The best and unusual business ideas from around the world. Ideas for small businesses - the most profitable business projects for beginners with minimal investment

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In most developed countries of the world, small and medium business forms the basis of the economy. And it’s not surprising, because at minimal costs self employed can make quite a bit of profit. But, of course, success largely depends on the area in which you want (and can) work - services, manufacturing, transport, trade, etc.

So who earns the most? Forbes magazine tried to answer this question by compiling a list of the most profitable and promising small business segments. The rating is based on data on 300 thousand companies and individual entrepreneurs, each area was represented by at least 100 companies. The data was collected by a specialized consulting agency from 2003 to 2011.

As the authors of the rating note, most of the most profitable types of entrepreneurship require excellent vocational training. At the same time, these specialties allow you to work for yourself, not have a staff, and sometimes not even use an office. But there is another side to the coin: clients of such specialists, as a rule, resort to the services of the same professional long years, that is, it is very difficult for a beginner to quickly take a worthy position in the market.

So, who made it to the business top?

1. Private auditors. Net profit - 16.5%. Audit services are in demand at any time, so the financial crisis did not in any way affect the income of these specialists. In addition, clients tend to regularly work with the same auditor (or firm), so promotional costs are virtually unnecessary. And, of course, if you work for yourself, the need to rent an office and pay staff completely disappears.

2. Chiropractors, 15.3%. Official medicine does not always recognize the craft of these specialists, but this does not prevent them from receiving a decent income. And those who do not maintain their own office and work on-site at the client’s home, also have almost no costs.

3. Specialized clinics, 15%. The most popular are minor surgeries, cosmetic procedures and various examinations. Despite the high cost of maintaining such an establishment, the prices for services more than cover all costs.

4. Accounting services, 14,9%. Just like auditors, accountants are always needed by everyone. Any services of these specialists are quite expensive, however, competition in this area is consistently high.

5. Private dentists, 14.7%. These doctors almost never suffer from a lack of clients. Many patients become regulars and go to the same dentist for decades; plus, they recommend the specialist they like to friends, relatives, colleagues, and so on. Even without a single line of advertising and having quite expensive equipment, dental office is a profitable enterprise.

6. Tax calculations, 14.7%. Nobody likes filling out declarations and standing in line at tax office. Private tax officials make money from human laziness.

7. Orthodontist, 14.4%. In Russia, these specialists usually do not work outside the walls of any clinics, but in America, a private orthodontist is a fairly common occurrence. And the services of such doctors are traditionally expensive: if a client wants a Hollywood smile, he must be willing to pay the appropriate price for it.

8. Law firms, 13.4%. At the same level are the approximate incomes of all law firms and companies.

9. Small lending, 13.3%. Companies that issue small loans secured by the company's products have become popular during the crisis. Large banks unanimously refused loans to entrepreneurs and demanded that previously issued loans be repaid ahead of schedule, and these firms were ready to issue funds without special requirements and for required deadline. For small businesses, this became a real lifesaver, as profits in production and trade also began to fall rapidly.

10. Private managers, 12.2%. The financial management service is not very popular in our country, but in the West people trust traders much more than banks or their own “mattress”. Even pensioners put their savings into securities, so managers have a lot of clients, but there are almost no expenses: such a specialist can work even from his own sofa.

11. Drilling of oil and gas wells, 12%.

12. Ophthalmologists, specialists in the selection of glasses, 11.5%.

13. Rental non-residential premises, 11,3%.

14. Real estate valuation, 11.3%.

15. Renting mini-warehouses and storage rooms, 11%.

16. Insurance agencies, 11%.

17. Credit intermediaries, 10.7%.

18. Investment advisors, 10.7%.

19. Speech therapists and audiologists, 10.6%.

20. Private therapists, 10.4%.

First and important stage opening your own small business is the choice of the area and direction of activity. You can start a business from scratch and quickly achieve results only if you have a good understanding of what exactly you want to do, how much money you are willing to invest and how to turn your favorite business into a stable source of income.

