sheets, between which there is a layer of gypsum. They are connected to each other using construction adhesive. It is often called “plasterboard”, or the abbreviation gypsum board is used, sometimes you can hear “gypsum board”. The latter name is found zonally - more common in St. Petersburg and its environs. In this region, plasterboard was supplied by the Finnish company Gyproc, which gradually became a household name.

GCR is used for “dry” leveling of walls or cladding of frames when frame housing construction. Suitable for interior works, too fragile for outdoor use. Drywall is used for walls, partitions, and ceilings.

In the production of gypsum boards, thick and smooth cardboard is used. It serves as a reinforcing and shaping element. The gypsum layer gives strength and keeps its shape. In most cases, a sheet of drywall has a thinner edge on the long side (there are also even ones with right angles). This allows you to carefully putty the joints when joining. So for some types of finishing materials it is not necessary to putty the entire area.

GKL can have different edges. You need to choose it depending on the area of ​​use

They produce plasterboard for different conditions operation, cardboard is used for easy recognition different color(gray, green, pink):

  • For rooms with normal conditions operation - standard gypsum board. Has a gray color.
  • For rooms with high humidity levels - moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard. It turns green.
  • For fire hazardous premises/buildings - fire resistant - GKLO. Has a pink color.
  • In rooms with high fire hazard And high humidity GKLVO is used - fireproof, moisture-resistant plasterboard.
  • Recently, soundproofing plasterboard (GKLZ) has become popular. It has a high-density gypsum core and is reinforced with fiberglass. Designed to increase sound insulation of frame-sheathing structures of walls, ceilings and partitions. The leaf is purple or blue in color.

GKLZ - soundproofing plasterboard. KNAUF sheet (GSP-DFH3IR) has the following properties: increased density, moisture resistance, impact resistance, increased strength

Now you know what gypsum plasterboard is, what types of drywall there are and where they are used. This is a popular material for interior decoration. It does not contain harmful substances, although gypsum dust that may appear during operation may pose some danger. To decide what better than GVL or GVK, now let's talk about gypsum fiber.

GVL - what is it, what is it made from, what types are there

The name GVL is also an abbreviation from the technical name of the sheet building material: Gypsum Fiber Sheet. This material is made from a mixture of gypsum with cellulose fibers (fluffed waste paper). The mass is mixed with water, sheets are formed from it under a press, and brought to normal humidity(dry).

Types of edges - for walls it is better with a chamfer, for floors - even

GVL is also used for dry leveling of walls and ceilings, cladding frames, and flooring. Unlike gypsum board, it has “basic” non-flammability, since cellulose is covered with a layer of non-combustible material - gypsum. GVL is produced with two types of edges - flat and folded. The seam edge is removed with a plane, the chamfer depth is about 2 mm, the width is about 30 mm. When installing on walls, this allows you to further strengthen the seam (lay a reinforcing mesh) and putty it.

Gypsum fiber boards acquire special properties with the help of special additives. Based on this feature, there are the following types:

  • Standard - GVL. For installation in rooms with normal humidity.
  • Moisture resistant - GVLV. Used in rooms with high humidity levels to level the floor without screed.
  • High-strength, moisture-resistant material for flooring. It is marked with GVLV EP (moisture-resistant GVL Floor Element).

Externally, moisture-resistant sheets are no different from standard ones. If the manufacturer is normal, there is a marking on the sheet, which, in addition to the size of the sheets, indicates the type - GVL or GVLV. They also differ in the type of surface: GVL can be polished or unpolished. Polished ones (Knauf) are much higher in price, but do not require mandatory puttying of the entire surface before finishing work.

GVL and gypsum plasterboard: properties and comparison

So far there is no noticeable difference between GVL and GKL. Both are sheet materials that can be used to cover walls and ceilings. Only gypsum fiber is suitable for flooring, but plasterboard is not. This is just the beginning. Let's understand further.

Density, strength

If we compare gypsum fiber board and gypsum plasterboard, then gypsum fiber has a higher density, and, accordingly, with the same thickness, greater strength and weight. Greater strength - it seems to be good. In any case, the GVL is not so easy to penetrate with a blow. Another plus is that frame wall, sheathed with GVL, you can safely hang shelves.