The best plans and projects

Small business ideas are plans for organizing production and trade in services, goods or intellectual property with minimal investment. The choice of field of activity must be based not only on personal preferences, but also on the profitability of the business plan and market conditions.

It is better to implement business ideas from scratch based on your own experience. So, for example, if you have an excellent understanding of cars or are excellent at sewing designer clothes, it will be easier for you to open a service station or atelier. By assessing your own knowledge, you will understand what requirements to place on service personnel. If you don’t have a passion or hobby, but at the same time feel the spirit of an entrepreneur in yourself, start with a direction that never loses its relevance and demand.

Ready-made business ideas that, as a rule, justify the investment are:

  • Hairdressers and beauty salons;
  • Repair of household and computer equipment;
  • Construction, plumbing work, electrician;
  • Providing services of a designer, translator, editor;
  • Cooking and confectionery, baking.

At the initial stage of developing your own business, it is not necessary to attract large start-up capital, take out a bank loan or use franchises. Start small, gradually increasing the number of goods and services offered to the population. Once you earn a reputation, establish your own sales channels, begin to build long-term partnerships and receive stable income, you will be able to attract large investments and launch large-scale production.

The key to success in small business

Before starting your own business, determine for yourself what goal you are pursuing. If you want to get rich quick, prove your business skills to someone, or simply manage a lot of people, your venture will most likely be doomed to failure.

When considering specific business ideas, you need to understand that entrepreneurship is not easy, painstaking work that requires a balanced approach to solving a variety of situations.

A successful business is based on the quality of goods and services. Therefore, in the initial stages, be sure to ensure that the client or buyer is always satisfied. Focus not on quantity, but on quality. This will provide you with long-term partnerships, a loyal customer base, stable growth and significant income.

When developing a business, an entrepreneur thinks about optimizing his income. For last decades everything appears more types business in Russia. Every year, experts make the top profitable businesses.

The Russian Ministry of Economic Development reports that the share of small businesses in the state’s GDP should increase to 30% by 2020. Entrepreneurs realize the most different ideas for small and medium-sized businesses in all Russian regions.

What you need to know before opening

Regardless of their current profession, many people dream of starting their own business.

Most likely, it will be profitable for those who have mastered the profession of financier, accountant or manager.

However, there are many exceptions to this rule.

Before starting your business, it is important to consider the following basic recommendations:

  • create detailed diagram expenses planned at the first stage,
  • take into account the possibility of competition,
  • choose the type of business that will be as clear as possible for the entrepreneur,

Before choosing a future field of activity, highlight key points, which determine its profitability:

  1. time period for return of invested funds,
  2. the chosen business area is characterized by great demand,
  3. optimal level of profitability. Profitability increases in parallel with the volume of services or goods,
  4. a small price threshold, where the purchase of materials helps to increase profitability,
  5. positive degree of capital productivity.

To realize a small business idea, you need minimal cash and labor resources. For example, you can gather your friends and start cleaning office and residential premises. You can also successfully carry out repairs. Often people open catering establishments, for example, a fast food kiosk or a bar.

Network marketing has been in demand not so long ago. This business has the principle of selling the service or product produced to the consumer without intermediaries, which greatly increased profits and reduced costs. As an example of a successful network marketing in the world, you can cite the cosmetics company Oriflame.

Distribution company

The top profitable businesses include one type of entrepreneurship – food supply. To start such a business, you should sign a contract with the manufacturer or start looking for a supplier.

Then you need to sign an agreement with retail outlets and supply them with your goods. Next, you need to keep statistics and collect debts for goods.

There is a certain scheme for opening a distribution company:

  • searching for products for distribution,
  • taking over for sale or purchasing,
  • delivery to retail outlets,
  • provision of advertising,
  • control over accounts receivable.

Cleaning service

All you need at the first stage is reliable movers with free time and availability by order. You can attract students and people who need part-time work to work.

To start the activity of a mobile team of loaders, you need:

  1. post an advertisement about services,
  2. create a database of employees who will quickly arrive on site,
  3. wait for orders.