On the other hand, higher density means installation is more difficult. Not every self-tapping screw can be screwed into a gypsum fiber board without pre-made holes. You can do without drilling, but only if you use self-tapping screws and a powerful screwdriver. Moreover, without preliminary countersinking (drilling a hole of a larger diameter), it will not be possible to “drown” the cap into the gypsum fiber. When sheathing gypsum fiber board in two layers without pre-drilling holes, it may happen that the screw screwed into the second sheet “tries” to press out the bottom one.

Drywall has less strength and can be punched through with a punch. But ordinary self-tapping screws easily fit into it. When installing gypsum boards, the most important thing is not to overtighten or tear the cardboard with the screw head. Otherwise, it falls into the gypsum layer, which bursts. You have to turn it somewhere else. If you mess up like this several times in a row, you will have to change the sheet, as it simply won’t stick.

And, by the way, on a wall sheathed in one sheet of gypsum fiber board, a special dowel (butterfly or also called daisy) is installed correctly. long time supports a weight of 80 kg. The question is that technology must be followed.

Weight of gypsum board and gypsum board

Now let’s talk about why high density is bad. The first disadvantage has already been described: it is more difficult to install fasteners. The second is that greater density means greater mass. That is, to install GVL under the same conditions, a more powerful frame is required. When transporting, you will have to take into account the tonnage; heavy sheets are more difficult to work with. The weight of one sheet of gypsum fiber board is tens of kilograms. For example, Knauf gypsum fiber boards have the following parameters:

  • a sheet measuring 2500*1200*10 mm weighs about 36 kg;
  • GVL 2500*1200*12.5 mm has a mass of 42 kg;
  • a floor element 1550*550*20 mm has a mass of about 18 kg.

Plasterboard sheets are much lighter (see table).

If we talk about mass square meter gypsum fiber sheet, it can be calculated using the formula:

  • The mass of a GVL square cannot be less than 1.08*S,
  • but cannot be more than 1.25*S.

Where S is the nominal sheet thickness in millimeters. So the range of values ​​is quite easy to determine. However, for some reason, manufacturers do not indicate the weight of one sheet. This data can only be found from Knauf. According to their information, the picture looks something like this:

  • GVL thickness 10 mm - 12 kg/m²;
  • GVL thickness 12.5 mm - 14 kg/m²;
  • EP thickness 20 mm - 21.5 kg/m².

When compared with the average weight of gypsum boards, fiber gypsum boards are 3.5-4 times heavier. Lifting even one sheet alone is already a problem. Even if you figure out how to do it without breaking it. Naturally, they need to be mounted on a more powerful base.

Flexibility and fragility

Drywall, due to the fact that the gypsum is between two layers of cardboard, is more flexible. Cardboard performs the task of reinforcement, taking a significant part of the load on itself. Especially under bending loads. For example, a sheet of plasterboard can be lifted from one side by grasping the short side. It will bend, but will not crack. If you try to carry out the same operation with a gypsum fiber sheet, it will crack.

Another advantage of gypsum board is that it can be used to finish curved surfaces. There are several technologies that make it possible to make arches, columns, and smoothly curved reliefs on walls and ceilings. GVL does not provide such an opportunity. It takes bending loads very poorly both along and across the sheet: the cellulose fibers are very short and the board simply breaks. So if you need to finish curved surfaces, the choice between gypsum fiber board or gypsum board is easy to make in favor of the second.

Sound insulation and thermal conductivity

When choosing a material for cladding, indicators such as thermal conductivity and sound insulation are important. As is known, they depend on the density, since GOSTs allow a fairly wide range in the density of gypsum fiber boards; these characteristics must be looked at for each specific manufacturer. To give you at least a rough idea, there is the following data:

  • Thermal conductivity GVL with a density from 1000 kg/m3 to 1200 kg/m3 has a thermal conductivity from 0.22 W/m °C to 0.36 W/m °C.
  • The thermal conductivity of gypsum plasterboard is approximately in the same range - from 0.21 to 0.34 W/(m×K).

If we talk about sound insulation, the same picture is observed: the characteristics are approximately equal. GVL gives only 2 dB better protection compared to gypsum board. It is also worth remembering that you can find acoustic drywall if you wish. It has special characteristics and is used for covering shops, concert halls, and studios. If we talk about private housing construction, it should be used in bedrooms.