IN Lately, the most profitable business is associated with the medium and small corporate sector. Organizations do not need to hire employees permanent job, it is more profitable to attract them from time to time. In this regard, a mobile team of loaders is a fairly profitable small business.

The team can provide:

  • construction sites,
  • apartment and office moving,
  • Events,
  • purchases of large goods.

Designer notebooks

The most profitable business in Russia is based on the corporate segment. The most popular product in offices is, of course, stationery. Activities that are among the top most profitable businesses are formed based on the needs of office workers.

Notepads, experts say profitable idea, which is among the top ten businesses in terms of ease of implementation and level of demand. The surface of the notebook can be very original, for example, wooden or scorched.

If you are active and constantly look for corporate clients, this activity will generate consistently high income.

Top 20 most promising areas

As a rule, small and medium-sized businesses are the basis of the state's economy. The reason for this is high profits and low costs.

In many ways, the success of a businessman depends on the field of business and preparedness. Before opening a business project, it is advisable to study.

Top most profitable types small business:

  • chiropractors: yield about 15.3%,
  • private audit company: yield 16.5%,
  • specialized clinic: profitability approximately 15%,
  • professional accountant services: yield 14.7%,
  • work with taxes: profitability up to 14.7%,
  • orthodontics: yield up to 14.4%,
  • legal services: yield 13.4%,
  • audiologist-speech therapist: yield 10.6%,
  • financial management services: profitability up to 12.2%,
  • lending to individuals: profitability up to 13.3%,
  • credit intermediaries with a profit of up to 10.7%,
  • rental of premises: profitability 11.3%,
  • drilling oil and gas wells: yield 12%,
  • glasses selection specialist: profitability 11.5%,
  • real estate valuation with a profit of 11.3%,
  • rental of warehouses or storage rooms: profit 11%,
  • insurance companies: yield 11%,
  • investment consultants, yield 10.7%,
  • work as a private therapist: profitability 10.4%.

Doing what you love and making a good profit - cherished wish aspiring entrepreneur. Whether the enterprise will prosper depends on the right choice market niches and movement strategies, from an innovative approach to building a business model for an enterprise.

Home Business Ideas

For those who decide not to spend money on renting a room, you can look for ideas for home business.

  1. IN own apartment You can search for customers and cargo carriers, plan, and manage cargo flows. A taxi dispatcher is similar to this type of activity; to obtain more income, it is possible to combine two occupations.
  2. Good idea will provide advice from a lawyer, accountant, psychologist or tutoring. Providing online services via Skype will help you increase your earnings. Advertising on the Internet using social networks will help expand the regional reach of consumers and get customers not only from their own city, but also beyond its borders.
  3. During times of crisis, people strive to learn how to make things on their own, so you can organize handicraft courses: knitting and crocheting; embroidery; cutting and sewing; making leather souvenirs and soft children's toys.

Small business ideas with minimal investment

A highly profitable type of activity will be in the field innovative technologies, a business can become effective using non-standard approach in solving client problems. People with creative thinking can create startups with minimal investment. It is useful to consider ideas for small businesses:

  1. Current project V modern conditions is to provide financial advice to the population - people are interested in issues of rational use of funds, acquiring cheap loans, and profitable investments.
  2. A good option For a small business, it may be to create your own website for selling goods or providing services. It will be profitable to develop this project to generate more income, but a separate species earnings can come from the promotion and subsequent sale of a promoted portal. The advantage of this micro-business is that it is available to young people and the older generation in any region of Russia, Moscow and small town.
  3. Trading in financial markets will be a profitable activity. Trading binary options requires deep knowledge in the field of trading, low costs, but it brings real income to experienced entrepreneurs and is a promising activity.

Business ideas for beginners with minimal investment

For people who are not ready to take risks and invest large amounts money, you need to choose ideas for earning money with a minimum cost or start a small business with small volumes and increase investments as income increases. I can recommend it to garage owners light business for beginning entrepreneurs.