If you look at the characteristics, there is no difference in sound insulation between gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board. But this parameter takes into account the “conduction” of sound. There really isn't much difference here. That's how it feels. And significant. A room lined with gypsum fiber boards is much quieter. It's not as loud. Sounds are reflected from smooth cardboard, but “get stuck” in the non-uniform surface of fiber boards. So if silence in your home is important to you, when choosing between gypsum fiber board and gypsum board, opt for gypsum fiber.

GVL or gypsum board: which is better?

Both materials have admirers and opponents. You will have to decide on your own which is better GVL or gypsum board. In this section we will try to compare them according to the most significant parameters. Let's go over the sizes right away. Drywall is produced in a wider range of both sheet sizes and thickness:

  • GKL sheet thickness: 6.5 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12.5 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm. The last three are very rare.
  • The height of the gypsum board sheet can be from 2000 mm to 4000 mm in increments of 50 mm.
  • The width of the gypsum board is 600 mm or 1200 mm.

As you can see, the range is more than wide. Another thing is that there are usually two or three types on sale. But, if you really want to, everything can be found/ordered. Although, it is usually easier (and cheaper) to buy what is available.

We had less luck with the size of the GVL. We have only two options for gypsum fiber boards: 2500*1200 mm (standard) and 1500*1000 mm (small format). Both options are available in 10mm and 12.5mm thicknesses. All. There are no other standard sizes. There is also GVL for the floor. Its dimensions are 1200*600 mm, thickness 20 mm. It may be chamfered or not.

Cost per squarefrom 70 rub/sq.m.from 180 rub/sq. m.
Shock loadscrumblestolerates it well
Bending loadstolerates well, bendsbreaks down
Uncovereasy to cut with a utility knifenecessary serious instrument with special disk
Installation of fastenersspecial screws are easy to tightendifficult to twist, you need to pre-drill holes or use self-tapping screws
Changes in size with increasing humidity/temperature1 mm per meter0.3 mm per 1 meter
Fire resistancehigh - G1non-flammable - NG
Installation on curved surfacesavailableNo

As a result, it is possible to say that gypsum fiber board or gypsum board is better only based specifically on the area of ​​application and operating conditions. In short, here's how you can divide the areas of application:

  • GVL for walls and ceilings is better if fire resistance is required or if it is necessary to increase the rigidity of the structure (in frames).
  • It is better to put GVL on the floor, since it reacts less to humidity and does not change its properties.
  • GCR is indispensable if you need smooth lines or complex multi-tiered structures. , arches, columns, rounded walls and corners - this is just drywall.
  • If you need to achieve good sound insulation of the second floor, it is better to hem the ceiling with gypsum fiber board.

As you understand, there is no way to definitively say which is better than GVL or gypsum board. In some conditions, one material is better for performing one task, while the characteristics of another are more suitable for another.

The modern building materials market is constantly updated with various new products, which, due to their characteristics and qualities, are beginning to be in high demand among consumers. Such innovations include gypsum fiber, or

What is GVLV?

Moisture-resistant gypsum fiber is a finishing material in the shape of a rectangular sheet and made on the basis of gypsum and dissolved cellulose for reinforcement, as well as various technical additives. In appearance and structure, this material is similar to plasterboard, but has many advantages. We will tell you in more detail what a gypsum fiber sheet is. First you need to understand what loose cellulose is. This fiber is particularly durable. It is this quality that is widely used in the production of building materials. With the help of special substances, vegetable cellulose is processed in a certain way, due to which they ensure uniform distribution cellulose fiber over the entire surface. By adding technical reagents to the composition, the result is a finishing material that has additional qualities, such as increased fire safety and high moisture resistance.

Application area

Used for finishing residential, industrial, public, administrative buildings and premises. This material, that is, GVLV, specifications which will be described below, applies:

1. For cladding attics, attics, basements. In these cases, the premises must be equipped with a ventilation system.

2. For arranging a dry screed. Installation of moisture-resistant gypsum fiber is an alternative labor-intensive process manufacturing classic version, but this method is less time-consuming and quite difficult.

3. For finishing bathrooms, kitchens, dressing rooms, utility rooms. Since in these places there is an unstable and most often high level of humidity, it is most advisable to use gypsum fiber sheet (moisture resistant) as a finish. To further protect sheets from negative impact liquids, their surface is treated with hydrophobic mixtures, and as decorative finishing You can use moisture-resistant material.

4. For cladding ceilings and walls of garages and outbuildings, for unheated rooms where there is a possibility of walls freezing.

5. For repair work and primary construction of gyms, courts and training facilities, children's game rooms. Due to such properties as strength, gypsum fiber sheet is able to withstand high point loads, maintaining its original appearance when hit by heavy objects, for example, sports equipment.

6. For finishing (passenger and cargo), for cladding boiler rooms and switchboard rooms. During a fire, the finishing material does not deteriorate for a long time and inhibits the spread of flame.

GVLV: technical characteristics

Moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheet has the following technical qualities:

High level of environmental friendliness;

Excellent characteristics in terms of heat and sound insulation;

Fire resistance (GVLV does not ignite);

High strength and wear resistance, the ability to use it in buildings with complex configurations;

Easy to install, the use of gypsum fiber reduces labor costs and construction time;

GVLV, the technical characteristics of which we are now studying, is enough flexible material, and this makes it possible to expand the range of its application;

A fairly high level of hygroscopicity of the material, which is able to regulate the humidity in the room, that is, if there is an excess of moisture, it absorbs it, and if there is a lack, it releases it;

Minimization of waste (provided that a preliminary calculation of the building material has been carried out), which allows saving on costs.

Basic technical aspects of gypsum fiber

In the production of gypsum fiber, the dimensions of the sheet (its width) depend on the purpose of use. Basically, GVLV is produced with a thickness of 10 to 12 mm. The size of the finished product is 2500x1200 mm. Depending on the thickness, the weight of GVLV ranges from 39 to 42 kg. These sizes are universal and suitable for almost all types of finishing and construction work. In addition to these, they come in thicknesses of 14, 16, 19 mm. The sheet length can be 2000, 2700, 3000, 3600 mm, and the width can be 600 mm.

Sheets are available in two types:

With rebated edge (for walls, ceiling);

With a straight line (for the floor).

Selection of moisture-resistant gypsum fiber boards

When choosing gypsum fiber as finishing material First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Many people recommend purchasing moisture-resistant GVLV from domestic companies, thereby saving on financial resources. When purchasing this building material, you need to pay attention to the presence of markings and certificates of conformity. Next, you need to visually inspect the sheets - their surface should be smooth, without visible damage. In addition, bulges, chips, cracks and various depressions are not allowed. If possible, it is necessary to determine the conditions under which the material was stored. If the sheets were in rooms with high level humidity, then in the future this may negatively affect its properties.

Gypsum fiber sheet for flooring

GVLV is used for installation on both wooden and reinforced concrete bases. If there is good ventilation, it is mounted on concrete screed. For work, it is recommended to use small slabs - 12 mm thick. Installation is carried out in the following order:

1. Fasten around the perimeter of the room edge tape, lay a layer of plastic film.

2. Fill up with expanded clay or put in dense insulation. It is compacted and leveled.

3. Begin to lay gypsum fiber gypsum fiber board from the corner.

4. The first layer of slabs is covered with PVA glue or mastic. Next, the second layer of gypsum fiber is laid.

5. Using screws, the layers are pulled together.

6. Finally, the floor surface is primed, then a finishing coating, for example, linoleum, is installed.

Final finishing coatings

Despite the fact that GVLV technical characteristics are quite high, surfaces lined with this material must be carefully processed:

1. Before application finishing coatings gypsum fiber sheets need to be primed.

2. The surface covered with gypsum fiber, on which it is planned to glue the wallpaper, must be treated with methylcellulose-based glue.

3. It is allowed to use paints: dispersion paints made from artificial materials, oil paints, varnish paints, epoxy paints and others.

4. You can use structural gypsum plasters with artificial resin substitutes.

5. It is not advisable to buy paints based on silicates, lime, or alkaline ones.

To summarize, we can conclude that GVLV gypsum fiber sheet is a new stage in the development of building materials. It does not have the disadvantages that are inherent in drywall. During the production of gypsum fiber, a number of improvements were made that qualitatively improved the properties of the material.

One of the most convenient building materials used for indoor work is gypsum fiber sheet. GVL is used for wall cladding, protection and cladding of structural elements.