  1. In autumn and winter months fuel products are becoming popular over the years, so making briquettes from available wood processing waste is a great idea for a small business. The result of the activities of a small enterprise will be good profitability in the cold season; in the warm season, demand will be supported by the consumption of briquettes for picnics.
  2. The idea of ​​creating a private enterprise for breeding fur-bearing animals of rare valuable breeds - chinchillas - guarantees all-season demand for products. To run a small business, it is necessary to thermally insulate the walls, install air conditioners in the garage for ventilation and maintaining a stable temperature. Small animals do not require special care and a lot of food - just one worker can feed them.
  3. During a crisis, people prefer not to buy new goods, so sales of spare parts and used items increase. A promising activity in the garage could be refurbishment of used tires.

Business ideas from scratch

There is no need to despair for people who do not have starting capital to start activities. Exist original ideas for small businesses to open a small business without investment:

  1. A small business from scratch can become promising if you start manufacturing garden furniture, home decor elements from available raw materials: rattan, willow twigs or used wood pallets. Products can be sold to customers using the compiled catalog finished products or perform individual orders according to the client's project.
  2. Cultivation, harvesting and distribution to pharmaceutical companies medicinal herbs- a good idea for opening a small business from scratch.
  3. Among people who care about their health, the services of a massage therapist and an individual fitness trainer are in demand, so work in this area will bring a stable income without investment.

Production ideas for small businesses

Those wishing to engage in entrepreneurship can be recommended to choose the manufacturing sector. Small businesses in this area are distinguished by large investments and high level profitability. To achieve success - to conquer the market and make a good profit, it is necessary to take care of the quality of products, therefore initial stage An entrepreneur needs to decide whether to buy inexpensive or high-tech equipment. For entrepreneurs who want to open profitable production for small businesses, ideas to consider:

  1. Opening a mill in an agricultural region would be relevant and profitable. The utilization of production capacity can be ensured by grinding grain purchased or received from the population.
  2. There will always be sales for mini-bakery products. Even in a residential area of ​​the city, freshly baked goods are sold well bakery products. To successfully run a small business, it is important to choose the right product range - both social varieties of baked goods and exclusive, branded ones must be on sale.
  3. The products of the factory producing pillows and blankets made from natural raw materials will be in demand.

What business to start

Before starting a business, it is necessary to analyze all the factors that may affect small business, and select promising ideas. Business will develop differently in a small environment settlement, metropolis, city center, office, residential area. The success of an enterprise is influenced by the number of competitors and the degree of market coverage. All these conditions must be carefully studied and analyzed in order to choose the right idea for doing business.

3D printers for small businesses

A promising type of activity is small business with a 3D printer. T-shirts with 3D printing are in high demand. Of interest to consumers are wallpaper, ceramic, paving slabs with a printed 3D image. 3D printers are used to create jewelry; using the printer you can print plastic and other products.

Fish shop as a business

It is useful to consider the idea of ​​opening a fish store. A business plan for a fish store must foresee who will sell the products and what the assortment will be. You can attract a buyer:

  • excellent product quality;
  • high level of service and additional services, for example, gutting of fresh carp;
  • wide assortment: fresh, frozen fish, seafood, fish products.

Smoking as a business

Advantageous offer for an entrepreneur there will be home smoking as a business. The smokehouse can be used to produce a wide range of smoked products from animal and poultry meats, sausages. A good idea would be to expand the range of products by smoking fish and cheese. You can sell your products in your own store or deliver them to shops and restaurants.

Interesting franchises with minimal investment

People are willing to pay high price for the education and upbringing of children. This is an area where small business franchises can be beneficial. Good feedback about proven world methods for the development of children and for quickly learning languages ​​will guarantee the success of a new enterprise. Ideas for franchises should be looked for in the following areas:

Where to get money to open a small business

Begin entrepreneurial activity people are stopped by the question of where they can get money to start a business. To open a small business you can:

  • use your savings;
  • borrow from relatives or friends;
  • attract an investor or co-founder of a small business;
  • take out a cheap loan from a bank.

Video: ideas for small production.


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