Gypsum fiber is an analogue of drywall, but has better performance characteristics. Thanks to its homogeneous structure, this material is characterized by higher strength and reliability.

The difference between gypsum plasterboard and drywall

First of all, gypsum fiber has better strength characteristics compared to plasterboard. Thanks to this property, GVL has a wider scope of application and is used in cases where the reliability and rigidity of the partition is required. In addition, the high viscosity of the material allows you to saw the blade with virtually no waste, and also screw in screws without a dowel.

In addition, the homogeneous structure gives the material good wear resistance and increased resistance to mechanical damage. Therefore, GVL sheets are often used as a substrate for floors or dry screeds. This method of arrangement allows you to level the floor surface efficiently and without unnecessary dirt. And the correctly selected size of gypsum fiber sheets will not only speed up the work, but also significantly reduce the cost of material.

Disadvantages of gypsum fiber fabric

The increased rigidity of the material has its drawback: the manufacture of structures with curved shapes in this case it is quite difficult. The bending strength of a gypsum fiber board sheet is quite low even in a wet state, therefore, unlike plasterboard, the use of this building material in shaped structures is limited.

The cost of GVL is also important. The price per sheet of gypsum fiber is slightly higher than that of drywall. However, this disadvantage is compensated by better performance characteristics and a longer service life.

Advantages of gypsum fiber sheet over other finishing materials

Due to its composition, which does not contain synthetic components, gypsum fiber board, like plasterboard, is an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

Gypsum fiber sheet has a high level of sound and heat insulation. And thanks to the hygroscopicity of the material, the optimal humidity for humans is always maintained in a room decorated with gypsum fiber board sheets.

Excellent fire-resistant properties make it possible to use GVL as protection for wood and other fire-hazardous structures.

GVL fabric can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw or jigsaw. Therefore, it is possible to construct a structure of almost any configuration from this building material.

Another advantage of GVL is the ease of transportation and installation of building materials. The relatively light weight of even large sheets allows installation of the sheet by one or two people. At the same time, work is carried out to the maximum a short time without loss of finishing quality.

Moisture resistant gypsum fiber sheet

Despite the fact that gypsum fiber is quite hygroscopic and absorbs moisture from the air well, today manufacturers of this building material produce a special waterproof type. can be used in rooms with high humidity, for example in a bathroom or toilet.

This material is easy to identify even by its appearance: as a rule, the sheets have a greenish or grayish tint. For additional protection it is often treated with various antiseptic and moisture-resistant agents.

Typical sizes of gypsum fiber sheets

Regardless of the manufacturer, the size of gypsum fiber sheets is standard values, which facilitates installation and adjustment of slabs for various types designs. For greater convenience, all parameters are presented in table form.

For private construction, small-format sheets of 1500 x 1200 mm with a thickness of 10 or 12.5 mm are mainly used. This is the most convenient option for installation with limited means. This size of gypsum fiber sheets allows you to level the walls as quickly and accurately as possible and create internal partitions, niches and curtain walls even alone.

Larger gypsum fiber sheets are used for finishing spaces large area and industrial premises. The size of gypsum plasterboard sheets of 2500 x 1200 mm and more requires the involvement of additional workers and is used as a building material by professional teams.

Application of GVL

Due to their good performance characteristics, GVL sheets are used in construction for cladding walls, erecting partitions and creating various structures, as well as as a dry floor screed:

  • Gypsum fiber is mainly used for finishing and construction in residential and industrial premises with normal and low humidity;
  • If there is good ventilation, it is permissible to use this building material in basements and attics.
  • for bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms with a high moisture content in the air, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant gypsum fiber board fabric;
  • excellent frost resistance allows the use of gypsum fiber for cladding walls of outbuildings - garages, sheds and other unheated buildings;
  • to provide fire protection for walls and structural elements, gypsum fiber sheets are also used; the use of this material is especially important if you plan to work with wooden buildings, since in in this case no adhesive solutions required.

Cost of GVL sheets

Depending on the GVL manufacturer, the price per sheet may vary slightly. Another factor influencing the cost is the region of sale and, of course, the size of the sheet. The estimated cost of standard slabs (1500 x 1200 mm, 2500 x 1200 mm) varies between 390-600 rubles.

At the same time, gypsum fiber sheets from a Russian manufacturer, as a rule, are somewhat cheaper. However, many professionals urge not to skimp on this material and to purchase expensive, but at the same time higher-quality imported gypsum fiber sheets for construction.

Finishing surfaces using the dry method has many advantages - firstly, it is fast, and secondly, it is of high quality. Traditionally, plasterboard is used for these purposes, which, along with all the advantages in practice, has also shown its main drawback - it is fragile and highly susceptible to moisture. The new generation of such material - gypsum fiber - has these disadvantages to a lesser extent. This material will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the website, we will learn all its features, study the characteristics and decide on the scope.

Gypsum fiber: properties and scope of application

Gypsum fiber: how it differs from plasterboard

There are not so many main differences between plasterboard and gypsum fiber, or rather, only one. If plasterboard is made from pure gypsum, which is placed inside a cardboard shell, then in gypsum fiber boards, during production, cellulose fibers are added to the gypsum solution, which determine all the characteristics of this material.

The gypsum fiber board does not fit inside the cardboard shell. Essentially, this combination of natural and artificial material made it possible to create slabs that can be classified as both plasterboard and chipboard - something in between, combining all the advantages of both materials.

What to choose: gypsum fiber or drywall

Now about the properties and advantages that will allow you to decide what to choose: hypofibre or plasterboard. The advantages of this material include the following.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this material, we can note several: firstly, it is higher in cost than plasterboard; and secondly, the need for mandatory surface treatment. In contrast, drywall only requires sealing the seams and screw heads.

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum fiber

Scope of application of gypsum fiber, its varieties and technical characteristics

The scope of application of gypsum fiber boards is slightly wider than that of plasterboard - they are used not only for covering surfaces and creating all kinds of volumetric structures, but also for laying floors. Perhaps the latter is its advantage. Hence the varieties of this material - it is divided into two main types.

There is gypsum fiber for the floor and, so to speak, a reinforced analogue of conventional plasterboard. In addition, the latter type, like its predecessor, can be divided into moisture-resistant gypsum fiber and ordinary - everything should be clear here, since its scope of application is practically no different from the purpose of drywall.

Gypsum fiber for flooring photo

Now I would like to pay some attention to the technical characteristics of gypsum fiber. There are both constant characteristics of this material and variable ones. Variables include its thickness. You need to understand that depending on the purpose, the technical characteristics of gypsum fiber also change. Let’s not delve into the jungle of the scientific lexicon and consider its hardness on the Brinell scale or vapor absorption coefficients - to the common man it is not so necessary to know all this. Let's focus on such simple characteristics of this material as its dimensions.

There are two sizes of gypsum fiber sheets - standard and small format. Standard is used as regular drywall and has almost similar dimensions to it. Its length is 2500mm, width 1200mm, and thickness, unlike plasterboard, is in the middle of its standard sizes - 10.12mm. If we are talking about material for dry floor screed, then we are talking about a small-format sheet of gypsum fiber, because it is much more convenient to lay it on the floor. The dimensions of the sheets are 1500mm in length, 1000mm in width and the same 10.12mm in thickness.

It should also be understood that upon order, sheets of this material can be produced in a different size that is required by the customer (if, of course, we are talking about a large batch of gypsum fiber boards).

What sizes of gypsum fiber are there?

How to work with gypsum fiber: do-it-yourself installation principles

Considering gypsum fiber as a building material, it is difficult to ignore the topic of working with it. Although the principles of using plasterboard and gypsum fiber are practically the same, working with these materials still has some differences. What is this difference? In terms of the strength of these materials, gypsum fiber boards are much stronger.

Accordingly, working with it in this regard is slightly different - it’s enough to simply cut drywall sharp knife, which cannot be said about gypsum fiber. The obstacle is both the density of the material itself and the fibers it contains. If we are talking about quick and high-quality cutting of gypsum fiber with a smooth, and not torn or broken edge, then you can’t do without it. You can, of course, cut it with a knife and break it like drywall, but this will require a little more effort.

Do-it-yourself gypsum fiber installation photo

And in conclusion, I would like to note the nuance that bending gypsum fiber is not so easy. Its long parts can still be bent, but the short ones will have to be cut and broken in equal parts. In addition, it should be understood that it will not be possible to bend even a thin strip of this material into a small radius.


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